American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, October 22, 1857, Image 4

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    FftOTDNE mm lltc BBIVE.
A military officer with whom wo have tong
boon liitlroato. relates two Incidents connected
with Oroghtra’s gallant defence nt Fort Steven
son] ono of whioh affords a strong positive,and
tho other a strong negative proof of tho above
quoted adage. As tho British and Indians, In
tbblr operations, had violated tholr pledge, and
usage of civilized warfare, by wantonly murder*
log tholr prisoners, tho members of Crogham’s
llltlo band (only ono hundred strong, with a
single six-pounder, and surrounded by about
six hundred British troops, and thrice that num
ber of Indians) had mutually agreed to stand
tholr ground to tho last, and soil their lives ns
dearly osposslblo. When all was ready, tho
British commander sent; a messenger, under a
Bag el truce, to for a surrender of (ho fort.
Orogham, potntiijg to him as ho approached, ex
claimed, not do to lot him ontor here,
and 430 Dur weakness; who will volunteer to
mepiblm 7” -As it was pretty certain that who
ever, should leave tho fort on such a mission
would bo murdered by tho dastard foe, (hero
was a brief piftiso, when Ensign Shipp replied
“I will, upon ono condition. "What Is it/”
asked the Captain. Pledge mo your word, as
ap officer and s roan of honor, that you will keep
(httgQP l bearing directly upon mo, and (hat you
will tiro it offtho moment you seo mo raise my
hpnd.. The pledge was given, and Shipp went
forth. To alt arguments and persuasions of the
enemy, bis unvarying reply was, “I am Instruct
ed,to say that wo defend (ho fort.” Soon the
Ipdiaps began to surround him. Ono clutched
his epaulette, another his sword. Shipp, who'Hefcuioan frame, released himself
by a j&woVfu) qffort, and turning to tho envoy,
cooiy said, “Sir, I have not put myself under
tho protection if your truce without knowing
youygtflto'qf warfdre. You see that gun,” "aid
ho, po»nlpi£ to tlio solitary six pounder. It is }
well charged with grape, aod I have tho solemn
pledge pt my commander that it shall be fired at
tho, very moment that 1 give the signal. There
fore, restrain these men, and respect tho laws
of vtar, or you shall instantly accompany mo to
tho other world.” This was enough. Shipp
wad rtP mdro molested; ho returned to hiscotu
rodcp ln safety, fought out thadosperuto action
and obtained promotion for his hra
. yefjv' t Tho counter instance referred to at tho
head of dnlr paragraph was told ns follows : After
tbdßritish and Indians had withdrawn, Crogham
missed ono man (only one) who had belonged to
this little band, and all efforts for his discovery
rtoro, for somo time, unsuccessful. At Inst his
were discovered in the garret of ono of
£«he block houses, where ho had crept for safety,
'and was cat In two by a cannon ball. All (he
rest, considering their chances for life not worth
a thought, had only sought to do their duty,
and escaped alive from perhaps (ho most despe
rate fight on record. The only man that was
killed happened to bo the only man that proved
himself a coward.
Tho Veiled Picture.
A story Is told of two artist lovers, both of
whom sought the hand of & noted painter’s
daughter. And the question, which of the two
shonld possess himself of the prize so earnestly
coveted by both, having come finally to tho fa
ther, he promised to give his child to tho one
that could paint tho best. So each strove for
tho maiden, with tho highest skill his genius
could command. Ono painted a picture of
fruit, and displayed U to tho father’s inspection
fn a beautiful grove, where gny birds sang sweet
ly among tho foliage, and oil nature rejoiced in
the luxuriance of bountiful life. Presently the
birds came down to the canvass of tho young
pdntpr, and attempted to cat the fruit ho had
pictured thcro. In bis surprise and joy at (bo
young artist’s skill, the father declared that no
one could triumph over that.
Soon, however, tho socond lover came with
his picture, and it was veiled.
“ Take tho veil from your painting,” sold (ho
old man.
“ I. leave that to you,” said the young artist
with simplicity.
The lather of tho young and lovely maiden
thou -approached tho veiled picture, and at
tempted to uncover it. But imagine his aston
ishment, wpeu. os ho attempted to take off the
veil, ho found tho veil itself to bo a picture!—
Wo need not say who was tho lucky lover; for
if tho artist,*who deceived tiro birds by skill in
painting fruit, manifested great powers of art,
ho who could so veil Ids canvass with the pen
cil as to deceive a skilful master, was surely the
greatest artist.—A. Y. JJtlas.
What in Democracy.
The Hon. Win. Allen, formerly United Slates
Senator, from Ohio, gives the following an
swer to this question. It is eloquent and
J is a sentiment not to be ap
palled, corrupted or compromised. Tt knows
no baseness, it cowers to no danger—it op-
Grosses no weakness. Fearless, generous and
uiuldo, it rebukes tho arrogant* cherishes
honor, and sympathizes with tho humble. It
asks nothing but what it dcro*hds. Destruc
tive only to despotism, it ip'Hic solo conserva
tive of liberty, labor and'property. It is the
scmin»«nt of freedom, c» equal rights, of equal
obligations. It is tl/law of nature pervading
the Taw of tho liThe stupid, tno selflsn
and the base iiyfpinl may denounce it aa a
vulgar thing in the history of our race,
Democratic/T^incipie has developed and illus
trated theXhghcsl moral and intellectual attri
butes nature. Yes, that is a noble, mag.
naniroo*s> and sublime sentiment, which ex
pandaour afirclioos, enlarges the circle of our
and* clcvaica the soul of roan, un
til claiming an equality with the best, ho re
jects, as unworthy of lus dignity, any political
iminumtks over the humblest of his followers.*'
Social Intercourse.—There is a false nc
neisily with which we continually surround l
ourselves—a restraint of conventional forms,
under whose influence men and women rhiek
their impulses, and suppress their higher!,
thoughts. Gach longs for a free communica
tion with othei souls, but dares not give utter
ance to his yearnings. What hinders 1 The
fear of what Mia. Somebody wilt say ; or the
frown of some sect ; or iho anathema of SCme
synod { or the fashion clique ; or the laugh ol
some club; ot die omieprcseaioiion of some
political parly. Thou art afraid of ihy neigh
bor, aod knoweat that he is equally afraid of
thee. He has bound Ihy hands, and tlmu hast
fettered his feoi. It were wiser for both to
soap Iho imaginary bund,, and w alk onward un
What is there of joyful f-cedom in our so
cial Intercourse! We wish to enjoy ourselves,
and lake away all oar freedom while wo de
stroy hit own. If the host wishes to ride or
walk, he dares not, lost it should seem impo
lite to the guests. So they remain slaves, ,n,J
feel it a relief to part company A inv indi
viduals, mostly in foreign lauds, arrange this
matter with wlsct wisdom.
If ft visitor sriive, they say I am very busy
10-day; If you want to work, »ho men are ra
king nay in the field ; if you want io road to
me, t can be with you at such an hour* Go
where you please, and while you arc hero do
as you please.
At houses in Floronco, parties meet without
the slightest preparation. It is understood
ihat.on some particular evening of the week
n lady or gentleman always receive their
friends, (none room are books and flowers,
in another pictures and engravings, in a third
mosio. Couples aro ensconced in some sha
ded'alcove, or groups dotted about the rooms
io mirthful or serious conversation. No man
is required to speak to his host, either in enter
ing or departing. Lemonade-and baskets of
fruit Otidd here and therein iho side tables,
that all may take who like, but eating, rffatdh
oonslifttlea-so-great apart of American enter,
(alntnenti fa a sliont and almost unnoticed In
cident at these festivals of intellect and taste.
Wouldel thou like to see social frooflom
duoedboral Then do it. Dul the Aral'step
must be complete Indifference to Mrs. Some
body’s asserildii that you are mean enough to
offer only one, kind of cake to.your company,
and put less shortening in the undhrorust of
your pie than the upper. Let Mrs. Somebody
talk according to. her giftst b#Mbon assured
that oil Hvingsouls lovo freodom bettor than
cakes or undeiorosU
Ho, For Cheap Goods at Arnolds.
First Arrival of the Season.
THE subscriber is Just opening ono of tho
largest and host stock of Fail and Winter
goods ever oObrod to tho public in Carlisle.—
Ills stock has been selected with great core
from tho largest and best houses in Now York
and Philadelphia, and every effort made to ob
tain tile latest and most fashionable stylos in tho
market. 110 thinks iio will bo able to please
every variety of taste, nt such low prices as
woro novel offered before in Carlisle.
Ladles’ Dresfl Goods,
Plain Blade, Moire Antique, Bard, Striped and
figured Silks, French Morinns, Onshenicrs, Co
bnrges, Finds, figured striped and plain all wool
Detains, Alupaca, Dobeges, &c.
Will! A Goods,
Such ns Nainsook, plain and figured Muslin,
Cambrics, Jnekonetts, Bishop Lawns, Brilliants,
Boblnctts, &c.
An immense stock of French worked Collars,
Cndersloeves, Handkerchief,Flouncings, Edg
ings, Laces and Insortings, just direct from tho
importers in Now York, and will bo sold very
Ribbons, Ribbons.
An immense assortment of elegant Bonnet Rib.
bons, which he intends to soil at very low pri
Domestic Goods.
Bleached and unnleached Linen and . botton
Sheetings, Table Linens, Checks, Tickings,
Ginghams, Osnaburga, Bags and Bagging, Cot
ton and Wool Flannels all colors,- Sack. Flan
nels, Calicoes, Qiankots, Counterpanes, Table
Covers, Piano Covers, Curtain Muslins, &0., al
so, all colors of Carpet Chain and Cotton Twist..
A largo and elegant stock of Stella, Thibet, Bay,
Statu and Brocha Shawls, also, nn assortment of
Gentlemens’ Shawls, all of which will bo cold
very cheap.
Furs, Furs.
A very largo and handsome assortment of La
dies’and Childrens’ Furs, which ho intends to
dispose of at very low prices.
Gentlemens’ Wear,
Cloths, Cnsslraers,Vestings, Cassinetls, Tweeds,
Jeans, Silk and Woollen Undershirts and Draw
ers, Liuon and Silk llakfs, &c.
Carpels, Oil Clollit, &c.
A very large lot ol throe ply, ingrain, Venetian,
Hemp and Rng Carpets, Druggets, Oil Clqths ol
all widths, Rugs and Carpet Bags. ,
Tranks Trunks.
A largo lot of Trunks of all sizes and quality.
Lot)king Gluhscs.
lie lias a largo lot of Looking Glasses, which ho
intends to soil off at a low figure.
A largo assortment of Ladies’ and Childrens’
Shoes which ho will sell cheap at (ho old stand
in Nortb Hanover street, three doors North of
the Carlisle Bank. lie respectfully invites the
public to call and examine his stock beforepur
chasing, as every effort will bo made to give
perfect satisfaction to those who may favor him
with a call. I’UILIP ARNOLD.
October 1, 1807.
Now Full Goods.
I am now opening a lot of Elegant Fall Shawls,
Ladies’ new stylo dress goods, Embroideries,
fee. Cull and sou them at the cheap store.
Carlisle, Sept. 17, 1857.
Fish, Cfiecst and Provision
No. 89 (* 40 North Wharves, half-way between
Arch and Race Streets, Phila.
March 12, 1857—1 y
nINTZ & BROTHER have just opened
ono of (ho largest and best assortments of
Dry Goods over brought to Carlisle. Their
stock has been selected with unusual care, from
the best houses in New York nod Philadelphia,
and every effort made to obtain.the latest and
most fashionable stylos of dross. They (latter
themselves they will bo able to suit every varie
ty of tasto, at prices as low or lower than they
can bo bought hero or In tlio clfy.
Snch ns Black Silk JlolxA, Fancy Silk Rolmjs,
Foulard Silks, Bayadere Silks, Moire Antique,
Poplin., Arginnn"
Botnbar.ino, Crape do Espcgno’ S' Cl o, li.
Tamarlluc, Alpacq,.otl W- Lalno, Cash
mere. ’
A full of White Dross Goods—
Naina*-'* Muslins, Victoria Lawns, Figured
&c.j Yolvcls, for Mantles j While and
Black Crape Shawls, Stella, Thibet, Mode aud
Brocha do., Spring do., &c.; bonnets, bonnet
satins, ribbons, flowers, etc.; coronation, cm
volla and cHnollno skirts; brass hoops; also"
collars, undorsloevcs, standkcrchlofa, In grqal
Cloths, Citi-dmorea, drup dc (\ cuahmcrets,
summer cusslmorcs, oottonudcB,silk undershirts,
linens, handkerchiefs, etc.
Blcqchgd and liqbluached linen and cottOQ,
slioeting, lablo table covers, piano.dt>i,
counterpanes, straw hats and flats, looking
glasses, shades oi all kinds,
nnibroltfts, muslins, and every variety of dry
goods in common use.
Wo have Just laid in a largo stock of tapestry
klngrain, Imperial, mixed and rug carpets, oil
cloths, matting, etc., at lowest prices. Wo re
spectfully Invito the public to call and examine
our stdek before purchasing, ns wo have bought
oup assortment at such talcs that wo cannot bo
Spcciali attention paid to furnishing goods
from tho city, per order, n( shortest notice.
bVory effort will ho made by the firm to give
satisfaction to those who may favor them with a
cn». BENTZ $ DUO.
cheap jut, cap, jioor Jijij> shoe
Cornea of Public Square, oh-oute Market
WE Invito the attention of the public to our
largo and varied assortment of Goods,
which will bo sold as cheap as al any other es
tablishment in Carlisle. Wo have every variety
of ilots, for Mon, Boys and Children, made of
excellent material and of every grade and price.
Also, a splendid assortment of Straw Hals,
Caps, and Infants’ Hats, ready (rimmed. Alt
kinds ot Cloth and Glazed Caps, from 25 cents
Our stock ol Boots and Shoos cannot bo ox
celled, and uo Invito our old trlonds and cus
tomers, as well as others, to call and examine
our slock, as wo feel confident ol our ability to
please. 3
All kinds of Ladles’, Misses’ and Childrens’
Goiters, oi the best material, constantly on hand
v J * KfiLLEIi.
si. If.—All rips sowed gratis.
Carlisle, May 7, 1867.
TP,?* -LADIES I Wo have Just received
afresh Invoke of those beautiful fall stylo
ail wool Ddlalnoe, which have already received
the opprobatlon of all who have scon thorn to
.which wo Invito Vour attention. ’
j Ahio, 1 case ofnewstyloSloHorShawls. Call
soon at tho'choap store of
September 10, 1857. BENTZ h BRO.
JUST received, a fresh supply of Perfumer
los, Hair Oils, Pomades, Hair Restoratives,
Coloring Fluid, Soaps and Extrncls of every
'Variety, for salo at small by
January 0, 1067. D. J. KIEPFEII.
ORGANDYS, French Lawns and Brilliants,
of ovory stylo and quality, can bo had
cheaper than evor offered In-Carlisle, at 4ho
now store of J. A. HUMRIOII,
Carlisle, April 28, 1857. ' ;
r. j< nnAiiAitK j. i,. n'nowKDL, s. m. davidson.
GenehUl Land Agents, 1
Leavenworth tyVy, Kanaaa Territory*
WILL buy, sell and locate lands In Kansas
and Nebraska Territories, lowa $ West
ern Missouri, buy and sell lands, loan and Invest
money, buy and sell drafts, give information re
specting (ho country, and do a general agency
Reference— John B; Bratton, Esq., Carlisle]
W. M. Bootcra, Banker, Carlisle; lion. Jas. 11.
Graham, Carlisle; Ker, Brennoniun St Co., Bank
ers, Carlisle: \V. M. Henderson, Esq., Carlisle;
Geo. Sanderspn, Erq., Lancaster Pa.; John A.
Ahl, Member Congress,Ncwvilld, Pn.; Wm. S.
Cobunn, Newvillc, Pa.; Hon. M. Cocklln, Shep
bordslown, Pa.; Henry Ri*lnmn*& Son’s, Morch.
ants, Ball. Md.; E. J. Blake, Esq., Cashier of
Mercantile Bank, N. T.; Snyder Kt M’Fnrlnno,
Real Estate Agents, Minninnopolls, Min. Tor.;
Wm. Kilgore, Esq., Attorney & Real Estate
Agent, Sterling,* 111.; H. W. Matocr. Esq., Hen
ry City, III.; Ex-Gov. J. Rltncr, Cumb. co., Pn.
E. W. Clark & Co., Bankers, Pbila.; Gov. Pol
lock, Harrisburg, Pa.
March 5,1857—1 y
M'HE. twenty-third session (5 monk.) will com
monco Nov 2d. A now building has been
erected containing Gymnasium, Music Room,
be. With increased facilities for instruction,
and ampio accommodations, this Institution
presents great inducements to parents who de
sire tbo physical and mental improvement of
their sons.
Terms per session, $7O 00
For circulars with Bill information address
5 ' R. K. BURNS, '
Principal and Proprietor .
Plainfield, Cumb. co., Oct. 1, 1867.
Best Family Coal.
THE subscribers arc now prepared to furnish
tho citizens of Carlisle with the best of
COALS for family use at tbo following prices :
Lykcns Valley, Broken and Egg, Lancaster
Colliery, Locust Mountain, ikjko Fiddler,-and
Trovorton, at $4,50, all ro-sarccned and deliv
ered any place in tho borough. Also, Lime
Coal, in tho yard nt $8,25, and Blacksmith’s
Coal. *
Always on hand all kinds of LUMBER, and
cheaper than ever. Our motto is to pluaso.—
Ail persons using the above articles will please
give us a call.
October 8, 1867,
To Carpcnicrs, Builders,
And Fanners.
THE subscribers would rospcclfuilyannomico
to the public, that thoi* ore now prepared to
furnish the following described articles of Lum
ber : First Common end Pannol Plank, and
Boards of all thickness; Common Boards and
of white pine; Hemlock Joicc and Scant
ling, of all sizes and lengths; White Pino and
Yellow Pine Flooring, worked; nil kinds of Pal
ing and Plastering Laths; Pino ft Cyprus Shin
gles of all qualities; Shingling Lath and Strip
ing, and Fencing Boards 20 feel long. All tim
bers sawed to order, by leaving (heir bills, ol
all lengths and sizes, (pine, oak and hemlock.)
Sash, Doors, Blinds and Mouldings ready for
use. Tlio above »ill bo furnished on tho most
reasonable terms, and a( the shortest notice.
To Coal Comumers. —We have constantly on
hand all kinds of
Family Coal,
such as. Lykcns Valley, Short Mountain, Tro
vorlon, Locust Mountain, Luke Fiddler, Sun.
bury, Wilkcsbarro, and tho. Broad Top, for
Blacksmiths; all of which wo will delivered to
any part of (he town as low as it Can bo bought
nt any yard In the town for cash or country pro
duce. Cool ail ro-serconed and delivered clean.
By .strict attention to business, wo Jjopo to jo.
ccivo a libera) share of public patronage.
You will find our Yard in tlio eastern end of
tlio borough, opposite the Gas Works. Onr
office hereafter will bo kept opposite Bcntz &
, Bros, store, in the office now occupied by David
Smith, Esq. All orders loft at tlio office or at
cither of tho snbscrlbprs’ residences,''qn West
Pomfrot street, oral East street, will bopromp*.
ly attended to. /
Carlisle, Juno 4, 1 857. ‘, . ,
saw nut,
sas/j aud book factor y, 4,.
-*• P'Jliml county, hare made arrangements
Ud’fvhlch they can, at short notice, fill nil orders.
They will keep constantly on hand Worked boards
for Flooring and Wcatljcrboardlng, and also
make to order Sash, Door Frames, Doors, Ac.,
and all work required lor house building. Our
arrangements and facilities are such that will
enable us to furnish everything In our lino at as
favorable terms as can bo got at tho river or at
Harrisburg. All work warranted to bo what U
la represented. Thankful for past favors, wo
respectfully solicit a continuance ol the same.
Juno -1, 1857—Cm
Hover’s Liquid Hair Dye.
THIS Hair Dye needs only a (rial to satisfy all
of Us perfection ns n Dye, and Iho following
tcstlruoulal Irom that eminent Analytic Chemist,
Professor Booth, of the [I. S. Mint, will only
confirm-what thousands have previously borne
testimony to.
Laboratory for Practical Chemistry, J
Si. Stephen’s Place, (
Phlln. Feb. 17, 1857. \
“Being well acquainted with tho substances
composing Hover's Liquid Hair Dvo, I am sat-
Isllod that by following the simple direction
given for its use, It will not Injure tho hair or
Hkln, but will give a natural and durable color
to tho hair.
JAMES C. BOOTH, Analytic Chemist.’
Uortr't HVt/iug lnk», including Hover’*
I* luiil, and Hover s Indelible Inks, are too well
known and Introduced to require any addition,
al testimony of their character. Tho sales hart
been increasing sfneo their first Introduction,
giving evidence that the articles truly posses*
that Intrinsic merit claimed at first for them hj
(he manufacturer.
Orders addressed to the manufactory, No.
•fll’i Race street above Fourth, (old No. 144,)
Philadelphia, will receive prompt attention by
JOSEPH K. HOVER, il/atiu/ac/ttrer.
April Itt, 1857—1 y
NOTICE is hereby given that appllcallon will
bo irftulo to the nest Legislature of Ponn
sylvanln, to alter the charter of the Carlisle Do
posit Bank, located In the Borough of Carlisle.
Cumberland county, so as to confer upon said
Bank tho rights and privileges of a bank of is
sue, and to change Its name to tho Carlisle
Bunk. Also, to increase tho capital of said
Bank, (which is at present seventy-two thou
sand dollars with tho privilege oflncrcaslng tho
same under its present charter to one hundred
thousand dollars) to three hundred- thousand
dollars. W. M. BEETEM, Cathier.
July 2,1857—0 m
Attorney at law. onico with Judge
Hepburn, on East Main street. AH Imsi.
noss Intrusted to his care will bo promptly at
tended to.
March 20, 1857.
‘l/’jERY IMPORTANT. Spruit’s Patent Solf
v Sealing Cans for preserving Fruits, Green
Corn, Peas, Tomatoes, Ac. Every Fanner and
Housekeeper should bo a purchaser. For sale
al city prices, at (ho cheap hardware store of
An g* 27. 11. SAXTON.
Just Received
A LARGE lot of superior Sugar Cured Ilains
and Beef, warranted to bo sound and good.
Also, an excellent assortment of Preserve Cans
and Jars for sale cheap at Il'Wfanu’ Fatuity
July 80 1857.
of Bituminous Cool, from tho colobrated
« Lemon” Minos, receiving and for salo by
September 8, 1857. v
South Ilanooer Si., opposite Denies* Store,
THE subscriber lias on hand a largo and wo]
selected stock of
Ilcad-Stones, Monumrnis,
TOMBS, &c., of chaste and beautlfbl designs,
which ho will sell at tho lowest possible rates,
Doing desirous of selling out his stock. Head
stones finished from three dollars upwards. .
Brown stono, marblo-work, mantels, &0., for
buildings, marblo slabs for furniture, &c., con
stantly on hand. Iron railing for cometary lots,
&c., of tho bust Philadelphia workmanship,
will bo promptly attended to.
Carlisle,-March 27, 1850.
THE subscriber lias just returned from tho
city, nhd Is now opening, next door to Cos
tamagna’s hotel, in North Hanover street, a
splendid assortment ol now and cheap'DUV
GOODS, 'comprising Cloths, Cassimeres, Pants
Stuff, Tweeds, Cheeks, Tickings, Do Lnlncs,
Do Beges, Ghaltys, Calicoes, Lawns, Glnglmqjs,
Alpacas, Bombazines, Silks, Hosiery, Gloves,
Bonnets, Uibbons, Hats and Parasols.
GROCERIES of all kiuds and best quality.
Also, a largo stock of fcoOTS and SHOES, all
of which ho will mil aS clioap as any bouse in
Butter, Eggs, pngs,. Son]) and Dried Frail
(ukon at market prices.
Don’t forget the place, next door to Costa
niugna’a (formerly MaglmicliHn’s) hotel.
N. VT. WOODS, Agent.
Carlisle, May 21, 18Gfr.
B. J. KIEFFCR, Druggist,
HAS moved his store from the former stanp
to his now building immediately opposite*
and adjoining Mr. C. laholf’s Store. Having
made every arrangement to preserve his medi
cines IVcsh and pure, .and having replenished
his assortment of carefully selected drugs, ho
is now again prepared to attend to business
with core and promptness. His assortment
will tarnish almost every thing that may he
called for, cither J>y the physician, or the fan l
ly, for domestic liso. Thu greatest care and
precaution will ho observed in the componn
ding of proscriptions and dispensing of medi
cines. Ilis assortment of confectionaries and
fancy goods is very general, and will enable
purchasers to suit themselves.
Now Ware.
A6KNGRAL assortment of China, Glass
and Qucenswnre, has just been added to our
former stock. Every variety of Tea or Dinner
sets, either ChinA or*Grani(c, may bo selected
from our assortment of (ho latest stylo and fln
<paf\ish, as well as Plates, Dishes, Cups and
gaf Saucers, Bowls, Pitchers, Teapots, &c.
mm Also, Toilet setts of various patterns,
together with Anisina, Tboth boxes, ahd other
necessary articles. A lino selection of French
and Gorman China FANCY ARTICLES, em
bracing (ho useful as well ns ornamental—among
which are highly gill and decorated CoflucCnps,
Vases, Mugs, Toy sets. Fruit Stands, Fancy
Boxes, &c., as well es Glassware in every vari
ety. All for sale nt the lowest markij price,
and to &11 of which we invite a call from our
friends and customers
. . • . J. W. EBY.
Carlisle, Dec. 23,185G.^‘-
. Family C'lfticcric*.
JUST received n largo addition to mv stock of
«/ Family Groceries, among which will i>o found
si°As fl €? J ’ n }» Java and Roasted OOF
«"tl Brown,
iiUQASISi I/crvpHng's Syrnj). New Od*^J —iTI
Sugar lIouso^OLASSE&F I ‘AT’
Soda, Cream -^P*
nlc? BJrtck, Hyson, Impe. t
extra TEAS; Spices of every n
'lfiSrßw variety. Chocolate, Cocoa, Farina and
rrr'"T'iff Bron - Beaus, Hominy, Cranberries, Ma
caroni, Gribs Table OU, K.efchupi Pepper Sauce ,
Preserved Poaches, Pino Apples and SlrnwWtl
rlcßj Fickols, Gorkins, Halims arid Plcsolim
Fresh Lobsters, he.
I call special attention my large stock of
Segars and
which Is not excelled in the town. Lovers of
the weed can ho suited citScrln quality or price.
i armors will find Oils of an excellent quality.
Also “White Grease,” a fobshtuto lor Tar.
M/TCKERAL No. I, 2and3. While Fish,
ohnd, Smoked Herring, g/c. J
All ol the above articles are fresh, and will
bo sold low for cash, or Country Produce taken
in exchange. <
Carlisle, January 8, 1867.
Saxton'H Spring Arrival I
THE suliseriber has lust returned trout the
eastern cities, and would call the attention
of tils friends and the jntbllc generally, (o the
largo ami well selected Assortment of Hardware
which he has now on hand, consisting In part of
siioli ns nails, screws, lunges, bolls, locks, glass
ot every description Qll d quality, white, polish,
od American, French, enameled and double
tlilck of all sizos, paints, oils, varnishes, Sec.
1 ooh, including tools of every descrip
tion, saws, planes, braces, bits, augurs, squares,
gauges, flics, rasps, hammers, vices, screw plates
anvils, blacksmith bollboß, &o.
Hhocmukm and Sadjlcn, will fled a largo ns
•orimont of tools of every description, together
with ladles and gentlemen's Morocco lining,
binding, patent and Pencil cult shins, awls, shoo
thread, wax, pegs, histo, harness mountings,col.
«nrs, girthing, whip Blocks, deer hair, saddle
trees, he.
Coaehmakert TWs and trimmings of all kinds,
snoh as nubs, spokes, felloes, shafts, bows, door
oloth, canvass, cloth, damnsk, fringe, lace,
mass, uxlou, springs,-bolts, clips, Ac. *
Cabinel.vtokcrt will find ci largo nssortmont o(
varnishes, oak, wglniit, and maliognny veneers,
knobs of nil kinds aipl sizes, mouldings, rosots,
Imir cloth, plushftCQrled hair, chair and sola
springs, &c.
Housekeepers will disc find a largo assortment
of knives and forks, Britannia and’Silver plated
table and tea spoons, candlesticks, waiters,
snovcM, longs, iron (ind brass kettles, pans.fcc.
together will, Ccdomaro of all kinds, such as
tuba, buckets, chums, &o.
dgrlcntlural Implements, embracing plows of
all kinds, cultivators, boos, shovels, rakes,forks
chains, &o. , ,
Iron, n largo stock, which I am solllngat city
Uoraembor tlio o|d stand, East Main stroot.
„ „ , „ lIENHY SAXTON.
Carlisle, March 12,1857.
Jo'll ll IiCC,
OFFICE In thol roar ot Court Houso, In the
room formorMocquplod by Hugh Gaullahor.
Carlisle, May 21, 1857—tf
SPONGES. Bathing Sponges, best largo.
Small do., Sheep Wool do., Surgeon do.s
Medium Medical'do., Common Swerve, &c.<j
just received and ifor sale by ;
January 8, 1857. B. J. KIEFFEU.
WINDOW t^IIApKS—Tho finest, largest
and cheapest assortment of window shades
can bo had at thef now store of
_ „ „„ J. A. IlCil/KICII, Jn.
Carlisle, May 38, 1857.
6585588 d&ifel
machine shop, oar factory and
THIS extensive establishment Is nqwln com*
ploto order, and supplied with tho best ma
chinery for executing work in every department.
Tho buildings have also boon greatly enlarged
this spring, ami stocked with tho newest and
most Improved tools for tho mamil'acttdo of
Doors, Window Frames, Sash,'
Shutters, Blinds, Mouldings, Brackets and all
other kinds of Carpenter work. Wo invito
Builders, Carpenters and others to call and ex
amine our facilities for doing this description of
work; The best materials used, and prices
as low as nt any other establishment in (he
county or elsewhere.
Steam Engines Built to Order
and repaired ns heretofore. Engines havo been
recently built for W. M. Henderson & Son, in
this borough, R. Bryson & Co.. Allen township,
Ahl & Brothers, Ncwvilie, Shade 8c iVelsei,
North Middleton, and others, nt whoso estab
lishments they may be scon in daily operation,
and to whom wo can retbr for evidence of lliolr
Iron and Brass Castings
of every description, from tho smnlfcM to tho
heaviest pieces,,exocu(ed nt short notice, for
every kind of machinery. A largo variety of
mill castings now on hand. Two skillful Pat
tern makers constantly employed. REPAIR
ING promptly attended for Paper Mills, Dis
tilleries, Grist Mills, Factories, &c. Turning
and Fitting Mill Spindles, &c., done in tho best
Threshing Machines and Horse
sncli ns Bovil Goar Four Horse Powers, Hori
zontal Gear Four ami Two Horse Powers, Corn
Shelters, Crushers, Iron Rollers, Plough Cast
ings, anil other aiticlcs for farmers, on hand or
promptly made to order.
Burden Cars Built
am! repaired. Our lucilities for building Cars
arc now more complete than heretofore, and en
ables m to furnish them to transporfers on the
railroad on accommodating terms, and mode of
(ho best materials. Orders solicited and entire
satisfaction guaranteed.
The long experience In the business of the
senior partner of tho firm, and the completeness
of our machinery in every branch of (lie estab
lishment, warrant us in assuring tho host work
to all who favor us with their orders. The con
tinued patronage of our old friends and the pub
lic is respectfully solicited.
May 21, 1867—1 y
Allon and East Ponnsboro’ Mutual Firo
Insurance Company ot Cumberland comity,
Incorporated by an act of Assembly, is now fully
organized, and in operation under tho manage,
mont of the following Managers, viz i
Daniel Bally, Win. U. Gorgas, Michael Cock
lln, Molchoir Bronnoman, Christian Staymnn,
John C. Dunlap, Jacob 11. Coover, Lewis Ilyer,
Henry Logan, Bcnj. H. Musser. Jacob Mummn,
Jos. Wlokersham and Alexander Cathcnrt.
Tho rates of Insurance are ns low and fnvora. I
bio as any Company ofthe kind in the State.—
Persons wishing to become members are Invi
ted to make application to (he Agents ot the
Company who arc willing la wait upon (hem at
any time.
llknrr Lofu.v, Vice Pics.
Lewis Hveb, Sect’ry,
Mioiiaki. Cockli.v, Treasurer.
Aug. 1(1, ’66.
• Cumberland County. —Rudolph Marlin, New
r Cumberland; C. B. Herman, Kingstown; Henry
Zcarlng, Sliircmanslown; Charles Bell, Carlisle;
Samuel Graham, Westponnsboro’; Jas. M/Dow
cll, Frankford; Mode Griflllh, South Middleton;
Samuel Woodburn, Dickinson; Samuel Coover,
. B.opj. Ilaveretick; Mcchanlcshurg; John Slier*
* rick, Lisburn ; David Coover, Shcphcrdstow*' _
York County. —John Bowman. »*’«yyjtcg;-'P.
Wofford, Frankila* < J-Vr“ u l r’ Wll9h -
Hover; J. W. Craft. Pa-
Jfarmburg.— Jloxitex; St £oohman; —
Members Of (ho Company havinffpolfcfcsabout I
to expire, can have them renewed by making
application to any of the Agents.
Ilardw ro Ilurdu-siro
XOIIN P. Nh it SON. have just received
u tholr Fall stock of Hardware, which is unn.
tmally largo, and In connection with their for
mor heavy slock makes it one of the largcsUnd
most varied assortments over offered to the pub
lc. They have everything that the Farmer, the
Uuildwr, the JUuclmnrc. or the public mny want
in their line, and which they are sciHiig-nt the
very lowest prices. They solicit a call from the
public before making their purchases, as fhoy
are confident they can offer such Inducements
to the buyer that will fully reward him for his
Fooling thankful to the generous public for
their former very liberal patronage, a contlmm
lion of the same is solicited, at our old stand in
North Hanover street, Carlisle.
October 0, 1850.
Carlisle Deposit Dank.
SPECIAL Deposits will bo received at this
Bank, incorporated by the State of Pennsyl
vania, for as short u period as four months, and
interest paid at the rate of Five per cent, por
annum, and the principal paid back at any time
after maturity, without notice. Interest ceases
after the expiration of thofimo specified In the
certificate, unless renewed for another given pc.
riud ot fonr months or longer, in which case the
interest is paid up until the time of the renew,
al. Bank opuns at \) o’clock A. M. and closes
at 8 o’clock P. M. y order of the Board of
W. M. BEETEM, Cashier.
December 26, 186(1.
mi. ». e. Looms,
SOUTH IlanOvor' Street, noil door to tbo
1 ost UJflcc.
N I). Will bo absent from Carlisle tho lust
ten dnj H o( oa«h month,
August 10, 1860.
,f)S&ra& i>k.gbo.B.Beabigiit^
from the Baltimore College 0/ Denial Surgery.
Onioo ot Iho residence of Ids mollier, Eusl
Loutlinr street, three doom helonr Bcdlord
licleronce— Dn. Gro. 2. Uuktz.
March 10, 1867.
WntclivH, Jowliy mid Silver
TVlm la, l ’" o ."™ , i ", vi,c i l t 0 0011 <“"> osiwlno
the hugest ami handsomest stock of
M r .K S r“ 10 "; lB r > ,IMO : l>»roll«.cd
ibis stock for cash I am determined to sell a
prrlccs that “copf be beat,” \
All good. «old l, y mO , gluirnotocd to ho ns
represented or Iho money rofttndod. Old gold
and silver taken In exchange s
_ .. , „ 'THOMAS CONLYN.
May 1, 1850.
Ml Clocks, Watches, A.'
88 MxiiKiix St., Uauuibduro, Pa,
nn?;v“™E, C '‘” S a "' l mMy "I" 11 ™ 1 '
Dooombor 11, 1850—ly
MANTILLAS. Another Inrgo invoice of
elegant and ftsldonahlo Mnntlllns, Just fo,
ceivcd at the cheap store ol
Juno 18, 1857. 04 ’
SW. HAVERSTICK, 'has just received
• from tho city, nnd Is now opening a splen
did display of Fancy Goods, suitable for tho
present season, to which ho desires to call tho
attention of his friends and tho public* Ills as
sortment In thlp lino cannot bo surpassed In no
velty u. d elegance, and both in quality and price
of tho articles, cannot fall to please purchasers.
It would bo Impossible to enumerate his
Fancy Goods,
which comprise every variety of fancy articles
of tho most exquisite shape, such os
Ifnlpor Macho. Goods,
Elegant alabaster and porcelain Inkstands and
Fancy ivory,'pearl and shell card cases.
Radios’ Foncy boskets. ■
Fancy,work boxes, with sewing instruments.
Port Mbnnal’osJ of every variety.
Gold pens and pencils, tanoy paper weights.
Papotcrlcs, and a largo variety of ladles’ fanoy
Motto seals nnd wafers, silk and bead purses.
Ladies’riding whips, elegantly finished, La.
dies’ fine cuttlery. •.
Perfume baskets and bags.-
Brushes ol every kind for the toilet.
Roussel’s Pcrlunies of the various kinds.
Musical Instruments, ol till kinds and at ah
prices, together \yith np innumerable variety o
articles olcgantly.flnlshed and'suitable for holi
day presents, to which ho invites special attenl
tlon. Also, an extensive colicctiod of ROLL
comprising tho various English and American
AnnuUls for 1855, richly embellished nnd (lius.
trnto ' Poetical Works, with Children’s Pictorial
Books, for children of all ages. Ilia assortment
of School Books and School Stationary is also
complete, and comprises everything used In Col*
leges, mid the schools. Ho also calls attention to
to 1119 elegant disjay of
L;unp<i, Gritnulolca, See..,
from the extensive establishments of Cornelius,
Archer and others, of Philadelphia, comprising
every style of Parlor, Chamber & Study Lamps,
fbr burning either lard, sperm or ethcrial oil, to.
gather with flower vases, Fancy Screens, &c.—
Ills assortment in this lino is unequalled in tho
Fruits, Fancy Confcttioncy, '
Fruits, Ac.,in every varietyand
til oil prices, nil of which arc pure and fresh, such
ns can he confldchly recommended to his friends
and the little folks. Itememhor the old stand,
opposite the Bank.
Carlisle, December 21, 1851.
@5OOO Reward—Great Race.
IHE great race between the Clothing Stores
of Carlisle, resulted in the complete triumph
of the new store of ARNOLD $ SON, in the
store room lately occupied by Wise £ Camp
bell, corner of Nortli Hanover and Leather sis.
It is now conceded by nil and every one that
they stand pre-eminent amongthcclothingdenl
ers in Carlisle, having succeeded in convincing
their friends, that they can sell Clothing made
and got up, according to the latest styles, from
20 to 25 per cent, cheaper than any other house
is possibly able to furnish them. They have
now on hand a large and splendid assortment of
Ready-made Clothing,
| Fnrnishing Goods, Cloths, Cnsairneres and Vest-
I lags. Also, Huts and Caps, and every thing In
| their line for Men and Boys. Their materials
were selected with the greatest care, purchased
at the lowest cash prices, and at such houses
only, who never deal in anything like auction
I trash. Tneir friends may therefore rest assured
that articles purchased of them will and must
give satisfaction. Clothing made at the short
est notice in the most fashionable style, having
for that purpose secured the services of an ex
perienced Cutter, and laid in a splendid assort
ment of Cloths, Cassi meres, Vestings, sc., which
for beauty and durability cannot ho surpassed.
To the citizens of the surrounding country wo
would say, give us n fair trial. All wo ask is •
fair look at our stock and we will not fall to con
vince you that our Clothing Is bettor mode, of
better betlet trimmed, cut wittf more
taste, and last though not lonst, cheaper than
you hnvo.vv«t.u* Ha ijt elsewhere. Also, a largo
u*, Carpel Bags, Umbrellas, sc.
All hall creation far and near,
Of Arnold's Store you shall heart
Lot pealing drums and cannoh’e roar
Proclaim tho nows from shore to slioro t
Karo wonders then wo now ivmoi U (,,
At first wo’ll speak of Clothlng rare,
Such trophies, sure will make you stnro,
Of broad nut! narrow doth so cheap
We’ll take a moment’s time to speak.
Delighted too you can’t but bo
With prices and their quality}
Dress and Sack Gouts—aye, Vestings too,
What bargains now for nil of you !
Tho Gouts will our compliments receive,
And call they must thawonders to bollevo.
In Pants wo have lull kinds of styles,
One dollar and upwards, piles on piles.
In Summer Goods—for soon ’twill coroo—
WoMI glvo yon bargains all for (un.
• Frocks and Over-coats so very fine
Sriinl wonders yon s)mtt boo In ovo’ry lino,
llos ory Suspenders, Undcr-sl.lrls (or nil,
All kinds of Gloros Co please nil who call
Put wo cannot slop* to enumerate
Wo have bargains both good and great
Our stock too In tho Furnishing lino
Is plentiful, cheap and fine.
ARNOLD 4- SON’S Clothing Hall.
April 12. 1855. b
Clothing, Clothing!
OF Steirrr Ac Brother's has been removed
to the comer room of the Washington Ho
tel building, N. W. corner of (ho P.ubllcSqunro,
where they havo opened an Immcnso stock of
The slock consists In part of
Coats, Cloth, Cusshuero and Jean Frock
Dross and Sack Coats.
BOVS and YOUTH’S COATS, of difibrent
ylos nml qualities.
PANTS—PIain and fancy Korsoinoro, Cassl
net and Corduroy Pants.
VESTS—Satin, Silk, Casslmorb, Sallfnolt
md other Vests of difibrent patterns and qnall
Also—Stocks, Cravats, Pocket and Nock
HamlkcrchlofH, Plain and Fancy. Shirts, Under
Shirts, Drawers, Stockings, Suspenders, Uin
borollas, Carpet Bag«, etc.
Customer’s orders made up In tho most ap
proved manner, of warranted materials, Tho
Culling Department is under tho management
ot practical and experienced workmen, and in
every case satisfaction Is gnarrantlcd.
Tho atm of tho subscribers Is, to glvo every
customer satisfaction, by furnishing Clothing
unsurpassed in finish and durability, and ot
prices defying competition.
Oorllslo, Juno 6, 1850.
Confectionaries and Fancy Goods.
has just replenished Ills
tfni! . °! Goo(1 ?» an< * W Ida DrugsandChoni
icnls |iavo been selected with -groat caro, lie is
umS a r G l X t 0 n " onlorspromptly. Ills friends
may roly upon tbo genuineness and purity of
every article. . Ills stock of ■ ■
i, ( l . n i r K°iM na flC,e « te * “pedal reference to
the Holidays, and will nflord any variety per
«on« may (loslroln: that lino. . IJo has alanta
oMofiraonl o( iVonoli, Gorman, ami DoraesUb
tn oy Candida. H|„ FBUITSaro all IVeshaml
of tho'voryboatqoality. Hla assortmunt of 1
, GOODS • ■
la largo and o'nbcaooa almost bvory ildna nccoii
aary for,tbo tollbtand family. 1I„
dal ntionllou to Wa Fancy Work Boses, Port
t olios, Tort Monies, &q. Quick sales «wi
pronto, and strict consistency In trade, slial
cliaractorho our bualuoaa.
Carlisle, booombor 20, 1
CS gS"
Carlisle, Deo. 11, 18 M J - XRMST “ ONG '
Plambers k Gas Filters,
South Hanover elreel, appetite the
VolnnU'/Offic,. ‘
Load and Irofi Pipes,' Cast Iron Sink..
Hydrants, Bath Tubs? '
Hot and Cold ShoWof Bath Bollors
Batha, Wash Basins’
Water Closets, Hydraulic liih. , .
Force and Lilt Pumps, &c., &c. B ’ ht:.
Wrought Iron Wol’d.
And every description of Cocks and Fun,,.,
for Goa, Steam, Water, Ac. Sunerlor
Ranges, Hoalofs nnd Goo PI«l!S2
Chnrchos, Stores nnd Dwellings, at short 3,
nnd In tho moat modem stylo.' All rtml,'.,.
and work In our lino at to la rata and loan?? 1 ?
work and Jobblnfe promptly
Carlisle, May 20,1650. '
forming Implements.
New Agricultural. Ware-room,
1->HE subscriber, located in tho bascmesi' ,
thuMcthodist Church,.opprsltp IhoßaUmi
uepot, is now receiving, a variety of Fih-n.r. .
Implements, such os Plows, Grain Drill, ri , 8
Fans,-Com Shelters, Com and 06b iGrinSl.
(Scott's Giant,) tho Crescent Grain .Mill n,
Shovels, Farm Boilers,. Reapers -iild'MowV.”
(Manny’s with Wood's .Improvdhc'nt I (h.
Cutters, Ac., all. of which arc of tho mitten
proved kinds nnd workmanship, and will j
on tho most accommodating terms. '
arc respectfully Invited to call and cismH,. Hl’
fore purchasing elsewhere, ■ .
’ - J/ ; ARMSTRONO'.
For tho convenience of fanhera, Mbore’a *»•
tent Grain Drill will bo sold nt Shlremanslonn
by Benjamin Clay, and at Shlppeoßborg bt cI
Long. * f
Car ole, Aug. 21, 186 C
THE subscriber most respectfully informs lii f
frlouds ami the pobliegonomlly, that ho Mill
continues the lint and Cap Store In Main street
where ho will bo glad to sfco’ hfc did customers
ggffi and friends. Ho has' now on hand»
lyj splendid nSsortmbnf of HATS of all
from tho common Wool
to tho finest Fur and Silk Huts, and nt prices
that must suit every ono who htis an eye to ret
ting tho worth of Ids money. Ills Silk, Biolc*
skin and Beaver Hats, nro unsurpassed forllght
ness, durability and finish, by thoio of any otb.
cr establishment in tho county.
Boys’ Hats of every description constantly on
hand. Call and examine.
_ . WM. 11. TROUT.'
Carlisle, Jan. 8, 1857.
JUST’ received, a largo assortment of fine
Watches, Jewelry, Ac., ladies’ Breast Pins
jft and Ear Rings of tho latest styles, rary-
Ingin price from 8 CO to 45 dollars a
dUfltsett. Diamond Finger Rings, Breast
Pins, Gold Lockets, Pencils, Ac. A largo va
riety of everything usually kept by Jewelers.—
Ladles and gentlemen arc respectfully invited
to call at Nnuglo’s Cheap Jewelry Store andei.
amino for themselves.
N. B.—Watches and Jewelry repaired at the
shortest notice. W. D. A. NAUGLB.
August 28, 1856.
Family Coni.
TONS Lyken’s Valley Co&r broken
tlUUflDd roscrecned,prepared cXpifeisly for
family use and under cover, so that Lctui'fut.
nlsh It dry and clean during the winter season.
I have also on hand and for sale, the Lake,
fldlcr Goal, from Ifio mines of Boyd, Rosser k
Co., and Slmiirokin Coal; from the mines of
Cochran, Pcalo A Co., all of which I will sell at
small profits for cash, and deliver to any part nf
tho Borough.
August 7,185 G.
JOHN *». I,V»B & SOU’S
THE public nro requested to call and examine
our stock before making their'purchases,
os wo nro selling goods at tho totoett price*. Wo
have everything you may want in onr line, anil
I£.JPl p,4a ' ,on, *^lf A jfhot_wo_<;nn supply nil nJio
may javor ns wills ihotr patronage. Carpenters,
cabinetmakers, wagon and conchmnkers. tmfnl
urs sboonmkcrs, blacksmiths, farmer., lalnirso
und tho public generally, will Hud a full anil
complete assortment ot goods to select Iron) a.
such prices as will bo sure to please all. Trvm\
North Hanover street, Carlisle*.
_AprII 28, 1857.
Cumberland Valley Bank.
Wilma* Km, MKicnoin'BnEnstxsF,
Hobt. C. Sterrett, Jong Duju-ap,
Rich d. Woods, John S. Sterbctt,
Jour C; Dvßlap, B, A* Stvoozos.
THIS Bank, doing business In the nomc of
Kor, Bronnomnn & Co., is no" lutly F°*
,parod to do a general Banking Business with
prompfqcsa awl fidelity.
Money received on deposit and paid back ort
demand wl bom notice. Interest paid on Spe
fn?lr?R C » P 0 ? W #»‘ Of deposit bearing
interest at the rate o| five per cent, will be Is
ierM^ftn°ftii*^ 0 four month*. In
-3 4 °, n certificates will cease nt matnrllj
provided, however, that If said certificates are
renewed at any lime Ihcrcnlterfor another elm
period, they shall boar the same rale
up to the time ot renewal. I'nrtknlnr.lti.llol '
paid to tho collection of notes, drafts, cbctki,
I Ac., in any port of the United Stales orC»»>-
Remittances made to England, Ireland, er
the Continent. Tho fnljhfnl and confident!*!
execution of nil orders entrusted to them, a*/
bo rolled upon. • . ,
They call tho attention of Farmers, Jfccfisn
ica and all others who deslro a safe depositor/
lor their money, to the undeniable fact, that th*
proprietors of (his Bnpk are individually liable
to tho extent of their estates for all Hie Depo
sits. and other obligations of Kory Brcnncn)* D
man A jO o. •
They have recently removed Into their new
Banking House, directly opposite their former
stand, Jn West Mgln Street, a few doors o*«t of
tho Railroad Depot, where they wilt at all time*
bo pleased to glvo any information desired i»
regard to money matters in genortd.
Open for business from 0 o’clock in Iho morn
ing untll'4 o’clock jn tho caching. j
H. A. STURGEON, Cathitr.
Carlisle, Dec. 18, 1850 ,
new G«ons.
THE subscriber has Just returned from New
York and Philadelphia, and Is now opening
an immense slock of tbo handsomest and cheap
est Dry Goods ever brought to Cumbcrlaim
A ti|U assortment of magnificent allkk,cholHj»
wtrogo ond lawn rol/es, ducols, d° 8 n *
iftms, lobelias’, ottbmap plaids*Bcp.,
An Immonso assortment of elegant Erwe
worked: collars,' umlorslcevcs, haiidkorci h -
flouncing*, edgings and insortlngs/hougm ,
the' importers llrJJTow YoVk, and will bo bouj
prices to defy all competition.
: A forgo, slock Qf honnotp, ri.bbonH andjlowcrb
fttjyery low , .1
Anew lot of olotbsandcaßßlmcroß,veryg°| >1 '
handsome’aritV,very cheap. “Irish Mnons, nM»
lias, ebooks, tickings, linen checks, cottonnf
pant hldffli for men and boys, In great v«rl«)»
together with ajl other kinds of goods, too man;
to enumerate. “ • 1 ' 1 ' f .
' All my old friends and customers arc rofl ß n i
fully Invited to call and examine my ossonm f 0
before, purchasing, om} they will'bo c°" ft,n o ia
got'gobdbargains dud save money, at U>°
stand. 1 East MUln street. . , nV
‘ ‘ , . CHAa. 0011 B'-
Carlisle, April Will, 1867.'