American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, December 20, 1855, Image 4

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    iJ t tChoWoTTcfierlire {a fuilof
! brief:- outline will, /mflScientiy:; iilesr
fowpder of an academy for
music-in Paris, was charmed by the silver voice
of-a-chlld singing- out-tho most dclighll\tl-ca-
winffy. air; - It was little
‘‘singing, fonder supper ; Choron
nrosapu through, the crowd who were gathering
around h«r. and In utter acpdsemenlgaaed upon
a talfattb lltllo girl of' ten of‘twelve, summers*
thinly clad, and standing in the,show, the,vqry
Imago of desolation. ’With 'her benumbed fin
gers she hold out a woodea Jjqwl for a sou, and
In U.Choron dropped a silver co|n. His heart
Was jopchedj Arid iliO dobpofit, foollhg of Interest
Tor .the llttlo, warhWr wore' awakened.
taught you to
“Nobody, rtf F r Bald the little girl, while her
teeth chattered; “I have learnt just asT could.”
m But where .did you loam tliosiJbeaiitifnl airs
-which-you sing, and which Ido not know I” : -
n?f:iudded;'flu-, I have learnt a hUle of them
Wore,whore* When I go about the. streets I
Usteil-under the windows to those ladies and
Spdomen who sing. I try to catch the airs and
thq.woijis, and afterwards arrange them the host
way I can.”
“ You are Cold and hungry 5 com? with mo,
and Irwill give you food au'dclothihg,” said the
gdod”Choron;'and the crowd clapped their
hands. But they lost their liitlo Rhchol—sho
never, again .sang on, .the Bouleynrds. ? Choron
obfAmhii porWlsaion of hof paronfstoftivC hbt-a
musical education, and under his .tuition her
wondprful .vocal, .powers rapidly developed.?-*
Dah'th ibok away her benefactor, and she return
ed awhile'to'her miserable-parents.
The little girl was.then just budding into the
bloom'df agmceful and fascinating woman.**—
She looked to the stbgo ns the moans of obtain
ing broad, and succeeded in making an engage
ment at the.Gymnnao, one of the minor thoufres
of Paris. Sho-made no'impresaion; andtheau
dlenecß refused to applaud. She was disap.
pointed, but not discomfltted. Prom an old
clothes merchant 0/ her own racoahe borrowed
an odd'volume of Racine, and was charmed with
(W tmgedy of Andromache. Sho recited the
part Ofthe daughter Helene horoyes filled With
iho tears of deep emotion, but sho said to her
mother, “I know my destiny—l will perform
Through the influence of a retired actor sho
Obtained an engagement at the Theatre Pran-
CaisO,-.ahd her appearance in the characters of
Racine with Immense applause. Tho Parisians
were Inocstacios. Tho singing girl of Hie Boule
vards was apotheosized os tho “ Tragic Muse;”
Her salary was first fixed at 4000 francs; tho
•ccoml season It was raised to 15,000 francs.—
Tllo courts of Franco and England soon delight
ed to pay her homngo: and within ton years'
ftorii tho-hour when Choronfook her half frozen
from the streets of Paris, she woro a gorgeous
diamond necklace with the words “ Victoiua to
RxciiEt” emblazoned upon it!
ktr Al) Alone Darling.”
So said an agonized mother Jo her infant, that
lay on her Jap dying. Sadly and tenderly sire
ghaett bn its |lalolhoe. O, hoW thin Imd palo*
disease had mule it* Andwhen the little wast
ed luvnds would bo feebly reached towards her,
and fho*sharp pain would distort the lovely fea
tures. and the dear eyes would lookup to her
so imploringly, the mother’s heart bled as none
but A mother's can. It was not only the dying
agonies of bor child that she dreaded; after a
few more hours of suffering, a few more strug
gles Ipr breath, a few raoro looks of love and
pain, its eyes would see hor no more. It would
pass away from hor sight. The timid babe must
go-from all that it know, all thht.ithad scon,
into a world where all would bo strangers.
. “ All alone darling ; you must go ail alone.”
That was a hitter thought to that tender mother.
But (hat was the voice of nature. Soon faith
whispered, “ Ho who prepared your heart to
welcome the little one so loving when it came a
stranger into this world, cannot He endow some
fair and gentle spirit .with love and skill to meet
the Ijltlq stranger as it enters that world to em
brace It tenderly, and gently introduce it totbo
scenes oi its now existence* -— _
~<‘,yiou/ Saviour is there*, U© who said, 4 Bwt--
can.yon noi rraat-yoor-ehtM-tb ntn uuim 1 ~m*Z~
shall gather the lambs in his arms, and carry
them in his bosom*” Your little one will bo
saffl-.ia chat bosom, and “quiet /rom fonr of
evil;” more safe, more quiet, more happy, than
In your onm.”
allayed tho anxiety, and soofhod.ilio
anguish or nature'. The weeping mother be
lieved, and was comforted.— dmericau Atus. '
Female Delicacy,
A bore every oilier fealm-e which adorns the
female diameter delicacy stands foremost
within the province of good taste. Not that
delicacy which is perpetually m quest of some
thing to be ashamed of. which makes merit of
ablush, and simpers at the false construction
its own ingenuity has nut upon an innocent
mnurk—this spurious Kind of delicacy is as
far removed from good taste ns good feeling
apd good sense—but the high minded delicacy
Which maintains its pure and undcvfa'mg walk
alike among women and in the society of men.
which shrinks from no unnecessary duty, and
can speak, when required, with seriousness and
kindness of things at which It would be asham
ed to smile or blush—that delicacy which
knows how ta confer a Iwneflt without wound
ing the feelings of another, and which under
stands how also anti when to receive one—that
delicacy which can give alms without display,
and advice without assumption: and which
pains not the most humble or most susceptible
being iu creation.
Occi:cation . Tho following thoughts on oc
cupation we extinct hum Mrs. Stephens* -'Old
Occilpithm! what a glorious thing it is for
tho human heart. Those who work hard sol
dora yiuld themselves entirely up to fancied or
real sorrow. When grief alts down, folds its
hands, and mournfully foods upon Its tears,
weaving the dim shadows, that a lltflo exertion
might swoop away, in a funeral pall, (ho strong
spirit is shorn of its might, and sorrow becomes
our,.master* When troubles (low upon you,
dork and heavy, (oil not with the waves—wrea
tie not with (lie torrent! —rather suck, by occu
pation, to divert the dark waters that threaten
to overwhelm you. into a thousand channels
which (ho duties of life always present. Before
you dream of it, those waters will fertilize (ho
present,and give birth to fresh (lowers that may
brighten the future—(lowers that will become
pure and holy, in (ho sunshine which penetrates
to the,path of duty, in spite of every obstacle.
Grief after all, Is but a solliih footing; and most
selfish is the man who yields himself to tho in
dulgence of any passion which brings no Joy to
hts fellow man. ,
[O* Following the notice ol a death In an ex
change, arc the words “verses otriitted for want
or room"—and unkind as it may seem, we al
most wish that ‘’want of room” were a thing
more general than it is: for if there be any
thing more' melancholy than the death?; them
selves. is generally to be found |u the rhyming
addenda to their announcement. They are
Bomoiimes au,antidote to all sympathy; they
commit murder hi recording a dea'tn: they mu
tilate language; they lacerate the feelings; Vhey
murder the Anglo-Saxon longue, and cause a
painful smile to Hit over a face that would bo
solemn if it could. This is our form of pro
tect against a species of absolute cruelty.—
Great grief is not a chime, nor yet Is a “awwjt
bells jingled out of tunc;" it is generally dumb
or If not dumb, then the next thing thereto—ii
is a monosyllable, bet it pass without at
tempted (fmbeUl^liment. — Exchange.
(£/* At a recent dinner party In the Fifth
Avci|uo,ia literpry gentleman proposed the fol
lowing' conundrum;
*\Vhy peoblc who cat turkics like
babies?'- ' ‘ ,
No reply. ‘ / .
‘Because they are fond of the breast I 1
At this answer, two middle-aged maids faint
ed right oil. Ijye married ',lsdiodfeJUnto flrs of
caciuuptory pppvulsions, and the perpetrator of
thp pyq .wpi from , the party/ for
liatcVmg if "
TVTO womau pf ’delicaoy is willing jiordlsqjose
oyon to a moat Intimaic famMy'rhyrtcian. r-;:,.
. ; .Th|smod9flly,.op4.<l?MWy::Wilmn|ftfltw'.by
nature, and neither should npr neod, bojflUbjeC:*
ted to the rude shocks inevitable >in making
hnown to the other aoxthqso ailmenta belopging
’ Except, in, extreme cases, hersonsillvencsa
will sderifleo her health rather tbahher delicacy.
Tho consequences;are lamentable,'
and liteflohg* .7 , ; 7 ir ,* ./„] u ,
' Thus‘what at first could have beenoasily rotn-:
ediedj Or/perhapa bettqf stiU, nqt be
comes a complication of nqtpnlyrum
ing,-thq health of 'the, mother, Vaucf bmhlttoring
hor'dhyshy sickness apdsqflering, hut entailing
broken: constitutions--upon her- children, and
and 'pecuniary prospects of, tho 1 '
woman, take warning ipJiiAe,.‘(aa
thousands have done) by the bitter experlcnca
aqd anfforingfrof others, of. t hod rondful ccmpe--
quonces ,sho qQlallsppon hofself
doared.t‘6her,‘by herlgnbrdnq o,ol* the .simplest
and plainest raids oFlioaltli as .
the marrfage, state, the of which entails
disease, suffer! rfgan(Lraisqry. .
Haw many afft suffering from obstructions or
irregularities peculiar to tho 'fqirialq ..system,
which undermine tho health,‘the eQects of which
thqy are ignorant, and for whlch.their delicacy
suffer from pro/apiu».ufert<falllng of tho womb,)
or from Jlttor o/iroy &c.) I
How many are in constant agony for many months
preceding confinement! lioWimany',h?.y;e;difi3*
Qui^, ; if mot dangerous slow qsd
uncertttlni rccovoriusJ '
‘To tho question, how.are- thpsq to ba provqn
ted/ what shall bo done / tho answer ia simple*.
Lot every, woman aacurtnin ,wiUv -:
out violence to her delicacy, the,nature and
character of-the ailment (to which a fe
male is, subject) the capaea from which Jt may
arise, and the proper remedies for its ,cqrp >and
future 1
This-she caa do-by possessing a little,volume,
(already possessed by tlioas;md») wbif : h tcll3
her what is the matter,,and tek* hor what to do
for simple but chasto l wbixla* ;auch os
she cah understand'. This little Volumo.fs enti-.
tied the Married .fFomon’j.PKJV'ATE MEDI
CAL COMPANION, by Dr. A. Mi AlaWiceau,
Professor of Diseases- of WomArt. One hun
dredth edition. (500,000) 18iUOi,pp.250. [On
fine paper, extra binding, $l,OOO
A standard work of cstabllshqd .reputation,
found classed lh tho : catalogues dl tho groat
Tmde Sales in Now York,- Philadelphia, and
other cities, and sold by the principal bookseU.
lurs in the Unitpd.Statqs.. It wasflrst published
in 1847, since whiqh.titoeyire AupdtediMousond
copie» have boon sold, of which there w<?ro up
wards of ope-hundred thousand sont by moll,
iltostiug lho-lilgl.i estimation in which U .is held
os a roliaUldpqpular.medical book for every fe
male, tho author having devoted hia exolpsivo
attention to the treatment of complaints peculiar
to females, in rOßpect (o'which he Is yearly con
sulted by thousands, both in person and by let
Hero every woman can discover,’by compar
ing hor own symptoms with thosedescribcd, the
nature, character,,causes of, and the proper re
medies for,'her complaints.
Tbo wife about becoming a mother has ©non
need of instruction and advice of-tho utmost
importance to her ftitnre health, will fliid such
instruction and advico, and also explain many
symptoms which otherwise would occasion anx.
loty or alarm, as all the peculiarities incident to
her situation are described. - v
It is of course Impracticable to convey Ihlly
the various subjects treated of, as Ihoy arO of a
nature strictly intended for the married or those
contemplating marriage. The revelations con
tained in its pages have proved a
thousands, as tbo innumerable letters received
by tbo author (which he Is permitted by tbo
writers!© publish) wlllattcat.
Extract of a Letttrfrom agen/tynan in Dayton,
Ohio, .••
_ • „ Dattox,May 1,1817 :
Mauricfoa: - -
. ** My wife has-.boon piiHy.jUnkiagi.fur
great anguish and suffering some months bolero
and during confinement} over/.successive one
more and more debilitated and. prostrated her,
putting her life in imminent danger, and which
was on the lost occasion despaired of. 1 suppo
sed that this ptato of things was inevitable,; and
resigned myself to moot tjio worst. ■At this
time (now about two months)lhetptl yearbook
highly spoken ot, osicoutaiolog, some matters
reaching my case. -Quits receipt and, perusal,
I cannot express to ypn the rQllentaffbrdod my
distressed miml t ond the joy itspagQS imparted
to my wife, on learning that thogreut.dlscovury
of M. M. Dcsomcaux provided a roiucdy. lt
opened a prospect to me tyhich I little conceiv
ed wps possible. Wo pecuniary, consideration
can over repay the obligations { am under .to
you, for having bocn;thb moans of imparting to
ns (lie matters contained in “The Married, Ro
man’s Private Medical Companion.” ,JJnt for
this, cro another year would luive' passed over
my head, in all human probability my wife would
have boon In her.gravoand ray. children left mo
therless.” *‘ ' ' ‘ *’ J
la coDsdqaonco Of the universal popularity .&T
the work, as evidenced by its extraordinary sate,
various impositions have been attempted, as well
on booksellers as on tho public, by imitations of
title page, spurious editions, and surreptitious
Infringements oT copyright,-and other devices
and* deceptions, it inis boon found necessary
therefore to Caution the Public to buy no book
unions tho words “Dr. A. M. Mauricoau, 129
Liberty Street, N. Y.,” is on (and tlio entry in
the Clerk’s Office on the back Of) thotitlopago;
and buy only of respectable and honorable deal
ers, or scud by mail, and address Dr. A. M.
Mauricoau. ;:.: x> - j * ; > . iif
receipt of dollar “The Married
Woman’s Private Medical'Companion” Is sent
(mailed free) to any partof tho United States,
tho Canadas and British Provinces. All lutfdrd
must be post-paid, and addressed to Dr. A. M
Mauricoau, box 1224, New York City. Publish
ing Olflco, No. 129 Liberty Street, Now York.
-Agents tu Pennsyfoauia;—T B Peterson,, J M
Moss 8* Bro., and Thos Cowporthait, Phitylo)-
phla; Spangler & Bro., Lancaster; S Loader*
Hanover; Samuel B Lauder, Greonsburg; J 8
Nlckson and A K McClure, Ghamborsbnrg; Jos
Swartz, Bloomsburgi G W Earle, Waynesboro;
J II Cornelius, N.Borllu; U A Lance, Itoadins.
July 10, XHG6—oin • 6
White Hall Academy.
Three Alilet JVest of Ilarrisbuag,
r|IK tenth session of this Institution will
commence on Monday, tho fifth of Novom.
her,next.. Parents and Guardians are requested
ta inquire into its merits. Instruction is given
in the ordinary and higher branches of an Eng
lish education, and also in tho Latin, Greek,
French and Gorman languages, and Vocal and
Instrumental Music.
Boarding. Washing and Tuition In the
English branches, and Vocal music
per session of 5 months,, $OO 00
Instruction in ouch of the Languages, 6 00
Instruction In’lnstrumental Music, 10 O 0
For Circulars and further information address
D. DENLINGER,’ Harrisburg, Pa /
fiepteniber 20/18661;; '
Bounty Land Agency.
THE undersigned will, attend prpmptly to the
procuring ofßofmly'LamUfor tnoSo cntl
tied to them under the lute net of Congress, «jh
proved MurchUd, 1650. Many years experience
in the prosecution of claims for pervlco in the
revolutionary war. has made mo j familiar with
the regulations and forms requisite to bo obser
ved, and having the assistance erf-an efllclont
attorney residing In WP u hlhgtpn, shall bo able
to remjur satisfaction to those who may apply
to mo. Proper forms and Instructions will bo
sent on application by mall ftc'o of cost. No
charge unless a warrant Is obtained, and When
obtained the foe will Vo $5.
The highest market price will bo paid for
Land Warrants. „ ’ •'M '
A. P. NORTON. Postmaster,
Carlisle Springs, Cumberlandco..Pa’.
. April 5,1855^-ly
■ BT’ JOB WOUK of OYory do«orlnUon.n«ally
din« at'fljf. MtV,' 1 " ’ !
. , „aijui
She. ;
[. -tight' dl Shoheslfdr 4 Smith’s Pdtenti.Qold,
ard Lamp for the St&te’oT'PahhsylVanla/dre i
manufhetaring-in largo quantitles and are ablo
to. supply tnqrchantfl wholesale or af
opposite tho (Jerman Kqfqrfet
cd Church, in Louthor streqt; . Alt orders,;qq
drossedito him will be promptly attende'd to.
. Carlisle, April 5, lb6s—Cm ;
IN. B.—Tho subscriber. -having closed out his
[Stock of HardWuio,'aiidi Having entered Into the
Lamp-mqmrfacturing .business, call npon thos®
indebted to bim by nolo or .book .account tb
aoltjoiboir, amounts, wlthoptdolayvaa.bpfnrthtb'; bo gtvehbi Office, onnosUe Die
oennan Itcfonncd Church. • ; Jt ]
~j j,,. [ ~,,,,[ j , SEl^EBS*; ,. r
C. K. iUoblnson &:Soit.
■ ■ 248 abdvi Ninth St. »i •;»=
,-ii] . .■
OFFEIrS for sate an p|!
PRBNQH MIRRORS, framed in theplain
est and Aadsldleigani ornamchtaf Bfyio3,finitablp
fbr .Mantols aad Piers* Richly Carvcd. Ovol
Girandoles, Ornamental Gilt .,Y v
of‘rebhhti 1 tmpqftaildrrs,- by,the thbflt‘cilebfaldd
living A'rtists at the l6wcßt ! caLflh prlicbs 1 . 1 '
; 1 15,- .j.
; Rend! Read! "
T|TR. DAVID’SIPE, DllCatllßlci has boon up
‘llLApolutod,'Agent for the conmypfCumberK
land, lor the sale of FISK’S LATENT
EItyBURIAL CASE, which is superjqrto any:
of the kind now in use, for ordinary, Interments,
'and transforming the dead. It prevents imme
diate decomposition hhd obviatcs-tlle necessity
of hasty; burials | for,: boirfg perfectly dir-tight,
it prevents any unpleasant odor ffoUV.escapliig:
apd ean bp koptfromidoy tq day,, tab til it malts;
thq,convenience of (ho friends of thoidecoaßedi
to inter. ■. >V ; e might', offer .hundreds I of: cerlifl.!
optpq in corrohorallen of thebe .facts,! but tile.
foUofftogATlU : v
Certificates Welkhr and tlhirs. *
Washington, April sth.
witnessed the utility of your
ornamental “Metallic-Potent Burial Case,’’used
to convey tharrqmalnß onh° latoKan. John C.
Calhoun to the Congressional. Ceraetry, willed
irpnrosscd. ws. with the, belief,' that tho.bc'sp
arttclb known to us fbr transporting the dead’to
.tliair ilnal resting placed With tesfcct w.u hub-,
scribe ourselves. '' Tours,*&c. ‘ l '
H. Clay, Ii: i. . u LeS*is'Xhjks,
DA£jIIEL.W^BBTBn t D- S. DICpifJSOO, ' .
Davis, t W.JI. Kino,
, Eeubiejj, H. J)odob, } j,
1 W.P, / H^riauitf, / . , /t D. p', Atcuinsjh*.
| Tho above debcribcd'BnHai Citsek'ban, at all
times, bo obtained of tho subsCrlbel*, : at ! his
Wate-rooms nearly opposite'
Hanover street, Carlisle. 1 i
r. 11. SMITH,
Port Mormale, Pookot tSooli,
N. W. Cor. Fourth $ Chtsnul Sis. ‘
' PnitADEtruiA, . 5
Always on hand a largo 8c varied assortment ol
Port Monnpies, Work Bpxep,-.; -
Pocket BobkS,
Bankers Cases, Trayclingßags, ''
Note Holders, Backgammon Boards,
FprtTollos, • Chess Menj . ’ , ' l '
' Portable Desks, ■ Memorandum Books, :■
Dressing Cases, ' Cigar > '
Also, a general assortment of English, French
hod German Faticy:GoodsJ - ■ i ’•
I Pino Pocket Cutlery, Razors,:Razor Strops'
and .Gold Peas,' wholesale, Sucqnd and Third
Floors. ' F. H. SMITH,. : •
11. - ,N. TC. Sts. Phlla.
■ .N. 8.-*-On the receipt of $l, a superior Gold
Pen trill be sont to kny part of the United States
nrsoßv.../.- l •. i .
« April 0,1855—1 y
; lIOMCEPdraiC PHYBWJjm, .
OFFICE and rosidonooon Leather etroot, one
door easier the Gorman Reformed Church.
Dr. Blnmopthal rospcctftilly offers his profession-:
M sendees to tho citizens of Carlisle, and viclnj.
ty. Persons 'from a distance laborlng mMdr
chronic diseases may consult by letter.’ Office
boars from 7tooA. M. and 2to4P. M. -' ’ -
Carlisle A\ig* 24,1854—tf
i 'Teas; ColltCj Sec.
f|>nß subscriber hos jusiadded lolils formo
i | stock, a general Selection of CHOICE GRO
CERIES, as woll «* all the other variety of ar-
» tides usually kept in a Grocery Store,
embraclngKloCoffoe-—roasted and green
4—at 12 j “and 14 CtS. por OrJcanij Clarified,
Crushed and Pulverized' Sugnfs, of flno qiian-
Jlcs; Chocolates, Spjcos, Dairy Sqlt,anrtavatlo
yTdnoy articles; all of which ard oflcfcd ntthe
lowest cash prices. Wo arc thankful forth®
former support given us, and invito a farther
Call IVom our friends and customers:
J.‘W. EBY.
Marion Hall, Carlisle, Aug. Q, 1854.
Ex>ok Out in Tlmp I
CIIOXiEHA>MORBUS, Dysentery, Diarrhoea,
&c,,aro nmkingthoir appearance; yoliknow
the remedy. If you have ooy regard for the
folftro ofyouraclf, your wife or your children,
supply yourselves instantly with . << Keillhr’s
Matchless Cordial,*’ otherwise abide the,abuse-
resulting from a bigoted. adherence to
old quackery. The Matchless remedy eon
had at the Drug Store of ,B. J. KIKFfER,
South Hqiwvtr tirttt, a fete door* touth of
pouri Stout*. [Carlisle, May 18, *65.]
r r
JST received a very largo lot of Scythes of
> superior Brtnda, to which I Invito the otton r I
tlon of Cradlo makota, and all others In want oifj
this article, tho attention.of Farmers Is also in- j
vltod to tho groat variety of Forming utonslts'of
tho Tory best makers. Ploughs of all binds
furnished at a small, advance on City, prices.—
Homo makes at tho roanufticlurotß prices, also a
superior article of Churns, which wo warrant to
make more butter one ol the same' quantity of
Cream than any other Churn In nso. try 11. ■
, ; . . . • JOHN P.LYKE.
WsW ndt North llanovet Birett,
Carlisle, May 11 1 “ J
. V. . > -'.i: :i
THE superior Cement, manufactured by J.
Garvpr & Co., of Scotland, Franklin county,
can bo had In large or small quantities at IIS
Saxton’s Hardware store, Halq Street, Carlisle;
All who hate tried this Content pronounce It
the Dost article they over used. From a great
nua&Vejt of cortlDcatos given to. the. manufbetur
ert, wesclodt the following* ‘ ' • 1
OilAMDEBSbunh, Fbb. 20.1855,
To Jacob Slr^—Thetd fjas b/ori
used during the past yoar/nnder ihy direction,
lh■ the construction of “The Carlisle WCtot
Works," ind work of this Cinlpany, ’abdtit BQf
barrels of your Hydraulic Cement, trhlch liifd
proved to !>o a good-and-feUaVl?. article,and I
take pleasure In recommending it to others as
shch. A. SMITH. V'
April 19, *55. Bupt. O. V. Railroad. n
npIUE largest and roost varied stpdf of Hard-
X ware In tho county, and soiling at tlio lo*r
rat pficcs, is at J. P. Lyno’fl. ;
■ Also, Barr and Boiled Iron and Stool, of all
staos anil kinds, at the lowest prices. , ~ j i
I Also, Patent TVbool Grosso,'for sala'at
; pgrUfllo, Sept. 27, 1865.
' ■' wm, e. niiKUH,
A‘TTOKNIiY AT T,AW. Ofllcoln!I«ln«t.,
-OL opposite Morion Hall, B(ttf6osa entrusted
td him will bo promptly attended to, ",
.Carlisle, April 12, 1868. 1 * ‘ 1 ‘
•j ! . , , Jurt 1 flfcfcelyeil. ,
A tot of latent Moat Griiidorri, a nlco iijJtl,
clo for Fatmohiot famllynso., Fof flalo’ at
John Pi Lynchs North Hanom Bt.
Also', dmammoth aaaoHtrientof Tgotd, : 6foll
kinds, at the flame place, • ■■ ‘
1 ■■ ■
83O0O‘'R(BtF*ffdii«rfca* ; Race.
'f®* toAimi flaiwwfc-uitt
>l‘W TOlMljWi'rftulled Wthfl ibihploWlritlm jili
ofTtWiti* More of lift NOtt) - SON; -Itt'tM
OOfciltlfiil 1 by WlsdiJ Cwnp-
Wlf, CbtitobOT NOtib ! Hnno’fbmmatoUlli6rliito,
It'Jg kml BTcry’«H<r4Uti'l
cm BtlocoMtid'iniCOnvlnclrig
Aclr'lHoailr,lh»tlboycan mll Clothlntf Knado
Slid gobiMi according to! the Idlest! Btylft/ftold
20td'2Sr5ifCc»li cheaper tliM*byothci>.lloilwi
isbbWblyJaWolo'rurnlsTi ithdhi;
now on'band; o feplcbdidasadrimcntbr
I ”""” 1
Furnishing Goods,-Cioflls, Casalmeffcß.and Vest
logs. Also, Hats dnd:Capß,'«nd r qvory..thlng[ln
tholr line for Men -and Boys. - Their materials
were selected,withithrgrefttoitfcaro, purchased
%k -pt *p.9brh<msCT
only, iaanytmng! X)Ko; apcuoti
mnytlioreforo ropt.pMppod
that .articles,paronasedpf, titem jyjlljpnd., pmst
giyq satisfaction/. Clothing, roadqjd the short*:
fart hat the.ponces,of, pp ;ox
perpend iMSorfc
for beauty And dnrabUUyicannptflfo, surpassed.
To tho rit?gf»nw nf tho surrounding country wc
[would &|&)giir.ftin r a4blrrtl , Ul* /AJlwccflSk is a
Mr.lopfs *to\ir stock and,)yp wiljuot tyi! toftotn
ls .battery rxwlo, j^f
; fln4 Ijpst | though .nptJ^Bt,i 1
you have overbought AtLso/aJargPj
lot Carpet Bags, t/mWcllas, £c.
AtniaU fireatidn fax.jmdnear,.,-; .. K ; ; ;::ri
.Of AasoiA^a,Store you' shall.hear ;*. . -
Let peaUpg dreme and cannon’eypar r ,, r
Vli^^'lbslmrt'j A
Great bargfal fa s tote/ otd bb* tbb'wlhg,
-;JR.or?|ffphdofs,tl)qn vyo pow. will slug U irp
n ?
,-Spch trophies,flure.wlb make,yonstaro,:, ,
c, Pth so.ohoapi'i .v .> *
tlmeito ; ppeak«<: I?.-.
.•Xle)iffktw^|LoPi»9|ti bptjbp .•(
:ti.; ,■» • 4>li> -V
Dress and Sack Coats —aye, Vestings too, • .
r.TVfpdbargalos now for all of you | . j
tho Split*fljupur;complin)puts receive. i
And-palltiiey tho wonders to bcllovo.
Ip Jftmts klndpof styles,
6ncrdoff9r*ttd»npw,}trds,-pllqB,pT> piles t; 'i
.In soon ’twlll come—
T>'oitteiynM> bWßiqsrtUlCoriln#.
Pit)CKB and Over-coats so v,cry ilno,
1 : <srbat^roWders’j'on.shall seo In - bVcry ( Hne>
- Undet-bhlrtsior all*."*.;
jAUJcindadf Gloves to pleasb oil who call.
IBat wo cadhotrtop to'omimorato, v- ,; ' '
=Wd and groat.' ■, •
ttio Furnishing lino"? *
ids plentiful? cheap and flrjo;’ : ' I *■’
.n iir. lARNOLI) 4 .SON’S 1 Cloihtng ■ HalL >
April 12,1855 j -m vi-iiM-* .Milii'jww
Drugs, ConfcdioHaTifcsj te
COKFEOTIpNAEIES; &c. r '■ XhosoSifrUß hja
on hand, WUI-mako ddsu.)#-
iTfirtuflortmfitaiof Drugs.'Jitcdlcmc*-gnAySr
[4&Chpmtaalscompleto.. His assortment £&'
of Confcbllonarips is also nnustiaUy. fine, conJ
stating of.|>ure,Btigar white,and trensparpnt can
dy Toyfe, c'dmtaon,‘assorted,' ancf fine.candles or
every l rarletyf also, irtiits, nuts, - and everything
bolongingtd thatfdopnftmertt of trade. : ‘ i ; , " vls / ::
Ho Would'ball special Attention to Ms supply
of FANCY f ARTICLESj for tlie nolldAySj hbd
for gcncralute.vAll aro invlleil to ball, Whether
they wish fo puVohasc or pot. ; /ft
Carlisle, Dec. 21,1854
; v j V, ;
THE Alton Pcmißboro’Mnfiial' Fire
Ihsuraneo Odmpany of Cumberland qotinty,
incorporated by a n actof Assembly,lsnow'fully
organited.and Inoperatlou fmdor,fho / manage
ment ortho following Munngci-s/vf? \ ■
■ ' Daniel Baily,"Wm. R.’ Gorgns, Michael Cock-
Jln, i; Mblch'olfr 'BrenneinanV.'Christhin -;Stoytnan;
JObh'O.'ponton, Jacob 11. -Coorer, Lowly Hyer,
Hcnry'Lpgatij Mumma,
Job. % Wickers baitband ’Alexander Cathcarf.
*. The rates of Insurance arO as }ow And'favoru
bto'as any Company yCtbe kind in the
dppucilf Vju
Company who afo Willing to wall upon thorn ft
anytime.' ■ ;
■' :■ BEtfJ.n.MCSSERiPteB.,
• llenry LoflXnj yicu Pjes., • "
, Lewis Draft, SecPry,' l ’ 1
. Codiciittl Treasurer. ’ ;
, 'Aug.-111, ' '
: r.;:; "i' ://ACentS:;
Cumberland Martin,'Now
Cumberland; lfunnan, Kmgßtown; Jleury
loafing, SblremoustoWn; Charles 8011, Carlisle;
Samuel Graham’, Jas. M'Dow ?
cU, Fraukfbrd: MqdoGriiiUh, South Middlptynp
Sapmol Woodburnl
Bor\J r Jobn Shor
rick, Lisburn; David Coovcr, Sbephenistown.
1 . York County. f-Jjbhn Bowman, Dllhburg; I*.
‘'rtTplford, franklin ;'John SpaUb,.Esq.. ; Wash-
S.^lckbig,Doyen J, \V,Craft,Fa-
A Loclimsp. , ;
| . Jlcrubers of Company havlpgppUdes about
to, canjiavo making
application fo ony of the Agents. . .
flrtllE subscrUfcrhaajDstrccejvcd a very liirgo
IX' assbrtlnent'of Now Spring Goods, to which
ho invites the Attention of purchasers, as ho is
soil At cannot fail
topleoso,-''' ; 5 *•- ■■
- Ills stock' ’ embraces ftll thc different kinds of
Goods adaptod'lo the. season, SitclusCLOTHS,
Casslmeresy Vestlngd; Cotton Pai)fstulft,
ods, Lldob-Gbuqke, so.' •, ' ; /
, .■*, I'‘ t \‘ '-[J^feas'poods.*y.[.
Such pa BUofe.An'd,' Fancy - . Silks, Barngo do
Lninos, Lawns, Challics, Baragcs, Bombazines,
jAJpficas, Indlafillks,
I "' BqHneta and Ribbons.
Bonnols'ofnll fenplj itd'Suiln Straw 1 , Swiss
Btrnwj Eiiglish f>Qn^la , < tipa Si>llt Straw. Rib.
botis of all kinds colors cheap. (
; ■■, l l ; Hwkru.aifl.ffioves, .
Mcn> and,Bpys’ w|i|to r brown nriit mixed hall
Hose, Ladler-whitm l»lapk, bro>vn, slate and
mixed Xlomi Mm’s.Womon’flaud Children’s
Glovcqaqd.MiUpofalJ.kindj*,;. . ... .. (
i- OoiwUt Ooddt: ■ . r ..k
Kudins, Ghcck«i Tickings, Osnabdrg, Bagging;
Calicoes and Ginghams.
i ' 1 ' •''"•CJ ‘ ijdbti/ani/ Shoe*;' 111 / 11
Men's dndUoys* pools and'Shoos bjrVjl'klndsi
jW’omoii’s shops Jow prjcf s.
<?rp^nef M V‘
iSuph as Coffpf. Sugar, Tpa„.MQiaßpps and SpK>
QCS} aUof.whJph wiß/bopo)d,chp4p,;at (ho old
corner M Kprth Hanover and Lputhor
.*W*fr v ~ ~ [ hr-fivW. WQQOS, Jgt,
'd toMitol&a'a&kiA •
i X adulphlaVtlD unutansa ethdc of bow, call thoattontlon
f pl
•ftubiifwgo&oiv. ,-. r .. . .. ,
‘ , Having ptircl&scd most, of my Goods, from
tlio larges* hnportlng liouapalh Ydrlc,lani
sadsflba tlmt JTciih glvMoltcrlmr&ains thtmcah
bo had ‘at'ttfiy other hdus'y In (ho comity. 1
' Bress^Goods;
Our osso'rtjnontpf nowstylqdrcssgooda
coroplofgiandilMautll'ul.'f'), r\[’x .^ f! 8
Another lot of those olognht and cheap black
Silks, Embroidered Hdndkoiohioiy, 1 ■ sUeves,
Golltyp4;Hnfn9«i.EdglPB')ft’Abwfttipg r *'4toet(
for oxtont and prhttftat.dqhQ? competition,
i, Muslins, Ginghams, Calicoes, Do Bogos, Do
DQ.iDQSjTicblhga;/OhQCkoi a /tremendous
ados, ' , r ,
i Cfomo oWnnd aU ihb''bM'Btan<^ f East 4laln
itroot, and fldldct yo’ur Goodß from Ujb''largest'
and cheapest stock cter brought'to Oarllslo.
ili sr bMl'attdHteeifllirL >.s nn _
oreroffcitodrtPdhe! people ofOumborland/couu?
ty k ClotUinglht'thlafhonßei'bQVe
beoiL reduced) tosboh h tferyldWistandord, that
it is now wUhlnj thc lUl rwho-.tHehitt
wear good Clothes totscouceihenV. bTttolrat&ik
consists offtUaibeBt!6ndiirpo4t,deslfaolQ>DfcBd
Bluok Catcall
more PjSJNTS and Fancy do.; SiUc’.nnd Satin
fine-variety‘ofValencbf and
other yestsnwlfh'a great variety W'£oys’;C/o/W
fugi Qonslßtingjof.rSackyOii6taV ff.alKi Jackets/
Monkey, dfapkrtsir Vfcsta^and'Round [Jackets;
Kerseymere, Doeskin, &cvV&&I AlsOy-SlUttO/
Stock?/Handkowhiea, Rt., fcll of Which aroof*
farpd'attho’lDwoat-.poßßiWb cash price, and as
cheap as any other Clothing StQrpin tboU-niGh.
'•fAlsjhitt spf ondid aaiortment of ■ GObda :In. tho
piece. !,SMperflne 'prepcU oridiEnglish-:0|oth&
apdCassimerpSiOf'Oyery.bue add ahado;iSfiiib/
Valencia! V.eatingtr, Sat»inoUfi,Ac. y all>
of which will bo.jmado. to. order, air. tho phbrtcW
notice and in tho noatost and best manner. -All
giiraiQDtanrn'wnrraptad rtw fit./ flhty publJc-'nire
MUdWckmna thAmW thd W.
porior assortment of Clothing at this establish,
Carlisle, March 20,1656-. ...... ~ ~.
1 -CiVijid! J .V-f[ roi .•: ',3
lOrJFElhJpriSalelatEact ofjLahd lying IniJpu
,ftrsop )CPUnly, .Vo.i .Captaining , 2so Acres,.
150 cleared) apd -.updor .-good- fencirig, and itlio
thalancd iuTitober.i. r Thlsdand; is : as: pro--
doctlvo aa anyjltiithoiibPnty of J.eflerson,
and welli,wotered. )*lt is wilbiP two-ntilos-
Shenandoah,river/andthoA. L.Hi Rnll*.
road wj|l ; ,run- within -qnd tailo :of ;it; ; A more:
particular description ittdiiemcd'unnCCessarycs
persona wishing to purohnae will rtow tho prom--
iscp beforepurchasing, :.TbUfarmwill boshotvn
apd tonua.made-known living
noar'Kablotown, in Jefferson co., or on appli
catipp, po&tnge;paid«:toTtho'undersigncd at ATd
bi)p, Alabama.. jf the above-properly: is not
loth ol‘. Ju1y,.1855, it
wlU' tbonnbo 'off^rvdiat;public sale on tbatdayy
bcioro the Court JIopso;: in Charlestown,
f,: 1.,.; M .i .. , ARTHUR Xi -HOPKINS. !■:
/February 15, ■ •
): AU«l»tlO«rDjr*pejtllCa! 1
rfrIHOSE or you Who have been : UflHcferf;fbr|
A’ ycaWl, with thls.ldalhsomb disease,phdwhd 1
have bcotv-titlng 'ahfldst' eVery hostrnni-'before
the'pubUc without rbljiif. ' WO - sky to you try'
bb'&oiWinfcdd Of Its great superiority 'over every
other preparation. Wo £uu l d ( . gl ve’ you many
cbrUflcat'oßeoyr6borirting , '6ur i iiSsert[on,' buf a
slngletHdllid WbHh'thOtO llmp'diy. This remedy'
It* prepared Unll boliLftt the'Drug 'stdre 'i>t
rl J.KEIFFER', ,
' f-Sotlth'DahbVor 6lreef/k : J'ew doors south of
thb Cburt-houio; 1 • - I; "
1 -OBtllflto;jp'Dels,l66f." t -
fTXyriCLESALE.apd retail dealer InAmori
, eon, English & Gchnaa l Hardware, Oils,
Faints* Varniabj Aop -ilochanics,.builders and.
tby : publie;generally, wbo are iawant of Hard
ware of any, kind, are Invited to call in .and ex
amine my.umiau{dly'largo stock of goods, which
lam spiling at very low prlccsf-gust
will qnly* detain you’a ,fe\V minblds to bo con
vinced that wlint every body says' must bo true;
that Lyrie’ri Is decidedly, the place to get goop
goddifat low pricosi J.P. LI'NE,
[May 11.] • I Veit side of N. 7/n wotsr it. /
\ .u '<
| A ' MAMMdTR Spring' ArrlTUl at’ LTNK»S
jfAon Nortli Uanover istrebt, whore th 6 phbllc
nro bdlng’ supplied wllh' eVCry Variety 6!‘llafd
ward, Paints, Oils, &c;, dt Hie lowejt cash prtccJ
Caliln und be UCcotlimodatdd.' ■' ,fl ''! , 1
=_ .-r-. .1 •- JOHN P. LVSE; ;
* CArllalq. March -
■; Puper Hnn;lnj«.,
varied.aasortmentCvor-opcned In Carlisle,' do
Which. Llnvito thd early attention of (ho public,'
asTlntotid'sbliing paper at prices which cannot
fail to please the closest buyers. •
■i •• m r , JOHN P* LYNE; 1 ';
CarllslcryMarch'2o’, 1866. 1 < * j
reuolVed «•-splendid stock of Paper
Hangings, Window Blinds, and (Ino prints,
embracing!'ali the notvbsf and’ most n|>proved
styles;" The designs are nckt dhd chaste, and
tho 'pricbs such us cannotifail to givo sntlsfac
tlon. - 'We invito hur friends and the public go
ndmlly, to call and examine our assortment be
fore purchasing elsewhere.
.Carlisle, March 22, 1856.
A 1 FRESH BUprity tJP Paints, Oils. Varnishes,
Hyo‘Staffs, Glasses,Putty; Sosh Tools, &c.
Also, Caking Soda and Pnlmonic
Wafers, for the curd Of OonghS; Colds, Asthma,
Consumption,ahd all-othordls’easSs of the Lungs,
fortfalo at ’' ■" ’ 1: B. J, RIEFFER’S.
• Carlyle, MnVch'2B, 1&54. '
CROCRERY. —A general-aMsortrtient of
CJnecnswurp of all,kinds,i\o,w on hand, In
cluding Grunlfcwdrdj'StonbWarcf, Chard .Glass-,
wiro; Tumblers, 'Jars, Dislics, Bowls, Plates,
OandiCstickfl'. &c.‘,atS6,« variety of flnp Cistbrt
& Bottles,'hs'wbll ai'PUphOrjr, Opllery OrSpoon
Glasses, &d.' ’For salaat (ho'store of '
- Ang. 8.1864. ' j;. W. BBT,
GLASS receivings novltn
volco.of Wore, embracing a variety of bowls
suitable'for fruit, preserves,’ pickles, 1 sugars.
Jollies* &0., os ajso Cellcry Stands, Jarsj Decan
ters, Pitchers, Salts/Peppers,> Candlesticks,
Lamps, covered Bowls,.h largo assortment 61
Tumblers, Goblcti,’ aid Other useful arfldios.—■*
For said by (,•■••• J.'WVECY.
Februory 22,1855. m ,
• Coal.•- ,
TON3 Lo'kori's Valley INut Coal,
AIUUU # superior article, receiving and
for shlo by . 1 1 1 ■ ' .* ;
-.d , i WM.iB. MURRAY, jJgtni.
Oariislo, Jono 14,3655~*11n
XX7P pall the, attention of the public, to: (ha
fi? .-portable Gprdcn.or Fire engine forma
torlng gftrdpns 9T axßngclpblng tires—an Excel
lent,article,.neat, cheap dk< copvt;nlont. ,For
Sale at ‘ ~. , . (1
, .//vmn rpJU<BAXTON»B.'
NoVaraberZ, 1864. -,,
.Mr: Wlrilf ( ; :
Utuioycr qozl) (looc to tho
Office,.. ; . .. , t ' '
Vi pi- Will bo o)jfpnt from CarlUlo the M
ton dayii o/;pach month. - .. ,
AuguaJ 10, Ibtfu.' .
I !"Traßßes !'!- J ’>
Tubes amp Buicii ’ /•_'
8. W x, Twttfth And'Raet.Sh,, Phita. !
iMrontßu of Trusses,
i txlrttUe ligkinOt, casu amf
uurabUity with correct construction*. ; i, ,i i‘
Hernial or ruptured patients caij Uo suited by
remitting amounts, as bolrnTtfr-ScnaiDg number
of. (nchoai round: thp'hlpa, ;and stating side aft.
footed, ~ ; • , ■ - •
Copt of Single Truss, 13, *3, $4, $5. Double ;
sb.nml $lO. Instructions as to wear,
nprt how to. offset a curoyivhoq noulblo. sent
with tUo Truss,;. , ,1
Also forsalo;fo great variety,*' '>
J)r, Brmnmg’fl hnpraved 1 Politic tydtUJ Pme,
For lbg purp of I’rphpjua Ulp|-1,
JO Pi Braces, Cheat
Braces, adapted fo aU
"din StoouBlipuld(jra aoilvycidc LungaiKnghali
Elwtto Bolts, Sußpenaorioa, Sirmgtia
it ~
. First Arrival '
THE subscribe from, the
city, has Just opened for the Fall trade a
tlon of l?ibhdifWa‘‘lhtf r bhM
s^&ilWlV'dhe'cmd w hind,
ass u ri ojt tho tri ! tlidV Woods ojfhiFklmJ6 tvltf Bef £ofti
MV-bast? bmv ■Tbry* sta’all a'd Vance bh r hfa'ifoVaCtfur-'
lora prices.' rj/f.-.m/.il .r,,u’J •! /.v.vrcnyx
| -^Cdn^/efj<w^^tti/rfttJj.QVo:lDV^t'efitd!o'>ihn
Rojtoj! Screws* <olass,lPntty,lolVPdlntai &cf h J
Itancmbor the old stand* Iflu'Ea^l.E lgblatreoli
satojchMpaf, yius3 oiit no ■ •
’VjilJud SASTiO/i&j’V
I August 81, t <{l •iutT<‘f r ?
! jyqnpver glreft, m>X >/f c .(-PVrt
jTJf 'J.,KIEFFEfi,' DrAgglst;w6utd : reafuSKthrt'-
lOwlyinf^pnllllo'C)llMtt-ofbarmiW ; il(d\vl^o : ;
i “;;;i5
has’boon selected
jwith groaftcqre. [-Aamonyiof thcarticlpsln doily
uae by nndTamiUos deteriorate: byage
groat taken notitoab
Ijffi such articles to-aocumnlate.lii such quantities;
; vAttonUon Ip especially, incited to ibis slock.df
t racist, .<7qnfenctions,i Chemicals, together
NVitb;ft4ldra69ortniQtit ofPuintfe,;Viirnißliea>T)yo-i
‘stuffs. Paint ana Varnish Brushes, and .:.n ' i-i
j CONFECnotfAMSSf iiV ''- jti
iofevery variety’, on" hand n splen
did assortment pf l*emiraes,’ Soaps, fancy,, hair,
c!6tbbs^and*'flcqh:'lJratilieB}’ r Snppdrtfe'ra/.urwil
£ltWWlcft;ssriphlo SliluUla. Tbitli'.'WiiljM 2nd
Pash*. Alii,, ; -"" ,
, . : ■.blfjiiciiinl iVitictarid'Mrwulkst’: ■,u fl ;
of the; boat quality. ‘ Segafrs, ifVoni tho bestf Ufa
yana.'And'; Spanish houses, of every flavor, from*
ondocnt'Up.Wanla. < : ■- I-m. n-uj-v.:-m?
In order tocnsu'rodils custodiers ogblriifhj!*-’
takes. absence of the pro
prietor, - thU services oi an bxjierielicecl and com
petent assistant have bOenCsecured, jyhfch Will
bo felt to-be Important, in ylow of the responsi
bilities which uro khoSvh devolve upon the
druggist. : i.:: vl.i’ti ‘
J x hyaiciaila’:ptt«orlptiooB , vHllbo fallhftilly and
promptly/attCnded to.;Ordcis.ftcm VliysleWn*
abd Merchants in ,tho conntrjMvill be filled with
At prices which most prove sMlsflictbryii
A liberal-shaft of f>ub!lo patronage la respfecV
fully solicited. • : TOrtoaco'sh.j
March 28, 1861.
“.IVcwinlitliulc,” ,
~,• ;j. J3xf;iteni,<;4>v l >
Arrival of Di'.'C; 'Bbagc,'
SURGliQirrfrotQ'NjsprlyorJj. ’ -
, Neryousjtrombllng among ifaVf.QqacksV lor
dud «,< (jaf
1 orb el." Bumbuggcry,exposed andidtstreyud.
of medicin'o introdudW, ,
'' Bboop, .offers, hlssorTiccqto'lholn-i
habitants of.Carlishj and thu tiunpunding couor,
tO'V bnd flattens himself that. l|o con perform
cl(h3B / by ,lits system.\vbere all others luve:fail-
Ho lias takdn theoflice In Southila'n?:
Over Street/ formerly 1 occupied by Dr/ J.
£ft>K f Smith. die will at all times bo found
lo | his ofQno, unless professionally engaged.---;
Eyerydiseafle of tlio Eye and Ear cured by l k
ncwmechanlcnl uppanituH. Blood Suckers and
Bode Barometer makers of..the hu
man constitution, take notice that ppo man cap;
clujbq a thousand *<‘QuacHs,”;and two put too
thousand fools to flight, who willingly.use min*
oral poison'fo eur* thb-alck, or pretend ,to giro
licaltji tp the.poor afflicted soul aod'body- /:. • t
P. S. Pa’tlonu, can Vo accommodated-with
good board «nd 6c|v*|>tlflq mejlloal and ssrgical
attendance /ijßr/ O* ll» Bodge’s Cbrone, Ther.
mal medical' and surgical Institute, located In
South Hanoycrstruef,Carlisle, Pa.' farther
ot Uio Institute.* 1 1,1 1
,April 20, ' - * u '
n. D. CJIvirTON Be SOM'S
McnU:aid’ Boys’ Clothing.'lSitof e<
■Norlfueatf cor.'6f mmT(fttVStiersin.lTKT-
'■ Toh-iiK CmtKHs'or Caqlislk and
■\T6lT,uro WsiuictßUiy InVltcd fo feisnitna the,
X extensive Anil varied assofcltueht.ofMenV
and Boys’ Clothlriic/at the IttorO of the aubscri-
Imws. where nldy Always be, found a full. supply
of 'lleddy.iiinde Clothing, of all sizes ana dia.
scriptlohS, liy ttier. and' boys o(^a)j ogo and
sizes, made by experienced woykmen'snd of the
very best material, thb 'make, Ilf, rind appear
ance Rurnasjed by no cytabljsljmcnt in.the city.
Please pfc'sofvo’thls notice, ami give me a call,
uud ’ ypdrsblvliS .• find' idlli ah' a ’ihaibir
worthy of 3 t .6u and them., .Remember the Msrth
Jidat confer ofScbond and Dock streets. V’ {
' “ : . R. D, CLIFTON it,SON.,
April 12,1856r-ly
SW. lIAVERSTICK, has Just received
• (Void dpening a spion
(lid display of Fancy Goods, for lh«
present season, tp which he qalUha
attention of his. friends andtlio public* Iliaaiu
sortmontin this Hoe cannot bo surpassed io no
vpjfy and elegance,and both In quality and price
p( tho article?, cannot fail .to please purchasers.
It would bo impossible to enumerate bis
Fancy Goods, ;
which comprise every variety of fancy articles
of tho niosltxquislto. shape, shell os
.PalperJfiache Uhods,
i Elogailt alabaster and porcelain inkstands aid
Fa'riuyilirdfyi pbarfnnd shell card cases.
Kadies’ Fancy baskets. . ' i I .
Fancy work boxes, with sowing Instruments.
Port of every variety: ■, .
Gold pons and pencils, lancy paper weights.
Papotorlcs, Ana alarguvaMoty of ladles’ fancy
stationery. ’■
Andwataft, silk;flqd bcadphrsvs.
Ladles’ riding whins/ ofcgunily,finished,. La*
(llcs’flhfcuhlery: 1 \ ' ‘ ■ , {
'iVrhiino baskets and bags. ‘
Urnplles ol uVAIy kjndfor the Collet.' , 1 •,
Roussel's Pcrlmncs of tqu varldus klhdi.*
Musical InsiViimcnts, of all kinds and ofal
prices, tb'guthcr. with an; Innumerable itbrlety o.
,artlclvn elegantly finished un,d suitable for holi
day presents, to \vJrtch, hoinvUes'flpeclal otlenl
tlun. Also, no extensive collection of IlOLll
dav oe zi o i i o o H
■ HOOKS, ■>i
comprising’ tho various^-English-and 'American
Annuals for 1855, richly 1 mid Illus
trate! Podtichl WoHcs, with Children's PlcteWul
Books; far ohildrch of all ages. Ills assortment
of-Schoolßooks pnd School’Stationary Is also
complete, and oomprlsos everything used in Col
lege* dhd tlid schools, lie also callsatlontlonfo
tohis'clcgantdlaluyof ' 1 - ' ~
1 Aiiinps, Oriaiiiiolnß,
/Vom tho extensive of r'dprnoltu*,
Archer ,oml others, pi'/ Philadelphia, comprising
every stylo of Parlor,' Chamber & Study Lamps,
fpr burning either land, sperm or ctherlal oil,- to.
Uls assortment in .this lino is unequalled .in the
borougl*.'’. :i,ca ' - :M ’ ;;;n;^r
Fancy Cdiifietionei/, ‘' Xff
Nuts, Prosdwifl Fruits, &cjj In cvctyWlttynrfd
at all prices, all of which QroptuWnd f&alt,Bufch
aft con bo conlidonly recommended to hU JYIChdH
and tboUtUoftjJlw.' Kumomber Iholold stand.
Carlisle, Docombey 11, 186 L , .. . /
. .1 J,; . *OTIC<3. ! ; '
fIVTOTIOE is hereby given thatnppllcatlonWlll
Jrl bo made tolhohiCxt Legislature bfPonnsyl.
vaiiU, to alter tho charter of tho Carlisle l)epo-.
sit Bank located; In tho Borough of Carlisle,
Oqmborlinid county, soias to confer-uptm said
bonk tho rights and privileges of a bank ot> Issue,
and to change Us name to the-Carlisle Danlr.-~
Alao to,lncrease, the capital of said banUr which
la at. proao.nli Sixty .thousand dollars; with'the
privilege qf.increasing thq aAme under Its prtfir
ont charter iq One. hundred thousand; dollars,),
to Two,hundred and flay thousand-dollars.* riy<
ordprpfithQiDoord ofLlroDtorß,,
1 . , ¥ "' «,Bmwm, -CasWsr*,, •
Juner 86,1866,..,..* ~p. *...«! j,,
TiT.V > Wfo pi*0d la pftyineiit fo'r'ait)
Y* •criptlon,fcdvdrtmng , ,• <;
! -I !■ ' Bi.Jj'KHSPFEK. 11
««owaaM s ,
SI L VER. S WA«Baftit|EWP? S A,
A<Jf. ptfiiftfo ft Wt' SSlfij!^**j
frf«\l- iro -iStitllll'li, ‘&H •’tys® «SW«' %
IbbiV Wendy. •■ Some sft" iK&'WtoVhjS^ s ' 1 ™
f iimim V«w .Wf*' <*
«yift'M*ori’ni(l leWoWdid& iSarat •suto.L £. f!! ’
Gold Hunting Oafcy ruljjowoldd Si’*® Oti
GdJd .'fl'- ft, ~ -tote
BiWeciLavdr. I n*f ItfiiUjreweloijJi i’ \\\ V 'i " ?°<»
StMiHttlUpC'QwMt .-.ltiblLtl Viomii.~r,, V :JS- B 6
Gold,Lupine.Hr«wu-,, Jengiafl t {!’ 'iB6o
ttamitbenjimo' *■ 6uo
oj if.-auht iuftrJWf *t !?
I»l<*fVW JfflPWiS a!root,a' now,(ma, ftm -V™ 1
fipna ifpmit at deduced
WWTft raja *»(!! v. ’is-w
flsWns;'BfA'Ootlilog : fraiis l ; -BhOTel), ! tdl„~ ’iv!"
ersj lrnyn, Ibiksyknivi's/'catydrainleeTa
dndtpcn fcnlyua in great 'vaHotyvl-Aur stiK. -
straps, delators, shears; spadds forks rake,'{"‘7
tubs; water cans', painted; buckets, wash iiL?
improved’ patmitcialcriipuinpii nnd load
- Bni/sinis.t—A-lorge obsoHnionliof'wliltelw
dost, .sweeping, fume Apalutort brushes., ,
rocco,■ Lining?, B|ndm£s,.’imteht G usii HkU
** Bldke’s Fii’d Prbof Pdlhti’ <yf ililTcrcnt' colors •
1 T o'-Oxutf ENTKBB.—-A tollnffcdtfmijntorphnfcr
uavra >; chi3ola,:giigefj] wjUdftsß; braeCß. iWWh
screws, augurs mid obgiir bills, luitehdst'le "il
TO Coaouhakebli'»-Sjuim,hlb.—Afhsl'^i( a
assortment;ot carriage trimmings, such,as, ufc,
; taf ß1 ilB„Tnngea/,dnlb olollniand ,s,ittfucH, ht„i
'linings, .imitation enameled, [lefitlier; paten!-KalK.
«K,fyiialn ,pil,cbjtli„pb l ini aml.l/gimid) D«il, w
Irons, Lamps, Axlcq,Springs,JloioWo CiwilugiL
Bent Fpl)oeB,.Hpbn, plows, J]b/li|iy patent Wei
fop wood axles, tine Jifaas, silver plated dnd, Jil
ijidn baimcsS-moifnlings, Saddle ta'csjdriiips'aid
evety drticlo’used by Siuldlorii very cbiiap.'. '
Carpisid.-Mnreii'gi/lSßjj,'., I.IP. liras'.
IVTOW opon'nnd for Sato at the “Marion ffafp
X\ Family* Grocery Sthrb/a' large' aiuTgmttl
assortment of urticles/'useful aiid fancy, mlrt*
Ing, in part—; .e-*' v :.; 1 . >i
Maracalba and Jaffa Coffees,
.Qroorißib audKoasiedCoffcb, -• I:
-! Jenkins’ best brand of Teas,' t . ,j
> Brown and Clarified Sugars, . i » ■’i
. Whitoiandp,resetting b? 4 r ; '■'■■■ ! •••.• t
: Pplyorl^ed,and,crushed ; ( 1 ■ \]\
. Brpma, Cotjpjpand .Choyolatp,,; , * •,
Rice and Cont Starch, > ; ; j;
Farina and'Esscricb of Coffee," , i
'Lovering’s finest Symp, Orleans Baking Mela*
ses, Spices, ground and ungrpuiid; r Macs, Citnn,
. JED. .Oiu* iliiccnhWfliT, Ea
, embraces a largo and general vnrietypg
iof .the pest whit? r Granito, a Iron Stoneware; fib
'cfpbol-fthd common ware, enabling thecturt6rm|
;lo selectTb sotfa of plcceVof aiif Mize ne^l»SftrV»
'and*irf tbo <UnVWmk nilh -g, rum
Cty pf FibC White and Goldßand, EogUtilt anJ
Tea wrird/nhd olhcrlvaric
tiled of tlßeful and find flmcy Chlhu wurc, Irclud
ihg Trays,' ; Platcs, Tascs, Fruit Dishes, Collin
jenpsi &c. 2ko. <- ’■ ■ .‘r ■-
O" 'GLARSWAREi ' ’ V ■
bAwls, dlshc% molnsscs’ cans, Mign
Ibowhr, a loigovelecllon of fine tinted tumblcn;
j wlnonnd ogg'glUßftos, mid other nsefnl article*.'
among Hvblohn’ro tubs, chums; wafer pnl.% nidi
safes, market baskcteptravelllug baskets, a*will
a« other covered anii un'coverbd ‘baskets. • Alw;
t Tablo QU of. the- flucßtbmnd, Sperm and othd
pile ti Tobacco, Cigars, Sbhpsi Icc.i -A smallM
of choice MACKAREt of No. I qualltjv Ahoj
Mess(.Ma9karcl- i --both In handsome
assorted packages of ludvca, quarters end klfM
[with oll.tlie othcT.varietles of ,n GROCERY wj
Wo fool llmnUfid for t t(io
bestowed on us, and Invite a continuance »»f like
fiutor*; ■■ ■ •! ■ ' i;i " j j. tv. eßy!
, Carlisle, January 1865. \
■ ■: V Wo, Bi'rlvc lo ,I > lcose.” -
rilLlE Subscriber w/nild.rosnoctfnlly announce
the.citizens of, Carlisle, and all person*
visaing the same, tbut-lio him now. on bund n»4
will, continue to bo supplied,w|ui the Idlest
cities of each sucqeissiye season, comprising) la
part,' 11 " ;■ ~V
; coNFgcxioFAniEs ,
of fho chplpcst varieties, snbhiis Fine" Candy
Toy’s, Jelly Cakcs,Bon,BonB, Gipn., Cordial,
m6n, Chp'colotd, pud Fru|t !pyopß. Rope, VanifU
ahd'bnrnl Alinonclsj'FrcncUAnd exploding
rets, alio all tbo common varfetlbs/aU bf wlilch
will hd wholcsATd lor, retail, ht nites, if.J
b few, doors of Bank, )yhcro he Int©Just
received 'Fruits and Npls tpf, Gip lalcat'lmpodi - ,
(lons, such as._onmgeH/Xcht6ns, 1 Raisin's, Figb.
RruqnH, CltronHj Currants, soft and paper shelled
Ahnoiiaij 'Filbcrti, -Cbcoa;’Cream ■ and Gronbd
Nuts. ’ Al« 0; r ! *'J -.1 i" - •'
1 j , TOys^WD^FANCY,GOODS, ■
of every kind aadftoin ,oJI partit of Europo,in aT )‘
tifticturcd of wood, glass, china, papler-nWchK
tin, India rubber, zinc, Ate., such os tine n'aX/kld
and Jointed dolls,, sewing and ettrd baskc|s»'
ji?d fancy i boxes;, flower ,vuscB< motto .caps* tetT
so|ts,; iquqip .boxes, port, monies,, battlQ-doW,
gruqojbopps, pinsks, 4r;ums, ; guns, dc-f
lotto and otliqr games, A c *» '
•nil hair oils, pf,‘every variety* .
h-;,th %iif y; ;■, s .n
inch osLhVeHrig'Bcrttphbd'jliulvhfMSdd Slid brtiwo
Sugars', CofTUv JlbUtwOs/ShWclU Indigo,’
ratud,' Green And’ Black’ Teftsp fintcq*<
Wathroifd Soda: Cradtors/ Matches, and
wo (r* Strive to Floasd,*’ allorb’lnvitcd to call ana
bxamlno.oiirstdck.i /f<->10:: nn ' s * vilL'
, Tho Bubocribcf reluVn's.hls thanks to. the ptiM®
for thopatronago heretofore bestowed on h|n»,
and.Uopofc, byAdcsirOiitQinlcttSO'to'rJiorihh'^ o "*
tiuuanco of tlio sjuno. X*. MCIRYEH*
1 GarUiJ^Marolv-aOrlfltVjt--*-^-—:—*—
: Useful, FriigMlit, Uttd Oood
f> J. KIEFFEIIiU/jJiJWthrnod aomPhll-
J->* adolphia, with an addltlbpal supply ot J rc “/
pUUGS. which, Ip.connection with his forme
itoclr. wlll'rnnko lili patobllshmonV complete }»
jins l dbs\rtftiirit. ; jiririddmon *td‘tyd iibov^* I ®,
hw altioJUSt opened tf jrosli'supjjly of '■; ’ i.-v
Pfstos, AHlclpsbif every
i The attention of ladles Is capeclally Invited i
hltf extensive nssbrlnicnt of fancy artless. ;
flrio dw/brtmpnt bf Fancy Articled.; . Stfifftf
nriana PotatflCaU xlnos; Toba'ccbbs p.f ■ *«,'•
>loty, HhaVipg
found W-bo^vofy-sUpcHoff'Oimes,'Hiding^,,.i,
arid'many-otl/eV 1 artloM#»»*£,
inofo'CHiiotilully Interest gehtltuhonu* 1 n u^
.1 A number of'vcrv aopcrlor 'TVoblen Mai
harid.;. 'I- : ■ . • tit. ’ ‘f’
. i The Proprietor will bo very floppy!*#, hl J* o( i., ’
fHcmlfl gone why .call .and: examine 1 his ,g°° >
ritJarlisio, Jtarch^O,L i!»; mL- J