FIfiEJIEH'S MKADEI mmM ATSUIPPENSBURO, PA. Fare Reduced! DffflE Oumbtrland Valley Biailßoad Company » I W ill issue Excursion Tickets, from all points on'their Hood to Shippensburg antf back, good for the 4tb and 6th days of August, as follows : Prom Chnmbersburg ond Return, $0.45 <« Scotland “. 30 «« Qakville “ ,80 ' e » Cii n bo had at Philip Arnold's. • Jahuary 6,1889. SAVING “UNO. Chartered, by the Stale of Pennsylvania, 1. Money is received every day, aiid in any amount, largo or small. 2. Five per cent interest la paid for money from the day it is put in. 8. Tlie money is always paid hack in GOLD, whenever it is called for, and without notice. 4. Money is received from Executors, Admin istrators, Guardians, and others who desire to have it in a place of perfect safety, and where interest can bo obtained for jf. 6. The money received from depositors is in vested in Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents,- and such other first class securities ns the char ter directs. Office Hours—Every day from 9 till 5 o’clock and on Mondays and Thursdays till 8 o’clock in the evening. HON. HENRY L. BENNER, Pres’t. ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Pice Pres’t. Wir. 3. Keek, Secretary . ~ DIRECTORS! Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Brewster, Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. Barry, Robert Selfridgo, Francis Led, Samuel K. Ashton, Joseph Yerkos, C. Landreth Menus, Hoary Difiendorffer. Office—Walnut St., S. W. Corner of Thin St., I’liila. April 14, 1859—6ra* AT OGILBV’S NEW STORE. NOW - opening the largest and cheapest stool of Spring and Summer Goods ever brough to Cumberland county. A large , lino of elegant Black and Fancy Silks, Chatties, Berage Robes, Poll deOhevier, Opera Cloth, Oriental Lustre, Plaid Poplins. Caledonia Cloth, Lavellns. Satin Plaid Ducals, Polonaise Cloth,French Chintz, DeLaincs, Tra velling Dress Goods, Organdy Lawns, &o.‘ An immense lot of elegant Collars, Under sleeves, Handkerchiefs, Flouncings, Inse.rtings, Edgings, etc., direct from the largest importing house in New Vork. A large assortment of elegant Crape, Stella and Thybet Shawls, very cheap. Lace and silk Mantillas. Black Veils, and all kinds of Mourning Goods in great variety. Sherwood’s patent Hooped Skirts, Skirl Sup porters, Richardson’s Linens, Alexander’s Kid •Gloves, (bought from the importers.) Guantlets and Mitts. A full assortment of Ladies’, Gents’, Misses’ and Boys’ Hose, and very low. Calicos, Ginghams, Muslins,Tickings^Check, &e., of all kinds and prices. A new supply, and very cheap, particularly for boys’ wear. , Thanking my. old friends and customers tor their patronage, I most respectfully invito them and all others in want of cheap goods to give me a call. Our quick sales and small profits; no trouble to show goods at the new store, corner of Main and Pitt streets, opposite the R. R. Depot. April 14,-1859. CHEAP, VERY CHEAP! rHE subscriber has just returned from the Eastern cities with a well selected sttck. of Foreign and Domestic ’ . DRY GOODS, in ail its branches, comprising ladies.and gen tlemen’s ware, such us SjlUsfßoblina, Organ lines, Cha'ltes, Lawn’s, Calicos. Ginghams, Cloth, Cassimeres, Morino-CassimerCs, Kent, Chaines, Linen, plain and twilled Cottonade’s, which ho is able and willing to sell a't'very low prices, also a groat variety, of Parasol’s & LTmbrella’s, Emhroided and Mourning Collars. Cambric’s, Barred and Swiss Muslins, Laces, Edgings, and Insertings, Mantillas, and Dusters. Handkerchiefs, of Linen Cambric, Silk, X.awn, Gingham and Cotton. Dress Trimmings, Horxeries If. Gloves, and all tho hundred different articles belonging to tho line, at prices lower than ever, with a very extensive assortment of ' DOMESTICS, such as Muslins, Tickings, Checks, Drilling’s, Astuaburgh’s, Bagging, Flannels, Crash &c.,al so Trunks and Carpel Bags. Hooped and Steele- , Having sold out my clothing and Groceries, I*paid particular attention lor the selection and completing my Dry Goods Stock, and will try my utmost to'ploase all who-will favor-mo with l tlieircalU April T, IB'jO Paper Blau gin COJTB'A'ND'SEE-OtJK Cheap- Peeper Hanging#, Cheap Paper Hangings? Cheap Paper Hanging*)' Cheap Paper Hangings f AND OUR IESj ’. Fine Glased Paper Hangings , Fine Glased Paper Hangings , Fine Glazed, Paper Hangings, Fine Glazed Paper Hangings , AND ALSO OUR And Window Pjpers of various colors. We wish to inform the public that our stock of Pa. per Hangings is the largest and most varied as sortment ever opened in Carlisle, and that wo are selling at prices that will suit every body at sr .. tt JOHN P. LYME & SON, North Hanover Street, where you can ho fur nished at all limes with Fresh Paints, Oil and Tarnish, of the best quality and lowest prices. April 7, 1850. WM. BENTZ. WIGS-WIGS-WIGS. Fitu Cl 'm L ° R ' S ancl Tou Pces surpass i.ib t - ,e - V I™ e, f« an - , « B « b ‘. *«»* and du. mblo. I ) (mg (o a cliarin— up be d~,no Bl ' n " kl "K off'lie head; indeed, this is -he only establishment where these things are New C rork' ,ldtntoed , . TOMBS, &c., of chaste and beautiful designs, which ho will sell at the lowe'st possible rates, oeing desirous of soiling out his stock. Head stones finished from three dollars upwards. . Brown stone, marble work, mantels, tkc., for buildings, marble slabs for furniture, &c., con stantly on hand. Iron railing for cemotary lots, &c., of the best Philadelphia workmanship, will be propiptiy attended to. Carlisle, March 27, 1858, Saxton’s Sprlngr Arrival! £@£JLwarsl IMMENSE STOCK OF HARDWARE THE subscriber has just returned trom the eastern cities, and would call the attention ol his friends and tW public generally, to the large and Well selected assortment of Hardware which ho has how on hand, consisting in part of BUILDING HUTURMLS, suoh as nails, screws, hinges, bobs, locks, glass of every description and quality, white, polish, ed, American, French, enameled and double thick of all sizes; paints, oils, varnishes, &c. Tools, including edge tools of every descrip tion, saws, planes, braces, bits, augurs, squares, gauges, flies, rasps, hammers, vices, screw plates anvils, blacksmith helloes, &c. Shoemakers and Saddlers, will find a large ns. sortment of tools of every description, together with ladies and gentlemen’s Morocco lining, binding, patent and French call skins, awls, shoe thread, wax, pegs, lasts, harness mountings, col lars, girthing, whip stocks, deer hair, saddle trees, &c. Coachmakers Tools and trimmings of all kinds, such as hubs, spokes, felloes, shafts, bows, floor cloth, canvass, cloth, damask, fringe, lace, mass, axles, springs, bolts, clips, &c. Cabinet-makers will And a large assortment ol varnishes, oak, walnut, and mahogany veneers, knobs of all kinds and sizes, mouldings, resets, hair cloth, plush, curled hair, chair and sofa springs, &c. - Housekeepers will also find a large assortment of knives and forks, Britannia and Silver plated table and tea spoons, candlesticks, waiters, shovels, tongs, iron and brass kettles, pans, &c. together with Cederwnre of all kinds, such as tubs, buckets, churns, &c. Agricultural Implements , embracing plows of all kinds, cultivators, hoes, shovels,/rakes,forks, chains,-&c. Iron, a large stock, which.l am selling at city "rices. • 1 Remember the old stand. East Main afreet. . HENRY SAXTON; Carlisle, March 12, 1857. Citmlterlaiid alley Bank. PROPRIETORS, H. A. SiunaEOK. Fn alt iWackeral Fresh Groceries. Tobucco & Segtirs. B--»r Iron MACHINE SHOP, CAB FACTORY AND SASH FACTORY. EAST MAIN STREET, CARLISLE. THIS extensive establishment is now In com plete order, and supplied with the best ma chinery for executing work in every department. The buildings have also been'.greatly enlarged this spring, and stocked with the newest and most improved tools for the manufacture of Doors, Window Frames. Sasii, Shutters,.Blinds, Mouldings, Brackets, and all other kinds of Carpenter work. Wo invito Builders, Carpenters and others to call and ex amine our (aoilities'for doing this description of work. . K?” The best materials usifd, and prices as low as at any other establishment in the county of elsewhere. • • Steam Engines Built to Order and repaired as heretofore. Engines have-been recently built for W. M. Henderson & Spn, in this borough, R. Bryson & Co., Alien township, Ahl St Brothers, Newvillo, Sbado it Wetzel, Worth Middleton, and others, at whose estab lishments they may bo seen in daily operation, and to whom wo can refer for evidence of their superiority. Iron and Brass Castings of every description, from the smallest to the heaviest pieces, executed at short notice, for every kind of machinery. A : large variety of mill castings now op, hand. Two skillful Pat tern makers constantly employed. REPAIR ING promptly attended to (or Paper Mills, Dis tillerleS,“Grist“ Mills," Factoriesr&c. —Turning- and Fitting Mill Spindles, &c., done in. the best stylo. Threshing Machines and Horse Powers, such as Bevil Gear Pom - Horse Powers,. Hori zontal Gear Four and Two Horse Powers, Corn Shelters, Crashers, Iron Rollers, Plough Cast ings, and other articles for farmers, on hand or promptly made to order. Burdoti Cars Built and repaired. Our facilities for building Cars are now more complete than heretofore, and en ables us to furnish them to transporters on the ruilroad on accommodating terms, and made of the best materials. Orders-solicited and entire satisfaction guaranteed. The long experience in the business of the senior partner of the firm, and the completeness of our machinery in every branch of the estab lishment, warrant us in assuring the best work to al 1 who favor us with their orders. The con tinued patronage of our old friends and the pub lic is respectfully solicited. F. GARDNER & CO. May 21, 1859—1 y Fire Insurance. THE Allen and East PennsbOro’ Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Cumberland coun ty, incorporated by an act ot Assembly, is now fully organized, and in operation under the management of tbe following jllanugers, viz : lienj. H. Mosser, Lewis Hyer, Cbristian Stay, man, Michael Cocklin, J, C. Dunlap. W. K. Gorgas. Daniel Bailey,"Jacob 11. Cioover, Alex ander Cathcarf, jos. Wickcrsham, J. Eicbel berger, S. Eberly, J. Brandt. The rates ofiinsurance are as low and favora ble as auy Company ot the kind in'thp State.— Persons wishing to become members are invi ted to make application to the Agents of the Company who are willing to wait upon them at any time. BENJ. H. MQSSER, Pres. Gurirtian StaVman, Vico Pres Lewis Hye'r. Sect’y. Michael Cooklin, Treasurer. January 7,’68. AGENTS Cumbberland county.— John Sherrick, Allen; Rudolph Marlin, New Cumberland; Henry Zearing, Shiremanstowri; Sum’l. Woodburn, Dickinson ; ’ Henry Bowman, Churchfown;— Mode Griffith, South Middleton; Sam’l. Gra ham, W.Penusboro’; Sam’l. Coover. Mcchan icsbnrg, J. W- Cocklin, Shepherdstbwn ; D. Cooyer. Shepherdstown;' J. *O, Saxton, Silver Spring; Benj. Havefstick, Silver Spring; John Hyer. Carlisle. ; York- county. —W.S. Picking, Dover; Peter Wolford, Franklin ; Jas. Griffith, Warrington ; J. F. DoardorfT, Washington ; D. Rutter, New; bury; R. Clark, Dillsburg. Harrisburgt— llonser& Lochman. Members of ’ the Company having policies about to expire, can have them renewed by making application to any of the Agents; Spangler’s Hair Restorative. I ’HIS article is put up before the public with the greatest confidence of its success,. It is Intended to restore gray hair to its original co lor. and to promote its growth. ■ Persons whoso Hair is falling out will find that it will remedy the evil in a very lew appli cations. In all cases go according to directions, and you may rely on its successful ''operation.. It is not put out with a long preamble of its qualities in curing Scald Head, Tetter. King Worm, or any other Skin diseases, but merely ■ tor the Growth and Restoration of the Hair. Mahufacf ured,by J. Spangler. Druggist,Cham berahurg, Pa. For sale by S. Elliott, Carlisle. January 13, 1859—1 y HR. I. C. LOOMIS, SOUTH Hanover Street, next door to the Post Office. N. B. Will be absent from Carlisle the last ton days of each month. August 16, 1855. DR. GEO S. SCARIGIIT, DENTIST. From the Baltmibre College of Denial Surgery. Office at the residence of his mother, .East Louther street, throe doors below Bedford. March 19, 1857. , Watches, Jewelsy und Silver WARE AT COAXYA’S. THE public are invited to call and examine the largest and handsomest stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY AMD SILVERWARE. ever brought to this place. Having purchased this stock for cash I am determined to sell at prices that “ can’t be beat.” All goods sold by mo, guaranteed to bo as represented or the money refunded.. Old gold and silver taken in exchange THOMAS CONLYN, Carlisle, May 1, 1856. Paints St Oils. ' T 'T(TtWO lbs. White Lead, with alargu assort ment ot Oita, Varnishes, Turpentine, Japan, Litharge, Putty, Gluej White Zinc, colored Zinc, Fire-proof Paint Florence White, Bed Lead, Whiting, Paint Bruahea, ait Colors dried in Oil, all Colors in tubes, received at the cheap hardware store of H. SAXTON March 17, 1859. ’ 1 Of I °* Hammered and Rolled Iron, lA/' ' with a largo assortment of Sheet Iron, Steel, Hoop Iron, Rivets, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Anvils, Vices, - Fijgs, Rasps, Screw Plates, Blacksmith Bellows, just received and for sale cheaper than over at SAXTON'S. March 17, 1859. Orjrk PAIR. Hamea, including g -01/1/ sortmont of the celebrated Ellzaholh town llames ol all sizes and kinds, just received March 24, 1859. TO BE ITAD AT EBY’S Grocery Store, some of the choicest No. 1 Mackerel (without heads,) over offered in Caflialo. T|io public |s invited to culland examine them and Judge for themselves. , . . Fob. 24,1859. THE 1 undersigned' fcspectlnllv im - ’ patrons that he has renloved hi.S* Ml Shop to the BASEMENT OP Ml) o. rl) tr NEW BUILDING, on Nolth adjoining Mr, Hnverstick’a Drno Stn. 81rcct i nearly opposite the Bank, where ho n “"I see nil his old customers, and as a, C! ones as wish to have their ■ hair and « v " c ' v “ done up” in the most fashionable S ivi lslicrs All the various branches of BarbSrt ’ a f. S ¥ v J n /' c u“ing, ShampooniZ’ “? cll attended to with promptness. Also /?’ f'-i Bleeding, Tooth' Extracting, sc. The undersigned has also for sale a.. ' article of . : “ 0 8 sn P«i cr : HAIR RESTORATIVE, of his own discovery and preparation ed by any similar article how in nse ’i”nc