American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, December 06, 1855, Image 1

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«. » (IWU Hl®®®*®.' * "" uJ ’•“ll'f- !
UiTOWiinS nttVMtftt #ot
ttio 1 yoaH''' tiirtnH Svlll Ijdrig
ibid every instance.! vNdßUbfaferip
«» “So.«ptlol* oMHoUditor. ■ 1 r. ■
ot Kb by the oAsn,
j Bnt-,a»silai)iog*naßiiunrOi :W:ill:bo Inserted;
*? Wr,flW>;K«l)“r>- (Wl tffOßtyrlko.pp.nts
bab.ww 3 s. ■...
luU'iff * •,r jrr7*rT-r • ■'■ ’
“■! • ,ft y(«*,«hp l,awr {l . -... •
■!.':« Sfrainlnk tho milk,ln,the, dnvry,
V .‘t -tilling,tf)o coWaaway—, *
.1,.. Itt^nttgWflbo^ln'tho'UU'chcSn,
.10l w&ihc; teds *p*m, ' 1 ;;
Washing trio'lircftkfiist dlalics,- , t ,
I cA rsin/sHsf
; , .• jjru»^>off' Uie crumbs frora tlio pantry,
'' r,’.. HnnUng.fW uggq M the baro, h,
1 . Cleaning,thP turnip® lor dinner..,:
I ’■ Spinning .thp.atpcklngiyurn— .
; V "'Spreading tho,whltenipg hppn,-
' .I)mVn f oa thOjbusbeq bolow,,
• •* Vycfy'moado.w' i
: ‘ Whcrb limited strawberries grow,
J"-** l StarfcUfhg for Sunday,
•i iN'i'Clihrnlngtbo nn6Wy 'cce}ithf ~, . , .
b ,f ‘ tritTl'Blrtg.the'palls'and the qtfdlncr ■
lb- ;;•■ !I>bira Ih'thb running atrcfinw ,N 11
gbbao hnd the turkeys,
•. " dialling tlio pumpkin pies,' " '
’ -il. Jogging tho irttlo ono’« Cradle, -
driving away*tho tiles.
• • f !;'J” "Vb.i ’
Grace m every motion, .
i:i MhshJ ih bvery motion,
B.eapty of, form and feature,
' 3:j> "‘ThoUBands rpigljt coyet to own —
•■'■'"’CbebltsillatrlvM' spring roses;
■,. el -:.Tecth Um.wJiltest of pearls;: ■ <s
One of these country majda ai|Q worth
A score of your city gijls.
'; l&wellatißti'iik
.IcoarrotNirAL DiscLosuftES or.AS old maid
..;I way safely say that tho organ of tuiitMul-
h««,hoon tho cause pf moat ol the mlsfor
lupoaol' my'fllo;, While still a small chlld lr l
exhibited-iho propensity of laughlng-at, anything
which struck mo as being ludicrous, uo. matter'
where, when or Uo\y It was. t L *
one'time, I wont to. a funeral with my
UothVr. tho Itmbrul of a young Indy
■Wh l d : WW'vcfy.’much beloved, and of course U
mented. Every oho wutf In tears when, on turn
ing towards a window, I saw two moo sitting,'
4»MO' of ‘Whom wM noted for lus length o! nhsd,
tho other because,/hplMd, i>onc. It was too,
much foe my,ri*ibloH—l c)ioke4, coughO(l, and
shdezed —but It Would uotildj laugh l-iuust,andi
laugh I Hid. Suddenly a shadow foil acrossiuy
Kyss, ancLa fleshly protuberance-resembling a
'barbed hook, travelled sump distance across my
pose, alod I.h'eai;(i. these words; pronounced tin
"my car:
•; f*;Child',‘you' tho'nc*t victim to tlio
'lclrdustruycr !**, * , ‘ , ■ . . .
■ ‘'This-'completed my overthrow, and my mp
'tlier.' sh-iking I 'mo violently by tho shoulders,
tbok' mu homo, declaring I never should,
go anywhere again till I know how to behave
I went to school, the same fate follow-;
i^ ; nw •'•I received’more rcprlniatuUsnd more
•imnlshmonts than any other .si* pupils;- Opce
.when- my teacher had been scolding me,.and
•MVt just pronouncing; pardon, I looked up, and'
.porcojved tho remain* of a pinch of snuff adher
ing to tlio cud,of hU nose. Then, .woo
‘was mo that day. - - .. ■ !-'
„ t When our. committee.. panic Intq school I was
always watcluiig njy master’s great hands end
Jel*t..atid tho awkwanl’way he had;of rolling Jus,
'eyes’and hanging out hip tongqo,} dnd many
‘are the scoldings I received o*er tho school s
'back: - I laughed my . way from girlhood to
’Maidenhood. At length, there camo a Hum to
Tn 6 ,! as ;thpro comes to qfl, when 1 was hi
parson was a youth whom any lady
might bo rnroud to love. Ho was guntlU und ;
kind,- and lor a time I was able to control m>
dailghlng, genlua,while with him. My parents
waUyihopcd.ihat I had begun U, Improve. • •
f. ■ One evening he was unusually sobcr» I unu
sually gay. Ho wished mp t.p converse foborlys
1 would not, aud',t r led to prevent him.from do-
W so. ’The more sober and grave ho became,
the higher my spirits rose, till at length I whs
übovuthe earth-the clouds (lancing about in
thtf btoud expanse of air. 1 leaped from one
-to another, ;tUI at'length mi* lover,
tired, and no doubt difgnstefl, eald i
«« Amelia »» he said, in a husky, voice, “1 had
•hoped that you Were the one to control my des
tinies', ond Who would bo through
IHd’s friend—n' Wile. Bui I Aee
mistake: : 'I om friendless and ummVami,
"ibnyt remain so: 1 'Forgive'mb: for thinkings to
■.tamo .Vdur sjilrlt.. -You' have said it
is useless. I bollovo it. Farewell! heroatlor
txsoimect bht.fis Hlcnds.V.. '■ ■ J • 1 '
~ I was dT»\)SQd—thunderstruck— but ho was
mine; 1 l otion nipt, him lUlet'Tfirda, but ho was
reserved, qud I wan ..always,gay and,tr|vlal iu
'id* presence. Oh, woman, tbo.u art np enigma
’When Hmii.fqelq'jt bmat decly,, thou s,qcm?pt
>iioaf Wjh’cM tt\ou foy.osi tyb.u seen)- f
■ cflmo 1 aiWboV' lover . Vj'dfi*? I f B
myself.. 110 was always Joking, always gay*—
-People paid s’ kVWhlif'a and looked,
Jtfipon ihb : thing as 'settled: Ouj evening he
camo to mo with a very solemn countenance,,
and said s : . i M ' ! i . .
1 ‘olhcre*coiifcHslbnP. ttliU? ,y?d W'that my
nifolMh'Hlly Mr jnftkingfuhbns nirtde mo what I
* lonely ‘old timid ' I'/bavo nbt mourned
'tnyC'neali’W,'on'xfcodlint'df Itrhbwovcr, bat
cdn l!iO'' contrary,' 11 huvd ’•• hi.ugU6d > and prown
■sfat*’* f; I - • > 1: ?
•//ißutosttUllft simc.machlnc CDoldi be. : lnr,ciilm|
to keep mv countenance whIUJI llrtenito nnoljit
iMould bCimbßt'i{PPpy.l°-T y^‘v 9
iVfliivlhb tpAoldwe qod ■»
hr,l ''"'f, 1 ' ' '
/iMtik.-I'PAirIiNOTOHi AX' TUB 1 Gattls
-MXhlfl iS/ft.Teryibeaiitlfiil pightfor atiorpon with
■dMjßgtl'Mil'Mtoliflliod'.i lOftWnaM JnojUWiNjoßJ>
•ilferftanqndod WiW»{W*,j
iiwilii alffJpUslWr I'fPlPr
dw4mioti«)yi “bhf among the n ° T lB
hdanti dl'tho i <Mss.
XPartlnttom ono ncab iUt^w/->TJioti;hb.
-dppghjodlouder than 1 Jib, fl 2;.
swinging from ids button bohiim jv,Ug Hjl*o.
inscription, “ ttn d
SjtffiiUp.,, N" 1 ! ial-tftV-'wwVc ;
oil a weeping willow f ” . 1 ’ *, the flppqW u Ki nihigs
grbw near our school house^^^sUpp.HcftPll l ?"
ter with switches.” •
mji'ff wil smflH 3ilt mainiiilK'/.-Vfl-nH } , ,3lii rnc*T jiiotlUSiji
o.'l: vij nyy j , y\ I.'ivr il ■ | -1
•. -a. w f 4yil\ WvVfcHj-.j Ul^swuO*'
Stl’ljflmp s** 5 ** tt ,V, I,;V
i.ii --J :i '»)
lb hrii
lit vJ
> rioifj !•;
7.W/: »h .n.
' .'Vr*V J:
'i -smts(j£(ii 42v ■; -‘V
■T ‘r h-i: 'Mw.qf,;i)'«pre«'
. ■ Little is’known respecting - tho natural ioP tho ;
'delusions which possbsdal, the kiM^miDd,bdt (
the following passages from \ pS
papcraindicatcoijeof -lhem : » - v ‘lt ■ was ; : ogrecd
lhat,,'if«nv elron'gsfodturCdf the king Vmalody
•appdirod during'the' presence ’of the 1 tfdbhcll
SirTlenry Halford 1 Should; on receiving n'teignal
•from, mo; endeavour to recall him from, his; ab-,
■orrhlions ;■ and,-accordingly, when hismnjesty
appearcdstoibe'nddrcfesing hiihßclfdp' two of the
persdnsiwhom ho most favored in his early life,
long dead,’ Sir Henry observed, ■ ‘Youth majesty,
has; libelievc forgotten that ~~~ and' 1 ■ bCUV
diedmany - ‘Trdc/Avastjic {reply,,
4dicd to you:and to the world'lU general, but
snot to; You-.vSlr Henry', are-forgetting
that I'haYo tho power of holding ’ ■ intercourse
with those whom you call deadr 1 ' »
!*.-.Yca;‘Sir Henry Halford,continued 1 hc!,’as
suming a lighlcr:mUnner,'‘ltiB : m-vain,,Ro-’far
as L am concriTicdrthatyoU killydtfr patients.
tYcs; Dr. pUiy
ijucd he, with resumed gravity, U I don’tiknow.,
He is an ■anatomist ;>ho dissects his -patients';
and'lbcrilt would not be a resuscitation merely, l
but a reaction,' and- 1 that, I' think, is 'beyottdj
my power.’’: : 1 ' ‘’ ;I '' ’
- 'The following memoranda' of his condition
from 1812 till Ids death, isgiven by iin| anony
mous writer, but ■are well authenticated, I be- j
licvOj'and'cdmpriKO afl that I have been able to
•find-respecting this period.; “At intervals he,!
still took n'lively interest in politics’.; His pro- 1
ceptipu woC'good/though"’mixed tfp with’-a
number of-erronabufi,' ideas'; 1 his memory wasj
.tenacious, bnthisjudgment unsettled ;; and the,
loss of royal'authority .seemed Constantly to
pray upon his mind- Ilia malady Sttined''rath
er to increase than abate Up to’lhC'ycar-1814,
whcn.'at thd timethenllibd sovereigns' arrived
in England; he evinced indlcatioriS’of returning
-reason, and was IUAdo acquainted'with the as
tonislnngcvcnts'which had recently; occurred.
The qiiech; one day.'found'tho amicted mon
arch engaged In-singing a -hyiria, and 1 accom
panying himself on thb'harpsichord. • Aflcrhe
had concluded tho hyhid. ho knelt down,'pray-:
ed for his family and his nation, earnestly)
supplicated for^tbocornplcldVeatoniiion'ot^his
mental powers. !i'He:thcfa tears, and
,hia reason suddenly defy.him*- ho, after
wards had. occasionally, lucid moments, ( Qne
morning, hearing a belt toll, was
[dead.- ‘Pleaso voui- J maicstyi’ ; snid : Kn ialtfend
jant, ‘MrsJ.S.* -ilrs. S. r-rejoined ihd king ‘she
\yns a lincn-drapvr* at the .corner of,r—~4ttcet,
anil-brought up. her family in the fear of. Qod.
She has gone to,heaven; L hope .1 shall, soon
follow her., /Hu now become deaf. Imbibed the
itlea iHwt lie *woB.dcad v and sajd -1 must have a
suit of black, in -memory .of Georgdll-, for I
whdm-t know there isa £cnera\, mourping.rrr.
In 1817,he appeared: to . hayc a faint glimmer-1
ing,of reason again : • hia sense .of.-.hcaring ’ro-'!
turned, tnqrq eute than cvcr„and be:.CQuld dis
tinguish Wspnsiby th?|r footsteps* Hcu like
.wiseVecqllccted that he hod made,a. memoran
dum many,years,before, and it'Was.found.lfcS
acily,where bp,indicated. .. After 1818 he occu
pied a long rooms, in which were placed
several pianos aqd (harpsichords at - these ,he
would frequently ,flUq> duringihis walk,‘play'a.
feW'.notca-fro.m then strollon. . He,
jjeeulcd ; cheerful ~an(l , would,iSomelTtnearf talk;
aloqd. RR.if .addressing .'sojnoi nouleman; bdt
his discourse .only, events,ifor ho had no;
knowledge of recentcircumstances, either- pol-
IticAl dr.domestic. • Towards Lhb end.-of:-1810
bis qppelito began to Owl. . In January, 1820,;
it was foupd inu)ossiblo ; to keep him warm-;
his remaining teetp dropped- otit,:andr
almost reduced to a skeleton; •• On,tho '2< th iho.
was confined wholly, to bio bcd.and.on tliu 291 h
of January, lb2,Q. he died. aged 82 years-,■
American Journal of-Ingenuity, c
Baser SUernibii,
• i Kogcr Shcrnmh, one of tho members of the
.American Congress for Connecticut, who signed
tie Declaration bf-Indcpcndencc.lmd originally
been a shoemaker. i When earning ibis liveli-
hood in bis humble occupation,- he happened to
have a lawsuit with ono:of hishicighhors ; and,
(On going to Consult a lawyer on the subject, lie
presented him With a written staliintcrit of
case, which he had drawn tip ilrimself. "The
lawyer was a shrewd man. and at onco discov
ered, on reading the statement, the shoemaker's
forte,.which he told him. was not to make
«bocs but to deal. with matters of la*'. Mr.
Sherman look the hint,-and,.having studied
law, became in time not only one of-the first
Lawyers, but ond of the moat eminent itilrioUi
and statesmen.oflhis counlryi* i During tho war.
of independence, he happenoa to bo Lhoi chair
, man of a committee pf,Congress*'appointed 'to,
.investigate certain changes of peculation in the
oommissariat'deparlihentii and. ini presenting;
the report of the committee, ho stated •'.that itj
would be observed, in perusing it, that he had
dwelt particularly on the' 'article of shoos; tho
reason of,.lbis, was simply* that-! having been
bred a shoemaker himself, it was tho subject
with which be might bo supposed to bp; best
’ acquainted.-' Ho bad no idea ifttyujcd
, of (lic'gcntlccrtift.' , / ..r/.j
.. i:. i A word tii Slollitrsi ■ ■ Ml ,;
1 Molhtrs.'do yxitt realize who' a trust is com-,
milted td yOu » 1 . That your'child H ,
he tendered' liaclc' with Interest?,, ,Do you
realizerhat you,are,training an,Unnwrlal, spill;
ttlio liahtly or mlserabW foi’ I livery,*<ml
a,!d act or’yo'nra'isToVniirtß hia chqractcr| otn}
producing an’hiflucncc that will be Iclt even
IhrdugU'tho'tecs 'of Mnjnity; ,PRV«'*< l1 *“ I W C
'that' Vqhr nWds' 101 l , upon,the fate of yqllr
child fikornlh; npdhXhcatcd;.stone,,hi *«
i hie^ui'apnia\hloj«Affl*bcdn.|fl^roWciilsi
forWcyVlallhilW Iruuful gro(lnd,.nnd hqllitng
ihat'lifiilai'lOdghichf ifljW .V[?Ljt° VhkfcK
Mil ,’h’hring ‘BJR it.ip.9,o?
hear milt‘ hpiM or oyd, |{dW miny l
Muehclhg'lii& :^rfndi(6t.,
Im.l iifii • iip, ;jS
wijon? frHt, -%TO d ¥B, Jw '
«rilJc « ,'-l'?I)0»t' » W,- .‘lWij^SaW'^Vo
iiidiin wilh (*in: Cni(j. ~ m io: b Wn ' w l Bt, ll lirtaj. ffii’ljjfife tfiid firtrii'lltf.tot'n; 1 'WB 4 " 11 /Wf 1
in-tlw ftUtumnal'gtpricsbf ift WclbSpcnUtfo! >ip
lhalo, hoatlylodd:worlll fdir nWHonsd; His •<£• „ nll pcraunsion, A kind word Jd diOtb mid
«OThM,.itHi!ed.-.tetnlßticcra»nil-’; Homw*»ij>. Al«4 # J*
IforcbomnßllangilagoxjFoarjdaUonal-pp^pcot^.jyp^vgfij>i'd,,>.^,w;>Qi > W. jr-p^'r
btidiis nttdngni dfonmdhrtvfiU, t,Ut!cQnftnta oCl lhu!srflvw oWPt WW W}-,
:yct , oa’Tity;Ua/baiincra'orer'tholtopublic3‘i , -' Mf . fortunate !brotbcn n io* l 11 .; •••> ;'• 1 , ;
9 ******!-.vii\y^|^.AMib'fvMKVi M 1,1 1* 11! ;:‘ /‘"if
Q^y*‘Prisoner,you-bave heard the prosccu-_ i; j ll( !■ ' v '. ; ’* ••
IfolUkHttial«w?ukwnws» vMUbWWft ..:• -b reddoinsu'al 1
KS— H ■ S-.
j I XIZ »;£ v, H ,:;.ui g: -'
ftwv-a 1$ ■ft 'i ■!•;•• 8- «•
, JljwH) 1 1 : I JLSw< l u '
••11Tr... -- - ■ I^?T
iiT .km:-.-
•, . i.... ( I,; '1
vji J ■»'. .
, • V' J'.-ir" J
-J : ',ti; -,W. '• (.■! ,:!l
■ n: £>evcttil rhotitHfi ago, -1 wo ndtlbed thearrest in
X(mdon/6f vvitH a
r V‘efy bid' BankSng -.ltbufie.'Ubdcr.a change bf,
misappropriating spSnritlcs tb’at'hfld becn coVi
flded'tb.tnilrl’care.' 1 The' ‘’ca'sp bxcitcd a deep
seri&dlibn r at* J ihc’ tirric. as' Wbll because bf the
ligh paHi^| : as r: tbo fearful ib
jnry'dbne to the epfi'crcra.,' trial, came on
Ihdpc cbuVsc, ll Che. allegations were faUysu's
tamed Byihc evidence; arid 1 a^vCf 4l ct'df guilty,
■was rendered’ agaiiisk the three unhappy ‘crim*
Paul/Strabah^'Balcs.‘. A, few,
‘dajra 'afterwards they wpre chUcd'inta court,
•whpri they yvprc senleiiccd to for
! . The scetib 5b thusdcsjribcd by
the London Morning Advertiser,'■' : ’ ,
1 ! ■'■‘Barbh'ATdcrman'(Wbo’ labored fancier deep
; craotion) I Sentenced the prisoners lij the follow-.
ihg’terlriSWilliam’ 'Sindian* Sit* ''John 1 Bean
l*aul,*4nd Robert Mak^h’Bates; tbe’jiify bare
iloW found you guilty of the "tiftence\ that is;
charged against.ybu.iif the of-'
fehcb bf ‘disposing bf Rccuritlcs'cn&uStcd to you
by qlbers for safe’keeping, bntHy olch youhayc
appropriated, .under circumstahces'qf tempta-
your advantage, 1 A'ntbfa serious
! bficnc& can hardly be imagined
incrcial community, like thi3,and tho,punish
mcnt’fdif .oflcnce mast bo
rate‘with iW'raygriitude. ;, 1 Alt’persons ip ybur
position sbpuld, bd especially’ pareful, for ybur
example'is; of the highest importance, You
haVe held high 1 positions; ip the commercial
wordi'anu at one tHd’V pbsitipri wps dbubilcss a
mokt'boribrablcorte.' 11 1 very 'much 1 , regret' that
it-com'Cs 1 to me to pass any 1 sentence iippn.ybd;
arid yCt the public interest rcqnircs'lt^—lusticc
requires it^nnd'it is hot'fof'me'lb, shrank'from;
any'dpiy that 'pioper^y' thp
■position I ocfcupy.: been' glid,
had it pleased God, that : ’fedmbpdy. else'bad
1 Men dafirid ilpdn ?, td' schtence’yod’.fbr I' Kayo
I bciib l bhc ’of yqii : under far different circumstan
ces; WWgh : bffic!ft. ,, d|t , tlhg By'my'/feidcVip 'tqo
1 etferfclse'df ttiy 'judicialiunotiona. ‘ The present
lamentable casoJea c
that we should not, to. bo. Ipd-into
tcmpiitldh—hoV-‘to commit' sdftV grevious rof
ffcncesda'that of which you'aro lioW found
guiltyii: You -have been .well: educated— : yoii
Jiayflfhjßlfl high positions,..aud.; you, .feel your
present condition, moyp acutely than, probably
Some others might'dp. It
fhbSe'wlio’ard connected ’with /ypuVwhtf wilj
mdstsdnsitivyly feeV your'present’disgrace.— 1
All, that t. have, to f»>:that J. cannot
epneeivo any worsts.cose,'of the' sort under the
act'of Parliament;' and, as I'cwnbt cpnccivc a
worse case, I uu\st pass- the extreme sentence
1 which.that,pcfcbnposep.. .The sentence of the
court, is, ihaf you .be transported .for 'fourteen |
years.’’ •• I ’’ - : ••
: ’ During, the delivery of the scolcnce. Sir JvD. I
Paul Claspcd his hands together,'rfhd trctnblpd 1
■violently,' Mr. Bates 'and\ filr. Strahan were 1
roost calm iri their dcmeartorV -If vfas .under
stood that the wretched tnch' would .reinmn’.in
Newgate or'Milbank Prison,' until.their'affairs
shbvvuld be fairly' a balance
sj(cct in bankruptcy filed; when they would be
,rchibvcd‘lo : remainder of
'thcjr’pcnpl sentence. op copiploied. The
ca§o is weU'cajfculatcd to ajunonish.j; It
seen tha'C
wptimf} from higlpplacesas well M lowj ■ The’
delusion is, to fancy‘that our.pccnnjiiiT'difll-'
culty ia momentary, and to apply the funds pr
other', pcopld with the bbfeot of
Tina first-error leads tobihd-s.Unil in tdpmany
cases leads to dcpldi-ablc conhcqu'ciices/ " 1
’. ,f •»< [Phila.. Insurer. '.
We hare very smart boys'in this town, says
a cotcmpomry..' one l in'partifcular, who was
called up lb(f other day by tho pedagogue to
give some arfcomit'of his absence, and to give
some evidence, 1 if! possible' ‘6f progress in
studied?'!' ' * *' .. j, i,'. J
‘Wbctp was you.ycstcrday, yop rQ§pal,l j
■‘' ‘I whs put in the fic\d Mono.• 1 " v ; ’
‘What,were you dbing ln|th(l picK-i
Ing berries ?’, . ’• ‘ ■’
•No. sir, T was out alone myself .
‘Well: bill whnt were you doing f
‘l,wap ; meditating-’ ■ ■
be gruyred iip—printer,- docidr, lawyer, or
'6clinoi*mfpitpr, and'tdoli tbp field for'it. ,
' 'Brave boy ! "Wliat jW co^clus(<fil.J .
1 ' ‘Tbon'sht, ad'b'dw I“(l 'be ,a, schpo).m|mteiy-j
’they J)TM l ea»y--rlikVs. t 'P ..pi”* ®?W»> sodtsaefl
tiidy'oiing ’idea ivbat tp snoot at., j *
•Brcpi?up ; l>|iy. ~ llow did you, pvopsepa .in
■ , ■•• II I'
, *lwit locscot bow many mills make 4 cents?'
• ~'DonIHtiKMV : but guess it. takes, an good
many cents to mitkc-u null, if they*am built faf
■ sldue.’ • i: ■•’ 1 ! i ’ • • 11 •■' u - '- 1 - i ,:l 1 •■ 1
"■■The pedagogue: fainted, endive came away.;
(JnfTij, I} Rcit^mfqn, 1 ;■, ;
: A French author, llndlng his reputation im
peued by tho hostility of thi cities; resolved to
adopt a litilO’stfauiKOni'td assist him’ in pun.
iog'fanle end tnrtitjnn tlplleof his' ’tunnies.—
' HearesscdhrmsclfV "a ; 'WdrltmOT-hk<i ,l nlllrt I
'arid Hpaired'to'a ; distant ’^ruvinco,'where ho
look Jodgings at a farrier's Bhijjil'W which‘he
did a little work every day at tholprppand-nni
: vlll .But thl| gfeatev part of'hts tinteyvas see
[■'rclly devoted to l tho" bbdipdsllion of three largo
volumes ol poetry and essays.iWhiehche pubj
Jirficdas tho wades, of;* jp.urpoymefl Jflpck
sniillnh.S'ho tqoKsucceodcd-r*}'. ?WicP' W»>
,in.ttipft’een>cijt; pliq,[ipi.u)S of this ‘ ‘child,of na.
tpio^. 1 Llii.v'onLuLoyed gcniiis, ■' t nts I ’iprß[tiroa
.son.ohVpAoßn'.’.’os hR„W d)o;v eplled, >YP r f
iliniloliaifly lir%ili9!l, M'uJl'P Wte’l li'- ■dWJ 1
|S(Whr.PPtPhS«B(I:I ) J';,O' r e r J;Wy. , l'' <*•(»• WWSHJ
•deccit jdlNi tl|o pooltfil S Of trio ndO!
ai|UjM ‘PWf-1
•ihpyiwwto oWn«i : 1
i if'j it rl * * .3 - u;>' * jp, jit -hlj ’j- i‘ >ii ? ,;i ' •
Dkai. Gbnti.t with tub.J^iuuno>t-aIJP
dqkscbscs an cxtmnelrirroTclling mind who ref
lUictaTfi' mMommAv^xx^m: -a- ■ hobip
ikAi iMtki! ■6¥;aaH>oH«HS',A's iMsoWnilcl
!■Mr-iAitf' 1 tbhAok'hitf piiaK
'qaA"“Wd'"oio?«d|:‘6if ;dwif ketponii Mvhp
'WdoVk Vfherf We nhali fed’ (ar'ftffeet Aillrsclvesha
■“■oim'-00UNtRT-laiAT-w , Aiw , ii , B* , ii« liiotrt^OT'nion®:oA» Wo»aLOW:CpnNxai\r ,
December or
■ ■■'■•''■"■ 'Aaeeaot# oi s *Wcbsl*r. 1 '’if’
Among thli iflHM^^ofcs^bMWMr:Web-!
istbr. 'tlicrc.ia' onb, wHieh, fnwfeh slightly.;«- •
"teva,' is still very [Wolistciian mda put,: ■ ! ' .
'of tlio Son thhriV Senators'' and? hteprc|entatiN*c3 •,
In tKo 'bity Of ' Washington, :and, tlicy pnsiptl ■
iiiany comtiluhenin - upon,‘him'and alluding ,
frcduchtli' thdila'hciUgliWthti SoUlhcnjera inj
his habjii nha' hiafcbMhgE.'ana it .was all an
'iicidaht tliiit ho vrai borri ih Hew Hatapahirt. '
.At last Mr. Webster arose {, “Gentlemen,”
aaid ho, has been',atttel that I; resemblej
’the^utliernerSininonyresiJcela—and; Irnust
confess that,*hbW ' it' nM/becn. mentioned,!;
think'l db. Thb Southcrtcra;lovca‘goddelass
of winc-sb do'l.‘‘ f otfWhipg. iri which,
I resemble Ihe Sbuthomcrs. ‘-’The Southerners
‘ Also- arc good judged 'of betty ta.-irnd I will .again
: cobfbss Uiatlahi beahUful—,
: This inakes two ‘pomt‘B''bf memblapcc/ BuJ
:■ 'tlibw is iv’third la.wbichl 'mcijtrtecmblc them,
i -TheSbuthcftiefa)4**l4. V*t '^ c ! r
• deblst 1 and' the ’same' bps, also, been saidjDfmb.
• Ih '-ilicso! .ttorlicalMS; *gdm<tocri t ! I' icel’ V&va
} likoibbSoOlheHiefalV; .
. Shouts and lighter followed the sally of >Vit
. ahdgbod humor.; 1 i.. '‘\
According: tothclast advices from Vtah.lhe ,
Salt Like saints., were cxptrlcnclng: ttic cßcols j
of a. 1 financial crisis.-.. Some bt the brethren sent ]
out to expedite, tho emigration halt run Qov, i
■Bringhara into! debt. - nbtiuti ,50,000, which ,
Shows, that ;U tab is in pretty good credit. Tho ;
hnlders.of the drnfts.callcd on the leader, hunt- ,
cd him up for. the cash ‘ihcfore,” as ho express
ed it, “Lhcy - coilld, find! tihjo to shavo .their
.beards,!’ wliich troubled himiso niuch that, he
went iricontincnllyennd. preached a sermon on
the subject, his teste being, t'from this, time
forth 'do !not frCt-Uiy igiwtard.” In.this cun
fibus addacss ho n declared,! ho! will pay them
when ho- can and :not. before. The poor, he
said had gotthc-monov.they .post hare confi
dence,and wait; not,appear to
hate any desirCito repudiatc.for. he oflbred, at
the, conclusion I of, his'.addrfss. to. sell,sixty
thousand dollars! worth of jpmpcrty torpay oil
the otditns; at the stoic, lime he gave a hard .hit
to the hrfcthrcit who still o,wed the church. He
wanted, these! persons to ;apestoli?,c, for,they
were sum, he said, to, take advantage ut .their
brethren .apd. leave,iin .the end. Bringhaw
swots,lb-have a velniofi hard.common sense in
hja mental Composition, which answers admi
; rably for the contiol of the community which
; surrpuiidahlmv - * e.-'i 1
Ben- people have, any conception of tho stn, ’
pcndoiis sum winch is'designated by, ibis term. -
Sortie wfitbr havibg stated, in on article beaded ■
•What becomes of all' tho pltwl’ ‘that millions
■pt‘billions of.'pins must, vanish,* nobody can
tell how, or where, in'tho course of a- year.—■
.‘Euclid,’ correspondent of the National Intel-1
jigehcer, shows up the absurdity of the assefr 1
lion in the following stylo '
“I think, sir, tho , that article
thought little of "what ho evopo.tjny, -when fie
wa‘ifiirtnmibiA'n;r-tti%<if? fogai.iusi-vco.-
’isti ’in the dobihc'df ,priori jjC-Sany -pijls. mw
donhtediy v-nnifili every year; but any inathc
maliclan will .dcnionstralpjo ns that a single
billion.has neper yet been manufactured. A
billion’, according to'Nbftli Webster, is a .'mil
lion of millions’,— a number so vast. I say,that
the human mind has not the capacity to com
prehend it. 1 A manufactory making a hhrdred
plus per minute, and kept in constant opera
tion, would bidv make SSiSOG.OOO per annum,
'4hd Would require, near',, yparsyat.thc
•ddmbWio. WUhoiit 1 cringle ’moment. s ecssa
'{lop; to make that number called a billion.
: A OfiASTLt BpeCiaCLl!.—ft is almost in
credible to «t«|U tliu loss of thpßussians m Sc
bast'onof'alblioV Ibniisands And IhoTTsdmls or ■
dead bodies nutrify the ajr„ai)d indeed, almost
the'earth.' Tbavc been to setfSebastopol. and
to describe the state of it;‘ia alhlost.and indeed
utterly impOßsidle; it is’" a' frightful den; the
last two. bombardments have made fngbtlul
havoc in tbo town; it can only bo’coinnnred to
a sieve, it is so riddled with shot and shell.—
Tbs buildings look qi|ito pffifct-fiymeiur.bau
tel-icif, but once hnni' theta ybtl find them nuth
injr-bnt 'mere shells: nothing remains of the in
side but confused piles bf tdUbiSU: no staircase,!
no:Honrs, nothing retaalnsexctpt; the unsccln
ly mass,; nor is thorn naibglcdUor'Or: window
to be seen in any of- thdri* l '- In.-walking,’thiii j
Xlibtown; wherever? yoU .could/turn, nothing
but dodd bodies filed dn top.qf’\facK olherhnot
the'.eyi, arid a horrid , stench, salufal the nose;.
■ and what was more shocking ■■ bUH, ilwre '•were
i -casks filled. .with ortnv hgirhwxd*; tocs-ast
i fingers piled regtdarly (trntp in hedps, ■■ ■ ■
TmiEJi THOUSAND Bais in. one Hopse.-JA
gentleman of the countyof Prince Edward, \ a.
as we learn from the Farmvillo Journal, having.
Men dampened to abandon! thfc use 01. one of
the rooms of his dwelling, In consequence .Of
flie olWro snicll prodbnd byalargcmUnber
7df bats having taking bp their rcsulebco under
the webther-boarding and the irall-idetcrniiaM
'a short time since to Jot nd ef his Uoublcsodio
visitors bv pulling the Apartment. to pitocs:—
!Ho did so, end found them doOcMled bhdOr.ev-
I ervinhwk and ii) every .crcviccim mnmtudea
almost tdb aslohtHhing fcr bellef.'dlo cstmiaua
,thd number—dead ahd liaTfl-bfeenibc**
•.* tween two and three thousand. ,y
ras - ~— -
The Saints \ ia, thClTlfcdtrntsv
: A Billiou. i
ticlo, ibf wasjtpg.wipdo.vp JS « llffi r r?VhiiS W a&peM *kj.
.make it look as washed with
» no need of any tiling larger than » J
(or washing windows. The Jjra «
some people make in the of the
entirely useless, and is. iporcover, dcj s lf))pf|a.
When tho water is permitted to riui m gpeat
quantities over the glass it dissolves tpp putty
and soon loojciu) the ptnss from, their sellinK,
•cwsAtyJ- the .tfhff Jir«sfc: with.the «ct.
.pjojji pf,and.wtwAt K •
the olpim qlnib. ajul theu it .v Wf-V*..•
■ 1 'i !,
•' »O^ThD! S ddtch hfttpaßaying.^Whoohea^.
mo once, fl»ari>o befall 1 him ;it ho’bh a Y*jj
d\vicoi‘shfttn6^bofall !^le., '• 1 *’ _ jil
■ !l Vsdw«€^V® 4, W^
f r"! 1 *xi“ s , ls “S& W•:
Wt&t 1 iwW. tinner hge.'lias bee >.
thd Vnoth'cl l bf-actcn oblldjcri. ■ I
lron »f AW'Hv *«“? 1
La, a |(ravti ynrtl’in fftanJfl j°”\p ?, l ( [
with the following
exquisitely pOotli' epitaph ■: (He 'WQB’.O £
r--, , . : it - • t
I made of a Husband, she replied*-
■ .uimimani ■
adj ,o! flrr) jni I >r.',.vt ;mT
, Bi i;r. v 1.-f'i I ?.Jv
? I 1■ 1;
‘M V»J \ -J v.k.
Ab ‘‘gll
daily through ijbc> newspapers, to j
“buy afarm 1 ' in,(lie, of
Pennsylvania, .(he foilowing narrativo of| ft, re
cent ady'eptyre in the tbp of
prbpiise, so eloquently described in
fburiai'ntcrcstbg. / .
, Jeusey lNoy. £0,’55.
‘ ’ Mr^Edifor 1 :—Iri (he ;i carly 1 hfsibr\r i bflbis l
Wad of'tnany’rerodrkhbTo 'Adven
tures and Ibrilling episodes in'the lives of hud*
tern and pioneers, that appear quite marvellous:
but jionep)OJ>sesscd of more
deep and tbrniing intercsV’tbari’ lne following,
wbicb oocurred ttcc'dfl3r:''Thohcro-bf tbid^ad-
venters, ..Arviop,,Claris Rsqt, lai a. highly :rc-
spcctabie .citizen pf the borough of; Jersey. SUojrc,
*apd mine employ of the ‘‘Farming ‘ end Land
‘'A&socititiW,* as ■agcnt/Svhlch's8 I cstabUshing a
•neve cplohyncan iho site of the fatnous'Olo Bull
, ;I}dng an experienced woodsman
and pld (> h«ntpr,Jbq is peculiarly fitted as an
agent’ t 6 explore' the wilds of that jegidnJ Thp
story was delated' td- thO 'writer by Mr.' C: him
self, and-may be iclicdJupoh ca being correct.
On the 4th of November laqt,,Mr..C. was ex
ploring the rputo for a new road,to the
itient, thrdiigh'h iivild 'and gloomy wilderness.
•As the 'shaded of evening - drewonhc r, comtnctr
ccd to retrace bis-steps, as l ho 'supposed,' thro’
lands pf William Silver, Esq.> of Philadelphia ;
hut be was disappointed and lost Ins way.—
Ho becatnp alarmed, tt'nd oS Ihc dusky {dianca
of night weriy setting arohnd, he foutifl himseU
in h dense*forcSt, at least eight miles from the '
59tllcment.; Bccomipg very (tired from rapid i
, walking, ho sat down upon'a log to rest a mo
ment and contcmpla'p his situation. U*s at-1
trillion wkfi Suddenly,'at-resito hf a rustling ip
the bushes cldse'by,’ ahd On-cnutiousjy Tookm'g
rounds beheld a hhge'boar'commg towards him.
To draw up his trusty nfle anil'shdot the bepsl
waalbe worknfn moment: Bruin gave'afedr
fiiUand Jtwftll rdarrwhich awbke'thc echoes 'of
the gloomy solitude,'fthdlhcri was still. Fear
ing that tne beast was Only wounded, Clarke
i hastily rc-lbadcd his gtpv'Wilh two balls, the
fast in his youcb, dischargcd them into the
1 body of the monster, when he, cautiously, ,ap
i broached and found that ho was dead. , lie do
scribes the roar of the boast, os'lic received his
death wound,' as terrific/: and calculated to
jpako,tl\e stoutest heart quail with.fear.
J -A’ dark aud,gloomy night-was settling down
qri him—he bad no ■bullets'for His gpa—was far
in ihe'wildcTncss without food, or shelter- 6ur
ronndcA by Vild’animMs. ' 1 He had no matches
tokind.lco Situation-Was desperate,
and, to atld to his. further dispomfprt. lt cpm
thciicoil raining.’. IVhaC was tp.b? done? .To
remain there without ; ft' fire - was * exceedingly
ddnfecrtms. < With those refWctidns.hc continue
ed tp grope bis way ithroifgh.thcdanrcU.hoping t
to find a path,that.might, lead, to, a hunter’s
bdbilatrdn, but in’- v am. ; Tjio night was, as
dark as’Egypt, and thVhowhng' of a pack pf
wolves greeted hikcaiO 'Bdng ’tm old man; be
soon bcqauipcxhau.BtCd and foUnd that lie would
bavc;lo remain 'hero foe tbejnight., Coming,to
an aged hemlock lie Mated bimßclf, at iUiTOot 1
for tno mkhtlCo’iilU licbut obtain a fire he 1
&ly- safe.-' The cflor.t .was,
- .dfyL 1113 hcriaK'-opd
, Jopdlng-qla
fnlo'd arV coffou bandkorchuf. It Tfas.a.fii;!;
uic ! As the gun wan discharged, antnh'er'bear,
apparently, Wi.thin ] b'pu gave a
hideous and 'awful niar!that' made Olai K
stand on i‘rid. : Briiin'trim' terribly frightened
•by the discharge of riurgUn. ind hasrily Scam
pered off; much tor the tx-bef of.Clarkv who now
.began, to fairly-to realuzc the danger of his sit
uation. ■
Here ho renamed, not.daring to fall asleep-
About two o'clock-id tHb iriornliig. to add to
tile borrows’of ! his situation', the yell of ft pan
ther was heard- The bfcastupproached—came
nearer everyfew; mmuica uttering ft screech
that froze tjip bjop'd in hia veins 1 As a last re
’sort to 'defend himself from the attack of the
savago aiiimal.'herfiloadcd his gun putting jn
-soihd three ceiH'jriiees -and: steel ft ns, (for he
had tfblhing else): which ho hoped might db
some execution- The animal came,so near thftl
tlio glare of his eyes in the darkness resembled
two'Balls ol fife i Clark expected every mo
ment to receive the fatal spring. There he re-1
moined, wilbout.daringlomove; withthe ft-1
ery eyes of th’p parithpr flrcd..upon,,him ! In
, tms dreadful situation OXpflhing every moment !
'.tfi be torn in pieces, he Remained till break Of i
dav'- whed hc-wa* relieved from danger and the:
onimabdisappeftred. i Hungry, Wchry and cr- ,
’cited ho left for the settjunvty. where lw am-,
ved about noon, and related his thrilling ad ven
ture..!, A'party.procMvd to! tba place where |
thQbckr ( >vaH>sl»t,.apd Ins caress, j
' wliidti nroycu to be a W Jarge one. U w«ls ,
drcS.swra'bdYoririarded to-Jfew York. Tl Wfts,
several'days before Clark fairly i-dcotcred from ;
iho- fatigue,, tilt fear,- and'excitement lof that |
n)g|it, which;yiU ,nvytr be rempved frqm his
•"'■lleidcr- how 'would you like to RnW' Buck
a mght'iO'tbo glpbmy wilds of -a Totur cbUil*
ty wilderness? Joux op hAKCAaiEii.
lleroispv oj & t Uo£ ip .ll?t Ciinj^p.,, ,7
1 rriio,foUowinEftCC6lmtbf!th«cxp\pitsof«dog
in the Grimta, inmalolod from the 'Gazette of
‘Tiicste,. surpasses every thing heretofore recor
ded Vf tho demotion and bravery of . this noble
onpnriU: ■ '••• ,
.-,,11A crHtsensiitjftu' baiibten/ caufied m tho
nitraflf'ilio Aw«t<lu-
IIW Ar»;«V¥«anihnd i'soldlcr,
, it,d'took • three; Ranidans; 'prtsbnots. . A bill
.truck hU «K*.,ihp w(iuji<l;o|'ly..“WW‘«r'
Cl) ill?«mp)»l.(l'vrac 6 -.i
'S AuisiL •ora®?lluk ll'in
tod dragged liim'bnidWr ky ifi<: dost cbiltir la
IhpFrpncV 'A, sW?!*. l *-v
s ctnfe. r*c<:ije ttijio «abk of
m'diittw-duß m ■ h ‘?
.btsJroMtlp,Vifr -nt.'ii iw-‘I ii I’VlT.t-?' 1 -' *7 1
' ‘- 1 IT7”A irnan hot (ilailit to* bfe » JntlßO
, of dwim*Bft> t s:Oi , L»flt;»pf i D£ llU)u E htl:»r iitUt,
1 .pgifcom nidtove, »»d lioiwmogootl -liiri wut«>.
fortmoWmi/igt’Cdi+lctl dul'k:
Aht'Jr IjufcUet'fuU-of’.'ilougli,.'Uhl'after lit) lint!
it In IhoVirao bucket I JmAW linn r '°: in, and
[jlidlittlc tiliUlfiHHit.fuUM*' .u I j<
AFFUOTio»r-ThohMlli£F® oi ]
mcr. they are hWtMfWtoitgWie B «eii‘ lekirfe-, ~
h«MwV^M^WJSM ncl }4
,f ”'l i '>iii/i'[ii'n'i r* -i ii-iii| I haaa. Oliv ■ i|i
A, hdirttHhoitchderlfcoViotpiOha-1
Vlcasint lb»k»railca; lbTd«ndjiit|-ijj
ohiuo every where. '■ J "' I 1
1} ?!IT’33
• ■ 'ti
j J.L* iTC 0
1 name' life;
We cut the following paragraph from Gov-
Wright’s address, before the New York Slate
Agricultural Society :
“At Vho base of the prosperity of any people
‘lies this great principle— Make labor fashi&n-
Me'ot home. Educate, instruct, Cncourgo: and
pficrall;the,incentivesyou Can ofitr, to givoTrt-
Urest.apd dignity .to labor at home. Enlist the
ncafland the intellect of (bo family in tlicsup
■pon oP H'domestic system that will mated labor
'attradtivc'al th’c bomrsteftd. Uy means of the;
;ppKerful,mflaeqces,yf( early home education,
C.ndcavof U,invest practical labor with an in
iercst'fliat will cheer tlio'hcart of member
ofth'e fathUy , : , and thbrieby you will give to
•your household;- the grace, peace, refinement,
and attraction which God designed a nous
should possess. , .
The truth Is, we talk more, fjiink more,
work more.'and act more iu reference to ques
tions relating to Some, • •
The training and itnproving-of the physical,
intellectual, social and moral powers and eepti
picnW of llic youth of our country, requires
soiPething more tbamtnc school house, acad
emy, college, and university. The young mind
should receive judicious training in the held, in
tho garden, in the barn, in the workshop, in the
parlor, m the kitchen—in a word, around the
nearthatohe.' k't home .
Whatever intellectual attainments your son
may haye*cqyii%'dl he ts unfit to go forth into
society jf’he nas pot hat! thrown -around him
the; genial arid purifying influences of parents,
sisters, brothers, and the man-sawing influence
of the family government. Tho nation must
look for virtue, wisdom, and strength, to the
education that controls and shapes tho home
policy of the family circle. There can he no
Irivcbf country where there is no love of home.
I*atriotism, truo and gcmiine.The only kind
worthy of the name.dcrivcs its mighty strength
from fountains that gush out around the hearth
fcforic : arid those who forget to cherish the
household Interests, will soon learn to look with
iridiftcrcricb upon the interests of their common
Fasaios 1 and Funs.—The rage for furs was
never greater, perhaps, than the present seas
on promises. For a number of years the trade
has gradually increased In exterr. and impor
tance, till furs seem to have become an almost
indispensable' article of lodic's apparel. The !
style lias.ohanged slncoithe last season, by the
ty(ucning of-the “viotoj-ino” into a canc.sothat
in many eases, it is substUu'cd for cloaks and
shawls; Taildrs contrive so to va
ry Ibeir styles, pariicula'rly nB to the length of
skirtfi-and waists,'os to compel, an observance
of their .
In like manner,.furriers create a demand for
new patterns, by rendering tlic formch ones an
tique and distasteful, and many who. a year
siuce. provided .themselves with costly furs,
I now find themselves'' altogether dut bf fashipn,
1 and'under the necessity of further outlay and
| .the aid of the farrier. The .mink sablfe, or
American, ipiqkv has'.suddenly become very
1 popular, from its resemblance to the Russian |
sable,’ and \rill bq the fur most worffcthis win- !
ter. Thdpgh costing not ‘more, than .one-third
is hrnclVas the kaVsabW, iti qipcarancq.oftcrt
i gives at ' f i';'profertn‘c&. i - j Tho i sktu ,’cornmonly
. InCWtr
fur £3£RX toJwPOpcr.cape —cR6Ioo as mgm®
, $BOO.. ‘« r !. r*, '• •. ‘ 1
J ’’ The genuine ' Russian sfiblo is very - seldom
seen id thtf United stMes’and a'sbt—muffcap?
and dufls—coSfs’ 51400 lo 52000. • The fitdpo
I marlin, from t Germany'and ; Greece, the latter
beingtho beat, is - still much -worn, in largo
capes, and is a among the handsomest furs.—-
Gobd setk ard to bo had from $3O (n S4Q, ex
tra $125. Ermine costs 5400 to $5OO vlit
The oppbftsutn martin) is the staple
for medium'priced furs, particularly, for the
country trade, and black fbx silver for. squir
rel. 4c. .arc cheaper still. The price pf nil
kinds of furs arc slightly In advance of last
vear. The mink is Very much in advance, and
the manner of making up all descriptions still
further enhances their cost. — N. Y. Journal of
Commerce .
A' T)aiuno Si-avt Übwobk.—A slave named
Jamb Green fan away last August, from Mr.
Parsons, of Romuoy,' Va.. into Pcnnsylvnnia.
A few weeks after he returned udder cover of
jiighl. stole a, horse, and carried oil five of Mr.
Parson’d slaves. Two weeks ago he again jc.
turned, and carried ot! five slaves from the same
place "belonging to Mr. Slunip. This induced
Slump, Parsons fttid a nephew of Mr. Parsons.
, to atari iu pursuit of them* j|n Bedford coun
ly'v'Pft-, two of Ktump>,slnvp were overtaken
ami sent back, Green discovered Parsons in
1 flic cirs. and jumped edit; and Parsons follow-
I ud amT'Scediedtiim. thonglf-he was heavily
1-annud. CbU Piper, Gen. Pottst'nnd other ab
-1 ohiionisUs.intcrtcr«i. and forced Parsons away.
1 The rcloisQof the fugitive otlecled. Potts weal
1 before a magistrate'and made oath ngaiosl Par
' sons'for altcmpthig to kidnap- Papons pro*
cuml bail. The slave. Green, it Is thought, is j
in Canada by this lime.
•Alii’aald R'Wickcd lad to a lady ac
quninUuKUof proud,aristocratic caste, ‘I, PC’ 1 '
ceivc. madam, you have been learning a trade.
’ ‘Learning 7 a trade V .replied she heartily,
looking needles amvpins at him, ‘lndeed you
;arclffi*i'tttly*misiakcn sir, 1 . '
i *Oh;’ tend the’inTischlevous chap, *1 imerrcrt
Iron* tho Iqoks of yodf abreks that yob' bad
-! U .We S«pilojic'l'ln stl '" ,cr . ‘hdlady ravo
cd herself-from fainting by taking-' ft gWia 'of
brandv'dnJ water. ; ;
stromii-S.’t'mt |>m.slt i/’?nc to < It in •
rilrtwcdrf'twisted'With; »' tboiiß««il‘stri«K».
[hat'Cart i.mndiT if ont) in lit 11 ken. 1 ifuniglit
•lcfls worlal* tfro sgr.'ouivdw) by mnumcroMo
dargn* which
4 last,
c’onitiKiscd'wUli odbidrois <!rcry daw tocniall
piljiai NbtWithStandihg this: troth • nso.p*!;
LwyaMt«WW> to t>>“ <W>y «»t»pte^r..
our cycfluhow.little do ,\yc joy it to heart- Wb
seo our friends a ,K ! die, bmf h|j:
‘aoih'dW it occur'to owr I ' thoughts that old
Itiicll 'njiff giro tlidhcxt' warning' to’ tho world.
Mrtholf ti tiio'iiiibolil ■omorlniomcnt ol n com
pany onprotJU glrhnfpt ■s.whole.svouhili!, d^iro
Quito aa_cxcitlng-Bccno-QticuxxctLfltxiig-pf
iifW'itoaiiiia jferiiUfiga.
gcd-in rolling off a cask, when to the consterna
tion tuid flfcrpriari offthd ln per
forming that operation, ft-Toioo.was:heard wltp
it easy, thoa'p darned’
talherpa'y my thdn'afaiidfln a 1
Holding ap.their heath* their
cd-to-tho sieo of two sauccra.tholwo.lahprcrs
exclaimed—*'. ‘ 'V Wj ' -;‘ r •/“
iir j
AT 32,00 PER. ANNUM,
ho, m 1
; That boats : thb d—!!»" riJ
. Tho mate cqmWg.Ufl at th!s,nvojnpiit»iiiw&
aVrarp pTHho cause of delay, commenced cqrslng
them (or their ,dlla(o;lnfc'SB,' whoa' froth vritnliii
flj6 voice ngaln : bame forlU'tJ-'« *;’hl * f, . n
“ Tou’to nobody •, lot me out of thifjjafifcjlfo
“ Wpo’s that ?” said the mate.-
« Why U*s raol*’eald tho voice 1 JSLwont W
got out—l won’t this any lopgot J”, ?
,End .up-tho cask,” saUl’ the rriato',' ” ’
" 1 «< On dofi’t—you Will kill We , .’*’saldlho'yblce.
“These dum nails prick mo. foolc
DonT!” again said the cosked up individual, as
tfio men were turning It ; <ivtsfv , ' i '•* '. ll i v> .
Cooper;?’ soid/thd mate, ,UhhCftd thl? epa*,
and-tako oqtthatnjanw”.’ : :. .•• .. t
As tho adzo Bunderp’d'thd! tup
‘head was contingent, tho : vdice' agaitr'broko
forth— r ‘ ■'-'7
. “ Bo easy, now Is there ■anyone. about I :! >?
don’t want to bo caught I” - v .
Quite a crowd bad ndw‘ gathfeifcd' round' (bb
scene of,action,’’ when,'to the,utter oatonlsly
mont.of tho aloud cuUcrool lp.ugh
broke forth, which madoohr 1 hair Stnud on feha,
tho casU-Was (Hied < with : bacoU.'' ' I 0; l
“ WhaVdoes it mean 3’?.aays pnori sev.y •
•<« I Hwcarj it boats my'tirpo,” paid,thet ipaW*.
“Wb enjoyed tho joko‘to'o,wdO t’o"‘‘bldw,"
as Uro walked Off arm In tirtn’Wlth tho f «FnWif'df
Ava,” the ventriloquist and magician. ' !ii '>
— .-a,}- odl
‘Talking of conundrums,’ said
canc, stretching.himself. aU_OTcr„ Social Half,
and sending outgone of. those (mighty :puflX of
Havana smoke which bad giycn hirp>lns, naina,
•Talking of conundrums,,cap any qf yop.
I whon a ship may Be in love?’ 1 /' ' t '
‘T can tell—l ean,’ Snapped butmtle Turtf&
‘lt’s when she wants,to be,mtuined.’ , «
•Just missed it,’ Qlif Hufri.canp, ‘by a
mile. Try again. Who Speaks first?*' '-' J " l,t
•Ido. secondly,’answered Lcomotn*. cl t6*l
when she wants a mate. L ■- i-r.i.l ; '• ■’
‘Not correct,’ replied Hurricane. .. /Shi
question is still open.; ♦-
‘When she's a ship of great sire,-’; (sighs)
modestly propounded Mr,. Smoothly. .u
■When she's a tender to aropn.of ,\™^/ ? 6wd
the Colonel, regarding the reflection orhisWto
in his boot. ' ' f ' rJ “
♦Everything hot correct/ responded--HurrU
cane. ' /'• r “d".
‘When she’s struck a heavy swell/
suggested Starlight. , t
‘Not as yet,’ said Hurricane.
•When-she makes much of a fast,sailor/
cried Lmashpipcs',
Hero there was a great groatvaria Smasn' J
pipes was thrown oat of-the winded. • Who#
peace was restored. Old Hurricane
‘Ton might have said, ‘when she huga thd
wind/ or, ‘when she runs dowri for a stnackv*
or, ‘when she’s after a.consort/ or' something
of that sort. But it wouldn’t have been right*
The real solution is—When she’s
‘that’s it, is it?’ said
tcrionsly re-appeared.' ‘That’s ’ what rl josi
stepped oat to tell the ladies. Now- sorae-of
yon tcll.mewhcn a ship is beloved?’ . ’
•When the Carpenter re-guards her/ ouotb
Mcistcr Karl. ‘Smashpipea—you" tanst r flnd
the cigars.’ 1 ’ ''- r ”
And Smashpipcs brought qnt hlfl bpx.Orlujh
gallas, and behold there, came a great cloud
over Social Half. • - _
Stout ot a Buttk'kpi-t.—Tho following
beautiful little sketch la by the charming Glici
Greenwood. It occurs in her account of he*
Toyago across tho Atlantic; • •• > r t
:: ♦•-One Oayvipnch to ray;• wrbHso/.I ,‘kpW-'«
butterfly, onrofco- of tbe^frarsof-lntf
ilwiagfnin so'icK Bptits wings jverp tfoi’yflyl
spmyvnnd lorn by tho Vinds t 'and' U uid not*
liyb mahwminutes after it He.-' t • thought : W
myself yfmt -perhaps this poor creature rhafl
qcop born in ■_ some .secluded cottage .garden)
brought up bn tf|o sweetest honey andthe pur
est dew, cradled by hiSht in a jessamine
tf, and rocked by soft.' Bummer Windsor Coal*
ly .crouched in the heart of & rose, hndbunfefb
sleep by a merry cricket’. That perhaps, sh?
had alway been bappy-and. contented til! soma
gossiping locust or fragrant humming bird,had
tilled Ip cars with fine stories of grander gai£
deiis oyer the sea, hadbccnjseized with
n foolish longing for foreign travel, "kirangrf
atghta'. and adventures. And that from thji
tune she had fpund .hcr garden-homp dnll f ',b<ft
honey dad dew insipid, her roscbudpncomlorM
able, the'song of : her cricket nurse htj-sh , tiU
she could stand ! it f no longer, but bravely flew
off from shore right over that beautiful* spartl
ling sea. Then the storm wind took her, apd
whirled her ou and on, through, the salt ocean
spray, all duy and alj night, until it left her’at
last) not in a fairy garden, but on a great ship
which smell of tor instead of .roses, and where
she sank down to the dccki apd.thapmall.gobj
slam died out of her aaurc wings, and-shaptf
soon, only a little heap of shining c|iiflt’.’\ ‘ ' T ‘ p
petticoat lifter” la the great ceutre of attraction
at ihu exhibition in the Crystal Palace lb Now
Vork, and is tyus described: . TJhert} aro fouf
Binull pulleys attached to the, waist under the
dt-oa*. over which are foto small cords, one 6hd
of which It attached WlLli-pliis, severally Übtfaj
front, rear and aides ol the skjrt, at; about ;lbp
height of the kmje, Thu oilier
In mops, which arc led Into (ho’ pockets oh
either aide. If a lady wishes to go «n stairs*
she tmllaloop Ko. V In' thb right pocket; nnd
Instantly thodvdss rises lb fronti to that tho'iit
cnot is wafio with perfect ;gwct»,., No. A tn.thO
lell hand pockot, olovatos,tiio roar. in.tho.saiDp
manner, and 'all pulled ‘ ? l Onco Uls all Uvo skirts
knee high! * All ’these- ldOlhr,’ tore
Cords* kc.f show tbit tronuui is dctunmnpd to
prove that ,i» wig
Imvo lho stoutest rigging. But what is Ihp.uto
of this “lifter.” Upon the basis of tho utiCOtt.
■ BSKStsas
to raise ii lud.’» iltcsH, when it is notfiaory'. to
0oWov«l;«M?ll> g_qttin' HU fitnirt,-,; -■ >. .v>l
Human Lir*.—Ah! this beautiful wotldi*L
Indeed, t know not tvbal Jo IMnk'oMt* Somd-
Otned It Id 'all gWdndas and euhshlno; wml Uco
voti, it is iiot fur oUt lAmPthfettlfictangwma
qlotuU Bliut ‘qut r |ho
gildiluBt**of ds‘ there atu bright daj's'Hko'tblfl,
whon wo feel ns If wo could tofcotblsgjontkTodd
In our arms. Then como tbo gloomy bounty
.wbtSuDxMro Will noHbet Vuru
our bonrtbs, nndrOl.wUhont anjl vyittyn fa dls.
(W. D(.<ll6Vo; - 'evory hcitVhis
liskoerst -Wtowdl wliiiditho world'knows not,
Siulioritm.tltooi'veicallaiw. eoVd,'?hfil>'lW ; |s
pnly.sad.— tyf&Hfltiy'fjtyVf’:,, rit ,;.Co I
1 Cask of Qo Ktla: Yunoali;.—l A. 'London cca
rcsmindcpt pays t,—ft It, oUen pxpltca .rcitwrk,
tfio, danger to-whlcht')”. QW
: liiir tifte ullWsh 11-iitlUhiitty by rallrdadi but ita
hntp'npddoaofalio Parti tako ndr, horsnert d
noraon. Thu royal saloon lu whk’li she rides*
has on top a signal telegraph. worked «">“
iptprlor; pi Iho Carriage.., A man
(endoC looking VeUlvahltk. so as « ® *'s
(i mindjhfaanntbbdndior«.o Mims giving
, lug with the
. gilanOo bah -’ l 0
tSalddnt. ot Ihp ifbmlori/ inWoll^Mld
5,0, i-xm giotifi <)or;« k'flo N r
lI.WM SP*MSS!! S.SS'ijaWftj: wiccira.n