American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, June 12, 1856, Image 3

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    len ‘ tlten jTwiien^ficßo 2
ibontiio flcono of .himuU.
jouncomont that
Uto -fori the, rrcskloncy.
.> cbWratiilat!°na On all
fitfd'tioft®® anythfnglifio
K m'p6ecslcd' t fo JwllOt
(W first
•It. 3ohnsoh) ‘ ’B!t'
trie khunimbUs yotp of
if\ ducjaj’cU Ihb
'isr(l6nt»' J , ]'" ’ *‘ v ' t
inntiont--gpecehci' ’.of
mrd 'Douglas Qt< Wdslim
. t
Dcm’ftcrntic ratifirat'ion ificcting Wasl
*T*Saloon, the 'lion. : Mr.'
' '• •' - ' ;
•‘ 7 K 91Cren.* CafcH 'wits -iritfodu Wfl hnd’rbfcciml with
a:; •, bpiuiV'isc.,, Ifo said a voice luyd, MachddUhetn'
) v[]lTrow th<f'ft'e&v tfi At ftvV§t^n6nsagent
defies■•boili'titlV?' ih’d spice; rtphouncinp;
National Democratic 1 CoriVenVlori 'had
n-K);the/party the panics of a slates
. Chief tliQ tTnion andj
pcniocratic pVhich
"I- upife thp'hcar s ts, liopcfj and .Cxcr-i
; the whole Democracy.of the, country--;
v, p>»Vihßn is-James'Buchanan.,; I|c eulogized
; private worth,'
,' his strict Adherence to.Dcniocrptiq prm-;
i .'Lot every true Democrat buckle on his
, 'rtot -the armor of Sharp’s rifles, but .the
arinor'bf trulh.'.renfion'and .persuasion.'and go;
- -'M'4oW n lieViHg-."'l “ “PI""-
{ of -Mr.* Brcckcnndgc,; the
. for, Vico’ President, faying lie would
jfol co.laborcr with'Mr. Buchanan.—
to them both—hut above all, success
llprjoiijSjUnion.,,- , v ,i ---.
»biiglas wqsalso introduced and reedy
loml-chcer.'). lie. endorsed tp the fiiu-,
I the rcmnrUp.’of.Miv pass. • jlcculo*-
patriotism and firmness.-of the candid
"'resident on the leading! iHsnes'of ttyc
claimed for. him ft-bright page in tps
i history/to be Admired when the poS«
ho day havosubsided. ’• •iloexprcsKcd
icftliort that hteown course 1 on the No*
xnSM f qlicstloh'hftd been 'endorsed by
rtsolvco of ihb Conrenlibh; • The’ Do*
liroiighoot oiir Widely extendinghfn J
hovr gh-to' work in’ Ihc gbpd ,, causo J
peeled .his.hcnrers to prepare’ for the
tvillf such they must ,trl
n ho said, in - enridusiem, "I hare
nfiho Union who loves tpe,l«t him put
wheel and do everything k in
'jlpSyiii.thc light.”* / ( ‘ !
ib ppcnluT.s were frequently,iidcrrnpt
plauKo. and thq mvotlng formed and
. to smpadc tli? X s rcsidopU, , , l;
recession numbered,’ rank and file,
.•o thousand. The Prcpident-appcal’cd j
“ the upper windows of the mansion j
fellow citizens, upnif
ton. avlucj* brings yon here, and,-I in-'
.Qo|iUdont r Uppu • that the joy w »l1i
uhail the harroimiotiHaiadVnanimpns
the; deliberations at Cincinnati may be
etacd and deepened- by life ratifying
tuarcouiitrytfien. ; - ftis pienfeant;
at. however other parlicsnaiy hoditid-]
Ustracicd, then* is nothing withns but*
pratpode.' 1 and will be nothing but un-j
Jiidn.' '•FyhhV this bbhrto that when
Will' b 6 bfjdnedJta'NMembcr, till bre
ad personal animosities ,nnymh ifj.bsb;
ilii cilUivale mnlianl.regard ahef hffprd;
npport,’ Vyill be laid aside.' 1 (AW
cs widely jnay have existed inr nrtr
yo Ipnggr remembered._,The'
c.of, cycry friend' in , this crisis^,\Vlio
no for ijic t '9oiint l ryUiah. fWlpmself,;
to, tlac caitsq, and .an /capacst.suppQßt
mlard borers ivbonrp tglcad.UfUhbo*
.struggle,, will bo thcoouirplHng son,*';
r. the. democriicy.
We archil. I am sore,-quite/nn-‘
r convlctioaasihac;,|aot only thepros-i
'thi.s.vcpublio, but
?d Union, depend essentially .upOu'abd
n find maintenance. of tho principles
Contention.. But these
findicaledmnd sustained only'
action, and that can only be sc-
Hence Mellty to this
and its usages becomes. like fidtl*
‘ a cardinal virtue* ; -Xhc latter
bo manifested and inaduolTecUml thro*
?r. My friends, will have duties to
in the canvass position
I prevent mo frOmattcnipling lo fullij
i.' Ifisnovcp to be me
iglitcen hundred nnd titty-two older
;r soldiers —(cries from the
if cr ’*j-i:ihart myself,' Miv Buchanan
Cass.'men who hnro been faUhfal nnd
through many years of lAbdr and
l cre passed by to Call mlr front the
ut which I had sought, and to tvhich Ii
urn without, regret. - Maytnnt odd,
m. if life;bu .spared. I shall go back
:ato of my birth 1 with" tv consciousness,
g adopted, no single measure of public |
urnig jiny administration which I did:
ivc to ’ bo demanded by the best inter- 1
he country; inormiw whiohddes not to*,
unnmnd the approbation of my judg- 1
mil Wy conscience;" The i conduct .qf I
tier and belter soldiers of whom I have |
tvnd of Iho'yonnger but nevertheless
soldier, Judge' Douglas, who I nm glad
now-standing'by the great nnd godd
ierM‘o|iss;'who torso many years has
tacridy ’irtV" respect, but
dhn.'wUUpcvep' crash to bt grdtifully
mVby'rpci the 11 eld,
/y (0./cnbdtiragc and fljrcct;
;ad-t]ib columns. “ Their energies, were
forth jdecauso tlio standard was In my
itbocanso Usurer was, ,in their cs
- for-tho-tipio being tlio,.impersonation
.soundconMUuUonal, principles whieh
teved could alone give stability nnd
;nco to this glorious fabric of our inath
• it ischcering lokuowlh!>t thcgclimi
.to Convention places thcßtatcsmcn nt|d
who arc to lead us pow upon ihc-jden
tfbi-m which.[ accepted, wilh.full. co|r»,
>f* my judgment and with cvcry scnll
my heart, andthat'thoy aro to occupy,
ho standard lowered never an Inch, so
construction‘of iho conßji--
id'lho vindication of the conaUtullonal
every,porlion'of’ the Union arc coi*-
Jifuch Ojiid,’,justly oa we ndtnlro the I
p, op*d, private virtues *of J
daj'tl ljyarcjrfi, there will ho • nothing
womhip iiY;<his contest. JNJoh become
\vcly insignificant, except, 09. histiti
icb great principles and vijst (pteresUa
dry like.dors arc involved* (There
a ’ydup’parlrf toanppeal; to unworlhy,
imlnfJdmtfutoryealls for a second
i liko thoso which nfo occasionally
» coming frolh fticn ivlid hUvbfrcelv
,at tir’d hands'tif* thcir .gov’efrmjqnt
'lion nnfl political ; j■ jib
rcsißlancb fo tho Ikws-oi-' tho land*;
”? n '!?“ J-hu shqlding-Of blood, hy
> havo. none to shed When our coiin
faco w «th foreign
'A, ,• “”? I,u,nm °n you td a
tly fur the
.lißd'hion tnin'p jo l that
iMriljucnt ns thd pnfy
r r ,oli and tho only !*.-
, Men who feel nnd no, with V ou will
hwith wntrf^ 0
.Wds willelcfendiit. if nen} be..,wlife
lor ngeinst. nil, Msanllsj from without,
(tUim 1 [Tbit n.elKnal trliifopb »wau»
A’ocansolicnlcrtalo cuyfioubt/If,
ihtot, oiit ‘fiitbers only
‘ fho changing
• b‘- *-• - - /.'‘•‘'V 1 1
and adopt
Ihlq ~by Ompipqtqnt. Power#
tyay.’fjgpds? i:-«P9n ; &A jfiuip h)p. 4>u t.finwaycjW
faUli' ; powcnyrjll nj.qdv
hcsBipf> tlvsirlshildyciftto ? destroy jt.
ifying call.'.'-lVi y' l ;* &'•''■ tr’i.r' :
1 ■!
PHiladclplua 6h' ■Tuesday- everting, in-ircsponso
tO'flndrtvffdtibrU-- .
J PifrtßnuiiG.-June Dcriibdrntfo nOmi
n'ntlofi9 J have been* received -with -favorirt- thru
,yicinity v Last evening the office,of ; the Morn
jug was. brilliantly illumina.tvd iii honor of
cyehtr.ond event.‘was celebrated
by a spluto of- lOO.guh?. A raliflofUioii!inept*
ing.was also held thisevcnlng.ond in,Allegheny.
Gity last evening; • .*...■ f
. UOBTON,‘JunQ T. I —The DempcrotiC' County
and Wahl Meetings ore making: arrangements
ft>r a ratification.meeting’in Fdncull tfalhprpbJ
; ably qp Monday. • ” 1,
” iWiioiT, June 7.—A salutc-oflOO guns bds
liero,' in honor-of the Democratic
nominations. ", ,
‘ Sudden OnATh.—Wfe' learn from a friend fri,
Novburg, snvs ilio 'SWppoiWwia &**»: U»V
Mr. James Boyd, respectable dtiicn -of
HopcWcll Watehlf., about• seventy yfari!,■
wda Aun4'jeid : 1 n V 3 bed. ba. Saturday, inova*
'ing.last.- He had been attending to some bus-:
incss-from' 'hoVho 61ft -Friday, dnd retarding:;
-about ninc.o’clockin the evening,, shortly nlfter
ward retired: to bed apparently .in good-health.
I A son uf' his,Aged aboilt 'Sixteen years, Slept
in the saWb bf'd wittj l)is fiither, andgetUng up
early on. Saturday morning, left his - father-in
bed, as 1 he. 1 supposed ;him to be sleeping.—
lAbout an hour after sun rise!, his daughter
went to his room to ,-cali hinrto breakfast,
when she found that lie wris dead although'he
secnicd lo be, only in a squhd sleep. From the
position' in.-which be was laying, and natural
cxprcasioii/qf the ctfunlenancc; bc'mu»t' have
died suddenly,while sleeping. . ‘ ~y
Dr» R. .Smith ofNcwburg being called upon,
csainined- the "dcc’d, and gave as his opinion
that his death was occasioned! by apoplexy. (
Mr. Boyd was a kiud and indulgent parent,
a true and devoted fridnd, and from his strictly
honest .and upright course of life, had, won,for
himself many-warm friends who sincerely sym
pathize, with his bereaved.fhmlly in their-fee
vci’c'nlßiclibn. 'T i lii3‘{s ftn’oihcl* sfilcmn admo
nition that truly in the midst of life wc arc in
death. ;.5 ■' i i\ , / ;
.'-Esto pKn^BTOA.—Fmindcd'upon the eternal
principles of truth ami justice, with the consli*
tutiorifor its guide, the, prosperity and perpe
tuity,of the Union (or its him, says the Wash
ingloji XJntoi}, the democratic parly has so far
retained Usqiitcgrlty-.ynßpoltcd and its power
unbroken, , jt’is now', was irt the (la3 r s bf
old, the friend of., civil and , .religious - freedom,
the frimdof the people, and (ho advocate of the
great and simple truths which the constitution
imbodlca. Prejudiced against no section of,
our cotrupon country,—pledged to the support
of no'iucasurc that doc 3 hoi mshre equal and
exact justice to nil—enlisted, not iu the cause
of men. but in defence of principled—it will cn
ter the coming contest with’the same con-
.tlic.linal triumph of its cause
which cheered i_t,!n“fonner struggles—the con
sciousness thatftis the-cause of truth and jus
tice. With the constitfction it broso; Svilh the^has.livcd;'and together with the
cunsljlution'it will die.. The .one "ghf-
Without iha .ixmsfituUW^Uie
dembohallc jinH bfaken'r up i'jvilh
out,, the. .dsnjqfinatic- parlyV. tbp’'constitution
would bcccoinc 5n a day -the foot-ball of fanati
cism. /riibfneud pf the-o’nchmy well of
pefpjitua.l ■~. .
t£7~ The Mormons arc experiencing hard
times at Salt Lake; Food pr-so scarce that
beggary from door to door is as common as in
our Atlantic cities.. Brigham Young denoun
ces the practice as likely to be an imposture,
though he says where 'any of the saints have
gone Jive dags without food they ought to make
their wants known. Rather' ft task for-a' mh’n
to support ninety wives in a'country where
food is bo scarce. ( >
lHUtnnATio.N.—The .tables, of alien Immi
gration at Now’ Yorlc for l]ic’last live months
show K great‘decrease. There were :
In 1854, (five months)
In 1865, “
In 1860, M
, The larger proportion of thesewero Irish.—
ilost of the English arc Latter-day Saipta pr
Mormons, and arc mostly bound,for Utah.
v 07"* A*few:wooks-Binco*.(ho lat? D.r. Johp fe..
Warren disinterred from'tho family tomb. Under
St. Paul’s Church tin* remains of his’unfclo,
Gen. Joseph Warrun, who fell’ in the fight 'of
Bunker's Hill. Thp remains were placed In n
slono urn, upon which an appropriate epitaph
had been engraved.', The akWl was' cpiUe
feet,.tho chin still remaining. . Behind one iof
(ho oars wns'seen itn nperturO/ which indicated
tho placo where tho - fatal enteVod which
ended lilp : brlef but glorious eWeer. TlVo .re
mains, with those of other members of (lie fani.
lly, were placed In Forest Hill Cemetery, Bos*
• The ''American Volunteer will lrc ; furnishedto
.persons or clubs from the Ist of Uuly until the
close of the Presidential period of
over fomi JJONTiia, pipl which will comprise
not only full accounts of'the heat of 'tljd Ap
proaching political, battle, but tho,result, at 'tho
ballot box, on the following termsp-to 09 paid advance: <[\ t •
t Tcn copies in one package, 1
Twenty copies in'one package,
copies, trt One poefcagp;
Sjiigft \ copUs for ' '' 50
Ouroljioet in making the above offer simr
ply that tliolnuh iuay ira put into every, plan’s
hands, at.a coat so lew that no one shall ho ex* i
eluded, and thus prevent tho.practice.ofidcccp-!
: lion by our opponents/ Uis-bigbly. Impor
taut, that .the trao principles bf Democracy
should He wiistkrjUy kept before the ‘people/
hrtd wo we hnyo made, to bo
able to send the FfitSbffer into' cv'eryhdmlct/
village, and Uwnshm Ifftnit county: :
The Various |?nl«iisrEprcßcntatlona
alwoya by. our oppo*.
of clvcflonjELire».
qulrojnore thdn lha brdinary vo. : Tl>o‘
very low price of this publication yjjfljcijahlo it
to find its way to wbaleverqu^ri^^^PP o *
aitlon may ottem pt,to:,rrn*).cgd fchcpbwMnid,
Spread *)rrjqt infQrwpJlop toiojiat lliepfpplo
the humbu«,of,tb():N)g>>}!o(Vl« wife-,
ry corner, end Tfo sunll, frayij» jjlorjoua triumph
wjoc.oiu'' icobsS^rs.',
cr AM'
iMipkiiff'i'p ?».‘V'v’v ■
j. "S * •
POn thcslh fntft,> AtUcifiprs’v'lidteli m’jthlp
borough, by the IWvM-j: o.'
Hopprrt# to- Mlsfli daughter'Df'Dltt
Jbhtif Kauffman, till of Sofillt lliddletorr tW£v
this'cbhnty.- • >'^ r ' «-o ■/;* •’ 'yJJ*'-'’ I '*?
yOs fhe<2oUi Ult.->y Ihe- Rcv;-A.;ai, ; lfts*‘«A.
•Mr. Sami/eK KEBKPdftrz’r tiv‘ -Ay
&EkfcßnAk,‘ -both -of KlngstoWiiV -,
Von; 'Mr.: Js Br ttW»oft CaHfpri)l’it>'to'
Mies SARAtf jAkg MdHtOQMEay; pi Ihla.CD^--;
' ■ ; ; ’:^
TT .• " 1 P ( itiLADßi^iiA',.JunPll. , ;‘
■Jflortr'and' Wept— 7 1 The’FIogr-raarkct |s firrp,
Wi.tlpratner more rnqiiiry for, exports . The oh'
ly trahsnctipns, .hqweyciv were 2000; barrels
stmighc.bflinas'at 874, per Mil;?,which
pricais now.vcry generally-refused; extra fain*--
ily is held at 87. a 50.:; The' sales toi the
trade are within the range of the same quota
tions. • dlye Flour is dull at 83 50. ' Cdrn’
Meal is-in fair demand; sales of : P<inn. at 82 50
per bbl. .; ,,f 1 ••
; Gra’m.-j-Wheat duff , and drooping. - Sales of
pHme red at §l. 35 a l- prime Pcnri’d.
and Southern,white at $1 sft a' 1 55,afloati
Rye Is unchangcd—salcd nt 75c. ".Corn is in
steady.achiabty— Southern yellow at 52 ccpts,
afloat,, and Peniia. nt 6tc,.; .OaKare are steady
.at 33. a 3ic. per bushel,‘ .
* ’Sct ; ds.--Clo»cfseed continues,.scarce; .small
sales at SC 124 a 6 50'pcr G 4 iW.ilii Timothy,
and Flaxseed^ nothing doipgi -5- .-
Whiskey is dull—puvall sales of.hbls l at,27c.,
and Hhds. at 2Cc. ' ; 1 \• '' ' l
To the Heirs and Legal Representatives of John
Clark; dec'dldle of the Ootihtu of Stiifh,
. Land State of Ohio.
TAKE notice that by virtue of a writ of-PnV,
titlon and Valuation,.issued out ql thd,
Orphans! Court 0/ Cumberland county, end'to
mo directed,.‘l will hold an inquest fo AivitUv
part or vuhio, tile real estate ol said deceased,
on the premises, on Friday, (he ist day of Au
gust, 18-50, at 12 o’clock, M., whch dnel wherd
you-may attend if you think proper.-' . •'
.. [/ . JACOB BOWMAN', Shff.
Sherin ,, s Offlco, Carlisle, Juno 12, »6Q-0t »
(loz. Grass and Grain Scythes of all makes;*
Also a largo assortment of Snaths of all kinds..
Grass and Grain Rakes; Hay, Manure and Sim,
ing Forks by. the quantity, just received ot, the
cheap Hardware store of
June 12,1806
Revolving, grain-rakes. .'Just re.
ccivcd a Urge lol'Unvolvipg'Qram Rakes,
rquaro and round tecll), for solo very cheap,—
Also, a good assortment of Grain 'Cradles! of
different makes, ht tlio cheap TTnrdware stOre of
H. Saxton* East Main “street, Carlisle. ■ ’*
> Juno 12, ISStf.'-j '*
FLY -•NETSI'FLV KETS !! Justrccoived
one of tl.o largest nasorlmchfs of Fly.ileta
ever brought to this place, consisting of Cotton,
Linen;and Oiled,Twine Jtfothi'of'aU'.colofs.—
Tho ibices nro so low that people can’t help
buying. Forsalo at ' ,'' f - .
Juno 12,183Q f
- wlovxt isoixx *l
i, bo,open for,tho rcceptlbp
mm-rW of visitor's on the tirst dayVjftf
r |»BjS|^B'dtdy.ncxt > situated si.V, miles south
of Carlisle I’c'nn’n., at the gorge in
.the youth Mountain rßluo Kidgoj throxlgh
.which flop's the beautiful .mountain creole,*;- inb
lociylou is equal U not sjiperlor to any la.,th|s
county, lor good water, pure‘air’, and mountain
scenery. Those who are fond of huutlng/or.
fishing can„ffts amusement. A Daily matt,
and Daily communication ' with Carlisle, ena
bles visiters tho Letters’ ond papers'
from homp in a tew hours. Visitors leaving.
■ Philadelphia, or Baltimore in the'morning will
.arrly.Q:g{ M,. sho.jlyitYdings
'jind amU exertions
, Boarding j>er u»eefc,cbiWfdn
' under tlyelvb. year's of o'gdi'nfc iec.bad'tabloi. nod
so'rvants.'iuill mice. Address .
**• . . . jqs. pxttoit;' .
' *' - ' , Phpertown I*. O. , 1
Juno 5, 1850. ,*• . ,
, Baltimore.—U’BrfcVi, 'GfnfiHn 3: Co., Robert
Gnrrott, Esq., Dr. Mos. Buckler.
Philadelphia—Bhllcnmn & Harvard, W. S.
Campbell, St. Lawrence Hotel.
Carlisle.—lion. F. Watts, Roy. J. TJ.Moriio,
J B. Parker, Esq., Col. Chas. A, May.
DR; Ji BAUGUM AN, his health having been the citizens pf Cftr.
Uhlo fthd vicinity* (hat ho has resumed the prac
tice of medicine tit his residence, East Main
Street. t
Juno 6, 1850—If
Cumb. Valley Railroad Company-
Ofcrondtfftct Monday*, Mrty 26th/ 1856, pas
sengerl trains will leave aafollowj,*'(Sun
days oxoepted,) via 1 • . : j .
' ' : ; '■* Foa IlAßnisßtrno.
, lif TV-inn' SdTVain.
Leave JL ,4i20 P, M,
«* ■ : ShipponsburK. 6.08 , »< • .4.55 »<
■»«' Ncwviuc; : o.aa; «.,,*'5.20.^
Carlisle, 7.12. *« ’ tf.OO' **
» Mcohaplcsb’g,, .'7.40.;•*< 0.28 “
Arrive at IJarrUbnrg,, B,os “, OJ>(L.
Ut Train. 2c l Train;
Leave Harrisburg, 'B.GOA. M. .LOOP. M.
Meclinnlosburg, 0;26< • <*-•-!. 1,32 l«
■ ** • Carlisle,) : 10.02 -.«<: ‘ . 2ilo : ‘*'
Nowvilio*. -10t07 -. *< ■ i 2.43 ■**'
•> ♦«! Shippfcneburgv; 31.00.' « ; B.M
AnlvoatChamUcrsbffll.aZ: 0.42 »<
Trains loavo Harrisburg for Philadolpldamt
8.40 A. M/, 7.15. P.M., hiict 1.16 P.M.,—via
Columbia. For Pittsburg, at a.BO 'A. M.T2.C6
Noon, ami 5.06 F. M. For,Baltimore, at 8.50
A. M., npdßP, 31^9;
.. Trains on thoDanpbln i\ud SnBfniq)mm\a Ro!
Bond leave HarridbUig
&o. daily. • . " r ■ i.
»* KTTFwros, from? Uarrlaburfy/Carljijlo, Slilp :
'penaburtf, nnd’Cl>i\hibo’ratj«vgJ will b 6 ten 1 cent*
ins when paid forTicUeta, ttt'Ui© (Mfleo, (ban
Nvlibn'liaUl in Iho Oara. - 'i - -■> ■
.• ; ‘ ' ,l O. -U\ htfLitt '3npt. ■
Railroad Office,'Clmtnb’g. (■ - '
‘Mfcy.Bo, 1850. ; .
7 00
'TTA-VING toon .IneU-ucAeri In .(ho ?irt, (by pri
itX,G<o»ss. Ikola, agradiMjto of PnUliiioro
Dental College,) ianovr prepared .to rpooivp hit
fviomlaand perform. tho.miow operations In'
.the Moo ol thoduntal profession, athisresidence
in South drool, Uddoor from Wpsti&ti .tllvo
usAonll. Torma moderate. . . oi• . • k
Carlisle,- May 20,18G6—.tf • : .
■i i. ...i r )H'CXE«atar&)'it
*{3 TRA7ED r dt< Stolon from tho subscribed, ro-
siding at Bolling SprlngaV S6i(th Middleton.
eonnty. Pn M abouttho
SBlh '.fnstAht/ ttJpltfnilOßSEj wltfi
rbl(o< piano slnd till and ■whUo faco.—
’ha laid hprsfa 11 abbot IQhapdfi tjgh,’
irJfconalUon.. Tho nbdvu fuiviifd will
r wjjlch will loud tho sub*
rog(ilh tho Jjrdif horao. , 1 ‘
; ‘ ■;'jajaO»’Ooc»>sßja»,Wr.
t 18f»8-8t ■' :-V. •'
<m jwW**;.' ".'i
- a lot<Jfl?ronty:'& Moll's aolf*
cdntod>drmigbt Plol'Sj audt ftp
’■. • 1 n
\?M t - .. STA7MAIT£d.aN’SHI
-OarllilO^Aprii«, 1866.. • - M
./f <lr r.r» 'l'
jytyjriw'/.x , '.V- 1
WILL : bo, in-&rllalp; byßeiiry, L,
Bgrkhgldfiy, at thq ttflMvlng raids i'Uefip
or, .cash, $16,5 ;'^eapeifaiidllgwdr» ; c(fsh;sl9Uj
Kgaper S2IO; lleuncr,
$186; $76 on dell very f tip first dfSeptcinberj
i nmUhd balancb tfrst oP pocomb'ciy vith'ft-clght
I‘JV'onj IKd at’Hhnnsbuv£,
Ueapct ; j9 bflllVofjJw.bdsf njaf«*riartiifft;cim bij.
found, ami phi 'Up tn' tho
manner,, wan-aided to cut .grain us wejl ns’cun
bp ilonb witiifbo Fartnuts At*
Icfn'a ißcnf)dr dg.bpt thby wohld in
bpyftig ,* fi. Ro'apb'i* thousand .npics,
away ffdih ' hoh\c'j , jf:’t|fehS -shotiTd 5 - anything
brqnk they gefthe ghstlrigs atlhe ; Factory
at Illxrriaburg/'fif’a'ny.'fiOie; PcraonsVbuving
this Reaper hattf tho benctll all_ improve
ments _froo, hereafter, ■•by'applying to J l . S.
Wright, at tho ?flC(omC/i lv , . „
: CinilSTlA^ST6ujß,FßK,''Agcht:«tCJiam
bprsburg;, 11. L- Travelling
Agent at Carlisle j'Henry Bcriv Agent at Har
risburg, ami James Patton,'General Agent at
the Factory,' at llarflsbhrg, for Pennsylvania.
Order through tho above" Agents. : };
.. iWhbt. better cvldenco.'of true.'.couM.bc
given then, -eufch uhpahillelod i Increase—l in
ln. 18361... Add.' though so little
known, ahdJ»U ot mlnioroiia
failures of. otller Solf-rakcrt, y.vt.oot twodhirau
of tho Customers could bo supplied last year.—
More -will bo dlsjipphfntotf-lbc nest; for,, 11-farm
ers can .-get a .reliable, Scltivukih*, they are dor
termlned to have it; and this is npbr thorough
ly established In Ibe confidence of the tanning
public. It lius-a riiker always On hand and do
ing.lho,.wo|-k, ld A-heavy or-lodgcd
crop, better than a man/ . Saving at least anuth.
or hand in binding; Is erfen a gfcaWr GrnlnSav.
Or than Labor .Saver,-.ntur is also* ti ffrst.vato
MoWcr. If you 'intCrtd of your old
fashioned .back-bteiikcp, hndMo '.get ’ft Raker
with Elqnb and Muscle IrowUnd’"Wood 1 ; yon
must bo moving, foY-OOw-ttcA ditftvost will ; hy
no mentis supply the ddrafthQ/fis-tho 1200 which
w'flssoWjSufifcipntllldpSst.EChson. / 1 >'
'-Strong; Reliable, Gdlal’ Materials/ nnd.Well
Built;' A Reaper that cobsiantly gets onto!
onlcr Is a nuisnhcc' muf ''dcar-Ai hny price.—
Brcakngcs with'thiadiavo'becn* Inconsiderable,
notwithstanding (ho tnCrtnafe of gearing by. the
Raker, owing- to tho used In good mater
ials-and puUlugUhcm ‘together 'thoroughly.—
JfAn£ liavo-cut fVora' 100 to faOO acres and over
with 'onoj without detentiony ’any expense
for repairti ; Thd* harvest is a hurrying.season;
yonwaut ■fttnathihd tli’ut can bo rollcdiupdn,
and this is jho-one. ns experience shows, . 1
• • • In'effso of lUttnh'gothdht',.this Is not surpassed.
Fbwf jitirchiisort tho jiast : j*eari : ahd hot one
Agdnt in 'tetrifad hrtd hny experience with it;
hrid gehcTnlly'fitachiuc’d iroro shipped so Into as
only to bo received just At-harvest; of, after It
\VnsT)cgitri/ t Hchco'thbwwas no linuf to expor
ifrtehtfinfl learn about'lt, which is generally so
necessary wltli new macLiilcs. - This will bo oh.
vlutdd life coming season, with those who nrc
sViso Sh‘ ordoflhg earlier than - lost spring., Some,
too,,fell - 1 ihld -improper hands, ns orders were
filled Indiscriminately; till -tho* supply failed—
Ifi several Instances machines ..were returned
and Bohl.agaTii.t6.proper;.partied,'and llioygnvo
exoollout patisfiictlon. .Yet under ail these dis.
not two per csnt. gave 1 any serious
’trouble |. and ,wo willguaranty much less next
season. *»•" * -
A First Rato Mower—Knito .Never Chokes.
From the Hrat introduction of this machine,
farmers havo Baid‘'that lo 'glVc it tho load far
ahead of all la mako ft ns
good in grass as ih-ftrnih.'MVfe avfccriddcd pret
ty well wTth tlio'EraXSlßrtr^mnronY-hfitltr* Cfit-'
cnbtigh |<rcor
prairie grass, and - softe other kind*.' l A faster
gear was made,and tmpidled'ftf;a' part '.of the
purchasers, which -gaVo oXoOlfont
and iliis WHl’-hehtsda hifalHlilsscilson. . With
■lbia’mQtlbh T , r an'rt it nevi
or 6hotto».' t Tor : pnU
•tIOS on tho back sickle rago, fT»bfo<r unoii(n&
is obviaWd-; ; a!idfo : gtfnva .against obnfenflon;
and insure dnr customer?- oghtnst- molestation.
Tvo'havo' bought - Ujo right.-UiiO Green anu
Forbush’s patents'mi thb-knlfo as we build it.—
The Chango-from Reaper to Mower is very sim
ple and mndu in a few minute? ;• and. a wheel is
attached la tho cuter end of tho moving bar, to
regulate'thoi height of milling, tp facilitate back
ing, and movo from floyi toflold, : * ,
. Points to Consider ip Biiying a'Reapor, .Eve
ry farmer, by himself of with a neighbor, should
havo a Reaper.’■. It you have none, or oven if
you have an old-fashioned back-breaker, you
will look for one—
iat—-To cpt'well, clean arid easy, and with a
knlfo that does>iot,'‘<jhQk>j ” ’ . ’
. 2d—gtro'ng rind reliable/ not ‘getting 1 sick
when needed,.' . '
Od—Busily managed, that yon: your boys
and bands cati work Without,difficulty.
4th—Not hard upon Iho' 1 Team, neither of
heavy diaughf; gatylng Jlmliv neelrj, by. heavy
weight ‘upott.lho' .poloji : i\or 'thumping their
shoulders at every Obslnjfelioß.' 1 .There sbodld
bo no aide drought. r '.V'
Cth—Taking up lodged Grain, and- working
Well In nil kinds. ‘
V KT** Upbri Ihe’firsl dvdjiolhts no Reaper cx
cclW Allan’s SOir-Raker, nntl-ToW oipinl It, not
wlthetamUng'the addition of tbo Rakor. *•: 'i
Olh—Saving onoimniFia.lltifclng, the hardest
work In the harvest field* ‘ ‘
7 th—Saving at leobtanoonorhand-In Binding,
by having the gravels wqU laid* • - r
Bth—Saving In Cutting aikhßahlng,-not shat-* reel, and by. tho Raker Jerking if
oli’tho platform. .
Wastage alter binding, Iho grain
boingdaUlso oTcnly.andslr*lgbU« to.bu.bpund
securely, prevontiug. in tho after
handling, anH protecting tho heads well when
slacked. '■ ''
tCTTt/p’on the Sixth, Eighth nml?finth points,
WO ‘ Unhesitatingly chilth * superiority dvet/nU
other Rciipera ovcV ' Th 6 saving ot
wasting grain In haivcsyng.wllh machines,.ls a
point not properly oppreclatcd. Even between
those considered good ind tbb Atkin’s thcro is
a dllluronce, at present prices,,of ten*to, twenty
dollars per doy, nml over. ...
lnto -a Mower, wUb JUlly
trouble and small cost. », ~
• < back-breaking Rea
pers can bo used for nmwlhg;t)nt no other Solf-
Rakerrand no convorlablu mauhino claiming
to bo n good RoapcrißB»porlor to ours In grass.
lltb—Kulfo never obolcoa, • By Murray’s
bi»ol£>ainkl(r£dge t fbrrublch.Wc pw/r tho.oxclu
siro parent, the. great tronblp.ln Mowing; M«u
cblnoa^tho enbotually obviated.
CARU3t.e» Bfts., isOJit. CylBoo f
J. S.Wuonr, B»|.—tfonr Sln-lUtlng Jiur
cMMM lu J(ily|wt,;Alkln> Solf-RiU<ljiEl(]W|>or
mid Slower don your PBonl.ll. L. BurlUidldor,
Kaol,! tnltb nllaumro In rocouiinomlliiK it an Ilia
Sdst ocomnnibnVnoaptrlor tho futniorto buy.
t o(n surd I now bcforo'. cot ■ Mid put. up tho
Halim amount nf groin .with sojllllo oxponno, oo
mtlo tidp; ni,d/w unit. I bollovo I liuvo nnvcd
llw ono.llilnlor thlf prjco of. tho Iloapor tills
your.’ Not quly that, b|it It run* light oil tho
horacs.' Tho linker tovon algoodtuani ' Tlio
■ovoiiaud regular ileposltot-y of tho gravels’ will
nnVo on!) ban in lout ti) himllng. Wollnvolitul
from lironty to thirty rilrmcrnlUoklnßutU'wlicn
going, many of ivjioiUihsd otlior, Honpors imt
not thb llakcf.'ntid Iho'most-of’lhnwwildltmui
tllo'lWkl.’iitld It performed wall. I knOirof no
'rarttlihiO cimnl to It.’ Tlio Moivor, aflorjvojmd
it ainrWil; cute I aero* from 6 lO o’,
olbefcl '■ It wos'llniolliy.' -ilf theko linos con bp
orKuy avoll to yon, j’oir way tuo them ns you
tMnlt’hbsf. "2 »■ ■' >
■-. • ■ r > ■ i" 1 di .Yoiiroiinspooifnnr.
.i’ < . ill .... .jpitN! g.pSTEBKIiTT,
« .V in ,01 Saiis'r.ii.'Ocl.’o, ififiV.; ’ Summer Hals & lloiinots
ToJ. fi.’ tViiipnr, Sir—lojuly A IMho* tihcnpstord of‘ Av Bonta & Bro,,
tntt'l''■iVofymiVagent InOnrllala.Tr.Xis Ifsv Soulhrllnnovor struct. ’ Tho assortment. Is
BhrhlioMrri oho Id' Atfthi’ri Keif-Bailingllesp- largoi and will hn sold olmap. (Jlvoino s cn’l
.’lug MShMin Shi! nlitt.'; nOarll«)«( Adir.U 21. IHflO.', i . ,v ;
... / A J!i::t; v • ; ■ n'
■ IV _ .. V ,1 ...... ,V ■ ....
(lie -moatr complete,-, economical labor-saying
xaaclilno of.tho kind yetJijtrodpced Into this
nlfirt of the country j farm is billy,
It pcHprrt)ed ifaworlc'ttrjhy ontirosattotaclloD,
.and tb/th6 idralraUon of a’great number of
farmerskbb.Wcrc:present on' the.pccasion of.Jls
.t!lal, - '. ; Borfde9 making the cleanest work of;any
Reaper I’havo;. overseen, it requires; but half
Mho 1 power to. move jtihat Reapers do generally.
-Two Ijorscp d'rmmles can draw, it with case,
•though I «sedfoiir v dn.accoUDt being
>omewhat rough apd uneven. '
' • To .all farmers having . large crops to cut I
w6\ild bdviso as a matter of' conveniences and
economy to' proenroone Self-raking
Heaping Machines,-' ■; Ydura Respectfully,
Carlisle, Oct. 8,-.1855.
Mr. Henry L> Burkholder— Dear Sir—- 1
take g'rcat pleasure In bearing testimony to ilio
invaluable character .of “Atkin's ScU-ruklng
Vls ^ »,, I had both, in’ use on my
larra and.ctkch performed to my entire,
satisfaction, ami to the...admiration' of -miny
farmers who witneascd*them Jn operation, ■ I
rccommctid this .machine, as one of the most
hnpoVtafit Inventions for the farmer, and a. great
economical labor-saving machine.
ns the agent for Mr; J., S. ‘Wright, have
done a Ipsling'beneflt to cur famiugcommuni-
lntroduction of'thc Reaper Into this
county.' •.V .. Very Hcs|)ectnnivi ‘ ’
\ ' - W. M. lIE-NDERSON", .
, , , Oakland , Camb. co,, Pu.'
Tonic Scxpueb Springs, Pa., Oct. 1, 3803.
J. S. Weight—Dear Sir— Automaton Self
raking Reaper 1 bought of yon did its work
well,' cutting nhd raking bettor limn I hnvo over
had gr(iin lilted from n liand rake, and tnkingofl'
the heaviest,and most weighty bundles. It is
of easy draught and well built, and I think it
wilj,give .perfect satisfaction to every fanner
that wants oho. I would not have any other. :
IlAniusßuno, Fa., Sept. 80, 1853.
- J. S. SVmnnir—Bcat-Sir— Tho Rcaper. that I
botigl)t of your agent, Albert Jaqucs, I fried on
my-farm in the presence of* some fifty ol the
besfranners in Dauphin county, and it gave per
fecfsaiSslhction to fhom all. I cutmyhaivest
tho Reaper, and if I could not gctnubtherl
would not fnlco one thousand dollars for it. If
this is of any use to you, you may use it ns you
chooso. HENRY HERR.
Trcntox, N. J., 0ct.17, 1835.
J. S.^fnionr—Dear Sir—Tho Reaper thfit
you sept mo I was highly delighted withj'.it
done its work-fO my entire satisfaction In grain
upd grass, and I consider it tho best Rcaper,ln
use', and I recommend it to tho fanners of Now
Jersey:- v /o , ELIJAH MOUNT.'
‘irXiunTA, Pa., Oct. 18; 1855.
j“. S.' iTiijon'r—Dear Sir—ln regard to At-
Uiu’s.SeU-r.ikingi Reaper and Mower I bought
of your agents,'?: Morris f< Co., of rhlladel
phia, nna I must sfly, it done it H M'oric with cn.
tlro satisfadtlon In grass and grain, and would
recommcpd it to the farmers of Pennsylvania.
" f • ' JOHN MUSSER.
■Taunton, N. J., Oct. 1, 1835.
J. S. ITnrcuT—Dear Sir—Your agent, 11. G.
Dennet> called on us this summer, to sec if wo
would accept the ngoncyoffhe Atklb'a Self
rnklng.Renpc’r... Wo had made tip our minds
not to accept the agency ofanyßoaperoi Mow
er, until wo could get one that wo could havo
confidence In - to.r<snonlmcjid to our customers,
as wo f aro :tnanuftitj(ncing' agricultural iinpllo
ments' ain'renton. Now, Sir, wo would he glad,
to acdcpt.tltc agcncy.'of
wo have itnplicit'conUdence to rcchlnuicml it to
the Farhicts of 1 New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
Carlisle, May 15,'183G.
iQOO Self-adjusting Hay Elevators with axUi-fric.-
' tion tlocki, ropes, sc. . •*.
50U‘ Independent Tooth, Hay and Grain Hakes-
JlQO JPjbtU&Sj.jyir4aUS T tizet t ari(J. naihr
_ t ar Jh4 IJarroidi various , fatf
200> Jiarrbws, various sizes and patterns, "
'lOO Huy,-Straw and Corn-stalk Valters. ' -'■ ■
100 Patent .Pdwci Corn Shelters and
-‘Cleaners. ■ ■ ■ t ■ • t -•
800. £andrc/h't .Excetsiof Hand Com. Shclltfit
Aw. lj If, S and’4. ,
!'*! V*,. 4 * 11 afacfurod at onrSteam
vT orks, lirisfol. In. >3 birn’Orfnnnnamp nml iua
lerlal are of unstirpasacd umillfy, ,;• \ /
CXT"Farmers will profit by an examination
and comparison with other implements In mar
ket. Also,
CO Stacy’s Patent Grain Drills. "* 4
100 lllclcock’s Patent Cider Mills and Press.
. Dvilz & Dunham’s Improved Cam Motion,
Reaping apd. Mowing Machines, of which wo
havo the solo agency in Philadelphia. J
KT” Agricultural and Horticultural Imple
ments and Tools, Plaid,•, Gordon and Flower
Sccdsia groat .variety. For Sale by
Nos.-21.and 23 South Sixth &t.,l’’a.
'• Miiy, 22, 1850—2fn ■ ' • }
Citmbci land Talley Bantu
‘WrfxtAM Knn, - WKicnbm
Roar. Ci STEunEtr; Jouri*, ■
Ricu'd. Woods,
John O;' Dcndap>
JouxS..STt ; iinirrT,
•11. A’. StuhOeon.
THIS Bank, dp|u l g, business In tho nntno of
Kcr; Bromioman & Qo.i la now fully pre
pared to do a general Banking Business with
'promptness and fidelity.' \ ,
Money received on deposit and,paid b,ick on
demand without nolloo. Interest* paid on' Spe
cial deposits. Particular attention paid to tho
collection of ;notcs; drafts, chucks, &c., in any
part of tho United States or Canadas.
Remittances made to England, Ireland, or
the Continent., Tho falthftil and confidential
execution of all orders entrusted to, them, may
bo rolled upon.
They will nt all limes bo pleased to give any
Information desired in regard, tomoncy.mat (era
in general. -Inlerestat tho rate of 6 per cent,
per annum will lio.paid on Special deposits as
heretofore. Banking Uonso in Trout’s Build
ing, Maui street, a low dp'ors cast of tho Rail*
road Depot.'. Ppon for business from O unlock
in tho morning until i o'clock In tho evening,
The proprietors of this Bank aro indivldnaily
Hnblo to the extent of (holr estates for all the
Deposits, and other obligations of Kcr, IJronno
mau &-Co. !
11. A. STURGEON, Cashier,
Carlisle, Marbh 18,1350—ly
luinbcrl Lumlorl
-¥T?riLLIAM F. MURRAY, would rcspoct
•W lolly announce to Bulldoni and Lumber
Mercbanla, that bo is prepared to Suuf-Lumber
io Order, of any length and size under m-enty
/tit, Always on hand and ’for tab) a general
assortment of
dry lumuer;
at h(s‘ yard, foot of Market street, Harrisburg.
. AVbilo ktld Yollowil’luo Flooring, Culling,
First Oohtmon amt Panel Boards ami Plank.
. Ilomlook Joist and Soantllng, Aib, Cherry,
Poplar, Mnplo Plank, &c., &o.
■ Shingles ot dlllerent’q’uallllos..
All orders IVom a distance punctually attend
od'to. *•
Addrosa "IlnrrlHburg, Dauphin County, Pa.’
May 29,1850 —Jim
coiner Wosti
HAVING nmdd nfV'arrhngemcnls to go
west on (110 H>lh of 'Julio next, I \VIU :sell
otl’nll ornny part of my stock of GOODS and
CLOTHING at co.tL Don’t fall then to cnll-a
fow dd’orsabovqMho lf Us good
b’avgalnsyon am looking fbr.‘ ‘ I also request
all persons ivjib know themselves Indebted to
call and pay- tho same before said <lav. ■
•> M«y22,'lB6o—3t< . •
Clothing, Clothing I
0 1 '' Sfussti has bonji,removed
lo tlm comer room, of llio Washington 110-'
Ul building, IT. W.OMnct of.tliuPublloSquare,
wljero llioj.jiavo stock of
The,stcclc*consists, in partef*' ') -
Coats, "aml'jcaii Frock
Dress und-Snck Coatfli- V ■ ’ -
COATS, of difftrent
styles v'
PAM TS-r-£)atn and lapey. ICerst)mere, Cusal
net arid'Cprdu'itoy Fi'mls.'- *
<SUk, Cussinicrc, Sattlrtetl
a>.d otlior VesHitof patterns and tyiali
tlvS. • ■-
Also—Stocku, Crists, Pocket and ‘Meek
Handkerchiefs, Plain I .and Jitney Shirts, XTnder
Sliirla, Drawers, Stockings* Suspenders, Um*f
btrcllns, Carpet Enga, etc. \ V"'
Customer’s orders made up hi tho’most ap
proved manner, of warranted materials, Thtf
Cutting Department is under Ike management
of practical iiiid experienced workmen uni in
every case satisfaction Is guarramled. '
Tho aim of’ Iho'aubsdribora is to give every
customer satisfaction, by furnishing Clothing
unsurpassed in finish and durability, aud at
pilots defying'competition.
.Carlisle, June 6, Utoff. »,
jdSEPM a. keb:es>jlt:s,
MANUFACTURER of Wire, Silk ami Hair
Cloth SIEVES, coarse, medium ami flue
in mesh, largo) middle-size and small in diam
Metallic Cloths or WovoW Wire,
of tho best qualities, various sizes of mesh,
from Nds; 1 to 80 Inclusive, aud iroiu one to sis
feet in Width.
They nro numbered so. many spaces to n lln.
eal lnchi fiud cut,to suit; ■ , .
T!io subscriber nlso koopn constantly on liana
SCIIEENS, for Coal, Sand, Ore, Tw.iino. Grain,
Gravel, Guano, Sumac, Sngnf, Salt,Bono, Cof-
Ibe, Spice, Drugs,*S*unb, ’&o. Together
wllli'an assortment of Bright and *dnncnlcd Iron
Vire. All of the above sold wholesale or re*
ill, by J. A. NEEDI.ES,
Juno 5, 1850- yr Cl N. Trout St. Philo.
Company—-Beautiful Engraving’s—Magnifi
cent Gifts—Distribution on Saturday, July sth.
From tho very,rapid sale of Engravings, the
DlslWbuling Commltieo. beg Jciivo to announce
that fhby have selected Saturday the sth of July,
fot* Jho distribution of the various valuable and
mngniilccnt gifla among.tho purchasers of En
gravings' in 1119 Chambcraburgliopo Fire Com
pany Art Union.
Each purchaser of an Engraving at $1 hasiin
interest in the distribution, and the number of
;’|2ugravlnga td. be sold will not for any consider
ation exceed - iJOUO. For particulars soo small
May 29, ’6G—Ct Jlgt.fw Carlisle .
Plninbcrs—& Gas Filers,
South Hanover street, opnoaUclhe Amcricatv
Volunteer Office.
Lend and Iron Pipes, .Cast Iron Sinks,
Hydrants, - Bulb Tuba,
Hot and Cold Shower Bath Boilers,
BatJis, , ,Wash Basins, .
Water Closets, Hydraulic .Rama, &c.,
Force and Lift Pumps, &0,, &c.
Wrought Ivon Wol’d. , ,
And every description of Cocks and Fittlngst
forGosj Steam, Water, -&c.» Superior Cooking
Ranges - ,• llcatciujincrGiis Fixtures, put up in
Clmrclfos, Stores and Dwellings, nt short notice
and fn tho most-modern stylo. 'All materials
and work in otlr linoat l6to rate » dnd'iaamin/«i/.
. Country work and jobbing promptly attend
ed to.
Carlisle, May 29,155 G. ' *
nnilE subscribers havo just Tc'coivod oncf of
‘-’jbnbc Dry-G'.vwli»vop.t)ro)igbt(
ta 'Carlislo.- Their assortment Is full uhd
nlcto, comprising.** • •
, .Xnaictd
Silks, Poplins, ChftlMs, Barge?,'JifcaiiQfl, Lnlvlis;
Brlllßmtcs, jLnmartiuep, 'Crupu’ do Espagnp,
.Cambrics, Swisa BombatfincH, Cashipet-os, Al
pacas', Do Lanes, Spvinl? Shawls, Bonnets,
Flats, Flowery Corded and Hair, Cloth Skills,
nml Puratfors,-nlao Collars; Ribbons, Ifosltiry,
oud Trimmings |q groat variety.
G-entlemen’s Wear.
Cloths, CasshnoiTß, Italian Clotlis, Drap do tl,
Cashmeretta, LUicna, Tweeds, Vesting, Silk
Undershirta, Hals, Uap3, Cravats, Collars, &c.,’
abo a full and complete assortment of
Staple IDomcstic 4ioort«,
Including Woollen and CoUon-.Varn, Carpet
Chain, k’eathers, Window Blinds, Oil Cloths,
Looking Glasses* Brushes, add Cari>ol Bags, al
so,-ft great variety of Fancy articles.
'Mourning Goods always on Hand.
Tboso-who wiih to obtain the best goods a
lowest prices, arc ycspbctfullv invited to cnll.
Oarlisjo, Ap».l 17, 18.H3.
Carlisle Marble Yard;
Kf'S,!;' - ffe? -ft
nicii.iKn owcn.-
South IJanocer St.; opposite Bentzs* Store,
r C 'arlixlc,
THE subscriber has on baud a largo and Weil
selected stock of • •
' lffo:i<l-Slonc«, Monusunits
TOMBS, &c., of chaste and boautiftd designs,
which lie will[sell at the lowest possible rates,
being desirous of selling out Ilfs stock. Head.
Monos Mlfcbcd from three doltarp upwards.
Brown slono, marble work,-mantels, &c.» for
buildings, marblo slabs for furniture, &c., con*
Mnnlly on hand. Iron rniling for cumetary lota,
of the best Philadelphia workmanship,
will bo promptly attended to.
Carlisle, March 27, IBGO. ,
New llul. Cap, & Slioo Store.
THE Subscriber Jins Ju-d opened, In (lio Sloro
room formerly occupied by Mr. G. W; JliU
pCr, on tho cmiur of the public Sqnaro, Main
street, nearlho Market house, & adjoining the
Jewelry store of Mr. Win. 1). A. Nauglo, un en
tire newfe splendid assortment
HOOTS, & SHOES, of every ■variet y & price.
His consist of extra line Moleskin,Heaver,
Pearl, Claset, Kossuth, Sporting and children*!!
-Hats.’ These lu\ta aro manufactured by Oak
ford,'Morris & Co., and other hut
tern oi’Vhlliulolphia. Ilohaa also every variety
of home mamiiUctured li&hj together with all
kinds of fancy straw for children. , Alt these
goods ho wlirguavantco to give entire witlsdic-
Ills stock of SHOES nro made iip of every
variety and style, from the cheapest, to tho best
urtlelu In tho market, and cannot fail to please.
respectfully solicits the patronage of tho
public, fooling Co’idUlout'that ho can sell ll|o
cheapest and best goods In the comity;
May , _ J ;
; , visit, o risit.
. Received , ■ *
Ijfl bbli. Baltimore Shad v ...
f»« “ Herring. '
ICO .m; a, 2 am) It Mackerel. -
- 5 . ncl?eifc(Hllenlng; i
*. '-5; « ,Lftkij'i\VU\tol ? lBh., -
7. allontloh ‘of: farmer# and dealers.ln rlpli
(s tgqimlod, &» 1 qdi dotcrn\ln(?d to sell lory for
c»»h o£baoou taken In exchange. . . i
■ .7. •. ..xmaxks: vmtr Orobafri
. W5Q',’ * - . ,
< j *
- ■ euui*. : .^ p
Within ttf Every Man,
sW fifio' Acnpa o'r.gooa FAnitA&b
£t « >OU l O' COAL tiAMD inf JiiifCouiiis,
licnuiiigcr- rcmtjyivaliia.'. fur liulq,
giving u Parm-o't. liujocres for $2OO, payplilo.ik
instalments .of §l pur week.' or at the sathb-rat*'
monthly. ■■ • '.iv,;.) -
,Farms of 50, 70,100, or mbro nefei .fli/JotfV
mg in, proportion,- .Each Fafnf'frdntd Uiioii ft'
road thirty feyi in width. ■ •/
■ , U TJIE SOIL limestone loom, and cs
peulnlly ndaptud/to cultivation, an It is neither
nor stony, but .gently rollings, br lino tablo
land. ‘ A round, and tlirdugli this property thefo
arc already koiho 20,000 acres under culfknU- •
vatlobjund Jfa ; fertility'has ■been established
fcdil* tho crop.s'proi/Mcrr/.- Upon this subject it
' be.fully satisfied. There Is .a ready
•oai/i'markct for produce which is puicli bettor
than trade. It is the CHEAPEST, ns Jnml 6t a -
similar quality Is soiling at much higher prices
ami especially such us coninihs coal.
TILE COAL.—;This in particular Is tho CbeJiy
District, buveral veins underlay fug the
property, ami tho Attention of miners, and thosb
usqitahiicd wiOr coal lands, is specially called
(9 It has llto’advanlugc of being tho nearest
to Jho great lake market, with which it will bo
connected by tho Sunbury and Eric Railroad
now under contract end in course of completion
from Erie (o Ridgeway, with descending grado
the whole way. Tho-soJI over bituminous coai k
is the best, for instance -England and. other
countries. The price per aero
coal alone, as it will certainly, In sojhvorabloa
location within a short limit pay*lately.' This
is important as an immense coal trade will soon •
copen. Four coal companies havo already been
started lo work mines in the vicinity, and there'
mo now fifteen openings around St. Mary's.
THE TIMEER, Stockholders also receive.—.
There is no reservation whatever cither ot tim
ber or coal. It is very valuable’; and will pay
for a groat part of the land. On account of tho
excellence of. streams there are fino opportuni
ties for mills. *
For health, the location is much recommend*
cd by Physicians. The chills and fevers aro
unknown, also puJiapnaty complaints, being
protected from thcTOftli east winds by tho'AL
legh.mics. Tho water Is puro’and amongst thd
best, the land abounding on fine springs,./
Four Railroads will shortly bo:complied
connecting it by a direct communication with
Now York. Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Brio* BuiV
lalo, ami all tho cities on thoLakcs. They aro
tho Suubury And Erie, the’ Alieglmny Valley,
the Pittsburg and’ Buffalo, and tho Venango.-
Energetic’ exertions aro being made for tho
building of the Tyrone and Cleartlcld, which
also passes through this property. Thp oflbet
of this upon trade,'and general development,
as well as tho coal, may be imagined. ~ '
Tho largo and of St.iMpry’fl
is in tho centre of.tbo tract, numbering ncarO}.
OUO Inhabitants. It baa llotcls, gopd public
schools, saw and grist mills, stores, well stock
cd and everything desired. There are 285 hal :
acre lots in of St. Mary’s which will
l)o sold and iho proceeds equally divided
amongst those who buy farms. Ridgeway, tho
country scat, whore au extensive business, is
done, adjoins the tract on-tho west; Thewholo
district is intersected by good turnpike and
other roads. . * ■ -v - ,
This Is a rare opportnulty offered* to thagb•
who wish to faym or have a. good iryrcstmentfor
tho Ibtitre. By making proper inquiries, and
considering tho advantages of good soil,*an oS
bnndance of cool, lieallhfulDear of ’clibiattT,
Railroad facilities, and its location, tt cortrct
judgement riiay bo formed of its present advan
tages and ultimate increase; 1-
By willing fa tho oillco directions will bo giv
en to those who wish to visit the land. .A.sys
tem ofoxcurslons will shortly beadopled.
There Is an Excellent opening for various
branches of mcclianical business, especially
tanneries, wheelwrights, exc-handlo makers,
shoemakers, carpenters and others.'
Farms can bo bought by enclosing tho JBnrt
instalment. Ladies can hold thetri
own rigid. Title unquestionably good, ami
waranteo deeds given. Address or apply to
Samuel W. Oatlell, Scq'ty, 135 MTaluut street,
between Fourth and Filth Streets, Philadel
phia. • • ‘ * ’
John 0. Crcsson, Esq.. President-of EWf«nf6f
phia Gas CKsstntit,
Geo,’ lnspector ofConl'CHt
‘ Oas’OlUcci 7th Bt; übovo*Chcstnflt,-Phmlfo'..
•lus been-over tho land sand 1 exirtuincd-lho
lion. Geo. It. Barrett, Clearfield,'
been ovor'fbc bind. \
Jlenry. Schmitt,"Jisq.,Uii7fed-Sftifea Mint, res
idence, No. Gs2NortU P’iftU St, Phlja.;cx
. omjoccl tha'land. .
Wm. F. Boone,*Esq., south' side of IfalnatSt.
. below Fourth, Phlln., examined the land. -
lion. Alexander L. Hoys, Lancaster.’ .
Geo. Walmslcy, Esq., St. Uar£fe> Elk comity,
n recent settler. •
Richard Gardner, Esq.. 050*roplcr St. PhlltU,
has examined the land.
J. L. Barrett, Esq.. Proprietor of the Mount
Vemon House, Second St. above Arch,
Phila., has examined the laud.
E. C. Schultz, Esq., Justice oftlio Peace,.St.
Mary's, Elk county. ** *•
dins’. Lnhr, ESn., President ofllio Borbftjrli <Jf
Bf. Mary's. ; n .»
J. S. Weis, Esq., Postmaster, St. Mary’s.
Geo. Taylor, Esq., Deputy Postmaster, SI.
Mary's. • \ •
Mt\ Win.-Lyons, St. Mary's. "
Mr; John Miller, Coal Miner, St. Mary's.
Mr. John Corbn,
E. if. Stone, Esq., WcHavillo, Ohio, Coal op
"Vrafbf. ' ’
L. Wlbnarth, Esq., Pittsburg, Penna. -
Doronsli Council of St.'‘Mary's io Ibo Public.
This is to certify (hot, hliving been over the tract
owned by the pulgctciiy Farm and Coal Ccmpnati
and given it a-thdrough examination, vefiud (lie
representations of that Company to be correct*
Tl'c Jlml the soil to be the most fertile— the Cqsil
and Iron Ore to lie in inexhuutfable quantities,
through the, whole district—the Farm* in excel
lent vidtr, and the iittelligrnee'and prosperity of
the jjfopl c to be of the 7 host gratifying thatacltr.
U'c know that there is no healthier location indhc
State , consider.!.' a most,desirable place of
settlement. *' “
U’c moke this declare Hon, as tv* believe, there
may be many.persons who are unacquainted with,
these lauds, amixcc aresaUfiedt ’/rotn our know!*
edge of the subject, that infonhatiou'pjHJn it xcltl
be a public benefit. *
Jacob f. Shaj'er, b'.llc co. Surveyor, Si. Alarfs,
Elk county. ' ■ ,*
C’Aaa. Lnhr. Pi csidcut of the JJorough of St.
Msry's. *
Jo!m Jlcctch, Mcinbii Jioro. A/ury’i,
Chas. Jlrooki, »< «* ** <* •*
It. j, Wriggle, “ “ <« *l' ’ «
Font Jahnb, lt <•
This is to certify that Ike a lore five gonf/rmfc.i
nrs at present the Jlding Members vf the Truer* K
Council of St, Mary's, KUc co., and that the*
above is their hand and aigauturc.
In testimony whereof /• ft aOk subscribed my'
ticrnic, and caused the Seal qf Oflre to fck attach
ed thereto { and I‘fully concur in the ufcot'tf Vc
commendation. • ' - k • »
" ■'v Chief Hurras of Sti Mary*s' t J2tfi
f SU’.-VJ, J Couti/'j, Vinnsylpania,
' J/ Carlisle, April 21,11350—3 m,
West itluln Stic Ilf, Ciivllnlc„,V».
wimioLT/.fc smith, rnorujKTOiis.
W Ol’t,II roi'l'i'ctfully Inform tliojmUHo'tlbt
they liuvo.leased' tho’ above wfcll known
old stand lately occupied by’\Vm.Cro»lor, where
they nill'ho able to accommodate tho travelling
public wih an eye to thoir coin (bit and conven
ience.. , '
ThU Honno has" lately boonbuilt and tho
rdrtmsaro largo and airy} bln table wiHaMuj*
luj Biippllod with the host tho market can afford}
ample stabling torn large nuhibgr of .Hornes, at
tached to tho promises; witli-flifthlbl nod ex
perienced ostlers. In short;
has booh'inado thuf.cdnld in
(bn “Union llonsQ”a ilvsliuW«Uloj>pjHS place,
and tiig Subscribed Hope that '
tentfoa to tho wont« of-(heir gdesUrto merit a
’aharo of pnbllo patro.nflge* . * • 1 •
BOARDERS taken by tho took, month, op
year. . ,
May 22, . . ....