American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, January 17, 1856, Image 4

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    Turquie Jlctueite.”
There 16 nothing more simple or barren in in
culenta than a turkish marriage. This is near
ly what takes place: Esmc Ims reached her
twelfth summer—she has been betrothed since
her fourth year to Bokir, who is now eighteen;
it is time for them to be united. Bckir docs
not know Esme, or at least he has quite forgot
ten her features since the time when she came a
child, to visit his mother. Esmc, on her side,
has retained a still more confused notion of Be
kir; for this reason she begs her mother, before
renewing tho contract, to Jet her see once again ,
his features. The mother consents, ami one I
day, when Bekir is visiting his future papa-in
law, Rame looks in from behind a lattice. Be-1
kir also is impatient to know the jh-T-som who |
i» to bo his wife. IBs mother lias repeatedly j
praised her beauty; but can he believe her, ,
when her heart is sot on this lie 1
therefore applies to some skillful and discreet'
old woman, generally a Jewess; whom lie re- 1
quests to make her way by some pretext into
Esmo’s harem, that she may see her and ub- ,
servo her closely. The ambassadress returns |
the next day or so, and docs not fail to draw i
tho most enticing portrait of the lady she has !
seen —a moon of beauty, teeth like pearls, eyes
resembling two stars, the eyebrows two ram- |
bows. Bekir thanks God and the Prophet: (
then he pours into the hands of ibe duenna a J
handful of bcchlcqs, and sends his future wife,
baskets or vases hlled with tluwers, fruit, and
confectionery. Tho offering which wo call the '
corbieUe denotes follows immediately on the,:
signature of the contract. This corbullv eon- «
«sla chiefly of dresses and jewelry, with the J I
addition of a looking-glass and a pair of em- . I
broidered bath clogs. The present is dc ivgar-;'
us. Bekir receives in return linen ami U>wU, 1
embroidered in gold, silver or silk. The mem-1
bers of the two families also interchange pros- < 1
ents. Several days, frequently wevks,inlet vi ne
between the signature of the contract and the
celebration of the marriage. The time is cm- 1
ployed by Bekir in the payment of the dowry 1 .
by thd parents of the lady in getting her irons- (
scan and wedding apparel m readiness. Tiie '
wedding lasts four days, from Monday morn- ' (
mg to sunset on Thursday. The night of 1
the nuptials is lixed for that dav, which i-, (
considered more propitious limn (lie others, be- ■<
cause of the conception of Mohammed. Tho' 1
wedding festivities m both houses are kepi np (
by the men and women separately. They *
principally consist m banquets. the mlnuK ‘1
being filled up with codec. sherbet, eonfeeli.m• j 11
ery, perfumes, and pipes A grave htlanfv ! (
presides over these meetings, which areenliv- •[
ened at times bv bands of jugglers and story- ’
tellers. Relations and frond-, aie muted to | (
pass alternate davs in the two h m-cv, and the ’ l;
long and wide sofas which a>lorn the himlik I ,
and harem serve as beds for lie' emst-, h\ ' w
night- Each day is di-dingm-hM I>\ a dithr- i
cut ceremony. On Tiu-sda\ the lady's iron-.- ~i
scan is earned in gnat sta't from her residue e "
to that of her husband. <hi W'-dimsdav even
mg she is taken to the bath to which re- ''
mony all the poor w om<-n m tlie <pianer ;u em- '
vited. Tiiey, on arriving, d« po-iti then rag-' l '
ged clothes in the first room, and ind on 'put
ting the bath, a new dress, with a --11111 of uem- ''
c-y proportioned to the rank an 1 lorlme- of lie- ■ ||
husband, fn Turkey chanty is met -r--d »in j *
the next day, in the afternoon, the lads' a’*- ~
compnmcd by her mother, suters and servant-,
leaves her dwelling for that of In r husband ~
The relations of Huh the* families nr<• aw-m
bled the turn ii\ the mlamlik the women in the
harem. The rejoicings. which are kept up till
night-fall, (einimate m a supper At the hour
of the liftli Namaz, tin; hn.O'und altcr k,'
the hand of his father. his uikK-., lin . ITt
brothers, ponies mysteriously irtto the han-m.
where Esmc is awaiting him. Maud on a sofa,
her head covered with a veil. hu
husband she rises, and while he is trying in
take her hand, she raises his and kisses u. m
token of submission. IWkir is preparing to
raise the mysterious veil, but the unlucky old
njnman is still seated motionless in a corner.
like a Slaiui* u, .ho The old woman i>
thrust out. after some feigned reluctance, and
the wife appears for the first time before the
eyes of her delighted husband.
Husbands and Wives.
Mrs. Denison, of the Olive Branch, in one of
her capital editorials, presents the following
contrast between two husbands ami two homes;
1 wish I ronM s-<e a pleasant fare when 1
come home Tired 1 Yes. that is always Un
cry. I never get tired ! Oh, no 1
to please, clerks to overhaul, accounts to cast
up Hush ' I shall hate that child Nmv walk
the floor and spoil him. Bill. hunt up my slip
pers. Mary, draw up the rocking chair -oth
er men have these things ready (or them
There is Saunders ho lakes coyifi.rl. (Ik wife
l» OS handsome now os she wa<? the dav she was
married. If there is nnv thing I hate it is a
faded woman Light the lamps, and give me
my papers If I cannot read here, in peace, I
Will go over to Sanndtr's.
Mary dear, how tired you look One me
that great strapping Imy. No wonder \uiii
arms ache. f>)». never mind me; lam alwavs
(I- K. at home, yon know. Take the rucking
chair void sell, and just he comlorlable \mi
I tirevi I U hy. yes, ( am. a little . (nit lie n
I have feasted on fiesh air and snodnne t>.
•lay which you have not . 1 don't have so h u
large lump of perpetual motion an lliis tu man
agu. Bless my soul, hove do \mi live (h, si
hot days ! Nevermind the room, i\« r\ ibmj
looks well enough you i„. bi-hd except x,
look a t ntle belter than well Ilovvdo y-m
manage to keep so young and in.tty boiun
wife I * 3
Well might the siiulbiig answer’ )>/ ■ Tin
freshness and fullness of my husband-. lm<
keeps my heart green.
II U.p Coiin’ki). —A traveler (aligned mil
the monotony of a long ride through a spare!)
settled secimn of llic country rode up lo 't
small Jad who was engage/ 1 in trimming am
dressing out a sickly looking fh Id of com am
relieved the oppression of Ins spn its thus
‘.My y'oung friend, it seems lo me your corn
rather small.’
‘Yes.daddy planted the small kind ’
‘Ah,hut it appears to look ratlin yel)..w |,,0
‘Yes, sir. daddy planted the yell.,w kind ’
‘From appearance*. my Inti. \ou wont havi
mor«> llian half a cr'iji, ’
‘Just half, stranger-daddy it on
The horseman proreed»-d on «nv mid
has not l«cn known to spmk lu a l.ny sin- ~
He considered them
A (JiiitAT Fbast in a Fk« \S (nti»« ’] )„
following good thing we lind in an vxi hangr
The farmer's hunk—vault, mother earth
Exchanges— -the transplanting of nursery
and garden.
indo|>Emdun S ~ 1 ' aPpi Iless ’ 80,,ri<l y "nil n>niil>
endear""'"' 6 " at ‘"B " Ul ‘ 11 fi" l ' l '
Liabilities —-in(U.btc,i l 0 <lutl
US Sunshine and mm.
t ioS i “~ ,, “ 111 ""™ 111 “‘I-
lowing from tho Uangor Momiry
“Vonlaon is abundant inrun m.nk.t 'n,
prices ftro ]2J centx/><•) pound sh.ik-r. , m
10 cents pur pound by (lie xaddlc. Hctlsl.mJ...
at tho sumo linio, aro worth 12} conia pm pound
for steaks am! roasts.
“ Bui tlio greater part of venison jh sent to
Now York and Boston. John J,ow does the
bulk of the trade in this article, ami -mods n»»\
tho present woek 160 saddles, weighing about
06 pounds each. He lias been sending (his sea
son about 100 saddles per week. Of olhci
gnmo, wo notion partridges nro plenty. They
arc soiling at 10 a6O mid* jut pair, lialibit.s
come in morn rarely, and aru sold at 2 7 cent*
per pair.”
t»y a Oulrh gimlener, ajuuriim
man cooper to bead cabbage.
IParnmg to Every Sensible /Poman.
Why Females Sufkk in Health,
NO woman of delicacy is willing to disclose
the peculiar ailments incident to her sox,
even to a most intimate family physician.
Tins modesty and delicacy is implanted by
nature, and neither should nor need lie suhjee
[ ted to the mde shocks inevitable in making
j known to the o(Inn sex those ailments belonging
i exclusively to the female.
Except in extreme cases, her sensitiveness
will sacrifice hrr health rather than her delicacy.
The consequences are serious, lamentable,
ami hle-long.
Thus at first could have been easily rom
, edied, or perhaps belter still, not incurred, bc
, conies a complication of diseases, not only rnin
| mg the health of the mother, and embittering
• her days by silliness and Htiflering, but entailing
! broken constitutions upon her children, and
embanassmg, if not distressing, (lie business
| and pecuni uy prospeets c,| the husband. Let
e\eiy sensible woman take iranintg 111 time, (as
, thousands have d«me) by the bitter experience
and snllcriiigs o( others,'of the dreadful conse
quences she entails upon herself and those en
j dc.ircd to lu-r, by her ignorance of the simplest
and plainest rules of health as - connected with
the ni in lage slate, the violation of >1 hich entails
disease, Millet mg and misery.
I low m my an* sulfering from obstructions or
iriognjjirilie.s peculiar to the female system,
which undermine the health, the effects ot which
lliey are ignoianf, and (or winch theii delicacy
bn bids seeking medical advice! JJmv many
suffer from proln/isn ? it/Vn , falling of 1 lie womh,; [
or from Jtuor .i/hu 1( w e.ikness. debility, ike.) 1 — |
II iw m my ai c in constant agony for many months
piecedmg <-oiitincmi;iit 1 How many luxe dilh
cult, it mu d mgcroiis deliveries, and slow and
uncertain reeuwi ies 1
1 o tin' ipies(llla ( how urn these to he preven
ted I w hat dull he done I the answer h simple.
Let every woman asceitain for hei .self, w itli.
mil Moh«nee |o her delicacy. the nUure and
character of the ailment (lowimh she as a fe
male is suhp'et i the causes from which it mav
arise, mid I hi* ptopei remedies for its cure and
future prevention.
1 his she can do hy possessing a little \ ohiiim
(already possessed hy I Imiis unlsl which tells
hei Is tlie nutter, and tells her what In do
lot if. in simple hut chaste nurds, and such as
she can ntidersl uid, Tills little volume is enti
tled the M-irnr-l It,.mas's PRIVATE MK i) I -
I’ VL Ui >MPA Mi )N. hy |> t. A M.Muhhui,
i , |"|esv | l "I I»l-e |,i-S o| Wollletl tJfIC hllll
l" dill edilo'U t MI 111(0, iMno .pp 2 Mb j< >M
line pap- i, . mi i Ini, ling, si no |
A -I.Hid u 1 'Soils oI est ildished i' joitation,
|,,|:l( f <'i,--e.| hi the catalogues o( dm great
■fb-nl- > d s in N w V..jk. J ' elplo.i. and
’be 1 1 111 -s. (ltd sold 1 1 V die plirn Ipal lMioksi-1- ,
II ’t ■* iii tin l ulled 'stal 1 s. 11 was first published
in since which time tin l,„ Wn-./ /<m>/
.‘/0.-t hIS e he.-I) S. lid ,I, I W tin I, t here W ere np-
AMids nl bundled thoiisml s-Tit hy mail,
iltestimr Ihe high i' s 11 1 o 111 o n in w hmli it is held
i.s a n- 11 mI. ['opu! it ne die, ll I klm rt ,-nj ft
lii 1111 1 e11 1 1 i\ 111 g d. \.>t.d his exclusive
-Mention to In- he «tiimm oi . .imp| uni- peenliar
•' l-'l.l >l. s. HI Ie- pi , I |„ „ hi, h h' is \e.,l l\ C,,l|-
•‘‘fb-l by j p..m,,„ and by let-
I h- Him !iv'"-iin lll lt a iimllnT often
' f •'t n !in«f.»d\i ( (In' 11(
• 'port if * Ir r (iiMu<• he ilf h. « ill had such
iifti-.M .ml ill \ 11• vj, :md also t• v pl.tii■ ni.inv
v i.ipo.|.i, win, || .it Imth is. • w ..iiM r 1(1 ri \.
11 f ' " l >i' n in, i-. .ill Du- p. i ul,,u it u-s iin'iih M 111
•i l ' l -Mn item .nr described
It i- > m-• unpr uni.- k li|.‘ in c.nvi'v fully
Hm' \ U - I- in ,|...| ~f, Jhev ill !• ~t „
n.Uiiii' s'nritv inl l -n■ I<l r■ ■ i tin- ni.iineil t
■ •.micinpl itn,.;,. |'hr n vi
lined 111 Its pur.-H have pnneil :i blessinjr 1..
tflollS ii, U. .is |||.- Hill I lM" li 111 IS |.,|
h> lie* anth'u- (Him I) b« is peiniitle.l by the
writers to publish) Hill atiesl.
helmet dJ" u Letter from u £t nt Ir ma n in Dnufon
Ditto*, Maj 1, I*J7
Hr. M. Mmnrtnu.
I w-ile has li-vii />crccptiJ,|y sinking for
S'.tne three ycais or mmc, w ctniiviiin-ncn nl tier
gC.-ilt nus -■ —r.
and 'luring confinement ; every successive one
more ami more dchiliiiited and pmstrated her,
pud mg her life m iinmiiicnt d mger, and vvlii. h
was mi the last occasion despaired of. J suppo
sed ilia) (lus state of things was inevilablc, and
resigned my sell to me. I (he worst. At this
time (uovv aimut two months) I heard yout book
("ghly sp.iken i,|. .is i.i'iiunmir sum" mutters
r.• if l llll tr my nv (111 its receipt and perusal,
1 « uir,.•! I xpr.'Ss to \mi the relief it nllbnled mv
di-H' -s 1 :u; tji 1 . aiel (he joy its pages imparted
,IIV u ife. on le u mug that Hi • great discovery
"f M. M. IleS'.im.iux provided a remedy. Jl
,11• 11.-. I a prospect In me which I little conceiv
ed was possibly. No poruimiry consideration
c.i.evei r> pay the obligations J am under to
)mi, loi having been dm me,ms of imparling to
US the malleis contained in •• The Mauled Wo
mm s I’nvnte Medical Companion." Uni lm
tins, eio aiiothei vein would have passed ov.i
my liea.l. in all human pr-.balnlitv mv wile u mild
i'- I '*' ‘n her giave and mv eluldu n led mo.
t 11 e I less ”
In coiiscijuence of |he muv ersal popnl.u ily "f
tho w ‘I k , as e v idem e l by ilm-xh mi dm n v s i|e,
Va I lolls■ liop..s||,..ns h, v ,■ |„ , ( f t, Uijiled, .is w ell
'’ h *' K l ' l ' "ti lie- pul,be. b imitations id
I’ 1 * •'I '' bt .mis, an I -nil. ptidmjs
- -pv i tghr, md oil,. , ,|, i|, es
"el d".'].lecis ii liis I,i i n found ss.irv
•In’ l ’ 1 " />< ''inh mi lit 4 I'nhln In |ut\ tie 1 J,
n-. 1. - i’. • words •• I), A M M.hiih can. |JM '
1 11 ' 't, N V." is md the ■ Hi m in
111. •’:>l k ' I Mil' l‘ ' 1 1| ( lu> 11 hK .) |||! 11l I, JMjr,.
‘"■l »'•!>■ '■ 'l' -if M.. in 1 Im>’i->ra 1 >l>• .I. ~|
n-1 M, iin.l aIIn ,* J)| A, M
M Uhl
r-. • I|.l of ui). .1.11 u .. n.c Main. .1
W an ill -Pi iv it. Mr 111- 1 1 ('• .liij. ill loll' is v 111
1 .my J.irt of 111.- I'rnt.-l St.iti-H.
*''• 1 '’'ili- ".'I itutish Pinvinces \)1 |,.|) <llS |*»i'l. -ill l l a.l.lii'hs.-.I to |) r \ y\
V“ i ‘* SVw V "
mg nth, ~. N,. 1-m, |.il„- lt \ St,i•»• t N.. xx >, „ lk
.M'.sh \ Hi" , .iti.l I 1.. is ( <. \s pert li,»n. Pi.iU.lel
I 1-I.Ki, i Si Itio. 1 ,'i , S I ,.Mil*'r
111ari. >' n , Sunil. •! II i, (;,„ X |,„, K . j *
Ni. Ixi..n itii.l .\ K MiS'lnrr, l'(i;itnl>., .Ins
•"'.ill/, li|. .iiu-lniijf (; \V K ul,. \vm |,..s|,n|
■i II Corn. Inn N H.'itm, II \ L m.*.* ’ J;, mhuiz'
July n. In .. h
W hilit Hull v\ciiil('i)i}’.
'Jhi.r 1/,/,'s W, of ll,u , nhuoir
IIIIK f'-ni li •'fiHilm ~C (Ins I n s | ,t ui |llM ,11
e< ij 1111 ji•t i c i • "in M ..u-lu v , (In' Nth 1.1,
'"‘ l 111 '' I ■"'•itK .till) till,mil,in- .ire M-ijiieHted
iinpnrt’ Hilo iu n, nls litsi 11 j.-t i. .11 x „ g lv ,. n
l' ,unl Inwh.-r hi.uiehe- -.( an Kng
lc<fi <••ttic.trkmi. and ak.i in Hi.- I.niin, (Jr.-t-U,
1 ( I' langu.igi s, ~„d Vocal and’
(mil ulll>-111 .< 1 \in-i.-
Boarding, Washing and Tuition in the
h’ngljib branches, and Vocal music
|"T session .jt 6 inomlis, i)o
I iiMrnci mu m each of (he Languages, f, OO
Instruction in Instrumental Miihic, ]r» on
1' ni 1 m-iil.irn ,in• 1 Inrlln-r inlormahon .-üblresn
It. I tI.N LJ Nli hit, Hut / nl/u/r t J’a.
September 2U, Jh.Va.
lloiiiiiy I.and Agency
inid.-isignc-d will attend prompt)} to the
I 1■ i "fin mg n| llimtiiy Lands Ini those etili
ll, ‘' l liinln I lie lain act (h.ngr ,-sh. iu»-
Pi-'o-l Mai.-1..5.|. IH.V, Many >■ai s e M ,e, iene.e
| ntioiiol I bums lot service m Urn
, r.-Md.iin.nan war. Inis mini.. n,e lainilnvr with
i >■ (■•t' ii.i(i,,t l H an-1 I>n ms requisite In |>e Obscr
,(i V.' U < .V"" l,SH|sl ‘ u,r " *»f »'i i-llb-i.-nl
1,,,ri " Washington. shall he „hlc
" '■ „‘l' r . "••"“'■VI"-' I" O-. nv apply
tom. 1 toper I' a ins and Inslriie.lions will be
.sent on application h> nnul in e.,nt w n
rlmiv , i„„\ „1„,,
obtained tlm Ain Mill li<- $0
‘ "10 111- f.,1
rile hlghivt murk,,l pile,, «UI l,„ for
/.and Warrants.
A. P NltllTON, Postmaster,
rat-lisle Springs, Cuinbui land cn Pa
April 6. 1H66 ly
fVTONIOV %V il Rl t c<l inpayment forsub
icnprion, advertising and jo&swodn
C. IV. Robinson & Sou.
No. 218 Chesnut St., above Ninth St.
OFFERS for sale an extensive assortment of
FRENCH MIRRORS, framed In tho plain
est and most elegant ornamental styles, suitable
for Mantels and Piers. Richly Carved Oval
Girandoles, Ornamental Gill Tables.
of'recent importations, by the most celebrutui
living Artists at the lowest cash prices.
February 15, 1855 ly
Kcad! Re;id !
MU. DAVID SIDE, of Carlisle, has been ap
pointed Agent for the county of Cumber
land, fur the sale of FISK’S PATENT METAL
LIC BURIAL CASE, which j» superior to any
of the kind now in use, for ordinary interments
ami transporting the dead. It prevents imme
diate decomposition and obviates Die necessity
of hasty burials; for, being perfectly air-tight,
it prevents any unpleasant odor from escaping
and can be kept limn day to day, until it suits
tin- eonvenicnco of the friends of the deceased
to inter. We might offer hundreds of certifi
cates in c.otTuboiation of those facts, but the
follow ing will sniriee :
Certificates from Clay, Webster and others.
Washington, April sth.
Gentlemen—We witnessed the utility of your
ornamental “Metallic Patent Burial Gaso,”u9ed
(o convey the remains of tho late lion. John C.
Calhoun to the Congressional Ccmelry. which
impressed ns with the belief that it is the best
article known to ns for transporting the dead to
their final resting place. With respect we sub
scribe onrsehes. Yours, fcc.
If t’t. \v, Lewis (' \ss,
Dvviei. WrnsTKn, D. S. Dukinhon,
■b-rr. Ihvis, W. ]{. Kino,
J. M. Bi.inuvv, 11. Donee,
B • P- Manocu, D. H. Atciuxson.
Tim above described Hut in) Cases can, «f all
limes, he obtained of the subscriber, at his
Ware-rooms nearly opposite the Bank, North
I l.uio\ ei .street, Cat lisle.
May 17. 1H55
Patent Cold Lard Lamp!
r J'HE subscriber having purchased tho patent
I rigid of Stonenifcr Smith’s Patent Cold
Lard Lamp for (tu* State of Pcnnsy Ivania, are
nuniuractnring in large quantities* and arc able
to supply merchants at wholesale or
his establishment oppntute the German Reform
ed Church, in Lonther street. All orders ad
dressed to turn will be promptly attended to.
Carlisle. April 5. IKoo (im
N. B. T hq subscriber having closed out his
stuck of Hardware, ntnl having entered into the
Lamp manufacturing business, call upon those
indebted to (uni by mde or hook account to
settle their accounts without delay, as no further
indulgence w ill he given Ofhce opposite the
German Reformed Church.
r. ii. sjimi,
Port Monnaie, Pocket Book,
A. IP. Cur. Fourth Chcmnl Sts.
1 *IIII.A m.Ll’ll IA ,
Alh.ijs on hand a large h \.uied assoitinenl ol
Port .Mono, (ms, Work Ho\es,
Pocket Hook*, (kihas,
Hankers (’uses, Traveling Hags.
.Note Hofdeis, Backgammon Hoards,
f irt Kohos, ('liras lieu,
Pi n table Desks, Memorandum Hooka,
Hn-aamg Cases, Cigar Cases. &c.
Also, a general assortment of English, French
and German Fancy Goods.
t mo Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Razor Strops
and Gold Puns, wholesale, Second and Third
Floors. y. 11. SMITH,
N. W. cor. Fourth £ Chestnut Sts. Phlla.
K. H.—On tho receipt ol $l, a superior Gold
Fen h j]| be sent to any pari of the Tniled Stales
by mail, —describing pen, thus, medium, hard,
April A, IHftA—|y
uomr.pjiTmc pnysicun,
Of - KICK and residence on Dmither street, our
'lour east of tlu* Gorman Unformed Church.
IH. ttlumonthaf respectfully tiffi ns fils profession
al services In tho citizens of Carlisle and \icitii
ly. Persons from a distance laboring under
cbrniii.- diseases may consult by letter. (Hllco
innirs from 7 to fl A. M. and 2 U> 1 P. M.
C iilnie Aug. 24, 1851—If
Teas, CoBTf, Jte,
r PHK subscriber has Just added to bis formo
-1 stock, a general selection of CFfOICK GUO
CKKIK.S, ns well as all tho other variety of nr-
,18,,; 1Uy kc*pt tn a Grocery Store,
'‘ttibrncing ItioCoffeo—rousled mid green
at 1-i and 1 } eta. pur lb., Orleans, Clanlied.
ft uslieil ami Pulverized Sugars, n( line ijnali
lies, Chocolates, Spices, Dairy Salt, mid a vatic
t> Fancy articles, all of which an- ollered at the
j""est cash prices. We me thankful lm the
I‘nriii. r siipp.'it given ns, and ni'ile a Inrlher
call limn mu hieiids and ciislnmeis.
.1- M. KJiV.
M irmn Hall, Carlisle. Aug. It, IS.'.L
l.ook Out In Time 1
/ moI.KUA MOKIU S, Dysent. n , Dunlmea.
V>\. ~ ar. making l heir appearsm e. y mil. mm
the i.-medy ]| juii ha\ c any leguid |..| ip,,
"ell ire .if yourself, j our w ife or ymir .-hi Idi .-n,
supply yoiirsulvoa instantly with “K. iIJ. i*.s
Matchless Cordial,” otherwise abide I lie e.mse
i|iienceH resulting from ft bigoted adherence t„
old .juaekery. The Matchless nmedv ran
had at the Drug Store of IP J. KIFFFKU.
South Hanover street, n feu■ ilnon south ,J
('»urt House. (Carlisle, May IK, '56.)
TfST received a very large lot of Scythes ol
iJ Miperu.r llramla, to which I invite tile al(.n- 1
b-'M ul ('radii* makers, and all others in want ol
tlo» article, the attention of Fanners is also in
vited to the gn-at variety of Farming utensil* of
tie- best makers. Ploughs ..I all kinds
lornished at a si,mil advance m, C.iy p U ces.-
Home makes at Urn manufaetniols prices also a
HU \"' T article of Chums, which we warrant to
make more butler out of the same quautilv of
Cream than any other Churn in use, hy it’
JOILV J*. i.Vnk,
West U'le Worth Hanot cr Sheet.
('arlisle, May H
r PIIh superior ('l'tneiil, manufiiehireil by .1.
1 Carver* Co., of Scotland, Franklin e.ounlv,
Im - bad In large or small ipiantiln-s at H.
S ixthn'h Hardware store, Main Street, Carlisle.
All Mho havff fried this Cement pronounce it
the best article they ever used. From a groat
number of certificates given to (he munufuctnr
ers, w<; select (he following:
CiiAMiiKiisunuo, Fell. 20, 1H66.
To Jacoo Oahvkr Sir—There has boon
used during the past year, under my direction,
in the construction of “The Carlisle Water
Works,” and work of this Company, about 80
Uirrels of your Hydraulic Cement, which has
proved to he a good and reliable article, and 1
take pleasure in recommending it to others us
April 19, >66. Snpl. C. V. Railroad.
rriHK largest ami moat varied slock of Haid-
X war.- in the county, and selling at the low
est prices, is at .1. I*. I.ync’s.
Also, Harr and Uotlud iron and Steel, of all
sues and kinds, at (he loM'csl prices.
Also, Patent Wheel Grease, Cor sale ut
Carlisle, Sept. 27, 1H65,
JiiNt Received
A 1-0 i’ of Patent Meal Grinders, a nice aril
1\- ele (or Farmers or family use. Fur sale al
•lohn I*, l.yno’s North Hanover st.
Alan, a mammoth assortment of Toons, of all
Muds, at the same place.
CftHisle, S«p». 27, !Bd6.
f>AH N HOOK UOU,RRR. A now and sn-
P'-nor article lor hanging barn doom, hint
-4«ceived and for sale al
Ang. 23, ’66. 11. SAXTOK'g.
$5OOO Reward—Great Race.
'I HE great race between the Clothing Stores
JL of Carlisle, resulted in tho complete triumph
of the new store of ARNOLD $ SON, in tho
store room lately occupied by Wise £ Camp
bell, corner of North Hanover and Louthcr sts.
It is now conceded by all and every one that
they stand pre-eminent among theclothingdcal
ers in Carlisle, having succeeded in convincing
their friends, that they can sell Clothing made
and got up, according to the latest styles, from
20 to 25 per cent, cheaper than any other house
is possibly able to furnish them. They have
now on hand a largo ami splendid assortment of
Heady-made Clothing,
Furnishing Goods, Cloths, Cassimerosuml Vest
ings. Also, Hats and Gups, and every thing in
their lino for Mon and Hoys. Their materials
were selected with care, purchased
at tho lowest cash prices, and at such houses
only, who never deal in anything like auction
trash. Their friends may therefore rest assured
that articles purchased of them will and must
give satisfaction. Clothing made at the short
est notice in tho most fashionable style, having
for that purpose secured the services of an e.\.
poricnced Cutter, and laid in a splendid assort
ment of Cloths, Cassimetes, Vestings, <fc., which
for beauty and durability cannot be surpassed.
T<> the citizens of tho snriomiding country we
would say, give us a lair trial. All we ask is a
fair look at our stock am! we will not fail to con
vince you that our Clothing is better made, of
better materials, hotter trimmed, cut with more
taste, and last though not least, cheaper than
yon have over bought elsew here. Also, a large
lot of Trunks, Carpet Hags, Umbrellas, fl-c.
All hail creation far and near,
Of Aiinold’s Store yon '•hall hear;
Let pealing drums and cannon's toar
Proclaim the news from to shore
Great bargains sure, are on die wing,
Rare wondoA then we nmv will sing :
At first woMl speak n( ('i.otmino rare,
Snell trophies, sure will make yon slur*',
Of broad and narrow cloth so cheap
We’ll take a moment's turn* to speak
Delighted too you enn't but be
With prices and their quality;
Dress and Sack Coitts—a\e, Vestings tun,
Wlmt bargains now for all of you ’
Tin: Gents will our compliments receive.
And call they must the wonders to beliex e
In Bunts wo have all kinds of styles.
One dollar and upwards, piles on piles.
In Summer Goods—for soon ’twill cyme—
We'll give you bargains all for-fun.
Frocks and Over-coals so very fine,
Great wonders you shall see in every line,
Hosiery, Suspenders, V mler-sbirts lor all
All kinds of Gloves to please all who call.
But wc cannot stop to enumerate.
We have bargains both good and great
Our stock too In the Furnishing hue
Is plentiful, cheap and line.
ARNOLD * SON'S Chlhng Hull-
April 12, 1855.
Bnigs, Conl'crlioiiarieM, 4c.
Til K undersigned hn?» pisi returned from Phil
adelphia, with a supply ot
CONFKCTIONABIKS. \c. These, with his
__/Vfonnor stock on hand, will make his—, J>
VW assortment of Drugs, Medicines andYar
CB Chemicals complete. IDs assortinenl£&
of Confectionaries In also unusnalh tine, con.
sisliiig of pure sugar white and transparent can
dy Toys, common, n.ssmtMl, and fine candies »l
every variety; also, fruit'*, nuts, and e\n\ tiling
belonging to that dcp.uf Im hi <|( tilde.
lie wnnld call Special ,illi iilinii to hi- Hiipph
ot FANCY AUTirr.KS Cm, m„. Holiday H, anil
for general use. All me in' ited to call, w Pel her
they wish to purchase <n not
Parlislo, Dee. 21, 18.'J
fire ixhuam i:
i'llfi Allen and Efts! Fcnmdmro' Mutual Fire
Insurance Company ot ('nmheriand i-omiij,
incorporated hy an act of Assembly ,i.«j n<>\\ fully
organized, operation under the manage,
munt of the following Managers, viz :
Daniel Bally, IVm. K. Gorgus, Michael Cock.
Hn. Mclcholr Bfenneman, Christian Stnyman,
Julm C. Dunlap, Jacob 11. Coovev,Lewis Uyer,
llunry Logan, Benj. 11. Mnsscr, Jacob Mummn,
Jos. Wlckuraba'm.and Alexander Cathcavt.
The rates of Insurance arc as low ami favora.
Ide as any Con\jpuny of the kind in the State.—
wishing tu become members are invi
ted to make annUcation to (ho Aguuts of the
Company^C^ them at
any time.
BKNJ. IT. MirSRKn, I’rcs.
ID', nut I/OOan, Vice Fits.
Ltrwis Tlyru, Scct’ry,
Mien am. Cocklin, Treasurer.
Aug. 1(1, *6O.
Cumberland County.—Rudolph Martin, New
Cumberland; 0. B. Herman, Kingstown; lj t l)r y
Zearing. Shiromanstown; Charles Bell, Carlisle;
Samuel Graham, Westpunmdioro’; .las. M’JJow.
ell, Frankford; Mode OrillUh, South Middleton;
Samuel Woodlmrn, Dickinson; Samuel Coover,
Benj. Haverstlck, Mechanlcshnrg; John Slier
rick, Lisburn; David Coover, Rhephordstown.
York County —John Bowman, Dilltdimg; I*.
Wolford, Franklin; John Smith, Ks.j.. Wash,
ington; W. S. Ticking, Dover; J. W. Craft, l‘a
Harrisburg. —Houser U Lochmnn.
Mem hers ol the Company having policies about
to expire, can have them renewed by nuking
application to any of the Agents.
THK subscriber linsjust roccnetl a vcr\ Urge
assortment of New Spring floods, (~'win, i,
lie invites tlic intention of purchase) s, us h... is
prepared to soil at hucli prices llml c.uin.,i r.u)
(l) please.
t Hih ht.M'k embraces all the diUcicnt ki■..]h ~i
(Joints adapted to the season, snehas C|,( )TIIS,
Caasimeres, Vestings, CotUm Turn Stulls, Lin
ens, Linen Checks,
Dress Goods,
Sik-Ii ns Black a«d Fancy Silks, B.imge dr
Lnifies, Lawns, (’bullies, Bamgcs, Ik-iukuincs,
Alpacas, India Silks, tfc.
Boiincts and Rihhons,
Bonnets of nil kinds such us Satin S(i;m, Swiss
Straw , Knglinh Double and Split Slmw ' Uib.
lions of ull kinds and colors tor) cheap
Mimicry and (Hove*.
Men’s and Urns’ while, ‘ hrowii and mixed hall
Hose, Ladies' While, Mack,, slate and
mix.-.l Mom,, Mm'., Wonion'h anil Clnl.lron'.
| ami -Mlltn of all Ullnls.
Daincsfic Good*.
Muslins, f’.hiTtt, Tickings, o«,mUur Kl J Uaitiua
Caiic'M-s anil Ginghams, 1
Knots and Slwr s.
Men's mul Hoys’ Hoots and Shoos of all kimh,
Women's <J Children's shoes at wr) low jtrieeh
Such an Codec. Sugar, Tea, Molasses ttnd Si.i
cos; all of which will be sold du-ap. »; j}in ,'pj
staiicl, corner ol Noith Hanover ami Lonlher
N. W. WOODS, J K 't
Carlisle, Juno I, 1H66.
I AM now reeuvlng Irom Now Voik ami ppp
mlelphla, an immense stock of new am] ,p rN j.
rulilo Cheap Goods, to which 1 call the attention
<d all my old (rionda and customers, mid the
public in general.
Having purchased most of my Goods (nun
the largest importing houses In Now York, j
salifitlud that I can give boUer bargains than can
be hud at any <<Mtcr house in the homily.
Dress Goods.
Our assortment of now stylo dress goods iularce
complete and beautiful. '
Another lot of those olognnt and dump Mack
Silks, Embroidered Handkerchiefs, Sleeves
Collars, Rudies, Edgings and Inserting, a stock
for extent and prlco that defies competition.
Muslins, Ginghams, Calicoes, Do Hugos, Do
Lalnos, Tickings, Chocks, <S-c., a tremendous
stock ol Gloves and Hosiery cheaper than over
ados, ami voty cheap.
Como one and all to the old stand, East Main
street, and select your Goods from tho largest
, and cheapest stock over brought to Carlisle,
CnrJisU, 00l 1H„ 18#*.
Call and See our
■ Spring and Summer Clothing.
1 HMiE subscribers have Just received from tho
' _L cities, at tho Old Stand, in North Hanover
street, ono of tho most elegant assortments of
over offered to the people of Cumberland coun
ty. The prices ol Clothing at this bouse have
been reduced to such a very low standard, that
it is now within tho power of all who wish to
wear good clothes to secure them. Their stock
consists of the best and most desirable Dress
and Frock COjITS, Habit Cloth do., Linen Dril
ling do., Tweeds, &c.; superfine Black Cassl
mero PJiNTS ami Fancy do.; Silk and Satin
VESTS, and a very lino varielyoi Valencia and
other vests: with a great variety of Hoys' C/o/A
ttig, consisting of Suck Coats, Polka Jackets,
Monkey Jackets, Vests and Hound Jackets,
made of Tweed, Linnen Drilling, Cloth, Alpaca,
Kerseymere, Doeskin, fcc., &c. Also, Shirts,
Slocks, I land kerchiefs, & c., all of which are of
fered at the lowest possible cash pi ice, ami as
cheap as any other Clolhing Store in the Union.
Also, a splendid assortment of Goods In tin
piece. Superfine French and English Cloths
and Cassirneres of every hue and shade, Satin,
Silk, and Valencia Vestings, Satlinetfs, &e.,a1l
of which will he made to order at the shortest
notice and in the neatest and best manner. All
garments are warranted to fit. Tho public are
respectfully in\ited to call and examine Die su
perior assortment of Clothing at this establish
Carlisle, March 2b. 1K55.
Til F snbseriber respeetfullv informs ],, H
friends am) Die public generally , that be b s
remo\ ed Ids Hat ami Cap Store to Ids n< w budd
ing 111 Main stieet, where be will be glad to see
his old eiistomers and friends. !|e lias now on
baud a splendid assortment of Hats ol
all descriptions. from (be enmmoii Wool
(he finest Fur and Silk Hats, ami al
priees that must suit ex cry one who has mi e\e
to getting the worth of his money. His Silk,
Moleskin and Beaver Hals, are unsurpassed (by
lightness, durability am] finish, by those of any
oilier establishment in theeoi.ntv.
Boys’ Hats of every description constantly on
and. Call and examine.
Carlisle, March 23, 18.*,3,
Addition Dppopllc*!
fFIHDSK o/ i <«n who lone been a/llie.ted for
A \ ears, with this h>at bsome disease, and who
hai e tieeii using almost every nostrum before
(he public without relief. We say to pm try
•• kvitiei's Atili-ilyspeptie,” ami w.n will soon
he coin meed of its gieat superioiily over every
other preparation. We could give \mi main
ee 1 1 illentes eon idiot al ing our assertion, but a
single t tnii is w orll l mure than nil This reined v
is piepaied and sold al the Drug store of
B. .1. KFIFFI.H,
Sontii Hanover street, a l\ w doors south of
ie ('oiilf-hoiise,
Carlisle, June Id,
joiin i*. Aim:,
WHOI.F.SA I.F, and retail dealei in Ameri
ean, Fnglisb he Gorman I laid" a re. ( his,
Faints, Varnish, &e. Me< Ininn-s, buibb'is ami
the public generally , who are in want ot llanl
waie ot any kind, an- mvili d to call in and ex
amine in\ umnuulh large stock of good*. wliieh
I am selling at \ ery lo\v priees -just step m, it
will only detain \mi a lew minutes to be eon.
Ninc'd that xv tint e\er\ body sii) s must be true,
(Init I.) He’s is decidedly the plaee to g> I goep
goods at low prices, ,1. I*. ].\ s, F,
('I iy 11.) H’td «t</r of N. Haum n tf.
A MAMMOTH Spring Arrival at I.VNH’S
on North Hanover street, where the pnldie
are being supplied with every variety ot Hard
w-ure. Faints, Oils, iXo,. at (he lowest cash pi iec.
Call in and be aevoimnodated.
JOHN F. i.vnk.
Carlisle, March 23, 18.V’>.
Ihipur Klunv;in^«.
I HAVE just received my Spring stock of Pa
per Hangings, which is the largest and most
varied assortment ever opened In Carlisle, to
which I invite tlio early attention o( the public,
as I intend selling paper al prices whieli cannot
fail to please the closest hovers,
Carlisle, March 20, IH.V>.
Wall Pape.
JTST received ii splendid #toek of Paper
Hangings, W indow line prints,
eiiiln.M'injs nil (lie newest ami must approve?!
sl\les. The designs are peat ami ehaste, and
the juices sm.h ns cannotinjl t o gn e sal i.sfac
lion. W e invite our liietids and tin* public ge
nerally, to call and examine om as-ortnient be
luru purchasing elsewheie.
Carlisle, March 22,
AFKKSU snpplj op Paints, nils, Varnishes,
pye Stuffs. <Passes, Putty. Sash tools, hv.
Alsu, Baking Suda ami Hrxnn’s Pulmonic
W afem. fur (fie cure ot Coughs, Colds, Asllnna,
Consumption, and all ..(het ilise ises ■>) the [.tings'
“I H. J. MhITKUs.
Carlisle, March 2-f, pep.
/1It()(, k h li \ A gem ia I assoi tmen t n
Vy Qiieenswaie ol all kinds mm <.n hand, in
eluding Cnunteware. S(-m. w tie. Chard (Pass
"are, Tninldet s, Jars, [i.das, Hunks. Plates
C.unllesl ii ks. \e., alsn. a \ .unit o| fine Canton
* H'dlles, as well as Pit. hers. (Viler) \ Spool
(Passes, he. Put sale at the Mure ut
Aug. It, 1.V.1, J, W KHV.
Z' 1 f.ASS U AUK. Just teeming n n,-w m
\Tvun-. nMl’uie, enifu.ieiiig a varjeh ~| howH
sintalde f.u runt, pie-eons, picklis. sugars,
jellies, hi- . Its Itlsu (Vilen Stands,Jam, Pecan
(ers. Pile fie rs. Slits, Peppers, icks,
l.amps. ottered Howls, a large assortment of
Tninhlei.s, Polllets, and othei useful articles -
Pol sate l.y J. \V. KHV!
l-eliniat) 22, lH,’». r i.
l.liiK'lMinioi-*' Coal,
9000 ToNs
a smu-rmr iiihi'l.-, i.Living an.
foi *.tl< by
W.M. H. MI Kli \ V, Jeral.
C’ai lisle, Jimo 1 I, IH.V>- lin
I>lt. I. I . 1.00,11 IS,
O‘UITII Mnnovor Street, m»\t door lo tho
Post ( Xlico.
N 11. Will Ik* absent huin tli<; last
fen tlays of each mouth.
August in,
Trusses! Trusses!!
('. 11. NKKDI.KS,
T 1M KH AMI Hutl’t: KkrAlll.l.llMAM',
S- II .Cm.o/ Tu i ljlh H, in .s'/p.,
l I>ifoiiri.n ~r lino Frcm-h Tmih«o»,
txlrtmt li H klncs,, uimu mill
.luraluhty wllli correct comilrnclion. or ruptured patients can hu snllo.l hv
ro".ill,„ B amount,, a.,Avi—Scnilln K mnnbor
ol Inches round the hip,, and ,tutlii ß ,hlc af.
footed. °
" r * 2 ' *"■ Donhlt,
W, $ll, *8 and $lO. Instructions a. In aoar,
.i I V’ W T t 0 " ,|,u " l«'»,Hdc, sent
with the 1 mss. ’
Also for sale, in great variety,
lh. llmmmx's Improral I’alrnl llmly lira",
For Ihu ollrc oh Prolapsus III.,,I; Spinal l>,-,.pi
«.ul Supped, I alenl Shoulder llraco,, Ghost
o," , :- l ; ucl1 "' adapted to all
a Ih Sloop Shouldcrenml Weak I.iiiir,; Hn B ||„|,
hluatlc Abdominal Holts, SliHpcUHoric,.Svriutto,
male (itid lurnalu. * B 0
Ladies’ Rooms, with Lady attendants
August 2, IttCG —ly
lame IMoun.
A of Srtvur y Ho’b. celebrated
i im * nlr ° WH ’ " ~ich l,avo lftkun premiums
"tiiiu “i <lUr “[ uut fnlrß 111 which they have been
exhibited. Also, a largo assortment of tho fain.
°“ B ,?, rk 1 luws together with other Plows
(Vom different nmnulacturorfl constantly on hand
Ctlrli,ls. March 22, lBi 6. “' S AXT ° N
First Arrival of Hardware,
THE subscriber having returned from tho
city, Ims juat opened for the FaU Undo a
largo and well selected stock of Foreign and
Domestic Hardware, embracing everything usu
ally found in that lino of business. The atten
tion of friends and the public generally is re
spect fully directed to the assortment on hand,
assuring them that goods of all kinds will be sold
for cash at a very small advance on manufactur
ers prices.
Carpenter* and Builder* arc invited to exam
ine the assortment of Locks, Latches, Hinges,
Units, Screws, Glass, Putty, Oil, Paints, &c.
JU member the old stand, in East High struct,
where they arc for sale cheap.
August 81, mi.
South Hanover Street, near the Court House,
8,1. KfEIT’ER, Druggist, would respectful
•ly inform the citizens of C;u lisle and vicin
ity, that he Ims opened a new
His stock is <>iitic< > ly new, ami been selected
ailli great care. As many of (tie art lelcs in daily
use by physicians and families deteriorate by age
and exposure, great rare t»ill be taken riot to al
low such articles to accumulate in snob quantities.
Attention is especially invited to bis stock ol
.Medicim-s, Essentia! Oils, Tinctures, Wines, Ex
tracts, Conlenelioiis, Chemicals, &c., together
with a full assortment of Paints, Varnishes, Dye
stuff's, Paint and Varnish Rrushe-t, and
nl every variety. He bus :i}nn on band a splen
did as.Hoiiment of Perfumes, Soaps, fjoe.'. bmr,
clothes anil flesh Urn-dins, Supporters.
Ksban.sfers. Nipple Shields, Tooth Washes and
P.isles. Also,
M.:l iiuuil If me* noil Urtnnhrs,
of tin* Im’sl quality. S'".irn. from the best Ua-
N.uiii ami Spanish hoiis.-s, i 1 eveiv ll.u or, Iroin
one rout npw aids.
In order to ensure his customers apiinsl mis
sives during any temporary absence <.t the pro
prietor, tin- services ol an experienced anil com
peli'lit isfiistiMil have heen mi ured, which will
he tell to he important, in view of the responsi
bilities which arc known to devolve upon the
I’hysii inns* presei ipiii.ns will he faithfully ami
promptly attended to. Oidets fr-'T)! Physicians
and Merchants in the eonntiv will he filled with
care, and at prices which must prove satisfactory.
A liherd share of public paljon.ige j. N r «-.vp<*<V
fiilh solicited. Terms i i-sli.
March 23. lR r ,l
“IVCM IllNtUllfC.” ‘‘KXfIU Ncw-vd’
‘•Gical l^xcilciiiciit.*’
Arrival of Dr. C. H. Bodge,
Kj SPHOF.ON, limn N,.\ V ~r k.
N«’i' "lift trembling among tin- •• (Quarks” 1m
Die s.ili'l) n| 'licit •• Sngai Powders" anil C;i-
Imnri.” llmnhnggery exposed ami dentrnTed.
New Sj Sb'lll 1.1 llM'llllilK' ill t I !><t tu'l-d .
I>r, < .11. r, 1 iih sri\ il'i'H to (1 1(' in■
[ habitants <i| Carlisle and the Mtnoundiug (’(.un
ify- unit tl liters biniseli that lie can peilorm
■ cures bv his system w here all other* lun** (nil
lie has taken Ihe oflioe in South Han- WA r,r. n ,
ovei Street, foituerh occupied by Dr. J NEW GROCERIES*.
K. Smith. He will at all limes b« found [V () } V «'•«> I<>r sale at the “.Mmin, |t ft \V
In his nlliei;, tuiless |nn|essiou.i 1 h engaged. ’ 1' uini(»ri»eer> Store, ti large malpiu-nd
Lveiy disease el lbeK\e -*ud liar cured l*y a ""mntment of articles, uselul and lam j,»u W
new mechanical appai at ns. Blood Slickers ami ,n l u,rt —
j Hone Destrmera, Barmm 1m mak. rs of Ihe hn. j .' and Jaffa Coffee*,
man if ulien, take m>t i> e that one tu.m tan < < ro.-n U m ami H o.isted Cofleo,
ch-ise a thousand “ Omo-1.-.," and two put Im •lenkuis - l.esl hraiid o| Teas,
lie aw uid tools to flight, win. wiUingU use mm- Bn,wi, anil Clarified Sug.its,
era I poison to («( p file si« pi el. '’llll lupvc W hlte and Preset \ Big
liealth to the poor afllieled soul ai d I'odv. 5 ■ Fuheri/.ed and crushed “
i’. S. Patients can he accommodated with Bi oiua, Cm'iu and Chocolate,
good hoard an 1 seientitie medical and surgical Hiee mid Corn Starch,
attendance „I Di C. li. Bodge's Cluouo. Tlier. Karina ami Kimsicc of Coffee,
nml medical singiea) Justina,-. located m L"''Ting's finest Sirup, Oilenrt* Baking JfolnJ
South 1 l.nio ver si reel, ( ailisle, I’a. Fot lurthcj K, ' H - Spices, ground and onground; .Mure, (’Bran,
paiticuiars en-imre at the Institute. ; Vanilla Bean, Ciieesy, Crackers Candles hr.
April 2(», 1 Sou—ly Kluli ’ ’ wim
„ ;«• i BJ£.tsrs!saJ|
Mens and boys Uuuiihs Store i < ’' t,MI, ' ,Ktu, ‘ it u(jnm.iy,
JVur/A-0.l ror „/ Rrm.rf «„.l Dock Slrrel.. ' I ZZtrZ\Z',T'r\T r ‘'’ r, """” CI
PhthtHfh.hin l ° , . u * Hl t,M ~r ideceii of any swa: nveeswury,
rj, , ! nn< i "I the diHereiit steles, together with » xorl
}n riff- CfTm-Ys ay < UIUHI.V vv» Vicinity. ety of fine White and Gold Bund, KngVtsh mid
"’t/ <U are respectfully in\ Bed lu examine the i ri,u ’L China suits of Ton \vure,ii|)d other xurii--
-I- extensive ami wnbd ussui imeiit of Men’s * "f'useful and fine fancy Chinn ware, Imhil.
and lb\\s* Tic,thing, at the store of Ihe subscri. '"K Tra\s, Plates, Vuties, Fruit Dishes, Cotiic
hers, wfiere inn) iilwins lie found a full snppU eups, At. Ac.
Heinli -i Clothing. of all -i/,-s amide. fiL.ASSU’AnF.,
srripfiou.s. wmn in iner, ami hoys ot all ages ami 'tutu, ring howls, dishes, molasses runs. Mijat, tuade li> expei fenced workmen nnd of the “ large seleetion of line tinted tumldin,
very best imitoiial, the make, 18, ami appear- , "me md egg gl mse*,‘«ud other useful nrtielm
mice surpassed i.y 110 estahlishment in the eilv. j IIII.UHV AS I) CEDAR W4UF
Please preset ve this tmtie.r, ami gn« me n rail, which are tubs, chnniH. water pal
and 111 out toiiisehea ami sons in a manner sun-s market l> iskels. (r.ividling baskets, rs mil
worth\ of \on I them. H ememher I lie Noiih as other enrens) ami nmovered baskets. Al»>,
l-.m,t conn lo] .Sec I nml Dock streets. , T tide Oil of the finest l-r,ind. Sperm mid other
.. i{ - () - CLIFTON A SON. Oils; Tobacco. Cigars. Snaps, Ac. A tumdUrf
Apni 1., h. I.jy ‘Of eholeo MACKAHKI. of No. 1 qunlßy. AK
F‘l\('V rno/iv PUT nn/tL’v t *I n Dimmed M'-ss Mackarvl—ltolli In Imiids-m
S /-" ■ . ' Kl<Sl l ( K. li:»« Jiisl received witli nil 110- ..(lor \ nrie(ies nf a(J UOCKK V nml
l-J* fimu (he cit ; \. mill is now opening a splm. STOHK.
■ln displ.ij of 1 .no j (inmis. M.italilo |«>r Ihu M»• feel thankful for flu* patronage herclefarf
l>n m nt simv.ii, iii " In* li li*' ill mh .s to mil lIk; bestowed mi ns, anil invite a rontimmrr- <■{ lik.
.ift.iilim, of fi).. ini mis ami the piddle. It in »m. f.ivorv J. W.KI’.Y
sortmunt in Hum Ii !)«■ ('annul he smpassed m no. I (’.irli-de. Jam,an
and elegance, and holli impnilKy and pilre
of I iio .ii I n-|> s, c.iii not Jail in please pnri li users. 1
11 Huiilil Ik- 1111)1..smI.Ii; lo 1-minnTuU- liis
Fancy Goods,
nlildl c• •in| >rin«- c\it\ 'an. h o| (miry aitivhs
of flic Illi'hl I' \' | 111 hi t<• KfJ,l | K> a MU 1| 118
I’mpei M.o lo I. Im,
Llegmit alal.iihtci and jmiii clam inktiniid.s .iri!
(tav s.
r,iii<-\ i v nrj , pem I mol .slo-M t aid eases.
Kadics* Kanr\ baskets.
I-aiii'j nmk lio\i s, \\ ilh sou ing inM riilnr nI b .
I‘nrt Mommies, id even \atn t\.
I ( »'dd '‘nil peneils, lan. \ piip,. r weights.
i'.ipeteiu s, and a imgim .u irl \ol holms' lancy
M«»tt«> seals ami wafers, silk and head purs**.
1..n1n-.s’ riding whips, elegantly llnndied, La
dles’ line rnttlery.
Peifiinie baskets and Imps,
finishes 111 even kind (m (lie (oi]e(.
Hmissel’s reitnnies of (he inrioiis kinds.
Musical liistninienls, of all Kinds and n( id
prices, together with an Inniiinenilde variety o
arlieles eleg.inlh finished and Miitahle (or holi
day piesents, to which he inviles special allcnl
fion. Also, mi L-Mensivij L.dlcclimi ul
'•",sing (he cations English and American
Amiimln for 1855. r U lily embellished ami Ulus
I Titlo Poetical Work*. Will, Child, en’s i’JcJoj)aj
HowU'*, fur children of all ages. Ills nns<irlmont
"f Srh.K.l H-inks ami Si Imul Stationary in
eomjdete. ami comprises cv.-i \thing used i„ (*„j.
Irgi-M ami the schools. \[ v U I M „ Cl ,||., aUiMitin,) to
In Ills elegant disluy nf
r,:ini|>H, Grill Itdolrfi, dtr. %
finin lilt' fXlriisj m- ,-%Ui)>hHhvirul» <>l ('at nclius
Arch.-r anrl others, n| Pl.ih.d.-lphhi, . oniprlKinJ
ru-ry style of p a) (<.r, Chamber & Kmdv Camps
i'ir burning either lard, sperm or etberial c»ll, to!
gethor ivilli flower vases, Fancy Screens, &c.—
His assortment In this lino is unotjnalied j„ *},o
/'rni/t, Fancy Confeclinury,
Mila, Preserved Fruits. fcc.,'ln every varietv and
ul all prices, all of which arc pure and fresh, such
as can be confident}* recommended to his IViends
and (he Hide folks. Ilcmcmbcr the old stand
opposite the Dunk. ’
Carlisle, December 21, 1851.
7VTOTICE is hereby glvou that application will
X 1 bo made to the next Legislature of Peniisvl
vanhi, to alter the charter of the Carlisle Depo
*\l Dank located In the Dorongh of Carlisle
Cun,bcrlmul county, «„ n, i„ ci,nru r iij.m, milii
liuuk ll,u right, uu,l lu lvllcgo, or„ hunk 1 ,,, lBsno ‘
nml (o oharigo lla rmmo lo onrllnlo 11,ink.—
Alho tu luc.roii.o 11,0 c„,,|ia| hunk (which
l« nt presor, ,Sixty (liminimd ,101 l with 11,0
pilvilugii, of lncro««l„g thu mimu i.mlur ita prua
-1« T“ uluu ir I'","' 1 ™ 1 tl.uuaaml aulff, ,
order n? i n ,m> ' ll,ou "»»d doltara. By
order of the Hoard of Directors. *
r . r . yv. M. Dkbtem, Cashier.
Carlisle, Juno j»5, 1865.
k. j. kiki'feu
«ol* and SUvc( fl„, . '=i
SILVER WARE & 7ew^ v
rPHE largest, finest, and heat srfn , ,
iin the city* Every doscHnn* 00 stock
obtained at this Establishment, “iff k "
them direct them the FncteriJs of , ,' cccl «>
London nhd Switzerland, and is there '“ 1 ’ 0ul l
hied to still a much superior article m 0 * Wa
price lhannny other retail store In this
Persons wishing to purchase at « I?, 1
retail aro invited to call and get ii,« ! lo »
their money. Some of Wale 1. V " H1 ' »f
sold at the following prices, viz . ca “ be
Gold Levers full jeweled, 18 cam* „„
Gold Hunting Case, full jeweled Lev™ ’ * 2li nn
Gdld Loplno Watches, « ' era > Uo
Silver Lover «« fldl Jeweled 20 ®0
Gold Hunting Case, “ «* 1 htfio
Gold Lcplne Watches, jeweled
And some still cheaper than the above Hm
Jewelry of every description, || m . ,
Also, Silver Ware, and Silver plum, L’ 111-;, I>.
all binds. ’ " «c „|
IVatchcs repaired and wnrranleil a|
lem-is It. BUOOM.M,i /s
No. nil, X. Second. 2,1 doorTeb’w T/*"’’
I'hila. March 211, IHliri—|y SI,
rplIE subscriber has just relurncl fr,,,,, ~
X Eastern cllles, ami has opened al l,i 10
in North Hanover street a new and r„n * ,,u « l
inent nCHAIimrAHE, and „„w invite, "a"'"'
sons id want of gnml Hardware al redu,-,.,)
lo give bln. a call as he can uceniinni.!bj| Pr '7,
tioin a needle to an anvil, ane at price. . “ '
(lie lirnes. lkts lass,|
To Ilni-HKKEKPKns A great ,
linnaolteeptng articles, sneb ns brass uu.l
preserving kettles, (lying pans, bake pan, ,“r
Ik- irons, smoothing irons, shovels toin?* ' .'-
t-rs, trays, torks, knives, carvers, i’JT';
knives, rpoons, plated lea fc table
and pen knives in great variety, razor „ J ' !
straps, scissors, shears, spades forks rake, a,,,
tubs, water cuts, painted buckets,
unproven patent cistern pumps and leml ~j. 1
lliitsiiKs.—A large naaortlnent of nlnlewao,
dust, sneepnig, borte & painter’s brashes '
Inns.—A large stock of hammered !„,/
rolle.l iron „r „n klmla, hoop Iron, '
r.inii.l, s.|iinre and hand iron, Enalisl, '
boxes, and steel nt'all kinds, ‘ “'S""
l- vs-r. nil, varnishes, turpentine, g| IH .
(iliiHH ofnll Hi/rs.
Tn StInKSiAKKIIP. —A full n
roll-.,, I.inings, lilTidiiigs, Coat Ski,,',’
Slme-tlireac, Pegs, Knives, T „„|, '
all kinds.
I Fire I’rnor Paints nf dHPerem r„|,.„
, Tn Cuii'K»Tßii».—A full assortment ..I
sans, tinsels, gages, st|inire», brtine,, l„„, Ih ,„ h !
si n «H, augurs anil augur bltta, Ualiliats
T " I'.ntnuiKKna i Sjnni.nua._A (l'r«, rslt
assnrltnenl nf carnage trimmings,
tassels, fringes, clnlh and aniii„,„
linings, imitation enameled, j.:it,-nt'li-nlh
' r eni lain nil elnlli, plain and llgnn d p rl ,t M . r, t.nmps, Axles, Springs. Mnlslilr
Heel Felines, Ilnl.s, Tinas, Philips' pit,.at l„,x*a
I'.l nnnd axles, flue l.rass, sliver plated and Ts.
pan liarness mountings. Saddle ins s, \V kips,and
eeery artiele used In Saddlers vers rlieap
r.irlMr, Miirch 2*2, IRr>4. J. V. I.YNF
** Wo sirht! lo Please.”
r PHI, Subset iher \v ould respectful!' nmoat/tro
A t.i (he citizens of Carlisle, ami all fTs-mi
' ihil l ng (he same, ||ial In- has now or Coni »"d
"ill *i on in nr In |>e supplied silb |]je ),ite«l mo
i ltiev of e.ub successive season, compriMiij;, in
|d tin* choicest vaiietics, suclt ns Vine fni'i)
fov s, Jell j Cakes, Hon /ions, (turn, Cmdial. I-m
iimii. Chocolate, ami Fruit Ckijs, Hose, \'.uirll.»
and burnt Almonds; French and exploding Sa
rets, also nil (he common varieties, all of wMrli
vtll) be sold wholesale or retail, at low mb's, “t
’J lIK 01,1) STAND, N. lIANOVKU ST.,
aI e« North of tlie Hunk, where lie Ininjasl
received Fruits and Nuts of the lutv«t lmp"rt"'
tions, sneli as Oranges, T.eimuis, llaisins, Figs,
I‘rneiis, Citrons, Curmnts, aoll and paper shelled
Almonds, Filberts, Cocoa, Cream and Grtmud
Nuts. Also,
"I rvery kind ami from all parts of Europe. man*
at,i* tore.l of wood, glass, china, pnpler-nw ,, dd < *'
| I in, im lin i abhor, zinc, fcc., such us line a u\.
11 ml joinicil dolls, seeing ami curd baskets,‘ rt, d-
I ami lancv boxes, flower vases, motto caps. I r3 '_
j soits, music boxes, port monies, baltK , *dn nr .S
gram- hoops, masks, drums, guns, tr«m| ,, ‘<'b '‘ <f ‘
; mlnose, lotto mid other games, lit*., fiiiwy ,ml 'V s
and hair oils ol every variety. Jn c(miiei: llu “
"Ith Ihe above, a large slock of
PAMLiy ♦groceries,
such as Covering's crushed, pulverized nnd hm«n
Sugars, Coffee, Molasses, Starcli. Indigo. Sal**-
ratus, (iroen and Hlack Teas, Spices, Under,
Whiter and Soda Crackers, Matches. Ac., »nd"*
wo “ .Strive tolMeaso,” allure Invited to cuH-’f' 1
examine our stock.
Tlio siibscrlher returns his thanks lo llie pi»W ,e
for the patronage heretofore bestowed on *«*"♦
ami hopes by a desire to please lo merit n con'
tinuanoo of the same. MOKVJio-
Carlisle, March 2d, 1851,
tlfleftil, Frngruiit, tind Good
BJ. KIEFF.KH has Just returned from J l* '
• adolphla, wlfb nddillomd supply o v sr ?* 1 ,
DUTJCS,, in connecllon with hi»' ,^,rlfl |
Htock, will make Ids establishment oojw|»1»?* 0 l ,
tills deparlmont. In addition to the above, w>
has also Ju«t opened a fresh supply of
CoiifcctloiiarlcH, I’rultH,
Pastes, and Fancy Articles of every di'scrlpll''”'
Thu attention of ladles Is especially Invite
his oxtonelvo assortment of fancy articles. *'
dies’ Toilet Fancy Soaps and Perfumes °j, A
vurloty. Gentlemen aro Invited to examlm’
flno assortment of Fancy Articles. Sugars _
im and Forcoloan Pipes, Tobugcocs of over)
Hoty, Shaving ami Toilet Soaps, which ,v,l ‘ j
found to ho very superior j Canos, lifdfuf? .
Carriage Whips, and, many other articles w
more especially Interest gentlemen. . q 0
A number of very superior Woolen Mac
The Proprietor will bo very bappy ,0 .
friends generally call and examine Ids «
whether they may wish to purchase or nm* .
9 b. j. KiEn-f-»-
Carlisle, March 2U, 1851.