American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, July 23, 1857, Image 4

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    22,000 Acres Io(Va Land for Sale.
THE above Jpnda ft rb sltnatcdjn Sioux, O’Bry
an, Olay, Paloalto, Sack and Ida counties.
Most of thorn are on tho lino of the St. Paul’s
and Missouri River Railroad, and all have been
selected and purchased with caro, In respect to
quality of soil, location, &o. T|io rapid growth
of Northern and Western lowa makes these
kinds n sure and' profitable investment. They
will bo sold in quantities to suit purchasers, in
lots of 80 acres and upwards, and at prices rang
ing frobi $2,50 to $5,00 poracro. A.reasonable
credit will bo given whore desired, and the land
taken as security. For further,lnformation ad
dress J. W. Rosier, Sioux City, Woodbery Co.,
lowa . i
Juno 11,1867,
Farmers and mechanics Fcim
dvy and machine Shop*
North Street, cost of Glass* Hold, Carlisle.
TUE subscribers would respectfully inform
the public In general, ITmt they arc now pre
pared to manufacture all kinds of Agricultural
Implements; snch as Bevel Geer, Four Horse
Power, Horizontal Goer, Four and Two Ilorso
Power, also tho latest Improved Rallwoy Chain
Horse Power and Overshot Threshers with Sep
arators attached.
Wo Invite particular otlontlon to Rife’s Patent
.Clover Ilnllor and Cleaner. This machine will
hull and clean from three to six bushels per hour,
and is considered decidedly, the best now In
Also, Corn Shelters, for hand or horsopower,
Stiaw and Fodder -Gutters, Plows, Harrows,
Cultivators, Hay Bakes, Grain Fans, Circular
Saws, he. Wb will also furnish to order
o! every description; suck as Threshing Ma
chine, Plow, Oom-ahoUor, Cellar Grates, Sash
AVeights; also, beautifully designed Bailing for
Cemetery Lots, Enclosures, &c.,
’Promptly attended to for-RcapJog, Mowing and
Threshing machines, end'all Hinds of Agricuf
tural Implements
Juno 18, 1857—2 m
fJSNTZ & BROTHER have just opened
Jj one of tho largest and best assortments of
Dry Goods over brought to Carlisle. Their
stock has been selected with unusual care, from
tho host houses in Now York and Philadelphia,
and every effort made to obtain tho latest and
most fashionable stylos of dress. They flatter
themselves they will bo able to suit every varie
ty of taste, at prices as low or lower than they
can bo bought hero or In the city,
Sncli as Black Silk Robes, Fancy Silk Robes,
Foulard Silks, Bayadere Silks, Metro Antique,
India, Mourning, Fancy Silks, Barege Robes,
Robes, Grenadines, Pure Chali, Ducals,
Poplins, Argentine, Brillianto, Gingham Lawn,
Bombazine, Crape do Espegno, Himalaya Cloth,
Tamartlno, Alpaca, all Wool do Lalno, Cash
A full assortment of White Dross Go pda—
Nainsook Muslins, Victoria Lawns, Figured
Swiss, &o.; Velvets, for Mantles; White and
Black ('rape Shawls, Stella, Thibet, Mode and
Brocha do., Spring do., &c.; bonnets, bonnet
Riilns, ribbons, flowera, etc.} coronation, erri
vulla and crinoline skirts; brass hoops; also,
collars, undorslcoves, atandkcrchiofs, in groat
Cloths, cassimcrcs, drap do ti cashmorcts,
mimmcr atssimorcs,cottonadcs, silk undershirts,
linens, handkerchiefs, etc.
nicachcd>und unbleached linen and cotton,
sheeting, table linens, table covers, piano do.,
counterpanes, straw hats and flats, looking
glasses, tickings, window shades of 'all kinds,
umbrellas, muslins, and every variety of dry
goods in common nso.
Wo have just laid in a large stock of tapestry,
ingrain, Imperial, mixed and rag carpets, oil
cloths, matting, etc., at lowest prices. Wo re
spectfully invito tho public to call and.examine
our stock boforo purchasing, os wo have bought
our assortment at such rates that wo cannot bo
Special attention paid to fbmishing goods
from the city, per order, at shortest notice.
Every effort will bo made by tno Arm to give
satisfaction to tboso who may favor thorn with a
call. BENTZ £ BRO.
Carlisle, April 0, 1857.
spectrally inform Uio public that-thoy have |
formed a Joint Stock Association, for tha pur
pose of securing snfflclcnt funds to purchase a
Flro Engine and Hose. Thoy have procured a
Urge assortment of Elegant Engravings, which
thoy will sell at one dollancach, The purchaser
ol im Engraving will receive with It a ticket
which will glvo the holder thereof an opportuni
ty to draw.ono of the annexed splendid gifts, to
the Uxt of which wo would Invito attention- No
heller chance was over offered than the present,
as the purchaser not only gets an engraving, but
our schciuo Is so full of gl(l,s that In every six
tickets sold there must bo drawn two gilts, to
wit: There will bo but 10,000 Engravings sold,
and the gifts will amount to 8,202.
1 Splendid Now*Drick iiouso, Threo
Story, on Pitt st., now owned by
John Mull, Esq., and occupied <by
Daniel dlohror, $.1,000
I* SpUndfcl'Koso Wood Plano, 400
1 Splondid'A/olodcon, 160 1
1 Hunting C4so Gold Watch; 126
1 Sett Silver Ware, 125
1 Hunting Case Gold Watch,. 100
1 Ladles’ *« “ u 100
1 Sett China Ware, 11)0
2 Gontlonion’a Gold Watches, $76 each, 150
2 Ladies’ do., do., 150
1 Wuhiut'Solh, 76
1 Bedstead, 76
2 GuuUomon’sSilver Watches, s7ocach, MO
4 do!. do., s6ooach, 200
2 do. Gold Watches, ssocadi, 100
10 do. , Silver do.. s26oaoh, 250
2 Suits Jewelry, at $25 each, • 50
1 Gold Bracelet, 26
8 Gold Bracelets, at $l5 ouch, 45 I
4 Gold Bracelets, at stt) each, 40 |
10 Ladles’ Breastpins, at $lO cadi, 100
10 Pair Ear Rings, at $lO each, 100
10 do., at $6 each, 60
10 Breastpins, at $6 each, 60
10 Gold Rings, at $6 cad), 60
100 Choice Books, at $5 etch, 600
100 do., at $2 each, 200
UK) Gold Pencils, at $2 each, 200
100 Gold-Rings, at $2 osch, 200
100 Albums, ol $2 each, 200
100 Gold Rings, at $1 each, 100
600 Books, at $1 each, 600
100 Ladles’ Collars, at $1 each, 100
1,000 Engravings, at $1 each, 1,000
1,000 I’luccs Music, at 26 cents each, 260
As soon*as ttiosharoaaro all soli) (ho proper
ty will bo drawn, and uotlco will bo given to (hat
For (ho objoct'nnd design o( (ho above, os
well as tho outorprico of tho parties coiuiucting
and forming tho association, wo would rofor to
tho following-named gentlemen i
Carlisle—J. B. Varlcor, Esq., R. M. ITomlor
son,Esfl.» James 11. Bmith, Esq. West Venus
boro’—lion. J. A. AJil, M. C.
Agents wanted. In every town pnd village In
(ho Btnto.
BOOTS AND SHOES.—A largo owl coin- 1
ploto assortment of boots and shoos. of
ovory utylo and fashion. Ladles' flno morocco
slippers, boots, gaiters, &0. i misses' and child
runs' do. i men and boys' db; Joat rooulvod
and now opening at Store.
Tickets can bo had of tho following persons I Carlisle, April ICtli. 1857 ’ 001LBY
In Carlisle i *
Charles Ogllby, Dry Goods Storoj Samuel
Elliot, Drnfc Store} I*. Arnold's Storoj J. D.
Halbert, Grocery Sloroi Thos. Oonlyn, Jewelry
Storoj Henry Saxton, Hardware Sloroj Steiner
& Ergs., Clothing Sloroi O. Xnlioff, Grocery
Storoj \Y. D. A. .Mangle, Jewelry Store.
Persons wishing to bccomo Agontswrlll make
application either by letter or personally to
SAME. U. GOULD* Sec’y,
May 7tb, 1«57_0m
Mover’s Liquid flair Dyo.
TQIS Hair Dyo needs only a trial to satisfy all
of its perfection as a Dyo, and tho following
testimonial from that eminent Analytic Chemist,
Professor Booth, of tho'TJ. S. Mint, will only
conQrmwhat thousands have previously borne
tosticaony to.
- Laboratory for X’ractical Chemistry, i
St. Stephen’s Place, • S
Phlfa. Fob. 17, 1867. \
‘‘Being 'well acquainted with tho substances
composing Hover’s Liquid Hair Bye, I am sat
isfied that by following tho simple direction
given for its use, it will not injure iho hair or
skin, but will give a natural and durable color
to tho haft*.
JAMES 0. BOOTH, Analytic Chemist.”
Hover's Writing Inks t including Hover’s
Fluid, ond Hover’s Indelible Inks, qto too well
known nod introduced to require any addition
al testimony of their character. ‘ Tho sales have
been increasing since their first introduction,
giving evidence that tho articles truly possess
that intrinsic merit claimed at first lor them by
the manufacturer.
Orders addressed to tho manufactory. No.
410 Race street above Fourth, (old No. 144,)
receive prompt attention by
JOSE.PU E. HOVER, Manvfactunr*
April 16,1867—1 y
Valuable Town Property For
Sato or Ilcnt.
THE subscriber offers for sale, his two story
Stone House, with Brick Back-building, sit
uate in North Hanover street, Carlisle, odjoin
ng Arnold’s store and Monycr’s Confectionary.
• w w The House Is 18 feet or more in front,’
extending 240 feet back to an alley.
>M’Q« rhor ° A number of good fruit trees
it, and a Weil of water at tho hack
door. Any person wishing to view the proper
ty can call on tho subscriber living on It. Pos
session given on tho Ist of April next.
If not sold, it will bo rented for one or more
August 28, IB6o—tf
Family Groceries.
JUST received a largo addition to my stock of
Family Groceries, among which will bo found
Rio, Saguyra, Mncho, Java and Roasted COF
FEES;' Crushed Lump, Granulated and Brown
SUGARS; Lovoring's Syrup, Now Orleans and
Sugar Ilduso MOLASSES; Klee, Starch, Soap,
Soda, Cream Tarter, fee., Herkimer, Pino Ap
ple, and Sago CHEESE; Black, Hyson, Itnpo
rial and extra TEAS; Spices of every
fegfiSiM Variety, Chocolate, Cocoa, Farina and
in&llll orn Starch, Raisins, Currants, Git-
MAmH ron . Deans, Hominy, Cranberries, Ma
caroni, Grits, Table Oil, Ketchup, Popper Sauco,
Preserved Poaches, Pino Apples ana Strawber
ries; Pickets, Gorkins, Onions and Plccolilil.—
Fresh Lobsters, fee.
I call special attention to my largo stock of
Segars and Tobacco,
which is not excelled in tho town. Lovers of
tho weed can bo suited cithcrinqnallty orprico.
Farmers will find Oils of an excellent quality.
Also “White Grease,” a substitute ior Tar.
MACKEUAL No. 1, 2andB. While Fish,
Shad, Smoked Herring, fee.
All ot tho above articles ore fresh, and will
bo sold low for cash, or Country Produce taken
in exchange.
I Carlisle, January 8, 1857.
Saxton’s Spring Arrival!
THE subscriber has Just returned from tho
eastern cities, and would call tho attention
of his friends and (lie public generally, to tho
largo and well selected assortment of Hardware
which ho lias now on band, consisting in part of
sueh as nails, screws, hinges, holts, locks, glass
of every description and quality, white, polish,
cd, American, French, enameled and double
thick of all sizes; p&lnts, oils, varnishes, &c.
Tools , Including edge tools of every descrip
tion, saws, planes, braces, bits, augurs, squares,
gauges, flics, rasps, hammers, vlcfs, screw plates
anvils, blacksmith helloes, he.
Shoemakers and Saddlers, will find a largo as.
sortmont of tools of every description, together
with ladies and gentlemen’s Morocco lining,
binding, patent and French calf skins,awls,xhoo
thread, wax, pegs, lasts, harness mountings, col
lars, girthing, whip stocks, door hair, saddle
trees, &o.
Coachmakert Tools and trimmings of all kinds,
such as hubs, spokes, fuliocs, shafts, bows, floor
cloth, canvass, cloth, damask, fringe, laco,
muii axles, springs, bolts, clips, &c.
Catnne/-mak<r» will find a largo assortment ol
varnishes, oak, walnut, and mahogany voncofs,
. knobs of all kinds and sizes, mouldings, resets,
halt cloth, plush, curled hair, chair and sofa
springs, fito-
Housekeepers wilValfco find's largo assortment
I of knives and forks, Britannia and Silver plated
table and tea spoons, candlesticks, waiters,
shovels, tongs, Iron and'brass kettles, pans, tec.
together with Cedorwaro of alb kinds, such as
tubs, buckets, churns, See.
.tfgncuifurnf Implements} embracing plows of
nil kinds, cultivators) hoes, shovels, rakes, forks,
■ chains, He.
Inm r a largo stock, wiilcji fam selling af city
Remember tho old stand, East Main afreet.
Carlisle, March 12, 18G7,
Vtirimsrs, Gardners nn<l A mil
DO you hear tho notes of (ho bluo-blrd f
Spring has coino. Bo ready to sow and
plant with tho drat Impulse of nature. Early
sowing and planting has a double advantage
over that which Is delayed until tho eleventh
All such who wish to possess themselves of
good, articles, In tho way of
Evergreens, Hoses add cholco Shmbery of tho
most approved varieties, as wdll as Greenhouse
Plants, such as Catnulla, Japonica, Monthly
Hosed of all shades o I ‘color, Verbenas, many
varieties, Salvias of various colors, Hollatropcs,
diflbrerttkinds, ofnirsorts,
Sachanallas, beautiful varieties, Abutnlous,largo
size, 20 varlotloH of Geraniums, rare and beau,
tiful colors, Carnation Pinks, i'uchoas, many
kinds of various colors, Wall Flowers and
Doublo-StocU Gelllos of different colors in full
bloom, Double Oleanders, largo plants, together
with many other plants such ns aro usually cub
(irtitod fn tho Qroonhopso, may call at (ho Old
Whitehall Nursery, oast of tho Hatlroad Bildge,
Carlisle, where they can bo accommodated o»
reasonable terms. Wo can supply from five to
ton thousand Asparagus Plants, two years old,
from tho seed, to such who wish to make now
beds, and bo no longer deprived of the enjoy
ment of one of tho greatest luxuries of the sou
sou. As a wholesome dish coming early in tho
season, when vegetables aro much needed, wo
think it very desirable that a bod of Asparagus
should have place lu every garden,
N. B—M any of. nr Apple Trees nro of largo
size, suitable for filing vacancies In old or
chords. LINK
Corllslo, March 18,18/57 If
Fish, Cheese, and Provision
No. 80 & 40 North Wharves, half-way between
Arch and Unco Streets, Phlla.
March 12, 1867—1 y
MONEY wauled at (hi Oiilceln paymeutlor
Carlisle, I'u.
THE subscriber, having . leased the Hotel of
Mr. Henry Rhoads, situate a few ’ doxhs
west of tho ißallroad .Depot, would Inform his
friends and tho public that ho is preparod to
accommodate all wbo may favor him with a call.
Tho house Is largo and cOnvonioht, tho rooms
well ventilated, and every department has. been
refitted with aiWlow of giving satisfaction.
His Table will always bo supplied with tho
best that can bo procured; his Bar will contain
tho choicest liquors, and an attentive and oblig
ing Hostler always in charge of tho Stable.
Travelers, Farmers, Drovers and others, would
do welt to glvo mo a calf, as I nia determined to
leave nothing undone to render' satisfaction to
my guests.
Carlisle, Hay 28, 1857.
TIIE twenty-first session (5 months) will com
mence 4th. A now Imllding has been
erected containing Gymnasium, Music Room,
&c. .With increased facilities for Instruction,
and ample accommodations, this Institution
presents great Inducements to parents who do.
sire the physical and mental improvement of
their sons.
Terms per session, $O5 00
For circulars with Aill information address
• R. K. BURNS,
Principal and Proprietor .
Platutlold, Comb, co., Oct. 23, 1850.
Confectionaries and Fqncy Goods.
rpIIE undersigned has just replenished his
X stock of Goods, tind na hts Drugs and Chem
icals havo boon selected with great care, ho is
prepared, to till pH orders promptly. Ills friends
may roly rinon tlio genuineness and purity of
every orticle. Ills stock of
is largo, and selected with special reference to
the Holidays, and will affonl any variety per
sons may desire in that lino, lie has a largo
assortment of French, Gorman, and Domestic
Fancy Gandies. Uis FRGITS are all freshand
of the very best quality. Ills assortment of
Is largo and cnbraccs almost every thing neces
sary for the toilet and family. Ho invites spe
cial attention (o his Fancy Work Boxes, Port
Folios, Port Monies, &c. Quick sales, shori
profits, and strict consistency in trade, shal
characterize our business.
Carlisle, December 20, 1860.
Watclics, ewity and Silver
THE public arc Invited to call nnd examine
tho largest nnd handsomest stock of
over brought to this place. Having purchased
this stock for cash 1 am determined to sell at
prriecs that‘«can/6c bcal. ,> Tf
All goods sold by mo, guaranteed to bo as
represented or tho money refunded. Old gold
and sliver taken In exchange
Carlisle, May 1,185 G.
OFFICE and residence East Main street, 8d
door below the Market House. Calls In
town and country promptly attended. ,
Carlisle, January 8, 1850 —tf
nil. i. c. Looms,
SOOTH Hanover Street, next door to tho
Post Office.
N. B. Will bo absent from Carlisle tho last
ton days of each month.
August 10, 1855.
B. J. KIEFFCR, UrilOTlflt,
HAS moved Ms store from tho former sfnnp
to ills new building immediately opposite*
and a«yolnlng Mr. 0. Inho/f’s Store. Having
made every arrangement to preserve his medi
cines fresh and pure, and having replenished
his assortment of carefully selected drugs, he
is now again prepared to attend to business
with core and promptness. Ills assortment
will lurplsh almost every tiling that may bo
called tor, cllhcf by tho physician, ortho fair!-
ly, for domestic use. Tho greatest care-and
precaution will bo observed in tho componn
ding of proscriptions and dispensing of mcdl
clncs. Ills assortment of confectionaries and
fancy goods Is very general, and will- enable
purchasers to suit themselves.
A Clocks, Wntclic*, &
and jewklrt.
I 88 Maoket St., llAtiniHOtmo, Pa*.
N. B.—Watches and Jewelry noullj repaired
and warranted.
December 11, IRGG—Iy
New Ware.
AGKNEUAL assortment of China, Class
and Qneonsworo,lms Just Icon added to our
former stock. Every variety of Ten or Dinner
sets, either China or Granite, may bo selected
from our assortment of the latest style and (hi
«fllsli,as well as Plates, Dishes, Cups ami
flrjybmicei s Bum Is, Pitchers, Teapots, & c .
■" Also, I oitet setts of various patterns
together with IJuislns, Tooth boxes, and olJmr
necessary articles. A lino selection of French
and German Chino FANCY ARTICLES em
bracing the useful ns well ns ornamental— atnonc
which arc highly gill and decorated Coffee Cups,
Vases, Mugs, Toy sets. Fruit Stands, Fancy
. . XCB ’* n C ;’ ftS ?° 11 08 Dlawuuro in every vurl
° J i , A at ,ho ,0 "' OBl market price,
and o all of which w 0 Invito o call from our
friends and customers.
Carlisle, Dec. 23, I8u(i. J '
New Assortment.
A CIKHCE selection of Groceries of even
kind have Just boon received by tho subscrl-
Imr atllai.l- Grocery, vl.. CoS,
ga™ sugars, Teas, Spices, Chocolates,Choeso
JgjMOrackors, Table oil, Salt, and other va
rlefics belonging to the Grocery business.
Also, Baskets of nil descriptions, Tubs,Buck
ets, Mads, Brushes, Corn Brooms, Bed Cords,
Candles, fcc. AM of which wo confidently ro.
commend to our customers and friends os of the
best quality and at Hie lowest cash prices.
_ „ . J* W. EBY.
Carlisle, Oct. 23, 1800.
Fancy Cliinawnrc, &c.
WIl am noil- opening nml ofll-rlng (or nnlo
our Holliday assortment of Fancy Aril
olcs embracing a larger and bettor •election than
over befur o offered, consisting in port of
Jtnvol Boxes, Furniture,
Cologne Bottles, Knick Knack*,
Baskets, Inks,
Slipper*, Cigar-holders,
Candlesticks, Mug*,
Pitchers, Vases,
Toy Teas, Tea Settsj
Cabas, Bird*, 1
Motto Coffees, Figures,
Card Baskets, Wagons. ■
Ah welt as numberless other varieties, that
need to bo soon to be named. All offered at
low cash profits at the old stand—« Marlon
Hall.” J. W. 15BY.
Carlisle, Dec. 25,1850. '
B HUSHES. Hand Bombs, Btoro, Counter,
Wall, Shoo, Horse and Swooping Brushes,
Dusters, Hearth and Crumb Flesh,
Tooth, Nall, Hair, Clothe*, Hat and Button
Brushes, Just received and for sale by
January B, 1857. B. J. KIEFFEK.
Looking glasses,-Looking Glasses
ol every stylo and price, and cheaper than
over, at (ho new store of
J. A. UUMKICir, Jr.
Oarlls . April 25, 1857.
Carlislt; Marble Yard.
South Hanover opposite Benlzs* Store,
‘ " , Carlisle ,
THE subscriber Iras on hand n largo and wul
selected stock of
Ilciul-Slones, Monuments,
TOMBS, &c., of chaste and beautiful designs,
which ho will sell at tlio lowest possible rales,
Doing desirous of soiling out his stock. Head
stones finished from three dollars upwards.
Brown stone, niarblo work, mantels, «c., for
buildings, marble slabs for furniture, &c., con
stantly on hand. Iron railing for cometary iota ,
&c., of the best Philadelphia workmanship,
will bo promptly attended to.
Carlisle, Marche 1850.
Has been before the public more than 20 years,
ud is deservedly popular in the euro of
navins, Sweeney, Ringbone, Windfalls, Pole
’Evil, Gallons, Cracked Heels, Hall of all kinds,
Fresh Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Fistula. Sit
fast, Sand Oracles, Strains, Lameness, Foun
dered Feet, Scratches or Grease, Mango, Foot
Hot b» Sheep, Garget in Cows, Rheumatism,
Bitea of Animals, External' Poisons, Painful
Nervous Affections, Frost Bites, Boils, Corns,
Whitlows, Burns and Scalds, ChiJlhlnins, Chap
ped Hands; Cramps, Contractions of the Mus
cles, Swellings, Weakness-of tlio Joints, Caked
Breasts, Soro Nipples, Piles, <tc.
tJfTmnplilcls gratuitously furnished by agouti
tviUi Testimonials of its utility.
All orders addressed to tlio Proprietors, U. 11.
Tuorkb Jc Lockport, N. Y.
wyForsale hy Druggists and Merchants gen
erally, through the. United Slates, Bniish Posses
sions, and other Countries. ' Avi by
S, W. Havorslick and Benlz Carlisle;
J. A« Weakley and W. A J. Green, Dickinson;
L. Kauffman, Mechanicnburg; D. Strohm, Now
Kingstown; Goswller A Zuok, Shepberdstown;
Diehl & Snider, Ncwbnrg; A. M. Leidlgh, Boil-
In£ Springs; Mm. Lpjd, Lisburn; J. C. & G. B.
AlUck, Shipponslmrg.
THE subscriber has just returned horn the
Eastern cities, ami is now opening the larg
est and handsomest stock of Spring and Summer
Goods over brought to tills county, which will
bo sold at very short profits.
A largo nnd handsome stock of Stella, thibcl
and crapo shawls, barego, barege delaines, tis
sues, lawns, dolegos, crape oricufcils, alpaccas,
SILKS.—A very bnudsomo assortment of
striped, plain, plaid and blade silks, which lie
intends (o sell at i er) reduced prices.
K.MIiIIOIDEKIffS.—An immense stock of
embroideries, such as embroidered handker
chiefs, collars, spencers, sleeves, Swiss and
Jaconet edgings anil insortfngs, linens, cotton
and (bread laces, Bouncings and embroidered
DOMESTICS. —Muslins, drillings, tickings,
checks, osnnlmrgs, laggings, ginghams, flan
nels, table diaper and ready made bags.
MEN AND DOTS’ WEAR.—Cloths, cassi
i mores, vestings, jeans, cottonadcs, denims, lino
drillings, cotton plaids, Ac.
largo assortment of now stylo carpets, such as I
velvets, tapestry, Brussels three pi/, ingrain
and Venetian oil cloths, ol all widths.
A largo assoitmont of Ladies’ and Childrens
Jhooa, winch he will sell very cheap, at jhc old
itand in North Hanover street, three doors
north ol the Curl I ito Hunk. Thankful fur the
liberal patronage he hns heretofore received, ho
hopes for a continuance of (ho name.
‘ rillLir ARNOLD.
Ciirilsto, April 12,1867.
HMIR subscriber most respectfully Informs his
X friends atul tho public generally, that ho still
'continues the Hat utul Cap Store in Main street,
where ho will ho glmt to see hio old customers
ami friendtf, Ho has now on hand a
H'jf «plcmliil assortment of HATS of all
from tho common Wool
to tho finest Fur and Silk Huts, and. at prices
that must suit every ono who has an oyo to gel
ling the wmtli of Ida money. Ills Silk, Mole
skin mid Heaver Hats, aro unsurpassed (orllght
ness, durability and finish, by those ol any oili
er establishment In the county.
Boys’ Hats of every description constantly on
uuid. Call and examine.
Carlisle, Jan.'B, 1857.
Interesting to Faivn^rs.
L best now in nao. - This mill has taken tho
Ilrst premium, OTcr nil others, at a number of
the recent Slutb and County Fairs. Every
larmcr who feeds stock, should hnvo ono of
these mills. For sale by
w T North Hanover troct, Carlisle.
Nov. 0,185 ft.-.. '
JCST received, n-largo nsaorlmont of tine I
Watches, Jewelry, &c., ladles* Breast Pins
J§L and Ear Kings of tho latest styles, vary
kV-J JnKhj price from il CO to 45 dollars a
sett. Diamond Finger Rings, Breast
Pins, Gold Lockets, Pencils, fco- A ar 8° va “
Holy of everything usually kept by Jewelers.--
Ladies and gentlemen aro respectfully invited
to call nt Nnuglo’s Cheap Jowolry Store andox
umlno for Uicmßclves; ; .
N. I).—Wutdmstnd Joiyolry W l '™' 1 “ l * h0
shortest notice. W. D. A. NAUGLL*
. August I*B, 1850.
l iiuilly coni.
family nso ami under cover, BO tniit 1 cno n -
nifdl It dry and clean during tlm winter Benson.
I linvo also on hand and lot??' 0 ., 11 }? L"ko
lldlor Coal, from tlio mines of Uoyd, llosaor &
On., and Bliamoldn Coal, from tho m nos o
Cochran, Puulo h Co., nil of which I will 801 l nt
small prolltd for pnsh, and deliver to any part of
tho Borough.
August 7,1850
Wall Paper 1 Hpi'lng Arrival
JUST received tho largest ami most varied as
sortmont over opened in Carlisle, The pub
lic uvo invited to call nod make their selections
from our mammolti assortment. Our prices aro
tho,lowest. A largo variety of Window Blinds
and Fire Screens.
All Paper on hand from last season will ho
sold at first cost.
J. P. LYNE fc SON.
Carlisle, April 2, 18&7. •
Job Work done at this oilico 01
short notice.
THIS extensive establishment is now In com
plete order, and supplied with tho best ma
chinery for executing work in every department,
Tho buildings have also boon greatly enlarged
this spring, and stocked with the newest and
most improved tools for tho manulucluro of,
Doors, Window Frames, Sash,
Shutters, Blinds, Mouldings, Brackets and all
other kinds of Carpenter work. Wo invito
Builders, Carpenters and others to call and ex
amine otir lacllities for doing this description of
work. [C7"Tho host materials used, and prices
as low as at any other establishment in the
county or elsewhere.
Steam Engines limit to Order
and repaired as heretofore. Engines have been
recently built for IV. M Henderson & Son, in
this borough, R. Bryson & Co., Allen township,
Aid & Brothers, Ncwvlllo, Shade & Wetzel,
North-Middleton, and others, at whoso cstah
lisliroonts they may bo seen in dally operation,
and to whom we can refer for evidence of their
Iron and Crass Castings
of every description, from tho smallest to tho
heaviest pieces, executed at short notice, for
every kind of machinery. A largo variety of
mill castings now on hand. Two skillful Pat
tern makers constantly employed. REPAIR
ING promptly attended to tor Paper Mills, Dis
tilleries, Grist Mills, Factories, &c. Turning
and Fitting MU Spindles, &c., done In tho best
Threshing Machines and Horse
such as Bevil Gear Four Horse Powers, Hori
zontal Gear Four and Two Horao Powers, Corn
SJJollors, Crushers, Iron Rollers, Plough Cast
ings, and other articles for farmers, on hand or
promptly made to order.
Burden Cars Built
and repaired. Our facilities for building Curs
are now more complete than heretofore, and en
ables us to furnish them to transporters on the
railroad on accommodating terms, and made of
the best materials. Orders solicited and entire
satisfaction guaranteed.
The long experience In the business of the
senior partner of the linn, and the completeness
of our machinery in every branch of the estab
lishment, warrant us in assuring (lie best work
to all wliofavor us with their orders. The con
tinued patronage of our old friends and the pub
lic is respectfully solicited.
May 21, 1857—1 y
r iallE Allen and East Pennsboro* Mutual Fire
X Insurance Company ot Cumberland county,
incorporated by an act of Assembly, is now fully
organized, and in'operation under tlio manage
ment of tlio following Managers, viz :
Daniel Bally, Wm. R. Gorgaa, Michael Cock
lln, Molcholr Brenneman, Christian Stayman,
John C. Dunlap, Jacob 11. Coovor,Lewis Hyor,
Henry Logan, Benj. H. Musscr. Jacob Mumma,
Jos. Wlckersham and Alexander Cathenrt.
The rates of Insurance are ns low and favora
ble as any Company of the kind in tho State.—
Persona wishing to become members nro invi
ted to make application to tho Agents of tho
Company who aro willing to wait upon iheiu at
any time.
BENJ. 11. MUSSER. Pres.
Henry Looan, Vico Pics.
Lewis Hrm, Secl’ry,
Michael Cocklin, Treasurer.
Aug. 10, ’65.
Cumberland County. —Rudolph Martin, Now
Cumberland; C. B. Herman, Kingstown; Ilc-nry
Zenring, Shiromnnstown; Charles 8011, Carlisle;
Samuel Graham, WestpellnBl)o^o , } Jas. Jil’Dow
ell, Franklbrd; Mode Griflilh, South Middleton;
Snnmol Womlbiirn, Dickinson; Samuel Coover,
Benj. Huversfick, Mechnnicshurg; John Shcr
nek, Lisburn; David (Toover. Shepherdsfown.
Ymk CWi/y.—Juhn Bowman, Diilsbiirg; P.
Wolford. Franklin; John Smith, Esq., Wash
ington; \Y. S- Picking, Dover; J. W. Craft, Pa
lliirrisbnrg. — Houser A Lochmon.
Members of the Company havlngpoliclos about
fo oxp/ro, can have (hem renewed by making
ippJlcallon to any of tho Agents.
Hardware; Hardware
JOHN P..LVNE & SON, have just received
their Fail slock of Hardware, which is nnu^
snally largo, and in connection with their for
mer heavy stock makes it one of the largcstnnd
most varied assortments ever offered to tho pub
lic. They have everything that tho Farmer, tho
Builder, (lie Mechanic, or tho public may want
in their lino, and which they are soiling at the
very lowest prices. They solicit a call from tho
imblio before making their purchases, as they
ire confident (hoy can offer such inducements
lo tho buyer that will fully reward him for his
Fooling thankful to tho, generous public for
their formor very liberal patronage, a continua
tion of the same is solicited, nt our old stand In
North Hanover street, Carlisle.
October 9, 1850.
Carlisle Deposit Dank.
Deposits will bo received nt this
O Bank, incorporated by tho Stale of Pennsyl
vania, for ad short a period- ns four mouths, and
Interest paid at tho rate of Five per cent, per
annum, and tho principal paid back nt any time
after maturity, without notice. Interest ceases
after the expiration of tho tlmo specified in tho
certificate, unless renewed for another given pe
riod of four months or longer, in which case tho
interest Is paid up until the lime of tho renew
al. Bank opens at 9 o’clock A. M. and closes
at 8 o’clock F. M. y ordur'of tho Board of
W. M. BEETEM, Cashier.
December 25, 1850.
Cioodg for tho Season.
JUST received at tho “ Marlon Halt** Grocery;
Cranberries, Buckwheat,
Raisins, Hominy,
I Citron, Beans,
I Currants, Salad Oil,
I Prime Choose, French Mustard,
I Maco, Cloves,
1 Nutmegs, Cinnamon.
I Dopembor 25. J. W. EBY.
lIIONI IKON 51 The subscriber has the sat
isfaction (o announce to tho public that his
large and extensive Warehouse Is completed,
and filled with one oi tho largest and best assort*
monts of-llammorcd and llollod Iron over offer
ed in this place. Those in want of Iron, would
do well to examine tho stock before purchasing
elsewhere. IJENKY SAXTON.
I September 20, 1855.
ga DK.GEO.S. SCARlfcllT.
From tho Baltimore College of Dental Surgery.
Office at tho residence of his mother, Eaal
Loulhor street, three doors below Bcdfoid.
Koforonco—Du. Gko. Z. Buetz.
March 10, 1857.
Jlroml Top Coni,
1 fk fW'kfk BUSHELS of ll»o eolobrnted
XvfaVIVHJ Broad Top blacksmith Coal
receiving and for sale by.
Sopt. 1860,
Shad & Mackerel,
JUST received a lot of Nos. 1 and 2 Mackor,
cl, of now catch, and of flno quality In as.
sorted packages of half and quarter barrels and
kltts. Also, a choice article of No. 1 Moss
Trimmed Sea Shad, and No, 1 SALMON. For
sale In packages or by tho single one, at tho
* Mini mi Ilali » Family Grocery and Tea Store,
J. W. EBY.
October 25, 1860.
MATTINGS. —White and checked mattings,
Just received at tho cheap store of
Carlisle, April 10th, 1857.
S. W.'HAVERSTICK, has just received
• from the city, and is now opening a splen
did display of Fancy, Goods, suitable for the
present season, to which' ho -desires to'call the
attention of his arid the public. His as
sortment in this lino cannot be surpassed in no
velty and elegance, and bbthinqualify nnd
of tho articles, cannot fail to please purchasers.
It would bo impossible to enumorato his
• Fancy Goods,
which comprise every variety of fancy articles
of the - most exquisite shape, such as
Paiper Macho Goods,
Elegant alobaater and porcelain Inkstands and
Fancy ivory, pearl and shell card cases.
Kndies > Fancy baskets.
Fancy work boxes, with sowing instruments.
Port Monnaios, of every variety.
Gold pens and pencils, Itincy paper weights.
Pnpotcrios, andalargo variety of ladles’ fanoy
Motto seals and wafers, silk and bead purses.
Ladies’ riding whips, elegantly finished, La
dies’ fine cuttlory.
Perfume baskets and bags.
Brushes oi every kind for tho toilet.^
Roussel’s Perfumes of the various kinds.
Musical Instruments, of nil kinds and at al
pricos, fogether with an Innumerable variety o
articlcs elegantly finished and suitable for holi
day presents, to which he Invites special nllenl
tlon. Also, an extensive collection of llOLlf
comprifling tho various English and American
Annuals for 1855, richly embellished and illus
trate! Poetical Works, with Children’s Pictorial
Books, for children of all ages. Ills assortment
of School Books and School Stationary is also
complete, and comprises everything used in Col
leges and the schools. Ho also calls attontion # to
to his elegant dislay Of
from tho extensive establishments of Cornelius,
Archer and others, of Philadelphia, comprising
every stylo of Parlor, Chamber fie Study Lamps,
for burning either hud, sperm or othcrinl oil, to
gethcr with flower vases, Fancy Screens, fife.—
Ills assortment in this lino is unequalled in tho
Fruits, Fancy Confcctloncy,
Nuts, Preserved Fruits, &c., in every variety and
ot nil prices, all of winch are pure and fresh, such
as can bo confldonly recommended to bis friends
and the little folks. Remember the old stand,
opposite the Bank.
Carlisle, December 21, 1854.
$5OOO Reward-Great Bacc.
'I IIE groat race between tbo Clothing Stoves
Jl of Carlisle, resulted in tbo complete triumph
of the now store of ARNOLD fy SON, in the
store room lately occupied by Wise $ Camp
bell, corner of North Hanover and Louther sts.
It la now conceded by all and every one that
they stand pre-eminent amongtheclotlilngdcal-.
era in Carlisle, having succeeded In convincing
their friends, that they can soil Clothing made
and got up, according to the latest styles, from
20 to 25 per cent, cheaper than any other house
la possibly able to furnish them. They have
now on hand a large and splendid assortment ot
Ready-made Clothing,
, FumishlngGoods, Cloths, Cassimcres and Vest.
ings. Also, Hats and Cups, and every tiling in
. ibclr lino for Men and Boys. Their materials
were selected with the greatest caro, purchased
at the lowest cash prices, and at such houses
only, who never deal in anything like auction
trash. Their friends may therefore rest assured
that articles purchased of them will and must
give satisfaction. Clothing the short
est notice in the most fashionable stylo, having
for (hat purpose secured the services of an ex
perienced Cutter, and laid in a splendid assort
ment of Cloths, Cassimeros, Vestings, sc., which
for beauty and durability cannot-,bo surpassed.
To the citizens of tho surrounding country wo
would say, give us a fair trial. All wo ask Is a
fair look at our stock and wo Win not fail to con-
vince you that our,Clothing is bettor made, of
better materials, better trimmed, cut with more
taste, and last though not least, cheaper than 1
you Imre over bought elsewhere. Also, alargo
Jot of Trunks, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, £c.
All ball creation far and ncaf,
OlAdnold’s Stofo you shall hoarj
Lot pealing drums nnd cannon’s roar
Proclaim the nows from shore to shore j
Great bargains sure, are on tho whig,
Rare wonders then wo now will sirig«
At first we’ll speak of Ciotiiinq rare.
Such trophies, sure will make you stare,
Of broad and narrow cloth so cheap
"We’ll take a moment’s time to'fcpcak.
Delighted too you can’t but bo
With prices and their quality?
Dross and Sack Coats—ayo, Vestings too,
What bargains now for nil of you I
The Gents will our compliments receive,
Ami call they must the wonders to believe.
In Pants wo have all kinds of stylos,
One dollar and upwards, piles on piles.
In Summer Goods—for soon ’twill como—
We’ll give yon bargains all for fun.
Frocks and Ovor-coafs so very fine,
Great wonders yon shall see in every lino,
Hosiery, Suspenders, Under-shirts for all,
All kinds of Gloves to please all who call.
Hut wo cannot stop to enumerate,
Wo have bargains l oth good and groat.
Our stock too in the Furnishing lino
Is plentiful, cheap and fine.
ARNOLD $• SON’S Clothing
April 12, 1855.
Clothing, Clothing" 1
OF Steineh & BnoriiEn’s has been removed
to the corner room of (ho 'Washington Ho
tel building, N. W. corner of tlio Public Square,
where they hnvo opened on immensu stock of
Tlio stock consists in part of
Coats, Cloth, Casslmofb arid Jean trock
Dross and Sack Coats. _ ,
BOYS and YOUTH'S COATS, of different
vies and finalities. ... ~
PANTS Plain and fancy Kcraomero, Cassl- 1
not and Corduroy Pants. I
VESTS—Satin, Silk, Oasßlmoro, battlnolt
and other Vests ofdlfToront patterns and quail- 1
tlU Also—Stocks, Cravats, 'Pocket and Neck
Hnndkorchloft, Plain and Fancy Shirts, Under
Shirts, Drawers, Stockings, Suspenders, Urn
borollos, Carpet Bags, etc.
Customer’s orders made up in the most ap
proved manner, of warranted materials. The
Cutting D6portmont is under the management
of practical and experienced workmen, and in
every case satisfaction is guarantied.
The aim .-of the subscribers Is to give every
customer satisfaction, by furnishing Clothing
i unsurpassed In finish and durability, ami at
■ prices defying competition.
Carlisle, Juno 5, iB6O.
„ risn, o fish,
50 bids. Bnllimoro Shud.
50 “ “ Herring.
60 “ No. 1, 1} nml 11 MncUerol.
6 “ Pickolcd Herring.
6 “ Luke White Fish,
attention of (armors nml dealers in Fish
k| requested, us I am determined to sell lowfo
cash or bacon taken in exchange.
WILLIAMS’ Family Grocery.
Carlisle, May 1, 1850.
DUicksuifttU Ooul,
BUSHELS of Blacksmith coni, of
t-F v/vf vrgood quality, received ami for sale
by W. B. MURRAY,
CftrUalo, August 7, 1850.
JUST received and for sale, 100 kegs best
quality TAR j also, a large lot of patent
Wheel Groaso for carriages, wagons, &c., at tho
old stand, East Main street.
' March 27. 11. SAXTON.
Ciii-lKMlug* und Oil Cloths.
T HAVE Just rocolvod n largo ami ologant na-
J. lortraont ol Imperial, Ingrain, Vnnlllnn nml
Blalr carpeting. AI«o, floor oil cloths, whluh I
will soil al uncommonly low prlcos.
0ur,1».0, April lo.h, ij""' OQIUiy '
Plumbers &'Gas Fitters,
South Hanover street, opposite Hie
Volunteer Ojjicc. •
Load and Iron Pipes,- Cast’lron,Sinks,
-Hydrants, Bath Tubs,, ;
Hot and Cold Shower Bath Boilers, ?
Baths, . Wash Basins,
Water Closets, . Hydraulic Bams,'
Force and Lift, Pumps,
Wrought Iron Wel’d.
And every description of Cocks and Fittings
for Gas, Steam, Water, &c. Superior Cooking
Ranges, Heaters and Gas Fixtures, put up in
Churches, Stores and Dwellings, at short notlcd
and In tho most modern stylo. All materials
and work in our lino at low rates and warranted.
Country work and Jobbing promptly attend
ed (o. ...
Carlisle, May 20,1850.
Plumbing & Gas Filling.
South West Cor . of Ninth and Walnut Streets,
Wm. Wright, Jno. 11. MoFetuicit
Jno.C. Hunter, Thomas Brown. *
of Ninth and Wajnut Streets, Philndol*
phla. Lead and Iron Pipes of all sizes. Bath
Tubs of Copper and Iron, Hot and coldShow
cr Baths. Water Closets.nnd Brass Cocks ojf.
every description. Force ami Lift Pumps of
Iron and Brass. Hydraulic Rams, nil sizes.—-
Hydrants nnd Lead Work of every description.
All materials and work in our lino at low rates)
and warranted,
December 20, 1855—tf
Fanning Implements.
iNew * Agricultural
rpnE subscriber, located In tho basement,of
£ tho Methodist Church, opposite thoßailroad
depot, is now receiving a variety of Farming
Implements, such as Plows, Grain Drills, Grain
Fans, Com Shollcrs, Corn and Cob Grindurs,
(Scott's Giant,) tlio Crescent Grain Mill, Ucrao
Shovels, Farm Boilers, Reapers imd Mowers,
(Manny’s with Wood's Improvement,) Straw
Cutters, &c., all of which ore of tho most ap.
proved kinds and workmanship, and will bo sold
on tho most accommodating terms. Farmers
are respectfully invited to call and examine be
fore purchasing elsewhere.
For the convenience of farmers, Moore’s pa
tent Grain Drill will bo sold at Shircmanstown,
by Benjamin Clay, and at Shlppehsburg, by C-
Car isle, Aug. 21, 1850—tf
MANTILLAS. Another largo invoice of
elegant and fashionable Mantillas, just re
ceived at tbo cheap store of
Juno 18,1857.
LADIES DRESS GOODS. A largo assort
ment of Barnges, Robes, Ducnlls, Silks,
Lawns, Chnllcs, Ac., just received and selling
very cheap.
June 38, 3857.
BONNETS, Ribbons, &c. More bow Bon
nets,'Ribbons, Rushes, &c., just received
and selling at very low prices.
Juno 18, 1857,
SAPONIFIER or Concentrated Lye, just re
ceived and for sale by
January 8, 1857. B. J. KIEFFER.
jronsr p. i/vrsE & son’s
TDE public are requested to call ami examine
our stock before making their purchases,
as wo are selling goods at tho lowest price i. Wo
have everything you may want in our line, and
lu. such quantities that wo cat* supply all who
‘may favor ns with their patronage. Carpenters,
cabinetmakers, wagon and conchnmftora, paint
ers, blacksmiths, farmer*, laborers
and tbo public generally, will find if frill nn<*.
complete assortment of goods to select from pt
such prices as will bo sure to please all. Try ut.
North Hanover street, Carlisle.
April 23,1857.
Ciuulioi'land Valley Bailie*
William Ker, Melcii'oir Brennei*.^,
Rodt. C. Sterrett, John Dunlap,
Ricu’d. Woods, John S. Sterrett,
John C: Dunlap, . 11. A, Sturgeon.
THIS Bank, doing business in the name of
Kor, Bronneman & Go., Is now rttty pitf
pared to do a general Backing Business witfr
promptness and fidelity. (
Money received- on dejiqifiland paid Dotfc dri 1
demand without ttoffco. Interest ptfd on Spe
cial deposits. Certificates of deposit bejmug
Interest at tlio rtttb of tiro per cent, will be rt
siied for as short a period aff foUi* months* In
terest on all certificates will cease nt maturity
provided, however, that if said certificates are
renewed nt any time thorootlcrfor anothcrglvcn
period, they shiOj bear (he snriio rate of Interest
up to tho lime ot renewal. Particular ntfcrttldri
paid to tho collection of notes, drafts, checks,
&c., In any part of tho United States or Cana*
Remittances made? to England, iVclnrtd, 6t
tho Continent. Tho faithful and
execution of all orders entrusted (o them, roof
ho rolled upon.
They call (ho attention of Fanners, Mechan
ics and all others who desire a dafo dcpdslfof/
for their money, to tho undeniable fact, that tli«
arletors of this Bank are individually Hull*
o extent of their estates for all the Depo
sits, and other obligations of Kor, Bronnemas
man & Co.
They have recently removed into their new
Banking House, directly opposite tljoir foinicr
stand, in West Main Street, a few doors cant <U
tho Railroad Donot, where they will nt nil tlnici
bo pleased to give any information desired 1®
regard to money matters f» general.
Open for buslnosafrom 0 o’clock in the morn
ing until 4 o’clock In tho evening.
11.. A. STURGEON, CathUr.
Carlisle, Doc. 18, 1860
THE subscriber has Just returned frorttf f *
Pork and Philadelphia, and Is now opejfrtt
an immense stock of the handsomest and chcap*
est Dry Goods over brought to Cai»lx )! 'l ltu<i
A lull assortment of magnificent silks, ckal||®»
barege and lawn robes, ducals, do lalns,
hums, JubolJas, ottoman plaids, &o»
An immense assortment of olegant
worked collars, undoralcovcs, haiulkorcm »
llounclngs, edgings ami Insortlngs, bpnght1
the importers in Now York, and will bo so
prices to defy all competition.
A largo stock of bonnols, ribbons and ttowc >
at vary low prices.
A now lot of cloths and casslmcres, very go® ( *
handsome nml very choup. Irish linonß, p
Hus, chocks, tickings, linen checks, co | . tv
pant stuflk for men and boys, In fiscal W
together with all other kinds of ggods,toon
to enumerate. • . n , c |.
All my old friends and customers arc ro I .
fully invited to call and examine my n9a ®f , n 10
before purchasing, and they will ho con t
get good bargains and snvo money# ot 1
Bland, Hurt Main Biroot. onAg oG jj,py.
Carllslo, April Iflth. 1857.
. received, a largo assortment ot AU°»
tors, with rope and pulleys, all complm •
a largo lot of Revolving bay and gram y,
grain Cradles, Scythes and Hnods, U ft,£ o-•
Shovels, lloos, tk0.,&0.,at tho cheap
Store of ~U. BA*W* '
May 21, 1867.