American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, July 22, 1858, Image 3

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    The Gough and Lccs Trial.
Many, of our readers who in U.o
(craperanco cause, °i Wo ndvorato, may
•an 01 o cyit on t an d 1 c siiic o, whilclecturing
Y o Object throughout England,
to Ins fa\ o « J temperance lecturer,
XoS soHous cargos against him. The
ilani was Dr. Docs, n man of influence and
,1; The main charge was, that Mr.
S, since his arrival in England, had boon
id labor under excitement caused by aloo
„J no form, or by opium.. It was a very
1,1 “L rl(0 to which Mr, Gough was so lit
-o,lflned to submit that ho applied to the
"t°of Queen’s Bonoli for a rule niu for a
iml l’information' against Dr. Lees. The
•I declined interfering, on the ground that
redress which Mr. Gough aimed at ediild bo
,r obtained by an action for damages against
,oos in a civil suit, than by any ex officio
niation—.that is, that though private char
bad'boon assailed, no public wrong had
-. Gough followed this advice, and com
:cd 'an notion at nisi prius against Dr.
, demanding $50,000 damages. This case
lately tried in London, and Mr. Gough np
ng .as witness in his own case, (under the
and, as it is working, proves excellent law
.gland,) stated that-the accusation against
was wholly-untrue ; that, for many years,
nad not taken any alcoholic fluid, and that
rig had only even tasted opium, having put it
„ offioiico to.bis lips and then withdrawn it. The
fei®'udge who tried the case here suggested the
|®i|j)rop r iety, as Mr. Gough so- distinctly denied
gSgthc charge, and there was no evidence to con-
K<%|tradict-him, of Dr. Lees’ frankly admitting that
Efi|iho accusation was unfounded, and consenting
Ijp'-to a nominal verdict. Dr. Lees’ counsel agreed
this, retracting, the charge in his name, an,d
&»;(!* verdict for. twenty-seven dollars, was taken for
BsCfilr. Gough.
Thus, it was thought and. hoped, had lermi
t-ps-nated an unpleasant.dispute. However, it had
different cfleht. Dr. Lees has since published
s&®#tho following short and sharp opisllo in the
Inc wspapers : - ■ •
“ The retraction made, by my counsel, on
which the nominal verdict was given, was made
without any authority from me or my solicitor;
on the contrary, I strenuously protested against
it,, and insisted on the ease proceeding, fearless,
of the issue. —F. 11. Lees.” .
We dare say that Dr. Lets will have a new
trial moved lor, on the frangible ground laid
dowri in his letter. There is precedent for it.
Within the last two or three years Sir Frederic
Thesiger (how Lord' Chancellor Chelmsford)
made terms, in court, for a client. Contrary to
her desire and her interest,'and without her im
mediate knowledge: .She had the court moved
on the ground of her non consent; a new trial
was granted, and the verdict was for. the full
amount she had originally claimed, and which
her counsel, Thesiger, had talked away from
her. probably, from, laziness. There seems eve
ry prospect of ix new Gough vs.' Lees trial and
exposure. — JPor.ney’s Press,
. For the Volunteer .
Our Next .Congressman,.
Mr. Editor— lt seems to us, since the inquiry
lias gone forth, that there is but one sentiment
in reference to the re-nomination of Hon.-Joiix
A. Aiil, for Congress. Now, wo think Terry;
should'yield to Cumberland, it from no other
consideration, she ought-to do it as a debt of
gratitude, when she- recollects the base and un
feeling' persecution conducted against J. Ellis
Boxuam, na pure a man. as ever, the sun shone
upon. Thisinan was taken from us in the prime
and vigor of life, but not without? having first
obtained a place in’the heart of every true Ame
rican citizen.' He was firm to the last, contend-
!ng for the.principle of “perfect political equal*
li ity of all men, the absolute right of every man
fe to be guided by his.otfn pleasurp and judgment,
|‘ so long as he transgressed no law, and his equal
fe claim to a fair participation in live enactment
t and repeal of every law
g , Many ' who-professed to bo his friends and to
E be united, to him-by friendship and principle,
1 were secretly weaving snares to destroy-him;—
Forsaken as ,lio >vas by many, ho found a friend
in John A.. Ann, with siiflicient courage-arid.
B lollittcss-of soul, not merely to give asspnt, but
ST bngage mantnlly iu ,a contest which resulted in
K-.the-success of as political fanaticism as
K that whitfh characterised .the'diSciples of.Robcs-
B; pcirro.- Much as'we respect the rights of Per
il.- ry, we askj are there' no good treasons why she
r should , not yield to. Cumberland ? We might
r ofTor many reasons, lint let one . suffice. When
- Democracy find despotism met- face to face,
. ready for a desperate and dreadful struggle, who -
; waS then found siiflicient as the standard bearer
, but John" A..Aiil I Wilh indominable perse-
vcronce ho. led .the party on to a glorious victory
wiMioul.tlio loss of a single man. Anti over since
lie has liocn in office lie lias undergone the strict
est scrutiny by bis adversaries, every movement
lias been watched with argris eyes by his politi
cal opponent's, and yet ho has passed through
fho (iory ordeal not only in safety, but with hon
or and credit. Plain in deportment, nnafluctcd
in manners, a'rid friendly in disposition, truly he
is the man of the people
Gen. Benjamin Cleveland, a distinguish
ed Georgian, died at Clarksville, in that State,
feconty. Ho was a soldier of 1814. |
ileiuitifiil While Tccillij
IlciU’thy. Gums, and a Sweet Breath,
LL vvllo' are desirous of obtaining those bo
•i3cue(ils should tiso .ZERMAN’S CELEBRA
ThftfdeliCinu's article combines so many meri
. torious qualities, that it has now.become a Stan
l, dacd favorite with the. citizens of New Tork,
&■ Philadelphia and Baltimore. Dentists prescribe
fe ft in their practice most, successfully, and from
H every, source the most fl'atterirtg laudations Are
E awarded it. Inflamed and bleeding gums are
m. immediately benefitted by its uso; its action
w npon them is riiild and soothing and effective.—
I It cleanse'S' the teeth so thoroughly that thoyare
K lifado t fo' rival pearl in Whiteness; and diffuses
I through' the drouth such a delightful freshness
i that the' breath is rendered exquisitely sweet.—
jt; it disinfects'all fhoko impurities w-hich tend to
| produce-decay;'and 1 as a consequence, when
| those aro removed the teeth must always remain,
$ ■ spund. • . .. ...
£■ Prepared only by Francis Zermatt', Druggist,
9th and Catharine streets, Philadelphia, and
i Sold by all Druggists'at only 25 cohts per bottle.
July 22, 1858—ly
I‘UON RAILING ! Icon’Railing for Come.
A tory enclosures; public uml private grounds
and gardens, made to order at the Carlisle Foun
dry. : Our stock of Railing, Vcrandah and Brack
et patterns comprises a large variety of new and
elegant designs which the public are invited to
call and examine. Orders for casting and put
ting tip'Railing will be promptly oxccted at sat
isfactory .prices.
entii'ely now TEN HORSE STEASf
ENGINE and BOILER now. on hand, warran
ted to'bo of the best make, and will bo sold at
a-bargain for cash or on short time.
July 22, 1858,
FARMERS! Now is the time to got a new
___ Threshing Machine and Horse Power. 'Wo
SHS have a number pi well made Machines now on
band, at tho Carlisle Foundry andMacliino Shop,
11111 l which wo will sell on the most reasonable terms.
They combine, all -tho latest improvements and
!|Sk; are warranted to Co of good material and worlc
aSß'. manship.
s|Pp| ■ A ( so > Qorn Shellors of tho most .improved
■iMf. construction, which do their work rapidly and
thoroughly. For sale at low prices by
Ip-; July, 22; 1858.
ifepUsoluiion of Co-Partuci-Sliip.
mfilHE partnership, heretofore existing between
li|||&r4- tbo.undersigned, doing business in thomor
'“SsStontilu business in Churchtown, Cumberland
ySlißbunty, under tho name and firm of Leidig &
' y.Stephens, was dissolved by mutual consent, on
: i the 291 h day of May last. Tho books of the
• late firm are in the hands of Henry Stephens
•: ; who is authorized to settle thonßup, and who
, will ho found at tho old stand, ready to servo
former customers and others who may bo pleas-
Itet ed to patronize him.
July 15, 1858—8 t"
MARY. JANE HAINES, by 1 ... c .
ho'r next Iriund, Ecnj. Sued- Alfa* Subpa-no;
3 , J ... I bur Divorce.
graS9) (No. G, April T.,
Cumberland. County, ss,'
-c Subpoena Sur Divoroo to No. 6,
f gEAIi Vnminry Term, 1858, having been
*— and returned, that tlio said
lyowia Haines could not bo found in tbo county,
of Cumberland aforesaid. Now you, tbo said
Lewis Haines, nro hereby required to nppeitr on
the 23d day of August, 1858, tbo first day of the
next term to answer the complaint of the said
Mary June Hallies, by her next friend Benjamin
Snodgrass, in the said subpoena and alias sub
poena contained.
Sheriff’s Office, I ,
Carlisle, July 22, 1808 f
GEORGE KEIGLEY, . A Alias Subpoena
vs. I Sur Divorce.
J 1858.
Cumberland County, ss.
x ■ Subpoena Sur Divorce to No. 1,
( SEA3L jJunuaty Term, 1858, and alias sub-
to No. 1, April Term, 1858,
baying been issued and returned that the said
Susanna Keigloy could not bo found in tbo coun
ty of Cumberland-aforesaid. Now you-, the said,
Susanna Keigloy, arc hereby required to appear
on the 23d day of August, 1858, the first day of
tho next term to answer the' complaint of the
said George Keigloy, in the said subpoena and
alias subpoena contained.
Sheriff’s Office, I
Carlisle, July 22, 1853 f -
Peim’a. Female CoUcge,
.At IlAKiusnoao, Pa. ■
§l5O a year for Board, Tuition, (J-c.
THE' duties of this. College.will be assumed'
Wednesday, Sept,-lit. Tho accommoda
tions are ample, and the location one of beauty
and hcallhfulness. Address Rev. B. R. Wacgxi,
A. M., Principal. .
July 22, 1858—1 m '
AS the Assignee of John Ooover, I'.will’ex
pose to .public sale, on tbo premises, on
Tuesday the lith .of September, 1858, at 11 o’-
clock, A. M.-
sit'uaflo in North Middleton township,. Cumber
land county, on tho Conodoguinot creek, and
bounded by John Jacobs, David Hoover’s mill
tract, Adam Thoma, David Ralston and others,
' n ' q - having thereon erected .a two story
• Weatherboarded II O ITS E, LOG
HI" Corn ■ Crib's,-. Wagon Shed,
Carriage-House, and other improve
ments. About 120 acres arc cleared and under
good fence, the residue well timbered.' The
land is of an’excellent quality, partly limestone
and partly slate, a part of which has been well
limed, and has on it a good Apple Orchard and
oilier choice.fruit frees.
, The-farm is'capable of division, and will be
offered in parts or all together, as will best suit
The terms will be made oh the day of
sale, . : MICHAEL L, HOOVER,
July 22, 1858- 8t
Grcft'i Roduclloli In Prices
I HAVE Ibis day commenced to run off my
large and splendid stock of Summer Goods,
at astonishingly low prices.- Elegant Lawns
worth 12,and 18 for fi and 12ccnts, .Barege Do
■Laines worth 15 for 10, Do.- worth 25 for 18cts.
Ginghams worth 12 and 1G at 8 and 10, Debegc
worth 12 at 8, Madona cloth worth 18 at R>cts.
Summer Silks worth 75 at CO, Dncalls woith 31
at 20. cent's, Summer. Cassimeres much Under
'price, needle worked Collars and Underslecvcs
very low,.Parasols cheaper than ever, Carpeting
from 12£ up to $lOO, Silk ahd-.Barago Mantillas
cheaper.than ever, Muslins, calicoes and tick.-,
iiigs, at great bargains; a lot of Boots and Shoes
well made at cost’fo close them out.
. Purchasers wishing to lay out their money to
good advantage, will do well to call at; llio ucw
‘fttorc room, (Jpposlto the Methodist churcln :
; Carlisle, July 22, 1858. -' . •
NOTICE is hereby given that Loiters Testa
mentary on the estate of Philip Lantz, de
ceased, late of East Peunsbofougirtwp., Cum
berland cohntyj'havo been issued by the Regis
ter of said county, to the subscriber resididing
in the same township. All persons indebted to
said estate aro requested to make immediate
payment, and those having claims will present
properly authenticated for settlement to
July 15, 1858—01*
NOTICE. is hereby given to allpersons inter
ested that the following accounts have been
Hied in this-'office, by tho accountants therein
named, for examination, and will be presented
to tho Orphans’ Court of Cumberland County
for confirmation and allowance, on Tuesday,
tho-lOth day of August, A. D. 1858, viz ;
1. Tho administration'account of John Wolf,
administrator of William W. Hamilton, late of
South Middleton township, dec’d.
%. /The first and final account of Moses Mor
rettj-Esq., administrator of Michael Fissel; late
of Monroe township, dec’d.
8. The guardianship account of DaAiol Keller,
-guardian of the person and estate of Mary Eliza
beth, Nancy, and Barbara Hutcheson.
4. Tire account of Jeremiah Bowers, admin
istrator of Samuel B'urtner,'late of Silver Spring
township, deo’d." ,
5. The account of Geoi‘go'BVindio, Esq., ex
ecutor of Robert C. Sterrett, lute of South Mid
dleton township, deo’d.
6. The guardianship account ot 'Jonathan
Snyder, guardian of Mrs. Martha Widders’mi
nor child of Jacob Seitz. .
A Demoobat.
7. The' account of James L.'M’Dowell, admin
istrator do bonis non with the will annexed ot
Peter Utley, late of Franklord township, dec’d.
8. Tho first and final account of George Rea,
administrator of Elizubeth Wilt, late ot Stoughs
town, Cumberland' I co., dec’d. :
9. The first and final account of Sarah A.
McCune, administratrix of Jas. McCune, late of
Council Bluffs, lowa, dec’d.
.10. The first and final account of Jacob Le'sh
cr and David Lusher, administrators of .tiio es
tate of David Lasher, late of Hopewell township,
deceased'.. >
11. Tho first and final administration account
of Monroe Moiris, deceased, who was adminis
trator of the estate'of Mrs. Elizabeth Waggoner,
late ot the borough of Carlisle, dec’d., as settled
by Mary M. Morris, administratrix of Monroo
Morris, doo’d.
12. The account of William M. Scouller, ad.
miniatrator o£Eloanor McAllister, late ol Dick
inson township',- dec’d.
13. Tho account of Mary A. Huntsbergor
administratrix of tho estate of Abraham Hunts
hergor, Into of Eastpennsborough township, do.
14. The guardianship account of David H.
Swiler, guardian of Arthur J. Wnlbufn, late of
Silver Spring township, deo’d.
15. The account o( Jacob Martin, administra
tor of tho estate of Peter Whislor, late of Miff
lin township, doc’d. ■
16. Tho account of William Gracoy, admin
istrator o'f the estate of William Parks, late of
Newton township, dcc’d.
17. TIIO final account of John M. Davidson,
administrator of Lydia Hamilton, late 6f West
Pennsborongh township, dcc’d.
18. Tho final account of William R. Gorgas,
Esq., trustee and guardian under tho will qf
Samuel Bowman, late of-East Pennsborough
township, doo’d.
„ 19. Tho guardianship account of Benjamin
Mye'rs, guardian of tho person and estate of Jo
seph Paul, of Wcstponnsborough tp.
1 20. The first and final account of John G.
Williams, administrator of Jns. Woods, (muto,)
late pf Dickinson township, deo’d.
21. The administration account of Jns. Clen
denln, administrator of tho estate ol John Koi
ver, late of East Pennsborough township, de
Register’s Office, Carlisle, >
July 10, 1858—4 J f
Public Sale
Containing 143 Acres,
Mssignee of John ffoover,
Kegislt-v’s Itfoticc.
Terrible Scnsatiou.
T>ECBIVING to-day at Loidich & Sawyer’s 1
jLX.n’ow store, (formerly occupied by Geo. W. 1
’Hither), a largo and varied assortment of
Dry Goods, Ladies’ DreSs Goods, ,
ncw.sfylos, and at very low prices. Lace and'
Silk Mantillas greatly under regular prices'.;—
Ranging from §1,60 to §12,00. Embroideries,
Cambric, Jaconet and Swiss Sets and Collars,
Undorsleeves, Edgings, Inscrtings, &c.
, Ladies, Misses’- aud Children’s Hooped and
Double Expansion' Skirts. Those Skirts whore
overworn receive tho highest praise' for ease,
grace and durability of wear. Wo respectfully
solicit the attention of tho public.'
Carlisle, July 15, 1858.
Hats t hats t hats 11 t
THE undersigned would respectfully announce
to tho public that they' will continue the
HATTING BUSINESS at tho old stand of tho
late AYm. 11. Trout, in West High Street,
whore they hope nil tho old customers, and
others will give them a call, as they foci couli
ggga dent Of being able to please. They
JiMr have now on hand a splendid assort.
of HATS of ail descriptions,
from the common Wool to the (Inast. Em-and
Silk Hats, and at prices , that.must suit every
one who has an eye to getting the worth of his
money. Their Silk, Moleskin and Beaver
Hats, are unsurpassed (or lightness, durability
and finish, by those of any other establishment
in the county.
Boys’ Hats of every, description constantly
on hand. Call and examine.
Carlisle, July 15, 1858,
A Small Tract of Land withTrnprove-
.merits at Private Sale.
SITUATE in Carrol Township, Perry county,
about 1 mile from Mickey’s tavern, contain
ing 15 acres, more or less, about 14 of which
are cleared,, in'a high state of cultivation and
under good , fence. ’ The improvements aro-a
- n a two story Log woalherboarded house,
<aK«S|k a.gcmd.Lbg Barn, AVagon Shcd,Gra
l!SS! aud other out-buildings. There
a good well of water in tho yard
with a punip in it. There is a thrivbig Apjde
Orchard of choice fruit, and Peaches, Pears,
Plums Cherries in abundance.
The properly owned and. occupied by
George Brunwoll, and will sold upon such terms
as to offer groat inducements to purchasers. /
For further particulars apply to tho owner on
tho promises, of. to
Real Estate Agent and Scrivener
Carlisle, July 1,1853—0 t , 1
TUc Subscribers bare for Sale
1 iTIIOQt ™OCSASD mite Pino Shin-
JLgles, of superior Quality, which
they will sell at river prices. , Also, a large-lot
of Cherry and Walnut,.from i inch to 3 inches
thick, which they will sell wholesale or retail
low;- Also, a new Threhsing Machine to which
wo invito the. attention of farmers, as we tech
disposed to give a bargain. AlV.kinda of Lum
ber and Coal constantly on hand low for Cash.
, -Carlisle, July'B, 185,8. ' . '
WHEREAS the' Hon.- James IT.- Graham,
President Judge of the scveral-Courts of
Common Pleas in the counties of*Cmnberland,
Perry, and Juniata, and Justices of the several
Courts.o'f Oyer and Terminer arid General Jail
Delivery In said counties, and Samuel Woodburn
& Michael Cbcklin, Judges of the Courts of Oyer,
and Terminer'and General Jail Delivery for the
trial of all cnpitaland other offenders, in the said
county of Cumberland-,- by their precepts to me
directed, dated the ,12th day ,of April, 1858,"
have ordcrod the Court of Oyer and Terminer
and General Jail Delivery to be holden at Car
lisle,’on the 4th Monday of August, 1858, (be
ing the 23rd day,) at 10 o’clock in the forenoon,
to continue one week.-
NOTICE is hereby given to the Coroner, Jus
tices of the Peace, and Constables of the said
county of Cumberland, that they are by the said
precept commanded to be then and there in their
proper persons, with their ro^s,records,and in
quisitions, examinations and. all other remem
ibrap.Qeff, to do those .things which to their offices
appertain to bo done, ancPnll tboscTtTiat arc 7
bound by recognizances,' to prosccntc against
.the prisoners that are jprthen shall bo in the Jail
of said county? are, to . bo there to prosecute them
as shall be just. *■
■ July 8, 1858. ' . ■
IS hereby given-that application for . license,
under (ho act of Slstcf March, 1850, and its
supplements, nuist be filed with the undersign
ed, on or before the 2d day. of August next,
otherwise they, will not bo heard. '■
D. S. CROFT, C/fc. Qr. sm.
Carlisle, July 8,1858—3 t ■
ScSiool/Tax for 1858.
rpHE Duplicateef School Taxes of the School
1 District of c/rlislo for tho present year has
boon issued am placed in tho hands of tho
Treasurer for collection. Tho taxable citizens
are notified that tho Treasurer will attend at the
County Commissioner’s office for the purposoof
receiving sam-Jases, on Monday, (ho. 10th of
August next, between the hours of 9 and 12 in
tho forenoon, and 2 and 5 in tho afternoon of
said day. On all taxes paid on or before that
day'a deduction of FIVE PER GENT, will be
made. Tho taxes may bp paid at any time-bo
tore the. above date to tho Treasurer, at his
store room in Marion Hall building.
■ J. W. EBT, Treasurer.
" Carlisle, July 1, 1858. '
Estate. Notice,
LETTERS testamentary, with tho will annex
ed, bn the estate of Isaac Christleib, late
ofMiftlin township, Cumberland county, dec’d.,
have been issued by tho Register of said coun
ty, to tho subscriber residing in tho same town
'ship. All persons indebted to said estate are
requested to (nake Immediate payment,, and
those having claims will present them properly
authenticated (or,settlement to
1 lBsB—fit*-'
T ETTERS testamentary, with flip Will annex-
B i ed, bn tho estate Of William U. Trout,.de
ceased,, late ot the Borough of Carlisle, Cum
berland county, have been issued by tho Regis
ter of said county, to tho subscriber residing in
Carlisle. All persons: indebted to said estate
aro requested to make immediate payment, and
those having'claims will present them properly
authenticated'for .settlement.
July 1,1858-6 t
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Ad
ministration on tho Estate of Henry Grove,
dco’d., late of Upper Allen township,-have been
issued by the Register of Cumherind county,
to tho subscribers, tho first, named residing in
Upper Allen township, and the'.last named in
Shippensburg. All persons indebted to said
Estate, are required to make immediate pay
ment, and those having claims to present them,
proporlv authenticated, to the undersigned.
Juno 24, l6sf!—6t
THE undersigned respectfully informs tho,
public that he is prepared to manufacture to
order at the shortest notice,
Stages, Omnibuses,- and Harness, at lowest cash
prices. Now and second hand Carriages and
Rockaways constantly on hand at his establish
ment in Mcchamcsburg, Cnmb. county; Fehn’a.
Repairing ol all kinds done at tho shortest no
tice; Orders from abroad promptly attended
to. Full satisfaction warranted in all cases.
Thankful for past favors, ho respectfully so
licits a liberal share of public patronage. Coun.
frv produce taken in exchange for work.
June 17, 1856--4 m .
Save Your Money by Furchasing
r: mct
7T am now prepared to furnish the.-abovo yalua-
Ji'ble machines, .wliicli have met with so much
favor by all who have properly,tested them.—
It is admitted by all wliojlave used this and
oilier machines that Mews’, Selftßaking Reaper
and JUuwer is superior to others, because it
is an easy draft for two.Tjprsos, no vloight on
their nooks, because of the lightness of fl.O
tongue,’and no sfdo draft.. ■ A boy ot Irom 111
to 15 years of ago is able. 1 to manage this ma
chine. The rake attached to this machine docs
its work fdUy ns well as it'Stinbodono Jiy hand.
Tito following named pofapns have purchased
and used tills machine, to. whpni wo would refer
farmers for any inforraatiotf they desire on the
subject—Col. Win. JT. Henderson, Geo. Reitz-,
hoover, sr., Jno. S. Storrott, Wm. Ivor, Peter
Myers, Alex. M’Dowoll, Jacob Noltsinger, R.
Woods, Goo. & Sam’l. Bratton,
Those wishing to purchase will call on,
11. L. BURKHOLDER, Carlisle, or
J. B. TOMLINSOIfi Harrisburg. .
Carlisle, JutSfeJß. 1858—Imo
j. & G. CALLIO
TVT ' lIAN Toil, Merchant Tailor, West
i. N .Main Street, (opposite tho Railroad office,)
has just received a now’riml elegant assortment
of Cloths, Plain, Black and Fancy Cnssimcrs,
and a variety of Testings, all
of which )io will make up to measure in fashion
ablo style, and on reasonable terms. ■
K 7” Orders attended to promptly, ami the tit
ting of all garments guaranteed, or ijo sale.
. ~ • '. _ N. lIANTCII. ■
Carlisle, June 3,T87i8.' t’
To tue^Toters'of Cumberland County.—
Fellow-Citizens: Desirous, of being elec
ted -to the Office of' Shcikff of this County, I
hereby odor myself to yohr consideration as a
candidate for the same, aud„nmst respectiy so
licit your support; \ • '■
Carlisle, Jnno 3, 1858.
TO the Electors oi? Cumberland County;
I hereby offer mysolffo yourcpnsidoralion
as a candidate lor the office of Sheriff, subject
to the decision of tho_DempcratiC Convention.
Should I bo nominated arid elected,.! will 1 use
my utmost endeavors to discharge the duties, of
said office to the host of my abilities.
Carlisle, Juno 3, 1858, '• . ' .
To the Electors of Cumberland county.
FELLOW-CITIZENS':— I -have taken the
liberty to otfer.iviyaolfjas a-candidate for the
office, of Sheriff, at the ensuing election, subject
however, to. the decision of the County Demo
cratic Convention; and if I may be considered
eligible, and may havo friends enough to elect
mo,-I now promise to perform the duties Of tiro’
office as well ns my abilities will .enable me, to
the satisfaction of all concerned.
Ncwvillo,May 27, 1858 i
FELLOW-CITIZENSpyAt tile suggestion
of many friends, I offer myself ns a candi
date for the office of Sheriff,, sulgect to the de
cision of the Democratic County Convention. —
Should I bo ndminated'.apd elected, I shall use
every effort to dischargwthejduties of the, office
impartially and to the satisfaction of tho public.
i Newvillo, Juno 3, 1858.'- ■
1?W. SlicroW.'p
* To ill's Electors of Cumberland County.
JL candid.itofor tliu n/Uccot’ Sheriff suiijecV
to the decision of. thd Democratic Convention,;
and most respectfully solicit ydiir support.;
- ■ W. F. SW.IGER. .
North Middleton township,
‘ June 10, ISSB— * a j '
BEING encouraged by many friends, J offer
myself ns a c'aiididato tdr the office of Sheriff
ol Cumberland county, subject tg tho decision
of the Democratic Nominating Convention,and
pledge myself, if nominated and elected, to dis
charge- the duties ‘of the-office faithfully and
honorably.- -
Carlisle, May-27, 1858.,,:.
TVT OTICE is hereby given that application yOill
i. 1 be made to the next Legislature of Penn
sylvania to alter tbp Charter, of the Carlisle De
posit Bank, located in the borough of Carlisle,
Cumberland county, so: as. to confer upon said
Bank the rights and privileges of ti Bank of Issue,
and to change its name to the' Carlisle Bank;
also to increase the capital of said Bank, which
is at present seventy-two thousand dollars, with
privilege of increasing the same under its pre
sent charter to one hundred thousand dollars,
to two hundred thousand dollars, i , . •
-N.' C. MUSSELMAN, Cashier
June 10, 1858.
n. i. i.Eiincir.
Large arrival of new.and seasonable goods at
LEIDICH $ SAWYER’S, (formerly
Oeo. • Iff. Milner’s') Store, East
Main Street, a few ■
doors below Martin’s Hotel,
HAVING just returned from Philadelphia,
witli a large addition of new and desirable
goods to our former stock, weurflnow, prepared
to offer groat.inducements to fd(Vn and country
Our stock embraces nearly every thing suita
ble for Ladies,,Missoni Men’s Boys’ and Chil
dren’s wear:’ consisting in part of elegant Crape
-Shawls, Stila and Cashmere Shawls, Lace and
Silk Mantillas, very beautiful Swiss and Cam
bric Collars, Edgings, Insortings; Parasols, La
dies Sun Umbrellas,- Gentleman’s (lire Silk Um
brellas, Ifid "Gloves, , best qualify, long and
short Mohair Mitts, Silk and Lisje Gloves, a full
lino of hosiery,• suited to both sexes' and all
sizes. Beautiful black Gro' Deßhine Silk, ele
gant fancy silks, selling very cheap. French
foulard Silks, Mareoline and double Florence,
all colors and qualities, very superior Bomba,
zincs, Alpacas, black and colored all wool De-
Lainos, Tissues, Bareges, Jasper, B'oyedero,
.Circassian and'Himalayah Cloths for travelling
dresses, ChalUcsr-Brntlants', Chintzes, fine Or
gandia Lawns, .Froneh-du^Jaconet; do. Lisle
Gingharii, Scotchdo. English Calicoes very de
sirable at. 12J, domestic prints all prices, now
stylo shirting calicoes, also a largo stock of
new and standard brands ofMualins and Sheet
ipgs, 10-4 Allendale- Sheeting, Pillowcase Mus
lin, wire-thread and herring-bone Tickings,
Virginia Osnaburgs, Furniture Chocks, Cotton
paritinga, comprising- York Mills,, Bipka’s
Stripes, Pa. Mills, Drains, &o.,&o. (i-4 French
black cloths very superior, French black Doe.
skin Cassimorcs, fancy for boys wear. Silk and
Satin. Vestings, bhyck and colored silk handker
chiefs, Men’s Stocks, Fancy Cravats, standing
and Byron Collars, ready made linen and Mor
seillos bosoms for shirts, black and white straw
and chip hats, bonnets, flats, and a great varie
ty of other articles.
Wo hope from ofu* experience in business and
desire to become established in trade and atten
tion to customers, to merit a share-of public
patronage for Which we will feel truly grateful.
Please call soon as the bargains' are going off
June 10, 1858. - •
THE subscriber keeps. constantly on band a
largo supply of Coal suitable for burning
Lime. which ho will dispose of on reasonable
terms, W. B. MURRAY.
Carlisle, Not. 10, 1857.
Slmriffall y.
Lime Coal.
LETTERS of administration on tho estate of
John Garrett, dec’d., late of Upper Alien
township, Cumberland county, have been grant
ed by the Register of said county to the sub
scriber residing in said township.' All persons
knowing themselves indebted arc hereby Re
quested to make immediate payment, and (hose
having Claims will presenfThem for deltleliient
JHno 17, 1857—Gt '
LETTERS of administiation on tile estate of
Junius V.-Gillospio, dec'd., late of Prank
ford twp., Cumberland county, have been gran
led by tliu Register of said county, to the sub
scriber residing in the same township, , All
persons indebted to said'esjato will malic imme
diate payment, and tboso baring claims will lire,
sent tbom tor settlement, to '
June 17, 1858—Ct
“Monitt Holly -Springs Hold.”
Five Miles from.Carlisle, Pa , ai the Gap of the
South Mountain.
THE subscriber,, of tbo St. Lawrence Hotel,
Chesnnt street, Pbila., baring purchased
tbo above named popular summer resort, of tbo
late proprietor, Jos. W. Patton, will open tbo
same on-tbo 20th of June, for tbo reception- of
guests. Terms moderate..' Address
Mount lloihj Sitrings, Cttmb'd. Co., Pa.
Juno 10, ISSB.
Hew Stugo Route.
rjIHE subscriber lias started a tri-weekly line
X of Stages between Carlisle and Landisbnrg,
leaving Carlisle every Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, immediately on the arrival of the after
noon train of cars from the cast. Returning
leaves Landisbnrg at 8 o'clock a. m., every
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and arrives
at. Carlisle at 1 o’clock p. in., via Perry County
Warm Springs,' Shormansdale, Stcrrott’s Gap,
and Carlisle Sulphur Springs. , On and alter
June lutb, tbo lino will bo run daily (or the ac
commodation of passengers going to tbo Springs.
. Fare to the several points as follows,.viz :.
Carlisle to Sulphur Springs, 1 $ SD
« Stcrrett's Gap, '.To
'.** ' Shormansdale, , ,87
“ Perry County, Warm Springs, 1 00
“ , .Landisbnrg,. 1 00
Returning. ; -
Landishtirg lo Warm Springs, S 25
“ Shermansdalo, BO'.
“. ■ SterretCs Gap, 75
“ Sulphur Springs, 1 00
' “ " Carlisle, , 1 00 ■
The above lino will regularly carry the mail
to and from tho several points 'above designated.
1 have also a well stocked LITER T STABLE,
from which I am. at . all times ready to furnish
Horses and Carriages to those who will fivor me
wilh their patronage, on the most reasonable
terras mid in the very best style.
Carlisle, May 27, 1858—2 m
Best Family Coal.
rp.IIE subscribers would respectfully call tho
attention of -the coal consumers of Carlisle
and,vicinity, and the public generally, to thoir
superior quality of Coal,- such as
Lyken’s Valley, Broken, Egg, Stove rind Nut,
Luke Fiddler, (c q , : “ .
Trevorlon, ■ . ; “' '“ - “. , “
And tlie oolobritcdioMcr;/ Whiteash, “
Their Yard'is situated in the east end of Car
lisle, opposite the Gas Works, where they will
keep constantly on hand a largo stock of all.
kinds arid sizes of Goal which will ho,
lory as any in tho Borongh. AH coal for family
use will bo to screened before delivery and war
ranted to give entire satisfaction.-
. Best quality of Limelmrner’s ij- Blacksmith's
Coal always on hand and at low figures.
AH orders left at (he residence ofjamesllof
fer,’ West Polnfrot street, at Squire Smith’s
office, South IlanoveFstreot, or at the residence
of Jacob Shrom, North East street, will he
piomptly attended 10. •
* We aro also prepared to furnish all kfndsand
t qualiry of DRY LUMBER at -greatly reduced
• Bills'ah<| ftrrnfaftuil at"thy
shortest notice. Wo have constantly on hand
all kinds and quality of Shingles* such ns White
•Pine, Hemlock,-Chestnut, Oak, and Linn; all
kinds of Failing, 'Plastering .Lath, Shingling,
Lath, Broom Handles, worked Flooring and
■\Veaiherboimling, rough and' smooth ■ Rails,
Posts, and every article that can bo kept in n
Lumber Yard. Having cars of our own weean
at all times arid at short notice supply any arti
cle in our line ot business at low prices. .
Wp. aro thankful for past favors and solicit a
continuance 'ol public patromige. Our motto
is to please.-- •
Carlisle, May 27,1858. ,
South Hanover St., adjoining the Court House,
' Carlisle, Pa. . ,
- ;JOIIN HANNON, Proprietor.
MAIL Coach leaves daily for I’aportpwn. Pe
tersburg, York Spring? and Hanover, from
this House.
. May 20, 1858. .
Buck Again lo tlie Old Trade.
THE subscriber . respectfully informs the
public generally that he has resumed the
, , manufacturing of BOOTS®*-,
SHOES, iu West MalnjnSSl
street, ;i few'doors wostow
tiio Railroad,.office, and having a good assort
ment of Leather, Morocco and Trimmings, and
engaged competent workmen, lie is prepared to
make up to measure, .every description of work
in his lino.
He" hits also received.from Philadelphia a well
selected stock ofBOOTS and SHOES, compri
sing every variety for Spring and Summer wear,
which he offers at lon-prices. Gentlemen’s lino
French Call Boots, Gentlemen’s'Gaiters, Oxford
Ties ambßrogansj Ladies’ Gaiters, Boots, Bus
kins, Slippers and Tics, with a large variety of
Boys’. Misses and Children’s Gaiters, Boots,
&c., <S-c. Purchasers are requested to call and
examine Ms stock.
Cmlisle, May 20, 1858,
THE second session of.tbis Institution wil,'
'commence'in Literary Hall, Newvilio, Pa.l
bn Tuesday, -April Oth, 1858; and continue five
months, ■ - - , ,
An able corps of Instructors have boon se
cured, and no effort will he render tho
school worthy of the position it seeks to occu
py, and of-tho patronage it respectfully solicits'.
For circulars containing full particulars, ad
-103 "’ F. A. McKINNEY, Treasurer.
• , . Newville, Pa.
By order of-thd Board of Trusteed 1 .
Das’i. ( Shelly, President.' . ,
Jas. M’Caniilisit, Secretary.
February 18, 1858—If
Jffew Coal Vard,
THE' subscriber woujli respectfully call the
attention of Limeburners and tho ciizens of
Carlisle, and the surrounding country generally,
to ,his NEW COAL YARD, attached to bis
Ware House, on West High street, whore ho
will keep constantly oh hand a largo supply of
the best quality of Coal, to wit;
; Lykens Valley, Luke Fldler, Fine Grove, and
Treverldn, Broken, Egg and Nut Coat —screened
and dry, all ot''which he pledges himself to sell
at tho lowest possible prices. Best quality ot
' Litneburner’s and Blacksmith’s Coal always on
03” All orders left at the Ware House, or at
his residence in North Hanover street will be'
promptly attended to.
Carlisle, April 15, 1858—tf
GREEN, arid Blue Window Shades just re
reived at J. P. Lyne k Sons’ hardware.
Aprils, 1858.
rPHE subscribors.aro prepared, tci furnish any
I sort of Sawed Timber, at the Saw Mill of
Edward Sykes, formerly occupied by'James
Lambert on,in Carrol tpwnship. Perry county,
BOARDS, from stuff of any slue and length.—
Also', Cloatt Wililu Oak Timber for Machinery
or 'Wagonmaking, and Poplar Plank, Boards
am! Scantling, Plough Beams, which they will
soil at llio Saw mill or deliver in Carlisle, pr on
tlie cars. Tenns will bo made known'by Jacob
Keller, at the Saw mill. ..
Shcrmandalo P. 0., April 8, 1858—ly*
TVTOTICE is hereby gi\ v cn that the •‘lint Bus-
JLN lucss” conducted in the Borough of New
viile by William E. Grntzer, lor the subscriber,
under tlie name and stylo of William E. Oral
zer, Agent, was discontinued on April the Ist,
The account books are in the hands of the
subscriber; who only is duly authorised to col
lect the same, and requests all persons indebted
on said books, to call "immediately and settle
their accounts.
Ncwville, April 29j 1858—8 m
£. w. is.
ATTORNEY AT LAW. East Main Street,
opposite tlie Jail.
Carlisle, Feb. 18, 1858—
TtlE subscriber Ims just returned from New
York andPhiladelpliia, and ianow opening
m the NEW STOKE ROOM the largest and
most splendid stock i of
ever brought (o Carlisle.
LADIES DRESS GOODS.—A. magnificent
lino of Ladies’Dress Goods, consisting in part
of Plaid and Fancy Silks, Elegant Black Silks,
very cheap, Foil de Chovices, Grenadines, Val
hninos, Chally and Barge Robed, Side Stripe
Silks, Side Stripe Delaines, Decals, Brilliants,
■Organdy Lawns; &o.
EMBROIDERIES. —Direct from the import
ers ,bf New York, in great variety, such as Ele
gant Needle "Worked Collars, Undorsleeves,
Handkerchiefs, Insertings, Edgings,Flouncings,
!cc., and cheaper than ever.
Cambric and Joconct Muslins, Plain, Barred,
Striped and Swiss-Muslins, Nansoolts,.Bishops,
Lawns, &c.
RUSHES.—An entire new assortment.
SPRING SHAWLS. —A large-assortment,
and very cheap; such as White Crape Stella,
Wool Do Laine, Thybet, Granadine, tec. Also
a new s'tock : of .
at reduced prices, Cassimorcs and other Goods
for Boys’ wear in great variety! Mnslins,Tick
ings, Checks, Ginghams, Skirtings, Sec., of al{
kinds and at the Counterpanes,
Hosiery, Gloves, Lace Mitts, &c.
LOOKING GLASSES. —A new stock of
Elegant Rosewood, Walnut and Mahogany
Framed Looking Glasses.
ther sup ol Super Three Ply, Ingrain,Vonitian,
Hemp, and Stair Carpetings White and Colored
Mattings at reduced prices.! .
Tins stock has been selected with great care,
at the very lowest cash prices, and will be sold
lor the cash-at such prices as will convince ali.
that Ogilby’s New Store is the place to lay out
their cash to the very best advantage. Light
Profits and Quick Sales is our motto.,
tEr - Recollect the Now Store is on the corner
of Main and Pitt streets, directly, opposite the
Methodist Church.
April '22, 1858,
SPLENDID stock of now Black Dress Silks.
, magnfficeut styles fancy Dress Silks.
French Foulard Silks, Chinese Silks, Satin and
striped Bareges, Valencias, dnoailes, beautitni
.new printed Clmllics, French printed Jaconets,
JJnglish.JiidUiflat?,,Frencii Brilliants,.English,
French and American Prints, Scotch,'French
and Domestic Ginghams, bonnets, bonnet rib
bons, dress trimmings, Shawls in every variety,
silk, crape, Stella, cashmere, &o. Embroider;
ios, collars, sleeves, iionneings, edgings, veils.
Carpetings, Oil Cloths,
Vcnitiun,-Ingrain, Three Ply, Brussels, Cotton
and. Hemp. Druggets and Floor Oil Clofhs of
‘all widths.
Linen Goods A complete assortriiont embra.
cing all the most celebrated marks.'
Gloves and. Hosiery for ladies. Misses and
children, a great variety of kid, silk and cotton
gloves, ladies elegant twisted silk mitts, J ...
Domestic and Staple Goods,
Bleached and unbleached
and 'unbleached, sheetings, woolen and cotton
flannels, corset jeans, tickings, cottonades, sat.
tinets, tweeds, cotton and linen diapers, table
covers, ble'acbed and brown drillings, and an
endless variety of otheriarticles.
In fact, this stock of goods is very extensive;
1 thorough and complete, having been purchased
with a great deal of care, and wo feel confident
Iwe can please any one who will favor,ns with a
call. All candid persona who have patronized
us heretofore, will admit that wo have sold the
heat bargains ever purchased in Carlisle. We
can assure our friends and all lover's of d Cheap
Goods,” that we are as well prepared as ever to
1 odor superior inducements for their <pati‘onagc.
I . Carlisle, April 22,1858.- '
ON and after Thursday, May loth, 1858.
passenger trains wilHeaVe as follows, (Sum
days excepted:)
Ist Train. 2d Train.
Leave Chamborshnrg, 0.15 A. M. 2.15 P, M
“ Shipponsburg, 5.44 “. 2.40 <«
“ Nenivillo, O'.IO- “ 8.18 “
“ Carlisle, 7.00 . « 8.58 “
“ Mcohanicsh’g, 7.80 , “ . 4-80 “
At Harrisburg,' 8.00 5.00 "
• ■ ■ Ist Train, id Train.
Loavo Harrisburg,' 8.30 A. M. 1 .65 P. M.
. “ Mechanicsburg, fJ'.OJJ « 1.39 t<
« Carlisle, ■ 9.40'' . 2.13 «
‘ “ Nowvill®, 10.20 ,<< 2.47 “
“ , Sbfppensbnfg, 10-(52 & . 3.28. «,.
At Chainbersburg, 11.22 8.63 «
Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia.,at
8.10 A.:M., 1.-80 P. M.,.and (>.25 P. M,-- For
Pittsburg, at 3.40, A. M.,and 5.10 P. M.,and
Altoofia Way train at 1.00 P. M. For Balti
more, at 8.80 A. SI., and 12.16, noon. Trains
bn the Dauphin and Susquehanna and Lebanon
Valley Railroads, loavo Harrisburg for Reading,
Lebanon, Auburn, &c., daily.
Faros front Harrisburg, Mechaniosburg, Car
lisle, Shipponsburg and Chanibersburg, will bo
ten cents loss when paid for Tickets at tho Of
fice, than when paid in (he Cars.
0. N. LULL, Snpl.
Railroad .Office, Chambersburg, i
May 13,1858. . . $
THE Pamphlet Laws of the Session ot 1858,
have been received at tho Prothonotary’s
Office, in Carlisle, and are ready for distribution
to those entitled to receive.them.
P. QUIGLEY, Proth’y-
July 8,1858—8 t
A LARGE variety of now rind boaullfnl pa.
terns just opening, and will bo sold cheap
er than ever. . ' ‘
Also a very boanfltnl assortment of window
Shades.* Pofsalc at Hardee store
Carlisle, April 8,1858.
Spring and Summer Goods.
■ Spring Arrival of
Rich ! Rare !! Elegant!!!
Summer Arrangement 1
For ffiarri^burg:.
For Ciinaubcrsbifrgv
Pauiplilet lAivt'.s.
Wall Paper.
soriu fiaoove t si.'Confeciionbi-jr
CareisLe, BA,
Wholesale Rates Reduced $2,00 per f6f) (ih '
THE attention of Country Merchants, and the
public,generally is invited lo assort
ment of.CHOICE CANDIES,, manufactured of
Ilia bes't ipaterlni.nnd warranted :to. contain no
poison in jtlicir colors,,W'hich \rill bfi aqid S'hplOr
sale or retail at low. rates, at .tljo old. staAdvOfl’.
MONYER, North Hanover St., CarlislQ, .Pa.» «
t'etv doors north of the Carlisle Deposit Bapl?.
Just received a largo assortment, Of Fresh
Fruits and Nuts, of the latest iraportatiohs, cdhj.
staling of
Figs, ,
Pine Apples,
Godoa N'
Alrrtqnda, .
Cream'Nuts',. •, . Jodba Nuts, &c.,
nil of wfnili VHII 1)6 sold'at low rates. Also, a
largo assortnreht flf .■
roffl rfJKD MNpr bOpDS, ■ v
of every Variety. Also, all tbo. bßst brands-of
Segars and Tobadcb, of Amcrlbari ond German
manutafclnre. . - '
The subscriber fclhriis thanks for the -liberal
patronage bestowed oh him byibo public,.and
solicits a continuance of their favors. - . , >
P. MONfcEfe. ,
Carlisle, July 1, 1858.
BEECHER’S Matchless Cordial, for Cholera
Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Snraihqr Conit
plaint of Children, Dysentery, and Diarhtca, fop
sale at B. J. Kieferkj. , - ibl
Soda, Water and ButterCfatkers; ShalSccdr
and Currant Cake, Jumbcls, fresh at Kiefer’s.,
Burning Fluid and Alcohol, fresh aPCiejlfer’s,
Fresh Pruens at 1C cts. per lb., at'Kiefer's.,,-
Thermometers of all sizes, makes' and finish,
just received at Kieffer’s cheap drug store,.
Carlisle, July I, 1858. - • -.a-
PROCEEDINGS in Partition in the cMktefjf
Frederick May, late of East Pdnnsborotigb
township, deo’d. . . . • ;]
The petition ol Daniel Q. MayjtotbeOrphans;
Court of Cumberland county, respectfully rep,
resents. That Frederick May, late ofEaatPcnns
borough township, County aforesaid, died Intes
tate,' ’caving surviving heirs, a'widow Magdalena
May, as well as th 6 following children, fodvlt:
Joseph May, Daniel Mny,"CnT(ianno jtay,|aincd,
intermarried wifli Samuel Burfnetf,)’ Elizabeth
Ruplcy, wife of Levißnpley, formerly Blleabeth,
May, David 6. May,aAd Jacob May. Tbesaid;
parties being the heirs and legal representatives
ot Frederick May, dcc’d., will therefore toko
'notice that by virtue ot a writ of partition and
valuation issued out of the Orphans’ Court Of
Cumberland county, and to mo directed,!-fciU.
bold an inquest to divide, part, or value the
real estate of said deceased, on the premises, on
Friday, the 80th day of July, A- D. 1858, at 10-
o’clock, A. M., when and Whbre you may at
tend if yon think proper. ....
JACOB BOWMAN, Sheriff.- •'
Sheriff's Office, ( .
' Juno 17, 1858—Ot - £ • ..a
Some! king I¥cwv
HAVING bought the entire,Stock of Grocer
ies, formerly owned by John 6. Wllnafifs,
end.removdd the same to Adam SqnscjSoan’s
anw Store-room,, directly opposite the union:
Hotel, on West High street,, I have employed
C; P. Egbert, to assist In the business' of tßtf,
same, and will keep Consfanllydn haAd agopdT
assortment of
Groceries, Queensware,
and every tiling in. the lino of a. Grocer. 1
would respectfully solicit a share of (ho.patrotu
ago of our immediate friends, as welt,ksf pat ot
the public in general, whoso favors shall be rd
ciprocated in the most satisfactory manner b£
giving them the worth ol their money. . .. .
. WM. L. HALLfiB.
■Carlisle, March 18, 1868;
Spring «fc Smnincr CfooftSi
rpHE subscriber is just opening ono of tbo
t largest and’best assortment of Spring and
Summer Goods over offered to the public. His.
stock lias been selected with great care ttortt tha
largest And bestTionses; fn New Yorii prid Ehf{ff
delphfn, and every effort made', to obtain fffow-;
test and most fashionable styles In the market-'
Ho thinks bo will hp able to please evety; varie.
fy.of tasfo at such low pl’i’cPs as ivere never bp-,
foi'o offered in this place.'
Ladies Dic'si Goods.
Plain, black, moire, antique; barred, striped
and (Igurod 1 silks, do b’eges, botrigo de lames, 1
bereges, alpacas, &e.
While Goods! , , ■ ■
Such as nainsook, plain and figured musfinfl,'
cambrics, jaconet's, bishop lawns,brilliants; '
j Embroideries.
, A large stock, of French worked collars, uni
derslooves, handkerchiefs, flouncing, edgings,
laces, irisertfrigs, direct from the importers id
New York, and will be sold very cheap;. •
A largo assortment of elegant bonnet libbons,
which ho intends soiling very I6W.
Domestic Goods.
Bleached and iinbleaih'ed Iln'en and cotton
sheetings, table linens, dhecks, tickings, gibg
hams, Osnnburg’s bags and bagging, calicoes,
counterpanes, table arid piano covers, curtain,
inuslins, all colors of Carpet chain arid cotton
Twist. . . '
A large arid splendid assortment of Stella and,
Thibet Shawls.
Gentlemen’s Wear! ..
Cloths, cassimoys,. vestings,’ tweeds, cottori
ades, linen and silk handkerchiefs.
Carpets and Oil Cloths. ',
A very largo lot 6( three-ply ingrain. Vent,
lion, Hemp and 'Hag Carpets;, Druggets, Oil
Cloths of all wld'ths, Bugs and Carpet Bags! ;
A largft - assortment of trunks', all sizes and.
quality; also looking-glasses, which he . intend*;
selling very cheap. . ■
A large assortment of ladies’ and childrtit’s
shoes, which ho iriteAds selling Vtrj therip at
the old stand, North Hanover street; thrfct floor*
north ol the Carlisle Deposit Bank. RriteSpedt..
fully invites the public to call arid eiamlne M*i
stock before,purchasing; as every effort will Bo
made to give perfect satisfaction to, those who
mriy favor him with a. call,.
Carlisle, April 1,1858.
Valuable I.lHicstone Farm at
SITUATE bn the Yellow Breeches Creek,
about five and a-half miles south oast of
Carlisle, in -Monroe township, containing. 92
ACRES of Land, in. a high State of cpltivntioti.
J n|C. ; ■ The .Improvements are a Mtge
fiSnllllli® ' TWO BIOBV BTONK
Mansion House,
HOUSE, and other. oiit-buildirtgs/'. A large
90 feet long, with two, threshingflpora, mows,
'granaries, Wagpn Shed, Corn Cribs, and other
conveniences, also, an excellent Carriage Housei
and a grain shed sufficiently large to hold 12 or
14 loads of grain or hay. .
An excellent well, of 'standing wa(er with a
pump, and a beautifid spring of water which
rises In the spring house. An Orcbtrf contain
ing apples and other fruit'.- Abont TOOO
of Lime has been put op the farm. he«MwMf
orc l im.„ioo
healthy ono. nnd eligible In ovcrypolnt of view.
For terras arid further particulars'enquire of
Rtal Estate .Agent and Serivtnni
March ;18,18qy—U . ;i