American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, November 01, 1855, Image 2

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, jpjj J.Dli.mOS,, Mlor& Proprietor;
"""cABLiSIiE, PA.', NOV.I, 1855; ■' 1'
• ! ' ,; ’EiECTnio ‘ rheumatism,'sprain,B,
Bomplgia,' and pf'pains, ,tho "Electric
Oil I# pronounced .withodta rival, by- those ’who
baV« used -it.; 'Several 'of gnr acquaintances
who Jia^e’tested Its.virtues, all agree thatlt Isa
pafe and certain ycmqdy. The Oil had
at the Drug stores of Messrs. Keifeb dhd Hav
■BfTiOK. Soo advertisement in another column.
The “ liOWE'Stau. ,, -—“"The Chahiberaburg
TPhlg infbtrosus tha!t-WM..M. Henderson, the
now County Commissioner for Cumberland, is
ttm'“ority'ol(l : llnd Whig elected to any office in
Fonhsylraiila/ihte full!” and he was elected by
Democrats,lheirnominco having died a week
or two,before the election.
■ SpOlitiko Wombk.— A match game of bil
liards for $3,000. is to be played in New Or
leans, soon, between two, Crcoleladics of the
“first respectability.” These women are said
to have fbw equals at the game, even among
gentlemen, in the United Stales.
The American attempts to justify the
Town Council for removing Joseph Stuart
from the office of Borough Constable. Of
course! That paper appears to be the partic
ular pet of our Councilman, receives all the
Borough patronage in the way of printing, and
feels disposed to cry amen ”to all their dir
ty acts. “ Mr. Stuart wos not removed on
political grounds,” says the American, “but
on the ground of gross dereliction of official
duty.” Tell that to the Marines, sapient
American ; we know better, our citizens know
better, and the editor of the American knows
better. He wax removed because he refused io
vote the Know-Nothing ticket, and he was no*
titled before the election that such would be
the case if he dared to exercise the right of a
freeman, and vote as he pleased. If he had
not performed his duties as an officer, how
happened it that the Council never found this
out till the day after the election? What was
it that brightened up the visions of our Coun
cilmen at that particular lime?
We care very little about the removal of Mr.
Sturat. but yet, as he had been appointed b) r
the present Council, we could not but depre
cate the motives that prompted his removal.—
He was a good officer—a much better one than
is acting now —and his removal by the men
who had appointed him, we repeat, was an act ]
of contemptible littleness. j
In answer to our strictures, two weeks
since, on tins piece of petty tyranny of the
Council, the Ammoin swells up, and asks us,
with child like simplicity, " is it not contemp
tible lilUcnesi m our present Roman Catholic
Post-Masler-tjcnoral to remote every petty
deputy in the country who will not bow his
knee to the Pope of Rome?” Language like
this may do for a demagogue to use, but we
arc surprised, now that the election is over,
and the political elements quieted down, to see
our neighbor pf the .jlmenrnn resort to such
contemptible balderdash. Who are the Post-
Masters who bow the knee to the Pope of
Romo ? Can the American name one ? If the
imputation was intended for us, wc hurl it
back into the fact of him who conceived it, and
hesitate not to denounce tho assertion as utter
ly devoid of truth. No, Mr. .4»imr«a, when
you make a charge like this against the Post-
Master-General and the thousands of men act
ing ns Post-Masters, you assert what you
know, in your heart, is not true.
Tiie American's reference 100, to “ the mis
erable, contemptible Pierce dynasty.” as ii is
pleased to designate the National Administra
tion, is in exceeding bad taste at this time. —
Within the last few months thirteen States of
this Union have recorded their verdict — eleven
m favor of the Administration, and two against
it, and these two by reduced majorities ! Such
has been the verdict of the people. They have
spoken in an earthquake voice against the
treasonable designs of the followers of Ned
Buntlinb. It don't become the disciples of
the lato Sam, therefore, (o denounce the Na
tional administration, in the face of existing
facts; nor is it judicious in them, now that
the people have so signally condemned them,to
denounce any party except ihcir own, as “mis
erable and contemptible.” Most emphatically
are such appellations applicable to repudiated
Know-Nothingism, for a more corrupt, de
bauched, mercenary,villainous faction never ex-
isted outside the dominions of the Prince u
Darkness. No wonder the people, from the
Atlantic to the Pacific rose up in their might
to rid the country of so pestiferous a party.
Partridge Shooting.— Casting dull care
and business aside, a few days since, wc, m
company with a friend, tooH a hunt for par
tridges- Proceeding a few miles from lownj
we put up our horse in the stable of a friend,
and took to the Helds, our dog in front. In
about an hour and a half we shot ten beautiful
plump partridges—that is, our friend and our
self shot them—for wc don’t wish to claim all
the credit of the shooting. • For the hospitality
bestowed upon ua by our friend. Judge Stuart
and lady, wc both felt under many obligations.
Speaking of Held sports, Mr. Herbert— alias
’—an author of considerable
“frank Forrester"
•clcbrity, thus writes
“There is certainly no more manly, no more
salubrious, no more animating sport, than the
pursuit of game, with the trained dog and the
gun. It naturally induces hardihood, and
strength of limb, frccness of breath, vigor of
•onslitution ; it makes men familiar with the
works of God, in the field and forest, which are
unknown to the dwellers of pent up cities ! It
leads us into the wildest and the fairest scenes
of nature ; it brings us quietly to think and
ponder with ourselves ; it teaches us the habits
and the instincts of those inferior animals,
which tve 100 much incline to undervalue ; it
causes us to weigh their instincts, to com.
Snro .them with our own boosted reason; it
iscoms to us, that the poorest bird, the hum
blest quadruped, has gifts and attributes.great
er than wo possess, and exquisitely suited to
Us wants.
Does It not lead us, then, to self-examination
in Romo sort, ind to humility; to the knowl
edge of ourselves, of our fellow-men, and of the
great works of our Jlakcr ?
I, for one, think so; and I never hear a
greasy-faced; sanctimonious fellow declaim
ngoinst the cruelty, the wantonness, and the
unprofitableness of field-sports, but I set him
down for an arrant f001,.0r an arrant hypocrite
—but I long to assure hfru, that in the eyes of
Heaven, and, God bo thanked, even of this
world also, some pursuits ore held profimhle.
besides that of the almighty dollar .• and sonic
amusements Innocent.bcsido cheating our neigh
bors in the street* and calling that business :
•r slandering them by the fireside, ftud calling
ttnrt «w»Trrwli<m J"
There Is nothing more common now-a-days,
than for a scoundrel detected of horvq
or floraiji othqr felony, to change hls ho
is so fortunate, toeacapo ;/orj. If so ijitfortimate
as to
of on hii release &pm thij State jir|-
sou, in order in thb ijrst v casb tjo baflid
and in'the second to lull, byaprdtcndqdVefpr
mation, the suspicions of those upoh'wkom ho
designs to impose. £.9 with individuals, so
collectively with the master spirits of corrupt
and fraudulent parties. In confirmation of this
wo need but point to the exemplars of Know-
Nothingisra: the motley sponsors of that social
and political monster, furnishing in their own
persons Ijdlh ap pixamplo of this analogy in the
first instance, and a proof that wo may expect
iHn til’d second. Like tholf prototype 'above
mentioned, thsy fehrihged ,I Ur name « Know-
Nothing” into “American,” after tfipy.had made
the first an dboralnation .by their individual as
sassinntions} mlduight orgies, and wholesale
slaughters. They hoped by that means to oludo
the popular indignation, and escape with their
bantling, that broad brand of Infamy which an
indignant people seldom fails’to impress'upon
the brows of its betrayers, How Aitilo.tho ex
pectation! The Arnolds and tho Burrs of the
country boro its indelible impress, and tho srtnie
fate ns certainly awaited Know-Nothlngism. Its
.alias dictus conid not avail it. Identified as
the presiding genius of Louisville, like a guilty
wretch U was dragged before the popular tribu
nal, and condemned by those it counted among
its victims. If tho analogy bolds auy'further
between tho principles of tho parties hero asso
ciated, wo may soon expect a corresponding
change in tho tactics of those Know-Nothing
leaders: they too will endeavor by a-pretended
reformation to repress tho suspicion of those
who are too wary to be deceived by t|ic|r old
professions. That there will be such a.clmnge,
is a fact ns evident to us ns is tho necessity of
one to themselves. Wo will not attempt to de
lineate it, but mark our word, tho last election
lias opened tholr eyes to tho necessity of mak
ing one, ns tho last, tho •< kill or euro” potion,
for; a monster that has tho death rattle in Its
throat. In tho hope of prolonging its sickly
existence for awhile, they will assuredly make
one. The signs of the times are indicative of
this. Perhaps they will make a parade of abol
ishing their oaths, or endeavor to Impart to
their proceedings an appearance of publicity for
the purpose of catching tho unwary. Though
wo cannot say exactly what they will do |ii this
section of the country, wc havoJittlo hesitancy
in giving our opinion as to what they will not
do. They will not, we think, throw out the
foreign test, retaining the Catholic, as they have
done in New England; nor will they discard
the Catholic and retain the foreign test, as they
have done in tho southern States; in one of
which, that of Louisiana, they are running a
Catholic tor Governor. No, they will hardly
venture upon tho first, certainly not upon the.
second expedient hero. Such planks would
make a poor platform (or this meridian. They
are respectively intended to catch Catholic and
foreign votes, where Catholics and foreigners
urc numerous. So far from favoring cither of
these expedients here, they are even unwilling
to let tho rank and file become acquainted with
their duplicity; but, judging from appearances
the secret has leaked out, and a good many of
the rank and file are icabingdut too. But,
though they dare not do either pf those things,
they must, as we said before, endeavor to <lo
something. A good many have invested in tho
enterprise,,opd like a failing shlnpTastcr bank,
it must bo bolstered dp until they can remove
their dcpos'tes. They must, therefore, disguise
their hook with a new bait: the old one won’t
answer. It Is to put people on their guard
I against an old monster with a new head that wo
ve been thus early in warning them.
This gentleman, formerly of Pittsburg, but at
pacscnt a resident ol this city, says the Xqncai
(cr Intelligencer, is favorably spoken of In. sev
eral quarters as a candidate for State Treasur
er. Mr. M. is a through-going Democrat, a
gentleman of undoubted Intelligence, business
habits and qualifications (ortho office—o*d wo
know of no man whoso election to that import
ant office would bo moro acceptable to the De
mocracy of Lancaster county, nor ono, wo
think, who would fill the office with more ere-
Oit to himself and advantageously to the Com
monwealth. Wo sincerely hope ho may bo se
lected for the post.”
Wo endorse nil that is hero said of Mr. Ml
on aw. Wc know of no more worthy or com-
petent man.
Know-Nothings of Virginia were in
State Council, at Lynchburg, on tbo 10th and
20th ult. They resolved not to nominate their
candidates fur President and Vico President
before the Ist of Juno, 1850. From present
appearances wc would not bo surprised if ol
that time it wns duemett advisable to wind up
Lite concern and go regularly into bankruptcy.
The first step toward such a result was taken by
I the adoption of the following resolution:
1 “ Rewired, (as the judgment of this conven
tion.) That all ceremonies of initiation into tbo
American party should be discontinued and all I
| obligations ol sccrcsy removed 5 that its meet- i
I lugs should ito open and public, and its pro.'
, eeedlngs conducted In accordance with the or
dinary usages of political bodies ( ami that wo
Invito the co-oporutlon of all good men who ap
prove the principles und objects of the party.”
When Know-Nothinglsin is shorn of Its core
monies of initiation, Its oaths and its secrecy,
there is scarcity any thing of it loft. But little
credit is duo lo n party for reforming Its organ
ization under the coercion of public sentiment.
Wo refer to it onlf as another significant con
cession to Democracy.
Kansas Election. —The returns of the
Kansas election for Delegates to Gongres, hold
in accordance with the regulations adopted by
the Legislature, show that Whitfield (pro-sla
very) has received all the votes but 30. On the
Oth the Free State party held their election,
and it is calculated that they have polled 3,000
votes for ex-Governor Reeder, as a candidate
for Delegate to Congress. They are preparing
the documents to contest the seat of Whitfield.
D7* Pftflsmoro Williamson’s oaso was again
before Judge Kune on Monday week, on peti.
Hon, in which his attorney reviewed, tho subject
of his incarceration. Judge Kano, hgtoover,
gave the counsel to understand that the "first
step was for Williamson to purge himself of the
contempt of court, for which ho is now in re
-Btrainty>l>eforo his petition could bo received,
though lie would listen to an argument upon his
rigid to be hoard by such petition.
Tub Canal Appointments —The Board pf
Ciinul OuinmiHsionors will hold a session at Har
risburg on the 7th instant, fur the purpose of
making appointments of officers on the several
lines of Canal and Railroad belonging to the
' : DBOJfESr “
Strange os UnppMrs, there are nevcrthycss,?
hundreds in busitte&jjbotb public anJprfvrjte,
to'xvhichfyi'a’Si^agri^blßvcptlhfet,is altogether
applicable. ; Wo say is'
'an uglyriame.jand signifies an Indifferent an£l
:lasy pci^n—rone who: docs hot carta figwheth
er.the cart is hitched 'the.
hbrso beforMhc cart.' They sleep as soundly
on tho brink ofa precipice, as in Hio well-fur
nished upper chamber. • When - their property
is stolen, they muster ipuch. courage/.na
enables them to “lock up” what tho thief left;
and in short, nothing savo the loudest thun
ders of artillery, can properly .awaken: thrir
sensibilities, if it can be said they' hoVtf ’otiy.
Their ;_let ua “kilUhc fatted calf,!-
"eat, dnnlf, and , But,.w|iat tons
sc?ins thc;mo3t is thefactpf;their
occupying a space in sodiety, Without nclublly
demoralizing its condilibn^—for the mero'nicn*
lion Of a lazy ftersori,' carries with it ,‘an
too disgusting forgotten in a day, How
ever, Vrhat covers the defect of ihe Drone; at
homc and tho liberality, of rather
continual mutuality of their fellow-citizens.—
To the care and kindness of their fellow’ men,
they arc mainly indebted for- almost all they
enjoy. Like the falling tree that lodges in the
heavy and supporting branches of anotftcrncaf
it, they Iqdgo themselves upon, the .forbearance
of the liberal minded and good humored; and
thus they get along, without beiug distinguish
ed from the worthy nnd ; industrious of, man*
kind-j-a roost astonishing,pppcics of wholesale
The affairs of State may be corrupted; arid
tossed to the centre,,by the prowling, syco
phantic demagogue,-so that the. .people may
crow their anger and revenge—
and the drone will turn up the white
eyes, (without moving hand of foot,) and say,
“all is well.” Tho tenets ,of the everlasting,
gospel may bo assailed by the Infidel, with *ti
gcr-like ferocity; and without even a pretence,
to morality, or the least concern, for tho welfare
of mankind, and the success of the goapeU he
will proclaim, with an idea which, if it were
possible; would shame even n jackass, thpt the
opposition of th<? infidel will dll die away ; and
still they occupy the room of useful, intellectual
beings, i " > '
But to these pests of society there arc a plu
rality of objections. They are jealous and ava
ricious. And is it not surprising, that brings
too indolent to open their eyes and cars to the
business of life, can muster tip a spirit of ava
rice—a .wish to obtain all the earnings and ad
vantages that accrue to the industrious ?.'They
will not sow, yet they struggle hard to gather
the sheaves of him that soweth. Wo see this
meanly singular spirit, throughout the whple
ramifications of society—even in the party pol
itics of tho day. Where a counter spirit,should,’
if possible, always prevail, there it is tho most
prominent! But, in this, it is particularly ob
jected to by those who oon appreciate tho pure
principles of our Government.
Tho hateful effects of this droneism t may bo
seen daily and almost every where, like . tho
gaunt wolf, ever to be feared, and ever to be de
Spirit Rapping.
That this woridis' troubled with- spirits .is
vcry ccrlain, ’ There are all-tho various shades
of ‘.‘black and white, blue and gray,” hovering
about all the lime; and: wo 'doubt very ranch
I whether the Legislative act Will or can put them
!to rest. Bub the most troublesome spirits that
wo know of, arc those which get into nien’o
brains and turn their intellect—producing a sort
of delirium tremens that bids fair to rivallho
{stressing malady of the inebriate chased by
little animalculae.”
Some time ago the New York Spiritualists,
Judge Edmunds of the number, issued the fol
lowing telegraph from the spirit land. Wo
hope for the credit Of the sublime science, Dr;
Kane will not contradict it:
“Dr. ; Kane has recently passed away from
the earth life, his mortal body having been
crushed by the ice,'as ho wont after his, crew,
who had gone in search of land. His 'ships
have been hrokefi to pieces and destroyed, aqd
most if not all his crew arc in the spirit world.
The spirit also stated that he, in company
with Dr. Kane, Sir John Franklin and others,
was last night in the polar regions, and saw
the remains of Dr. Kane upon the ice, with
clothes, papers and his watch, upon which they
saw his name, 'Dr. Kane,’ ho having engraved
it thereon, not expecting to return, but hoping
that it might be found by some ono in search
of him.
A Dispute Settled. —Our readers well re
collect that Gov. Pollock immediately after his
inauguration, appointed Gen. Power, of Beaver
county, Adjutunt-General of tho State, in
place of Gch. Bowman, of Bedford, who held
the ofllco under a commission from Gov. Big
ler. The latter declined to surrender tho of
fice. on tfib ground that his appointment under
the law was for three years, and that his term
(would not expire until August, 1856. The
matter was referred to the Supreme Court, and
that body has decided that Gen. Bowman is
entitled to exercise the duties of the office for
the full term of three years from tho date of his
commission;, and c*n only be removed before 1
tho expiration of his term for good and iujfi*
cient cause. They also decided that inasmuch
1 as Gen. Bowman had neglected to (Uo his bond
until tho commencement of these proceedings,
he was not legally entitled to any pay for the
time ho failed to do so.
This important question being now settled
by tho highest judicial authority, tho whole
commonwealth and “the rest of mankind" will
breathe ’'freer and deeper.!!
Boiiniko a Wipe. — A Russian named Pfeil,
residing In Mllwaukio, Wis., made on attempt,
on tho 18th ult., to burn tho body of his de
ceased wile, but was prevented by (ho Sheriff
and his assistants. lie had circled d funeral
pile of sixteen. cords of wood, and had sha
vings and turpentine id readiness, when tho of
ficers put a stoop to tho proceeding, and bad
tho corpse buried In tho usual woy. Pficl al
leged that Ills wife was bom at Brahman, and
that it was her desire as well as his own thot
her remains should bo burned. Wo believe
that the body of Henry Laurens, President of
tho first Congress, was consumed by fire,which
is the only instance of the kind that has ever
occurred in this country, at least since the es
tablishment ofcjvil government. . |
Sica on Election Day*— An opposllun pa
per in one of the, adjoining counties, In accoun
ting for of
"Many Americans were detained at hdmo;by
Sickness in their 1 famjlles.” ' thought
• Sam** was sick, and are afraid that aincolho
| election he has been getting **no better Usti"
Vlglt flf thc. Ijnlhernn Synod to. the PiMldebt.,
thcran:Syn«l;ofMarylapd,.whQ had been hold-’
|hg their;sission in Washington cityfor several
Hays, callrf In iv body at HoHae on Prcsidenl(jPier&-- They
cd by hijn withj jnd Jirt)
have the pT(^SLiV^b^n6^h^that ; lhc tn6mbcr3
of th* 4 Synod Werehighly pleased with their iris-
Rpy. Jaiis jirpflj,.
ren to the President in the following appropri
ate remarks;' ■•.*■ • 7
Mr. PjAnsiphtfr': .It affords.njc much-pleas- { ybhr, Excellency AhclEvaii-o
gclical Lutheran Synod of Maryland, and to
ossure-you of..our--high appreciation of yoprr
distinguished services on behalf of s the gryat rep
public ifhich'bas, 1 With' .cbn ffflcnce, i nl ) your.p
bility and ihttgrityplaced
of its executive,goyernnicnt jay ourihands. j' ’
'• bV by! acsoch (j,' our prpt
found and sipberb regard has al way abeeii iufijxj
ifcstcd lp'purybble.'ond generous institutions}
arid whnc
ity arid periep .which eminently distinguish pur
grand .national Confederacy, \yc sliaU. confinue
to offol* ‘our'prbyers for a pcrpctualibnVbf thc|
sarao benedictions.. ~ ,!' { "
. The President responded ns follows: ;
Sin: 'lam vcry.'much gratified to'meet-the
Lutheran Synod-of, Maryland, now-convened
in this city, arid several of whoso : ministers it
has been ray • < pleasure to hear • preachi'andf
feel much obliged to : you, sir, and the - body’
which you represent, for tho favorable' seriti- :
ments m regard tomy services asPresldentof
this great epuntry,- jUst expressed. > [ Whatever’
merit may attach to those services must beris- :
enbed to a sincere And honest purpose faithfully'
to discharge the responsible duties imposed tip
oh thc'pcdplc. > And it affords mb Vdry-‘
great plcasore to!he assured that I ora remem
beted by theclergy in their prayers to aThrbhe
of Grace; ;fbr.l regard them ns aclass of men
whose services arcof great importance to the
welfare o! our country, and I am always grat
ified to meet them in social intercourse. I;om
gratified to bear testimony to thi l civll valuc of
tlerrimns, whoso national
represents. In all the relations which they
sustain to ourgovornment, I havcalwaysfoiirid
them to bo'horicst, sincere in .their attachment
to our country. loyal f and perfectly reliable^
Tub Dei oceatio Ftbauid —Let us look,at
the glorious'DcfhOcraflc pyramid that has been
erected In a fbwwcoks by tbo indomitable
masses, of the .democracy, aroused to actlon'by
tbo attempted usurpations of fusion combhun'
tlons t " 1! v ' .
' -V 1 MAINE!
Alabama mm
Axd a gain or. 60,000 lv OHIO!
llaed to Please.—When “ Som” was. so
gloriously beat,in Old Virginia, his friends were
read)* to swear, it was the viva voce system
of Toting which did it; and when his majority
fell below 5,000 In'Kentucky, the falling off was
attributed (0 tho same cause; but they'have!
now tried tbo secret ballot system in several
states, better success, ond tho prospects
of tbo party seem to bo "growing small
grees, andbcnutifally less.” --- —, ~ l
On Friday, .‘tho 1 19th, a tire occurred ,ln
Now York in which; Ore lives,were lost.: In tbo
same city arrests •of Several -members of the
Free Lovb AsaodaUblfwerQ;rnadoQt tlieir liead
quarters in Broadwoyi*' Among them was Mr.
A.‘ Brisbabo, who taken bo.
foro tbo Mayor, who discharged him on bis own
personal rccognlsoimoi>aflcr,:ndnion!ahlng him
that such public ’meednga’of tho association
would not bb tolerated.'
CONvicnoN of TnK'MuRDEnEu bp Dn.'llA
del.—Justice has quickly, Overtaken *tho mis
creant who lost week murdered Dr. Hadcl al
Cumberland, Maryland. On Saturday week,
only six days after the murder was committed,
he was found guilty of murder in the first'de
gree by 'the Criminal Court nt Cumberland.—.
The.indictment against him for ,tho murder of
Henry Gracf, the young!student of Dr. 11,,
was also subsequently tried, and the.hardened
wretch fbupd alike guilty. Tho testimony all
indicated that the Doctor was induced to ac
company tho prisoner under the supposition
that ho was about to visit & sick person, anil
that he was murdered under tho, belief, bn tho
part of the prisoner, that bo bad a large sum of
money on his person. Not finding the money,
it is supposed he induced young Gracf to go
out with him to take some clotblpg (o thp Doc*,
tor, and.killed him also, so as:to continue bis
’search for the money in tho dcsk'Of the Doctor,
at his olfico, be having obtained the keys from
the pockets of the deceased.
Cty-Tho Annual Report of tho 'Board of Vis
itors, to tho Milltary'Aotuicmy at .West Point,
has been made, to (ho Secretary of War. Tho
report says: Tho board aro impressed with tho
Importance of tho institution to’ (ho common
Interests of our country.. Its practical working
has boon displayed in training >a. largo number
of men fur tho public service', who Imvo showed
tho result of tholr training in their skill and
bravery as officers of tho lino and staff on tho
battlo fields of Mexico, and In tho professions
land employments of civil life. Tho utilitarian
character oMhls Institution, and ,lho importance
of fostering, Improving and even its
boncttls to a greater. number than have enjoyed
them heretofore, is no longer a question.
Go'ttok < Factories ix Georgia.— There arc
said to bo now, in tho Stati? of Georgia, betwechi
fifty and sixty cotton'{factories In, auccpsiful
operation and conducted with great skill, ,pos
sossing all tho appliances In tbo way of maebin.
cry which can bo found in similar establishments
In Now England. . i 1
;• This Is comparatively anew enterprise in tho:
South, and looks as thougktho cotton planters,
were disposed to carry out;spmo of their former
threats, in rcforonco to manufacturing thotr own
cloth, and being less dependent on tbd North.' 1
Immense Wealth.—Tbo Rothschilds, ac
cording to their owp estimate, possess $700,-
000,000 in personal pWperty, exclusive of rent
estate,. scignorics, mines, Ac.; which amount
to at least half as much more, making tho enor
mous sum of over one thousand million dollars,
or an amount much larger than tho valuation
of New York city., .. * , ,
An Aged Congregation.—Emerson,
of Salem, now in tho fifty first year of his pas-!
torato, recently, preached to the oged from tho
text, “When I am old and gray-hended, 0/
God, fimtolcc mo not I” .The venerable Tractor!
who claimed the right to address his ngtd
friends; with propiely. stated tho remarkable
Tact, in his congregation there were yot living
eighty persons who wore upwards of sevchty
years of age. ' ,
“> Latest Fobbion News.—By the arrival ot
steamship' Africa, wo have news from "CBhropo
one week later. Pepekop hatjbecn threatened
cd for'4ot’ttroscijtl| {srgathcr
fog <&|thJ'jpannqe|i A fleet of ftfie nlliiritC vess
els tpjAomnJdjco an
arc ctriploycdin ni'akitfgaroaafromßalaklnva
to the allied camp of Sebastopol. A British
fleet’has;-been'sent to Naples.—During the
three yveeks proceeding the full of Sebastopol,
too i(us£tlan losses were over 32,000 men, cx
clusivc.of deaths by disease. - A baitlo has
been fought in Asia by tho Russians, under
MouravicQ', and the Turks, under AU Pasha,
in which tho latter was, himself takcu-prisouer,
and had 300 men killed. Jt seems to have been
a cavalry fight. * Kars'Jriiil held out, hut the
garrison was reduced to great’cxlHeiriity, and
Omar Pacha was advancing frbpfl'. to
attempt to'raisbjihe ?,eigo. -.At'iSweaborg the
Russians were actively-Ougbgcd - iii' repairing
the fortifications. Nineteen Russian merchant
vessels have been captured off thc cost of Fin
land, and ten rapro burned at the
Sulis. Ati alliance between Pniicb Napoleon
and tho Princess Royal of England i« ririnored.
It is annuunccd that 1 the Danish govprnraent
has invited alight? raaratiinbpowcrs,’ including
the United States, to meet in Oongroa^at Co
penhagen to settle the Sound Dues. w
Yellow ANp tonrs
moutii.—learn from tho Norfolk papers of
Monday, that there wctc Dvo deaths in that
city on Friday, two! r on, Saturday and two on
Sunday, but only one of the latter of ■ fever.—
There were also three ncw cascs ori Saturday,
among those recently returned. On Friday
night the Oityl was visited by a severe storm of
rain and wind, but on Saturday .tho weather
was warm, the thormotnetdr being 1 above 80°.
On Monday, hpwever, it was rainy and disa
greeable. At Portsmouth’ there were five
deaths on Sunday* 'four on ■ Monday, and a
correspondent advises Absentccs to rcmftiii o
way unUI a mbriT substantial change in the
weather occurs..,,, . ■ >.’ * • ;
SoARCiTr of llonsEa.—The, war with Rus
sia hds tnado an it^jpbrt aril‘dcmand,for. horses.;
Foreign correspondents,declare the, difficulty ,
of procuring good'saddle .or' carriage horses to
be very great. One writer says that in thir
teen dttys scai*cH | bc could not fiiid within Ulo
vicinity of London, a decent pair of horses for
sale at any price. If the war continues this
scarcity Will necessarily increase, und tho ebn
| sequence will tre a demand on this
AN. TM ' asserts that,men are already
tcmployed'indbe {western portion, of that State,
saddle and carriage horses' for
the Pans market. It would be well for fann
ers and breeders to take note ,ortb/a,iand pre
pare for future demands., • ;;
0 -y The N, Y.Tri6JrfrWd Times arc'down
■on Mayor Wood, and the police; for breaking
up.the “Free Love”, club, a fevV evenings ago.
in.that city. Of course; wo expected such a
society would find,defenders.
The whole city government of New, York lis
likely to bo indicted soon for frauds, pccula-’
tions, bribery and corruption. Every day re
veals new ease pf official rascality, and
almost every day wo hear pf some officer,being
jOrreated .andhcld to answer , sotno. ch&rge'of
cheating the public. Groat is the wickedness
of Gotham. p The N, T. Timef says:''' • •
the culminatingpoint,©/ Corporation
rascalities appears, at last, to have been reach
ed, and the prospect of a tremenduons explo
sion, which will blow a nest of rapacious
knaves sky-high, is imminent. The Grand
Jury liad already presented six members of.tho
Common .Counal, a City Judge, and a few lefes
important officials; bu t, o n Saturday afternoon
they closed up their business by bringing in
indictments against nearly the entire 10t..6/
heads of departments , contractors and their sub
ordinates. Tho. foreman, of tho Qrand’Jury
. was going on with the reading of tho present
’. ments, when be was stopped short .by Tecordcr
• Smith; who refused to hear another, word,,or
permit.the public made acquainted with
the most extraordinary and astounding facts
1 whiclithcGrnud Jury had brought to light., -.
IX?"Tho Khow-lfoltiing organ at Washington
tary satisfactorily accounts for tho defeat ol Us
party in Pennsylvania.
“Tho rolurns indicate a Democratic gain and
uo American loss in tho city of Philadelphia.—
For tills wo \vor9 perfectly prepared. If the
Americans of Pennsylvania chooso to repudiate
the principles of, national harmony, and commit
their fortunes to tho miserable rail of Abolition,
patched up by such tricky workmen as Wilson,
Johnson & Co., they cannot expect the sincere
friends of tho Union and reform to continue in
their company/ Thousands have either passed
into tho Democratic organization or aro, stand*
ing in indignant neutrality, amidst a fraudulent
war ot faction, no more of which can claim much
precedence In rascality over Its competitor.”
Quito complimentary I
A New NimsßiiT Rimiß.—Phincas T< Bar
.iium is about issuing a new edition of jaycnilo
lyrics, to be dedicated to tho descendants of
Mother Qooso, who arc not yet all dead, on
some have foolishly supposed, Hero is the
first contribution; 1
oho had a little baby,
And it was very sweet}
She took it to show,
J The other babes to'bcat,
Li|lio was a wonderT-' , , ‘
Lulio got a prize: '
Wasn't she a darling— ’ '
In,her mother’s eyes ? ’
. Tins Missing TEiiokaut.— lt is slated in tne
Cincinnati (O.) Tiroes, of ; tbo 20lh ulti, that
Severn! persons of that city saw a wrecked bal
loon in Ul6 air, op tho 3d' ult., and the Times
infers may jhavo, been tho balloon of the
unfortuato Winchester, who ascended from Nor
walk, Ohio, on tho 2d ult. ' 1 ■ 1
; Balloon AsCention ;ok .
Mons. Godard mado n balloon ’ascension from
OinciPnatriakt Week on horseback.'. Tito horse
find hip rider reached tho earth in safety, after
ascending to a great height, ! An individual
may endanger his oWn neck if ho chooses, but
what, right has ho to punish a ,horse in this
wny.l jti ’ : 7. ‘ '
• ttT" Considerable show foil at Fottsvitlo on
Thursday evening lost. Wo had a slight sprin
kle hero (ho saiho day.
VeoeVarlb , Eoos.—Wo aro Indebted to E.
Sanborn, of Andover, lor specimens of some
queer productions of nature. They aro called
vogotablo egg*, and look for all tho world, In
shape, slzo and general nppotimneo llko Shang
hai or gdoso eggs; Dr. Sanborn Infehns ns that
tho sood came from tho patent office at Wash
ington; ■< Tbo ■ d ndw production, and'd
bright ornament In tbo garden, If.planted by
a shrub or true which is not more thiin fifteen
feet high, tho yino will run no ns to nearly cover
it with thesp appiirontprvducliqns'uf tbo Shang
hul.—Roj/on Journal. . ~
03T A few barrels of Cpm ( will bo taken I
jlayrtiont to tjiti lfde
.Aa the name authority'' of Jni
MCR* (JoWnorin Bold Ooifamoir
nf • V?k sS^^MirioNJ
11 Fello\V-:Citi4bns ;—la JiUblio rh
existence (trctUpr
mid the Giver oP'Wty goMantT’
with a humble acknowledgement of u».
dependence Upon the .providenceof Him, "who
nilcs itt the army of Heaven and among the
children of incw’/rt 3 / AHtyithWlUtffi afiff the
privilege of a free ana Christian people.
"He has crowned the pnatyearwith his good
ness and caused our paths to drop with fat
ness." He has blessed our country] Wilh pence.
The Union of the States—diir freirinst'itutions
—our civil and reljglons J^iyiicjgcs—rjghUqf,
Coh'scichOe and freedom of. have been
continued,ohd' prcacr.vedi /;ThegVcat'lntctfcstp
o(,pducatiDn, ; morii)ity ahdihcligiori' l lifted' ‘been’
cncourngcd nnd promoted—‘S.cicn'ic rfibd'hH'dd' 1 *:
vanccd— ' mOriil
i the people hhproVid.
• Qodhasiignal| y :blpßsiedoUf
| CQmniomvculth. ;■ War with its •■deftOla'tiOn^^
■ Ornijno and peslilbnOo with dhcir'horrofsrhhyo
i not been permitted to co’menoar us: -and whilst 1
| thpravages of‘.’disease; and - death liaveafTlicted
! the pilizens;of olhbr Slates, we havo enjoyed the
blessings .of [health ahdi unnsital
Xhcsca.sonsrJo thcir,annual ;roimd,hnvc come
andigone,-r j -"sced time aiidharvcst ,? .hhytr hot" 1
failed,-»-Rniiling( plchty 'cheei , s"thy ’hnsbartd*'
man.: and, sdrtonntfediby the abundant fraUs’
ofautuumn.,he rejoices of
his toil; •‘tT.he.pafetureJj are clolhbd i ’wlth flocks
—the valleys also arc covered over wUh eorn—
they fihoueforJoyf—they hlso sing l .'* l '
. Acknowledging! witbngrontful hvrts-’these'
manifold blessings.df Si bcncficent’ ; I’rbrTderlcc; :
we,should “offer unto < God ’thanksgiving,'arid’
paj.our vows.unto.thcMnstHighJ’i-'
■ U.ndcMthtJieolemn conviction of (ho irripcr
tanceond propriety off this dutyJ ahdi fq ebu-'
fqritiity with:tho wishes of.many good cltizensv'
I, Jomca Pollook» Governor - of the ! Comrijoh*
vycallh. of Pennsylvania,-do hereby* appoint
Thnrsday, the 22d day of Nbvcnibtr next* as ri !
day.of genemf tkaHksgirihaand pPmse’ through- 1 ’
out (his Slatediand earnestly' niipldrb'thc pco.
plo that, SCUingfasidcall worldly pundits oh 1 '
that day* they unite in offering thank* to-ah.
mighty God. for,His past goodness and : rtuTcy.;
and: beseech Him for-a: cbntlnuahco of.HIV
blessings,-tki; i •:■>!■!.i--d ’■ -
Given under my hand and the Great‘ ! Bchl 6f !
the StafcvAt Harrisburg,i this 22d dny ’prOct'o
ber, in the ;year'of! our Loid, ; onV thdhsand 1
eight hundred.ohdflfty-Uvc, nndof tlid- Com
monwealth the cightidli. " 1 1 ’
.Brims Governor.'
A. G.;Cphtin, fcfcc’y of the CoimnwcflUh.
Norfolk Newspnpers Rcs'pmcd, . '
Two of the Norfolk papers—the Argus and
the Herald—have reappeared after a suspension
of several weeks.' ‘Each has'a review’ of the
terribto scent# through' which thflcity haspas?-,
ed. Tlio.Argus/says: ; , .
“Wo have seen our lately flourishing'mart
reduced to the scanty number of four thousand'
surviving souls.-ln the short-space’ bl less
than .ninety, days, out of an: average popula
tion of about isix-thousand, every .man, wrthlarT
and child,(nlmost without exception;) JmsWfcii,
stricken with ithC fell fever, and about two
thousand have been buried/being not lefes than
two out of three of the whites, aha one opt of
three qf, thc.tyholo abiding community of Nor
folk, white and black. One half of our q\\‘H
physicians whd continued hero are in the grave,
and not less than thirty* tx physicians,-mdi/
,dcnt and visitant, have fallen in’ Norfolk and
Portsmouth.” r
The Herald; (which 7 for the present' Will only
be issued tn-tvcckly.) in reviewing the effects
of the epidemic j, ijayp:
‘f.Of. the cfiects.of the calamity In a pecuniary
point ©rVicwrWe canuol And the nerve to dis
course,in air their gloomy -(letntln. * Suffice it.
that to the untold and inconceivable tillering
from family bereavements, do must add an in
calculable amount of. affliction. 1 resulting from
sad reverses of fortune, and changes of circum
stances from comparative competence' tp. over
whelming poverty nnd dcSiitutrort'. * r Mahy
heads of families and heads of business llrmri*
have bcdii swept fearful number in
deed I Their estates must be settled in the
usual way. Awful sacrifices of property, hhd
more awful defaults of moneyed engagements,
and yet more awful consequences to the parlies
collaterally interested and dependent, wall up
on tho. issue. : And tho city 'corporaliOn/al
rcady overburdened with debt, 1 to 1 which most
be added, how much we fear to • conjecture, sO
much as shall be required to satisfy nil dues
over nnd above the princely donations from nil
parts of this blessed Union, which' have been
expended by the Howard Association, how wi|l
it meet its ordinary demands, and how enforce
the collection of its taxes trom its inhabitants,
who oro left with sadly diminished ability to
pay them IV , . i- !
The epitaph of Sam, the great Know-Noth
ing cheat, who was smothered in his own cor
ruption, in this State, on the second Tuesday
of October,has been written by a ebtemporary,,
and we record it, as an act of justice to Sam's
former friends:
1 Hero Lies
The Prince of Liars, the Nonpareil of Cowards,
and tHo-Pnnigon of Scoundrels. ‘
Who was born of Sin, and Cphceivcd in In
iquity; A Sneoki’Dostard, and Asioiiaui.
l Hc’SncaUcd through Lift*, 1 " 1
Despised, Haled and Abhorred.. 1
• -•And Died' -•'" L
• Universally Uhlameritcd', '' 11
Except by those of Ills oWriklnd'and color.
To him, so inou'rhcdin dcalh'/sd lov’d in life,
His fusion fussy Abolition’nlggcF,wife,’
With tears, erects'this n>pnunienUl stone,
That holdd'hU'Sshcs; and expects h’vr own.
Fiiom’ Oiiina.-— -OAPTDnB of ' PmATksl—A
late arrival from China brings news that the
boats of the U. S. Steamer Powhattan and tho
British Steamer Battler, aided by the steamer
Eaglet, recently attacked a party of pirates
hear Kulan,chastised them severely,tndcaplur
bda great quantity of stores,’ amunition,, and
about $200,000 in treasure. . The officers em
ployed estimate tho guns taken at 200,-’large
and small, and tyo pirates at 100 p, of whom
500 were killed, Twenty-live, Americans, nml
English were killed anil wounded. The follow
ing is a list of tho Americans killed and \vooh
ded: 1 ■
.‘A. Halsey, landsman; .Isao'e
Coo. ditto. ,
Tf'o»nrf«(j,~Ljcut. U. U. Pcgram, contusion
of hand; H. Rolando, b|irn of hand;'
John Pepper. seaman, .mortally, .(since dead);
Bcnj. Adamson, marine,.gunshot, .mortally;
(since dead); Jeremiah Pendergoat, Jandsinan,
fracture of left, clcviolo and burns; Sam'l. Mnl
lard, • marine, burnt dangerously; Frederick,
Ilommcl, marine, burnt very, severely; AVagh.
Camc.v seaman, burnt severely; P. Woldcr
schmidt, marine, burnt severely; Joshua Lew*
is, seamOn, burnt severely; Win. Taylor, cap
tain, after guard, durnt severely; Ohas. Ting
well, seaman, cutlass wound. , . b
, OAprioif 'XO auctioneer;
in Detroit; a' ago,
knocking down an ariiclo to n, piirchnschilet
tbe pammer/dip frpm his liniidv andi thus moat;
unexpected struck a,lady in tfie'crowd.krioOkn
ng bfirdowni Jlo was arrested and lined $3,
ihu.jußt»co t not allowing an mmllonecH toiknock;
Jown purchasers as, well as tho lUing.UioypUp
chase. ■■ ■• . 1-n ,m j. V n y-Uv-
wupraaedii» ow.|»iitic a .„,K2£-
fvrq wcro.thoroißlichnirioletlt ChnA ii^TW
c}uuige.-l in. public opinion. . iTn tiiePlPP'v! - us
yenrvbjrniCcmhinatlorrof nll-tho fnb.tlS'™? l -'
*nd!ais|urbing clmcKta «f'»di6iy°tefe^
ito popular passion- (md J brcfffdttd erfifyjT*
! thd
; uiunKtAitiw
; 'djf feraSiffitSi
. ;i»s «"> }te'^ c pflliticei. wiJr -
Dark and gtoomy
ii" ■ 4 ,M mWvte
; 54 to 6*ry lover of, yell,regulated eonS"
'and of civil andn-elfgipua liberty! looked
, at the prospect bcrure-tliera. - Those Mi
leal diseases, abolitionism and' KntpVrNoihi-i
ism, had Ipkcp such a.deep root in the nnE
i ■ininduthhl' it"sei;lWcd- iHibdiisibld.' ti' 1
r them in Umd'fo
, itho integWy df thisplM.'
, ful HM dri In
i - bounded as iu;qu r poiilJ,4enc<; ip .^ho-Judgment
- " ,ld capnoity i .of tlm, i pcople,,wo must MnC
that we shared to soino except thesoanrirshm
: ;«ioilß. i * cu«
I The fgotiohßfwhich were rioting In l tHtlibAh
over us we knew to be the most ! cvil ! ;attd' bS
nicious political orghnlrittibiis that'evW l iw£i
■their heads iri’ljtfs laujl,'rind tllbirlcadcraTnw
the most unscrupulous aVfd infamous,Foi-tn
inatc it T is forthb c6qntnr.’tKiit;;tlie prcadehii.i
election did hot fake placein 1 'tbe.SmS-bf *
*54; for; If U hhd,'fanaticism would Jiave tn
umplied, the cpnsfitulion beeni subverted, arid
.the laud probably drenched-imlho blood/of a
civil wap, ; The twq j'vftm which intervened be
fore that cventhavc-bocn! the"salvatiori6f the
country. .Thomublic mind hos-had lintHdFe
vivc from its political distemper. ''Tho 'pator
ysin ofpassioii and prejudge wdiidjrca& Ht
to cut such nbsurd pdhtidal tbntriiinff naVriasg. '
election 111 lS5f M H|?TOl»<)f,ppiitKl,l.lllMC,
which wan land.Qnd which fori
time threatened dircsticofiseqiicnces totheneac®
of the country..--..... .-i
! Thefiist important raylof ) light wWch shot
‘&Z-VM. -tliejcinoamio,
triumphin Virginia in May, 1H55. That wai'
tlio flag-ship of tho jcmoitalic
never yet struck herholorhi iM.Si-capiimiof
which would give tho hosts of fninlicism «nd.-
fTtW rtdjMJf., TOlh the.,
loud vitdnl flf anticipated, success, they rolled
down upon her, and prepared to scale her hith
erto bulwarks. Clear andstmU was the note givcp,f>y her democratic-Crew -arid
their gallant leader, Henry iA.AVise/ .iWhttt'*
thpsmoko of the contest had cleared away; the l ’
banner,of democracy and of, civil and l religious '•
liberty was still floating from the mAsl-hbad of'-
(he Old Dominion amid thundering cheers, r wih)e ’
the hosts of bigotry: wei*e’falliilg back,'fouled’*
and discomfited, 1 towafd lhe North’! ’ ‘
‘ After this gloribda pnd',brilliant HSmII/M*
poliv'cal sky; hegnri ynpidly to
black elCnicnls'ot famheiim disappcip.frora 1
the; heavens. Tjiq ' ,‘Udc'. commenced • .running
agaidst the cncmiis df denjpcracyas resistlcsfiiy i
as it ha<t scrip, their favoy in : 1854. . Every
where thhiy .legions
majorities, melted, awny. North jCarblipayi'
staupch and Injc.rcsjiondtdtbUicvolceof'Vir-'
ginin, nnd rolled dp eight* Ihoasoftd’dernocrtild y
nuyonty; Johnson, democrat, -a’fUr a defiper- '
ate struggle, carried Tennessro by’A*b thoit* -
Sand-majority. Alabama enme thundering
eleven timtisand for the .fcansC Wf civil and Ptlie
ious liberty ; atid Uio
ried Texas by aeven or eight ■'tWp/hitul.. tIU- ;,’
nois had previously been redeemed,' jii Juuc, by y
a moJprity' ( ainohnlingtb'niar^‘’ll}QMqnd>i.
.Kerit’u'cky, thc and biopsy (.gmund.;,
wri:? pnly carried|by . 'our,’,opponents,iOUcp.t|»o t
pcrpeiralion. of ptrocilica at l/ouisville, that i
madc humanity shudder, arid* whichrstPoilgly
contributed to roll with.a'mightier.impetus lh6> ‘
democratic bail that wasswetpingthccountry. ••
Maine gave fanaticism a Waterloo btow'in what ’■
was considered its impregnable BtronghOld.'by 1
electing a democratic governor and l legislftluro' ,
by a sweeping majority.’ : Ccorgi«", the- Em* ■’
pn-c State of tho South, 7 has.come to .the '
with a democratic governor by ten th'ohftatKl
umjorily. six democraticmmbcjrsqf vongfesi, "
and a democratic lndiana—s(fttmch ,
and Union iovioglmliana ( bd3 the black
flog of, tjic iAms nnd run •up ,lhc' dimocratic
standard, with the shouts ana the approbation
of the vast majority of her population.; Penn- i
sylvauia> thC-‘*kevstonc of thcaroh.” has been
brought back,to her position, ami.tbe demo- i
craiic fabric now rests on a solid fotimlatioo. " <
The.UenKKJralio snocess in Pitouayitanfa-fa
the most important deihonstrition yi*t> anddc. l,v
sLroys every hope the allied army of intolerance' *'
and bigotry may hare had ■ of- cflri'ymg.'h#
presidential election in ,185ft/;* Witjpint the
mighty yplca of old •‘Penn,” Iheclectipu of jti
abollltoh governor in Ohio - will be bijren >
sceptre in their grasp. Let ua no# ,P™>t Jhc
book of the'elections in 1850.’. Tho' following,.,
arc ilicdcinocralicSfatea; ~/ ( •'
Electoral votes. ~ < .’i
, .15 . . ,10.000
10 • ,’B.OOO >
•li-.M!, 20,000
12 -i .2,000 i
[Virginia,, { .
N- Carolina
Illinois i > :
Tennessee i
Alabhiua ■ >
TvSnA'i i •' • • ''l'- 4 »• i; ' I
Maine‘lcglslnturc 2(0 1 1 ' 8 ’ li!
Ocdiigia ,;1 ;; 1 '■JO l *' l ' l r
.mz .
, ... ■'
Tke abolition kiu)woVothiiigycoaliUon,,havo.
earriwl thij.fijUotriiig r ,, u „ V, j..
Kentucky . ■;.. ,-.i .. ilgu in.itl • - • 4.000. .
Vermont <i., ... . ~i,; , n 5,,, . j,mJO.OOOii
Ohio r i ,i ,23.. M ‘•/" •80.000-
Califortiin 4 ~ _4,000,
i'M-|-,,.., tUU*.
•■> ■.l . •■! 111 144/.111 •. I>»,o9tt>:
Pcnhtylyania (
I(ow prodigious Hhorrac(ionsinroilB&4 I’'Wo
did nottheh carry a single Stiite ;i^tih r
thus far, we have carried ten States, with 6no ,fi
hundred.and nineteen electoral vote*; to enr 01l
pandits,’ fdur states, with torty-four; electoral
Votes. '. • • mI; v •’!) h.u. .1. ■ i‘M-
!,It is now apparent to every intelligent itoafi
that: the democrats will elect [the..President .if*
JB3om,As the, only .national party in,lhn;ocld»!.'
they iWiU sweep the; entire .country/, The;,opt i
position, scptional Tip, its j nature,,divide W»d ( -
broken, dispirited by defeat, 'cmvmako PQ bead* ■:
way against onr triumphant; looluptnaio
cvcrthe.National Democratic Convention defliffti
nates willbo.tho ppjctJPrtaident, off tjhe ltinitcd '
States; ,•/. Tht> politicahsky is bow as "
n8 ( a8 iyas for: tho opposition « yearagOrrjif
aiost;truly can wo say; *Newj is ib? , winter.o*
our,discontent made glorious summpv**n><| -nilur
Tito public sentiment of l;hq, country/,wiv | k
Jho exception of Qhipkhas returned to lts,usiw<
healthy condition, and wo byibo nvantt.dfgpaw
of briugingherinto the democratic foJd:iPiso/j«
Fanaticism,will by that Uwo have runilß.ra.cCii <
and bccomp,odious obnoxious to .ounneo* • i
plo. < liMTicw of the general conditioner pojiU'
cal affaire, ,wo can mostuhear,lily /congrolulqtO ;
the dcmocratio organization upon, thorbtilllant •
prospects before them, and of q»V reward Tyhfcft
their,B|cn) .integrity and r
v/ ; }j , 'in
,t 6 tho p«opta,urging, t,ho ptyjprto.tyjJof-fcfttyP l^ '!
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