American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, June 07, 1860, Image 3

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express, with San Francisco dates
alt., arrived at St, Josephs on the
usco, May 18.“-Thb' last pony
the intelligence that several
id been murdered by the Indians
-■at Miller’s Station on Carson
I‘irty miles fromtho settlement,
t various companies had organ*
inia City, Hill, • and other
i thp Washoe mines, and, gone in
Indians supposed to have com
rders.' ■; ;
intly appeared that the volun
ited under the command of Maj.
jering 105 mounted men.
they came upon the Indians at
QUickiWliver, 65 miles ndrth-
Pyramid Lake from Urquiza
lions Were in ambusii at a nor;
'Ugh; Which Major Ormsby's
-‘Ceding, numbering about five
ig plenty of fire-arms, aminu
s hundred horses within cohve-
they opened fire upon the
ejr safe hiding place.
tty 1 , ordered a charge, but the
ted to skulk, firing from behind
shos, doing damage, but suf
turn.' ■’ ’
>f things continued for two
immnuitiou of Major Orms
iut. . v
oing this, closed upon them,
after volley, killing many on
lalhnce retreated, scattering
The Indians pursued them
ir thirty, miles, putting off
irtics. -:
came into Virginia City du
bsoquent days. The exact
hois not been ascertained,
cceeds fifty.
nto bo kil|ed is 21; wound
wh,. 43; returned alive, 33;
cen sent out to pick up liny
that may be found, and. an
iroteot the parties burying
lint Has yet been received
)ld. .Exaggerated accounts 1
phed to all parts of Califor
at excitement,
ind Sacramento the people
sed; 53,000, and ftttetf out a
rmed volunteers, who start
lie oh their way over the
14th. , . • - . .
150 volunteers started out
ind another company from
lioritics promptly despatched
<s with a good supply of am-
commanding the Pacific di
ited States army, despatched
ico, on the 14th, one hundred
States troops, .being nil the
Central California, with,five
. and one hundred thou
. Af'WWV.of. ammunition. Ho also sent
hundred United States soldiers
one hundred, miles
' ■ ej> ’ s,l ° ul<l proceed’ to the
and aid in suppressing
icentv< ; -
;ati(A r .-V
* watmht the belief that
J 3 than three hundred well
»:■ from California, and two
y United States troops ready
item slope,of the mountains.
■n Nominees,— The Illinois
mblishqa the following. letter
'setts Amendments, which
t r, Lincoln, nt a timo when
idenof the'distihetion awiiit-
;iN*GFiEi.n,'Mny 17, 18:9.
'lus- —Dear Sir: Yourlct
mquireon your own account
„.... iprtaih other German 'oiti«
_ .'prove or oppose; the consti
•“ relation'to naturalized
rcr jras. ,lately enacted in Massa^
I tavor or oppose a fu-
I the other oppoi.
ltins g»^ln : the ca l npai g n” o f 1860, has
is;a sovereign and indopend
"ftVP.po right to advise her in
ttn y° nß is desirous to draw
what 1 would do, from what
, f speak without improprie
-80 far “ 3 1 nnaorstena
i h«VW I P i^! W^l w i ,^810,,8 > 1 am against its
vo; ;^°P t,O , n ’ 1“ IHiaois. but In every
iJJWtedTCiWh* 1 have the .right to op
:®«S^^lS" dei d7 d - tho spir u °^°" r
te promote the eleva-
Tcnk’sSif e , fo . ro ' hostilc t 0 any
vk'E their debasement. 3
deplore, the oppres
b,?6ks > "bd it #§ u id,
i of i for me to look
11W w ““ approval upon any measure that infrin
,n,ri °f Jvhite men.
irm ■ T TflsWs^s! w paro born in another land,
o % s from my own.
mu ' Bpp lifel^ filBiol1 ’ P am in fflvor of it
■ on Republican
t Afu-
LF platform would be as in
*■"*’ ’ierebylose
ton enemy
the entire
to men is
■iotic men,
V whom I
'Quid place
but I shall
ioan stan-
‘fP- the decease'of
;ine, who Balled for Eu
ince, in the hope of re-
Tr. Parker was for many I
Piret Umtarian.Ohuroh
iebrity as a pulpit ora
dished scholar, was al
i later offqrtpofhis life
Joussion of matters ofn
l( h in that way, he be
of Abolition* doctrines.-.
' ' V-l )i
' ui' l /
■ ft - .*-*; -,v*> T-VKV*-'*’*-•-
military, companies in the
sir readiness to embark on
list of' Letters.
Pnhthhed in the “ Volunteer,” by wttJwnly.
T A ST of Letters remaining in the Pokt Of
./ ,c ° at Carlisle, Pa., Juno 1, 1800. Persons in
quiring for Letters on this List will please sav tliev
are advertised. One cent duo on each letter.
Albright Susan Miss Knight Franklin
Adams Mrs■ Linkes Sarah Miss 2
Borti Daniel Litzingcr R A
Dryer Jefferson ■ : . Little Wm
BiakoEW Lewis J T
Bel) David Lieut Longneckcr B sr
Brown Jas;M.2, Levi S L ■
Blosor David ‘ ■ Longo George '
I Blumonthal Dr Loidioh Geo
Brigham Leonard 0 Lewis Wm
Beckwith JH-, ' Morton A C - .
[Bright Geo Miller David B
BuUor Elisabeth Myers Kate Miss
Bombargor Michael Moore Maurice
Buttnuf J . , Miller,i Zook ‘
Browson Jos J • MbLaiighlln N H
Brooke John C McLead John Rev
Bowers Geo G Miller Chaa W
Dlont Dr , Miller Danl ..
Bradoy Jasper Matthews W
Boudy JasO Martin Sam’l
Burkholder Henry L 2 Horton A C
Bomborgor C C , Osborn Win
K?*" ■ Patterson Mary Mias
Breohbill H E Porter Prof '
Cushman Sarah Mrs ■ Phoffor Jacob
Collins Jos P ■ Phillips J
Campbell Win Rosonstcel PN
Carothors Julia Mrs: Richards, Goo W
Cornigors John .. . ‘ Rhinohart Goo ' .
ChovosJohnM Rhine Dr J 2
Curuso Abner ; Rawlins It M
7 Jano EeifsnydorLevi
S““” r " n ’ Rhinohart Jno
, Cline w ' : Speaks Leonard Rev d
! S ' Stout Michael.
Downey B A Mies .Smith Sami
Donnelly Thus . Stoops A B
Dewalt Amanda 2 Stouter Geo W '
Dietz Jno ShryootJno -
Dorshoimor J Sheldon Wm
Dunn Margaret Miss . Smith Susannah Miss
Ego Michael - Severs Sarah Miss
Ealy Jno W ‘ , Suavely Jno, .
Fishburn Joshua Stum Jno
P'teJ 1 Jno Snively Andrew .
Funk Elizabeth , Stoodoll Osoa V
Fanestook &Co , ■ ■ Snyder Fanny Miss
Friend ’ Sprowo Joseph
| Greer David Rev Smith Lieut Col
Galaoher J Sterrott David
.Gossert Adam ; Simpleton Isaao
Green Samuel , , Sprowo Jacob
Gross Emanuel ; Stohrjos
nmw Jno ' Wilson R.
■ Waggoner Jno W
ViJJl 1 •' ' Williams Jno.
Martha A WoiserJnoL
rrn„ Ja ” ob Wells CS
Hendls John W ' Winn A 0 Mrs 1
Houser Sarah" ' .'.
Hondeßh a Wilson Jno jr
' Westfall Jno .
Xndn Jane M?’- Williams Jos . , ‘ .
n ?{ isa , • Wilson, w A
Jacobs David Wunderlich Jacob
, WaggnerGoo • 1 •
iovo that I
•ecisely' as
ir, of Yip.
r self. to: a
the points
lessary to
io of Cori
icstion of
mrse pur
m States
tives, but
. : Their
. have no
to divide
and Wh
itest cer-
General Cairierdn presided over a meet
ing of his party. ii{ Harrisburg last week, and
doliverod a speech promising his support to
Lincoln; • The General paid Curtin, the wool
ly-head candidate for Governor, a high com
pliment—he knows the man, and during the
course of his.rcmarks he—said nothing about
him—never mentioned his name.
End of a Public CaUbek Senator Sew
ard has promised to deliver an address at Au
burn, N. Y.,'on the 4th of July, 1801, when
he soys he will close his public life, after'a
service of forty years. . , ■
The great English race known os the
Epsom Derby, was won on ’the 23d Ult., by
Thornaby, an English horse. Umpire, Mr.
Ten Bweek’s cdlobratcd Amorienh three year
old, was eleventh in the race, .lie was first
favorite all.aldng bofovo the race. .
■- ‘ , .. . 'Piiti.ilJßt.MllA, Jitne a.
Flour and Flout Market in more
active, both for export and home consumption.
Sales of 300 barrels at £6,00 fur good Sitpcr'flnc, and
sfl for extra; t?0,12i@0,76 for. extra fatally, and
$7(5)7,50 for fancy. Mottling'doing in Rye Ploar
and Corn Meal. The funner is held at 5t,121, and
and the latter at 153,50 per barrel.
(1 It A SlHotl sales of fair and prime Southern
Rod at $1,36@ 110, and White at $|,60@1,00 afloat.;
Bye is quiet, with further sales of Pennsylvania at
80e. Corn-sales of s@fi,ooo bushels bushels vel
low at 72(gU00 for prime ;,0(J(o)G8 for damaged,and
w kito Oats aro ijull at 410, for .Delaware,
and 43(3)44 cte. for Pen ha. No sales of Barley or
Barley Malt, and prices are abont nominal.'
Cloverskbd of prime quality sells at st,2s(aj
460 per 64 lbB. Last sales of Tlhlotliy at $3,87.~
Flaxseed sella on arrival at $1 (12 per bushel. ■ ,
- Whisky ifl quiet. - Small-sales-of Ohio bids, at
22J@23c; 2liuts! hhda. ut2l(«i2lJc,
and Drudge at 20c. w ’
Corrected Weekly by Woodward, it- Se,
Fi.ol;n, Suporflue, per bbl.,
do., Extra, , do.,
do.. Family, do.,
do,, Bye, . do.,
White Wheat, per bushel.
Bed, do., do.,
Eye, ' do..
Corn, . do.,
Oats. do.,
Fall Barley, do.,
Spring Barley, do;,
Clovesseed, do.,
Timothyseed, do.,
.. E ARE RE 19 ,|J CE » .
TICKETS to Baltimore will
;“ B ®W ftt the ticket st.ttionfl of the Cumber
land Valley Rail Road, on Hie l.ith, lOlhaud 18th
mst., good for rr uru trip until the 20th inst
FromMechanicrhurg, ' '
“ Carlisle, 1 . ' ■j.
“ Chamberehurg,
t * ■ ' °- LULL,
Juno f, 1359. Sup't.
, FESTIVAff,. '
r T , HB YOU AG MUA’S Christian Associa
ti°a of P° rliBle < will hold a Strawberry and
Floral -Festival in -Morion Hull, eommencing-on
Wednesday evening, June I.3th, and to continue
through the week. Proceeds to ho-applied to the
support of their Free Rending Room and Library.
_ T “° attention of the community is directed to this
Festival as an object worthy of liberal contribii
tions. . ’,. ' ‘
_ J. W. Marshall, Jos. D. Halbert, t). J. Loidieli
Jno. Campbell, Geo. S. Bob tern, .W. P. Lynch, Com
tmttcoof Arrangomuhta. .. •
Juno 7, 18G0-—. ;
New Gooiliti "
iT IIIDICII & SAWYER, Bast Main st., have
"Tf i", st r ‘’ turn °‘ l from Now York' and Philadelphia,
with a large and well selected stock of 1)11 Y GOODS
specially for the present season, comprising the
latest noTolt’os in Dross Goods, Shawls, Montttn,
Sdk Dnsters, Lace Points, Ruffles, Bamohr’s Silks
in all their v anot,c& Silk Grenadines, Silk Enrages.
bounced Organdies; French mid
Engluh Jaconet Lawns, much less than importntioii
prices,•, Roho LaWwus, Barege Angluiso, ie. . r
mourning dress goods, .1
liew toxtilres and styles; Embroideries of every de
scription, beautiful Parasols, Sun Umbrellas all
Birus,\Hoaiory of every variety and quality.' .
Ladies will find on inspection our Goods suited'to
their wants unusually complete, and at priccs'which
dltiou of 80 th ° m ' , " t ccann,l,ic ' ul : Another largo ad-
Oarpets, Oil Cloths,
Looking Glasses, Blinds, Furnishing Goods, ic.
J v “ at,o P t no i m o.ttoes, but strive by attention and
Industry to make it the interest of buyers to deal
With us. Wo buy for net cns/i, our prices are always
at tbo lowest possible 'margin.'
; . Constant additions will bo made to out* stock dii- :
nag tbo season. •
; Juno 7, 1860.. ,
Watch anil Jewelry Store,
O, t'onrqrf, former occupant, No, 148 Notth Second
■- ' Street, ' corner of Quarry Street.
Tho undersigned has leased the above premises,
Wfloro ho will keep n largo assortment of Gold and’
Silver Watches, of American, English ; and Swiss
manufacture of tho most celebrated makers,' in ad
dition to which, will bo found always on hand (and
mado to order) nncxtenslvo variety of Jewelry, Sil
ver, and Silver Plated ware,-together with a gene
ral assortment of such -Goods ns'nta Usually kept in
a first class Watch and Jewelry etoro» ' :
Tho patrons of O. Conrad, and those of tho sub
scriber, together with tho-public generally, aro in
vited to call, whoro tlioy Will rocoive a good hrtielo
for their money. As 1 oln determined to do striotly
n cash business, goods will bo sold very low. u Small
profits and QutcJc Sales,” is tho motto of this Eatab
Formerly O. Conrad, No.. 148 North Second St.
corncr.of Quarry,,Philu. .
-Juno 7, IB6o—ly ~
Notice to Fai'mct's l
WHEREAS. George AV. Brandt & Co., find
v ir . kaVe given notice that SEIDtE,
fciiJhRLY CO., are making and selling Grain
with- Pratt’s Cleiihcrt patented, January sth,
loon, attached to them, and;Warning.all persons
Sfnmf or using them under, a penalty of
r /Sr* Ihiß is to notify all persons that tho notice
of George W. Brandt »k Cq t , is wholly untrue in
c\ory particular; and to prove what wo say, wc
herein quote the patent-claimed by Enndnl Pratt,
ns found in Patent Office Report, of 1860, Vol. I;
ingu 320.. It roads as follows: “Claim.—Hang
ing tbe prongs or cleaners P P, so that they can
Vibrato, and connecting, them to tho device which
operate the teeth, so that they will vibrato in an
opposite direction, simultaneously with the' tooth,
to clear them of tho crop gathered, and press it to
gotlier on tlie ground, ns sot fo. tli." This is the
Whole claim of Randal Pratt, rtt I his patent covers
nutliing.nio.rci , Tho combinntiun is the only thing
mtontdil. Any ono, examining, our, machine .will
nshintly sec- there is no such combination. To
avoid all difficulty and to allay all fears, Wo hereby
agree to illdemiiify all aiid every person or persons
who may purchase our fake'against the penalty
threatened ; ahd that the firm, consisting of Fred
erick BBibMi; SAmliel EfcuhLY, and John Botin,
is perfectly responsible* Wo take the liberty'of re
ferring persons to tho following named gentleman:
lion. F. V alts, Huh. J. H. Graham, W. H. Mil
ler.lcsq., Carlisle, Pa.; Ira Day, C. Titzoil, Brindio
* Aciswangelv Jacob Mumnin, licvi Merkel; Bohh
A (larretsoh, Miller A fiber! v> Moohnnioabllr", Pa
Mcoiianieshnrg,. Pa., ‘May 31, 1800—St , ■
. 3,50
T BTTERS of administration on the estate
John Hummel, dec’d., lute of Monroe town
ship, Cumberland county, !?«., have been issued by
the Register of said, county. to the subscriber, rc
sidmg jii flfonfoe township. ,All persons indebted
to said estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and, those having claims will present them
for settlement to
Xo sale.
Xo sale.
Mny 24, ISoo—fit
TN putting this machine into tho market for
A. 1860, we have tho beet grounds for believing that
it is.the machine wanted by the FaMtlerSof Penn
sylvania, and all other agricultural States.
■ The advantages that wo claim in this tiiachldo are
thoso t It has ho side draft, nor is there ally weight
on the horses necks, as the machine is perfectly
balanced. It has also an Iron .Cutter Bar. The
Hake wo claim is tho beat over invented \ it has a
■ rcyolvingmotion, and is composed of two Separate
rakes. It will lay tho grain in sheaves of any size,
(by altering the Rakes, which can be'donclu ft few
minutes) keep tbo butt cuds of the sheaves perfect
ly straight, more so than it can bo done by baud or
any other Reaper in use, • •
The Now. 1 Jersey Reaper and Mower is no lodger
an experiment j it'has heed tested with the most po
pular machines no\v before the public, and invaria
bly sustained 1 itself or' proved more than a match
for the best of thorn, Wo aro at all times ready,
andehullodgo any and every other raaebino in heavy
tangled grass or grain. A boy who is capable of
harrowing with a pair of horses can work this ma
.chide With perfect case. The character of the ma
ohinq is so well khowu that a further description is
ujncccssary. All wo ask is ft fair trial,
Tho subscriber has purchased tho right of the
Dorsey Rftko for Franklin and Cumberland coun
u*s - There aro agents for tho Jersey machine with
the Dorsey Raker, in Shippqnsburg, Chamborsburg
and Grconcastld.’ All orders Sent to us or ourogts.
will receive prompt attention* Tho subscriber has
also an agency for Selling tho right of the Dorsey
lyuker id Pennsylvania, Now Jersey and New York,
and for Various.other machines, Thoso wishing to
purchase nghtS or machines will please call on the
subscriber, residing bn North Hanover street, near
ly opposite Kline’s hotel, Carlisle, Pa.
~ -All. machines warranted to cut Grain and Gross
in a workmanlike manner.
May 24, 1860—4 t
I offer,'luysolf os. a candidate for the office of
Clerk and Recorder of the Courts of Cumberland
county, subject to tho action of - the Democratic
County Convention, and solicit tho support of'my
Democratic friends. GEORGE HOOVER.
Silver Spring tp., May 24, 1860.
undersigned respectfully offers himself aaa
eandidatoTor the office of Glblik op tub Courts,- at
the next election, subject to the decision of the De
mocratic,'County :Convontion.. If nominated ahd
elected, ho podges himself to discharge the duties
of the office with fidelity.
Monroe tp,. May it, 1860.
Thp undersigned offers himself as n candidate
for the office of PiiOTHONcrfAnr, at the election,
subject to tho action of the Democratic County
Convention. .BENJAMIN DUKE.
Smpponsburg, May 10, 1860.
the solicitation of. numerous friends, X am
induced to offer myself as a candidate for the office
of Clerk op the Courts, tho decision of
tuo Democratic County Convention. 1
Upper Allen tp., May 10, 1860.
I offer, myself as a candidate for Register, sub
f'Joct to tho action of tho Democratic Convention, and
[solicit tho support of my Domocratiofriends.
Carlisle, May 10. 1860. • '
Fellow-Citizens :—Having boon" encouraged
I by numerous friends, X offer myself to your eon-.
I sidoratlon_as a candidate for tho office 6f COUNTY
REGISTER,-subject to tho action of tho Demoora
tio County Convention. Should X receive the noth,
l inatlon, and bo elected,. I pledge myself to dis
ohareo; tho duties which miy thereby devolve
upon mo, with faithfulnoaa and impartiality. Ire
apootfully solicit your aupport. ,
April 12, 1860. , . L. J. IV. FOULK.
G A t S T.K^ ht f rB ?® d Wilx Ta POrs can bo had
at Philip Arnold s. •. . • > ■
DeOombor 22,18*59* • ;
■", j. W. i’OIILK, w
A TTORNEY at laf Office with J. B.
i 8”? 1 -’ in Gins!’ Ilow, In roar of First
ProaliytorinnCharob. Allbusinoas entrusted to him
wiH bo promptly attended! to. '
April 20, 1800. - V. , .... i
Nojice.. V
T ETTERS of Admijiistrntion bn the estate
n Lehman, dbo’d,, Into, of Mifflin t’wp.,
Cumberland ooukty, bnvt beet! {salted bytho'Eog
istorof county, to residing In eamo
township. AH persons to' said ostalo are
requested to' make immediate payment, and those
having claims will present them 'to t -
i •. o fl - JOSEPH HENRY, ArfmV.
April 20/1800 J . ; .. .
i Nolice.'
T tcstanjcntary on tho estate of
Mary Cauffman, iatobf the Borough of
Carlisle, have beoniatuod bytho Register ofCum
norland county, lb thb . subscriber-residing in tho
same borough, AH persons indebted to said estate
are requested to tnako-immediate payment, and
those haring claims iHII proaeot them for settlement
l 0.„ .. ; JOS. CULVER, Ex’r.
April 19, 1800^-01
, A I'. SPONSLER has removed hig office
~y~r' , “ ,s now house opposite Glass’ hotel.
Carlisle, March 29. ISOQ—tf -■ • -
■T')®" j ■ M’NITB, has permanently lo
oatod in Papbrtown, whore he intends to prac
tice his profession,, , - i
May 10/1880—3t»
i : | A stock-of good, clean, neat, and tough
jn oils, at the lowest prices. •, Our Nails,.aro worth 50
cents a keg more thananyothor.mahesold in our
town. This is tho opinion of ihoohanibs who have
tried thorn. Wo also have, a . foil ~ assortment of
building materials of tho latest! mid most Improved J
stylos. All goods warranted ormpresonted.-' I
JOUJf P* XtNB <fc BON. . j
May 3, 1860.
Onn GRINDSTONES of oil sijoj. irarran
of tho bost qualitjv Juat rocofvcd at H.
Saxton's. - ‘
; Muroli 8,18 b ; -
No. 4. ■ : v
’ . IIKADQUAttiBBs, Carlisle, May IS, 1800.
TUo order of Major John M’Cartnby,- Brigade In
spootor of, the Ist Brigade, Ifith'Division, of'Ponn
-By'™"'a Uniformed Militio,dirMting the assembling
of the Ist Regiment of Cumberland Volunteers, at
.Carlisle, on Salurday.the instant,
for inspection and roWpW, countermanded.
And in hou of saidordcr,tbolst Kc'glincnt of Cum
berland Voliintcors,comtuatidod by Cdl. Wm M
•Penrose, will assoui'bld. at Carlisle, on Wednesday
the 4th day of Jnlfcnpxtr for the purpose of disol
plino, inspection, , andvrevipw. 1 ; The lino will bo
formed ai dI) o’clock Of.said day, in Hanover street
the right of tbosKogimont resting: in front of the
Court House. ' J.;M. ATißEff, Brig. Qcn
ColntTg. .Ist Brig., ISth Djv. Pa. U. M.
Smv Store and: new Goods,
TIUS undersigned bogs leave to call atten
tion to tllo. fact, that hd has just opened In Now
Kingston, a now and well Selected assortment of
Now Goods, all,fresh and just from tho city, consist
ingof ', . :! ;'.'s';
Dry-Goods, Groceries. Queensware,
; , Hal'd \vare, Boo ; ts & Shoes,
and .111 shorty everyth! hcl '
1 "lu " . everything hclopging to.his lino oi
business, which ho M determined, by strict attention
to business, to and Country
Produce, (or oroijit wdl-bo: given for tbroo or six
months where it is desired by thopurchiflor) Ho
flatlera liimsclf that .witb miioH. experience, ho can
buy ns cheap, and soil as cheap, as any other man.
and would nslt (ho citizens of Now Kingston and
elspwhoro, to giVe him g oall.and s«a his stock of
Goods, Which hO'Will tnko.plbasnro in showing to
all who call, and think of ilo trouble. Please call
: “ Quick sales and
short-ptoßts,!' Will over bo my mottd.
~ 1 ' v C' 1 ’■ ■ is.vac tiEAs. ■
Now Kingston, Majj 24; 1800—St*
Granville stoices’ oift
One Price *nd No Abaletne
No. COT ChcstnntStreet, Storks Irotild,return thanks'to thctwb.
ho for their appreciation of. bis efforts to please, and
their liberalpatronage. . i;,.. ,
In order to keep tip this-kindly fooling, ; ho has
yielded to : Ui6. solicitations of many of bis friends
and . new system, of Gifts wit h cach
Garment sold. - To bis choice selection of fine Fab
rics, and mndp-np pidtblhg, bp. invites the scrutiny
of tho public, ns well .OS td bls uolv mode of doiim
business. ,' Eaob nr.eiclo-istrg*rgntc(l.lo bo in Fabric,
Stylo aiid Make. equal toi,?ny,gotleii:up in tho city
and one price, (lower than 1 the lowest,) marked on
tho ticket, :■ ■{,w
Each article sold,. or i'mcaaurod for, is accompa
nied by a Gift, varying in, value from $1 to §lOO..
N. B.—None but flip moat skilful Designers, Cut
“n,VO'nployod; and satisfaction in
bit, Fashion, Fabric, Pi-ice,and,Gift, guarantied at
GRANvit-Lu StokeS’ one price gift clothing empo
rium, No. 00i Chestnut street, Pliila. , “ 1
May 24, IB6o—ly v : ; ' . •
Just at KEtiurt’a old stand, North
Hanover street, a largo anil complete stock of Men’s
and Boy s Straw. Hots, of all the different styles
and qualities,; all-of.'.which will bo . sold at a small
advance on city prices, l Also ■
Children’s Fancy Caps and Hals,
Afon’s, and Boy’s Silk, Casaimoro, Folt, and Wool
n ■ ?,?tTSr “e'r.styles now ready for inspection,
Say ««Uut Keller's.
Pwi-e Rye Whiskey.
Samuel Grissihger’s make, Brtlndiea,
Wine?, <te., finest Tobacco and Sogora; Staple
Groceries, some'fancy. Goods, suit os fresh Toma
toes, Peaches,: Pino Apple; llaocaroni, Sardines,
Katsups, and London Club;. John Bull, Reading,
Soy, Harvey’s, IVoreostorshiro Sauce,• Essence
of Shrimps, Essence of Anch'ovici, plain and fancy
Pickets 0f:nll the celebrated makes; Preserves, *
Sugar Cured Hams antfDried Beef,
w'ff n “',.F ish ’ M“?tords;of ; nlikind, Quocnswaro,
Wooden Ware, Ac., which; W UI behold at the lowest
prices. • Country'Prpdueo tidton ib exchange.
" ' WM. BENTZ.
Carlisle, May iB6o, f;
■'■Jin. mhs °f} h ' ,r respcotfiuy .informs his friends
and the public generally, that ho', hoe just received
Uis of fashionable: Bummer Goods,
winch _cn«aof be, equalled in quality and jbenuty,
Cassimeres of nil the notv Stales,icatinw, ari nn-
assortment.; Drnp'd'otC, Italian Clolli;
splendid assortment of , ■
all of winch will bo sold per yard pi made to order
on a very lowadvaaceV - , ,
_ A great assortment of .Gontlcttmn's Furnishimr
woods of every description. ! b
Hats and Caps/ ‘ ‘ <■
■ (Trunks, •.
, . Carpet Uni*,
; ‘Umbrolidi, Ac.) Ac,
Tho public will find it to tlieir interest to cnll. aa
0 ho ' d up our Qu!c/:Sale ‘
I^ Jrth . Hoaovor street, bpiiitfc'lSfah^HoMo,
Carlisle, May IT. 18G0. ■ • ‘ .
New Wine and Liquor Store.
, Three doors East, of I n Grocer,, Store,
and facing the Market Molise, Carlisle.
THE undersinned having opfcned a full and.
Mo purest and best
ratiiSSIWXNES AND,-LIQUORS, die invites Hotel
BlttHi, cc P or3 > House keepers, and others to give
Kzprbim a call, being determined to keep a' bettor
article than is generally kept! in tiro country, and at
low prices. . , .A,,.. ...
eholl^ 1^ Pi “f ■ Vin , t “SO. 1852 j Eo-
T,. ( i l! l?T?' v q n ’ Sol,ci(lam ,B c, > na PPB, Moyer's Old
Fish, Old Jam Spirits, N. ri Bum. -
WlNES—Maderia, very.ffld; Sherry, Sweet Ma
a \uiiTaT^? rt «P 18,i0n ' ®* ar l t > Champagne, Muscat.
WHlSKY—Monongaholfcl Pare Old Eye, Bour
bon and common. Whisky. } ■ ' •
:■ Wine Bitters, Demubhns, Bottles, Ac. . -
JS3~ Bottled liquors oMI kinds.
May,ll, 1860, . ..., .. i :
A Card.
I- Sale of Unsealed Luikls.
I tJY virtue of a 'Warrant from under the
band and soiil of offioo of the Commissioners'df
Onmborland county, and t<J me directed, the follow
ing tracts and lots of unseated Band,' sitiiated'in
Cumberland county. Staid of Pennsylvania, will bo
exposed to public sale by public vendue, on Mon*
doy t the IIM day of June, 1860, at tboCourt House,
in fcho Borough of CoHialo, dmintfctLfdroShid, and
continued-by adjournment ffbrt tjrao jte:tim.o until'
tboy are ell sold, or as much of oddh ttndl orlotetas
wm bo sufficient to defray the arrearages tuvthd
State, County, Road, and School taxes due thorctdl
artd costs. A. t. Sl J ONSLM,
Carlisle, April 12, 1860. Co. Treae'r.
No. IiOTS. M r ATinANTKR ttOw.N'F.nS,
11. Jacob Layman,
22. Gilbert Searight,
5. Benjamin Malone,
45- Thomas.o. Miller, jr.
4, Michael Myers,
9. Jacob Myers,
50. Henry Myers,
15. Charles McCulloch,
20. Thomas M’Cune’s heirs,
5. Peter Mullen's heirs,
00; Morrison & M’Oronry,
5. Anthony MycrS,
10. lloWttt-d Myers,
, 7, Phil!)) Myers, .
4, Cornelius Myers,
22. John Myers,
4. John 11. Marsdctl,
5. William Miller,
44.. Nathaniel Wbakloy, ,
10, Jacob Wolf,
10. Michael Weist,
45, Henry Kindig,
0. Adam Counts!,
0. John Counts,
500. Henry Clover, ,
18. Punk’s heirs,
8. .Moses Funk,
12. John Graham,.
12. Thomas Graham,
7. James Grcason,
IQ. Himes’ heirs,
10. Elizabeth Lyno,
9. John Lehman,
3. L. Leshoy Agt, for Frederick,
■ 5. Albert’s heirs,
• 7,’John Gough,'
8, Samuel Gleim,
5; George Spangler,
• 5. David Seoboy,
37. James Townsend,
200. Sami.. Woods sen, heirs,
14. John 2ug,.’
8. John Hemmingel',
25. John Boron,
10. James Bishop,
15. Francis Cblestone,
500, Rogers,
: 17. Peter Beam,
10. John Clinq,
5. Amos Myers, -
5. Meal’s heirs,.
6. John Neeley’s heirs,
V 4. Isaac Bowers, ,
. 3. Joseph Baker,
7. Adam Lerew,
7. Leshoy Lewis,
5. Peter Myers,
4, Solomon Hovetson,
5. Joseph Trimmer,
7. Jacob Griest,
■ 7, Daniel Griest,
: 30. David Duncan,
12. Grove, . :
12. James M’Cullocli,
' ' • Prdnliford Township.
30. Samuel Qrissinger,
1405. Hollcrihack’s heirs,.
2. Smith’s hairs,
92, Mary "Johnson,:.
i 300. John M. Woodbllrn,
i 21. John Hemminger,
| 10. George Washmood,
15, John Hciks,
27. George Drnivbaitgh,
18. John Dunbar, . .
South Middleton Twp.
44. Harbolt & Trump,
44. James Townsend,
9. George Deardorf’s heirs,
io. John M’Glure jr. heirs,
111. Jacob Sheafor, ■
230. Sheafer & Keller,
North Middleton Twp.
Hollenback’s heirs,
Mathew Irvine’s heirs,
David Oapp,
Philip Snell,
Peter Kissinger,
. Monrocl'wp,
1. Martin Diller’s heirs,
1.; William Saxton,
Mifflin Ticp,
94. Edward Biddle,
2048. John M. Wbodburn, tax
: 200. Daniel Boyle,
128. David Barns,
■ 325. Moore iVharton, ■ .
150. Samuel Norton,
100. Sarah Parker,
260. Lydia Parker,
200. William Parker,'
250; Mary Martin,
180. .Rosanna. Martin,
100. Christian Marshall,
• 40. Eleanor, Martin,
50. Jlichard Lake;
100, Archibald Gardner,
100. Ezekiel King,
150. William P. SardnCf,
21. William Moffit,
14. George Buck,
150. Thomas Paxton,
100. Alexander M’Clintook,
200. Mooro Wharton,
150. Thomas 0. Miller,
25. Richard Stevenson,
100. John Cressler,
6. Joseph Williams,
.4. Venus Patton’s heirs,
24. Benjamip Ileberling’s heirs,
5. James Hoover,
200, William H, Woodburn,
24. W.W. Frazier, ■
13. James Fulton, ;
16, John Hoover,.
50. W. C. M’Cunc,
50. Abraham Grove,
16. Daniel Sweigort,
400, John P. Humerich,
New Cumberland,
1. George 1 Carothers, 1 53
1. George Fahnestock, 75
1. ; Abraham Hursh’s heirs, 13
1. Samuel Hursh, 20
1. Luther Martin, 32
1. PfaiHp Smyser, 30
1. Thomas Warren, 53
1. Henry Miller's heirs," 1 10
. 1-J. B. Simmons, 22
1. Peter Simmons, 26
If, Asa White, 1 16
. 2. York & Cumberland Hail B. Co- 182
Hi Owner Unknown.
27. do '
30. do
204. ‘ do . '
158. ' . do.
201. do
170. do
172. do
164. do
78. do
70. do
83. do
220. do
203. do
156. do
JBBB. John;M : . Wbodburn, '
1. John Dunbar’s heirs,
I. Colwell’s heirs;
1. George Wahl;
Dickinson Township.
5. John Brugh,
Neteldii Twp.
6. Joseph Langhlin,'
’2i David Barnhill,
: 46.. liconard Holm,
47•. John Helm,
76. Henry Clever,
: , • Hopewell Twp.
John M, AV r oodburn,
IOOi Samuel Gilmore,
ji, ..Silver 'Spring Twp',
dL tilids Kisshlgcr,
15b David Singer, .
ii Hehry Bbcrly,,
V : Southampton Twp,
AOS, WillittiH Jitlnciiri,
400. JumtJa Ddybr, ‘ ■_ ■
438. John M. Avoodburn,
804. John NicholSoh>
■l. John & Abrm. Roddy;
2. Robert Laird’s heirs,
234. Robcft Scott,
100. Joseph M’Keo,
Hampden Twp.
50. Hettio Quigly,
Tax dde'
S 2 3G
2 42
2 16
2 59
2 97
12 90
1 13
Farming Implement Depot.
GARDNER & CO. now manufacture
. and „«°op constantly FOR SALE, at their
extent ■'o Steam Works on East Main at., Carlisle, a
larjjo assortment of Agricultural Implements, of
well known and approved usefulness to Farmers
among which they would call especial attention to
willocqUdv’s celebrated
Patent Gum Spring Grain Drill,
Which has taken over fifty first class premiums at
State and County Fairs.. To the* farmers of Cum
berland, York and Perfy counties wo need not speak
in detail of the merits of this drill, as scores of thorn
are now m use on the best forms in these counties.
Its reputation is established ns the most complete
“hUttfaettlfed in tlio United States.
It sows Wheat, Rye, Oats, Parley and Grass, ovonly
and regular, Without bunohlUg the Seed. Tho gum
sprmgs pass the drill OVer stulfips atld sidles, with
out breaking pins or the drill. For oVcil add roeu
tho.'Vil,lousllJ l ,v Gum Spring Prill isun
oqnalled by any other, fro also manufacture pnd
l f il fO . y,n £s r !'. clc s' w t ,ich wo can recommend
cLnm'tcn ■ bl “ of cSlubllshcd
Morriaon'e Patent Com Planter,
- **aBK a Patent Strata and Fodder Putter,
Brtdendol/'a Patent Corn Shelter,
dphnaton'a Coat Iron //ops' Tniioh,
■Ham's Patent Cider Mill.
. A1 *°' ®>.h>o fbllf Horto PoWers dnd Throw
ing Machines, Cast Iron Field Rollers, Plough
Castings of Various patterns, Coin Cfushcrs, aSd
other artmlcs for fdrtHel-s too liulflerdUkto HlelltiOn!
Also, Egg Coal Stoves atid ton plate Wood Stoves,
with an immense variety-of other castings for house
keepprs and others. Wo lidfe also lin attractive
variety of pnttor'nS Jbt
8 82
lam SArtijrag
atton'tkm 01 "' 5 ’ oncloaurc3 ' to which-wo wouid cal
To this department of our business wo give par-
BnttoW.?« °n r ? ,road y extensive stock of
puttohia ibt paper, Abut and saw mill geUfiilg; i§
oonstantiy increasing,. Aim dWUiofS and millwfigkts
wdl bo furnished with a printed catalogue of our
various mill patterns on application., Our machine
shop comprises all the various tools, for turning,
a P nd b >‘ ««&
of every desirable capacity, from 10 to 25 hbfso
power, built m tbo best style and on aocomiriodatinrf
terms. Engines built at our establishment may be
scon in successful operation at many of the largest
distilleries and tannneries in Carlisle, lltld CUinb’dt
ferry and Dauphin cos,, to the OiVnefs Of Which wo
confidently refer for information as to theif oflicion
cy. Persons wanting Steam Engines ate earnestly
clscivhcro t 0 Call ancl oxamino before cdntfaOUng
28 25
3 57
• 32
Connected with our establishment ia.a StCalh Sash
n n ?.?r r ,? lanufaot r ory which > 8 ■>« in complete
order for the manufacture of every description of
1 for the most costly as well ns the plainest house.
: Window Sash furnished from five cents upward, ao
-1 ‘ 0 o "“°r 6' ass > Window Frames from sl,3i
upward; Shuttora-and- Bolling Blinds, from 51,78
P»n*VlV fra ” Ca from Sl ’ 75 "Pwardj Four
£ “ 01 . ? ? r v from ®, 2 g 12 , upward. Mouldings, Cas
ings, Architraves, Wash Boards, Brackets, Fancy
buSrtiZ' fn r °- n a , n<i °, thc r otticios needed in hom,
T| he \ at tho i°wost prices, and of the
bes t quality of lumber.- jtSS~ We are also prepared
as heretofore to build and repair BURDEN CAHS
(for transporters on the railroad, with promptness
and on reasonable terms. promptness
fußvlS7 ed tfrl> n F ott h° P “ blic “ rcs P°st
tulty Solicited. . Orders by mail promptly attend,
c&lisle. May 3, Isod. *' <***»*& A- CO.
■ 02
2 05
1 90
3 66
4 00
32 54
14 25
2 28
W Spring Goods.
E are now opening our second arrival of
Spring Goods,, which wo offer to tho citizens
‘ > / C “ r isl ° “d vicinity, at unusually low prices with
tho determination to keep pace with tho times and
Goods? 11411 lOn ° f " ° Ur HouSo " for tolling Cheap
y°.:pawshttse our goods far “CASH,” exclusively,
& ( 0 ? aW,n f.° Sto Sollnt ohonpor rates than
the most favored houses, a fact our friends and cus
tomers should bear in mind. Tho following eom
stock • a ama port l on of our immonac and varied
1 18
1 54
$lO5 43
Plain & Fancy Silks,
Foulard Silks,
. French Jk Scotch Ginghhms,
French & American Chintzes,
• . Dace <fc Silk Mantillas,
Poil do Chevrcs,
■ American Ginghams*
' Valencias,
. Plaids*
, - Shawls.
A very general nssortlutlnt of mourning goods,
NowSkirtoX 8 ' ' C ‘ D ° Uslaa * Sl “"v°od'a
the Most perfect and beautiful skirt ever prodticod,
made with one clasp and Warranted not to got out
order, in 8, 11, IS, SO, 30,3fi, 40, and SO Hoops. The
largest stock of * •
nric. b r.f ght t ° l Carlislc - have' reduced the
price of tho very best quality of Oil Cloths to 50 els!
lor square yard, to which wo invito tho attention of
housekeepers; wo soil them lBwer than they can bo
purchased at any store in the interior of Ptmnsylva
[.‘ la ‘ goods in this line are purchased direct
m ? B f c ?t°kfatod tnanufauturos, and for du
rwii aaunot.ho surpassed. LOOK
ING GLASSES of all sizes and at reduced prices
2 75
2 20
. , Tweeds,
Kentucky Joans,
_ Vestings, Ac., Ac.
Remember We ate dotorminoil not to bo undersold,
and defy oolupotition. A. W. BENT Z.
Carlisle, April 26, 1860.
JOHN P. liVHE dc soar.
ITJ'AVEjwt completed opening thoit Spring
J-JLstbok of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Glass,. AoV, to which tbby juvito tho early attention
of tho public generally. Wo hate greatly enlarged
our stock in all its various branches, and can now
accommodate tho public with
Wo l dotf t or wZ al !b ,Uan wv 01, . at ft 0 lOWOBt Pftnes.—
brn„„w ‘ P° bUo t 0 think that wo have
YorkWml£L G w B “ Philadelphia and Now
, onr town, hut wo can assure them that »
look into our store will oon+inoe them that wo have
enough Hoods to folly supply the demand in this
wanting Goods in onr lino will
“iTantage to give hs before
making their purchases. All orders personally and
csssssa •*.-*
Carlisle, May 3, 1860.
/ 'I2S© 1 * Job' Wofk done at oifice.
IS 20
North Hanover street..
m’’s Readier and Jftlwcr.
Constructed fronvtho first on correct
, Vy principles, it baa always boon eminently sin -
cossftd, and with its present improvements fail v
mooting nil the requirements oftho ago,, it now <U.
JUvall competition. •• ! f . .. . N
■ ; Formers, whp may desire it are'iit'libelfty. to work
dnp of thopb Mqohincs through the iarre*f mlh d«V
d % r ’ ft knr dad PAY- Pon rnr/dfik t>rtEt>Khniai.-
J ThoMaL’hiiid ti-hovfprr/ectly batanc's’d, h’dt ioav--
.**os tl JjbUhd weight on " tbo borsos' 1 nefck;|i#
Oieoiltipii ih reaping mid plowing, in both wot and
nfy l iuptc/ccij it-'cuts the,widestswnrlH, and os nod
made, with tbo lightest draft of any Machine now
•JJL» oi ' cbnMruotod that tho labor,of ratin'^
off is vdry much 'lighUsii'dd) adastor wbooi, on hii on -'
i r .° lr l" ciple ’ ok side; wholly relief
™£ e ? fr ™ *t'cftuh> : Kf the macfiibo IfS.-Wi
Blrdm-in turningi-ond Is so arranged that thd dimin';
T? y ““ d tltro#h'‘'tiVer .phstniTr
turns While in motion tbo Urivori Without fheniio
ofovohtthd odWplibatod machinery' 7 TSriy
and important foaluro'in its imprdvettofit doi-; ,
P cr J e , ct . , a " ari '7t«fn( for separating a.,./
the track trt motcfhg, '■ •>. . ■ *
o’iT i «5 # : ln “ l 6iniplc ’ “Ml'intistnnlial, most dn-
Yabioitthd m everyway,the taost.complete ind ttK-
,Uo “ d: “
The Two-Hofso MadiiiHo (with easy draft for
two horses,) cals a sirstth foot wide,'and ti-
Four-Homo Machine a foot Wlddh For naftidululi
address . • SAMtIEt BRANDT,' •
Writ Oui(ford, Franklin Conntu, Pa.) '
Agent , for Franklin, Adams and Cumberland
counties. James 0. Sample, Agt for Hogcatow.i
and vicinity. ’ ■ , • -
iSS-The various parts of tbo Machine for Rcpui
ring will be kept op hand at convenient points.
May 17, 1860—3 m
■ 48
10 fo
~4 34
33 21
8 70
1 50
1 10
Tailoring Efetnblishtncill..
T«E undersigned would respectfully an
., “ ou , nco ,‘ 0 ‘ho oitisons of Carlisle and vicinity; .
JnbV*^ 8 ?^ t 0 l h,m * olf in tho worn above Dr'.
V °® c ?' dl . rcct 1 | y opposite tho dopdt;
whore ho intends cohdUcting Iho .
Merchant TailoHllg BilsinesS,
in all its Various branches, such as Dress, Frock;
Saquci and Busmcfs dohts; out and made to order
in the latest KcWiofk add Philadelphia Fashions!
Pantaloons Cut by a dotf syStotti, which will givi
tho wearer an elegant appodtaUtJß ttbilo in a stand
injf position, and when in a sitting posture. frill md
[' do , halfway up to tho knees, ns is Usually tho case
Iv'l fl?"! oU i‘L ng j Also, a bcantifnl stylo
«Su to h tbat WIU W I UU° disposed to ride up tj is
Spte C<lBC ' tbcS ° earmcnts ho willin
dnttlng dSHb Sboft. notice, and direclldtls SS ta
making given when desired, . , (
„ ... ■ . J. s. ROCKAFELLoiv.
March 29, 1800—3 m .
Summer Artangtiuciit i
Oumlerldnd Valley diid Jfuntfin Railrod^sf
O* ri^ r Monday; April 16, iB6O, traina
, on the above reads will leave ns follows; (Sim
days excepted:) ' J k
For Ohaniferabmg tb,
Leayo Hngorstbwfi, 6:45 i. -if.
“ Qrooncastle, 7.35 « ,
“ ChamhcrshiAg, 8.30 “ 1.00 p Jr
“ Shippensburg, 9.00 “ 1.32 ’«■'
“ Newville, 9.32 “ 2.04 «1
“ Carlisle, 10.10 “ ' ‘‘
, 'Weehanicsburgj 10,42 S.'io “
ArriVoatHafrisbilrg, 11.12 " 3.Hr “
, For Chnmberalurg & Uagcrtlmcrs.
leave Harrisburg, , 8.05 a. a. 2.15
■ , Moohanicsburg, 8.47 “ 252 “ ■
“ Carlisle, 9.27." a.'go « v
" IfcWyiilo, 10,34 " 4104
. 10.34 ,l 4133 «
" Chamb’g. (air.) 11.00 « 5.10 “
“ Greoncastle, 6.00 " '
Arrive at Hagerstown,' ' ■ ‘ 6.40 " " 1
_Passongors will observe that there is but bni
IVurn a day, (a Passenger and Freight Train eom
bmed,) over the Franklin Rond, connecting with
S3S# Harrisburg at 8.30 a. ,it, and with.the train
ttmriag/rom Harrisburg at 6;j)0p; jc..
Aplil 19, 1860. . ■’ tULI " Ha * i:
foreign and Domeslid Liquors.
XJDWABI]/ SHOWBR rospectfillly innoun-
J-J oes to the public,' thlit he continues to keep oonr
stantly on hand, dud fbf sale, a largo and very su
perior assortment 6f ,
Fdtergti arid Domestic Liquors,
at his a few dooft west of Hannon’s Ho
tel, and ditocuy SOUth of tho Court-house, Carlisle
brandies, :
■' ■ All of ihoico Brands.'
Shorry, Port, Madorin,Lisbon, Chifel: N«-
tivo. Hock, Johannisbcrg, and ButWhcim
• or.
y Ll '‘'l er *1 Co., and imperl-
wnrcm?*”’ Lioa ' an<i ■
Superior Old Kyo, Choice Old idiiWy lfoo.
ait. T.,t ar Scotch, and Irish, .- ,
ALE, DROWN STOUT, Ac. Boat to be had in
■ Pmmdolpbia.
Of the Very beat quality, . .
Seniors and others dsslfing a Ptfßt ARTICLE
Will find it as represented, as hia Whole attention Will
““ t O . “ Proper and cflfcftil selection of. his'
BIOCK, which cannot bo surpassed, arid bonds to
have the patronage of the public. • ,
Carlisle, April 12, ISBO.
Fresh Arrival of Boots & Shots.
’l/'ERY tight times at present! So it will
nL. ° e 77, por3on ’ s in ‘ oroat ‘o out for cheap
Bouts and Shoos and safe the dimes, and the very
place to accomplish this object is at the old corner
Known as a shoo store for many years, directly on.
positc Burkholder's old stttfid, now (Jiass’ hotel So
h? Ta 808 for youfludros and saVo InoHey, as you
Will find a oomploio assortment of nil kinds of (roods
Jjjfcl 10 the BOOT and SHOE line, ntld of tho
fHj very best make. Remember tho lowest price
is not always tho cheapest! . You Will
find our prices Varying, according to the quality of
the article. ,
; The subscriber has just returned from the eastern,
cities with a largo and complete stock of Boots an?
Shoes. Ho also keeps oti hand home-made W’ofS
to sail tho tirdcs add tfado, at tho lowest cash price/. -
iuen S'calf and kip sotted and pegged boots.
Men's fine French citlf boots*
Men's kip, calf and goat Brogans/
. Mon's and Boy’s calf, buff and patent leather 1
Congress gaiters..
Fatontlcathor Oxford Ties.
Men's and Women’s cloth, IciUhcf find carpet'
Slippers. .
Ladles' and MisScS black find cohered gaiters*
Ladies', Misses and Children's kid eas'd Fronclf.
moroco slippers. v.
Ladies* kid, French and goat Burkins and Ties.,
Women's ntid children’s tfork of oil kinds"at
Just received a lot of chl/droif's copper toed shoes'.*
. Repairing done tft short noiitfo.
Thankful for past fafoh?, ho hoptrS to receive a’
share of public patronage/
, Carlisle, April /ff,.dS60 —Cm
I A fresh and general aaaoft'-
( ment of Groceries constantly,
I on hand, embracing tho boat qualities in the mm
p;V.™ oh r aa Sugars', Spices, Table Oilf,’
Pioklos, Crackcfg, Mabafoni, Citron, Raisins, ar
"“ I * aa . all tbo ▼Mwbea belonging to a good grocery
finest toE ° tllCr * lth a Buitabl ° asaortmontof tho
Syrupß & Molasses’, Maclcafel, Salmorti
Baskets, Tubs, Chbrna, and other articles for hotiso-'
hdld usO| including a fine assortment of
Chind, Glass & Qufeens#£re,
She public have our thanks for tho liberal ci-l
tronngo hostOWcd upon' us in' tho' pash Wo hone 1 to'
merit a share of thoV custom in thoft,turc“ P
April 10, 1860. J, W, EBY. •
LETTERS testamentary on thff estate of
Daniel Rrots, ddo’d., lain oT E&thpdelS townshipi'
uumberland county,-have - heed isihodby lh« ItOgiT
tor of said county, to tho subscribers; the first'niufiV
od living in Hampden township, and the lastnamed
J°wor Alien tqwnahip. Alt persons indebted to
said estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and those having claims wilt present them’
for settlement to ~ . ;
JACOB BBETZ, , )_ , .
. „ „ JACOB LONGSDOBF, / E * "•
' April 20, 1800—fit* . ■ J