OFFICIAL VOTE ,OP- PENNSYLVANIA. j returns of the late State election foot up Hows: ir Auditor General, Richardson L. Wright, locrat, received 164,644 votes; Thomas E,. bran, Opposition, received 181,835 votes.— bran’s majority, 17,29,1. or Surveyor General, John Eowe, Demo te received 168,970, votes i Win. H. position, 182,282 votes. Kcim’s majority, ,312. > , ■ ■i a CODMTIES. ; 2 'c *3 o -g . o dams, 2,539 2,629 7,934 2,282 1,756 2,011 6,251 2,600 8,743 5,172 2,076 4,720 1,048 1,131 2,147 7,444 1,449 1,639 5,169 1,514 Ilegbeny, rmstroag, saver, sdfohf, Otka, lair, radford, acts, lutler. 1,868 1,640 2,233 4,044 1.216 1,448 1,600 lambda,.. iarbon, ientro, Jhester,' lation, lear field, ■lnton, lolumbin, irawford, ambcrland, an phin, clawaro, Ilk, [rie, fayotto, orreat,, rankliii, ulton, jreenc,. [untingdon, idiana, ■liorson, Iluirteg ,1). were lory. [ On the 21st irist.. by the Rev. E. D. Ohcno- Weth, Mr. Ai.fiibd Jlvkks. to Miss Mary Jane Beau, both of ibis .county.' 1,309 iniata. 3*433 526 jancaster, lawrence. 1.289 3,856 5,936 jcbanon, Seliigb, (uzerne, ivcomingj 2,949 2,590 [’Kean, 587 COO fercer, 2.225 2,^70 lifflln, ,i,439. .1,372 [onroc, 1.777 409 iontgomery, . 5,056 , 4,535’ tontpnr, 1,154 602 forlhampton, 4,077 2,797 [orthmubcrld, 2,159 1,602 jerry, 2,052 2,070 [hiladolphia, 20,300 29,525 Site, . 721 185 ►otter, 502. 918 fchuylkill, 4,534 4,879 Jnyder, 737 1,286 iomersot,, . 1,190 .2,187 Inllivan,' ■ 525 324 liiaqneliamiaj 2,091 2.807 liogsi; 1,042 1.940 fniori, 1,363 ’enango, . 1,837 2,022 'arren, . 757 1.139 ’ash’ngton, 3.390 . 3.745 ayne, 1,949 1,609 'eatmoreland, 4,163 . 3.803 'yoraing, ■ 945 751 ork, 5,203. 4,983. 164,544 181,835 '163,970 182,281! Total, <♦{? ' —— r " Lawrence Todd, an intimate friend of Iteplftn Giraid, lias just died In Illinois,, nnd jqucatlied sBo,ooo—liis nil, to Girard College, „ O" Tlic President has appoin'ed his nephew, /nines .Buchanan, of Philadelphia, his private t'eecrelnry. s . Dub.- in Nctf Kingston, on the 20th inst., John Moit(>3B,'a >n of Wni. W. and Susan \Vanbawgh, ;ed 9 years and 29 days. In Philadelphia*on Suncfctf tnorninglnst,Mr. isiuKri' ScnWAlofnierlf 6l,Carlisle, in o 72d year dl fits ag£. / CARLISLE MARKET -Oct’r. 25. \ Corrected weekly by tVol'hc dtd § Sclnnidf• . (.OCR Super 1 fVnc. per 661., do. Extra, *Jo. 5-00 do. Family, Ob. J-5 yB do. 3.50 r niTE Wheat, per bushel, v ?9 v* do ' *! 80, M ■ 30 Hats an- ■ 30 'LOVER3EED dp. 9-00 'im’othvskkd do'. 2.00 IpmNG Bahlet .do, 00 fAti, Barlev do. 05 riarge Arrival off Fall & Winter Goods (fcgSltiy’s lew Store. iff AM now opening the largest assortment of [JL Dry Good overwrought to Cumberland conn sty,, ' . [ The attention of the Ladies’is particularly in cited to the aplendi'd'asVortme’nt of Dress Goods. fp|| line of magnificent .Silks, Poplins, Foil jDe Cashmere, &c. [Shawls and clolh* Capes, dl,,alt kinds, and uu ‘commonly cheap. Dress Trimmings, aU now isfyles’, and to Suit every (folor. and IBlanketo at astonishingly low prices. Calicos,, [the best: In Carlisle, at C, 8. and ! 14 cents. Do ■Lalrios, ffte best In Cumberland county, a,t ? 10, •.12, and Scents. tha in;the Sjate. At 87. 60, and 68 cents.. MdsllnS, olfeacnefl and ‘fthbleacb&f. Linens, Knpklha, ..Table Cloths, I sVirtWgs*, Doglles, &d'., bought from the largest : in Now York. Clnghartfs, a'full ns [ difrtment, Moiirning Goods’, a IjiVfco assortment f Of Mourning G'ooda, of all kinds and description, ; B now siiDidy of lashionablc Bqnnels and Rib bons at low figures, Gloves of the beat quality, Alexander’s Kid Gloves, Kidd, Silk, and Cot ton Gauntlets, all kinds, Ladies and Gentleman s, fioys and Girl’s winter Gloves, Buck Gloves, iqial to any exclusive Jgency. Gentlemen s Wear, a new assortment of fine Broad Olpth s, Castor Beaveys, plain and * an ° y Jp B3^ 1 " 1 ®* 3 ’ Yeatinga, Casslnetts, Kentucky Joans, &c., Cassinvored suitable for Boy=/«'y/ h “ ap >.', h t r ll e , 0 fly Ca'rflot'ihg, Flbbr Oil Cloth d, all widths,. B °Tho a storo Is now placed full °|. ne^' and cheap goods, and will bo sold off at prices "t where. Judge for yourselves, and dare money bv buying your goods at the cheap store. , ‘ Np trouble to show our jgoods at the now store Opposite tho Rall Road Depot. . t BOOTS AND SHOES—An entire new stock Of Soots and Shoos just received. Men’s and Boys winterßoota and Shoos, very cheap. Ladies, Misses, and Children 9 ShoW; louJ. A. TV. BENTZ. Notice. ' LETTERS of Administration bn the esfa‘6 of John Herman, dcc’d v fate of Silver Spring township, Cumb. co„ have bofcn issued by the Register of said county to (he subscribers, the first'resfdlng in’Silver Spring twp., tlie otliois in Monroe twp. Ail persons indebted (o the said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement to . ELIZABETH HERMAN. ) MKNASSta HERMAN, VMm’is. : GEO. T. B. HERMAN,, \ September 22, 1859—OtV Bcullie's Parent Animal Trap. THE subscriber has been appolntedagont for Cumberland county, 101 . t '' Q . 6 o a '° " f Rentho’s patent animal trap, for °** es, Minks, Wolves, Bears, Sec. Cali and see them at the cheap Hard "7 N S RY°SAXTON. March 17, 1859. FIFTY dozen Fly pots, of ,ail colors. Linen, Cotton, and Twine, cheaper than the chea pest, just recelvd at _ ca vtoN’S May 26, 1869. . H. SAXTON S._ M" ONBY wanted at thi OfUcoin payment of subscription.' Embroideries. Bonnets and Ribbons, Domestic Goods. Cloves and Hoisery. Carpets and Oil Cloths, Trunks duel Carpet Bag.< P. ARNOLD. GREAT ARRIVAL OF I.” LIVINGSTON, HUMPHREY’S A CARO. Valuable Real Estate at private sale. 1 HIE subscriber wishes to dispose ofliis Valu able real estate, viz: , No.I.—A lirst-class limestone farm, situate in Dickinson township, . Cumberland county, about half a mile east ol Gentreville, containing 193 JICRES more or less, all of which are cleared and in ahigh state of cultivation, except 40 acres, which is well covered with thriving timber. Tho improvements are a pood BRICK ■n n HOUSE.NEW BANK BARN,corn cribs, Wagon shed, &o. A Huge MMlHmnumhcr of locust trees are growing lljJULßajj[oii the property, and a never-failing stream of water runs througli a portion of the farm. There is a very lino Apple Orchard on the premises, and a variety of other fruit trees, find n good spring of pure water near to the dwelling. The properly is in .excellent condi tion,. having been carefully farmed, and is well wbrlliy-thc attention ol capitalists. No. 2.—A valuable tract of 200 acres of what is called PINE LAND, also situated In Dickin son township, about tin eo miles west of No. 1, and a few hundred yards south of tho Walnut Bottom Rond. About 140 ncroa of this tract is under cultivation, tho balance is timber land.— Tire improvements are a log House, log Barn, and other out-buildings, a well.ol>good water convenient to . the dwelling, an Apple orchard and other fruit trees, &c. For particulars please call on or write to the undersigned, residing at Cenlreville, Cumber land county. ABM. KURTZ. September 22, 1859—6t* •Lancaster Intelligencer insert one month, and send bill to advertiser. Valuable Town Property FOR SA LB. THE offers tor sale tho property «he now occupies, on tho cqrner of High and Bediurd streets, opposite Ileisei''3 hotel, Carlisle. .The property measures 00 feet on High street, and 240 on Bedford street to an alley., The improvements are a largo stone plas tered DWELLING HOUSE, front-: ing on High street, a good back |j [fl/Gt bui Iding, fronting on Bedfordsfreet, jSa|| j| J jg Stable, Garriugo House, ; House, &c. There is a well of good water near tho door of tho back building, and also a cis term The garden is in a high state of cultiva tion, arid contains a number of.choice fruit trees. This property is well calculated for any kind of business, and is also a pleasant place of resi dence. If not sold at piivato sale before Wed nesday the 16th of November, it will on tlntf day, be offered at public said, at the court-house, at o’clock in the afternoon of said day.— Terms made known by MARGARET BAUGHMAN. . Carlisle, Sept. 29, ’59. JOHN EARLY. J. K. NOXEMAKEK, For warding & commission house, FEOER &, FEED, COAL, PLASTER. If SALT. •a ’ ‘ ' ' >«'' The subscribers having taken the warehouse, cars,and fixorres of William B. Murray’s well known establishment, on West High Street, op posite Dickinson College, would infornr the public, that they have entered into a general Fonvarding and Commission business. The highest market price will be paid for, Grain and Produce of all kinds. They are also prepared to freight produce and stock to Philadelphia', and Baltimore, at the .lowest rates, with safety and despatch. , Plaster and Salt kept constantly on hand, and Flour and Feed at wholesale or retail. Coal of,ail’ kinds, criihracing LYKEN’S-VALLEY. LUKE FIDDLER, , SUNBURY- WHITE ASH, -LOCUST GAP, Litnebnrner’s and Blacksmith's Coal, constant ly (or sale. , Kept under cover, and delivered dry to any part of the town. EARLY & NONEMAKER. Carlisle, Sept/!,,1859. First Gveal Arrival of ■ ‘Fall and Winter Clolliiag. THE snbscriberliiis. returned, frpm (lie Eas tern Cities, Avflli a largeand well selected stock of - . •. Fail and Winter Clothing:, GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS, trunks,.CARPET BAGS, UMBRELLAS. &c., wliich he can sell at such prices, as to as tonisli the natives. Having taken (.articular pains to select goods especially adapted tor (his market, he can as sure ids customers, that they are WELL AND FJISIIIONABDy MADE. Buyers will find it to their interest to exam ine his stock, as ho has determined to sell'upon the motto ol “SMALL PROFITS.” CEP” Remember tho old Stand, near the Mar ket House. ASHER WIEL, • - Successor to Steiner & Bro's, September 15, 1850.. SPRAIGEE’S YORK STATE Barley-Malted RYE WHISKEY. SOLE Agents for Pennsylvania, for tho sale ofthis Whiskey, WM. ELLIOTT & CO. No. 68, N. 2d S/., Phila. ' Kp~J. S. Lynch tc Co., South Hanover St., directly opposite the Volunteer Printing Office, Carlisle, are authorized to sell this Whiskey, and have a largo stock on hand. August 18, 1859—8 m" JOSEPH U. STEEEs WATCH MAKER. South Hanover street, a few. doors, south of the Court House, Having supplied mvsolf with a large assort ft ment ol WATCH MATERIALS, Glass /jSV es, &c., I am now prepared to repair all daWijfekinds of Watches, Clboks, Jewelry, &e., that may bo intrusted to my care, on tho most reasonable terms. Hoping by strict attention to business to bb favored with a share of public patronage. Also, n fine assortment of jewelry, such as Ladies’-Breast pins, Ear Drops, (gold and cam eo,) Misses Breastpins and Ear Drops; Box and Glasses, Pins all sizes, Gold Chains, Hooks, Pla ted Chains, Lockets, Guards, Keys, Sec. Also, a lar B o and lino assortmontof Gold Ungerßmgs, all of.which will bq. Sold low. A liberal share of public patronage is earnestly solicited. N, 8,.—1 have recently received a fine as sortment of Silver Hunting Detached Lover and Lepirto Watches, and a largo assortment of sil ver plated and steel spectacles, which I can dis pose of cheap. ~ , oS .v.sTm. Carlisle, July 11, 1850—ly Valuable Chestnut Timber Itdncls FOK SALE. ... On Thursday, November 3, 1859; THE undersigned will soil at public Aalo, at the Slone Severn, in Dickinson township, Cumberland ftbnfity, at 11 J'Jr'frm that day, TEN TRACTS OP CHESTNUT TIMBER LAND, varying In quantities from fourteen to ninety acres, and one tract of thirty two acres, portions of the “ Cumberland mill” estate, the property of,Dr. Wm. C. Chambers, doo’d. Plans of the lots, to be offered for sale will be attached to' the handbills at the. Stone Tavern, and at (ho mill on the estate. , , Terms of. the sale to bo ten. pot cent, of the purchase money' of each tract to be paid, or se cured on l the property being struck down to the purchaser; onc.third*of the balance of tho pur. chase money to bo .paid' oh the Ist of April, 1860, and (ho balance ip two equal annual, pay ments thereafter, with interest, and sccurd upon tho premises. , . , The titles to tho properties is undoubted. samueL Hepburn, . , JHlorney forthe Misses Chambers, i September' 15,1859. Notice. NOTICE is hereby given , that an application will bo made to the Eogislature, of Pepn. sylvania, at its next meeting, for tho incorpora, tion of a Bank of Issue, vtifh .discount and do: posit privileges, to pe located in the. Borough of Carlisle, Cumberland county, Pa.,. Ip bo called <• The Bank of Carlisle,” with a capital of one hundred thousand dollars, with the right to increase the same to three hundred thousand dollars. (Signed.) William Kef, John B. Parker) , Thomas Paxton, John Noble, Benjamin Givle’r,jr. Enoch Young, Richard Woods, - Christian Slayninrt, William Bentz, John S. Sterrett, A. B. Sharpe, Wm. N. Russell, Johu C. Dunlap, Joseph D. Halbert, Robert Givin, John Hnnla'p, James Holler, Itobert Mooic, H. A. Sturgeon, Robert Wilson,, Samuel Greason, Goo. W. Sheafer, Jacob 11. Nejs)ey, , Benjamin Neisley. June 80, 1859—Om*. Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that application will be made to the next Legislature of Penn, sylvania, to niter the charter of the Carlisle De posit Bank, located in the Borough of Carlisle, Cumberland cpnnty, so as to Confer upon'said Bank the rights and privileges of a bank of Is. suo, and to change its name to the Carlisle Bank; also to Increase the capital of said bank (which is at present seventy-two thousand dol lars, with privilege of Increasing the same under its present charter to one hundred thousand dollars,) two hundred and lillv thousand dol lars. W. M. BEETEJI, Cashier -J-f I BARGAINS I Ij BARGAINS!! Juno 30, 1859—0 m Just received and iov sale nt reduced prices, a large lot of Sill: dusters, Sliantilla and French Laco Mantillas, Napoleon. Bareges, Lawns in great variety of stylo, cheap; Delaines, Chintzes, Brilliants, Embroideries nf less than city prices, Lace mitts, Sun Umbrellas. Douglass & Sher wood’s unequalled Skirts for Ladies, Misses and Children’s wear, Hosiery of every descrip tion. Please call at Leidieh & Sawyer’i Hew store, East Main SI. Juno 30, 1859. lint nud Cnp Store. AT KELLER’S old stand, HoHh Hanover Street, nearly opposite the Hardware store of J. P. L.Vne & Son. A full assortment just received, lo which con stant additions will ho made of city as well as homo manufacture. The stock now comprises gT\ Moleskin, Cassimere, Bearer and Felt ra, Jf&HJITS, of all styles and colors, (romi|| the cheapest to the host quality. Straw Hats, a largo variety of all prices and styles, together with a neat assortment of children’s Fur and Straw Hats. Also, Meh’s, Boys’and Children’s CJIPS, embracing every kind now worn, both plain and dress Caps, to which Iho attention of the public is respectfully invited. Don’t forget Keller’s Old Stand . Carlisle, May, 1839—1 y Bargains! Bargains! SAVE YOUR MONEY BY calling at the store next to Kline’s Hotel, North Hanover Street, Carlisle, where you can buy Goods-at a saving of 25 per cent., as the subscriber is determined to sell his large and well selected stock of Domestic and Foreign Dry Gooif&j without reserve, at cost or cltjr prices. Bleached and unbleached muslins at city prices. Pillow’case muslins and Sheetings ‘‘ Apron and Furniture chocks Tickings and Feint. Stripes , “ Colton-, linen and woolen table plbths . Domestic and Manchester Ginghams , c< The best calicoes at 10 eta. and the rest c< Fancy and black Lawns Lavella cloth and Debegda Bareges and Pongee mixture “ Plain apd flgured inouslin-dc-Jains u Challies and Barege de laina, “ I Silk Poplins and Alpacas “ Parasolls and Umbrellas . « Stella, printed and plain Shawls tc Fine embroidered collars u Skeleton and other Skirts “ Swiss Muslin, Cambric and Jaconet e * Lfiien Cambric Handkerchiefs , “ Black and coi’d Silks ttr Black and col’d Cloth “ Cassimcrcs and Merino Cassimcrcs u Kentucky Jeans and Oassinets (t Plain and striped cotton pant stuff * u Plain and twilled Linen, t{ White and col’d Flannels ; ~u Hosiery and Gloves “ Trunks and Carpet Bags (< Country .merchants will dp well,by calling, as they will save expenses, and any one wishing to commence business will secure himself, by buy; ing the entire stock—one of'the best stands in town. So every one can make money by call -Img on . S. L. LEVI. I June 23, 1859. Foreign and Domestic Liquors. T YNCH & CO., successors toLynch & Wca- JLiland, respectfully announce to the public, that they continue to keep constantly on hand, and for sale, a large and very superior assort ment of Foreign and Domestic Liquors,- at tbe old stand, South Hanover street, throe doors south of InhofTs Grocery store, and di. rectly opposite the Volunteer printing office. BRANDIES, All of choice Brands. WINES, Sherry, Port, Maderin, Lisbon, Claret, Native. Hock, Johannisberg and Bo derheimer. CHAMPAGNE, Heidsick & Co., Gcislet S Co„ and imperial. GINS, Bohlen, Lion, and'Anchor. WHISKEY, Superior Old Monongabela, Choice Old Family Nectar, Wheat, Scotch, and Irish. SCOTCH ALE, Muir & Son’s Sparkling Edinburgh, Allsopp’s Bast India Palo Ale, Tennot’s Brown Stout. Also, a largo lot of Monpngaliola Reclifled Whiskey, PARKER’S BRAND, for sale low. . _ , ’ Dealers and others desiring a PURE ARTI CLE, will find it os represented, ns their whole attention will bo given to a proper and carclul selection of their STOCK; which cannot bo sur passed, and hopes to have the patronage of the P “ b,iC - LYNCH & CO. April 21, 1850—dm Something New!, , AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT AND SLED STORL. MB. STRICKLER & BROTHER, have .just opened, in the room formerly occu pied by Sjirvock, Taylof &, Smith, Zug’s now building, Main St.,’two doors,edt o( thb mar ket bouse, a largo assortment,of Ag'flcultural Implements and fertilizers, which they are'pre pared to sell on tbo moSt reasonable terms. The stock embraces, Plows, Cultivators, Harrows,. Hay, Straw and Corn Fodder Cutters. R.eapers, ,Mowers, Drills, Cradles, Scythes! Corn Shelters, Forks, Shovels,.Hoes, Rakes, Prun ing knives, Whetsthnes for Mow • eh, and every other article neces , sary for farm use. They also intend keeping in addition, a full assortment of Cedar and Willow Ware, includ ing Spain’s Patent Churn, Brooms, Brushes, Butter-workers, Butter Forms, Prints, Ladles, Butter Tubs; Bowls, &o. . - * ■ Also Frnit, Garden and Flower Soodsi Seed Potatoes of the best varieties. They aro con-, stantlymaking additions.!* wl use every exertion Ip supply the wants ot tno 'agency for Evans 4 WaL % S r for fruit and ornsu mental Trpo}, Flowers and fertilizers, will bo attended to profit fitly. , April 21, 1859—1 y Proclamation. i WHEREAS tlio Hon. James H. GaAnAliq President Judgh of the several Courts of Common Pleas in tlio counties of Cumberland,' Perry, and Juniata,-and-Jualices of-tbs so, end Courts of Qycr.and-Terminer and General Jail Delivery in said counting, and Samuel Wodclburn St Michael Cpcklin, Judges of tlio Courts Of Ojter and Terminer and General Jail Delivery for the trial of all capital and oilier oilcndora, in the said county of Cumberland, by their precepts to mo directed, dated the 22d day of August, 1859, haVc ordered- the Court of Oyer and Toribiner and General Jail Delivery- to be liolden at Car lisle, on tlio 2d Monday of November, 1869, (being tho I,4th day,) at Hi o’clock iti the fore noon, to continuC'lwo weeks. • NOTICE is hereby given tothe Coroner, Jus tices of the Peaco, and Constables of tho said county of Cumberland, that they are bythe said precept comniatidod to be then and there in-thelr proper persons, with iholr rolls,records, anditi quisitions, examinations and-ail other remem. branccs, to do those things which to their offices appertain to be done, and all those that are bound by recognizances, to prosecute against the prisoners that are or then shall be in the Jail of said county, are to be there toproseculethem as shall be Just. ROBERT M’CARTNET, Sheriff. September 16,1869. Ladd, Webster « Co. - Improved Tight Slick Sewing'Machines. FOR FAMILIES AND ’MANUFACTURERS. ARE noted for (heir remarkable simplicity and strength. They do a greater range oi work—from the lightest to the heaviest—and in a more satisfactory manner than any other ma chine. They i lilch, hem , bind; fell, run and gather', without basting—using a straight needle—and make a lock stitch alike on both sides of the work, which cannot be unravelled,- - Please examine llieso before purchasing, and scccro the cheapest by buying the best. , ■ On exhibition and fur sale at Mrs. R. Ai Reynold’s Dagueneanßooms, W'est_oft)r. Zilz er’s office, by ■ - . , August 25, 1859—tf Fresh Groceries. JUST received by (be subscriber, a largo stock of every, description “of Groceries) fresh and cheap. Also, a large supply of Foreign and Domestic Liquo’fs,. ‘.. j consisting of very fine old Cognac, of Finet, Castillori & Go’s, (vintage 1850) Brandy, fine Old Fort, Madeira, Muscat, Claret, and Heid sick & Go’s, celebrated Champagne Wines, purp Holland Gin, Stoughton Bitters, very lhib dld Rye Whiskey, Bourbon And Mononganoln dp), Riim, Cherry arid Blackberry Brandies, &c., for sale at the new store of the subscriber at loir prices. WM. BENTZ. . Carlisle Jririuary 20, 1859. S; V. RVKT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Odide inMocm’a Hall, fear of the Court House, Carlisle. : ■ Septeinber 22,1869—1 y . 'H., NEW SHAM,. ATTORNEY AT LAW. , OFFICE with Wra. H. Miller,, Hanover street, opposite the Volunteer Printing Office. ~ -. f . Septembers, 1830—tf HngiicFrcoiypcs. IN' heniily and durability, ftp “ sun-drawi)’’ picture equals ajgood Bnguorreotypo-j Ihfi is the opinion expressed by the leading photo, grapiiic journals of the day, both American and English, and these may b&obtained at the rooms of Mrs. REiNoins,' Louthor Street, two doors west-of Hanover, c | Carlisle; June 10, 1859—if Vi\LU ABLE TOtvN .PUOf’ERTY " FOR SAEE. THE undersigned will soil at private snip, »R theit property on East Street arid Liberty Alley, containing 120 feet front on East Street, and 120 feet deep on Liberty Alley, baring thereon erected lour dwelling houses'. . ~ ~ n__n No. 1. Being a largo twostory aSSBSfSV Stone House, with Back-building, a HiiiltMUßrick Cistern, very Choice fruit tress,' ( ~ No. 2. Being a large two story rWmo Houso, will) bacfcrbiiildirig. Brick Cistern, Wooct-housoj choice .fruit trees and Shrubbery. , . . . ' No, B.arid 4, aro situated on Liberty Alloy," being one story stone and frariie Houses. ; Those properties .will be sold together Of separately, to suit purchasers. Any .person wishing to view the properties or wishinginfor riiatlon, will inquire of Win. 8011, or the under signed. S. & N. BELL., Carlisle, January 13, 1859—tf SUMMER ARRANGEMENT I CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAIL ROAD CO’Y. CHANGE OF HOURg. DN and after Monday, April llt)i, 1869, passenger trains will leave as follows, (Suit* days excepted:) For Mnrrlslaii’gv ; Ij* Irani. 2rf Train. . ! Leave Charaborsbnrg, 6.10 A. if. 1.00 p. Jif* t( Shippensburg, 5.40 « 3.32* « Kewville, 6.10 « 2.04 «/ « Carlisle,' 6.43 “ ' 2.45 “ “ Mecbanicsb’g, 7.16 “ 8.16 At Harrisburg, 7.46 “ 8.46 “ For Chanibcrsburg-. lit Train. 2d Train.,., Leife Harrisburg, 8,00 A.M. 1.2Q.P. M.’ “ Mechanicsburg, 8.48 « 1.66 «• « Carlisle, 9.20. “ 2.34 ‘f ; “ Newville, 11.54 “ B.pB “ “ Shippensbnrg, 10.24 3.88 : •{ . At Chambersburg, 10. op. “ 4.oft ' “ Trains leave Harrisburg l or Philadelphia, .via Ponn’a Railroad, at, 2.30, ,606, and 750 A. M; and 1.10 and 8.50, P.lll; By Reaping via Lpba'- non Valiev Railroad, at 8 a. m., 2:85 jp.»; For Baltimore, 8.20 a.m. am| ,1 p.rni; . . For. Troverton and Williamsport, at I.oo,and and 8.80 p. pi. • • Train on Dauphin Road at 2.00 p. m. ~ . FareS from Harrisburg, Mephanlcsburg, Car r lisle, Shinpenshiirg and Chatflhcrsbnrgj will ,bp ten cents for.Tickets at the Of* flee, than when paid |a the Cars. •' , ~ . O. If. LHjLlij Supt: ■ Railroad Office, Chambersbnr£, i April 7, 1869. J . .. JUST receives ii larffe assortment of Double and Single Barrel Gjins, Double and Single Barrel Pistols, Revcdvcrs, Game Bags, Flasks, Shot Poncl’ies, Powder, 3hbf, Caps, Wads, &c., at May 20,1859. Cedar & Willow Hydro.' BASKETS. Market, Travelling, and a vari ety of Fancy ami other Baskets. Wooden Ware Tubs, Buckets, Measures, Keelers, painted and other Buckets, Palfs, Bed curds, Mats, Brushes and other necessary housft ‘articles* *, Rich’s Rrooms, knoivn as the best Brootri fa this or any other market, are for sale Only by the subscriber. . All articles in our line are of fered at the lowest cash prices Nor. 4, 1858 MILL PICKS, MILL PICKS. An assort, meat of Jojin Uanis’ celebrated, new pa tent MILL PICKS, just received at the Agri cultural The Picks arc superior to any now niado, and, arc warranted. July/, 1859. . ' T>iBLLS I BELLS 1f Farm Bells of tho beat Jt> makes, for salo cheap, at the hardware store of John' P. Lyno & Son'. May 19,'1859. Mantillas. Those mwaht pi oUantnia will find the largest ouft choapist assort mout at tbo cheap aiorb of Juno 23, J. A’. HCMBRICn, Jr. W. H. MASON H, SAXTON’S, J. vr. EBF.