American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, November 11, 1858, Image 3

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    t there is the same financial dTS
.,gn countries, which, according to
'the Protectionists, reap such incalculable bene -
Mtsfrom our low Tariff; we would tell them
of the inflation of our .currency, by the reckless
Establishment of numerous Worthless banks
Which flooded the Country with their issues,
inducing the blindest and most infatuated specu
lation, from which resulted the great crisis that
last year Closed nearly every bank in the .Up-'
ion, arid prostrated the business of the country
from the Atlantic to the Pacific. But .we
i'hall content ourselves with merely giving bur
honest conviction as to the kind of a Tariff
which the present cohdilion of our country de
mands. We conceive it lobe the re-establishment
of the Democratic Tariff of 1840. Let the
Black' Republican Tariff which has been in
force since the Spring of 1857. be done away
With, and |et that inaugurated during the Pre
sidency Of the lamented Polk, be restored.—
Under that Tariff our country flourished and
prospered, and the revenues of the Government
\vere always sufficient to defray its expenses.
It was only after the ruthless hand of Black
Republicanism, steeped in corruption aud .stain
ed with bribery, had torn this enactment from
(ho statute book, that our Tariff regulations
were complained of. Let those who choose, con
tinue to believe in the sublimated philosophy of
the Protectionists, and let them' follow blindly
in the lead of. demagogues who cry out for a
‘■high tariff, ’ Co tickle tlie-cars ol certain men
whoso voles they want;, as for ourselves, we
arc willing to be taught by experience, and,
therefore, when we see that the Tariff of 1846
operated to the benefit of our whole country;
■we are in favor of its restoration by the next
Congress.— Bedford' Gazette.
Terrible Condition of Affairs la Baltimore,
Conviction of a Murderer—A Witness Tit the
.. Trial Murdered in the Midst of his Family —
Lynch Law Threatened..
Baltimore. Nov. s.—Henry Gambiill, a
member of the notorious gang of rowdies infes
ting the southern part of the city, and who mur
dered police officer Benton, about a month since,-
because he was a chief witness against his bro
ther, on a charge of incendiarism,, was tliis af
ternoon convicted. of murrlor in the first degree;"
This evening police officer Higdon, who was the
principal witness in the trial of Gambrill, was
also shot dead in the western part of the city, by
one of tho.same.gang of roWdifsi
The murder was commit ted about 9 o’
the police officer’s house, and in the presence
of his wife and children. Thus, two .tried and
faithful .police officers of. the city, have been
brutally murdered for the perfqrmanoe-of their
duties as officers. The name of the murderer
is Marion Crop. Great’ excitement prevails in
the vicinity, where this brutal murder was per
petrated. Lynch Law is threatened.
, An effort was made last night to resone Hen
ry Oambtill, who was’ yesterday 'coixyiolcd of
the murder of police officer Benton. Tie was
conducted to jail bjr aii armed escort of eighty
police officers. The jail was guarded all night,
there having been rumors of d.contemplated at
tack. ■
■ Peter Corre, who was arrested for shooting
officer Jiigdon. turned State’s evidence, whilst
under fear of vengeance from the excited popu
lace. He said that the shot was tired by Mar
ion Crop, who was subsequently arrested. Colli
have tjeen committed, the former as an accom
plice, the Igi ter as principal. The police have
also arrested five other notorious rowdies during
tW night, as accomplices, and for endeavoring
<6 rescue thtj.prisoner, -
i The latest news from Frazer River is unfa
vorable. The river had fallen, but failed to re
veal,-. the auriferous sands in the anticipated
abundance. As one effect, several “projected”
cities had vanished. Such miners as had
claims, however, were at work, with variable
success; but as the number of those possess
ing claims are only a small portion of the whole,
and dU'the rich ground, yet discovered having
been taken up, many .were leaving in disgust.
Ti\ e San Francisco Bulletin gives its views on
the subject as follows:
“Whether there are any extensive gold fields
at the head of Frazer or Thompson
yet settled. Sufficient time has not been ni-.
lowed for ‘prospecting' in, that distant and
hardly accessible region. It Will be a year be
fore,the gold mining capacity of British Co
lumbia i? fully known. The bars in the bed of
Frazer River arc being worked with good re-
Suits. In som6 is complained that
the, pay dirt does , not hold out to any great
depth—but this fact does no.t appear to be fudy
sustained by the proof (ft hand. In short, the
Condi!ion of affairs' in British Columbia may be
summed up in one sentence: There are more
miners there than can find diggings ; the idle
are returning disgusted, abusing the cour.ry ;
those busy are operating quietly, keeping their
own counsel; but are undoubtedly doing well;
even if ‘dry diggings’ be discovered, it will
not be possible to do do much upon them until
next season ; and in the meantime, ihe people
at Victoria may calculate to see. pretty *• ha id
times.’ Probably more than half the Califor
nians in that region will return to 'ouV Stale
the next three months-—some never, to,
go back, anA some determined to ‘try again’
next season.” .•
In these opinions the San Francisco Herald
substantially concurs. It says ‘ ‘the gold which
was expected to be found in such marvellous
quantities did not exist, save in the imagina
tions of unprincipled men, who converted pop
ular credulity to profitable account.*’
The Fate of Mexico.—Tlio N. 0. Picayune,
Vrhich is well informed in regard to Mexican
matters, gives its opinion of the proposed “pro-
C te c<o«to” as follows :
;>i exoectMn '? ho kayo favored this proposition,
:v the Kuardial C< ? 1° pl “ ce Iloraolf voluntarily under
States, tile y will >
/ Embracing the nn.o mt 'v- ken- I,c Centralists,
b i presence It American iln '” Church > fenr <h e
' ’ I“ 10 ., and I ,or Petnal anarchy oo '^heTi 4l ” 1 ? miS:
, ty, though not so hostile to'tiJra liberal par.
, Anglo-American, have ym ‘ h ® i . ( |. (!0 8 peculiarly
" >¥, %t-r. renders the proposition as du? f '. re i lanco tliat
‘ lloi , r “ ‘he tnbl S ic°men a^ lollSt
feS»tlior*s in Mexico. Vidaurra Si T y
,v * Northern' Mexico, is a man ot’ intoWenen"
iflf liberal views, and intensely nation!? « ’
rCjoCtod 011 proflorB of “eeieteneo
i. -y.vaßßEi
i “ 1
' '#!
t OCT - To find out whom a child loves, make it
I n present, and notice to whom it is most eager
I to Show that present exultinglv. To find out
I thhT 1 “ wou)afl do the same
\W t
Revision of the Tariff. -
11 aw arc that'butfcw persons who
i£ &bo«t,lhft.;cconpmv of govern
ic slightest ’credence ,'td the aSScr
presenf stringency mat
mlable to the want of a high .tariff;
i, we do not intend, in this article,
i'argue the question whether, or
orlion is well founded. We know
:n who preach that doctrine, arc
hypocrites,-as their,own political
o them to be," and that they raised
cry of ••protection" merely as a
by to get into office. We know.,
high tariff movement Can never be
that the interests of three-fourths
•n States, of the whole of the great
all the New England Stales stand
tgohism to, that movement, and
teiitly, the theory of the "Piotcb
never be imtden plank, in the plat
lalioriol Party. Were it.pur pin
md disprove the doctrine that the
have been caused by -a: low Tar
simply refer the gentlemen who
it doctrine,, to the fact that the
are not confined to, litis country
Frazer River.
Douglas Jcrrold,
all his fecundity of wit, Jorrbld was bad
company* Ho, would, not be pleasant. Ito
.socnied to bo like a tiger, over toady for a spring,
resist the temptation ol saying the witty, bitter
things Thus, when Mrs. plover* the'great com-,
inedienne, who had known him from childhood,
Uttered a regret over h«r beautiful hair becom
ing thin and .gray, half jestingly saying, “X
think it must be causcdby,damping, my head
when if aches, with the essence of lavender,
Jcii old instantly interjected the remark “Rather
say the essence of Tinfe.” But those who play
at bqwles, must expect rubbers, says -the'pro
veWvand Jcrrold sometimes was paid back in
kind, much to bis annoyance. For example ;
there was ,a great laugh among all who knew
him, when one of. the London editors (the Into
Mr, Moran, of the Globe) announced the severe
Indisposition of Mr. -Douglas’Jcrrold, and con
tradicting it on the. following day, stated that
the report had arisen from the fact that ho had
been seen to put the qui 1, instead of the fo.ith
hr end of Ins pen Into his mouth, and the look
ers-on knowing what venom ho wrote naturally
supposed, it had poisoned him ! Like all satir
ists, Jerrold himself was very thin skinned.—
Anything like a hiss during the early perform
ance of ids now plays, would depress him into
a fit of cold shivers, and anything less than un
qualified eulogy in the critical notice of any of
Ids writings, woitjd throw his mind off its balance
for some days.— Dr. McKenzie.
Murders at Cincinnati.- Cincinnati is afflic
ted 1 with an inefficient criminal judiciary, and
jtjuulcr and outrage are there, aa they will bo
everywhere, the consequence. The Commer
cial says:
' There are now confined within (ho county
jail, six persons who-are awaiting their (rial up
on the charge of murder, as follows : Michael
Door, who killed a man near Mt. Pleasant by
shooting him through the head with tv gun; Chas.
Kendal, who brutally beat Win. Gregory to
death with a wash-bowl; Michael Julg, who stab
bed his wile to the. heart, in (ho 17th ward a
few weeks since; Augustus Ward, who stabbed
John L. Mortimer two or three weeks ago, and
Charles Cook and William Setter, who were
yesterday committed to await their trial for
killing Kate Bearcat), on Saturday night week.
Who will hot say that the ‘■liberty of the knife”,
has followed fearfully-close upon the advocacy
of the “liberty of tho cudgel;” in our Criminal
Court! What a comniontary is furnished upon
a judicial decision in tho Common Pleas ?
■Farmers’ Hiou School.— Wo alluded the
other day to the Farmers’High School. The
following is a copy of a blank subscription pa.
per now in circulation in tho State :
Whereas, By an Act 6f the Legislature of
Pennsylvania, passed the 20th day of May, ‘57,
the stim of 525,000 was appropriated to the
“Farmers’'High School ol Pennsylvania,’’pay
able as therein-provided, to wit“ That when-,
over it shall appear to .(ho. satisfaction of the
Governor that said High School shall have re
ceived from, some other source or. sources,
51000 or upwards, the State Treasurer shall pay
to said Schoolman equal sum, and so on, until.a
suni not exceeding $25,000 shall have been ap
propriated to said School,”
Now, to secure-the appropriation aforesaid,
promote agricultural science, and disseminate
useful practical knowledge, we, whoso names
are hereto subscribed, do severally promise -to
pay to the “Farmers’ High School of Pennsyl
vania” the sums set opposite onr names respec
tively—one-half thereof —^—i—
fhe-fesiduo ; r r
This 1 subscription to bo transmit fed by mail,
io William G. Waring, Farmers’ High School,
tear Boalsbnrg, Centro county, Pa., to be by
tim recorded, and returned, under the order of
he Trustees, for,collection.
New Discovery op Ikon Orb—lmmense
ground—Pilot Knob and the -Iron Moun
tain Outdone. —A discovery of immense bod
ies of iron ore lias lately been made in this
State, not far from the neighborhood of those
rich deposits widely known in the
country as the Iron Mountain and Pilot Knob,
The editor of the Ironton Furnace has visited
the place"of-’ discovery, and-says ;We have ac
tually been upon Ihe gVonnd and stood upon
these hills or mountains of ore,'which, in our
■judgment, is as rich in quality, as the oelebra
ted Iron Mountain. It is. about thirty miles
from Fronton, and. the main body seems to be in
three different localities, about one or. two miles
apart, and is said to .be a pure quality, of hema
tite. The ground upon which it is located cni
braces a tract of between eleven, and. twelve
thousand acres* owned by one gentleman, Na
poleon-Aubuchon* Lkq.; and has been entered
at the government price-within ’ the last three
years/ It is a sparsely inhabited neighborhood,
and until within the last few years, was never
explored, except by hunters, who were ignorant
of the use'or value of ihe “black rock,” It
lies upon a range of hills, dividing the waters
of Castor and Big St. Francois.
{JZr’ Better that we should err in action than
wholl refuse to perform. The storm is so much
belter than the calm, as it declares, the presence
of a living principle. Stagnation is something
worse than death. It is corruption also.
If we scrutinize the lives of men of genius,we
shall find that activity and persistence are their
leading peculiarities. Obstacles cannot intimi
date, nor labor weary, nor drudgery disgust
them. , ...
On the 31st ult., by the Ucv. J. G. Shoaft',
Mr. Henry W. Morrison, to Miss Charlotte Kin-
On the same day by the same, Mr. John A.
Wolf, to Miss Emclino Weaver, all of the vici
nity of Clmrchtown.
On tho 2d mat., at tho residence of tho lion.
J. W. Quiggle, in Philadelphia, by tho Rev.
Dr. Dewit, ul Harrisburg, Hon, John W. Gea
ry, late Governor of Kansas, tp Mias Mary C.
Hendoerson, daughter, of the late Robert R.
Church, of Cumberland County. .
Philadelphia, November 9, 1858.
Flour and Meal. —(flour is in fair supply,
but in lighf demand. Tho sales for shipment
nro at $5,00 a $6,25 for mixed and good brands.
The sales to the refailers and bakers and within
the range of the same figures, and fancy lota
from $0,12 tp 6,60. Rye Flour and Corn Meal
continue scarce. The former is held at $4,25
per barrcl/nnd tho latter at $3,76.
Giiainl —The receipts of wheat are light with
limited demand. Sales of Southern and Penn,
at $1,17 a $1.21 per bu. for fair and prime red,
and $1,21 a $1,30 for prime White. Rye con
tinues inactive at 70c, for new, and 71c for old.
The corn market continues dull. Sales of old
yellow at 80c., and new at 08 c.‘ Outs,are low
er. Sales of prime Delaware at 40 clamper bu.
Cloverseed is arriving freely, but the de
mand for quite moderate, sales of 500 bn.
common ta, prime new at $5,76 a $5,87 per 64
lbs. Sales of Timothy at $2,12 J.
Whiskey is rather dull. Sales of bbls, at 22
eta j hbds. at 21£ els., and drudge at 20|c.
Cumberland Fire Company.
propose holding a fair at EDUCATION
HALL, commencing December 16th, and clo
sing December 22d, 1858,-in which the kind
co-operation of the public is respectfully solic
ited. The object being to piocnro funds for
the erection of an Engine House. A few mo
ments devoted to this purpose will be gratefully
remembered by the Cumberland Fire Company.
XL S. Ritter, John Roberts, Andrew Marlin,
D. Qnjgiey, j. B. Bratton, Robert McCart
ney, Jr., L. Albert, Joseph Freeland, J. Als
paxgh.O. Nuidich, W. Martin, G. F. Leidig,
Augustus Zug, John Lobacb.
PETER SPAHR, Chairman, '
Mustard and Coriander Seed, as well as all
tho other articles belonging to a well established
Grocery. . J. W. EBY.
Carlisle, Nov.. 1858.
'T*ABLE-.OU, (assorted) Raisins, Currants,Git
iron, Ketchup, Pickles,Buckwheat, and oth
er articles suitable* for the season,-just opened
at “Marion Halt" Grocery and Tea store, and
for sale by- ’ , - J. W. EBY.
November 4, 1858.
IN store at “ Marion Hall” Grocery and Ten
Store, a choice stock of No. 1, 2 & 3 Mack
erel, in every stylo of packages, Salmon, Mess
Shad, Dairy and Liv. G. A. Salt, Soaps, Balt,
Brick, Yinegar, Oil, ike., all warranted good as
represented. J. W; EBY.
November 4, 1858. ,
rpHE finest qualities ol Cavendish Black Fat
i and. Natural j Congress, Lump, Twist and
other chewing and fine cntjjobaoco.
Cigars.—Finest imported Havanna and Cuba,
as well ns choice brands of domestic manufac
ture in variety. Also Cut and Dry for Smoking
of the Philadelphia, Baltimore and Lynchburg
brands. Our-friends by giving us a call cannot
but bo pleased with the selection.
November 4.1858. ' ' J. W. EBY.
BASKETS. Market, Travelling, arid’a'S-ari
ety of Fancy and. other Baskets. '
■ Wooden Ware. —Tubs, Buckets, Measures,
Keelers, painted and other Buokeft,Pails,Bed
cords, Mats, Brushes and ether necessary house
articles. - ,
Rich’s Brooms, Unow'h as the best Broom Tn
(his or any other market, are for sale only hy
the,subscriber. Alt articles in our line are of
fered at.the lowest cash .prices
.Soy. 4, 1838:
GOLD BAND CHINA, in setts of 40 mid 05
pieces, White Gran fo and common ware,
Glassware for said at' the new Grocery of
Nov. 1, 1858. W3t. BENTZ.
Burning fluid, pine on, .whale on,
Lamps,. Snail, Concentrated Lyo, Tallow,
Adamantine and Sperm candies, for sale by
Nov. 4,‘1858. ■ , WM. BENTZ.,
CHOICE Brands of chewing and smoking To
bacco, and tine imported Segars, for sale by
Nov. 4, 1858. WM. BENTZ.
St. Lotus Democrat.
FANCY Baskets for ladies, teeth and hair
Brushes, Soaps, cologne. Extracts, for sale
CRANBERRIES, Hominy, Primes, Raisins,
currants, Figs, Nuts,. Water, Butter and
Soda Crackers,' Jnmbles, fine English Dalry,
Pino Apple and Sap Sago Choose, Spices, for
sain by WM. BENTZ.
November 4, 1858.
FISH and Salt. Mackarcl and Shad in half
and quarter barrels, Salmon, Herring, do.,
smoked Codfish, Hams, Dried Beef, for sale by
Nov. 4, 1858. WM. BENTZ.
JENKINS & CO. Tens, in bulk and metallic
packages, Sugars of all kinds, Rio and Java
Coffees, sweet spiced Baker’s No. 1 and Homce
patbic Chocolate, for sale 'by
• Nov. 4, 1858. WM. BENTZ.
FRESH Poaches, fresh Tomatoes, Asparagus,
green Peas, Pine Apple, Syrups, Sardines,
Tomato Katsnp, Pickels, WorcesteraldreSauce,
Picalillio, Pie Fruits, jollies, lot safe by
Nov. 4,'1858. WJI. BENTL. .
CORN Brooms, Whisks, Hearth Brooms,
Buckets, tubs, Churns, Baskets, Brushes,
Ropes, Measures, Wash-boards, Clothes Pins,
Mashers, Rolling Pins, Ladles,..Spoons, Beef"
Pounders, Egg Beaters, Cake Turners, Shoo
and Stove Blacking, fot sale by
1 Nov. 4, 1858. WM. BENTZ.
THE foregoing and a great many Goods not
enumerated, for sale at the lowest cash
prices at the now and cheap Grocery of
Nov.' 4, .1858, WM. BENTZ.
A LARGE variety of now and beautiful pa.
terns just opening, and will be sold cheap
er than over.
Also, a very beautiful assortment of Window
Shades., For sale at the cheap Hardware store
ot J. P. LYNE & SON.
Carlisle, April 8, 1858.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters testa
mentary on the estate of Samuel Caldwell,
late of Newton township, deceased, have been
issued by the Register of Cumberland county,
to the subscribers residing in the same township.
All persons indebted to said estate will-make
immediate payment, and those having claims
will present them, properly authenticated, for
settlement to
October 7, 1858—Gt* Executors^
010. X. BRETZ,
WILL bo absent from Carlisle during the
ensuing six months, after which ho may
again bo fdirnd at his residence in North'Pitt
October 7,1858.
JUST arrived another largo invoice of New
Goods, at Leidich $ Sawyer's new store,
East Main St., such as Silks, Merinoos, all wool
Delaines, Cashmeres, Delaines, and many other
articles to which we invite the attention of con
Carlisle,- Ocf. 14, 1858. ■
Meat Cutters. ,
j A DO Z. Meat Cutters and Saiisago .Sluirors.
I[J Also, a very largo assortment of Butcher
Knives, Steels, Cleavers, &c., just
jt°X «“Jo *t very low prices, at the
cheap hardware'store' or tho suhseidbor,‘East
Main Street.
Carlisle, Nov. 11, 1868.
THE annual election for Nino Directors of
the Carlisle Deposit Bank, will bo held at
the Banking House, in the Borough of Carlisle,
oh Monday the 15th day of November, A; Dr
1858, between the hours of 0 o'clock A. M.and
2 o’clock P. M. By 6rdcr of the Board of Di
rectors. 1
■ Carlisle, Nov. 4. 1858—2 t. „
CAKtioLE Deposit Bask, I
... 'November 2, 1858. f
f PIIE Board of Directors have this day declar
X ed a. semi annual dividend of 4 per cent,
payable to the stockholders or their legal replan
sentativos, on demand being made for the same,
N. C. MUSSEIiMAN, Casliier.
Nov. 4, 1858—.'it
3500 Acres
OF western land In' Illinois, lowa ami Mis
souri, entered in TJiu-t and\lBss, will be
sold on reasonable terms or exchanged for small
farms or houses and lots in Cumberland county.
The above land was carefully selected, and is
worthy ol the attention of persons owning small
properties in Cumberland county who wish to
exchange for a farm in either of tho above
named States. ,
For further information apply at this office.
November 4, 1858—Sms
ff'rcslt Groceries.
THE snbscriner lias just received an addi
tional stock' of Fresh Groceries of even
kind at reduced prices, to which ho invites Ins
friends and customers. They embrace in part
the following: " .
Teas of every variety and best quality.
Rio, Java and Mnraoaiba Coffee.
Roasted Coffee.
Crushed and Pulverized Sugars.
Refined and other Browti Sugars.
Superior Syrup Molasses.
Orleans Molasses.
_ Spices of every kind. pure.
"Starch, Farina and chocolate.
Maccaront, cheese and crackers.
Tapiaco and Sago.
Indigo, Saleratns, Soda,and Cream Tartar;
Frtsli Slackeml
Tobaceu & Segnrs.
lictlar & Willow Warn.
November 4, 1858.
Wall Paper.
J Af IfHMRIGHi'Jr., has-just-returned llom
•Philadelphia with an immense stock of Fall
and Winter ■ . .
GROCERIES, BOOTS, SHOES, &c., selected
expressly for Cni lislo and viciaiiy. The people
are respectluily invited to call at Ilfs store, ex
amine his.goods, nnd-TEsr liis pbioes.
Being desirous tri increase his custom, helms
purchased a much larger stock ol goods than at
any other time, and intends to sell-Ihehisotf at
such prices'.ak'cannot tail to suit eveiy one who
may wisii to purchase; His goods, have 'been
selected with groat care, among wlilcli may ho
found •
Silks, 'Alpacas,
Fcrsianj Plain Delaines,
Lavella Clotlis, De Beges,
Gobnrgs, . Fancy Delaines, .
Ribbons, Hosiery, Gloves,
Fiench and Scotch Ginghams,
Handkcrchle/s, &c.
Broad Cloths, Kentucky Jeans,
Tweeds, BFk &:Fancy Doeskins,
Sattinetts, Corduroy, f
, Ve.stings, . Beaverteens,
Fancy and'side-stripo Cassimeres, &c.,
together with a largo assortment of. SHAWLS,
ton Flannels, Denims, Table DiaperS, Nankeens*
Craah, Drills, Umbrellas, &c., &c.-
Tho cheapest assortment of, Hats, Caps,
Boots and Snoks, ever offered in Carlisle. 4 A
superior lot of. Fresh Groceries, comprising Tea,
Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Rice, Spices, &c.
All he asks is for tho people tojcall and ex
amine for themselves, as he feels confident that
tho quality of, his Goods and. the. low prices at
which they are them to pur
chase. Give Mm a call whether, you wish to
purchase or not
Carlisle, Nov. 4, 1858.
THE Good Will Hoses Company, thankful for
tlio favors confurred on tliem by thucitizens
of onr town ami vicinity at their previous Fairs,
intend holding another at Education Hall, com
mencing December 24, 1858, and'(dosing Janu
nary 1, 1859, in whichiho kind co-operation of
all is respectfully solicited. Our object being
to raise funds to' defray a portion ol the expense
incurred by the purchase ofonr Engine. Afew
moments deVoted to the making of such artii
cles as the ingenuity ol any may, suggest, will
he thankfully received by the members of the
Good Will Hose Company.' ■*
S..H. Gould. J. tJ. Wunderlich, R. H. Spots
wood, A. W. Walker,. R. Allison, J. B. M’Cart
riey, W.J. Cameron, G. Woise, .fr., Geo. Moll,
S. R. Gould, J. WrOgUby, Chairman of Com.
November 4, 1858.
. IVotice.
GENUINE Hanover Buck GloVes can bo bad
of the subscriber, wholesale or retail, not
withstanding other exclusive bragging notices.
Carlisle, October 28, 1858.
OUR attention having been called to ah ad
vertisumont in the Carlisle papers, signed
Ph. Wolff, calculated to create the impression
that no Genuine Hanover Buck Gloves could be
had except from A. W. Bunlz. The undersign
ed would inform the public that they have, this
season, sold tho Genuine Hanover Buck Gloves
made by Philip Wolff, to Mr. C. Inhoff, Messrs.
Loidich & Sawyer, and Mr. William Bents, of
whom the Genuine Hanover GlOvcsmaybe had.
Importers and Dealers in Hosiery,
■ Gloves, See., 3(i North 4th St..
, Phil. Oct. 28,1858. ■
ALL povscmsjyho-have paid for any stock in
the York t Dllisbnrg Rail
road, arc liereby n<»l i fit* cT”tl)£T rn as nr er,
Henry Sidlu, of Dillaburg,- bus settled his ac
count and is now prepared, fo refund all money
remaining itriris hands. . .
, GEO. L. SHEARER, So'ct’y.
*. October 28, 1868—3t* ■
New Stove and New Goods.
AFTER returning Iris acknowledgements for
tile very-liberal.patronage which has been
extended to him, the undersigned would ball at
tention to the fact that lie has just ro-opened his
extensive assortment of Family Groceries, in
liis now store ; rooin, on the south-east corner of.
the Public Square, where the public nro invited
to call and examine a stock of Goods which in
elegance, variety,and extent, will duty competi
tion ; comprising in part of loaf, lump, crushed
and brown Sugai's, Java, Rio and Rogsted Cof
fee. Every variety and quality of Ted. Spi
ces, (ground and iingrouiid,) Pickets, Sauces,
Table Oil, -New Orleans, Sugar-house and Trin-
idad Molasses; Now Toiic and Philadelphia' Sy
i-ups; Cheese, Macaroni, Vormecilli, Split'Poas,
Hominy, Mince-meat, corn Starch,Farina,Cho
colate, Extract,of Coffee, refined Sugar nt re
duced rates,, washing and baking Soda, Tobacco
of tho most laroritb brands, and tho finest qual
ify of Sugars. A beautiful assortment of
Britannia Ware, .
plain and gold band China-waro, Glass, Queens,
Stone and Earthen Ware, in groat variety, and
an elegant lot of Fancy Soaps, Extracts and
Perfumery for tho toilet. •
Fruits: Including Peaches In cans, Raisins,
Cranberries, Dry Apples, citron, almonds, or
anges, lemons, &c.
«. LIQUORS; Wholesale and retail, em
bracing common and old Ryo "Whiskey,'
Brandies, dark and pale; Lisbon, Sherry, Port,
MadeiTi, Ginger, Catawba and Muscat Wines,
in casks and bottles; Scotch Whiskey, Holland
Gin, and Scheidani Schnapps.
FISH AND salt:
A largo stock of Lamps, including DyoU’s
celebrated lamps for burning Kerosene or coal
oil, Sperm,,.Pine, Lard and coal Oil, burning
Fluid, Sperm and Star candles.
CedarrlVare and Brooms,
Brashes, Ropes, Mops, Soaps, Door-mnts, Wai
ters, Looking-glasses, fine letter and note paper,
Willow-ware, Painted buckets, &o.
Cotton and Woollen Hose and halt Hose, and
a full stock of Gloves, including tho well known
Buck Gloves.
Marketing of all kinds taken in exchange for
In short, his stock comprises every thing that
is called tor in his line of business, and no ef
fort will bp spared to fonder entire "satisfaction
to his customers. , C. INHOFF.
Carlisle, Oct. 28, 1858—ly
WHEREAS tho Hon. James H. Ghaham,
President Judge of tho several Courts of
Common Pleas in tho counties of Cumberland,
Perry, and Juniata, and Justices of tho several
Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail
Delivery in said counties, and Samuel Woodburn
& Michael Cocklin, Judges of tho Courts of Oyer
and Terminer and General Jail Delivery for tho
trial of all capital and other offenders, in the said
county of Cumberland, by jhoir prfccopts to mo
directed, dated tho 23rd day. of August, 1838,
have ordered tho Court of Oyer and Terminer
Ahd General Jail Delivery to bo holden at Car-*
lisle, on the 2d Monday of November, 1858, (be
ingthe Bth day,) at 10 o’clock in the forenoon,
to continue two weeks.
NOTICE is hereby givehto tho Coroner, Jus
tices of tho Peace," and Constables of tho said
county of Cumberland, that they are by the said \
precept commanded to be then and there in their
proper persons, with their rolls, records, and in
quisitions, examinations and all other rbmem
brahoos, to dp'those things which totheir offices
appertain tor bo done, and all those that aro
bound by recognisances, to prosecute against
the prisoners that are or then shall be in tho Jail
of said county, are to be there toproseoutothem
as shall be just. . ■
, JACOB'BOWMAN, Sheriff.
i September 23, 1868.
Entitled a Supplement to an Ordinance entitled
an Ordinance relating ■to the Markets, passed
8 d June, 1862. 1
Section 1. . Bo it 'ordained mid enacted by
(boTou'n Council of tli'o Borough of Carlisle
and it, is horbbyCofdamodTihd onaCTCd by dulho-
rity of the same : That the rents lor the stalls
arid stands in and about the market house shall
hereafter bo ns follows : Tor each stall ot the
inner range of stalls, $lO 00 per annum, paya
ble semi-annually in advance.' For each space
of lour foot on the outer benches 52,50, and fdr
each space of three feet $2,1)0 per annum paya
ble'in advance. Every ,butcher or retailer of
moat occupy ing any space outside of the market
house shall pay for the same 87i els. for each
morning or. other of a day, or Ss;do per
annum payable in advance, Each huckster re
tailing Unit,, vegetables, or other provisions,
and occupying'for that purpose any space around
or near the market house, shall pay twenty five
cents for each morning-or other part ot a day,
or $3,00 per annum payable in advance.' Pro
vided, That no fractional part of n stall or stand
shall be lot to any person.
Seo. 2. if any person shall obstruct in any
manner any part of the pavement within or sur.
rouding the market house.squaro, and shall not
remove such obstruction immediately upon no.
tieo given by the Clerk of the market, ho shall
forfeit and pay for- every such oH’enco the sum
of one .dollar. Provided, That persons having
provisions or other articles for sale dmiiig mar
ket hours may occupy with such articles three
Icet of the exterior part of tho pavement around
Iho said square. t
Seo. 3. The Treasurer of the Borough shall
issue a license for the exclusive use and occu
pancy ot tho stalls and stands in and around the
market house lor a period hot exceeding one
year nor less than six months upon the terms
irescribed by Bee. 1 of this Ordinance, for wind
licenses lie shall bo entitled to receive from each
applicant lor tho innerrango of stalls fifty cents,
and from'all others twenty-live cents each, as
compensation for this duty. And the Treasur-
or shall enter in a book to be kept for that pur
pose the numbers of ouch stall or space ami the
names of the persons to whom license have
been issued and the timo fur which they have
boon issued. ... ,
Sec. 4. No. person shall'occupy any stall or
stand in and around tho market house without
having first obtained a license therefor ami paid
the rent fixed for the same; and any person vio
lating this section shall forfeit ami pay the sum
of $5,00. Provided, that those persons who
shall occupy any stand or space outside of the
market house for any period less than G months
shall not bo' reqnired l 'to obtain a license for that
Sec. 5. AH the rents for stands imposed by
this ordinance other than those for which licen
ses are required to bo obtained shall be collect
ed every market morning bylho Clerk of.the
market,- and the, treasurer, shall, once in every
three months, furnish to the clerk of tho mar
ket a list of the persons who have paid for and
obtained licenses for stalls or stands, ami if any
of the stalls or stands shall be. used or occupied
by any person who has not taken out a license
for-the same the clerk shall immediately report
the same in writing to the Chief Burgess for the
collection of tho. penalty imposed by this. Ordi
nance; Provided* That any person may obtain
permission from the clerk of the market lo oc
cupy assail in the market house for. one day
during market hours, first paying t,o the ; clerk
for the use of the Borough, fifty cents for that
Audit the Clerk of market shall neglect to
perform the duties required of him by this ordi
nance, he shall forfeit and pay the sum ol fifty
cents tor ea£h individual occupying a s.tall or
stand without license, or paying rent therefor
tor. every market day tho same shall be so occur
pled. *
Enacted into an Ordinance the 13th day ol
August, A.D. 1858.
President of Town. Council
Chief Burgess.
’. Attest— Tiios. D. Mahon.
November 4,1858—3 t,
Great inducements offered to
•Having just'returned,from the city with, a fill
and well selected stock of goods iri hiy lino,
which I am prepared to sell at the lowest rates.
My stock consists in part of ; .
Handsome styles, colored Poul-do-soiro Press
Silks, 2000 yds. Black Silks,'superior Brands,
French Morinoes, Cashmeres, plain and figured
all wool DoL.lines, all wool plaids, silk Valen
cias, Coburgs, ; Valencias, Lavollas,, Himilini,
Madojina, Mona,do, plain mid figured;
and every variety-of dress goods..
round corner .
" Stellas, Bay Stale,
■ Brochca,&c.',&c.,EM
BROIDERIES’, Collars and
Sleeves, separata and .in-setts.
Cambric, Edgings, and Insevtings.
Bleached” and unbleached Sheeting, all
widths, Lancaster Ginghams, Calicoes,Flannels,
Tickings, Cheeks and. Lindsays. MENS’
WEAR | Black Froncn Olaths and Cas
siniors,Fancy Cassimors.Casincfls,
Jeans, Tweeds, Cords, &0., &o.
Carpets; 8 Piy Imperial
Tapestry, Ingrain,
and stair car
pot of all I
Moiimlny Courts! X would particular
ly, cull the attention of all persons wearing
[ mourning. I have purchased a full stock of
mourning goods, at Besson, &Sou's Mourning
Store, Such ns Satin Deohcnos, Tamese Cloth,
Barpours, Bombazines, Alpnccas,'French Meri
noes, Cashmeres, all Wool DeLaines, I’ercnls,
and Prints. Love Veils; Crape Veils, Crape
Collars and Sleeves, and all the grades of En
glish Crape. ' '
Purchasers are respectfully requested to call
and examine my.stock, ns I am prepared to of
fer superior inducements, both as to quality and
price. :
South Hanover st„ opposite the I’oat OlHoo
Carlisle, Oct. 7, 1858
Lynch & Bctwiler, .
Foreign and Domestic Liquors,
South Hanover s/mZ, three doors south of Inhojf’s
. Grocery .
n-MlB undersigned respectfully announce to
| tho public that they havo openeda-store ex
clusively for the sale of
which they offer, at Wholesale and Retail at their
store in South Hanover street.
All of choice Brands.
Sherry, Port, Madoria, Lisbon, Claret,
Native,Hock, Johannisburg and Bo
Heidsaek & Co.,Gcsler & Co., and"lmperial.
Bohlon, Lion and Anchor.
Superior Old Monongahela, Choice Old
Family Nectar, Wheat, Scotch, and
SCOTCH ALE, Muir & Son’s Sparkling Ed
inburg, Allsop’s East India Palo Alej Tennet’s
Brown Stout. Also a largo lot of Monongahela
Rectified Whiskey, Parker'a Brand, for sale
D'onlbni and others desiring a PURE ARTI
ICLE, will find it ns represented, as their whole
attention will bo given to a proper and careful
selection of their stock, Which cannot bo sur
passed, and hope to" Have the patronage of file
opposite tho Volunteer prin i g elßco.
Carlisle, Aug. 26,1858—6 m
GREEN and Blue Window Shades just re
ceived at J. P. Lyne k Sons’ hardware."
. Aprils, 1868.
Gymnastic As««ciati6n.
' Gymnastic Association met at
me mMVui’ - 3d S(ory ° r Inlioff’s W build.
Ized bvVbn^i“ y « ,d “ ln *’ 06t - 18tli, an<lot g a n .
sasx? 0ra00t
.... VicoJPteiiidont —Augustus' iVug. "
Secrcdayy—Jrtriios'B/M’CaniiK-, -'= !
Treasurer—E. M. Biddle, Jr. -
Ex. Com.—E. M. Myers, J. A. Ilumrloh, J.
B, M'Cartney, chairman.
All applications Cor membership must be pro
seated to the Executive committee.
~+A~~ wn~i
.tOIIX -I*. J/VIVB <fc SOW,
HAVE just received their Fall stock of Hard,
ware, which makes their stock very large
and complete. We now stand ve’.Uly to furnish
tho public'with every variety of Goods in onr
of warranted quality, and nl prices Hint defy
competition. Enumeration is useless, suffice it
to say they have everything in tho Hardware
line, that the public can possibly stand in need
of. The most we can say is try ns all ye that
want good Goods at low prices.
We return onr sincere thanks to a generous
public for tlleit very liberal patronage, asking a
continuation of the same.
Carlisle, Oct. 28, 1858. •
Imporinnt to Cttsli Buyevs.
Nctv Goods Again nl Ogilbt/’s New fy Cheap
■ . ...
I HAVE just returned from the cily Willi a
large assortment oi the cheapest Fall and
Winter Goods over brought to Carlisle. A largo
ant sotm eof Lailies
Wi-css Goods,
of every dtdoripflon; F : .ll & WinterSHAWLS
in great variety? Bonnots, flowers and Ribbons.
It is impossible (o enumerate the articles.
•Purchasers are respectlnlly inViled tocalland
examine as I am determined to sell
the cheapest and .handsomest Goods'in the coun
ty., Recollect the now store, west Main Street,
opposite the Raihoad Depot.
Carlisle. Oct. 28, 1858.
FOR the ina\>ectlon*of the public, in the store
room formerly occupied by-John G.JJTiI-
Hams, two doors east of Rhoads’-Wnrehotnld
large and complete stock of GROCERIES con-.
a slating of Sugars, Codecs', Teas, Molas
ses, Fish, Salt, Spices,‘China, Glass and
Queenswavc, Pleiads, Preserves, FRESH CAN
FRUITS, Oils, &c., all ot' which are fresh and
well selected, ahd to be .sold ns low as similar
Goods can bo bought anywhere outside of Phil
, Butler , Eggs, Soap j Rags, Beeswax, Dried
Fruit, sc.,. taken in -exchange for Goods..
, 1 would .respectfully invito all to give me a
call and examine,for yourselves. *
Carlisle; Oct. 28, 1858;
WE have this day formed a partnership for
the purpose of doing a Real Esiate and
Agency business, in Leavenworth City, Kansas
Territory. .
October 4,1858—4 t
IN order fo guard persons buying Buck Gloves
against imposition, I hefeby certify that Mr,
W; Brntz, is my only agent in Carlisle, for.
(ho sale of ft Wolff's ITandvcr;Bnck Gloves."
Mr. Bentz 'having received his Gloves directly
from me, buyers can rely on getting tbtf genuine
.manufacture from him.
October 21, 1858',
rpllE subscribers are prepared to. furnish'any
| sort of Sawed Timber,, at the Saw Mill of.
Edward Sykes, formerly occupied by James
Lambcrton, in Carrol township, Perry, comity,
BOARDS, from stutTof any size and length.—
Also, Clean White Oak Timber for Machjnory
or Wagonmaking, and Poplar Plank, Boards!
and Scantling; Plough Beams, which thoyw,illf
sell at the Saw mill or deliver in (Jarlisle; or on
tile cars. Terms Will bo made known by. Jacob
Kolter, at the Saw mill. ,
Shormaiidalo P. 0., April 8, 1858—ly*
TV] OTICE is hereby given that application will
it be made to tlio next Legislature of Penn
sylvania to alter the Charter ol the Carlisle De
posit Bank, located iirtlie borough of Carlisle,
Cumberland comity, so as to confer upon said
Blink the rights and privileges of aßank of Issue,
and to change Us name to the Carlisle Blink;
also to increase tiro capital of said Bank, which
is at present seventy-two thousand dollars, with
privilege ol increasing the same under its pre
sent charter to one hundred thousand dollars,
to two hundred thousand dollars.
,N. C. MUSSULMAN, Cashier.
Juno 10, 1858.
ON and after Monday, October 11th, 1838,
passenger trains willleavo us follows, (Sun
days excepted:)
For lfarrisi>iirgv
Ist Train. 2 d Train.
Leave Ohambersburg, 8.25 A; Mi 2;15 P, M
“ Shippensburg, 8.65 “ 2.40 “
“ Nowvillc, 9.27 t‘ 818 “
“ Carlisle, 10.00 “ 8;58 “
“ MechanicSb’g, 10.32 “ 4.80 “
At Harrisburg, 11.03 “ 5.02 “
For CliambmUnir?.
Ist Train. 2d Train,
Leave Harrisburg,' 8.80 A. It.' 1.00 I*. ,M,
. “ Mccbanicsburg, 9.10 “ 1.26 ««
“ Carlisle, 9.50 “ 2.12
“ -Nowvillo, 10.00 <‘ 2.47 “
“ Shippensburg, 11.02 “ 3.23 “ -
At Cbambcraburg, 11.30 “ 8.53 “
Trams leave Harrisburg lor Philadelphia, via
Ponii’gßailroad, atS.IOA.M; 2.16 P.M; 6.25
1> rit; oml 12.00 night. By Reading via Lebanon
Valley Railroad, at 2.25 p.fn..
Por Pittsburg, 3.40,; 1.00 p.m, and 5.10
p.m. For Baltimore, 8.30 and 1.45 p.m.
For Treverton and Williamsport, at 1.00 p. m.
and 8.45 p. m. Train on Dauphin Road at 1.30
Fares from Harrisburg, Meclmnicsbnrg, Car-
lisle, Shipponsburg and Chambcrsbnrg, w.ill be
lon cents less when paid for Tickets at the Of.
lice, than when paid in the Cars.
•, O. JS*r LUfjL, Siipt
Railroad Oflico, Chamborsburg, {
October 7,1858. - \
South HanSvir St., adjoining the Court House,
Carlisle, Pa.
JOHN HANNON, Proprietor.
MAIL Coach leavbs daily for Pnpertown, Pe-
Icrabnrg, York Springs and' Hanover, from
this House.
May SO, 1858.
A Kare Chance fora good Investment.
THE subscriber intending to leave Carlisle,
wifi sell Bis whole slock of Hals, Caps,
Boots and Slices, (which is now and good) on
advantageous terms to a responsible purchaser.
The business is well established and the stand
the, .facsf in town. Every satisfaction will bo
guarantied to the buyer, and terms made fair,
I .would tike to sell as soAn as possible. j
Carlisle, Sept. 9,’ 1868.
P. S. I will still keep a first rale assortment
of goods on band, and sell as cheap' as ever fo
the dap of silo. *“"* |
Tho investments are made inßcal Estate
Mortgages, Ground Rents, and such-first class
securities as Hie charter requires. .. -.- I ■
Sept. 9, 1859. . '
returned from Philadelphia, and now open
ing a large mid spiegdid assortment of Full and'
Winter Goods, which will lie sold at astonishing
ly low prices for the cash. A largo lot of ele
gant ' ■
such as Silks, all wool Delaine, Poplins, Foil
De Chevicrs, Cashmeres, Merinoes, Plaids, &t;
A full assortment new stylo Shawls, all kinds
and prices, and very cheap. ~
Elegant worked collars, flouncing, edging,
inserting, &c. Flannels, blankets, undershirts,;
gloves and stockings in groat variety. Elegant
Full and .Winter RlbhonS.
: Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings,
a now supply and cheaper than ever, -CAK'-
PETING, Imperial, Ingrain,-Venitian, Hemp
and Rag, at the very lowest notch. ( . .
A full assortment of bleached and unbleached; All persons in want o( handsome and :
cheap goods, are invited to call at the new storq.
West Haiti street, nearly opposite the Railroad
Depot, where they can lay out their cash (d,,ihb'
very best advantage. Quick sales and short
piqlits. CUAS. OGILBY.
September 10, 1858. ,■
Gold Exitilcmont at Fraieirtiiver
By the targe arrival of FALL and WINTER
GOODS , at Lcidieb $ Saieyer’s new Store,
East Main St., a few doors below
Martin's Hotel, ■
■TVfEW GOODS, Consisting of black silks, stl-
JN porior .brands; fancy do. in groat variety ot
styles, elegant Paris delaines, Lupin's celebra
ted' make of merinoes, all colors and qualities;
Lupin’s all wool delaines, Tanjoro cloths, Pqil
de Choviers merino.
A complete lino of mourning Goods, to whifclr
wo especially invite attention., Embracing very
line borabaziriosj silk warp lustre, mourning
satins, pure .mohair lustres, black metlnbbs and
delaines, English and French, crapes. '
Brocho, toilet, stella, long and square shawls, at
very low prices. Cloth clonks and talmas. Furs
of ail kinds.
S*BQO worth of Jorin’s celebrated Kldgloyoa.
Embroideries* elegant sols of collars,. undor
sleovos, bn,mis/kc. . Men’s and boys’ wear.sui
ted .to the season. Black/ blue and brown '
Velvet cord, Jeans; gentlemen’s Shawls, cash
mere nuifllers, scarfs, ties, stocks, a full assort,
ment of silk, merino- and cotton drawers and
undershirts; Standing and Byron collars, Mar
seilles and linen bosoms, hosiery of every vari
ety. Domestic Goods of every description. ~
.Superior Blankets, warranted not tb. Shrink
by washing; crib and. cradle blankets.
* Flannels;
of all kinds , and prices, woolen yarns, city and
home manufacture; bleached and brown abpot
ings, shirting and pillowcase muslins pf'the best
brands in the market, tickings, stripes; cbotks,
calicoes, at all prices. 50 dqz. Hanover buck
skin gloves, gauntlets, buck mils, men’s & boys
Berlin gloves, a groat variety of
Bonnet Ribbons & Dress Trimmings,
ladies and 'children’* worsted goods, such as
nndervests, hoods and talmas, garters, mittens.
To all the’ above goods and many .others, wo
invito the inspection; of the public. Haying
purchased for cash, we are prepared to sell ot
extremely low,prices.- ,
Carlisle, Sept. 28, 1858. . ■ ,
A FULL assortment of Mofoco Leather Lin
ings and Bindings, Lasts, Boot Tiees, and
a full assortment of Shoo Kitt and Findings of
all kinds.
October 28, 1858. , .
ff A AfiA LBS. Rolled and Ear Iron, ot tho
DU>UUU host brands, rtll sizes. Steel of
nil kinds at the lowest market prices. All Iron
warranted to bo good or (ho money returned.
Carlisle, Oct. 28, 1858.
GLASS & TAINTS, a full assortment of
Glass o( all sizes and quality, with a full
stock of Fresh Taints of all colors. Oils, Var
nish, &o. Cement in large or small quantities
at low prices
Cnrlislo, Oot. 2S, 1856.
, Meal Culler's.
A LARGE lot ol these 'useful articles just re.
ceivAd and for sale cheap. Also Sausage
Stnllbrs of the latest and boat kinds. Butchers
and the public generally, arc invited fo give ns
a call before making their purchases in (bis line,
as wo are furnishing 'a superior, article to any
that has over been olio red in this market, with a
general assortment of Butcher’s tools of the
best makes uud at low prices.
Carlisle, Oct. 28, 1858.
THE undersigned would respectfully announce
to the public that they will continue the
HATTING BUSINESS at the old stand of the
lat? Win. H. Trout, in West High Street,
whore they hope all the old customers, and
others will give them a call, as they /eel confi-
m dent of being able to please. They
have now on hand a splendid assort,
mont of HATS ol all descriptions,
from the common IVool to the finest Fur and
Silk Hats, and at prices (hat must suit every
one who has an eye fo getting fho worth of his
money. Their Silk, Moleskin and Beaver
(Hots, are unsurpassed lor lightness, durability
j and finish, by'those ol any other establishment
(ib fho county.
Boys’Hals of every description constantly
on baud- Gail and examine.
Carlisle, October 14,1858.
■ ;
H -3XACT street, soi dh-ivcsl corner of
txcor.roi-.ATr.D uvstati; or pexssvlvahU
Money is received in ain- sum, largo or srohli,
and interest paid from tho day of deposit to tho
day oi withdrawal. ■
The ofiiiio is open every day irom 0 o’clock
in the mqriiitig till 5 o'clock In tho afternoon
and on Maiulny ithd Thursday evenings till 4
o’clock.- ■ ■ • . .
Wit: J. Reed, Secretary.
F. Oarroll Brewster,
Joseph B. Barry,
Homy L. Benner,
Edward L. Carter,
Robert Selfridgo, Francis Loo,
Samuel IC. Ashton, Joseph Yorkcs,
C. Landrelh Mnnns, Henry pifl’endertTer.
Money is received and paylnbhis made in
gold daily without uotibe. ■;
New Fall Goods
Insliiis very low; Calicoes, Debagcs, Tickings;
i endless vurietj'.'
Ladies’ Skirls of all kinds and cheap. ,
It is impossible to enumerate one half,the or.
Out donej
Cloths, Beaver Clolh, Cassimdtosj
Blade and Fancy Satljftelsj
Moroco tcudier.
Ha r Iroii.
Winter Fashions.