American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, December 27, 1855, Image 3

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    [uniiv.* jnony.
ffe 'flnd Uio following in a into number of tho
a great day in Chinadom.
1 Wd died. He had, flnrihg life,
merchant, and occupied a
Sion of influence among his countrymen—
IS. dMlb was. therefore, considered to be an
H" “ • re 1,0 bad been a poor man ho might
f ■ carried- out, rolled up in a winding
Sf”( b rm''the back of his son or-aome faithful
jb”*; "tumbled into a- hastily-constructed
with'tho iait sod laid over him would
all recollections of his virtues or
manit is different.
BrSl hnalilics arc enhanced in tho public
LuPuadon by a. knowledge of bis wealth. Vir
".“when associated with large possessions,
\t and the Chinese have not!
bad hnitators. Tho Chinese merchant at
Sue eravo a most curious ceremony was per
i vcsttixlay, Uicd abont three weeks ago.
.SfSglnterrcd in tho Lone Mountain Ccmcto
• ■ -nhiidt nny pomp. Yesterday, however, a
an I friends pro
!Sa«i to his grave for thir purpose of making
his wanes. A reverence for the
.one of the B0?t striking characteristics
-• j^i'Chinraorape,' It is, inflict, tho corner
of their religious beUeff On arriving at
’.h, eruve the’whole company alighted from the
‘;.rH.cU in which they had been con.eyed,and
'Srt the ceremony by spreading mats
"ill around it..: A. roast pig was placed at tho
■flit something.cjaoat the hepd, while all over
.Tim) Sltcwod- apple dumplings, fruits, and
,'-llW(^-fc*a»iuman it looked
7?rfT rfrtftH lilCc''a:w4iUi«otWh ur ! fio*nlo, mid,
to ml »pn«ininccs f all lltat Hie ChwSfc'df.fri'es
fd « vciy good meal,
wqu iMOiar ,& ft very practicable
C 'andacnslble woy pftestifying their respect for
: qf thar friend, were tho
•shop-ktfcUa, .• The delicacies were, however, all
thenw.of thc hungry soul of the
. merchant, which had not tasted food
V^brthree , weeks, (a privation that would no
* doiAlhatwhoen seriously felt if it had been m
’ ill* flesh.) and which it was Rupposcd-washo
wring around; smacking its lips over tho'dnin
•lV food they had provided lor it. As soon as ;
r ill thO eatables wcre lrifd on the grave, the
widdw' bf the deceased Itobblid up and took her
• lUnd af the’ foot.’ Around her head several:
■’ i yards Of white cloth were rolled. A priest with
' Vefycurly pig-twlr a very long blue,gown
' reaching to hiM feet, and ft very long
~l ftt iho head. The frLnds ana relatives stood
around. As soon as the woman commenced to
wqil« ftll the clothes of tho dcceasvd,wcre lakcn
. ~out jt trunk and set on fire., Among the
- olotheS’Werc several pieces of line silk, which
-had apparently never been worn. The whole
- -probably was worth over $5OO. Four canary
tarda-ware let loose in order to help the soul of
the deceased iu-iis flight to- another world.and
When the clothes Were all consumed, and the
- fanary birds had taken shelter in the nctghbor
- Ihg pricst with the long face rang
a bejl'which Hc'had in his hand, at the time
* inuttcrtngft prayer or incantation. A general ,
howl followed. The ceremony was concluded
liytli* Vhole company marching around the
grave, headed by the priest, who rang his bell,
at every step, and looked very solemn, indeed.
Tba pig ana the.applc-dumplings.and the fruits
the flowers, aqd tho matting, were all core.
• .fully packed up and placed in the carHmres,
. ' ; «nd the whole party then returned to town,
-.-where, we are informed, the eatables -exposed
In the grave will be sold in small pieces at ex
orbiant prices to those who are religiously in
, r . i ■■
Bobbery of the Arsenal.
i .fmpcs A. Drauc, Superintendent oflhe State
•: Arsenal at Harrisburg, ln-+ Uvn arrcHtcd aim
- -as.notv in thft Dauphin county Jail on a charge
• abstracting and, fraudulent!? disposing of
•. -'•ertain anus belonging to thcCOtoinoitwcallb.
j :.u\ Cobom, a. -ntemoer elect to the Legislature
• < n|i*!ff«Bn3aiW»:*wf
ike I*ermsyWania Railroad. U also strongly ini
■ flicalcd'trt thlS'dirtj-;irau*acLion, and has been
'■'- 1 Rop'd lo anatror at the approaching Crim
. ' r jnal CourOp Harrisburg, which lakes place in
** January, when all the facts connected with the
.case will be fully developed. The arms have
.been recovered and will be returned to the Ar
cenal. 'An example will beset in this case,
.which,-Wq think, will be instrumental in put
ting a check to Commonwealth stealing, which
has been carried to an alarming extent during
the part fifteen or twenty years, a fact general
" IradmiUed, whilst the uOenders have escaped
• 1 punishment. No class of men should be so sc
: Vetelydclt with ,as those who violate-the sa-
Jred trust reposed in them of administering the
aftalfts of government, whether in high or more
objure places. —■ lied ford Gazette.
Dbatu oy A Miskh. —The Sandusky Vindi
catorannouncc* the death of a German named
John llcrryman, at that place, leaving a fop*
from twenty-five to fifty
ilious%nd. ',Th*t paper says :
~ • »*lle whs one of the lowest class of misers,
j equal to the most loathsome ever painted by
DiChctlft. For the last sixteen years, he has
constantly worn the same blue, linsey-woolsey
-tramus and pantaloons, carefully run or darn
ed all over with strong thread, so as to prevent
the possibility of wearing out, except on some
occasions, such as land sales, or
■ something of that nature, when thoygave place
, to » suit of black velvet tliat he often boasted
•:h*d nerved him faithfully for forty years. He
• contracted the disewtoof which he died by walk
ing over the bad roads during the most inclem
ent weather of the season, all the way to Put
nam and Henry counties, to pay his tax® on
lands lie owned there, without sufficient cloth*
Ing to protect him from tho cold. In fact, we
are informed tliat he scarcely ever wore a shirt
i *ji>r Under garment, and that tho one ho had on
' when ho died had not been changed for over
• fbtvo months. Although rich, ho has been
' known to-chaffer with the smiths over tho price
■ :of a borsc-shoo which ho had picked up m the
: - ,«tfttC So far as i» known, ha leaves no heir.
He always resented ahy questions as to the
mpi ace of his birth; wlaltvcs, or early history.
- In Carlisle, on the 20th inst., by Ihcßov.
r,' . J* 0. Huchor. Mr. David O. Wills, of Frank
•• • lin county, to Miss Anna Wolf, daughter ol
• the late Christian Wolf, of this county. .
TntS’ members of the Cumberland County
Agricultural Society, will meet at the Court
-House, In Carlisle, on Tuesday, the Ist day of
January, 1850, to elect tliclr officers for tbo on
■ulog year.
Carlisle, Deo. 27, 1865—1 t
Agents Wanted.
THE undersigned will giro constant employ
ment from this time to tho Ist of April next,
to twenty-five business men, at $2,50 per day.
They are wanted as travelling agents to visit all
the most poputoua parts of tho Stato to obtain
aubscribors for a valuable publication, and to
deliver tho work. Each agent upon starting
out may take any amount of tho work ho pleases
by,giving approved security to pay over tho
proceed? of bis sales, deducting therefrom his
salary, and returning within a given time any or
the work he may have unsold. lam awaro that
In (hie business some men’s services are worm
twice as much as othorsj those who believe they
can make more than two dollars and Any cents
pee day by selling for a fair per contngo, may
have that chance. ,
For.further Information apply to Stephen
Wilson, Portsmouth, Dauphin Co., Pa., or to
BonJ. F. Allison, Agent, Carlisle, Cumberland
■ county,- Pa* STEPHEN WILSON,
Fortmouih, Dnuphin Co., Pa-
December 27,1666.
' Wse^t : aft(j;Tpahcy^6oafc' < '-
AT tb'e Tea and Grocery store of the sobscrl
her, is-Just received a. flap assortment of
tWO French China and Decorated Fancy JJrii
ffAf clet, among 'which may bo found Rich
Vases, Colognes, Jewel Boxes, Cups and
Saucer's, Card Baskets) Inkstands, Toy, Tea and
Dinner Sots, China Dolls, and other Gilt and
Plain articles, usofhl as well as suitable for the
Also, a general assortment of GROCERIES
and Spices adapted to the season, all fresh and
of the best quality, together with a lot of now
Bethlehem Buckwheat, ol <etira quality in small
Cranberries, Raisins, Currants, Citron, Ac.,
for sale by J. W. ED*.
Carlisle,-Dec. 27, 1855. .
Estate Notice.
LETTERS of Administration with the will an*
uexod, on the estate of Andrew ilolmoa,
late of Carlisle, Cumberland- conduc'd., hare
been issued by the Register qf.said county, to
tbo subscriber residing iq the,same borough.—
All persons indebted to said pstqte are reques
ted to make immediate payment* and those hav
ing claims will present them for settlement to
Deoomhor 27,1855—Ct I ’’,I''’' 1 ''’' :1 ;
- - * ua/lj.iuMib ——
Valuable nt
THAT desirable'HonS<|'ahalflf?6Uuftl«d on
East' Main street, In iil6 Borough 6f Carlisle,
late the property of AndPotv-Holrne's 1 , Esq. The
.*ll ImproremontS'Arb'A'comTODdiouslwo
jSßuia story Woathortwardbd Rouse, with a
and contbnlctU Back-building,
■ liHjJßffOQjco. necessary Cut-buildings, and
SargSd substaidloVlidfe SWUlci’ 1 ' Thfcgarden
contains a number ofehWco-fVuU'ti'oi.B.
Possession will 'bo'gtflrfifrob -the Urst day ol
'April »»'-> b..^
"’lt will bd sold <m Saikintufa ihitiSthvT'Fih.
ruaryntxt, at tho CodrtftJptiao, 10 o'clock,
A. M. - '*j i 0: ".b '
For terms and further-particulars enquire ol
tho undersigned. •. -
janEan# uolmes,
by hit Jttorney in fact,
Carlisle, Dec. 27, 1855—[s
New tSoorln; Grciyi AUtf-ac'loi* I
T’HE subscriber Invrltig c snYawd r hls Store
I room, and made it tIW WfertMa moat plea
sant room In tho county, liaiTalsff'dnlarged his
already extensive assortment bf Goods, and is
prepared to soil Goods of-all kinds tit prices as
tonishingly low. Broche,- Long and Square,
and Blanket
of all kinds and at all prices. Black and fancy
Silks, French Merlnoes and Cashmeres, Delalus,
Pnnimeltus, Necdlo worked Collars, Sleeves,
Edging, Inserting, Stamped Collars, Flouncing,
Ac. Blankets, Flanm Is, Lloseys, Checks, Bag
ging, Ticking, Muslins, Ac.
Cloths, Cussimcres, Ratlinets,
Jeans, Tweeds, &c. Satin, Grenadine and
Fancy Vestings.
Carpets, Druggets, and Oil Cloths of all kinds
and at all prices. .
and Gloves, Ribbons, Buttons, Trim
mings, Silk, Merino, Dumbs’ Wool and Cotton
Shirts, wrawers. Suspenders, Cmvuta, Umbrel
las, Window Shades and Fixtures.
Furs at all prices.
I am determined to soil Qoods at small profits,
and will be pleased to sec persons call and look
at my Goods. I charge nothing for showing ray
Goods, But deem the privilege a groat ploasui e.
Cull and see at the old stand, North Hanover
street, where thankful for past favors, ho hopes
for a continuance of tho same.
Carlisle, Dec. 27,1835. *j T '4
Stuttering, Stammering, &c.
CURED without pain dr suiglcal operation,
In from ton minutes tb thfiu hoars, by Dr.
Joxkii, who has boon such un
bounded success iu Philadelphia, New York,
Baltimore, and oilier Urgw’blufs and, towns in
the United States. Ilslus references fromtho
Medical Faculties of tbu A Jll»re!*‘hamod_ places,
and any tjujcntlty or.tonimouhd* Troth penionr
cured by him. This sjsumr ts> the only one
knuwn to man by which tboad Impediments can
be forever removed, and be Wtfhhare no pay till
the patient Is cured, which shall ,bo tested by
reading and speaking without mi .Impediment.
Remember, nocuronopayrequ/red. Dr. Jo***
may bo found at Parson’s HoWr l,lu aot,)
December 20,1805—21* . ~
NOTICE is hereby given to ajlncrsons inter
ested, thnMhu accountofthe lion. Samuel
Woodburn. Sequestrator of Ijie' Hanover and
Carlisle TurnplkoUoad Company, has been filed
in the ProtlionoUry'a Otllco for examination by
said Sequestrator, and will be presented to the
Court ot Common Pleas of Cumberland county,
fur confirmation and allowance, on Wednesday
tho 16th day of January, 1856.
D. K. NOELL, Prolb’y.
per I*. Quiolkt, Ucp. Proth’y.
- December 20, 1855—81
NOTICE Is hereby given t)iat an application
was made tho 18th day ql Dec. 1856, to the
Court ofCuminon Pleas ol Cumberland county,
for a Charter of Incorporation for the “Good
Will Hose Company,” ot tho Borough of Car
lisle. and the Court make thq following decree i
And now to wit i Dec. 18, 1855, notice of
this application directed to lie published In tho
county tor throe week# prior to the next term
of tin- C urt. Br tub Court.
If by tho next term no sufficient reason bo
shown to tho contrary, tho said court will bo
asked to grunt said charter.
December 20, 1856. i-
PRUGS, ClipiflUCAtS,
Confectionaries Goods.
milP! undersigned hnailutft) replenished his
I stock of Goods, and** his Dwgsand Chem
leals have been selected,with grpatcaro, ho Is
prepared to fill all order* promptly. Hlafrlonds
may rely upon the genuineness and purity of
every article. ljls stock of.
Is largo and selected with special reference to
tho Holidays, and will, afford arly variety pew
sons may desire In thtf lino, lie has a largo
assortment of Gorman.'andi Domestic
Fancy Candle*, .nisrflgum wffall <Voshand
of tho very best qualUyv,, ipa«M9Ttuionl of
Is largo and enbracca almost every thing neces
sary for tho toilet and family, Uo invites spe
cial attention to his Fancy Work Boxes, Port
Folios Port Monies, Ac. t.Qnlck sales, short
profits, and strict, consistency In trade* shall
characterise our ta.lmrt.. - , J( KIEF p ER ,
Carlisle, December %), WQn i..
Tire Temple OP®“ 1
Krlss Klnglft lu Oomlng,
AND will bo at hill oM'Delia Quarters In
North HanoversUOet^dnrlngtho Chrlelmae
and New Ytar't FaMlllee, with ono ol tho lar.
frost assortments of
over offered In this place, consisting In P»rl ol
Pino Candy Toys and Prults, Jolly Oakes, Bon
bons, Gum, Cliocnlalo and Fruit dropl. Iloso,
Vanillin and Burnt Almonds, t ronob and fcs
plodlng Secrets, Ac.
fruits and toys
of Hid latest Importations, snob ns OranE'J.Lc
niona, llalslna, Figs, Proems, Currants, 0 Iron,
Soft and Paper Shelled Almonds, Filberts,
Cream, Cocoa and Ground Nuts.
Toys and Taney Goods of every quality and
price, consisting in part of lino Wax, Kid, Gm
na, Crying ana other Dolls, Sowing and Cara
Baskets, Fancy boxes, Flower Vases, Motto
Cups, Tea Sots, Masks, Drums, Guns, Air 1 Is
tols, Accordoons, Hnrmoonlcnns, Trumpets,
Chess-men of Bono and Wood, Dominoes, Lot
to and other Games, Fancy Soaps, Ualr Oils
and Port Monnatos, Ac. Also a line lot of Fa
rally Groceries.
pecomb6r 18j 18M
Hose Company.
AT -MARION HALL, commoncing Decom
bor 24th, 1855, and closing January Ist,
1856. Open every night and Christmas and
Now Tear’sdays; •
Persons doslrobS of purchasing Christmas and
New Year's presents, are respectfully invited to
attend, as they will And Toys, Dolls, and all
such'Fancy’artiolcs suitable for the otpasiou.—
Refreshments, served In over}’manner.
The object being one of .public interest, wo
hesitate not to call upon hit to attend.
A Prize Gold Watch will bo offered, which
will be drawn for on Now T-car’s night. Tick
ets 26 cents.
All persons having articles to present to the
Company, will please leave them at the resi
dence of Mr. John D. Gorges, ono door east of
Marlon Hall, on Mondaythe 17th of December.
Season tickets admitting one pordon 60 eerfts.
Slnglo tickets 121 cts.
Chairman of Committee.
December 6, 1855.
N. B Persons intending to present the
Company with cakes,-v ill please leave them
with cither of tl)e committee of Ladies—Mrs.
Goo. W*. Sheofor/'Mfs. C. Inhoff, Mrs. Jason
W. Eby, and'Mra. Jno.D. Gdrgas.
Established Ai'acsr 4th, 1621.
'eekltf Edition between 80,000 and 90,000.
IN issuing their Prospectus for 1856, tho pro
prietors of tho Post take ft for granted, that
tho public are already tolerably well acquainted
with tho character of a paper that has grown
strong during tbc storms and sunshine of thib
tt-foob tears. Their object always hasbefin,
aa it remains to be, to publish a weekly paper
ror'th’e funinycircto, which'Shall hot only amuse,
but also instruct qnd-impro.e, those wbu may
road it. To accomplish this object, tho best'
articles arc selected or condensed from foreign
and domestic periodicals, and original articles
of an instructive character procured, when pos
Jitters fVom Foreign Lands;- the most inter
esting portions of the Weekly News of the
World ; Sketches of Life, Adventure and Char
. actor, Selected and Original-Articles upon Ag
riculture; Account of the Produce and Stock
Markets; and a Bank Note List Aro Included
among the solid information to be Constantly
found iu the Post.
But the mind requires a wider range—it has
fhcnitics which delight in the humorous and
lively, the imaginative and poetical. These fa
culties also must hare their oppropriato food,
else they become enfeebled, and, as a conse
quence, the Intellect becomes not row and one
sided, and is not abio to tnko an enlarged and
generous view of human nature and its destiny.
To satisfy these heaven-implanted cravings of
onr mental being, wo- devote a fair proportion
of the Post to Fiction, Poetry and Humor.
Among our contributors in the first two of the
above Departments, are several of the moat
gifted writers in tho land. Wo also draw freely
for Fiction and Poetry upon the best periodi
cals In this country and Great Britain. Wedo
sign commencing a now story by Mrs. South,
wodtii, author of “ Tho Deserted Wife, “ Miri
am,” Ac., in onr first paper of January next.
Engravings, illustrative of important places
and actions, of Agricultural and other now In
veutions, with others of a humorous, though re.
fined character, are also freely given.
This is one oflhe few large papers filled with
life and thought, instead of lumbering trash.—
Its management is marked by liberality, cour
tesy, ability and tact. It employs the best lit
erary talent, and. spares no pains or expense.—
As a family paper, one of literary and general
intelligence, we cordially recommend it.—Coy-
«ga Chitf, Auburn, N. P,
Onr readers may rely upon it, that Deacon &
Peterson will be as good as their word. So far
as wo can judge by years of observation, these
publishers do rather more than they promise ;
and their paper Is edited with very marked abil
ity. It Is singularly free from silly sentimen
talism and bluster, but is of a healthy tone on
ail subjects, always moderate in language, but
always mildly advocating the right. We Audit
jimmf-ilm most cnneraUyjfttractlTO.Bapcrs in
our exchange.—-S«/. Vie. PUtUyt. Pa,
It is tho literary and family paper in the
Union.— Rock Itlander, Hock Island, tit.
We have heretofore spoken tn high terms of
the merits of the-Post, os one oflhe best papers
qn our oxchongo list, and wo regard it ns one of
(ho best literary papers to bo found anywhere.
Its editorials ore written with ability, and take
a libera], independent and comprehensive view
of men and things. —Star $ AdutriUCr, Wrigklt
ville, Pa,
It is deservedly one ot the roost popular pub
lic Journals in tho United States,-Combining as
it does, In a literary point of view, all the Inte
rest of the best magazines, with a vast amount
of general intelligence.— Republican, Litchfield,
Tsana (Cash in advance)— Single copy, $2 a yr.
4 copies,
8 “ (And one to gotlcr-up of club,) 10 00
18 “ (And one to getter-up of club,) 16 00
20 “ (And one to gettor-up of club,) 20 00
Aadross, always post-paid,
Noi 00 South Third Street, J*hlla.
[E7"Samplc Numbers setlt gratis to any one,
when requested.
Dccccabcr 0, 1855 —21
WHEREAS tho Hon. James H. Graham,
President Judge of the several Courts ol
Common Pleas In tho counties of Cumberland,
Perry, and Juniata, and Justices of tho several
Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail
Delivery In said counties, and Samuel Woodburn
and John Hupp, Judges of the Courts oI Oyer
ami Terminer and General Jail Delivery for the
trial of all capital and other offenders, in the sold
county of Cumberland, by their precepts to mo
directed, dated tho 12th oCNovombor, 1855, hare
ordered tho Court of Oyer and Terminer and
General Jail Delivery to bo holdon ol Carlisle, on
tho 2nd Monday of January, 1860, (being the.
Hthday,) at ten o’clock in tho forenoon, to con-,
tlnuo two week.
NOTICE fs hereby given to tho Coroner, Jus
tices of tho PeaCe, and Cofistablos of tho said
county of Cumberland, that they are by tho said
precept commanded to bo then and there In their
proper persons, with their rolls, records, and In
quisitions, examinations and all other remem
brances, to do those things which to their offleda
appertain to bo done, and all time that txp
bound by recognisances, to prosecute agfdnst
the prisoners that are or then shall bo In the Jail
of said county, are to bo there to prosecute them
os shall bo Just.
November 20, 1866.
Valuable Property foi 1 Sale.
THE two alory Brick House end Back-build
lug, lylth a p»tnp, cistern, and all necessary
out-buildings attached, situate In North Hanover
street, In Carlisle, Is offered for sale. The sit
uation Is a good ono for n private residence or
for business. The tonus will easy. Apply to
J. U. WEAVER, Jlgt./or JS, Bullock,
July 20, 1806—tf
Cumberland Valley Bonk.
William Ksn, Melcuoib Bbskmemam,
Rod't. 0. SreanETT, Hejibt Saitoh,
Riou’d. Woods, John C. Stehhett,
11. A. StunOEoH.
THIS Bank, doing business In tho name of
Kor, Bronnoman & Co., is now fhlly pre
pared to do a general Banking Business with
promptness and Ildellty. . ,
Money received on deposit and paid back on
demand without notice. Interest paid on Spe
dal Deposits. Particular attention paid to the
Collection of Notes, Drafts, Chocks, &0., In any
nart of tho United States or Canadas.
1 Remittances made to England, Ireland, or
tho Continent. Tho fhlthfhl and confidential
elocution of all orders entrusted to them, may
bo rolled upon.
They will at all times be pleased to give any
information desired In regard to money matters
In general. Bonking House In Trout a Build
ing, Main street, a few doors haul of tlw;R»«-
C»rll«l». Sept. 20,1666—8m0.
BY virtue of a writ of Levarl-Faclna, issued
out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cum.
borlaud county,,ondto‘ mo directed, I will ex
pose by public vendue or outcry, at tbo Court
House, in tbo Borough of Carlisle, on Friday
tbo 11th day of January, 1866, at 10 o’clock
A. M.,.tho followlnffdescribed Real Estate,vis:
All that messuage atd lot of ground, situate
In the Borough of Shippcnsburg, bounded north
by King wtreet, cast by Queen street, south by
an alley, and * lot,of Philip and John
Dewey, and known;bn the plan of the town by
No. 86, containing In front and breadth sixly
four feet fo'nr Inthcil, ■mortj'or less, and In depth
two hundred and lllty-seven feet four inches,
together with 01l anij singular the buildings, Im
provements, rights, liberties, privileges, here
ditaments, ond oppuHcnahccs thereunto belong
ing. Seised and ln okoculion us the pro
perty of S mue! Harr! B * with notice to lorro
tenants. And to bo'sold by me, .
Sheriff’s Office, Carlisle, Dec. 20, 1855.
Bargains, Bargain n.
The subscriber luU just returned from Phila
delphia. and is'now opening thy largest and
cheapest lot of WINTEIvGOODS ever brought
to Carlisle. French Merinocs, Delaines, Alpa.
chas, Bombasines,. (fallcdos^Shawla,
Flannels, Btankqta,!6lQVCB..fyc., in great varie
ty. Also, an Immense stock of
at reduced prices. lAn entire new stock of La
dles Furs, very chobp*. : ] v ''A ! n assortment of now
rtyle and fdshlonaWd'fiOlCfrETS,, .
■Alto, another Writeoff Embroideries-just
received fttm New. Tprk. A - Elegant Collars,
Undersleevea, and Flounc
ing*. '
Purchasers aro fOspsctfully invited to call and
examine hl» splendid .atqcU.ct cheap
Goods, and they will bo, sure t° get the worth ot
their money. ,
At the old stand, East Main street.
~ 'SKCplirßSate;
New Goods Again!
December 30, 1^55.
Pork, Padding 1 and sn
Jgfgjfa THE tubscflbbr Begs leave to inform
customers and friends, tliat ho has
raovedhls slaughterhouse to .the building ad
joining Seymour’s Ico-honsQ, In Dickinson al
lep, where ho will havo constantly on hand the
; best of pork, sausages, puddings, &c. Thank
ful lor past patronage, bo respectfully asks for
a continuance of tho same,'feeling confident of
his ability to render satisihcHon.
Carlisle, Not. 22,1855-Mlm
Va aablc Farm at Private Sale.
AVERT valuablo.ond highly improved lime
stone farm, situate, ill Southampton town
ship, Franklin county, on the Roxbury road, 2\
miles north of Shlppensbarg, now occupied b>
Thomas Haycock as tenant, containing
110 Acres and. 137 Perches,
•95 of which aro cleared and,ln a high state of
cultivation, and tho residue covered with excel
lent timber, the whole thoroughly lenced.
Tho improvements have Been but recently
» n erected, and consist of a new two
story Log Bouse, 28 (cet by 80, a
Rank Born,lower part stone and
upper frame, 7fifcvt long. witlTWa-
and two Com Cribs attached, the
woatherboarding Jplnncd andpainted white, and
other necessary out-buildings; a line assortment
of fruit trees about tho house, and a large num
ber of locust trees scattered all over tho farm,
and an excellent Well of water convenient to
the bouse. The property'in all respects is a
most valuable ono, tho being of excellent
quality and the improvements of the qjost sub
stantial character. For tehns. &c., enquire of
lUal EslaU Jlgt. $ Scriviner.
Carlisle, Oct. 26,1855.
TPBN--Y. Tribune, *fvtalM tiwa
Dr. Joel Show 1 , an houjpt man and earnest
'reformer, widcl/i known f au ia 'pioneer or tbo
Water enro into tho United States, died last
Saturday, In year pond after giving a
biographical sketch, states that he “died In the
fullest* -n fid noc |n the system ho had so obly
and earnestly advocated.” Wc knew Dr. Shew
prior to bis going to Germany, In ’4l and '42,
and wo believe bo was honest in bis convict! onst
bat,'like many other honest men, he died a vic
tim to'his delusion. Cold water Is not adapted
to all rtiftnllestationa of disease, nor every varie
ty of temperament and destitution. In the
East Indies, children are rarely over washed In
water, but thvy arc oiled every day. A child's
head can bo kept much cleaner with oil than
whhout It j and many young'jiersons with hectic
cheekt would probably never know the last days
of consumption, Iflhelr parents would insist on
having tho chest, back, and limbs anointed with
the "EUthic Oil” two or three times a week.
Tho Ilobfow Physicians Sofctn to have consider
ed oil as more efDcacious than any other reme
dy. Tho sick were always anointed with oil,ns
tho most powerful means that was known of
checking disease.
Wo are Dot unsupported in our statements,
that wo have made the most Important discovery
of modern times i and that the generation now
coming on tho active «Ugo of life, will most lully
acknowledge and apply the principle ol Hygiene
we have Introduced. “No bleeding, vomiting
nor purging,” but a perfect, natural and heoUh-
Ail action of all tho powers ol life may bo kept
up without tho aid o( roue** 01 weakening ap
pliances. OH ol Itself, however, has no Elec
tric principle. Wc claim Us use as a necessary
adjunct, and that tho combination we have dis
covered, in which wo have Introduced an Elec
tric power or principle, Is capable of relieving
pain imtantly in most cosU, atvayi soon, and
produces no possible bad rtssults.
Tho “art of healing,” though of more im
portance than all other arts and discoveries, has
not kept pace with other arts and sciences—so
says on able Writer, which ho thinks is owing to
tho pronoUCM ol schools to adhere to old views
and antiquated dogmas. 'But tho people are
beginning to open their eyes and to see these
things In their true light, u# hence the rise and
progress of all tho “Isms” and theories» female |
doctors and q»acks flourish, because the pcojild
will nolimlloto In tbo Infallibility of a profes
sion so Inconsistent*and. they ate bound to try
all and to hold fusl that which Is good, If U can
bo found. .
It Is adM ‘Ch&l'S&VdClintoek was once re
curded by tho “ rOgtfUtf”'as'a doiftl-Ood, but
as ho saw lit to htlt outa lotpf medicines on his
own responsibility, dH manner of abuses Is
hooped on him. Is bo ndi the some talented
DocW riow, tlit tho grtat/wodlcal Journals ro
■ presented lilm formcrly!- ~Wo hero
■ Ipect for the pmltsslnn,end lure reeolvedn-on.
r them every mart of fever, and wo are now job
■ milling lo than, onr views and wo “ n,l " llo ] "
• our medicine, tut have no eympalhj will. the
Jealous, titnld £)d bdckhillilg among litem, and
ask none of (heir favors, Wo fool porsuadod
wo shall bonoOt them ntoro than hov cao u>
and that the people will .Ward us tho dlsllncllon
duo an Immensely valuable discovery. of counterfoils. g M j T ohoml „.
o* DEOBATH h 00.
Only ofDco. 38 South Eighth street, south of
Ohosnut, Philo] Price low. .
For sale by B. J. Knrea, wholesale an I re
tail agent for Cumberland county, and by S.
W. Havebbtioßs Carlisle.
November 1,186£» —Ini*
Phillips, Stryker & Jennings,
JRrlllati, froncli. 4 American
Nos 1 & 8 Bank St., below Market, between
Second Mrf Third, Philadelphia.
KT-To cash or'ibort lime buyers wo will sell at
a very small advance on Auction
Soptoiibcr 20, 1856 —2ma
Morey >vaii«c<i inw n ’ <i "|/ or ' nb
scrtptlonAivsrktslng and IW-wwrlr.
- * N Estate KotftCA ••'
LETTERS of administration on ibo estate of
Uathew Kylo, doc’d., late of Newton town
ship, Cumberland county, have been issued by
the Register ol said county, td the subscriber
who resides in the same township. All persons
indebted to said estate will make immediate
payment, and those having claims will present
them properly authenticated for settlement.
December 12, 1866—61*
Twenty Teams Wnnlfed.
THE subscriber wants- twenty loams to haul
Iron Ore from his bank to Mochanlcsburg,
tor which a liberal price will bu paid. Teams
can readily make one trip per day. Fur further
particulars apply to
DUlsburg, York co., Doc. 6, 1855—-01
T'HE nineteenth session (C months) will com
mence N ov. 6th. A now building has been
erected containing Gymnasium, Music Room,
&c. With Increased facilities tbr instruction,
and ample accommodations, this Institution
presents great inducements to parents who dc
sire the physical and mental Improvement of
their sons. .
Terms per session, 00
For circulars with full information address
Principal and Proprietor.
Plainfield, Cumb. co., Oct. 4, 1855.
Plumbing & Gas Filling,
South I Vetl Cor. of Ninth and Walnut Strutt,
Jho. H. McFKTRtcn,
Wm. Wright,
Thomas Brown
ol Ninth and Walnut Streets, Phlladel
plila. Lead nhd Iron Pipes of all sizes. Bath
Tubs of Copper and Iron. Hot and cold Show
er Baths. Water Closets and Brass Cocks of
every description. Force and Lift Pumps of
Iron and Bras*. Hydraulic Rams, all sizes.—
Hydrants and Lead Work of every description.
All materials and work in our lino at low rates,
and warranted.
December 20, 1855—tf
IS coming, and the undersigned are prepared
for it. They have just received a mammoth
stock of new, cheap fit handsome Goods, among
which wo have tho celebrated
Oold Mcilnl
Silks, French Mcrinoea, all colors; plain and
printed M<ms. de lalnes, Thibet Cloths, Alpo.
chas, Habit Cloths, Calicoes, Ginghams, and an
of other goods, both for ladies and gentlemen
Bonnets, Bonnet Ribbons, Handkerchiefs, Ho
a jury, Gloves, Trimmings, Gum Shoes, Curpo
Bags, Oil Cloths, Cloth Caps, Ac. Also,
Sattinets, Vestings, Kentucky Jeans, Flannels,
Tickings, Ribbons, Embroideries and a general
stock of Goods in our line. We Invite the pub.
lie to nn examination of the above, for bargains
Give us an early call, as they are selling rapidly
at onr usual low prices.
Carlisle, Oct. 11, 1855.
THE subscriber having just received and open
ed his supply ol Goods for tho Fall trade,
would call tho attention of his friends and the
public generally, to the largo and well selected
stock of Foreign and Domestic Goods now on
hand, assuring them that the assortment is com
plete, and tho prices such as cannot fail to give
The attention of Builders, Carpenters, ana
Cabinet-makers, is respectfully dlrectcu to onr
stock of locks, bolts, screws, hinges, nails, glass,
putty paints, oil, varnishes, veneers, moulding,
mir-clolh.&c.i jSdgo-tooUof every description,
saws, planes,«6.
Coach-makers and Saddlers will find too as
sortment of Goods in tbolr lino particularly
largo, eip bracing canvass and trimmings of every
kind, axles, springs, hubs, spokes, folioes, shafts,
&c.? saddle trees and harness mountings ol every
quality and stylo.
Housekeepers aro invited to call and examine
our Cuttlery, Brittannla and Plated-waro, Pans,
Kettles, Cedar-ware, fitc.
lIION.-'-Also, a largo assortment of rolled
and hammered Iron, Nail-rods, Horso-shoe
Iron, fitc.; also, cast, shear, spring and blister
steel. . , ,
In addition to the above, wo havo also rocoU
ved a splendid stock of Walt Paper, ol all
kinds, cheaper than ever. We invite our friends
to call, knowing it will t>o to thoir own ndvan
tago. Don’t forgot lira plnco, East Main utrcet.
Angnsl 20, 1865.
Splendid Jewelry, Wntclic*, fcc.
TUK subscriber respectfully infornis the citi
zens ot Carlisle and thu public generally,
that he lias just opened a lurgo and splendid as
sortment of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, of
every stvle and quality. His store is situated
on the N. E. corner of the Public Square, in the
room formerly occupied by S. Elliott, ono door
east ol G. W. Hitner’s dry goods store, ilia
stock will consist o( every article usually kept
by watch makers and jewelers, viz : GOLD
jO WATCHES of every style and quality,
prices from $2O to $lB5. Stiver U’a/ches
£J(from $5 to $4O. Gentlemen’s Gold * ob,
Vest, and Neck Chains ; Gold Keys onrt Seals;
Gold Studs and Vest Buttons, Df.msl Pins. Box
Kings, Ac. Ladies Gold Neck Chains, Gold
Chatlains, Gold Lockets. Breast Pins, Ear-rings,
Ear-drops, Cuff Pina, Gold Pons and Pencils,
Gold Thimbles, Gold Bracelets, Silver and Pearl
Card cases. Jet Bracelets, Ac. A large stock
of Finger Rings, Silver and Plated Ware, Fnnl
Dishes, Card Baskets, Tea Setts, Plated Cups
and Goblots, Napkin Kings, Ac., with man)
other fancy notions. All goods warranted to be
what they are sold for. . .
attention paid to the repairing
ol Gold Walcilea, Jewelry. Ike. All work war.
ranted nccordlpg lo quality. Tire subscriber
hopes by atrlcl attention to business and o do
site to nluiutc, to receive a literal share of pub
lid patronage. W. D. A. NAUGLE.
Carlisle, July 19, 1865—tf _
Wntt'heii Clocks, Jewelry, &.<’
Wetl High Street, Carlisle.
Thomas conlyn ims just opened, at hi 8
store In IVcst High street, opposite Marlon
Hall, and Intends to keep constantly on hand, a
« complete assortment of II aloha, JBL
SCTk Clock!, Jewelry ami Fancy Goods,
JyJawhlch ho Is prepared to sell audUm
terms that canpol fall to please all Ini want ol a
good Time-Piece. Among his "lock "111 bo
found —Hill Jewelled Gold Leversi Ladles Gold
Laplnosi Silver Leyorsi Silver Laplncs; Silver
Quartlerei English, French, and Swiss Watches.
His stock of
I. largo and complete, and consists of Medallons,
ladles & gentlemen’s Breast Pina, I Ingot Bings,
fancy and plain Ear Kings, Scarl I lbs, Ac.
AIL, gold Watch and Fob Chains gold Keys
and Seals, gold and silver Pencil Cases, gold
and silver Spectacles, together with a most every
other article kept In a Jewelry eslabl sbment.-
A full supply of CLOCKS, via. Parlor, Mantle
and Offleo— eight day and twenty-four—war
ranted to go and keep correct lime.
Watchu and Clock, arc fully repaired, and
warranted to keep Brat-rate time. The public
are Invited to give him a call before put chasing,
as ho feels very conlldonl that ho s able to give
better bargains than can bo had elsewhere.
June 21, 1866.
A. W. Oi’con,
A TTOUNEY AT LAW, haa nettled In Me*
A clianlcshnrg, for tho pmcllco of his profes
sion. All kinds of Legal tVriling, Collections;
Court business, Ac., promptly attended to.
Office opposite Dr. Long’s roflldrnco.
Ho win also attend to Surveying, In town or
try. (Oatohar *9,18*1.]
THE subscribers have-established a Book
Agency In Philadelphia, and will furnish
any book or publication at tl)o retail price free
of postage.. Any persons, by forwarding the
subscription price of any of the $3 Magazines,
such as Uarpor’B, Oodcy’s, Pulnatn’s, Graham’s,
Frank Lesllo’B Fashions, &0., will receive the
magazines tor bho J-ear and a copy ol a splendid
lithograph portrait of either Washington, Jack
sou or Clay; or, If subscribing to a $2 and a $1
Magazine, they will receive a copy of either of
the three portraits. If subscribing (o $G worth
of Magazines, all three portraits will be sent
gratis. Music tarnished to thbso who may wish
Envelops of every description and size in largo
or sitiail (juahlltles tarnished. Seal Prestos;
Dies, &c., sent to order.
Every description of Engraving on Wood ex
ecuted with neatness and Views of
Buildings. Newspaper Headings, Views of Ma
chinery, Book Illustrations, Lodge Certificates,
Business CardS, &C. All orders sent hy mail
promptly attended to. Persons wishing views
of their bulldingd engraved can send a Daguer
reotype or sketch of the building by mail or ex
Persons at a distance having saleable articles
ould And It to their advantage to address the
ibscribefs, as we would act as age,.ts for the
lie of the same.
60 South ThirtSirerf, PiMa., Pa
Nov. 29, 1865—1 y
Cosmopolitan Art Association!
and other goods adapted to all seasons for Meo
-■ - ■ ami Boys’ wear, which ho Is prepared to mako
ARRANGEMENTS for tho Second Annual up at short notice, and In tho best manner and
Collection of this new and popular Instilu- latest styles,
tion for tho diffusion of Literature and Art, Having tho experience of yeats In the onn
have been made oh the tavosi extensive scale.— ness of Culling and Slaking, he flatten WsMelf
Among the works alt'cSd* engaged, Is tho tar. that he will satisfy all who give him a coll.’-He
filmed “ GENOA CJWCJFiX which origl- Ims also a good assortment ol Trimrnivgi, of
nally cost ten thonsand dollars. every variety god best duality.
In forming the new collection, (be diffusion Persons wishing to find their own ClotbSj'pan
of .vorks of American art, and the encourage- ha\c the same trimmed and made up on reason*
ment of American genius, have not been over- I able terms. In addition to this be has on hapd
looked. Commissions ht>Ve been issued to many j a well selected stock of Gcntlemcn f s and Boy**
of tho most distinguished American Artists, ftu nuhing Goodj, such ns shirts, collars, crarati,
who will contribute some of their finest ■ stocks, suspenders, and handkerchiefs, all of
tions. Among them are three Marble Busts, which can be bought at city prices at bis &bof»
executed by (he greatest,. Ijving Sculptor,—lit- l in Past Main street.
ram Powers: !
The Father of Ms Country!
The Philosopher;
The Statesman.
A special agent has visited Europe and made
careful and Judicious selections of foreign works
of art, both in Bronze and Marble ; Statuary ami
choice Paintings.
The whole forming n large and valuable col
lection of paintings and statuary, to be disiri
1 buted free among the members of the Associa
, tion for the second year.
T'rmi of Membership
The payment of three dollars constitutes any
one n metiiber of tliia Association, und entitles
Inm to either one of the following Magazines for
one year, and also a ticket In the distribution ot
the Statuary and Paintings.
The Literature issued to subscribers consists ]
of the following Monthly Magazines; Harper's, ;
Putnam’s, Knickerbocker, Blackwood's, Gra-j
ham’s, Godcy’s Lady’s Book, and Household i
Words. . I
Persons taking tire memberships arc entitled
to any tiro of Hie Magazines for one year, and
to hi tiekelt in the distribution.
The net proceeds derived from the sale ol
memberships, ore devoted to the purchase of
works of ait for the ensuing year.
Ti-e Mvaniages Secured
by becoming a member of this Association, arc
Ist. All persons receive the full value of their
subscriptions at the start, in the shape ol ster
ling Magazine Literature.
2d. Each member is contributing towards pur
chasing choice works of«rt, which are to be dis
tributed among lhcmselves, and ate at the same 1
time encouraging the arts of the country, dla-|
burring thousands of dollars through Us agency.
Persons In remitting fltnds for membership,
will plcake glv'C their 'pust-nffleo address In tbit, -
stating tho month llioyiwdsh tho Magazine to
commence, and Imvo the Igttcr registered at the
Post Office to prevent loss; on the receipt of
which, a certificate of biemberslilpi together
with the Magazine desired, will bo forwarded to
any part of the country. •
Those who purchase Mogasinos at Bookstores
will observe that by joining fids Association,
they receive tl o Magazine and free ticket in the
annual distribution, nil at the same price they
now pay for the Magazine alone.
Beautifully illustrated catalogues giving full
descriptions, sent true on application.
For membership, address
C- L. DEHDV, Actuary C. A. A.
At either of the principal ofllccs—KnicUcr
bocker Magazine” office, 348 Broadway. N. V.,
or, Western Office, 100 Water street, Sandus
ky. Ohio.
November 16. 1866.
Family Coal
TONS Lykcn's Valley Coil, broken
OUU»mi rcscreoncd,prepared expressly toi
family use and under cover, so that I can fur
nish it dry and clean daring the « Miter season.
I have also on hand and lor sale, the Luke,
fidlcr Coal, from the mines ot U«\d. Hosier At
Co., and Shainokin Coni, Irom (he linnet* ol
Cochran, I’cale At Co., all of « Inch I will sell uI
small profits lor cash, and delivn loain pul of
the Borough
Nott'tnbcr 16, 1866.
Town and Country
T'lIE subscriber lakes this method of inform
ing his friends and the public generally , (hat
lie continues to carry dn the Calnnel aud L nder
taking Uuiincj*, at his stand, North Hanover
street, next door to Up'erstick’s drug store,
and nearly opposite thy Carlisle Deposit Bank.
Cornfrs made at the shortest notice and at mod
erate juices. Having provided himself with a
new and lino Hearse, ho will attend luner.ils in
town and country, personally, without any ex-
Ira charge. Ho w ill also carry
gWgggESMR on the C/voinET Marino in all
Its various branches, and will
constantly keep oniisnd Bureaus, Socretaries,
Work Stands, Parlor MJoro, Ujrliolslered Clmlrs,
Solas, Ottomans, SofaTablea, Card, Side, Din-
Ing and Breakfast iWos, Chamber U are, such
as French Field. (bW> «hd jotv bosU,J Curtain
and Jenny Lind p/ dif
ferent kinds, IVardrdfios. Vchifian Blinds, nfid
Chairs of all klhdi, antt all other articles usual
ly manufactured In (lt)s line of business.
His workmen aro mpcrionccd. eastern city
workmen, and his work is mkdc In the latest
city stylo, and all hlfl inspection, and ol
the best materials; flll of which is warranted to
bo good, and will bo sold low for cash. He In
vltos all to give hltn.fl call before purchasing
elsewhere. For the liberal patronage hereto
fore extended him, ho feels Indebted to his mi.
mcrous customers, and assures them that no
oflbrts will bo spared in toturo to pleas© them In
stylo, manufacture and price. Give us a. ca 1.
Remember the place, nearly opposHothe Bank.
April 10, 1855. DAVID SITE.
Gentlemen’s Shawls.
AN extensive assortment for snlo by Wm, A.
Milos, Main street, opposite the Telegraph
Office, Carlisle.
October 26, 1855.
DENTIST. Office at (bo residence
MMfsfiK of his brother, an North Pitt St.,
Novembor 16, 1865.
CHARCOAL constantly on band and for sale
by W. I). MURRAY, Agt.
November 22,’ 1866.
Trunks nmi c«rpoi d»r«. a i»w' j’/l
iprtlS, 1865, I
rwiHE- the K«ln*nd
X Pill itreet, at preßentljj of
Henry deters, Will be for fcnMftujh.tho Ist Of
April. Also, for rent, the Blacksmith shop, on
the corner of Pitt street and Dickinson hlley*—•
Enquire of RbBtlKT NO«l*B»
November 20, 1855—8 t
For Rent.
nniE subscriber offers for rent tho store room
I now in the occupancy of Geo. VV, IHtner,
Esq., the best business stand in Carlisle. Pot*
session given uu the first day .of April next*
October 1»5, 1855.
ATTORNEY AT LAW, will attend prompt
ly to all business entrusted to him. Office
with G. B. Cole, NortliHanover street, opposite
Billet’s hotel.
Carlisle, Nov. 1, 1866.
Gentlemen’s Furnishing Store.
Eatl Alain Street, Carlitle.
TUE subscriber begs leave to inform his cos
tumers and the public In general, that be
has removed his
to the room lately occupied by Mr. Elliott a* *
Drug Store, nest door to Hltncr’s store, East
Main street. Thankful tor past favors, ho re
spectfully informs ail his old customers add the
public, that jto lufl op hadd a Well sclebtcd Mock
of the latest styles of
Cloths, Gassimeres, Vestings,
Carlisle. June 7, 1865.
or TBB
L’, S. Insurance, Annuity & Trust
S. Kt corner Third and Chestnut Sit., Pkilai
Capital $260,000.
MONEY is received on deposit daily. The
amount deposited is entered In a Deposit
book and given to the Depositor, or, If prefer
red. a certificate will be green.
All sums, large and small, are received, and
the amount paid batk on demand, without no
Interest is paid at the rule of five per cent.,
commencing from the day of deposit, and ceaa* 1
mg fourteen days previous to the withdrawal of
the money.
l[|C llli>iit;,l •
On the first day of January, In each year, the
interest of each deposit is paid to the deposltof j
or added to the principal, aa he may prefer.
The company have now upwards of 8,500 de
positors in the city of Philadelphia alono.
Any additional Information will be given by
addressing the Treasurer.
I Dir«c/orj.—Stephen R. Crawford, President;
| Lawrence Johnson, Vico President j AmbrofSi
1 W. Thompson, Benjamin W. Tinglcy, Jacob L.
Florence, William M. Godwin, Paul B. God
daid, George McHenry, James Dovereux, Gu»-
lavus English.
Secretary and Treasurer. —Pliny Flak.
Teller anti Interpreter- —J. C. OchlscblagCT.
September 0,1855 —ly
(icntlcmen's Furnishing Stotts.
WM, A. MILES* Store, in Main st., (oppo
site the Telegraph office,) now offers for
ealo a most extensive and Inviting assortment
MEN, at prices which claim liberal patronage.
Tgol up my goods In the first style o t art, and
their recommendation may bo Implicitly relied
on. Gentlemen in ffant of Shirt*, Collara,
Drawers, Stocking**, Stocks, Ties, Gloves, Silk
Shirts and Drawers, Cones, Shoulder Braces,
Porlmonnalea.Brushes, Combs,
Suspenders, Carpet Bags, Purses, Umbrellas,
Cigar-cases. Watch Guards, &c., are particular
ly rufered to my establishment. Also on hand,
a superior article of Ladies’ Gauntlets, Kid and
Gum Gloves.
Carlisle, Sept. 27. 1856—8 m
Fall and Winter Clothing!
AT STEINER A BRO’S., Cheap Clothing
Store.— We beg leave to inform our friends
and customers, as well as the public Id general,
that wo have just received, aud are constantly
receiving, nn extensive stock of seasonable
Clothing, wh'ch wo will Sell on the moat accom
modating terms, lower than that of any othel
establishment In this or neighboring towns.
Those having a proper regard for economy, com
fort and gentility of dross, aro politely invited
to an inspection of our goods, manolaclnred by
the best workmen, materials ot the best fabrics,
and nu.»t select styles Amongst our choice
and cheap assortment will bo found
Fine lihick Cloth Dress and Frock Coats, SackJi
Plan t oru/ Fancy Vattimert, Clouded Cash,
tnerellr, Tweed, Sommer Cloth , Ltntft,
Linen Duck, Gingham and Chetk
FXvtalooss —New stylo ol fancy and black
C.issimerc, Cmslnct, Corduroy, Summer Cloth,
Linen, Linou Duck, and an endless variety of
Summer pantsi
l’ e ,/ 4i _ A very large and rich assortment, »
ns black satin, embroidered Grenadine, fancy
silk, fancy check, cnsslmere, Marseilles, Sum
mer Cloth, Ac.
Xlot/*’ Clulhtue.— A groat assortment o. Sack
and hock, of fitirh. gihghatn and tweed sack
and fiock coals, pants and vests.
Shirt*.— Fine white shirts with linen bosdmi,
calico and different chock shirts, collar*, an*,
ponders, gloves, umbrellas, carpal bags, Ac.
Straw Halt aud Caps.— An extensive stock of
palm leal, Canton and Leghorn Hats; illk, oil,
nod Navy caps; a choice assortment of lllk
neck and podket handkerchiefs, stocks, Ac.
Cull there and you may rely upon ft (haf every
article yon purchase will provo to bo precisely
what it is represented to bo, and you will aavfe
a handsome per centagc on your purchase mo
ney—for in giving bargains, STEINER A BKO.
can’t be beat !
Carlisle, Oct 11. 1853.
Plumbers & Gas Filters,
riMIE subscribers nrn prepared to execute all
kinds of work in their lino, vl ± t
Lead and Iron Pipes, Ball) Boilers,
Hydrants. Water OlosoU,
Bath Tubs, Wash Basin*,
Hot and Cold Shower Force and Lift Pomps,
Baths, • Hydraulic Rams, Ac.,
Every description of
Plain and Ornamental Gas Fixture*,
furnished and put up on Iho most toaloutbla
terms. Fixtures put up In Churches at short
notice, in the most rhodurn stylo.
attended to.
October 25, 1865.
niaclismllb coal.
BUSHELS Blacksmith Coal, • flr»*
OllvlU rate article, receiving and for sale
\j V WM. B. MURRAY, Jgnt.
Carlisle. Juno M. ,
SCOTT'S LilUt Giant Com and Cob Cntthrr,
Alio, various palonlfl of Mo.l Cu 11... .nd
Stuflbra, for anlo
Carlisle, Nor. 20, 1860.
| tS porlor artlclo for hanging Data door*. J«B\
.teoolvud and for Bate al
Aug. 38, ’5B. 0- SAXTON'S.