American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, June 30, 1859, Image 3

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    *Tho Chnmbersburg Repository and
nscript of last week,.lias tho. following ne
at of a “ Shooting Affair” which, took place
‘fat tloritfagh -on Saturday night 'tße 18th
. Saturday night, the 18th inst., after de
, bed-time, our quiet borough was startled
,he report that a man was shot; op repair
to the scene, a lager-beer bouse, at the ex-
> north end of Main street, a young man
,ed M'Laughlin'WHs'fqund weltering in his
id. He had been 'shot in the neck, by a
ipl in the hand dfsdtne person—supposed to
another man ildified Glenn, Who gave him
f up, into the'bustodyof our efficient sheriff,
10 was attracted'to the scene of . blood, soon
'.tKe shooting,'by (fee sounds proceeding
m the riotous piipty, as. well as the pistol
(s. U'be'cildSe;of., the difficulty appears to
all ahoht "a “ wimmin.", .Another party of
•fast young men were .endeavoring to lake
'‘"attractive Miss” from the man, Glenn, Bred.upon them, not, however, until
•y attacked him with stones—as he alleges.
Laughlin was his companion, r and if Glenn
him it, was an .accident. McLaughlin is a
rer,by'.«jade < .and .is a native of Gettys-
better, though danger
ijvdimiJ'ed;.;’,-Glenn is - a stone, culler or
(h.workcrjjy'trade, and a n&iive'df mlti-
He is how-in jail.
i llio 2 1st hist., by the Rev. A. H. Kremerd
Samuel. to Miss Catharine;
■nnf.r, both 'of'GoOU 'Hope, this co. 1
a the 23d instant, by the same, Mr. John
arsbr, to Miss StfrntA Waggoner, both
Perry co.. . j
in the 13lh inst., in North Middleton twp.,
NA Margaret GuTsuXLii. ttgea 5 years and
days. 1 ’ • ’
hi Dickinson township, on Friday last, the
th inst,, after a .short illness, Mr. George
;e, iri the 81st year of his : age.
In this Borough, on Sunday -afternoon last,
[i Samuel Maut'iN', aged about 50 years. ll
■' Philadeilmha, June 30, 1 1869.
and Mkal.—Market quiet. Receipts
...Flou v 'continue light,-and prices are father
Sales'.of. good superfine aio reported at
652 a&7 00 for- 1 common extra. Good VVes
P' , ttetn;-. extra, at Sf 7-25. The.sales to the home
>f‘ j f'ftldeare limited, between $6 62 and 00 for
. i astcy lots. Nothing doing in Rye Flour or
'0 orh .Meal. The .further is held at SS 50 and
tli c latter at 54 per barrel.
Guilk.—Wheat is dull, and without’demand.
Sit lest ofdPennsylviutiaantl Western redat @4 60
a 'l7O, Uriel white‘at: §i 70 a 1 80. ■ Rycrs sd
; • l H ng at OOc. ‘Corn is dull and prices rirooping.
■ 'Sa cs of yellow' at 80 cents, afloat. Oats are
Sl vStyil and plenty,. Sales of prime Delaware at 45
ir 'k 'tcehts, arid Pennsylvania at 470. •.
; i’ouiiiy Treasurer
yinnE undersigned’, at "the ■Solicitation of nu
fjfvy'jL',hierous Mends,- has' bo a can.
4'V-k^tiidate,lbr‘the office of CountyTreasurer,' sub.
'■C' 1 t to the 'decision of the 'Democratic'County
■ ■, '
, TtfoMrsoN m. g-aiRRAIth. .
1 ’ ©filtirison toXvn'slii.p, Janie 3U, 1859.
f.'i v'Vy : . Comity Treasurer.
• VV Eli, of Cuiilslu, -as, a 'CuiidiiliUo for the
1 ■ olliCß ol County to 'the tleci
■'"tWidn.of 1 tiio-Democratic County Convention. ■
K5O —”
=>. . •; '' 'Motietev V given Jljat apiriteatiqn wh
bo made to flit* next- Legislature of Berm*
BK? feylviiftfa, to alter tho charier. of thd *Otfrlislo De
r £ogt Banlc, located in IbV Borough of Carlisle,
countyi ao as to confer upon, said
Sftuli tliu rights aTid privileges of a bank of is-'
and to ch&n&c ?fs uuitto t<> the Carlisle
I'.-.; Bank.; also to increase‘the'capital of said bank
((which is at present sove’nty-two thousand dol-.
|?i. .adrs, with privilege of increasing the same tinder
S'-'i- its present charter to onC hundred thousand
, ♦dollars,) Hwo hundred and fifty thousand do)
> qurs. - W. M. BKETfiM, Cashier
; Juh0 ; £6,1859~6m
IVollcc. ■
&: i-ftrOTIOE is hereby given that .an application
l< will be made to the Legislature of Penn.
W Wlvania, atjts next meeting..for tbe incorpora.
'■ tion of a Vanh of IsMe, with discount and do-
E WSslt privileges, to be located in the Borough
Hit-', Carlisle, Cumberland county, Pa., tobe
' Wiled “ The Bank of CarlhU, na i a capital
' ’of one hundred thousand dollars, with the light
to increase the same to three h'andrec thousand
(dollars. (Signed.) „; . '
. 'William - Ker, l°, lln S'F,
g-V.* gliomas Paxton,' -John Noble,
L Benjamin Givler, jr. ' LnoCh 1 ohng,
t JlifshardWoods, Chnstianbtaym,™,
r tVilliath bente, Jolm Sterrott,
fe ■ iX-Bi’SHafpe, \Vra. N. Russell,
I JoHh G.'Dhrilap, Joseph D. HalbeU,
John. JJiinlifp,
’ Stones Hotter, Robert Moore,
, A,-A. Sturgeon, Robert Wilson,
SaiOuel Groason, Gho. Wi Sheafor,
I' V”sfcc6Vfl. Nets toy, Benjamin •Neisley. •
-f;.' : 30, IbSO—‘Am* ; ■
*v' , text™. Peck’s Patent Throsk
"Sffnif Machine and Horse Power, with all the
i- latest improvements. Warranted to thresh 60’
&V Im. her hour.
i , ~ 11. B. STKICKLER & BRO.
* Gatlisle, Juno 30, 1859. ' Agents.
ft _ ,■■ •:
|j BARGAINS!! >».
I '■ Just received and tor Bale at reduced priefsr, a
large lot of Silk dusters, Shaittilla and French
Mantillas, Napoleon Bareges, Lawns in
of stylo, Cheaps Delaines, Chintzes,
E’ less than city prices,
jS/wMtoe knitls, Sun Umbrellas, Douglass & Sher-
unequalled-Skirts for Ladies, Misses
wear. Hosiery of every doscrip-
call at LcidtCh & Sawyer’s new store,
"Main St.
V Wnne 30, 1850.
V*? J — : :
~ At tho Ladies’ Resort,
STORE; According to our practice
,j n tha last few weeks of tho season, wo have ro-
'the prices of bar immense and varied
g,%‘ VA> OC k of Dress Goods to each points as will in-
I? V rapid, sales. Regardless of profit wo are
I s determined to sell them off.
' f- berates, tierngc Ltobes end Double Shirts,
f . ••■ p Organdy Latins, Grenodeans,
5 Ohallies, &o. Froll and Silk at very low figures,
; Silk Mantillas at reduced prices, plain Silk Man
e tHIaS Very low in price, French Lace Mantillas,
%, ' Sliautilla LncoMaritillas, Talmas, Points, &c.
S -'The whole of my stock is now offering at re-
J i duoed priccs, preparhtoiy to tho close of itho
’ season. . All I ask is tho attention of tho ladies.
~ Qiv'o me a call, ns 1 feel satisfied wo can suit
•nv oho both as to stylo and price.
June 80, 1859. A. W. DENTZ.
’A SILYNE, corner of Bedford and LonUief
Sfreots, Carlisle, will attend promptly lo
bell-flanging in all tho various branches. Every
boh warranted to work well or no pay required.
Sfeti'eil gutting executed in tho neatest stylo and
at smM notice. Give mo a call.
23, 1859^0ra
• '■ For Kent.
J ftoljE Dwelling House and Office, in South
Tlanovor Street, two doors south of Inhoff’s
yf-feJiStoto, late tlio property of Thomas M. Biddle,
I" offered for rent upon favorable terras,
•■’ijlapsfp!®r particulars enquire at Inhoff’s Grocery
' Juno 23, 1860-^Bt
Bargains! Bargains!
BY calling at tho store next to Kline’s .Hotel,
North Hanover Stfobt,' Carlisle, where you
can buy Goods at a-saving of 25 per cent, as
the subscriber is determined to sell his large and
well selected stock of Domestic and 'foreign
Dry Goods, ,
without reserve, at cost or city-prices. ,
Bleached, and unbleached muslin's dt city prices. ■
Billow case muslins and Sheetings “ ,
Apron and Furniture checks “ |
Tickings and Pepit. StHpeh ,
Cotton, linen and woolen, [able Cloths “
Domestic and Manchester Ginghams “
Tho best calicoes a't KPbts. and the rest “
Fancy and .black tatvns ■ . “
Lavella cloth atidDdbeges “
Bareges arid Pongee mixture
Plain and ■flgdred m'ouslin-do-lains “
Chailios-and Barege do lains “
Silk Poplins and Alpacas,- «
Parusolls and Umbrellas «
Stella, printed and plain Shawls V '
Fihe embroidered collars < ' l 1
Sklileton and other Skirts f ‘ I
Swiss Muslin, Cambria and JaooYle't <l :
Linen Cambric Handke'itMeTir r< .
Black and col’d Silks- ' . .!
Black and col’d Clofli .*«,
Cassiriicires and Merino‘Casstmorcs “
Kentucky Jeans and Cassinets
Plain ait4';3trlp.ed cotton .pant stuff “
Plain anfj&tVilled Xipen “
Flannels “
i ’.iroaiepK^lpt^syes' , ' ’ “ .
Carpet Bags “ -
? merchants will So well oty calling, tis
; and any one wishing to
Ctjm'fi&mce busines-s will sebui'e himself by buy
ing thmoiUirb stock—Oho Of ’the best stands in
’town. So every One can make money by call.
.. ing on . _ ■ ItEYI. _
Jvrttb-53, 1850.
il/TANTILLAS. Those iti want of a Mantilla
JjJL wilUihfi the largest and cheapest Assort
ment at the cheap 'store of 1
■ffime 23, : J. A. HCMEUICIT,.! r.
TN beiilVty and. durability, no “ sun-drawn”
'picture equals ti good Oaguerreolypo; this
is tho opinion ospressod by the-leading photo
graphic journals of the day, both American arid
English, and these maybe obtained at the room's
of Mrs. Ketnocds, Louther Street, two difoTS
west of Hanover. '
' Carlisle, June US, 1833—ff
Take Notice. ■ ’ . ,
‘UST ’received at NoVthT-larioverSl.,
a complete assortment df Me'n’S and Boy’s
Straw and Leghorn Huts. Xiao; Children’s
Fancy lints. ...
•■June 10, iSoO.
; ■ : by Tin-:
rpitE Empire Mooli and Ladder Company, rc-
tliii'iilt3 i to tliu citizens
(or’.tbe favorscO-nfe.rredotr thehi,lntend holding
a Floral Fair aVEduCation Midi,Wotnmdncing
July 2d, and closing July 9th,' ih Which the
kind co-operation of the ladies is respectfully
solicited—our object being to si/cnfre funds for
the purpose of erecting a Truitt House. A few
moments devoted to the making- of anCh articles
as yotfr fUgenhity' maV'sbggeslt, thank
fully received on behalf of the Empire Hobk add
Ladder Company.
,'S. Keepers, 6. F. Ileidig,
F. Dinkle, B. IC. Spangler, 1
Jim. Roberts, S. Martin,
•J. A. Blair, T.M.'Moore,
G. S. Murry, J. IF.. Parts, .
' ■ , -• , Chainn'u.'df Com.
■ June'lo,.lBs9—lt
M. B. Articles for the Fair can be left with
either of the above Committee. ' ____
School 'l a's of IS’59.
I’llE taxable citizens of the Borough of Car
lisle are hereby notified that the Treasurer
of the School District of Said Borough wjU at
tentlct.t.he'OpuiUy-.Couit.ilonso, (Cominissian
. or/s office,oh H'lirrsday, Ike. of July licxir
between the hpn’rs of 9 and lifi in (ho forenoon,
and 2 and 5 b’clcmk in the afternoon of saM
day, for dim purpose of collecting iirtd*receiving
the School Takes assessed (or the present.year.
On all taxes paid on or before that date, a dc
dnclion will bo niadc of FIVE FER CENT.—
Persons wishing their taxes in the mean
time-, may do Bo by ‘calling on the Treasurer, at.
his store in “ Marion, Hail” building.
J. W. EBIT, Treasurer.
; June 9,1859—8 t - ,
CL. ’LOCHMAN, from Philadelphia, is
» happy to announce to the citizens of Car
lisle and vicinity, that ire hits opened rooms over
Mr. 0; Inlioff’a Grocery Store, whore with su
perior instruments and a knowledge of all the
late improvements in Photography, ho Is able
to make pictures equal to the best in tiro 4ouVi-i
.ty. Photograph, plain and colored, AmbrO
types, Life Size Photographs in oil, Photographs
in Partilo, &0., taken in a superior manner.
. "Ladies and Gentlemen are most respectfully
invited lo call. .
June 9, 1859—It* '
TVUE undersigned has been appointed agent
lor tile sale of ROOFING SLATE, and has
now and will constantly keep on hand a full
supply to meet the demands of builders and
others. Those in want id a superior article
would do well to call at the Lumber and Coal
Yard, near tlie Gas House.
■June 9, 1859.
WHEREAS the Hon. James 11. Guadam,
President Judge of the several Courts of
Common Pleas in the countips oi Cumberland,
Perryj•and-Juniata, and-Justices’Of the several
Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail
Delivery in said counties, and Samuel W oodburn
iSiMichaelCooklin, Judges of the Courts of Oyer
and TenriiuCt ami GehCt'a'l Jail Delivery for the
trial of ail capital and oilier calenders, in the said
county of Cumberland, by their precepts to mo
directed, dated the 11th day of April, 1809,
have ordered the Court of Oyer and Terminer
and General Jail Delivery to be liolden at Car
lisle, o« the 41b Monday of August, 1859, (be
ing the J2d Jay,) at 10 o’clock in the forenoon,
to Continue on'O Week.-
NOTICE is hereby gWOn-loth* Coronet, -JuS>-
ficos of the Peace, and Constables of thro said
county of Cumberland, that they are by the said
precept commanded to he then and thoro in their
proper persons, with their rolls r rccords, and in
quisitions, examinations and all other, remem
brances, to do those things which to their offices
appertain to bo done, and all those that are
bound by recognizances,, to 'prosecute against
the prisoners that aro or then shall be in the Jail
of said county, ace to ho there lo prosecute them
as shall be just.. ...
Juno 2, 1859.
LETTERS testamentary oh the estate ol
Goorgo Rupert, late of Upper Allen town
ship, Cumberland county, have been isssued by
tho Register of said county, to tiro subscribers
residing in tho sumo townshipi All persons in
debted to said estate are requested to make im
mediate payment, and those having claims will
present them for settlement to .
May 20. 1859.
T ETTERS testamentary, with .the will an
.JLji nexed, on tho estate of Dr. Jacob Shavyor,
late of Carlisle, Cumberland county, have been
issused by tho Register of said county, to tho
subscribers residing in Carlsle. All persons in
debted to said estate are requested to make Im
mediate payment, and th6se having claims will
present them to
W. 0. SAWYER, Ex’rs.
May 19,1859-6 t
Manny's Combined Reaper and ■Mower with
Wood's Improvement.
IS offered to tho Farmers of Cumberland co.,
for the coming harvest, on tho usual accom
modating terms. , Tho complete success achie
ved by this machine at tire great National Field
trial at Syracuse in 1857, over, some twenty
competitors, and its -unbounded success in this
and’adjoining counties 'for "the last three bar;
vests, in spite of fierce atid energetic opposition,
should scarcely leave a doubt iu the mind of any
farmer, which machine to .buyj.'ii any person
should however still ho in dohht wo would ask
him to take a Manny machine and try it along
with any of tho other machines offered to the
public as, combined machines, after a fair
trial Vetui-u the worst and keep and pay for tiie
one he considers beat. '., , ■
- Agt. at'Cifrlhde.
Jnnc '2,1850—flt Agt. at Meclranlcsbg.
Carriages for Sale.
'-jjl . *fITE'-'ha'b'sifi'ihcr lias on hand
n'tid fur sale, at his shop in Pitt
street, near the Railroad Depot,
number of hew and second
handed Carriages, Tillburics, Buggy’s, Ilarness,
&c., both of his own and city manufacture, which
lie will sell on the most reasonable terms. They
are made up iu the latest stylo and iu a durable
Ho is prepared to do all kinds of work in the
Coachmaking lino, with neatness and despatch,
at prices that cannot fail to give satisfaction.
Ilestill keepsat bis Livery,liorseS,'Carriages
and Buggies to biVe, tvbicTi He'tan recommend
to the public.
T’bnbkful for past favors, the subscriber re
spectfurty asks a .continuance of the same, as
suring the public that nothing'will.ho- wanting
on bis part to give s'a'tibfat'tio'n to all who see HI
to give’bttu a'Calt.
Carlisle, June 2,1659 —1m :
. Town Lots For Sals. •
cash. Apply, at Jvlm P. Ly'no & Son’s
Hardware Store, North Hanover St.,'Carlisle.
■ May 10, 1859— 2111 . , . . ,
TILE Wbscriber lias received a fresh arrival
oi the following: ■
Fresh 'Tomatoes in cans,
“ Reaches “
r< Salmon “
■ ' Lobsters . “ ...
Pickled Lobsters, Sardine’s, 'Gellatl'nb, Sal
Sago 'Cheese, Virgin Oil ef-Ais, for the table :
'Olive'do.-, ■'sl.nfibS. '
Trtnrato Katsup,
Mnshroob '"■■■■
Worcestershire Sauce;. .
Pickels, Raisins,. Dates, FigS, Nectarines,
Granges, Lemons, &c. . - :
Fine Hams, Dried Beet, '■ . i
Groceries, Fine Liquors, Ffsh, ifrifi all at the;
lowest prices. IVM, BENTZ.,
Carlisle, May 19,1859-.
GRAIN CRADLES. Gregor’s, Planks, Mil
ler’s, Smith's,'and Bernheisel’s makes, on
hand and for sale at the. makers prices, with a
largo assortment' of Scythes. Snaths, Forks,
Hakes, see , at the Hardware Store of John P.
’LySo ’& Son, North Ilajiover St. . 1
Mav 19,1859. - - . ' '
Mat alld Cap Siotc.
AT KELLER’S old stand, North Hanover
Street, nearly opposite the Hardware store
of'J. P. I.yne ffe Son.
A full assortment just received, to which con
stant -addflionb wilt be made of ’city as .well as
homo fnatriffaottire. The stork iroYr comprises
pT\ Moleskin, .Cas.iimcrc, Scacer and Fell r-g,
ty&IIATS, -of all styles and colors, from
tho cheapest to the hist quality. Straw Hats,
a large variety of all prices and styles', together
with a neat assortment of children’s Par and
Straw Hats. Atso, Men’s, Boys’ and Children's
CAPS, Embracing every kind now worn, both
plain and dress Caps, to which the attention of
Die public is respectfully invited.' Don’t'forget
ACelterlJh’.OleiAJand* -v."
. .'Carlisle, May, 1859— 1 y ■ . , , . . ■
Stf’lllWCf ASb SUMMER: goo ns.
JUST opened at MtltLlN’S on Main street,
a choice selection ot fashionable Goods, cx :
prossly lor gentlemen’s wear, cousiating.9f.vury
superior- ■ -
; !=side Band Cassimeres, -
Black and white Mixtures, Brown and While
Fluids) Fancy Stripes and Mixtures, Solid plain
Hoy’s Styles for Coals and Pants,
Gents Spring and Summer Coatings, Marseilles
and Silk VESTINGS, Fancy Cloths of.-every
description, tine Black Clothk, best black Doe
skins; medium quality black Cassimcres.
Carlisle, -April 21,1859.
Hay and Grain Rake,
rpttlS Rake has taken the (list premiums- at ,
J, different exhibitions. “The public are al. ,
read)- aware that this unrivaled in any
market, and is admitted by every person that
has seen it work (and who has seen other differ- .
ent machines work) to bo the very best Rake
now in Use, ft being an independent east steel ■
tooth Jlfii a cleaner attached. The largo num- 1
her sold the lust' year, and the eflorts of differ- 1
ent parties to claim the right to sell, and others ■
representing theirs to be the same patent,.is of
itself a mosLconvincing proof of its superiority.
Besides, over 500 have been sold in Lancaster
county alone. We have now a full supply on
hand to accommodate other counties. Wo
guarantee to every purchaser OUV indisputable
right to sell the said Rake. The following are
a few persons to whom wo refer to in this coun
ty and York, as having purchased and used the
same: .
’ John S-. Hoover, David Clark, Gutshall &
McGowan, Joseph Brandt, Roht. Bryson, Win,
Watts, M- G. Brandt, John Bcllzhoover, Midi.
Beltzhoovcr, Peter Ege; Philip Brechbill, Zook
& Shealfer, C. Hartzler. L. Pefter,Bonj.Peifer,
T. Galbreath, L. Trego it Bro., JamesO’llarra,
David Lerew, Sol. Hoke, Lewis Pressel, Isaac
Prosser,-Abraham Smith, Win.Flase,Benjamin
Striekler, Henry Strobm.-J. A. 'Wilson, 11. C.
- Houser, John Sloitt, Peter Mehggs, S. Tuoscot,
. Jacob Brandt. ,
For sale by G. W. BRAND*, Carlisle.
The subscribe!- i'a also agent foi- Ihe sale of
the Syracuse First Premium Buckeye Mower,
• with which a successful reaping attachment is
now furnished, Aulfman & Miller’s patent.
Wo take pleasure in calling the attention of
farmers lo our Buckeye Mower aha Etapcr> which
has in its triumphant practical Working during
the last harvest so fully sustained the .decision
of the much abused Syracuse Committee, its
success has boon complbto. Over one thousand
wore built ai)d sold, and the principle of the
double hinge-jointed and folding bar. which be
longs to this machine exclusively permanently
established as the fhto one for the perfect Mow
er. Wo with confidence refer to any or all of
the purchasers of tho Buckeye .for proof ol the.
above, from "many of whom have been received'
the most flattering testimonials. Tho demand
the past season was far beyond our ability to
supply, and wo trust that orders will bo forward
ed early the coming siiaSon that none may bo
disappointed. For those requiring a combined
machine we feCommend with, confidence onr
Reaping attachment. Wo furnish a rear or side
delivery. -
- Manufacturers, Edge T- Cope & Son, West
chester. 6. W. Brandt, Agent foe the sale of
same, Carlisle, Cumb. 'co., oi- Stiicklor & Bro.,
Agricultural Store.
May 12, 1859—2 m
ScYthes and snaths, iso dozen
Scythes And Snaths. The largest, boat and
cheapest assortment in the county, wholesale
and detail, at the cheap hardware stove of
May 26,1859.
FIFTY dozen Fly nets of all colors. Linon,
Colton, and Twine, cheaper than the choa
post, just reoeivd at
May 26, 1859,
c wvi lie Founclry a lid' Macli In«
-Fanners and Mechanics Look to your
* Interests! .
WE are now realty to receive criers for
every description of machinery cast
ings, such as Steam Engines,. llniso Power,
Thralling Machines, Cotu- Ehcllofa, .Clover
Ilulters, Mill Gearing, Plough Castings, Collar
Grates, Puts, ICnltles, Stoves, amt all kinds ol
machinery. . If Rot,'rfu’tiand 'they .will ho built to
order at short notice-
Repairing ‘Cars, Steam Engines and Boilers,
Threshing'aiid-aB kinds o( machines, .with neat,
ness and dispatch. We also intend Popping
Lumber of every description. t
We hope by atrictTattention to business to
merit a share of public patronage; Don’t for
get the place on the Cumberland Valley flail
road, near Ilursli’s Warehouse. ;
Old Iron wanted. ',. n - r. ■■
April 21, 1859—8m* ,
A MELODEON cheaper than 1 ■ can i By
paying So per month, yon can got one ol
the best melodeons in the country, at A. B. Ew
ing’s furniture rooms, where there will bo con
stantly kept on hand the largest lind heat assort
biought To Carlisle. . . j ■ • . . .
If you-wish to see a good Pf AKU, Call and
eSuliihiu mine. I l 'or -purity of tone, neatness of
feiislij lhie toucli, and low price, nofle’ean equal
them. Asi am determined to aefl 'musical in
struments 1o the people ol 'Gimiherland county
cheapor than any other 'portion, 'calland exam,
ine inlno hetote purchasing elSeWbdro.
\S3T Ail Hati’timenfs wairante'd and- kept in
repair. - ’ 1
‘ \VeSt JUight street .Carlisle.
Miyy;6,lBsG—Gm - ' ' 'j. '
NOW opening the hirgestandcheapesl stock
0 1 Spring arid Suuiiner'Gooaaevcr brought
to Cumberland county-; . :f
I.AUIES i 'Dl{fiSS CtfODSi
A largo line, of elegant. Black and Fancy
Silks, Cliuliies, Borage Kobes, FoilchrChevier,
Opera Cloth, Oriental Lustre, F.laht Poplins,
Caledonia Cloth, Lavellas, Satin Plaid Ducnls,
Polonaise Cloth, French Clnnl2 t l)eliaines, Tra
velling Dross Goods, Organdy ipwns, &o.
An immonsn hit of ciegaht Gbllars; Undor
r sleeves, Handkerchiefs, Flouncings, Ipsertings,
Edgings, etc., direct from the largestimporting
■house in Now York.
Slin tvls,' $h ;uv Is, sit|i wls.
A largo assortment of elegant Crape, Stella
arid Thybet Shawls, very cheap,,- ;'
.latce and silk Mantillas. Black Veils, and all
kinds :of Atoui-ning Goods in, great variety.
Hooped Skirts, Skirt Sup
porters, liichardson’s. Linens, Kid
Gloves, (b'twght from the importers.) Guantlets
and Jlitts
&0&ICB& . ‘
A fiill ;iPsni tnic'n!.'of <3 , elits’vilftseS :
and Boys’Hose,, and Vc'ry' loVv. .
Calicos, Ginghams, ilftslins, MckingSyGheck
&e'., vd'all kinds unci pvi'cek.... ;
■ '’. CI o 1 1 1 s : 111 dC a ssriliere s, :
A Sew supply, .-and very Shwp, patlphilarfy
for, boy's’ wear. . , ' /
A.largo slock ’of 1 elegant Imperial, Ingrain,:
Yenitian, Hemp, and Rag Carpeting, bought
from the largest carpet housesan New Yoyk.
The styles are new ami beautiful, quality very
superior, and prices uncommonly low. White
and colored Mattiilgs pf all widlhs.and prices.
"A large stock of Uusewond, Mall eg any, and
Walnut framed Looking filiates, at reduced
prices, I'::'}' • • ;
it is impossible,l6 cnllincrajc .lbc articles; suf
embracing every article In the Sxy Qodds line.
Having selected my' sto e I? ; from1 fa o-lorgeat and
best houses in A’ew York and Philadelphia with
great care, lam now prepared to oiler great in-
dncetnents to purchasers..
Thanking my old friends and custodiers lor
their patronage, I most respectfully invito tliera
ami all others in -want of cheap, goods to.give
ino a call. Our motto is quiclv.9n.lus and small
profits; no trouble to show goods at the new
store, corner of Main and I’ltt opposite
the It. R. Depot.
April 14, 1869
THE' undersigned rcapectfqliy informs liis
natrons that ho has removed his Barber
NEW BUILDING, on Ninth JlanoVer street,
adjoining Mr. Havcrstiok’s Drug Sloro, and
nearly .opposite the Bank, Where lib .hopes to
see all his ‘old tusromcrs-, and as-many new
ones as wish to have their hair and whiskers
« done np” in the most fashionable stylo.
All the various branches of Bartering, such
as shaping, Iluir Culling, Shanipooning, sc.,
attended to with promptness. Also, Cupping,
Blending, Tooth -Extracting,
The undersigned has-also ibfsa'le ti superior
article of ...
of his own;discovery and preparation, unequall
ed by anv similar article now in, use, for resto
ring, atren'gtheiiitig abd iiivlgoratihg the Hair;
preventing it from failing oif eradicating scurf,
dandruff, ringworm, and all diseases of the skin,’
and imparting a rich glossy, silken texture to
the Hair. An excellent toilet article Tor either
ladies of gentlemen. Testimonials of undoubt
ed character as to its good qualities, in posses
sion oi the, undersigned, which ivill he exhibited
to any person wishing to ekambve.lhqtn.
■ IflK’Rir LlfrNEKtrilL.
April 7, 1850—\ y -
Foreign and Domestic LiqViois.
LYNCH Sc WtiALAND, SuCcesSotStb Lynch
■& Detwiler, respectfully announ'eo to the
public, that they continue to keep Constantly
on hand, and for sale, a large, and Very superior
assortment of
Foreign and Domestic Liquors;
at 'he- bid s'tahd, South Hanqyer street, three
doors south of Inholf’s Grocery store, and dt
■rectly opposite the Volunteer printing oflicei
AH of choice Brands.
WINES, ■ ,
Slicrry, jPort; Maderia, laabon, Clarot,
Native, Hock, J obanntsborg and 13o
dcrliciinar. . ..U ■■■
• Heidsick & Co., G-CiSferS Co., and
Bohlen, Lion, and Anchor.
WIIISKEL V , ' . - .
. Superior Old Monongahela, Choice
Old Family Nectar, Wheat, Scotch,
and JribU. 1 > '
SCOT'clt Ale, Muir & Son’s Sparkling
Edinburgh, Allsopp’s Enst IlKtlft 'Palo Alt),
Tcnnot’s Drown Stout. Also, a .largo lot of
Monongahola Rectified Whiskey*, IAKKLR S
BRAND, for,sale low. . nm ,„ ( ~mr
Dealers and - others desiring A PURE ARTI
CLE, wilUhid it as represented, as their whole
attention will bo given to a proper and careful
selection of ‘their STOCK, which cannot bo sur
passed, and liopos to have the patronage oi the
April 21, 1869—tin] '
SA'GRINDSTONES of nil sizes, just ro-
JLOUcoived at
May "6, 185 Q,
HAV ELEVATORS. Just received a largo
assortment ol Hay Elevators, Pulleys,
Hope, Rakes, Forks, Hoes, &c., cheaper than
ever at
May 2C,'1859
SO oy».
Who sell
.Fresh Groceries.
JUST received by tb6 subscriber, a largo
stool: of every description of Groceries,
fresh arid cheap. Also, a largo supply of
, Foreignand-,Domestic Liquors,
'consisting of very lino old Cognac, df Plnet,
Castillon 5c Go’s, (vintage 1850). Briiiltiy, fine
Old Port, Madeira, Muscat, Claret, and Heid.
sick &' Go’s, celebrated Cliampagne Wines, pure
Holland Gin, Stoughton Bitters, very line Old
Rye Whiskey, Bourbon and.Monongahdlu do.,
Rum, Cherry and Blackberry'Brandies, See., for
sale at the new store of "tile subscriber at low
prices. - - WM; BENI’X.
Carlisle J tinuary SO, I 85&.
licdar ■& Willow Ware.
BA-SKtt.S. Market, Travelling, and a Vari
ely 61 I'ancy and other baskets.
W-oijtft'K TTitre.—Tubs, Buckets, Measures,
iteolers, painted and other Buckets, Pails, Bed
curds,.Mats, Brushes and other necessary house
articles. ■ .
Rich’s Brooms, known as the best Broom in
this of any other market, are for sale only by
tho subscriber. All articles in our line are of
fered at the. lowest cash prices
Nov. 4, 1858
KoW is til<6 time Cor Bavguius !
Spring and Siminier Goods! '
M the -Veit Store, corner o/ N. Hanover amt Lou
. thcr streets.
TUE undersigned retnrns thanks for the pa
tronage bestowed "uipon him by the public,
and at the,same time respectfully announces
that he has just returned from Philadelphia, nud
is now opeuiugu nciviot of SPUING and SUal-
DVy- Goods and Groceries,
consisting fn part as follows, and which ha is
determined to Sail at tbu lowest cash pacts.
SILKS, DUCAL CLOTHS, Clmllies, Alapa
cas, Do Lainos, Do Bages,' Lustres, Poplins,.
Lawns, Barages, Brilliants, French and .Scotch
Ginghams, Prints, . Gloves, Hosiery, Collars,
Handkerchiefs, Ac.,&c.
SHAWLS and MANTILLAS, of every style
and quality. . .
Simple aiici Domestic Dry. Goods,
Cloths, CassimeteS, postings, Flannels, Mus
lins, Tickings, Stripes, ‘Checks,. Calicoes, Cot
tonades, Linens, Slieetings, Denims,Nankeens,
Drills, Marseilles Quilts, colored and white Car
pet Chain, Ac., Ac. PARASOLS and UM
BRELLAS. Also, a largo and splendid as
sortment otBONNEfS,JiATS,dAFS, BOOTS
AND SHOES. A snpendV lo’t of fresh
« K.O Cl KIES,
Teas, CofKe, Siighr, litoiasses, Rica, Spices,
Ac., Ac. Having selected my entire stock with
the greatest dare, and. the IbwOst GASH PRI
CES, I can assure my friends and the public
generally, that I will do all in iny power to
make mv establishment known as the '‘HEAD
wish to purchase will find it to their advantage
to call and examine my stock before purcha
sing. ' ‘
■IE?” I will pav the highest market price for
April 28,; 1859,
/Premium Saddlery.
Plllt IP \JiILER, of Main Street, Mechanics.
(ftVg, Pa., respectfully informs the citizens
of this place and vicinity, that he is prepared to
yfk execute orders for all kinds of
As A SADDLERY, of the very best
■ and workmanship, and
at very, moderate prices.
As an evidence of (he superior quality of his
work, be would slate,‘that lie has received Six
,First-C{ass Premiums, at dilfere’nt County Fairs.
He has on band and will constantly kdop for
sale, all extensive assortment of
Wagon Gears, Bridles, Collars, Ac., of vafliu's
styles and prices. -He has. always oh band a
very large assortment of COLLARS of all kinds,
which ho. will sell at Wholesale to 'theft-ado, at
voryylow rates;. ■ .
ifeyet has the Saddle'which drew the First
PrenlinVli lit the last County Fair, held, at Ca'r-
lisle, Which will be sold at a bargain. .
Ho Is also prepared to sell work at wliOlosa.l6
on very advantageous terms. .
Thankful lor past favors, lie respectfully soli
cits a cbntiniiahco of the same. ,
Shop on East Main St., near the Square.
March i 7, iBso—3m
BATCHELOR’S Wigs and Toupees surpass
all., They arc elegant, light, easy and‘du.
rabjo. Bitting to a charm—no turning Up be’-
liVn'd—no shrinking off the head;, indeed, this is
the only establishment where these tilings are
properly uuderstobdmid made. 233 Broadway,
Now York.
Nov.-18, 1858—ly
Steam Saw Mill & Lumber Yard*
All kinds of Lumber constantly bn band, l.lnn -
her delivered at any point .accessible
by Rail Road, at the shortest
And lengths cut to order.
May 20, 1850—tf
complete asSortniobf of Summer goods;
selected With groat 'cart to Uiiiottlio ivabts of the
siasbn and tiade, embracing ail kinds of 'goods.
Dross goods in all thoir varieties, hace and Silk
Mantillas, Sun .Umbrellas, Tarasols, Lace
Mitts, Hooped SUitls, Men’s and Boy’s Wear.—
In fact everything Anted fob the dTeriialids of the
buying community. Rleaso call and see for
yourselves at Leidich’S and Sawyer’s new store,
East Main street.
KChlhc’s Piitcnt Animal TV:i
THE subscriber has been appointed agent
for Cumberland county, lor the Sale of
Reutho’s patent animal trap, lor cttcliibg Fox
es, Minks, Wolves, Bears-, Call ami see
them at the cheap Hardware store of . .
March 17,1859.
SHOVELS & Spades, j-ust received a large
assortment of Shovels. Spades, Forks,
Rakes, Ilbes, Garden Tfowels, Picks, Mattocks,
‘Manure. Hooks, sc., &c., at the cheap Hard
ware store of
March 24,.i860
WAILS. 400 kegs Nails just received and
lor sale cheaper limn ever. Country merch
ants can bo furnished with Nails at manufac
turers prices, ut the cheap hardware store of
Carlisle', January 20, 1869.
1 r\ rh TONS o( Hammered and Rolled Iron;
1W > * with a largo assortment of Sheet Iron,
Steel, Hoop Iron,
Rivets, Bolls, Nuts,
WuSheis, Anvils, Vices,
Files, Rasps, Screw Plates,
Blacksmith Bellows, just received and for sale
cheaper than over at SAXTON’S.
March 17, 1850.
JUST received a largo assortment of .Double
and Single Barrel Guns, Double ahd Single
Barrel Pistols, Revolvers, Game Bags, Powder
Flasks, Shot Pouches, Powder, Shot, Gaps,
Wads, &c., at
May 26, 1859.
BELLS I BELLS U Farjn Bolls pf tbo best
makes, for saio cheap, at the hardware store
ol John P. Lyno lit Son. .
May 19,1869. ..
GRAIN CRADLES, a largo lot of all dif
ferent makes, with English and American
Scythes on hand, and for aalo cheap at
A Fikcs Peak In Carlisle !
EVERYBODY hurra'afor I’iko’aPenk in the
west, thousands hro “’on route.” It turns
out to bo q humbug, they nil return 'With rusty
pockets, nc-t-enriched -’With tire yelloV glitter
ing which they anlidteatcd.. Stop (Reflect!
Take n friend’s ndvice,lmd. Stay &t home an_d
buy yonr goods of P-- ARNOLD. Yon will
bo liuupy, gdt twice the value‘for your money,
and in a short time you. will "find thrft you aro
advancing 4n fortune wltfroUt frouulo.
Spring has come,arc wo prepared ftfTTt,eve
rybody asks; have we clothing to Suit it? If
hot, wo wi» go Ho Arnold's where We can see
a well sttadtt'fl dtock of all Urrids Of gooffs to
suifeverybody, at greatly ‘reduced 'p’rlcofc. it
consists of
Such ks Bergo Delanos, Lawns, Dolegcs, La
vcllas, Atapacas, Sflks of all kinds, such as
•pltttt blKck, Moure Antique, Biffre'd, Striped
and figured.
Prtrich worked collars, Undcrsleevcs, hand,
kerchiefs, Flcmnclugs, Edgings, Luces, Inser.
ttngS, -Sic.
ft6nnets atldi RillUdtls.
j. W. EBY
A good assortnsenVof Bohnels iind- Ribbons
vet y tew.
Sh&Wls a lid, MaVit'il’ias.
Stella, (of every description,) Casljthero,
Brocha, Thibet wool, (black and colored,) ai
so, Mantillas of all prices.
B.rraSohi of all kinds and pricts.
tiditfestlc 'fierdds.
■ Ifusliu, bleached and unbleached, linen and
cotton sheetings, Checks, Tickings, Ginghams,
and Oanahurg.
Cloths, 'CaSSimeves, Cottenados, Jeans, Ves.
ngs, ite. : - • •
CaVp'els and Oilcloth.
ingrain, Venetian, three ply, rag and'-hemp
carpets, Oilcloth ol nil widths, also Modting ol
all widths., ■;
A, gpod asWfmonf of Trunks.
A liberal jiitffpuagu, And Jon will bo rewar.
dC'd. Reraeinber the bland next door cAst of
thu ■Carlisle Deposit Btvuk. .
April ii,--iBSS. __
net# spring Goods.
•f EIDICII & SAWYER (at store
MJt East Stain street,) have Just received from
New Voile and Philadelphia, the most complete
arid varied assortment of Dry Goods ever offer,
e'd in ‘Carlisle, .embracing everything that is
nei'V and raVe Vh style and texture; such as tan.
oy silks in AVI tiro various -color's,,barred, strip,
ed, Clrorie And B'oyerfete, ptiitn strip'dd ahd
Beyedero Black .Silks, Touhffds '6l 'neW 'de
signs,’ Barege and Lawn ■ Robes ol the latest
Paris 'stvies, Satin striped Deohoirre Moths,-
French Clialhs, AincHoah DctaTnes, Orgaftdy
LaWns of dark alfd light fevo'uiiAs, And beiutiful
' Traveling Dress Goods of the newest makes.
Also a full stock of mourning dress goods to
Which class of goods lye give particular alien
SlAdtrLS' : S&dtVfeS /•> Attest VLS I 1t.. ;
his pfert of'pur stock Ysunusualiy co&pleto,
consisting of crape, silk, Stella, in all tpe vari
ety ,'bf shades and qualities, monVning Shawls,
lace and silk .Mantillas. IVpm the celebrated cm.
p'oHuma of Sronie and Bnipui, New York
Sun umbrellas, siioweiets and parasols' dl the
newest styles. Wbite goods of every descrip
tion. Embroideries in’; full, setts,, pollers',
sleeves,• worked'bands, flounoings, edgings and
Insortings. Wo give great care to this branch
of oiir trade, and ladies will find a very full as
sortment. Hoopcd'skitts of the latest improve
ments, skirt. supporters, (a new article.) A
’ftill line of Alexander’s kid; gloves, imported
and sold by Stewart, NeW York.. Mitts,
gloves, gauntlets, -in. every .variety. . Also a
largo "stock of the newest styles of mens and
boys spring eassimeres, black cloths and'cassi
mei-es. ‘ ■ • • .
tloisery of eVery doscriptiPn. In this de
paVtftlept nhuSpnl cape has been taken tpiele'ct
thova'rlpVis kinds and sizes suitable for Ladies,
•MlsttspMdlvlbj -Boysahfltehlldrehlß.ivearia• 1
JD fact, oAr llPckCm braces everything kept
in a first class Dry Goods Store.
Having purtfiaseiS Iffr "cash And mndomnr so.
lections among the tiust ftnporling and jobbing
Houses 'Pf New York and Philadelphia, we fee!
prejialreil 'to offer Snjierior inducements to buy
ers. All we aSk is an examinat ion c'f bur stock
before buying .elsewhere, for widen- favor we
Will "feel VeVy . SX^,
April 11,'1859. "I
For Fruit, Cans, Jars or Bottles,
IS the most simple, convenient, economical
and useful article ever invented. It is com
posed of two plates attached by a screw, be
tween which is placed a circular piece of Gum.
The turning of the burr compresses the Gum
and spreads it out, thus tilling up the opening
and making it ilCrfectiy air-tight. It qan be ap
plied to I'ra Cans, Stone or Glass .Tars, This
and so easily applied, is the great desideratum
so long wished for, an’d only needs an examina
tion to Convince 'the luoVt fh'c'red'ulotis of Us su
periority-over anything yet invented or likely to
be. ,
fore putting in. the Fruit by tilling them with
water and putting on the Stopper with a pres
Cans, Jars, Glass and Stone, with Stoppers
attached, or the Stoppers alone, can always be
bad at moderate prices ol
Sole Jlgenl for Pennsylvania and Maryland.
May 26, 1859— _
BETWEEN, Carlisle and Philadelphia, lea:
ving Carlisle every morning, and Philadel
phia every evening. All goods left at the freight
Depot of Peacock, Zell & Jlilfchman, Nos. 808
and 810 MaVkCt Street, will be delivered in
Carlisle (he hekt dnjr.
■ . , J. W; HENDERSON,
jjilat opened, in tho room formerly occu
pied by Shryock, Taylor & Smith, Zug’s new
building, Main St., two doors east of tho mar
ket hOuSe, a largo assortment of Agricultural
Implements mid lertilikers, Which they art) pre
pared to Soli' oh the most reasonable terms.
The Stock onlbrae’ea
Plows, Cultivators, Narrows, Hay, Straw and
COrA Fodder, Cullers, Reapers, Mower's,
Prills, Cradles, Scythes, Coni Shelters,
Porks, Shovels.. Hoes, Rakes, Prun
ing Knives, Whetstones for Mow
ers, and every other article neces
sary for farm use.
They also intend keeping in addition, a full
assortment of Cedar and Willow Ware, includ
ing Spain’s Patent Churn, Brooms, Brushes,
Butter-workers, Butter Forms, Prints, Radios,
Butter Tubs; Bpwls, &'d. ..
Also, Fruit, Garden and Flower Seeds; Seed
Potatoes of thD best varieties. They aro con
stantly making additions to Ihbjr Stock, and will
use every exertion to supply,tho wants of the
agricultural community. ■
They have also tho agoncy for Evans # Wat
son’s Salamander Safes.. ' ‘
Orders loft at the store for Ault and etna,
mental Trees, Flowers and fertilizers, will bo
attended to promptly.
April 21,1859— ly ■
IRISH LINEN'S. A very large assortment
of Irish Linens of superior quality, cheaper
than over at the cheap store of
/ Juno 23. J. A- HUMEUXCH, Jr.
•Ladies Dress Gtfdcte,
Gentlemen’s wear.
your Fmiisl
WILliO««llBi: : S PATENT
On and after Monday, 23 d Jllai/,1859, the
subscriber will run a
West High Street, Carlisle, Pa
May 26, 1859,
Something New!
DR. J. J^riSPEB,.) -
( H O,M 0.E,0 BATE I S I.) . .
SUCCESSOR to-Dr.-ff. K. Smith, havingper.
manehlly located iu CuVlisle, oilers his pro.
fessiona*!-services totho citizens of the town and
vicinity, In the practice of the-vifiotls branches
of his profcssioh. - • \ f-' "
Olilco in South Hanover street, formcriybe
cupied by Dr. Smithi-where he may beconsuh
ted at all times, ’When not professteitnlly engag
ed. . . , ■ .
May 20, 1859—ff mi ;>' ■ r -," - f ./•
Allow mo to introduce my friendy Df. J. JV
Bender; a graduate of the Homeopathic College,
Philadelphia, and a man oT acknowledged rdedlt-
CM Skill, lib will succeed Dr. Jv Ei Smilh'W
liiyhtaad, as I cannot disengage myself from my
Vfre'setVtSftnntidu. ' ‘
'Juno 2, ’59. M. PRIESE.
Asrifewlinral Society
THE Fall meeting and exhibition of the
Gflmbpfland County Agricultural Society,
will bo held 6’6 their Fqlr ground, on Weints
day, Thursday, quii ’Friday t {hi 12th, loin, and
Uth of October, 1869. The grofund of the So
ciety will be greatly improved, so that all arti
cles for exhibition tvfit ho niUer covet. and Jhß
display Is expected to Be Unfilcb larger than‘ever
before. By order of tho Sdciety. -
DANL. S. GR-OPP, Sect'y. •
June 9,1859. .
NOTTCE Is hereby given that Letters of Ad
ministration on thp estate of Pater OueyV
deceased, iatedf Netrton township, Cumberland
county, ,bav,c been Hatrcdby the Register of said
county, to the subVfiber residing
ship." All persons indebted to said estate are
requested to make immediate payment, and
those having claims to , present the same duly
authenticated tor settlement.-
Juno 9,1859—61*
* IVolice.
Til AT Letters of Adminls'lrhtfpn'o'a the estate
Pf D'r. P. 'C. 'Ca'rdde'r, la'te of ills tjo'rpAgh of
Carlisle, de'o’d have been granted by Yb'p 'Rpgls
t«V of Uamberlau'd county, to the ucdcrsighetL
Those having blaiftla Will present them, and
those indebted Will Wiako payment to.
. JOHN M. GREGG, Mm’r.
'Cfuiiblc/Jnno f, 1859.
West Main St., . ■
Opppsltethe Depot, Carlisle,
A large and fine Assortment of
‘VESTINGS, &c., •
The above. Goods made to, order promptly in
the best manner.
- Jtetidu-ir.iiilc Clothing, ol our manufacture.
Give lis a 'call* N. HANTCH.
AJiVil 28. 1859. - • ■■ ....
■ . . , , A CARD 1 , .
rivHE undersigned, of the flrta of Burdict Sc •
I- .Bartlett, would, take this method of return*,
ijig bis thanks to.the citizens of Carlisle (or.
their 'kind treatment and liberal patronage whilst
introducing our- new and valuable
kn'owfc as JJu rdici fSarlhtPs Grecian.f-'aout
chniit vil Polish, and would ale'p stalp, that his
Blacking can bo bought at nearly ail Jhe.s|ores,
affi also. that it can be bought at Wholesale
prices'at Mr. Henry Sakloo’s, East High street,
Carlisle. . As a simple trial will convince, any .
one of its iupe'ri'Prity over gtiy .other fija'cklng
in the market, I recommend it fO Yo'u'r taVora,.
bio a'Cceptanco, knowing that it will speak for.
itself. My Blacking is known by the red label.
“ A word to tho wise is sufficient.”
May 12, .1859—2 m .
Mowing Sc Reaping Mucftlule
' Agency.
638 MurXet Street, 'X'fr.iatklphii:, ~ , i ( ..
WHEHt PAIIMjERS; Viiiitf yeo -ixA iuigp
for themsolvbs, betweeij tX\x of ilitbtU
OtHtbintd' in u Set Anapurbaaso
he machine of their, choice..... ' tu ....
038 Market St; X'hila.
April 7, IH69—3m
HERRING, Mackcrai, Shad in barrels* Halt
barrels, quarter Darrels, fresh- Gro’Ceriea,
Liquors, Tobacco, Segura, at the lon'dSt cash
prices, Butter, Eggs, Bacon, Hams, BecSwas,
Tui!o\v, Soaip, Bags, taken in exchange at the
cheap grocery of WM, BENT3C.
April 7, 1859. -' ■ ;
THE undersigned will sell at private sale, all
their property op East Street and Liberty
Alloy, containing 120 fcCt tfont’Cn East StVeety,
and 120 lent deep Oh Liberty Alley, having
thereon erected ttfur dwelling bouses,. ,
jy i a No. 1. Being a large two 'story
AsaSajjL Stone House, wlth 'Back-b'ulldtng, a
Cistoni, very choice fruit tree«,
Np?2.'Being n largo two story Frame Ho,uao,
with back-building, Brick Cistern, Wdod-bwiSe,
choice fruit trees and ,,
■ No. 3 and 4, are situated op Liberty Alley,
being one story stone and fhitiVb iTouscs. 1
These properties .will .lie Fold iogCtbcy ‘or
separately, to suit- purchasers. Any person
wishing to view the properties or wishing Ihfor
maiioh, will inquire of Wm. Bell, or the under-
signed. S. & N. BELL.
Carlisle, January 13, 1809—fl
ON and after Monday, - April 11th, 1859,
passenger trains leave as follows, (Sun
days excepted:) ,
For ..... .i
lit 2Vain. ‘lk-Train.'
LbaVc Chamb'ersburg, 5.10 "A. 51. 1.( OP. Mi
«« Shippensburg, - 6.-10 • ** 1.32 t(
ft ls r cwville, . 6.10 (( ' 2;04 ’«<
ft Carlisle, (5.43 ;«< 2.46 “.
ft Mechanlcsb’g, 7.16 “ • 8.16 “
At Uarrisbulg, 7.45 ■“ ' £.45 (t
For €ii:uublirskmV&\ 4
... ‘ Ist Train.: 2d,Train..
Leave Harrisburg, B.OU A. M. , 1.20 P. il,
“ Mcciiaiiicshurg, 8.43 “ , i.,6d "
« Carlisle, . 9.20 ■< 2.84- “
“ Noy.-Vilic, , ,0.54 .<• S.OB ■<
“ Shippenabutg, 10,24 << S-,38 “
At Cbduiberalmrg. 10155 ' . . ,4.06. “
Trains leave Harrisburg tor Philadelphia, Vja
Ponn’a Railroad; at 2.30,.605, and 760 A. M;
arid 1.10 and 3.50, t.SJLj By HeadingylaLoha
rid'ri Va\lby Railroad, at 8 a. m., 2,3pp.pi.,
po'fßaVtlniore, 8.20 and 1 p.m.; ..
For TreVe’rVoVr'aud Williamsport, at 1.00 and
and 8.30 p. hi. .
Train pn Dauphlh Road at 2.00 p. m-.,. •
FareS fMm llarrisburg, Moohaniosburg, Car
lisle, ShipPedsburg and Chambersbnrg, will 'be
felt Debts less when paid for Tickets at tho Ci
lice, than when paid in the Cara, , J • ,
O. N. BULL. Sairt.
Railroad Office, Chambersburg, I
April 7, 1859. V J,
Attention Farmfers and StooK
THE subscriber ifill Stand for Ihc Sbahori, d
Ills'farm. 1* miles west of the. turnpike, on
the Yellow Breeches clock, in- Lower ßickinson
township, 6 miles south pi Carh'slp. three clo
cant jACIiS anti two flrst-rato HORSES, and -
March Bt, 1869—3 m - : v.
F' UST la from New York a large addition to
our. itotk of. Now. Spring! Goods, double
Skirt Bareges, double Skirt Lawns, Foulard
Silks, Lace Mantillas, Shawls, elegant- Embroi
dered Collars, .Parasols, Sen Umbrellas. Lace
Mitts, Kid Gloves, a large lot of Hoopod'Skirts,
Bongleas & Sherwood’s unequalled Bustles,
Skirt-Suspenders, Bcc.' Plckse call at the hew
store East Main St.
, April 28, 1860.