American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, July 07, 1859, Image 3

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■P Philadelphia, July 5,1859.
Klour and Meal —Market quiet. Receipts
R'lour continue light, arid prices' are, again,
R r . Sales of good superfine arc reported at
■5O per bbl. for common extra. Good Wcs-
K extra at SC 75. The sales to the home
BJc are limited between $0 50 and S 7 75 for
■by lots. Nothing doing in Rye Floor nr
Bp Meal. The former is held at S 4 50 and
Blatter at S 3 75 per barrel.
■Brain. —Wheat is low, and wilhoutdemand.
Wes of Pennsylvania and Western red at SI 55;
■6O, and white at SI GO a 1 70... Rye is sol-
Hgiat 87c. Corn is dull and ptiCes drooping,
of yellow at 82 cents, afloat. Oats arc
Ml and plenty. Sales of prime Delaware at 45
Kits, and Pennsylvania at 46c. In Buck-
Hlent there has been a ferlher, sale at 85 cents,
pry msKEf is in fair demand. Sales of Ohio
Ijp; at 28 cents, and Pennsylvania do. 264 a
pic, ; hhds. at 26 cts.'and Drudge at 254.
|.CloveiiseeD cotties_ forward slowly, and
irime lots command S'SJiO per 64 pounds.—
L'imotny has declined to 82. Flaxseed is scarce
|£slcs al'6B.
I **ost-Ollice Notice.
B. Carlisle PosT-OrncE, •
| July 1,1859. V r
StIIEKK will bo no charges made at this ol
lltice irom this date lor less than one bundle
nivulnpus, or a sheet 61 stamps, arid then on
db those persons who pay their accounts
\mptlj- Paper postage and Box vent must bo
or the' papers will he retained until the
ifjtge is setiled for. It has become a com
fit, practice for persons to drop-in throe cent
fflvs and one cent papers endorsed on them
Bliarge Box!” Whilst lam disposed to cx
m' every reasonable accommodation, I must
|e some little regard to riiy owri interest. —
le aliove rule will be strictly adhered to witb
fcrespoct to persons.
iH, • joiin B. Bratton, p. m.
|H- Great Allraelion'!
Sob two afternoons and two
Education Hull, Carlisle- ■
SiGNOK BLITZ, the world renowned ..Ven-
S-driloqnist and Magician, with his Learned
Snary Birds, will give his amusing, enterlain
ients at the above place, on Monday and Tues
wi.Julv nth and 12th. the
hernoona at ,'J o’clock, and in the evenings at
su/iAdmission 25 cts. Children 111 cts.
puiy 7,1839 —It
f;HEPamphlet Laws of the Session of 1859,
J'lW* been 'received at-Mio Protlwnotavy’s,
nJO&i&i 'in Curlislo, lind are ready for disMbWtioii
S-t<J ’tSo3o cnli'tled to receive tliemi
“ *•-!,V t>. i’rotii’y.
v-July 7. 1859—3 t ' ' ~
iiist of Lei lei's.
| d iii the “Volunteer,” by atithorihj
fc' ir'.tsT of Letters remaining in the Post Office
Sjv'iJLi at Carlisle, Pa., July 1,18 S». Persons in-
Kcquiring for Letters on this List Will please say
'they arc advertised. One cent doe: on each let-
Went W W Myers John W
n(trews Sarah' Myers„Yietorinc,
dams John jr ~ Mathews Louisa
ißbwen M iry Mrs Mickey S \Y
fejiruwii Win 2 . . M’AvelElizr
iffitiOk Frances " Myers Sallie S
iri'jitlftu'rf Alexander ■ ; MusSehnati Cathetintt
Hfiiack Braxler Morrison John
Salomon Miller t).uiiol.
SjllJutciCrl Sarah 2 Mont Lewis .
|%arpes Franklin. „ Musser Joseph C
Mary :' ' Monntz Simon
M'O'une Georgo A
uGoller Levi More Mary Mrs,
'CaTup ,William ' Moore John '
County Rdward M Mathews Ldward
ILQdnrUaviil Nyman Sarah
WeiMc'B W Nailer George W
rclark Mrs P F Opporihamor Henry
wciirson Beccic Okcokey. ihomns ■
,;T)avis Annie. Peter Nancy Jane
ifJJavls Sadie Phelbin Anthony
■:;.d:»iiii«an A Sarah Kiordan.T miothy
■’.,'jfjiinner Joseph Ross Susan
o j’Dipican'Mary Amelia Rodin Win
Duncan Sarah Reed Sarah , . Rinehart Lathnno
1 Enswotth Barbara Smith Robert
■; Fetrow Henry It Sanson John .
A Friend 2 Stine Samuel
Franklin Samuel . Snow Sarah Jane
f Fox David Stooky William
‘ Frederick George SharpJn'mA . •
•V Gross Jane Sulenburger Abiaham
Green Joseph Smith John w
Gill William Shrowenboch Joseph
Gloeson,Patrick Shadls Baldasser
V Hopkins,Green B Sphur Rebecca 2
• Itiiipehamnier William- Stuart Joseph F
, Holsinger Sarah Jane Slider Anna Maty
Holliday Samuel Smith Charles A
' Highctt J E Sm.lh Robert R ■
, Hippie ProfC F . . Servers And..
Hcirine W Summers Elizabeth
- Hester J G Stephenson Moses
'' Heckman John Spin..-Rebecca L
’ Huber Sarah Sacked R L
Iluflck Rachael Slump John
IS -. JknVuns Alexander • Sharp Samuel
Jackson Andrew Smith Mrs Man 1.
Jdnbs Ililhtiati. Bullon Juntos U
, Jdlintjtotl Win I) . Smith A J
, Jpifbs John W Sander Joint
Johns Dlt J . Sargeant Sh-ddon ■ ■
iP.Jlhpcrit Sirrah Sadkd Samuel
" Kimble Ami E Tytlp Tahlha
!■ Kihg.llenry Tfessler J W
- LbKkrkpod S M Thomas Joshtht
■ . Lipf*.’Harriet 2 . Yaneourt Hale
i Lucas Margaret Anti Viereck J 0
c LanrbortOn Rebecca J Waggoner George •
■ 'i Liffitltmilfa George Waggoner Sarah A
Ldlh John Waggoner Caroline
1 Langhlln James A Wilson Jane Miss
Leo William Davis White Susanna
1 Liicus Peter Waggoner David
ti’ Lochara Eliza J Wcllians Joseph
d-\ Leapbart C Mrs Agt. Camden & Ambo;
iMitme Christian Railroad .
Lydia Ann , . „
I.itji of Letters
SSBSmiEMAINING in,the Post Office at Now
July 1, 18S9.
ashingtoii ICI iue, Albert, 2
i John F. Eisenhouur, Mrs Elizabeth Summers
f Jjplm Stiictler, Mary Heard,
■ ' 'U fjoorge Sholleharaor, Sarah Shank.
■R. Swart, 2 ' .
' Quo cent duo on each letter. , Persons calling
1 for the above letters will say advertized.
V ; “ W. W. WANBAUGH, P. Mr
;; ’ ‘ County Treasurer.
T HE undersigned, at the solicitation of nu
rterons friends, bus consented to be a can.
I 1 for the oliice of County Treasurer, sub.
} fat t„ (lie decision of tlio Democratic Count
!' CbnTentiom^ oMpsoN M GACBRAITII
Dickinson townsbiji, Juno 30, 1850
County Treasurer.
:;fi' -ilf/E afo requested to name Sami.. Ensmiso.
W *if» of Carlisle, ns a candidate for the
■ edict! ot. Count] Treasurer, subject to the deci
slon of the DomocVatic County Convention.
i[ : Juno 30,185!)—'
bell nixf;i\c, & c .
Ar.S'. liVNE, corner of fiodlord and Loutlicr
.-.Streets, Carlisle, will attend promptly to
; t/ Bell-kdnging in all the various branches. Every
‘ Sell warr-ntcd to work well or no pay required.
<?' Slattel Ciflling executed in the neatest stylo and
6. 4f sfiott nbtico. Give mo a call.
I ■ A. S. LYNE f .
For Rent.
*, mHE Dwelling House and Office, in South
t ' fjbifonovor Street, two doors south of InhoflT’s
11 * il *° ** lu property ol Thomas M. Biddle,
Hitlj., is offered for rent upon favorable terms.
IvffliiOt, particulars enquire at Inhoif’s Grocery
23, 1850—3 ti
Bargains! Bargains!
BY calling at the slurb next to Kline’s Hotel,
North Hanover Street, Carlisle; whore you
can; buy Goods at a saving of 25 per cent., ns
the subscribe!'is determined to sell bis large and
well selected stock of Domestic and Foreign
Dry Goods, :
without reserve, at cost or city prices.
Bleached and unbleached muslins at city prices.
Pillow case muslins and Sheetings “
Apron and Furniture.checks
Tickings and Pcnit. Stripes ■
Colton, linen and woolen table cloths “
Domestic and Manchester Ginghams «
The best calicoes at lOcts. and'the rest “
Fanfcy anil black Lawns . “
Lavolla clolb and Dcbogos “
Bareges and Pongee mixture K
Plain and figured mouslin-do-lains “
Challies and Barege do iains “
Silk Poplins and Alpacas
Parasolts and. Umbrellas “■
Stella, printed and plain Shawls “
Fine embroidered collars ££
Skeleton and other Skirts <£
Swiss Muslin, Cambric arid Jaconet «
Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs “
Blank and dol’d Silks , “
Blbek and col’d Cloth ”
Cassimeres and tjerino Cnssimeres “
Kentucky Jeans and Cassinels “
Plain and striped co’tlon .pant stuff ££!
Plain and’twilled Linen .
White and col’d Flannels
Hosiery and Gloved
Trunks and Carpet Bags
Country merchants Will do well by calling, as
they will save expenses, .and any one wishing to
commence business will secure himsell by buy.
ing'the ciitiTo'stock —one ol the best stands in
town So every one can make money by call
ing on . S. L. LEVI.
June 23, 1859. .
MANTILLAS. Those in want of nMantilla
- will'Unit tlio largest and cheapest assort
ment at the cheap store at
June 28,' ' J. A. lIUMEHICH, Jr. •
yagiiciTcolj jics.
IN' beauty amt durability, no'“sun-drawn”
picture equals a good Daguerreotype; Hits
ia.tbe'opinion expressed by the leading photo,
graphic journals of the day, both American and
English, and lliosc may heobtaincd at the rooms
of -Mrs. Rkvxolds, ’Leather Street, two doors
west of Hanover.
Callislc, June IC, 1859—tf
take Notice.
JUST received«t ICeller’sNorlliHanovcrSt.,
a complete assortment ol .Men’s and Boy’s
Straw and Leghorn Hats. Also, Chirdren’s
• Fancy Hats:
, June 10, 1850.
rpIlE Empiro.llbok and Ladder Company; re
turning their sincere thanks to the-citizens’
lor the favors conferred on them, intend holding
a Floral Fair at Education Hall, commencing
July 2d, and closing July 9(h, in which the
kind Co-operation ol the ladies is respectfully
solicited—our object being to secure Binds for
the purpose of erecting a :TrUck House. A lew
moments devoted to the making of such articles
as yotir ingenuity, may suggest, will- be thank
fully received on behalf of the Empire Hook and
Ladder Company. :
■S.'Keepers, ■ C. F. Leidig,
. F. Hinkle, ■ B. K. Spanglet,
Jno. Roberts, . S-.'Martin,:
J. A. Blair, . T. M- Moofe,
C. S. Murry, - J. IV. Paris,
■ ' Ghairm'n-.of Coin.--
• June 10, 1859—U , '
N. 13. Articles for the Fair can be left .with
cither, of the above Committee. .
School Tax »i’ 1559.
rllE taxable citizens of the Borough of Car-
I lisle are hereby notified that the Treasurer
of the School District of said Borough will at
tend at the County Court House;' (Gommissioti
er’s oliicc,) UU. Thursday, the 2H/A of ‘July next,
between the liours of 9 and 12 in the, forenoon,
and Z and 5 o’clock in the afternoon of said
day, for the purpose, of collecting and receiving
tile Sotiool Taxes assessed (or tho present year.
On ail taxes paid on or before that date, a de
duction will bo made of FIVEM’EU CENT.
Persons wishing to pay-their taxes in the mean
time, may do so by caliing on Hie. Treasurer, at
Ids store in “ Marioq Hall” building.
J. IF. EBY, Treasurer. .
June 9, 1859—St ' •
" :: GALLERY. .
C L. LOCUM AN, from Philadelphia, is
.liappv to announce'to the citizens of Car
lisle and vicinity, that lio’bas opened rooms over
Mr. C. Inholf’s Grocery Store, where with su
perior instruments and a knowledge of all the
lato improvements in Photography, bo is able
to make pictures equal to tlio best in the coun
ty. Photograph, plain and colored, Ambro.
typos, Lite Size Photographs in oil, Photographs
in Partile, Ac., taken in a superior manner.
Ladies and Gentlemen arc most respectfully
invited to call. - '
June 9, 1859 —-It*
noorax® seate.
rpiIIE undersigned has, been’ appointed agent
I of ROOFING SLATE,''mid has
now, and will, constantly keep on hand a lull
supply to meet the demands ot .builders ami
others; Those in want o( a superior article
would do well to call at the Lumber and Coal
Yard, near the Gas House. •
June 9, 1859. ________
WHEREAS the lion. James 11. Graham,
President Judge of the several Courts of
Common Pleas in tlio counties of Cumberland,
Perry, and Juniata, and Justices of the several
Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail
Delivery in said counties, and Samuel W oodburn
& Michael Cocklin', J udges of the Courts ot Oyer
and Terminer and General Jail Delivery lor.tbe
trial of all‘capita'l and other ollendbfs, in the said
county of Cumberland, by their precepts to mo
directed, dated the lltb day of April, 18oJ,
have ordered the Court of Oyer arm.Terminer
and General Jail Delivery to be holden at Car
lisle, on the 4th Monday of August, 1809, (be
ing the 22d day ( ) at 10 o’clock in the forenoon,
to continue one' week. ■
NOTICE is hereby given to the Coroner, Jus
tices of the Peace, and Constables of the said
county of Cumberland, that they arc by the said
precept commanded to be then aiid.there in their
proper persons, with their rolls, records, and in;
qulsitions, examinations and all other remem
brances, to do those things which to their offices
appertain to be done, and all those that are
bound by recognizances, to prosecute against
the prisoners that are or then shall bo in the Jail
of said county, aro to bo there to prosecute them
as shall be just. ,
June 2, 1859.
LETTERS testamentary on tlic estate o(
George Rupert, late of Upper Allen town
ship, Cumberland county, have been isssued-by
the Register of said county, to the subscribers
•residing in the same township. All persona in-,
debted to said estate are requested to make im
mediate payment, and th’oso having claims will
present them for settlement to
May 26,1559.
LETTERS testamentary, with the will an
nexed, on the estate of Dr. Jacob Sawyer,
late of Carlisle, Cumberland county, have boon
iasused by the Register of said county, to the
subscribers residing in Carlslo. All persons in
debted to said estate are requested to make im
mediate payment, and those having claims will
present them to
W. 0. SAWYER,- Ex'rs
May. 19, 1859—Gt
Manny's Combined Reaper and Mower with
fVood’s Improvement.
IS the Fanners of Cumberland co.,
lor the coming harvest, on the usual accom
modating terms. The complete success achie
ved by this machine at -the groat National Field
trial at Syracuse In 1807, over some twenty
competitors, and its unbounded - success vfc this
and adjoining counties for, the last three liar
vests, in spite of fieVcc aild energetic opposition,
shonld scarcely leave a doubt in the mind ol any
fanner, winch machine to btoy : ; *if any person
should however still be in doubt wc would ask
him to take a Manny machine and try it along
with any of.‘the other ma'fcbfncs offered to the
public as -combined machines, and after, a lair
trial ‘reliivn ( thu worst and keep and pay for the
one he considers best. '
Agt. at Carlisle.
Agt. at Mechanicsbg.
u ,
June 2, 1850 —Gt
Carriages for Sale.
TIIK subscriber Ims on band
and for sale, at his shop in Pitt
street, near the Railroad DcpoT r
la number of new. and second
landed Carriages, THlburics,,Buggy's, Harness,
&c., both ol his own and city manufacture, which
he will sell on .the most reasonable terms. They
arc made up in the latest style and in a durable
<< I manner.- ; 0
He is prepared to do all kinds of work intho
Coachmaking line, with neatness and despatch,
at prices that cannot fail to give satisfaction.
lie still kcepsat )iis Livery, itorses,'Carriages
and Buggies to kite, which he 'Can tcconmiend
to the public. ,
Thankful for past favors, the subscriber Re
spectfully asks, a continuance of the same, as
suring the public that nothing will be wanting
on his part to give satisfaction to all-who see lit
:Ul glve-him-ji-cal*
Carlisle, June 2,1859—1 m . _
Town Lots For Sale.
THREE Valuable town lots for sale Cheap, for-
Ciish. Apply at John P. Lyno hi Son’s
Hardware Store, North Hanover St., Carlisle.
May 19, 1859—2 m , ■
THE subscriber has received a fresh arrival
ol tire-following:
. Fresh Tomatoes in cans,
“ Peaches “ ■ , - ' -
, « Salmon- “
s<. Lobsters ■ . “ ■ . .
Tickled Lobsters, Sardines; Gcllatinc, Sap
Sago Cheese, Virgin Oil of Aix, fortho table,
Olivo do., stniled.
Tomato KiVtsup-,. '
■'Walnut a •' -
Mnsliroeii, “ " /
Worcestershire Sauce, ■ . ■ " '■
Pickels,-Raisins, Hate's, Figs, Nectarines,
Oranges, Lemons, Sic.',
Fine llama, Dried Beet, •
Groceries, Fine Liipiors; Fish, and all at tlie
lowest prices. \VM. BENTZ.
■ CarPslq, May 19, 1859.. . ■ ’
GRAIN CRADLES.. Gregor’s,'Planks, Mil
ler’s, Smith's, and Bernlieisul’s makes, on
band and for ante at the makers prices, with a
large assortment of Scythes, Snaths,. Forks,
Rakes, JSc ; at the Hardware Store of John 1.
Lyne & Son, 'North Hanover St.
May, 19,1859: , . ■ ■ , ' . ~
Hat anil Cap Store.
AT KELLER’S old stand, North Hanover
Street, nearly opposite the Hardware store
of J. F. Lvne & Son.. , ,
A full assortment jiist received, to which, con
stant additions will bo made'of cilyas well as
home manufacture.- The stock now comprises
Moleskin, Cassimerc, Beaver and Felt n.
Ijja HATS, of all styles and colors,
the cheapest to the best qualify. Straw Hilts,
a largo variety of all prices and styles, together
with a neat assortment,of children’s Fur and
Straw Hats. ” Also, Men’s, Boys’and Children’s
CLIPS, embracing every kind now worn, both
plain and dress Caps, to which Hie attention of
i lie public is respectfully' invited. Don't forget
Keller’s old Stand; • ■"•■'V . . ■
Carlisle, May, 1859—1 y
JUST opened at MULLIN’S oh Main street,
a choice selection of fashionable Goods, ex
pressly for gentlemen’s wear, consisting of very
Side Band Cassixneres,
Biack and while’Mixtures,'Brown'and While
Plaids, Fancy Stripes and Mixtures, Solid plain
Hoy’s Styles (Vif Cents a lit! Pants,
Gents Spring and Summer Coatings, Marseilles
and Silk VESTINGS, Fancy Cloths of every
description, iinc Black Cloths, host black Doe
skins, medium quality black Oassimcres.
-11. MULUN.
Carlisle, Apri1.21,1859. ' ■■ ..
Hay anil Grain Hake.
'■PIUS' Rake has taken the first premiums ot
I ■ different exhibitions; The public are al
ready aware (hat this Hake is unrivaled In any
market, and is admitted by every person that
hits seen it work (and who lias seen other differ
ent machines work) to bo the very host Xtako
now in use, it being an independent east steel
tooth with a cleaner attached. The large num
ber sold the last year, and the eiXorts of differ
ent-parties to claim the right to,sell, and others
representing theirs to be the same patent, is of
itself a most convincing proof of its superiority.
Besides, -over 500 have been sold in Lancaster
county alone.. Wo have now a full supply on
hand to accommodate' other counties. We
guarantee to .every purchaser our indisputable
right to sell tho eaid Rake. The following are
a few persons to \vhom wo rotor to in this coun
ty, and York, as having purchased and used the
same: ' ' ’
John 3. Hoover, nil:,
McGowan, Joseph Brandt, Robt. Bryson, Wm,
Watts, M. G. Brandt,'John Boltzhoover, Mich.
Beltzhoover, Peter Ego, Philip Brechbili, Zook
&.Shealler, C. llartzlef, L: Pellet, Ben). Pelfer,
T. Galbrcath, L. Trego &Bro., JainosO’Ham,.
David Lerew, Sol. Hoke, Lewis Pressid, Isaac
Prosser, Abraham Smith, Win: FlaSe, Benjamin
Striekler, Henry Strohm, J. A. AVilsbn; H. 0.
Houser, John Sloat,-Peter Mengcs, S. Tuescot,
Jacob Brandt. -
For sale by G. AT. BRANDT, Carlisle.
The subscriber is also agent for the sale of
the Syracuse First Premium Buckeye Mower,
with.which a successful reaping attachment is
now furnished, Anltnian & Miller’s patent.
Wo take pleasure in calling the attention of
farmers to our Buckeye Mower and Reaper, which
lias in its triumphant practical working during
the last harvest so fully sustained the decision
of the much, abused Syracuse Committee, its
success has boon complete. Overono thousand
were built and sold,' and the principle of tho
double hinge jointed and folding bar. which be
longs to this.machine exclusively permanently
established as the true one (or tile perfect Mow
er. ATe with confidence refer to any or all of
tile purchasers of tho Buckeye for proof of the
above, from many of whom have been received
tho most flattering testimonials. Tho demand
tile past season was far beyond onr ability to
supply, and we trust that orders will be forward
ed early tho coming season ttjat none may bo
disappointed. For those requiring a, combined
macliino we recommend with confidence our
Reaping attachment. Wo furnish a rear or side
delivery. ...
Manufacturers, Edge T. Copo & Son, West
chester. G. AT- Brandt, Agent for the sale of
same. Carlisle, Cumb. cor., or Striekler it Bro.,
Agricultural Store.
May 12, 1850—2 m
Scythes and snaths, iso dozen
Scythes and Snaths. The largest, host and
cheapest assortment in the county, wholesale
and retail, at the cheap hardware store of
May 26,1859.
FIFTY dozen Fly nets of all colors, Linen
Cotton, and Twine, cheaper than the choa
pest, just receivd at
May-26; 1859,
aJewvillc Foundry and machine
Farmers and Mechanics Look to your
WE are now ready to, receive orders foV
every description of machinery mid cast
ings, such us Steam Engines, Horse Power,
Threshing Machines, Oorn Shellers, Clover.
Hallers, Mill Gearing, Plough Castings, Collar
Grates, Pots, Kettles, Stoves, and all kinds ot
'machinery. If not on hand they hill bo built to
order at short notice.
Repairing Cara, Steam Engines and Boilers,
Threshing and all kinds d( machines, with neat
ness and dispatch. We also intend Rippihg
Lumber of every description-.
We hope by 'Stott -httoYitWn to business to
merit a shave of public patronagei., fcon’t for
got the plate on Hie Cumberland Valley, Rail
road, near Ilnrsli’a Warcbouse.
Old Iron wanted.
April 21, 1859—Um* .
A" JWeYjODEON ’ cheaper than I can? By. I
paying S 5 per inohth, you can get one ol
the bcsVriielodoons indite country, at A. 8.-Ew
ing’s furniture 'rooms,'.where there will ho con
stantly kept on hand the largest and best assort
brought to Carlisle. "■ • . ,
If you wish to see. a feeftfd PIANO, tall and
examine mine. For p'urity ol»tbno, neatness of
finish,tine tonclwand h)W price, none can equal
them. As iam determined to sell musical in
struments to tlio people of Cumberland countV
cheaper than any other person, call and exam
ine mine before purchasing elsewhere.
CGv* A ll instruments ' warranted and in
May 5,1850—Gm
NOW opening the largest and cheapest stock
of Spring and SummerGoodseveV brought
to CmuboilAn'd count} 1 .
A large lino of elegant Black and Fancy
Silks, Cliallies, Borage Robes, I’oil deChevier,
Opera Cldth, Oriental,'Lustre, Plaid Poplins,
Caledonia Cloth, Ravelins,'Satin Plaid Dncals,
Polonaise Cloth', French' Chinls,, DeLaincs, Tra
velling Dress Coeds, iCrgandy Lawns, &c.
An .immense. lot of elegant Collars, Under
sleeves, Handkerchiefs, Flouncihgs, Insertings,
Edgings, etc., direct from the largest importing
house’in Now York-.
SMtm is, SUatVls, Shtiwls.
A largo assortment of elegant Crape, Stella
and Thybet Shawls, very cheap.
LaCe and silk Mantillas. Black Veils, and all
kinds of.i\l'ournihgJ3°ods in great variety.
Shenvootl’s patent Hooped Skirts, Skirt Sup
porters; Richardson's Linens, Alexander’s Kid
Gloves, (bought (torn thd Importers,) Guantlets
and Mitts. ■
A full assortment of Ladies’j Gents’, Misses’
and Boys’ Hose, and very low.
Calicos, Ginghams-, Muslins, Tickings, Check,
fee., of all kinds aiid prices.
Cloths and Cassimercs,
A hew supply, and very cheap; particular
for Vvcur. :
A largo stock of, elegant Imperial, Ingrain,
Venitian, Hemp) and Rag Carpeting, bought
from the hugest carpet houses in New York.
The styles hVo now and beautiltil, quality very
superior, and prices uncommonly low. White
and colored Mattings of all widths and prices.
A largo stock of Rosewood, Mahogany, and
Walnut iramcd Looking Glasses, at reduced
prices. i- . ■
It i$ impossible lo,ctitti»6pxtb*thc articles; suf
fice it to say my stock is very large and
embracing every article fa theory Goods line,
leaving selected my stock from fiio largest and
best bouses in-NewTork and Philadelphia with
great care, I am now prepared to oiler great in
ducemehta lo purchasersv
Thanking iny old friends' Abd customers (or
their patronage, t most respectfully invite them
and all others in Want of cheap goods, to give
me a calK Our motto is quick sales and small
profits; no trouble to show goods at the new
store, corner of Main and Pitt streets, opposite
the U. H. Depot.
April 14, 1859
THE undersigned respectfully informs his
natrons that he has removed his Barber
NEW BUILDING, on Nqith Hanover street,
adjoining Mr. Ilaverstick’s Ding Stoic, and
nearly opposite the Bank, where ho hopes to
see all his old customers, and as tunny now
ones as wish to have their hair and whiskers
<■ done up” in the most fashionable stylo.
All tlie various branches of Barbering, such
Hair Bulling, Shampooning, sc:,
attended to with promptness. Also , Cupping,
Bleeding, Tooth Extruding, 4'C.
The undersigned has also for sale a superior
article of
of his own discovery and preparation, unequall
ed iiyanv similar article now in use, lor resto
ring, strengthenlhg and invigorating the Hair j
preventing itfrom falling,oft, eradicating scurf, 1
dandruff, ringworm, and all diseases of the skin,
and imparting a rich glossy, 1 silken-texture to
the Hair. An excellent toilet article for cither
ladies or gentlemen. Testimonials ol nminifi
ed character as to its good qualities, in posses
sion of the.undersigned, which will he exhibited
to any person wishing to examine them.
April'*, ■ - ■ ,
Gutshall &
Foreign and Domestic Liquors.
LYNCH & WE ALAND, successors to Lyncl
& Detwiler, respectfully announce to tin
public, that they continue to keep constant!}
on hand, and for sale, a large and very supefioi
assortment ol*
(1 01
Foreign and Domestic Liquors,
at the old stand, South Hanover, street, three
doors south of Inholf’s Grocery store, and di.
rectly opposite the Volunteer printing ofllce.
WINES, . ' , .
Sliofry, I’ort. Madcna, Lisbon, Clarot,
Jfative, Hock, Joliannisborg and Bo
Huiiislck & Co., Geislor & Co., and
, imperial
WHISKEY, , „■ .
Superior Old Monongahela, Choice
Old Family Nectar, Wheat, Scotch,
and Iriiil).
SCOTCH Alii, Muir & S6ft s Sparkling
Edinburgh, Allsopp’s East India Pule Ale,
Tennet’s Brown Stout. Also, a largo lot ot
Monongahela Reclined iVhiakoy, PARKER’S
BRAND, for salo low. , ,
' Dealers amf others desiring a
OLE, will ll’iid it as represented, as their whole
attention will bo given to a proper and careful
selection of their STOCK, which cannot be stir
passed, and hopes to have tno patronage o( the
1 P'fX GRINDSTONES of all sizes, just re
ooivod at
ay ELEVATORS. Just received a largo
assortment of Hay Elevators, Pulleys,
Kopo, Rakes, Forks, Hoes, &0., cheaper than
ever at
May-26,’ 1859
Who con Sell
-WostHight street, Carlisle
All of choice Brand?,
Bohlen, Lion, and Anchor.
NOTICE is hereby given flint an application'
■will be matte to the Legislature of Penn
sylvania, at its next meeting, for the incorpora
tion ot a Dank of Issue, with discount and do.,
posit privileges, to be located in the Borough
of Carlisle, Cumberland comity, Pa., to lie
■called “ The Hank'lf Cirrtisk,” with a capital
of One hundred thousand dollars, with the rigid
’to increase the same to three huudrcc* thousand
dollars. (Signed.) '
William Ker, John B. Parker,
Thomas Paxtou>- . John Noble,
Benjamin Glider. jhA Enocli Voting,
Kithard Woods, Christian Stayman,
William Bentz, John S. Sterretl,
A. C. Sharpe, Wm. N. ljussell,
John C. Dunlap,l Joseph D. Halbert,
Robert Giviri, John Dunlap,
James Holler, Robert MooVe,
11. A. Sturgeon, Robert Wilson,'
Samuel Groason, Geo. W. Sheafer,
Jacob 11. Neisley, Benjamin Neisley.
Jnno 30, lS5a-6m* . ,
NOTICE is.hereby given that application will
be made to the next Legislature of Penn
sylvania. to after tire charter of the Carlisle De
posit Bank, located in the Borough of Carlisle,
Cumberland county, so as to confer upon,said
Bank the rights and privileges of a bank ot is.
sue, ami to change its name to tire, Carlisle
Bank i also to increase the capital of said bank
/which is at present seventy-two thousand dol
lars, with privilege 'of increasing the same under,
its present charter to one hundred thousand
dollars,) two'hundred mid lilty tli'OUsand dol
lars. W; M. BEETEM, tashicr.
June 30, 1859—Cm
HAR GAINS I. ■ !. ,
BARGAINS!! ' , , ~
Just received and lor salo,'a't reduced ptjics, n
large lot of Silk •dusters,' Sliantilla and .French
Lace .Mantillas, Napoleon Bareges, LaVyns in
great-¥nriety-ol L style 7 i3be'appDelainea r 'Glnntzcsr
Brilliants, Embroideries at less than city prices,
Late mitts, San Umbrellas. Douglass A Sher
wood’s unequalled Skirts for Ladies',.' Misses
and Children’s wear, Ilosieryof oVery dcSCfip - -
Please ‘toll nt Lcidich & Sawyer’S no\v store,
East Main St. , ' ■
June 30, iB6O. . 1 ■
Great reduction in prices i ' .
At thcLadieV Resort,
BENTZ’S STORE. • According to bur practice
In the last few,weeks.o( the'Season,'«o have re
duced the prices of 'onr-immense and ttftriqd
stock ol Dress Goods to Sltch points ns will, in
faro rapid sales.. Regardless of'.profit we are
determined lb sell tliein off.
llerrge Rohes and. Double Shirls, '
Organutj-Ltiiens, Gfcnodcans,
•tallies, Freii and Silk nt very low figures,
•til: -Mantillas at reduced prices, plain Silk Man-
Nilas very low in price,'French Lace Mantillas,
Jtnnlilla Labe Mantillas, .I’almuS, Points, &c.n
The whole of thy stock is now offering at re
duced prices, preparatoiy to the close ot the
•eason. All I ask is the attention ot the.lndies.
#lve ino'a call, as I ipel satisfied.\Ve can suit
any one both ns to Stylo mid price. .
June 80* 1859- BENTZ-,
Fresh Grocerits.,
JUST received by the subscriber,- b. largo
.stock -of. every description of Groceries,
fresh'and cheap;, Also, a largo supply of
Foreign anti Domestic Lrqnoi's,
consisting of very line old Cognac, of I inet,
Castillon &’ Co’s. (Vintage 185 U) Brandy. line
Old Port. Madeira; Muscat, Claret, and Ilcid
siok & Go’s, celebrated Cliampagnc Mines, pure
Holland Gin, Stoughton Bitters, Very line Old
Rye M'hiskey, Bourbon and Monotigahela do.,
Rum, CherVv and Blackberry Brandies, &b.,for
sale at the new store of the subscriber at low
prices. WJI. BENTZ. ,
Carlisle January 20, 1859.
Ccdur & Willow Win e.
BASKETS. Market, Travelling, and a vari
ety of Fancy and other Baskets.
H'oodca IlTirc.—Tubs, Buckets, Measures-,
Keelers, painted and 'other Buckets, Palis, Bed
cords', Mats, Brushes and oihct necessary house
articles. . . 1
Kick's Brooms', known as the best Broom in
this or any other market,,are for sale only hy
the subscriber. All altieles in our lino are of
ferial at the lowest casli prices
. Novi 4, 1858
Now is the tliiic lor Bargains:
Spring and Summer Goods!
JU the New Slore } 'corncr of N. Hanover mid Lou.
iher streets. '
THE undersigned returns thanks for the pa*
tronage bestowed upon him by the public,
and«at the same, lime respectfully announces
Unit he has just returned Irom Philadelphia, and
is now opening a new lot of SPUING and SUM
Dry Goods and Groceries,
consisting in part as and whlcj) he,is
determined to sell atlhb lowest edsh prices.
cas, Do Laincs, D«, Dagos, Lustres, Poplins,
Lawns, Parages, Brilliants, Prencli and - Scotch'
Ginghams, Prints, Gloves, Hosiery, Collars,
SHAWLS and MANTILLAS, of every stylo
and quality. ”
Staple and Domestic Dry Goods.
Cloths,' Cassimcres, Vestings, Flannels, Mus
lins, Tickings, Stripes, Checks, Calicoes, Col
tonades, Linens,'Sheetings, Denims,Nankeens,
Drills, Marseilles Quilts, colored and white Car
l>ut Chain, &c., &c. PARASOLS and UM
BRELLAS. .Also, a large and 1 splendid as
AND SHOES. Asnperiqr.lot of fresh
... '.o R O G 13 K i£S 8,
Teas,' Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Rice, Spices,
&c.. &c. Having selected my entire stock.with
tin* greatest care, and the lowest CASH FRI
CKS, I cun assure my friends and the public
generally, that X will do all in my power to
makemv establishment known as the “ SIEJID
wish to purchase will find it to their advantage
to call and examine .my stock' before ptifoha-'
wjll pay the highest market price for
April 28, 1859,
SOMETHING Extra. Peck’s Patent Thresh
ing Machine and Horae Power, with all the
latest improvements. H'affanled to thresh GO
bn. per hour.
Carlisle, Jurio 30, 1860. J s mls. •
complete assortment of Summer goods;
selected with great care to meet tlie wants of the
season and hade, embracing all kinds of goods.
Dress goods in all their varieties. Lace and Silk
Mantillas, Sun Umbrellas, Parasols, Lace
Mills, Hooped Skirls, Men’s and Boy’r wear.—
In fact everything suited for the demands of the
buying community. Please call and see for
yoursdlves at Leidich’s and Sawyer’s now store,
East Main street.
Ucullic’s Patent Animal Trap.
THE subscriber has been appointed agent
for Cumberland county, lor the sale of
Kcuthe’s patent animal trap, tor catching Fox
es, Minks, Wolves,.Bears, &c. Call and see
them at the cheap Hardware store of
March 17, 1859.
JUST received a largo assortment of Double
and Single Barrel Guns, Double and Single,
Barrel Pistols. Game Bags, Powder
Flasks, Shot Pouches, P6wdor, Shot, Caps,
Wads, fee., at
May 20,1859,
BELLS'! BELLS 11 Farm Bells of the best
makes, for sale cheap, at the hardware store
of John P. Lyne 8; Son.
May 19,1859. ’
11/TONE If wanted at thf Odice in payment of
,ITX’ subscription.
A Pikes Peak lu Carlisle!
Eyjjli VBODY hurra's for Pike’s Peak In the
west, thousands are “en rontc.” It turns
out to bo n humbug, they "all return with rusty
pockets, not cuVfched. with,the yellow glitter
ing which anticipated; i*op! Reflect!
Take a friend's advice, and .-stay, at home anil
buy your goods bl’ P. AliNuLl). Vou will
bo happy,, got/twico the vuluefor your money,
and in a short time you will, find that 30U lire
advancing in fortune without trouble.
Spring has cobic, aVc wc prc’patvd for it, eve*
rybodyusks; .have we. clothing to suit it ? it
not, we will go to where-we. can sec
a stock of all kinds ot goods to
suit Everybody', at greatly tcdufccd prices. It
consists of .
. L,adtes D.rcss Godds,
Such as Bcrfpi Delanos, Lawns, Delcgcs, La-
Vellas, Alapacas, Silks tff all,kinds, sucli as
plain black,-MoMre Antique, Barred, Striped
and IlgnVe'd.
French worked collars, UndcrslocVeS, hand
kerchiefs, Flouncing:),’ Edgings, Laces, Inser
tings, ike. •
A good assortment of iWtuols add 'Rlblkins
very low.
■ Stella. '(Vif every description,) ’Oashtncre,
Broolm, Thibet' wool, (black an'd 'colcfc'd,) al.
so, Mantillas of all prices',
Parasols of all kinds atui price*.
DonVestic Goods.
lifiislin, bleached lin'd unbleached, linen and
cotton sheetings, Checks, Tickings, Ginghams,'
and Osnaburg. .
Gentlemen's wear.
Cloths, CasliinVeveS, Cottenades, Jeans, Ves.
lings, &c. •.
Ingrain, Vc'Ac'lfan, tlireb ply, rag and hemp
carpols. Oilcloth ol all widths, also Matting ol
: all widths.
A good assortment.of.Trnnks.
A liberal patronage, and you will bo rewar
od. Remember the stand; nest'door east o:
lus Carlisle Deposit Bank
LEIDIGH ■& SAWYER Git their new store •
East Main sheet.) have j'nst received from ..
.New York nml Philadelphia, tide most complete
and .varied assortment of DCy Goods ever offer
ed in Carlisle, embracing' everything tlmt is
new dud rare in style aii’d texture; such as tan.,
cv silks id All the viiriotis colors, barfed, strip
ed, Ciibho, aii'd Bey'edcfo, plain stril>ed and
BeyedOfe Black Silks, Poulards ol new de
signs. BaVogu and Lawn Uobes of the latest
Paris styles, Satin striped Dechevre cloths,
French Challis, American Delaines, Organdy
Lawns of dark and light grounds, anil beautiful
designs. . . • ■■■•*■... .'* „ ~ .
Traveling Dress Goods of the hctVost makes.:
Also a lull stock of mourning dress goods I'd
•which class of goods tvu give - particular atten
tion. *. . • *
SUdtWt.SJ SlUlVfSl'l SHJ W-LS'tl)
This part'Of onnst'oek is unusually bofiipleto,
consisting of chape, silk, s*ella, in all the_ vari
ety of Shades and tpralities, morirnihg Shawls,
lace ami silk Mantillas, from the celebrated em
poriums of Brodi'e and liu 1 pui,lve\v York
Sun umbrellas, sliowerels anil parasols ol the
newest Styles. White goods of every descrip.,
lion; Embroideries in full • setts; cellars,
sleeves, worked bands, llountings, edgings and
Insertihgs. We givc gloat* Cafe t'o this branch
of our trade, and ladies* will fin'd a VcrV fii 11 as
sortment. 'Hooped skirts of the latest improve
ments, skirt supporters, (a new article.) A
full line of AleXanderth kid. gloves, imported
and sold by Stewart,* NeVv York. Hitts,
fttdves, gauntlets, in every variety.. Also a
large stocjc of the newest styles of mens nml
boys spring cassimercs, black qlbths aiid cassi
tncres. ■ ■; ■
lloiscry of every description. In this de
partment.unusual care has been taken to select
the various kinds and sixes suitable for Ladies,
Misses,Men’s, Boys and Children’s wear,
i' In fact, bur stock embraces everything kept
in a (hot class Dry Goods store.
Having purchased for cash and made onf se.
lection's among the best importing and. jobbing
houses o( How-York and I’hilrttlelphin, we feel,
prepared tb offer superior indlieem.ents to buy
.. ers. All we ask is an oxalnination cf ourstbek
■ be I ore buying elsewhere, for which favor wc
will fool very gfatelhl.
ApfiM.4, 1859.
J. W. EBY.
IS the Inßst simple, convenient, economical
amt useful article ever invented. Itis-com
posed of two plates attached by a screw, bo.
tween which is placed a circular piece of Gum.
The turning of the biirr compresses the Gnm
and spreads it out, thus tilling tip Iho opening
and making it perfectly air-tigiit. It can be up
plied to Tin Cans, Stone or Glass Jars. This
Stopper being 81. M iX CONSTRUCTION,
and so easily applied, is the great desideratum
so long wished for, and only needs an examina
tion to convince the most incredulous of its su
periority over anything yet invented or likely to
bo. " .
(ore .putting iri-tbe Ffnit by tilling them tfnli
water and 'putting oil the Stopper with a pres
. Cans, .Tar?, Glass and Stone, with Stoppers
attached, or the Stoppers alone, cap always be
hud at moderate prices of
' Sole JJgeut for Pennsylvania and Maryland*
Maj'2o, 18*r>(l— 2ln
J, A. IlUiiMClt, Jr.
Bonnets and Ribbons.
Shawls, and Mantillas,
CaVpeTs and Oil.cloth
April 14, 1850. f'
Prfcsorve your Fruiis!
For Fruit, Cans, Jars or Bottlos,
On and after Monday, 23d May, 1850, the
subscriber ivill run a
BETWEEN Carlisle and Philadelphia, lea
ving Carlisle every morning, and Philadel
phia every evening. Ail goods left at the freight
Depot of Peacock, Zell & Itinchtbab, Nos. BUB
and 810 Market Street, trill be delivered in
Carlisle the next day. . . .
I Pcs/ High Street, Carl hie, Pa.
■ May 20, 1859. ■ . ■
Something New !
•just opened, in, the room formerly occn
pied by Shrynck, Taylor & Smith, Zng’s net
building; Main St., two doors east/if the mar
Uot house, a large assortment of Agriculture
Implements and fertilizers, which they are pre
pared to seil oil the most reasonable terms.
The stock embraces ,
Plows, Cultivators, Ilarroihr-llay. ■Str.ifir Jiml
Coni Euihlcr Cullers, Renners, .fitnefrsi
Drills, Cradles, Scythes, Corn Shelters,
Forks; Chords. Hoes, Rakes, Prun
ing knives. Whetstones for Mow
ers, and every other article neces
sary for far muse.
Thoy also intend keeping in addition, a full
assortment of Cedar and Willow Ware, inclnd.
ing Spain’s Patent Churn, Brooms, Brushes,
Butter-worker*., Butter Forms,’Prints, Ladles,
Butter Tub*; BowMs, &c. •
Also, Fruit, Garden and Flower Seeds; Seed
Potatoes of the best varieties.. They are- con
stantly making additions to Iheif stock, and will
use every exertion to supply the wants of the
agricultural community.
They have also tho agency for Evans * Wat
son’s Salamander Safes* .
Orders left af- tho store for .fruit and oimu
mcntal Trees, Flowers and fertilizers, will bo
uttonded to grumpily-
April 21, 1859-ly
lluiTfl LINENS. A very large assortment
of Irish Linens of superior quality, cheaper
than over at the cheap store nf , ■
/j„ho 21. .T. A. HUMEUICn, Jr.
Dll. J. j. BESDCR'.
(H-o M QK,Or ATii J s T ,)
SUCCESSOR io Dr. J. K... Smith
man'ently'located in Carlisle, otters his pro,-
fessional services to Hie citizens ofthc town and
vicinity, in ’tbo practice of tho various branches
of his profession. , - ■ ■ ■'
Ollice in -Smith. flat),over street, formerly oc
cupied by Dr. Smith, where be .may be cons id
fed at all times, when not prcfossionaily engag
May 20, 1850—t'f ». -■
Allow me'to introduce my friend, Dr. J. -J,
Homier, n, graduate nt Iho Homeopathic College,
Philadelphia, and a man of acknowledged medi.
cal skill. He will. sneecij'd Dr. 3; K. Smith irt
my stead. As 1 cannot disengage myself from my
present situation.
Mechh’g. June 2. ’52
Ajrri.cii|<iir:il Sbcloiy
TIIU Pull mooting nmi exhibition of'the
Cumberland .Ciniufy Agricultural Society,
will be held git their Fair grontwi, on U’ednes.-
{lay, ThHrnluy, and Friday, the J2 th, and
Uth of October, 1839. The grijtmd of-tile So
ciety will he greatly improved, sp (hat uH arti
cles for exhibition will he under cover; and the
display is expected to ho much huger than ever
helue.' By order of the Society. •
DANL. S. CKOFT, Sscfy.
June 0, 1809.
Notice. , .; t ‘
NOTtCK is hereby gieon that Letters of Ad;,
ministration on the estate of Peter
deceased, late of Newton-township, Cumberland
county, have been issued by t|ic Rcgistcrof saiti
county, to tho subscriber residing in.said town,
ship'. All persons indebted to stud estate arc
requested to make iVumcdlate .AtWt
those imvjng Claims to tne 'same duly
autbenii'eatea IoV Settlement. '■
Jlffie 9, 1859—(it*
rpIIAT Letters of Administration on the estate
. i of Dr! I’. C. Gnrddcr, late of the horongh of
Carlisle, dec’d have been granted by the -.Regis
ter ol Cumberland bounty, to (lie in'dersignedi
Those having Clauds will present-tliem, and
those indebted will thakeifiaynient tb , ' *
. ’ JOHN, 31. GREGG, Mm’r. '
Tint lisle, Jtinc 1, 1859. L _
p. AltNOui)
Wkst Main St.,
Opposite the Depot, Carlisle’
A largo and fine Assortment ol
CLOTHS,, . - I
VEStINGS, ke.f '
The Above Goods made to order promptly in.
ic best manner.
RccdO-mudc Clothing, ot our manufactur'd..
Give hs a Call. N. fIANTCII.
April 28, 1859; ■■ ■ .
rpHE of Bnrdiot:Bt
1 Barllett, would take thil method of return
ing his thanks’ to the citizens of Carlisle lor
their kind treatment and liberal patronage whilst
Introducing our he\v mid ' valuable Compound*
know n as Hinrriitl $ Bartlett’s Grecian Caout
chouc Oil Polish, gild would Ajsq slaty that his,
Blacking can bo fought ait nearly all (lio'slorosf,
and also 'tin'll jt can ha- nought at Wnolesnlp.
prices at Mlvlloii'rv Saslbh’s. East lligh.strect,,
Carli'sio. As a Simple (rial will convince, anyg
one of its Superiority oyer any other Blacking
in Hie 'market, I recomnfcud *it fO, ; vour Icvora-.
hie Acceptance, knowing that it.wdl. sppak ,fof
itself. My Blacking is known by the red label;
« A word to the wise is sufficient.” ' V,‘
•S'. P. BfUDICT.
Slay 12,1859—2 m
Blowing: & Rciipliig Muclllufi
WHERE FARMERS' may see and judge
for tbemiulyos, between Six of .the best.
Combined Ma'ohipes now in use! ■ And purchase
the machine u'f their choice.
033 Market St. Phila.’
April 7, ]Bo9* -3m !- ..
HERRING, Mnckeral, Shad Inb'Srrels,JiiiU.-
barrels, quarter narfeis, (resh Groceries).
Liquors, Tobacco, Segark, pit (ho lowest cash
prices.* Butter, Eggs, Baboti, Hams, Beeswax,;
Tallow, Soap, Rags, taken in exchange at, the
cheap grocery of, * IV3I. ItFNTP,
April 7, 1859.*
THE undersigned will sell nt private sale, all
their-property on East Street and Liberty
Alloy, containing 120 feet Irnnt on East Street,
and 120 lent deep on Liberty Alley, having
thereon erected tour dwelling houses.
a_n No.-1., Being a large two iStbtJ - .
Stone House, with Back-bbiliHn§, li
]«!!!|M«Bricl: Cistern, very Choice Iriiit trees,'.
Shrubbery, Ike. ,
No, 2. Being a large ttvn story Frame Uri'.iqtjy
with baelt-bullding. Brick Cistern, WooU-hoiise,
choice fruit trees and Slirnbbery.
No. 3 and 4, are situated on Liberty-Alley,
being one story stone and thiinc Houses.
These properties will bo sold together or
separately, to suit purchasers. Any. persoji
wishing to view Iho properties dr wishing juror,
mation, will impure of Wm. Sell, or (he 'Vlnfer
signed. S. Ik N. BELL,
Carlisle, January 13, 1859—11
ON ami after Mo.nddy, April iUIi r .}359;.
passenger trains will leave as follows, VSim
days excepted :) v t
For Harl'isftnrge
!«/ Train. 2d Train.
Leave Chambersbnrg, 5.10 A.M. 1.( OP, Wi
Shipptmsbnrgi 5.40 «< 1.52 ‘V
«. Newville, , C.ZO “ iLO4 ; “
<< Carlisle, 0.43 “ 2;4$ *<;
<« Mechanfcab’g, 7,’lG’ ■ 3.15, > «*,
At Uarrisbnrg, 7.45 l< .8:46 “
For .,
It/ 7'rain. » 2d'Train. ■
LcaVS ißirrlsbflrg,. . 8.00 A. M. l t 2o P. M.
Mcchanicsburg, 8.43 u
“ Carlisle, 9.20- “ . 3.84 ««'
“ Newvillo, • 9.84‘ “ 3.08 «,
“ Shippeiisbnrg, 10.24' “ 8.38 “
At Oliamburaburg* 10.55' “" >, 4.08. •' ,
Trains leave Harrisburg lor Philadelphia, via
Pcnn’il Railroad, nt 2.3 u. 005, and 780 A. M;'
ami 1.10 ami 8.50, P.M; ■ By Hondihg vfa,Lo6a
uon Valley Railroad, at Bn. in., 'J.35 I'i.m.
Per-Baltimore, 3.20 ami 1 p.m.
Per Trbvovfon utid Williamsi)oit, at 1.00 and
ami 8.30 p. in.
Train on Dauphin Road at 2.00 p. m.
Faros from Harrisburg, Mcelianicsburg. Car
lisle, Shippeiisbnrg and Chainberabnrg, will l;u
ten cents loss when paid for, Tickets at the Oi
(ico, than when paid In the Gars-. ■
■ 0.. N. LULL, Sup/.'
Railroad Office,' Chmnborsburg, (
April 7,1850. f
JOHN n. CIl L'ltCll
Steam Saw Mill & Itf/ukr Yard,
All kinds o/Lumber constantly ernhand. Lum
ber delivered at any point acoessiblo
by Kail Road, at the shortest
nulled. •. »...
And lengths cut to order, i
.May 20. 1859—tf
GRAIN CRADLES. A large lot of all dif.;
ferent makes, .with English and American
Scythes on baud', and for sale, cheap at
‘ tt. SAXTON’S.'
Agency. . . ..
.033 Market Street, Philadelphia,'