American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, April 17, 1856, Image 4

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    Ellin Mill Kbam
tVlfiyltiK (it Exeter; In fingtanl, ami »l
ighb oT Ills popularity, Kean was invited
a with Borne gentleman at one of tbo prin
iotcls. Bo drove there in Mr carriage,
nner was annohneed—the table suilip
decorated—and the landlord all bows
imdssion, hoped that the gentleman unci
isimguishod visitor found everything to
i stared at. Idm Tor some moments, and
iid; .
ur name 5s ■
la Mr. Kean. 1 liave bad the honor ol
ng yoti before.”
ou kepi some years ago a small tavern m
jtskirts of this town!’?
id, Mr. Kean. Fortune has been kina to
>f ns since then. 1 rocollectyou, sir, when our theatre here?
nd 1, sir,” said Kean, jumping, “rccol eel
Many years ago I came into T" 1 * 1 I’ a , - v
i. aftQr.iv long i mrin y, wdh "*y sultuiing
and p. sick ohild, all »l us wet to the Mon.
sd, you for ft mound ol lefrehlimenf. imi as il 1 aero a d"g, and refused tn
it out of voiir hands, until you had ro
ll Etho trillo wl ich was its value,
ft niv f.uiiity by your inhospitablo fireside
I sought for lodgings. On my return
rdered mo, like a brute, to take my Mile from your house,’ and abused me lor
lending to drink the money I had for food,
no, as yon ?m\ has done something tor us
luce then, hut you are still tho Same I
ho auue cringing, grasping, grinding,
y money hunter. I,sir.*am still the same,
tow in my zenith—l M - as then at Its nadir;
am tho simo man —tho same Kean whom
nlcred from your doors ; and I have now
mo hatred to oppression that I had then :
ere i( my last meal, I’d noteat nor drink
■ >,hc belonging to bo heartless a aeoun-
iill.'inf'n.’ said bo. turning tn bis friends,
vmlmi for this outbreak; bnt "bm' I
roof of this tmvr serving gold
lunli!. the first mouthful, I am sun**
■liuU« mcs.’ .
I.cpl liis word, and the part) adjourned
i her hotel.
Milton and Napoleon.
ioli<on Bonaparte declared to Sir( "bn
Campbell, who had charge "I bis person
Mo ofKlbn. lb it be was,i pi. at udmirei
Milton's .‘Paradise and that he
ml it to some pm |m.ho, (orihat the )>lamd
ttle of Anslei hi/ lie h.ifoWed fiom Hie
,o"K 111 work, where Satan brmgJiiß
y 1.. 1., ar upon Mieluel and bis ungebc
ilhdnetul i dVi'l.
aining bis d--\bsh onzincry, impal'd
i rmy side with shadow mg s-piadrona
hid.- the Hand,
i,(*w mode cl warfare appeared to Bmia
t,, lik- ly to Mir.•♦•oil. if Applied lo actual
Ihe d.-tei I,I,’ll"! upon ila lolcphcti, mill
tl. 111. Oinl c.\pri-t.iUcn. A u-b-mieu
dut.i. s of 1 lie 11, It lie Mill he Icutl'l to US
tc s , , ~.|||,l u-h w ,l!i M Lions. imagm iry
ll.s In Inw tu. doubt of the asselllull. 1
la Diet from Col. Maiilicpc,
U' ud.itud hv C-d. C imph.d! hnnvlf.
•d.i;ihop« w.ialh.u at Stowe, the Mar
■r Hu -king mi's, uhnin I w n dining and
it i juitud. it has never. to my knowl
ha "i i>i print, nor have I ever heard the
o>l i:,.- • ;, pc dc-d hy any die hut tn.wll.
Stanhope lias beon haig dead as well as
; implied. The tin I iiiv heming the
Was in DH5.—AVci u:i/
re is scarcely an individual living. who.
uu period of las life, has not been so over
•a d 1 1 \ misfortune, and dcMitcd to sor
nfl to Wish that lie or she had neur e\ist.
V. 1. .• wn eniiMder Mieh a thnmrhi nsini
a-i'i '•''W'lrdi^'. w e are cummeui that it
i,' ■ ,i<*rc moral ermraie to laec the in,"l >r
cl' hIV, a.el lo simple agiihsllhe edi
iifT evils ol poverty ami inllrnuly ol body .
to iMiifroul death at the cannon's mouth.
t ,n the watery element. Fortitude and
ice. under long sulleringf. are the charac
e:s ol great and good minds.
ii*ii cvd\ hope ol earthly bliss is gone,
e i'ij.i \rd sneaks lo death. The bravo
live on.
.• have many examples in history, where
»f mighty intellect have undergone every
nf pnni-hmcnt. ami all manner ol degra*
ii, miller than commit suicide; whereat,
c <jlher liand. those whose lives arc niaik
c>(vv .11' 11* e ami gmll, niinost invannhly
■ le-nerate mi deletion. and hasten to ilie
ti-*c i.f an avenging Cod, with ev.ry dime
vented for He that hears sormw and cal
,• with fortitude, generally triumphs in
ivl ; and. m most casts, the gnaUr the
nines that are home,the inure successfully
: ions u ill ho the nllimal mu.
s i ,1.1 s. k. 1 Thu Know- Nothings s.i\ that
. Urn, 1,.i>l the '-coolUlenee" ol O' n -I " k
uxl s i- . <icoined hr Mm nM Imm i inl. l
elever fellow; and thcrelore And Jackson
I*oll might to lie Nice I’l enlelll. WOO
ll lliseov I'l \ 1 .lull'' It' ! 1 "liee 11,1*1 his (•.,!! (1
;> S'' he! Miiti' \i n Hm en, vv horn i |
ui.l he 1.1.01 e I*i. -oh nl. S" had V nine s
" ,11 , e the idil-.i 01 his olb' Ml organ at
( |, r • • 1i,., i.’lv lie I'lesi-l • 111 'I illi
■ i i ntion. And Aron Burr, il we
il,, i,,,i had his ronftd«Miro. 'I lim hut
i l*.it i .en. Ja, k-mi, u nil »ll Ins i nlnil ivo
]. ,lg ol men, like ilie Iml.mec uf us was
Mines ' ' v luuJl) lo<>l(*d.
,■' >■ and tliu (jizrllf reanona lima.—
IJ.nsiu uuj a inuttf! Im J.u ktoii
i .in A huli'ioiiUf Tlifivlui >•. tlm Drinn
■ i.i.acunil tin Mm alii\«T\ <11 u• sii<»n
I. n I<l HMSOTI I til I ll< I - l>i-lllll'lv>n
I Imihm-i 11, Inmtuil |'_v iu..i m a
« N 1 liui H"i o Know - N olliingiMii
i tlic u-c :ul"pl a simply, a smin
atv 1 a more honest inode ol i ensoni og,
lln 11 -» \v .is 11 mled by J m k-"ii itH'l la 11f
• i*i .!• \ 11 * i b.iiger than while lit- remained
to thf* prim iples ol tin- parly. Ami /hoi
t i 1 1••('<•. imly,uiluul» ain-tbei pr«>uUh il
>m I ( tiiiy bubor unrebabh non Si
Ilo; VnivU.
v i io\ aI. Soho. — National SOUR holds a pn""
I mi i\ nvi i Ihr iniinls of those mi whom i
kens thoughts of fatherland and freedom
at wmi hi In' lli« poi-lry of miy lint I on, . o n'
, u o| its spoil ol its hour / Uln
1.1 In* 1.-lt of llir Sfoliniti churaelei il tin
K o'* Mr 1 (’ ih <1 ml ran liar. Is worn s\tr|.i an at ,
'in h.n [»« o( tin' nniiisliels pen-died ttllh llu
is (hat huopt thrill I Thu Ruhr llml
rr.l the slii-plii'iil ho> while tending Ills
ji, coims < ark to him in lliu hoiirjol oppres
and danger ; and uvon upon Itio battle 11 1* Id
melody rills up tint inoois and mountains
is native laml ; tins vv lid-woods and stream*
<• back, uml tho hreo/.y freshness of tho
ti i fans Ins cheek again as liu marchus
a (Inn stop and neivous mm to win his
■ly or (tiu. it is said that he "ho write*
'.ours of a nation may at lliu samr tlmr pro
it lust oi y. for pit riot ism has uvei bnrmol
In r « Immi imi'iir f',inru''l Hip (i i rue, aml
li iuuui bruiiM has over throbbed with a ho
■I 1 w>lii>n v\ lion tho soul o( sung was slirri ng
f I 11'.41 I Mllllgfl, ,
'•m.ivmv or (^i*kkii«- —Aoeording to Hie
l.llgllJill I'eUMIIS leluiUß ill*' nVPIIIgU llgd tit -
I'd l *' m.-i n 1 u-1 iof (hia pcai-H nl seel in (J root
Mill I.H hi J'iMl'h, o months, and li 1 ilnj a.
II of (he population ot Iho < "imlry, ns is
n hy th« Ham.' loUmiH, diu beloi*' reaching
ngf "( -1, and llw nv.'iMgu dmalioii ol liu
ii lilt' (ho woi M ovor if* lull lid \ciii«(
, Iheietore. live a thud longer than ihe rod
IH. Tin* MMHOtIH üb) 10(18 (^llkelS
teinpreale and punionl, are heMmu n, u
ra.v, and tie\er in passion. (in.. Km-., hl
'J'lucc miles ucsl of Harrisburg.
TT11 [■- eleventh session of this Institution will
c, ihi i nu l nee on M onday, the A 111 of May next.
I’.units and Guardians iuo respectfully roijues
i< d to iin)nirv into tlio merits ol the Institution.
I In' len .iilon i,i rrliicd, pleasant and healthful,
nnd Him ruin si- of instruction embraces tlio ordl
,ia|.' -»nd lughei litiuicluiH of an English cduca-
l'-io-il.ri uiit, n,e Latin, Greek, French
D.ulr Tl.„ j,“'.V. 1 ,! Vl'l";;'.’!.-'' mi Vocul and liulru.
to I hem Is a walk o( peuroful inedtlntioi,
Vorj» nild.Hl ol ill.' Ui'ok'i Ihimio .si, ..n \\'...|
dty morning, itiiru (rum il.e u i>-1
ml an hour or two m silciii imsditaiion ai
meeting ,house. Qunheis me <) ittigr.-nt .
help Hue another, nnd (ho (o,n ot mini
v neillier Niillet m»r enjoy with intensity.
preHem* a eompoHed deineaiu.pahvaVH, In
■ I'MHing Hull their days should bo Jung in
land I — .\ntinnal In/rlhgciuer
/* An fteulo angle tin angle that ennides
to cross a struct so as uol lo run against a
, sAVWGm*n
U. S, Insurance, Annuity & Trust
S. E. corner Third and Chestnut Sts., PAHo.
Capital $260,000.*
MONEY is received on deposit daily, TJIO
amount deposited is entered la :a Deposit
hook ami given to the Depositor, or, if.-prefer
red, a certificate will ho given. ’v
All large and small, are received, nnd
(he amount paid hack ou demand, without no-
lice. r.
Intorost is paiil at Ihc rate of five per cent., 1
commencing from (he day ot deposit, and ceas
ing fourteen days previous to the avlthdraaval of
tlie money.
On the first day of January, in enc]>year, the
interest of eayli deposit paid to the depositor,
or added to tho principal, as be may prefer.
The n.mpinjy have now upwards of B,6oo’de
positor** in tlnj city of Philadelphia alone.
Any addition's! information will bo given by
addressing the Treasurer. , .
Din'rhiru —Stephen 11. Crawford, President
Lawrence Johnson, Vico President 5 Ambrose
IV. Thompson. Benjamin IV. Tlngley, Jacob L.
Florance, William M. Godwin, Paul R. God
dard. George McHenry, James
tarns English. , !
Secretary nnd Treasurer.— Pliny Flak. '
Tcllkr and JtifcrprWrr.—J. C. OchlsclilagPt*
September 0/1866 —ly
Faiittbr*» Tnlte Nolie*e^
I ■'HE first premium awarded at Hie Slate Fair,
buhl at I larruburg, in 1866, also first pre
miums at the County Falrsof Northumberland,
Franklin, York. Lycoming, Centre, Westmore
land, Washington, Burks,Schuylkill, Wontgom
ety, Delaware, and Chester, in competition with
Ik,m eight to ten ditlerent reapers and mowers.
The Atkin's sell-inking reaper and mower Mill
he for sale at the Fcctory at Ilnrrisbury, also at
Bover.Sc Bro. Farmers wishing reapers nnd
mowers lor the m-xt harvest can have them at
a reduced price, bv giving tlieir orders foi them
before the Ist ol March, 1860.
Price ol Reaper, cash. $lO6
“ Reaper nnd Mower, cash, 100
if ordered before tlx* Ist of March t after (hat
lime, freight Iroin I>.i\ lon. Ohio, added.
Price n| Ucjipi i and Mower on lime. $2 r 'o ;
seventy list* dollars on deliiery, seventy-five
didlats on 1-1 of t let uhei, and fifty dollars Ist All the reape is naiT.inted In
give entii e s.n i s f.ii'finn, or the money rejuuUcU.
Leave mdi’ii wiili Hvmiv L. Bi hkijoi.ukh,
Agent f..i Cninhcnl.inii county and travelling
Agent. Duvet all ciders mid letters to Jauks
I’amv, General Agent for Pennsylvania, at
•lanuarv .11, 18. W ly
rpilK mi hserihe t s have established a Book
X Ageiid in Phihnjelphi.w, and will furnish
-my hook oi pul>lie,itioii at the retail price free
of poirtge Any peißc’is, by forw aiding the
mihnc ll[ 'lnia pueecfatiy ol the $3 Magazines,
Mi<:h a s 11 all >i i s, (Jndey's, Putnam's, Graham’a,
Frank l.r-ln 'a Fashions, &c., will receive the
maga/mex |.«r "lie yeai and a copy o( a splendid
lithograph puilrait of either Washington, Jack
. i iii *ll l lay. <>r, it suhsci thing to as 2 and a$ I
Mny i/me. they will ret eivu a copy of either of
1 in* three p' ii 11 aits 11 suhsen hing to $G worth
of Maga. .in s. all tlmn« portraits will lie sent
gratis. Music furnished lo those who may wish
Envelops <d every deseription and size in largo
<>r small ipiaMliln-H luniinhed. Seal Presses,
Dies, See . sent to orde r .
Kvory ilesei iption of F.ngraving on Wood ex
ecuted with neatness and dispatch. Views of
Buildings. Newspaper Holdings, Views of Ma
chinery, Book Illustrations, Lodge Certificates,
Business Curds, Ate. All orders sent hy mail
promptly ul tended to. Persons wishing views
u( (heir buildings engraved can send a Dagner
i eolype oi sketch ol (he building by mail or cx
pl CVS
Persons al n dlsl,ince having saleable articles
would find it to their advantage to address the
subscribers, us wo would act us ngonls for the
sale of the same.
o i Fi'ulh Third Sheri . Phil a ., Pa
J. 11. |:\ n \ M. T. MAT I'IKUCB.
Not . tp.l. 1 h.M- 1 y
IViitcliefi and Jewelry,
rjATIOM \S (’ONLY N has Just opened, at lliu
JI. storr in West High struct, opposite Marlon
IJall, and intends (o ki'uji constantly ou liaml, a
£3 emnpleio assortment of II ufr/irt,
('huhJcu elry und p u ncy Good j, ffi*\
Oil iliV 1 1 1 i 1 1 hr is pirjnirnl to m-U
11 -i ms tli M rin not tail to plu.isr nil in u ant of a
r '1 iiu<i-iTi;co. Among his stock will be
1.-mi,l lull jewelled (>old Leers, Ladies Cold
I,a]nurn, SiUri Levels Silver Lapim-s; Sliver
Qnmiiers, English, Fit nc.h.nnd Swiss WCitchoa. 1
; Elis slock of
is large and ci.rnph te. and coiiHists of Medalions.
I.eln ' Si gritlh uirn's Breast I'ins, ITugoi Kings,
laiirv ami plain Ear Kings. Scarf I’iiih, &c.
AUo. R.i1.1 Wai.-h ami Fob Chaim*, gold Keys
ami Sra I '. g* *1 d ami mlvci I’em il ( ases, gold
an 1 sil v el Sp. . lac les, luge I her " Mh almost o' cry
• ithri urlli lr kepi Ml .1 Jevvdl \ eslahllshlllrllU—
A toll snpplt Ol CLOCKS, W/.; Parlor, Mantle
ami Ollier - • ijjl l f ‘lay ami f wenty-four—war.
ranlrii to go ami keep correct turn*.
Witlrhrt and Clin /«' i are fully repaired, and
u .it raided to km p liist-rate lime. Thu public
air inv ilrd (ogive linn u call before pm chasing,
I an in- frrN M-rv eonlldriit lh«t lie is able (o give
hui'ei haigiuiis I lam can be bad elsevvheiu.
, June 'JI. lh.V>.
The Temple of Fancy Open I
1 i Nil "ill he at his old Hoad Quarters In
. » Noi ih Hanover si i ret, dm lug Ibe Chriihruu
mi'/ A .■!/• Irn/’i J' fiht iliet, with one oMUe lar
gest assoiintents ol
ever ofU-iod in (his place, consisting in part of
Fine Candy Toys and Fruits, Jelly Ouke«, Bon
bom, (ium, Chocolate and Fruit drops, Rose,
Vamilla and Burnt Almonds, French and Ex
ploding Hecreta, Nc,.
of Hie latest importations, such ns Oranges. L
emons, Raisins, Figs, Pruens, Cm rants,
Soft and Paper Shelled Almonds, Filberts,
Cream, Cocoa and Ground Nuts.
'fn\H and Fancy (»<mk!h of every <|<iall(y ami
price consisting in part of lino Wax, Kid, Chi
nn. Cmnp and other Dolls, Sewing ami Card
I’.incy l»'t\cs, Flower Vanes, Motto
Cups, Tc.i Sets, Masks, Drums, (jinis, Air Pis
tols, Accordeons, llnnnconlrans, Trumpets,
Chess men ul Hone and Wood, Dominoes, Lo(.
to and oilier Gaines, Fancy Soups, Hair Oito
and Toil .Mommies, &.C. Also a Hue 10l ol Fa
mil) Groceries.
December 10, ISoo
While Hall Academy,
| ThUMS:
1 Wumlhhh anil Tuition in Llio
• htifflfali Liani'ln-n. uii'l Vocal music
JM I .HCHkJoII, (21 nci-kx) $OO 00
l'’or incuUi'H cuiifulning piirliculiiiH, luldreao
Jlarruburg, Pa. 13, 1860.
mtres; cniiJircAis," 1 "'
Confccti6haricsi hbd! 'Fancy! Goods.
THE undersigned' lin» just feplonlsliidMiljJ
stock of Goods* and as bis Drugsand Chom
icala have been.feelectod'Wlth great care, ho is
prepared toflll all orders promptly.; Hisfrlcnds
may rely upon tho genuinonoss abd 'purity of
every article., :lliB stock of ' . 0
* Confectionaries
is largo, and selected with special reference to'
the and will afford any variety per
sons tuny desire in Mint lino. Ifo has'a largo
assortment of French, Gorman, rtnd Domestic
Fancy Candled. Ills FRUITS arc all ft-tah'ttntj;
of tho very btidt quality. Ills assortment of
, FANCY GOOI)3 , , , "
Is large nnd cu|>race.s almost oyury. fhipgfneccs
aary for (he toilet and family. Ho invites
ciaJ attention to Ids Fancy tVork-Boxcs, Fort
Folios, Port Monies, &c. Quick sales,-short
profits, and strict consistency in .trade, shall
characterize <?ur business. . J .1- ft
Carlisle, Dqccmber 20, 1856. . ’
~:y popin,.
navins, Swecnev, Ringbone, Windmills, Polo
Evil, Cullmis.Crarked Heels, (Jail o? all'kinds,
Fresh Wounds, Sprains, Bruises,-Fistula, Sit*
fast, Sand Cracks, Strains,- Lameness, Foun
dered Feet, Scmtehns or Crease, Mange, Foot
Hot in Shecjt Garget In Cows, Rheumatism,
Hites <*f Animals, External Poisons, Painful
Nervous Affections, Frost Hites, Boils, Corns,
Whitlows, Bairns and Scalds, Chlflblaina, Chap
ped Hands, t/pimps. Contraction* of the Mus
cle*, Swellings, Weakness of the Jdiuts, Caked
Breasts, Soro Nipples, Piles, Ac. ’ ’ ’
jri ’nrnphhjts gratuitously furnished by agents
with Testimonials of its utility.
All orders addressed to the Proprietors, if. IL
TttUKCn it Co., N. V. ,
sale \iy Druggists and Merchants gen
erally. through the I'ninil States, itiuisii Posses
sions,and othej Comilnes. Al-1 by ’ '
S IV. Havcrsliek and Benfz Pc ijro., Carlisle;
J. A. Weakley snd W. A .1. Green, -Dickinson;
1,. Kauffman, }Lechanicsbnrg; I). Strolnn, Now
Kingstown; GoawilerPc Zook, Shephcrdstown;
Diehl & Snider, Newbnrg: A. M. Loidjgh, Moil
ing Springs; Mm. Loyd, Lisburn; J. Q. h G. B.
Allick, Stiippcnphiirg. .
IS coining, and the undersigned arc prepared
for it. Tfjoy have Just received a mammoth
stock of new, cheap k handsome Good»,atnoDg
which we have the celebrated
Silks, French Mcrinooa, all colors; plain and
printed Mens, de brines, Thibftt Cloths, Alpa
chas, Habit Cloths, Calicoes, Ginghams, and an
of other goods,| both for ladies and gentlemen;
Bonnets, Bonntt Ribbons, Hamlkbrcldefs, Ho
siery, Gloves, Trimmings, Gum Shoes, Carpet
Bags. Oil Cloths, Cloth Caps, &c. Also,
SatflhcVs, Vcßtings. Kentucky J6uns, Flannels,
Tickings. Ribbons, Embroideries and a general
stock of (roods in ourline. We iuvitethepub.
lie to an examination of the above,for bargains.
Give ns an early call, ns they are selling rapidly
at our usual low prices.
Carlisle, Oct. 11, 1805.
IKON I 1 KffNtll The subscriber has the sat
isfaction to announce to the public that his
large and extensive Warehouse is completed,
and filled with one ol the largest and bostnssorl
nients of Hammered and Boiled Iron ever offer
ed in thin place. Those in want of Iron, would
do well to examine the stock before purchasing
elsewhere. HENRY SAXTON.
September -0,
(Formerly Jce/il by Jacob Worley .)
l)i.n Town, B.vltiuoiie.
77/05. JJMRSQS,oj Voile, Pa., Proprietor.
The Mouse has been considerably enlarged,
and is open for Transient and Permanent Board
ers. Terms reasonable.
February liH, 8m
CN. KuBINSoN it SON, Manufacturers
•of Looking Glasses. Portrait and Picture
Frames, ami Impoitersof French Plate Looking
Glasses, fcte.. No. ‘2 iy, ChcxDut st., above Ninth
at., Philadelphia.
At whose establishment nmy always ho found
an extensive assortment of Piers, Mantles, Hall
and Chamber Glasses, of overy description,
from the plainest to the most ornamental stylos,
richly ornamented gilt Tables, Brackets and
Tripods, importers and dealers Jn first class
European Kngraylpga, Oil Paintings, Drawings
and oilier works of art. Old frames regillod
ami (dd Glass taken in exchange for new} .dam
aged Plates resilV&rcd, kr,
Country uierehHnts ami others, having orders
for any article connected with llio Looking
Glass ftnd Print business, can have them oxecu-’
led at the old establishment, at the shortest no
tice and lowest prices. All goods bought at
this establishment for transportation are packed
in the best manner.
March fl, 1 Hob—ly
fertile land at n cheap prict* ami on copy
terms, your attention is called to tho Ridgeway
Farm and Coal Company. Twenty-live acres
or tnorc in proportion, arc given for $llOO, pay
able in instalments of $1 per week,or $4 per
month. It la located in Elk county, Pennsyl
vania, and Ims one of the bust markets for its
produce In the State. Tho soil is n rich loam,
and is not to beam-passed lorfaimlng, as exam
ination will show.' It has the best elements of
prosperity, being underlaid by two richvclnsof
coat, and will shortly be intersected by four rail
roads. Tho timber is of the most valuable kind.
Title unevcc’ptionably good, and warrantee
deeds are given. It presents a good and sub.
stanMal opportunity to commence farming, pro
viding for one’s children or making an invest
ment. Further particulars can bo bad from tho
pamphlets which arc sent to inquirers. Letters
answered promptly. Apply or address Sa«T..
W. Cattkll, Seerotary, 136 Walnut St., north
aide between Fourth and Fifth sts., Philadcl.
pbin. Full information is contained in tho
February 1-1, iK^tJ—3m
WE call the attention ot tho public to tho
portable Garden or Fire engine for wa
tering gardens or extinguishing tires—an Excel
lent article, neat cheap 6t convenient. For
Sale at
t T
November 2,1866.
DR. J. K. SMlrfi has removed bis office and
residence Into (he house lormvrly occupied
by Mr. B. J. Kciffifr as a Drug Store, Sonth
Hanover street, next door to Dio «Goldou
Horse,” Hannon’s Hotel.
April 10, 1860—41*
■: *%abSi •’ ~< T -
TilE twentieth‘session (T) months) will com
monco J/t'inowtbulittlng has boon
eroded containing Ropm,
Aic/Witlv Increased facilities for ihetruction,
andvainplp l scconimbdaliohs, this Institution
ttrebtainducemonfs to parents who dos
isiro tbcu [physical cad mfintiil-impwvemcnt of
itliotrsons; :*s
Termsptfr'scsalonj 7 ' . -i. ‘\-SQS po
For circulars with full Information address,.
.« mv; ; U. K: BURNS,
1 princtpur&nd Proprietor
’ Pldiiiflold/Ourab. fco.',' April 10, 1860. s
i .VBCfal 'and JFautfy Gocrds. -
AT tl/6 Tea and Grocery store oHhoSubsbrl-'
ber, is Just received a flne-tissorlnient’ of
■ Tgp£\French Ckxi\a and DecoraUd Fancy Jlrli
gaycfesr.Among vbich'may. bo found filch
Jew pi Boxes, Cups and
Saucers, Card Baskela, Inkstands, Toy, Tea and
Dinner Dolls, ana other ;GU> and
Plain Qrlicfes/usorulas well ns suitable for.tho
season. _ ,
Also, n<gch&al assortment 'Of-'GROCEHIES
and Spices adapted to (ho season, all fresh dnd
of (ho/bosHjaality, together with a lot of new
Bethlehem phekwheaU of extra quality In small
sacks. ,t, '
Cranberries, Raisins, Currants, Citron’, &c.,
for sale by;, • , , i, J* W. EBV.
Carlisle, Doc. 27,1855.
Plumbing & Gas Filling.
Soulfi Welt Car. of tfinih and Walnut Streets,
* ’ ' ’ Philadelphia ,
Wm. Waion?, Jno. 11. McFetricu,
Jno. C. .Hunter, LTRomas BrtowN.
ol Ninth and IValfaut Streets, Philadel
phia. lron Plpsa of all sires. Bath
Tubs of CPppor and Iron. /Hot nnd cold Show*
or Baths. Water Closets and Brass Cocks of
every description-, sdfl Pumps of
Iron and Brass! 'Hydroulic Rams, all sizes.—
Hydrants ‘and Lead Work'pr cvefy description.
All materials And work-Jn Our line at low rates,
and warranted.
Decembor.2o, 1855—1 f
Splendid Jewelry, .Wuftelie*, &c.
THE subscriber respectfully informs the citi- j
zens oi Carlisle andrthe public generally, I,lias just opened a largo and splendid us-1
sortraent of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, ofj
every stylo and quality. - His store is situated i
on tlio N- E..corner of.tho PublicSquaro, Intho
room forpacrly occupied by S. Elliott, one door
east qf G. WVHitner’sjdry goods store. His
stqcjc jvlll (Consist of every article'usually kept
by .u*alcb makers and Jewelers, viz: GOLD
THATCHES of every.stylo and quality,
((sj prices from $2O to $125. Silver • Watches
«si«fcfrom,s6 t to $45. Fob,
Vest, and Week Chain's {‘Gold Iveys and Seals;
Gold Studs and Vest Buttons, Breast
Rings, &o.' Ladies Gold Neck Chains, Gold [
Gold Lockets, Breast Pins, Ear-rings,
Ear-drops, Cuff Tins, Gold Pens and Pencils, ■
Gold Gold Bracelets, Silver and Pearl I
.Card cases, Jot Bracelets, &c. A-largo slock l
of Finger Rings, Silver and Plated Ware, Fruit
Dishes, Card Boskets, Ten Setts, Plated Cups \
and Goblets, Napkin Rings, fee., with many
other fancy notions.- 'All goodswamoted to be
: what they,arc sold-for.* ■ *-••• i s .. .. 1
tE/“Pm'tlcular attention paid to the repairing
of Gold Watches, Jewelry, &c? Alf'work war-q
ranted-according to quality.' The subscriber*
hopes by. strict attention to business and a de
!slro to please; to receive a liberal shard of pub
lic patronage. • W.~D. A* NAUGLE.
Carlisle, July 19,1855—tf ; , J : ‘
nvpow open and for sale at the ‘‘Murion'Tlall
J-i Family Grocery Store, a large and general
assortment of articles, useful and fancy, embra.
.Ing, In part— ;
Maracaiba aha Jaffa Coffees,
Green Rio and Roasted Coffee,
. J euklns'best brand of.lj’cas, '
Brown and Clarified Sugars,
White aud.Preservyig 3“ , ,
Pulvcrlz’cdarid **
Broma, Cocoa
1 •Rlco’nncl'Corn'EtnrcJfc..>- ?r -
Farina and Essence of Coffee, .
Lovering’s finest Sfyrupi Orleans Baking Molas
ses, Spices, groundaod-ungroundr Mace, Citron,
Vanilla Bean, Cheese, Crackers', Candles, &c.
BBj| Oar (tuticiisn arc, ffl
gwf mbraccs a largaqnd general variety
of the best white GraniU, a Iron Stoneware; Llv--
crpool enabling the customcfc
to select in setts or pieces of any size necessary,'
and of the UUlbronV styles, together with a vari
ety of Fino Whita and-Gold Band, English and
French China setts of Xfca ware, and other varie
ties of useful and fine fkney Ciiina ware, includ
ing Trays, Plates, Vasts, Fruit Dishes, Coffee
cups, &c. c.
embracing bowls, dlcdibs, molasses cans, sugar
bowls, a largo selccfloflof fine fluted tumblers,
wine and egg glasses, ahd other useful articles.
among which are fybs, chumq, water pales, mca
snreS, market baskets, travelling baskets, as well
ns other covered and uncovered baskets. .Also,
Table Oil. of the and other
Oils; Tobacco, Cigarsj Soaps,'&c. . A small lot
of choice MACKAUEIi of No. 1 Quality. Also,
a trimmdd ’Mess in handsome
assorted packages of halves, quarters ami k|t«-i
-wlth all the other varieties of a GROCERY and
Wo feel thankfu) for,tho patronage heretofore 1
bestowed on us, mid,lnvite a continuance of like
favors. . . J. W. EDY.
Carlisle, January ££ 4855.
Useful, FragwgUt, uud Good
BJ. KlEFFEßliaijuat returned from Phil
• itdclphia, with an additional supply of Fresh
DRUGS, which, in connection with hfs former
stock, will make Ids establishment complete in
tills department. In addition ,to the übuve, he
has also just opened a fresh snpply of
t)onfcctlon:irkfc», I>ults, IVulh,
Pastes, and Fancy Articles of every uescrlption.
The attention of ladies la,especially invited lo
ills extensive nasortmeA of, fancy articles. La
dies’ Toilet Fancy Soaps and Perfumes of every
variety. Gentlemen pre Invited to Ids examine
fine assortment of Fancy Articles. Sugars, Chi
na and Porcelcnn Pipes, Tolmccoes of every va
riety, Shaving and Toilet Soaps, which will be'
fofend to lie very superior 5 Canes, Riding and
Carriage Whins, and many oilier articles which
more especially Interest gentlemen.
hami nUml>Cr W verjr anterior Woolen Matts on
The Proprietor happy to have his
friends generally cal! and examine his good*,
whetiior they may wish lo purchase or not
Carlisle, March 23, I^6l
Very Important, to Purchaser*.
rPIIK subscriber has,just opened tho largest
Jl end must splendid clock of Spring and Sum
mer Goods, over Carlisle, consisting
of an immense stock of,
Irish Linous, French Worked Collars,
UndcrslooVos/Flounclngs, Ilandkcrelilefs, be.,
purchased Tr6m tho Inlportcrs in New York,
and will lift sold ni prlcfcktodofy all competition.
Also, a largft assortirloift of black and colored
Silks, Borage do lnJnos,'*Baragca, Lawns, Bon.
nets, Ribbons, be.’ Ohlldrun’sand Misses rials
of every quality.
Oomoonoand all before purchasing elsewhere,
and you will save money...
Carlisle, April 8, 1860.
Ifotlco td Aetnlfers of l,U|i(<m.
,*A LL poreonswkoinftfod applying for License
J\ to Retail Llqpbrs Will tklco notice of tho fob
lowing ordor'of Court i • v '-
And now,i 10th ‘ day* tiff ’March, 1850—The
Court fix tboi April' and 1 -August Sessions,
of the , Court of Quarter' Session's, for Jienr.
Jpg. applications’ for 1 License, for tho sale
of Vinous, > Hpirltmuj Malt and Browed
Liquors, under the Act of -14th April, 1865, at
which time all persons making objections will
bo hoard. Br tub Court.
John 6T. Gregg, Clerk.
March 27, Bt,
Falin n dWin Ice g '•
816r0.~ W0 bog- leave tP Inform our mends,
and customers, as well as the public. In general,
that wo have just received, and arc constantly
receiving, tm/extensive; istock' of /SOMonnblo
Clothing, which wo will sell on thpmostaccpm
modkting terms, lowPr thon that of any other
. establishment in this or
Those' having a proper regard for economy, com
fort and gentility of dross,'are politely Invited
to an Inspection of our gbodsj’ manufactured by
the best work*moh, materials ol tlio best fabrics,
and most select styles. Amongst our ( choice
nnd chcap'ossorlment will bo found .
Fine Black Cloth Dress and Frock Coats , Sacks,
Plain and Fancy Cassimerc, Clouded Cash
'incrctie, Tweed, Summer Cloth, Amen,
' ifiicn Duck, Oingham and Check
Pantaloons.— New stylo of fancy nnd black
Cassimerc, Cassinct, Corduroy, Smuttier Cloth',
Linen, Linen Duck, and an endless variety’Pf
Summer punts. 1 ‘
Vests. —A very largo nnd rich assortment, such
as black satin', ombroiderefL'Groija'dino, fancy
silk, fancy chock, J 1 baSsimoro, Marseilles, Sum
mer Cloth,-&C.-7 *} r . J 2 f T'-IIS >
Boys 3 Clothing.-rA. groat-assortment of sack
and frock, of linen, ginghanr-uiid tweed sack
and frock coats, pants and Vdfct‘6.
Shirts. —Fine white shirts with linen bosoms',
calico and different chock shirts, collars,
ponders, gloves; umbrellas, carpot I lmgS;'&c. ‘ 1
Straw Hats and Caps.— ‘An extensive stock'of
palm leaf, Canton and Leghorn lints { Bilk, Pi I,
and Navy caps; a choice assortment of silk
neck and pocket handkerchiefs, stocks, &c.
Call there and you may roly upon It that every
article yon purchase will prove to bo precisely
wbat it is represented to be, and you will save
a handsome per ccntago on your purchase mo
ney—for Ih giving bargains, STEINER At BltO.
can’t be bent!
Carlisle, Oct 11, 1855.
Tovru anil Country.
THE subscriber takes this' method of Inform
ing his friends and the public generally, that
he continues to carry on the Cabinet anti Under
faking Business, at hid stand, North' ITanover
street, nest door to Ilavorstick’s drug store,
and noarjy opposite the Carlisle Deposit Bank.
Coffins made at the'shortest notice and at mod
erate prices. Having provided Himself with a
new and fine Hearse, be will attend funerals in
town and country, .personally, without any oxJ
tra charge. He will also carry
on tlio Cadinkt Making in all
egJJli-M remits various branches, and will
constantly keep on hand Bureaus, Secretaries,
Work Stands, Parlor Ware, Upholstered Chairs,
Sofas, Ottomdns, Sofa Tables, Giird, Side, Din-
Ing and Breakfast Tables, Clumber Ware, such
as French Field, (high and low posts,) Curtain
and Jenny Lind of dif
ferent kinds, Wardrobes, Vcnitian Blinds, and
Chairs of all kinds, and all other articles usual
ly manufactured in tins lino of business.
His workmen are experienced, eastern city
workmen, and his work is made in the latest
city style, and all under his inspection, and of
the host matorl ds; nil of which is warranted to
be good, arid will be sold low for cash. Ho In
vites all to give hint a call before purchasing
elsewhere. For the liberal patronage hereto
fore extendcd.htm, be feds indebted to his mi
, mcroua customers, anil assures them that no
i efforts will be spared In future to please them in
stylo, manufacture and price. Gfvo us a call.
Remember the place, nearly opposiio the Bank.
April 19, 1855. DAVID SiPE.
*• ( r.n. SMITH,
'tort Monnaie, Pocket Book,
V. W. $ Chcsnut Sis.
; Philadelphia,
Always on hand a large & varied assortment of
Port Mommies, Work Boxes,
Pockct'Books, Cabas, ,
Bankers Coses, Traveling Bags,
Note Holders, ’ ' Backgammon Boards,
Fort Folios,Chess Men,,
! Vo’rtatdo Desks,’ : Memorandum Books,
i Dressing Cases, Cigar Cases, fee.
Also, a general assortmentof English, French
and German Nancy Goods. - 1 i
Fine Pbcket'Cutlery, Razors, Razor Strops
and Gold Pens, wholesale, Second and'Third
floors. .. ,F-Jl. SMITH,
’ ’ N. W. cor. Fourth $ Chestnut Sts. phila.
' B.— ( Qn the receipt of $l, u superior Gold
Pen will be’sent to any part’of tin; United Staten
by mailjT-debcribing pen, thus,.medium, liunl,
or soft. ' , r .
April 5,’1855—1y
Kcnti I Rend !
MU. DAVID SIDE, of Carlisle, ims boon ap
pointed Agent for the county of Cumber
land, lor the sale of FISK’S PATENT METAL
LIC BURIAL CASE, whicli is superior to any
of the kind now in use, for ordinary interments
and transporting the dead. It prevents Imme
diate decomposition and obviates the necessity
of hasty burials* for, being perfectly air-tight,
it prevents any unpleasant odor from escaping
ami can he kepi from day to day, until it suits
the convenience of the friends of the deceased
to inter. Wo might offer hundreds of certlll
cates In corroboration of these facts, but tlio
following will suffice:
Certificates from Clay , Webster and others.
Wasiiinoton, April Olh.
Gentlemen—Wo witnessed the utility of your
ornamental “Metallic Patent Burial Case,”used
to convey the remains of the late Ityn. Jqhn C.
Calhoun*td IhoOongresNlontilCcmetry, which
impressed us with (he belief that It is the best
article known to us for transporting the dead to
their final resting place. With respect we sub
scribe ourselves.. Yours, &c.
11. Clay, Lewis Cass,
Daniel Wkdster, I). 8. Dickinson,
Jkkv. Davis, W. K. Kino,
J. M. Hkuuirn, 11. Domor,
W. P. Manouu, D. R. ArcniNstm.
Thu abovo.describod Burial Cases can, ut all
limes, ho obtained of the subscriber, nt his
Waro-rootris fiAarly opposite Uio Bunk, North
Uuuuver street, Carlisle.
May 17, 1R55. •'
subscriber hnsjust received from Phila
l dolphin, a large assortment of seasonable
Goods, which will he sold v#fy cheap, opposite
the Railroad Depot.
Carlisle, Feb. 21, 1850—41
Steam Boiler for Ante,
ry'TIE Subscriber offers for sale a new Steam
I Boiler, eighteen feet lonfe b thirty inches fn
diameter, with one fourteen Inch flue, apply at
tho Paper Mill at Pnpertown.
Pel). 7, 1850.
Valuable Properly for Buie.
THE two story Brick House and Back-build
ing, with a pump, cistern, and all necessary
out-buildings attached, situate in North Ilanpyor
street, Ju Carlisle, is offered fofsaie. "Thositf
nation is a good one for « private residence or
for business. Tho tonus will easy. Apply to
J. R. WEAVER, jJgl. for JC. Dullock.
July 20, 1866—tf
Family Coal
TONS Lyken’a Valley Goa), b’rokon
vvlUand roßcroonud, prepared expressly for
family use and under cover, so that I con fur
nish it dry and clean during the winter,demon.
I have also on,hand and for sale, the Luke.
(Idler "Coal, from (ho mines of Boydj, Rossor*b
Co., and Slmniokln Coal, from tho mines
Coehrap, Pculob Co., all of which I will sollpt
small profits for cash, and dollvct to Any part of
(ho Borough*
November 16, 1866. . ,
TRUNKS and Carpet Bags. A largo lot of
|TravuUing Trunks and Carpet Bags forsoio
April 5, 1865.
MONEY Wauled in payment for sub
scrlphon, advertising and job-work.
$5OOO Kcw^wWGTOtßacc.i
'I HE great fac'd i)ot\V6oii tlioXldtmng Stores'
I of Carlisle, rcsulted'in thcTCOiflpleW'trlumpli!
of thoVeW sfbro'of' ARNOIJI? £ SOOT, In .the*
store room occupied T)y
boll,-comer of Nbfth HattOrOP nnd ; Louthcr«t{).
It Is now conceded 4)y aU and evory l onßfhat‘
they stand ilro-cminont among tho clothingddnl
ers in Carlisle j having succeeded in convincing
tlieir-friends, that they can soil, Clothing nu\de
and got up,accordlng t to Jlio latest styles, from'
iJO to 25 per cent, cheaper tlmn.any otheVihouse
1h possibly .nl>lo,.td furnish .them, .They,,have
now on hand a large and splendid assortment of
Ready-made* I ,Clothing
Furnishing Goods, CIOtM, Casslmerbs and Vest
ings. Also, Hats and Capa, and cygry thing in
their lino for Men and Boys. Their materials
wero selected with tho greatest caro, purchased
ut the lowest cash prices, and .at; such.hoiiacp
only, who nqver deal In anything like auction
trash. Their friends may : assured,
that articles purchased of them will ami-must!
givo satisfaction.. ; Clothlpg, made tjie short
est’hbtlco Inlho' most tafihionablo stylo,l Having
for that purpose secured tho services,
porlenced Cutter; and laid in a splendid atjsoH
tnont of Cloths, CassinVcrcs, Vestings; 'sc., Avouch
for beatify and durability cannot,, bd Surpassed.
To the citizens of tho surrounding country wd
would trial.' ■ AlliSo ask is a
fair look at our stock nnd.we will not fail to dOn
vinco .vou that our,Clothing is better made, 6f
hotter materials, bettor trimmed, cut with more
taste, and last though not least, Cheaper -than
you have ever bought elsewhere, r
lot of TcunkSajCarpct Bags* Umbrellas, sei '
All hail creation fhr.and near,
Of AnNOwp’a.Storej-ou shall hoars
Let'[fodllng drnrts'ahif &dnnoWs’roAr ;
Proclaim the news from shore to shore j
Great bargains sure, are on the wing,
Rare wonders then wo now will slugi
At first we’ll speak of Clothing rape, ‘
ylU.rj\akp yon.ataiy,?
Of broad rind narrow cloth so cheap'
TVc’II take a moment’s tinjo to speak,
Delighted too yon can’t hut be
With prices and their quality;
Dress and Sack Coats—aye, Vestings too,
IVhnt’bargains' oo\v, fornUofyou!. i•. nul
The Gents will our compliments receive,, ,
Add call they must the wonders tq.bpllpvc. ,
In Pants wo have all klndsof styles,
OWflolWnnd upwards, piles on-piles,
In Summer Goods —for soOh ’twill come—
IYoMI give you bargains all for tun.
Frocks and Over-‘6oattl Vcfvcry fine,
Great wonders yon HlurtTseß in cvcry'llhe./
Hosiery, Suspenders, tinder-shirts tor all/
All kinds of Gloves to please nll’Who call.
But wo cannot stop to enumerate,'
ll’o hare bargains both good and’great.
Our stock too In the Furnishing lino
Is plentiful, cheap and'lino.
ARNOLD £ SON’S Clothing tfatt.
April 12, 1856.
Drugs, Confectionaries, Ac.
rpms undersigned has Just returned from Phif-*’
| adelphia, with a fresh supply of DRUGS,
CONFECTIONARIES, &c. These, with his
ofnrmur stock on hand, will make
Ygr assortment of Drugs, Medicines
Chomicftls complete. Ills assortment XJL
of Confectionaries is-nlso unusually fine, cop-'
slating of pure sugar white and transparent can
dy Toys, common, assorted, (ind line candles of
every variety; also} frnßsVnutsf'hnd every tiling
belonging to tlmt department of trade, r: ,/ /
He would call special attention to his supply
of FANCY ARTICLES, for the Holiday*, and
for general use. All are invited to call, whether
they wish to purchase or not.
Carlisle, Dec. 21, 1864.
I'IIK Allen and East Ponnsborp’ Mutual Fire
Insurance Company of Cumberland county,
incorporated by an act of Assembly, is now fully
organised. and in operation nmlor.thc'managci
numt of the following Managers, viz :
Daniel Bally, \\'nV. It. Uorgan, Michael Cock,’-
lin, Melchoir Brenucmnn, Christian 'SfayWii,
,lohn C. Dunlap, 1 Jacob If. Coqver,Ebwis llyor,
Henry Logan, BcnJ. 11. Mussor. Jacob Muimim,
Jos. Wickerslmm and Alexander Cathcrirt.
Tim yates.ot insurance nre ns low and.nivora
bib as any'Company of the kind In the State.—
Versons wishing to become
ted to Inako application to the Agents ollhp
Com|»any who are willing to wait,upon them. at
any tlm.o. ‘
BENJ. 11. MUSSER.Frcs.
Henry Logan, Vice Pies.
Lewis Htm. Sect’ry,
Mn itAKt. Cocklin, Treasurer.
Aug. Hi, ’55.
Cumberland County. —Rudolph Martin* Now
Cumberland; C. 11. Herman, Kingstown; Henry
Zoarltig, Shlremanatown; Charles 8011, Carlisle;
Samuel (iniliam, Weflljienueboro’j Jus. M’Dow
ell, Frankford; Mode (JriAllh, Smith Middleton?
Samuel Wuudlnifn, Dickinson; Samuel Coover,
ilenj. Havcrstkk, Mecljonicshurgi John Shor
rick, Lisburn ; David Coover, Shephvrdstoirn,
Voik County. —John Don man* DUlsburg; .I*.
B’olford. Franklin; John Smith, Esq.. Wash
inglou; W. S. I’icking, Dover; J. IV. Craft, Da*
radiso. . <■
//ormfrurg.—Houser & Lochmnn.
Members ol tiie Company having policies about
to expire, ran have them renewed by making
application to any of the Agents. i»- ’
SOUTH Hanover Street, next.door to the
J’ (JMice.
N. 11. Wilt lie absent from Carlisle the lust
ten days of each month.
August 10, 1800.
Trusses! Trusses!!
Tnrss and Brace EbtaDusument,
S. IF. Cor. of Twelfth and Hare Sls. t P/p/0.,
, .iMPOUTEtt of Aim. French ,Trusses/
extreme. iightnfss t ease uml
durability \yith cqryect construct!?*!.
Hernial or, ruptured natientp can bo pult,ecX by
remitting amounts, as below:—Sending number
of inches round tho hips* and stating side af
focted. ' , i *
Cost of Single Tniss, $2, $B, $4, $5; Double
—s6, $O, $8 and sl6. Instructions as to wear,
and how to otfect a euro, when possible, sent
with the Truss.
Also forsalo, in great variety,
'Dr. Banmftg’i ‘lmproved PftteHlTiody’Dynte,
For tho cure of Prolapsus Uicrlj SplhiU I’ropa
and Supports, X’atont Shoulder Braces, Chest
Expanders and. Erector Braces, adapted to all
with Stoop Shoulders and Weak Lungs; English
Elastic Abdominal Bolts, Suspensories,Syringes'
—male and (cmaio.
Ladies’ ilooms, with Lady attendants.''
August 2,1855—1 y
Plumbers & Gas Fillers,
riMIK HultßcribcjH nro prepared,to oxoeuto all
i_ kinds of work In their lino, viz j , ,
and Iron I’lpun, Until Uollera*, ... .
Hydrants, VTator'Cioßetn,
Batli Tubs, Wash liaslns, .
Hot and Cold Sliowor Fnreo and IdllPimipi!,
Baths, Ilydrnidic llama', &c.,
Plain and Orpamcgtol Gas
furnlsbud fin'd’ put up oiTtiic nmsl'reasonable
lornis. Fixtures put up In Churches nl short
notice, in tlio most modern stylo.
CiyJobMpg attended to.
October 26, 1855. , ‘
deiUlemon’M Simtvh., „
AN extensive Assortment for aalo by Wm. A.
Miles, Main street, opposite the Telegraph
Oftlco, Carlisle. • . *
OctoUor.2s, 1856. *, ■ * .• • T
T»r. Tar, Tar*
JUST received and fop■ sdfo/100 kegs best
qualUy TAK i also, a largo lot- of patent
Wheel Grease for carriage's, wagons,&o., attho
old stand, East Main street*
March 27. ' r H. SAXTON.
Every dcncrlptinn
ity/thhirhoW’opoitcd v d
ST&-' ,|
nls is. iujtlroiy pow„aad,i m .
Atfonttehia especially invituil^Vf'i
Mtilidnca. Esjcnt'n.l OM&TJncfotm
tracts; ConloDctions, ’CLniics ,J-V
W'mm ffl 11 ''''®
o( every, Ho ,l.os «I SO w, h m ,. ''
l’stf !, SoTpsXVfr
clotho'f and. flesh .Brushes; 5.m,,,,w cs »Mt
KxliatiMciJ, Shields, TouthaVn’i. B,e »l
Bipioia. !
of tho heat quality., , Sugars, from m, L, „!
yonu.,an(l / Spanish, houses, of every a..7*lJlt
one ; cent upwards. , J ensure Us Customers .Id 1 '!
Ipkesßurlpgrany temporary ahseuce Sg«fc
l l , t *°fe r r t V, l scry.ocs pl-an experiencedUs
potent assistant have boep, secured
.ho (olt to ho Important, in view, of cb
hm.,^:llibl.; f r o known ■todevotrea,^
nnd'Merclmnlsin tlie Country .till h n n
cart, and 1 at prices which must prove « n .!?“ ,'i 1 ! 1
■ A liberal of public patronsw
fully ddlicited. Terms n ’rri.
jdMarchgs; IBM,
H) J K - A* * «■» til t o|)Tlc7 J 1
mnOSE of .you who have licon uflllcfVl
JL., years, with .this Watlwomodiacaw Su
have beep using almost, every nostnmv wi!
<hc public,without relief, Wo say to 2
*.?V® r 'r? iAptl-dyspppllc,” and-you wm S( S
]?<i bonVJnccd of its great superiority ovur ,i
other preparation,; Wo could give you 2
crirtlflcatcscorroboratlng bur assertion la
siriglc triri] is Worth more than all. TLlsnwV
is prepared ‘ahd’Botd at tlio'Driig store of ‘ M *
South HanoVer sfrdot, n fcw' Uoon bo«ii I
the CourMiohso,' ■
Carlisle, Juno 15; 1854,’
m lIE , subscribed respectfully . Inform* i-u
and the public generally, tlmi l t u
lds Hat and Cap Store to hie now S
ihg tn Main street, where ho will be glad hlc>
his old cu.stoinere.nnd friends. He' bus not«
hand a splendid) assortment of Uitj *1
JSmSj all’descriptlons, from the common ITt!
tfio finest' Fur rind Silk
prices thaj must suit every one who
to getting 1 fhe worth'of Ida money. TThSfj
Moleskin and -Beaver Hats, arc
lightness, durability and tlnish, l.y those of
other establishment In the county. f
, Boys’ Tints'rifbVorytfoscriptiou ccnMarilijij
hand. Cali and examine. •• ■■■ i
:h- ■ • • • tvm. n. Tnorr*
Cprlfplo, .Match 23, 1863. -
,11 . D CLIFTOW A: SOS’S .
Men’s and Boys’ Clothing Slori,
Jforih-ecui cor , of Second and Dock SiutU,
Philadelphia* .
To CiTJ&r.HB or CAotisiE Asn Vicmm. :
YpU ar'u roppectfully invited laezatnlnrih
extensive'and varied assortment of Un\
and Boys* Clothing, at the store of the snUcri.
bers, where may always by found a full Mifjilj.
Oifileridy-tnudc Clothing, of all and de.
siyijUions. tvorn hy monand b'jysofailngmnt
sires, mnilo by.ospcrieyccd .workmen and of lb
vefJ”W»t irintorlal, tlie make) fit, and npprir
nncc'-sutpasscd-by.nd’c'slnblishmcnt in (he citr.
Please pyceeryo tills,notice, and give me a can, 1
anil fit out- yourselves and sons in a mannit
wbrtliy ofybri rind them. Bcim‘inhcrtlio!vorft
Kast'CorneVof Sceobd and Dock streets.
Svr. lIAVEIISTICIC, dins just rccelrdJ
• from tho city, ond la now opening a iplral
did display of Fancy Goods,, suitable far Ihj
present seuaobt towhich'lib .desires to pill lb
attention, of hji friends and Ihc pullicl Hint.'
so'rtment in this lino cannot be surpassed In »
velty> audelognnco, omJ'both In Quality and pri«
ol thq articles,xannot fail Jo please pimliiwi
It \v'uj|iT(l .be impossible ?ia.
, * Fancy Goods,
ty i bT-tilncj r ari!ila
of (he most exquisite xbrtpdy such us
Pniper Mnche GocuW,! '•
1 Elegant alabaster nnd porcelain inkstandiui
trays,. ■>
Fahey,lvory, pearl ondshell cord cases.
Knifies* Fancy baskets.
Fanqy prprk,boxes, with sowing instrnmenta.
Fort Mpmiales, of every-variety.
■ Gold peris mid pencils, fancy paper. weights.
Paputerics, aqd aiargeyntiely ol ladies'
stafTonoryT*' . ,
Motto seals nnd wafers, silk and bend pnr«».
Ladies’ riding wlHpfl, elegantly (Iniahcd, L»-
tiles’ flao cuttlery.
* PerfUmc baskots'nnd bogs.
Brushes ol oVory kindTo* tho toilet.
i Uopjpcl’fl pqrtumca of the various kind'*
Musical Instruments, Of all kind* arid at iV
prices, together pith am Innumerable variety*
articles elegantly Anlshcd and suitable fur boii
<|ay proscntyi to which ho invites special •H ef| l
Don. Aleoj an extensive collection of HOLD
DAY GIFT’ • . , „ ’ ..
; ' 'BOOK s., •
comprising tho Various English nnd AniencH
Animals for 18sK»i rlohly ombelllahed and ills*
irate ’ Poetical-Works, with Children’s PiclirW
Books,Tor children Of all ages. Ills assortmed
of School Books and School Stationary is
complete, oml'comprises everything psed inCd
logos and tho schools, lie also calls attention l«
to his elegant dislay of
Ltimps, Oi’iandolcs,
rfom tiro extensive establishments of Cornelia*.
Archer and ‘others, ot - Philadelphia, comprlsi*!
ovc r yjtylo,pf,l*urlQT*.Cliuiuhor itStudy Lwnj*
A)r burning either lard, sperm or elherinl oil, l ft
gctlioruvith ttowor vaso/r, Fancy Screens, Ac.-
Ills ÜBsofimont in this lino is unequalled In wj
Fruit.*, Fancy Confcctioney, .
Nuts, Preserved Friiita, &c., In every varH* ir
at all prices, nil of which arc pure and frosh,
Vs can ho cunAdouly rocommonded to hi*
4nd tho little folks. Remember tho f olil ,un *
opposite tho B&nkl f ' ' ' ■* * ,e, ‘ * „„ l
< Si w. nAVEBSiw*-
■ Carlisle, December 21, 1854. -
MKSjHEVNQLDS would Inform uH | n ' cr *
oatod, that she has returned from I '*' la
phla, where alio Jmd been for a Jvyf
qulrlng the nihbrotyplng.or i -i
lug glass, 1 which have only* o ’
soon- fo bo admired by oil I drew of pfcll) P .
turos, or of those whom tho picture* rcl ,rt ! tf ‘ j
«llor course of 1 instruction lias-oocnduii
complete, there having been engaged it) l,l ,
lublishmcnt in which slid wos/iho heat an
talent in tho city in all branches of P!' 0 ;. P rt .
phypand’ the gentlemanly proprietor n ™‘v ( ’ n t
torn spared no pains to give her on *’ ne * * n .
knowledfcd 6f the oft/ ' SHo’llipreforo feel« W i
fldenl ot being able to perform all ali° IJT . rO .
when (hat promise la, to furnish nag oo "
types, na well aa doguorfeotypea, us cun i ~
ducod elsowhcrd. • • ' ‘ iwn'sliH
A won) for ombroty pest though there j
tlioao who will prefer tlmduguerrcol>P°tv>. 1
ambrotypo has several advantages oy ot *gubV
ambrotypo cun bo aeon In any .
jpet to change, UamptiCs* having no V AfbVd- ;
In fact there Is no way to destroy a "
type when finished, but by. breaking ({*•*,. i
. Persons arc Invited fo examine spool .j #J , |
llorfws still at the south-west corner ’
over and Louthor «ts., o\ ; cr Mr.? ,cr
ijot Wavoroom, whord she Mtes one)
rous friends and patrons, and as mtuu no^,
os mny tbol disponed to Invor her \vlth i ,
Partialo, Tub 14,
£JII AUOOAI «» l»" :
Novorabot’ 22/1866.'