American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, December 20, 1855, Image 2

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    pa.; is^Si.-.ii'!■
■ '."*STEJtWO
subscribers complainthal, their .frc*
Jqnmtly purloined from (hdn.dooreAmmiKiiato
lyaftoUicy' been'left b}r_• .fto" cntijW.r
'.i;hW offi-ridb ; axii9jiri.t3 to larceny,>pdi itws W»
[ascertain the names of. ■ tho. offenders; c stall
bring tfeciri undOr'lhc'gdnfiVty of Jhslitf."V.. •
toVbo »f»-
\nriLc mnimcment. for certain pcrsbns in our
boMngb: :We believp there is n Borough ordi
nance that, tile tcavinff or defacing of
i bond-bills, bud obr borough officers should see
t)Mt'it'iS "'observed. "Where n handbill has
been posted on a building,.or fence, or,tree, tho
person owrting tho property can remove it, but
;iid b'np else.bag, » right ,to disturb,!!,, .
■ '-iahlvAL drTnpori'.'—
forty Dragoons, under ppnuuand of; Col. A. MAV, arrived nttlie Carlisle Bas
niokS. ■ Odl. MXT , s;numcrony were,
jojoiepd ti> seo'iiim'Vetum to h|s.9!4.iau'ar(ors,
'jinny of the men belonging to his regiment were
formerly stationed here and are well
ploasedlo-again odciipy tUt plljatant quartern.
•.' Punts HismAß.hasopen
c3 a sqlipdi-nl fro. 6. Bijctom’s Kow, for 0* in
struction of tboso desirous of improving tlioir
style of writing. Mr. H. has taught several
clnssbs in Carlisle heretofore, nhd rendered uni
versal satisfaction. His mode of Instruction is
simple, nod his charges moderate.
Siurrintino, Staumeeino, &o.—We .would
call the attention of those afflicted with impedi
ment ol speech, to the card of Dr. JoSss.lnonr
advertising columns. Dr. j. can cure. Stutter
ing, Stammering, &c. If he fails to-effect a
euro he makes no charge. Dr. J. is at the Man
sion House, where ho will remain for a couple
of weeks.
Fair of the Good Will Uosb Company
— Our citizens must not forget that the Fair
of tilt Good Will Hose Company comments
on the evening of the 24th inst., at Marion
Hall. Every effort has been made to get up
the enterprise in gdod style, and, from all we
can learn, it will bo a Fair creditable to all
and Fanct Goods. —Our friend Mr.
Kiiv, has just received an elegant assortment of
Fancy Articles suitable for Christmas and New
Years’ Presents. Ills Groceries too are fresh
and of the best quality. Give him a colt.
StTPBRioo Seoaks.— The most pleasant and
best flavored segars to be had in out town, can
be found at Inuofp’b, who keeps constantly
on hand 4 Ary largo and superior assortment,
lie lias received, recently, from Rob’t. Carroll,
the cfebraUid Marietta manufacturer, a very
choice lot of his “best," which Cannot fall to
please the taste of all lovers of the "weed.", ~
ICy* Tim W bather for the last few days has.
been delightful.
Carlisle Deposit Have.—We have been
requested to state that the Carlisle Deposit
Bank,win bo closed on" Christmas and New
Ycar.dayo'-. - ■ ' ‘ t ' , , ,
her of our citizens wilt bo in want ‘of Bath Tubs,
(3;is Fixtures, Pipes, &c., wo take pleasure in
calling aitoatiou to the tidvcrtisement of Messrs.
Wincur, llukteb 8c Co., to bo found In another
column. Their establishment is on tho S. 17.
cornor.of Ninth and Walnut sta., Philadelphia,
nnd Is tho most oxfouslto shop of tho kind in
the city. Wo had dealings with this Arm our--
self, and found tholr fixtures not only much
cheopen hut far superior to any we could find'
m Philadelphia. Indeed, establishment
is a most complete one, nudvhey warrant every
thing they sell. Our citizens will find it greatjy
to their advantagp to deal with this Arm.
The New Uotbi- Project.— The suggestion
tve milde last -week, in regard to the new Hotel
project, was responded to with more prompt
ness than is usual in Carlisle- On Saturday
evening quite a large meeting of our citizens
assembled in the Court-room for the purpose of 1
lortnmg a joint stock association for the erte-I
(ton of O first-class Hotel in our borough. Col '
A. Nuui.u was called to tlic chair, and J. B.
Huattok appointed Secretary. The enterprise
was then refered to and advocated by Judge
Watts, li. Beatty, Esq.. Mr. J. Ehccm. and.
others. Before the meeting adjourned, some
§2,500 of stock was taken, and ft copimittcc
appointed, {consisting of William 11. Miller,E-
Beatty, and R. C. Woodward) to solicit sub
scriptions from our citizens. Thus the new
Hotel project has at length been started, with
every prospect of success. Let all our citizens |
take Slock. The spirit of improvement Is up
in our borough. Keep the good- work moving
forward ! Oar mechanics particularly should
fed a deep interest in all borough improve
ments. Let US erect a llrst-clnss Hotel next
summer, and then we will be ready to push for
ward vOthcr improvements-
Fuom W*9iii»BTOjr.— The news from ffwh
mgton amounts to nothing, as nothing has as
yet been done. Some seventy ballots have been
bad for Speaker, but still without an election.
TUo_Know'-Nothlngs largely in the majori
ty, and ro that they get their $8 a day, they
care Very little concerning the interests of the
people.' On Friday last, in the House, Mr.
Esomsu, of Indiana, made the following re
marks, which were not only trulhftil but ap
propnatc. lie said;
••It w not tho fault of the Democratic mem
bers that valuable time and thousands of" dol
lars have been aqiltindcrcd. The responsibility
in with the majority; with those tnen who have
filled the land with the clamor obout Atnori
cans ruling Antcrifca, and their peculiar; Qtness
to govern tho nation. The Opposition have the
majority and yet cannot organize. Give the
pvmqcrntfl a majority ot but one. and they will
soon organize, because they arc a national par
ty t ond will defend Aheir principles, which aro
kivad as the Republic. I would not compro
raise with the twelve apostles, unless they sub
scribed to tho Democratic creed.
[CT* Gen. Wilson, Senator from Massachu
setts, hosb c< l n quite iji at Washington City,
from the effects of severe pain- 'in his face. It
hU'strcngth' sb'entirely that ho
tainted: in .a bath room, and lay for a long time
insensible. ~ ~
O-Samuel Kcltcll, one of the editors arid
Bbstou died hi 'his
icaidenoo in Malden, on,the 4th inst;
{C7“ the Sausage and Pon JlcftS season. JS
-nrsrmuTU-vr tub iiAMAt umnor^
A little more tb-uv a year n&J says the
Washington Union, the
other's aortas
the union to (refeatji
the the pOnstUuljtjn. K^osi njwalj
it was for temporary purposes, not for all time;
it was to put men in Congress tomakewap up-
on an honest administration; It was hot to pre-
serve/but UVadsiulitbo Constitution. Tho Do
mocracy, howcjcr, defeated *»s they were, were
bound together ns with hooks of steel on their
imperishable (CrJ6d; and, from the day when
they Were overthrown by the fusion alluded to,
thpy r bngft-ftilcamtatl—fltrtuiny ‘
form which .they i 44 v
this there OTidivlsioii^ofmcn
.thataspiire to;the nameof a party, that- dfrnot
payiVoluntary or l involuntaVji ( ' : ‘lribut ) fe to ; the
strength of that hitiibhttt pWnij’pTe Wliich.^Sa
Anjpriflan : Tjrdoh. .We hivesoqii' Abolitionists
confessing' of lhis :
ihg sas,souri Cotp
pi^'imsoy. We
testing their devotion ;to the-Constitution ,'n'nd,
at the
by a
branch of Congf&fl, ia;sabrdiYided into cliques,
each .under a< different leader;, and 1 all bccritific,
ho sufficient nunAdlf 'be' brbught
on.copstitu^ional to, organize) thal
body. •• iiit /.-I . i: ’ .‘'‘ll i’_ v.'J. •VK
.'Mcanwhilo tbeDeVnocniby Bland ; oalralyTbnd
firmly their standard* pnd behoWjbc
oftomlJig tfth'mpnsTtf itiese uncohscioim testi-
ippnipjs to tho p^ja^pjeaJnscribed opbn their
banners. Who, inlhcanti-Deroocralic opposir
tion, wquld havc sqpppseji that such a specta
ccle would have been th s :'Bii-
ccssivc advantages achieved by the northern’fu
sion 1 VTh\h Gr^cl^y' and,hia,crew ast
sailing the NationphPemocracy for theirstead
fast adherence to national principles,'fhejr llktto
thought the time was so near at hand when
1 that Democracy would prove potent chough to
I put its advefSfrrie9j‘to ! fel : me ty thfc’force of the
I very national principles, so derided and denemn-r
|ccd. Eycntboso who.clalm to have bccnnoUnd
on those principles when they whited 'thcmscl-.
ves with the Midnight' Order,.WCTc'riptprcpar.
ed to be called sd'spccdily to account, and .to
find, when th< hour; arrived which; thoj/'hnd |
anticipated as the fyoition of. nU. jthpir. .hopes,
that tlidy icJutdVnWce ho t6n&irm(lbp without
yielding to the fdri&’pf. the cjpunplp.
The great truth apparput' in al(. these demort-t
atrations is, that djxparty
nently maintain anmrgnnizatioa ftf this coun
try unless a u tnminbn cufd hj
just creed. bas
ed upon this scntirhcnt. : Thus fusuramay main
tain itself for the brief period of a pdprulrir,'c|be.'
tion, but whenever
the trusts confided jby thp ln ;t
eyitably falls to pieces,iunless those who 'com
pose it act together upori gbod priptflpltfe/ V f “ 1 ‘
■ A pf 'Als.'ivns
of the tendency of.tKe opposition.tq yield toex-.i
pcdicncy iWhcn they placed John Tylerin
nation'i-fon the Vico Presidency Irty 1840.’ lie’
agreed' with therd' in dpjposUion to 'Mn Vary
they forgot ho differed from 1 thcW/lil 'reference
to‘great : triithS.'and : ndcoydingly, whence
time came that yyjas, lb 1 .test bis identity .with
them upon permanent questionstiheyweriicbm'
| fonndodifaf theTacfc that he had pot
his devotion'td the‘Cobstilu tionand i'licrcsurt
was their,speedy and-dffcaU—
But if this,be truo of :individuala, jt is much
more of parties, or divisions of girlies l , 'when
i they try to agree tbgcthfcr for 1 khc'tb^repprp’ipso 1
j of political powcr’without cqnsuUingttheif ;rc«
spqclivo opinions.upon fundamental.issues.'- 1 ‘
Take another view of this; question to prove
th<? right side of this theory.'! Observe .the man
ner in which the National Whigs of the coun
try rally he-Dc mo Criilih stttHdard ; how
they do (his in minority, ahd how they ttitl'do
it in victory. Such n union is nbt a Union' bo*
tween individuals merely, bat between orgbm*
rntions who have'home together Wpbri the* sprrie
erded, wlw, questions liavo been set
tled, pfter other ohstaclcs have been removed,
find that there is between them and’ the Dcmd
cratic parly of'the country a name, and that’
name hallowed, by the glorious associations pf*
fifty years’services in support: of the Union
and the Constitution—a name sanctified by the
devotion and thdpatriotism of Jefferson,of J(ock
son, and of all,those inpriql heroes who have
illustrated the pagps of American history.—
But it seems as if the enemies of the Dctnocrnt
io party would never profit by the leiaons of
experience. Eyqn while they arc admitting the
strength of the national principle,and conscious
that this principle is certain to > triumph in the
[election of they ore struggling'tokcepup
jto their fuaibq of expediency, and presenting
the spectacle to the country of a majority in
1 Congress trying to legislate upon the
questions of public policy by ignoring the very
existence of a National Constitution.,
Death or a Ppulisiier.— Aznilub 11. Sim
mons, one of (be publishers. nod proprietors ol
tbo Philadelphia Public Ledger, died at his re
sidence In that city, last Sunday mbrnfngwodk,
after a brlef lllness, In thb 401hyeWofhUoge.
Ho was, a native of Norwich, (yonno.cJJcut, and ft
practical printer by. profession.! In tbo Spring
of 1630, In 'partnership with'Messrs. Swain and
Abell, ho cbmraenced tbo publlcatloii Ot thd
Ledger, and Continued In (bo flrmunilj jbp day,
of way a taking inactive part lu thp;
business management of that extonslro cstab-
liahment., ITo was a man of groat worth, and
universally beloved by his prof
fosalpnol hrbthron and ill whom ho W°
I associated'. ■ —I v*-’ '■
Baltimore S»n flays that a ncW'gtianoißland'
has been discovered in tho Paolfia ocean Iby an
lAihcricati riavigator, who hnS; on hiS own ac-
Icount and upon his representation,been enabled
to fit out and supply two ships with -men and
implcmeMW io make the guanorcady for ship
ment. Measures have been taken for tho sur
vey of the island by tho-United States ‘feOvern
-1 inent. ' ’
Next President.— The, ■ , I^apcr,”Ifi 1 fi
Demqcratlc journal, printed at Harrisburg, has
PiKuicß ‘at IW hufcuhcad
as its candidate fqr.'tfmddpPt* From, present
Indications we think it m6ro than probablbHlmk
lpe and of
course rc-clcctod.;.,::/ * .• rn- -■
Ismagti "forAllßsed MpftttUeßi
Xfie case of alleged malpractice in Surgery
which has now forjwrao days fecoft ,
, j wf&UnT|in&,
! jted syjp; % jjj|t!
‘ |>lainiiff. shis w&theSecond'iHalt-|ho
Ihavingi jalyjp placoin JuneV: wpcn ajvfef;
Whi civ wa£flubacqiicritly sejr aside. ThS'Mtds
as shown upon the trial were that about three
years, ago thc.-plaintiff, Albert '.A. "Wilson; o'
person now some sixtccn^ycars: from ; a
scaffold and fractured his right cluow, arid that
Dr. Isaac Bi. Snell, the defendant,-was,employ."
ed to set the broken Htofc. of 4. Jjqll,
the fingers of the right Blind.began JiKhu/rtifyi >
and ■were finally amputated by anotherjsmv
gebnm "worse
ed thatthillWafbl occasioned
by the.unFjkillfql mannefin which : the.fracjure
that itarosc conjointly from the severity, of the
injury-causing, thefractute, fromthe'- pressure
P?itheidisiplaQed poi'yonrDf-.thDlßorie'■br^iU<in , off’
from the elbow joint and drawn np h^UnWriny
ftngcrft jyj thi: blood» and* froln .defarigement'af
thei organic nbtVCs-‘Which 1 * Win^ : ''rOund: '■ flip
rivteit,'£pd :^
”j •’ .1 ,-f.A
,>• ,:Xhe point tab iisue ;ln. this case will r[ thqsf bo
seenito-have StcObhO' of ihe-'utrnßst EciefiUflc
! 'requiring arics t whh
anatomy-and phy smiogyip order to, pronounce;with any respectable degree <ctf . intelli
gence. In the course of the trial the di
s-1 VptV'ind
iyri‘wcre brougm’tp! tbe Ataqd>, Ope ipnly of
gcntlcnoen-r-Dr. Willard Porkcrr-iheld
that the injury waff caused by loO : tight ban
daging ; while; oif the'^pther. hand, .Dr. Moot,
DK David t: Rogers, Dixon, arid othersigayo
their opinions in behalf Of; thodefense.! 'The
weight of scientific evidence was decidedly; in
favor of the ! defchdaTiti arid yci' (ho'jury 1 .gave
agajristTiim ycrdict.which wp bavprccord- 1
ed. This would scccm to indicate a disposition
t 6 mulct ri surgeon In'Bhch a case tloV sd niuch |
because his fault wasclcarly established aa. |x>* i
cause of a readiness to believe medical men to,
bo in gerictal a'nd’.Wprtby pf punish
merit,as a matter of abstract form. , Af thin rote,,
surgeons here about must sobntakethe ground
they have been constrained to assume fa soipc
other jilascS, T ricfhse, to .any. case
until they have bMn?indcmnificd:Ogainst’ProS“
epuUon in tbCevtntdf failure." f
President aJjd tub Filibusters*—* ’
President Pianos has toted V proclamation
warning all .
others'to 1 , entis]U 'wUhity the ■ territories, of, the. '
United States,jbr. military 1 ! operations ngninsb 1
Nicaragua. ! The proclamation 1 is : timely, Tor ,
the last' news' ftom’ Nicaragua 'represented' ,lhat ( (
C^l v KcWen,liad gonoto San'Francisco, tqraipG
volunteers to old Waiker. It is a littlcf
singular that U. S.
should have been so. rcmiSs ’in' tb'tiV duty' here*
•tofofjc, : Jto.liayc aljowta Walked lofewfi;
CaljfpmU 9n such an^errand. -Such nbglectof
duty deserves a forfeiture ofihdf.jjlaccs; 'Wc
bate anadeatbat the President’s pto6lam%ilon,
will awaken them to a sense of duty! and
. cTulcbca qt ( tnp, jiaw, iiThe attempts tq
tout any of his illegal practices. !' ;•
lihiiadclpbi* Xafger learns, from thoanthra
cito cohl regions'(hat the'coat ’ biitfhpss Is be
ginning. a pointy of
latlon and other causes have involved; the bp -1 -
craforfe and othets in : pecuniary liabilities to an
Imrhensc' ainbunt., '"Soinp perso nB have
made ( brg9ty.ui,the.ico«l lamia and the cool
business.. and hundreds ofi others • followed,'
blindly ovcr-lobklngtbo dirfereil^fr 1 of;location,
time and tto trade is
peculiar ioonoimpijrtant cannot
be pressed beyond ft given point without dc->
stroying itself. '• : ' ■' "‘ it
. Louis Napoleon in Our Übain
The'Kochcstif Ihb ogents.of
the French Emperor have bccn largely engaged
this fall >n purchasing wheat,in tho West; on
his account. They hive 'purchased 900,000
bhshcjsj'of wHicll OSdjQOO'enbc b ; 6u(!aIo/(md
250,000 buahibi T tQ.6swego.. A1t,.but,40,000
went down the Erie Coral. Tho some agents
oro still buying Sn ‘lllinois nnd other Western
Sutra, logo down the Mississippi ji’iiS out'bjt'
New Orleans. ~ . 1 -
New J Drscovßiir iji s4M4o#i’n'(>, rrtho
Pittsburg Union says Mr- Harvey! Mooro, of
Lawrence county, claims to bb the : inventor
a now kind of balloon dr machine for navigal
ling thb regions of upper-air. Ho hah discov
ered a principle by which direction can given'
1 to an air car, and' its speed accelerated or ire
-1 tarded at tho will of the engineer, or pilot; who
I may take charge of It ; and without tho 1 uso of
ballast or waslo of'g&s in the ascent
otf tho machine, attbpwiU of the conductor. ~
KT-Thc iloh. Miss Murray, who has‘beep,
for nearly a year past, IrardUnß through the
United Stales, is about sixty years of age—l
At forty she was appointed, Itaid <jf linker to
the in wbi«(i; ckpaqityi' phd ,srfvcS
BCTcral. years. Afew years ago, thinking dhat,
she teas tdq old for tbo office, site requested thdl
Queen to <Hspensdwith her servlets,’'fcn.siild'
yoiir, roqlaty Ws'f ,pagp.'4o re
quail the 1/oiing indies to comp dovytvhcrw ala-,
surd it is fori me to walk first into* the drawing
room." The Queen, then appointed hep of
llio bed dUmber,‘and slid IS tllii only uriinarripd
lady wliq eycr held that situatii)|v 'Atmterin
the Southern Literary Messenger altys, her
••beautiful neok and arms would gracoa belle
, lof sixteen."- ■ ■< I ! i,/.- .oioc. - !
Ihe -^.'rjfj r
ttojuiy.ju, tho.lrW of Baker for itho'
murder of Poole, In NeW Vdrk; could not agree
—Hud hive Bteh aischargcd by the Oourt.V
The jury, it is'AndcrHtooil, were divided as
follow 7 for manslaughter, 2 for,murder,and
3 for acquittal. ; ' ■ ! l ’', l __/
The Now York llcrnhi thinks thattho
democracy of, tho liousa, thus fop, have stood
with h steadiness and solidity to Ilichqrdeon,
ifpMj thosoli’jinnllfoißp^a-;
tion ctUu) party in tho prcoidoutial contcat.
Tho divisions; among tho opposition-elements
ahow as clearly that they are still adrift.” ) •'
fty- John 1. Honthida has been codviotodat
tlichmond, Ta.i 'of pajrlofiilngS |«*lf to* o
mail.' J ‘ -
portlonof thepcople
of thkcounti^ l ’i3& P n^
that! ijiey
cd menVjWcept^,^
true.; Th^i^ttwny:\ybO' ! gavQ\&ft Knb.w-
Vho h&vocmbnfclji
ing:torhold onjr sympathy for the principles of
thatordcr.; Among these la; tho cihlor o£t]io
timly in his Isauc oi tho 16tq utt.,
usro.the following emphatic .language I
m w |>avQ
tremo j the nostrils of
yast number who do. , , »: v -,-.t*'
: oj>!dr>dm , U. , (,viii-: ;> rf: Mn.ui.---m il.tfj
,■lu M n • S jieufer-fi-orii' ■ 6isil. j-CtfsSi,; s'‘. to m’‘V;; j :
• ,r^Vfoff6wWi&fttfo^
man Q^d^p - at^lot r witt L h'^; erd - st hjj
itJrilbnu i-ad wtfl W’ioiiiJ ihol-; tills’rMereti WMs
■ Presidentof thOf United.SfyWf > P^ft 8 P‘ D ®
■ 'the' WOW‘ }o sujjpo^t
• u ! .....
While thanking ysrifor thlamanlfcslMlon or
al\tkys preSorvo ! tf’grateful 1 tcply
1 that imm notW-cCndhlate for tho'rfesia^ncy,
ted-In Councctibn-wHii Uto thocotisldotatlota of
thd Domocratlc the Union.’;--!' ■
1 ({;,-•■ ;lbro!gOntlcnn®y<i *'» J ‘ : '' *'*
. -.W.m gw« «ssrd, V“J?„ y , O "?V Q r ' •,.,. ,-f ;i J !. C^Aa».
, ( .^t)^o>y'^i /: W‘<jJitcr,S9q*»iaod•others,i
' .”, ,i ] ' ■;' ‘; , 1 > ! •”‘ :tumi T*
Hi'llldha^fc-Unlted 1 SthtoV 1 MarsbalfoV the
Norther* district. of .C*nfyrni^,wap (
FfaflclflfOi, op
tjho ,'ovpning- qf ;»he -17411 ult., liy adesporado
named Charloß'Cdrft. ‘ The- MsnßWn’plbccd’-a
pistol to b!m[ dead'tilmbst
wit^but :,jA! short, yhbp, £
dtffi£nVty departed bci^ppn.tbQm,-,but,-It
had .been sqiflgdto tho’satisfaction! oi both! pari
tics. Gen*! Richardson waa33 ycart of oge;~
He-hdd boon of tho Cal
ifornia militia f’Tras a mprabek' of tnb
' U 6; Nptioaill ,: Convention ln f( and, B|flcp
| -tbe
I Northern, pJetricliiiC jOalifornlai ii Ho was >4
faitpful and kontlomabiy’in 1 hls
: dOpbitmetitJft ‘cltWcii' and V :rffe W;
nd loaroa U r ybs^ r
1 untiemi isbr(yighP^ ; tbpP9^t.' lf^9o * ll
-httVci tho.assassinations of thbnbrt.f‘lbattdßl
Wall} Gdllcdtor br.lhej Pofl of Mbntc^cyi : alrul
T: Si.Wlllla^bi^'^' , otfcb'rjor j
jn-ex^orninrderci^.^ T l,
They wore both.-, eliof through the head, from |
behind, —thd wonttflbboing hppircnfly made by
nQqs.7 i!r. T Wall-wash member oMhd liOgfsfla
tuk-o idfBs2andlBsJ, and in’the Bdsaldh ol : tU6
lattet Wnß'Spcak*9i‘‘tht)
tf ? time of JjUdoatU;
Jao.wbaueU/knoWiiiiljrotigliout'tho and
hadif hbWVif ftrdotdfridhdei’ t- *'
oral bl A’ojpkncfjwj
Mondajr vrcpk, for pfllcer*. ~It op-
• ruy > | ui^ j lhh > i ,»m, »«■■ •—n
H’m wcropwHy ir i: '' •’ ’ f -
• Boston; Pec. •’l<M-=£ho election for Jlpyor
and Aldermen tooltblaco In tills clfy to-«ay ! , re
sulting In tbo bloctionof Mr;lUci,lheCltizons ,;
candidate foinMoybr*'. by 1800 ranjorltyorfir
Shurtlctt; AJ largo 'majority of the
Aldoqnen and Oodacllmen are of iL6 same
litlcaJettniploylon- v• '■>•: J 1 i sin ,*i
i In Juowcll; -Huntingdon,ilbOtGUftcriticandi-*
drttp, watfltyc|ed Mayor,‘by, phyallljv't'--
j ;in.l£oriscflMr, places, the,
Citizens* elected* ,j :
I ,1)H. S : ANE;fI j ,^xpip^os. rr 'pf'.-,Kpno
ia'busiiy work. describing! bis.
last Arctic expedition; i and efforts-dro l
hiailo iby the Mbssra. ‘Ghpda k [ Vo
tiWdft/tbhaVo'it r
iTljcfo wJU twenty fine linp-cngraYlnga,.
inhlitdJng portraits of -JDrw Eono drift/M*. Grin*’
nellpcxeented under thfr super! lit ehdbncc of JV
M; Butler,Esq. The <{ng«-j
vdd'.’fa '^iipst;style 6jf Oio-art $y
three hundred illustrations. It will bo issued
id' two dritiro
work. '■’ '■ * ' '• 1 ~l| ' i ‘
...CovniDtMO- ArrAin.-i—iOn ; Saturday 'wdek,-
hreo latilC3> : molht?rand dnbghtdrt'i'proceeded'
1 6 *|htj( houib of a yQtingTpjm In I/afayofto street,
and,giW tsovero Vhijipipg with
cowhides, which llicy .brought, for tho ex
press purpose. The cause appears to bo that
thd hinnclrcnlatod : injnrloub reports in regard
o'Wqo bf the yonng!kdlcB,who having n 6 bt'lior'
means of redress,' ireablvdd’ upon the ahovb
course do obtatatytisractlonr-and slm got it.,
KTTTho SlitLooisintciliiEcnccrhlntsinterms,
not to ho mistaken that the major part ot thb to gird to/thb Kansas
gotten tip liy R,f lnflnencb tys
etyspop iff, the ljom Missouri.,, jit
further says.v “ V( 0 U'* 9 our.,unqualified
opinion that*borojfrlU> wdrln Kansas. 0 -
Correspondent of thO
JiUttulpptanln L&fayotto, UitalsslppV dotes d
letter In tho following spirited words t : ' 1
■ “WValiall holdpO'dmdcVntJo nioMlrig'ijdFfl.
day next to appoint .delegates Ip thp State
vcHtldtt to bb hold ffa olly oti Ihd Blh ‘Jdn.
Tho next rrdafdctitlal ijlictldh'wiU'Uo tho’rtosl
Important l9oo* as bOglti'tllo wAtk
early and in earnest. Urge this upon tho, Do-!
raorncy oflhe'Siittfcl Toll.'lhomlogo to w6rkl
Lot tho convention bo largo—ovOlyioorinly: rna
,o!ir,l)l»Jarity next foil imut go
ai I r.' ...; .'I • • ■
|.f*V .V'Vji. 1 " ‘ 1 t.
From tho potent Office the seed of; the
cork treOhas been; dlsftibuttd 1 to amirabcKof
Stytfcrf, to trit Its «'d(dji'tiori to Our cljroatc.
Vy It is said Barnllm is on tho hunt fof the
maid „ whq ijCYcr refund on offer of mar
ri»ga.!~ ■' ■-■ ■ i ■ ’ i'.
annual rjilnlogun of Y tho Collage
1866-0, ahona that than) oro OlOotudento In at.
tendance, the lorjbal mumbor oral 1 In tho Inatl
tutlon at one lima, ’/.."'h '
rK7n Wolter’i OldnCitjni Hotel in i'Norfolk,'
ipicd aa q hospital for ,t|io .epjidcinio, wps bi^iW
i on „i.,i
■'ipr It'ls'slated, id tlidßortijn Journal, that
Horn iidivord
editorially , with the .North l Amariuw Itqviow.
elected Hon'. James M. Mason to tho U; i6h
latest trom Europe.
- By the arrival, fit New York, of
6hip Baltic, we have intelligence from^urope
thc|& M. . bad dri
dined, aW consoja. had advancrall,
bii|sid nojhing.-|
rivM in England.'’ The King'of Prussia, in hifT
speech to the Chambers, announced decidedly
the continued-neutrality of Prussia. Sorao un i ‘
glish Cabinet. The allied force at Kcrtsch and
Yenikalc has been augmented by reinforce
ments to 45,000 men. American stocks have
improved in the foreign market, with largo
spies. Count Mole, formerly a distinguished*
dead- Admiral Brunt;
1 81*
has dicdm^fihp^ t _.^b^>W9Qkpdd l pf .UmWhitd
JSctvjbfl tUotAUies.wak raiaWioh* thcdst'bfOc-
>Atflerifcdri 1, &lilj) ‘‘rilc^inikil,
[C^'niiShip. Ithd IWliite^Cloud^ivith 1 a
'pltfbiibljjr b^e'iH'Milth'^lf-winUri'^^^’pß-1
P/I^b&lAWS 3 ' pKeparftto wertfpVo
ccedlrig- rapidly^ : CtnaV ;fv»cha'
otfcWVc j
on i of.^ovijpipprk,, Ripnor, isays (hat !
ncqneatkdiiPrudsia toimaWe
conoiliatiryi offers' lpf6nlct;i/ p f 6n 1 ct ; i/, l
.prppos;tipusbav.C btcaiSubmitteU toi’Nhpolbon
on behalf-of |, RBysiii i ‘ffhi6h , ' I Btt'h ! b6''HoribBitbiy
accepted ,•*Aa'meTy I :' v rimt Russia will conclude a
iWfe. with Alio,
Intervention ol cilVer Austria or Prussia. The
terms arc said .to ’bo-wßusdia' ttcCqcding: to the
guaranteed ( ipdct}cndeiVce Xmppbian
Principalities and the freedom of .the Black sen.
Both parties arc to bOntinue 1 the preparations
for hostilities, but, .'no, 'active operations to be
entered upon.
More Nkw Coustrrpeits. —Several* £2O
counterfeit' not & otilhe 'Bank of' Gettysburg,
Pa., -in’imWi tfjtjifa* few
days past. ■ One of the persons engriged lri pas
sing them, was arrested arid jrpt The
bills arp pot ajl.ljko genuine S2Q’s of the
Gettysburg Bank, and have no doubt bepn al
tered frbW tfiosc'Of SoMc,bityeai bank,
by inserting words.\‘Bpnk of Gettysburg,”
rather clunisilyvas’t&Fplatc-'appcixrt to l lx| well
finished'-- 1 ’' 1 ' Vt i': " i , i
Twenties altered , Wriv- .2V of . the Trtn ton
Banking :Conjpariy,iN.'Jiv‘ircbelhg cft*6ulatcd,
dated March l f 1855.
with'b‘ahl;^4n',h'and t near her;
on the left end with horn of
plenty; on Urctignt Wd'thc word'“twenty” in
,Tl|t;,aUeratioo fs wcUidone. "
.Rta.ted; on
)Vednesday (soys thel,Troy,i Trardlcr)>'lhat'a
tfomdn Tdcently arrived, at’Clliefi go, froth Itrini
iliq’was taking Cttsi.iorr burial, pud* that on the
rpptc she fell in wlthld young tnari, Arid on ar
riving. nt Chittflgo'thcy wcnt'dfT together, IcAv-j
inglhe dead body of.tric ip'tlp; depot.
lhaOlye.lattcr pert of tha st&tA*
mcntjwas en»nfc»uai!ot Wife womdn forwarded
Siltirfay; lin'd; feho arrived witfi l\ei;. new hua
band oh’Mohan}%,nnd Lho/funcratpf lb?, de
ceased husband was held at Waterford on Tues
day lasil m- ■ ■' ll ~ :il ' <’ ' vl
. .' CiTßiijua' i is., understood
tljfit pAC,drfES-mo.kiug business Is.ftbout'tt; to
incorporated - with !coopeHn£j ' ,; A ■' mlrnbcr'
active coppers,will to required to hoop yhe |a-'
( jmodt;! of .female elegance
pcing-flOW;^/noloßgcs.cask or bber' barrel. '
, t GALi,AKTur,—In the House of
Representatives - of. Pennsylvania, 1 in
while fl'.bill'grtihilng pensions, to ccKain'revo
lutionary vetenitia was pcnt|l|ig|
Mr. shoved. tp pdd agratuily. of i&4O
to,one Barab Cross “t/ic 3trcrt/ifnrf M of nn old
soldier,* which ’4s to 30. ‘ '''
. ■-,! 4.1.,.. i. i!)!.; I.LH <■
••'Good l PoJil—Sonii-body 'asked Baron Rotbs-i
child to jSaid^e^aron,
“t’, .venison; I .don't,think.U fioiooot
ai muttott.’? vOh; M sayithcltaron T 8 friend;* 4 !
.wonder ht youftfayirig ho; 1
th'Ap : y^hiwri ? yyhy t do^3 : y'cnigpn ipost. spenuob;
morfi?'/; ypu vyd-in,thia;worklilio
• vntMiS* rfWr tW‘Vdt 1 'Is 1
shitp"“ J ; \ „ '
; B&AVIS KacArADß.*— Mdrion I cOnhty, Virgin
ia, located near * tho PcnnSylVAnia line, 'ivbicb'
never* Had mord than fifty slaves a$ Any, time,
six ot flight into/Pcim
sylvanla* ■! They, oarritdofl with thern sixhbr'--
sca, besides dothingVtoddln^fljrO 1 rirfns,‘cptd.'^y.
N. Y< ‘Comlnerclol- lis' in* YaVof pf
having l GongVess dcctani lbc'22d FObru-j
a) mcmptfpl.ihat would to as, perpetual os the
country to (.which ■ bis •patriotism gave birth
and continuity. . , [' . I l ', ' l , l . |' L "
• NOTiA,'.CANDit)ATK.-nOen«'Ci«B bab written
adolter Id 'which lid declares that
( candjdAlo.fbr llip l’Vcslden'c^f
1 Beridtbr DiAiglajj* ' la," kttijd'ltV b'9
i Vtjhroa.t, ;produced, ( by, .4
bispcbipl affection of sotuq years’ standing. ’ >
Ca/jaUa closed, (oytlic scofiqn.
tbeiac,having anticipated! tboitimo appointed
by'Uie’ Cabal [Commissioner 1 . , Abdut''TOOO
bbatsj tfhicb liiVc brcadalullsbn board,
bpundiEwtwpfd.,,arp up.betWQcn
Utipanpd)LitiloFallSyiNo:y»i.- ilt 1-m; ■■•••■ n
■* icj/1 Bok [liutt," tlio polpr«i gravordiggoti of
Porlsniouth,; bdried during. tho' dMo kqddbnilb l
inithat of 1 ,' 1
:.(Ey“Tho Xeglßlaturo of Virginia l ;hblds its
biciibidlly, but' tho bttaihc&l'acclitnd-'
annual sessions Will have to bo resorted to.n-t-
Theprcacnt.scssion.’whish'id’allowed ninety
days for’completing ‘Us wolk/-wil|^U ! ’ la
Hcvcd/hayo to bo extended. - , ii. 'V!. Vi !'n
- ,{ yj* -Win/Ncfttcs to' thq
Shmfl’s'tfficcrSj dt after' spooling'
a man* dead in a quarrel near tho city. wlueh
grtaW oUtofa oontroterUy about aiicmaloV*
1 ddpilil* J. Bmithc/ member of. Gen;. Harri-i
son’sfetftifot'tho bttUlo of> Vijipcoanoo, died 1 id'
Indiana on tho 24th ult. • .hiir’/.mi.l'm 1 v»'
J.fiH "! U(i ■ m u'l-*
07* It iSiflyo dollarblino to enclose anything
in » nowspftper'scnt%-niirih" l< ;i 'v' 1 '
fninlu*’- 1 jUI',. I.s-v . ir. ( i[ nr. t
[Correspondence of the American Volunteer o
FBO3I ff ASniNfl'fON.
. WsnjNGMN,,',-1855.
fii^oS^cflV 'l the usual
hou&'aftir taking ®j 43m ballot for Bpcakef
:*i ciMin , with J
Mr. BMfc atnOfeMiVrtliohaijdift 7 V>
Waller a7Vnnd v 6cVo(ai;olhcra frona bno tO tair ,
! t%closo ,
to-d-iyranJ in fact throughout tho day, is Hie ,
some ho received yesterday, and it looks jus if i
he-hasjittained hia highcat:mark;---. * ---
Tho failure to organize is mainly nttnbula4
bio to the d&lttfl’Sf ’ Mft Hb&iMv Fuller, of
Pennsylvania, to bo speaker. That gentleman *
Jias kept a corporal’s guard of members voting
for him since the opoting of the J5$5J9 n * ,n
hope that he will at Ituft fpr sweep-j •
stakes. At home he floated on tho Anti-Ne-j •
he has found it expedient to modify htS 'Viows.
■TotcononiaVO tWßbatherrt tong
! AdflifciStMlfbnl P^.^Ha^rfeinMwdliy
-pledgedililfnScrf’W ■t)lohdMtoll ll or Khnsns,
witli-WtattvlT ndojit.for
herself, bo it SlavW'Fi'rti. “i .“feft]
(nitiicnl ofoiiiS 1 former' JiOsinon'.'and ■ ino that
does him no credit, bccausp it dora'ijpt spring
■flwWWtonViolWhWTdhhtt-' dWr.Wt J*™ ft
bamUsordidv Mish.'all .tfadftiWJSJ ft
grasp the honore and tntt Sfieak
milled with'SVbdtliTcr' CAtiftfttioh sbe-hiayi
has, WivaVif'.btoi' ,n$ Wfdhn !j
ibWe pdospiso'irny
Aol'-nlatfoVm- ftohl; Did ■ dlshOiiWb £, BOiire
tjikp pure mi
•■'•This Wotmaiod faddi-fid ((Vgan id is fi, scH- :|
ibthlU the
im;:r ispMUcy s' s«■;,'.%?
tfowd ih^gKlleVitt'to 1 &Cfch‘
“id thf‘; )K .,.‘ 1 , i
•j ,f N6tWithstahdihg'th6' prtlHc(tf IJ struggle.; a,
very good fccling '^)n!\ l 1 ,Th(} ! ‘‘sntCn^c ( eif*.
citemi'nt I*,cdrUin' 1 * , cdrUin' of city papers
hovb sb'tttilth nbbut J ,.fc’ohld found
by tho shrewdest poljco a
scarOlrw'AVrfltit. 11 ' : V ‘‘ . j
dTho Democrats arc ip h phrlicutorly finb hu-.
riior. l Being in nllopclss 'minority, they havb
nothing lo'trouble them; 1 Thcy'arc enjoying
the perplexity! of thefr inhafthommis opponents.
A furlhcr decline in Land Warrants has oc
culted. They aro hbw .worth 87 to’ 93 cents
per acre, and will go lower yet.
■)VA3iiisdTbtf,'Dcc. 13.
The House has rbricbvd it»'‘s4tft ballot, but
has not got in sight of a Spanker. Wr. Banks
is down 10 104, a fall of three from his highest
vole ; Mr. Biichahlsori holds on iit from 72'to
75 ; and Mr. Fuller has crawled tip to, 38.
Sbitltf of Fullcr’s;frUiids predict his elcclion to
fnoirdwV biitT don’t flee fioir it is lb be eflect
cd: Fullci 1 • has' defedicd * Bohks*' ntid:if;, tty
fricnds'of thcliilter : a W notthe vcrTwl
fft-cts T, ‘in’tWifOrfa; , (tO , qiid i fi i foVoWe pnfe'of
tHeiW.Ttllcy'Wlli take curb thfit' .ihb 'mlohbti
ble “IlCttfy M;"docs tibt reach IhoMmWly’ ho
! 'WlhcftV “JlCpuMcah, [
with a holy horror of thb’ ‘sUVe drtf «f a'Whljl,
cW« T ih ! to llcnrt Ml' Fulfcr,' who hdp’ Alndem
ken lo dtivc them*to' hia onto ‘siVpppqT .And
hr* “Republic^ 1 ’ *dcsCT*lci , i who htw ■clmtfgj.d
hlbWWWfcfrora the'most’despicable of motives
siWtffie'tMriVeno;AVafeHnfeicm!;’ .1' f annol be*
hcVfe IliKt the fifendg/O.r Bhrikk will yield tb Ful
ler, ahd I: Onhnorbdlictc* wc’aVc flntne
; eve of an organization of the lifiUfcc’.' .
1 :-My nffaim m'KahsnS. were
hot’ as : bad ,l aS represented at first, is sustained
by thb widst tclidbftf Inlclljgcricb.tliftt hasrtpcU?
td this city'from’ that (Jiidrlbr. ‘ Mat U-rs 'will
have to aSdulne a’ fur more kdrlotiA .aanbet. 'than
they now wear/before, the l*rcsiqc6c wil|. coni*
piy'Wilh'GOV.'ShKnnblra rdqbtjst tq’.Orddr ’ ‘olU,
, tb<r\J..S. troohS. ; ‘ ,1k
bccWcbtmhrttbd', biit by'noremng judicious.
he Governor cart bring Old perpetrators
joJosticcTrlthoul firing A gup: * ..
• 1 Did you ever see 1 Horace Qrdlby 1 1 H« had
bom 1 here since tlicopening of I’ongryks. doing
his'bcst to gdt a tnan after his 'otvn heart elect
cd!SpcaU«vbut ft looks rtslf' be iillght ltd well
giro it in disgiist. 1 Tin,ls' one of
thbodditie»bf Washington; and there are many
odd things to be seen' here. If yon have never
sccn’Grwley and wish tb get'an idea of IjlJj
shape, just imagine the two 1 hind'; legs' of a
Dromedary encased in men's clothing, a fmle
yellow pmhpkih'for a head; and 1 the fivt en
closed in bools big enough for an
‘Tic lids no Hair on’the: top of hishcad. i«; the
place'WhcHKfid 'hnir' ! ddght 1 16 : grow,” biit' h
yelloW fHitgO rdi/s AtohnU fvoni eur jo 1
; oan - ' Ho looks likoTr cotinlrypinh <fC on hujinr'
i ing turn of mind on llis first visit’ to thb
tol, but is for tnort* awkward aiid
most people from town vd country I; 1 iVulailm 1
guiahed Frcusollor has said the North,wrintS 1
“backbone.’* Greeley bas’rc-iclwM tlifc.Scnti'-
ihdntJ’ Thb remaik opplicS t 6 llbraci* * hiimklf,’
though hbtprecisely lit the'sbnfcc in -which |t'
I lias been Applied to the North. He goe s Turn*;
boring Htong the’ Avenue, withhfs Hat ktnek on
the 'back of his backbone,
would begin iC bo had anV—hisliedd down’, apu
Jus arms thrust to the elbows in thb pockets of]
Ills old ,whito .coal,i See ninth (huS, and . you
would uot bidsix cents for him at public kale;
but bear him'talk, and howettr fstnulgly yon
may.condemiluß ,Sentiments, you will admit
that there is marrow iu the; bones of! that pale l
yellow bead of his. i ! : ,CuMDEni>ANi».-
~ i |,„f. JT —rlvi.kiv^
r., : .i'WAantNflTpjf, Dce.’lfij
At tho adjournment of the Ilokiso yesterday,
notice was givcfitnata lnocting : of thb M Anth
Adupilislratiort” members would: take place 1 in
the evening. /Tho design iwos- to “harmonl/o
conflicting intcrcsta.V andiso : get hold /of itho
flesli pots of the House to-day. Thonicetlng
took place pursuant to ribtiuuy and’. wis-'VOry
\vcll attended. .iTho pirliclpahlahad' a■ lively
time of it.t—they'mounted each other, axo in
hand,andiohopped away with right good will,
making the chipa tty in aUdirccliona I A nnin-'
her wilhdrc>v from thq meeting, qndtlioso/wlio
remaiiK^,failed h , to, block, .out a plan
w|icrquy th? Rouse plight bq organised without
further i .1
i. !jtho Rouse roctrat, the usual,UQUivlo-day-rr
1 1)2 o , various propositions, for, or.:
Iganhfing WMc ( SuhnuUvd .and received with
ipfi Micro,iwrs flomq sharp
sparring between several members; which at'-,
fyrded a good den! of amusement to the specta
tors and gave rise to no unpleasant feeling bor*
tween the . 1 ’ !
John Wheeler, York, defined his pos
ition—pas pfescut and prospective—ina, ra
tlicr spceeli." lie,denied that hq.wantod!|
to be pppalwr* butpqid t)iq Jloupq,‘rmight go/
farther,and fare worse,” for which infqnnatipn 1
tlib HoWocavfl him a tjrcrac'pdqußgqflnpr I (
i Mr. English* of -IridmijhV, mode*, t\i\ cnVnMt,
speech, throwing lli(b responsibility of,tho' (an*.
0$ lo’organ'iKO uppfi’tlicnifiJorUy, And iusiafo
ing that the Democratio sido of tpc if }U (
' ' . * ” ,
; /Father; pidijipgs' responded .Hint if Ujo’.Derfip,-
crats would-jUht'inarbn'bUtjOf \hq balk Ihq ina,-
iority qould elect a Spepkef .oil thq first ballot 1
This'liniqub suggestion''‘‘brought down' ( |tlic
house!” “j’ ‘ -''
A thll, well-dressed,'clcrical-looklng gentle
man, in a full suit of black,'including bl&ck
gloves, and whoso nimb i do, riot 1 know,pro
posed that thb North should ‘sbldct ’A {Speller
from thb South;' brlho 1 South selcbt * onb 'frbiri
tho North. You may befall iliOiuoriby you
Havo'OUt btbntcVcst’in tUb hands bf delinquent
subscriber*, that this proposition was received
v M&sra. Marah'dll bf Kcnlucky, IjCtohcf And
MaMalloh of Virginia, anti others, participated 1
iri'tho'dißOußsiona Ovoked -by vbrioUß'propbSi l *
lions UioUmg to'afapbcdy elcetioriof
promised to submit 'a. ’plafl of
comprpmisoon Mopday.■' - ;i11 ; ,n
'‘Tvto'bAllbta’frcW tqkcri;botH bf'
sujtqd.aa fy 110 \VbT'Fol'^a^ks, 1 10$;# JlbrJj^hJ
/.ffrrf .wojJmu ol t'W» without
eUcot * ■ uumderlaxi).
,fft •W*OT r #ftini'>l -.■it.:, ;-mU niil’-v/i.«.,! ’
K>»gn-n.'ti-«:>106 J«l®unerjni)m>:«**j» mftcv
Richardson,/MiKl 76> luLcUttv '*ih m k
1 1 ■HaVrisortV 'TOnstoWJ ; WilHtthia' 4,J
Mr v XborfnjAonlhcn-M^VMl(j|teli&
- lC7TcW*«JVctCfa' _ can Be nwnre'.TSntirtlf*
have occasion to how much labor
of research is often tavWltyljnoh n table aa the
following—thc. ivovt of .one now in liis nut.
ctry rH[T
IGO7 Virginia flrat-actUed by tlio English,
1614 New.iYork-first settled by the Dutch.
. 1620 Massachusetts by-tho Puritans.
1023 Jiewn Uainpdhirogdttlcdlty ,
1024 thtt’lJlftici; *■
lC27^-DMft^*rtMtfrt. f b^'BWfca««iMWHh Sl
1635 UatytaiUltiHllti# Iw'ThaH'Ciitholicii.
1030 •
. 1656’ Nditlfpilty]^E&fwh.
1070‘Soiilh 'Carolina sUtWly
1082 PcuptylxqniiaiwUledjbyj *Wni, .Piaftt'
i 1733 Cic6rgia BctU^lihy-Ccp4,iOglothTQbe.
. 1791;,Ter, wontj adenittcui.intOvthe!ilnloiW
i ’1792 Kentucky. ■**»(). jim—
-1790 ,Tcnncsb'cc:t‘s>i..<‘: u»* l-vtu.'r.
1802-OUio M .:!« “ *-»*lMu,**i i!*« 1-uh
1811 Louirfatia’- 1 . v «h ■huub’f'.k
1810 IndUter • (:i: r ‘ ;f ' A •
1 1817 Mississippi, ....'V , i ; ~
1818 Illihois, .’, '■ !**:• ■.('*,*
.1819 Alabama.,,^.'-,M. .&■■ {,** y.jj
1820 Maine.-.!-i.i .. .n .VI-v..?!
1821 Missouriim . */M ..i **..'■ .“• •:.*? i
1836 Michigan ■ tV-l
1845-Florida -• • <*ir- 'ui
1845 Texas. " * " “ .
1846 lowa '‘ iV rMr
1848’IVi^dohSiri, " /'V'i.'.'W , \d -
1850 Califorjim.', '‘‘f vr"'* 1 ;..,! ‘‘ !
The English Mode or Confso Bacon.—Ame
ricans visiting Ertghmd ntcbßep sli’mjKwljbthe
superiority brEriglisli'bhcdn bvcrourownipar.
tlcuiarly that from WiUßihhd.Yorkshire: Hit
believed that tho diirorcrtdO-iiTbWirjg
tlio mode of prepaVadoti., 'Wb j)ul»Hsll fol
lowing by Mr. Browne,; of
the Agricultural Burboui of Itho Valent
It is worllly- of tliO attention fif qur
renders: **' 1 •*
“'As sdon n« tho l>acon comes from the butch
er's hitpdsMl should d>dTou:t*»vcrlngor;' , Mlf,
driedand rolled lb a tine puwdorjWell nibbtd
Iniwith' tho lMvyd fovvorjnpflh-, uulng Ihejlngtr
to'fill bvcry-holdand jplntj'nfr-it'Wtoihst import
out that the nmntHhulijiltsCkethoMltwhcn'itihu
fresh* In twelve, hours nil Iho bHim idid damp
9;il! nqtiftbeorbedlaliutild -boscrifpod'oTTlho ha-
Cod and removed lram the’vessel; aud drjr salt
added again, as much ns needed to
beforehand wi-Unthhed’irt 1 . Tills prpttss should
bo repeated every twolvchbnhl for'three
when saltpelrc sliwild be addpd, getting
vlously alfthd danip^sAU'ritill ‘hrlrie ashdtye,
and applying Iho 'snilhdtbfrols the common salt,
adding a.lmmlful bf Ihtodaner.' ‘A qtfrtrter'of a
pound of saltpetre’ to n 1 aldo of‘ bacoh weighing
seventy pound* Is-KUfllclefil | then nil* one pound
of coarno brown angary-plto pound-of:trencleftY
molasses, and pour ovcr.tjio saltpetre.on the !«•
con. adding n'liltleTUpro jcpnintoq salt dally fur
throo days, width U't-verf ti'lhttKO Iho picklo
keep well, and' tho whole liquor shonid bo
dTed'wUh.i jqaimp pycxlhu bacon os ,often. »* t
conYCntmt, 1 fau* time* i a Jay'foil, f Jic, JJ/jhhrfr •
weeks after it was first'pul to the hscop, ittd
liion cover Ic&lhaD the remain*
def of tho time needed forlts pickling, which is
: four weeks, and then
it sliould bo sent to tlio.dvying-houac, and st«o
-• ked overa wood fins . , , r
■p3fXii (ho; recent mnnictjmi vlepllnnudti Bujt •
tuu.nnd tho polghl)oring Jl Kiiftw-Nothlnj}
c’fftravflganctvfolly'j nmi in!*nUo\rcro emphatic
callyrApudlutod. ‘ j '
"Tho, r ßopfbii PUsI ,'Wsm »
1 ’ Vcslonlny’llio ,to I)grc rj*en In
;llliplr inlgiit AgnltisV i(io Bcc'rpt.yrrtef, yndlt ;Vui'-'
lffet;cd' biijlly. tfhe ‘Weldbmu jiowh .lin'd.’hardly,
rtin fhrbugl/’llilB clly'fe'f iho’elcctlon <’d JHco ly (
i two tliotisund 'femjbmjv when tfltf .kdef/ropViin*
inmiiiccd Ihril KrterW-NMhlnghhii hart hpen wahn
hr Ijpwel/j -iu tbcHtcUon' of'Huntingdon.' tr
'eight hmitfrod plnrtdUy} in Worcester, fn
tfluclion of .Davis, fey. one hundred «mlrt;fen<y <
plurality*. in NowlmryportV (in tho! election of
CnsMngj In lloalmry, In tlx* election of Sleeps
1 errand, lust .in thp- nj-olcctlonof .Sawycri !ln
! Qlmrleftppn,, fey flyq hundrcd'ninjority. l TWaW
; a’ «vfpu jiurjinsu* U-spoafcs woU.atwv
grandly, for the, good lha
inebnlcr.‘,, l ' . ... ,: , \. v ,, ~ t , ; :. 1! .1 f
■ ‘‘Tliqy nrq.pll tritflnpfis pf no.ptuinnfy
'ahtfetwb of them oro peculiarly grotllylng—* o ,
nliudofotho cases'of Ndwbnryport rind t?liar)c>-
l6\t^/. ( the csUfnjdo of nn*
don'rtgnlnst tfeo brdof of rWt yciii*. ftlfonff trolflh
! tlio flush of nhd itbV,’ to their
’credit, they Imvo-tontlirood'ftnd atfVbglln'ficd' 1
tho'lr Blaitd. -l Giitnbridgbi'SpHHßlfcJdj.nnd Vh*
Bcdfonl 'followed lon p rtnd now Worcester;
ell,' Kpxlmryv andßostoni hare ImlUlvd thtlr
bxnmpKv It la ri-wlao ruiull. Tills complete'
defont of Inlolorahce Kill to oVerth*
country, with joy by tho .liberal. .:ItilstlmJnwN
writing pntho.lfassachnsotfo walfotfent hero turn
'day* of Knotr-'Nothlnglspi fIFP. ju,up»bcrpd. l J * :
;lmp .no plcmppt copiinfln/l.illacif
ipntrlotlo republicans, and dfeo .Boppprdt d lo *
away the bettor feo fo.r.'tho comtnfemlfr, ; t
I',’ • ‘ —i —■ :,,,>, ,',i; j'T- —t-. • - l !
. Tiie 'Dkhochatjo Wnihlnji
ton corroppppdontipf tho Jfoprual of (Jomuicrcffi
WrUvß l ,! ■< I' •i. >■ 1 ■r , T ■ '
“ Th6* Democratic ndmlnlitralfon' m*n»borBj
though Ih a mpagrouninorityta lho llouio r 'p«*-
istsa tho largest share bf talent
ip debate. In tho..dlßctwialPUß, which will* wr
abundant, and,upon interesting topics, Hut oua
b.r||y wl|l imvo tho l advaptage« ,, : l ; ■ . ' 1 '
1 ■ Gpi!Bi*Mi:Hi> , ftn^^A\y!Udrfl‘onV\^«“J lT, [f t
City any* t I ■* '■ ' / 1 .
There nro'.'ibmo npw'jhembcri In
.Iloiisd; trho tfoUldlTo great f% fcb !K-
HKU thO’thahil'lcbrt, *ntl,Py t ,
appear ib'groari'bftXcdf. * f
observed one ybsterUoyehHirermg . H*° . .
nppla-womaU in the Ooplldl,'telling he* ". j
three cent* wu—“ good- inw
ologaht exclamation, an* l nurtu!”' price '
npployAnd making*aifuollog.iQppdal*°2 *l!#,,*'
des- bo«C>m hl|n Ivoiiiuau One* 10* N r ( .
cents, a* It, v((u>,aHti'oW).iM(y;tlmt.hP
i TAixitfa.xo’Tiiß
tbntion of our readers to thd subjoined®*! *®
fpom ' f liuntflvnj'6'; (Ala'.J ( ‘AdVbcate, j»W*.
pftper, lioa bccil ft ■' Urtl
Know-Nothingism.: . ; pi- I »'! i
itself, it ctuno ivobing tlio With the fIW _
ing, sweet, 1 and affcctionalO volcb olvnco
lent * willing oaA to H.'hOpibg* ; i(|l n 0 V .
1 btftt power m the North t 6 sv jii,*'
l Up Abolitlonlßlm’'bufi its'lmnds'hftvo b**!, Ji
h&ndß of Esau 1 ,
• like,'striking doWrt n tllo | rights,
iWlitign/aHd ■prostrating thd
L Sototh*Mcndtrirtg’n6tlilpg 'of;
• thd South frith bbpoa or thpjiilW>U^
L ‘ it robbed'them-of all.’’ 'As 1 *ijort * ; nt th»'
r wta Ihfown'ofT, and* krtoir^irtthingism
1 Nortli'ttrid aboU tloftiant on^,, [
• visible,’ vre washed our handa of /T
i .Uie’fcatf W whieu Vo Were J mvlWai . '