American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, March 27, 1856, Image 3

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    ' " ■ iFrohl'iht Sunday Leader, Jdarch i,G.]
Vhe llrt -oir.,n’Slioftmiin.-.Ulcii to-day mid
Poor To-iltorroW-’-’lltto, tunning; 6 Uanget
-sus i!|ctiitnl in dlmnaii Character^
,p, T. Bamum, wh6 a few radnthsago was ro
uted to bo worth half a million oT ilollnrs, now
f O mQ9 • before, tho .Supremo Court, brought
S, ty soinc of his creditors, to explain all a
ills brbpctly.. He states that ho now llyos
la city, that Museum, pnoo his, and all
J*9 curiosities, have beeii sold for $24,000? that
ho paid $12,000 tor it fourteen years ago, ami
}htU now ho has not tho least interest in it. Hu
fcays that last Juno he was worth $500,000. II is
property ho valued at $BOO,OOO, and ho owed
|jfos,ooo.' ' About this period the Jeromes came
along and wished Idm to endorse their notes
for $lOO,OOO. Barmim.dld ,i land repeated liis
endorsements on similar paper, as he supposed,
to take up tho former.
Finally ho ascertained that ho had endorsed
to tho .amount of $404,000, ami so fur as lie
kt)ppsj tliofe.iuny bo amlllion of dollars of this
paper out, as ho often signed in blank for the
Jeromes to pat to what amount they chose.
Still, B.irnnm don’t consider that he has failed,
*a he says his refusal to pnyithese “clock debts”
of the Joremcs don’t exactly constitute a failure.
Ho alleges that (ho holders of these obligations
of his were tho vory peVsons who induced him
to become responsible for the Jeromes.
The splendid paintings at BarmmTs house at
tranistan, ho says ho sold for $2,000, though
jhey cost him $lO,OOO. His present assets are
Crystal Jalaca stock, which Is not worth halfas
luuch as the skin.of tho celebrated woolly horse
bnco in his possession.
Now whoever has vend Burnum’s biography,
ifrltton hv himself, will consider it very strange
(ha( ho did not follow his ommj advice. Who
(hat knows Harnttm could believe that ho would
bndursu tho notes of a clock company to the
bifont ofcnearly .every dollar lie was worth in
the world, Addording to his owji estimate of tlu*
fcUUti of his property InJunclast. lie
owned property which ho valued at $BOO,OOO,
and It was mortgaged forabouf $BOO,OOO, which
left him about $500,000. At this very time he
indorsed notes for nearly half a million o( dol
-ars, without even carefully scrutinizing the re
sponsibility of those whoso paper ho ptit Ids
virau to* Ho oVen mortgaged his property to
raise $BO,OOO fal tho Jeromes in December Inst.
Chore ruily bo ft woolly hofse in atl Mils reputed
’uiluro of Barntiffl after all* Tho Jeromes did
lot get tills $BO,OOO. Barnnm says he raised
tiobtfrtdlon several States, counties, and towns,
>at a friend of his just at this time had looked
nto tlio affairs of tho Jeromes, and told Bnrnum
hot they were bankrupt, and ho was ruined.
Inrnum then sold these bonds, at a loss ot $BO. -
BOO,*and took tho money 1 , lie Says, to pay his
swn dobtd.
IgThoro cannot bo much sympathy fbrßarntim.
hoevcr has read Ills biography, frotn his own
must bo satisfied that his moral prin- I
’Ctplcfi were never- sttotigly developed- Ilia
book,’whichhomanageclto sell in various c*nnn
fcrles of tho globe, has disgraced the American
.flame. It Is nothing htit q history of the art of
Flatting money under (also pretences; and the
|®nthor, In a moral point of view, is no better
gSban thousands who have suffered the penalties
wife tho liws (branch practices. The world is al-
Ways bettor off without such geniuses ns Bai
ptn. No one pretends that he ever possessed
Silent in any honorable and dignified employ.
Moot.’ YIo is a mere cunning showman, who
Iwbuld seize upon other men’s ideas and apply
||Biin to the art of money making without prop-
reuitlttctatlon eVcn in a business point uf
Show the hotv yoti live, and where yon live,
whehJ you get your means to live?” This
ono of fhoqnestions put to Barnum during
ixaminatiolt; and ho replied to it by saying
he lived In this city, in Kigth street, and
I boarders, an had ho other means of eup
i except sonic meat given to him by his
In-hiv, in Cincinnati, and some Vcgntohtcs
:h grdtv on his farm last year. He said he
a gold Watch, and n brerist-pih, Worth some
of five hundred dollars, which he would
IUCo, If required'to do so. Ho also daslml
mlarked that he had (wo suits of clothes
twenty five dollars in motley.
From the Cincinnati Commercial.
The Devotion of a Wife.
Dno of life most remarkable instances on rc
rd alluring devotion ot ft wilu to hor
abamt,’under llioniost trying and dreadful
‘cumstaaccs. is given in tho history bl (he
unroo tragedy, m Colos county, Illinois. A.
i Monroo killed his father-in-law —Ellington
Id a tight, In which Ellington struck the first
»w. Public opinion was so savage against
Inroo that tho Court, and even the attorneys
■ the defence were overawed, and a change of
Ine, which was begged by the prisoner, was
■ obtained. Tho attorney ot Monroe teared
apply for it, apprehending murderous designs
Who part of tho people- The (rial proceeded
5 the Jury did not dare to find tho prisoner
Rty of any tiling but murder in tho first degree,
I.he was sentenced to be banged. The Go-
Enor impressed that something was wrong in
I case,' granted a respite of ninety days, und
I mob broke into the jail and dragged Monroo
1 and hung him. Amid all thisterrlhlu storm
Idnfurlatcd public opinion, though his wife’s
ijbor w trn Hhj victim in whose name the cry
lyongcanco was raised, and lie liad been a last
g|, having drank hard apd kept bad company,
Mtoo retained tho kivo of his “Nannie” to
tfdast. Whcrt ire Imd been murdered by the
gL she begged for Ids remains, Imd them
jfHportcd to n burial place, a few miles above
import, ow the Licking Liver, and there, with
Scblld in- her arms, stood tho only monrner
«lls graVo. Tlireu days hufpru his death site
ylo to her husband as The person
Shi she it cnlions ns Pole, Is N. B. Aulich, a
plaint relative* of hor husband :
Cnxni.KSTON, Feb. 12th, 1856.
Hr Even Dkah HusiiaNu:— How miserable
h>inust bo. My Very heart aches for yon. I
arc not given up yet—l still have a hope,
■now at Mr. 'Bail’s with Polo and Ma. Polo
• been a brother to mo and a friend to yon.
Btend to mnko ids homo my home, wherever
u may bo—l-hopo a good waj'Jntfb here —(ho
iher from lioro tho better. I'ftould rather
Itfo-mgA/, than tostay here imiong myrnrimrt,
■those who oro your enemies arc mbit, and
|t friends arc my friends,
fts soon as I can make arrangements and get
■ means, I will leave this town, werer f»> ro.
m ogaln. May is welt- FurcWell-, but I hope
ttuhtcribt myself yonr irtlc and devoted wife,
"£-v • dnd proud to own it*
Anininl Food,
!•■'s»•* IcCtuVb gWch by Dr. Kune to (he citizens
of Now York, ho mentioned tho fact Chat the
(nerdnau of cold on Hit) human body lequiied a
6Mtd»pondlng increase of animal food. If this
|g‘(bo case, we have reason to buUnvo tbnt tho
■jUtomptlon of animal fond (or tho last few
Silts must bnro been much Increased in these
BiiVjcct of Dr. Kano’s lecture, the N.
Post remarks:
w. opportunity bus llius been Riven of tost
-sv;lit* tho ability of the Iminau body to resist a
E attire of seventy degrees below zero, for
months together. The Doctor and his
roro enabled Jo do this by an imimmso
mtlon of animal food, the ordinary daily
lie tp each man bo|ng six or eight ducks,
Bivalent In mayoral pounds of the /at
ortly after (ho discovery of the popipouml
of the atmosphere hy Priestly, Crawford
ud the theory that the Animal heat of the
i maintained at a uniform temperature of
rccs, by means of a liberal consumption
i containing carbon in excess, as anlnuil
hero (litvcold Is severe. The most beau.
4 brilliant scries of experiments prosocu-
Liebig, wore those intended to establish
jory, which they do most successfully,
this, connection, tho experiment of Dp;
imJrlds party, In showing the kind, and
t of food required to enable U:n Inunaa
a resist the depressing influence of u con
low temperature, for a period of time
tnnp any other recorded, is. of tho high
ctical value,' °
fCT" A physician passing by autQno ipftSQn.’fl,
pp. bawled out—“ Good morning Mr. U.—.
[rd at work, I eco. You finish your grave
mens far os ‘ln memory of,* and them wait,
(uppbso, to see who wantsa monument ncxil”
prhy - yes," replied the old man; “unless
pcoody*a sick, and you are doctoring Idm
PI.I keep right op. 1 '
Cold Comfort for. the Kflow^othings.
'fhb iVor/fi American, tho loading Whig pa
per of- Philadelphia, refuses to endorse Fill
more a nomination. After publishing extracts
from the speeches ol several of tho leading
Know-Nothings, in their so-called National
Convention, to show the spirit which actuated
that-molly assemblage, the editor says:
•I *f2 w t is froin “ Convention Urns deporting
itself, whose members, men of hihturc ngb, nntl
•social position, clergymen and lawyers mid
nondescripts, hug each other in maudlin bn
thusiasm, and make speeches about ■•Sam.”
and “Saint Hitdkbrahd,” and “spavined hor
ses, that this nomination comes : and coining
thus, it has no rigid to ask the support of
Whigs and fair-minded men ,of any parly.-
Surely we may be permitted to hesitate. As
sure as the painful distrust which on this sub
jeet tills the public mind is justified.
But the Whigs of Pennsylvania and Phila
delphia have peculiar motives for resolute re
serve just now. No where has the parly which
nominated Mr. Fillmore loft more deplorable
traces than hereabout.-*. Neither locality nor
in the nation has it been such, we mean admin
istratively, ns to command confidence. Less
than two years ago it Sprang into gigantic ex
istence. and commanded something kindred to
admiration or fear. With a Strong hand and u
grasp so hold that a stout and honest heart
•seemed to nerve it, look possesion in one place
nr another of power and patronage. Pcnnsyl
vania and Massachusetts and New York all
yielded. But the instant it conquered power it
showed itself unfit or unable to administer it.
'lbis was manifest to every eye. and there were
many, oursevtes among the number, who look
ed at Ibis result with disappointment. The
two repulsive elements of secrecy and sectarian
proscription, alien to the beart'aud intelligence
of the American people, only worked out their
genuine fruits when the secret ami sectaiian
party gitf into place. A general sentiment of
distrust pervaded even* on’s mind, and the end
was what we have said. Now. is it to he won
dered at that with these facts still recent—for
two years is the limit—conservative men should
regard with suspicion a nomination made
about which they ha\e not only not, been con
sulted, but from which they have been repell
ed ?
To surti conservative men who have not yet
spokni, wc fitly, in all earnestness, reserve your
Judgment. This nofnination Ims no nnlecodtnls
to Command ncquiesenco from Whigs or those
who act with Whigs. Least of all, Has it any
claims on Pennsylvanians. We have not for
gotten tho scenes of last Winter’s legislation,
ami its impotent intrigues, and remember well
that the party whose Convention now: nomi
nates Mr. FdlmOre was in power and responsi
ble then. Philadelphians, too, may will pause
liefuie they follow this New Yoik city lend,*
linding. as they do. among Mr. Fillmoie s pro
minent thanks'givers in this Convention, those
who have signalized themselves by hitter oppo
sition to our local inlmsts. Tho lime will
soon eonie when those who hnxe heretofore pro
fessed Whig piinci|Jts, and who ha\e. as vet,
formed no oilier connexion, ought to determine
on their course and manfully proclaim it.
the I?>lh msl., by the Rev. .1 l-Nans. Mr. Lck kiu>, to Miss II ns in htt a W i;av y.u,
both of Newton twp,, this county.
the same day. by tiiu same. Mr. David
W,A<moNßU,of N'cwvilie, to Miss Sarah Bakuii,
of Milllm twp., this comity.
A Lecture for tho benefit of be-notolent ob
jects will ho delivered at EDUCATION
HALL, on Thursday evening, March 27, 1860,
by Uuv- Gkoiiqe Lnnv. Subject— “lndustry.”
Doors open ut 7 o’clock. Lecture to com.
mence ut 7s. Tickets 12J cents.
March 27, It.
‘itll HOUSE
THE subscriber, having leased the above
well-established Hold, situate in - North
Hanover street, Carlisle, will take possession of
tho same on (he Ist of April, and give his en
tire attention to those who may be pleaded’to
favor him w illi a call.
Carlisle, Marcli 27, 1866.
B all IMiior by tlic* Ton
JUST received a largo assortment of Wall
Paper, which will bo sold vorv cheap.
March 27, 11. SAXTON.
T;u\ T;ir, Tar
JUST received ami tor sale, HH) kegs best
quality TAR; also, a largo lot ol patent
Wheel (Dense lor carriages, wagons, iw., at the
old stand. East Main stu-el.
M.urh 27. H. SAXTON.
IVoll<c lo ICelaltciN <>!' I^iquois.
ALL persons w ho Intend appl> ing foi License
to Lnpmrs will lake notice ol the fol
low ing oidi-i ut Gonrf :
And now, 1 litli duy of March, IB6G—The
Court (lx tho April and August Sessions,
of the Court ol muter Sessions, lor hear
ing applications lor, tor (ho sale
Of Vinous, Bpiiitunn, Mall and Brewed
Liquors, under the Act of 14th April, IHfm. at
w hich time all persons making objections w ill
bo heard. Bv mi; Covut.
J(tlm M. Gregg, Clerk
March 27, 3t.
Valuable; Town S*ro|>orty
SITUATE on East High street hi (He Bor
ough <>l Carlisle belonging to the heirs of
Jnnics Thompson, de'cd. Consisting of two
lull (own lots adjoining each, containing 00 feet
in front and two hundred and fifty feel indeptli.
'file liniirovemcntNiire a largo and commodious
STORY FRAME HOUSE, adjoining. The
former being very lingo and conveniently ar
ranged, would, be addiirably adapted f<ir a
Boarding House, or a pleasant Ac conifuitable
prluilo residence. Tito out buildings Arc con.
venient and in good repair.
Tlio lots are covered with excellent fruit trees
and choice shrubbery.
Tho owners are nonresidents of our Borough,
and are veiy desirous that the properl) should
he disposed of.
. Thu terms therefore will Uc made advantage
oua to purchasers. Enquire of
ileal Estate Agent to Scrlvtmur
Carlisle, Mat'd: 27, 1860, tf7
Carlisle Marble tard,
South Hanover St., opposite llentzs* Store,
THE subscriber Ims on hand a largo and well
selected stock of
Ucad-Sloneg, Monuments,
TOMBS, &c., of chaste and beautiful designs,
Which ho will soil at (ho lowest possible rates,
being desirous of Soiling out hts stock. Head
stones finished from three dollars upwards.
, Brown stone, mnrblo work, mantels, &c., for
buildings, marble slabs for furniture, &c., con
stantly on hand. Iron railing for cemotnry lots,
&0., of tiie host Philadelphia workmanship,
will ho promptly attended to.
Carlisle, March-27, 1860.,
Cuinl). Valley Railroad Company-
ON and after Tuesday, April 1, 1850, pas.
sotiger trains will leave as follows, (Sun.
days excepted,) viz t :
Fon ilArtaisDurui.
r Is* Train. 2d Train.
Leave Chnniborßbiug, 4.45 A. M. 4.30 p. M
“ SlilpiiiOiabHrg, 5.1 H “ 5.01)
“ Newviile,
5.40 “ 540 “
“ Carlisle
0.27 “ 0.18 “
“ Mechanicsh’g, 0.55 “ 0.50 «<
Arrive at Harrisburg, 7.20 “ 7.15 “
Ton Cu.vMHinisnuao.
Ij/ 7Voiii, 2il Train.
Leave Harrisburg, 8.16 A.M. 1.00 I’. M
“ Mechaniealmrg, 8.48 “ 1.80 “
“ Carlisle,
“ New ville
0.26 “ 2.11 “
10.00 “ 2.44 “
“ Shippensburg, 10.32 « 3.15 “
Arriveat Chainhersbg 11.00 “ 3.45
Trains leave Harrisburg lor Philadelphia *at
7.10 A. M., 7.50 IN M., ami 1.15 p. M..-via
Columbia. For Pittsburg, at 12.35 M. 3.30
A. M. For Baltimore, at 8.15 A. M., 1 P. M.
Trains on the Dauphin and Susi|iiuhanna Hail
Road leave Hurrisbuig for Reading. Auburn,
&c. dally.
CT7" Fares from Harrisburg, Carlisle, Sliip
peusburg, and Chamberslmrg, will lie ten reti/i
lets when paid for Tickets, at the Otllee, than
when paid in the Cars.
A. F. SMITH, Snpt.
Railroad Office, Chamb’g. »
March 27, 1850. £
Cuinh. Valley Instiliil.',
At MrxiiA.Nicgnntfl, Prxs’A.
Her. Jin. S. Lome, A. M., Principal.
tion opens on the Ist of May. All Mie
branches of a thorough Fnglish and Classical
educalion are taught hero. The Normal class
arc designed for teacheis only, or those who
desire to become Mich. Weekly lectures on
Ho 1 ' Theory h Practice of Teaching, with exer
cises on OUT LINK MAPS and illustrations
with philosophical apparatus.
Terms—Hoard, room furnished and thillon
per session (2! weeks) $O5 00
For further information address the Principal
and receive a circular.
Mechanicslmrg, Comb. Co. Pa.
March 27, 1856, 2m •
Public Sale.
IN pursuance of an order of the Court of com
mon pleas of ('imibei land county, tho under
signed will offer at Publio Sale and out-cry on
(lie pi cutises on
Saturday, thr 1 9th day of Jpi U, 186 ft,
at Iwo o'eloek P. M., of said day, tho lot of
ground with the buildings and improvements
thereon, containing
One Acioiinil Sixieoii Perches,
situated in Silver Spring township, in the conn,
ly atore-said. bounded by tlm Tin npike, Win.
Paikei, Eslielnmti, & others. about mid-way
between Hognestuwn and lyingstotMi. It being
(he same property on which Mrs. Nancy Thomp
son, de'cd.. resided. There is a two story
plastered HOUSE & STABLE on bjkl lot ol
ground. The terms will be made It noun on t lie
day of sale ny
Trustee in place of John Thompson, de'cd.
March 27, 186(5, 1(.
fertilo land at a cheap price and on easy
terms, yonr attention is called to the Jiidgcioay
Farm and Cunt Company. Twenty-live acfCH
or more in proportion, nre given for $2OO, pay.
able in instalments of- $1 per week or $4 per
month. It la located fn Elk comity, Pennsyl
vania, and has one bf tho best markets for its
produce in the State. The soil Is a rich loam,
and is not to he surpassed for fanning, ns exam
inatioo will show. It has (ho byst elements Of
prosperity, being underlaid- by two rich veins bf
coal, and will shortly po Intersected hy four rail
road*. *Tho timber htofthirmoflt valuable Wnil.
Title unoxccptionabjy good, and warrantee'
deeds aro given. It present* a good and-Sub
stnntlal opportanlty-to commence running,pro
viding for one's children or making nrrlnvest
moot. Further particulars can ho Imd from the
pamphlets which are soul to inquirers. Lcttcis
answered promptly. Apply or rfddress SXJi’t.
\V. Cattki.l., Secretary, 136 Walnut St., nbrtb
side between Fourth and Fifth sts., Philndol
phia. Full information la confained fn the
February 14, IB6o 3rn
CambcrluiKl Valley Rank.
NOTICE is hereby given, (hat Henry Saxton,
Eaq., one of tin- proprietors of tho Bank
ing House ot Ker, Brennernan tv Co . ha<i this
day, by mutual consent., withdrawn his interest
m s iwl banking Mouse.
We have, as will he seen by nlir advertise,
tnenl, associated with us this day Capl. Jolui
Dunlap, of West Pensboro’ twp,, in place of
Heniy Saxton, Esq.
C 20, 1866.
llaxing tliis day . by mutual consent, with
drawn limn liie Banking llmise ot Ivor, Brennc
tnan iw Co..with a view of gumg my whole at
te ii'«u to the busiiu-sx I am now engaged in, I
lake pYeat plensiito (fiom a long and lilumlly
inieirourse with the memiierH ot said firm.) in
rec mniemling them lo the confidence and jmU
ronngu of the community. (Signed)
Carlisle, March 20, 1860.
gSTK From the Baltimore College of
Dental Surgery, is now prepared
1? to insert Artificial Teeth of every
description, mid to perform all the other various
duties pertaining to the practice of his profes
sion. Ofllce at the residence of-Ids mother East
Loiither street, 3 doors below Bedford
Reference—Dr. (i. Z. Brotz.
CarlMe, March 20, 1800—If
To the Heirs and Legal Ilepretcntativea rf Mal
then' Kyle, late of the County of Cumittland,
TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a writ of
Partition and Valuation issued out of the
Orphans Court of Cumberland County, and to
me directed', I will hold an inquest to divide,
part orvaluu tho real cslalu of said deceased, on
tin- promises, on Thursday, the 10th duy of A
pill, A. D. iHotl, at 10 o’clock, A. M., when
and where you may attend if you think proper.
Sheriff’s Office, Carlisle, March 18,1850 —3t.
To the Heirs and Legal Representatives of James
Patterson , lute of the County of CumAer/onc/,
TAKE notice (hat by virtue of a writ of Par
tition and Valuation, issued out of tho Or
phans’ Court of Cumberland county, nml to raa
directed, I will hold an inquest to divide, part
or value tho real estate of tfaid deceased, on the
promises, on Friday, tho 11th day Of April, A.
I). 1860, at 10 o’clock, A. M., when ana whore
you may attend if you think proper.
Sheriff's Ofllce, Carlisle, March 20, ’so—Ot
I'm-moi-tf Take Notice,
THE subscriber has just returned from tho
city, with cue of the largest assortments of
Hardware ever brought to this place, lie has
just received 80 doz. Names with and without
fastenings, Iron and .Steal Hooka, ranging in
price from 44 ots. io $1,50. Also, flOßjuilr of
straight and twist link Trace Chains, (VornAOto
$1,25, Home-made traces of alt kinds; a largo
lot of Spreads, Fifth, Breast, Butt. Carrying,
Halter and Log Chains. A very largo lot of
Shovels, Forks, Spades, Hoes, Bakes, and in
short, every thing and any thing wanted by tho
farmer, at tho old stand, East Main street.
Carlisle, Mat'd) 20,18C0.
Carlisle Female Seminary.
Mil. & Mrs. OLAIIK, who have been for sev
eml years engaged in teaching, roapcctful
ly announce to tho citizens of Carlisle and v(.
ciaity, that on the Ist of April, 1860, they-will
open in Louthor street, in tber-house lately oc
cupied by Dr. Blumenihal, it Seminary for
yohng ladigs,, >. ■ t
XhQ.lflsmutlQii will bo bolli a boarding and
day, school, in which (Ul.tLo branches necessary
for the complete education of ybungladlcs will
bo taught. Assistants of the highest character
for qualifications ami WohUityrtiji bo. employed,
in accordance witbth'o wants of tho Institution.
The government will bo conducted on strictly
Christian principles, while sectarianism will be
as rigidly excluded. '
Tho Principals flatter themselves that their
long and successful experience us teachers, as
testified by tho recommendations in their pos
session, will enable them to establish an Institu
tion of tlio highest character for young ladles.
They are Cully persuaded that such an Inalitn
tion will be sustained here by thy citizens and
neighboring country, and hope that their confi
dence may not bo disappointed.,
A department for younger children will be
immediately organized.
Terms per session of fbut.inonlhs.
Boarding, including fuel, lights & wash-
>«g. $5O 00
Primary Department,". 8 00
Lligher English, - 12 00
Ancient Languages, enfth C Of)
Modern “ ' 8 00
Ornamental branches at Professors charges;
No deduction fur absence after entrance ex
cept in case of protracted illnesii.
References —Hon. Fred. Walts, J. B- Parke?,
Ea<j., Hcv. C. P. Wing, Rev, A. 11. Krerner,
Hev. J. B. Morse, llev. Jacob Fry,llev. W. W.
Ells, James IlamiUoh, Dr. C. E. Blumenihal.
Carlisle, March 110, 1866 ly
CuinbcrluiKl Valley Bauk
Uorir. C. Stkhrett, John DfKx.Ai*,
Ricu’u. Woods, John C. Stkihiett,
11. A. Sturgeon.
THIS Bunk, doing business In tho name of
Ker, Brcnneman & Co., is now fully pre
pared to do a general Banking Business with
promptness and fidelity.
Money received on deposit and paid back on
demand without notice. Interest [mid on Spe
cial deposits. Particular attention paid to the 1
collection of notes, drafts, checks, £c., in any
part of tho United States or Canadas.
Remittances made to England, Ireland, or
the Continent. The faithful and confidential
execution ol all orders entrusted to them, may
be rolied upon.
They will at all times bo pleased to give any
information desired in regafd to money matters
in-general. Interest at (lie rale of 5 percent,
per annum will he paid on Special deposits ns
heretofore. Bunking House in limit's Build
ing. Main street, n few tloofs cast of the Rail
road Depot. Open lor business from 9 o’clock '
in the morning until 4 o’clock in tho evening.
11. A. STURGEON, Cashier.
Carlhde. March 18, 13C0—ly
Plows i Plows!
THE subscriber has, ahd ia constancy keep
ing, an assortment of tile celebrated Eagle
Plows. Also, constantly on hatjd, Zeigler.’s,
Planks, and Hcnwood’a Plows. Wo have also
a very largo lot of (ho famous Yorlc Plows on
hand, and also a fine assortment of Cultivators,
at (he old stand, East Slain street.
Gur’isle, March 20, 1860.
Carlisle Deposit Bank.
AT a meeting of tho Board of Directors, hold
on the Glli pf March, 18.5G,.1t was ummi
muusly resolved that Interest should bq paid on
special deposits by the Carlisle Deposit Bank,
, Incorporated by tho State of Pennsylvania, ns
follows, viz:
. 4 per cent pcf annum for 4 months.
4* " .« 8 «
6 “ « - 12 « .
Interest cease aftcr-iho expiration of the cer
tificale, unless renewed, and tho money always
paid, back without notice. ?
By order of the BuarA Af Directors.
t-■ w. -M. JMfjqfcqi; ■ QAitfU*~, -
March 18, ■'t \ - ~
Public Sale of IVonkclibld
nlturc, ■* “
ON Thursday, tho 20th of March, at 10 o’,
clock, A. M., will be sold at the residence
of (tie subscriber, in Lumber street, one dour
eastof (lie Gerpjan Reformed Church, a large
variety of Household Furniture, such as Carpet
Bureaus, Tables, Chairs, Stoves, Kitchen Uten
sils, together with a collection jef Books and
Pamphlets. Terms made known on tho day of
aat«. ‘ C. E. DLUMENTIIAL.
March 13, IB5O—U
Proflionotary’s Police.
■JVrOTICE la hereby given to nil persons Inter■
ll osled, tliut the account of Richard Amler
son, Assignee of George Kccsaninn, under n
deed ol v oluntaiy assignment, for tho bcftefll of
creditors, Ims been tiled in tho ■■ Prothonotary's
Olllce, f'ui examination, ami will bo presented to
(lie Court ol Common Pleas of Cumberland
county, fur continuation and allowance, on
Wednesday the ICih day of April, A. D. 185 U.
D. K. NOELL, ProOPy.
per I’. Quigley, Dep. Proth’y.
March 1 :l, IKdf.- dl
White Half ACnclcmy*
Thrtc miles uni of Ilarfuburg .
THE eleventh session 6f this Institution will
commence on Monday, May next.
Parents and Guardians are respectfully reques
ted to inqniiu into the met Us ol'thb Insfitntlon.
Thu locution Is rotiicd, pleasant and' healthful,
and tho course of instruction emlirnoos'tllo ordi
nary and higher branches of nn English educa
tion, together with tho Latin, Greek, French
and German languages, and Vocal and Instru
mental music.
Boarding, Washing ami Tuition in tho '
English brandies, and Vocal music
per session, (21 vv. eks) SDO 00
For circulars cont doing parllcnl'iiH, address
Jldnisburg, Pa.
March HJ, 1850. .
Venetian Blind Factory.
IhousuT Premium Awaluieo at ITaiuiisouiu
Near the Corner of Fourth and Walnut Streets,
IlAiuiisßlmn, Pa.
HAVING now completed tny nop* simp, I
am prepared to furnish Blinds pf tho latest
stylofl cheaper than city mlces. Owing to tho
increase oi my business, 1 have boon obliged to
procure tho necessary mochlnory to manufacture
them oti a larger scale i and can soli clicnpcr
than any other establishment,and warrant them
to wear ns well as any that can bo made In tho
United States. I refer to tho following gontlo
men, churches and corporations, whoso orders
I had tho pleasure lo till to their entire satisfac
Wm. M. PlUtt, Speaker of tho Sonata of Pa.
E. S. Goodrich, Secretary of tho Conim'wlh.
Jacob A. Shlndlo, Washington city,
E. Banks, Auditor General ot Fa.
Gen. Roumfort, Phlla. county, Pa.
R. Church & Lovl Morklo. Cumb. co,, Po.
Robert J. Ross, Esq., Philadelphia.
Ohatnborjburg Church—Rev. W. F. Eyslor.
Bedford Church— Rot. Bonodlot.
Ohurchtown Church—J. Murphy.
Kingstown ♦< Her. 0. NJttorour.
Newport <( M. Thatcher,
llummolstown « 11. L. lldmmbl.
Middletown *t Daniel Kondlg.
Paxton « W. Rutherford.
Cathoßo 'ft* Rev. Maher.
Lutheran' “ Rov. C. A. Ilay.
Methodist >( Mr. Stromingor.
House Representatives, Col* Jack.
Senate Chamber, S. T. Jones.
Supremo Court Room, Gen. MUIor.
Col. J. H.,Brant, Ilatrisburfl,
Hon. W. l\ Murray, “
Col. Wells Oovorly, “
March JU, 1850—Cm
Siierifipfl Sales.
BY virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Ex
ponas, issued out of the Court of Common
Plots of Cumberland county, and to me direct
ed, J will eSposo to public vendue or outcry, at
Iho Court House, in the Borough of Carlisle, on
Thursday, the 8d djiy of April, 1830, at 10 o’-
clock, A. M., the following described real es
tate, viz:
A lot of ground, situated in Dickinson town
ship, Cumberland count}', containing one acre,
\r- oro or * c>B8 ’ bounded on tlio oast by n lot of
Win. Johns, on tho north by T). Crops, on the
west by David Claiuiy, ami on tho south by the
” altmt Bottom road, having thereon erected a
(wo story Brick House and 2 two story Log
Houses, (w c> .vtablrs, mid oilier out-houses.—
Seized and taken in execution as the prupcrU
of Hugh W. M’Culloch.
Also, a lot of gniuud, situated nn the road
leading from Kewville (o Pino (hove, in Dick
inson township, containing Ia o acres, moro or
less, hounded hy lands of (Jong- SaP-sbem
and John Packer, Inning thereon erected a one
story Log ll„ns-. and taken in execu
tion ns thejiroperty of Joseph Muchon.
all to lie snhl hy me, •
Sheriff’s Office, Carlisle, March 13, l«o(5.
Engineers, Surveyors
A N D DU A U(J II I’SM EN, supplied with
-TX oiling lu.stnuui'nls, Transits, Compasses,
Uods, Chains, Tape Mcasmes. Cases ol Mathe
matical Drawing Instruments, jvoiy Scales,
Protractors, Pafallcl Uulos, Dividers' Drawing
Puns, t X S<juarcs, &c.
The quality of my Compasses will be gnaran.
nod, also lljnt of thq Engineers’ Instruments, to
be equal to any said in this eilv, uml at b.wei
201 Cfu-suiit st., near lUlh, I’lul.i.
March 13. —lt
Q.'T'illuslratcd uml |iri<u‘il Calalogucs of I».
stnniicnls (ui wiirdud by mail gratis.
ALL prisons having demands against me will
call ami settle, ami all indebted will do the
same before the Ist of April. After that time
all accounts unpaid will be left with a proper
person lor collection.
Carlisle, March 0, ISod-tlf
Edatc Notice
LLT TICKS of Administration on (ho estate of
Jacob Wallers, Into of Ilampdud tow tiflliip,
Cumberland co., clec’d., have been issued by
the Register of said county, to tJj o subscriber
residing in Upper Allen townslii|>. All persons
indebted to said estate are requested to make im
mediate payment, and those h;u ing claims will
present them lor seltlenn'iit to
C. TITZ KI,, Adm'r.
—March , I^s(s—
ESTAKMSIIi:s> 1195
CX. HORIXSOX & SOX. Manufactureis
•ol Looking (1 lasses. Portrait am) Picture
Frames, and Impm t.-r> <d Kr.-n.:li Plate Looking
Glasses, &c., Xu. 'J, lh, (.'heMiiit sia boro N rntli
at.. Philadelphia.
At whose establishment may always ho found
an extensive as.inrtmeiit of Piers, Mamies. Hull
and Chamber Glasses, of e'eiy description,
fiom the plainest to the most ornamental stylos,
richly ornamented. gilt Tables, Brackets and
Tripods, Importers and dealers In first class-
European Engravings, Oil Paintings. Drawings
and other works ol art. Old frames refilled
and old Glass taken in exchange for new; dam
aged Plates resilvered, kc.
Country merchants and others, having orders
for any article connected with the Looking
| Glass and Print business, can have them execu
ted at the old establishment, at Hie shortest no
tice and lowest prices. All goods bought at
tills establishment fur transportation arc packed
in flic best manner.
March G, IB6G ly
MRS. REVNOLDf would Inform nil Inter
cstod, that she ha returned trum Plnlad 1-
phia, wherq.sho had bce.i for a tew weeks, ac
qulring,lhc uevy process of tmihrotypiog, or tak;
lug hkeueaseSdn glass, which havo duly to bb
seen id bci admired by all lovers of pretty pic-'
tures, or of those whom the mefnrea represent. IHpfrficT/dS liaa bocjv/bfT‘and
complete, Ihofo having beet engaged./n l/ib es
tablishment in which she was, the best artistic
talenl fn tho city in nit brandies Of ‘photogra
phy; and tho gentlemanly proprietor and opera
tors spared no pains to give her an intelligent
know ledge of tho mt. Stic I hen-lore feels con
fident of being able to pciToim all she promises,
when that promise is, io furnish ns good ambro
typcs, as well ns daguerreotypes, ns can bo pro
duced oNew hei e.
A word for anthroiypes : though there aru still
those who will prefer tlie daguci root v pe, )et tho
anihrotypc has several advantages over it ; tho
auibrotypo cun bo soon in any light, is not sub
ject to change, dampness ha\ mg no elfect on it;
in fact thoro is no wav to destroy a real ambro
tvpe when finished, hut by breaking the glass.
Persons arc invited to examine specimens.
H minis still at the soul li w e-d mi ner of 11, in.
over and Louthci s|s_, over Mr I'd In's Cahi.
net Wuroroom, w here she mv ir < s all her uiiidc.
tons friends ami palions. ami as many new ouei
as mnv feel disposed to lav or her with a call.
Carlisle, Fob 11, I Kid— I in
WHEREAS Ihe Hon. J wins 11, Giiaiiam.
Plesnlonl Judge o( the .several Courts ol
Common Picas in Hie coiinli.-s ol Cumbcriand.
Perrv, ami Juniula. am! Justices ol tho se,eial
Cum Is of () v or am) T> i miner and Genet a I Jail
Deliv ei j i n H,»ui count ies, ami Sjnuiel \\ oodlmru
and John It u j-j>. J mlg. s <>l tin- Courts of Over
and Tcinunci ami Ceneial Jail Deltvei) tot (lie
(rial of ill I capital amt ol !n i "MrmK is, in the said
county o( Cumberland, be their pi eccpls to me
directed, dated the Nth day ol January, IHod,
have uiderod tho Conttol (lj or and Terminer
and General Jail l>< liven to be lioldcn at Car
lisle, on the 2d Monday ol April, IH,*>(>. (being
the I lib day,) at ten o'clock in the forenoon,
to continue two Weeks.
NOTICE is herein giv en to the Goronei .Jus
tices of tlio Peace, and Constables of the said
county of Cum be i land, (hat they nro by (he said
precept commanded to be then and theiu ui their
proper persons, with their i oils, records, ami in
quisitions, examinations ami all other iciuem.
hrances, to do those things v\ Inch to their oHives
appertain to be done, and nil those that are
hound by recognis'.iiucca, to pioHeutito against
Hie prisonei s that are or then si mil ho in t In: .1 ail
, of said count) , ai e to ho thcio to pi osecute them
as ahull he just.
Fehnmiy 21, 18otJ.
INtiilo A'ollco.
T ETTERS of administration on tho estate of
I J Jacob Forney, dec’d., late of Silver Spring
tonnship, Cumberland county, hnvo boon issued
by the Register ot said county, lo (ho snbsciibor
who resides in (ho same township. All persons
Indebted (o said estate will make immediate |
payment, and those having claims will present
Ihem proporlv uiithenlieulcii for settlement.
JOHN BOBU, Adni’r.
February 2H, U5O--01
DR. PODGE, Chrono. Thermal I hysiclan
and Surgeon, has removed his office lo
West Main .street, one door West of the Public
Square and opposite Sholl’s Hotel (the U ash
ington House.) Resilience at CROZIER’S
Carlisle, January 31, 1830. (2 in.)
Bounty baud Age cy.
THE undersigned will attend promptly Ip tho
procuring ot Bounty bands tor those cntl
tied to them under the Into act ol Congress, ap
provod March 3d, IHuO. Many years experience
in tho prosecution of claims for service in tho
revolutionary war, has made mo familiar with
the regulations and forms requisite to he obser
ved, and having the assistance of an etllcient
attorney residing In Washington, shall bo able
(o render satisfaction to those who may' apply
to mo. Pmpor forms and instructions will bo
sent on application by mall free of cost. No
charge unless a warrant Is obtained, and when
obtained tho foe will ho $5.
Tho highest market price will bo paid for
Land Warrants.
A. P. NORTON, Postmaster,
Carlisle Springs, Cumberland co., T'o.
Apiil f>, 1833- 1 y
Esquires, Directors of tho Poor and of the House of Employment of :
Cumberland county, in account with said county, from the Ist day
of January to the 31st day of December, A. D. 1835, inclusive,viz: ’
i CU.
By payment of interest on dower in fa-. y
vor ul Mrs. O’Brien, on land pur- ;>
) chased of A. M’Dowell 1n.1842, $B3 $l-;
.Groceries, merchandize, clothing and i
I bedding included, 1&4Q; 60{
'For slock, 7f17 q(>
By cnsli paid for out-door Paupers, COS 60, y’’
Fur leather, 204 49 ’ ,
1 For stone Coal, 228 Q 5
Fur tailoring &s hatting, . 172’28.-/
, For Shoemaking, . 114 64}
For grain dour & Grinding, IUI 91
| For potatoes '169 66}
1 Paid Lunatic Hospital at Harrisburg, 104 88
; Fur Lumber, 180 28
iFoi Pus's fc Kails, 'IIOOO
Itoccivcd from County Troosnror, $O5OO 00
Of J. Clumienlu and M. Minich, lor
liidos and skins, 120 80
■Of J. Lnnghlin & J. M. Means for use
of C. Laughlin,
Of G.C. Sanderson for use of Mary
Knelllo, 45 00
OfR. Snodgrass for use of son, 06 00
Of Adams County for support of Tau
Of John C. Brown for uao of Daniel
Fur Apples and Cider,
Ol 1' nuiklin County, (or support of Pan.
ruf l >ers . . 8 06
Line and Wink fur Flour, ID Ol)
Dt (». llrimllo lor Potatoes & Salt, 6 62
For Tallow, 6 22
I'nr use of Cider Press, a (it)
For Sundries, 0 CO
For Indentures, 1 f»0
For Segura, 1 ,y }
J. T.cas,-for fines, C 7
Fur use of Aaron Otto & Venis Patton, 20 00
, SG9o7 96 I
Duo Jacob Squire, Treasurer in 1864, 124 98*'
JACOB SQCIER, Esq., Treasurer of the Poor House and House of Employment of Cmmitr*
land County, tn account u-iIA t , ic Directors of iaui Institution, from the li/ day of Jan
uary, to the 81*< day of December, 1855, inclusive, viz ;
CR. , DK.
By payment of Directors orders, $OlOl 79* Received from County Treasurer, $O6OO 00
Casl> remaining in hands of Truos’r. 481 18 (From Jus. Lobach, steward, from different
sonreos as exhibited In the foregoing -
$0832 97* statement, 467 Ofl
Stock on the Farm Ist January, 1850,
7 head of Horses, 11 Milch Cows, 14 head of Steers, 1 Bull, 20 head of Hogs, 18 Stoats#
Sheep & 2 Calves.
I3eef, Pork, Mutton and Veal, rattened and killed on tlio Farm in 1855.
*0 Beeves, Qvorogo Weight, 456 pounds, (13 224 lbs.) 29 Hogs average weight 182 pouadf,’
(s*-'7b lbs.) 10 Calves, average weight 06 pounds, (05U lbs.) 34 Sheep, average weight 40 lb*.
lbs.) making in all 20,612 lbs.
Farming Ulensils on the Farm Ist January, 1856, ; .
1 Broad and 1 Narrow wheeled Wagon, 1 atone Wagon, 1 Wagon Bed, 1 pair of VTood-lai
dors •» Dalr of HayOaddors, 1 Curt fc cart Gears, 1 Tlllbugr & Harness, 8 Plow*, 4
doubln shovel Plow*, 8 alnglo shovel- Plows, 1 two horso Sjcd, I fanning, Mill, 1 Thw»h|n|
Machine and Hobo Power, X Conitili'cUot,' 2 Votting iJuxSs, 2 Grind Stools, 2 Log Ohaihs,
Co\r Chains. 0 setts of wagon Gears, 6 setts of plow Gear*, 1 sett of Carpentering tools, 1 Mtt
of Blacksmith tools, I setc of Butchering tools, 6 Wheelbarrows, I Cabbage knife, 6 Gralot
Cradles, 10 mowing soythos, 8 mattocks, 3 Crobars, 0 shovels, a lot of Quarrying tools, and*
variety of spades, forks, rakes, sickles, corn hoes, stono hammers, sledges, tu<Js,wood»aW»/
mauls, wedges, &0., &o.
Schedule Showing the Proceeds of iho Farm for 1855.
GOO buahlos of Wheat, 29 of Uyc, 2,870 of Corn, 1,000 of Oats, 700 of Potatoes, 7 of Ttmo
lliv sect!, 02 of Onions, 42 of Ked-Heets, 35 ot I' pn, 2U «d Turnips, 10 ol Boaos & Pea*/
9( , ol TuiunTooH, 7.072 Cucumbers. 3500 Heads of Cabbage, made 4C barrcla of good Older 1 /
30 tons of Hut, 2U Load of Cornfodder.*
Manufactured end made in the House and Shop.
HI s’ uM k Ch-mies. 52 Fmeks, 21 Aprons. 27 Petticoats, 42 Sheets, 10 Caps, 40 PIIIoW
r vs 11 Bolsters, 10 Chalfbods, 50 Comforts. 13 Pair of Stock mgs, knitted, 80 pair footed/
1 Towels 1 Sacks 9 under Woimisoa. IU pair ot Drawers, 3 pair Pants, 4 Hounduboqts.
r\im-nlor Slmn mado 21 Collins, 120 lbs. ot hard Soap,4o bids, soft Soap.l largo g*t6J
made bond lence loiiml Insane Yard, cnl 25 cord ol Wood, done $3O worth of Blacksmith,
in'g, ( stone k made 20 rod ol Slone Pence.
X umber ol Paupers in tbo Institution Ist January, 1855, of which 15 were
up till 31st December 1855, of which TO were colored and
3 hot n in the house,
Making the "hole number through the year, .
01 which 20 died, 4 children bound out, PJ eloped and leO discharged,
Leaving the number of Paupers in the Poor-llouso Ist Jamiaij 1860, of which
15 are colored,
Out-duoi Paupers supported at public expense through the year,
Whole number remaining chnrgahlu at the end of the year,
Of [hose i" Hoc. 1860 tl.cro arc-
Males, Cl o( which 9 mo coloied,
Females, 40 of which 7 are colored,
And 21 Uut-dooi Paupera,
• , m, v
„„ aro ns ooar as can lic.naoorlaiooil, 1 under 1 year ; 8 from 1 to 5 ; 2 from 5 Ip .10 iJV.
Ci .10 to 20 ■ 7,1i0m 20 to 30 110 from 80 to 10 ;15 ft on, 10 to 60 ■, 10 from 60 to 60, tX
r an f Til • 13 from f 0 to 80 i 1 from 80 to 90. . . / • •
addition to\hc above,o3l transient paupers or travellers, have been roCclVci! and lujf
ported for abort periods without regular orders.
~, , „p n. ( » p nll r anti olllio Ifouso of Knuilornirnt of Onmborland Cotint? t d<>
Sta>«”."nl ,o .=....,..1,1 and rr„„ «hlb„ of .ho 1n.,1.
comfy hot , a |, ovo .mlSd, according ... Ilio-hoal of our Knowledge.
‘hi. 1.1 dayo, January, A. D. ,860.
Wn tllo ull( i or ,|tfiod Auditors of Cumberland county, elected and sworn according to Uw,
Wo the uu or. tp n|B and vouchers of tlio Directors of the I’oor & Ilonso of em-
ImMng ® xaml, °, , v n . O „, the lot day of January (o (ho Slat day of December, A. D. 1855,'
poymeri of «al cotiny. actß cu ,. rPcf> t 0 the boat of our knowledge and judgment. W«,
flirt hor'flnd'in "iii hand. of jicob Squire, Eaq.. Trf.,...r0r,1h0 s,m, .flour Hundred andlUrtjf.
one dollar, and i -ifh, iß , ol, Sl.l day of Jammy, A. D. 16/18.
Given under our bands ai übiubic, J B. DRAWDAUGH,
Auditor* of Cumberland Cquuty.
Superior Teas,
TV 11,0 Original Half Cheat., in Done,, of 0 &
1 12 pound., nod in .noWlllc packngoa. nl M ,
I2He 4 pool,do, for oalo l>y JENKINS & 00-,
(original invonloro of 11,0 ujotalHc tpa pack,)
wholc.alo dealer., in Too. only, N.W. cm. ol
Market Hr Ninth its., Philadelphia.
Tea. In metallic pack,, pul nn in half cheat.,
containing a variety of both Dlack and Grolh,.
* o printetHHi*ofprice, term., he., furnlohcd
by mall tn all wbo order them.
All Teas warranted to please, or no sale.
One and the same price and terms to all, and
On UMT cheats of Black contain about 35 pounds
and of Green, about GO pounds oaoli.
February 2fl, 1850 —31
080. Z.
nwNTIST Ofliconttlioroflldoncc
<BsjjSfc ef ll lno.itcr. nn Nerll. Pit. S.„
hUHSO Carlisle;
November 15, 1855.
08 45
39 00
21 30
20 75
jFur Hardware, 1(1 09.|
Fur ni.acu.tU lor House & barn, pi -42$ . «
, Fur Drugs, 8.0 20| £
For uut.iioor funeral expenses 65 OOj’ .
1 Hlack.smithing, 85 65|'
, Constables in removing paupers, 24 65 . .
Making post fence, 56 54 .
! Carpenter work, 48 814
| For Saddlery, 20 7Z|
i For wood, 18 (w
Mason work walling new Privy 22 OO'
[Spouting Privy, 12 46
For tinning, tin, copper St sheet Iron
I ware, 41 82|
1 Manufacturing Casinelt for 2 years, 40 67|
Out-Jour Medical aid, 88 25
Fur castings, 81 60
For books, punting & stationary, 22 46,|
I Fur plaster, 26 OCj
For cluverßeod, 26 00
Fur freight, 58 80
For one sett of Coles splints, 80 00
For travelling expenses, 8 54. .
For sundries,
Jos. I.ohaclis salary, Hireling# wages .
included, 600 00,
Dr. A. J. Harman, Physiefari, 100 Ov
Jacob Squire Treasurer, 40.0ftV’
Thomas M. Biddle, Esq., attorney, 80 00
I Ceorge Brindlo extra pay as Director, 19 50
John C. Brown “ 18 60
(John Clendenin “ 10 60, *
i Duo County by Jacob Squire, Esq., ,
Jreasuicr, 481 id
$0,832 97J 1
$OBB2 97»,
j 0,967 90
{ Due Jacob Squiro, Treasurer In 1864,124 98f
JOHN C. DllOWtf, •
Dirtcloii Qj (hr Foot of Cumberland county.
Plumbers & Gns Fillers^ ;
mllE auhacrihers am prepared to execute all
kind, (ifwork in their lino, viz:
Load and Iron Pipoo, Batli Dollors,
Hydrant., Water Clo.oU,
Hath Tuh», Waah Ba.ino, .
Hot and Cold Shower Forco and Lift Fompt,
111(1,3, Hydraulic K.mi, &0..
Every description of ■ _ .
Plain apJ Onianicniol Gas Fi.Tlnrns,
1 srwtswx sresss^sx
notice, tu die most modern stylo.
tCT- Jobbing attended to.
October 25, 1855. . ......
- " "imrs. IN ZIKGBEK.
OFFICE uud Residence East Main street, 8a
door below Market House. Galls ta
itown and country promptly attended.
[ Carlisle, January 3, IB6o—tf
•6882 97f
$6,682 97|