JEW HAnDWABE STOKE. . THE subscribers, located in the room lately occupied by Mm. Faust’s Grocery store, vest of tic Ballroad Depot, have Jnst_ opened An cot We now stock of Hardware, to which they winld call the attention of their Meuda and the nubile generally. The stock, which la largo and rariod.was selected with especial reference to the wants of the public, and consist In part of the following: Building Hardware af all kinds, such as lochs, latches, hinges, bolts, screws, Bails, &c., and every article of hardware used in building and repairing. Glass, Putty, Paints, Brushes, kc., ol the most approved qualityisnd on the most reason *bTho attention ol the Cabinet makers fa invited to our assortment of Varnishes, Veneers, Knobs, Rosßtts, Mouldings, &c., which will bo found equal to any In the country- Saddlers Btid Coachraakcrs, will find in their department all the articles us ually required in their line of business, such as Steel Springs and Axels. Tho assortment of WALL PAI EB embraces a complete variety of new and choice patterns, of every quality and at such prices as cannot ftiil to givo satisfaction. Also, Borders, win dow Shades, &c- . , , Housekeepers are invited to call and examine our slock of Cnttlery,Plated ware, Spoons, La dles; Coffee Mills, Candle Sticks, Snuffers, Sho vels, Tongs, ‘Waiters, Stair-rods, Uollow-wme, Brass and Iron Kettles, Sad Irons, &c., which w© Intend to sell very low. For the use of Farmers we have an end ess variety of all the articles adapted to their line of trade, usually found in a hardware store, such a© Plows, Forks, Spailfs, Shovels, Hoes, Rokos, Homes, Traces, Haller chains, &c., all at the very lowest rates, to which we call their especial notice. We Invito tho attention of mechanics goner •llv to onr stock of Edge-tools. Plains, Levels. Saws, Braces, Bitts, Angers. Hammers, Files. Rasps, &c., which wo know to be of a superior and Steel of all kinds constantly on hand and for sale cheap. Then come friends and give ns a coll ana ex amine onr (Jooda. Wo charge nothing for showing thorn, and from a strict attention ty business and a desire to accommodate, we hope to merit a liberal share of your patronage.- Don’t forget tho place. West Main street, two doors west of the Railroad Depot. STAYMAN k SONS. Carlisle, April 3, 1850. A Human Ufo Saved Dowaouc, Midi, March 11, 1866 ( J.A. RHODES, Esq.: Dear Sir—As I took jour medicine to sell on consignment, “nocuic j no pay,” 1 take pleasure in stating its eflects as ] reported to mo by tlirec brothers who live in j this place, and their lestimoiiy'i^‘d'(ai r specimen . of all I bare received ; ' . , W. S. CoNKim told me—“ I had taken nine bottle*©# ChriaUc’s Ague Balsam, and contln- WUly run down while using U until my lungs and liver were congested to that degree that blood discharged from my mouth and bowels, so that all thought It impossible for me to live through another chill. Tbo doctors too did all they coulcf tor me, but thought I must die. Noth ing did me any good until I got Rhodes’ Fever and Ague Cure, which at once relieved mo of the distress and nausea at my stomach and pain in my bead and bowels, and produced a perma nent dbre in a short time.” H. M. Conklin says : “I had been taking me dicine of as good a doctor as we have in our j county, and taken any quantity of quinine and j specifics without-any good result, from 26th August to 17th December. But Booing bow nicety it operated on my brother, I got a bottle ol Rhodes’ Fever and Ague Cure, which effec ted a permanent euro by using two-thirds of a bottle.’* . „ , S. il. CoifKLiir was not bero # -bul both the «(ber brothers say his case was the same as If. U’a. I sold tbo medicine to both tbo same day and the cure was as speedy from tbo samosmalj quantity, and I might so specify. Yourawitb respect, A. Ucmtikodok. Tho above speaks for itself. Good proof as it Is, it Is of no better tenor than the vast mim. | bet of like certificates I have alreadj publish ed, and-tho still greater amount that is continu ally pouring in to me. ' One thing more. Last year 1 had occasion lo caution the public, in these words: “ I notice one firm who have taken one of my general circulars, substituted the name ol their nostrum fur my medlcimvcnd then with brazen. Impudence end their pafflpjdet with the excla mation, ‘Let the proprietor of any other medi cine say os much if ha dares,’ ” ( Now I lake pleasure In saving ibat the cau tion referred to the same **d)i. (,lm«tle s Ague Bala.un u that Is mentioned in the above certill- 1 «atq. , . j There are several other industrious people! who uro applying to their poisonous trash all that I publish about my Fever and Ague Cure, or Antidote to .Malaria, except the certificates of euros, and tbo certificate of the celebrated Chemist, Dr. James R. Chilton, of N. Y., in fa vor of its perfectly harmless character, which is attached to every brittle. These will always ■orve to distinguish my medicine from imita tion!. JAS. A. RHODES. Proprietor, Providence, R I. For sale by Wm. A. Kelso, Carlisle, and by Druggists generally. April 21, 18">G—fitn first arrival, of spring GOODS THE subscriber has just received a very largo assortment ol New Spring floods, to which ho invites the attention ol purchasers, as ho Is pro pared to sol! at such prices Unit they may save Irom 20 to 25 per cent, on lormor prices, lln stock embraces all the different kinds of Goods adapted to the season, such ns CLOTHS, Cas slmores, Vestings, Cotton Pont Stuff's, Linens, Linen Checks, Ac. Drtss Goods , Such as Black nml Fancy Silks, Bnrgo de Luinos, Lawns, Challios, Baragos, Bombasines, Aipacas, India Silks, Ac^fc Bonnets niidnibhons. Bonnots of all Mmls.Kuch ns Satin Straw, Swiss Straw, English Double and Split Straw. Rib bons oi all kinds and colors very cheap. Hosiery and (iloi'es. Mens’ and Boys’ while, brown and mlxM hull Uoso, Ladles’ while, black, brown, slate and mixed Hose; Men’s Women’s and Children's Glove and Mitts of nil kinds. Domestic Goods. + Muslins, Checks, Tickings, Osiuburg, Bagging, Calicoes and Ginghams. Carpets , Mathngs, and Oil Cloths. A very largo lot of Carpets of all kinds, such oa VeWot, Tapestry, lirussola, Three l‘ly, Ingrain anti VenlUan; Mattings of all widths of white and colored} Oil Cloths of all widths. Boots amt Shoes . Women’* shoes of all kinds si very loir pticoa Groceries. Such as Oofloo, Sugar, Tea, Molasses and Spl- . ,ce»j all of which will bo sold cheap, at tho old in North Hanover street, 8 doors north where thankful for tho liberal pat- horotoforo received, ho bones for th# iuuo. • , * lt ‘ r -w. PHILIP ARNOLD. Carlisle, April lu, Watches, Jcwlry *«?BUver WARE AT COiVIiTiV*, TUB public are invited to call and examine the largest and handsomest stock of JL WATCHES, inVEIRY AND SILVERWARE. ever brought to this place. Having purchased (bla stock for ca*h I am determined to soil at prices that "cant bt beat. 11 AH gopds sold by mo, guaranteed (o be as represented or the money refunded. Old gold *od silver taken In exchange THOMAS CONLYN. Carlisle, May 1, Hew floods I Sfcw I I : Bargains, Bargains. THE subscriber has just Te tamed from Ncw- York and Philadelphia, and now opeulng-an Inpnense stock of th© most splennld Spring and Summer Goods oyer brought to Carlisle. Dress floods. The Ladles will find a large assortment of boan tiftil dress good.* of tho newest styles. Embroideries, —Over 7uo needle worked Collars, Flouncings, Insertings, &c., in great variety. Bonnets amd Ribbons. —A large and com plete assortment of Bonnots, Bonnet Ribbons, and Artificials. Carpeting. Jn Entire New stock of Imperial, Ingrain, Venltlon, and Stair Carpeting. Domestics. —A large stock of Muslins, Checks, Tickings, Bagging, &c., at the very lowest notch. BOOTS AND SHOES. A lull assortment of Ladies, Gent’s, Misses, Boys, and Childrens Shoos, all kinds and sizes. Willis’fine Morocco and Kidd for Ladles and Misses, in the assortment. In short, every ar ticle in the Dry Goods lino will bo found in the assortment, best quality, newest styles, and at the lowest prices. Quick Sales and Short Profits. All in want of handsome and cheap goods will do well to call at the old stand. East Main street. CIIAb. • Carlisle, April 10, 1856. Fresh Arrival of Hardware. -pilE subscriber havlngreturncd from the city, would call the attention of Ins friends and the public generally, to the largo and well-se- Icclca assortment of HARDWARE, which ho has just received, consisting in part of Building Materials, sucli as Nails, Screws, Hinges, Bolts, Paints, Oils, &o. Tools, Including cd£c-tools ol every description. Saws, Planks, Files, Hasks, Ham mers, Vices, Anvils, &c. Glass of every do scription ami/quality—common glass of dilbr cnt brands, while polished Autencnn ghos. Frenclrgiass of ail sizes, double thick glass of all sizes, ground enamelled glass, Xc., Ac.— A general assortment of Shoemaker’s and Sad dler’s Tools, together with Morocco, lining ami binding skins, shoe thread, wax, pegs, lasts, harness mounting, saddle-trees, Ac. (Joac.ii- Triuminos and Coach-maker'amateiials. Cau inet Makers will (ind a largo assortment ol varnishes, mahogany ami walnut veneers, mould lugs, rosettes, hair cloth, railed hair, Ac. Ac. White I’oliHli Paint A new article for making n henutifu!, whitcnml brilliant polish, for dining rooms, parlors. Ac Iron.— A large block, comprising all kmda in general use. Remember the old stand, East Main street. Carlisle. 11. SAXTON. April 3, 1856. fce.% i amllv Grocery. Provision and Variety Store. ritHE subscriber now opening on the corner of 1 Hanover, lately occupied by N. W. Woods, having just returned from the city with a choice selection of Groceries and a variety of othrrar ticlca to suit the trade, which ho offers to the public. A liberal share of public patronage is solicited, os ho is determined to sell for cash or country produce taken in exchange for goods. Teas, Coffees, Brown and While Sugars, Spices of nil kinds, Fancy and Washing Soaps, Rico Starch and Farena, Crackera.and Cheese, superior quality of Chewing and Smoking To bacco, Spanish and Half Spanish Segars of va rious brands. Fish and Salt, 20 bbl. of No. and 8 Mackerel, & bbl. of new Pickeled Hering. China, Glass and Quecnsware, Stone and Crockery ware, Coder Wato, Tubs, Buckets. Churns, Butlertubs, Brooms, Ac., with a great variety of other articles too numerous to Insert. Tho subscriber intends to keep on hand But ter and Eggs, Potatoes, moats, nnd all < thor country produce, to supply tho town. Don’t forgot tho corner lately occupied by N. W. Woods. A. S. SENER, Agent. Carlisle, April 10, 1866. BOOH. AGENCY THE subscribers have established a Book ( Agency in and mil furnish any book or publication iU the retail price free ) of postage. Any persons, by forwarding the i subscription price of any of the S 3 Magazines, | mich as Harper’s, Godey’s, Putnam's, Graham's, i Frank Leslie's Fashions, &iC., v\ill receive the magazines tor one year and a copy ol u splendid lithograph portrait of cither Washington, Jack son or Clay ; or, if subscribing to a $2 and a $1 Magazine, they "ill iceelvy a copy of either u( tfce three portraits. If subscribing to ?fi woilh 'of Magazines, all three portraits "ill bu sent 1 gratia. Music furnished to those "bu may wish it. Envelops of every description and size in large or small ipianlities turnisboil. Seal Presses, Dies, Uc-, sent to order. Every description ot Engraving on Wood ex ecuted with neatness and dispatch. Views ot Buildings. New spaper He idmgs, Views ot Ma chinery, Bonk lilustnitiofis. Lodge Certificates, Business Cards, &c. All orders sent by mail promptly attended to. Parsons wishing views ol their buildings engraved can send a Daguer reotype or sketch ol tho building by mail or ex press. Persons at a distance haring saleable article* would find it to (heir advantage to addiess Che subscribers, as \\« would act as age.its for the sale of the same. BYRAM A PIERCE, 50 South 7’Aird Street, I’hila., Pa j. n. nrnAM. T. MAT FIERCE. Nov. 20, IR-V)—ly Tlio Temple of Fancy Open I AND will be at bis old Mead Quarters in North Uauoverslrool,dining the Christmas and New Venr’i Festivities, with one ol the lar gest assortments o< CHOICE confectioneries over offered in this place, consisting in part oi Fine OKndy Toys ami Fruits, Jelly Cakes, Bon bons, Quin, Chocolate find Fruit drops, Hose, Vamilta and Burnt Almonds, French and Ex ploding Secrets, Ac. FHL'ITS AND TOYS ~/lho latest Importations, such ua Oranges, Le mons, Raisins, Figs. Fruens. (Turruntn, Citifm, Snfl and Paper Shelled Almonds, Filberts, Cream, Cocon and Ground Nuts. Toys and Fancy Goods of every quality ami price, consisting In part of fine Wax, Kid, Chi na, Crying and other Dolls, Sewing and Card Baskets, Fancy boxes, Flower Vases. Motto Cups, Tea Sets, Masks, Drums, Guns. All Fis tula, Accordeons, Ilarmeonlcans, Trumpets, Chess-men of Bono and Wood, Dominoes, Lot to and other Games, Fancy Soaps, Hair Oils and Port Monnaios, Ac. Also a fine lot ol Fa mily Groceries PETER MONVER December 13, 1865 Wllllc Hall dcadciii) 1 TVirea miles vest of Harrisburg. THE eleventh session of this Institution will commence on Monday, tho 6th of May next. Parents and Guardians aro respectfully roquos tod to inquire Into tho merits of tho Institution. Tho location is retired, pleasant and healthful, and tho course oflnstniction embraces tho ordi nary and higher branches of an English educa tion, together with tho Latin, Crock, French and Gorman languages, and Vocal and lustru mental music. TERMS: Boarding, Washing and Tuition in the English branches, and Vocal music per session, (21 weeks) $OO 00 For circulars containing particulars, address D. DENUNGEK, Jlarrltbttrg, Pa. M> -'i 13, 1868, our house. THE subscriber, litivln,, n, O abon woll.oitabll&hod Hotel, altiim. j n KortU Hanoror street, CarlUto, will taka poust>**i 0 Q of the same on (he Ist of April, and giro his on* tiro attention 4o those who may bo pleased to favor blm with a call. THOMAS COSTAMAGNA. Carlisle, March 27, 1854. imvtis, CHEiniCAW, Confectionaries apd Fancy Goods. THE undersigned has juet replenished hi" Block of Goode, and na his Dmgannd Cnem leals have been selected with great care, no Is prepared to flllall orders Hlslrlends may rely upon the genuineness and punt}’ of every article. His stock of Confectionaries Is large, and selected with special reference to the Holidays, and will afford any variety per sons mav desire in that line. Ho has a largo I assortment of French, German, and Domestic 1 Fancy Candies. Ills FRUITS are all ftoshand jof the very best quality. His assortment of FANCY GOODS Is large and cnbrnces Almost every tiling ncces - Bftry for the toilet nnd family. He invites spet clal Attention to his Fancy Work Boxes, Port folios, Port Monies, &c. Quick sales, shor profits, and strict consistency In trade, shall characterize our business B. J. KIEFFER Cnrlislc, Decomber 20, 1865. Plumbing & Gas Filling. | South West Cor. Ninth and Walnut Streets, \ Philadelphia. Wu. Wriout, Juo. H. MoFbtrich, Jno. G. Hcmteb, Thomas Brown. W RIGHT, HUNTER & CO., S. W. Cor. ol Ninth and Walnut Streets,Philadel phia, Load and Iron Pipes of all sizes. Bath Tubs of Copper and Iron. Hot andcoldShow er Baths. Water Closets and Brass Cocks of every description. Force and Lift Pumps of Iron and Brass. Hydraulic Rama, all sizes.— Hydrants and Lead Work of evory description. All materials and work in our lino at low rates, Has been before tiie public more than 20 years, u ' orr f n ami .. tlasorvwHy popular in the cure of December 20, BuS-lf Snavi'n*. Sweeney, Rimrhone, WindgnUs. Pole Evil, Callous, Cracked Heels, Gall of all kinds, Fresh Wounds, Sprains. Bruises, Fistula, Sit fast, Sand Cracks, Strains, Lameness, Foun dered Feet, Scratches or Grease, Mango, Foot Rot in Sheep, Garget in Cows, Rheumatism, Bites of Animals, External Poisons, Painful Nervous Affections, Frost Bites. Boils, Corns, Whitlows, Bums ami Scalds, Chillblnins, Chap jK-d Hands, Cramps, Contractions of the Mus cles. Swellings, Weakness of the Joints, Caked Breast*. Sore Nipples, Files. «tc. wri 'atnphlef.s gmtuitomdv furnished by agents %ilh Teslinionialn of its utility. All orders addressed (o (lie Proprietors, M, 11. Tio-kkii A Co., Lockport, N. V. by Druggists and Merchants gen erally, throuch the Thmed Slate's, ilnliali Fosses bions, and other Countries. by S. W. Haverslick and Hentz A Dm., Carlisle; J, A. Weakley and W. A J. Green, Dickinsons L. Kauffman. Meehanicsburg; D- Slrohm, New Kingstown; Goswiler A Zook, Slicpherdstown; Diehl A Snider, N ewburp; A. M. Leidigh, Boil, ing Springs; Mm. Loyd, Lisburn; J. C. AG. D. AKlck, Sbippensburg. To I lie Fanning Community. THE attention of Farmers is solicit ed to WAKEFIELD’S I ami Corn Planter. 'lns is the simplest, ;sl, and cheapest Ini. ovetmmt of the ago, ice only $5, with a illeij guarantee, that will give pctfvd sat. Tact ion, or the money turned, so that you ill run no risk In try igltj we have a largo .wmUot of iU* auMitiM ipootable references •hlch can bo soon at -ur Storo. Wo liavo also just rccoivcu unr spring stock of names, Chains, Shovels, Forks, Hoes, llakca, &c., w Inch is vuiy large ami complete, and will bo sold at the very lowest prices. A largo assort ment of homo imulu Chains of all kinds, con m store, at manufacturer* prices. JOHN I’. I.VNE St SON. North Hanover stieut, Carlisle. April 10, IHuG. IKON ! IKON I ! 'Hie subscriber bus the sat. i‘•.faction t«> announce to the public that his I.UKc uiid extrusive Warehouse is completed, nud Ill U-d w illi one of the largest and best assort ment* ol ll.muueied and Hulled It on ever otFer ed in Hus pluee. Those in wind of Iron, would do well to examine the stock beto:e purchasing elsew heir. HENRY SAXTON. September 20, 18«'o>. FRANKLIN HOUSE, (Ft n inn ly kept by Jacob Worley.) CORNER OK HIOll & IIILLEN STREETS, Oi.n Town, 13*UTiuoui£. THOS. JJMKSON, OJ Turk, Pa., Proprietor. The House has been considerably enlarged, and is open for Transient and I’ermanenl Board ers. Terms reasonable, * February 28, 1 Hf>(»—3m ESTABLISHED 1105. Cl N. ROBINSON & SON, Manufacturers /•ol Looking Glasses. Portrait ami Picture Frames, and Impoiters of French Plato Looking Glasses, Ac., No. IOH, C’henimt at., abovoNlath at., Philadelphia. At whose establishment may always ho found an extensive assortment of Piers, Mantles, Hall ami Chamber Classen, of every description) from (lie plainest t» the most ornamental stylos, riilily ornamented gilt Tables, Brackets and Tripods, importers ami dealers in first class European Engravings, Oil Paintings, Drawings and utlußworks o| art. Old frames rcgiltud and old class taken in exchange for new; dam aged Plates resllvorcd, Ac. Country merclmnta and others, having orders for any article connected with the Looking Class and Print business, can have then) execu ted at the old establishment, at the shortest no tice mid lowest prices. All goods bought at this establishment lor transportation are packed in llm best manner. March WATCHES of every stylo and quality, pricea from $25 to $125. Silver Watches aUafrfrora $5 to $45. Gentlemen’s Gold Fob, Vest, and Neck Chains j Gold Keys and Scaisi Gold Studs and Vest Buttons, Breast Pins, Box Kings, Ac. Ladies Gold Neck Chains, Gold Chfttialns, GoldLockota, Breast Pins, Ear-rings, Ear-drops, Cuff Pins, Gold Pons and Pencils, Gold Thimbles, Gold Bracelets, SiWcr and Pearl Can! cases, Jet Bracelets, Ac. A largo stock of Finger Rings, Silver and Plated Ware, Fruit Dishes, Card Baskets, Tea Sotts, Plated Cups. and Goblets, Napkin Bings, Ac., with many other fancy notions. All goods warranted to bo what they aro sold for. [EP"Parlicular attention paid to the repairing of Gold Watches, Jewelry, Ac. AH work war ranted according to quality. The subscriber hopes by strict attention to business and a de sire to uleaso, to receive a liberal share of pub. lie patronage. W. I). A. NAUGLE. Carlisle, July 10,1865 —tf NEW GROCERIES. NOW open and for sale at the “Marlon Hal Family Grocery Store, a large and general assortment of articles, useful and fancy, embra ing, in part— MaracalbtTkod JaflVCoflbps, Green Bio and Roasted Coffee, L> —H* jlllt Af T... t y. Brown .Sugars, White and Preserving « Pulverized and crushed « Broma, Cocoa and Chocolate, Rico ami Cop Starch, Farina and Essence of Coffee, Lovcring’s finest Syrup, Orleans Baking Molas ses, Spices, ground and ungronnd; Mace, Citron, Vanilla Dean, Cheese, Crackers, Candles, Ac. 8 Our best white Granite, a Iron Stoneware; Liv erpool and common ware, enabling the customer to select in setts or pieces of any size necessary, and of the different styles, together with a vari ety of Fine White and Gold Band, English and French China Kelts of Tea ware, and other varie ties of useful and fine fancy China ware, includ ing Trays, plates, Vasas, Fruit Dishes, Coffee cups, Ac. Ac. embracing bowls, dishes, molasses cans, sugar bowls, a large selection of fine fluted tumblers, wluc and egg glasses, and other useful articles. WILLOW AND CEDAR WARE . among which are tubs, chums, water pales, moo snres, market baskets, travelling baskets, as well as other covered and uncovered baskets. Also, Tabic Oil of the finest brand, Sperm and other Oilsj Tobacco, Cigars, Soaps, Ac. A small lot of choice MACICAREL of No. 1 quality. Also, a trimmed Mess Mackarcl—bpth in handsome assorted packages of halves, quarters and kits— with all tlie other varieties of a GROCERY and QUEENSWARE STORE. Wo fool thankful for the patronage heretofore bestowed on us, and invito a continuance of like favors. J. W. EBY. Carlisle, January 5, 1855. NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. THE subscriber has just returned from the city and is now opening, noxt door to Charles Maglanchlln’s hotel, in North Hanover stroct, a splendid assortment of now and cheap BRT-GOODB, comprising Bonnets, Ribbons, Cloths, Oasnl mcrus, Ginghams, Lawns, Calicoes, Do Caines, Muslins, Checks, Tickings, Hosiery, Gloves, white and colored Carpet Chain, Ac. UaooKaus, of all kinds, and best quality.— I Also, a lurfcu stock of superior BOOTS AND SHOES. All of which he will sell as cheap as any boost in town. Butter, Eggs, Bags, Soap and Dried Frul takeu at markot'pricos. N. W. WOODS, Agt. Carlisle, April 17, 1860. Very Important to Purchasers. THE subscriber has just opened tho largest and most splendid stock of Spring and Sum mer Goods, over brought to Carlisle, consisting of an immense stock of Irish Linens, Frencli Worked Collars, Undorsleoves, Flouoclngs, Handkerchiefs, &c., purchased from tho importers In Now York, and will bo sold at prices to defy all competition. Also, a largo assortment of block and colored Silks, Derago do brines, Borages, Lawns, Bon. nets, Ribbons, &c. Children’s and Misses Flats of ovory quality. Come 090 and all boforopnrohasing elsewhere, and you will save money. '•’CHARLES OGILBY. Carlisle, April 8, 1860. 11. SAXTON’S, Wall Pnpet, Wall Paper. JOHN P, LYNE U SON have tho pleasure of informing the public that thoy have at last completed tho Enlargement of thoir store, and aronowrecelvingtho largest and most ra. riod assortment of Wall Paper and Window Blinds, over Opened In Carlisle, which wo will sell at tho lowest prices. AMaiyrom those want ing Paper Hangings Is solicited, we are confi dent that all can bo supplied from our mam-; moth stock, at the Old stand,North Hanover at. April 10, 1860- CHARCOAL constantly on hand and tor sale Cby W. B. MURRAY,'Agt.^ November 22, 1866. */>• , 1 'A T ST-BINEUfc DUO’S.,. Cheap CjotMm. xL Store.—Wo bog leave to inform our,mends and customers, aa wall as the public In general, that wo havo jiiat received, and aro constantly receiving,; an extensive,, stock of seasonable Clothing, wh*oh wo will soil on tho most accom modating terms, lower than that of any other establishment in this or neighboring towns.— Those having a proper regard for economy, com fort ond gentility of dross,, tiro politely invited to an Inspection of our goods, manufactured by tho host workmen, materials o t the beat fabrics, and most select stylos. Amongst our choice and cheap assortment will bo lonnd Fine Black Cloth Dress and Frock Coats , Sacks , Plain and Fancy Cassimcre, Clouded Cash mcrelte, Tweed t Summer Cloth , Ltnen, Linen Duck, Gingham and Check COATS. pANTitooNs.—New style of fancy and black Cassimcre, Cabinet, Corduroy, Summer Cloth, Linen, Linen Duck, and an endless variety of Summer pants. . . yests. A very largo and rich assortment, such as black satin, embroidered Grenadine, fancy silk, fancy check, oassimoro, Marseilles, Sum mer Cloth, &c. • Boys 7 Clothing. —A great assortment of sack and frock, of linen, gingham and tweed sack and frook coats, pants and vests. Shirts.— Fine white shirts with linen bosoms, calico and different chock shirts, collars, sus penders, gloves, umbrellas, carpet bags, &c. Straw Hals and Caps.— An extensive stock of palm loaf, Canton and Leghorn Hats; silk, oil, and Navy caps; a choice assortment ol silk neck and pocket handkerchiefs, stocks, &c. Call thoro and you may roly upon it that every article you purchase will prove to bo precisely what it is represented to bo, and you will save a handsome per centago on your purchase mo ney_forln giving bargains, STEINER At BRO. can’t bo beat 1 Carlisle, Oct 11, 1855. THE subscriber takes this method of inform- 1 log his friends and (ho public generally, that ho continues to carry on the Cabinet and Under taking Satinets, at his stand, North Hnnovor street, next door to Havcrstick's drug store, and nearly opposite the Carlisle Deposit Bank. Coffins made at the shortest notice and at mod erate prices. Haying provided himself with a new and Uuo Hoarse, he will attend funerals in town and country, personally, without any ox- I jinn tra charge. Ho will also carry on the Cabinet Making in all its various brandies, and will constantly keep on hand Bureaus, Secretaries, Work Stands, Parlor Ware, Upholstered Chairs, Sofas, Ottomans, Sofa Tables, Card, Side, Din ing and Breakfast Tables, Clumber Ware, such as French Field, (high and low posts,) Curtain and Jenny Lind Bedsteads, Waahatanda oi dif ferent kinds, Wardrobes, Vcnitian Blinds, and Chairs of all kinds, and all other articles usual ly manufactured in this lino of business. His workmen are experienced, eastern city workmen, and bis work is made in the latest city stylo, and ail under his Inspection, nnd of the best materials; all of which is warranted to bo good, and will bo sold low for cash. Ho in vites all to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere. For the liberal patronage hereto fore extended him, he feels Indebted to his nu merous customers, and assures them that no efforts will bo spared in future to please them in stylo, manufacture and price. Give ns a call. Remember the place, nearly opposite the Bank. April 19,1855. DAVID SI PE. GLASSWARE, Fall and Winter Clothing 1 Town and Country, Read! Read! MH. DA7ID SIPE, of Carlisle, lias been ap pointed Agent for the county of Cumber land, for tlio sale of FISK’S PATENT METAL LIC BOKIAL CASE, which Is superior to any of the kind now In use, for ordlnuVy Interments and transporting (he dead. It prevents Imme diate decomposition nnd obviates the necessity of hasty burials} for, being perfectly air-tight. It prevents any unpleasant odor Prom escaping anfl'can bo kept from day to day, until it nulls the convenience of tho friends of the deceased to Inter. Wo might olTur hundreds c/Looi-till cates in corroboration of tbtao factfli %ut tho following will suffice : Certificates from Clay, Webster anti others. Wahhinotoh, April stli, Gentlemen —We witnessed the utility of your ornamental “Metallic Patent Burial Case,’’lined to convey the remains of the late Hon. John C. Calhoun to the Congressional Ceinetry, which impressed us with the belief that it is the bent article known to us for transporting the dead tn their final resting place. With respect wu sub scribe ourselves. Yours, Ac. 11. Clay, Lewis Cass, Daniel Webstre, D. S. Dickinson, Jeff. Davis, W.R.Kinu, J. M. Dkiihiks, H. IjooOe, W. P. Manovu, D. R. Atciiinson. The above described Burial Coses can, at nil times, be obtained ui tbu subscriber, at his Ware-rooms nearly opposite the Bank, North Hanover street, Carlisle. DAVID SIDE May 17, 1855 Btonm Boiler for Sale. 'THE Subscriber offers for sale o now Stcaiq, | Boiler, eighteen feet long A thirty inches in; diameter, with one fourteen inch fine, apply at the Paper Mill at Poportown. W. B. MULLEN. Fob. 7, 1850. Valuable Properly for Sulc. THE two story Brick House and Back-build ing, with a pump, cistern, and nil necessary out-buildings attached, situate in North Hanover stroct, in Carlisle, is offered for sale. Tho sit uation is a good one for n private residence or for business. Tho terms will .easy. Apply to J. U. WEAVER, Agi./or E. Bullock. July 20, 1865 tf Family Coal TONS Lyken's Valley Coal, broken «Jvf\Jand rcscreoned, prepared expressly for family use ami under cover, flo that I can fur.. nlsh It dry and clean during the winter season. I have also on hand and lor sale, the Luke (ldler Coal, from the mines of Uoyd, Kosser & Go., and Slmmokln Coni, from the mines of Cochran, Poaio & Co., all of which I will sell at small profits for cash, and deliver to any part of the Borough. WM. D. MURRAY, Jjgent. November 15, 18GG. DENSL.OW & CO. t COMMISSION MERCHANTS ASH WfJOLRSALK IIRM.ORS I« ALL KINDS OF FOREIGN ASD DOMESTIC LEAF TOBACCO, MANUFACTURED Tobacco, and Foreign and Domestic Sugars, 21 South Front street, Philadelphia. Importers of fine Havana Segars of (he choicest gitmths of tho Vuoltn abajo. A largo assortment of which aro kopt constantly on hand, and for salo at a small ad vance on cost of importation. [©"Consignments respectfully solicited, on which liberal advances will bo made when de sired. N. B.—Special attention given to orders for purchase on obmmlsslon, of Tobacco, as also of ovory description of Merchandise, for account of parties living at a distance from this market. XST" Solo Agent for F. A. Ooolzo’s Celebrated Gorman Smoking Tobacco, comprising thirty different varieties. April 10, IB6o—ly TRUNKS and Carpet Bogs. A largo lot oi Travelling Trunks and Oarpotßogs forsoio cheap by PHILIP ARNOLD; April 6,1866. Wall Paper by tu« Ton. TDBT received a Urge assortment of Wall •' P.por, which will bo sold very cheap. March 27, H. SAXTON. Shawl*. A LARGE lot of Crape & Oaelimoro Shawl., of every abado and color, Just opening end ftesh (Vpm Now York. Onllnnd son them. file...—A foil' naserlment of Indies Morocco and Kid Shoes nnd Boots, Misses nod Childrens Shoes In grost variety, Just received st (ho cheap store of OHAS. OQILDT. Aprils, 1563. @5OOO llacc. I HE griiot race between the Clothing Stores I of cirlislo. resultcn In tb? ortho new storo-of .ARNOLD 4' i^oN, in the store room lately occupied by Wise bell, cornet of North HanOvor and Leather sis. It Is now conceded' by all and every one that they stand pre-eminent araongthoclothlngdoal eja in Carlisle, having'succeeded n convincing their friends, that they can sell Clothing made and got up, according to the latest styles, from So to 25 per con* cheaper than any, other house Is possibly able to furnish them. They have now on hand a largo and splendid assortmentof Ready-made Clothing! FumiahingGoods, Cloths, Cassimerosand Vest. inc . Also, Huts and Caps, and every thing In their lino for Mon and Boys. Their materials were selected with the greatest care, purchased at the lowest cash prices, and at such, bouses only who never deal In anything like auction trash. Their friends may therefore rest assured that articles purchased of them will aud must give satisfaction. Clothing made at the short est notice in thojnost fashionable stylo, having for that purpose secured the services of an ex perienced Cutter, and laid In a splendid assort ment of Cloths, Casslmeres, Vestings, sc., which for beauty and durability cannot bo surpassed. To the citizens of the surrounding country we would bay, give us a fair trial. All wo ask l 8 a fair look at our stock and we will not fail to con vince vou that onr Clothing Is better made, of better materials, better trimmed, cut with more taste, and last though not least, cheaper thftn you ),nvo ever bought elsewhere. Also, a largo lot of Trunks, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, ft-c. All hail creation far and near, Of Arnold’s Store you shall hear; Let pealing drums and cannon’s roar Proclaim the nows from shore to shore; Great bargains sure, arc on tho wing, Rare wonders then we now will sing s At first wo’ll speak of Clothing rare, Such trophies, sure will moke you staro, Of broad and narrow cloth so cheap We’ll take a moment’s time to speak. Delighted too you can't hut bo With prices and their quality? Dress and Sack Coats—aye, Vestings too. What bargains now for nil of you 1 Tho Gents will our compliments receive, And call they must tho wonders to believe. In Pants wc have all kinds of styles, One dollar and upwards, piles on piles. 1 In Summer Goods—for soon ’twill come— Wo* 11 give you bargains all for fun. Frocks and Over-coats so very fine, Great wonders yon shall see in every lino, Hosiery, Suspenders, Under-shirts lor all, All kinds of Gloves to please oil who call. 1 Rut we cannot stop to enumerate, 1 We have bargains both .good and great. Our stock too in tho furnishing line Is plentiful, cheap and fine. | ARNOLD 4- SON’S Clothing Hall. , April 12, 1855. FIRE INSURANCE, I’IIjK Allen and East Pennsboro* Mutual Fire Insurance Company ol Cumberland county, incorporated by an act of Assembly, la now fully organised, and in operation under the manage, ment of the following Managers, via : Daniel Daily, Wm, R. Gorgaa, Michael Cock, lln, Melchoir Brcnneman, Christian Slayman, John C. Dunlap, Jacob 11. Coovcr, Lewis Ilyor, Uenry Logan, IJcnj. IT. Musser, Jacob Mumma, Jon. Wickersbmn and Alexander Cathcart. The rates ol Insurance arc ns low and Ikvora hlo as any Company of tho kind in the State.— Persons wishing to become members are Invi ted to make application to tho Agents ot tho Company who arc willing to wait upon them at any lime. BEJJJ n MUSSEn- p rM . 0 Henry Looan, Vice Pios. Lewis Hyeb, Sect’ry, Michael Cocklin, Treasurer. Aug. H>, ’G6. AGENTS. Cumberland County.— Rudolph Martin, New Cumberland; C. B. Herman, Kingstown; Henry Zourlng, Shireumnstown; Charles Bell, Carlisle; Samuel Graham, Wentpcnnaboro*; Jos. M’Dow ell, Frankford; Mode Griffith, South Middleton; : Samuel Woodbnrn, Dickinson; Samuel Cooror, Ponj. Haverslick, Mechanlcsburg; John Shor i jck, Lisburn ; David Clover, Sliephcrdstowo. York County.— John Dlllnburg; I*. Wolford. Franklin; John Smith, Esq., Wash ington; TV. S. Picking, Dover; J. IV. Craft, Pa radise. Harrisburg. —TJoUflor & Lochnion- MLMnborsol the Company havlngpollclesabout to expire, can bnvo them renewed by making application to any of the Agents. DR. 1. C. LOOMIS, SOUTH Hanover Street, next door to. tho Fast Olfico. N. B. Will bo absent IVom Carlisle tho last ten days of each month. August 16, 1865. Trasses! Trusses!! - C. 11. NEEDLES, Truss and Buace Establishment, S. J!'. Cor. of Twelfth and Race Sl j., Phila, Imi-outeb of fine French Trusses, extreme lightness, case and durability with correct construction. Hernial or ruptured patients can bo suited by remitting amounts, ob bolowi—Sending number of inches round the hips/and stating side af fected. Cost of Single Truss, 92, $B, $4,55. Double —ss, $O, $8 and $lO. Instructions as to wear, and how to effect a cure, when possible, sent with the Truss. Also for sale, in great variety, Dr. Banning's Improved Patent Body Brace, For the cure of Prolapsus Uteri; Spinal Props and Supports. Patent Shoulder Braces, Chest Expanders and Erector Braces, adapted to all with Stoop Shoulders and Weak Lungs; English Elastic Abdominal Bolts, Suspensories, Syringes —male and female. Ladies’ Booms, with Lady attendants. August 2, 1856---ly FOOTE 5c BROTHER, Plumbers k Gas Filters, EAST MAIN STREET, CARLISLE. rpilß subscribers arc prepared to execute all I kinds of work in their linfc, viz « Lead and Iron Pipes, Bath Boilers, Hydrants, Water Closets, Bath Tubs, Wash Busins, Hot and Cold Shower Force and Lift Pumps, Baths, Hydraulic Hams, be., Every description of Plain and Ornamental Gas Fixtures, furnished and put up on. the most reasonable terms. Fixtures pnt up in Churches at short notice, in the most modern stylo, tt?" Jobbing attended 16. ’ October 25, 1865. Gentlemen's Slmwh< AN extensive assortment for sale by Ifm. A. Milos, Main street, oppoulto the Tolegranl Ofllca, Carlisle, October 25,1863. Tu r. Tar, Tar. JUST received and for sale, 100 kegs, b/st quality TAU f also, n largo lot of potent Wheel Grease for carriages, wagons, &0.. at the old stand, East Mala street. J. Mwh 3 7 - Saxton. kemotai,. DR. J. K. SMITH line retrieved Msoftke atid residence Into the hdyso formerly occupied by Mr, B. J. Keiflbr m o' Drug Store, South llaaovor street, next doo*lo. the if Golden Horse,” Hannon's llotdh April 10, 1850—4t* - Hams, dried ricef, Tongtics, &c« RKOEIVED this day direct ftrpm Cincinnati, Sugar curodTJAMS. Sugar cured BEEP. a*™ WIXLIAIIS'. ■• • •' sinsoieisD^ 55 * 0» TUB TJ. S AMuit, & S*. corner Third and Chestnut Sl t pL . Capital s^6o,poo, It/TONEY la received on dcnoalt 'am ItA amount deposited ia entered w ft* boolrand given to tho Depositor m r, De P°*ll red, a certificate will be given. * * f PW«n All sums, largo and small, are'rcofew tho amount paid Jimck on demand tico.' • •- . • : * m ‘ a °kUo. Interest is paid at. the jrattf or fly* commencing frofu the day of deposit ing fourteen days previous to,the witff *“»• the money.' _ On the first day of January, In each , Interest of each deposit is paid lotW™“ I 1 * 8 op added to the principal, as ho may or < Tho company have now upwards'bf?St positora In the city of Philadelphia alonn .Any additional information will bo addressing the Treasurer. ’ 8 Tcn 4 Directors. —Stephen It. Crawford prn.u . Lawrence Johnson, Vico President r ikt 1 W. Thompson, Benjamin W.Tltiglcv Florence, William M. Godwin, dard, George McHenry, James Dovcwm* p tavus English. ’“W Secretary and Treasurer,— Pliny p|„v Teller and Interpreter —J. C. Oohbnu, September 0,1856-ly ,BCh V Attention Dysptpi^,^ THOSE of you who have been , / years, with this loathsome disease wM have been using almost every nostrum £!? the public without relief. Wc say to *?, “ Kelfier’a Anti-dyspeptic,” and you win VC: ho convinced of Us great superiority orer »v 3 other preparation. Wo could give you I!,/ certificates corroborating our awcTlfoii Sr single trial is worth more than all. Thliriw} Is prepared ttnd sold at the Drug store of ** B. J, KEIFPEB I South Hanover street, o few doors mr, ivj tho Court-house, “ Carlisle, Juno Ift, 1864, HATS I lIATsIi Tn E subscriber respcctfbllv i nfonßl .. friends and the public generally, ihaiT.i removed his Hat and Cap Store to his new bnrS* Ing in Main street, where he will bo glad t/i* his old customers and friends. H e h*i C5 ,V* S hand a splendid assortment of If,(, ,1 all descriptions, from the comae, to tho flneht Pur and Silk lUu .! at must suit every ono. who hj J to getting tho worth of his money. HbSii Moleskin and Beaver umuqiuidfJ lightness, durability and finish, by fi, o « o f ß . other establishment in the county. * Boys’ Hats Of every description conibaflr,, mud. Call and examine. ; WM. H. TfIOFT. Carlisle, March 23, 1553. FJINCY GOODS, FIFT BOOKS, SW. HAVERSTICK, has )«a rt«H • from tho city, and Is now opening«t;k. did display of Fancy Goods, suitable fer present season, to which ho desires to nSth attention of his friends and the publit. Him sortment In this lino cannot ho lurpimitiH. velty and elegance, and both In quality and pi* of tho articles, cannot fall to please porch*, It would bo impossible to f numerate bii Fancy Goods, which comprise every variety «f fancy utft of tho most exquisite shape, such u Palper Mache Goods, Elegant alabaster and porcelain Inkitulid troys. Fancy Ivor}', pearl end shell card cum. Radius* Fancy baskets.- Fancy work boxes, with sewing Inilreoifli Port Momiales, of every variety. Gold pens and pencils, fancy pa'jrenriijk Pnpetcrlcs, and a large variety of Udi«’ ft* stationery.. Motto scats and wafers, silk and bead Ladles* riding whips, elegantly flniiLri, li dies* fine cuttlcry. PorlUmo baskets and bag*. Brushes ol every kind for th« totlrf. RousscVa Pctturocs of the varioutW/. Musical Instruments, of all klndiindri prices, together with an Innumerable variety articles elegantly finished and suitable for hi day presents, to which ho Invites specul it(* tlon. Also, an extensive collection of IIOU DAVGMT BOOKS, comprising tho various English and Arorno Annuals for 1855, richly embellished and Ih trato ’ Poetical Works, with Children'* ridn Books, for children of all agea. Ul* »Moria* of School Books and School SUtlunuy 11 m complete, and composes everything tm-dat* leges and the schools. llaaUp,calls itUetmi to his elegant dlsjay of Lamps, Grliindolct, from tho oxtcnslvo cstablfshmcnti of Cortdt Archer and others, ol Philadelphia, compnc* ovefy stylo of Parlor, Chamber & Study ucj for burning cither lard, sperm or cthcrial oii,» , gethcr wU)» flower vases, Fancy Scmm, His assortment in tills Use Is. unequalled Is ■ borough. , Fruits, Fancy ConfrthtM j, . Nats, Preserved Fruits, he., in crrrynrid’W at oil prices, all of which arc P«|*f“TOS 1 as can bo confldonly recommended to Wj . 1 and tho llttlo folks. Romcrabcr tbs old ■ oppo.lto tho Bank. r w nAVF , UST I[I, Carlisle, December 21,1804. WM. r. I’OOUSM*’ 1 STATE CM’ITOI- Venetian Blind Factory. lliouskt FaiuitiM Avrxansn xi Fxia. Ntar (hi Corner 0/ Fourth and O'* l ** llxaaisaoao, Tx. , Having now completed no 1» , am prepared to A’rnluli Dim , stylos choapor than city prlcca. increnao of my business, procurotho necessary machinery thorn on a larger scale-. and than any other establishment, so I j, , to wear ns Well ns any that United States. I refer to who,* mon, churches and ,?"|1 en tlnft* I had the pleosuro to OH to (ion. RurknEKOCi. m Wm. M. Platt, Speaker of "l" ■ K. S. Goodrloh, Secretary of« * Jacob A. Shlmllo. Washington E. Banka, Auditor General o ‘ , r , Gon. lioiimfort, Phila. eenn;). rx | K.Ohnreh&lrfVtMort«.W““ | JlobortJ. Boas, Earn, PWM-jfrf.ty* 1 Clmrabnreburg Chureh-W»»; . ■*« Bedford 01n.rcl.-nov. Dc.wdW, | Churohlown Church— J* sl ■ Klngatown « « I ■ Newport «‘ city, with one of «■»'“ .ill Hardware w)tb nlj.l Just, rooolvod 80 dps. l r !“Jnuooli'. SjH tbstonlhgs,' Iron and Stee price from 41 mnda'iffiijß straight and twist link Tty (1 | tl.SH,ltomo-vatio OThSWH lot o( Spreads, Fifth. Drew'.,", Iloltor and Lbg Chains. " DdJyfH Shovels, Forks, Spade*. Mg shortferory thing sad lixb’rrP'Bl ftrmor; at tbs old H Carlisle, March 20,1856- B