'J;> l.vwl „JI .... | ■ ;■> ,M.v>ff> .»»•■> 1..i..y,-.ri:/ r:.!} -.•ril'/fntnl . THE SUBGEOtf'ff Mfcg, 1 I V ,J (^ : I''C.M *nU 'h* .J 1 I ~)<.] *,H(;O ;■:!! »y M‘)| »Tsfw|op ft'd.arhDeoenlberß'Jitilngj :,-i'l toed 0old»/ ; ‘.M , JOnTO**#! 1: ! * f -Dpaji #na black; thertyerrollpd*•' <■'■ .1 i „/> ,-/;;ii Kot ft bcat,; ; . : ~. ;,j .Win4aftd>ajD,'aridcold and.dartneßs,-.,; 1 *t * ‘ li pvetjj ‘desert* street., ( - 1 r 1 thaVdtenlrig ,* •*. _ J Worm,- - '' 1 ■;■ • allbyrij Snddcnly—tm ancient fortaj’!; ’-' •' Peered from out a gloomy, doorway 1 , *’•• "I And with trembling croak, it-sald-A. I «In tho left-hand empty garret.l 1 1/ Xou will find a woman—dead l^c' '<' l «J7over stepped a finer creature,';, ‘j , J ‘When 'sho was a sl’mplo nmid'j ’ ' BdC she did like many otheta—’ , Lovcd'h mrtti, nnd'was’ betrayed/ I have sefin her in hdr carriage; 1 ' 1 Biding,’diamondsin her hair? 1 ,; " [ And I'vescen-ber starving {starving, : Do yon'hoar ?) and now—sbhts there !”• Up. the wftrn and slippery stair ;; ; tflth a quickening pulso l spyyjig: .! . Famine, Filth and mqnn Despair , , ' Bound’about'tho darkneftahung: No kind vision mot my glances, .Tc-Prlendyotlholpcr ortlio ■' " ! ’ * r Siftho«rjtay rpomX,pntqiwi,l ; , Jr Ana looked down upon the floor!, . ri There; on boitdeV' ' ' A/ung.;gannt, wasted, figure Iny** n -. . Wrurjdered fn jta youth by Hunger., ..i. ~t . * ul AU Itf beanty—yvrlriklcrt clay: T Life 7 # pOor r ifants hadiefl lier nolhlng,' .. iClothcß ndr fuuU—food-ntfr-bed { ; lottera Whereon lay Ibo ghastly head. ’ , !p,‘jSTotljlofi! V—yet whdt trinro could Pity • : I. • i Orjiybi foroho aboufto dii},.'.; ' >• 1 - •*' i -Than sweet words from one’she Worshipped; -n i (SwooVthbngh.oi’ciy worda Hot) .(JntheniorolDgofhei'ploaauTo,' - > ,ji, t lit lho mhlnlght orbur pain, : > 1 • > Thnj Wei*allH»crWealth, her comfort; ‘ l '" jhr Treasured—“oyi oddaotld vain. ** y •' 1 •* ; wijb her they npw-iiomouidorlng, >lt ,, And a date upou a stone -, • -*. I where (ip.pml tllu story) ... ‘Leva’s poor outcast el^bpaalorio... 1 ;, •/ • i/ riptj lor at.length she sloepeth;'. j ‘ ~T-he soft slumper;,of thetloadj, .’i. . 1 . .' Besting on her.lovqd love-letters, ' i f 4 ’ , Last, fit pillow* for her head, in; • i -/■ ■■ ;;HTf FtHST tfEiitPTA'rioN. I,;., ’'The Story oi'tf Claw Hale; Br nonAOK ii.'stXNi’diiD. At an early age I lost my father, and as he left,us with.but little of this world’s goods, it soon became necessary that t should find some cmvloydient.'-! wos’tnon thirteen years of age, andoot very atout yet with"a will to do anything that could .be found, for, mo to do, _ At length .my .niother.mado on arrange ment with a.carpenter “by the name, of, Morns. i»M*I Was Ukcn ihlo his shop as onapprentico., ( With' hltd ■! ''Hbbiticd twp years, but at the , end bf that time I bt-cameso Worn down by, , the. hard work' im posed upon me, that my moth-; | l,shou)4 remain;there. po longer.—, j jy sister Lucv>:wbo was two years older than, | olypclf, had long detected my failing strength , and ll was mainly through her efioria ,that-I> Was removed fmm the place, for i should never have complained. . ' ill was now fifteen—tall, slim and pale—and I Vhbw that I could not stand any sort of work' Which taxed my physical strength to any great exteliL 1 But fortune favored me. ' A Mr. Jo seph. Evered, who kept a drygoods store, near byVWas in waril of *a saVcßman.'nnd through my sistcr’s influence I obtained the place. .'Mr. EverW had a'.daughter Julia, just alwut my own age,)vho. was vftgr intimate,,wiiH Lucy,; audit was by hcrjntcrcesfiiong wiLh ; her fatpr; c£ Lucy,CTim^hcrpomt^,/. • .• ,■ i ■ duly, installed into'my place,.and.li waa soon;happy.and contented; (or my employ*! en was kind, and an intimady. sprang 'up bd” twetn.myself aiid. Jnlia which affoVded me a purer blisß than I hod ever before experienced. , bh fof a ytok-? and at the end’ of tfidfc time my health was’rcstored. rihd $ liid sbftr 'gained updn tbo confidence bf Mr. EVeRd Vhit'llbribw IriJsted’mc ,yiilh i some of IJid'mtMt paVtlbnlarbusiness. ‘ Only one, thing troubled mb. 1 ' I wa'd hbt'rbddving'such wages as I.fancied my services entitled ino to. .In fart I was iliaebt.’ ! I had nufchaHeil a (mlt of doilies of i UllCr Wth'd neighborhood, and wAs dwihg for them. ■The tailor wanted his money, nnd I had promised,him ho should have it ascertain Umai butlliatilimo camo iand passed, And I oould inofc *pay; hinhi He " threatened, and I promised aniw.. 1 Oihow hi any tidies I’ wished thAt: I had ’oever'bought -those clothes. 1 T co»/d have got along along 1 without'tliein ; aild I resolved that never again would I buy any thing which;!,ronld not pay for upon the spot. But that did not help this case. ..• 7 i, - , I Bata)oncjn t lhc,fltprc.. ahtl flip foy.iM » btißji °Pfc. MP W.wldft gre*t flwnlitv. of, ; goof!*, *pdU]Q monpy f 4mvs’cr ww.wclt ifilh'd., ?lov-. ly;a dtmqn, rose iheforcmc.i and began>tp advise me*; llq pointed,uwmy drawer,, ond whispered, -••Thero an) tho- means for.paying; your debt llbl know, that; Mr.iEvcrM - had no knowledge cf the amoutU df -monby t therev for hekliow-nothoWmuoh'l-hrldlßofd. cbiild take cdwflfty’dbllitttV'and'Uo'inighi ncvcrn\ißs : it; for 1 had sold a great quantity of ntnlf which’hehtd'nbaccbuntoP. > iThad pmmlakl that bo should h»vn thonmoncy.. tlvat yery,night, and ! had planned cdfbaaVapce ipo‘the necessary sum. I had libf lKcrt'bp'ctidmg’ monoy ; T(bUshly'; luit •from I my poor pittance I supported; my mother, and tMtatqjt.all'up, ,<;■ I .ii-v,...',1 vM'H'-- x -iP'or a Ipngtwlulol sat and lookediUpQO .that; drawer, and,all tlw while the tempter was dWti H Mf4mg wo. >il knew that young often! did.HUOli th(ngß.and that pome-tlw.es: necessity, cp.wpellod them i to, 1 1— at.,least, so it then thought,; Xfow.cpuld J. moct my .Creditor again; jefthouiti tbp. mbnflyl liponld Aml.' Ab *wath X veaolvfid that I would not.ji arose and drawees lopened.it*and saw.tho WU. whiqh nod bceniainy Jammed in there.-rr out tweoty fiolUrH l ,My handp tmnh niy ; lujartibeatnpi?kly... I thust |ho. Jpb, ray ; packet,,ana then hasUmcd.-back. JJimx Wat. apd ere long ;afterward*; myi!W. BftW VP’lf. \ «i.-Vv,nu, y;.,: N .KOTP/Jik)',7 KKR VM ,V-‘ " 1-! ni.l ■ ~j ,r,. 7Ji “ j /J'H Oil Vfiltll' j .r, , vfuiiiiit ; : j omim,‘j moJ _•;! I T r7rrrTTTT ~ : ,J ' c r v.rJJ3Q JQHNnQi BRATTON.: -,.H -.t.j 1 -r:3 vli »r .-j j;:.. >i <•) ,i .*' I Unr. ur-Jr/;. -I'. •■I: uf i• i :;n'J ,ir/i-:J! | ' '* ’ ; ;VOL‘ : i«» ■v'.-isnL »'i, i d'i *. •..! ! o'.;it;i <1:: // on), and pat; upithe.jiSimfri WTft ! ffhcplcfmf back, I founduErcrM ;i^. i mapt(ng.;.,ihoi ; moncy,„ As il,ap-j P™Sho pyed mo wjthr a .jsltfirp, scar-' ,°m jm lopk, oj>«, I trembled like an tspra. , Ij .. ■ i -).,:^W»ll“y«|*! ! hp 1 i(8k;«d,,;;h „ ...i v.. ;j .| ii;>lr'RW ll Kf,t ll f»''S: to com ■i i/Sflt thoc .muet bo.something .the matter,’ .VsB9W%!itej®P look.aspaloMi a ghosti’ iu:-. vij ~.",0 : I - Vyell,.wcu,,TOu aOiWprkcd hard tp-dny,aad WS t>°‘,;:;t,!t attend,to the ’ ' * desperate endeavor .to, j compose my. then 1 ! my.lmtand-icft Restore., .Thefrcshair, -*W«I PA?® 1 #! Ptf* and-X .hurried pn i; . the I J w4»*W:h»U* »pj| pay I heart was lighter.;.,put it r wps only fprjthe.mci* jmpnt» When I reached $9 i strict.,aga hi,[the 1 thought pf ( what,l bad dqhe.catno upon me with’ WwhclmihgTbrce, and I Was miserable, When Ijrachcd hqme.f, professed to be sick, and, re* tlnjd. pt qiVqc.; But my mother,,sick,and'WKik r 'tpi my bed and wanted ito.7ui> me borne medicine. She gave me £‘simple pro*’ paratipn, the dotes snugly about,me, aDdhaving.ki3ftedmc : .shi!Baid: : ‘JJecpreful, Charles,.for,’twould .bo.naihful toWe ypq sipk.i God keep ana bless ;: ' i U. bow those last words rung ip my ; ears.— What ;would ray mother say—howwopld she feelr—Tf she knq w, t hat tier, son was a thief, , It .Wpaa IqhgXlmo.bofore.l could ,give,. the word ehapc and.fdrro. bai it came ot lastr.,; I. could not ; Thief! thief! rang.inmy sou),'till ah agony was upon mo so intense that all other conceptions of pain wepo ; as nothing. The night r passcd awn} 1 in sleepless, phantom making rcstlcssncss.:..and. when the morning camp, j walked out before my moth* er.pr aialcf was up. . I did-not return until breakfait waaready; andthen I had so far overcome all outward signs of distress, that little remark wasrondcupon it. Bui the worm was gnawing nt my hearts . ;i. • . 41 That forenoon I went with my sister to meet ing and aslentci-cd the little, church, I ,mRt tl|9 gazei pf.Mr'.'Evcred. .Up etched,mo qharp* ly, and l eaw marksof pain upon his face.-— l . After the scrvioca wercoyer.l saw him ,ln con? tlieitailor. I noticed.how earn* ost ly they spoke, and onoo I, saw Mho ; ;Uilor point bis finger towards me, I felt, sure, then, tbpi all was discovered 1 i • i i v ■,, , , 'For.mercy's Buko, Obarlw, wba) fa We mat* ler.r cried Buey, ais, phe caught my ,arin*; ; . j. /Ile’fijfaipt " «J/heard a tremulous. eay j and on turning,lww .Tulin Evmti ( jSliq tyaa. fri? ghtcned-7-nnfl at,that momentjcfthe ihu.qonvic-1 tjon llmVshclovulme., Bhij that other .thought ' caihfl wtyh'it,;,and tben l kqew would ere long , j'.V’, . Sick pud, fjunk. I hurried, ;ttwayand tq 'all the anxious inquiries pf.Xucy, I only :replied that )t was.nqt we 11,., O, bow miserable I (felt; for IknewOritmy.cniployer bflddctcctcd.the theft. ‘.His goze at me in ckurqh'was,proof cpqugh i but :the, tailpr inade ; j t ably su rc\ aftcrooon ; V, dared P9t t go my qvph inc. Hjavci ’Kfc? mo alpne/1 1 plight lc?«j but close inst-ir' mut falsehood 1 cyqrgpdktqlo^lliai.noble.woman !’ Another, night pf rcif iless agony, qnd< • thpij If came to pori of all.. -I must .meet mycmployoriF ,-Jt/Wos JaUf.wben d. descended to the kitchep. and I found my mother aa; polo and dcatlily of* death i self. For the tnorbent I forgot royqiyn pqin, and hastened to her! side. She gazed up into my .face with such a look as f,liope,l piay.peyersee again*.. , ; ;•[ •’• ’Don’t a?k.mo any .questions, Charles.’ ehd said, 'but go at once to.the store. (Mr. Evered wants you imqiediatcjy • :< , I, could not ask a qucstjkm-rl could xldt spenk. Ayithout, bnjakfost-r:Without:Waiting to sec Eucy-r?! started frpn) tbb boose. People whom I.met.gazed at mo. sharply,'and' once I heard the,word .thiffi pronounced!, O.Evercd had told the story of my .crime 1 - How could ho ?-r:Nq. no, ,*twea the tailor who. had told ito for my employer would never havedono it. Yet it was knowiu: ,I stoppcd, and suddenly the thought of tq mo. : “Why hadli not thought of it before ? Why Bhoultf I slay; Iqhgcr—wiicnq shanie. aud shame only, could be mine ? .J, turned to flee, and just then my sifter came rushing ..after ipe, with her hair floating widly in the morning and. her face pate os death., ... ,< < ■ i • -.mi. , iO,;Cha‘rlcs;l shoiuUcrcdr’comc with mo at omie! vComc, come, our moiheria dying!* i My sistcrficized my hand, Hhd'by malnfofce draped me away. I reached •'my knew not how, for tny reason had almost! left’ me. , luto the little bed.room, tudy draggbd; mo; and there lay my mother sUrk and cold. •o,'Charlea;iyou hove killed her !| sobbed my sister, os she tht‘dw licrself upon >tlii bodJ *Sbc could not blond - your disgrace!’ ■' ; ' ' 1 1. One moment I gazed upon that ■cold. formj andthen a wild, unearlhly cry: broke from my’lipS. I plunged madly ionvard upon the j. f . v -" 11 '■!!■<} - 1 /tClmrlcs HOharlcs 1 - i'< ‘ I ■' ' i 1 started uri.. 1 1 ftlt a heavyl liaiid upon by . shoulder, ana again by natne wtiS called; 1 ' ; [‘.Wliat is ’thu;nlattcp? ■ Coine. rbub© For mercy’s sake,.wliht ails jiou 1' • liwas Mk' Evored who . spoke!; J ' was still Hilling n|Kimtho 8100 l behina tho coiitlbi 4 , bht my head had fallen forward upon a pilf of goods; that lay heaped, up before we. t Tnstinclivc)y I casl myeyes'iipon the money dpi sloty:, ly : tho truth ’nlorktd iia way td ! thy bind.'" A cold, clainmy f sWrtti was upcn ( my' b«iw; a pain 'in" my 'limbs, anil t 'tkmblW’like ah tufffcril •' I’"' . ‘*What ails you, paries V Mr. 1 Everod kind ly dsked'. j: •'• -s' ;i ' i; '’ ‘ ; ■ ," J ‘ j 'My.soul—such, a invoja'ntarjly : Wciri : r if it’s nothhiptfofifo ihiiA l ; afn glhd. * But ebthe) I want : to '.hi wordsof odirfcrfiaßoii yortyourbb'ihcf.''\‘ t ' , ; fTes, sir,' I tfcmhiinglyanswcrcd. ■ter thus far bos only been able to support her*, sdftonj the ryst ali potpea on mo.’ , - J, '[‘jsijt hpw do you got; along? Sumyyypur, salarry here iaibt'sufilcic'nt. has been sufficient,, sir, to find us in, MUnd./hcl.:; olol|ims—l hMPr-.. I.*.' j,,‘y^„piy; ; but.l.will never do,it rgain. J: will .go,ragged, Jf nood.bo. but I wiUHqotnm In debt? • N . .. r jßlght—right; my bpy.l I'Bot Wo will :fix t)jat all right n'Dvr<» ;lilmvq been . Bqnmtlmo.oUppccaping yo«r.Vpay, and,l,trill: do pp now-rnot.qply l.mustMtitjback' to> vfhpfo. I ;Arst thought.of u, l wjrt.Mtot'.ww three mbntha ago. LotV} n ,. , ini'Mij,. '-. , Umdepkaa he#pokoi;aadwade i vn b-ii.v 1 ♦Turco dollars a Week for tmrteoo wicks iif.ji.a if •/!! ;T(i‘ 11l JU‘j} V.. ~ir :»i ) •;:!? ;.*/ .. j ~njJ l.Ji'l .'ilJ J.i Jl/r.',l wh i>i J.K( ,i „|„' i , r f.j. iV; , ’,M;OT!. )'■ 'll b;ifl M 1.. J.IMII-) ■■--’ l, "’ l n t.-,- -, .!--Q •vlii-mnM ...I*., uvun v..l »of*Ja.ww .W. wtiutijio tWrty-nmp ..dollars,*, ho ,£aid. toT •; “v •'• i 1 ' 'Oyea, birj'and •' . shallhave that,: a hdh erca fiery ou B^6!}l^ TC amount m?cr ,each quarter/ ‘o ! i t iß«?*TOW"g; | ? ,o f e •? boi ? k making-.me hid head cicrkatfedjnbtime. butXaid riot fully unnetotand him. -"I-rectifed th 6 &oney/pdld thotailpi-i and wheii-l hadrc&chod my home, I eplmapd, happy. : ,1 ju»ld my, moth er and. Lucy of my gopd fortune, mid they wept for ioy. • ' ‘ • *• •'■ -Vet I-icbnld riot help fibuddtaing fearfully, .wheneverl thought bf that teniblevißiori which !^*£s?P9£.? n 9, while tho.tomptdf Was with me. 100 SAy ‘ °K*«a—''twqs an angel’s ! : Tcatfl httveiJaised : &wfly 'since 'thifc ttftjd-- MreJErcrtd is childreahro liis jchildren, and.tha&qrp that was once his is now halfnilnp.,; Ho.hag apd;U»' other. of the extcnsivg easiness belongs to Lacy’s bus* batld.-: My mdtgerbtnl livcsi ahd. thafik Gfrd, ; cap yet bless hd son that hb has heVfcr yet inai .cd pno life-cup. i( ; v .JJcMouVpicforinJ^,. The past, tee peeseNt/asd teeTfcto^e. Lean seo tftatJ grow older,; w.. ■ , And loot? it day,by,day,l; j , t edn feol'my heart grow, colder . As its pleflearoa paas aWay. the. telltale glass ! linger, AS vylt.h faded eye I trace , Sdldmn tokens Which Time’s finger, Has engraven on my face. ’ ’ ‘ But one moment can rcstdro trie 1 , , To myjpoyhood, and my primp,;; Add sweet memories come o’er, mo,. • 1 ~Of tlidt brief and' blissdd time: ; | Then I hear a father's blessing, • 1 i ■ And I fool a mothor’s kUs j,; ‘ Arid again Ihm caressing ( ~, • One who shared f with : md bilss,"' Who sball say the past must perish , i M -,« *Nbdtb the. Futiird’is doming waves I , What the boul dolighls td'chbriih - -Frppa oblivion'll depths, it dares! • Looking backward, on I’m gliding,;, Till I roach ihaiflnatshoro Whero iho Present la abldlng, •' 1:1 ' ,l ■ r !,And «ftcro.charige fcball como’ ho moreM i-VomW Ne'iojfovet, ‘‘ TAe Qld iiom^itcad^.by, JUri. - J?nii S. Stephens'. :1 ; ;; Tne ntissiso r Pipits i'!\ The barn whs h Vast hVstle txhrcrrtitit hight. One end was hpoped wiihcprn~ ready for husk* in^: 5 th6 ; no6r'Wto and dverKccd lhe ; r4ftcre 'wcre. concealed % ntavygWrlonda 6t JYVfPiWW*5°Wf«t;tbUt your StfongUi hided ivroman has; an instinct which *ia suit to place tno few qliarms sparsely distributed to the class inOohspiCdoOS relief on jJloccasiqns, , I j AnSalina sat perenbd on the of ihocorii stalk,.tcaring-aWay rigorously at the huskftsht she cast aq adminng ; glance pow and :thert on the old roan as his head rose and full to the mo tioqofhis,hands!'but.that glaitavWas'dhlckly wjtiuliawp toss ol the head*;fi>r iTnclb Nat’qcycs n’cYcr.onoo turned on fobt With jts calf skin shoo, much jess ’ on'its oWrtcr; whO bogon to be ft litllcOffiiEpcrtitcd. ns inaidenaof her .class will bo ■ when. their best points aro overlooked. ~ '‘Humph!” muttered the maiden, looking 'down at het caUeo, 4 ‘ono might 4ft’Wll hive cpmc,pth a liosey woolscy frock; on fap ; whilt, anybody enreq, In. order was pointed feelings Satina seised an ear of corn* by dcadpilk and rent away ,thq husk at ohccV.wficn Id! a long the vtiryWhlng that'hair a doten oftno girfsonlno stalkhcap had been gedfcmng'fthd wishing for all the evening. ' ...... - • This discovery was hailed with’ a Thoiposspasionof i> rod'car acoordlfig'td abo f the, llrst.' and tlils vfery awkwardness sot, the girls, off like mad againt V ‘ ’ 1 Uio. worry idlrt»'bran dishing thorod cm.in bci; |»and,,wWi smllji tfybn'hcr.diouih, prepared for dldbnde/ '* n ’ •'‘ ,l ‘ " , l * 4 • Wilat’o *ho?mattcp? why. don't youbogin?.,, ! cried a pretty black ploco of mischief, from the top of tho stalk heap; • ■►why'before this lime,l thought youwouldhSTO bow* sob tolling kiftsefl: by thtfimndsfub’* iliil* ;;Ij m* un.iuil HM like to see them try, that’s all!” said the itrpng minded fenialc.-swceplbg; *1 gladce of scornful deflanog oyor tho.ypupg won., mi in “Now, Joseph Nash, are you going to stand I*. ■ :ii J.ITuJ.J .v... I i . thatl”criedtho pretty!plcco of-mischief to q handsome young EdtojhsJjat t Ji&d.'hauuted her neighborhood fight for a' tiisd/ itfe yodt’* . frT ‘ 1 " : 1 ; >/i t ‘No, 1 TiOl Ckic/dyV 1 ’ Jbscph i rolling baCk : > hla cbt^Wr/HvX-rtei ; «Wr4Upi .if.-liahouldATt happen, to,please," ip ft whisper,, that brought, his irps so closp to tljp choeVof his fairtormenter,, that he atwolutcly 'gathered toll from i’ta pcacbey • blbom wfqre starting on, his pllgHmhge, a toll that 7 Jft»ught; the 1 gidw.ktill ihbrc'ticmy fc" fcef ,1 ■/ , V-' *v: > - Th 6 ,thHeal , s l fiptohied; in hlip^syaid^$yaid ;*£, i XostjpoTfjn«|ivpacingiieroei/oni the fitBrt^up t oang : {he.hunV dlo,of stalks qp wtpdb shfthaa, beep, seated., at .the wpd.pf jnp jaitotnado ionopso.huakajTOth henutrim foot, and .titOod brandishing-the ttd iteteyffiottstyvas if. itl bad been ft dagger In thebntffeifladyMacbcth, rather than inoKhdoro ftod- for chickens. ■‘'‘Ktejiybtit*di3tan<#^JbeNash; keep clear of me, nbw*'l till yotff f wti’t Afraid of terrace of man; go back out df;ihis while yur have a chancp; you poiVt'Jus&iddil telLyou, without you are strongcr B th*ft an* I,you ' ‘ 1 1? ’ fioof 'who Was• : Wi riforced'• oy s "halE’a dozen'la’ughfrig youngsters, *ll eager tor 3l‘frolic;- WelljTpever did takp a.stump from h.jgalin my life, So here I.: ..j ; . ' ; Joe boupd.ed forward as.po spoke, and made S snatch fet Salina • l^ia 'greathands; .but with the ? quickm&a bf a;a tor; she sprang aside, Imihg 6ct Wabk 'Bilk'- Spi’brT In ina Another plunge,'£nd downtonio the carbfconi across;his head,filing red kcr* ncls among his r . , :i ' r But.Joo Had speured his,hold, and after an other dasb ? that hercar' of!corn ip twain, Saliim’was left defenselekfiiWith nothing blit her two Bands? but she 1 plied thpse;with,yigorJcaviDg brfmsott niarks upon her nssajlancheeks wJUj: every blow, till, ria very k seif defence be WM CdTppcUed to lessen {he bia,thusreceiv ib&her tts&uUbpoWhfc.y^lderu. 1 *• '' , n TVthisday it ts dJublftfl If Job Nosh really didigatpcr tbc fruUs : If he did; no satisfactory w-a$ madedoi.tbe eager nng of liBtnei^;-,and r awfty fronj him-yfth ahili'of Incfs&B- disdain,"na if. her jdat reward. 1 -i.'i i -tii ifibpt I)|bn. >- -/ Don’t lobki so. fcross, Bjtvahl. whcn I- call ypu;hack,to- shot;: the: ddora;:,jrnCndpa’H old bopetv feel {he. Quid .wind; and besides,you haw got (o spend your lifbshut^ng; ought as well now. ‘.‘.‘V ‘ • iuet'grabdpa;'I‘ obght w bc' a-- shamed tb be crbSsibyw.yi But what‘dO : ybu‘ ;.l:;aio.*trgoipg.tDJW;a Bdxtbiki ■ l arijl going to college, and to be o: lawyer.” . (b'Bhtot.lfcVbrfte tnkkek mhciybf a‘tnan. - * l 1 What kind of tett mbfi^rghdi ‘"'Slrtown a. minute, jftnd: JUI giro you % ■ liftt/V ■•'t n..;j. i-j .-•s.-rt . yln the flrat. place.,the .poon of yodi/care musi.bc closed ißgoiDSfc the- bad language and eril counselthoboyS pad:--toung inch you will be at school oricbUegb-wUh, or yodwlfl bo undone. Bet them once poraension of that door, and I would not give' much for Edprard 'V' T • “TMdoor of'youreyto, tob, piast bc’shpt against HlenofcJflj abdloW, wickM newspapers,‘dryoiiT'fitudiM'wm'be'rieglcc ted, 'and vouwiirgrow up a uselesaighonint man. Yohwinhave t&cTosethcmßOTOcllinba aghlnfct the things exposed to’ShlelP ihC Store win l ’ dowsi orharcaby Icfttoakayj i .’ ■■■ ; . /jThc iyopr ]ip9:wiUi peed* especial care..for they guard an which makes great of Ihfc bpqyomnanylet.ln at, , the dbbis of ' : tho eyes and tort. Tbit door fa! ivory opt to btow'opeh/’sntl If Hot^cOhatahfly 1 Jwaldhcd,! will let out’angry.triflWfJrDr valg’ar words* rjt wilb sometimes. :wqfte ifft .opep.tqojqngr ■ I 1 jrfcojd advise you fo pipoji of , time, till you .pave l&io.up astpro pi knowlulgc,. «y at least till ybU hare Something Valuable to' ; of yppr heartonast bo wdl i Shut against temptation, for conscience,.lhn . doorkeeper, grows very indlflferenHf you dirre* gardblscdilj .aPd RotDetimcs.drtB'Bsfcep bslijiyislumbers, itUo heads Of *tiidr upon lhcir,huabands’; shoulders. (Wfjen (lio cars. .Woroeatas tho, gentle-, inch ’dienpajj cvauslcd; slept ohv Thd'dclay v as'brief, and bb rb^nterihjf'tho r cAre, the hlißbartds, Whose byes.were arid in a few minutes resumied-their -natural posi tions') add wera irt ; IhoMand Of drcahis. 'AI iPanmrifltiJq'fiie cafd stopped again,- trjifttt'ortff bf tholftdieq^aid,7-J'. l , ;r>i-. ■ ! vv 5 iP ; drim*.of ! affngbtoi-. ,gcnM«w ipoh.crwpgpwiag. thoßoutioofbip wiuj’fl vpjcoi t- .! j I rowiakei-^Thta l»dy; ''"tid: joji»in’t —'* ■' 1 7 : we had-betur ,^'^^ 1 ®; 1 'exclaimed tho husband in the Sfcftt immediately' in the rcar,*who T had awoke, ‘’fbr there a a ’ 3> ~1< 1 •* • 'Thft'wwpd lady» ilott fatigued -did pot swat* ‘ 3f rttiici'&riiusftig scbho Wfis’ ydtrtcsslxl at Columbus, Ohio.PoatOfflco.theothcrmOin-: for ft loiter at’ illo general l delivery» Ho N*c»vod nol being sum that it wM.ibrbiro. ho' tasked the clerk to read a tabim., .;., « i Tho postmaster with.his usual urbanity and pfttaMdvcdoalro, la I accommodatei read/ as ioi- Uko ray poittli l h«ra' TO inf6rtn ;j)oa lHalVo been 'orVtthothlir drunken ... , •'Stbplprsboutod tllft I say! Th*t 'ere letter’s for- m«; so hero s ybhif'ihG J rV. A', i ’''i'-l' -‘i And amid a general lough of the bystanders* ho vanished* nriijlul'. ’ wi Hguuna hy&'.lA s.IT j ’ vron zr,\\ l {1 t4r. 'urr; n f'sji rti'.r.i 3 ■-’.!) rroJ^u.... BT-i-i ui B I 1 i "j| j y : my [ *fl -■i l fs I - I*B M W‘ :f W :lr: h^'. : ': ;: I i- ! : . i ‘‘No. I’m obliged to , ye—l’ve bad suffl* cicnt.”. i if N . ~ - ~. [ ii/der Sniffles departs, from his usual diet.r . tKocmckcn pic.’’ .., • . *‘Sllre enough, lalrhPst fgrgol thatT was to caWfe thA ple. ! Aunt Hally| you’ll takeVpicco Ofiit, won t youl'’ : J • k ‘‘Wril, I don’t caro if.Wew rlako a “do pn;t. I‘m a.groat,favorite o’ thccbicken pie—always thought ’twas'a delightful ibever ageH-dbn’t Elder Sniffles?” •••'• ' 1 t; “A very just rcaurk.MrS.Bcdotl—voryin decd; chicken pie is truly a very desirable ar* ticlcutfood;’!: t :-.:r :-fi :* i n “Alloy? me to hclpyfm tb somebr itwEMcr." vf “Tb»nk.ypu f ,my young friend;, as I before remarked, I’ am'en t i relyoppos«l tb ah immod erate ihdulgence of the appetite - at at! timcs.but particularly: on thanksgiving ocdaslohs." How ever, I conßJdfr it my -doty, at the present tim'd tp depart, to.,some extent,-trora lhe usual.sim plicity Of my diet. -I will," therefore, comply, vrith : your request; and Partake of the cHlcken' lpip;ll r ;! Jl h.-V-'u Me r ' ! j .the cranberry,sasi, El der; r • . (>l j ' “’A very just femark, Mys. Maguire; they, | I maintain that wo should' I 'itotindulgo'tod Ircily; 4tt evenihe inosiwhhle^ I some t*mtfocU; : hpWcTm. whofc ybd d I ! “Take a slice on’t Sister Bcdotfc You peern to need some tongue to day; your’c onebmraon btilUU;.;y .:i i<•'!■/.X ■ -I ‘‘What a musicalnpmyoa guirc;‘ but if stnkcs ,mo‘ that whejn in Indi-. widdiwil Had an 'opportunity of hearing Intel- IcctiWc iConvtraationr'thDy 1 bettofl kccp eiil! and improve it. - Aip’t jit.po» Elder Sniffles?" . ; **A j us t remark, Mrs, one which‘has‘oflfyi occurred to my ‘own nphd." . ' “Take some monJ of this chicken pie, Elder •’ 1' *- -•- I my^ypungifriend, I, will take mcahtO give it up yd. I hope, Elder* ” ‘ i ‘‘Jndeed, Mr. Mrgnirc, I assure you, I would rather not takeahy thing 1 moro; for, as I before remarked, r I am decidedly opposed to excessive eating upon this day.' 1 . ( . - \ Elder. SniJUf* oversteps ha iwwni Uundtiriss, 1 -.“WqlMhtnijwc!ll,:havo,the pies and pud dins. .M. miy soq.-fly arouna-and help jrouy hiar cliahgo the plates. I'll , take the pnuuin. yon may-tend to tho Scfi; set bn the cider.'. So, here's a plum puddln.' It looks nice. I m»(sa you lpid.gppdluoU to-day, wife. Sister Bodplt, you’ll.havo some on’t?!', , “No,‘ Vp bhlecgcd toVc: - ; Tvo got ruthcr a headache an 1 ' plurii hnddin’s Hch. I guess,l’U .take aproaU-ph*? p,’tfip punkin pic.” ‘ ■'' ,* . SAlflUa, youll bb htlpcd W Bdm. Of Ui-oE;cmiracll’.'f v‘.-r ‘ ” • ■ ;, )an4w4,>V^.^irPP*h{^‘ l ‘i? o U'i| i , u W I wHrtlly (irolbst dgnln/ft It; fiihfiormore'. -aa Mr. iktolt has ivory.,'justly. l refimrtiJj plura.pud ainK contjiiloring tb., uccu. liar ciruuni'itsnccs pf .tl'u occasion. T will, fur bhcfc, tiverotip tlia \j-Moh I liaycpto- °l - ■ " ’ J " 11,1 »Ap I tduutlcrsLalul'th.t you lliuAvt KJtuo, pai-Voto.Un^ooiysi^e^tiouchime»nj , puddiiif «S'l , crcrf cat.’. 1 , ' ' r 'V-i ■' ; _ ‘ , 'Rldtr Saiffln jiarlahsafpuiJtmlmi ihint. pH- I “Elder Sniffles, will you tnko sdmo o’. 0» i Intel Hero isw roineo pie and pnmkinnio. ; r liil will tik'i Wstlisll IlOHioti Of - tllo liumkln pic, II yo«.lilease,3l«,.M«feulr)!.»s llioonsidec 't iiißhiynutritious: bnt aa .regertln niinoo pic it iann nrliolo of food wtiicli T deem, cxccKsivdy, ,1 acloVcTrbiik to the idnsitltlition; tmrtmucli oa It i ii I “Walk ihto tnositting room. Elder.” SlicVg Pa^lt/oi:'the Spirier.flßiJ the Fly. * ‘Few things resemble each other more in na tUr than ari’old.cuhnin’ lawyer a spyder. iHe weares fafc Web In a corner, with no Jlghl * behind-loahow;th6thread:of hls heti but In h ‘ shadehkof therehewaits in,hisdarkoffleoto , receive his ,A buaxio/burrin’, thought- , less of nothin' but his beautiful >- wings and Well'made legd.'and rather'near ' sighted withal, cbmcs Btulnblin’iMrad over heels ; into tho nct.. ’i i •I begyour pardon/ the flyi... I ; yea]ly i [didn't sec this riel wprU of youra ; the, weather ■ and the streets Ro'ciinfouiidod d/xfk—' i |they .oughk to bum gas here atl'day. iWa fraid mlschief/ :J t -.: -..j | ~ ‘Not jatall/eaya, the' spydefj bowing. ;;.‘I i guess it’s my fn'tilU, ‘ I reckon, t ought tq hang a bht prajr don't mW» or ybu may ido4axnage.' ‘/Allow* rim - ' lb; kaawiyoU - ./ ; And ha tics’,up one leg, and itau.iht other,ohd furls ■uplioihms wtngs,lmA,hMhimfas>4JtGihral. ter. 1 1 N6w/sayahe,*roy gobd'Mehd/aohrasq \rjr fr&y afwa>fft ArA.'y^rfgrMfMfcgFacod* r aiderabJc-sum must; hiredypn-'. ': r . ‘Bleed mb|' r savs the. fly,;, ‘excuse; mc,l/m - require it/ . “ _ ‘ ' : I i : fOb,ye&, ydu ; do, dear' lHend/ and ho °gctd ready fcr,thebperatiom p Jr’rr....:. ; r. i.un j,;lf you dare dothfd/eayn thotly/"l3lkfiock ?qu dowjq.'.ahd I’m. a map that what I ;Jay lowrflsland on*.*- -‘You bad better urt first/ Bays spiacr k laughing; ‘you must be tnusl pay all damage/and bebloedshun till ho grappa for breath, and feels faintin' cornin’ on. 1 ‘Let the go my good’ fellow/ says, poorjty-r -land I will pay you’ liberally/ • ‘ 1 ‘Pay 2,’ says tbcapidcr.; *yoamlscrtbTeun-i oirenmeised wretch.;.yon havenpthing: left So pay With. Tafo’fhaU'andbc gives him;ll|t lost dig, add he Is a* gone coopl,—bled to death. How lfl hftuk Op a Cold, Dr* UaU t ia hi? .Medical Journal, gives tho follpwing direction? for breaking up a cold : . “A bad cold, like! measles ahd 'mumps, or Oilier, aimilar. ailments, will run, its course in ftboUt ten days, in spite of what raay bo. done for it; unless remedial mcaqs are employed Within forty eight hours of inception. Many a useful life ijwy bo Spared to ’ bo indrcosinglv us?fql,-by cutting a cold short j oft, in tho fob lowing safe and simple manner., On tho-Oral day of taking axdld there is a Very unpleasant Sensation of chllllttcsg,' Tho moment yon 6b feerve this;go. to your room and stay there: keep it jit fiudi a temperature aa will entirely) prevent this qbilly feeling; crco.if ii rojuiresa hoiftlrcd degrees Fah. It addition, put year, feet in watfcr half leg deep, as hot -as you ‘can bear it r adding hotter water from time to time; for a quarter of au hour, so . that tho watcr fihOl be hotter When you take your feet out than whim you pot.them In, 1 theb dry. them tboroughlyv and’put on warm, thick, woollen blockings, even if. it be summer, (when coldb arq.most dangerous,) and for twepty-four houra cat pot ah atom of food, but drink, a? largely fts you desire of any kind of warth leas, ana at, the end of that not s6dricr, the cold Will ijeeffectually broken, without! any medi cine \yhaterc. This theory is no .doubt, good for Weak conslitutiona.but for L hale hearty person wo would recommend the substitute or cold, prater drinks, In the placeof hot tea. . , Tho Stauhton Spectator relates ft story told of a'Rockingbam.'County court In tho olden limb. Lawyer m.tUaso harts at that day nnd.on omi mi\\s crigagtdirt a trial with Judge Holptel, theft q yOutig man; a* Opposition counsel, 1 be bfctanie very profahe* 1 The Court bad'to 'jhalnlalii’ its dignity, bnt.oouldwrt think of,.punishing the King’s, Attorney.. So afta.% wn\u|tav lion, the presiding justice, an^vouncod.., that •lb Mister ifhlmcd did hot 1 Jones cirrsa and swear they Would wftd turn 16 : fTT-'X' celebrated hangman |rv sHoWinglW gallows arched to'NWgalc. oh-. Bcrrfcd'kO he had hung twenty persons on it at one time. Some on© suggested that it was too small. **Oh no blcsss you, CwcQtyiftTß^people would awtogAm that very-comfortable- 1 . v , • ,i / M I .K7*lfrMM™ ht to know! the. way .to the ponit«uiftry,:follow Uvp tnan who. tho Writ “owca him it living." m ,...... i' IE/T Whyl is » ?Ucol. corner- jikan «. crazy, men’s hrain 1 Beaune itU co(U l apl>J turn’; ~ K - Them Is : beauty enough on earth to mako a homo for angels. O* If all the world.’? a 8k«o f women wag the tbtigui drti guide tho Vehicle. "■ j 11K?* YapHy renijer^ 1 .bmTly coptewp^ o * 11 O»lr«w fios«lH*aB tllikoo pipe, how loony WoUldtoakc ’ ■ O- lioncy a ac1i;.o?lS _ 5oV l to lake Alains out of a «barwt«r. 1 ‘Topping fee'pbeallon.' ' Speaking. qf f* popping, tho.qncatlon/!?wo don't know-but what it wobld Po ftlriyinbr dcr tp« wring In'' tho following from anex cbango ci -U ~..f l t . i.i- -;, J, - j unfi-fio-auro before you commoncecooing. Our at tno bonse of an. acquaintance of aoriio young Iji dies'for whombothgenHemon entertained ten- ” deii feelings., In a spirit bffrblfconooftho young out the lamp,-and-our fricqds tmnKiDg liarayorablomovement tomato known tnejr feotings td the fair objects briHeirfdgard, moved; seats -at thaisaino.instant;'and: placed tbomsclvos as thoysappoaed.by the hidy> side, but she pad also moved,'aha (ho'gentlemen wdWdn reality sealed next' tobach other. L As . our, friends could Uotwhiapcr without betraying their whercobputs they both gentlrtook.asthey thought, ,tbo soft.little hand.of iho charmer. andwhon'oftbrW’tvhnb they ventured’a gentlo sqaeezo; .oaobwaaSurprised to frnd It returned wJUum -It may well ho ■ inibgined (hat'thoinbVnQpts flew rapidly, in tho silent Ihterehangodf fautail nflefctltm. Bnt tho Test wondering et. (IwfmtpwdDl silence of tho gentlemen, one,of them, noiselessly stepped put and suddenly With a Rgli(; tind there ,so.t pur, fricnaFT-—— and S——, mast-lovipgly squeezing each others hands j and Vaprcui.o.dq •llgnt-bcaming iri their eyes. -Thelrconaterha -tidfi and:tfa£ ccst&Cy of tho ladies may bo' imW glpod but,not descri tied. :; .p oth .gentlemen, pod, and - was afterwards heard to »ay that no-thbnght all the whllbS-- -'fl baud felt hordJt'- ,■ '■ ..ii** ,',i <;>■- v.i :: A I ~ j ». Dint to; Desponding llinlitcn. A certain .minister.who .had boon very suc cessful, in. his-lahore in. tho,Gospel .vineyard at length saw .but little, fruit attending-his- admin* Istratlohs*. •' T6'.bo useless .he could nbt bear ; lils' soul was ibowed down tinder the dfseburag- Ingprespects aroundlilm.r.Nothlng oii -earth', waa so gloomy to liloios spiritual, death, lor be had been used' (o’ showers of reformation and mercy; and nothing else cbuM satisfy his mind. Seeing no outpourings ofthe spirit, no sinners Converted under his preaching for some limo, hts soul was beset-with desponding hnd- melan choly tears, ;While thus exercised he dreamed that a gentleman, hired him ( to .work for him, a pd tho pHco'bf hla'labor was stipulated. On Inquiring what ; hls employer womd havo bira go:aUhot, be was inibrined that hb must gb and Iwinmpr a cortafn rock , •; ... the laborer then wont to wprk* and thpugMt appeared an endless,and thepclofotiselcsstask, he labored with'idlllgouco and patleticfr for th© sake of,his w.ageai- Aflcr;a.while, contrary to all calculations the mountainous rock, broke in shlvore. ‘ 1 ‘ \ ThO minister saw thodniam contained in structlon for hini. He foil the reproof, resum ed courage, and was, again blessed with seeing the rppky hoartaof. many .of his bearers broken by tho Iwmmer of God's Word. , The Fall of the leaf; Silent monitor .to man of the frailly of his na ture, bow eloquent is thy prophetic fate to tho eye of mortals t 'And 'yet, stall season’s man drops from-the, stem and withers on the ground. Wo behold'our follow-beings'fall ground ,us at all seasons,’ and 'yel It wakes loss Impression upon .ns than tho lull of a single leifl.. Familiar ‘with dealh—ond yet Inscoslblc of its.approach 1 Wbb can soKo tho mysterious contradiction 7,. • PohslVe, not solemn. Is the approach of-au ilump.-Tlieswectsof summer'still linger, oir itllp rbreczo-rnnd the, fmita cf the-year-crown, ! tho‘hOpca of thp'busbipdman." Tho .shining llandsoap& ybt glows beneath tho varied tingoi of the forest; and nature, blushing In tho hec . tlO’of. bet’ decay,- looks-more lovelyas sho ,breathes her last sigh on tho blossoins of tho! ‘seasons. i Ndture ha&fnado all her changes Instructive ‘to mao>/o add wisdom to his mind and replen ish 1J)01 love of hla heart. £ach season coraesi ftolglited'with' his admonitions—for who ihat Is .mortal can forseo tho hour, when Au-4«af tnan llfo is a perpetual auhimn.— ■oi saasnn . jstem/ovoa whifo tho rose is blushing Jn all Its gfoiy—while old ago'lives on,'bcf>*ing every /change/ fill some kindly fVost cuts It gently j>om tho earth/and lt .retunis to-mingle with jits^nativ.oduat:» ~ • “Imperious Ctosar, dead pnd.tnrocd fo play, WTglit sfop a hoTo to keep tHo Vvliid away ! . r Oh f-that tho earth that kepf tho wbrld ln awo,' 1 Should patch b wall Co oxpul a wintc/s flaWl“ : The fXII of tho leaf has Its loaaon to ns all bnd fow are without thatponslvc, foeling which, makes tho heart better,’ (ho allVctiona purer, . ind tho intellect more SubdUtid to the power of God; ■ . i’DAritti Wedstbu in ms Yodtii.—A ion of Dknlol Webster’s letters, with bfogmpbJ cal notes, is about to bo published la Boston, com: which a correspondent of the NevrYork fyening .post . pxtructa a few passages. Xt.ap-. pears‘that Datilol, whllo a law student helped, to support his brother fcaoklol, at College, by copying deodrf, &c. The Uiteradio occasional ly recruiting J>(s flnancoa by school teaching. —, The correspondence between’, the two, on tho Ways and means, W Interesting. Daniel writes' 10-bls br6lhcr, under, date of Bellshary, N. 11., Nov* 4 t IBU2, as follows,: -• , < well iqxltie of enjoytndnt your sunli'!; and'secure t)\o coptlde.npo ftndt respect of all those Vhoso respect is worth an. effort to obtain* , . / , , 1 .■Biv*-pTinii. >HD Tniis.—ln plate Srtlcloltf Fraser's J/agqsins. th}s but peantiful pas~] urtjo ocourtf t. f‘ dock not commence. wlih.Jtbb alphabet, It, begins with a- IgdH—’wltU a amllo of ; approbation'or a, ol* a.eiatery gontlo prcksyro’ of tWfiiimi,' ora brother’s tibble act olforbear- 1 Vice—wUlj handfuls pi flowers In pnujn and daisy meadow—•with bird’s neats' admired but nbt creeping ttftta and almost Im poreoptlbid oraomls—wlth lmmralng bees and' glus boehlvcs-»-ifltU wklka In shad/ lanes—ahd wllh thoughts directed In struct sad kindly tones, and words (o mature to acts of benevolence,-to deeds of virtue and to the sense ol all good, God himself.V ■ • ItaVitfea Skvbbs.—An ohdncnt Jurist,, wbd was said (o.ltfve rather longshanks, was. om? day practicing, at the bar, and baling occssforj to cross-exannbd a bailor who haef epokou of a himUpllto In tbo course ol Lis evidence, bo aekod, with some asperity— . j ■ i ..Veil sir, hour.large was this hand-splko Which you toll o( |’* ;o .. -1 >*. . ‘ ' •«« About as large ss usual.* paidJoqlt, « jtut how ***•*<>&*** « ivoil, replied Jiiok; looking at tho tbltt supporters of the Jurist—“well It woan?l as large aka won** log,but IsnilglU'beasblgasyout'n. maybe.”