■attso.-- Cbamtocrsburg Female Seminary THE location ia pleasant and healthy, and the advantages are equalled by few Seminaries in the land. The, Institution is largo and prosper. 6n*. with a corps of Assistants chosen with care, and .woU qualified to instruct in the solid and orna mental branches, The influences jn the. Boarding department are parental, moral,ana refining. The next session will commence on -tho 7tn 01 February. Catalogues may bo bad on application W. W. Bells, Carlisle i Rev. J. Ault, Loudon, Pa.; Geo. U. Bucher, Esq., Hoges town, Pa.j Hon. Goo. Chambers, B. 8. Schnook, D. D„ S. R. Fisher, D. D-, Rev. P. Reese,. Rev. Jos. Clark, Chnmhersburg, Pa.; Professors at Princeton, N J J both of the Collogo and Theological Semin- Rov. HENRY REEVES* A. M., : Mrs..SARAH K. REEVES, ~ ■ January 20, IB6o—ly Principal*, ‘‘Portable Gus tight.” THE undersigned are no v prepared to fur nish u Loveless* Portable las, Light and fix tures at prices ranging from $ to $5OO. This light the advantage over other rtiflcial light on ac count ©fits safety, hriUiancy .ud economy, tho cost of a full flame homo about one cent per hour.. Orders from abroad respectfully solicited, and full satisfaction warrruted. Liberal deduction made to obuaobes and schools. AIV orders will receive attention if directed to . HARKNESS A CO. r Carlisle, Pa. ; Wo would refer to tho following gentlemen, who liavo bad tho light in use. tv. W. Watts, Esq. H. A. Sturgeon, Esq. DR. D. Mahon, Jos. C. Iloffer, Esq. Wm. Kerr, Esq. Col. J. M'Ginms. Carlisle, Doc. 15. 1860 —3m. - Wntclie?, Jewell y and Sliver WARE AT CONLYN’S. THE public ore invited to call and examine ■the largest and handsomest stock of « WATCHES, JEWELRY AHO SILVER WARF - ever brought to this place. Having purchased, this Stock for cash I am • determined to sell at prices that “can't 6c beat." ■ All goods sold by mo, guirantced to bo as 'repre sented or the money refunded. Old gold and silver taken in exchange. ■'Carlisle, Deo. 22, 1859. REDUCTION IN PRICES. AW. Bontz announces to- the public and • bis customers, that in accordance to bis usual custom at this soosonof tlio year, he has reduced the prices of his stock of ■‘FAWCY »I!¥ WOODS, which comprises many choice and beautiful descrip tions of WINTER DRESS GOODS, such as all Wool Morinoos, plain and figured; all Wool De balnea, plain and figured, Ooburgs, Valencias, Do- Eaines, all wool, Plaids/ic.* &o. ■. " SHAWLS of every variety at extremely low pri ces- • '■, A'beautlfaMot-of FANCY SILKS of every stylo and color; and at lower rates than can be purchased elsewhere in Carlisle. ' FURS AXD 'CLOAKS. , K splendid assoAmont ot>Furs and’Clonks yet on hand;’which to close out without regard W COST. 1 In idiot our whole stock is how of fering at imusualjly^sSV^ ooB * . Persons will find it to their decided advantage to coll and examine for themselves, ah great bargains may bo expected the closing season. A. W. BENTZ. . Carlisle, Jan. 12,’1800. v Towii and Country- THE subscriber respectfully informs Jus friends and thtf public generally, that he Still continues the Undertaking business, and is ready to 1 wait upon customers either by day or by night.— Ready-made COFFINS, kept constantly on hand, , both plain and ornamental. ■ Ho has constantly on hand Fisk.? Patent Metallic Burial Case, of which ho has been appointed the solo agent. This case is T?r> mmended us superior to any of the kind now in u? it being perfectly ait tight. ■ , 11a has -also furnished himself with a fine now u ><'-\?obd IlBA.naE and 1 gentle horses,- with which L-- .will attend'funerals in town and country person-, ■ uUv,'-without extra-charge.,’.— --- - - •/- Among tho greatest, discoveries of the ago is Welts' Spring 3fattrass, , the best and cheapest bed ’ now in use, the exclusive right of which I have se cure dd and will bo kept constantly on hand. Cabinet Making ' la all iU varlous'branchos carribd on, and Bureaus, Secretaries, Work-stands, Parlor Ware, Upholstered Chairs, Sofas, Pier, Side and, Centro Tables; Dining and Breakfast Tables, Wash-stands of all kinds, Pronch Bedsteads, high and low posts; Jinny .Lind ' mad Cottage Bedsteads, Chairs of all kinds. Looking Q Glasses, and all other articles usually manufactured in this lino of business, kept constantly on hand. . His workmen are men of.oxpcrionco, bis material thobest, and his work mado in the latest city stylo, and all under his own supervision. It will bo war ' ranted and sold low‘for cash. Remember the place, North Hanover SU, nearly opposite the Deposit Bank.- Carlisle, January 26, 1860 Wall l?aj>cr. I HAVE' on Hand somo ton ton's of WALL PAPER,.of the finest and best quality that has ] ever boon offered in this having purchased it of tho manufacturers in m>w York. Also, Win dow Blinds, Shades and fixtures, Fire Board Prints, Ao., all of which ho will sell very low and exclu sively for cash. Ho invites all to give him a call before purcha sing elsewhere. For tho liberal patronage hereto fore extended™ him ho feels indebted to his nume rous customers, and assures them that no efforts will bo spaced In future to please them in stylo and price. Give us a call January 26, 1860. Money Wanted. .A LL porsons-indobtecl to tho subscriber are dtlb requested to call and settle up. The accounts are now all made out, and the cash wanted for them.- CIIAS. OGILBY.. - January 5, 1800; UNITED STATES HOTEL SOUTH-EAST COR. Uth '& MARKET STS. Philadelphia. January 5, IB6o—ly Ladd, Webster & Co* Improved Tiyhi Stitch SEWING MACHINES, On Exhibition and for sale ntMrs. R. A. Retnocds’ Dagucrrcan Rooms, 2nd door west of Dr. Zitrcr's Of fice, Carlisle. Call or send for a circular to TV. H. MASON, Agent Carlisle, Dec. 22, .1850—tf. W. £. M’ LAUGH LIN Attorney at Law, Mechanicsbubo, Pa. January 12, 1860—3na* Store for Sale* THE' subscriber offers at private sale, his Dry Goods and .Grocery Store, eituato in Mifflin township, about 4 miles from Nowvillo. The Goods arooll of tho latest stylo, and tho stand ono of tho best in tho county, for further particulars enquire of LEWIS ZITZEU. January 19,1800 —31 Groat Reduction In Prices. I have this day commenced soiling off my ontlro stock of Winter Goods at greatly roduood prices. French Morinoes, Shawls, Furs, Cloaks, Flannels, do., at coat, all other Goods nl uncommon ly low prices. Carpeting at cost; Tho stock is now largo and complete. Now is tho timo for groat bargains at tho cheap store of Doc. 29, 1859. CiIAS. OGILBV. OJLD KYE WHISKY. S%f\ BARRELS, stilled in the old style mi\J warranted pure—by J. H. CRESTVELL, SMppcnaburg, Jan. 19, 1860. Old Iffoiiougaliala. 1 Parker's Old Monongi JL haltt whiskey in store, and for sale by J. 11. CRESWELL. Shippenaburg, Jan. 19, 1669~ A CARD. THOMAS SI. BIDDLE,, Attorney-at-LaW, No. 273 South Fourth street, Philadelphia. Deocmter 22, 1859—6 m _ ; H'. NEWSDAM, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE with Wm. H. Millar, Esq., South Hanover street, opposite tho V oluntccr Printing Offico. . Carlisle, Doc. 22, 1859—1 f. S. V. RBBf, Attorney at law. office in niiecm’a Hall, rear of tho Court House, Carlisle. . Carlisle, Dec. 22, 1859. ~ - JOHN HAAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW.. OFFICE opposite “Marion Hull,’' West Main street, Carlisle, Pa. Carlisle Dec. 22, 1959. ■ J. J. DEADER, M. Homgeopathist physician, sur geon and Accoucheur. Office South Hanover street, formerly occupied by Dr. Smith, . ;Darlisle, Dec, 22, 1859. , DU. JNO. K. SMITH respctfully announ ces to his old friends and former patrons, that he has returned-from his South-western tour, with his health greatly improved, and has resumed prac tice in Carlisle. • ■ . Office on Main street, one door west -ortho Kan road Depot, where h© cdu bo found at all hours, day and night, when not out professionally.- Carlisle, Deo. 22, 1859. »R. I. C. 1.00511 S, DEW South Hanover Street, next door to the Post Of fiice. N. B.—Will be absent from Carlisle the last ten days of each month.- Carlisle, Dee. 22, 1850. DU. GEO. S. SEAUIGHT, From the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. .Office,at the residence of his mother, East Louth or street, three doors below Bedford. Carlisle, Dec. 22, 1859.. , r - ' v- . TItOMAS CONLYN, Wcw Coal aua lumber lard THE subscribers,havo this day entered into part nership to trade in COAL AND LUNBLIL— tVe will have constantly on hand and furnish to or der, all kinds and quality-of « such as Boards, Scantling, Joist,' Frame Stuff, Pal in "■ and Plastering Lath/ Shingling Lath, Worked Flooring,' Weathorboarding, Posts, Kails, and all kinds of Shingles,, to wlta White Pino, Hemlock, Chesnut, and-Oak, of different qualities. Having cars of oiir own we cab furnish bills to order of any length and’sizo at tho shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Our worked boards will bo kept under cover so that they can bo furnished dry at all times. /Wo. will, constantly have on band all kinds of FAMILY COAL, under cover, which they . will deliver dry Vi \and clean to any part of the borough, to,wit: j Lykens Valley, Luko ■'T 9 Fiddler, Locust Moun ' tain, Lobberry, Trov • erton, Broken,.Egg, Stove and Nut Coal, which wo pledgb ourselves to Sell at the lowest prices. Beat quality of Liraebiirners' and Blacksmiths' Coal always on hand.nttho lowest figures. Yard west side of Graramor School, Main St, - ARMSTRONG & HOFFER..- Carlisle; Dec. 22, 1859. ’■ '. -. New Coal Yard, AT THE WEST ENT) OF CARLISLE. THE subscriber -would respectfully call,the I attention- of Limeburners and tho citizens of \ Carlisle, anil the surrounding country generally, to 1 his NEW COALYARD, attached to hia War© House, Von "West High a treat, ■where he will .keep constantly 1 ... ti large supply . Nut Coal—-Bcreeu cd and dry, all of which he pledges’himself to 1 . ■ . sell at the lowest possi ' |)lo prices. Best qual ity of Xtme&timeiV and Blacksmith*' Coal always on hand. - jr&i* All orders left at the WaroJtauc, or at his residence in North Xlanovor promptly attended to' J. W. Hi^^BEBSON.. Carlisle, Deo. 22, 1850—tf, NEW ARRANGEMENT. ON. and after Monday, 23dMay,1859, the subscriber will run a DAILYTR.AIN of CARS, between Carlisle and Philadelphia, leaving Carlisle every morning, and .Philadelphia- every evening.— All goods loft at tho freight Depot of Peacock, Zell & Hiuchman, Nos. 808. and 810 Market Street, will bo delivered in Carlisle the next day. J. W. HENDERSON, West High Street , Carlisle, Pa. Carlisle, Doc. 22, 1950. DAVID SIDE. JOHN EA.RLW J*. R. KONBMAKEU. Forwarding & commission house, FLOUR & FEED, The suascribers having taken tho Warehouse, cars and fixtures of William B. Murray’s veil known es tablishment, on West High Street, opposite Dickin insou College, would inform tho public, that they have entered into a general Forwarding and Com mission business. DAVID SIPE, H. W. KANAGA, WMi MeVEY, Proprietors, HAYING, Mnckornl, Shad in barrels, half barrola, quarter barrels, fresh Groceries, Li quors, Tobacco, Segars, at tho lowest cash prices.— Putter, Eggs, Bacon, Hams, Beeswax, Tallow, Soap, ami Bags, taken in exchange at tho cheap grocery of WM. BENTZ. Carlisle, Dee. 22, 185(1. A CARD. SEASONED LUMBER, COAL, PLASTER SALT f The highest market price will bo paid for Flour, Grain and Produce of all kinds. They aro also predarad to freight produce and stock to Philadelphia and -Baltimore, at tho lowest rates, with safety and despatch, . ‘ Plaster and Salt kept constantly on hand, and JfVour and Feed at wholesale or retail. Coal of all kinds, embracing LYKEN’S VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, ■ SVNBURY WHITE ASH, LOCUST GAP, Limebumera* and Blacksmiths' Coal, constantly for sale. Kept under cover,,and delivered dry to, any part of tho £owa .EARLY &. NONEMAKER Carlisle, Dec. 22, 1859. Dksoluliou of Pavliicrahlp. THE partnership heretofore existing under tho iirm of. Bbrpm A Black bus this day. been dissolved by mutual consent, theroforo wo would so licit all those indebted to como and sottlo tboir no counts and all those having claims will please pre sent them for settlement. JACOB SIIROJI. ROBERT 31. BLACK. Jan. 3, 1860. THE business will hereafter be continued at tho old stand of Shrom & Black under the 1 firm of Black A Delaney, where wo will keep con stantly on hand, all kinds of SsUMBER & COAE of every description, which wo will sell at tho low est cash prices, all- orders for bill stuff will bo promptly attended to on tho shortest notice. Wo are thankful for tho patronage of a generous public at tho old stand of Shrom £ Black, and would still solicit a continuance of tho stmons wo will strive to plcaao. All orders loft at tho residence of Jacob Shrom for Coal or Lumber will bo promptly niton dod to as heretofore. BLACK & DELANCY, Jan. 4, 1860. Daguerreotypes. IN beauty and durability, no “ sun-drawn picture equals a good Daguerreotype; this lathe opinion expressed by tho leading photographic jour nals of tho day, both American and English, and these may bo obtained at tho rooms of Mrs. Rey nolds* Louther street, two doora weatof Hanover. Carlisle, Poo. 22, 1859—tf. Fisn. Fancy Goods, Gift Books, &o. S W HAVERSTICK has juat received .from tho city nod is now opening asplendid disnlnv of Fancy Goods, suitable for the Holidays, to which he desires to call tho and the nuhlic. His assortment cannot bo surpass Sin novelty and elegance, and both in qual.tyand priSof the articles fannot fail to please purehas oS. It would bo impossible to enumerate his FAXCY OOODS, which comprises every variety of fancy articles of log instruments’, Port Monnaies, of every yarmtj, Gold Pons, and Pencils, fancy paper weights, pupe terics, and a largo variety of ladies fancy st “‘ - rv Moto seals and wafers, silk and b«.ael : pursea, ladies’ riding whips, elegantly finished, ladies -fine cutlery, pcrllimo boskets and bags, brushes of cve rv kind lor the toilet, Roussel s perfumes of the various kind, musicul instruments of kinds and It all prices, together with an innumerable variety, of articles elegantly finished, and at low rates. Al so, an extensive collection of BOOKS, C : 0I ?P I J| 1 " E the various English and American Annuals f0r1859, richly embclishcd and illustrated Poetical Works, with ChiUlrcu’s Pictorial Booh., for children of al a-es. His assortment of School Books and School stationery ia also complete, and comprises o'scy thing used, in. College and tho Schools. Ho also desires to call the particular attention of families to to, - from the extensive establishments of Cornelius, Ar cher and others of Philadelphia, comprising every stylo of Parlor. Chamber and Study Lamps, for burning cither-Lard, Sperm or EthcrinHhl, Wget - or with Flower Vases, Fancy Screens, Ac. Uis as aorlmcnt in this line is unequalled in the borough. Alao, - - , Fruits, Fancy Confectionary, huts, Preserved Fruits, ibe,, in every variety anil all prices, all of which are pure and fresh, such ns can bo confidently recom mended to his friends. His stock embraces every thing in the lino of Fancy Goods; with many other articles useful to housekeepers which the P“J> h « “« especially invited to call and see, at the old stand opposite the Deposit Banka HAVEBSTICIC. . Carlisle, Dec. 22, 1859. Winter Goods. THE undersigned has just returned from Philadelphia and Now York, with tho largest aud moat magnificent stock of Goods over brought to Carlisle, which for stylo and beauty are unpar- Tho Ladies are particularly invited to examine our'varied and splendid stock of Dress Goods, consisting of plain black Silks, fancy do., of every description, Bayadere and figured do., elegant \ ci vet Poplins, both plain and fancy. ' French Mprinos, tho largest stock west of the eas .Cashmeres, plain and figured; all Wool Delaines, plain .and figured. Shawls; a very largo assortment of oyer 4UU— Stella, Eocim’s, Jacquard," Blanket and Mourning Shawls of every quality,' variety arid price. , Flannels; white, Fancy and all wool plaid Flan- plaid and Bayadere, at astonishing low figures* 1 , x i Muslins: over 10,000 yards, from the most cole* brated manufactures in the U. S. at all prices, both white and unbleached. • Linens; a largo stock of every description, Table Cloths, Napkins, and. for Shirtings, from the best manufacturers in Ireland.. ! Ginghams; a very large assortment. - Calicoes; an assortment consisting of'over 20,- 000 yards, and at prices to suit tbo times.. Trimmings; a very handsome'and’well selected lot of " Ladies' Dress Trimmings,” to suit every va riety of Dress Goods. ■- ' Gloves; Kids,’Gauntlos, Silk A Cotton Gloves for Ladies and'children. ■ - . •‘ - ' Mourning Goods; black French Merinos, black Cashmeres, all wool Delaines, Delaines, Co burgs, and.every variety of Mourning Goods for dress, crapes/veils, collars, Ac. Ribbons; wo would call the attention of the la- 1 dies to our large stock of well selected Ribbons. Gentlemen’s wear; Cloths, Cassimores, Satinets, .. Velveteens and Cords; over 10,000 yards of Satinets : at very low prices. ■ . :j Carpets; a large and well selected .slock of Car- _ pets of every descriptionof, over 6,000 yards. • * . \ Hanover Gloves; the far-famed and well-known 1 Hanover Gloves, are only sold by mo, as. I am-tbe l ooW’a-atiic>»ixeA fcg‘»tit~Cor xit tbsro iflua county- - ■SVo-hava.juat received 600 pairaofthem. My store is at the old stand, iii Hanover street, nearly opposite the Post Office. Give. us a calP and examine o«r stock. ” * DEri 4.4. Carlisle, Dec. 22, 1859. ' 1 LEIDICH & SAWYER, HAVE just returned from the Eastern, ci ties with a largo and well selected stock of WINTER GOODS, to which they .respectfully in vito tho attention of■ buyers. It embraces every thing new and rare' thrown in tho market by recent importations and auction sales,, including fancy SILKS, neweafstyles; Velvet Poplins, elegant fig. Merinos, fig. Paris Delaines, satin finished Valen iias, and all other kinds of Dress Goods. Also, a largo assortment of DSi’odia Shawls, Scotch; Waterloo, double reversible and Bay State Shawls, Mantles, Raglbns, from wholesale manufac tures, acknowledged tho best styles in town: Furs, Furs, Furs in every variety, Sablo Stbno/ Marlin, Siberian Capes, Cuffs and Muffs, Russian fitch, Nroiicb; Sable, and American' fiteb. Chil dren’s Furs of all kinds, wo warrant them all free from moths, having purchased direct from roami- Uiros. Ladies and Gentlemen will find on inspection a full line of every class of goods, kept in a first class dry good store. For Holiday presents wo aro fully prepared with a fine stock of fancy and desirable goods. , Wo fool prepared with this large additition of now goods to our former stock, to suit tho wants of all in our lino. Wo ask ah inspection of, our goods.— No trouble or attention spared in showing them. LEIDICII «fc SAWYER. Carlisle, Dec." 22, fB5O. Boyd’s Business Bi rectory. OF the counties .of Montgomery, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Adams, Cumberland, Dau phin, Franklin, Lancaster and York, • The subscriber will publish at an.early day, a complete Business Directory of the above counties, which will contain tho names of all .Farmers, Merchants, Manufacturers, Professional Mon, Banka, Insurance Companies, Newspapers, Mining Compa nies, and other Corporations. Tho names will bo classified according to tboir several avocations, to., which will be added an Appendix, containing much valuable information. Tho work will bo Bvo size, and will bo a perfect reflex of tho business and re sources of tho aforesaid counties. An able and ex perienced corps of canvassers aro now engaged in collecting tho necessary information, and it is hoped the, public generally will aid ,in carrying but tho enterprise. Spice?? Having selected my entire stock wito the « r “ “ care and the lowest cash prices, X eon assurei my friends and the public generally,/hnf X will do all in my power to make my M ‘“ b i ,B^. the “HEAD QUARTERS FOR BARGAINS. Those who wish to purchase will find it o ‘ h eir ad vantago to call and examine my stock before pur will pay hi g hostm " k np P ?pn f p/OTT Baas, BAGS, SOAPand BMEDrBmT. Carlisle, Dec. 22,1969. j ' Bargains! Bargains! SAVE YOUR. MOREY BY calling at tho store next to Kline s Ho tel, North Hanovor street, Carlisle, where you can buy Goods at 6. saving of 26 per conk, ns tha subscriber is determined to sell his. largo and well selected stock of Domestic and Foreign, Ury Goods, without reserve, at cost or city prices; Bleachcil and unbleached muslins at city prices. Pillow case muslins and Sheetings ‘ Apron and Furniture checks . . ■ • ' Tickings and Penit Stripes Cotton, linen and woolen table cloths * Domestic and Manchester Ginghams ‘ The best calicoes at 10. eta. and tho rest i and black Lawns, . \ " Lavolla cloth and Dobogea 6 . * ' Bareges and Pongee, mixture' Plain and figured mouslin-do-lalpca Challios and Barege dd-laines i( ' Silk Poplins and Alpacas Parasols and Umbrellas * Stella, prmted-andplain Shawls .'J Pino embroidered collars Skeleton and other Skirts “ Swiss Muslin, Cambric and Jaconet " .Linen Cambric u Black and col'd Silks " Black and col'd Cloth Cassimeres and Merino Cassimorcs u Kentucky Jeans and Cassineta (t Plain and striped cotton pant stuff u Plain and twilled Linen i( White and colM-Flannela (e Hosiery and. Gloves . . . u Tranks and Carpet Bags' if ■ Country merchants will do well by calling, as they will save expenses, and any one 1 wishing to com* monco business wiil -scoure himself by, buying tho entire stock—one of the beet stands in town'. So pvc* ry.one can mako money by colling on ~ ~ • S. L* LEVI* Carlisle, Dec. 22, 1850,. . NEW;GO 0 D S! AT OGIXiBY’S new store. JUST returned from tlio city; and now open ing a largo assortment of elegant and fashion* •able • 1 . WINTER GOODS, Ladies’ Cloth Clodfis and Shawls in great variety.— I Ladies’ Dross Goods of all the now styles, handsome and very cheap. A full assortment of Dross Trim mings, Cloak Tassels, .to. Ladies’ 1 Cheap’ Gents SHAWLS ; of oli, kmds. OoMeoes, V Muslin doUinos, cUth Cpr Overeonts, Clothtor La, -I friondß and- customers, and all others m want oi I cheap Goods, aro respectfully invited to call and cx r amino my yanta of the agricultural community, ~ They, have also thp agency fop EcJfe Insurance and Trust Company. ' Capita:, Stock, $500,000. COMPANY’S Building, Walnut St., S. E. oornor of Fourth, Philadelphia.. Lifo Insu rance at tho usual mutual rates; or at Joint Stock Hates at 20 per cent, loss, or, at Total Abstinonco Kates, tho lowest in tho world. . ■ A. WUILLDIN, /W(. J. C. Sims, Scct’y. WAI. 11. WETZEL, Agent for Carlisle and vicin .. . _ ' . Carlisle, Deo. 22, 1850—2 m. SPRAICWE’S YORK STATE Barley-Malted RYE WHISKEY. SOLE Agents for Pennsylvania, for the sale of this Whiskey, WM. ELLIOTT S All kinds of Lumber; pensiontly on )«“J' delivered at any point eceosatblo “S , .■ “flail Bead,at the shortest .ym ■ , ' notice. .. ' l^i'l BUitpING TIMBER OF .Atfc.W® ||| And lengths cut to order. Carlisle, Deo. 22,1859. —tf. i HpIIE uhcVoraignccr ■ respodtmny• • I patrons that Bo lias removed,Bis Harbor I the BASEMENT OP'WK BITE'S NEW ; IN&, bn North Hanover street, adjoining Mr. Kg orstlck's Drag Store, and ppaply opposite the whore ho hopes to see al! bis.old customers, aslVii V many now ones aa wish to have their hair and kers u dopo up** in tho most fashionable style. ty>- ; All the various branches - of Burbering, sudpk,’ Shaving, Hair Cuttxny, Shampooning, dec., atfcj&'S to with promptness. A\io, Oupping, lilecd\nfj [Extracting, d'c, " Tho undesigned has also for sale a superior trap do of - • |||l HAIR RESTORATIVE, i| of his own discovery and- preparation, nneqtiilgs|| by any similar article now ip use, fop srrongthening and invigorating the Hair; PFcppf| iug it from falling off, .eradicating scurf, dnndr&&|| ringworm, and all diseases of the skin, and iug a rich glopsy, silken texture to the Hair. excellent toiletarticle for cither Indies or Testimonials of undoubted character as to its qualities, in possesion hf tbo undersigned; will bo exhibited to any person wishing to exaa #ll them. , HENRY LINNEKUm, .;!^] Carlisle, Dee. 22, 1069—1 y. 'tj JOSEPH JP, STEEIi, ’ iti WATO II MAKE;/, I South Hanover street, a few doors south oj House, Having supplied raysolf with a large >JI £L of WATCH MATERIALS’,- Glasses, (rvi am u'»sh. -.North Kite JZS* Hats of any stylo manufaoluroa t. Jy Carlisle, Deo. 22, 18,50. UNIVERSAL FEED GUTTER. Hay and Fodder Cutter now in übc, l Strlcklor & Bro's., Agricultural Store; Ca I * Farmers, oall and ; boo. R.:, lit Carlisle, Doe. 22,185 p,. r-™ Fir« Insurance. Carlisle, Deo. 22, IflSO-rfißJ. Caat lron Sinks, Bath Tubs, Bath Boilers, Wash Basins, Hydraulic Euro?, W Ac. »1