American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, December 06, 1855, Image 4

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    SlwaMMiMii'; '!'!=
'■li\ '..\yixrnii\3‘to . Every Sensible .IVman. ■ ,
i tViiy Females Suffert*?* Health. >
T\tO woman of delicacy is willing to disclose
iV the peculiar fiH'mflrits WeMent to her sex,
even to if moW intimate family physician.-: < P
•rTHii moUeatv arid delicacy is implanted by
nature, and-neither should nor. necdibo.subjec
ted to the rude shocks inevitable in making
kndivQlo the oilier sex those ailments belonging
exclusively to the female.
. Except in extreme cases, bor sensitiveness
will sacrifice her health rather than her delicacy.
The consequences aro serious, lamentable,
and litcrlong.
Tims wlmt «t first could have been easily rem
edied, or'perhaps better still, not incurred, be
comes a complication of discuses, not only ruin
ing tbe health of the mother, and embittering
her days by sickness ami suffering, hut entailing
broken constitutions upon her children, «n
embarrassing, if not distressing, the husinep
dud pecuniary prospects of the husband. V L&
6 l +crY‘senslbVCMvomaii take warning i» lime, (ns
thousand’s have done) by the bitter experience
and sufferings of others, of the dreadful cause
queiicea she entails upon herself and those en
deared to her, by her ignorance of the simplest
aHd plainest rules of health as connected with
the marriage state, the violation of which entails
dßoiisc, suffering and misery.
How many are suffering from obstructions or
irregularities peculi.u to the female .\,
which undermine the health, the etlects Of which
they are ignorant, and lor which their delicacy
lorbiils suuklng m.-ilicul mUlco! How miuij
antler from prolapum n/cri (falling «»f the womb,)
or from Jluor albu » (weakness, debility, &c.)
How many arc in constant agony for nniny months
preceding confinement! llow many liave dilh
cult, if not dangerous deliveries, and slow and
uncertain recoveries!
To the question, how are these to he proven*
ted? what shall be done I the answer U simple.
. Let every woman asceriuin for heisoll, with
out violence to hei delicacy, the nature ami
character of the ailment ((<> which she as a le
maJO ia-Subject) (he causes from which it may
arise, and the proper remedies lor its cure ami
filUirt-- [jiovuiiliou. inter. Wo might ofli-i hundreds of cyrtiti
, This aim cm Jo hv possessing u hit c' altllll |„ oor roboniMon of thcao facts, but tho
(alrcola ~ns«,l l.y thi’.isamlH) »l»■ - Its rollowillg , vi „ suflloo .
to Cta Durand -eh a. [ Certificate, from Clay, Webster and others
she can un.lerat.iml. This little volume is cntl- j WASHiaorofi, April 6th.
t\c«l the Marnrd Wuimm's IMUV ATK MICDI- i (J knti.bmrn—AVo witnessed tho Utility of your
T-AT. COM!’AN lON, by Dr. A. M. Mai iuckal, ! ornamental "Mutnllic Patent Burial Case,’’used
Professor el' Diseases ut Women. One p, convey the remains yf Ulu late Hon. John C.
drctlUi edition iVhmkiil) IKiiiu.. pp. WO. [On ; {'.illmun to (ho Congressional, Cemetry, which
Uuc iiu>i-r extra binding, sl.uo.] 1 impeded us with tho belief that il is the host
Y A standard work <-l 'eat il.ln.lioU reputation, , , u(1( -te known to U 3 for transporting Ul9 dead to
?yima classed in the catalogues of the great ' t)K . ir resting placu. With respect we sub-
Tr.ulo Sales in New Yoik, Philadelphia, aud ' sC nbe ourselves. Yours. &c.
other cities, an>l >*til.l b\ the pnncip.d liooksed. j IT. Clay, Hv.wts Cass,
lcr«% in the I’nite-l •si it -h. 11 was 111 si published ! J) \ siku Webster, D. S. Dickinson,
in 15 4.7, since w bieh lime /n >• A*l u»/rrf/ than mini ‘ .] v rr. PH via, W. H . Kiso,
co/uV, have 1 Yi ."Id. o) whudi there wore up-j J. M.Beiijukn, 11. Dol.nE,
wariN < 1 1" nue bundled ilion-and -.-nt h> mail,! TV, P. MxNOrir, D. U. Ateiitvson.
attesting tlmdugh estimation iti-wludi it i- held I iu u p ovo described Burul Cases ran, lit all
as a reliable popular metlical hook for n cry Jr- (; nics. he obtained of the subscriber, at his
mnl.. the author having devoted his exclusive w.ire-rnmm non lv oy.osite the Bank, North
attention to the treatment of complaint* peculiar ( [{AUOV ,. r street, Carlisle
to feiii lies, in respect to which he is yearly con
nulled by both in person and by lot-
Hj W every "'-man can discover, by compar
iag her mvu mptum■> with thusc <1 escribed, the
liitturc, character, cause* ■>!, and Llie propel re
medies fur, lier i''iiui>l.mils.
The Wife about becoming a mother has nli '•]i
need of instruction and .nhic,-ot the utmost
importance to hot future liealtii, "'ill liud such
instruction and advice, and also explain many
symptoms winch otherwise would occasion anx
iety ~i alarm, as all the peculiarities incident to
her situation ai e desci ihed.
It Is of course impracticable (<> convey fulh
the various subjects treated of. ns they are of n
nature strictly intended Cor the mat fled or those
contemplating marriage. The revelations eon
lamed m its pages hive proved a blessing to
thousands, as the innumerable letters icc.eived
by (he author (which he is permitted by the
writers to publish) will attest.
Ectract 11/ a Letter from a gentleman in Dayton,
Dayton, May I, 1847
Dr. J. M. Mmu menu .
“My wile bus been perceptibly sinking for
soidc three years or more, in consequence of her
great anguish uml suffering smiic months bclore
uml dll ring confinement; every successive one _ _ __
more ami more debilitated .uni prusliat.-d her. i IJU. C. E. BEEJI EIVTU AE,
pulling hei hi.' m imminent d .oger, and which | tfOMOCPJTIiIC PiIVSWMN, ,
7,. ~,, tlio At tbp. U,l ,-a»t„f ll,Mi. ;™c.lCl.nrcl..
£“* ■; „ jm,r1... 0 1< Dr. Ill,Il»l rMper.,fully■ollbrj.lns profe.<uu..-
lunUl) KUok-m ..I, .1- ri.iil.uiim* iiuUoi.s at sr.ivlcrs It. tlm cltlKcmi of Carlls o nnd vtcliil-
OBclmm 1,.. r.i.r it,,,.. ,nr,,,1.m,l ~r,,.8.i1, w. l*uraotiß from a dl<tanci> labor,ng umlrr
I cum,,. r\ j., 1..,,.,, 1,1,1 il.iiro„lr,U.» , rl.n.oir .lis,,a«Oß may ooubuli by Irtlor Olbco
d,Bl, 8.r,l 1. I'M JO) «« 1"‘K U » '‘"l'ar.i'l .I" 1,4 P ' M '
to my ,1 >lo. Iran,mg Holt 11.0 ,ll»r .i rl) , i. urll.h- Aug. 21. !»■.»—lt
of ,M. jl Itraomu.ior i.r.u uloil a rumoili U| 'BV:«S. CoUVO, &.C.
oueiieJ .1 prospect Id me wmch i litllc coio-civ- 5 * , . _
?S»« |H.«uUO. No uuiary rum,.l. , .1,0,, II • fHC »„l.ranh.-r lm„ Ju« oiia.-rt to ~»: form.-
iau 01 or ru,, ly 1,10 oliligolioim I am i.mlr, to ) Blorll, a gcrninu ...ilßCtlim ol UIOIU. <.R<I
“ fo, 1u11,,:* bur,, U„ to CHIirKS. ...ivoll .mail .ho o.hor variety of ~r-11,0
ll,0 matters cunt u ll<-> lin I'm' Mauu-d Wo- *sryjj tides ntmally kept in a Grocery Sion ,
miri'a Private Medical C i-.i.mi.'’ But for 1 ** HioCofTee- roasted uml green
this, ere .moth, i vai wmld Imve p i-vm-.I ov ,■-v I’ r ' l{ tl n ,i nets pot lh., Orleans, Clarified,
my head. m«ill 1 1 1111 I: III••• I' ■ 1 n > nil "He would ‘ r , ; »nd Tnlv.-I \y .1 Sugars, <’f line qmih
li ive t* •-nlbliioi .* ■' .mi my cluldr n let I njo- , H-H (-i,, K ..,l p,.*. Spires, Dail y Sail, and a \ arie
th.oh" i (v p.mej articles. ail of which are olh fd liltin'
liiO'iascjn i i if i "I ili m j tv. i -sil pe ] uiliirit \“I ))W ~s ( cash prices. We are t Itaiikl ill for the
the ««rk. as e\idem «• I hy itse\ir.»ord.nfln Kale. , given us, mul invite u further
various imp- •-< j11•> r» - have I men attempted, as w ell 1 t><l jj j, 0 j (l U ur Ino rids and customers.
«n hooksclicts as on the public, by mutations ol J W. EBV
title page, '•pinions editions, ami surreptitious Marion Hall, Carlisle, Aaig. b, I H.>4.
lulringenieiiis "t fipv right, atnl "lUer devices
and docepl unis, it Ins been lunnd necessary L.OOU Ollt In TllllC I
lUcreloi <• lu Ca’iliun llu- I’nl'hr lohiiv rm hook >--jjjiyLEKA MOlf B US, Dysentery , Uiarrliacu,
unless the word, •• Di A M \l uineean. 1-b makingthclr appearance; you know
Libertv •" ls ' •‘ , " l ,l "' ‘■ |,lr ' ,u ; the icm-'dy. If yon haveanv regatd lor the
the tJh'ik's 1 Mlif oil tin- hack ol 1 the lit le |i.igc: >v ,,( x ..nrs'-lf, \ otir wife or ) our cliildn n.
and Imy only ..I 1 esp 'ci.thl,' and honomhle deni- t>| \ ourselves Itislanllv will) “Ketller’s
*jr«, or send hj mvil, .uni nldrcas l>r. A..M. m p], Cordial*otbnrwiim I‘hiilr the come
jlalirlcr «u. ..uences n-Htillliig from a bigoted adherence to
- r.*c -ijil o( on.- doll 11 •• I’ln 1 Married ..pj The Matchless rcxm dv can
Won.. r> I* 1 ivate Medical Compmu...- is sent l)nlg fl |oro c f 1). J. KIEFEEH.
((T».it/«/ Jrvn lu ..II) pm ol llu- L uvlef Mates, N<m/A u anoPer atT'tt, <t /tu- doom *Outh tf
flu- C.m.ulas and BuU.vh I aiun.-.;.. AH Idle ' CijXirl ( Onrllslc, May 1», ’60.)
must be posl-ptid, and addwssed to Ur AM \
Mauneoau, box I 221. New V-wU Cny . I'uMi .h TUST received 0 very large lot of Scythes ol
IngOlllce, No. I ‘2' l I.tbei ly *st 1 . New V-ols 'tJ superior Brands, to which ! Invite the nlten-
Jieent* i« l , (nmjlriiru<i. —'l B Peterson, .1 M ii„ n of Cradle makers, and all others lu Want of
Moss Bro., and Tims Cow perlli.ut, Plilladcl- 1 this article, the attention of Fanners Is also In
pfaiut Spangler ik Bro.. I. umastei ; S I,nailer, j vited to the great variety of Farming utensil? ol I
llufTdvcrt Samuol B l.intlor, t Heeiishmg; .1 S the very bust makera. of all kinds
Nickson and \ K Me-('lure. Ch unbershnrg: Jos ’! furnished at a small advance on City prices.— 1
SwarU Bloomshurg; (1 W Eailo. Wayneshor... 1 Koine makes at Urn manufacturers prices, also a|
J ii Cornollus, \. liarlitii H A I-ancu, Ucuding. superior article of ChtiniH, whlcb-wc warrant to
Julv 1» ihVis 'dm : make more tumor out ol the sumo quantity $f
3 ’ Oroam than any oilier Clhuni in use, try it.
' JOltN P. I,YNE,
Wat uife Worth ZTcnibrrr Strict.
('nrlislc, May 11
, r nillS Institution, so pleas mlly located in the
1 iMjrdugb ..)• York. K.. «*w fHt.iblishe.l by
flic nrcHCut proprietor Tor tlic purpose of allord
young lyon all the advantages of a thorough
iu)(I practical Mercintilo education.
.‘Thu.comaeof study embraces Double-Entry
Mercantile calculations,Business
Penmanship, Lecture* on Commercial Law, mid
Milled Economy. Tims giving the studm.t
fciwflr ledge which will amply quality him to
tnU6 charge of any sol o! books.
.The complete course requires from right to
lon*weok»; varying witli the nbllihus oi tipi stu
dent and the number of bourn devoted each day
to study. Diploma* are awarded to such, and
such oe coipplotc llio entire course. Stu
dents c\n enter the fnstUutlon ut any time, there
being po vacations. t
Fofr further Information write and receive a
August lb, Sim
While Hall Academy.
Three Mtlca IVnl <>f f/iu ndmag.
/Tplllj tenth session of thi* Institution will
JLi'Cdmmuneo on Monday, the tmh ol Movmn.
bor next. .-Parentsdnd Gnuidians are retpiuKtfd
to Inquire Into its merits. Instruction is give;
in the ordinary and higher branches ol ani Lug
nml nine Hi Hie Ln ln, of(.pk
flronph «nd Gorwno languages, and Vocal am
fpatfupiental Music.
Boarding, Washing nml Tuition In tho
English hranchos, anil Vooul music
nor HOHshm ,of 0 mpuths,
each of (ho Lances, 6 W
Inatmfctldn In Instrumental Mttslc, ?/'•
For Clrouliirn and furtlior information address
J),..DENLINGEH; Harrisburg, Pa.
September 20,1866.
; ' "‘'patint‘Coltf.LaVd'^Kiii^p'!!/''
rpHB subscriber having mirchasfcd tbo‘patent
I' rigid ! ot Stondsifor ’Patent-Gdld
Lard Lamp for the State ‘of’TonnsylVffnldi-aro:
manufacturing in largo and-nroUblO
to-supply merchants at‘wholesale or; retail; at
his establishment oppoaUo thb Gerhian Reform
ed Church, in Louther street:' All- orders' ad.
dressed to him will be promptly-attended to.
Carlisle, April s,lBss^—Cm’ ; ‘ 1 •
N. B.—The subscriber having closed out his
stock ol Hardware, and having entered into the
Lamp manufacturing business, call upon those
indebted to him by note or book account to
settle their accounts without delay, ns no further
indulgence will bo given. OifiCD opposite’the
Gorman Reformed Chbrch.
C. N. lloblutioki & Sou.
No. 218 Chcsnul Si., above Ninth St.
OFFERS -for sale an extensive Assortment of
FRENCH MIRRORS, framed in thoplaln
est arid most elugahtbrmUAontal styles, suitable
for Mantels and Piers. Richly Curved Oval
Girandoles,Ornamental Gilt Tables.
of recent importations, by tile most celebrated
living Aftistsut the Idwjist qasli jiricos. i
February 15,160o —ly
IScnd! Head!
MR. DAVID SIPE, of Carlisle;,has been ap
pointed Agent for.the-caumy of Cumber
land. tor Lite sale of FISK’S PATENT-METAL
LIC BURIAL CASE, which is tmporjor to any
of the kind now In use, for ordinary interments
and transporting.the dead; .It prevents innne*
diato decomposition and obviates the necessity
of hasty.burials} for, being perfectly ftir-tig)it,
it prevents any unpleasant odor from escaping
ami cun be kept from day to day, until it suits
die convenience of the friends of tho deceased
May 17
Port Mormaie, Pocket Book,
N. IF. Cor. Fourth <s• Chesual Sts.
I’m t.A nCLI’UIA,
Always on hand a large fk varied assortment of ;
Port Mommies, Work Boxes,
Pocket Books, Cabas,
Bankers Canes, Traveling Bags,
Note Holders, Backgammon Boards,
Foil Folios, Chess Men,
poitable Desks, Memorandum Books,
Dressing Cases, Cigar Cases. &e.
Alsu, a general assortment of English, French
and German Fancy Goods. 1
I Finn Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Razor Strops
1 and Gold Pens, wholesale, Second and Third
1 Floors. F. H. SMITH,
I N. W. cor. Fourth $ Chestnut Sts. Phlla.
H. B.—On the receipt of sl* a superior Gold
Pen will ho sent to any purl of the United States
I by null;— describing pen, thus, medium, hard,
I or soft.
I April 5, ]H/*s ly
superior Cement, manufactured hyJ.
| (Jiirvur A Co., of Scotland, Franklin county,
eltn bu );ad In largo or small «juan(Hiow at 11.
S \ xton’h Hardware store, Main Street, Carlisle.
All Who have tried tlija Cement pronounce it
the neat article they ever used. From n gront
number of nertillcatos given to the manufactur
ers, we select the followings
OiiAuntdrfuDao, Fob. 20, 1805.
To Jaco» Oaiivur i— Sir—There has been
used during the past year, under tuv direction,
in the construction of "The Carlisle Water
Works,” and work of this Company, about 80
barrels of your Hydraullc’Ceinoiit, wldoll has
proved to bo a good.nnd Tollable article; and I
lake pleasure In rocqtnmondtng it to others us
such A. F. SMITH.
April 11), ’55. Supl. C. V. Railroad.
TIIIC largest and most Marled slodk of Hard
ware in the county, and soiling at tho low
est prices, is at J. P. Lyno’s. •
, Also. Bun and Rolled iron and Stool, of nil
[sizes and kinds, at the lowest prices.
Also, Patent Wheel Grease, for sale at
j. p. DYNE’S.
Carlisle, Supl. 27, 1855.
wm. c. 1111121291,
ATTOIINKY AT I.Aty'. lnfltainnfltain al
opposUu Marion Hull. BuHlnos's entrust
to him will ho promptly intended to.
Carlisle, April 12,1908,* ‘
» / JiMt Becclvcd 7
A LOT of Patent Meat Grinders, a nice firtl
do /or Farmers or family use. For sale «4
Jolltrl*. Land’s Worth Hanover nt. ;
Also, a wnminotji Mdortmonfc of Toots, ?/■, Ml
tlio saiii6']iiftfeo. ,
Carlisle, Sept. 27, 1866.
.Um dii bail'd at Id k bstawishmont,
dOdrio'Mariohirdll, d lufgcst
and most comply to.-assortment, of COOKi OF
FICE «e I^ArLQR‘ STOVES'to bo .founds in
this county, which will bosbld Ut'tlie lowest pri
ces for'eash. or approyod. crccUt. .Jflis stock
Consists of. a largo assoftiridnt’of ilcw arid high
ly itppvbvod PATENT COOKt^G;STOVES’,
finished iu.tho.most complete immner r and cal
culated' fbi* either wood or coni, or both. .All
the old standard patterns which htive'stood the;
test of experience, may be found at. Ms estab-
Also,? a; groat (Variety oil the most,
approved And beautiful PARLOR, OFFICE
STOVES, including a' number of new styles,
possessing’very sufioTior advantages over thofco
heretofore in use. Families and housekeepers
arc respectfully invited to giye him a callbclbry
purchasing plsewhcry., Stoves ‘delivered ioariy
part of the qountry and put hp at tjio shortest'
notice; ' Ho continues to do all kinds of TIN
ANDSH.EET.IRON VTAUE,orid Copper Work,
and has constantly oy,hand or will jnako ,jto or r
der every article required by. housekeepers or.
others in this line. Ilia stock of Tin and Cop
per Ware. embraces, kind of, household
ami kitchen utensil, warranted equal to tfiobest
manufactured. Persons in want'of'articles in
his line may always be sure of being-accommo
dated to their satisfaction by giving him a call.’
Nov. 0,1864. .
' “ wfsirlvc lo Vlcsiso.”
T IXFJ Subscriberwpuld’rcspoctfuliy announce
• tO'tho citi^onft;of; Carlisle, afl punjpns
visiting thO'BU|nc, that ho has-notion hand and
will continue to bo supplied with tho latest noy
cach successive season, comprising, in
of tho chiicbst'varieties; Fine; Cartd)’
Toys,'Jelly Cakes, Bon Bong, Gum, CtjTtlhil, Le
mon, Chocolate, and Fruit-Drops, Rose,; 'Vanilla
and burnt Ahhonda; French and exploding Sec
rets, also all the common varieties, x\U of
wHI tie.sold wholesale or at,hjw. rates, if
a fow doors North of.thc Biink, where ho has just
received Fruits and Nuts of the latest Import
tions, such as Oranges, LotnOns, Raisins, Figs,
Pnlins, Citrons; Currants, soft and paper shelled
Almonds, Filberts, Cocoa,■ Orcaih mid Ground
Nuts. Also,
of every kind and from nil parts ofEuropo, man
ufactured of wood, glass, chiim,'pnpler-macliie,
tin, India rubber, zinc, fkc., such as fluo wax, kid
and jointed dolls, sewing and card baskets, work
and fancy boxes, flower, vases, motto caps, tea
setts, music boxes, port monies, battle-dbors,
grace hoops, mask's, drums, gnus, trumpets, do
minose, lotto abd'Otluff games, Ike., fancy soaps
and hair oils of every variety. In connection
with the above, a largo stock of
such as Lovering's crushed, pulvcrazeddnU brown
Sugars, Coffee, Molasses, Starch, Indigo, Sulc
ratus, Green and* Black Tens, Spices, Butter,
Water uud Soda Crackers, Mutches, &c., and as
no •* Strive to Please,” allure iuvitedto call and
examine our stock. . ,
Ulib subscriber returns hifl thanks loithc-pubhc
for the patronage heretofore bestowed on him,
and hopes by a desire to please to merit a Con
tinuance of lift same. !*• MONGER.
Carlisle, March 28, 1854.
Ireful, Fragrant, a»nd Good
BJ. KIEFFER has Just returned from Phll
• iiili'lphia, with an additional supply ofFrtsh
DRUGS, which, in connection with his former
stock, will mako his establishment complete In
Hus department, in addition to'tbo' above, he
has also just opened a fresh supply of
Confectionaries, Traits, Kuts,
Pastes, and Fancy Articles of every description.
The attention of ladies is especially,invited to
hia extensive assortment ol fancy articles. La
dies’ Toilet Fancy. Soaps uud Perfumes every
variety. Gentlemen arc Invited to examine his
fine assortment of,Fancy Articles. Sugars, Chi
i na and Porculean Pipes, Tobaccoes ol every va
riety, Shaving and Toilet, Soaps, which wjll be
found to be very superior * Riding and
Carriage'Whips, and many, other .articles which
mom especially interest gentlemen*
A number of very superior-Woolen Matts on
hand. . , ~
The Proprietor will bo very happy to have his
friends generally call ami examine his goods,
whether they may wish to purchase or not.
Carlisle, March 23, 1854.
{Successor to Hartley 4" bright.')
Deriding & Carpel Wan housc,
NO, MB South Sucoml Street, 6 (loojs above
Spruce struct Philadelphia, where he keeps
constantly on haml a full assortment of every
.irtiele m his lino of business.
Spring Mattresses. Curled Hair, Moss, Corn
Husk and Straw Mattresses, Velvet Tapestry,
Tapestry, Brussels, Tlireu-Ply, Ingrain, Vene
tian. List, Hag & Hemp Carpetings, Oil Cloths,
C iiii ( ,n Mattings. Cocoa and Spanish Mattings.
Fluor and Stair Druggei.s, Hearth Hugs, Door
Mats. Taldo sud Piano Covers, to wbpdi hero
speet fullv invites the attention pf purchasers. e
October !'•, 1854 ly ,•
itoiiuiy Land Agency*
ritUE undersigned "ill attend promptly to the
I procuring of Bounty Lands for those cntl
llvil (O (hem under the* late act ut Congress, ap
pro' »*d March lid, 1855. Many years
in (he prosecution of claims for service In the
revolutionary war, has inuile me familiar with
the regulations uu»l forms requisite to he obser
ved, and having the assistance of on efficient
attorney residing In Washington, shall bo able
lu render satisfaction to those who may apply
to me. Proper forms and Instructions will he
sent on application, by mall free of cost. No,
charge unless a warrant is obtained, and when
obtained the feu "ill be $5. ,
The highest market price will ho paid for
Laud Warrants. . .
A. P. NOUTON, Postmaster,
Carlisle Springs. Cumberland co., Pa,
April 5, 1H55- ly
TUB subscriber respcctiully infonns his
friends anil ijio public generally, that he has
removed Ids Hat and Cap Store to bis new build
ing in Main street, where he will bu glad to see |
his old customers and friends., Hu, on I
Imnd u splendid assortment of Hat* all
all descriptions, fd«m the common Wool 1
>n ilie finest Fur and Silk Huts, ami at j
pylpyiTthyt, autift “At 1 W«ry °h° - "ho Ml Mi.-oyo
to genin'? the worth of his money. Ills Silk,
Moleskin and Heaver Hats, arc unsurpassed for'
lightness, durability ond finish, by those ot'ijiy
other lestabiialuuont in tho county.
Boys’ Hats of every description constantly on
linnet. dull unit osumlno.
f . WM. 11. THOUT. i
'Carlisle, March 23, 1853,_____ '*'* ~ r “' \
JUST rectdvcd (»large assortment of Pnnips
of ©very variety fh gdoeral use,, embracing
Iron it BrasH Cistern,'and Cistern SldoPuraps.
Also out door Pumps, bo regulated ns hot to bo
subject to freezing,lq winter, a These pumps ftro
gut iij) In the very best stylo in point of quality
and workmanship, the inamifhctnrehHmvJnghad
premiums awarded' for llMr pum'pH at several
Statu fairs, where they havobeen on cxhlbltlonl
Also constantly On handl'd lull supply of iron
Well Curbs and Chain Pumps; Foi sale low by
Carlisle, Nov. 2; IBGliv •; ■" ' '
i~IUAtfISUIUKS»— A lot of fresh Cranbor-
lust received, as ,ahu> an assortment pf
new picUlys, Poncho* amlToipatoos, in Jew &
Cans, fresh' Sardines,/Ino Olivo ■&> Xahlo.Qjl,
Erpncji 5 «fR.. £or sqlo. ot ‘ainriqn
Hidl’’.Grocery. J. EJJYu
‘October, 20,1 , ~■ . ■; • ■ • ■ ■■• ‘
EilglO piOWS»
A PRIME IqtfOf-Savory *t.Go’s, celebrated,
A. liaglo Plows, whlqh,have tpkou.promiuujs
fctall'lhfl dlfloronjt (WrS n.t Which they bijou
exhibited. Also, ii forgo' htobrtmont.of the fan>.
ohs TotU Plnws-Uogothor With othdr Pldwa
frotri different ‘mahmiteturcra
I and for sale at : ’ 1 ■!*“,. 1j
• ; ' * tt. SAXTO&'sI
| OuUito, forth *42,18M. ' r,: '
n'SE«r<!dWob't&Wtto:piotMnß Stores
■|‘’'6P'os^tslbi , tTisuUet^Ab ! i
of AHKOt-I), SONytil tao ,
Btdrb'rd6nV r laMiy'«QOiipHaib)r'-Wi»o'.4 J Oaini)i
tibll; ttjrner pf'.irofflr.Hanover ana'LbutßcrdW;,
If lB' ; n6^con^o(\cft''liy , >'Uttnd‘otory 'on6 iliftt,;
they 1 stand 'pre-eminent aiilbbgtho blqjhidgaefth
isl,B‘ l irt ; Oftt'Uslo l , { having su^6yc(le(liti ; tionynioinK
thelrfrlends, that they can soil ClotlilrtginUdc
up, according to the datesfatylesyirpm
20 i fO',23 I ttoTt'contV cheaper than any other house
is pcrtslWy ’to 'furnish thorn. They have ,
now'bliliabd.h largo and splendid assortment ot ,
Ready-made Clothing.
Furnishing Good 3, CloUi»;.Oassimercs and Vest
ings.::! Also,Huts ami,Caps, and every tMngw
thoir lino for Men ,nml Boys. Their.'materials
were'selected with the greatcstcqro>.purchased
at the lowest,cashpricosj .ayd-nt.-such hquscs
onlyj Who ncy.eritleal iuqnything'liho auction
traslu Tholeftiouds.mny therefore rosUwmrcd
that articles purchased of thciivwUl ami,must
give satisfaction. Clothing made at-the short
est notlcCiinltha'mosi] fftslilonableistyld,lh'aving
for. that pHrposejsocurcd Uvc eorvicqa of ap;cjcv
periencod Cutter, and laid > u ft splendid assort
meut-of Cloths,' Cassipu/yos, Vestings, 5 c., which
lot beauty nnd durability cannot- bq surpassed,
To .the surrounding opuntry we
us a fair trial. All >V° askisq
fair look at our stock and we will nof,fall tocon
vineb, yon that our Clothing better made, of
better, materials, better (rimmed, cut with more
taste, ami latat though .pot .least, cheaper than
you have ever bought elsewhere.* ; Also, a largo i
lot of Trunks, Carpet Bugs, Umbrellas, 4-c.
All hail qrpqtiop far apd near, $
Of yon shall hcarj
liet pealing druids and cannon’s roar,, f .
Proclaim'th’q news from shore ; to, shore | ,
Great iargqths sure, are on the wing,
.Rare wonders, then' wb now will .sing: , ~ ,
At first wc.’ll spcak of Clothing rare,
Siicli trophies, Sure will you stare,'
Of broad and faarrOW cloth so cheap ,
IVoMUaicb q mbujenrs time-to speak. ~ (
‘Rellglitcd'tbb'ydU can’t hut ,b,o i : ,
l ithl)rlb''^B , and, their quality; .
Dress ahdj Stick' Coats—aye, Testings Ipo,
W|iqt bargains how for nll'of ybul ~ i
The Gents will our compliments receive;
And call they must the wondcYs to bellpvC.
In Pants,We have all,hinds of styles, ,| ,
1 Ohc‘ dollar and upwards, piles on piles. ,
In,Summer Goods-r-for soon ’twill cotnc t
Two’ll giro'you bargains all for'tun. ‘ ,
: Frocks and Over-cohfs so very lino,
Great wonders you shall ace In cvoryjJpOs
Hosieryi'Suspcuders, Under-shirts fhr nllj ,
All klnas bf, Gloves to please pll who call. (
But wo.cnnrtbt stop to enumerate,
bargains both good and great.
'<>W stock tdp In the Furnishing Rno
Is plelitlfbLcheap and fine.
ARNOLD 5- SON’S Clothing flail.
Apr!! 12, .
Druggy C, onJVctionai’ics, Ace.
riSIIK undersigned lias just returned frpTuFhilr
I ndclphin, with a fresh supply ,of .DRUGS,
CONFECTIONARIES. &,c. These, with his
assortment of Drugs, Medicines andT|j
ils Chdinidals complete. His n!ssoVtiudht'&J&
of Oenfectiowiricfi is also unusually liuoj-ftbh.
aißting.of.pdro sugar white and'transparent
dy Toys, common, assorted, and lino candles of
oyi'ry'vnriolytialso, lruitSi nuts, and everything
belonging to that department of trade.?
Ho would'ball special attention 16 his supply
of Y ANCY ARTICLES. for the Holidays, and
for general use. All arc Invited to call, whether
thcy-WUi tdpurchaso or not.
Carlisle, Dec. 21, IPM. ■
iKsti'n-Axcte:;'^;;/'', ■■
I’HE Alien ami Ensl Pennsboro’ jiulnol iW
lusuraUcc, Company ol Culube rlaud,t^oiiu ty>: ‘
lncorp6fft(ed by an uclof Assembly,is now fully,
organized, and in operation undei; IJiu manage-' ;
ment of tliu following Managers, via : ‘
Daniel BalTjy Wm. R. Gorgudt Michael Cock.
Un, Jtulcluiir Brennoman, Christian Stayipan,
John Q. Dm’dap, Jacob 11. Cooyvr, Lewis Hjor,|
Henry Logan, Benj. 11. Mussor.jHCph'MuPunaM
Joa. Wickersham and Alexander Cathcart.'. i|
Thu rates o» insurance «ro as low^mVfavora
ble as any «ihe'Wpd liuth*
Persons wishing to bccomo.uiftmbc.rsiarii •Iren*
'led-to make oj'pUcatipn to tV»« Agents '6l,'the
Company who aru iyilHng,to waitupon at
rn tin ‘°* Jtetfj: a, MUSSER; Pros. ‘, "
Henuy lipOAN, Vice Pies.
Lewis Hteii, Scct’ry ,
Micuakl Coccus, Treasurer.
Aug. U>, ’O6. , • i
Cumberland! Counly.-~~ Budolph Martin, New
Cumberland; CVB.lkrman, Kingstown; Henry
Bearing, Shlremansfown; Charles Beil, Carlisle;
Samuel Graham, 1 Westponnsb’dro’s Jas. M’Dow.
ell, Frankford; Mode Griffith, South Middleton;
Suimiel Woodburn, Dickinson; Samuel Coover,
BeiiJ. Hnvcistlck, •jrechflhifcsbnrg; John Shor
rlck, Lisburn; David Coovcr, ShopherdfatoUlT.
York County. —Jobk.Bowmun, DUUburg;flP.
Wolford. Franklin; John Smith, Esq.. Wash
ington; W. S. Picking, iDoTtrp J. Graft,Pa
radise. .a .i .'
JJai rLburg.—HrmseT & Loclantm.
Members ot the Company havlngpollclcaabout
to expire, can lutvo tllem renewed by making
application to any of tbaAgents.
PpR-V '^Qa'n^il
TUP subscriber has jimf received u very largo
assortment of New Spring Goods, to which
}iu ln\ itca the purchasers, as he Is
prepnied to sell at,such prices,that cannot fall
to please. ... L . tr ,
His stock embraces all fbp d|fTpicnt kinds ol
Goods adapted tp suehaKCLOTHS,
Casslmcres, Vestings, Cotton Pant Studs, Lln-
VUB, Linen Checks, sc. ~, *
Dress Goods,
Such as Black nmV Fancy’Silks, Baraga du
'Lalnea, Lawns t : Ohulllbs; Baragcs, Uombamnen,
Alpacas, India Silks, $O.
Vouiielf and 'Rations
Bonnots of.nll kinds,S«ch ns Satin Straw, Swiss
Straw, English Double and Split Straw, llib
bons af all kinds mid colors very cheap.
Hosier\/ and Gloves.
Men’s and Boys’ width, brown and mixed hall
Hnso, Ladles’ VrliUc, black, brown, state and
| mixed Hobo ; Men’s, Women’s and Children’s
I Gloves and Milts of oil kinds. ;' 1
, . Domestic, Goods.
MUttllhfl, pliccUs,.Tickings, Om)fCbA r £; Bagging,
Calicoes and : . , ~.; s
Boot* ,and Shoes', i'm'". ■;
lien’sand Boya* Bootb nml’ Shoos of. all kluda;
Women’® i CblWren’B shoos at very low prices.
* ■ Groceries- • 1
Slid, 09 OoffiteJ Siignr, : "ft*, Molnssps nn,IS),l
ces[ nil of which Will ho Hold clump, nt tho old
Blumi.lcornor ,ol"Norlh Hanover on,l LmHhcr
slropfc’• ' N. W. WOODS, Jgl. -
’ QatilsWiJuneli.lßGG., _
H, .'i
lAUrnowrooovliig'lroln'Now'yorlt tin,l TMlil
nd (liable, on Iromonro slock ornowmiddoßl
nthlo Oliom, Oooillt.ttWhlCh I’cull ,ih6 Ul^oiAlon
hi : nll iiij'-om trlomla;atld customers, ■ and th*
ptilillc in &oiu*val.' J ,"' ’ ", _ ' .
' -Having I>urelmHed' ino(|t or my Goods lien)
the largest llnporllilg hhhsoS In Now Y prk, I nhl
mllisilod' that 1 c'aWglvp bettor hnrrallm tillin'clln
bo hod at any olllij*, houßo In the io<|iily,; 1 •••
.ipyp.Bß IGS-pots, i it
bur assortment of newotylo dross goods tslargo/
complete and bountiful,' 1 ’’ 1 ' ! ■■■ ■ :
I Another .lotSilMhoßo elegant and clicap hluck
Silks, Eitillroldofod Handkerchiefs, bloovhs,
Oollarsi Uuflles, Edgings andTnNertlngj a slock
for'ostoiil'and prlbo thnt'dellescompelllion, ■ ■■
Muslins/. Glnghidnsi ‘Caltech,' Do lieges, d)o
L,lines, Tickings, Chocks,: doit a UroraundOus
Block ofOlovi? aiid 'HOhlcty ohoaiicr than over.
CW'rilS,''oJ9Sm£lllCS, Cords, Ootton
adoi/.iandVory'Clihapp 1 ''l'l : r ■' ' V
Como pno and oil tilTho, olfl stand,‘Bast Jlttln
stMt 1 ,; itn'd'Joltot
and- clsoilpost itm
Carlisle, Oct 18, ifiOfr,"
.{Scot' oho' of tho most clogahf nsflp tti)),o,tttB of;. ;
mW oßiif etf to' tlltipdoplo-of
tr. 'Tho'iirttes.ol'OWliihg ntthis housd Imvo
bWftaiuso'd'io such a'Veiyldw Btanahrd.'thftt
it is now-Stdthiri : tho 1 powbf of;ull : w 10 yds Ito
\vcaf dobd'olothos to' soolirolhomi 11 niolf sliolt
bonsists of tho’ 'host’ and' irlost desmlhlb Dross
and Frohlf OIWi'SJIKUt Cloth do.', Llnon I?n :
'ling do./ Tweeds.' &cf, Bupetflno-Blhcfc Oassl
mere POINTS and Fancy do.? f Sltkahd Satin
VESTS, amllft'very fine variety of Valencia and
other vests; with ft great variety pi Boys Cloth.
M6nkcy r .taeirels' Vesta and . Round-Jackets,
rotate of Tweed, LtnnertDrllUtig, Olothj Alpaca,
Keraeypicro, Doeskin, &c., &o.- 'Also, Shirts,
StocrtVnKmlkercliiefB,-&c;,-all ol which arc of
fered ftt tlio loWcst possible, cash .price, and as
cheap as any other Clothlng'Storo inthoUnion.
Alsh. a splendid assortment of Goods in the
piacp.l'Huucrnnf .Frtnfcll and f l) o K'.'fb
tmd'ekssmicTtiß of evlefy'-hnoVind aluide,*9atih,
Silk, and Valencia Vestings, Sattinetta* &c.,a1l
of which will be mado’to order at the shortest
notice and in the neatest and best manner. All
gntihoiits are Warranted to til. Tho public ate
respectfully Invited to-call and examine the su
‘ ndrlor assortment of Clothing at this oatabllsh-
Inoht. .*« •. ARNOLU &'LIVINGSTON.
■ ■ Carlisle; March'2o,lBCs>~
rirst-iaio idmpHtQuc
I' OFFER for sale a tract of Land lyinginJof
fersoh; county, Vft., containing 20G Acres,
•Ififi.cldared And under good fencing, and tlio
balance in Timber. Tills land iaaspro-
as anyin theicounty of Jefferson,
r jjßjaridiwdl watered- It is within two.nnlca
ol‘"thu Shenandoah river, and tUo A..L;-H< Bail
rood will run within ono mile of it. A more
portifcttlar description iKdecintU,unnecessary ns
persons wishing to purchase will view the prom.
iscS before purchasing.. The tarmAvlll be shoWh
and terms made -known by F. Ai-Lewis, Jiving
jiear'Kabietown, in' Jefferson co., or.on appli
cation, "postage paid, to llib undersigned at Mo*
bilo* Alabama. ; If. the above; property is not
sold privately before the ICth-of July, 1800, It
will .then bo. offered at pnhliCisalq.on that day,
Uuioro-tho Court,House, in bharlostowji,
t February 10» 1850. -
, >. Altcutlon Dyspeptics !
rrillOSlJol you Who have' been -afilictcrt for
• A: : yoars, with this loathsomedisease, and who
have boon using almost evetty nostrum before
tho publia without relief.' We say to you try
Kohler's 1 * Anti-dyspeptic;” and you will soon
bo convludediof its groat superiority over every
other preparation. 1 We Could give you many
certificates corroborating our assertion, but u
single trial is worth fnore than all. This remedy
is nropared ahd’sold at the Drug store of
.i.f 1 ' B. J.KKIFFER,
South HanoVer street, a low doors south of
the Court-house; • 1
- ‘Carlisle, June lSj 1851.
WHOLESALE and, retail dealer in Ameri
can, English German Hardware, Oils,
PalntsV Varnish,* &cl Mechanics, builders and
the publicgbrieraliy, who al-o in want of Hard
ware ofany kiiul, ate Invited to call m and ox
un’iino my unusually largc'stock of goods, which
rtihi 1 selling tit very low prices—just step in, it
'wlH'oniy Uotnln'you a few minutes to bo con.
vinced thafwliat every body says must ho true,
tliaf Lyne’a is decidedly the place to got goo p
gdbds allow I 'prices!' J. P. LYNE,, .
' 11 West side of N. Hanover sf.
' A : MAMMOTn Spring Arrival at LYNK’S
'ltJbbri Nbrtji Uhnovor street; wJibrc the, public
; aro belni supplied with every variety of Hard-
TVllri), Paints, Oils, «to., at Hie lowest cash price.
■Gall in anil bo accommodated. „
•• -a . ' ■ JOHN P. LYN?.
: Catllsl6, Match 20,1855. ■' V. : , .
■ rape,' ,m»na»i*iS“‘ ■■■'•.■’'
I HAVE just received my Spring stock of Pa
- per Hangings, which is the largest mid moat
■varied-assortment over opened In Carlisle, lo
■which I invito the early attention of the public,
ns 1 intend selling papor at priceu'which cannot
fail to plensotho closest buyers.
Carlisle, March 2D, 1855.
- Wall Paper.
JUvST received’o splendid stock of Paper,
Hangings, Window Blinds, am! firm prints,
embracing all the newest and most approved
styles. The designs are neat and chaste, and
the prices such as cannot fail to give satisfac
tion* Wo.Uiv.lto our friends and 1119 public ge
jppyally, lo cjdl and examine our assortment be
, (91V purchasing elsewhere
Capltolo,; March 22, JB5S.^
FRESH supply of Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Dye 'Stuffs, Glasses. Putty. Snub T0..15, fcc.
Also, Unking Soda ami Bryan's Pulmonic
Wafers, for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Asthma,
Consumption, and all other diseases of the Lungs,
for sale at *• ; 1 ' ’ - 11. J. KIKi 1 1 hit ’b.
Carlisle, March 211, 1851.
CROCKER V.—A general assortment of
tiuoonswnro Of all kinds now «n hand, In
cluding Graiiitewaro, Stoneware, Chard Glasa
wnre, Tumblers, Jars, Dishus, Bowls, Pintos,
Candlesticks,'&c., also,a variety of fine Castors
.fit Bottles, us well ilsiTltchers, Cellory fit Spoon
1 Glasses,'ficc. i For ealo at tho store of
■i. Aug.-8,
,/STaSS VAdtE.-JtisCrucelvlng a new In.
vlTvoico of Ware, embracing a variety pf bowls
suitable for' fruit, preserves, pickles, sugars,
jellies, &c.,iis also Cellory Stands. Jars, Decan
ters, Pitchers. Salts, Poppers, Candlesticks,
Lamps, cowqred o large assortment ol
Tunihlers, Gobleta, and other useftil articles.—
For/aloby . J. Vf- EBY.
February 22, l£ol>.
Umobnrncr*.* Coal. 1
Lykon's Valloy Nut Coul,
* superior orticlu, receiving unil
.for sa)u l^y
WM, I3.,MUUUAY, Agent.
<3iirljalp» Jvv° M, IBys—lm
WBcnll<)iq/aM#in»9RoJ/^ l ° P ,ll >Hc lo tho
portable Garden or ( F\ro.engin?, for .wa
tering gardens or extinguishing tires—an Excel-
cheap■ :cojrvcplcnV «Eor
' '"’ l 'iil'sAXToii’sl’
' ' - ' j , . ■ ...
y, »tt. I. ft. I.OOMIS,
COUTH door to tbo
3 o ,7 , |
N.B. ‘Will ho qpfiont from Carlisle tho last
lon days of turd) hjonlli. ‘
• AVigUßt'io, \m,' ;y, , ■
’ TnWcs! ■ -Trosecs!!
-'0; n.' NljEpßfesr ■!! ; li 1 ,r J 1
TqWa ANn Buauk ,'7 ,
S. U r . Cor. of Twelfth'and Jince Sis., '
; i lpt>ottTKn of line l French TrUBkoH,
• 6xlreme' /ieh/Mc'«i, baao and
durabibly>vlth correct conhirnitlonl"' ,f « >■
Hernial or ruptured Patients- can bo suited by
remitting amounts; ns ueloW!-i-Beiiding : mimbov
of iiiobbs tound Iho ‘hips, hud • stating, side' af.
lbutodi : ,■ , ' | ■ , ■ ll • t • ■■■■>■•■
’ ■ Cost of •Sihglo'Truss, s2 t $0; Double ,
—ss, $O, $8 and $lO. Instnictlona as to ,
qnd 1 how trtioUboti a fcuro,’iwlioa p6salblo,ihbnt
l:i ,iu;b-u •. .i> I*.:** ■. ij l
pxi'AmfM>'i .Wwwi'W*i' ;
F.pritho.cmq ofiProlnpsiiS Uteri} Spinal Propß,
anjl lirncoa, Cheat;
Expanders and iErector- UraCus; ;odnptedi :tomll
with Stoop Shpuldyrs and AVqaU.MhD^aj-Whß.ll l
Lady ,' t ‘ ; ' ‘ |
(3&ap v Watdhda•• that’aro ! bb,
obtained ! nt tills Eatabli'shmbritJ 5 whlch ,: rdc(JlVOß|
of' Liverpool,'
Loudon an&'Sv/ittfcrlund; ■and -iB-tlioref6fojiona-|
bled to! sella much' superior article;,forlailosa,
priedllihn uujvothbr rdtalLstore in this city*. /.
:L»oraoriB wishing. toipUtcbasQ a.ti'vvholcgajo, o.r
rptuUawa inv.Uod-.tQ cull, nmVget tbo,>voylU of
a,iqlr,i)iQnoy, i -SoTdO of
sold ot tlifl.follfliyipgKites,,,vj.?n
jiofd Lovers full ju.wulud, 18carat cpjcs. $2(1.00
G6M,«i«itfog.o»Ki. '^llJosv.*l?,<),^STO..-S2-SK l
Gpktcnind.Wok.lii.-a,. . ~, ...
It,'f‘,'.. (W..ES'
ciejid Hunting boBC, ■/. -.« • 55
GpW:liov')ii° , ■ . B\m.
Atra'ibnto'lUU'cßoapdi 1 tlmn-piq-nW. • • ,
; Jewelry of every doscUption', lino UdcMp.
Also, Silver Wilvdj aud ■'Silver plnted: Word 1 ol ;
nil kilKlo. ■ , • I
Watches repaired and warranted at m > ■ '
, i•; . ; i(oil> .STAND',)'
‘ No* UO,.N«.SQoond,i2d door bolo.w.KflßO St.
, , Phila, Mardlii2V;iB{>s-rly: i • « ■ ' {
fTlHE'Subscriber has just returned from- the I
cltios,'aud mm opened a{ m» stand I
in NorthJlAnovor street h • , nbw and: full 1 ossortr
mont of HARDWARE, and now invites all per- I
sons- id want of good Hardware at reduced price
to give him Q call os ,ho can accommodate all
from auecdlotoan. anvil,-auc at .pneps to'suit
the times. . , . e
,To lloi'smcEßPEns. —A great assortment oi
liQUHeliemjmgmrticles. such us brass and .enamel
preserving kettlps.' frying, puns, bake pans, wul
llo irons, smoothing irons, alioYe)a, tonga, wait
ed trays, forkd, knives, caryera, steels, butcher
knives, rpooils,hinted tea fit table spoons, pocket
iirid pen knivCinH gi'eat’ variety, rnzoi; and razor
straps, Scissors, 1 shears, spades fork? raked, hoes,
tlibsj wHfer cans, paliifed buckets, wash boards,
improved imtunt Cistern'pumps umVlcad pipe.
• largo nHsd*mbnt/of whitewash,
dust, sweeping, hofU* & palntor’s hrushes. •
luoh*—A largo stock of hammered bar iron,
rolled iron of u)l kinds, hoop iron, sheet iron,
roUind,- square and band iron, "English' wagon
boxes, apd steel of ujl kinds.
pAiflis, oil, varnishes, turpentine, glue, &c.
‘ Glass of all sizes.
. , TO SupEMAJKKRS" - —A full assortment of Mo
rocco,.‘Linings, Bindings, patent Gout Skins,
Lasts, ,Slioe-thrcac, Pegs, Knives, and Tools ol
all kinds.
Blake’s. Tire Proof Paints of different colors.
To CAgTkKTKiis.—A full assortment of planes,
saWs, chi’sels, giiges, squares, braces, hltts, bond
screws, augurs and nngur bifts, hatchets, &c.
To CoAUiiMAKF.ns ± SAi*nr.ens.—A first rate
assortment of carriage trimmings, such as laces,
t tassels, fringes, drab cloth and sattlnett,
, linings, imitation enameled loather, patent leath
er curtain oil cloth, plain and figured; Dasher
Irons,’Lamps, Axles, Springs, Malablo Castings,
f Bent Felloes, Hubs, Down, Philips’ patent boxes
for wood axles, fine brass, silver and Ja
pan harness ipountings, Saddle trees, Whips, and
every article used by Saddlers very cheap. ;
Carlisle, March 22, 1801. _J» Pi* L\ XL.
.Inanos Hl’DHiitocU, ITS*
Late Profe.ssoi nf Antoni)’ anil Surgery In tlio .
Philadelphia College of Medicine, and Acting ,
Professor of Midwifery; oho of the Ounsult
lug phyidcianß of the Philadelphia Hospital,
BlocklOv; late member of the National Med
ical Association; member ol the Philadelphia
Medical Society; member of the Medico.
ChirurgicalCollegoof Philadelphia; formerly
President otid Profesaor of Anatomy ami
Surgery in Castlutou Medical College, Ver
mont; and also, lute Professor of Anatomy
and physiology In Berkshire Mpdical Institu
tiun, Pittsfield, Mass., Ac;, Ac.
HAS lately introduced in a popular form,
several of his'favorite proscriptions for the
principal diseases AJ thla.cllniatc. 3he name of
each article will Imply the disease for which it
ts intended to ho used.
- Dr. McCiintOcU’f Pectoral Syrup, $l.
’Dr. McCli'nfoek's Cold avd' Cdhsh ’Warfare—
For Golds, Cohghs, Ao„ Pried 25 cents. ,
Dr. McCthitock’s JJalhtna and HdopthfrCough
Remedy. Prlco 50 cents.
Dr. MrCliutock'B Tonic Jllerc{ireSyrvp— For
Purifying tlio Blood. Price $l.
Dr. McUlinlockU Dyspeptic Elixir— For giv
ing tone to tho stomach, relieving pains after
catitig, heartburn, and all disagreeable symptoms
arising from Indigestion. Price SI.
Dr.McClvitock'iJlheiunafic Mixture —A Pure
ly Vegetable llomedy fur Internal nse. Price
50 cents.
Dr, McCHntock's khtnmatir Liniment— For
1 llhcumatlstn, SpialriH, Swellings,'Ac. Price 50
■ cents.
Dr. McCliutork's.hwlync Misture-Yor Pal is,
toothache, Headache, Neuralgia, See. Price
50 cents.
Dr. McClintork'* Fever and Jgv.e F/’cadf
A certain cure lor all Intcnnlttonts. price $l.
Dr. lUcCliuloclc's piurrhan Cordial ami Chol
era Preventive —A Safe ttenil'dy.
Dr. McCliutock'i fepctublc Pnrgatirc Pijh—
For Costlvuness, Headache, Ac. Price -5 ctu.
Dr. McCHnlork'i JlntibHiona Pills—Vor irre.
Rtilorlty l» the Functions oHlie Liverund Bow
els—the best Liver PUI made. Price Ho cents
a box.
For sale by Ur. .1. McCLINTOC'K, at bis Me*
tllcal Depot, N. W. Corner NINTH upd FIL :
BKHT Streets, Philadelphia, and all Druggists;
Druggists mid Dealers in Medicines who wish t«i
bo AgO'nla,'\vTn please address Dr. iNlcCmntock,
furnishing r«ferCOeo,noiuuOl Poet OtUco, conn-
It?” For pale by \V A Kelso, Samuel Elliott
Carlisle j J II cVimveli, Shippepsburg; Emmln
gcr A Co., L Kauirjuan.JrfechunlpHburff}. Jopepl
Herron, Kewvllle; J‘ B Ziupporinan, Anderson
Inirg; lluinos&Fertig. MUlcrslowni ACKlinlt
New nioomljeidj, Harriet M Singer,. Newport
B F Gardner , \ urk Springs; A .1 Miller and ,
S Nixon, Qlian>beqburg;-B. ? Mbnlaw, "’ayncs
boro, i George Burgher and p 11, Jones A
Harrisburg. ii,k
Dll. McCMNTC,CK can bo consulted, wjfh
out charge, IVoni 10 to Hi o’clock, A. M.
hlsllepot. ,
November HO, IBM., —1 >’•
NOW open and for sale ul Iho ‘‘Marion tlm
Family GK>cery-Stor(s, ; a large and genera
assortment of articles, usotiil and fancy, ombra
lng,[in port— '
and Jaffa CoflVcflj 1 i*
. GrconiKlo and jtx)aHtvd CoUcq, ,;
Jenkins* best brand of Tops,.
Browr> aijd Clarified Sugars, i ,
Wliitc.'aWl l*rcjiprylnß “ •. ‘
Pulverized and chtbhcd “ j ,i
llronm, Cdctpi and Chocolate, , 1 / . :
lllco,and Corn Starch, ' , , '
Farina and Kqsunho of Coffee,, ’ ,
J llhcst Ryrnn, Orleans Bu'klng’Molap
sea, Spiceii,givmi]d tiftd'migroumlt IM/ictr-,Citron,
Vanilla Bean, Choose,* Oiindle*, fco. * i
r,ur <l«ccM»wn>c,
\flr • cmhi'accs a large and general *jj
of the hestwhitu tirunUe, a Iron Stcmed'Urc; Liv
erpool undcimmmn v'are, enabling lihft'cnsUimor
to select in oiVpiPVes of any slzplulcpHßary,
and of f f,hq (jiffer.entislyles, together.with « .forl
otypf Film W.hitg/aivi G<Bd,lbvfldi FfUg\ish/ftMd
FrcncUijhUuj qcltp vifVca ware; and QtUqr.ypylp
tics of hsefid China waff, incUid.
log Trayp, y^ca,
,u P h, tie.
omlmdnn tibwK rtiflUca, mb, sugar
bowls,' a. largo' gok'otion of lino fbUcil
winu andjjßg'glaiapaVnnil oilier rnwfijl
widm w cEDAiiym
among Nvldcli nyii inbfnphurns, water jlaleH| inpa-
Buroa; mkr)<ct travelling as well
as otheFtfiVUrcrt mulMipcovered Imstyjffl. 1 , AUoj
Table Otf'of tho, ; Hm!Bl' brand, Shcfhi tijrtd pjllor
Ollsj Tobacco,’ Cigars, Soaps,Wc.- • A firntill |6|i
ofcImIco'MACKAUBL ofNo. 1 qnilllfyi ,: Albo,
a trlmmed'^ibHs’Miickarol—bolh-’ln Ih/mdUOmo
i assorted packages' oT lUilvosj V|uilrtora ahd'klliU
with all tho.othef'vnfleilcs of a GKOGEUV arid
IQUEKNBWAHB SaiOllK. -Ai.A ■ ,:;i i! -11 l
I We feel tlmnkful:fQl , the patrnjlrtgo.linrctOfofrd
IbosfowedjQn.Mp; amUuvito a contlyiumco of like
•fWOM.m ,j/ 1; If r.:(vr ; . 138Y,1
J,,lB ^r t „ lt> I
OAKN DOOR HOLLERS!!' A now-amlnu)
rpHE subscriber -having returned tv„„..
tfon'bf'(rlcnaa etid-thb.'pUbiic S*l };
spbctfnlly dirooteijatiJlheilßsacruhont
?or'cial?ot a!ycuy a^v|nco S ifl^Sb^'
crs'pridcsi «“« <>l vl] ■< “i jf.
-Bolts,. Roroivs, Gloss,,HttWy, O.H,' ’>
-rilit.n'pmhqv.Hip om Btopaivii) East Hi C h3;'.
tvhc, i ufori3aip l ehoa|v ■„ } °
■ s^w; ;
-SoMthJ(awvcr,SlKct t mcar.theUmriiU
*o'' ! .f-,' KIBPEBii; Druggist; ivo'iiiii Vdsk/is
JtSily tuforiiV Huj’dtiZdbs'.bf Carlisle UTiJ^flu
•ityj tliat’ho Ims’opo'ned'ft hew r 1!r: '' 1 •> *. •‘Vj**
tjia H'tbc]c'l3j ( ppti^ply,new, .antj Ivaa.biqoa eckuj '
.vvUb.ljreiit 0n;,,, As iihyßloiaus,ana;nipiilios dyfcriorotd i,' n
Shd expo-suri, mot .oajfl Ml, bp tilien not LV
low suth Urlic}(ia to accumulate In such nhanmt •
' Attpnliqti is toppcidltjfinvUba’to 4 lii b 'J;
! Mc(lldfno3,Esscntitil Oils,' M'ii\cs vi
tracts;' Contenct|6ris. ' OhcnildiilB, &<*.' 'tnclti,^
, with ii (nil Of Paints; 1 Vahrfahcsdv'
, stuffs, Paint hndVurnish arid 11
i ■ i : -’■■'i..
1 of bvpry yark'fy., ~Hc,
did hsscjifmeht of Perfuraci, SoapaVfancy
[ clothes' ami; Brushes; Supporters, ir.. .
I Exhauster's, Kipplo 'ShltilJsj TofnU WaijuiSS
• Pastes. ‘Also, _ ’ ‘ ’;J ' •, i l
’ p \Mcdiqnal TPincs (ind.Jira>]dUs,-. -j
t of tl)0 best quality, i Sdgnrs, from tire leu
t vnna. and.Spanish,Uousqs^of'every flator fro*.
, ono cent, upwais» M •.»
, In 1 order, hiq, pustomora against mi*
takes dp ring any ulfsence,of the tiro*
, prietor, the sbrvto.ojl ,ap com!
potent assistant secured,-which wit
t be Jolt important, review of the respontf
, hiUtyfs which ai'bltpdwn to’dcvelvciupon' tw /
n dntpgiatl ] ■ *’ '
PhysToiitiis* prqsprlptiohS syllj ho foillifou} ,’ b j ,
promptly attcfided’t'o. ; ‘‘Ciders’Tnlni thydcfißi <
and Merchants in thc' dountry.WUl be tilled
i- care, and at prices which must prove satisfactory
i, A liberal share of. : public patronage is respoct!
if fully solicited. Tends Cush:- • 1
■' 1 B- J. KIEFPE&Ji
March 28, 185-i.v ■ !
“Sew Inßtiiulc.” “textra n
Arrival of Dr. 0. ; H. Bodge; >
Ciuiojyo.' TiiijEJiAX, physician Vu
SUHOEON', Tr'om No»;,T«t)t.
Nel-voua trembling amhng the “ Quacks" lor
the safety of their “ Sugar powders" and qq*.
lomel.” llumhnggery exposed and destroyed.
New System of medicine introduced.
•. - Dr. C. 11’. Boons, oflbra his service* to flic fo
habitants of Carlisle and the (unrounding coun
try, and flatters himself that' ho can perform
cures by his system where* oil others have fill.
ncd. 110 has taken thd oflicc in South Has.
€gfovcr Street, formerly occupied, by Pr./.
’ia K. Smith- Ho will at,all times be toui .
In his-oflico, unless: professionally engaged.— '
Every disease,of tho Eye and : Eat. cured by.»
new mechanical apparatus. JJlood Suckcrsmd
Bonp pestroyera, Barometer.jnnkers« kiu
man constitution, that one roan t£B
chuso a thousand '“‘Quacks," and Im
thousand’fools to flight, who ’willingly use pip
eral pplson' to t'fcre.thqstck, or pretend to jin
health to tho poor afflicted soul.and, body. ”
•p. S' Pntlents'.fcan' bo nccortWodated with
good board and scientific medical’ anil'surgiil
attendance nt Dr. 0 . IL Bodge's Ohrono. Thtr.
mul medical and surgical-Institute, located Is
South Hanover struct,Carlisle, Pa*'■ For fnrftu
parlictilora enquire at the Institute.
April 20, 1850—ly- ■ •*; ■■ -
and ;Boys/-| Clothing'Storf.
Korlh-easi, cor.of Second, and Dock-Slrt*b*
Philadelphia.. T >i4
• JTo xpe Citizens op Vtciaitr.
YOU arc respectfully Invited to examine the
extensive andvoried assortment of-Men'i
and Boys* Clothing, at tho store .of the'subscri
bers, where .may alv.aya bo,found ft full supply
of PeadyTiuadu CSlupiing, of,oil* sizes ,a»4‘h
scrlptlops, worn by .mopand boys.qf all eacp and
sl/.e.s, mailu by experienced workmen.and
very'best'material,, the hrnlfc, fit, and spjieir
anco by no’ct»tahUsUm*jit Ip tli? cuy.
please pfcsorvo’lhis'notlce, nnd'glvo mo. a call,
and fft Out s ‘youratlvea’iind sons. In a rowsu
worthy of you tind them. Remcinberlhetyai
East corner of Sbcoful Und Dock’streets;,'
■ < it« d.-cliftoN £ soy.
April 12, Itfoft—ly • .' “ *
ci W. il AVEKSTICK', has j«s< rec*WW
from tho'city, and W ndwr.opening asplw
did display ofEiliicyi.Gouds, suitable IeMJ«
ini-sent season; to which |iu. dtishsß to call «•
attention of.hi# friends oi\dtho intlilic- ■Hla**-
sorlment in (hU.Uu.4 qiumot bq in n*
vulty andclegiuiecuand both In qualify; auapAC*
of the articles, cq.nnql fall to pleas* purchaser*.
It would bd' lmpossible to ejmjuvmlo bis ;
. Fancy' Goods,
which comprise ctory variety of-fancy irtWn
of the most exquisite auch ha
I’alperMacho Goods;! ■ ■ ;
Klcgant alabaster and porcelain inkstamiisu
trays. i■ -i- ' y ■ i ■ 1
.Fancy (vory, pearl and shell card c
Kadics' Fancy, haskclp..- • '
Fahey dorlt'bpgcs,-pith,sewing ilngtratotsis
Port Monordes - , «r S»ery,|Vafie(y. ~, .
(laid ncnS'and pencils,, Fit;
I’ajdilctldß, nildaijvfgpMrjcly,ol|ladl« U’fl
8 Mdltusc’als and Waters, illjf'aiid hcaiip»n| l
Ladies' tiding whips, elegantly llniibcil, 1*
dies”ilm> cuttlery. ■ '‘‘v 1 ' 1 '
‘Perfume baskets and bags!" ,
IBrushod ol cvery ltlml fortbotollct.. 1 ,
.Itoussel’s Fcxiutnea bl' tlio various klnoi. ,
Musical Instruments, -ofiall binds .anil st
prices, .together with an' Innumerable tsrteij
articles elegantly.finished,and ,nullable for»
day present, .to which' ho.lnvltcs special an®
tloui Also, niroitcnslrOiCoUcQtlon ol no
xiAV.cdCT mm :;■ ■'
uoofis, ,i ■
comprising tho various, ..Englishand A®'"
Annuals for 1856 j flcjily ,;opitallißliodan '
Irate,, X’ootlcal .>VpyHs»wi(|iiOblld|? n |f
Pooka, for children. of all ages, llbbP- f &
,nf SohoolPnoks apil, School,
<6 his dlalfty )il((1 -j >
n-on),tb» cytfiiisiyo, establishments of h?" (
Aiehjir, and ptiiers,; of,,p:hlMidp'"ij;
»VTOfllJ’lfi.ofiParlot, ff
for. Wiling oUlior lam, p>r.®*¥ O V'-
getlipr-fTlll) W'jcr '.viyicpi,jancy.
iflh AHHortruQu ; i la vjr
N(Jtfl, ( rrcflLirYC<l Ffu t3ffc In
di' nil \vlllcj\ tiro i?MT°^frlc&
m can W confldonVy V or|? .jjoj,
uml tho tlb .% tftfT
opposite IhoPanld I-. H^,JST((I*r
'x f Outlifllo, Oocornbor 21 j f *'
I-.- • .WOTlfcEit
IN;, bo. limdo to tho rtiixt JWglt sU,.yif
ymilo.itn alter .tbta bJmrJoti of'•* tj “_? if
?Hl )Joi)U, Jowtorti Id. -Boroogt' <if,.
PlimVortittKtjOftowto.’td o ,(t h.nko) W'
.Konk.iho r,|giite fltjA* i* jwfc
to Two hum
ortl6r , of iht
f|l}!' , [llJ t'\ I