American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, December 13, 1855, Image 2

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.JODI) B. BBAITOJf, Editor & Proprietor.
tBps. v 'T'
FnOM.’.WASWNOIQU.rrAt the time Of going
to Wednesday,at noon,) the
organization of.lhellousolmd not been effected.
On the last ballot For Speaker, (as wo learn lay
had 107 votes,
lacking 6of an election. RiouabDsok; Demo
cratp continlicsHo receive.' the volo.wilh which
ho started* 74 and7s. dtia.generally,believed
that Banes will eventually bo elected.
- tVcfctiirn our thanks t'b'llon. Horatio
Kino, First Assistant Post-Master-Gencral,for
sending uSa valuable document.
.AT ; NeWVILLB. —HOU. W, 11.
Welsh will lecture before the Big Spring Litr
cfary.lnstitute, at, Ncwville, on Tuesday even
ing, Dec.’ 18. Subject—“ The struggle bc
tjycea;Ulility and Beauty.”
Otm Merchants.— Our merchants appear
to bc doing a good business this fall, in the
way of selling goods. They have all (we of
course speak of those who advertise in the Vol
unteer,) supplied themselves with beautiful
and'fashionable goods, and their stores present
an attractive appearance. Read their adver
tisements in our columns, and then give them
a call.
Tub Weather. — During last Sunday after
noon w,o >vcr° visited with a beavy thunder
storm, accompanied by high winds and a consid
erable sprinkling of hail. Thunder storms at
this season of tho year it is said are indicative of
warm weather. This Idea will not hold good at
all limes, for since Sunday the weather has been
intensely cold with a fair prospect of continuing.
Mu. Welsh’s Lectuhe. —Tbo Lecture deliv
ered |n .Marion Hull, on tbo evening of the Oth
lust., by W. H. Welsh, Esq., of York, was lis
tened to by a very large, intelligent and delight
ed audience. The subject of tbo gifted speaker
—«The Influence of Utilitarianism on Social
and Political Life,” —is an interesting theme,
and was very abiy treated. Seldom, indeed,
has U been tbe fortune of our citizens to hear a
more interesting and entertaining lecture. Mr.
W. is a gentleman of finished education, nud is
a graceful and accomplished public speaker.—
Our people who were to hear him were delight
ed, not only with the subject matter of his ad
dress, but the stylo of Its delivery, and wo but
speak the sentiments of all when we express the
hope that wo shall have the pleasure of hearing
Mr. Welsh on a future occasion.
(C7*On Monday morning last, wc had the
pleasure of taking by the hand our friend,
William C. Gould, Esq.. the able cduor.sOf
the Democratic fifteen, published at tabanon,
Ohio. Mr. G. was born and raised in our bor
ough. and is a graduate of this office, but is
now permanently located in the Buckeye State.
Few editors in Ohio have rendered more efficient
aid to the cause of Democracy than Mr. Gould.
110 has earned quite a reputation os a bold,
fearless ami vigorous writer, as the opponents
of democracy in Ohio are ready to testify. The
keepsake with which Mr. G. presented us, be
fore he left, wc promise to cherish and love as
long as—it lasts.
A Fiest Class Hotel. —Our neighbors of
the Democrat and Herald arc again urging the
building of a first-class Hotel in Carlisle. We
have so often refered to this subject without
effect, that we had almost despaired of seeing
anything done. However, here goes for anoth
er effort. Let a move be made in the matter at
once; all agree that such a Hotel is needed—
let all agree also that it shall be erected. We
care very little how the enterprise is to bo ac
complished, but yet we arc of opinion that the
most speedy and most certain way of accom
plishing, the object, will be to form a stock
company. Thus a greater number of our citi
zens will feel an interest in the movement, and
each can take os much stock as ho pleases.
Wo would suggest, therefore, that a meeting
of those favorable to the erection of a fifst-class
Hold be held at an early day. Let a ''ttall for
such a nicotine be published in the papers next
week—let the thing be started, and our word
for it, it will go through.
(tv" Wo would call the attention of our rea
ders to the advertisement of the Cosmopolitan
Art Association, to bo found on our th rd
page. To those desirous of subscribing fur
any of the first-class literary publications of
tins country and of England it presents extra
ordinary inducements. All who wish to be
come members of the Association should do so
at once, as the second annual distribution of
Paintings and Statuary lakes place next month.
Subsriptions received by Wu. J. Shearer,
Hon. SccTy of the Association for Carlisle.
GoWst’s Ladt’b Boot.—The January num
ber is received, and it is one of the best we
have yet seem It contains three splendid Steel
Engrav’ngs, one of them a magnificent Colored
Fashion Plato with four Figures! One beauti
ful Lithograph, printed iu blue and gold; 100
Pages; 12 Full Page Plates; 43 Engravings;
and 60 Artklja. The following arc the terms:
Terms, cash in advance. One copy, one
year, 83. Two copies one year $5. Three
copies one year -$O. Five copies one year, and
an extra copy to the person sending the club,,
making six copies, 9XO. Eight copies one
year, and an extra copy to the person sending
the club, making nine copies, 815. Eleven
copies one year, and an extra copy to the per
son sending the club, making twelve copies,
Godey’fl-Lady's Book, and Harper’s Maga
zine, both one year for 84,50. Qodey’s La
dy's Book, and Arthur's Home Magazine, both
one year for $3,50.
, Wisconsin Elrotion.— -The Waukcalra
PJaindealer of November 2T, gives figures re-,
electing Mr. Barstow governor of Wisconsin by
433 majority, and showing a democratic gain
Of ELEVEN THOUSAND on the vuiofor Con
gressmen one year ago, when the republicans
had 8399 majority-
The recently elected Register of Wills of
Philadelphia, Charles W. Corrigan, Esq., look
tho oath of office pn Thursday, and entered on
his (Julies on Saturday, tho Ist of December.
Mr, Carrigan is admirably fitted for the duties
of the office to which ho has been chosen, and
has eyery requisite of the popular and efficient
IC7* When the three brothers,, Abbott, Amos,
and William Lnwrcuoo, left tho parental roof,
their father gave them thty injunction—.“ Fall
.not out by tho way, fpf ft threefold Chord is
cot easily broken.”
"MB K. If. MjfDIDITB ‘M MfiffiDßlfiV
Tho Know-Nothing papers are ndwtongnged
la discussing the morits of Sam’s different as
piratifbr the, Presidency. Who ihqcabdulatp
of that '-miserable pkfty.,'or faction may bbypf
course cdu 'Qno thing, howev
er, is ovidoht to us„and that is; thatnoonoSwllo
had bconj'alDompcrat phovlbus
Kno\r-Nothings, will stand the remotest chancd
of rccolving tho nomination. Tho Democrats
who have been inveigled Into tho Know-Nothing
order, do very well as “ hewers of wood and
draweba of water,but when they aspire to rise
io dignity ol holding honorable and^lncra-
(Ivo offices,' their wings are rather unceremon
iously clipped*, ;Jn this State, what did rene
gade Democrats In tho ranks of Know-Nothing
ism tho “.aid and comfortV-.thoy render
ed last fall a-ycar f In electing Pollock Govern
or 7 They got a Whig Govern
or, a -VTlilg Know-Nothing Secretary of State,;a
Whig Know-Nothing Attorney General, a Whig
Know-Nothing Superintendent 61 Public Print
ing, a Whig Nnow-Npthlng Chief Clerk in tho
State Department, a Whig Know-Nothing Flour
Inspector, a Whig Know-Nothing Leatherin’:
spooler, and, in fact, Whig Know-Nothings In
every, office worth holding. In tho House of
Representatives, too, last winter, tho Whig
Know-Nothings selected ns Speaker one of
their own kidney, and tho Know-Nothing Leg
islative caucus split, simply because its nominee
bad been about half a Democrat before he Join
ed the dark ladternitcs. A majority of the
Know-Nothing Whigs had determined that, no
important offleo should bo filled by any roan
who hod not been a Whig previous to bis con
version to Know-Nothingism. Democrats,aro
made conspicuous as officers on all public oc
casions, from motives about as disinterested ns
those which Induced David to put Uriah “In
the front of the battle,” that they may bo killed
oIT. But alter the battle has been fougbt and won,
these samo men who iiad acted as Presidents,
Vice Presidents and Secretaries at Know-Noth
ing carousals, ore given to understand that tho
“ spoils of office” do not belong to them they
aro required to take a back Scat in the Know-
Nothing synagogue. These are some of tho
tricks resorted to by tho broken-down Whigs
who organized tho Know-Nothing party that
(hey might nguln batten off the spoils ol office
and be rescued from oblivion.
Mark our prediction, tbo Know-Nothing can
didate for President will be ono who has here
tofore held to Whig principles. Sam. Houston,
Commodore Stockton, Andrew Jarkson Donald
son, and others, who left the Democratic party
in tho hope of being elevated to power, will
find, when too lute, that they counted without
their host. They serve for worke'rs in tho
Know-Nothing harness prepared for them, but
they will discover that lucrative official stations
ics on the 31st, and set on Arc. It was rumor*
cd that Qcn. Wrangel menaced the allied posi
tion at the Straits of Ycnikale, but tbo Allies
had 30,000 troops there, and expected 16,000
more. A British steamer is watching in the
Baltic for an American dipper, laden with a
cargo of revolvers. The fanatical Turks
Constantinople arc persecuting the Christians.
Three magazines belonging toflho French
Artillery, had blown up near Inkcrman, kill
ing seventy soldiers and two officers,and wound
ing one hundred soldiers and ten officers. The
magazines contained 30,000 killogrommes of
powder, 600,000 cartridges, and 300 shells, all
of which were destroyed. A large quantity of
Russian grain had been destroyed on the Qhe
iskeinan coast. A terrific fire had occurred
at Paris in the government bakery. Twenty
eight thousand quintals of corn and sah equal
quantity of flour and biscuit were burnt The
destruction of. Russian grain on the coast near
Gheiaktioan, was effected by an allied flotilla
sent for the purpose. ; The grain was intended]
for the Crimean army, and was .packed In six
- which extended twp miles along the
r coast. The .Czar has dismissed Prince Men
’ schikoff as Chief of tho staff, and appointed
' General Adlcnburg in his stead* Advices from
Kars state that Gen. Mouravieff, overcome by.
his defeat before Kars, had become insane; and
Gen. Bubutoffh&d been summoned to ajSßunta
. _ 4l , , . 1 his command, ’ '-• '
pause before they again render assistance to ■ *.
arc to bo dispensed to TTftfg Know-Nothings.
Should the Know-Nothings—unfortunately for
Ibo honor and prosperity of the country—elect
tho next President, tho political patronage of
the general government will bo bestowed on
tlrely upon Whig Know-Nothings, as has been
;ho case in Pennsylvania. Tboso Democrats
who can bo cheated into tho support of this fac
tion, will then discover, If they have not already,
that Know-Nolhlngism is nothing but anotter
Whig trick to catch unwary Democrats.
To those Democrats, therefore, who continue
to act with infidel Rnow-Nuthiugism, we would
say, come uoaus ; you are in tho hands of polit
ical gamblers, who wish to uso you for their
own aggrandizement. Tips Invitation we would
extend to all Democratic Know-Nothings; the
venal and corrupt portion of them—the unprin
cipled and dishonest—-can, remain where they
are, in-welcome. They arc In thofr proper cle
ment, and only professed democracy fbr a time
In tho hop© of gaining positions for which they
were never Intended. But to honost Democrats
of tho order—and no doubt there are many—wo
feel that we have a right to speak,and oskthem
the meanest and most contemptible party that
overbad existence in free America. To Use
the language of an able cotemporary, there are
doubtless still some democrats who Huger in
the Know-Nothing ranks—dcraocratswho, In an
unguarded hour, were Induced-to connect them
selves with the Order, and who regret it, and
would bo glad (o bo once, more in full commun
ion with their former party associates. To all
such wo say, break the bonds that arc upon you
and come back to the old democratic party■ What
can you promise yonrsolves, and what can you
do lor your country, by remaining where you
are ? You pcrceivu, as wo all do, that the
Know-Nothing organization was not needed-
hat it has failed In the Southern States—that
is hopelessly Aisod and abolitionlzcd in the free
Slates—and that as a national organization, it
no longer exists. The old democratic party is,
after all, the only (rue national American party.
Tlic records of all our past history prove tills,
and the future is lull of hope for the conntry
through the same old party. Como back, (hen,
those of you who hare honestly gone astray,
und the democracy will receive you with open
arms. The great contest ot 1850 will soon
commence. Kongo yourselves at once under
the democratic banner, and among your old
friends, and aid us la achieving a victory for the
Constitution and the Union. ‘Tarry not In all
the plain/ but escape now to the mountain ot
do ocrucy, and all will l*o well. Do this, and
iu November, 1860, after the battle shall have
boon fought and won, each of j*ou can say, “1
too assisted in achieving this great victory, by
which the rights of every section have boon
shielded, and Die Union of those Status prescr.
lBBO, tho House of Representatives
did not succeed in electing a Speaker for two
weeks. This was (ho celebrated “Broad Seal"
controversy growing out of tho New Jersey
Congressional election. Finally, R. M. T.
Uuhtbb, of Virginia, a Southern State-rights
man was chosen by a vole of 110 to 118. lie
was opposed to Mr.Yanßuren’sadmlnistratlon.
Again in 1810, tho ’balloting for Spoakor
lasted from the 8d to tho 22d of December, when
Mr- Cobb of Georgia, was declared elected on
tho 01th ballot, but by a plurality vote.
Don’t Pat pou Itseip. —Tho present low
rates of postage and tho high"charges of ocean
mall soivlco keep the Post Office Department
in debt to (ho General Government, and call
for annually increasing drafts upon tho Treas
ury. Tl is stated, iu advance ol'the Postmas
ter General’* Report, on what appears reliable
authority, that (ho deficit in the Post Office Do
partmcul for tho year will bo about two millions
and a half of dollars, or. some Ihrco-quartotp 6f
a million more than last year. There has been
added during tho year some 8700 miles of rood
service to (ho operations of .the Department.
PuiLADBLPniAKS in Paths— Tho well
known philapthropist, Miss Dix, haa arrived
ip Paris, in company ,yvith Dr. Pariah and lady,
of Philadelphia,/and was making preparations
to visit tho charitable institutions Of (bat city.
The steamship Atlantic Arrived at
IpSt Friday night, [from Liverpool,
tVaa gained by! Omojr Pacha and his troops 6vcr
a body:6f teti|thou«t|nd Russians, 1 at tlierr}vs?
Jpgour* which tho r'turks, ;twcnty thousand,
js'lrodgrOhAed. atfmir iJointsitaking
sixty prisoners and'three guns, and causing a
Russian. loss of four hundred in killed. The
Turkish loss was three hundred. Another des
patch, referring to the satire encounter, says
that the Turks crossed the river at thesca-port
of Auaklia, and stormed the Russian redoubts,
after which they pushc£ .forward tpwnrdS'Ku
tnrs. Russia and Turkey have both prohibited
dhe export<of breadstufis.- . ---
Tho forma} .closing ;of the Paris; ;ccchibition
took place, on thp 15th, ult. ...'J'Jjp
ipade a speech ,on tho occasion* in which ho al
luded to-the war, and said ! that ho desired'a
speedy and durable pence; but that a.pcaco,to
be durable, mustrealize the objecta for which'
the war was undertaken.;.,Preliminaries seem
to be arranging for tht resumption of the nego
tiations for peace. ■ i -i •
"By the arrival-at Halifax of : the steamship
Atlantic, wo have news from Europe one 'week.'
later. - There‘is a report that Qcn. Conrobcrt
has concluded treaty of, alliance'between
Sweden and the. Western Powers,.to take ac
tive effect both by land and - sea early in the
spring. It was also said that the ;Emperor,‘of
Russia had assented to'PrussiaAifforming thq
Western Bowers that ho is willing to treat fori
peace. The allied Generals at Sebastopol arc
said to have determined to the. Rus
sian fortifications on the north side,of the bhr-:
bor. The King of Sardinia had arrived in Par-’
is. The London-Post'authoritatively contra*,
diets the reported Swedish alliance, and : says,
that there prospect ojT such an event at
present. Lady Emcline Stuart Worlley, well
known as the author of a book of travels in A
mcrica, died at Bcyrout, bn the 29th ult. Gen;
Sir Colin Campbell returns to the Crimea at tho
end of his leave of absence. In Asia* Omar
Pasha was expecting a battle, Gen. MouraviclF
the Russian commander, having detached a di
vision of his army which’ was making forced
marches for Ratals. In the Sea of Azof!, tho
town of Marionopol was tho Al-
California with her Back. Up.—The last
Gubernatorial election in California showed her
to have a voting population of oyer, a hundred
thousand, or (be eleventh State in the Union in
that respect. Her representation in (he House
of Congress is only two, or one member to eve
ry fifty thousand rotcre. This condition of
things excites the bile of California editors,
certain of whom him at a separation from the
Union if their grievances aye not redressed. Jt
is hardly fair dealing with California when it
iu remembered that the northern States are al
lowed a member of tho House of Representa
tives to every twelve thousand voters, and in
the South to every ten thousand.
Our Relations with Great Britain—
Critical Aspect op Affairs.— A dispatch
from Washington, dated yesterday, bays: ‘Tt
bos just been ascertained, beyond the possibil
ity of cavil, that a dispatch has been received
from Mr. Buchanan, relative to tho Crampton
difficulty, the tenor of which is that the British
government, in a courteous bat positive man
ner, declined giving such explanations as were
demanded by our government regarding tho al
leged violation of our neutrality laws by Brit
ish agents. This aspect of affhirs imposes oh
the American government very delicate obliga
tions, and it will require all its wisdom to ex
tricate itself from the present dilemma.”
(Cy* John Van Buren has written another 1
letter on the New York election. In one por
tion of it he says: “I desire to say that I shall
in no way, directly or .indirectly, take part In
any of tho nominations that are to be mado for
President and Vice-President prior to the'en
suing election. When I stated recently at
Buffalo that I desired to bo a delegate to the
Cincinnati Convention, I had every reason to
believe that I should represent, in part, a uni
ted and victorious party.”
Tußeb T oumo Ladies Dbowmed.— -Tho Wheel
ing /n/e/Jig«ncrr, of tho Cth Inst., says
young ladies, Misses Knight, Hubbard and IDs?
son, wore drowned In tho Ohio, atSlstersvlllo.
by tho swamping of a skiff in (ho swell of the
steamer Hornet. The ladies were in a skiff by
thomselvcs, crossing from tho Ohio sido, where
they resided, for (ho purpose of attcndlngchurcli
In Sistcrsvillo, and becoming frightened, so mis
managed tho skiff that U was completely filled
by one of tho heavy wavos. They cried’for
succor and clung to tho boat/ but boforo aid
from Slslorsvlilo coifid reach (hem, all wore
Houseless. When tho Bayard passed In tho
evening, a faint hopp was entertained that.ono
of thorn might bo resuscitated.
O" The Hon. John M. Bolts, of Virginia,
in reply to nn urgent request of sundry citizens
of the town of Triangle, in JJrooroq countyi’NJ
Y., consents to tho use of .his name as a can
didate of Iho Know-Nothing party for tho Pres
idency, though 1 ho frankly confesses ; that ho
thinks his hommfdloD a highly. ,improbable
■' ’ JkT lAjUlSVlL^.^^thctCr
Jiw, a Mi^i^ting
iSvfllo Tbo times spcaka thus
bfonfoftWiapiaifecra:V 1: '. :‘ *'
! Q<mrVrtlbamabn, of Pennsylvania, was an-,
pounced for a speech, when a snobbishlooking
pan; with an enormous wig, inado his appear
janco and announced, to the great delight of his
audience,, that hb Was “all nght.oh thogqose*”
Wo nuver heardof Gen. Williamson beforeV but
as ho was introduced iisa specimen ofPcrinsyl
yania Saraism t \yc, with great patience, listen*
cd to bis tiresome harangue, in tho hope that
the opinion of Pennsylvania Samoa the Nebras
ka bill wouldbe mealed. But on that ques
tion tho .martial spiut,.of .Pennsylvania was
roost prudently withheld. Tho nearest ho
catno to atv-'ixpt&sWri ’of oplriibn lipdi) . that'
subject 1 waS'/tlidt J dfler the 'Know-Nothings
have elected the and ,dlstributcd-ihe.
offices,lliey woulderiterupbn a consideration
of and so settled as to
preserve tho Union. -
Immense applause greeted this pbrtion’qf the
orator’s speech,and'ho tooWhrS svat'Kmidst the
highest demonstrations ol'bbp^batibn 1 the
part of Bartlctttfc'Co. ■ * 1 ‘ '
It says -•* »«;•*■■ '5-
Al(ogethcr\tlio Convention has libcrt b fhi 1 prc.
The number'ih Attendance VyW small’, and thc
speaking insufferable. 1 It has' a dull,'hea
vy, stupid throughout!; and the ,only
thing Accomplished by it has been the consump
tion of:pji .intolerable quantity/Of* bad whisky,
and thp expension of a largo amount - of tfoul
breath, it is tho last kick of “Sam” in Ken
tucky. - Pcafcd to his ashes, and his’soul to the
devil who gaycit. , 1 . f.
, !C7* The Derabcracy of Cass* county ,'Tcxas,
held a meeting.on the 24lh : ult;, and-appointed
delegates to Oonvcptipn,” Tlicfollow
ing resolution was adopted: i.. i 'i ; -
Resovled* That Gen.sara jir ,lpa
capacity os Stator, has violated
the confidence reposed in him by- Ills conatuu
ents, and that in riw of the almost unanimous
wishes of the 1 - people, he ought to resign
his scat, so that they might.clect a man who
would become thfmtponfrht'bf their principles
and. the defender of their rights; • ■ -■■ <• ■> *» 1 •
ItESiGNEir.T-'Thc Washington Star says; Mr.
Appletort, of Maine, latcU. S. SecrctaryjOfJLe*
letters of recall pent by the Government to Mr;
Buchanan, at that; gcnUcman’s request, there 1
was sent, we hear,an appointment for. Mr. Ap
pleton as U. S.' Charge. d’Aflaires,'ad interim,
which that..gentleman declined, preferring to
return to the Un*tod Stales, where h|i private
business'drinaTidi 1 bis presence. , '
Novel oubjkct op Taxation —A.Blll has
been presen tedtothc Legislature of Tennessee
lerying.a tax offive dollars on.every gentleman
who wears iv : moustache, and a fiiie of fire dob
lars upon bachelors over ihh-ty rears' ,'6f ;agc,
for the ytraising moneyjaincrcqso the
school fund. , • . v •<"
: Tub Suoab SpSculatiom m Enoland.—The
London Observer ftfates that the rise in tbOprico
of sugar per cent.) within thq ! last
few weeks has been caused by extensive opera,
tlons entored lnto by tlirco or lour,
in thatccir;^ r ; ( Theso r ,intlividualBi one.of whom.
!s a Urgo' sljlp Qwnerf arranged to go -into the
raarket and purchase at «6no slap,” as. the
phraso goes, all tbo’sugar In hand, with as much
as thoy could obtain of the samp fifloaf, or on its
way to tho country,, Tho ObServcr.adds j,ui . /
It iS'stated that osoli of tho operators Ih'quos-'
tion cleared ovor £lOO,OOO ;by this.'morning's
work, and that aovoral of the mnaUfryof flpoeir- 1
lators, who always follow In tbowakeiof the lir
gqr, as tho.dogfish fallows.the Bharlc, havo reaiv;
Tied conaldorablo sOrns ,hj.forcing tho, market
for.augaystill higher. V
’ Speikofield Municipal Election.— Ansel,
Phelps, jr.; Democrat, (Istc'a Whig) was elec
ted Mayor of- Springfield, Moss., on Monday,
over the present K. N- Incumbent, by 200 plu
rality, i ■ . • ;.:
lO* A. young girl .natnpd £lizabcth:<Barr,.
committed suicide ia Philadelphia on Friday
nighty by drowning herself in thp Delaware-
She was very prepossessing in her appearance.'
The old. story of woman’s trustfulness >nd
roan’s villainy, explains the.cause of the tragic
deed. , .
'{£7" The Montgomery Watchman lias raised 1
the name of James'Buch&nah to lls’mast-head 1
for the ppxt Presidency,, ~.T
The Monroe Democrat favpra thfe nomination
of Hon. Richard Btodticad for the Presidency.
The Hamilton avows its pre
ference for Mr. Dallas for tnc .next Presidency.
C7* Tiio Grand Jury of Northampton coun
ty, whilst in session week before , last, ignored
the indictments against the tavcm-keppcrs’fbr
violation of the “Ji|£ Law" passed by the Ijtsl
Legislature. -•' •.I: .> ' >:
' [C7* The Clcariibtd RcpubUcHu namcs Henry
L. Dicflcnbnch, of.Clinton,county, as a candid
ate Idr Auditor .General.
(£7* I’he Secretary of the Russian Legation,
who came passenger in the Steamer Washing
ton, was robbed in Wosbinigtoh city on the Ist
inst., of five hundred Holland ducats, valued
at about ono thousand dollars.
Impoutakt from Oyiu.—A correspondent
writing from Havana* states that tho Captain
General of Cuba had issued -an itnportftnt : dc*
cm to regulate the fighting' of gfttpc cocks for
tho season.. -
CT'/Tho MonlroßO pcinoqrat
the impeachment of Judge Wilmol bytho.otxt
Legislature. . ..
lfc/~ A Know-Nothing National Convention
is to assemble at Philadelphia, on the 22d of
February, for the purpose of nominating ofm
didates for President and Vice President,of the
United States.' V.
Ky*At a mating of a portion of thc citizens
of Cliattoo'ga. irrespective ofold
parties, khcr 'Hon.- D. S. Dickinson, Of, NcW
York, for the
Hon. A. Dixpn,. of. Kentucky, for the Vico
Presidency. • j • : I
Akotilkr Stamp kps. l — -The Richmond Whig
states that eleven slaves ran away from; their
owncs, in that city, on Saturday'night last.—
Seven of jibe, cloven belonged to Mrs. Susan, jj,
Hatcher. , . • :<*;
'JCkbiudlb Explosion of Pqvtdeb.— The
Hartford (Conn.) Times of the 30th ulti, says:
“As a teamster, James Murphy, with a two:
horso l wagon, wait' carting -powder ’ from • one
building to another, tm tho 29tlv at Haz
ard’s powder mills in Ehfleld.thtt load exploded,
tearing tho wagon; horses, and driver to,atoms.
There was about a toh of powder bn the, wag
on; abdso powerful vyas the' explosion that an
arched bridge bver d canal, op vvhioh thp jvag
on happened to bo’when the oxpblsioii look
place, was depressed .about three feet. Tho
powdcr.was ln half barrels without any heads
to them,sp that it was exposed.” i-, ■ ! •!. ■
|Bm:nnb Jri«rsJ>
; aclcar| tho
.Htl. h! hi % ■ hi
\o* : throughput.tqd coiin;.
iiy.V'''v v 'v' s v / s
l O* Soon time—for the boys to hunt up their
skates. -
arc near at hand. Now is
the time to advertise your goods!
KT* Mr. Fillmore; it is said, will spend the
yvintcr in Italy.
■*" IC7* A flro in Chicago has destroyed $200,-
OOOocvortb of property.- -•••-** * .r:
K7* Jenny Lind jfbd hej- ’husband recently
arrived Paris, >(/ , t| , •
.I'fEr'-Mr. Buclianan Will not tttiirn hcrfiio for
twb'bir IhrcA'rabn’tbSiyct. ' ■ ( 1 .,1
young wife of GovrWrlgbt, of In-*
diatia,idled a fewdayssinceatthc rcsidchcc'of
HWparentsirt Kentucky. 'I
/.ETk-Tlw.; father of .tiiC H6n, Howell-Cobty
died at - Athens, Georgia/bnWcdncsdaylast,
rlDrhAbout six, UmesitKo’ iisdal' amount! of
wintbr wheat, it is riaid/lhak b^n.
cra'.MSSbufiHhis'ycar,^' 11 ][ -,i•*', J'.
- In Cincinnati! thoSo whoprtdk :, hbgS r
called -common people the 5 arc
those whoso r . - ii
.. KT 7 morning star df our youlhi
tho'day sthr of our manhood ; the
of our old age; God,bless our stars. , ; ,•
: (C 7"! A witty doctor says that tight lacing is
a public btneflt, ds it klllS'bfli the,foolish girts
aiid IcKves.lKc wlsc to be women*;; i
-\£y* At a fourth of July ; ccloiirati6n, a young
Iddv bfferiri tbb toast: ‘■The young
meri .bf Amcrica-r-fTAe/r owns our support i
Our arms their reward.” Fall in—mcn.- fall
in ! • ■ 1/ 1
O’'Horace Greeley,will spend the winter iri
Washington city os tho special representative
and correspondent of the Tribune. t
"ID-Wheat Is, still going up. It is now
worth,s2,lo per bushel. Awful hard limes on
printers just now; very good, however, for
farmers. ■ •
KT* Tho ladies have got to wearing high 1
heeled 'shoes. We presume they wear them for
the purpose’pf keeping their bonnets from fall
ing oil. -
{C7" A bill has been introduced into the Ten
nessee Legislature to purchase the. Hermitage
in the nomc of the Slate, and to establish there
an Agricultural abd Military school.
\o* It docs not gdy. much' for good tosto or
good morals tliat New York should go appar
ently.half crazy about the trial of a,low vaga
bond like Baker, for killing or helping, (o.kill
another low. vagabond like Bill Poole. But so
it is. : i
(D* There is some talk of’a convention of
the Know-Nothing, Abolition, Republican,and
Whig editors of Pennsylvania, at Huntingdon,
on the 19th insti, with reference to .the Presi
dential canvads;' ■ ‘ ;
, .ICTiLord Brougham, lately, in a playful
mood, wrote the’following epUnphott himscUi
1 Her*, readqrv tdm eyc«,. \
Caleb useful moral trachea; • ■;
" :'Thc hole In which ray body Hca. u ,,, ‘. ..
j •' r speeches.
is stated? of Gen. Putnam, that' he
plnntcd'ln his native town in Windham’ doun
ty. Conn.’, a mile of apple trees along Rie high-,
way, so thni f, 4 lho poor might hayo apples as
well: as the rich.V Such bcnificcncofc 'Well
worthy of imitation. - • 1
Dv" Wm. ti. Smith,'ft naturalized.citizen,
htfs suit In the fourlh district court,
in Kcw .Orleans, against Jarajs. Boggs and E
nwtqs of the judges of the election
in that city, for rejecting his vote at the late
election, 1 and claims'ss,(K)o damages.
0-7"-The Clarion Democrat says the *next
battle cry of the opposition will no doiiU bo
“Abolitionists to rule America,” ‘ put none
but niggers on guard to-night;” Shouldn’t
C7* Two African twin girls joined together
at the back, ore on exhibition in London: They
arc represented to be lively and intelligent.
O* Fanny Fern is taming out with a new
norcl called “KoserClork.” Fanny intimates
that all she has before penned isn’t a oiroum
stance'to’it. ■' ‘
C 7", A nson was placed in a lunatic asylum
at Berlin, to bo treated for mental alienation,
brought on by ihb use of Ijair dye. cxanir
inlng the dye whioh lie had [( employed, it. was
ascertained to be composed of lead, mercury
and lunar caustic. It produced violent paioi
in the head, nnd at length led to roadh^.
£7* New counterfeits arc multiplying as fast
os the new Banks go into operation. Already
a counterfeit $5 bill has made Its appearance
in Philadelphia on the Consolidation Bank, ortfc
of th 6 new Banks, which lias just commenced
business'. • .<.
! K7* A.nowly married man in theßotrorydo*
Clares that if he hadoplytm inch more of hap
piness ho could not llrip . Ilia wife and her ; a&
ter, are obliged to roll him bn th§ Boor and spat
him with ft shlnglo every day to prevent him
from being tdo happy. - •
[Cy* editor in Ohio thus writes to his
subscribers:' “Wo hope our friends will over
look our irregularities for the past two Wcka.
We arc now permanently'located In the county
Jail with‘sufficient force to insure tho regular
issue of ouy paper for the future. ■>
’lt/"The following advertisement, under the
head of a “Wife wanted," in theßatcsvilio,
Ai[k r News: “Any gal wlml’s got a bod, cof
fee-pot and skillet, knowsfaow < r to out out
breeches, can make* hunting shirt, and knows
how to take care of children, can have my ser
vices until death parts both of us. *i
Bp’’ out for robbers, ' The' country |a
full of them, Tinics are hard and crime is /id
creasing. Cellars, hen-coops, gardens and even
dwelling houses have been entered in Various
parts of the, county, and various articles made
way with. ; Wo would advise bvciy boo to
keep-a Supply of leaded in th’clf
houses.' I ■■ '■ • 1 , i.'i. t
Ircßibnlhns loiffn a Koqfoin Now
Yprk for. tho accommodation of himself, and
fatnilyiduring tho winter, that ho may enjoy
greater facilities in preparing l WpitWisltlM
IhorrauUs of his Foci tie nulrciulerplomtiona,
wich will hOifoady for,tho press befor, tho ad.
Journmcotof CongrcM. : 1 •• ■ i
[Ctrrfpondenceo/thedmerican Volunteer.] ,|
-'&■ : /K 18iS;' ;
$ fThc i)OTDcral!6jcauDUs} SatUrdayi night
I flUanimp6siyaaojpted‘tbcT6llowin£ 'resolution,
.which BubipiUcd byfjpn. J. Qlapcy J^oncs,
I That*:tbeipembtmtjU. Wmhcn&qf
thd House of Rcprcsciltatiyea, though in a Tem
porary minority in this body.'decm this a Jit
occasion to tender to their.fellowcitizcnßofthe
whole Union their heart-felt congratulations on
the triumph, in;thcteccnt< clectv3dSoin'6dvcral
of tho Northern, Eastern and Western, as well
os Southern'States, of tho principles of the
Kansas-Ncbroska bill and the doctrines of civil
and religious liberty which hfrvo TjdhiTso vio
lently assailed by a secret hblticat order known
as tho Know-Nothing party ; and thoughJn, A
frtludrity, 1 wo hold it to bo ourTjigticst duty to
pmervo dar organiiation and continuo Our cf*
forts in the maintoinancp nnd'dcFcncc
principles andlhc cbnslitutionhl’rig'hts of dvc
ry-section and criry OlasS of; citizens 1 bgalnSl
their opponents f of ' tvefy' dcscnplicri, whether
the. so-called'
Fusioniats; and to this end; wclbbkwith cbh
fidenco '-(o - ; tho support 'and approbation' pf'nil
gdod'and trnomcn-“-friends of the Donjhitd'tfpri
and. the Union throbglioilt i the:cfeuntryi' 1 / j . 1 *
•• The opposition, despite thb irtbfct' stfcHiitJas
dxertionsof-tho-maun'gcrs/cduld 1 hot Sortie to
anbffrarnent. but I • imagine ’.thb ’-spbils" Vrfflj
Unrig them, together 7 yct’. p Thp-dißbrbnl:
tions iriSy libld put fpt-V while, 'but'd’domnic/fi
hatred ofthyadniinistrdtion'iTnd.'a'cdmmdb'd'd
sire to ‘participate 1 id thd' Shbils WiU'work'ti
coalition at l last. '"' ll •* l, fi ;
; 11 • • ' Dec.'o, ,18651
i Tlrerc ik baduewbfVbm -Kansas, but Iji6p<s
and bollcvO the danger is exaggerated; M , l lt ,is
difficult to cbnCeivc nbW a disturbance offliibli
mdgnitddCUolild have grown oiit bf afiquiibblo
about'a' BqUaitur f rt'“fluhn',” for thatj accord
ing to the accbunt,' is the prigin of'tho present
difficulty.- Tho statement runs—That jsbmc
abbliiloniats drove a pm^slovcry 1 squatter oil'
his claim ohd burned .down his hopbev that,
ttic houses of other pro-slavery men Were burn
ed by a mob; ' that; tlic Sheriffof Douglas coun
ty; arrested tho ringleaders; that Hie trie-soil
men demanded their release and had taken up
aiTus to l CnforcP the demand; and that Gov.
Shannon/ considering ;tho danger 'imminent,
hbd bailed out the military. . ' (
•irthis bo tho true state bfjiffaifs in Kansas',
it is deplorable enough, but i! trust further' ad
vices vr ill soften somewhat tho grim ohd terri
ble aspect this first intelligence vtears. GoV.
Shannon’s despatch to the Pn-sidentm start
ling, and yet it - leaves us roopi to hope lliat
things are hot as bad ns represented, odor all;
for in referring to the largo nrdcjl force report
cd to be at Luwn-nce, he makes use of a quali
fying term, ahd-sUtes that “it is spid” there ii
an armed force of one thousand Vntn, with all
the implements of war, at Lawrence, implying
a doubt in"nis min<l.‘‘ •
ThoslaidblJ National Ihtclligchfccr, whicti
is not oftenin advance of' either telegraph, or
mail, went off at half-cock tho ullftrdiiy mid
has misfed many journals as to’ the action ta
ken by the government on the*’receipt of Gov,
Shannon’s despatch. It stated that the,Presi
dent had outhdrized the Governor to tmpjby
the troops in Kansas to' aid in the execution of
the laws. The Union of ;thls hionmig|BayS rio
such authority : haa been given:- and sti'orderto
sliowcxaclly What has transpired, it has ob
tained permission to'publish iho despatches
which have passed between tm! Governor t»nd
1 tho President. The following is the Gover
nor’s: • ' •
Westport, Dec.* 1 .—I desire -authority, lb
call on the United. States forces at LtavcmvcKh
to preserve the juace of this territory, to pro*
lect the sherifi'of Douglas county atuj enable
him to execute the legal process in his hands.
If the law* arc riot executed civil world inevi
table; Aft iU-tried force'of ope thousand Vncri, ;
with all the Implements of war, it is Uid, arc
at liftwrcncc. - THey lmvo rescucd a miso'iitr
fro nr the sheriff, burnt houses;- and ibreriteried
the lives of citixcnu.) Ylnjdicditoe assistance is
desired. .This is the Only means to savc,blobd*
shed. Particulars by mail. WiLfeb.v Silan^on. 1
■Thd Pi-csidcnt replied : - ■- 1
■ Washington, Dee. 3.—YoUr despatch-rc- :
ceivctl. All the power vested in the Executive
will be exerted to preserve order and enforce
the laws. On the receipt of your letter (lie pre
liminary measures rieccssary id betoken hefote
calling out troops will bo promptly executed;
and yoii Will then be fully advised. -P. Pf imcß.'
The country: will observe with satisfaction
that the President is not disposed to net rash
ly. lie must be satisfied that the troops arc
indispensably necessary to the preservation of
law mid order before bo Willordcr thcm'out V
and if compclledlo order them out,.care will
bo lakcn tb keep within the strict line of duty. 1
The government will be euro it is : right, and
then it will go ahead; and put down hisiimc
tion,Hf in-mncction exists, with a strong hand.
i The House spent yesterday and today iri
fruitless attempts to elect a Speaker. Kjchrtrd
son, Dciriocrat, continues to receive from 70 to
75 votes. Calhpbell, Republican Whig, aritol'
up yesterday to 82. and fell to day to 18; titl'd
Banks, Itcpublicanl' Democrat, 1 has ‘rose to
about:Cau)pbcirs iirtscut voLc. -’Nobody can
make a respectable gticsa at-the' result, ml:
though some newspaper corrcsp6ndents"occai
sionally show what sort of prophets'they'h'rc
by prediclihg results. Mr. Grecly, who ishcrc,
a despatch on Sunday, predicting
electron on Monday, tlie first’day of theses
ion. Hemissed the mark, mid the correspon
dent of the Herald poked fun at him on Tua|:
day, and himself predicted an clcction.bri Wed
nesday. He, toOj missed (he mark ! Tlib fact
Is. no human being can ; form a’definite idea of
the issue: We may get a Speaker this week,
or we may get none tills month.
: Senator Douglas’ h lends in this city continue
to receive satisfactory accounts from him. lie
will probably bo here next week. ' 1
Oov. Barstow, of among the
distinguished strangers noW in city. -
’ 1 1 CtmnEßpVD'.
WasAiNOToy, Dec. 8.1805.' i
The first week of the - scasiun Ja ended rind
(heHouse is still without a-Speaker. Ycslcr
dijy hftor the23d ballot had been taken 1 , oil
which Mr. Campbell received’7s' voles, that
gentleman arose In his placrtniidsaid *’ ■
; ask 'the Indulgence of ’Hits
lloascforn fcwmlhulcs.' Thp country is look
ing upon our proceedings with deep anxiety, 1
and.every member, is ready to acknowlcdgoihc
importance pi a sppedy organization. Wo have
now been voting live days. , Twenty-three votes
h »V> been taken- 1 Jllml that, through the
partiality of I have,received-. in six of
these votes a higher number, than any candi
date before tho llousc, and in nil t|ie .votes a
greater number than any !candidate of the odh
portion'to the administration. Yet, sir, it, js
obvioas to mo that It to impossible, for my
friends to succeed unless I toko ono pf two po-,
Billons—hapiely,.either to repudiate my well-
position in reference to , slavery and
Americanism, or }n sump'way, directly op in-,
directly, to intiko pledges,in referenoo to,thb
organization,,of tymunittecs , which wouh\
amount to a'dhcrifice pf Self-respect bh my part,
and make me, 16 my judgment, a fit dbjco.t for
public contempt. Under these circumstances,
and feeling, that tho interpSfs of thepouiUyy ro
qtiiro An Organization; optl regarding tjjcso ini
tercsls aa every .other considera
tion, I withdraw toy niimc as a candidate,and,
in taking my .beat, desire to retnrn to, those
friends'wlm have stood by mowitji so much
fld,blity ,my sincere gratitude, and to my polit
ical opponents wholmvo given mo evidence of
their neraonaV regards, my thanks. My name
is withdrawn.” jt ‘ " ■ • •*■ r^-
' 'Mr. panics then Wmq/tho leading opnosU
Uoncandidate, ami to-day, on the; 83d ballot,
jiogoUip.lolOO. Xvhcnlhu Houbo ndJoUrned.
f,Zh V 0?" oro ? ot f 1™«UI elected: him.—
Biohttrdsqn alanda at 73 and Fuller at 30.
bec " * dpclino |n,tlie price
OPLand Warrants, which now sell at 00 to 05
cents per acre. Cumßiirlakp.
cal|e<\ to.,tho ohafc .
which, thefoltowmgpmcocdingawc^Z’;,
-■Resolved c That the Chairman gr ihS' ,1 * ; l
log appoint itcnpersdus As .delegate* to Ti?2”
tionol convcntioili.iwUich is
Washington city{ on tho-Sth Of J« B S b L e i ,if
’*TO; FflUlk, (jw *'**■
Jhspor , 'BaW6ti l WinV
Win. Alexaniitr.-orPoperlOWrii JnU^'H'ft,
leyvMhj. M-.'Saniid'nifl iSV Ar®'-
oftHsmccling bo addedto the Hst
Resolved; That Ihp Uinnkp of this .S*
bo tendered to tho Hon! HiblittWl BrodhraH ln *'
olher members of Congress, who voted fn;*.? 1
wore in nny of the wars,.ombrabeddn. eeid’iS 0
And further be lt.. ~ ~J
ResotoffaVti# Congress; ;bc;',rcque3i£d' T i.
grant Pensions to nIL who scevcdiihinny ofm i
wars, or . too their. widawa 'Or miitorbhildZ, a
wherever it is needed and merited, in th c
manner ns now BranWd to-lhosc of thbytiit,*
tionnry wnr..;-i ; ' ! ■ ,1 u,u *
Carlisle, Deonß; 1855. ; -'I I'-'
Tlic Book Tjfaaf'6# 1 kfr;OnUfcJ .glolia, l '
The AmcricQh -, -P(ibl!Bbferjs' i
course of an article bri'tlio lwoK ,l trailc,'
tins statement ■
■I v.m..' <t
Whatever in the Shapd of 'd : bobk ,
here, will find a martyWmdit ’nll ; ro« P ES
memonous. -When wo remember that iTv.l
10,000 copies of. ‘Mioini
Great Britain;, ripd. ia 'among'‘ the
precedcntcd event's in- tt»elife author
publisher; and that behind 1 this public lies »[ *
least, four centuples grp,tying civiliaiiiril
may startle the uninitiated to be informcduhaf
with buta, little more thanso ycars behind ud
since Matthew Carey, gave the:first
the sale pf. .books, to dispose of 60,000 tonfo
of any moderately go6d book. 'is omung tfiorl
dinury events which every
deems himself entitled to anticipaterarid fij..
such a sale (if the work is meritorious,lain™,*
surprise any-intelligent inan. ..
So rapid, and so gVcnf has bteh' the demand •
for books in the'UnitedSlafes, that.soiucclflho
lending publishing houses in*this city, possess
ed of princely •
exampled amount,of business. andred
sand stone palaces, commenced buriiifw.-crV.
lamly not -rruiJi more tlmn iliirly year,logo
with E’Teclde begiiiriingYprobably, small cant:
lal! And the saiuppsacrt(on wfil.' w e the dink. *
hold true, in subfdaritfc’‘in’rclatiori to the first
houses in Boston and Philadelphia, When w*
look back at the.condition of thppublisher it
that period, bed him with" a cbpy of his net
book in sheets, trot around to the booksclln*,
inquiring how inany coplcs they would-rcquirt'
and compare with that the present opulcnctfc
the extent of thCcslablishtiitnis,
variety and number of publfchiioriji, oirntd'
and issued by the Harpers ancj ihe'Applriffni.'
for instance, 'we 'almost ccakC' to believe thif
the stories in the Arabian Nights are fabulotu!
Hdwever this may 'sound-,it ,18 lafact, do exig
ger-alibii."” 1 •' ' ■ ' ; - *•, '
, Tn.B, Know-Nothings DBNAttbNitizm*—
The Detroit Free Press WcUremjfrkBJ r ; ;! 1 J
“All- possibility of 1 the 1
cdnimga nhtidmd parly ti.RS'dcalroycd-ty
n'clipri of the late cmiVentionof'dtlegatcsWlha
ordtTi'froiri’mtoat- Md
a^, , 1 } c ' nnat '' net fan .qa lo aTnrcrr. WMy .
*fim( the repeal of thc'’MiwK)nri Compromise ’
Jtrilbuhr bq MnX'itr.)
that end rfjOOfd fiul, Eopgrenakauitt ‘
Union, any SltotteW
crating sWery which Bh.lll to f„nnfd out of
any'portmn of ifitf (C'rritoryTiWvth(cli tlj»tiii.
slituUbn; rrcliiilctl by thnt bompTOnil»It. 1 t .
This'is t faking a position tlrtt the‘rcpiihUranl
rmrly-lTfas'abandoned.' Ttjurc«idroti(m of.ti),
Missonri'’ Coruproinisc ik ’fio longer, fa plapfc it,
the ‘rcpublicfan’ plulforni. .Of course,aoutL
ern kilow-nothihgs ’ will ihot corao • up. id ; tin,
mnt&tof the 'Cincinnati oonrcplibnisis.;'. jU,
than-oVer it appears tlrat'tlic prtsidnitlal conr
tes#' ttill Iw fought upon tho single, distinct is.
sub of tinioh or disunioh.' 1 .' ,V,
i , IKTERBSTINCS MuitDElt TbiAL AT, tiw BIS !~
■An exchange furnishes’the following partial*
brnoi aense which bascxcilcd mdch ; inlcrttt
at Memphis: • • •- i ;
“ A verdict has just been rendered in IhV
court at Mtmphiswhich wilfbvricwaliwright
r *fnrt wrong • bypiTicrs, Recording,
thb’prccohctiVed opinions they are cinhujcdr
ln,which .they dvretl.rn
Several months ngo'd tragedy—-a wild and fear*
ful Acdnc—bcciinxd n> t 'Ajar# StoH
aHy,' ah' Irish’, servant |'girl, £Uackf(L>.wUli a
dagger', And slew op the sppt, John, fihtchtiu
her; seducer. Sheen an. had 7 insidiously apd
bdscly insinuated hiinscJfjnto the confidence of
bis,victim, destroytd.ihcr’ virtue, And,.blwM
her hopes under proioipo of in»rringc, and thru
brutally fonwkeii her. •Shu' and;
reminded him 6f his. solemn promise; fdic be*.
Sailgllt him,by every consideration of honor to
himself and justice to, hen to repair lhc_wro,n|}
dphc.hcT 1 as for os lay iridic-power by,piakb}&
her his tvjfe, 'as lie had promised.;. ( ?£q 4fcd‘l<*R
srernfully rejected the jiroposal.and added to*
suit to injory by taunting hWwiMi hcr.sWft
Sbccoaltf'nok endure tipa, ([ She’, jrept.homo*
armedjhcrsclf with a dagger, pough^!h’crid«h'
trover again, sheathed the glittering weapon Jo
h(s bosom, ahd then drawing. kforth,.rwkioß
w 'th brandishta, |t jlbft ipfietofl
dxdltnlion over the bloody dcceb .jfiho,np»a9P&
concealment of the act; qid : ppi, T to p*Uh
ate In ty- l^c dcipa] pf deadly intent, hoi
Justined, It ; on tbc.gr6und 1 pf r 4h.U!tepribtoP iro *'
vocation'incited, hpr to, tbp dceftrton tto
ground that t|to slain mon imd injured her fan
more by desttoying. her virluo Lhonaha.Ml
him by destroying lils life. The jury took fh*
same ylovy of the,case, and* wlthout coMn\hP&
loilger thttn five minutes, rendered a verdict o£
♦notgufity.*;» . , .. K
ANOTiIHR lUiuoad OAfa*'
E. 0. Hudson vs. Iho'
Company; "This salt vrw brodght : by Mrt. »•.
o. Hudson, fn'Uho Cotarttif COrnitibn WcMy*
Lancaster coUnty, igtilnat
Railroad Company, for infurirt fi'btr husbapn
resulting'ln lils-do&th, inFcbrMrtV'l® 54 * I A.
. ? ®ho fhold of the case ofb these
nWim, during 1 'a 1 severfe' show Bipnh»
*h*n the*’ railroads > wero heavily Wpckcd Oft
with anew, f a train of cart ItdVLancasicr il#J
O.o’olook ini the everting for iPhh«aclpMft®«
whch "they; luid goni} about four. mllrt
stuck fasti in the subsequently oo*
cln )o dis(fl)gagcd'and'domt nc Ope<l' l
irards town;-u’hcn thoyonmbiif'collision 1
another train, "which had sybseqdcntly
Lancaster, injuring ljie huQhihd hrnWi n
consequence of Which he died/' V ■ -.r
_ Tho case Was referred 1; to ildn. :; Townsend
HdincSrfOfi.Wcst tyJJ
son of Harrisburg^ l and 1 John -E vails, 'Esq-*,
York,.4licir dcoifilon to bo fipal’. ■ l ‘ l
' ll Itiwaa argued’nt l Lancaster and tho awofj
WosilUd tins ■ inoniingj flnding 'for plaipvf
$1500;. 'JudgePearson‘dissenting
'ii;') i; <• 1 - '■ ~ 11 " r ‘ ( , ’ j,’ ,|
■ lE?*’ A borreappriden't of thb St. Eouip
Oernt stdtps' iimt ho, believes/ tlio, population, OJ
Kansas to, bp; from thirty.two to thirty*®
thousand. -largo of ctnigrftnW
now pouring into tlib 'iVdm j
terk, 1 Midjlgpfps 'wilUoppiijoVfW^ 01 *
the mark.