American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, May 22, 1856, Image 3

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    : -iji^fli^or'ind;ll oblu 0 blusotl 0 tl cliafged with nigh
0 ' ‘ ■ ,'ficpsoh.
St..Lociai,sfay ,12—Tha, at. Star of
.Arnred'^ictro'’tof-clay 'from. Kansas,
bringing daterttf Saturday, tho 10th, Governor
ijobinsoD and family, were omong..lho prissen.
• ; e'erfl- ’’ ho was"waited Upon by
a comniltteo'tippolnled bylhb citizens and noti
.{fflod toa'ttliey should detain him on i Iho ground -
flo6lng lrbm : tho territory'ta Uvoiil
aniiidlctnitsnti far trcasoh nfldch hail
been found agoinst.hlrtiby Ih’a grand jury of thu
District ;Court,; .The Governor
i: he had Been Informed by oneof the
mod juiy lbat-an attempt had been made to
. tinda.hilliibht’lt had laiied. This did not aatia
ly'thocommittob, who Insisted that Robinson
, ;«bould:reinaltK‘J Finally ho consented to do so
on tho porsuntloh of Mr. Parkinson,-the C»p
'> lain ofthO boat, ; and a Mr. Barnard, of Baltl
■ moroi' -The committeo then agreed to send a
messenger to Kansas, to acertain If an ,indict
•>, mont hud been found; and If qot nil tho expense
of-RoUinsOn’fc detention were to hu paid. Thu
; comipittch-consisted of.Gon Shilda, Mr. Saw.
yur, and a number of t,So most respectable citi.
~-.jscns. r -l i. ■ ■ reported that ft despatch, from Leaven,
rwortli httS-bheh. received, stating that an armed,
,|jody : rout for Lawrence, for the
.purpose o/Uleatroying the evidence taken by the
Whilo.G’Ovcrnor Reeder was in attendnace at
-,thc*aoBsioil obtllo committee) of investigation at
Lccompton, on the evening of the Btli, the Dep
uty Marshal served on him u writ to appear be*
ford Jnfy at. : lA!Conij}(l)fl, to answer
. qhb.charge of contempt. for, having refused to
■comply with the summons.of tho Grand; Jury
.iipfovlously-sorved upon him,. Gov. Reeder rc
, fused to wut,. and-,appealed to; the
committee, but they decided, that they had no
, -power in.the case. , Messrs. .Howard and Slier
• man,however,, expressed their opinion that Mr.
5, RcodOr, was protected privilege. Mr. Oliver
and said tho committoo could nut
jit4ndibotwupni hliu and the Murohul. Govcr.
;rnoy ißpojJcv sold that although his life was in
. dang^iuLocbmptipn,, ho would, remain on his
privilege, in attendance at the sittings of tho com
mittee# and dared thorn fd topch him at their
. peril. Tho Marsha) lull’, bnkvvas expected to
return ofi lhbsrtttjfrilhthulj< S. Dragoons,
l Thfl-jjiulgo at Locompton charged* tho .Grand
[ the 6th inst., to indict all the
[ M istatb Officers.and.Mcmbors of the Legislature
Sf or.higli treason, but Up to tho Uth,no such in
diptpiont hail been,confirmed, so far as the pro
ceedings liixd.beon made public.
JlffiiiH ju IlhnsßH—Bccdcr’. ant)- 5
ii,. . Clmrgfd Willi-High Trcasou.
■"§T. liduis','Miiy.l3.—The wife of Governor
;'Rbbms6n; pF Krfiisai, lifts arrived here, and Ims
published statement of her husband's drUn
tftipi> in Ldxjiigt.on. She denies tlml Ijic was
• Aware of ’(lie iiVd’iebncnVnguinst him previous
The Lawrence correspondence of Iho Poino
'rat, under dale of the Till says iiuhct
'iculs for high treason have been found against
ipv. Reeder, Gov; Robinson, Roberts, ; Lane
itj.d othcrfrco State men., - , ;•
;W<JWsliflS been brought to Lawrence by Mis
rnrians, that stcret handbills are circulating
hd hirers.marshalling on the border counties
’lie peoplu are warned topreparc /or defence.
Important from Kansas.
•Sf. Jioiiis. May 10.—Wc have Kansas dates
to the I‘HU -SUcrlir Jones was then con
valescent. « Geo. F. Brown, editor of the Her-:
aid of .Freedom., liad been arrested whilu en
deavoring to leave the territory. Gov'.' Reeder
►bad lied, but it WAS thought would be recap
tured. , •
••'Uudgo Pane, of Georgia, had been'Appointed
Sheriff until. Jones should resume his duties.—
itwasrcpWlcd (hat Judge Fane had been shot;
nt twicci 1 7 '• Y , , , i
' ‘‘ft ’wtis Raid there were 1 i>oo mrn Law*
rcUcc,'mined with 1 Sharpe’s rides, with n-1
strongly fortified breastwork And iwo pi eves of
artillery, who declared that they will resist nil
attempts at their arrest.
Al»out 1000 men have responded to the Mor
ihaU-’* proclamation, and are encamped In the
vicinity of and Lccompton, the n
vowed purpose being to compel the people of
Lawrence to acknowledge the Territorial laws.
Mcabuq*;*, Nor Mkn,—The I’rankfoit (Ky.j
Veoman Hutu ulliirlc* to tho devotion of the
emocrntic jiarfji to,measures, olid ‘ their long,
uninterrupted ucllicrem’.c to principle. It ap
pears hi gratifying contrast to tlio present miser,
ulilu 'pret'enco of the know-nothing cider tofjud
in Fillmore a sun'iolfnt platform of principles:
not men, )i;is over be in the watch
;ord mid battle cry.of.tho democracy. Under
l'7ve'liavn..wtni thanf victories—and well fur
irue rt'irublicunisin lina lt*bcenBo. A big while
feather,,tt boots/ and bvafcs epaulets,
4 A mere name, nifty servo our .opponents lor a
tUHonu.'but the <dd democracy despioca such
.pin-ivorslnp ami idolatry. Our,paity is iiclt
n names IliKt aro an honor to the ngo and na
tion; yet no one of these, If wobad our choice,
{vonld'uo I>o uUljjiß to accept as a pluUurm, i»r
lo acknowledges as the sole Inbodlment of mir
political principles, or the only leader \\U<>
•>uld carry theidcinocratic banner .to vlctnrj.
vo ns honesty, and capacity in the nominee ol
’ convention on llm pood old democratic
>rjn t and onf pafty will,certainly make him
Vnt, and guaranty bis udiuinUtraliou
every emergency.”
Counterfeit* five dollar notes on Che Mo-*
’ JUmlcofJJhUlulcljihiif w£ now in circu
and air frequently received and paid out
.tvii|iout;cllhtr.piu'i>; suspecting that they
untcrfeil. They arc on the old plates of
jchlvmcs Arc thlis described in*
;Il*B Counterfeit Detector:
s) letters B aml'€; variously filler npV—,
;cncrall appearnneu good, though the »p*
on is rbthcripalo. The 1 in el
ide of the vignette Imr© 100 nutblMvliilu
ni. • The upper portions of ’ the ‘ilnc in
itninc rire : hhadt.‘d alike. Inlt in thU coun*'
'theynpe different;' The words “♦Tho"
Bank” in the title; frofy tho inabpcr in
;thvy'ftVQ,'shfldcd; appciif 'blumd. , ; Si y*
is poor.” ' , i
'tCJf'TIiO Washington' Bt.»r,iays *-r"Oijr prl.
VfttVailvlcus naiuro us Hint In Iho recent Imttk
'l£ ' ofßlraa, Walker's- Igaswas 100 men, and hot
the Contu Ricans lost ICOnuJn In
riqd n6t COO Aitliat infpeifpub-
Aa wu anticipated, ho had his fill! bus*
nrd at (he niorcy’of (ho Oostaßlcanfe, who, to
of have cut off all-in hope
Supplies and reinforcements from Hip United
Ills amfounltfon iifvs also given out.
force (according to himself) is 1,000 Amor
(pecans,- and ( •' "
j'LondMi Notts lately In a leader ou
‘lt fop'd, so common 1 the
<‘wllU,all Ifio.wynKli of Jim
our ojHI, there nro'voryttiw Indbls
s wfiocrtn gW a glast of pur»l\eai,cr (o
UU‘f i gen'uUU trentj tb eaJJ”^
ipalphcs 1 ' from.. Kansas ; rcocjivcll: |iy
• •Ixiuis, alafc that Qbvj Shannon liitl
lov. Rolditnoirtb bo doloined : tn cnsto
ipd fpmiidii4 \liß,pccifs»rjr pnpors for
nontjor.high, treason. | ■'
ipbpUy'and pciminc affccljon fa ol
lii,o , thtm ; bcauly. ■ /Tho latter, \vil
not .'i-cttiiiii' while " Iho
thy. . f
thfn one,whok, j l han,,ono hun
>ns emigrated from Washington-<ioun-_
md, to Woßt, tUattj' of them
JinMf. •- ' ‘ ' 1
iny lJndj recently gave a'
. ~r . .Hon. William'Bigler.
Thia gentleman, ns was anticipated by all
IcnnSylvania.-bns nhcndv taken, a fiont rank
among thc-abjo.and influential members of,life
United Slates,Senate. Ilis presence in tlic Sen*
ato is a significant commentary upon that wild
w-avo of-funaticism that swept; him down in
1854, when ho was the firm and gallant candi
date of tho Detnocracj’ for Governor. As if by
providential interference, the moiley minded
H)en who were carried into the Legislature upon
that wild wave, were nimble to elect a Senator,
ttnd the question was reserved for a more aus
picious time. when fanaticism had run its day,
and wise Democratic councils once more pre
vailed. Then the truehearted Digler was elect
ed to a seat m the United States Senate. The
base combinations that produced his debat.
when the reaction came, operated powerfully
in promoting him to higher honors. Such is
always the eventnalion ot unholy schemes to
subvert honest men ; and it is a happy feature
in American character that such is the inevita
ble end of all such schemes. The engines of
malice and persecution started against pood
men always recoil with double fury upon tho
heads of their projectors. But sympathy was
by no mennslhe *ily motive that secured the
election of B’iUmm # Bigler to the United Stales
Senate. ITe made a safe and able Governor of
our great State ; and was widely known as a
true patViot and tried statesman. It is well
know.n to the Democracy of the State that the
high duties committed to a Seqator could not
he reposed in safer hands than those of Win.
j Bigler. Hence he was chosen and the people
gratified. The history of Senator Bigler is full
;of interest. Once a poor printer boy. after
wards editor, then State Senator, then Govern
-1 or. then defeated by the phrenzy of Know-
Nothing fanaticism, and now an honored mem
, her of the United Stales Senate, ami among the
I ablest men of that august body. IVnnsvlvnn
ions have no fears that Uieir interests will not
' be faithfully pimrdid when in the keeping of
1 such men as William Bigler. —Genius of Lib
' rrhj.
A T ui.on .and CidtisK.—Mr. Coleridge was n re.
markable awkward horseman, so much so as
general],v to attract notice. On a certain occa
sion ho was riding along the turnpike road, in
the County ul Dm ham, when a wngapproaelnng
him, thought (lie rider a tine subject for a hi tie
sport: wlien aa he drew near, he said to Mr.
C: «■! siy, voting m'm did yon meet a tailor on
the road V 3 ‘•V’cs,” rep'ied Mr. CL, who was
never at loss for a reply, did.” and he fold
me, Mf I went a litl le funher I should meet a
gno?f <” The assailant was stmek dumb, while
the traveller jogged on.
An ArrrcTiON.ATK Pro —One day Inst week
n (login the InmMy of the bite Mr Isaac J’ear
son died irom affinal grief (or the l--ss o| his
master. r l he d<<g was over ten j can old, and
Mr. Pearson had always taken Hie nitmmt rare
of him* giviiig’Dim meal and drink with lus own
hand ul ceituin hums of the day. Alter the
death of his owpnr, he went Into the bouse and
appeared, asjmuch as any person there to (eel the
event that had taken place, and Irom that hour
he refused to eat nr drink, and went mounting
about ltU ho pined away uml died without any
appearance of disease. Du dogh re isuu /
tfcwhilryport Iliidhl.
i 0 77~ Let tlic miser have Jvs gold, and the
i map of hotter Ins emblems of renown, but let
,igy porlipn be the boon of friendship secured
within oue faithful heart. in which peace, cou-
Icntmeul nnd evcry virtue reigns .supreme.
[fr Connteifeil SJSO bills on the Slate Hank
of Charleston, South,Carolina, ate in circula
tion. *
Cy* t’ngon is making preparations to apply
for admission into the rnion.
1} r Xltcrc is to be rt great firetnan's parade
at Harrisburg on the 4th of July.
Paii.auku'iua, May 21,.18f>0.
FlyuranJ Thc-aeihand for Flour is
Very limited, and holders have realized an ad
vance of I2ic. Standard and good brands are
firm at ?oi. Retail Dealers are selling nl from
SGi up to 74 for cpmumn ami extra family
brands, end §74 a £B4 for fancy brand**. —
Sales of 11} e Flour at £3i a 35- Corn Meal at
S 2 SO per barrel.
tliam. The supply of Wheat about equals
(be demand. , The city millers are bnv nig nil
the prime lota offering, hot inferior desmptmns
are hard to dispose of. Sales of good
at & I 50, ljud choice white at a pi n*e noi made
public Use is in fair dnmind 72 mils. Coin
is arriving Vnely : sales ol Southern and prune
Pennsylvania at 5-le.. ullnat, and 52 a 53 r ui
afore. Oats are dull ; salts range Irom ill n
34 cents.
ClouTseed sells in small lots at SO per 04
lb.®. Flaxseed and Tinmiliy nolhmg doing.
Whiskey is (Irmly held. Barrels at 2rtc,and
liluis at 2iu.
the 13th inat.. by the Ucv. Win. C. Ben*
pet* Mr. Samuel Lkbu, of Adams county, to
Miss Emzauetu Smith of York county.
On the J3ih ihst., by the Rev. A. U. Kmn
cr, Mr- llbmiy Buownewbll. to Miss- Makv
Ann Laird. both of this county.
■"Un the 15th inst.. bv iho same, Mr. Bhnj.
Snui.i.KNßAimnH. of Millm tu p. to .Miss Ann
Nu’Kuv. of Frankfo»d \w p.. this comity.
On the tame day. by the same. Mr. Vn
>Sn,ATTO. to Miss Caroline Dl.nki.eukiuji ii.
jboili of Pcny co.
On the ) Ith inst., at the iruble nee of Ids pen
In South Hampton h\p., Mr. Wii. Allis, aged
7‘J yoais.
In Lancaatcr.CUy. qu ll(c Uth ir-sl-. after a
IbgMhjHllneM; 'Oahount It.. wife i»r,lnlm P.
Crylg|l I>l-, of Ciilllni Ilia, iti ll.e dfclh .'ear of
’h^r 1 nge.‘ ‘
IValKcr and 11m nilßimUitil
A map of ‘Nicaragua. North and Cnprnl A*
merica, containing portraits of Gin. Walker,
and others, can he obtained by calling -at the
Mansion House during the pres cnOwuk; Tldf
i'4 llio’only clinnco. Price cents.
Mriy 212. 1850.
Drugs, Medicines, ChmnlcaU, rcrfnnno
{os, Fancy pnuls, ConferdlonarlCM, soiling rup-
Idly lor email advances at
Carlisle, May Hl. lbuO
Going Wokl I
HAV.IN-G- made.'troy 1 arrangements to go
, west (Mi tho lOdi uf Jnno next,.! will Bell
olffill or any part of my stock of GOODS ami
CLOTHING at coit. Don’t fall then Ip cull a
few doors above tho Dost COlco, If its good
bargains vc u;aro looking for. I also request
all persons, who Iqigw themselves Indebted, to
call and’fiay'thb'fiamo before said .
.•> ;f * ,% OHAS.DAimm;
■ '
Knii’i Dii; m-uggiNt,
HAS.iubjed his store from-the former stapd 1
to his hew building Immediately opposlUv
and ndjolnlnjfJVlV.’O.' liiliolPb Store. Having
mada every arrangement Jo preserve bis medi
cines IVoali andjimro, and having replenished
hls-üßiorlmnnt of iCjrofuUy /^looted. drugs! ho
|s now Again prepared ; to attend to .business
with- core ’und promptness. Ills assortment
will furnish almost every thing t that »mny Vo
called for, either by tho physician, or tho f«n*i.
ly r foy dputosllo.uaA. Thp -greatest, care and
precanlu>A \yitf bo observed lo thp compound
ding bf
clnOSi''Ulß ..apsort}noDt of confectionaries and
func-V’goods la very general, mfd, will, (Suable
■^urcuASCf 8 to suit themselves. ,
jntiort in
New Maf, CapfiTsiibc Store,
THE Subscriber, has Just opcned,| In. tile Store
room JormurJy occupied,by Mr'.G. }\\. Ilit
nur, on the corner of the public Square,'Main
street, ncqrthc Markqt house, & adjoining* the
jewelry store of Mr. VTtn.l); A. Nhtiglo, an en
tire neiv & splendid assortment of HATS', CAPS,
HOOTS, & SHOES, ( of every variety & pried.
His Hats consist of extra tine Moleskin; BoaVer,
Pearl, Clftsct, Kossuth, Sporting and children's
lints. These lints tiro manufactured by Oak
lord, Mouia k Co., nud other celebrated hat
ters of Philadelphia. He has also every variety
of homo manufactured bats, together with nil
kinds of fancy straw for children. All these
goods lie nill guarantee to give entire satisfac
Ilia stock of SHOES are marie up of every
variety and style, from the cheapest to the best
article in the market, and cannot fail to please.
Jle respectlally solicits the patronage ot the
rpnbite, leoling confident that be can sell the
cheapest and best goods in the conntv.
May 22, 1850.
300 Self-adjusting Hay Elcoaiors with a)ifi-/nc-
tion 6/orArs, ro;;c», <s-c.
2Htr Independent Tooth, Hay and Crain Rakes.
31)0 Ploughs, various sizes and patterns.
000 Cultivators or Hoc Harrom, various pat-
200 Harrows, various sizes and patterns,
100 Hay, Straw and Corn-stalk Cutlers.
100 /{'■eiti.'g’j Patent Poire; Corn Shelters and
800 Laudrctk's Excelsior Hand Corn Shelters ,
A’o*. 1,2, 3 and 4.
The above are all manufactured at our Steam
Works. Bristol, Pa. The workmanship and ma
terial are of unsurpassed quality.
C /" Farmers will profit hy'nn examination
and coinpaiisun with other implements in mar
ket. Also,
oil Sl.tcj's Patent Grain Drills,
100 llickoek’s Patent Cider Mills and Press.
Deiiz & Dintlmm’fl Improved Cam Motion,
Heaping attd Mowing Machines, pf which wo
have the solo agOnc.y in Philadelphia, *
Ci 7“ Agricultural ami Horticultural Imple
ments ami Tools. Field, Garden and Flower
•Seeds in great vaiicty. I’m Sale by
N*.s. 21 and 2d South Sixth St., Philad’a.
M.iy 22, 1800 —2m
West Main Carlisle, I*».|
WOULD respeetlully inform the public that I
they have based the above w ell known
old tdiuid oceupied bj Wm. Gruzicr.w hero I
(hey will he able to accommodate the travelling i
public will uu eje to their conduit uud convcn- 1
This House Inis lately begn built and the
, rooms are largo and niiy ; lus table w ill always
be supplied with the best the mmket can afford}
| ample stabling for a large number of horses, ot
tached to Hie premises, with lailhful uud ex
perienced nstli is. In short, uvuiy arrangotnetit
Ims been made that coui*l in any respect tender
the “Union House” a desirable, slopping place,
and tbe subscribers hope that by asaidiuUH at
tention to the \vuntn of their guests to jnerit a
sit ire of public patronage.
BOAUDEUS Ukeu by tbe week, mouth or
May 22. IHfiC—lf. .
Dumb. Valley ln*ti(uic.
AVMm'i vsicsiuna, VtN?pA.
Jtcr, Jbt. Loom, Jl. jlf., Principal.
The seventh session of mss in«ntu..|
(ion, opens on the Ist ol May. All the
branches of a thorough English and Classical j
education arc taught berg. The Normal ’chiwn
are designed lor teachers only, or l)u>so "ho
desire to become -such. Weekly lectures on,
Hie Them v fc Practice of Teaching, with oxer,
clues on OUT LINE .MAPS, juid iUp-UMlone
with philosophical apparatus..;
Terms—liujul, -room Tur/iTab^-nndyjttilflnn
(2l Week's) ' , ! JSOS 00
Fm- further information address the Principal
and receive a circular. I
McclirutlcslMirp. Cnmb. Co. Pa.
M id) 27, !H56, 2m •
r « rf r errnce to the laying of pnretnrvlj in Pitt,
BK It oidained iiml enacud by l!ic T.>wn
Conti' il of the b.u oiigh of Carlisle, and it U
li,t.-Uv ordained and minuted by the authority
n( Jlie" (1.11110, Tll.U till sidewalks or pavements
situated in i’illativut uml in Bedford street uf
lhit bui oiigb, -nnpav<.d, or made of any Huh biuk, n-porh-d by the Struct'
Committee of Mild Cuimcll as requiting u> bo
paved, rcluld or rcpimcd, shall bo imtdu. or ro
lald w illi brick. Ami tt shall bu the duty of
dm .Struct Commissioner (in case ol (ho neglect,
or relnsal ol the owners, or occupiers ortho
lota upon rtliidt said pavement or sidewalks arc
Incited, to nuke, or uliy lliu same «itli brick,
lor a longer pci lod than ninety days after no
l iru nlull i.av« been »ei veil upon Ilium by tile
High Constable ol said borough,) ut the ex
pense of the bui ougli, to make, relay or repair,
all such pavements wltlimit delay, ns directed
iti section till of an Ordinance passed 17th Jan
uary, A. D. JB.VJ, and report the same to Coun
cil, who shall proceed os directed In said sec
tion. Provided, however, that jn i’ilt street
the above Ordinance shall only apply on the
.West aide lyom .North*to SoplJt; skupt, and on
lliu Ivut aide froth North to South aU*ot, and.
mi Bedford street, on the West sfflo n&mi the
North side of WoUel's property to South street,’
and on the Knst side IVom lhoN“ r *h side ot
.Mr. Trou’La proporty lo„Sonth qtruot-
Sc-. -. That tile provisions 0/ this Ordi
nance ahallalao apply to North street on the
Norlh .into fiom Hanover to Bedford streets.
Sec. d. That horoafier no perso'n aim'll bo al
lowed to run npoujhc sidewalks or pavements
ot U»i» borough, any whcel-barrow.hiyqlsharrow,
go cart, hand Wagon, or other wlifilßid appliance
nlutsoevor* except when necCsSary tb cross
said sidewalks or pavements, undei a penally of
Ftce dollars. Provided, however, (hi*
shall nut apply to children’s ctm-ingua, or to
wheeled chairs for tho accommodation of In
valids or disiblcd persons.
Sve. 1. That ho much of section Ad ot an Or
dinance pissed 'ld day of June, A. 1). 1 B o—, ns
tul.Uus to lliu pureinvßo ot provisions in the
Market House of Lids Borough!' previous to
certain bonis announced by the ringing of a bell,
by the clerk ol said Market, the same shall be
and is hereby repealed.
■- Kuacfed and passed,by tho-Town Council ot
the Bof-migb of Carlisle, tho Blh day of May,
Al'D;, 1860.
•*,rf; l' ' , A. NOBMS, CA««/ flurgc-M.
" AUesf— Wu.mau JI. Wktibl, Aac. lo Corp.,
'CuVtislo, May 10, 1800.
South Hanover Street
LETTERS of Administration on tho oslalo
ofFenmlcu Weaver, late of Upper Mien
tivp., doe’d., have linen Issued by tho Register
of Cumberland county, to the subscriber, re
siding In mild township. AH persons Indebted
are requested to make Immediate payment,und
those having claims to present them for settle
ment, to "
Mn>M, J ‘
Siimnaor lilt (« &. Boliiictf
AT tho cheap store of A. • IJqnU.ifc Brrt.,
South Hanover street. *Tho assortment k,
largo, add will bo sold blibap. .Giro Uaj & call.
1 Carlisle,- April 2l, IH&fi’. la-.' *
door lioloW trip MiVltol IToiiflo., Colls in
toiv'irond couhlry proni|dly nl.tortdscli ’ j •
•Cor f Uild f ,Jnnunrj ; 8,1800-*-tr ; ■
llaiiiH, I»rle« lWo(, Tongues, &e’
T» ECEIYUD nilsaKjruWediiWA'fcluklonrtll,
14, Hofrni 4 ou;inVliA,M3/Rtiß(!r'oo , i»d t t)EEI',
S jl9yi.UEU3,lotvd^r;Oi S Kot tLiA! . si<
: Ann 1 7 .1850. '
Hertford aml North Streets,
Ktato Notice.
»U. H. I*. ZIKCa.WIC
WILL bo for guty,ln; Carlisle, by Henry L.
Burkholder, ut.tlioiMlowhig rates : Reap-
er, cash, $1(15; Reaper ajnl Mow er, cash, SI'JU; |
Reaper «ud .Mowor, yu'.tin,e, $210; Reaper, i
$lBUj ?7o on delivcTy Ih ;>l of September; (
umL Hie balance first of Di' cmber, with freight
from (bo Factory at llafu.dnng. The Atkin’s
Reaper is built ofthb.bpat inateiial fftat can he
lbmul, ami put up- in tli«* hi st aovkmanlike
: manner, warranted .to ci\t giam ns well as can
!be duuu with tbo Cradl}s.- Elmers getting At
kin’s Reaper "do'nyt nm tjie risk they would in
I buying all caper .alien 6 mio thousand miles
! away from homo; if there should anything
break they can get the castings at the Factory
at Harrisburg, at any thim. Persona buying
j this Reaper hnvo the bcnelit of ull Improvu
-1 ments free, by applying to J. S.
I Wrtglft, at tho Factory. s *
| CHRlfeTl AN-STOOFKEIb, Agent at Cham
■ borsburg; 11. L. BURKHOLDER, Ttuvelling
i Agent at darlislo i.Uenryvllerr. Agent nt Ilur
{ risburg, and James'Patton, General Agent at
I the Factory, at •Harrisburg, for Pennsylvania.
Order through Hio above amenta.
Wbnt belter evidcpcd'of true worth oofihl bo
given limn such •uftptiralleled Increase—l in
1852—3000 In ; 18501 ’/Ami though so little
known, lind till the ortlinfi to come ot numerous
failures of‘other Self-rakers, yet not two.thirds
of (ho customers criuldbi) supplied last year.—
More will ho diduppointed the next; for, 11 farm
ers can got relhible-'S'df-rakvr, they are de
termined to have it; and this is now thorough
ly established in the confidence of the fanning
I public. It has a raker always on baud and do
ling the wbrk, parttaolarly in u heavy or lodged
ciop, better than a man. Saving at least anoth
er hand in bimllngpls even a greater Grain Sav.
er than Labor'Savcp, arid is also a lirst-iate
I Mower. If you intend, getting rid of your old
! fashioned back-breaker, h'ul to get a Raker
I with Bone and Sjusdtj of-lrou and Wood ; you
I must be moving, fof ,8(100next haivcd will by
I no means supply the 'doinftufl, as the 1200 which
* was so insufficient thtf lifts! season. ,
Reliable,Good Materials, ami Well
Built. A Reaper that constantly pets out ot j
order is a nuisance and dour nl any prjeo.— !
Breakages with this have buen inconsiderable,
notwithstanding.the increase of gearing by the
Uakcr, owing to 1 tbo card >sed in good mater- [
lala and putting t/uim : togdber thoroughly.—
Many have cutfnjrti 100 to lino acres and over
with one, without’'detention, or any expense
for repairs. Tito-harvest. Is a hurrying season; I
}ou want, a machine 1 ilintb-m lie relied upon, l
.amHbja la thc.rinej DS'experii nco shows. I
' Jh' edpo orManageriiOrit, this Is not smpftased. 1
Few* biirchnsers 'Uio post Venr, and not one
Agqnt in tqrf luidbad'anyexperience with it;
and pehoraliymachines were shipped so Into us
only to ho received Jhftl 'at- harvest, ot after it
was begun.' ' tldncc (herd was no tinlc to exper
iment and.learn. about 7 , il, which so
■necessary with hew machines. This will ho ob.
Tinted (lid cottiiilg Ao.Vabn,-uith those who are
wise in entering'ogfller than last spring. Some,
too. fell' into improper hands, us orders were
tilled imlisciiminatolyi till the supply fulled.—
In several Instances machines were returned
and ddld dgiOifoljitidlWr parties,imd they gave
.1 excellent satiafacuvn. ...Yet under all (liege dist-
I advantages,' not two'per cent, give any Set ions
J trouble i and we will guaranty much less next
Treason. ’ ' *
A Fir-d Rato Mower—Knily. Never Chokes.
, From the drat introduction 4>f this machine,
' iiumciH have said that to - give* U the. lead, fur.l
ahVRTt Of tuuKp \\ as
cood in ffraw'as-ln srawC-TJCiMncoocded prqt
ly'ifcll wifh'flid’grdss l«»f «4«sMf Wit Rio mo-l
lion of the knife w«y hardly fast enough; to cut
prairie gras's,- and some other kinds. A faster
gear uaa made ami BUppliefl to a part of the 1
I purchasers. which pave excellent satisfaction, i
I and this will ho used on all this Reason. With
l Hus motion, and the knife in pond m-v- 1
er chokes. Wo own Murray 'h patent for pul
ling y.u.tha .b.iqk, byAvbiell choking
is AhvlatNTi nrtd to guard against contention, |
and insure our customers against molestation,'
we have bought tlio right to use Green and '
Fmbiiflh’s patents on tlio knife ns wo build it, - |
The change from Reaper to Mower is very sim- ,
plu and tnndo In a few minutes ; and a wheel is I
attached to tlio outer cud of the moving bar, to I
. regulate Iho height of cutting, to facilitate back
ing, and movo from Held to, field. ■
points to Consider in Baying a Reaper. Eve- I
ry farmer, by himself or wills a neighbor, should 1
hare a Reaper. H you have mum, m e\eti il j
* y u n have au old-fashioned hack-breuker, ;on 1
1 will look for one—
‘ ist—To.cnl a.-11, clean and easy, and with a
’ Unifo tlpil dues not ,k choke.” ,
; 2d—Strong and reliable* not getting sick
! w lion needed.
‘ - 3d Raslly managed, that you, your I».>\ s
! ami hands can work wilhout.difficulty.
1 hard upon the Team, neither ot
’ heavy draught* galling limit .pocks by heavy
' weight Upon the polo, nor thumping their
’ shoulder tft every obatruclion. There should
ho uo.aldo, draught- ,
1 olh—Tkklng up lodged Crain, .working
I .welkin all kinds.
1 [£7-Upon the first five polnts rio Reaper ex
\ colls Atkin’s Solf-Rakcr, and fcw’cqual It, n<d
’ Withstanding the addition ot the Unker.
oth—Saving one liand in Halting, the Imrdest
work In tho harvest Held., , ..
in Binding,
* liy having f,he gravels wojl hpd.
<«th—Saving in Cirftingflnd Raking, not shat
‘ torlng. hyitho reel, and by tho Raker; Jerk mg it
o(T the platform. • I .
’ Oth-n-SAvitig Wastage alter binding, tho grain
being laid ho ovonly ami strulghCas to ho bound
*. securely,nrovcuth'fi Mjalturlng in the aftet
iundlinV, and* protecting tnq hearts well when
* stacked/
the Sixth, Eighth nnd Ninth points,
wo unhesitatingly claim superiority over all
other Reapers ever invented. Thu saving nr
wasting grain In haivcsting with, machines. la a
point not properly appreciated Even between
I those considered good and the Atkin's there is
a ditl’orenco, at presont prices, of’ten to twenty
dollars por day, and over.
iOlli—Convertublo into a Mowor, with mile
trouble and sihal) cost.
old-fashioned back-breaking Rea
purs can ho used for mowing, hut no other Self-
Halier | and no converUhlu machine claiming
to lie a good. Reaper ta superior 1o ours in grass.
I llh—jKnlfo noYer chokos. By Murray’s
back sickle edge, for which wo own the exrhi
slvo‘ patonf, tho great trouble 111 Mowing Ma
chines—the.choking—i" eflbctnsjly obuolod.
Gaumsmc, I>,-Sopt.A IBsr>.
J. S. Wmant, Esq.—Dear Sir-Having pur
chased in July Inst, Atkin’s Self-Uakingßeapcr
uud Mower from Tour agent, IJ. Li Burkholder,
Esq.,l lake pleasure in refcommenulng Uns tho
most oconotnlfcr.l Reaper for tlio’fttroior to buy.
•I am suro litevct‘hcloro'cut wia pnt’up tho
samd nmonht of grain with-rio littlo-oxponso, bo
111110 help; i*itut rto well. I bellovo t haVa'finvod
the price of thdlßvtlhor. this
year; 1 ’ [ Nrtt ohlythat, but it runS'llght on the
horses. Tho Raker saves agoodimnn.' Tho
ovdlt atut reguiai-'dcpoHitftry-of tho 1 granola will
aivvo one map in four in Wilding. J .TV3ol»rtvs had
frmivfwcntyVd’thlrty .farmers looking at it when
going, many of whom had r blhor RoafiorS but
not thoßtiknr.,aiid Uio nf.thomsaidU was
wolll ’l'fcnow of.up
machine .cquM'.toilt.,, had
ltntartod.,flPt;Ofc «cro» from*6 o’oJpcMWO.p*-.
clack* jit was,timothy.,h'lf .theso.linqsqanbo
lofony aval} to you, you may use thorn as'you
think bos*. ; " I, 7 ■ ’> •: v;, *
• - • Yours Roffpoolfmiyvi, ..
"! CAivliw-ii OctriulpeH.,
. .ToiJfS. Wnionr;
Inst I purchased of your agent inCarljalo. 11. L.
Burkholder, one of Atkin’s poll-Rcklng Reap
ing and can safely recommend it as
•tho most complete, economical labor-saving
machine-of tho,kind, yet Introduced Into lids
pnvtbf tbo'country; although my farm Is hilly,
’it.pcjrloiineddts work to my entire satlblaytion,
and'to ttfo 'admiration of a’-great number ol
'fanners who-were present on the occasion of its
trial. Besides-making the cleanest work of any
Reaper I have over men, it requires but half
tbo power to move it that Itoapcrsdogcnurajly.
Two horses Or .mules can draw it with case,'
though I used four on account ufthe land being
somewhat rough and uneven,
j To all farmers having large crops to out I
j would nd\i»i* as a matter of convenience and
economy to procure one of Atkin’s Self-raking
1 Reaping Machines. Yohm Respectfully.
Oaiiusi.k, Oct. ft, IRo'i.
Ma. llr.vm- L. lirakuoi m;n —Deai Sii I
fake great pleasure in bearing testimony to the
invaluable character of ‘■Atkin's Self-raking
Reaper and Mown,’’ 1 had both iu use on my
farm and each peiloimed its work to my entile
sutislaclion, and to the admiration of many
I'atmeis w In. w ilncssed them in operation. 1
recommend this machine, as one ul the most
impoitant invenlinn.s fur the farmer, and a gieat
economical labor-saving machine.
You, as the agent for Mr. J. S. Wright, have
done a lasting benelll to onr farming communi
ty by tho intioduction of flic Reaper into this
comity. Very Respectfully,
Oakland, Cumin co., Pa. ■
Yonu Siumra Srtu.vcs, Pa., Oct. 1, ISo-V
J. S. Wuioht—Dear Sir—Automaton Silf
rukitig Reaper 1 bought ot you did its work
well, cutting and raking better limn I have ever
had grain lilted tcom a hand rake, and (akingotl
tho heaviest and most weighty bundles, it ia
of easy draught and well built, and I think it
will give perfect satisfaction to every funnel
that wants one. I would not have any other.
IlaanisDUiio, I’a., Sept. 30, 1865.
J. S. Wiikiht—Dear Sir —The Reaper that 1
bought of your agent, Albert Jaqucs, I tried on
my farm in the presence of some fitly of Ibo
bust farmers in Dauphin comity, and it gavo per.
(ect satisfaction to them all. 1 cut my harvest
with the Reaper, and if I could not gel another 1
would nut take one thousand dollars for itt 11
this is of any use to you, yon tuny use it as you
choose. HENRY IIEKU.
Tuuntos, N. J.. Oct. 17, 186
J. S. W incur— Dear Sn The Reaper that
you acTit me I was highly delighted with ; it
done its woik to my entire satislaeiimi in gum
and grass, and i consider it the best Roapei m
use, ami 1 recommend il to the fanners ot New
M.uni.r*, Fa., Oct. IH, 186
.1. S Wiitour—lU>ar Sir-ln r< , gmd to*Al
kin's Sell-rakmg Re.ipei and Mowei 1 Imiight ;
of \ our agent s, I‘. M orris & Uo.. of I’hi el- j
jdiia, aim 1 nmsl say, il done )Is woik will, en
Mi u satisfaetiuii in grass and gi ain, ami w oiild 1
lecomiiKiai Uto the I.uineis ol I’enns)lv.nn.i. .
Jt.illN’ ML'SSEH. '
Trfvton, N. J.. Oct. 1, 18A5.
J. ?. Wumiir -Dear Sii —Your agent, 11. («. |
Bennet, e.illed on Us this smnii.ei, to see if we
would nceept the agency of the Atkin a Sell
raking Reaper, We had made up our minds,
not to accept the agency of any Reaper oi M "W
-ef, until we could get one that we pould have
confidonctJ in to recommend to onr cit'-ttiiners,
as we arc manufacturing agrlcultmal impllo.
ments at Trenton. Now, Sir, w 0 <\ouhl be glad
to accept tlio agency of Atkin’s Reaper here, as
wc have Implicit confidence to recommend it lo
the Farmers ot New Jersey and Pcnnsj Ivania.
Carlisle, May 15, IK'ib.
CuiEiboi luud valley Bank, #
Wu.t.MM Kvn, MKLCitoin Brkxxkmas,
Ronr. C- Steuuett, John Dukt.ap,
Ktcu’D. Woods, . ‘JoitH S. Steuuett,
wbuir cs TrtWLAPi ' • ■ "HT'TV.'. atnftaitOH.
T' UJS Bank, .doing of
Jvbfi Jfrcnncnmn Bt Co. 1 , fa’now fully pre
pared to tlo a general Banking Business with
prtimptnesa and fidelity.
Money received on deposit and paid back on
demand without notice. Interest paid on Spe
cial deposits. Particular attention paid to (he
collection of notes, dralts, checks, !kc , in any
part of (lie United Suites oi Canadas.
Remittances made to England, Ireland, or
the Continent. The faithful and confidential
execution of all oideis miniated to them, may
be relied upon.
They will at all limes he pleased to give any
infninintion desired in regard lo money nmtlers
in general. Interest at (lie rate of 5 per nni.
per annum will he paid mi Special deposits us
heretofore. Banking House in Trout’s Build
ing. Main street, a few doors east ol the Rail
toad Depot. Open (or business Irom 9 o’clock
in Iho morning until 4 o'clock in the evening.
The proprietuis ofthis Bank are individually
liable to the extent of their estates tor all (he
Deposits, and other obligations of Ker, Bienne,
man J* Co.
11. A. STURGEON, C<nhin
Carlisle, March 18. 136 - ly
||:ii ihvn it, Ila i(Hv:i re.
7Vh’ largest .laiorfvicul in the County.
JOHN P. LVNK SON, wholesale ami re
tail dealers in American. English, German,
ami French llanlware. Cutlery, fkc. The at.
tention ot Mechanics, Fanners, and the public
generally, is invited to onr unusually large
stock, confident (hat we an; selling goods on
more reasonable terms limn can bo hud ul an\
other house in tho county.
April 10, 1860.
Dbfmlnlioii of Partueiolilp.
rpiliJ copartnership hcretofero existing nndei
J (he linn of Moser \ Boyer. in tho niaimf.ic
luring of Iron, was this day dissolved by imuu
nl consent.
n. U MOSKU .
»■ f
Liberty Forgo,
Mny 16, IWO- :» , ft
K. U.—The business at Liberty Forge will
in fuliin* be conducted by 1. L. Ibiyer.
IMQmI IMouh'.
subscriber has, and is constantly Uocp
-1 ing, nn assortment ol the celebrated Eagle
I'lows. Also, constantly mi hand, Zclgler’s.
Planks, and llornvond’s Plows. We have also
u wry largo lot of tho latnmis York Pious tin
liaml, anil also a line assortment o( ( <ulti» aloi .1,
at (ho old Bland, Eaal Main street.
Carlisle, March 20. IH.Mi. I
To Clll'lHMlll l'N, llulldore. &c.
rpHH undersigned has hoon appointed an a
1 gent for supplying MOIJLDINOS ol nnj de
sign, or Patleins lor buildings, at, n much lew
rate than they can ho made here—so said by
oni'inoat experienced mechanics.
April It, 18-Vl. H- SAXTON.
Watelies, JcwUj anil Nilvir
ml IE public are Invited to call and o.vamiuc
X the largest anti stock of
over brought to tliis placo. Having purchased
'this stock for 01181,1 onr determined to sell M
prides thdt “cant be itflt.”
All goods sold by mo, gimrantoeil to ho ns
represented ortho money refunded. Old gold
iu)d silver taken In exchanger. ...
’Carlisle, May
trail Taper, Wall Paper.
JOHN P. LVNE & SON hava the pleasure
of informing tlio public that they have at
last completed the enlargement of their store,
and are now receiving the largest and most vre.
rlod assortment of Wall Puper and Window
BUnda, over opened in Carlisle* which w© will
BOlhat the lowest prices. those want,
ing Paper Hangings is solicited, \ve.are coofl
dent that all .can Uo supplied from
moth stock, at the old stand,North'!* - '''
April 10,1830. . 1
Tt/rR.',& Mrs. CLARETwho fravo been for sov
-ITJL enU^eafa‘engaged in teaching,respectful
ly announce to'the' citizens of. Carlisle and vi
cinity, tlmton tho Ist of April, 1850, they will
open in Louthor street,-In the house lately oc
cupied by Dr.iiiumcothal, a 'Summary fur
young ladies.,
Thu Institution will ho both a hoarding and
clay school, in which aU'lhu brandies ncfcVswiry
fiu tin* coinpluto education of young IiIdRSS will
( he taught. Assistants of the highest character
I iurqiialtlieatiunsiuui morality willjje employed,
• in ii. c-ndunce with tho wants ol llio Institution!
* Thu government will bo conducted on strictly
clnifituii principles, while sectarianism will be
as ligidly excluded.
Thu Principals tlatter themsolvos that their
lung uml suecesalul experience as teachers, as
festilled by the reentninumlalions in their pos
•session, will enable them to establish an Instilu
-1 Hon <>f the highest character for young ladies.
They nru lulh peisundud that such an Institu.
(ion will be .sustained here hy the citizens and
neighboring country, and hope that their coiill
deiico may not be disappointed.
A department for younger children will be
immediately organized.
Terms ;irr ifjiion of four months.
Boarding, Including fuel,'lights A wash-
Primary Department,
Higher English,
Ancient Languages, each
Ornamental branches nt Professors charges.
No deduction for absence after entrance ex
cept in case of protracted illness.
References —Hon. Fred. Watts, J. B. Parker,
Esq., Rev. C. P. Wing, Kov. A. 11. Kromer,
Uev. J. B. Morse, Uev. Jacob Fry, Rev. W. W.
Ells, James Hamilton, Dr. C. E. Blumenlhal.
Carlisle, March 20, 1860—ly
Valuable Town Property
SITUATE on East High street in the Bor
ough ol Carlisle belonging to tliu lieu a of
James Thompson, ilo’cd. Consisting ol two
lull town lots adjoining each, containing GO leel
in front and tw o liundred and flfty feet in depth.
The improvements are a hlrge ami commodious
STORY PR AMIS HOUSE, adjoining. The
limner being very largo and conveniently ar
ranged, would he admirably adapted for a
Boarding House, or a pleasant & comfortable
private residence. The out buildings are cun
venient and in good reptir.
The lots are covered with excellent fruit trees
and choice shrubbery.
The ownets are nonresidents of our Borough,
and .uu veiy desirous that the property should
he disposed 01.
The terms thn eforc will he made advantage
mis to pnreh isers. Enquire of
Real Estate Agent & Scmcutir.
j Caillsle, March *J7, 1800, U.
» To BttlldtTt)
riTIIK School Directois of Noith Middleton
J. District, invite proposals for the building ol
a Blick School House, ikui Weil’s Church, in
saul Distiief. The inrcctors to furnish the ina-
Irnala. Plans and proposals may be submitted
to the Directors at their next meeting, to be
held at lhfe hotel of Tlenry (Jhws.’in Cailitde, on
Saturday, the 81st of ay, 1886. By order of
the Board.
A. V. NORTON, Scct’y,
May 8,1850 —4 t
Estate Kotlce.
LETTERS testamentary on the estate of
Robert C. Slerret, late of North Middleton
township, Cumberland county, deceased,
have boon issued to the sutperiber re
siding in*Monroe‘township, by the Register of
Cumberland county. All persons indebted to
said estate are requested to make immediate
payment, and those having claims will present
I them for settlement to
| (i-EORtiE BUINDLE, Excc’r.
I April 17, 1856—Gt a ____
jßtcatV hud Cake Bakery.
nnilE aubscrllicr respoptfully-.Jnfofa* -id*
: JL- irlcrids and tlid’pubno that ho still contin.
ues to carry oniho nboVo business, ftt his oM
stand in South Hanover street, three doors
south of (ho Second 'Presbyterian Clinch,where
he is prepared to supply all who call’
mi him with flesh BREAD nud Calces of all
kiicU, manufactured from the best superfine
(lour. Pound Cakes will bo furnished to older
on the shortest notice and In the most pleasing
Ci/i Dread will he Ainiished dally to futnl
lii'i in nny part ol the town, on leaving notice
at the Bakery.
A Mi|nTinr qualify of Mend and fher, 'Till be
kept constantly on hand duilng the sutmlVer
Thankful f'-r past favors, the undersigned
hopes by Mrict attention t«* business, and a
ill siu: to please, to mcill and receive a Hbcral
ihaie ol public patronage.
.V. B.- I "ill also allend market with Diead
and Cakes.
Cm lisle, April in. IM.'.r,- 1m _____
rrtUK Btibscrlhers have just received one of
J. iho largest stocks of Dry Goods ever brought
to Cat lisle. Their assortment is full undeum™
plete, composing
Ladles’ Drrt.B Goods,
Silks. Poplins, Challln, Haiges, Tissue*. Lnwna,
Mnlli.mles, I.aiuurlim**, Crape de Espagnu,
Cambrics, Swims Bomhoxino*, Cashmeres, Al
pacas, He Lanes, Spring Shawls, Bonnets.
Flats. Flowers, Corded and Hair Cloth Skirts,
ami Parasols, also Collars, Ribbons, Hosiery,
and Trimming* In gioat variety.
Gentlemen’s Wear.
Cloths, Cashmeres, Italian Cloth*, Urap de 11,
Caslnncrelts, Linens, Tweed*, Vesting, Silk
Undershirts, Haty, Cups, Ciovats, Collais, ike.,
also iv lull and complete assortment of
Staple Uomchtlc Goods
lin hiding Woollen mid Colton Yarn, Caipol
Cham, Feathers, Window Blinds, Oil Cloths,
Li.oking Glasses. Brushes, and Carpet Dags, al
so. a great vaiiely ol Fancy article*.
| Muiiming Gauds alwnj's on Hand.
Those who wish to obtain tho best goods at
lou. st juice*, are respectfully invited to call.
,y ' 6 1 ‘ ‘ BLxNTZ&URO.
Carlisle, April 17, 180(3.
Carlisle Marble Yard.
uicilAUD OWI3IV.
South Hanover St. t opposite Bent**’ Store,
rpHK subscriber Ima on hand a large aprt well
X selected slock of
Ilcari-Sloiios, Monuments
TOMBS, &c., of chaste and beautiful designs,
which ho will 801 l at the lowest possible rutca,
being desirous of selling out hia stock. Head
stones finished from throo dollars upwards.
Brown stono, mnrblo work, mantels, &c., for
buildings, marblo slabs for furniture,'&o., Con
stantly on band. Iron railing for comotary lots,'
&c./ of the best Philadelphia workmanship,
will bo promptly Attended to. ‘ ~~
March 27, 1866. -
' ; n FASH, O FISH.
. Received \v •
50 bbls. Baltimore .Shad. V"" p t
60 » “ . Honietorol.
50 No. l, 2 auftfug.
6 •* PWfWlta Flab. ’ ■ ■
' 5 of Werners’ nod dealers In Fish
XJi'eVtod, dH I am doUmiluoiV to sail low for
'cMtTor bacon taken In eichan a a. ■
■ ■ .WILLIAMS’ Family Grocery.
Carlisle, May 1, 1868.
r~ • ATARM
Within the Reach of Every Man.
S t )UUU COAL LAND in-Ellr County,
Bontlhger Township, vl’enmyivanls, .fdf Mlo,
giving a Finn ol 26 ucrco fors2Uoj payable in
instalments of $1 per wbok,;or UMbusamante
[monthly. *•. . : "... '-*"n r..:
Farms of 50, 76,100, ofmore acre! ‘adjoin- •
trig in proportion. • Each Farmfrontßtoppp a
road thirty fret In width.’. . .. .
THE SOIL is a rich limestone loamiAHii'JßS
pecially adapted to cultivation, as it Is.nrit/ier
hilly nor stony, but gently rolling, or lino toblo
land. Around and through this properly there
nfo already some 20,000 acres under cuftlVAti
ratlon, and its fertility has been established
I'ioiu the crops produetd. Upon thtesubjcct it
is easy to bo hilly satisfied. There is a ready
rash market fur produce which is much bettor
than trade, It is tho CHEAPEST, nsTand Ol a
similar quality is selling at much, higher prices
adjoining, and especially such us containsodal.
THE*COAL.—‘This in particular is the Cool
histrict, several veins underlaying the whole
property, and the attention of mlocr»>aDdtbos«
acqnulutud with coal lauds, is specially called
to it. It has tho advantage of being the nearest
to the great Inho market, with which it
connected by tho Enubury and Erie Railroad
now under contract and in course of completion
from Erie to Ridgeway, with descending grade
tho whole way. The soil over bituminous, cool
is the best, for Instance England and other
■countries. Tito price per acre la trifllngfoptho
coal alone, as it will certainly, in so favorable a
location within a short time pay largely. • This
la important as an immense coal trade will soon
open. Four coal companies have already been
started to work mines iu tho vicinity, aba there
are now fifteen openings around St. Uary.’f.
THE TIMBER, Stockholders also receive.—
There is no reservation whatever cither of tiro* It is very valuable, and will pay
for a great part of tho laud. On account of tho
excellence of streams there aro fine opportunl
iles for mills.
$5O 00
8 00
12 00
Fur health, (tic location is much recommend
ed by Physicians. Tho chilla and fevers,aro
unknown, also pulmonary complaints, being
protected from the north east wluds by tho Al
lepli.mies. Thu water is pure aud amongst tbo
bust, the land abounding on flnu springs.
Four Railroads will shortly bo completed
connecting it by a direct communication With
New Vm-U. Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Erie, Buf
falo, and all the ciilus on tho Lakes.. They aro
the Suulmry and Erie, tho Alleghany Valley,
die Pittsburg and buffalo, and tho Venango.—
Energetic exertions aro being made forstho
building of tho Tyrone and Clearfield, vfhlch
also passes through this property. The effect
of tins upuii trade, and general development,
as well as the coal, may be imagined.
Thu huge and nourishing town of St. Mary’S
is in the ceutiu of tho tract, nmnborlag ncarB,-
OUO inhabilauts. It has Hotels, good pnbllQ
schools, saw and grist mills, stores, well stock,
ed ai|d eveiything desired. There arq 285 hal’
acre lots In the town of St. Mary’s which will
be sold and tho proceeds equally
amongst those who buy farms. Ridgeway, tbo
country scat, where an extensive' business It
done, adjoins the tract on tho west. ThowhoK*
Ulbtuct is intersected by good turnpike and
utlier roads.
This is a rare opportunity offered to uoso
who wish to farm or have a good investment for
the future. By making proper Inquiries, and
cousidcrlng the odvaotages of good soil, an a
buudancc of coal, healthlblncss of climate,
Uallroad facilities, and its location, % conxct
judgement mny be formed of Us present advan
tages and ulfimote increase. x ‘ ; *
By writing to tho office directions wllTb©giv
en to those who wish to visit tho land. A bys»
tem of excursions will shortly be adopted. ‘
There is an excellent opening f[or yariom
branches of mechanical business, especially
tanneries, wheelwrights, axe-handle makers,
shoemakers, carpenters and others.
Farms caa bo bought by enclosing tho first
Instalment. Ladles can hold Shares in their
own right. Title unquestionably good, and
Wurantec deeds given. Address or apply to
Samuel W-. OalioU, Sec’ty.lBs Walnut, street,
boWeeb" Fourth,and;Filth Streets;Philadcl
i pbla‘.
Henry M. Watte, Eaq., 146 Walnut SUcct,
Philadelphia. ■ ■ -
John C; President ofPlifladel*
?hl« Gai Company, 7th St. above Chestnut,
'hlladelphla. ' •'*
Goo. Wdegand, Esq., Inspector of Coil, City
Gas Ofllce, 7th St. above Chestnut, PlilUda.,
has' been over lha land and examined- tho
Hon Geo. R. Barrett, Clearfield, Pepna.j ha*
been over the land. , 1
Henry Schmitt, Ksq., United States Wlnt^res
idence, Xu. 652 North Fifth St. Phila., ci-
uminod the land. '
Wm. F. Boone, Esq., south side Of WalnolSl.
below Fourth, Phila., examined the land.
Hon. Alexander L. Hays, Lancaster.
Goo. Walmsley, Esq., St. Mary’*, Elk county,
a recent settler.
Richard Gardner, Esq,, 030 Poplcr St. Phila.,
lias examined the land.
J. L. Barrett, Esq.. Proprietor of tho Mount
Vernon House, Second St. abort? Arch,
Phila., has examined the land.
E. C. Schulte, Esq., Justice of tho Pcactj, St.
Murv’s, Elk county.
Chun. I.uhr, Ksq., President of tho Doro Ugh of
St. Murv’s.
J. S. Wela, Esq., postmaster, St. Mary**.'
Geo. Tavlor, Esq., Deputy Poalmastcri St,
Mr. Win, T.vous, St. Mary's.
Mr. John Miller, Coal Miner, St. Mary’s.
Mr. Jonn Corbe,
E. U. Stone, Esq., WclUvlllc, Ohio, Coftl op<
L. Wijmarlh, Esq., PUUtmrg, Ecnqa.
Borough CounclliOt St. Mury’i to the Public.
Thu ii .'o certify that,having btenover th* tract
earner/ by the lUJgcway Fains and Coo I Company
and giircn t/ o thorough examfuo/fon, tctjlnd th*
re/jrcieida/ioiu of that Company to COTfict —
IVt find the toil to be the most fertile—the Coat
and ho, i Ore to tic in intahautlablt quanUtui,
through Ihi if hoi* t H»trict-~the Fan is in <xceU
Uni order, and the tufellis*ncc and protutrily of
the people to be of the most gratifyingcharacter.
n't know that there is no healthier location In th*
Stale . and uc consider if it most desirable place of
H'V mute thu declaration, as trfl believe Jh*r»
may be many p(j |on« juAo are unacquainted with
these lauds, aneHct are satisfied,from our fcnowJ
tdge oj the subject, //to/ m/arnia/jon upon U mill
be a i»u6/ic benefit.
Jacob I'. Shafer, Elk co. Surveyor, St, Mttry’t,
Elk county.
Chns. Luhr, Piesident of the Borough if St.
John Jiectch , JUemfce; iJoro. ConnriJ 5/.' JtfflrjfV
C'Abj. Blocks, “ “ **
//. J. Wriggle, •*
* fan/ Jtih* 6, “ *• “ ** **
n ih cer/ffy‘ IAo/ the above five gentlemen
are at present the Jcting Member* of the Town
Council of SI. Mary I *, Elk co.,ani thhtthe
above (s their hand arid signature., v
In testimony whereof 1 have subscribed my
name, ami caused the Seal of to St attach,
til thereto ; and I fully concur iti the ■ above r«-
coimncndrtfUMj, , •
EDWjnb to JOEL,
Chief Burgess of St . Mars/'t* Elk
( RFI4X 1 County, Pentuyiaanfo.
>— ' Carlisle, April 24,1656f-Brf»
KEEPERS, Fillers, Colliers, Wajggdners,
Wood-choppora and other hands, win fljp*
amploymont at the Carlisle’ Iron W6W**
miles oast of Carlisle. ' ✓." BOB,
April 17,1856—8 t *■ ‘ }T*], ,. r 1 '*
■ *CTrw~rn. rrr** ft'iot of P-routy* MtArs self
.TUSy.nii»F'^ol { te<i * drau CH :^ lol!r ? r * nd
Carlisle, April 8,1866* - V-- '
A l ’ Ift W tahd ? WirVinll Wntod by.thh'tCsr-
A lisle lAnd Association*,*'thr which the
highest cash price will be-paid, i Apply 46Pith
er of tlio anderalgaadr ’V , A .i uiHl.
, , WM. BENTZ'.
May 1, 1856—St
U } t(