American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, May 01, 1856, Image 4

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    hearts of our countrymen, no Audi parly could
over have existed. The recollection of Mont
gomery, Lafayette, De Kalb, Kosciusco, and, a
long Hat of foreigner#, both officers and. sol
diers, who freely shed their blood to secure
our liberties, would' have rendered such Ingrat
itude Impossible. ‘ Our revolutionary army Was
fillodVlth Iho’bhvvo and patriotic imtlvCS' Of
tholf labels; and George Washington was their
cohunfinder-in chief. Would wo have ever
closed the'door against the admission of for
eigners to the rights of American citizens.—
Let his acts speak for themselves. So early as
the 20th of March, 1790, General Washington.
ns President of the United States, approved the
first law which ever passed Congress on the
subject of naturalization; and this only re
quired a residence of two years, previous (o the
adoption of a foreigner us an American citizen.
On tho 29th January, 1795, Hie term of resi
denc was extended by Congress to five years,
and thus It remained throughout General Wash
ington’s administration, and until alter the ac
cession of John Adams to the Presidency. In
Iris administration, which will ever be known in
history as the reign of (error, as the era of alien
and sedition laws, an act was passed on the 17
th of Juno, 1798, which prohibited any foreign
er from becoming a citizen until after a resi
dence of fourteen years, aipl this 5s the law, or
else, perpetual exclusion, which Gen. Scott
preferred, and which the Native American par
ty now desire to restore.
“Tho Presidential election of 1800 secured
the asccnduircy of the Democratic party, and
under tho administration of Thomas Jefferson.
Hs groat apostle, on the 14th of April, 1802, the
term of residence previous to naturalization,
was restored to five years, what it hud been un
der General Washington, and where it has ever
since remained. No, fellow-citizens, the lather
of hw country, was never a Native American.
This ‘American excellence’ never belonged to
“ The Fugitive Slave Law is all the South lias
obtained in this compromise of IHoO. It is a
law founded both upon the letter and the spirit
of the Constitution, and a similar law has exist
ed on oar statute books ev«r since the adminis-
tration of George Washington. History teaches
u* that but for the provision in favor of fugitive
slaves, our present Constitution never would
have existed. Think ye that the South will ev-
er tamely surrender tho fugitive slave law lo
Northern fanatics and abolitionists (
“And now, fellow-citizens, what a glorious
party tho Democratic party has ever beer. !
Man jg but die being ol a summer’s day, whilst
priociplosnrc eternal. The generations of mor
tals, one after the other, rise ami sink, and are
forgotten, but the principles of Democracy,
which wo have inherited from nor revolutionary
fathers, will endure to Ideas mankind through
out all generations. Is tlieie any Democrat
within the sound ol my voice, is tin re any De-
mocrat throughout the In limits ol good ami
great old Democratic I’emisv Ivama. wm*wdl
ivbandon these aacied pnnciplcs lor the sake ol
following m the ti.un ol a imlil uy conqueror,
and sbonling for the heiu <>l l.umly's Lane.
Corro Gordo, mid Chapiiliepec.*’
And when the campaign (••“suited in tiinmph
President iherce Icinlcicil to Mr. Buchanan the
loading foreign mission. w Inch was accepted.—
Circumstances luvu transpiied. within the last
tew years, to make the American mission to the
Court of St. James tnngnltrly important. and
it has happened that during Mr. Buchanan's
stay in London. sc\ questions of u
vexatious and complicated ch.u.icter have dis-
turbed tho intercoms!* beiwe.m the two coun-
tries- However important to both the culliva. j
fion of continued peace and goo<l will, the fact \
that Groat Biitmn sees onr growing progress
with jealousy and alarm, mid the tact that we |
ImbuUl her pragmatical interference upon this j
continent, wherever an opportunity is piesent- j
edto her, with indignation, render uiirrelations
with Great Britain ol the most delicate charac
ter. The very intimacy of onr business con
nections. constituting, as it does, the leal cord
which binds us tugcttiei, is apt, moi cover, to
come in conflict with political considerations,
and the commercial alii u om. so to speak, throws |
into dangerous neighborhood Knghsli ambition ,
on the one hand and Aineiicun piogicss on the \
other. It has become provei bial that the selec
tion of a wise, able and experienced man to re
present thu United States at the British Court,
is one of thu tint duties of an executive, hardly
secondary to tho selection ol Its own chief cab
inet ministers, because tho English mission is
always intensely Important lo the Immediate In
terests of onr people. During the trying t!mt>
of Mr. Buchanan's mission, iht* whole nation
scorn-to have become impressed wit It the ini.
portanee and> justice n( these observations.— ;
They felt lliat in the Aim-man limn-ter llhm
had a man upon whoso sale diameter and «is»*|
counsels they could confident!} lean. Then
evo» were constantly Hard upon him. Lvi-n
steamer tiroligbl uni > occasioning the gi e.itcsl
anxiety to tile rommeic nil and other classes.—
On more than one occasion collision seemed to
bo Inevitable, hut every panic passed olt*. The
correspondence of Mr. Bnclniuan, such of it a'
has been published, exhibits on ins p»rt a vigi
lance, n discretion, an industry, and al the s inn
time a dignity of character, that have made Ids
name a favorite name in oven section »| our
beloved Union. In the liter troubles which
have given me to so nun h• • \ 111 • m• • 111 and dis
opinion m Conpresfc and i he connti v. Mr Bn
chanan has low.-n-.l in .ill Hie dignity <>l ins high j
character and inteli-Tinal Miif nmt \ . He will 1
IOftTO Ins post Hi iriv. wn to Ins sncn'iinr, hav
ing established mi'wed luo<| relations between
the two ronntn* s and h.nmg Axed upon tlie
hearts <>( (he i.ngli-b people the impie*sof ti
republican chancier which has never, for n
single moment, yielded Us simplicity and its
truth to anstocratie blandi.shmeiils. Courted
and 11 il{ere«l during hi*stay, he hlu>l ionx 1y ab
stained lr>«ru paying ti ibntu to English Minify.
In all circles, ami on all occasions, ho display
ed Ids American dignity and his American pa
triotism. Never gratuitously obliudinp Ins
country and her advantages, ho never hesitated
to speak of her as a son speaking id his parent;
nor was he ever actuated hy any spirit of otfen
bivo portisanuhip. As lie came so he goes, the
name plain, untitled, niipielendmg American
citizen. The highest class \ led with eacli oilier
to do him honor; and on a recent occasion,
wbon thb news of a threatened collision between
the two countries alarmed the people of bolt),
his presence among the populace of London
was greeted with choeis, an e\ idence that, how -
ever, parlies may intrigue, one honest, straight
forward patriot is nun* to hold a high place in
the affections of the masses.
One groat reason why .Mr. Buchanan's name
is at this moment so aeeepfahte to Ins country
men is, because lie stands bufoio them, nut
merely ns an eminently capable, but as an fini
ntnify ta/e man. In ths growing gieatncss ol
our republic, ifs increasing importance, com
mnrcinlly and politically, its extended and ex
tending relations with other powers, not to
upoak of the efforts ol i ss agitatois against
the Constitution, and nil the bm hi it) and gnar
auteos of onr domestic sifety and tr.iii'|iiilily,
wo sec the evidences that such a man would be
able to confer signal hunclils upon the Ameiican
people in the Presidential than. I'ol the (irsl
tune In many years, we behold in the person ol
James Buchanan,asf.ilusiuau who romlmies the
rare i|»ialily of Imvmg been among the veryflist
in every umeigency, to lake llie must progres
sive view of eveiy gieal question, and yet ol
being able to preserve, in the midst ol such em
ergencies, the bearing, and to Hie inllii
unco, of a sagacious and wull-poMed Democia
tic slutusinan. It is (Ins combination of ele.
ments which Ims awakened in Ins behalf the
tiworablu noutiment of those classes of citizens
who look for a wise and judicious lulminislm
llon of the federal government, and which has
also gathered around him the warm and gener
ous sympathies of the cunblUm nls who cunlldo
in-ilia progreasaive instlncta, as Illustrated thro'
nil Ida long and illustrious career,
TUoro It not now to be lound a reasonable
man in ony part of the U nion, who does not be.
Hove that Mr. Buchanan’s tiomiiiainm will bo I
•uccoqded by Ida curtain and liinmphanl elec
tion* . To tho fioulh lie piesents no record In-'
consistent,- evott in lliu sligldebl degree, with
that which Induced- tfco southern delegates to
vole fur him so Jong and ao aleudily in the De
mocratic Convention of 1852. Now, ns then,
ho stands forth the uncompromising enemy of
their enemies; the devoted advocate of their
constitutional rights. To the Northwestern
States ho presents the unsullied record ol one
who has co-operated with their own pioneer re
prosontallves in Congress, in opening up our
now territories to commerce and to civilization.
The Northern or Eastern States know him as
tlio champion of their rights, when those were
sacrificed to British rapacity. While in the
Middle States It may be proudly said ot Mr.
Buchanan, with, no disrespjet- tg other candi
dates, that tic is this day regarded as the very
strongestman whom theDemocratlcpartycould
nominate for tho Presidency. ? The divined
household of our political fYlonds iiiiNowYbvlc
wouldi wo 'believe, find in.his nflibe; the : oliVe
•branch of liormouy and pence; tbe ! D6fnocfafi
01 Ohio would, under his banner," advfthcd’to
that victory which their patriotic efforts so well
deservej and Pennsylvania, standing bhlwegn
those two gigantic-States, would prqnouncotfor
such a candidate, with such a majority as would
recnlltho dayskhon these three commonwealths'
constituted the very fortress of tbd Dc'mocrdtic.
patty in the free States,. ,
During Mr. 'Bnclmhhn’s' absence of nearly
Hires# years,'While politics raged at homo; he
proudly abstained Oom interfering with .the
struggle for tho Presidential succession. From
the lime he set foot on English soilj’he.wrote
back to his friends, that in no contingency would
lie place himself in the field as a candidate/or
Hie Presidency. There was nothing of grief in
tliia resolve, nothing of disappointed ambition.
D was tho calm and deliberate Judgment of a
mind, : wbicb, 4i a yiQ£?looltcd o#refhllyover the,
political past hniPfdtard, had comC'to'tbe'con
elusion that the scramble for Presi
dential honors had "passed away—at'least with
him—and that he was determined to apply hlm
sell to other pursuits. - Woiassert, that, if eve
ry piivate letter, wvittep, from London since bio
absence, by James Buchanan, in the unsuspec
ting confidence of his-bcart, should now he pub
lished, and laid beford the American people,
there would not bo found one lipo» no, not one
syllable, mnnlfVsting a desire for fhenonrinatlon
of the Democratic Convention, or suggesting
any way by which ft might be obtained by him
self. Even since he has become formidable as
a candidate, his letters are anitmrted by tho
same generous spirit. And the very fact, that
he has taken this course, from a consolations
belief that it would bo out of place for him to
struggle for tho nomination, ha# made him ac
ceptable to the masses in every part of our
country. Absent ho is, It .is true, but his imago
is before their eyes wherever they go. In dis
tant lands, it is true,-but his counsels have been
tclt as it he were present among us. Contend,
ing with the giants of foreign diplomacy, it is
line, but the thoughts and the words he left be
hind him. arc his living representatives. The
people will judge of him by tho record, by the
even tenor of his life, by the spotless purity of
' Ins character, by his undaunted patriotism, and
by tho trophies with which lie returns to his na
tive shores, to bo crowned, as
hope, with the highest honors of tho Republic.
Farmers Take Notice.
IMIK first premium awaided at the State Fair,
held at Ihu ilsbin g, in also Hist pre
miums at the County Fairs ol Northumberland,
Franklin, York, Lycoming. Centre. Westmore
land, Washington, Bei ks, Selin\ Ikill, Montgom
ery, Delaware, and Chester, in compctiridn with
from eight to ten diHerent reapers and mowers.
The Atkin's sell-raking reaper and mower will
he for sale at the Fectory at Harrlsbnry, also at
Hover Bro, Fanners wishing reapers and
mowers (or the next harvest can have them at
a reduced price, by giving their ordos lovlboin
helorc the Ist ol March, Xb-30. |
Price of Reaper, cash, SIC 3
“ Reaper and Mower, cash, ... 190
if ordered belore the Ist pf March; after tlial
tunc, Jrright trom added.
Price o( Reaper and McAycr pu t(nio,,s2no ;
1 seventy live dollars on ,detivc)-y, ‘se vonty-flv(•
i dollars oil Ist of OctoWrJ nhd fifty dollars Ist.
January. 1837. All tho Vcnpcra wiffranfed to
give entire satisfaction, or tho monfcyTcfuhdcd.
Leave orders with Husky L. Bvp.Kilot.DEU,
Agent for Cumberland cbtinty and travelling
Agent. Direct all orders and letters to James 1
1’ Arrow, General Agent fof yennsrlvanla; ot
Harrisburg. ■ i ■
January 81, 1800—ly
r 111 IE subscribers have established a Book
M_ Agency id Philadelphia, mid "ill furnish
any book or publication at tlie retail ptice free
of postage- Any persons, by forwarding tUe
subscription price of any of the $3 Magazines,
such as ll.uper'.s, (lode) >, 1’ nlnain’s, Graham’s,
Frank Leslie s Fashions, \c., "ill receive the
magazines lor <>ne \ ear and a copy ol A splendid
lithograph portrait ofeilhci Washington, .lack
son or (' la\ , or, if subscribing to a $2 and n $1
Magazine,'lhc> "ill leeenoACopy of either of
the Ihrce portraits. If subscribing to $0 worth
of Magazines, all three portraits will bo sent
gratis. Music furnished to those who may wifch
Envelops of-rverj description ami size In largo
or small quantities furnished. Seal Presses,
Dios, htc , sent to order.
Every description ol Engraving on Wood ex
ecuted with neatness and dispatch. Views of
Buildings. Newspaper Holdings, Views of Ma
chinery, Book Illustrations. Lodge Certificates,
Business Cat da, &o. All orders sent by mail
promptly attended to. Persons wishing views
of (hair buildings engraved can send a Daguer
reotype or sketch oft Up building by mail or ex
Persons at a distance having saleable articles
"ould find it to their advantage to address the
subscribers, as we would act as agents for the
sale of the same.
, r »f) South Thud Shrrl, Phsla., Pa.
j. n. iiviiam. T. *AV PJEHUE.
Nov. lit*, Ittfj.v— ly
Tlic Tcmplo of Fancy Open I
AND will bu at his old Head Quarters in
North Hanover street, during the Chrislinm
and A’cic year's Festivities, with one oj the lar.
gust assortments ol
ever offered in this place, consisting in part of
Kmc Candy Toys and Emits, Jeßj Cakes,Bon
lions, Cum. Chocolate and Fruit diups, Rose,
Vanillin ami Burnt .\lmonds, French and F.x.
pludmg Secrets, &<:.
oflho In Ic st importations, suoli as Orungi's, Le
mons, UaisiOH. Figs. Prucns, Currants, Citron,
Soil anil Paper Shelled Almonds, Filberts,
Cieani. Cocoa and Ground Nuts.
Toys and Fancy Goods of orery quality and
price, consisting m part of fine VV ax, Kid, Chi
na, Crying and oilier Dolls, Sewing and Card
flaskets, Fancy boxes, Flower Vases, Motto
Cups, Tea Sets. Musks, Drums, Guns, Air Pis
tols, Accnrdcons, llanueonlcans, Trumpets,
Chess-men o| Hone and Wood, Dominoes. Lot
to and other Games, Fancy Soaps, Hair Oils
and Port Mommies, fcc. Also a lino lot of Fa
mily Groceries.
December 13, 1H66.
MIHlc Hall Academy.
Three miles ucsl of Harrisburg.
THE eleventh session of this Institution will
commence on Monday, the 6th of May next.
Parents and Guardians are respectfully requtb
tod to inqniiu into.lho merits ofthu Institution.
The location la retired, pleasant and healthful,
and the course of Instruction embraces (ho ordi
nary and higher branches of an English educa
tion, together with the Latin, Greek, French
and Gorman languages, nnd Vocal and Insure,
mental music.
Boarding, Washing amt Tiiitinn in tho
English branches, and Vocal music.
I»er session, (21 weeks) $OO 00
Pur circulars containing particulars, address
Harrisburg, Pa.
March 18, 1850,
ADAHGE lot ofCrape ft Cashmere Shawls,
of every shade and color, Just opening and
fresh from Now York. Call and see thorn.
Shoes. — A full assortment of ladies Morocco
and Kid Shoos and Hoots, Misses and Childrens
Shoot in groat variety, just received at the
cheap store of CHAS. OGILHT.
April 3, 1850.
Confectionaries and Fancy Goods.
THE undersigned has just .replenished his
stock of Goods, and as Iris Drugs and Gheim
feals have been selected with great caro,'liojs
ptepared to fill all orders promptly. UlsfVic'nds
may rely upon tho gomririoneaa and purity of
every article* His stodk of •, 1(
ContecdoDiarics /
H l/irgc, and selected with special
tho’liolldays,* and will nflbra any vrtncty'toor,
sons may desire in that lino. Ho has a'.largo
assortment of French, Goijuan,vand Domestic
Fancy Candies- His FIIUITSow all,fresh arid
of the very best quality. Ills assortment of ■
Is large and'ehbraces almost every* thing neces
sary for (ho toilet and family. Ho- invites spe
cial attention to his Fancy Work Boxes,-Port
Folios, Fort Monies, &c. salcs, shdft
profits, andi strict consistency In- trade, shall
characterize our business. . 1
Carlisle, December 20,1865. -x •
and is deservedly pypti&r in till! 4ure o? ( ,
'Spavins, Sweeney, Ringbone, Wlndgalls, Pole
Evil, Callous, Cracked Heels, Gall nf all kinds.
Fresh Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Fistula, Sit
• fast, Sami Cracks, Strains, lameness, Foui»r
dared Feet, Scratches or Grease, Mango, Fo'dt
Rot in Sheep, Garget in Cows,
Bites of Animals, External PoisoVis, Pbihftil
Nervous Affections,' Frost Bites, Boll*,'CfeniS,’
Whitlows, Burns and Scalds, Chillblalus, Chkp
jn?d Hands, Cramps, Contmcfiona of the Mus
cles, Swellings, Weakness of the Joints, Caked
Breasts, Sore Nipples, Piles, etc. ;
.W“l ’nmphlets gratuitously furnished by agents,
willi Testimonials of ila utility.
All orders addressed ’to the Proprietors, M. 11.
Tivkrr Jt Lockport, N. V,
by DrnrrgiiN and Merchant* gen
onujy, llmmcb Llui United Stair*. British Posses
sions, and oilier Countne* 4 iyl l.y
S. W. Ilavcrstick and Bent?. & Bro., Carlisle;
J. A. Weakley and W. &; J. Greon, Dickinson)
L. Iviuiirman, Moctianicsburg; D. Strohm, Ne)v
Kingstown; Goswiler & Zook. .Shcphcrdstown;
Diflil & Snider, ft ewbuvp; A. M. Leidlgb, Boil
ing Splines; Mm. Loyd, Lisburn; J. XL &G. B.
AUick, Smppcusburg.
To. Ihe Farming Community.
THE attention of
Farmers is solicit*
Hand Corn Planter.
This is tlio simplest,
best, and cheapest ini.
provement of the age,
price only so, with n
written guarantee, that
It will give perfect sat
isfaction,or the money
returned, so that you
will run no risk in try
ing It; wo have a largo
of tho most re-,
spdctablo references,
which can bo riocn at
, our'JStoro., \V'°_h&vd
jprlng stock of Haracs,
8 , .. r s, Hoes, Rakes, . &c»,
whicli is very largo nod complete, and will bo
sold at the very lowest prices. A largo assort-*
mont.of home made Chains of all kinds, con
stantly in store, at manufacturers prices.
North Hanover street, Carlisle.
April 10, IBSG.
IKON 1 IKON '' The subscriber has the snU
istaotion to. announce to the public that his
large and extensive Waiehonse is completed,
and IHU-d w ill) one of (he largest unci best assort
ments of Hammered and Rolled Iron ever oflor
ed in tins place. Those in want of Iron, would
do well to examine the stock befo-e purchasing
elsewhere. HENRY SAATON.
September 20, 1856,
( Formerly kept by Jacob Worley.)
Old Town, Baltjjioke.
TWOS. JJIMKSOS, n/ York, Pa., Proprietor.
The House Inis been considerably enlarged,
and is open for Transient and Permanent Board
eis. Teitns reasonable.
February 28, 18o(i—3m
CN. ROBINSON 6t SON, Manufacturers
•of Looking Glasses. Portrait and Picture’
Frames, and Importers of French Plate Looking
Glasses, &c., No. 248, Ghesnut st., above Ninth
81., Philadelphia.
At whoso establishment may always bo found
an extensive assortment of Piers, Mantles, Hall
and Chamber Glasses, of every description,
from the plainest to the most ornamental styles,
richly ornamented gilt Tables, Brackets and
Tripods, importers and dealers In first class
European Engravings, Oil Paintings, Drawings
and other works o( art. Old frames roglUcd
and old Glass taken in exchange for new; dam
aged Plates resllvered, Ac.
Country merchants ami others, having orders
for any article connected with the Looking
Glass and Print business, can liavo them execu
ted at the old establishment, at the shortest no
tice and lowest prices. All goods bought at
this establishment for transportation are packed
in (ho best manner.
March 0,185(5 —ly
X fertile land at a cheap price and qn easy
terms, your attention is called to the Ridgeway
Farm anti Coal Company. Twenty-five acres
or more in proportion, are given for $2OO, pay.
able in Instalments of fl per week or,sl per
month, ft Is located in Elk coimtv, Pennsyl
vania, and has one of the best'markets for'its
produce in the Slate. Ttie soil Is a rich Loam,
and is not tp bo surpassed for fanning, as exam*
ination will show. It has the best elements of
prosperity, being underlaid hy two rich veins of
coal, and will shortly bo intersected by four rail
roads. The timber is of thomostvaluablokhul.
Title unoxocptionnbly good, and warrantee
deeds arc given. It presents n good and sub.
stantial opportunity to commence farming, pro
viding for one's children or making an invest,
ment. Fnrlher particulars can be had from the
pamphlets which are sent to Inquirers. Lottery
answered promptly. Apply or address Sam’l;
\V. Cattkm,, Secretary, Iflfi WatnnlSt., north
side between Fourth and Fifth ets.pPhltndoi.
, phifl. Full Information is contained iu the
February 11, iB6o—3m
WE call (ho attention ol tho public to tho
portable Garden or Fire engine for wa
tering gardens or extinguishing tires—an Excel-’’
lent article, real cheap tic convenient. For
Sale at 1
November 2, 18GG»
.1. IC. SMITH lias removed his otflconntl'
residence inf o (lie house formerly occupied
by Mr. H. J. Keiflor as a Drug Store, South
Hanover street, next door to the “Golden
Horse,” Hannon’s Hotel.
April 10, IB6o—if'
. ! ' ijAhLISLE,,PAV.' : V f
rpnE-twentieth session (5 rilontha) will Oom-
JL mcnco May-6th'. A uowbulldingdias boon
oroctcdltontnlping'Gyninaaiumi Music Room,
'&cir-;WiUi -irltroased facilities for
and ample accommodations, • this Institution
presents inducements to parents who- de
sire" the physical and mental Improvement,of
; rtA
; * Terms pprsession, * ~ ‘ , ou
Fto circulars with full informtillbu’address
• V ' U. K; BURNS,
’ * ‘ I; 1 Principal and Proptietot.
co., April 10, 1660.. . .
•| Useftil ana Fancy Goods.
f; ■; A' Jr the Tch and Grocery store all diosubscrl*
JTX. her, isTjiist received a tine assortment of
Frenqk China and Decorated Fancy Jrti
c/ej,j.among which may bofpund.jßich
Vasqpj Colognes, Jewel Boses, Cupsnjid
Sftycers, Curd Baskets, Inkstands. Toy, Ten and
•Dinner SotJJi'Ohina Dalis, and ;othpr GIU and
Plain article, useful as well as suitable for the
season. - ■ r \ t
Ajso, a ggpcral assortment of .GROCERIES
and Spices adapted to the season, all fresh and
of-itho heat qualifv, together with a.lot.qf nOM |
Bethlehem buckwheat, of extra quality iu.small
sacks. », f . .
■ Cranberries', Raisins, Currants, Citron, &c.,
forsalo by * r* J* W. EBY.
Carlisle, J)pc. 2<, 1865.
■ t Plumbing &Gas Filling. ;
Moi\tk of Ninth and Walnut Strata,
l.n T If Philadelphia. - • ’ ’>l
'Wm. Wma iff*, Jno. 11. MoFE-rmOp,
1 Jsjo. C. IluifrEii, Thomas Brown. ,
•ilt/UIGHT, HUNTER & CO., S. W/’Cor.
V¥ ol Ninth and Walnut Streets, Philadol
phfdl Lcad dnd Iron Pipes of all sizes. Bath
Tuba of Copper and Iron. Hoi and.cold Show
er Baths. Water Closets and Bross'Cocks pf
every description. Force and Lilt’Pumps ol
‘lron and BraSs. Hydraulic Rams, all'sizes.—
Hydrants and Lead Work of every description.
'AUmaterlalS Knd work in our line at low rates,
and warranted.
December 20, 18'»5 —tf
Splendid 'Jewvli y, Watches,
T"HE respectfully Ihforms tlio citi
zens of and the public generally,
that be lias just opened a large and splendid ns
edrtraent of’Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, of
dvery stylo and quality. His store is situated
dn the N. EUorner of the Public Square, in the
room formerly occupied by S. ono.doo.r
oast of G. VTi Hitnor's dry goods stbro. Hip
stock will consist ol every article usually kept
by watch makers and jewelers, viz: GOLD
WATtfIIKS of every stylo and quality,
(fn) priced from s‘2<i to $125. Silver Watches
dSg&rrom JBtoSM. Gentlemen’s Gold Fob,
Vest, and Neck (Minins ; Gold Keys hnd Seals;
Gold Studs (Wd Vest Buttons. Breast Pins. Bos
Rings, &c. ‘Ladies Gold Neck Chains, Gold
Chatlains, Gold Lockets. Breast Pins, Ear-rings,
Ear-drops, Gotf Pins. Gold Pens and Pencils,
Gold Thimbles, Gold Bracelets, Sliver and Pearl
Card cases, Jot Bracelets, &c. A largo stock
of Fipger Rings. Silver and Plated Ware, Fruit
Dishes, Card Raskets, Tea Setts, Plated Cups
and'Cxoblota^(Napkin Rings, &c., with many
other fancy nations. All goods warranted to be
what they are .sold for.
attention paid to the repairing
of Gold Watches, Jewelry. &c. All work war
ranted according to quality. The subscriber
hopes by strict attention to business and a de
sire to plcasQ, to receive a liberal share of pub
lic patronage. W. D. A. NAUGLE.
Carlisle, July 10, 18oo—tf
NOW open and for sale at the “Marion Hall
Family Grocery Store, a large and geucrnl
assortment of articles, useful and fancy, ciribra.
log, in part—:•
’ Mdracaiba tmd Jaffa Coffees,
■ Green Rio and Roasted Coffee,
Jenkins’ best brand of Teas,
Brown andjGlnrl/lCd Sugars,
.White and jßrutf#jrvlng “
’ .Vulvorigod-andcrushed, :.j -• ’.v
i Drama, j
Rico and Com Starch,
Farina-and, Essence of Coffee,
Lovoring’a finest Syrup, Orleans Baking Molas
ses, splces, ground and ungromid} Mace, Citron,
Vanilla Bean, Cheese, Crackers, Candles, &c.
BOui* (tuccnswai’c, ’|J|
mhracoa a largo and general varictypygy
of the best wldte Granite, a Iron Stonewurcj Liv
erpool and common ware, enabling tho customer
to select in sotta or,pieces of any size necessary,
and of the different styles, together with a vari
ety of Fine White and Gold Band, English and
French China sens of Tea ware, and other varie
ties of useful and line fancy China ware, includ
ing Trays, Flutes, Vases, Fruit Dishes, Coffee
cups, &.c. Kc
embracing bowls, dishes, molasses-cans, sugar
bowls, a large selection of fine fluted tumblers,
wine and egg glasses, and other useful articles.
among which are tubs, churns, yvatcr pales, mca.
surcs, market baskets, travelling baskets, os well
ns other covered and uncovered baskets. AUo,
Table Oil of the finest brand, Sperm and other
Oils; Tobacco, Cigars, Soaps, Ac. A small lot
of choice MACKADEL of No. 1 quality. Also,
a trimmed Mess Mackarcl —both in handsome
assorted packages of halves, quarters and kits—
with all the other varieties of a GHOCEKI' and
Wc fool thankful for the patronage heretofore
bestowed on us, and Invito a continuance of like
favors. J. W. EDY.
Carlisle, January 6, 1855.
Useful, Fragrant, and (100
BJ. KIEFFEK has just returned from Phil
adelphia, with an additional supply of Fresh
DKTJ*GS, which, In connection with his former
stock, will make his establishment complete In
this department. In addition to the above, ho
has also just opened a fresh supply o (
Confectionaries, Fruits, Nuts,
Pastes, and Fancy Articles of every description-
The attention of ladies is especially invited to
his extensive assortment of fancy articles. La
dles’ Toilet Fancy Soaps and Perfumes of every
variety. Gentlemen are invited to his examine
fine assortment of Fancy Articles. Scgorp, Chi
na and Porcolcan Pipes, Tohaccoes of every va
riety, Shaving arid Toilet Soaps, which \yill bo
found to ho very superior 5 Canes, Hiding and
Carriage Whips, ond many other articles which
more especially Interest gentlemen,
A number of very superior Wodloh Matts on
Tl;c Proprietor will bo very happy to have his
friends generally call and examine his goods,
whether they may wish to purchase or not.
Carlisle, March 23, 1864.
Very Important to Piircliasoi**,
rpllE subscriber lias just opened tlio largest
J_ and most splendid stock of Sprlngnml Sum*
mor Goods, ever brought to Carlisle, consisting
of an immense Block of
Irikh Linens, French Worked Collars,
Undcrsleovos, Flounclnga, Handkerchiefs, &c.,
purchased from tho Importers in Now .York,
and will be prices to doly all competition.
Also, a largo assortment of black an (1 colored
Silks, Bora go do laiiics, Bnrages, Lawns, Bon.
nets, Rlbbousj tjec. Cblldrori’fl and Misses Flats
of every quality,
Como ono before purchasing o!ao\\horo,
am! you will sate money. ‘'
Oarllalo, April 3, 1860. ■” 1
Nbllco to Retail m of liquors,
ALL persons who Intend applying for License
tef Retail Liquors will talco notice of the fol.
lowing order of Court j .
And. now, Jpth day of March, 1860—Tho,
Court (lx tho April and August Sessions,'
of the Court of Quarter Sessions, for ; hear
ing applications for License, for tho Sji|o
of Vinous, ,Splrltous, Malt and Browed
Liquors, undcrltho Act of 14th AprtT, 1860, at
which time alljjorsons making ohjefcllofis will
bo heard. Bt tub Court;
John M. Gregg, Clerk,
March 27, Bt.
Fall • and Winter Clothing! ! 1
A T STEINEII & BEO’S., Cheap CMhfa
J%. Store'.—Wo bog leaye to inform our friends
and as well as the public In general,
that Wo hkVo Just received, and.arc constantly
'receiving, an extensive stock- of, spdsopablo
Clothing, which wo will sell on tho most occom.
mddatlng tOrms, lower than that of any otlibt
establishment lii this or neighboring towns.-j-
Thoso having a proper regard for economy, comr
fcfrt and gentility of dross, pro politely invited
to an Inspection, of our,goods, manufactured by
the bust workmen, materials oi the best fabrics,
and most'select styles. Amongst bur, choice
and cheap assortment will bo found . - 1
Fine Black Cloth Dress drtd Frock Coala, Sachs,
Plain and Fancy Cassiinere, Clouded Cash
mcrelte, Tweed, Summer Cloth, Linen,
< • Linen Duck, Gingham and Check
Pantalo.ons. —New stylo ot fancy and black
Cassimcre, Cassinet, Corduroy, SumroerGloth,
Linen, Linen Duck, aud, an endless variety of
Summer pants. ,
■ Vests*— A very largo and rich assortment, such
as black satin, embroidered Grenadine, fancy
silk, fancy chock, casslmoro, Martoilled, Sum
mer Cloth,&c.
Boys* Clothing.— A great assortment of sack
and frock, df linen, gingham and tweed'sack
and frock coats, pants and.vests.
Shirts.— Pino white shirts with linen bosoms,
calico and different check sldrts, dollars, uus.
ponders, gloves, umbrellas, carpet bags, &c.
■f Straw Hals and Caps.— An extensive stock of
palrfi lcaf, Canton and Leghorn Hats; silk, oil,
and Nnvy t caps - ; a choice Assortment of silk
neck hnd pocket handkerchiefs, stocks, &c.
there and you may roly upon It that every
article you purchase will prove to bo precisely
what It is represented to bo,’ and you will save
a handsome per centngo on your purchase mo
noy—forln giving bargains, STEINER &BUO.
can’t bo bent I
Carlisle, Oct Jl, 1866’.
Town and Country
THlf subscriber takes tins method of iulonu
fbg his frltfnda and tlie public generally, that
he bpntinncs'to carry on tho.’Cnfcjuef a»»rf Undtr
idlclug' Dittimii, at his'stand. North Hanover
street, next dour to Haverslick’s drug store,
and nearly opposite the Carlisle Deposit Bank.
Coffjns made at the shortest nolice.and at mod
erate prices. Having provided himself with a
new and tine Hearse, he will attend funerals In
town and country, personally, without any cx.
i | |i | im % TjTTi' 1 tra charge. He will also carry
on tho Cabinet Marino in all
jj s various branches, and will
constantly keep on hand Bureaus, Secretaries,
, Work Stands, Farlor Ware, Upholstered Chairs,
Sofas, Ottomans, Sola Tables, Card, Side, Din
ing find Breakfast Tables, Chamber Ware, such
as French Field, (high and low posts,) Curtain
and Jenny Lind Bedsteads, Washstnnds of dlf
ferent kinds, Wardrobes, Veiiitiau Blinds, and
Chairs of.ull kinds, aud all other articles usual
ly manufactured In this lino of business.
His workmen are experienced, eastern city
workmen, and bia work is made in the latest
city stylo, and all under his Inspection, and of
(he best materials; all of which is warranted to
bo good, and will bo sold low for cash. He in
vites all to give him a call before purchasing
elsewhere. For the liberal patronage hereto
fore extended him, ho feels Indebted to his nu
merous customers, and assures them that no
ijflforts will ho spared In future to please them in
style, manufacture and price. ,(ilvo us a call.
Remember the place, nearly oppotdio the Bank.
April 19, 1863. DAVtD SII’K.
Rend! Rend!
MU. DAVID SIDE, of Carlisle, has becnap-,
pointed Agent for the county of Cumber
land, lor thu sale ofFISK’S PATENT METAL
LIC BURIAL CASE, which is superior to tiny
of the kind now in use, for ordinary interments
and transporting llio dead. It prevents inline
dinto decomposition and obvlatcs'thcne'ccssity
of hasty burials; for, being perfectly nfr-tighl,
it prevents any unpleasant odor from escaping
and entr b° kept from day to day, pnlts
thw of thotfriendi of tho*deccased
to Inter; Wo might offer huhdHJdi 'Of -obtiMf
catus in corroboration of tbeso facts, but the
following will sufllcot -
' Certificates from Clay, Webster dud others.
Washington, April £th.
Gentlemen —We witnessed the utility of your
ornamental “Metallic Patent burial Case,”uscd
to convey the remains of the late lion. John C.
Calhoun to the Congressional Cemctry, which
impressed .us with the belief that it is the host
article known to us for transporting the dead to
their final resting place. With respect wo sub
scribe ourselves. ~ Vours, Ac.
11. Clat, i fZ>fwiß Cass,
Daniel WeosiEb, t). S. Dickinson,
Jeff. Davis, W. It.,
J. M. Dr.iiniEN, 11. Dopon,
W. P. Manqlm, D. K. Atciiinson.
The above described Burial Cases can, at all
times, be obtained ot the subscriber, at his
Ware-rooms nearly opposite the Dank, North
Hanover street, Carlisle.
May 17, 186,1.
rpHK subscriber Inis just received from Phlln
1 dulphia, a largo assortment ui .seasonal)!
(lodds, which uill be sold very cheap, opposit
tiie Uailroad Depot.
Carlisle, Feb. 21, 1850—4 t
Hfcnm BoU'T/oi Sale. ,
HMIE Subscriber offers ,for sale o now Steam
1 Duller, eighteen feet long & thirty inches in
diameter, with one fourteen Inch .flue, apply at
(ho Paper Mill-al X’aportown. /
Fob. 7, 1860.
Valuable Properly for Sale.
THE two story Drick’lJouso and Back-build
ing, with a pump, cistern, and all necessary
out-lmildings attached, situate In North Hanover
street, in Carlisle, is offered (or sale! Tito sit
uation is a good one for n prWato residence or
for business. The terms wllj easy. Apply to
J. K. WEAVED, Agt./or E. Bullock.
July 2(1, 1856—tf '
Family Coal
TONS Lykcn’s Valley Cool, broken
roscrccncd* prepared expressly for
family use and under cover, so that I can fur
nish It dry and clean during the winter season.
I have also on hand and- tor sale, the Luke,
tidier Coal, from the mines of Uuyd, llomor A
Col, and ShamoUln Cool, from the mines of
Cochran, Poalo A Co., all of which I will soil at
small profits for cash, and deliver to any part of
the Borough. >
WM. B. MURRAY, Jgtni.
November 15, 1866.
PENS row Bl CO.,
MANUFACTURED Tobacco, and Foreign
and Domestic Sugars, 21 South Front
street, Philadelphia. Importers of lino Havana
Sugars of tho choicest giowlhs ol the Vuolta
abajo. A largo assortment of which are liopt
constantly on hand, and for sale at a small ad
vance on cost of Importation.
o^Consignments respectfully solicited, on
which liberal advances will be made when do*
N. attention given to orders for
purchase on commission, of Tobacco, ns also
of ovory description of Merchandise, for account
of parties living at n distance from this market.
07" Solo Aguntfor F. A. Gootzo’s Celebrated
Gorman Smoking Tobacco, comprising thirty
dUToront varieties.
• April 10,1860—1 y
TRUNKS and Carpet Bags. A Iqrgo lot of
(Travelling Trunks ami Carpet Bags forsnio
April 6, 1855.
Wall Paper by the Ton,
JUST received a largo assortment of TVal
Paper, which will bo sold very cheap.
March 27, I*. SAXTON.
85000 Rcwai’tl—drcat Race.
<| HE groat race between'thb'Clbthlng Stores
■ I of Carlisle,fbsulted lathe completetriumph
of the now store of ARNOLD S*'SON, in the
Btoro .roem. lately-occupied by Wise Camp*
boll, corner of North Hanover and Leather Sts.
It is' now conceded - by all and every onb that
they stand pre-eminent among thoclothing deal-,
ors in Carlisle, having succocdcd in convincing
their friends, that they coir sell Clothing made
and got up, according to the latest styles, from.
20 to 25 per cent, cheaper than any other house
is possibly able to furnish thbm. They have
now on harid a largo and splendid assortment of
•Ready-mado Clothing*,!;,
FumishlngGoods, Cloths, Cassimeres and Vest.
Inga. Also, Hatband Oops, ond overy thing In
their Ijno for Men and Boys. Their materials
were selected with,the greatest care, purchased
at the lowest cash prices, and at such ihopses
only, who never deal In. anything like auction
trash. Their friends may therefore rest assured
(}mt articles purchased of them will and must
give satisfaction.. Clothing made at tho short
est notice In the most fashionable stylo, having
for that purpose secured the services of an ex-,
pcricnced Cutter, find laid In a splendid assort
ment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, 4<s., which
for beauty and durability cannot bo surpassed.
To the citizens of the surrounding country wo
svduld say, give urf a fair trial. All wo ask- is h
fair look at our stock.and we will not fail to con
vince you that our Clothing is bettor mado, of
butter’materials, bolter trimmed, cut with more
taste, ami Inst though not least, cheaper than
you hevo over bought elsewhere. Also, a largo
lot of Trunks, Carpet Bugs, Uhibrollas, £C.
All hail creation far and near,
Of Arnold's Store yon shall hear;
Lot pealing drums and cannon’s roar
.Proclaim tho nows from shore to shore;
Great bargains sure, are on .the wing,
Rare wonders'then we now will sing;
At first we’ll speak of Clotuiko rare,
Such trophies, sure will make yon stare,
6r broad and narrow cloth so cheap
"WoMl take a moment’s Unto to speak.
Delighted too you can’t hut bo
With prices and their quality;
Dress and Sack Coats—aye, Vestings too.
What bargains now Cofr nil of you I
The Gents will our compliments receive,
And call they must’the wonders to believe.
Tn Pants wo have all kinds of styles.
One dollar and upwards, piles on piles.
In Summer Goods —for soon ’twill come —
WoMI give you bargains oil for fun.
Frocks and Over-coots so very fine,
Great wonders you shall see in every lino.
Hosiery, Suspenders, Under-shirts lor all,
All kinds of Gloves to please all who call.
But wo cannot stop to enumerate,
Wo have bargains both good and great.
Our stock 100 in the Furnishing lino
Is plentiful, cheap and fine.
. ARNOLD SON’S Clothing I fall.
April 12.1855.
Drugs, Conl'cctionariCK, &c.
rpUE undersigned has Just returned from Phil-
I ndclphia, with a fresh supply of DRUGS,
CONFECTIONARIES, &c. These, with Ida
f former stock on hand, will make lils-jfl
assortment of Drugs, Medicines and rgr
Chemicals complete. His assortment Xfi
of Confectionaries is also unusually lino, con.
sisting of pure sugar white and transparent can
dy Toys, common, assorted, and lino candies of
every variety? also, truits, nuts, and everything
iKilonging to that department of trade.
lie would cull special attention to his supply
of FANCY ARTICLES, for the Holidays, and
for general use. All arolnvilcd to call, whether
they wish to purchase or not.
Carlisle, Dee. 21, 1851.
I'HE Allen and Eaat-Pennsboro’ Mutual Fire
Insurance Company ol Cumberland county,
incorporated by un act of Assembly, is now fully
organized* and In operation under tho manage,
inotit of tno’followlng Managers, viz t
Danlol Bajly, W,m. 11. Gorgns, Michaol Cock. I
Jin, Mckhoir Iho'nncmnn, Christian Staymao, j
John C. Dnnlap, Jacob 11. Coovcr, Lewis llycr,'
Henry Logan, Bonj. 11. Musser. Jacob Mumna,
Jos. vTickcrohuTn nml Afoanmtcr'CaUicart.
Tho ratesof Insurance Kro as low and fatora-
We ns of tho kind In-(he State.—-
Persons wishing to become members Are Invi
ted to make application to tho AgonFa’ ol tho
Company who aro willing to Walt upon thehl at
any time
BENJ. 11. MUSSER. Pres,
llkkrt Logan, Vico Pies.
Lewis lltkr, Scct’ry,
Michael Cocklin, Treasurer.
Aug. 10, ’66.
Cumberland County.— Rudolph Martin, New
Cumberland} C. B. Herman, Kingstown; Henry
Zearlng, Shlromnnstown; Charles Bell, Carlisle;
Samuel Graham, Wcstpcnnahoro’; Jas. M’Dow
cll, Frankford; Mode Griffith, South Middleton;
Samuel Woodburn, Dickinson; Samuel Cooror,
Ben). Havcrstick, Mcchnnicsburg; John Shor
rick, Lisburn; David Coover, Shopherdstown.
York Couniy. —John Bowman, DUlsburgr !’•
Wolford, Franklin; John Smith, Esq., Wash,
ington; W. 8. Ticking, Dover; J. W, Pa
Jlairishurg. —lTousor A Lochnian.
Members of the Company havingpolldlcsabout
to expire, can have them renewed by braking
application to any of the Agents.
SOUTH Han Over Street, next door to tho
Tost CJflico. .
N. B. Will bo absent from Canlslc tho lost
ten days of each mdnth.
August 10, 1055.
Trusses! Trusses!!
T/iusb and Brack Ehtauusiiurnt,
S. H r . Cor. of Twelfth and Race Sit., Phila.
Importer of fine French Trusaes,
extreme lightness, ease and
durubll/iy with correct construction.
Hernial or ruptured patients can bo suited by
remitting amounts, ns below:—Sending number
of inches round (ho hips, and stating side af.
footed. *
Cost of Single Truss,' $2, sfl, $4, $5. Double
—ss, $O, $B and $lO. Instructions ns to wonr,
and how to effect a cure, when possible, sent
with tho Truss.
Also for sale, in groat variety,
Dr. Banning’s Improved Patent Body Brace,
For tl\o euro of Prolapsus Utorl; Spinal Props
nnd Supports, Patent Shoulder Braces, Chest
Expanders and Erector Braces, adapted to all
with Stodp Shoulders and Weak Lungs; English
Elastic Abdominal Belts, Suspensories, Syringes
—male and (oninlo.
Ladies’ Rooms, with Lady attendants.
August 2,1865 —1 y
Plumbers & Gas Filters,
rpilE subscribers are prepared to execute a 1
I kinds of work In their lino, viz:
Load nnd Iron Pipes, Bath Boilers,
Bath Tubs,
Hot and Cold Shower
Plain and Ornamental Gas Fixtures,
furnished and put up on tho most ronsoifabld
tortus. Fixtures put up in Churches, at short
notice, tri tlio most modern stylo. /
. ffT" Jobbing attended to. /
October 25, 1005.
Cteutlemen’s Slmwls.
AW oxtcnsivo flßsorlmont fjr sale by AVra.A.
Milos, Main street, opposite the Telegraph
Office, Carlisle. / ■
October 25, 1855. ' •
Tur, Tat(Tar.
JUST received and fojrsale, 100 kegs beat
<|tinlity (TAH j olso, a r i largo lot of potent
\V heel Grease for carriage's; wagons, Ac., at the
Old stand, East Main street.
March 27. . . ■p. SAXTON.
Water Olonets,
Wash Banins,
Force and Lift Pumps
Hydraulic llatfts, &c.
Every __
.South Hanover Slrcil, nia j. tie c .
BJ. KIEPFUR, Dniffffiat "“'h
•ly Inform tins cillronoVf blrin
Ity, that ho hns opened n no. “1 tlcu
His stock Is, entirely non/: on d iidj|s ■ ■<
with great enro; 6 ,' 1
use by physicians and IbrnWesAcSS,* W
and exposure, groat care will bo b£“ rale k Mi,
low snch articles to accumulate ln eS" " 01 «
Attention Is .ospoolally invited to
Medicines, Essential Oils, Tincture, t
tracts, Confonctlons, Chemicals 0 * oc, »*l.
with a full assortment of Potato Var, 0 ;’J 0 5' l litl
•turn, Point and,Varnish « e ,
of every variety.: Ho' has also m. r, .
did assortment of Perfumes, SosnJfiJVfc
clothes and flesh Brushes;
ShiuWs '
Medicinal IPines nnti lirmiit, '
of tho- host quality. Sogai-s, ft o nr 1.. ■
vnna nnd Spanish houses, of ororv o
one cent upwards. j Ua T° r »
In order to ensure .his customers m . '
takes during any temporary absence S .i! 1 *
prlolor, tho services ol an experienced . .t*"
potent assistant hove been secured
bo felt to bo important, in view of tCJ * W
hilitles which nro known to devoiv„°. rM| *' lt
druggist. “Pos IS)
Physicians’ prescriptions will bo folil,f„T, ,
promptly attended .to, Orders from pi,W
nnd Morehnnis in tho couhlry will h«
core, nnd nt prices which must prove LRu! 1 *
A liberal share of public pnirdno."
ftrliy solicited. Terms cnsh„ ®
B. J. KlBfffi,',
March 23,160 L
■ . Attention.Dyffpcpilfc'i' •
THOSE of you who have been
years, with this loathsomedlseafc2?Jfi
have been using almost every nostrum £7r
the public without relief. Wo say to war
“ Kelflbr’s Anti-dyspeptic,’’.and you win
bo convinced of Us great superiority orer «
other preparation. Wo could give y oa 2S
certificates corroborating our assertion SI/
single trial is worth more than all. Thiireai!
Is prepared and sold at the Drug store at .'
# . B. Ji KEUTEB■
South Hanover street, a low doors iouu/*i
the Court-house,' w
Carlisle, Juno 15,1854.
Til E subscriber respectfully informs in
friends and the public generally, thalhefei
removed his Hat and Cap Store to Ids new bify.
ing in Main street, where ho will bo jlJ
his ok^customers and friends. He has not «
gvgFa hand a splendid opsortment of llifi i|
all descriptions, Rom the common Kml
the flncst'Ftir ami Silk Ilati.aidii
prices that must suit one who hauntn
to getting the worth- of his money. Hii Sil
Moleskin and arc
lightness, durability and finish, by those ofi«
other cstablisbmcbt In thcconnty,
Boys’ lints of every description constantly
mnd. Gull and examine.
Carlisle,,March 23, 1858,.
SW, IIAVERSTICK, has jost nM\
« from the city, and la now opening tipfe I
did display of Fancy Goods, suitable, tar fa I
present season, to w hich he desires to call tn
attention of his friends and the public, fills,
sortmeni in this lino cannot bo.surpassed tap.
vclty ondclcgnncc, and both.inquality sndprkt
of the articles, cannot fall to please piircliam
It wonld bo impossible to enumerate his
Fancy Goods,
which comprise every variety of fancy titlifa
of tho most exquisite shape, such as
Fniper Macho Goods,
Elegant alabaster and porcelain inkstandiul
trays. .
Fancy ivory, pearl and shell card cases.
. Kadi«i> —....
Fancy work .boxes, with lowing-tastniayp
Port Monnaics, of every variety.- . •
Gbltf pen* and pencils, tancy rap«^«l|>l|.
‘ Papeterlps, andalargoydncty oflaaw* lost]
stationery. ' •
Motto seals and wafers, silk and bead port*
Ladles’ riding whips, elegantly flulshad, U
dies’ fine cuttlcry.
Per Aime baskets and bags.
Brushes of every kind for the toilet.
Roussel’s Perfumes of tho various kinds.
Musical Instruments, of all kinds and at d
prices, together with an innumerable variety*
articles elegantly finished and suitable forbd
day presents, to which bo invites special stint
tlon. Also, an extensive collection of UOU
comprising the various English and Amnitn
Annuals for 1855, richly embellished and iD»
trato I Poetical Works, with Children’s PlcUfU
Books, for children of nil ages. Ills ssiortoni
of School Books and School Stationary li ih»
complete, anjl comprises everything t»c<J fnCflV
leges and the schools. He also calls attention to
to his elegant dislay of
Lamps, Orlandolcf, 4cr. f
from tho extensive establishments of Cornclkn,
Archer nnd others, ol Philadelphia, compriiioi
every stylo of Parlor, Chamber & Study Lara;*
for burning either laid, sperm or olficrlil oiljto.
gethor with flower vases, Fancy Screens, k«.-
Uls assortment in this lino Is unequalled la ft
Fruits, Fancy Confeethney,
Nuts, Preserved Fruits, Ac., In every varlfljud
at nil prices, all of which are pure and fresh, red
as can bo confldonly recommended to bis friend
abd the little folks. Remember tho old liut)
opposite tho Bank.
Carlisle, December 21,185 k.
THE subscriber nut removed his STORK I*
the house recently occupied by Dr*■ *}•
Catiffman, next door to Chnrlcs
Hotel, where ho has a general assortment w
Dry Ooodt, Groceries, Boots $ Shoes, H® N
happy to hare his friends & cnBtol^^r^^.fo^o,"
nnd see him. Thankful for past favors b# Ij o !**
by a strict ottontlon to business to recclr*
shnro ol public patronage.
April 10, N. W. WOODS, Aft*
Carlisle Female Seminary.
MR. St Mrs. CLARK, who havobesnforjj
oral years engaged In teaching,
ly announce to tho citizens of Carll»l* , " tf ■«
clulty, that on tho Ist of April, 1856, fW ,
open In Louther street, in the house UWJ .
; cuplcd by Dr, Blumonthal, a Seminal
young Indies.
The Institution will l>o both a hnaDin's
day school, In which nil tho branches
for tho comploto education of young *•“'*'
bo Taught. Assistants of thd highest
for qualifications and morality will ho^P 1 >
in acconlnnco with tho wants of the l ns ’ . i c ;jy
1 ho government will bo conducted on ■
Christian principles, while soclarl fln ‘ flm *
os rigidly excluded. . .
Tho Principals flatter themselves tn«
long and successful experience as tfl * c ,, i*|/
testified by tho recommendations in tne lri T}|(/
session, will onablo thorn to establish
lion of tho highest character for y° un ®i rt dUu/
They are fully persuaded that such a “ 1 i6 <|
tlon will bo sustained hero by.the * f D fl;
nolghbprlng couptry,!and hope that mo ,
dpneo taoy hofbo disappointed, ' ,n bf
i A department for younger children vm
immediately organized.
, Tsnni per iustoh of four
Boarding, including fuel, light* * TrH ifiO 00 1
Ing, -gOO
Primary Department,
Higher English, . '
Ancient Languages, each
Modern . “
Ornamental branches at Pjpofoaaora Cl .i c9 ix*
No ddductlon for nbaonco nHor «w»«
copfc In caio of protracted illneaß. v^Xth
Jif/erencet —lion. Fred. Watts, J- V^pie t,
E»q,, Uov. o.l*. wing, n.o''- A
liev. J. 1). Homo, liov. Jncol)F r y,l‘' , tlll | l
Ella, Jfnmoa Hamilton, Dr. 0. fc. Dl“ m
Oarl|«|o, March 20, 1850—ly