American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, July 12, 1860, Image 3

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    r t
linatioh for the Presidency?” i ’’ ■’
,^W^ifGir6^'^be’27,;lB6o : !.i
p®f:~ln accordance with: the .vef-J
4co (which, : l• gave youwhen ’you
Shy. hands the authentic evidence of
liythe Na
,oF:;the Democratic party, I
yfltt .my ; acceptance.: h.Pppfl
examination .of the .platform of,:prin
mted v at Charleston and .affirmed at
an .addition*} 1 resolution',
ttfp'cffecldaisridny with - the others,
ffi .a. faithifal ;«nrl?oJitehat ,: 'df'. tliei
M' ‘pnriciplcs'of -'the, EteWocia,tic
Yfiame,wore proclaimed cnd .dn
all parties in the .Presidential
‘S4H, 18.'52, sod 185(5, ' Dpowldckr,
'•hrocoodiags of the xbnveritioh,
■thohdmination was made
imnimUy inthe- presence and
(*mic6 of toioro than two-tfiirds
imjj'or of r and in ek 7
With" thp long-established usa
r -i:
■ purpose : not to be, ift eandn
it: the -nomination; in any con
f as the negater nomine of ttes
I'pei-atic party, arnlid that case
s condition tteafc' the tasages as
■jnciples of tho ( - party showJ<l be
id to, Md fooen proclaijueJ fora
I become well known to the
ise,conditions-havmg.been corii
thb free anti voluntnry aetion of
passes and their faithful *ep
on iny'|«rt, f fefcl bound
livtp Sqcapt the .nomination, :
stej) I rimndt -iiiimitydftl of
"WpjW? 'Mt iffith ti-J
SsSr V IVI ™ Providchoe,' f hare
couiprelioiid th«i tttn;
invoWd land < eventually
Tlic pcnce' of the count
6’f the Union have been
fty attempt*. to. : interfere. Seith
ffimcstic, a fairf : of the people
?« sr°W*the agency,of thi
-«f. I f the ■power and duty of
iuust bo :fhnnhcvi{able '■SffjMi;
irig the passionsarid ambition pf I
thpothcrof 'the'South;'tmd
■toMise arid. a(W
CPSo ;pf the equal rights’.of tho
lerogation of. those fundamental
ilf-govorn meat vch ielwvdrß firm
4?fn this 'courit^'by.the -iV'meri-;
ftWaS the basis' of -our ‘ entire ife
(teiri. ! •. ■ s';'- ■
jfeprablo, period in ■Ourlpolitical
■I f afW yp|®!;tho advocates of federal -inter-
of.slavery in the
!'PfeU,-"plfSoinitafc4 1 the
n °rtl>?i'n inter-'
the .Wilmot proviso.’
of slavery,' and the south-:
few ; in number;and
V slavery, in oppp
,dT #WMP'4 the .people in either;
Be that it required 1
'lr r M;^MiMg^PW , eli;- dud-' influence of a
a' n <l -a Cass, supported!
to devise and':
would restore'
atfd '' ® tabilit J’. , ' tol ‘W
of that policy,
toi ■ 'Of 1850, was, and
JL Tho-fair application:
fc :“ •?f ;feijoltoblo) principle- restored
P- dfsti-acted ; c° u n-:
L;- .> r. . '•■ :' • ... !.‘
a(i W? 8.0 and. just
(#■' 1 those happy results,:
ie/'. ' ;r■: *0 ’be distracted, if
(sp' '® -ro,volutibn. by a 'aec-!
*■ i,l ‘* pro-slavery and anti-i
.. where shall we look
aor Wooster; or anoth
ihip ,of,;Stato, ; over the:
' of peace and safety. I
ist bo preserved. The;
mintained inviolate in i
ight guaranteed by the 1
irotected by law in all j
, is necessary to its en-l
1 authority, as provided
just, bo .sustained, and
obeyed, and faithfully
must bo administered
mthoritios upheld/ and
U be .douD with flrm
. fidelity, if wo'aspect
t. Unimpaired' to 'our
ihontance. which, wo
[-* *
' *>
JlfysaifrofONy Juno 25, 1860. j,
.Rational 'Committpp.of thp, Dern
' wl)iqh met on, the'
>nl last, and adjourned, to mefet
>n'the eighteenth, .day of Jonh,
sly emulated;yoUad their cm
isidont of | V •
laondolcgated .to inform you of
npd nsfc youraocoptanco of
itiou' baVe.rc-asserttd the ,timo-.,
Wws£? as enunpiatidl
*“ ..1856, upon win oil we won
ud in that 'Contest-, -find -carried, <
ixcepHonyevery Southern-State.
"hre| by 'sectionalism, ondari-,'
us, (m'CafOninff |tho very iperpi
non, wo believe that to.youtnbi
id haye'long since involuntarily
..whosp .firmness' and lability,
it "nationality! and' unvaryinc'
the •'Constitutional lights of all
C''Cqini*<m;'otinntry, can'alone
■ty'.to that repose domindodlby
•wt.-, : .„v y... •,
i.yofi. ofir,heartfelt, congratuld
therhonor: ito be. yohr fellow
-cn-: vMV
il.‘Lpnr.6w, NewiTorlc,;
,f dDipk, ! NorttCirplina, : ,
1. Seward, Georgia,',: ‘i■ *
iijlhMv.sojrv .Pennsylvania; .;
, i'.'iViOKLipSE,ilouisiaOa, .
UGouiiAtt, Minnesota. ;
• Kino, Missouri,
Bft r di>j)sßV;JMdino.
.■ei'iies A. Douglas. "' p
ind and agree
mode known
an,, I have the
sitizen, / "■
l. Douglas:
Yorkj'E. P.
C. Wickliffo,
o committee.
Convention, at
solution: /
[tify, confirm,
’ Stephen' A.
*>> of the re
't'°n,,as nom
-00,” arid- ’en
ico ; arid' sup.
and of the
ie. President
the absence
of Senator
"Miss Wat-
•t i : i
led to Now
jj j-.)'
(i,-mif Jpty.C., 11
. Jacob S. Harden, was executed''tfiisiiftoif-'
' WWbW-fivei. minutes 'of Wd W&Bdk.-
“ “0 jW-yard, in Bblyldte'fdt'tho mufdbir l
Hannah, Harden; bn 'thb 'Tth of
ot l£°nf 'Vu‘ ’• fi* ° f ' ;^dcilson'i“.tOWljA
Mansfield; WtirrOii N.\Tij by
ndmmiatp r rng ,pqifeon, 1 Haring"the forenoon,-
/?PS< “»&** .of .P'obplb, rcsidihz' far
and near, amyediin Belndero find blocked' tip
the.street in, front of the jail. I,The' outbuild
ing near tho jaihyard was crowded with: hu
man, beings; the moat of whom had n> partidl'
view,..of: the ,gallows., ; Paring-'’the. forenoon,
they attempted-to get on tho wullef the'pris-
I on > but wore "driven off .bythot military, who
i preserved good,order, dunng(tho day., ■
•i; :Ai. nipo .o’clock. Harden,expressed !a‘ desire
to visit the scaffold, which .wna> granted.He
stood fori hCatly five minutes upon tho trap
door, perfectly calm a'nd composed, -Und blade
a close examination of the gallows. After
which ho wds icOnduoteiCtfaek to his coll. ;
Aboiit ten’ o’Blobh.his spiritual advisers, the!
Rpye f andj;Kirki,syitito.dbis coll,
where /hey remained for an hour,, during
,ing; ,;. Ho''was;,, ljjieh,',visited typhia; counsel,-
Meesrs.; Shipman and popue, who bidi him! o'
good,bye.,, To the medical gentlemen ho gave
his .'autograph,, remarking at tho time, «T have
suffered enough of ;latei;and> will soon be out
°. f ‘S'KSfv • ?£*.,%'e hour 'amyed /or the' last
the drama totakcplacc, thebroWd was
WiTOW 4 was with great difficulty they
yvere kept,back. ; At twelve o'clock the-pris
on door was thrown Open, and those who had
passed,were -allowed to enter. The hour.of.
ono-o clock 1 having arrived, Sheriff Sweeney.
tho cell , tho Vcondemned, and
ihfpmddihim that tHo time .had arnydd, and
that he.must no.w, prepare himself for fhb ex-,
e {: ut ' o ° sentence. , In the meantime
about nfty.perapna fiad convened in the jail
yara, and about an etpiivl number in the court
.fopm, byesQdking . i l
■ T At twenty-three 'minutes past one o’clock ’
Harden was led forth, accompanied, by the
; sheriff and his spiritual advisers,- and ascend-!
ed the platform. Harden then knelt down
and.offered iip a,prayer, and appeared to he
deoplV affectedho then shook, hands and
kissed tho'sh.eriffand clergyman, and stepped'
upon the trap. ','!''; ! ' : / ; V'' 1 1
I The! bjip was drown.,oyer his Cybs, the noose.
was attached to' the. main. pulley, and at 25
minutes to two, o’-plock he,!was launched into
Pfernity. , Tlie, fal|, ; Syliich. was, four feet, did
nx)t break his nock;After hanging oiyc Jhin*-
utc, a partml contortion!,of .tlie mpbclps, was ;
perceptible,!, and at, twenty; minutes of two
thera f sUght pulsation,,. At fifteen mint.
utos of two, o’clock; he . was , pronounced dead
by Pre. Mattison and .Clark, ' The body was.
lowered-do wnnnd placed itt a'.'black walnut
coffin, and'delivored oror to Mr: F. Kose, who
convoyed the saipe to, Harden’s parents;
, ■ Harden' is only twento-three years of • W
havingboonbornin 1837. ; At an early 1 age
he exhibited quick faculties, and wbii much
applause at '■ school. as a
school, teacher in Sussex county, N. J., in
1855, and a»«6 cblportoiir he- ingratiated him*
■self into j the; esteem- of; those yyith iwhotnfihe
:carweunto conduct,l and was-a,particular favo
i rite with young women. Sensual i gratifiqa-i
•tion appears tdrlnitse ibews his wiling ipaasiOiK i
this he p-ursued with'.avldityand success; I
Ho was called to preach in .1857 at. Mount
Lebanon, though, licensed.
Hero he attracted much attention by hiet now*
era as a preacher. ;;S[,t .was during his pastor
rate that he: -formed, an., intimacy with'Miss
Dorling, which utthder,; a; view of marriage;
probably, became .of- am improper character.
His lore,for her, if he, ever had any v ' waned,
and ho endeavored :to get released fV*oni' his
promisSi but boing Obliged to ’iftirrV Kot, : l)C
; reyongod himipslf -by her, hiunler, -I 'ttci
this i'by, prefer*’
■Whom iMrsi Harden jenlousi ~, . -i;
■ -Scarcoly-had-five-months -passed-since' her
Mrs; Harden .sickcnCd>"'and, s
after a brief■’illness, died. .. Tho’CoroiiOr’H in*
qnestiroyealod the fact thatdhb. had died from
’at,pnoe attached to .her
husband, ho haying Acted .very ’'singularly
during her’ illness aiid aftoVhcr death. Search
was made,fof him, bntho had fled and could
pot*-be found. :, . This fitrengtheued thpl Buspic
i°-no' 1 ?' 1 (iovernol ' N cwell offered a: reward-of
SoOO arrost.: Ho-yvaa tmoed; to Fair-!
mount, Pai, where,' under the assumed name!
ot Anstm.-.ho.was practising the clngnerrcan
art. At first ho denied his identity, but sub
seqaently, yielded, was’brought baek;‘ and af
ter fwq unsuccessful attempts was brought to
trial., 4ho subsequent events are well known,
rllar<]on hasvwxitten a skotch of hia life; and
the parttcukrs connected ivitlv tHe poisbniW
0f !“, l - a .‘' v, [ e \ It ls 'l>'B'(lesifc that it should ,bo
published; but.his friends will doubtless VvitK
hold it, as .there are confessions of numerous
amours,,which compromise "o' numW of fe- 1
moles.,- ~..
‘ HEBsoitEttiVi Johnson at Home.— ln 1860 1
Mr. Undertyood,' of Georgia, at the Cincinnati'
Coavbutipn, in behalf of the
this S tate nominated Herseholl V. Johnson for!
Tice President on the ticket with Mr. Buoho-;
nan, in.-the .following; strong terms: ..> ;
Mr. President t Since the Government wns :
established, Georgia,has had init',throb Ciibis
net or ( Bxecutivo ; pffices in the Government. -
Her recent brilliant triumphs, for tho Demo
cracy giro some .claims to bo .considered in ;
the choice of the for at least thol
second, office, in tho, Government.,, ,1 will,!
therefore, present the namejof ‘one of her sons,!
who, in two of the severest, political battles
over fought in the, State;' Wo with llis stal
wart arm and dauntless hbatt tho flag of De- :
mocracy • fo,' glofioiis victory,! that man who
had met one of the fiercest and most danger
°us that ever raised its grim front in!
the it howjing back/to its den.
. I propose the name of HerschoU V. John
son.", [Loud applause.] ■
MonnEtt and-Sdioide in, Fulton Coontv.
—A letter from M’Connollsburg, Pulton coun
ty, dated. July 7,;giyos the following account
of a mprder and suicide: r
. A horrible ! case of murder and / suicide oc-;
ourred last evening, hoar Fort, Littleton/in
this county, - Richard Madden', a resident of
that place, killed his wife, : by beating'her
brains out with a .board, and afterwards Lung’
himself. . .
-N° onuse is assigned for the violent cohduci
. husband . the family having just finish
oa their supper, with no indication of tho ter
rible calamity .about, to befall them. 1
' IC?”'!'® 183fi there’ were five Presidential
oandidatesm the fle!d--yonißuren. Harrison,
White, Webster; and Mangum.i This year
there will be at leitst six—Messrs. Bell, Lin-i
coin, Dpuglaa, Breckinridge, Houston, and!
Gomtt Smith. •' 1 ft i
A Great Natural, Curiosity.—A wonder
ful cave has been discovered and explored in i
Kentucky, known as the '‘Hundred Doinei
Cave.” It is said to be fully equal in at-!
traotivencss to the celebrated Mammoth Cave,;
not many inilea from which it,is located.
, A. H. Stephens, of Georgia, in
taking ; the field .for Douglas,..announces his
determination not:,to confine,’his .efforts to
uoorgia alone, but ho will ,go into all the Sou
thern States., 7,-
New York Trihwie admits that
. V . Deuglas . may , carry Missouri. “ May,"
no will as sure as the sun shhjes. ,H ~ ,■,
, BEAR , 'weighing two hundred and fifty
pounds, l was killed within .five riiiios of Stahn
•ton, \a., on Thursday last. / ■ 1
V j:\Vs . t J.;
"0 r v,M;/Ml hi,:, ; ) r ;i :I > g. !.
_ T ho great race between Patched land ftora-
Temtlo : cnme bff : yesterflAV ftt >i; Su'ffolfe‘?Pdrk,.
ss, gife'-iriph’ftyi;' ,T'he Wdmhjjifeb iyi&ha't
R d .we®,- Rs;,W«f. lKßr9;;4'Qt't noine:
ovor .itnwe.i.thg.usand .people,;preaen);,,‘, PlPm
wne vicarious,-ns, usual,’winning?, thre’efsuc-,'
Cesslye heats, -f Tllo.following ia< aeummar.y
of the great trot: . . ' .iwpy th'< ..anr; -
’ ;;'Flofii : ioihjploV ; 1 V'' "■'■l
i ' P’ed.'M. Patcnon,*' V ' ' '3 1 ■ :'3'•
V -p Ei £ n Es.r—The, ■ Charleston (jjfo'oary ol: the,
4th acknowledges the; receipt of n basket .of
very fine.peaohds,land Intimates that the crop
in that section is unusually- largo nild
hero 1 * bofoul i-? r yet before wo see a peach'
—Dutton;: who.i'swindled-.tbe
Muscatine (Iowa) "Bankj'of Which: ho was
oashici-,; out of ?30,000, lias beehacquitted'by
he •y^.aoropated'
oy tile\ uao ; of ihtoxicating dnnk. ’:
Mays 'ldßcxic I«PEDiTibrt 7 soiled
,trom Boston on the 7th: inst;,-. A salute wo*;
hred previous to the departure. - The name of
tlio vessel lias been changed to the “ United
otat6s. ,> ‘ '' •
JGt says; If iss'&tdd
that, in., the,.townsdn.this vicinity.
Democrats arc, joining .the/8011/and, Everett
Dlubs. ; 1 ; i;i , .
r, . - ‘ ’ ‘ ■’
. r *ihe State Democratic Convention Of
Maine has chosen Douglas electors, nnd : the
B P l Pj : ,. o ‘. ttie Convention was unanimous for
tlig. Littlc .Giant of the West. ’ ' ' l,l 1 ! 1,1 ;
'' At ;&£'*&iAenoe 'of the bHdeV’fat{ferX»ii
the M inst.; by tfe ’Rov. VK W: Ells, air*
}'■• l>osr,Eß, of Sioux; City, lowa, to .MisS. llel
en', daughter of 11. G. Boltzhoovrir, oOfonroe
township, ... -• '•
, {Mostsinecroly do vrcwish our young friCrids
success and :iswspeMiy> ■ If the happy couple 1
enjoy oirctenth -of tirij blessings vouchsafed to
them by tbpir numerous friends in this epuri
ty, their lives xtiUlie one of Uninterrupted'fc**
lioity, arid their home «,'«place Whefe jpfe ’
delights., to d'n'oll,”|: ..; ~:„r V ,.; \ ” i
| . .V; . ' Pnaansii-mx, July io.
■ ANif lytßAhy—lTour 19. extremely dull.—
Tho irispodionsnhow extraordinarilylight supplies,
but there i.-j lif f!c no export demand and .mixed
1, merely offered at $5 3"i pet
fiodiug-. layers.' 'Tlio >pl4a, to tho
tango IVoni.this ;figu*i, up to $0 t&J' for
commpn and oSctta brands; $5 BM@G 12i fir extra
; and $0 2-6@7 .for .fancy, lots, according’ to
,qu|ilitys ;Salca of Bye *lourat 53,60 C tto sales of
Penna. Corn Meak *.
Grain.— jflTO demand for VTlicat continues limited
at yesterday 's, (luotations. Small sales, Penn’aand
;«owfchoru.rod at‘sl,2s®^,3*o W bushel. , White
ranges ftrtd $1,35, t,o SL4S..’ A. sale, of 400 ‘ bushels
tiocf iWhito,.afe i j JTp sales of live. Corn comes
forward slowly. • Sales -of yellow- in admail way at
Loj?@o7<\, afloat. Outs dull >a ‘t 37c.fdf Penna.. and
J one for Delaware. . . . :
ot ftpp* fiwVind second hands
iatSi.6o@saporifl4]ba.“-K'o,ohttngo in Timothy.
\Pl«w^^#°l ( fl,-«,f12. R 0r bußhat, , d -^
Wnisicr is linn. Smallsa'les of OMd' hhls 1 - at 2->
eta; : Peuo«vdo. at 210.; hhd ? .2o@2oie; Dfndgoat
20 pouts.- . r ■’
•. cARMS LE lO., !
Corrected Weelfly by.'JVpqdicdrd fafyj/tmidti
Ftot’n/Sijppttlnb, pcr.bbl., si 82'
do.. Esti-a.aa do., : : • ! ./. la.
.4°;, Family;, d„.> . . V 4*S»
a «v . U, ci .
S v,: - ■ a do., ,
Sl*m.N'a JiAIU,KY> i;„ dOij V'
Gf.oy.ESSEBI),' J 4o*>;
TisroTiirshkn, “/ do',
encouraged by many Mends;
self na a tyindidpto for the otM if'Cttrk and lie J
em'der of Cunibhrlandcottrily, siilijeeWo tho decision
ofitlfo Democratic, County Convention.! ShbubM
,bo nominated,and elected, I pledge myself,to.clie
ehnrgp the duties of tho oflico faithfully aud honor
Dower Allen, tp.,, July 12,; ISOO. ■ ,
-iif*. , Koiicci ■ ,
f ETTERS of administration' on tho estate
,-Vf.of Wavy Croft, doc’d., lute of tho Borough'of
Carlisle, Cumberland county, Pa:, have bobn issued!
by the Register of said county,’ to tho subscriboiv
residing in said Borough. All persons indebted;
to said estate are requested to inako immediate paj-j
ment, and those having will present thorn!
for; settlement .t 0.,. : ... * . , mi»r m
. Carlisle, July 12, ISCO-Gt
i the lion. James 11. Graham,!
Judge'of tho several’Courts of;
Common’ Pleas iof tho counties of Cumberland, Per-!
ry, and Juniata, and Justices of the several -Courts'-
of-Oyer and Terminer, and General-Jail Delivery ini
said counties, and Samuel' Woodburn and Midbaclj
Cocklln, Judges of tho Courts of Oyer and ’ Tormi-I
nor and General Sail Delivery for the trial of allj
capital and .other offenders, iii the said county of
Cumberland, by. their precepts to mo directed,'dated;
tho IHh day of April, 1800,. have ordered; * tho 1
Cpiirt of Oyer* and: Terminer, and General Jail 'Do-'
livery Id bq.holdon at Carlisle, on the 4th Monday of
August, 1800, (being the 27th day,) at 10 o'clock in!
tho forenoon,-to continue one weeks. i
itf hftrpby..given to the Coroner, Justices;
of.tbo Peace, and Constables of tho said county ,of}
Cumberland/ that’tbby are by the said precept com-'
manded to bo then and there in their proper per-:
sbns; with jtlioir rolls,; records, and.inquisitions, ox--
aminntipns, -and all other remembrances, to do thoao (
tbings which to thoir ; offices appertain to bo done;' ,
and\alt thoso'that arb baund by rccDghizancos, to
prosecute, against. tho. prisoners that are, or then .
shall bo in tho Jai| of said county, are there to "
prosecute them as shall bo iusti *'■ -’j
f • , ROBERT M'CARTNEY, Sheriff* .
Carlisle, July 12,1?0O. : •
Farm foe Sale.'
IHE subscriber,. intending to move west,
will sell at private sale, bis farm, situated in
Middlesex-township! Cumberland county,.Pa.; five
miles oast of Carlisle, .bn tho Harrisburg turnpike.
ThoiCumberluud Valley Railroad passes through it
It contains about ' , . ■
One Hundred and Twenty Acres
1 of first-rate Limestone Land; in a high state of cul
| tivation, and under good ,post and, rail fence. ’ Tho
JfamJL improvomonts'aroa’hto story FRAME
.HOUSE, Tcuant House.
l.fS s ifc Cifltor,, * ‘ tc - BARN jg:Lbg, Vvith,a
good Horse Stable' and Jlay-movr at-
’ Also, a hew Wagon Shod, two
.Corn Cribg, Carriage House, Plow Shod,,Hog Poij,
under tho roof. Also, a'good .Well of
never fhiling water. . , , ,
Th’oro'aro about six acres of good Woodland, and
a large quantity of lino, young Locust on tho pre
mised ‘ 'Alad,"aa okoellonfyonng Apple Orchard' of
qhpico fruity % r,’.,
Any person wishing to purchase,can calf oh the
subscriber, living’ bn tbo premises,' when' tho fbrms
will boiriadA'knbwn.•i-ir'i'
July J2,lBGo—4t* . J OSHUA MYER^.
New and Valuable Agricultural Wort!,
ITS, Origin; Culture,-Growth;' Doveldphtont,
CompositionVaricty, Diaeaaoa,' Ac.; 4o.,togothor
. with a fow rcmarks onIN DIANCOBN, its Cnltuto,
4c.;by Joiw HiiOjMWAnT, Corresponding Sooi-ota
ly of tho,Ohio. State Board of Agriculture, &c.,'&d
This work w«U bo,found of groat practical n ao
farmers, and ita monta have boon endorsed by some
the moat experienced, ogrioulturists of tho com
•„ Tho oubsoribors, agents for tho sale of tho" work in
IPSteStyr T* * **** I
Price $260. • *' --A,
,i July 12, 1860,
: ■ .-is
; . ,>; .23
! • No sale.
ri.,". .4.2 D
0 00
rr l ;; <
A lot-of Cider warranted pure, in store
and for sale at tbo stow <.-■ ; ,v
- Carlisle, Juno 21,. .. ,J. W. S EBT. ,
'bell'mass : :
~. .■ c *''' r hoing'hcld on North Hanover street, Car
lisle; whore the Farmers aro'all invited to call arid
examine trio groat variety bf Sella just rcoei-'
vod, and: which wo are selling voly cheap. Good
Bolls can. bo, bought frpm. $2,50 t 0,56,60,,56,60, .Wohavo
trio groat western Belli the Fanners favorite. 1 ' Cali
,end, SCO them all fanners wild aro in want of a good
and ehpahßoll,, , ■,
d»rio.2k ;; JOHN P. LYNE It. SON.
-To d°?* .Scythes arid ; Snotiifc, with the 'largest
assortment of Whetstones, Eiffds, Water Kegs, Wa
’‘“f an “> ? l akeß.,pl>akiug Forks,, Hay Forks, Man
uro *oi;ks, <to., just received apd Tor said cheaper
tliiLn ever at the cheap hardware'store of
_ June 21. H. SAXTON.
/2J.R AlJf. CRADLES., ,
received, the' largest assortment of Chain
•hradies oyer,offered in ; the plaeij, of,all the different
makes, with English and Amoripan Sythos, at man
ufacturers at thohanfworo store of . ,
June2l. ... . ;i . U, SAXTON. ,
T - , Just received, a largo aasortroontof Hoy Eio
all kinds; also, a largo
lot of tho Hoy.Elevator and
Manure Bjxavator. for which wo lifo solo agoato for
Carlisle. With n largh assortment of Manilla Hope,
Homp Rppo, doyhio and, single .Eullys. Ao., at the
hardware store of« i i Hi . 6AXTOH.
■ , Juno ?1. I
500 pair Fly Not* of . all colors, Hnon, cotton
cheaper thonthoohoapest, just roopivod
■at tho hardwaro store of t ■ ..M.SAXTON*
N. B.—Sole agents /“or Gfr ay'e Extra Chambers-,
burg Twlno Ely Note. March outs. suppUcd^atl
manufacturers’pricoq. -i 1 • ' I
• Juno 21 ■'
gggjy*'Job- Workdofle at' this office;
.oa ■ ]
iTrIST of Letters Post 01
J-4 fico BtCarllslOpPai, Jaly J, iB6O. (Persons iij
quiringfor Letters omthie List.will please Soy thc ;
1 uro. OnoiconVanoßn oaolilottor/i
Anderson 'Wife''*-; • < YiMiCfordy: John ■ ( • 1 i
Armstrong Danl » -•Minidcrbach Marlin
AUdniJohn ■'MoMa Johhston (col'd
Albright Wm;'^V v t¥«9Jr;Mluy Mrs
4“f<wson.S,oml > ,, , ~ ;Mbllin S ot-Lpvl, -
AltlcK iJ << t , , jSlnthowSiW .';' ‘ ■■"
BiikrfA&rj!'.'Mtfltir'JohhC *
,,.';:.MUchiU;Joaeph J , i
ilonhabsS K _•Mathews Edward
ll.ultnuu J.i, ■ Millor BaraK; " . ,
Brown Jamte.y Y. .'Mubjtcr Jas.P l , ' '
Boidilmb. Caiberihij .Misty, Mgren.Miry E Mrs
Samf ; !
.Bontpii E. ~ . i . ‘Maurer 4 Scbtorf ;
Brightbill jldtory! j.'ptbol'Danl Ip 1 ‘
i Crbmbr Mar j;‘Mrs Mrs' -
CanUno Jns „ •' Wilt
■ -M‘„v ,
<B-Wb : -D}bn \ t<i ,iP.egtillfiitr .
Piuhkbt jgji'ii A ,
. .iiiPoUoct’/doa ••(’ "•
Coagrivo.JwniiflVt^'.Vi-'Pkiliips Win V V.
Rook fa Wingcrt';.',,^’,■; Eeafco.Wm M- ’
-Cwiy.Jo'fi'n;.;,,; y Y YYj.BoodJotn H
ClolandAnna.;,,, ' .•Khoinhart
lOrebsEoli;, q Kussolt *‘Co;'
Clark John „ , • llictords'Addic E ](ira‘
Coble Abrahatn , r KossWJ " ’ ' ■’ ’'
DorlanJas M‘ " ' '' ‘ ! SWJiort Ebniy
; .Devinnoy-Wra-2,;r ' .!: ;;Sholly 8 P- . ,
1 Diokoy Eliza ‘ : • Shbip G.w: .
Davis John B ’ ' f’Strihin.Mary A.' :
Dewald' Amanda ■ ■ • Scott Abraham ■
Dunklobargcr Catharine SeibertWin ':
Downing JF. ( •'•(>■ Schuler JJ, :■
Elliott F Stcigleman Jacob
Franklin Sami 8 ■ o. v . vEpiJnrJ H.'-
Fleming Anna H''E h Y-'Staupiiß 0
Furuson George ’ Etino Sami
Faust Susan :J3 Mri'.'.YyviSmahMary A ‘
,Garbc^.'(3cb , , i :. y,T' :y, •Sajlh'ltbhry 1 '
'GoisrtanttcnVj.'fe'Y.-’Y- .SpVt'Daldassor •
Gross Henry/ . ~: :,';.Stbpbonsoiiaiose3 :
GaUaher H; ,'Snvdcr'John.B •
Gbvogan John ‘ ! jSljitWn Joliu W'. '
Huntsbergor Haney,it" Simons Win
Hinloih H ft'B ‘.fflfq Koto , /
Heyser Jacob M'oodburn John H ’
v, , 4 Wndotlich.G
Kbllon-Basan Mrs > WHklns W’l - •’*
Knufraann Jolm 7 y ,VfY Wolf Henry Mrs -
Eoidig - : : Willinhis Vibtorino
JV.aipnborger;Brgnkr,• v; Wuahmoqd Daniel, r-;
Demon Win-, . Williams G W ‘ I
Epiai^Eljzabotlr,lWiggbiirfViixtiiu Y"
Tiino Ileriyy' ■ - > !■Wiley TiM^Mrs 1 '
Lennort John , . ' Wcalling Joshua M Y
Luts John 2 ’ Williams EBY : : ■ ■
Ebipart Daniel •! .’aiti,’.n WM«i : il r L i-.
Losh Catberino ,ho..urn■■'Wilknlghby J(D ■
Lino, Maria Mrs-’' Williams W' ’
Dyne Abraham' M';'.. ,( iWbbert Margaret Mrs.
Law Michael K\v:;.,!.;«>ii,(Wlklnson Joseph ,-'
Mooro W M Csip't.S ■ Wallace John- ,
M^ffoia.Wll4<m'* , 7AV'' ,
aM, UWt«d (to rttianiini), d largo lot of
Nbw Good, juat rbcoivoa. -obifalilb for tho season,
consiabng.of Drbsa'Goodsj Sntt Uinhrollas, Parasols
Afantqls pf all patterns, Lace, Silks, Bareges, Hoop
bkirta’olioapet. tliaii eVert knbWri in Corlislo/frbtn 50
cents up to So. : A; now' lOt 'of CasjimorcS: Cloths',
Jombrodcnes, io. Call And’soo at tho store of' "
* 'l.' \:,X •' ’LfiIDIGII & SAWYER. !
, Cnrlislb/Jtdyl2, 1800. r'* -
P018 0"* knowing themselves indebted to C.
INHOFIv arb hereby notified that they MUST call
and settle their account either by cash or note;
forthwith. Prom lst of July; all tills
for Goods sold must bp setUiSd Within SlXTYtdays;
as I banbot r lef'it«y’acooufaif ! run longer* than' thbt
( - C. IKBOPP.:!,
' Carlisle, July 0, 1860-o-3t ..: . . i
•'■ ovc.i.f scniHff off ai costi .. V |
VT the s!gAAP;to’f%old, Engle,” 3 : doprl
XA Bpnk;-and two
doors-below thb^Mblb&dMreh'ijroh'oh' West Maid
jSj' ‘ street, Ihblflrgost nitd best selected' stock 'of
(KTa WATCHES* arid JEWELRY in the town,
IflttBK wl P;b° sold AOrper punt, 7 lower than at any
assortment of qdld':&,B!ittyrHi»nt(lipcibd Watches',
blid nil othbr
.r : G . :m : 1
Plrftcd and Bnve*:W^^^6jßp^'tAcoordibnsJ
B lokof tho flifet Pjanfe ulhiobVill bb sold 40
■, ttf IVatdiuuaker tools/ bates,' largo Mirrors
,S“ d . PP e > i Villi be bold '. wholbsalo- dr ’retair ott the
.easiest termsh -■’ "•'.■•i- ‘.■.. ■' .•
A first daw Workman alb kinds
of repairing' 'will bu done at usual, at reduced
prices., i ■ t 1 ,
' Piano Music' of nil kinds for sale. , A. now first
class double-barrelled ' Gijnv warranted gbahinb
twist, will bo sold for half Us value.. i
N. li. The large tbrco'BlorjlCßrfck House, with a
snlondpd.Btprp ropin-and parlor ,42 feet
sold ntA.vcry low, price ahd 'on daiy terms', ahd'if
.apt bo rented ffgto April Ist, 1861. Call
atttpJowfclryAtpro la said building. ‘ ’ "
■ i„~ v' -L .;-.i - .V.':., n.n. shapxey:; I
~ Carlisle,,Junp 21,.1860-ily , ' ■
Carlisle While Sulphur Springs.
, , - <50,,. "
Ao6oi^ii]^a^tii[i-' I foy ; i36o. I
Tzms- iow, , ' j
l?01l pnrtiotikrs sendf* OWEnJ
Potin^P p Carlialo Springs,,!
n.^\ C !Wntz Sutphiir3j}rtny!,) in
Cumberland OOdnfy,’ f Pa., ,;at^hb: base bjf^ho: Blue;
iilountains, is ttio fav.ot'lto.rcflort for those who'. ap-I
prociato grai>4.Scenory, puro mohnilain air ; invigoJ
ratmg bathe,dargo and H^irbutU4tcd, todtiis, good
table, • The Waters of ;&d.Car-! I
. s |£.rP. riD ,SS highly impregnated with minerals.;
and are superior for drihiirig.and bathing:' I iborOl;
arrangemonts JwiU bo madefor-Excursion parties. \
Juno 14, ; ISOQ— 3ms ~ \
- _ « T. -IV j ■* : ;l
TUNER and Repairer of Pianos and Melo- :
depqsi has; mado ; arrangements. to visitthis
place once in three months ;pr oftenor if needed:—’
x early .contracts lowrate?. Having.n long;
oxpononcoV 1 l Ck ia : oontfdoft it**Of giving satiafac-'
tion. v Persons wishing to purchase Piauoscan avail
tucmsolvca of pis services in. selecting good instru-1
tmqnts. Orclorsrleft at the post Office, the Mansion
attontlon r afc Shapley’a will meet with prompt |
,■ ■ I
undersigned,: nppoiatod ■ Auditor
X Jby tho;.OrphWs-Court.of Cumberland, county,
to distribute tho balanoodn tho hands' of, Lewis H. J
Williams/ Exboutor of Bnth Irvine, lata of said
county, entitled thereto,-
will moot tho parties' interested ‘fop tho purpose <
bis appointinont,on .Th\iriddt/,\thc 1 2ih day of Jul
.1800, at his office, .in thp Borough, of Carlisle. ... f
/ •' T Ji> shearer, AMitok l
Juno”l4, 1860. i . v< ■' I
Tho taxable fcUizchsfof tho b6rough of Carlisle*
. ttrq hqroby notified that tho Treasurer.of thoSqbool
District ‘.bf bordugh/wiU attend at thb Court
House; (Commissioner's' office^), on Monday," July
.*loth, next, between the hours - bifO 'and 12-iri tho
forenoon, and Y o'clock, in tho afternoon, of
said day, for the purpose of “collecting and receiving
tho schqoi.apd’burldtng' taxes for the proaont yean
Qq, al J. taxes paid on o* before that dato, a deduc
tion WiUnftfeado Of fivdper cent. • J i•!lu \ ■( *
Persons wishing .loypay their taxes in tho Wan
tuno, can do so by calling ttti the Treasurer, o
’". v ‘ "" v *■ ■'". ' "$• W-.* EBV, Treasurer, f '
.. Cur)i§lqj Jjxab !
TO new YORK 1 ;
shortest ik Distance and quiokKst'in
New & Harrisburg! ;
. - ,y, EASTON.
MORNING EXPRESS, West; leaves New
York atO,A. M., arriving. atHarriaburg at 12.-
*•45 inoort, only OJ’hVurs between tho two.cities.
MAIL LINE loaves New York at 12.00 noon, and
arrives at Harrisburg at 8.30 P. M,
• MORNING 'MAIHLINE East, leavcallarrishurg
at 8.00 A. M., arriving atNow York at 4.30 P. M.
Harrisburg at 1.15 P, M,, arriving at New York’ at
0.00 P. M. ,r: ■■ ..
Connections are made at Harrisburg at 1.00. P.;
M., with tho Passenger Trains in bach direction on :
tho Pennsylvania, Cumberland .Valley and Northern
Central Railroad. s . i
All connect air Reading with trains for
Potlsyillo and Philadelphia, and atAlloutown for
Mauch*Chunk;‘Easton, &c. ! ' "
1,-i No change of‘Passenger Cars or Baggage between '
Now York and Harrisburg, by the 6.00 A. M.yLine
from-Now York ortho 1.16 Pi M.,from Harrisburg.
For beauty of scenery, and speed, comfort and ac
commodation'; .thisi route; present? superior 'induce
ments to tjio travoling.public, .
Fdrobetwqon' New. York, and Harrisburg '.FIVE
DOLLARS.,. For tickets and other information an
ply to-*' ■.• v - f -•- ■
J. J,‘ CLYDE, (Senoral Agoht/Harrisburg. ..
Juno 21, IB6o—ly ‘ *< ;
One Price,an'd.No! Abatement.,
■ Xo. CO7 Chestnut Street,
Gri.ts viti.E, Srokiis .WpUlil, fctuijn' thanks to tho pub
lic for their appreciation offals efforts to please,and
thbir liberal patronage', >! , .
In prdeeto kpep up this kindly ib'ollng, bo-lias
.-yielded' to (ho solicitations of many of his friend's
and, inaugurated abpwpystom, of Gifts with each-
Garment gold. To his ohoico selection, of fltio Fab
rics, and Clotbing’/ ho'invites tha scrutiny
as to histnew mode of. doing
bueiiibss. Eaoh’articlo is warranted to bo inFabric,
Stylo utid Make, equal to, ariy gotten up in tho city,
an 4 price, (lower than tho lowest,), marked on
•tbo:tlck6t», - V ■ ■ , •.- - ,
l3aeh anicto Sold,'or moASuroi, jfor,.'is occompa 1 -
nied by 1 a. Gift,; value fromto $lOO. '
Nt but tho most skilful Designers, Cut
tors and Workmen employed) l and satisfaction in
Fit, Fashion/Fabric,‘Price ! aml Gift/gUartintcOd At
vGbs\,nvill’b Stokes* orio pribo gilt clothing empo
rium, No. GOr Chestnut Street, Philti; ■'
■'> •' * ‘
TUST roceiyed-from- Drodie’s: Mantilla Era-
Ncw.york, a largo lot. of -Silk and lean
Mantnict*, Qevroat Styles, And at .reduced’priccs.-r—
-1 Now ia-lho' tune lbr ladieß to got ’.bargains in 'those
' seasonable Goods* ■
•Also a full. Block of fiAWiiaES,' LAWKS,, nod
until, the; close of tW. season. AddiHoto 'otd obn
,atantiy mado, autl our stock is always complete.
,J 1 f . ’ liEJDICH <{: SAWYER. !
Carlisle/ Juao'SS/1800,
S»t KAw ' WATS I STRAW UAI’S ! ! ' r
ItELLßii’s old Btand, North
Oiargoand coinploto.stockof Men's
|,"V* ,?^f,, stra T. n “ t8 ’ °r “» the different styles
and qualiejoe, all pf’ which will -bo sold at a small
Children’s Fancy Caps and Hals, :
iron’s and Boy’s Silk, Cussimero,.Felt,,dnd Wool
Hots.: SoVofdl now-styles now ready for inapeetion.
■. Kemembor if yon'want bargains call tit ICbllor’s.
■ May 17; ISBO.' . •
■ Rye Whiskey. ; i
Siiinual: Gl‘issiager’o, make, "Brandies;
V-f Wines,; Ac;, finest, Tobacco; and Sogars; Staple
proccrieSj, . soind fancy. Goods,'Such’as fresh Tbtna
?.caoV.OB>. Piuo Apple/Macoaroni/ Sardines.'
Katsups, and I/ondon Club, John Bull; Heading,
; ,° Garvey’s, WPrcestorahirb Sauce; Essence
"hrimps, Essence ‘of Anchovies, plain and fancy
Pickelg of all the celebrated makes; Preserve^
Sugar Cured Maras and Dried Beef,
Pish, Mustarda'of lill kind, Quocuswaro
Tvgodch Ware, Ac,, which will bo.soldat the low:csi
priced. ( Country Produce taken in exchange,
. Carlisle)'Jtay-iV, 1860.
'• "I t StjMMEBf. CLOTHING ! 1.1. ‘ •; . i
;;; Tlid subficrilicr' respectfully' informs fricmls
anfl the public generally, that bo has just received
bis goeend supply, of fashtohdblo Summer Goods,
which cannot bo equalled lil cjtialitv and beauty,’
coinprising the very latest Stylos , of all kinds of
goods. “ •' ■ 1 •'
Cassinicras.of all tho new stylos, Vestings, an nn
nvullod assortment; : Drap'd’otc, Italian Cloth,
[ splendid assortment of ;• r •
ail of which will bo sold pop yard or made to order'
on a very low advance.i, .
A groat assortment of Gentlemen's Furnishing
Goods of every description.' -
.Hats.and Cabs. .. i, .
Trunks, , !
■ . ' ■ Valises, , ' ' '
Carpet Sags,
Umbrellas,- ip., Ac.
The public will And it to their interest to call, ns
wo aro determined to-held up ourmottOy OmcS Nates
and Small Profits.
Hanover street, opposite American House.
CUrlielo, May 37; I 860; .:
New Wine and Liquojr Store.
Three , doors, Hast, of fnJioJfs Grocery Store,
and facing ihc Market House, Carlisle. 1 .
THE undorsinnod having opened a full and
comploto aßßortmcut of the purest and boat
AND' TjIQUOKS, -ho invites. Hotel
luUjikoopora; Houho hoopers,'and others td giVo
rTW/eim q call, being determined to keep a bettor
article Mn is-generally kept in iho country, and at
iQTtrpnOOSi -y "
Pinot' Vintage, 1852 Ro
chollo* % : .
• . Schoidam Seliiltttltigr Mojror’s Old
pish,.Old Jam, Spirits, N. E« Hum. .
, WlNES—Madoria, very, old; SherftV Street Mn
lagw.Old Port, Lisbon, OlrtroVChompaguo, Muscat
. WHlSKY—Monongahcla, Pure Old-Rye/ Bour
bon and common Whisky. .
.Also, WidOfßUtcfs/ Botoijobnfi, Bottles, Ac.
J&S?* Bottled Liquors of all kinds., 1
May 17, 1860, - ?
.Ll A largo fitvck of good, clean, neat, and tough
Nails, attho lowest prices. Our Nails ore worth 50.
cents a hog more than any other make sold in our
I town. • This Is’ tho opinion of mechanics who have
fried thorn.- Wo also hnvo a full 1 assortment of
building materials of the latest and most improved
styles. All goods warrantod.ns represented.
Mfty 3,18C0,
w J us ‘«>poir«d, a largo assortment of at) sizoa of
Gum Bolting, Gam Hoeo, Gum Packing,, 4c.. and
foyalo cuoap at tho harclwaro store of
■ • It SASCTON.'
oE otoiy idesirablo’ capacity, from 10 .to 2o liotao
power, built m the beet styloanimi ttccolßmodatine
terms., ; Engines bur cstablisbittcct may bo
Operation atmdhy of the larccat
distilleries add .todtmdricd in Cdrlislc,afad Cumb'd,
[:Forryand Jlaupbm cos., to tbo otvncfs of which wo
ev nf 'P? t .iL r er „ / i°- r in X°™otibu ab to their effloioni
0y....-Pcrsoaa wahling Bteain Engincs ai'b edroostlv
=^ W .CuI l aUd^am i u„i f brcco B tS^|
do6h' 3'a6h factory.
Connected‘with our establishment ii astoain Sash
and Door Manufactory-which. is, now.iin complete
order for the manufacture of every description of
for tho moat costly as well aa tho plainest liuußc.
Window Sash fufhiahod from five oonta ttpWaM.nb/
cording, ta size bf glass'; WinddW Ei'affloS front SUI!
upward;,Shutters add Rolling, Blinds froin $1
upward; Door frames from $1,73 uptVntd; Four
Panel Doors from 53,12 upwards Mouldingat Cas
ings, • Arbitrates, Wash Boards, Brackets, Fancy
Drapery, Scrolls,. and other articles needed itt bdhSo
budding, furnished ,at tho lowest prices, and of the
best quality of lumber, Wo are also prepared
as heretofore to build and repair BURDEN CARS
for. transporter's on the railroad, with promptness
and, on reasonable tOHnsi • .
, : ,Tlio continncd patronage bf tlib public is-rospebt
fully solicited. : Orders by mail promptly attend
ed n to : • ■’ : J P. OARDNERA-CO. ;
Carlisle; May 3,1860. ; . „* • ■
Spring Goods*
■WO &!° second .ttffli-al of
dtfor b' tho citizens'
?">«» , a J' 4,'’i c *s*^ l Unusually low prices with
the do oMiinntlolJ ttf kdej> pace with the times and 1
of “Our, Upgso” for soiling Cheap
Wo pUfchMo our goods for "CASH,” exclusively,
thereby .enabling us to, soil at cheaper rates, than
.the most favored houses, a fact our friends and cus
tomors should, boar ,in mind. The following com
pmobut a small portion of our immonao and Varied
stock: .
Plain A Panoy Silks,
Poulard Silks,
PdfißienueS, ’
Delaines, - ■ : ' ■ 1
■Pronch A Scotch Ginghatii&,
' , Pronch A American C|iintzoSi
Laco A Silk Mantillas,
Poil do Chovres,
American Ginghams,
' - . Valencias,
PnplinS, •
‘ r ' ' Lawns,
; V. ' ' 'PittidS, ' 1
Shawld; :
■ A Very general assdHhiant of itibuhiing gauds,
Hosiery, Gloves, Act, Ac. DotlgldS A SherttodtTs
2fcw, Skirts, the ; ,
■ "Belli! op tlifi.gtjtfa'irr
the most perfect anU.boautiful skirt,ofor produced,
made with pUo clasp,arid .warran ted. nplltj cot put
order, iii 8) jl, 15,20,30,05, -10, and flfi Xfot/ps. The
largest-stock of • ,'
1 cVor brought to Carlisle. t Wo have reduced (ho
I pHtoibf the’Wybdfcfc'quality of Oil Cldthsto 50 eta!
poi* squat© yard, to tho'attention of
housekeepers ;'tfb i'oll them lower than (hoy can ho
purchased at any Store in tho intoriorof Pcnuaylva-
I nia. Oufgooddiri this line nr6 purchased direct
from tho most celebrated: manufauturcs, and for du
i rabilifcy and design cannot bo surpassed* LOOK*.
ING GLASSES of all sizes and at reduced prloos
Cloths, - . v
•, Sattinetts,
. v Twoods, :
; Gottonadcs,,
Kentucky Jeans,
_ , ’ ,'' r Vestings, Ac*, Ac.
y Wo .‘t- r0 not to bo undersold,
and defy competition. A W BENT* *
CarHrie, AprU 20,.18g0. V. JJENT3S.
, I#..jr, w. fovlk,
AsmiS 1 F EY With, J..&
n ' i. . - ’ Esq., in Glass’ Row, in rear of First
Prosbytsnan Clmrolu, AH business entrusted to-liim
will bo promptly attended to. . . . 0
f Anvil 20, 1800. ,•
~°®r htysclf as a candidatofbr IWistor, snb
joettothc notion of the Democratic CdnVontlim, and
( ofniy Democratic friend*, j- j
'mk^iS**-****** ,-:
,Wn Sriooumerf
by numerous friends, I offer myself to yduf"con
sideration /is a candidate for Urn office of COITNtv
REGISTER,' subject tbtlic action of' the Bcmocra
ffo County Convention, Should I rccoiyo tho noni- ■
/nation. umlbo elected-, t. piedga .myself to dis-’-
obargo; tli<; duties which' tony thereby -devolve
upon mo, with faithfulness and imlmrtralily.'
spootfully solicit your support. .
•• April 12, 1800," AL'j J. TV". FOULK. :
(nLEKK ;OI?i TjlE COURTS. ', ; ' A
V/Tho undersigned respectfully .offers him'Sclf os n !
candidate for the office of'CLEnKOFTUE Courts, at
.tho.noxt election, subject to tho.docisfam of the De
mocratic County Convention. If nominated and
elected, ho pledges-himself .to'discharge tho duties
of tho Office with fidelity. ' ‘ " I ;
MoVttbe Ip., May1f,,1860... •, , j, | •
pROTirONOTAKY. ■ ; > -• 1 fi
-i The .undersigned offers himself as'a candidate
for the Office of Pnoxno.vor.inj', at tho next cloctieb,
subject to .the action of tho Democratic. County
Convention. .... • , BENJAMIN DUKE. '
Shippensbufg; May io,lstso; 1 ‘■'
V»At «ho solicitation Of numerous IrUpd'sL I am
induced to.offer myself « a Candidate, for sho office
:?/ rWp l&rita, siibjCfctto the 'decision of
tho Democttitrb.County Convention; '■
. T . JOHN FLOVt). ■
-Uppor'Aiion tji., May lo; 1800.' "
l;offormyself ; offormyself as o dandidato for the ofii'co of
Clerk AKD iHEd6nOßn ! of tho Courts of Cumberland
county,, subject to the action of the DemooratiO
-County Convention, and-solicit the support'of-my
Democratic,friends. , .GEORGE HOOTER. ,
Siiyer Spring tp:. May 2-1, 180DV ' '
Farming Implement .Depot.
T?> '.CO.-rnoT .mtumfitctttro
.-T- • and kcog constantly FOR SALE, at their
exton.• Steam works'on East Main st., ‘ Carlisle, a
largo assortment of Agricultural-Implements, of
well known-and approved usefulness to Farmers,
among wlnch thoy would call especial attention to
Patent Gum Spring Grain Drill,
which has taken over fifty ,first class ' premiums 'at
Stato and County Fairs. To- tfid-farmers of Cum-,
berland, York and Perry counties Wo need hoi speak
m detailof the merits of Ibis drill, as scorbs of them
are now .10^0 :oa.tbp'bpßt fhrma counties.
Its reputation is established as the most complete
gram driU'.npw'mauufaotuityl in the United' States.
It sows Wheats Oats,J3atleyatidUfaaa) evenly
and regular. Without bUhbhltig the eebd. :Thb gum.
springs pass the drill 'over slumpa afadatones, with-,
out breaking pins or, the drill. For cVon alid
lar sowing, the Willoughby Cum Spring Drill Mn
pquaUcd by any other.. )Vo also manufacture and
j sell the following articles; which recommend
to farmers aS, reliable implements of established
, ; ji Corn P‘ta»tcr r i
!- 8-Patent Straw and Fodder- Quttor» ■ 1
f , (!i Corn-Shelter,
i . Johnston** Cdef Iron Hofff. Trough,. ,'9 Patent CiderMUl. . '
<' —Tbrco nnd;FoUr;lforso Powers and Thresh
ing Machines, Cast Iron Field Pollers,
of patterns, Corn r Crushers, and
other articles for farmers too numerous td mention*
Also*Egg Coal Stoves,and ton, plat© Wood Stoves,
With an, immense, variety of other castihgsfor house
Keepers, and others. We Jmre also. ah. attractive
.Variety, of patterns for . . ■
(ind Cemetery enclosures, to, which, wo would cai
attention.,,;. •
To this department of our business wo, give, part
ticplnr attention. Our already .extensive stock of
patterns for paper, floor and saw mill','gearing, is
constantly increasing. Mill owinoraiuJd millwrights
wilt bo furnished with a printed catalogue of onr
.varions mill patterns, on Our tnatfluno
shop comprises,all/ tho 'various- jtoola for turning.
II ha^‘
retained from Ko!» Potkaad PWUdelphfai
with s lorgoond well eofcctod atock' of-BRK GOODS
eppoially;. for : tbo, pipsontj- aflbspn,:iompriainejHia
Silk bust«i;s,,;ladjf potntar Efefflofc: Bamobrt'flilka
Vlo.iinoeaßdragos.'Plonncctl OVgM'd/es, Pfopcknnd-
English Jado'nctXttwttsVmacß loißithiai fmpdriotion
prloesjHobbLatrirns; Barcgo !An glUeo,’. te. , •
nop baton*.pair nere'da<i
SQriptWn,; Maufiful . Um)™llbV -all
sires; yari?ty'sad ••
.Ladies Will find on inspMtionbuk GbbAmilmJ (o'
thcirmnita iiflasaallyaomplete/and'atpriwtttbrolr
wiU picjwo tho fnost coonomical.- jAaototf lub#<£cU
dihoaor , ;r . v^: ,. rtK n
•''. V'" Oarpetsj' Oil ClothSj ?'t>
!n F”f notaoltOra,bdL(dHroOby attentlbp'aid
•w»£ n7'‘Sfr“i ko r l "*® ia *or<'st'Of'baycra to deal
‘ dune 7, ISV9. ■ ■' ’ r
iTl’Cormlc’s Reaper and Mower!
JirGntYProved for iB6O. '■*
rfroin the;first 6n correct
P|! 112CI P* cs /.Jf bpft iiitfays beenemiaentlyisuo
.ccssful, opd ImprofcmenU- full*
mooting all tho require tcehtsof&o age. it now:di.
fit* all competition. .
*“??*!* who.may worii'
ono of those Machine* tie I hanrii irfrt'ttnj
, -Tho Machine ,3 now perfectly idtoncrrfciiot ioav
• VI I IPW& Oh. ' y>o- horses’vneoki iiM
execution m reaping and mowing, in, both, jut and
‘S; cuts 010 widestßwartb,an<Jaenow
made-, Wlh lightest draft of any Mach'inis now'
thatthclaborof raking
off is-verymifthdightobod, i castor wheel, on Wen
tions while id motidn driref; without tlio nsd
■of lovers and compliOnted machinery. AVerydcci
ded and important feature in- its improvement tin
, 3 m ite arrangement 'fot* tenanting and
cltaning the tidek ill nwiciny. . r . , . -
It is the most sitoplc, mosj
rahle.and m ovcrywaylho rilD
The Two-Horse Machine (witk ■bny'<(|tirfb ‘for
two horses,) outs a sWarth.Oi feet wide) and tho
!• pur-Horse Maohino a foot wider. For particulars
address ...... SAMUEL BRANDT, - .
; Afic: Guilford, Franklin' Cvuntvi Ta., ’
■ Agent-for Franklin,- Adams.,and • Cumberland'
' ;?* S “ m P%- A ?f- J^flogcstown
The various parts of lie Machine forßcpai
•ring will bo kopt oii haiid it eoriTenfcnt’iiblutil
May 17, 1800—Om ‘ y:
\ Priming
£l|(. atiit jeivelry Store, -,
0. 'OonrM, former occupant, JVo.’ldS North Abohi'
; Street, comer of Qiariy Street. l*'.. ;
The nriders.ignßd has leased thebabbytTprotafirta.
wncro he will keep a;large aaaortinentef "Goldatid
Silver Watches, of; Athericopi
manufacture of the most colejjratednaakcirs, in'- ad-
ho found,always dn Wd'(aSt
mudd ta order) an extensive Variety of 7oftplrt::ilU
vor,.and Silv’or Plated waro/togotticrVithT
ral assortment of snoli GoodS as ’arbusuallr kept in
afirstclass.Watch.andJewelry store,- " r
The potrona of 0. Conrad,.andthoaeof;tllo suh
senbor, together with the ppblib generally, 1 ap) in
t? J cail ' w ' hcro they .will rccotvo agood. article
.lor their moneyy , As lam .determined to 'do siribuy
a cosh business, gootls.nill ho sold very low.. •/Small
iroflu am Quick'JSai<»;f Isdhb'nrotWotihiblJatili-
Mhnwnfc ;< XEWIS U.iBROQjrAIJ,;.
o..Conrad,.No,'..Conrad,.No,' IdS iNohth.Bdbndfit!
corner, of Quarry, Phihu " * . a ~ * ? ,
June 7,15.80—1 y .;." ; ‘,
Summer Arraugeihcnat t .
; Ghatige of’
Cumberland Valley ftnii EaUrodcls !
fY* and after Monday, April IG. lgGtf, train*
«iU loaro fa ?
- ’ ' f*or U/idiulci'siiij'Tf t£ P/arnlsttff'O. ' '
i&tire lisg&Btofti£ : ! ', J . "■"■•'
,‘f, Gcoonoastlo, .-■. 7.35 “ 7
■• "■ ■ K‘^,‘l.oo:p;fc : • '
■ r\f! Elilpponaburg,; 9.00 ■)' 1.32 • » :vi
“ Ncwvillo, .0,32; “■ , 2ioi '“ ■
■ Carlisle, ■ ifl.lo " 3:44 “ ;
“ Meohnnicsburg, 10.42 “ , . i
Arrive at Harrisburg, 11.12 “ 3.48 “ '
■ . r :P.f‘jj n^fri^v.r ß & .&s«r»Voit((.:i.... i.
tooVoflatriaWg; Svbß i,;jn ,2:16 ]>;,«;
tlo.bhhhtoebui'gv, 4^lt, ‘ K .sV£6£ 'r«V ;
“ CiiHfslo;' ''. .9.2!" ' 3.30 1
Rbwvillo,. ' .-10.34-; « ■ 4,04 «•' r ‘ ’
,: “ . SbiJipoii4b»i t g ) ! '10;34 ' « 14.33 "
" :«. H : '
“ Grooncastle, . •vb. v .6.Q0 -iK.-
Arrivo at Hagerstown; ■. ' . .0,40 “
tvill bbsorvo that, there is -bat- One-
Traill a day, (aPaasongor and Freight Train com-’
Umodi) over the FranlfHu Road;
ttein to Harrisburg at KSO A. v:; hn4 With flio train
arriving /row Harrisburg at 5.()o pj ib-'c i -a;
, April ID, 130,0;
tfdrfelgnaiul Domestic fiiquors*
■ AROSHOAyEßrGspectfilllyarifiOyn-
J-«ces to thb pliblib; that ho continues to keep con
stantly oh.h9.nd, and 1 for sftlb) tt lafgo and very su
perior assortment of - ;
~ Foreign arid ' Hdtiiesiio Ljquorsy. '
lit, his nowstaii# ji foit.doprs.Wcst of Hannon’s Hi)-,,
tel, ami directly adiiiU of the Court-house, Carlislol
iiiUsi)ii|Bj ’ ■.,'' ■
• ■ All of choice Brands. ■ «
Sherry, Port, Modcria, : Lisbon, Claret, Na 1 -
tire, Hock, Johannisborg, and Boderhoim-
! or. ■,
Hoidsick i Co., Qoislcr <fc Co., anij imperi
al. ' ~ \ ‘
. Bohleui Lion; and Anchor, ' ■ ,
WHISKY, • •• . r
Superior Old Bye,: fchblcotlld Family flco
; I , tar, Wheat, Scotch, iibd Irish- : •
ALE, BROWN STOUTj Ac' BbSt to ho had Id
. , Philadelphia;
Of tbe very best quality. •
Dealers and ART idiS,
will find it ns topreSohiim, itsills Whole 'attention trill
bo given to_n propel find cflirrulHelcciionof his -
STOCK, wliicifjcdutiot .be; surpassed/ and hopes to
have thopattondgo of llloptibflb.; ..
,Carlisle, April .12, ISOd, ,
Frctsh Al’i’ii’iit oi Hoots A Sliom.
ATEIIY tight times at present I- Sd-it will
J T bod’very potsOu’s interest to look"out for cheap
I Roots find Shoes find save tho dimes, and. the Very, ’
I place to accomplish this object is at tho old corner
, known as a shoo store for manyycars, directly op-
I posito Butkholdcr’s old stand, now Glass’ hotel.. 63
I chit and see for yourselves and save money, as yo>t
I will find a oomplcie assortment of all kinds of gooda-
I nrJjij in the ROOT and SHOE lino,'and of tho
I very best- make. Remember the lowest pHoo
l ’ nLartielo is not always tho cheapest.-' You will
find our prices varying, accordingto tho qhality bf
tho article.' j - v ; ,
The subscriber has just returned from the eastern
cities with a largo and complete stock, Of Boo, ts and
Shoes., Ho also keeps on hand home-made work
to suit tho times-and trade, at the lowesVchsh prices.
Men’s calf and kip sowed and pegged boots.
Men’s line Trench calf boots.
Men's kip, calf and goat Brogaht; ' f.?C" r
Men’s and Boy’s calf; and patent leather
Congress gaiters. . ,
Patent loothm-pxiord’ties'. / -
Men’s and. Women's cloth, leather and carpet
slippers: - ‘ ■
Ladies’ arid Misses black and covered gaiters. '
Ladies’, Misses and Children's kid and French 1
motoeo slippers- t •
i Ladies’ kid, French rind goat Burkins and ties.',
Women’s and children’s work of all kinds at low
J ust received a lot of children's copper toed shoes:
Repairing done at short notice.'■; f (
Thankful for past favors, be hopes to, Tree Sire a
aharO of public patronage. 1 - *’• : ; 1 r \. 1 ,
Carlisle, April 10,1880—6m'
, A L. SPONSLEU has removed, his offied
lxA»lo his now 1 boose opposite Glass’ hotel.' * ’’
Carlisle, March 30, I 860 —1( . , ' ■ ,