6W*ep«Mf»i*WCTi Back Again to (ho Old Trade. THE subscriber respectfully informs the public generally that ho bos resumed the manufacturing ;of BOOTS SHOES, in West Main Fill few doors west of. IW the Railroad office, and a good assort ment of Leather, Morocco and Trimmings, ana engaged competent workmen, he is prepared to make up to measure, every description of work th bis line. He has also received from Philadelphia a well selected stoqk of BOOTS and SHOES, compri sing qyery variety for Spring and Summer wear, which ho offers oil low prices. Gentlemen's flue French Galt Boots, Gentlemen's Gaiters, Oxford Ties a'nd Brogans, Ladies’ Gaiters, Boots, Bus kins, Slippers and Ties, with a largo variety of Boys’ Misses- and Children’s Gaiters, Boots, &c., <5-c. Purchasers are requested to call and examine his stock. Carlisle, May 20, 1858. Something New Again in the Confec tionary Line! -Fancy Goods, Gift Books, &c, Sir, HAVERSTICK baa just received from • the city and is now opening aspiendiddis play of Fancy Goods, suitable for the Hollidays, to which be desires to call the attention of his friends and the public. His assortment cannot bo surpassed in novelty and elegance, and both in quality and price of the articles cannot fail to please purchasers. It would be impossible to enumerate bis FJNCV GOODS, which comprise every variety of fancy article of the most exquisite finish, such as— ■ Papier Maohe Goods, elegant alabaster ink —stands and trays, -fancy ivory, pearl and shell. oard cases, ladies’ Fancy Baskets, fancy. Work Boxes, with sewing instruments, Port Mommies, of.overy. variety, Gold Pens and Pencils, fancy paper weights, 1 papoteries, and a large variety of ladies’ fancy stationery. Motto'seals and wa llers, silk and bead purses, ladies’ riding whips, elegantly finished, ladies’ fine cutlery, perfume baskets and bags, brushes of every kind for the, toilet,.Roussel’s perfumes of the various kinds, musicailnstrunieiits of all kinds and at all prices, together with an innumerable variety of articles elegantly finished and. at low rates. Also, an extensive collection of BOOKS, coniprisingfho various English and American Annuals lor 1858, ■ iclity embellished & illustrated Poetical Works, . with\Children’s Pictorial Books, for children of aR ages. His assortment of School Books and School Stationary is also complete, and com. prises every thing used in College and the Schools. He also desires to call the particular attention of families to his elegant assortment of Lamps, Girandoles, &c., froni’tho extensive establishments of Cornelius, A’rcher and others of Philadelphia, comprising evory.atyie of Parlor,.Chamber & Study Lamps, fbr burping either Lard, Sperm fir Ethcriai oil, together with Flower "Vases, Fancy Ac. His- assortment in this line unequaled in tile borough. Also, Frails, Fancy Confectionary, NnMfsfreserved Frails, fyc., in every variety and at all prices, all of which are pure and as can be confidently! recommended to his friends. His stock cm. braces everything in the lino of Fancy Goods with many other articles useful to housekeepes • which tlie pnblio are especially invited to call, , and see,'at the old'stand 1 opposite the Deposit ; Bank. , . S. W. HAVERSTICK. December 23, 1858. ] J. W. SCOTT, \Lateof the firm-of Winchester $ Scott.) Gentlemen's’’Furnishing Store & Shirt Manufactory., . 804; Chess ut Street,, ■ , Nearly opposite the Girard House, Phila. J. W. SCOTT would respectfully call the at • tention Of his former patrons and friends to bis new Store, and is prepared to fill orders for SHIHTSat short notice. A-perfect lit guar antied. Country trade supplied with flue Shirts and Obllare, • ,' 1 -September 23,1858 —ly SSEfugi SOW READS FSR the inspeotion.of the public, inthe store room-formerly occupied’ by John G. Wil liams, two doors east of Rhoads’. Warehouse, a large and complete stock of GROCERIES con asisting of Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Molas ses, Fish, Salt, Spices, China, Glass and Queebswafo, Pickels, Preserves, FRESH CAN FRUITS, Oils, &c., all of which are fresh and well selected, and to be sold ns low as similar Goods can be bought anywhere outside of Phil adelphia. Butter, Eggs, Soap, Rags, Beeswax, Brie a Frmt, #c., taken in exchange for Goods.' ' I would respectfully invito all to give mo a call and examine for yourselves. WM. BENTZ; Carlisle, Oct. 28, 1858. Kenr Coal Yard, JIT THE WEST END OF CARLISLE. - PTIHE subscriber would respectfully call the' JL attention of Liraeburriers and the ciizens of Carlisle, and the surrounding country generally, to-his- NEW COAL YARD, attached to his Ware Hbuso, on West High street, whore he will keep-constantly on hand a largo supply of the beat, quality of Goac, to wit; tokens Valley, Duke-Fuller-, Fine Grove, and Treoerton, Broken, Egg and Nut Coal— screened and dry, all of which he pledges iktosolf to sell at the lowest possible prices. Best quality of ISmeburner’s and-Blacksmitk’-s■ Coal always on hand'. • K?” All orders left at the Ware H'ouse, or- at Ms residence in North Hanover street will be promptly attended to. J ; . W. HENDERSON, Carlisle, April 15, 1858—tf Meat Cutters. I>r\ DOZ'. Meat Cutters and Sausage Sluders. Also, a very largo assortment of Butcher Knives, Steels, Cleavers, Steel-yards, &c., just received and for sale at very low prices,.at the oh.cap hardware store of the subscriber. East Main Street. Carlisle, Nov. 11, 1868, Clothing, Clothing: THE Clothing Store near the Market House, would again let the people know, that they have just-received and are daily receiving, a largo stock of Spring & Summer Clothing, made up in the best, latest and most fashionable stylo. Their assortment in lancy and plain Cas simere, Ciishmeret, One black cloth Goats, Pants, Satin and bill: Vests, aro superior to any ever offered in Carlisle or vicinity, as well as their largo variety of Cassinets, Kentucky Jeans, Tweed, Italian cloth. Alpaca, and all sorts of L'inen coats, pants and vests, with awellsolect ed stock of Gent’s Furnishing Goods, such as white and fancy Shirts, Undershirts, Drawers, Neck and Pocket Handkerchiefs, Cra rats, Ties, Collars, Socks, Suspenders, and in short every thing for gentlemen. It is a long established fact, that Steiner’s can aad do sell a little cheaper than any other cloth ing store in Carlisle or vicinity. We therefore advise one and a)l to call at Steiner’s .before they make their purchases, as they are always willing to show their Goods. STEINER & BRO. April 11, 1859, THE subscriber has been appointed agent for Cumberland county, for thesaleof the cele brated :Greoncastle Farm Bolls, and is selling them at very low prices. They have been sold all over the State and give satisfaction to all who have tried them, ’ Also, on hand, some ol the Bull-metal Farm Bolls, and every thing else in the farming and mechanical line. All to be had,at the.cheap hardware store of HENRY SAXTON .Carlisle, April22j 18581 (fYOLD BAND CHINA, in setts of 40 and 55 VX pieces, White Granite and common ware, Glassware fur salh at the hew Grocery of Nov. 4, 1858. • WM. JJENT2. SAVING FUND. National 1. Money is received every day, and in any amount, large or small. 21 Five per cent interest is paid for money from the day it is put in. 3. The money is always paid back in GOLD, whenever it is called for, and without notice. 4. Money is received from Executors, Admin, istrators. Guardians, and others who desiro to have it in a place of perfect safety, and where interest can be obtaiutd for it. ROBERT MOORE 6. Tho money received from depositors is in vested in Heal Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and such other first class securities ns the char ter directs'. . Ofiico Hours—Everyday from R till 5 o’clock and on Mondays and Thursdays till 8 o’clock in the evening. HON. HENRY L. BENNER, Pres’t. ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Pice Pres’t. Wm, J. Reeg, Secretary. DIRECTORS: Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Brewster, ; Ed ward.t. Carter, ~ Joseph B. Barry, Robert Selfridgo, ' Francis Lee, Samuel K. Ashton, Joseph Yerkes, C. Landreth Mnnns, Henry DiflenderfFer. Ofiico—lYaluut St., S. W. Corner of Third St., Phila. . April 14, 1859—Bm* ' . „ I HE subscribers would respectfully- call the attention of the coal consumers of Carlisle and vicinity, and the public generally, to their superior quality of Coal, such as Lyken’s Pulley, Broken, Egg, Stove and Nut, Luke Fiddler, “ “ “ “ Trevorlon, “ “ “ And the celebrated Lobbery Whiteash, “ Their Yard is situated in the east end of Car lisle, opposite the Gas Works, where they v.-.l! keep constantly on hand a large stock of ail kinds and sizes of Coal which will be sold as low as any in tho Borough. All coal for family use will be re screened before delivery and war ranted to give entire satisfaction. • Best quality of Limeburucr’s $ Blacksmith’s Coal always on hand and at low figures. All orders left at the residence of James Hof fer, West Pomfrot street, at Squire Smith’s office. South Hanover street, or at the residence of Jacob Shrom, North East’ street, will be pxomptly attended to. We are also prepared to furnish all kinds and quality of DRY LUMBER at greatly reduced prices. Bills sawed to order and furnished at the shortest notice. We have constantly on hand all kinds and quality of Shingles, such as White Pino, Hemlock, Chestnutj Oak, and Linti j all kinds of Failing, Plastering Lath, Shingling Lath, Brocm Handles, worked Flooring and Weatherboafding, rough and smooth Rails, Posts, and every article that can he kept in a Lumber Yard, Having cars of our own wecan at all times and at short notice supply any arti cle in our line of business at low prices. We are thankful for past favors and solicit a continuance of public patrona'ge. Our motto is to please. CHEAP, VERY CHEAP! . Fiist Arrival of Spring.. G.pptJsr-j.Vj; . nnp£ subscriber , s't?rtli l arwell 6T Foreign and Domestic in all its branches, comprising ladies and gen tlemen's Ware, such as Silks, Bohlins, Organ, tines, Cballics, Lawn’s, Calicos, Ginghams, 'Cloth, Cassimeres, Merino-Cassimerps, Kent!, Chaines, Linen, plain and twilled Cottonadu’s,- which he is able and willing to sell at very low prices, also a great variety of Parasol’s &'Umbrella’s, Embroided and Mourning Collars, Cambric’s, Barred and Swiss Muslins, Laces, Edgings, and Insertings, Mantillas, and Dusters. ‘ Handkerchiefs, of Linen Cambric, Silk, Lawn, Gingham and Cotton. Dress Trimmings, Hooserie s §' Gloves, and all the hundred different articles belonging to the line, at prices lower than ever, with a very extensive assortment of DOMESTICS, such as Muslins, Tickings, Checks, Drilling’s, Asmaburgh’a, Bagging, Flannels, Crash &c.,al so 'Trunks and Carpet Bags, Hooped and Skele ton Skirts. Having sold out my clothing and Groceries; I paid particular attention for the selection and completing my Dry Goods Stock, and will try my utmost to please all who will favor mo with their call. April 7, 1859 Paper Hangings. GOME AND SEE. OOK ; Cheap Paper Hangings, Cheap Paper Hangings, Cheap Paper Hangings, Cheap Paper Hangings, AND OUR Fine Glazed Paper Hangings , Fine Glazed Paper Hangings, ■ Fine Glazed Paper Hangings, Fine Glazed Paper Hangings, AND ALSO OUR HENRY SAXTON. And Window Papers of various colors. We wish to inform the public that our stock of Fa. per Hangings is.the largest and most varied as sortment ever opened in Carlisle, and that we are selling at prices that.will suit every body at JOHN P. LYNE &.SON, North Hanover Street, where you can be fur nished at all times with Fresh Paints,'Oil and Varnish, of the best quality and lowest prices. April 7, 1859. The Subscribers liavo for Sale 1 AAAI THOUSAND White Pine Shin- JLvHIfJ/Xgles, of superior quality, which they will sell at river prices. Also, a large lot of Cherry and Walnut, from £ inch to 3 inches thick, which they will sell wholesale or retail low. Also, a new Threhsing Machine to which we invite the attention of farmers, ns we-feel disposed to give a bargain. All kinds of Lum ber and Coal constantly on hand low for Gash. SHROM & HOFFER. Carlisle, July 8,1868. x JUST rcceeived a largo lot of the Fork Plows, also some ol Plunk’s, Henwood and Zoig ler’s make, on hand. Eagle Plows selling off at cost at Farm Bells. JDST received'the largest and cheapest as. sortmont in the county, and warranted not to crack, at the cheap Hardware store of HENRY SAXTON. May 26, 1859. . , GAS Lighters and Wax Tapers can bo had at Philip Arnold’s.- , January 6, 1859. Chartered by the Stale of Pennsylvania. Rules Best Family Coal. LUMBER! LUMBER!! SIIROJI & HOFFER Carlisle, May 27,1858. SHUT GOODS, Pick Gilt Paper Hangings, Pick Gilt Paper Hangings, Pick Gilt Paper Hangings, Rich Gilt Paper Hangings, Flows. March 24,1859. W/lONEY wanted at thi. Office in payment of uJL aubscrlption. New Store and New Goods, AFTER returning his acknowledgements for the very liberal patronage which has been extended to him, tbe undersigned would call at tention to the fact that he has just re-opened bis extensive assortment of Family Groceries, in bis new store-room, on the south-east corner of the Public Square, where tho public are invited to call and examine a stock of Goods which in elegance, variety and extent, will defy competi tion ; comprising in part of loaf, lump, crushed and brown Sugars, Java, Rio and'Roastcd Cof fee. Every variety and quality of STea. Spi ces, (ground and unground,) Picbels, Sauces, Tabic Oil, New Orleans, Sugar-honse and Trin idad Molasses; New York and Philadelphia Syr raps; Choose, Macaroni, Verraecilli, Split Pens, Hominy, Mince-meat, corn Starch,Farina,Cho colate, Extract of Coffee, refined Sugar at re duced rates, washing and baking Soda, Tobacco of the most favorite brands, and the finest qual ity of Sugars. A beautiful assortment of Britannia. Ware, tam Mnpanj. plain aud gold band China-ware, Glass, Queens, Stone and Earthen Ware, in great variety, and an elegant lot of Fancy Soaps, Extracts and Perfumery for tho toilet. Fruits : Including Peaches in cans, Raisins, Cranberries, Dry Apples, citron, almonds, or anges, lemons, &c. ; S LIQUORS ; Wholesale and retail, em bracing common and old Rye Whiskey, Brandies, dark and pale; Lisbon, Sherry, Port,- Maderla, Ginger; Catawba and Muscat- Wines, in casks and bottles; Scotch Whiskey, Holland Gin, and Scheidam Schnapps. A large stock of Lamps, including Dyott’s celebrated lamps_for_ burning Kerosene or coal oil,..Sperm, Pine, Lard and coal Oil, burning Fluid, Sperm and Star candles. Cedar-Ware and Brooms, Brushes, Ropes, Mops, Soaps, Door-mats, Wai ters, Looking-glasses, fine letter and note paper. Willow-ware, Painted buckets, &c. Cotton and Woollen Hose and half Hose, and a full stock of Gloves, including the well known Buck Gloves. . Marketing of all kinds taken in exchange for Goods. . In short, his stock comprises every thing that is called for in his line of business, and.no ef fort will be spared to render entire satisfaction to his customers. C. INHOFF. Carlisle, Oct. 28, 1858—ly LARGE SPRING ARRIVAL! ELEGANT NEW GOODS, - , AT A. W- RENTE’S STORE. A SPLENDID stock of new Black Dress Silks—Magnificent Stylos Fancy Dress Silks. ■ • French Foulard Silks, Chinese Silks, Satin and Striped Bareges, Valencias, Ducalles, beau tiful new printed Challies, Frdnch printed Jaco netts, very handsome English Brilliants, very handsome French Brilliants, English, French and American prints, Scotch, French and Do. racstic Ginghams, Bonnets, Bonnet Kibbonsi and Dread Trimmings, Shawls in every variety. Silk, Crape, Stella, Cashmere, &C; Embroider ies, very low, comprising Collars, Sleeves, Flouncings, Edgings, Veils, &c. Carpetings and Oil Cloths, Venetian, Ingrain, three Ply, Brussels, Cotton and Hemp.’ Druggets and Floor Oil Cloths all widths. ■ LINEN GOODS. A complete assortment embracing all the most celebrated marks. Gloves and Hosiery for Ladies, Misses and Children, great variety of kid, silk and cotton Gloves, Ladies elegant twisted Silk Mitts, &c. DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS, bleached and unbleached Skirtings, bleached and unbleached Sheetings, Woollen and Cotton Flannels, Corset, Joans, Tickings, Cottonades. Sattinetts, Tweeds, Cot ton and Linen Diapers, Table Covers, bleached and brown Drillings, and an endless variety of In fact,.this stock of goods is and complete, baying 'BeSKpHrShased with a great deal of cafe, wo feel confident we can please any one who will favor us with a call. All candid persons who have patronized us heretofore, will admit that we have sold the best bargains ever purchased in Carlisle. We can assure our friends and all lovers of cheap goods that we are as well pre pared as over to offer superior inducements for their patronage A. W. BENTZ. South Hanover St., opposite the Post Office May 12, 1859. Dailey’s Magical Pain Extractor. IN all diseases inflammation more oj less pre. dominates—now to allay inflammation strike at the root of disease—hence an immediate cure. . Dailey’s Magical Pain Extractor and nothing else; will allay inflammation at once, and make a certain cure. Dailey’s Magical Pain Extractor will cure the following among a great catalogue of dis eases: hums, scalds, cuts, chafes, sore nipples, corns, bunions, bruises, strains, bites, poison, chilblains, biles, scrofula, ulcers, fever sores, felons, ear ache, piles, sore eyes, gout, swellings, rheumatism, scald head, salt rheum, baldness, erysipelas, ringworm, barbers itch, small pox, measles," rash, &c. To some it may appear incredulous that so many diseases should be reached by one article; such an idea will r.jhish when.reflection points to the fact, that the salve is a combination of in. gredients, each and every one applying a perfect antidote to its opposite disorder. Dailey’s Magical Pain Extractor in its effects is magical, because the time is so sbort.between, disease and a permanent cure; and it is an ex tractor, as it draws all disease out of the affect, ed part, leaving nature ns perfect as before the injury. It is scarcely necessary to say that no house, workshop, or manufactory should be one moment without it. S. L. LEVI: No Pain Extractor is genuine unless the box has upon it a steel plate engraving, with the name of Henry Dailey, manufacturer. For sale by all the Druggists and patent medi cine dealers throughout, the United States and Canadas, and in Carlisle, by B. J. Kieffer. Principal Depot 165 Chambers St., N. Y. C. F. OHAOE. November 18, 1858—ly . IRON RAILING I Iron Railing for Come, tory enclosures, public and private grounds and gardens, made to order at the Carlisle Foun dry. Our stock of Railing, V erandah and Brack, et patterns comprises a large variety of new and elegant designs which the public are invited to call and examine. Orders for casting and put. ting up Railing will bo promptly exected at sat iSt|^TnFcrnC tlrely now TEN HORSE STEAM ENGINE and BOILER now on band, warran. ted to bo of the best make, and will bo sold at a bargain for cash or on short time. e F. GARDNER & CO. July 22,1858. , ■ CORN Brooms, Whisks,. Hearth Brooms, -Buckets, Tubs, Churns, "Baskets, Brushes, Ropes, Measures, Wash-boards, Clothes Pina, Mashers, Bolling .Pins, Ladles, Spoons, Beef Pounders, Egg Boaters, Cake Tumors,. Shoe and Stove Blacking, for sale by ! Nov. 4, 1858. WM. BENTZ. FARMERS! Now is tho time to get a new Threshing Machine and Horse Power. We have a number of well made Machines now on hand, at the Carlisle Foundry and Machine Shop, which we will sell on tho most reasonable terms. They combine all the latest improvements and are warranted to be of good material and work manship. Also, Corn Shollers of the most improved construction, which do their work rapidly and thoroughly. For sale at low prices by F. GARDNER & CO. July. 22, 1858- H, SAXTON’S. GLASS & PAINTS. A full assortment of Glass of all sizes and quality, with a full stock of Fresh Paints of all colors, Oils, Var nish, &c. Cement in largo or small quantities at low prices. JOHN P. LYNE & SON. Carlisle, Oct. 28, 1858. Work done at this office on short notice. FISH AND SALT. RICH! RARE!! ELEGANT!!! JAMES W. BOWGtH. Oi K. HEDGES , BOSLBE& HEDGES, Dankers-andßeal Estate Agents, . : Sioux Oitv, lowa. Collections made in *ll parts of iowa, •Nebraska and Missouri! money invested, taxes paid, and titles investigated, for non-resi dent's. ; Jlr. Hedges being Treasurer and 80. corder of the’ Sioux City Land District, gives us superior advantages in the investigation ot titles, payment of taxes, &c. Letters of enquiry promptly answered. • Refer to Bon. A. Leech, Receiver of Public Moneys, Sioux City, Iowa; Fichlan & Lucas,- and Charles Parsons, Bankers, Keokuk, Iowa; Sargent & Downey, Bankers, lowa City, Iowa; Jas. ff. Lucas & Go., Bankers, St. Louis, Mo. ; Gov. A. P. Willard, Indianapolis, Ind.; Shop pard & Hcdrich, Wm. Glenn & Sons, B. Stor rett and Ira Wood, Mas. of Trans., C. H. & D. B. K. Cincinnati, Ohios John Carlisle it 00., Cleveland,Ohio; Lyon, Sbrob & Co., N -Jlolmes &Son, Bankers, Pittsburg, Pa. i J. W. Wow, Cashier, Harrisburg Pa.; Hon. F. Watts, J. B. Parker, Esq., John B. Bratton, Esq., Bentz & Bro., Hon. John Stuart, Carlisle, Pa.; S. Wag. ner, Cashier York Bank, P. A. & S. Small, York, Pa.; Hon. Jesse D, Bright, Washington, D. C. November 12, 1857. JOHN P. LVSE & SOK, HAVE jnatreceived their Fall stock of Hard ware, which makes their stock very large and complete.. We now stand, ready to iurnish the public with every variety of Goods in our of warranted quality, and at prices that defy competition. Enumeration is useless, suffice it to say they have everything in the Hardware line, that the public can possibly stand in need -of. The most we can say.is.try.us a|l_yo that want good Goods at low prices. We return'our sincere thanks to a generous .public for their very liberal patronage, asking a continuation of the same. - JOHN P. LYNE & SON. Carlisle, Oct. 28, 1858. . Important to Females. DR. CHEESE MAN'S PILLS. THE combinations of ingredients in these Pills, Is the result of a long and extensive practice; they are mild in their operation, and certain of restoring nature to its proper channel. In every instance have the Pills proved success ful. They are .certain to open those obstruc tions to which females are liable, and bring na ture into its proper channel, whereby health is restored, and the pale and deathly countenance changed to a healthy one.. No female can en joy good health unless she is regular; and when ever an obstruction takes place, Whether from exposure, cold, or any other cause, the general health immediately begins to decline, and the Want of such a remedy has been the cause of so many consumptions among young females.—; Headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, loathing of food, and disturbed sleep, do most always arise from the interruplion-of na ture; and whenever that is the case, the Pills will invariably remedy all these.evils; In all cases of painful menstruation, or nervous and spinal affections in the back and limbs, lowness of spirits, hysterics, &c. Norare they less effi cacious in the cure of Leucorrhtea, commonly called the “Whites.” Warranted purely Vege table, and free from anything injurious to life or health. Fuli-and explicit directions which should be read, accompany each box. These Pills are put up in square fiat boxes. — Persons residing where there are ho agency es tablished, by enclosing $1 in a letter, prepaid, to any authorized agent, can have them sent to their respective addresses by return of mail. Sold by one Druggist in every town in the Edited States. R. B. HUTCHINGS, General Agent for the United States,-1'65 Chambers St., New York, to whom all wholesale orders should be addressed. , Sold by Barnvart & Finney, Harrisburg, and B. J. Keiffer, Carlisle! November 18, 1868-rly So r til Ilaijov.cr si. Confectionery CARLISLE, PA. . Wholesale Itgfis Reduced s2,oopcr 10 lbs, • THE attention of Country Merchants and the public generally is invited to a largo assort ment of CHOICE GANDIES, manufactured of the best materinl and warranted to contain no poison in their colors, which will be sold whole sale orretail at low rotes, at the old stand of P. MON YEE, Nbrfh Hanover St., Carlisle, Pa., a few doors north of the Carlisle Deposit Bank. Just received-a large assortment of Fresh Fruits and Nuts; of the latest importations, con sisting ; ! Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, , Prunes, Figs, - ■ Dates, Bannanas, ' Pino Apples, Almonds, Filberts, Cream Nuts, , Cocoa Nuts, &c., all of which will bo sold at low rates. Also, a large assortment of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, of every variety. Also, all the best brands of Segars and Tobacco, of American and German manufacture. ... • The subscriber returns thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on him by the public, and, solicits a continuance of their favors. P. MONYER. Carlisle, Julv-1,1858, Beautiful Wit te -Teeth, Healthy Gums, and a Sweet Breath* ALL who are desirous of Naming those be nefits should use ZEKMAN S CELEBRA TED TOOTHWASH. ' ' . This delicious article combines so many men torious qualities; that It has now become a stan dard favorite with the citizens of New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore. Dentists prescribe it in their practice most successfully, and from every source the most flattering laudations are awarded it. Inflamed and bleeding gums are immediately hehefltted by-its use; its. action upon them is mild and soothing and effective. It cleanses the teeth so thoroughly that they are made to rival pearl in whiteness, and diffuses through the month such a delightful freshness that the breath is rendered exquisitely sweet.— It disinfects alt those impurities which tend to produce decay;-and as a consequence, when those are removed the teeth must always remain only,by Francis Zerinan, Druggist, 9th and Catharipo streets, Philadelphia, and sold by ail Druggists at only 25 cents per bottle. July 22, 1858—ly ■_ Beat Cutters. A LARGE lot'of these useful articles just re ceived and for sale cheap. Also Sausage Stuffors of the latest and best kinds. Butchers and the public generally, are invited to give ns a call before making their purchases in this line, as we are furnishing a superior article to any that has over been offered in this market, with a general assortment of Butcher’s tools of the best makes and at low prices; , . ■ JOHN P. LYNE & SON, Carlisle, Oct. 28, 1858. FOOTE & BROTHER, PRACTICAL Plumbers & Gas Fitters, Directly Opposite the Court House, in Church Mley. Lead and Iron Pipes, Hydrants, Hot and Cold Shower Baths, Water Closets, , , Force and Lift Pumps, Wrought Iron Wel’d. Tubes.. ' And every description of Cocks and Fittings for Gas, Steam, Water, &c. SuporiorCooking Ranges, Heaters and Gas Fixtures, put up in Churches, Stores and Dwellings, at short notice and in tho most modern stylo. All materials and work in our line at low rates and warranted. Country work and J obbing promptly attend, ed to. Carlisle, May 29, 1856. HOTEL KEEPERS and Dealers generally, supplied with lino Liquors at loss than city prices by WM. BENTZ. Carlisle, Jannarjt 20, 1869, llMlL, ”S£i!§l|' ’’' THE subscriber has on hand a largo and well selected stock of UcatNStones, Monuments, TOMBS, &c., of chaste and beautiful designs, which he will sell at the lowest possible rates, oeing desirous of selling out hie stock. Head stones finished from three dollars upwards. Brown stone, marble work, mantels, &c., for buildings, marble slabs for furniture, &c., con stantly on band. Iron railing for cometary lots, &c., of the best Philadelphia workmanship, will be promptly attended to. Carlisle, March 27, 1856. IMMENSE STOCK OP HARDWABE. THE subscriber has just returned irom the eastern cities, and would call the attention of his friends and the public generally, to the largo and well selected assortment of Hardware which ho has now on hand, consisting in part of BUILDING MJITERMLS, sueh aS nails, screws, hingosrbolts, locks, glass of every description and quality, white, polish, ed, American, French; enameled and double thick of all sizes; paints, oils, varnishes, &c. Tools, including edge tools of every descrip tion, saws, planes, braces, bits, augurs, squares, gauges, flies, rasps, hammers, vjccs, screw plates anvils, blacksmith.helloes, &o. Shoemakers and Saddlers, will find a largo as sortment of tools of every description, together, with ladies and gentlemen’s Morocco lining, binding, patent and French calf skins, awls, shoe thread, wax, pegs, lasts, harness mountings, col lars, girthing, whip stocks, deer hair, saddle trees, &o. , Coachmalcers Tools and trimmings of all kinds, such as hubs, spokes, felloes, shafts, bows, floor doth, canvass, cloth, damask, fringe, lace, mass, axles, springs, bolts, clips, &c. Cabinet-makers will find a large assortment of varnishes, oak, walnut, and mahogany veneers, knobs of all kinds and sizes, mouldings, resets, hair cloth, plush, curled hair, chair and sofa springs, &c. ' - Housekeepers -will also find a large assortment of knives aud forks, Britannia and Silver plated table and tea spoons, candlesticks. Waiters, shovels, tongs, iron and brass kettles, pans, &c. together with Cedorware of all kinds, suCh as tubs, buckets, churns,’ &c; Agricultural Implements, embracing plo.ws of all kinds, cultivators, hoes, shovels, rakes, forks, chains, &c. Iron, ts, largo stock, which I am sellingat city prices. " Remember the old stand, East Main street. ’ . \ HENRY SAXTON. Carlisle, Maach 12, 1857. William Keb, Melohoib Bbehnesian, Root. C. Steebett, John Dunlap, Riou’b. Woods, John S. Steebett, John 0: H. A. Stuboeon. THIS .Bank, doi/g business in the name of Kcr, Brenneman & Cos; is now fully pre pared to do a general Banking Business with promptness and fidelity. ■ Money received on deposit and paid back bn demand without notice. Interest paid on Spe cial deposits. Certificates of deposit bearing interest at the rate of five per cent, will be is sued for as short a period as four months. In. forest on, all .certificates will provided, however, that if said certificates.are renewed at anytime thereaflerfor mjbthor given period, they shall bear the »amb rate of interest up to the time of renewal. Particular attention paid to the cpllection Of notes, drafts,.checks, &c., in any part of the United States or Cana das. . ’ Remittances made to England, Ireland, or the Continent. The faithful and confidential execution of all orders entrusted to them, may be relied upon. They call the attention of Farmers, Mechan ics and all others who desire ,a safe depository for their money, to the undeniable fact, that the. proprietors of this Bank are individualhj liable to the extent of their estates for-all the Depo sits, and other obligations of Her, Brennoman man & Co! . They have recently removed into their now Banking House, directly opposite their former stand, in West Main Street, a few doors east of the Railroad Depot, Where they will at all times bo pleased to .give any information desired in regard to money matters in general. Open for business from 9 o’clock in the morn ing until i o’clock in the evening. H. A. STURGEON, Cashier . Carlisle, Dob. 18, 1856 IN store at “ Marion Hall” Grocery and Tea Store, a choice stock of No.’l, 2& 8 Mack, arel, in every stylo of packages, Salmon, Mess Shad, Dairy and Liv. G. A. Salt, Soaps, Balt. Brick, Vinegar, Oil, &c., all warranted good as represented. J. AT. EBY. November 4, 1858. THE subscriber has just received an addi tional stock of Fresh Groceries of every kind at reduced prices, to. which he invites bis friends and Customers. They embrace in part the following: Teas of .every variety and best quality. Bio, Java and Maracaiba Coffee. Boasted Coffee. Crushed and Pulverized Sugars. . Refined and other Brown Sugars., Superior Syrup Molasses. u Orleans Molasses. Spi.cos of every kind, pure. Starch, Farina and chocolate. Maccaroni, chpeso and crackers. Taplaco and Sago. Indigo, Saleratus, Soda and Cream Tartar. Mustard and Oorrander Seed, as well as all the other articles belonging to a well established Grocery. J. AT'. EBY. Carlisle, Nov. 1858. - TPHE finest qualities of Cavendish Black Fat 1 and Natural; Congress, Lump, Twist and other chewing and lino cut Tobacco. . Cigars. —Finest impoftod Havanna and Cuba, as well ns choice brands of domestic manufac ture in variety. Also Cut and Dry for Smoking of the Philadelphia, Baltimore and Lynchburg brands.. Our friends by giving us a call cannot but be pleased with the selection. November 4. JB5B. J. W. EBY. American Life Insurance and Trust Company. Capital Slock, $500,000. COMPANY’S Building, Walnut St., S. E. corner of Fourth, Philadelphia. Life In surance at tho usual mutual rates; or at Joint Stock Rates at 20 per cent, less, or, at Total Abstinence Rates, the lowest in the world- A. WHILLDIN, Pres’t. J. C. Sms, Sect’y. WM. H. WETZEL, Agent for Carlisle and vicinity. February 10, 1859—ly* - ■ Cast Iron Sinks, Bath Tubs, Bath Boilers, Wash Basins, Hydraulic Rams, &o, &c., &c. WINDOW. SHADES—The finest, largest and cheapest assortmentof window shades can bo bad at tho now store of , J. A. HCTfI/RICH, Ju. Carlisle', il/ay 28,1858; ‘ . ' - KA nnn LBS. Rolled imd ,Bar Iron, of ; tho best brands, all sizes. Steel of all kinds at the lowest market prices. All Iron warranted to be good or the money returned. JOHN P. LYNE & SON. Carlisle, Oct. 28, 1858. Carlisle JHarWe Yard. RICHARD OWEN. ■ South Hanover St., opposite Pen Us’ Store, • Carlisle, Saxton’s Spring Arrival! I§sisnvjutli Cumberland Valley Bank. PROPRIETORS, Fresh aclteral Fresh Groceries. Tobacco & Segars. Bar Iron. iSfiIMSIB MUtSHDM, MACHINE SHOP, OAR FACTORY AND SASH FACTORY, EAST MAIN STREET, CARLISLE. THIS extensive establishment is now In com plete order, and supplied with the best ma chinery for executing work in every department. The buildings have also been greatly enlarged this spring, and stocked with the newest and most Improved tools for the manufacture of Doors, Window Frames, Sash, Shutters, Blinds, Mouldings, Brackets and all other kinds of Carpenter work. Wo invite Builders, Carpenters and others to call and ex amine our facilities for doing this description of work; 0?* The best materials used, and prices ns low as at any other establishment in the county or elsewhere. Steam Engines Built to Order and repaired as heretofore. Engines have been recently built for W. M. Henderson & Son, in this borough, R-Bryson & Co.i Alien township, Ahl & Brothers, Newviile, Shade & Wetzel, North Middleton, and others, at whoso estab lishments they may ho seen in daily operation, and to whom wo can'refer, for evidence of their superiority. Iron and Brass Castings of every description, from the smallest to, the heaviest pieces, executed at short notice, for every kind of. machinery. A large variety of mill castings now on hand. Two skillful Pat tern makers constantly employed. REPAIR ING promptly attended to for Paper Mills, Dis tilleries, .Grist Mills, Factories, &c. Turning and Fitting Mill Spindles, &c., .done in the best style. Threshing Machines and Horse Powers, 't such asßcvil Gear F.our Horse Powers, Hori zontal Gear Four and Two Horse Powers, Corn Shelters, Crushers, Iron Boilers, Plough Cast ings, and other articles for farmers, on hand or promptly made to order. Burden Cars Built and repaired. Our facilities for building Cars are now more complete than heretofore, and en ables us to furnish them to transporters on the railroad on accommodating terms, and made of the best materials. Orders solicited and entire Satisfaction guaranteed. The long experience in the business of the senior partner of the firm, and the completeness of our machinery in every branch of the estab lishment, warrant us in assuring the best work to all who favor us with their orders. The con tinued patronage of our old friends and the pub lic is respectfully solicited. F. GAEDNEB & CO. May 21,1858—1 y Fire Insurance. THE Allen and East Pennsboro’ Mutual Fire Insurance Company of coun ty, incorporated by an act Of Assembly, is now fully organized, and in operation under the management of the following Managers, viz : Benj. H. Mosser, Lewis Hyer, Christian Stay man, Michael Cocklin, J. C. Dunlap, W. E. Gorgas; Daniel Bailey, Jacob H. Coover, Alex andor Cathcart, Jos. Wickersham, J. Eichel berger, S. Eberly, J. Brandt. The rates of insurance are as low and favora ble as any Company Of the kind In the State.— Persons wishing to become members are invi ted to make application to the Agents of the' Company who are willing to wait upon them at any time.. BENJ. H. MOSSEE. Pres. • CunmTiAN Stayman, Vico Pres. Lkwis IlYEit, Soct’y. . Miouaei Cocklin, Treasurer. January 7, ’5B, AGENTS. Cumberland coan/i/.—John Sherrick, Allen; Budolph Martin, Now Cumberland; Henry Zearing, Shiremanstown; Sam’l. Woodbnrn, Dickinson; Henry Bowman, Churchtown ; Mode Griffith, Spufh Middleton; Sam’l. Gra ham, W.- i’ennshoro’; Sam’li .CooverMeehan-: W'-Gqckfm, Shephcrdstown-i-D, Coover, Shepberdstown; J..Q.jSaxton, Silver. Spring; Benj; Haverstickj Silver Spring; John Hyer, Carlisle. . ■ .. York ‘county-—W- S. Picking,Dover; Peter Wolford, Franklin; Jas. Griffith; Warrington;’ J. F. Deardorff,. Washington; D. Butter; New bury ; B. Clark, Dillsburg. Harrisburg. —Houser & Lochman. Members of-the Company having,policies about to expire, can have them renewed by -making application to any of the Agents. Spangler’s Hair Restorative. THIS article is put up before the public with the greatest confidence of its success. It is intended to restore gray hair to its original co lor, and to promote its growth. Persons whose Hair is falling out will find that it will remedy the evil in a very few appli cations. In all cases go according to directions, and you may rely on its successful operation. It is not put out with a long preamble of its qualities in curing Scald Head, Tetter, Ring Worm, of any other Skin diseases, but merely for the Growth and Restoration of the Hair. Manufactured by J. Spangler, Druggist,Cham bersburg, Pa. For sale by S. Elliott, Carlisle. January 13, 1859—1 y ■ nil, i. c. looms. SOUTH Hanover Street, next door to the Post Office. N. B. Will be absent from Carlisle the last ton days of each month. ■ August.l6,lBss. ,Mgi —DR. CEO. S. SEARIGHT, DENTIST. From the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. Office at the residence of his mother, East Louther street, three doors below Bedford. March 19, 1857; Watches, Jeweli y and Sliver WARE AT CONLVN’S. THE public are invited to call and examine the largest and handsomest stock of A WATCHES, JE WEEK. Y- AND SILVER WARE. ever brought to this place.' Having.purchased this stock for cash I am determined to sell at prices that “can’t be beat.” All goods sold by mo, guaranteed to be as represented or the money refunded. Old.gold and silver taken in exchange THOMAS CONLYN. Carlisle, May 1, 1856. Paints & Oils. 10,000 lbs. White Load, with a largo assort meat of Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine, Japan, Litharge, Putty, Glue, White Zinc, colored Zinc, Fire-proof Paint, Florence White, Bod Lead, Whiting, Paint Brushes, all Colors dried in Oil, all Colors in tubes, received at the cheap hardware store of H. SAXTON. March 17, 1859. BEECHER’S Matchless Cordial, for Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Sumtner Com plaint of Children, Dysentery, and Diarhtea, for sale at B. J. Kioffor’s. Soda, Water and Butter Crackers; Sea Seed, and Currant Cake, Jumbele, fresh at Kieffer’s. Burning Fluid and Alcohol, fresh at Kieffer’s. Fresh Pruons at 16 ots. per lb., at Kioffor’s. Thermometers of all sizes, makes and finish, just received at Kieffor’s cheap drug store. Carlisle, July 1, 1858. . PAIK Uames, including a lino as (Jljij sortment of the celebrated Elizabeth town Hamcs oi all sizes and kinds, just received March 21, 1850. TO BE HAD AT EBY’S Grocery Store, some of the cholceat No. 1 MacUeral (without heads,) ever offered ‘in Carlisle. The public Is invited to call'and examine them and judge for themselves* Feb, 24, 1859, Hair BATCHELOR’S HAIR t>y F The Original ana tot*, . ' World/ 1 ,n % All otheiu ore mere imitations , FIFTEEN MEDALS AND Dimft.. ■ been awarded to Wm. A. Balchdorrin ASl *h : and over 80,000 applications have b.»« Ce the hair of his .patrons of his °n" WM. A. BACHELOR’S B®' ,; ces a color not to bo distinguished w? M «' and is warranted not to injure |„ H* over long it may bo continued, and thi ii 4 0,; o( bad dyes remedied: the hair 1 cffc di life by this splendid Dye. nvi goraled | OI Made, sold or applied (in 9 nrivaln the Wig Factory, 283 Broadway M y 00m! ) •! Sold in ail cities and towns ol the n n , drhggists and fancy goods dealers h, > b J The genuine has the name’ anh upon a steel plate engraving on fen, "• each box, of . 5 lour sides of WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR For Sale in Carlisle by bTj’kiEFFER Keal estate AgencyT~' REMOVAL.-A. L. SPONSLER, f; ea ; p iaie Agent, Conveyancer and ScrkuJ i removed -to his new office, on Main ZZ' 7 Depot! 68 * 01 th 6 Cumberknd ’ Va,I “JH«iCS Ho is now permanently located, and hn, hand and for sale a very large amount of R« Estate, consisting of Farms of oil sizes in,*, ed and unimproved. Mill Properties, tCp!!’ perty of every description, Building Uls ,i« Western Lands and Town Lots. Ho will his attention, as heretofore to the NoeniJl." of Loans, Writing of Deeds, Mortgages to Jf Contracts, and Scriveninggenerally. ’ Carlisle, Oct. 22, 1857. Winter Fashions. JUTS! JIND CM>S! rpHE undersigned would respectfully atoouar. i to the public that they will conlimie n, HALTING BUSINESS at flic old stand of late Wm. 11. Trout, - in West High Strati where they hope all the old customers am others will give them.a call, as they feel coal mdent of being able to please.' Tier have now on hand a splendid aasori ment of HATS of all, description from the common Wool to the finest Fur a# Silk Hats, and at prices that must suit ever; one who has an eye to getting the worth ofti money. Their , Silk, Moleskin and Smn Hats,, are unsurpassed for lightness, duratl% and finish, by those of any other establiakmm in the county. Boys’Hats of every description constant on hand. Call and examine. J. G. GALLIC & CO. Carlisle, October 14,1858. Pn Tall'S Galvanic Oil, PEEPAEED originally by Prof. H. Du Vail, formerly of file College of Surgeons, Paris, is now offered to the public for lire cure of all sore and painful diseases 1,, Fur instance—pain or soreness in any part of the system, rhesnn. tisms, pain in the back, breast or sides; healed breasts, neuralgia, burns, sprains, headache, cranip in the stomach, or any other disease tbit is sore and painful, and it is only over .thisclan of diseases wo claim a perfect victory. We say positively to'our patrons,, we can relieve He sufferer 99 times out of 100. Wo would just say to the public, Prof. Du Vail was 25 years in bringing this medicine to the superiority it hu over all others. • , ' For sale by S. W. UaversHclc, S. Elliott, J. B. Kiefibr, and at all the country stores through* oiit the county. Price 60 cents per bottle. 38£ per cent, off to the trade. All orders must beaddressed to J. D. STONEKOAB, SdeAgt. forU.B. Zewiaiowiij jPo^' August 19, 18C8~ Cent rail pifimsiiWaßva A geuejv FOR:fWH^^r,RR.&.Vf\LSOS , S , : ech “" s ™’ ea “y, that»« so simple, and the arrangenmn ll3V o jtj difficulty need occur. after liavirg machine sent to their r 0 n Any f utu,e received a half hour’s wolruction. flj)d tllo n difficulties are readily s “ in ’ /’ t i, o use of *!»« practice alone makes P er^e ®. an j child* 60 ? as anything else. Do ™.^ bcco mo proficients twelve years of age readily I) its use. , - r qflll. cither J I shall deliver the machines 1 1 cb amlm r> -. Carlisle, Nowville, Shippensburg, Orders for Carlisle may be left with Sam W. Haverstiok. „„ n lv to For further information app y j [IC KOh. Itorri'bug. Jtgcni for Cumberland and iron November 25, 1858 n. SAXTON’S. IT’IANCV' .1; Jc Bruahos, Soaps, cologno? 4, 1858. j