The Best Wealth. 1 Tb&gVfat struggle with civilized men in 1 hiij world ia for 'wealth.' This is called the pi-ime gofld, the one thing needful, the great Utslderataiu of -life. So men toil for it; sac rifice case, comfort, health for it; deceive, cheat, defraud for it; give time, strength, and too'pften good character for it._ The truth is, the estimate put upon wealth is too high, tts value, its good is over-rated. It is not the great good. It is not the pearl of groat price. K is'not the best thing man can have. It does not confer peace of mind, nor purity o heart, heartfelt happiness nor contentment, iior homoMor, nor social blessedness, nor any oftho solid and enduring enjoyments. * 'Wealthy homes are not often happier than those' of the- poor and comfortable livers. iPbvefty is always an evil; but a fair »f the necessaries and comforts of life is quite as apt to confer real peace, as great wealth. It is not gold nor goods, therefore, that makes inen really wealthy. The best wealth is of the heart, an enlightened mind,_ a loyal con science, pure affections. He is wealthiest who has the largest- stock of wisdom, virtue npd'loyo—whoso heart heats with warm sym pathies for his fellow men, who finds good in all seasons, all providences, and all men. Inc generous man who pities the unfortunate; the pure mau who resists temptation; the wise man who orders well his life.; the loving man whp clings closely to his family, and friends; the studious man who seeks instructionsm all things, are the truly wealthy .men. PiiUDENTiAL UoniiEßV. —Prudence 1 But what is prudence ? Not meanness—not to possess a uigardly disposition. Tobe prudent is not to he wasteful; hut to save every thing you can for your own and others’ use—a pin and a penny, a crust of bread and n potato, a scrap-of paper and an incli of This disposition is far' removed from' parsimony, ana is a virtue which all should appreciate.— It is painful to witness the waste in some fa milies. largo pieces of bread are suffered to mould, and are then given to the hogs; - pota toes become sour and are useless, and the leavings of a good meal to-day are thrown away, when they might answer for to-mor row’s dinner. With such people it is waste, waste, waste, and nothing hut waste. Wood Is. lavishly thrown upon the fire, chairs and tables are broken, and from the garret to the collar the house looks as if some stray holt of lightning had been wandering about. We love economical people—we do sincere-. IJr—and never have'wo had reason to complain of their meanness. Everything about their dwellings looks neat and tidy, and when you all.ait down to a meal, you con eat comforta bly, without thinking of the peck of dirt.— Mrs.. Gage. . Logic of onn Institutions. —A good story, all the better for being undoubtedly true, is told ofan interview between a very distin guished American and the present Pope.— His Holiness, designing a special compliment, had expressed his desire , that the American should visit him, at a fixed hour and in a fa miliar-way. This was accordingly done. . The Popo'met his visitor most graciously, and very soon expressed his great gratification that Roman Catholics enjoyed such unrestrict ed liberty in the United States.. Without waiting to calculate the embarrass ment which his remark, would occasion, fol lowing hastily tho-first impulses of his nature, the American accepted the compliment to his country, and expressed the hope that His Holi ness would fcciprooato this privilege of liber ty to his own spiritual children, by granting no equal lib'erty to Protestants in the Roman States. The embarrassment of the Pope was in stant, and the American discovered the unea siness which he had occasioned, hollowing then his next impulse to remove this embar rassment, the American added, “Hut we catry out the logic of our institutions.’.’ “Yes, yes,’.’ exclaimed the Pbpo, lifting and dropping repeatedly his hands, ns if ex travagantly gratified by a happy deliverance; “’yes, yes, wo carry out the logic of our insti ■ lotions!” And so wedp r That 1 , is- the-difference;— Protestantism carries out its logic in freedom XJomanism its logic in despotismthe one has made the United States, the other has mildc ItOme;. ' . Flowering Plants.’ —A gentleman who has been remarkably successful in propaga ting flowering plants, and especially the more tender kind' of greenhouse plants, gives the following account of his method: M jyiy.material is brick dust—the refuse, of :tho lain after burning—or what may bo made by taking soft bricks and pounding them up, Eribugh may be had at any brick yard for a mere trifle, to last a great while—but I think the fresher it is the better. For those plants more difficult to root, such ns dephenos, heaths, capo josamines, etc., I fill shallow cutting pots entirely, with brick dust, (except about on inch at the,bottom, which is filled with coarse lamps of bricks, to secure a good drainage.) Eor plants that root more easily, I use half brick .dust and half sandy, loam. ICT^'Mrs.. Sarali McCauley was buried in Philadelphia on the 29th ult., from the resi dence of her mother.. The deceased was for-, jnorly Miss Sarah Mercer, and she figured prominently in a painful tragedy which took place seventeen or eighteen years ago.. In consequence of a wrong done this young lady, Iter brother (Singleton) shot Hutchinson Ho'r berton, while in a carriage, on a ferryboat in the dock, on the Jersey side of the' river.— Young Mercer was tried at Woodbury, and acquitted 'on. the-ground of insanity., TJio-af fair caused an intense excitement at tho timo. Miss Mfercer, who was a very beautiful girl, married a young gentleman of Philadelphia, but they wore soon afterward divorced; She .subsequently married Dr. J. B. McCauley, of New York. She was about 35 years of ago at the time of her death. .Singleton Mercer wont to Norfolk, ns a nurse, at the time of the terrible fever there, in 1855, and ho fell a vic tim to the’scourge. Ilis, remains lie at. La urel Hill, along with the. other Philadelphia victims of the epidemic. .Fahewell Dinner.—On the 3d of March, 1797, Washington gave a farewell dinner, to which many of the leading persons at the seat of Government wore invited.’ Those wore ohldfly the officers of Government and mem bers of the diplomatic corps, with their wives. Bishop White, whoso sister was the wife of Bobort Morris, whs present, and described sonto of tho.ovents of the banquet, “During the dinner," wrotedlio Bishop, “much hilari ty prevailed ; but on the-removal of the cloth, it was put an end to by the President—cer tainly. without design.. Having filled his glass, ho-addressed the company, with a smile on his countenance, saying, ‘Ladies and gen tlemen, this is the last time I shall drink your health as a public man. Ido it with sinceri ty, and wishing you all possible happiness.’ There was an end to all hilarity; and the cheeks of Mrs, Liston, wife of the British Minister, were wet with, tsars.” Tire Commonwealth Bank Counteufeot. Ih relation' to the bogus bills on this bank which made their appearance two weeks ago’, the Philadelphia papers say that there is but very little difference between the genuine and the-counterfeit. The- chief difference is that in the vignette the genuine has printing on, the bill posted up against the door out of which the man is coming with a bag on his ehoulder; the counterfeits have none. The scrollwork surrounding the figure 5 in the upper right hand corner of the genuine is close to the fine,lino running across the right hand of the bill; on tho counterfeits it is one oighth of an inch from tho lino! , Some man's honesty and decorum are phan tona that feed oh tho air of public opinion, and hko tho obamoloon, change as often as their Important Hews! To ihc Citizens of Carlisle and vicinity.' Philip Arnold hns : just received from tho eastern cities, the largest, best and cheapest assortment of Goods, over brought .to this market I can assure my customers that I have studied their interest ns well as my own, by purchasing tho new est and most desirable 1 Goods ih my lino.- My stock consists injiart of Ladies’ Dress Goods. Such as Lawns, Lawn Robes, Berogcs, Borego De laines, Foil Du Chene, BnUcrinos, Deboges, bared and plain;. Dxcss Silks of all kinds, Foulards and Alpacas. Embroideries. French Worked Collars, UndCrsloovcs, Handker chiefs, Flouucings, Edgings, Laces; Insortiugs, Ac. , Shawls and Mantillas.. Stella, (of every description,) Clmsmcro and Thi bet shawls. Mantillas of difliront kinds. Domestic Goods. Muslins, Tickings, Ginghams, Checks, Oenahurgs, and linen und Cotton Sheetings. Gloves and Hoisery. A large lot of Hoisery and Gloves, such as men’s, women’s, and children’s. Gloves and Iloiscry of all kinds. Gentlemen’s Wear. Cloths, Cnsslmcrca, Cashmorota, Denims, Cptton ftdes, Blue Drillings, Linen chocks, Joans, bared and plain. Bonnets and Ribbons. A very beautiful assortment of bonnets and rib bons. Shaker’s bonnets for children. Skirta. —Hooped skirts of all kinds, from 25 cts. to $3. Carpets and Oil Cloths. . Ingrain, Venetian, throe ply, Velvet,, Brussels, rag and. hemp Carpets. Oil cloths of all widths. Matting. —White and colored matting, and cocoa 'matting. Trunks and Carpet Bags. A large assortment of Trunks and Carpot Bags. I would respectfully nsk the ladies of Carlisle and vicinity, to call and examine for themselves.. I feel confident of being able to offer bargains seldom mot with. Bemomber the old stand, a few doors cast of the Carlisle Deposit Bank April 5, 1800 Good Sews for the People. Go to LEIBICII & SAW VT~ir7T YER’S new store, East Main street, and see'thcir beautiful stock of Spring and Summer Goods. - Now is the time to make your spring and summer purchases. . Having selected our stock with unusual care from the leading importing houses 'of .Now York and Philadelphia, and availed ourselves of the entensivo auction sale of Van, Wych, Townsend & Co., they can offer great inducements, to the buying public. Our stock comprises the latest kinds and stylos of Dress and Fancy Goods, Sucli as figured, plain, barred and striped Silks, in all their varieties. Double jupo robe Silks, illumi T nated Foulards, India Silks, reaF French Challics, Crape Grenadine, spring Valentias and Poplins, Flounced Bareges arid Lawns,', Barege Ang\ois, Crape' mnritzo in all colors, Milaniso Cloth, French and Organdy Lawns. MO URNING DRESS GOODS of every descrip tion of Besson's latest importations. Shawls. A large assortment of Shawls of all kinds and qxial ities. Light cloth mantles, splendid silk Dustors, French lace points and BurnoV-’s Shantilla. inan -llosj Sun Umbrellas and Parasols,! Alexander's Kid Gloves, Gauntlet mitts, Spring Gauntlets; Hosiery of all kinds and sizes; Embroideries of every de scription. Hals, Bonnets, Shaker Bonnets, Bonnet Ribbons and Trimmings, Dress Trimmings. ■ Hoop'Skirt*,— Wilcox's celebrated Gourd ,Trail Skirt, selling very cheap. Men’s and Boy’s wear suitable for' the season!— Hats, Hosier}', Neck Ties, and-all other kind's of ifuruishing goods. Carpet*, OH Clothe, Matting, Looking Glasses, -Shades and' Blind materials. All kinds of house keeping goods. As wo have just gone into this •branch of trade, customers will find our slock’ticio nnd/rcfl7r.- ’ Constunnt additions of desirable Goods will bo jToccivcd-during the season. Please call at LEIDICU & SAWYER'S. April ID, 1600. Tile only Preparation Worthy of Universal Confidence and Pa tronage. ' FOR Statesmen, Judges, Clcrgymcn,.Ladies and Gentlemen, in all parts of the "world testi fy to tlie efficacy of Prof. 0. J. Wood's Hair Resto rative, and gentlemen of tho Press aro unanimous in its praise. A few testimonials only can bo licro given; .sec circular for more, and it will bo impossi ble for you to doubt. • - 47 Wall Street, New York, Dec. 20th; 1858. ; Gentlemen: Your note of the 15tb inst., has been received, saying that you heard that I had been benefited by tbo use of Wood's Hair Restorative, and requesting my cortificuito of tbo fact if I had no objection to give it. I award it to you cheerfully, because I think it duo. My age is about 50 years; tho dolor of my hair auburn, and inclined to curl. Some five of six years since it began" to turn gray, and tho scalp'on the crown of my head toloso its sensibility and dandruff to form upon it. Eaoh of these disagcubililics in creased with time, and about four montbs siuco a fourty was added to them, by hair •falling off tlio top of my head and threatening to make me bald.. . In this unpleasant predicament, I was induced to try Wood’s, Hair Restorative/ mainly to arrest the falling off of my hair, for I had really no expecta tion that gray hair could over bo restored to its ori ginal color except from dyes. . I was, however, great ly surprised to find after tho use of two bottles only, that not only tbo falling off was arrested, but the color was restored to tho gray hairs and sensibility to' tho scalp, and dandruff ceased to form on my . head, very much to tho gratification of my-wife, at whoso solicitation I was induced to try it. Per this, among tho many obligations I owb to her sox, I strongly recommend all husbands who value'tbo admiration of their wives to profit by ray example, and uso it if growing gray or getting bald, j Very respectfully, BEN. A. LAVENDER. jTo 0. J. Wood it Co., 444 Broadway, Now York. * Siamaston, Ala., July 20th, 1859. ! To Prop. 0. J. Woom Dear Sir; Your '‘Hair Restorative” has clone my hair so m’uoh good since I commenced the use of it, that I wish to make known to the PUBLIC of its effects' on tho hair, which aro great. A man or woman may bo nearly deprived of hair, and by n resort to your “Hair Re storative,”. tho hair will return , more beautiful than ‘ over jat least this is my experience. Believe it all! Yours, truly,. • WM. 11. KENEDY. P.‘ S.-r-Yoiican publish the above if you like. By 'publishing in our Southern papers you will getmoro patronage, south. I,see several of your certificates in the Mobile Mercury,. a strong Southern paper. W; H. KENEDY. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. PnoPESSon 0. J. Wood: Dean Sin; Having had tho misfortune to lose tho best portion of my hair, from tho effects of tho yellow fever, in Now. Orleans in 1851, I was induced to mako a. trial of your preparation, and found'it to answer as tlio yory-thing needed. My hair is now thick and glossy,,and no words can express niy obligations to you in giving to tho afflicted’such a treasure. FINLEY JOHNSON: ’ The Rostorativo is put up in bottles of three sir zos, viz: large,medium,and small; tho small holds pint, and retails for one* dollar per bottle; tho medium holds at least twenty per cent, more in pro* portion than tho small, retails for two dollars per bottle; the largo holds n quart, *lO per cent, more in proportion, and retails for $B. O. J. AVOOD *fc COi, Proprietors, 444 Broadway, Now York, and 114 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. • And sold by all good Druggists and FancyjGoods Doalcrs. . '* April 5, IB6o—3in - pr. Esemveln’s Tar and ITood NAPTHA PECTORAL. IS tho best Medicine in tho world for tho euro of Coughs and Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma Difficulty in Breathing, Palpitation of tho Heart, Lipthoria, and for tho relief of patients in tho ad vanced stages of Consumption, together with all dis eases of tho Throat and Chest, and which predispose to Consumption. 1 : It is peculiarly adapted to tho radical cure of Asthma. Being prepared hy a practical physician and Druggist, and one of proof experience in the curd of the various diseases to which tho human frame is liable. It is offered to tho afflicted with the greatest confidence. Try it and bo convinced that it is in valuable in tho euro of Bronchial affections. Price 50 cents per bottle. Prepared only by Dr. A. Escn wein & Co., Druggists and Chemists, N. W. Corner Ninth & Poplar Streets, Philadelphia. J!S- Bold hy every respectable Druggist and Dealer in Medicine throughout tho State. April 5, 1800—ly TO be had at hJBY'S some of the choicest No. I MACKERAL, over offered in Carlisle. December 32, 1850. A (BARD THOMAS SI. BIDDLE; Attorncy-at-Law, ■No. 273 South Fourth clrcot, Philndolphiiu December 22, 1359—Qm . . I H. HEWSHAMr ATTORNEY AT LA W. OFFICE With Wm. 11. Miller, Esq., South Hanover street, opposite tho Volunteer Printing Office. , . * Carlisle, Doc. 22,-1850—tf. 1 - • „ S. V. RUDY. ATTORNEY at JjAAV. Office in Rheem’s Hall, rear of the Court House, Carlisle. Carlisle, Dec. 22,1369. JOHN HATS, ‘ ATTORNEY AT LAW. . OFFICE opposite “Marion Hall/' AVost Main street, Carlisle, Pa, Carlisle Deo. 22, 1959. ’ ■ J. J. RENDER, 31. D. Homceopathist physician, sur gcon and Accoucheur. Office South Hanover street, formerly occupied by Dr. Smith. Darlislo, Dec. 22, 1859. DR. JNO. K. SMITH respctfqUy announ ces to his old friends and former patrons, that bo has returned from his South-western tour, with his health greatly improved, aud has resumed prac tice in Carlisle. , - Office on Mum street, one door west of the.. Rai lroad Depot, where he enn be found at all hours, day and night, when not out professionally. - Carlisle, Dec.. 22, 1659. mmisra*. DR. i. c. looms, djejt- TISX. . South Hanover Street, next door to th? Post Of fice. ‘ N. B.—Will be absent from Carlisle the bit ton days of each month. , Carlisle, Beq. 22, 1859. PHILIP ARNOLD, Fi'om the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. Office at the residence of his mother, East Leath er street, three doors below Bedford. Carlisle, Boc. 22, 1859. . Wcw Cppl and Dumber Yard. THE subscribers bare this day entered into part nership to trade in COAL AND LUNBER.— R’i! will bavo constantly on hand and furnish to or der,'all binds and quality of SEASONED LUMBER, stioh as Boards, Scantling, Joist, Frame Stuff, Pal ing and Plastering Lath, Shingling Lath, Worked Flooring,' Weatherboard ing, Posts,'Rails, and all kinds of Shingles, to wit: White Pino, Hemlock, Chcsnut, and Oak, of different qualities. Having oars of our own wo can furnish bills to order of any length and sizo at tho shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Our worked boards will bo‘ kept under cover so that .they can bo furnished dry'at all times. ®Wo will constantly have on hand all kinds .and clean part of the borough, to wit: Lykons Valley,^Luko erton, Broken, Egg; Stove and Nut Coal, which wp plcdge ourselves to sell at the lowest prices. . • Best quality of Ijimchurnors’ and Blacksmiths' Coal always on hand at the lowest figures. Yard -west side of Grammar School, Main St. ARMSTRONG & HOFFER. Carlisle, Deb; 22,1859. ... Mew Coal Yard, : AT THE .WEST END OF CARLISLE. . THE subscriber -would respectfully call the attention ' of Limehurnors and the citizens of Carlisle, and tlio surrounding country generally, to his "NEW COAL YARD, attached tohlaWaro House, i on "West High street, where ho wilVkcop constantly on hand a largo supply Lylccns Valley f - Lnlcc Fidlcr, Pine Orove, and Treverton, Broken, Egg oik? Nut Coal—acrcon cd and dry, all of which . sell llt the lowest possi bio prices.. Best qual ity of Limcburucrß' and Blackmithe* Coal always on hand. . All orders left at the Ware House, or at his residence in North Hanover'fctrcct will bo promptly attended to . * , J. W. HENDERSON.- Carlisle, Dec. 22, 1859—tf. NEW ARRANGEMENT. after Monday, 23d May, 1859, tlie . subscriber will run a DAILY TRAIN of CARS, between Carlisle and Philadelphia, leaving Carlisle every morning, and Philadelphia every evening.— All goods loft at-tho freight Depot of Peacock, Zell & Hinchman, Nos.’BoB and 810 Market Street, will bo delivered in Carlisle tho next day. . J. W. HENDERSON,. Wc*/ High Street, Carlisle, Pa . Carlisle, Dec. 22, 1059. JOHN EARLY. J. R. NONEMAKKR. Forwarding & commission house, FIiOUR & FEED, Tho subscribers having taken tho Warehouse, cars and fixtures of William B. Murray’s well known es tablishment, on AVost High Street, opposite Dickin inson College, "would inform tho public, that they have entered'into a general Forwarding and Com mission business. Tho highest market prico will ho paid for Flour, Grain and Produce of all kinds. They are also predared to freight produce find stock to Philadelphia and Baltimore, at tho lowest rates, with safety and despatch. Plaster, and Salt kept constantly on hand, and Flour and Feed at wholesale or retail. IJmehurners , and Blacl;smxths t Coal, constantly for sale. Kept under cover, and delivered dry to any part of tho town. Pissolullou of Pai'lncrslilp. THE partnership heretofore existing under the firm of -Shrom & Black has this day boon dissolved by mutual consent, therefore wo would so licit all those indebted to come and settle their ac counts and alMhoao having claims will ploasb pre sent them for settlement. Jan. 3, BOO; THE business ■will hereafter ho continued at the old stand of Shrom Remember the place, North Hanover St., nearly opposite the Deposit Bank. Carlisle, January‘26, 1800. Wall Paper. I HAVE on hand, some ton tons of WALL PAPER, of tho finest and best quality that has :ovorbcon offered in. thia plqco, having purehaeed it of tho manufacturers in Now York. Also, Win-' dow Blinds, Shades and fixtures, Fire Board Prints,- Ac., all of which ho will soil very low and exclu sively for cash. January 26, 1860, Carlisle Marble Yard. . RICHA BOWEIV. South Hanover street, opposite Bentos' Store, . Carlisle. THE subscriber lias on hand a largo and well selected stock of Hcad-Stoacs, Monuments, TOMBS, Ac,., of chaste and beautiful designs, which ho will sell at the lowest possible rates, being desi rous of soiling out bis slock. Head-stones finished from throe dollars upwards. Brown Stone, Marble work. Mantles, Ac.,-for buildings, marble slabs for furniture, Ac., constant ly on hand. Iron railing for ccmotry lots, Ac., of the best Philadelphia workmanship, will bo prompt ly attended to. Carlisle, Dec. 22, 1859. REDUCTION IN PRICES. AW. Bontz announces to the public and • bis customers, that in accordance to his usual custom at this season of tho year, bo has reduced tho prices of bis stock of FAIVCI DRY ROODS, wliioh comprises many choice and beautiful descrip tions of WINTER DRESS GOODS, such as ail Wool Merinocs, plain and figured, all Wool De laines, plain- and figured, Coburgs, Valencias, Do- Lames, all wool, Plaids, &'c., Ac. SHAWLS of every variety at extremely low pri ces. * A beautiful lot of FANCY SILKS of every style and color, and at lower rates than can bo'pnrobasod olaowboro in Carlisle. FUJiS AND CLOAKS. A splendid assortment of Furs and Cloaks yet on hand, which wb aro determined to close out without regard to COST. In fact our whole stock is now of taring at unusually low prices. Persons will find it to. l thpir decided advantage to call and examine for themselves, as great bargains may bo oxpeoiod tbo closing season. Carlisle, Jan. 12, 1860, Ladd, Webster & Co. Improved Tight Stitch SEWING MACHINES, On Exhibition and for sale at Mrs. R. A.’ Daguorrean Rooms, 2nd door west of Dr. Zitzor’s Of fice, Carlisle. 1 Call or bond for a circular to „ „ W. 11. MASON, Agent, Carlisle, Dee. 22, IB6o—tf. J pEARL STARCH. i 60 boxos of superior !Pearl Starch now in store, and for sale at lowest city cash prices, either whole sale or retail, by I w ttiv . ApriUO, 18G0.' ~ .V"' ' CtoamtooislmrgFcmalcScmluaiy milß locution ia f^Tsom^ni^Vea X the advantages are equalled by . n" tsfutili “e— OU ibm Hb Of February. Catalogue? may bo bad on app to the Principal. clis i o . Bcv. J. ’ p„ . Jlon. Goo. Chambers, D. b. bouncca, ary< ■ ml: SAIiAII K. BEEVES, , • -January 20, 1800-ly Frtnepale. First Arrival P« Spring «oods. THE subscriber 'respectfully info™* •''» friends and customers generally, that ho has just received and opened, for the spring trade, ft largo and beautiful assortment of MEN’S AND BOYS’ WEAR, comprising a great variety gt the latest alyl?, of goods, a few of which may bc raon tlo ncil, viz :-rinc black, blue, drab, brown, and green French Cloth, fine French doeskin Cassimoro m largo quantities, beautiful silk mixed Cassimeros and Tweeds, a great variety of Vesting of all kinds. Also, a very largo stock of LINEN and COTTON GOODS. Also, ex tra qualities of English solo-leather TBIINh S, Va lises, Carpet Bags, and Umbrellas, all of which will be sold at the cheap Gentlemen s Furnishing Store, at the very lowest taring North Hanover tlrcel, oppoiile the American Home. . March 29, 1360. ; fTHE subscriber has just returned from the. X eastern cities with the largest, cheapest, and best selected assortment of Hardware, ever offered in this county. Every thing kept in a largo whole sale and retail Hardware stora, can bo had a little lower than at any other house in the county, at the cheap hardware store of the subscriber. , ‘ Nails and Spikes.—so tons Nails and Spikes just received of tho very best makes and all warranted. Country merchants supplied with Nails at.manu facturer's prices. .... V COO Muir Trace Chains of all kinds, with a large assortment of butt chains, halter chains, breast do., fifth chains, log chains, tongue chains, cow chains, Ac., Ac. Hames.— 36o pair of Hames of all kinds just re ceived. Common pattern, Loudon pattern, Eliza bethtown pattern, with and without patent fasten ings, cheaper than over. . Paints and Oils. —lo tons While Lead, 1000 galls. Oil just received, with a largo , assortment of Var nishes, turpentine, japan, putty, litharagc, whiting, glue, shellac, paint brushes, fire proof paint, Flo rence while, white zinc, colored zinc, red lead, lard oil,, boiled oil, sperm oil, fish oil; Ac. Colors of every description, dry and in oil, in cans and tubes., ’ Farm Bclls.-^ust -received the largest, cheapest, and best assortment of Farm Bells in the county. Grocncastlo metal and 801 l metal, warranted not crack. ■ . •- ‘Powder, —2s kegs Dupont Rock and Rifle Pow der, with a large assortment of Safety Fuse, Picks, Crowbars, Stone Drills, Stone Sledges, Stone Ham mers, Ac. Pumps and Cement.—so barrels Cement, with a very largo assortmont of Chain and Iron .pumps ot all kinds, cheaper than ever at tho Hardware store of HENRY SAXTON. Carlisle, March 8, 1800. „ To Parcztfs and Guardians. THE TUSCAIWRA FEMALE INSTITUTE. THIS Institution is located at Academia; Juniata county,,Pa., 8 miles from thePenn'a;, Railroad, at Patterson station, and C miles from tbo Perrysville station. , The Academic Year consists of two. Sessions-of five months each. The Summer Session with which the School opens, will commence on Tuesday, the Ist day of May, IB6o,and will close on Saturday, the 29th September, 1860, and tho Winter Session, on Thursday, the Ist day of November, 1860, and close Match '3oth, 1861. Board including Fuel, Light and Tuition in tho Primary and Collegiate Departments, per term, payable in’adyancc, $75-00, Washing, per dozen, ' 3S , Lessons on Piano or Gui tar, according to length, $l6, $20.0r $25 per Soss, Use of Piano or Guitar, ac cording to time, . Drawing or Flower Pain ting, Ancient or Modern Lan • guages, each, When Fire is required in Sleeping Booms, each pupil, Scats in Church . Free. Young ladies met at tho *ahovo stations and convoyed to the Institution, if. a short notice bo given by letter, addressed to tho-Principal at Academia, Juniata comity. For circulars or other •information address tho Principal at the,above of fice. DAVID SIDE. , REV. W, G. E, AUNEW, Prineijpat. March 15, 1860—2 m THE entire stock of elegant assorted Dry Goods, at the store of OHAS.:OGILBY, will be sold off at’cost, and many articles below cost. Now is the time to get bargains, us the whole stock must bo closed out in a short time. Silks, Delaines, Challics, Prints, Muslins, Cloths, Cassimeros, Ac., in great variety. Looking Glasses, all sizes. In grain, Three Ply, Hemp and Vonitiun Carpeting, very low. . DAVID' SIPE. Persons can now supply themselves with Spring Goods very cheap. March 8, 1860. ' THE subscriber has received a fresh arrival of tho following: Fresh Tomatoes in cans,' • “ Peaches “ r u Salmon « • . Lobsters . Pickled Lobsters, Sardines, Gollatinc, Sap Sago Cheese, Virgin Oil of Aix, for the table, Olive do., stuffed. . . ’ Tomato Katsup, . Walnut “ Muahroon tl Worcestershire Sauce, Pickles, Baisins, Dates, Figs, Nectarines, Oran ges, Lemons.. Ac. Fine Hams, Dried Beef, Groceries, Fine Liquors, Fish, and all at the low est prices. WM. BENTZ. Carlisle, Doc. 22, 1859. • . ’ . . CARLISLE AGENCY. For, Indemnity against Loss by Fire. THE FRANKLIN EIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, Charter Peiyetual.—Si oo,oos Capital Paid in—Office 163 J Chestnut Street. MAKE INSURANCE, either permanent or limited against loss or damage by firo, on Prop erty and Effect, of every description, in town or country, on tho most reasonable terms. Application made either personally or by letter will bo prompt ly attended to. The subscriber is agent for the above Company for Carlisle and its vicinity. All applications for insurance either by mail or personally will bo promptly attended to. . April 12, 1860, Croat Redaction In Prices. T have this day commenced soiling off my ~.entire stock of winter Goods at greatly reduced prices; French Morinoos, Shawls, 'Furs, Cloaks, lilannols, &0., at cosf/all other Goods at uncommon ly low prices. Carpeting at cost. ’ ’ The stock is now largo and complete. Now is the time for grout bargains'at the cheap store of ‘ Doe. 29,1859.’ CHAS. OGILBY. A. W. BENTZ. Surveying- and Draughting. fpilE undersigned respectfully informs the hitmens of Carlisle and vicinity, that ho is pre pared to attend to Surveying and Draughting in’all their branches, at the shortest notice. Orders deft at the aw office of Wm, M. Penrose, Esq., will bo promptly attended to. 1 ' ■ March 1, 18(50—3m® JOSEMI K ™ER, Jr. ("10RN BROOMS. “ RiohV° »nT- jHBt rc I cc! ™ l a !ot °f dozen of llio is suponor made Corn Brooms, which we confidently recommend as the host and ohoapo-t Broom in the market. For sale only by tho subsMi her, cither at wholesale or retail, J y Mcn- Apnl 19, 1860. j_ TERMS 4, sor 0 “ 10 to $l5 r Selling, off at Cost! GOOD THINGS. C. N, BANCKER, President, a:.l. sponsler. Clothing! Clothing! ! _ TOLL MADE AND WELL FINISHED wS? Consisting of Casaamorc Summer and in short every njdiclo m tI.ow:FURNISHING OOOMiTwolfselected, nndSblrts, Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Ac., are sold at very low pnees. thunks, carpet rags, valises, The subscriber would especially call tbo attention of the public to his woll selected stock of BATS & CAPS, 11 Carlisle, April 12, 1800. _ llPsiaiiß ; New Store and New Goods. A AFTER returning his acknowledgments for the very liberal patronage which lias boon extended to him, tbo undersigned would call at en tion to the fact that he has just ro-oponod bis oxtdn tion i « t?roccri(ti in bis now I™ Ttlio sSlt rublio Square whore the public arc invited to call and ex amine ilek of Goods which in elegance, vane y rwi oTton" will defy competition ; comprising in uart of oaT; jump, crushed and brown Sugars, Java, KT«JW» Every variety and quality of Tea Spices, (ground and onground,) Pickles, Sauces - , Table Oil, New Orleans, Sugar-bouse and Sid Jfola* «/ New. York andPb.aei.m Sumps; Cheese, Macaroni, Vcrmccilii, Split Ims, I tommy, Minco-meat, Corn Starch, Forma, Choco late Extract of Coffoo, Refined Sugar at reduced rates, washing and baking Soda, Tobacco of the most favorite brands, and tho finest quality of Su gars. A beautiful assortment of , Britannia Ware, plain and gold band Oliina-waro, Glass, Qnocns, Stono and Earthen Ware, in great variety, and. an elegant lot of Fancy Soaps, Extracts and Perfume ry for tbo toilet ' . • _ . . _ JViiit*.* Including Peaches in cans, Raisins, Cran berries, Day Apples, citron, almonds, oranges, lem- IgEßn* LIQUORS: 'Wholesale and retail, cm- common and old Ryo Whiskey Brandies, dark and pale; Lisbon, Sherry, Port, Mo dem, Ginger, Catawba and Muscat Wines, in casks and bottles; tocotch Whiskey, Holland Gin, and Schoidom Schnapps. FISH AND SALT. A large stock of Lamps, including Dyott's cele brated lamps for burning Kerosene, or coal Oil; Sperm and Star candies. Cedar-Ware and livooms, Bmsbes, Hopes, Mops, Soaps, Door-mats, Walters, Looking-glasses, fine letter and note paper, B mow-, ware, Painted buckets, Ac. ' • . ’ Cotton and Woollen Hose and half Hose, nnd a full stock of Gloves, including the well known Buck Gloves. Marketing of all kinds taken in exchange for Goods. ’ . In short, his stock comprises everything that is called for i» his lino of business, and no effort, will be snared to aender entire satisfaction .to bis cus- V ■ ■ . C * INIIOFF - Carlisle, Dee. 22,1859 —ly. Good! Very Good! JUST received at the cheap. Grocery of the subscriber, lota of good things, a part of which ore tho following; . Hermetically scaled Penebes, fresh, “ 44 Tomatoes, 44 44 “ ■ Corn, 44 “ Pens, " 44 Asparagus, ‘ “ 44 . Oysters, 44 . Lobsters, 44 , Pine Apple, 44 4t Turtle Soup, 44 44 . Sardines, 44 Mince Meat, Pickled Gorkins; Chow Chow, Piccalil li, Cauliflower, Lobsters, Capers, Olives, Tomatoc Katsup, Walnut do., Mushroom do., Pepper Sauco, Hominy, Grills, Voup Beans, Cranberries, tbo finest Dried Beef, Sugar epred llama, Shoulder, Bologna, Sausage, MacOaroni, Sugars, Coffees, ’ Teas, Molas ses, Fish of all kinds, Spices, Queousware, fine 80- gdrs and Tobacco, 25,000 German Sixes, and the • very best LIQUORS in the Stale, Confectionery and Fruit, Ac., which we offer to the public at the low est prices for cash. . WM. BENT 2. ' Carlisle, Dee. 22, 1859. Real Estate Agency. Removal.— A;,l. sponsler, seaiJSa (ate Agent, Conveyancer and Scrivener, has re moved to.his new office, on Main street, five doors west of the,Cumberland .Valley Railroad Repot. Ho is now permanently located, and Ims ,on hand and for sale a very largo amount; of Real Estate, consisting of Farms of all sizes, improvedand un improved, Mill Properties, Town Property of every description, Riiilding Lots, also, Western Lands and Town lots. Ho will give his attention, as.hereto fore to the Negotiating of Loans, Writing of Reeds, Mortgages, Wills, Contracts, and Scrlvcning gen erally. ‘ ■ Carlisle, Roc.-22,1959, American life Insurance and Trust Company. -'Capital Stock, f.iOOjOOO. ; COMPANY'S. Building Walnut St., S. E. corner of Fourth, Philadelphia, Life Insu rance at tho usual mutual rates; or at Joint Stock Rates at 20 per cent, less, or, at Total Abstinence Rates,-tho lowest in the wprld. A, WJIILLDXN, Pres't. -T, C. Sims, Sect'y. WM. 11. WETZEL, Agent for Carlisle and ricin itj. Carlisle, Dec. 22,1859—2ra. “ NEW GOODS! AT OGILBY’S NEW STORK JUST returned from the city, and noyv* open ing a largo assortment of ologant .and fashion able WINTER GOODS, Indies’ Cloth' Clonks nnd Shawls in great variety.— Ladies’ Dross Goods of all the new styles, handsome nnd very cheap, A full assortment of Dross Trim mings, Cloak Tassels, William Knim, Melcuoih R„ K ,, ru ROBT. C. BTKnBETT, JOHN DoHLAB M *V Ricrt’n. Woods, ; John S. Stem’,.,, John 0. Dunlap, H. A. Btoikieos. ' THIS Bunk, doing business in the „L , Kerr, Bronneinan A Co., is fully prcnntcl a general Bonking Business with promptno,, ' , fidelity. * t| . J , Money received on deposit nnd paid Lack - mond without notice. Interest paid on Spcd.i ?' 1 posits. Certificates of deposit bearing inter, Hie role of five per cent, will bo issued for M ,i 1 sii J a period os four monts. Interest on nil will censo nt maturity provided, however n„,i Si said certificates nro renewed nt any H mc " < WgL for another given period, they shall bear tbo - "WM rate of interest up to the time of renown). pJ, I lar attention paid to tho oollcotions of notes dnfi HH checks, Ac., in any part of tho United Cnnpdns. ’H Remittances made to England, Ireland, or n,||ii Continent Tho faithful nnd confidential of all orders cdlrustod to them, may bo relied tin tliP They'call the nttodtion of Farmers, Mcelujup® add all others who desire a safe depository money, to tho undeniable fact, that, tho propria, fell of this Bank arq individually Rubio to .the extent their ostolos for all tho Deposits, and other ollkpifj tions of Korr, Bronneman A Co. * They linvo rooontly removed into thoir nos ing House, directly opposite their former stand West Main Street, a few doors cast of the RnilMf.M Depot, whoro they will at iilltimcs ho plca«j,fi® give any information desired in regard to matters in general. ‘MS Open for business from .0 o’clock in tho moniip'*® until 4 o’clock in tho evening. : /W. H. A. STURGEON, Cmlfr,' : ' Carlisle, Doc. 22, 18513. Fire Insurance. THE Allon and East Pcrinshoro’.Mutual Fink sitranco Company of Cumberland county, int«. porated by an act of Assembly, is now fully utja izod, and in operation under the management of H following Managers, vir.: _ Win. R. florgns, Lewis Hyor, Christian Shjag Michael Coeklin, .1. C. Dunlap, Rudolph Many Daniel Bailoy, Jacob ,11. Coovcr, Alcxaddcr fit, cart, Jos.'Wickershara, ,J. Eicholbcrgor, S. iilitljj,, J. Brandt. h The rates of insurance arc as low and favotilV as any Company of the kind in tho State. Pencil' wishing to become members nro invited to niakeip plication to tbo Agents of tbo Company who in willing to wait upon thorn at any time. ■ OFFICERS OF THE COMPANT. . President —W. R. OORGAS, Ebcrly’a Mills, Cum.' .bcrland county. , ; Vice Pres’t. —Christian Statuax, Canute Cdo berland comity, . \ Scct'y.—Lewis Hrr.n, Shepberdatown, CumUi, land county.. • - , - Treasurer —Michael Cockmn, Shepheruatont Cnmbcrhind county. . AGENTS. Cumlerland Comity.—John Sberriok, Allen; Vd ‘ cnline Fecman, Now Cumberland; Henry Zenrinp Shiremahstown; Lafayette Peficr, Dickinson; Hei ry Bowman, Clinrehtown; Mode Griffith, Souli j Middleton; Sam'l. Graham. W. PennsWo’ Sami Coover, Mcclmnicabnrg; J. W. Cocklln, ShephenJi- , town; D. Coovor, Shephordstown; J. 0. Sailon, , Silver Spring) Benj. Tlavcrstick, Silver Spring, ■'] John Hycr, ; Carlisle. •=''-'.‘.j York Comity.—W. S. Picking, hover: James; * Griffith, Warrington; .T. F. DcnrdorlUN aslungloa; D. Rutter, Fairview; R.-Clark, Dillsburg., J/arrhhurq, —Houser & Lochmau. , • , : Members of the Company having pohem aH;,. \ to expire, can have them renewed by y . cation to any of tho Agents. - ‘ ._'■ - c. kbkru,! ■ ■ JOHN b. cnimcn. v «; >.. CHURCH So EBtßViyUg Steam Saw Mill & Limilier YaJ^ NEW .CUMBERLAND, 'PA.- || All kinds of Lnmbot constantly on j" delivered at any point accessible oy i. . Rail Road, at the shortest r. notice. -v. BUILDING TIMBER OP, ALL SlZlljv And lengths cut to older. [■■■ Carlisle, Dee. 22, 1860.—If.. f- BAItBEB- sntol*. . ■ !$$ THE undersigned rospcotfuny J jji f “i^|j[4 patrons that ho has removed hisiJartem^wpttpl the BASEMENT: OF Mr, SIPE’S. ‘NEW BUWf INff, on North Hanover street, adjoining Mr.Hn . v ! j crsticlc's Drug Store, and nearly opposite the Bui;' where ho hopes to sec all his old.customcrs,anil :0- many-new ones ns visit to have their hoirandib VV up” in the most fashionable style. '>i . All tho various branches of Barbcring, eucbrj- Sharing, Hair Cutting, Shatnpoomng, (t'c., nttetty to with promptness. Also, Cupping, Jtlecdlny far,; j Extracting, dc. 4 The undersigned has also for sale a superior clc of te" . - - : Is HATH RESTORATIVE, . [||i of his otto, discovery and preparation, uncfjniv r -;| by any similar article now in use, for rcalon? ; strengthening and invigorating-the flair; P ing it from falling off, eradicating scurf, dandies'-? ringworm, and all diseases of the skin, rind Ing a rich glossy, silken texture to the Ifnir. excellent toilet article for either ladies or Testimonials of undoubted character ns toils p‘. : fj'- (qualities, in possesion hf the undersigned, will bo exhibited to any person wishing to them. . HENIVX IiIKHEKTHII i-;.*; Carlisle, Dec. 22,1959 —ly. JOSEPH E. STEEL, AV A T C II M A K EK. p South Jlanorer Street, a few doors south oj v l House. g* Having supplied myself with a largo ■mmiW • of of WATCH MATERIALS, B \ t am now prepared to repair all kinds ot Watches, Clocks, Jeweliy, th Ac., that may bo intrusted to my care, on thH. «. reasonable tofrms. Hoping by strict attention It l sincss to bo favored with a share of public fltl age. . wP Also, a fmo assortment of Jewelry, sucliui; pf. dies’ Breast pins, Ear Drops, (gold and cameo,)' b |q sea Breastpins and Ear Drpps, Box and li; 051 Bins all sizes, Gold Chains, Hooks, Plated ft Lockets, Guards, Keys, Ac, ' Also, a largo an * ’; v assortment of Gold finger Rings, all of bo sold low, A liberal share of public earnestly solicited. J|svfn H. B.—l hare recently received a fine nsso of Silver Hunting Detached Lover and Watches, and a largo assortment of silver steel spectacles! which I can dispose ofehespy ■ • ..JOS. V. 6^;^ iuotiieb, IRS & GAS HTII Joiirt Home, in C*«» iJW, ' . , -*P? Load and Iron Pipes, Cast Iron Sinks, Hydrants, Bath Tnbs, C 9P Hot and Cold Shower Bath B.oilors, . Baths, Wash Basins, •, Inc Water Cfqacts, Hydraulic Rams* tJ ’'.: Jug Force and Lift'.Pumps, Ac., Ac,* Wrought Iron Wcl'd. Tubes. And every description of Cooks and Gas, Steam, Water, Ac. Superior Cooking/* Heaters and Gas Fixtures, put up in. c " n Y:"- Storcs Dwellings, at short notice and in tn' modern stylo. All materials and work in oW j' J® nit low rata and tenrrauferf. jJ -,4R Country work and Jobbing promptly alien 0 dLtB| Carlisle, Doe. 22, 1869. 4 , (Su Carlisle, Deo. 22, 1959—Cm, FOOTE & PRACTICAL PLUMB: Directly opposite the i • A\ HATS AND CAPS. ( his: AT Kollor’a Old Stand; North P™ will bo found a largo and. ologant ® sJ °f HATS and CAPS, in groat variety, of trol and city manufacture, 1 own HATS. .-, •• CAPS. . ged SHJt, . Military, Moloskin, Navy, j/lO ■'* Cafjasimoro, Morphy, f.Bliiv ""Scotch, f'lijfj! Ledger, Ledger, Planters, Oil .F "‘i'', W teS • ■ Plush & Cloth, Children * ALSO, Wool lints of all kinds, which 'n ll it 18 at tho lowest'prices, Recollect ~1® 1 , KELLER’S. OLD STAW Jlorr NorlhlI«»f r * Hats of any stylo manufactured i jiwl Carlisle, Deo. 22/1860* ■ i non boxes glass ° f all si s^e^ lyUUand single thick, plain, or . l " I '™g. l Vtaoh( ored, Ao.> just received at tho cheap howl of Henry Haxton. )"ts* ; March 8. 1800. f-Wffrt 1. .1 wbi