American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, February 28, 1856, Image 3

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Puila.., FoiT. 20, 1856.
rt ooa and Meat..— Tho advices'by the Asia
o entirely unsettled tho market lor Broad.
Wd There Is no export demand lor Flour,
ali'innlng brands arc, nominally held at $7
but buyers only offer 50 72. Tho
Kilers and bakers are holding off for lower
rices. Byo Flour has declined 26 cents, with
F ]c3 J n Saturday at $5. Corn Meal—tho last
.—'Wheatfs hold at former prices, with
out sides. No. nates of Rye. Corn—holders ask
W) cents for now yellow, but only offer 60c. Small
-ales of Oats at 89 a 40c.
Whiskey continues doll—barrels at 29 cents,
fl nd hhda. at 20j cents.
New Cumberland, on the 14th inst.,
Robert, son of B. F. and Catharine Ixic, aged
one year and three months,
r' her residence, in Newton twp.,on the 15th ,
inst., Mrs. Rachel Daugherty, consort of
Geo. Daugherty, Sr., aged 07 years.
Superior Teas,
IN’ the Original Half Chests, in Boxes, of G k
J 2 pounds, ami in metallic packages, of i,
1, 2 & 4 pounds, for sale by JENKINS h CO.,
/original inventors of tho metallic tea pack,)
wholesale dealers in Toas only, IST. IV. cot. of
Market & Ninth sts., Philadelphia.
Tens In metallic packs put up In half diesis,
containing a variety of both Black and Green,
r-suit buyers.
Printed list of prices, terms, &c., furnished
by mail to all who order them.
All Tens warranted to please, or no sale.
One and tho same price and terms to all, ami
one onl3'.
Half cheat a of Black contain about 85 pounds,
nnd of Green, about 50 pounds each.
February 28, 1850—8 t
{Formerly kepi by Jacob Worley.)
Old Town, Baltimore.
THOS. JJiMESON, oj York, Pa., Proprietor.
Tlio House has been considerably enlarged, open for Transient ami i J ermanen( Board
era. Terms reasonable.
February 28, 1806 —3 m
THE menders of the Cumberland County
Agricultural Society, will meet at the Court
House, in Carlisle, on Tuesday, (ho -ith day of
March, at 11 o’clock, A, M. Tho following is
the subject for discussion :
“ What is tbe best policy of the farmer re
specting the quality and quantity of fencing I”
TllOB. PAXTON, Pres’l.
R. Moore, Sect’/.
Estate Notiro.
LF.TTERS of administration on the estate of
Jacob Forney, der’d., late of Silver Spring
townsldp, Cumberland comity, have been issued
by the Register ol said comity, subscribe;
who resides in tlio same township! All persons
indebted to said estate will make immediate
payment, and those having claims will present
them properly authenticated for settlement.
JOHN 8088, Adm’r.
February 28, 1850--GI
THE subscriber has just received from Phila
delphia, a largo assortment of seasonable
Goods, which will bo sold very cheap, opposite
the Railroad Depot.
Carlisle, Feb. 21, 18CG-4t
DlacUsmlili Coal.
BUSHELS BlacUsmithConl.aflrst
rato article, receiving and for sale
by- WM. U. MURRAY, Jgent.
Carlisle, Juao 11, 1855—Gm
lleglntck'-w Notice.
Notice is hereby given, to aii per
sons interested, that the following accounts
have been filed'in (l)is adieu by the accountants
therein named, for examination, and will be
presented to the Orphans* Court of Cumberland
county, for confirmation and allowance, on Tues
day, the IBth day 0/ March, Ji • D. 18511, viz :
1. First account of John Ritchie, administra
tor of the estate of Margaret Thompson, liuo of
Frederick county, Maryland, dec’d.
2. First account of John Ritchie, administra
tor of the estate of Juno Thompson, late ul
Frederick county, Maryland, dec’d.
,8. First account of John Ritchie, adminis
trator of tire estate of Win. Thompson, lute of
Frederick county, Md., dec’d.
4. The account of Joseph C. Lindsey, admin
istrator With the will annexed, of the estate of
Rachael Clinton, late of Mifflin tp., dec’d.
6. The account of Joseph Sollonborger, one
of the executors of John Sollenbergur, lute of
Monroo tp., dec'd.
0. The account of A. B. Sharpe, Esq., ad
ministrator with the will annexed of the estate
of J. Ellis Bonham, Esq., lute of tire Borough
of Carlisle, dec’d.
7. The account of Susan Russell, executrix
of Dr. Alexander 11. Russell, late of Westpeims
borough tp., dec’d.
8. Thy account of David A. Crops and Au
gustus E. Claudy, administrators of the estate
of Jacob Claudy, late of Dickinson township,
0. The second and final account of Joseph
D. Ilalbcrt, administrator with the will annex
ed, of tiro estate of Rachael Kline, late of the
Borough of Carlisle, dec’d.
10. The account of Jacob Ritnor, administra
tor of (ho estate of Margaret Rltner, late of the
State of Maryland, dec’d.
11. The account of Abraham Martin, execu
tor of Abraham Burkholder, late of Frunkford
tp., deceased.
12. Tho second artd final account of Daniel
Whistler, administrator do bonis non with the
will annexed, of tlio estate of Jacob North, late
Of Mifflin tp., dee’d.
18. Tho guardianship account of Jno. Brandt,
guardian of Atm Ellen Gross, minor child of
llonry Gross; late of Monroe tp., dec’d.
' 14. The final account of Tobias M i IK*r, admin
istrator of the estate ul Samuel Mumma.lalu ul
Eastpcnnsborough tp., dec’d.
10. The account uf Francis Eckels, adminis
trator of tho estate of Richard M. Blessing, late
of Silver Spring Ip., doc’d.
10? Thu Oral and final account of David
Wherry, .Esq., administrator of the estate of
John Craig, late of Hopewell township, dec’d.
17. Tho final Utcounl of John Wolnland and
Tobias Miller, executors of Christian Forrer,
late of. Upper Allen Ip., dec’d.
18. Tho first and final nccourit of David S.
Hunshaw, administrator with the will annexed,
of tha estate of Elizabeth Drummond, late of
JlopowoU tp., dec’d.
19. Tho account of Wm. IT. Smith, adminis
trator of tho estate Of Elizabeth Smith, late of
Lower Alien tp., dec’d.
2f). Tho final account of Wm. Clark, admin
istrator of tho estate of Jamas Clark, luto of
Cumberland county, doc’d.
21. Tho account ot Wm. Smith, administra
tor with tho will annexed, of tho estate of John
Halo, Into of Nowton tp., deo’d.
22. Tho third supplemental account of Jacob
Bowman, tho remaining executor of Samuel
Bowman, lato of Wostponnsborough township,
doo'd. _
28, Thd guardianship account ot Peter Grtntz
guardian of tho persons and estates of Daniel
Huntsborgor, Frederick Huntsborger, and Jonas
Huhthborgor, minor children of Peter Hunts
■borgor, Uto of Cumberland county, dec’d.
1 24. The final account of John Woggonor, ex
ecutor of Gootgo Llghtpor, lato of tho borough
ofKowvlWo, doo’d. '
26. Tho guardianship' account of Lovl Mor
klo, Esq., guardian of Elizabeth W. Crain, now
. Elizabeth W. Orr, wlfo of Jnmos Orr.
20. Tho account’of John Stuart, jr., admin
istrator of tho ostafo of Wm* Buchanan, 1010 of
■tho Borough of Carlisle, dec’d.
WM, LYTLE, JlrgiVer.
Register’s Offlco, I
Carlisle, Feb. 21, ißfltMf f
Public Sale.
ON TUESDAY j tlio 11th day of March,
1850, the subscriber will soil nt his resi
dence in Dickinson township, on the Walnut
Bottom Road, half a mllo cast of Oontrovillo,
the following personal property, viz:
Five Head of Horses,
Ten head of Hogg, 1 Broadwhoolcd Wagon, 2
Narrow-wheeled Wagons, Flows, Harrows, 2
pair of llayladdcrs, Threshing Machine, llorao
gcars, 1 Carriage, Windmill, Cutting-box, and
other farming utensils. Also, 1 Cook Stovo.
Salo to commence at 10 o’clock on said day,
when the terms will bo made known by
February 21, 185C—3t
TUc Press & Post,
Boston Statesman & Weekly Post,
For 1556.
THE terms of our Journals for the ensuing
year are: For tho Daily Post, sB} for the
Press and Post semi-weekly, (Mondays and
Thursdays) $4; and for tho Statesman and
Weekly Post, (Fridays) $2.
These journals aro edited by Chas G. Greene
and Richard Frothinghum, jr.; employ a largo
corps of assistant editors, icporters and corres
pondents j and neither labor nor expense is
spared to make their columns valuable. They
have been published nearly thirty years; have a
range of subscription exceeded in extent and
aggregate by no paper in New England; and,
so largely Is thoir circulation increasing, that a
new press has been ordered to enable the de
mand to bo promptly supplied.
Tlio reading matter consists of a groat variety
of useful and entertaining matter. Its edito
rials; domestic and foreign correspondence; re
ports of lectures ; marine department; daily
monetary article nud weekly financial review;
literary notices; poetic contributions ami hum
orous matter make variety designed to meet
every taste.
Tim advertising columns embrace an almost
entire synopsis ol the business of New England;
and from that department of the paper alone
can bo obtained a correct impression of tho
character of trade, its facilities and its opera
tions; while tho financial editorials give an ae
cuiate v tow of passing events in the commercial
Tbo Press and Post is made from the Daily’s
contents, and published every Monday and
Thursday morning. 11 is clearly and handsome,
ly printed on hue paper, in clear typo, and the
subscription is lour dollars a j ear.
Thu Boston Statesman & Weekly Post forms
a raey and complete record of the times, and
contains tlio news of ov« ry description ; in (art,
a brief and cmnpi ebensivo history ol passing
events} foreign now a in detail, domestic infor.
nintion, agricultural items, commercial and mo
netary articles, statements of trade, ol the wea
ther, of ciops, &c.; accounts of meetings, polit
ical iccuids, news <d every description, poetry,
pleasant reading matter, liutnoious items, epi
grams} in fact, a complete family Newspaper—a
vehicle for evuiy species of useful mid enter,
tabling infoi matioii aiming w Inch will tie found
in each issue, a pleasing story. The Statesman
is printed on tbo largest sized paper and on new
and beautiful type. It lias a very large circula
tion and its rapidly increasing list is the best
evidence ol its jiopul.u ity. It is supplied at the
rate ol two dollars a jear for single subscrip
tions. Clubs, taking ten or more copies in one
package, will bo supplied at one dollar and a
half a year.
The Commercial Department of these journals
involves a large expenditure; contains varied
and accurate reports as to all brain lies of trade;
and La second to that of no paper published in
New England.
These journals are carefully conducted and
edited in u faith In democratic principles, but
in a spirit of conciliation to all parlies. As ad
vertising mediums they are unsurpassed; pene
trating, as they do, into such a variety of house
holds scattered over tlio whole Union, and read
as they are by all classes of the community,
they furnish an opportunity for the diffusion of
iuformatlbtttvhlch can scarcely bo obtained else
where. BEALS, GREENE & CO.,
l‘J & 21 Water St. Boston.
Feb. M, 1850—31
Live I’nniidires Warned.
rpIIE subscriber will pay tun cents a piece for
I two hundred live partridges. Apply «t the
Carlisle, Feb. 7, IB6o—Bl
Sloam Hollar for Halo.
rjMIE Subscriber offers for sale a new Stcnm
I Boiler, eighteen feel lung it thirty inches m
diameter, with one luurleen inch Hue, apply ut
the Paper Mill at I’aperton n.
Fob. 7, 1861.
Cumberland Comity, ss,
Bfc. Tho Commomveullli of Pennsylvania,
gjto Chiistian Eborly, guardian ol William
olio K. ami Mary Ellen Thompson, minor
children ol John Thompson, dec'd., Mis. Mary
Thompson, Mathew Henry Thompson, Mrs.
I)ta«lmugh and husband, Mis. Heck and hus
band, and Theodore Thompson.
You are hereby cited to appear before tho
Judges of the Court of Common Plena of said
county, at Carlisle, at an Argument Court there
to be held for said county, on Tuesday tho 18th
day of March next, to shew cause why a Trus
tee shall not be appointed in place of Joint
Thompson, deceased, to make sale ol tho Lot
of ground held In trust for tho heirs ot Nancy
Thompson, in Silver Spring township, and bo
prepared to do and receive all and singular
those tldngs which our said court shall in that
behalf consider and adjudge.
Witness the Honorable James 11. Graham,
President Judge, at Carlisle, the Hth day ol
January, A. D. 185(1.
D. K. KOELL, Proth’y.
per P. QuiOUky, Hop. Pruth’y.
February 7,1850 —5 t
Ilnnovcl' &Carlhfc Turnpike Co.
NOTICE Is hereby given, that flic undersign
ed appointed Auditor by tlio Court of Com
mon Pleas of Cumberland county, Pa.,tomnko
distribution of tho balance in the hands of tho
Hon. Samuel Woodlmrn, Sequestrator of tho
Hanover and Carlisle Turnpike Company, to and
amongst the creditors of said company, nil! at
tend at tho Prolhonolary’s Olllce, in Carlisle,
lor that purpose oti Saturday, the Blh day of
March, 185(1, at 10 o’clock, A. M., at 01 before
which lime, all persona having claims against
said company will present them.
P. QUIGLEY, .■luiltfor.
February 7, IB5G .’ft
Valimiiio Properly for Sale.
THE two story Brick House und Back-build
ing, with a pump, cistern, nml all necessary
out-bulldlngs attached, situate in North Hanover
street, In Carlisle, is ottered for sale. The sit
uation is a good one lor a private residence or
lor business. The terms will easy. Apply to
J. It. WEAVER, Jgi.forK . Bullock.
July 2d, IH6G—If
WHEREAS the lion. James 11. Ghauam,
President Judge of the soYcral Courts of
Common Pleas In the counties of Cumberland,
Perry, and Juniata, and Justices of the so,oral
Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail
Delivery in snkl counties, and Samuel Wood burn
und John Rupp, Judges of tho Courts of Oyer
and Terminer and General Jail Delivery for tho
trial of all capital nml other ollondcrs, In tho suld
county of Cumberland, by their precepts to mo
directed, dated the 14th day ol January, 1860,
havo ordered tho Court of Oyer and lermlner
ami General Jail Delivery to bo holdon at Cur.
Uslo, on the 2d Monday of April, 1866, (being
(ho 14(h cloy,) at lon o’clock in Iho forenoon,
tooonilnuo two weeks.
NOTICE is hereby given to the Coroner, Jus
tices oftho Peace, and Constables of the said
county ofOumbetland, that they are by the said
precept commanded to bo then and (hero In their
proper persons, with tholr rolls, records, and In
quisitions, examinations and all other remcm.
bruncos. to do those things which to their oflloes
appertain to ho done, and all (hose that are
hound by recognizances, to prosecute against
the prisoners that are or then shall bo in the Jail
of said county, are to be there to prosecute them
as shall ho just.
February 21, 1850.
OF THE , 1(
Made by tho Commissioners in compliance with tho requisitions contained In the 22d and 28d
sections of tho act o! Assembly of this Commonwealth, passed on the 15th day of April, A.
D. 1884, and also In conformity with tho 87th section of tho same act, which requires the
County Treasurer onco in every year to state his account and produce hli vouchers to the
Commissioners, which after examination by said Commissioners, shall bo by them laid before
tho County Auditors for settlement, according to law. 1
In accordance with which N. W. Woods, Esquire, Treasurer ot Cumberland county, submits
tho following ns a correct exhibit of tils receipts and expenditures for tho past year, ending
the 3lat day of December, A. D. 1865.
N. W, WOODS, Esq., Treasurer.
To balance in hands of Treasurer at last settlement as per Auditor’s
Amount of outstanding taxes,
“ County tax assessed for 1866,
“ received of Jos. M’Dnrmond, verdict fees in Qr. Sessions,
• f Carlisle Deposit Bank Loan,
“ Abatement for the year 1865,
“ G. W. Hltner in full of purchase M'Crosky’s lot,
James Orr and others on bond for subscription to bridge, ■ ; *
“ Samuel Martin verdict foes,
“ Jacob Bowman verdict fees, ■
“ J. W. Shearer verdict fees, »
“ Miscellaneous receipts from various persons,
Total receipts for 1856,
Schedule of County Taxes outstanding on the \st of January, A. D. 1866, subject to cxon-
Boroughs and Townihipi.
North Middleton,
Silver Spring,
Lower Allen,
Upper Allen,
New Cumberland,
North Middleton,
Silver Spring,
Sliippensmirg Borough,
South Middicton,
W estpennsborough,
Those marked thus • have since first January paid In full. Those marked thus | part paid
Grand Jurors for services In 1865,
Traverse Jurors “ “
William Gould os Court-cricr,
Samuel llartzel awarded as per order of court
Deputy Attorney General.
Wm. J. Shearer, Esq., Deputy Attorney General, Ices in Commonwealth cases, 86 40
Witness foes in Commonwealth cases,
Justices’ Fees.
Justices’ foes in Commonwealth cases,
Constables' Foes.
Constables’ fees In Commonwealth cases,
County Auditors nnd clerk for services, 90 00
I’, Quigley auditing of Prolhonotary, Clerk of Court and Register, 9 00
D. K. Noel foes for 1866,
John M. Gregg fees in Commonwealth cases,
Samuel Martin fees in “ “
James Loudon for docket for use,
James Loudon (or duplicates, binding, stationary, Ac.,
Lemuel Todd for professional services,
Commissioner’s travelling expenses,
William Kiley six months’ salary as clerk,
Costs of the case of Symington,
James Armstrong, Esq., pay ns Commissioner,
John Robb, Esq., “ “
Geo. M. Graham, Esq., “ “
W. M. Henderson, Enq., “ “
M. Wise assisting making Duplicates,
M. Wise for services as clerk to Commissioners,
Wm. M. Miller for professional services,
Fetor Gutslmll for repairs in Commissioner’s oflicc,
WilUaei Ljtlo lor registering births, Ac.,
Franklin Gardner for Lever Press,
E. Common lor public printing,
J. B. BratCcm •• “
E. Beatty “ “
George Zinn “ “
For support of Convicts,
Jail and County Penitentiary.
Myers A Gutslmll on account of contract of Jail,
Joseph M’Durtuond, Sheriff, for support ot prisoners, fees, Ac.,
N. W. Woods, C. Ogllby, and others, lor clothing lor prisoners In )»U,
John Brandt and Geo. W. UlUon for stone coal,
Carlisle Gas and Water Company for use of water lor joll,
David Hundshoo for charcoal forjull,
F. Bentz for making key,
John D. Gorgaa for Stove pipe, Ac.,
A. S. Lyno for cast iron plate for jail,
Shamp & Golden for paving gutter in Jail yard,
Samuel Hepburn, attorney for Symington,
W. W. Dale, physician to jail,
Jacob Bowman, Sheriff, for support of prisoners,
Jacob Squlor, Esq., Treasurer, amount In full of estimate for 1855, 08
Collins Stevenson as Visitor to Poor House, ...
Mltcbol M’Clollan, “ » JJJ
John 0. Brown for services as Director, "{ Jr.
John Clendenin “ “ no nn
George Drlndle. “ “ uu uu
Road Orders and Damages,
Isaac Miller, Samuel Saddler and others, damages awarded by the court, 781 41
Paid sundry parsons on corMfltato, *
John Finley In full for building bridge at Orr’s,
John Finley In Ail! for building bridge at Frchn’s mill,
David Lehman and others for repairs of bridges,
Independent, CniuUorbortuud and Union Ftro Ootnpanlos,
Assessors for services performed in 1805,
Olllcora of general and township elections and making rolum,
Public Buildings.
Rndosll Natohcr one year's salary as keeper of public Intildlngs, 15 00
Mrs. Dunbar and Mrs. Moudy, sctubblng.and cleaning court-room,
orations and commissions.
Years. Collector*» Names.
1853 Joseph A. Weakley,
“ Christopher Mcllinger,
1854 Samuel Beotera,
“ William Graham,
“ Moses Brlcker,
“ Robert M’lvcr,
“ John 11. Spohr,
“ Henry HickcrnoU,
1855 William Stephen,f
“ David Taylor,
“ Henry Saxton,
“ Lafayette PefTer,
“ George W. Fcsslor,
“ Benjamin Jumper,
« Daniel M'Coy,
“ John B. Perry,
“ John Paul,
“ George Filer*!
“ William Porter,
“ George W. Northj
“ Jacob Homer,f
“ John W. Duey,
“ Alexander Highland,*
“ Thomas Spencer,*
“ John Stuart, Jr.,
“ Thomas Graham,t
Witness’ Fees.
Prolhonotary’s Office.
Kocorder’s Office,
Commissioner’s Office.
Hegister’s Office.
Eastern Penitentiary.
Poor House.
Ephraim Stool for winding clock,
C. Lamtaon and others fur repairs,
?T l ihnff(or a ,liT i ' l V >* ur ! Colu l , “ : >y for ttM Of woler for court-homo,
C. Inhoufor oil, fluid, &c., for court house,
Andrew flecker for repairing locks ond making key.
Mouroo Morns for gns and water pipes in court house,
Learns and Interest on Loans,
Bonds paid and interest.
William Belt amount of contract for erecting fence,
ConrnmalonorH’ (ravelling expenses for 1855,
John N. Armstrong lor lumber,
John H. Brandt for stone coal for 1855,
Henry Wolf for charcoal,
Dock for scale,
Robert Mullen for charcoal,
Henry Saxton for nails, &c.,
Jacob Spongier for boxing trees,
William Lino for trees,
Alfred Sponsler for assisting in making Duplicates,
3. M. Hoover for lumber,
Barney Karney for whitewashing,
Adam Sensoman for horse hive,
John B. Bratton for postage,
George W. Sheaff'er lor Agricultural Society,
Andrew Decker and others, &c.,
Ferdinand Rooth, Esq., for holding inquest and jurors’ pay,
J. Longneckcr, Esq., «« u
J. C. Thompson, Kan., «< “
C. Wilber, Esq., <»
Wm. D. Shupp, Esq., “ t<
Geo. Miller and others, &c., “ <<
$7,084 OOJ
9,670 67
80,645 GO
469 14
1,971 60
1,478 G 3
2,179 00
1,560 00
12 00
10 00
24 00
81 22
lonry Highlands and other Collectors, abatements allowed tax payers for ’6l & ’55, 2259 44 \
John Struck and others refunded taxes,
$55,022 88
On certificates for fox scalps,
Constables’ Returns.
Amount of Constables’ returns on certificate of clerk of court,
jSmt. Chilatd’g.
$215 40
271 27
91 00
91 G 1
1«4 94
75 67
590 09
1002 60
851 80
647 19
085 20
1071 82
083 63
809 77
98 84
812 83
13)7 08
084 7H
24 33
68 54
288 22
603 72
621 42
67 41
021 58
951 19
By amount paid on Commissioners orders,
‘ ! “ Treasurers’ commission fees at 1| per cent.,
“ Uncurrent money in Treasurer’s hand,
“ Outstanding taxes unpaid by Collectors,
“ “ Collectors Ices ut 6 per cont.,
“ Exonerations,
Commit asu County, ss,
Wo, the Commissioners of Cumberland county, do certify ami submit the foro
| Jgoing as a corn'd statement of the receipts and expenditures ol the county aforc-
said, from thy Ist tiny ut January to the Hist day of December, 1855, inclusive, as
also a schedule ol the outstanding tuxes on the 31st day of December, 1855, in the boroughs
and townships therein slated, together with n statement of the expenditures under each bead
of appropriation made by the CommisMoneis in compliance with the requisitions contained in
the 2‘dd and 28d sections of an act of AsscmbU of this Commonwealth, passed the 16lh day
of April, 1851. W itnesa our hands and soul of otlice, at Carlisle, this 2Clh day of January, A.
D. 1850. J. AKMSTUONG, i
(1E(). M. GRAHAM, > Comrnmumrn.
Attest—M. Wisk, Clerk.
Ct’M ntR t.AN I> Coi STY, Si,
We, tlio undersigned Auditors of Cumberland county, mot according to law, and haring ox
amined Uic account a ami vouchers of N. W. Woods, Ksq., Treasurer oi said county, from the
Ist day of January to the 31st day of December, A. !>. 1866, inclusive, do certify that wo find
owing the Treasurer, N'. W. Woods, Kup, the sum of one hundred and two dollars and ninety
ono and a half cents, duo l»y the county of Cumberland, ns will appear by the foregoing exhi
bition. In testimony whereof wo have hereunto sot our hands at Carlisle, this 26(h day of
January, A. 1). 1860. J. B. DKAWBAOGII, )
‘ J. STKIN'MAN’, [Auditors.
$BB2 871
1977 021
64 00
20 00
N r W Woods, Ksij., Treasurer, in conformity with the 10th section of an net of Assem
ontltW “An Ait to revise the Militia System, ike.,” passed the 30tli day of April,
1853, exhibits the following account;
J 106 82
To amount of oi
annual slatom
28 48<
Schedule of Jifii
116 24
W. Fonnsboro,
Shlppeusburg, |
Carlisle, I
Dickinson, ]
47 77
Allen Upper,
E. Fonnsboro,
N. Middleton,
Allen Lower,
Allen Upper,
229 11
102 20
68 a;
E. Fennsboro,
Mi 111 in
N .Cumberland
N. Middleton,
Silver Spring,
Shippcnsb'g B.
Shlppcnsb’g T.
fi. Middleton,
W. Fonnsboro,
4 00
26 00
184 40
226 26
167 00
29 00
160 08
lly amount outstanding Militia Hoc
Commissions, &ic.,
By amount ofexoneiatbms allowed Collectors for 1866, and previous years
By amount commissions allowed Collectors tor 1866 and previous yours,
“ paid County Commissioners for services in Military business,
t« of assessors for forwarding lists ol delinquents, at 2 clfl. cadi, ' iz
Cash paid Michael Huber, assessor of Meclmniesburg, return of IS- penwns, *
James Brooks, assessor of Cower Allen, lolurn of 127 jjoisoiis
James Graham, assessor of Upper Allen, return of < persons,
William Logan, assessor of Hampden, return of 0/ persons,
Jonas Uuntsboigor, assessor of Eastpennsborough, return of lot,
John A. Maoklnn, assessor of S. Cumberland, return of 80 persons,
lionry Spahr, assessor of Monroe, return ol 168 persons,
J. C. Eckels, assessor of Silver Spring, return of 176 persons,
David Shively, assessor o( Frankford, return of 77 persons,
Jacob Horner, assessor of N. Middleton return of 107 persons,
Jacob Kiusley. assessor of Xowvillo, return of 67 persons,
John M. Sloullcr, assessor of Hopewell, return of 128 persons,
James Woodhurn, assessor of Ml/HJn, return of 01 persons,
T. P. Blair, assessor of Shipponsburg twp., return of 12 persons,
Wm. Highlands, assessor of Southampton, return of 86 persona,
Win. Uochart, assessor ol Shipponsburg bor., return of 121 persons,
IV. Y. Boyd, assessor of Newton, return of 184 persons,
Jos. M'Kouhnn, assessor of W. Punnsborougji, return of 120 persons,
A. A. Lynn, assessor of Carlisle, return of 170 persons,
Joseph Stewart, assessor of S. Middleton, return of-18 persona,
Potui Pcffur, assessor ol Dickinson, return of IU'J persons,
MnJ. Sam’l Crop, Brigudo Inspector,
Capl. Kelso, per order Adamantine Guards,
(Japt. Samuel Crop, per order Carlisle lufiiutry,
Capt. I)..Wherry, per order Union Guards,
Capt. J. G. M’Farlano, per order Hlngold Artillery,
Capt. John Mosslnger, per order Quitman Guards,
Capt. Hays Allokoy, per order Springfield L. Infunlry,
Treasurer’s commission on pay, $1,070 60,
Balance duo Commonwealth by County Treasurer,
0621 00
1688 49|
116 48
829 80
21 07
21 86
I 62\
8 18
182 60
708 88
26 00
168 56
4070 00
2800 00
782 101
CuHibtrtami county, , , . . , . , . ~ ,
\Yo tlie undersigned, Auditors ol Cumberland county, elected and sworn according lo
law In accordance tilth tlio Act of Assembly of tbo SUUI of April, A. D. 1858. having
examined tbo above account of N. W. Woods, Esq., Treasurer ol the county aforesaid.
In the matter of Militia Taxes, do Bnd tbo above correct, os above staled.
Witness our hands at Carlisle this Blst day ol January, A. D., 1865.
J. B. DBAtvI»AUOu»
JuJUort p/ Cumberland County
881 27
Refunded Taxes.
Fox Orders.
Amount of receipts,
Balance due Treasurer,
ulstanding Militia fines for 1861 and previous years, as per last
nont by County Auditors, $ 6T5
Ilia fines returned for 1866, as pot duplicates V 202 00
amount of
;es and arm
■UUa Fines, exhibi/ing
tied, amount of Collect!
i Am’t of
Collectors' .Names.
Joseph Musaer,
Joseph Muflscr,
Edward Phillips,
'James Brlcker,
(Samuel H. Gould,
Joseph A. Weakley,
Henry P. Fells,
.'Charles W. Dehn,
Jacob L. Zook,
Jos. C. Thompson,
Adam KHinger,
John Klliolt,
1 David B.iker,
itobert M’ivcj,
John 11. Spahr,
. Samuel Hollar,
William Stephen,
David Taylor,
Henry Saxton,
Ca/Hyotlo Pcifhr,
(Jeo. IV. Fchslor,
Mcnj. Jumper,
Jacob Hrctz,
Dame) M Coy,
John H. I'erry,
5 IU-tcr Drawbaugb,
John Paul, *
f'n’nrgi' Kll.T,
1 William roller,
George W, North,
And’"' Hornier,
John W. Dney,
AJrni. Highlands,
, Thomas Spencer,
, John Craig,
John Smart, Jr.
, Thomas Graham.
$1 ,777 20
:s lor 1855, and previous year subject to
26 00
17 75
7 22
21 98}
5 50
287 81
4600 00i
280 00
05 77
10 08
150 25
8 00
20 25
10 50
8 89}
9 92
80 06
5 00
o no
r> oi>
22 50
4 49
100 00
68 44
16 18}
18 30}
16 57}
17 95*
6 40}
13 00
32 82
47 60
89 08
$11,161 Oil,
$41,151 r.4|
017 29
8 00
11,876 40
1,340 62
725 90
-$66,726 79i
66,622 88
$lO2 Hli
$1777 29
at received, amount
u per table.
r Duplicates, amoun
louni outstanding, at
IS «o
21 60
!U 00
54 02
16 00
41 70
84 60
40 88
14 73
41 21
25 08
16 05
1 8b
41) 85
lil 60
13 60
y uo
13 00
30 30
26 00
13 60
47 08
30 00
18 0(1
av oo
3 22
2 96
61 28
56 05
80 60
au 60
6 60
12 60
80 10
35 15
31 60
13 60
•19 R 8
74 10
36 10
11 60
14 60
20 00
73 15
82 IB
42 60
68 00
1 00
4 60
7 60
4 75
100 231
49 8»1
|$!08 20
$238 60)
$6O 681
$1,013 8i;
5108 29
288 60
60 OH|
60 00
$2 01
2 61
1 41
1 71
3 22
3 10
« 60
1 61
1 { 61
1 11
2 -Iti
1 I*B
$1777 20
■JI/TJIS. HEYNOLES would inform nil Inter
i,TJL,cBtc(l,tl)at she has returned from Philadel
phia, where sho had bcenfor'a' Caw weeks, ac
quiring tho'new process of ambrotyplng, or tak--
ing hkonossca on glass, which have only to bo
seen to ho admired by all lovers of pretty pic
tures, or of those whom fho pictures represent.
Her course of instruction baa been mil and
complete, there having been engaged in tbo es
tablishment in which she was, tbo best artistic
talent In the city in nil branches of photogra
phy} ana the gentlemanly proprietor and opera
tors spared no pains to give her an intelligent
knowledge of the art. She thereioro feels con
fldent ot being able to perform all she promises!
when that promise is, to furnish asgoodambro
types, ns "’ell us daguerreotypes, as can bo pro
duced elsewhere. r
A word for auibvolypcs: though thcro are still
those " ho w ill prefer the daguerreotype, yet tbo
ambrotypo has several advantages over it* tho
amhrutypQ can bo seen in any light, } a not’sub
ject to change, dampness having no effect on il
ia fact there is no way to destroy a real ambrol
type When finished, but by breaking the glass
Persons are invited to examine specimens,'
Ilooms still at tho south-west corner of Han
over and Leather sts., over Mr. Fetter’s Cabi
net areroom, where she iuvites all her nume
rous fi lends and patrons, and as many new ones
as may feel disposed to favor her with ft call.
Carlisle, Feb M, IB6o—lni
J. fertile land at a cheap price and on easy
terms, your attention is called to tbo fydgeway
harm and Cent Company. Twenty-five acres
or more in proportion, arc given for $2OO, pay
able In instalments of $1 per week or $4 per
month. It is located in Elk county, Pennsyl
vania, and lias one of the host markets for its
produce in the State. The soil is a rich loam,
and is not to be surpassed for faiming, as exam
ination will show. U has the best elements of
prosperity, being underlaid by two richvcinsof
coal, and will shortly be Intersected byfourrail
roads. The timber is of (he mostvaluablekind.
Title unexception,ibly good, and warrantee
deeds arc given. It presents a good and subl
stanflal opportunity lo commence farming,pro
viding for one’s children or making an forest,
ment, Further particulars can bo had from tbo
pamphlets wldeh are scut to inquirers. Letter?
answered promptly. Apply nr address Sxu’L.
\v CvTTf'i,., Secretary, m Walnut St., north
side between Foiutli and Fifth sts., Fbiladel.
phin. Mill inlorinaliyn is contained in tho
February 1 1. ]RVS-Sm
Agricultural Society.
Gf.o. W. Siii \ ken i\ ArrnrsT with the Ccm-
BKIU. \M> Col XTY AciUt'l 1.1 l HAL SOCIETY.
1800 Aug 2H, I,y iic( |n occoda of $l2OO
. note in Carlisle Ih-p. Hank. $llB7 20
Casli hum J U Pinker, ’lieasT of for
mer Agi [cultural Society, 168 43
Cush fi"in !■» hie members, 400 00
“ •!'' eight \ ear members, 280 0Q
“ 778 yearh mem. & fain. tick. 778 00
“ f»r single tickets. &c.. 768 82
“ trnm Comity Treasurer, 100 00
IKoo Aug 28. paid H. Noble for Ca.
and 2U p. Uml.
Paid Uioliw ino ic othoi s for 824 posts,
hauling. 100 70
Paid Martin, Wilson & others, clerk
ing. police, &c..
Paul M. Sheater, Spangler, Cameron
and others. Cor work.
Paid Jus. Hotter Cor lumber,
Paul Printers,
I*aid note in Carlisle Dop. Brink,
Paid J P L\nc ami others, hardware,
rope, ike., 92 281
Paid M. Morris for introducing water, 29 88
Paid A Noble and U Moore lor bay, 28 00
Amount ol premiums paid, 88 60
Balance in hands ol Treasurer, 64 48
$3,070 96
1860 Fob. 6, by balance In bands of G.
W. Sbeafer, Treasurer, $64 48
Amt. of premiums awaulcd $2ll 60
Arot. paid,' $B3 50
i Presented to Society, 28 76
I Unpaid, 132 26
5244 60
I The Committee to whom the subject was ro..
(hired, report that they have examined (bo ac
count of George W. Shonfer, Treasurer of tho
Cumberland County Agricultural Society, and
tho same aa above exhibited Is correct. Which
is respectfully submitted.
THE Commissioners of Cumberland county,
have (her! upon tho following times and
places for bolding tho appeals on tho Triennial
Assessment, for the se\cral townships and bo
roughs in said county.
County tax. doJlai'nite 2} mills.
Stale tax, dollar i.ite 3 mills.
The returns to be made by the respoctlro As
sessors at tho times ami places tixed foi the ap
peals, at which time the Assessor* nlll return
two respectable citizens for Collectors.
Monioo township at the public house of Sami.
Allgier, on Monday tho 3d of March.
I’pper Allen and Mechanicslmrjj, at the pub.
lie house of Geo. Sponsion, In Mcclianlcsbiirg,
on Tuesday the lib of March.
Rower Allen and N<mv Cumberland, at the
puMie house of Hall, on Wednesday the
6lti day of .Match.
Kustpennsborougfi and Hampden, at the pub
lic house ol Benj. (.lay, on Thursday tho oth
day 11 1 March.
Silver Spring, at tlm public house of George
Huey, on Fnd.ij the 7ih day of March.
New ton and M ■mUturd at the public house of
John M- W ouilbui n, in New vide, on Monday
the lull. Ml Mai. h.
Minimum! Nrwville. at the sumo place on
Tuesdli) the Hill ul Minch.
Hope well at the public house of David Mow
ery, on Wednesday tho 121 h ot March.
Shippenslmrg Borough and Township, at tho
public house of Mr. Auglnulmugh, on Thursday
tho 18th day ol Mareh.
Southampton at tho samo place, on Friday
the 141 h of Match.
Dickinson at the public house of Jacob Red
seeker, on Saturday tho I 'Kh of March.
We-stpcniishorungh at tho public hotiso at Mt,
Hock, on Monday tho J 7rlt o( March. •
North A 1 uldleion at (ho (bimmissionor’s Office,
in Cm Hide, on Tuesday lho IHtli ol March.
South Middleton ni the saato place, on Wed
nesday tho HUh ot March.
East Want at tiio same place, on Thursday
tho 20th of March.
West Ward at the samo piaec, on Friday tho
:M if ay of March.
G. M. GRAHAM, [ Commr’i,
fllllK Ci.iiiim''SiMUPrs give notice that they
X «ill n-<|inro Hu- principal and assistant a«.
sos Hors to assist in holding tho appeals.
LMnte Notice,
LETTERS oi Administration on tho estate ol
Jacob (Jrecgor, Into of Mnnroo township,
Cumberland co., duc’d., linvo boon Issued by
tho Register of said county, to tho subscriber
residing in the same township. All porsopa In
debted to said ustato uro rctiueslodto make Im
mediate payment, ami those having claims Will
present them for settlement to
January 81,185(1—Ot*
llomiiy L»nd Agency.
TILE undersigned will offend promptly to tho
procuring of Bounty Lands for those enti
tled to thorn under tho into net of Congress, ap
proved Marohfid, 1865. Many yearsexpcrlenco
In the prosecution of claims for service In tho
revolutionary war, has mndo tm» familiar with
tho regulations ami forms requisite to b© obser
ved, and having the assistance of an ofllolenl
attorney residing in Washington, shall bo able
to render satisfaction to (hoso who may apply
tome. Proper forms and Instructions will ho
sent on application by mail free of cost. Nd
charge unless a warrant is obtained, and when
obtained tho foe will bo $5.
The highest market price will bo paid for
Land Warrants.
A. r. NORTON, Postmaster, .
Carlisle Springs, Cumberland co., Pa,
April/), 1856—1 y
$8,676 95
1226 00
62 00
178 68|
600 07
128 60
1200 00