>•>.& J3sfn*clltfoirc«J. nioUi'r? j *f ETTKBS 4ostiuHontary \VitUUlj6iivni nnnox- J_J,cd,on opGcprffo.Wun-ay^V*; ilio'Vorotiah-.oV Cttvll3lo A .flcoM.i;ijftvij ;i bqciwB-| ■'BiicOy/die Register .of Cumberland county,do tho.su us crilior wjio resides,inCarlialp...,rAU per-! bjQ, ■eaid'fistatQ pro requested ,lo| ApliO T^mpdiato. payment, • and those V havlng| 't-fafrnS' \v;lVpfo3ont them properly authq^ljTqutcai v I '28,1855—6v : ),V ' ;*!’ . > ■>• NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given bo nmdo totho-jni‘>;t Jjogislaturo of I’ennsyl-; vwiia, tO( ftUor the ofJha,Cay,Bale Depo- 1 'slfc ( ls»nk’ J()catci{ M in' ttys’Corpugl^.of'Carlialo, so,oB, (jo-center upon sip’}!' J3unk ihp rlglils mid jtyivnegos ofalmpk 0,1, Issue,, Anil tp’cjwngo its iiampto lhink— . |typrcnae'ttyp,capltnl.of said bank (\vfhcli thousand dollars, wrth the Of Increasing.tho spine under .itsipres cn’t chatlpV to\Ono hundred thousand dollars,) to Two liundrod'.ftkd ffTTy tliousand dollars. By order,of tho" Board.of Directors. ' iv 1 . Ar. DKEXKJf,, piuhicr. ™ Cafllslpj.Jdno .' ,' & MUiiiiiN’s Olrccn' Ctroccpy.'.-Slojcc, South Hanover SI., nearly opposite the Post Ojfirc. JUST'oponbdj a general aupply-of GftOCKll lES, Bcloctcd;oxprcEsly tbrfmuilyuisoi'which ivilt lio sold at tire lowest' cash prices. The se- Itctidn'.conslstH’in part of 6'q/rccs>’bestUio,'ilo cha,.and Uoasted, from-11 to 14 cents. Teas, Imperial) Black, Hyson, fee. Sugar*, Crushed, t’ulvorized, &c. . Golden nnd Grocery Syrup, ® Sugar House and N» O. Baking Molasses of tho best qualities. Spices of every description/ Balt and Fish of nil kinds, whole sale or retail. Best quality ol Hams, Shoulders, Sides, & Dried Beef, by the pound.’- Tn short, every tlilnp for house hold uso. Fruit and Vegetables constantly on band, jGusb paid for all kinds ol County' Pro dudol'i li; 1 ' Remember llio stand, Souili Hanover St., ono door below Ucntz’a Dry Good Store, and nearly opposite Uio Host Oflkc. lIAUKNESS h MULLXN, Onrlisib, Juno 28, IH55 Jim CEIUE.VT. T UK-superior Cement, manufactured by J. Carver & Co., of Scotland, Franklin county, can bo bad in largo or small quantities at il. Saxton’s Hardware store, Main Street, Carlisle. All who have tried tills Cement pronounce it Clio beat article they ever used. From a great number,of certificates given to tbe manufacture 6m,. wo select Uic following: CiiAMuxitsiiuun, Fob. 20, 1855'. To Jacob Gakvkii; —Sir—There Ims been Used during the past your, under my direction, lh tbe construction of “Thu Carlisle Water Works,” and work of this Company, about tKJ barrelsof your Hydraulic Cement, which lias proved to bo a gO"d and reliable article, and I take pleasure In recommending it to others as «ich. . A. F. SMITH, April.lo, ’55. Supl. C. V. Huilrotui. THE EASTEUN WAB IS not’yet’ended, anil still continues to ox€Uo the public mind, but a much greater excite ment has been caused by tbe arrival at the store Of tho subscribers, of the most magnificent stock ofGoods, which for variety, extent, beauty and cheapness, has never been equalled in ihiscoim tVy. Among ' this largo slock may bo lomnl, in part, as follows: For the Ladies, Plaid and Striped Silks, best blank Silks, Ba rege do Laincs, Tissues, Challys, Heregos, Gro nadincs. Lawns, Ginghams, Tissue Sebastopol, Alpachas, Dross Muslins, Chintzes, Needle \Votkcd Collars, do. Handkerchiefs, do. Spon oors, do Sleeves, Parasols, &o. For the Gentlemen, Cloths, Cassimercs, Vestings, Coatings of linon, wool and cotton, pant Studs of cotton and linen, Hats, Cape, Umbrellas, Stocks, Handkerchiefs, Cloves, Hosiery, Cravats, U lulorshirts,Drawers, Carpet Bags, a largo assortment of Looking Alko, Laces, Edgings, Irish Linens, warran tod puro, of our own Importation. Checks, Mas lins, Tickings, Flannels, &c., all of which wi intend'to sell lower than ever sold hero. Give us n cdll ali wiio want cboap and good Goods - BENTZ & liiiU. Carlisle, April 26,1865. Spring- and Summer siioos. Cheap for Cash I I AM* NOW receiving ft largo assortment of Shoes of thu most tuxliionnhlo styles, and ex cellent make, fresh from the manufftotorJos, which I will noil extremely low for cash. LIST OF riUUKSr Ladies’ Tim-colored (Jailers, a handsome arti cle, (Willis’ make,) only $1,25: fine Jenny Lind Rosettes, from H7‘ to sl,2s;'Black hast* tog Gaitnra, (Willis’ make,) $1,2-3; French Morocco Buskins, single soled; French Mo. roaco Hoots, dmihlo soled, $1.26; Fariaßoots $1,23; Mod’s Morocco Shoes, home ruudu, $1,25; Bools ditto, $1,31 ; Kid Ties 30 cunts; L’olkaßoots $1,37; Cushman Tius $1,81; Son tngs and-Alhonis, ?1.25. ttintlemen's Extra tin.- French Calf Boots, a beautiful arti* (.■, «,i,l.\ sl,su ; Calf Walking Shoes, sl,oit; Calf Congress (Jailers, $2,25; Cloth Montereys, ?2.i»U; patent leather ()m. fonl Shoes. $1,75; .) illicit Ties, $2,50; Ffttont Leather Congn as (Janets ns low as $2,00; al so I’aleiit Fnmp Ties, due Cloth Gaiters, w il h jiatunt tifw. Henkert’s A No. 1, (JJ.ne Top Buttoned Patent Leather Congress (Jailers, Kuanielied, Patent Leal her, tve., ut low ju ieev. Atso Carpet and Velvet Slippers. MmcF Folk.i Boom. Opcia Boots and Junto Linds; color* d (Jailors, patent tips, *7 cents; (Inu Kid Boots, 75 conu. Children h Highland Bools, E.nekaa, Kxcolsioih find Auklo-lies. HoaitsforJ U cent«; Calf. single soled, f-.i 2*. ’ ’ Mr,,-, Ki|, vini- ly, k„,», |„„ Stout Hr- .gans $1; (’,alf sk in ,S hoes slhi i U’orncu 1 * Kid Buskilih, donltle .H*ded 7r>to $1 o-, i K,,, i.i",;, unitors i o; Hal) (Jnitein.2, Slippers ;i7. Huys’ Heavy Kip 11,,..t5, tiro- Call lUiulh Hr*, gan* as iow as 75 ct-s J'alenl C.mgr. si tJait erfl, i'alent Leather Mod Foch, Falont Leather Jnllicn Ties, Ua. VuiyellUfr, Ot every description— Oil Cloth. Luion. ({rus-,.-K. V'llvni. [mud ;,ij ,-I*. tl , -j,;; Also, Hevei al 1 1<• • ij.-h.um 1 dntlnr« w nrlh ot ftuil Shoes at U 1i.,1< mlo. Counhv M. rehai.u ftu*l olhur dealers are un lied Cp call. Allah*. U, " h !‘' U "y »ml Have w,MI rail at 1 ortoi a old stand, Main Hlicel, near the Uailroud Dop**t. April Hi, iPSS 11. M. It AIV 1,1 NS, Tonu auil Country ri'HK ui,,., lhi> „ r i,,!,,,,,,. I lug Ills f l'lrmls mid Hi.. |,nl,liog. ■m;r.illy, llml "I l'l» ol.Mi'l. Noilli llunuvui lownunq COUUlry, iHTSOUiIIIy, ssUl.nul IU.V M fimiff"'Vhl trU ' :hl ' r K r "ill nls.l ~ t l"-‘ CIIUMt.T SIAKIMI l|| „1 ils nirlcm, l,nim.||,.. , CMllStmilly lump on Ihiikl u| “ , V 1 n r olk Stands, I‘iirlur \V,nUj,), uUt nt...l'<■ uVir”' Sofas, Ottomans, Sofa Tables, Cm.l Si.l. i>, ’ Ing and UrcaUfuHl Tallinn, ChamburWnru' micli 1 os„Frencli Field, (IdKh ami I.m pout*., Ouiuin ' and* Jenny Lind Bedsteads, \\'a«li»ian.l« <,i t \\f. feront kinds, Wardrobes, Vcntiiun uiui«i Hl un.l Chairs of nil kinds, and nil other articles usual ly manufactured in this lino oflmainvsH. ■lffp workmen aro. experienced, eastern city wprkinon, and Ids work is tnado in Du- latest cify .stylo, and all undpr his Inspection, and of tlm boat materials f all of,which Is warranted to bo good, and. will bo tujld low.ior cash. Ho in* rilofl aU to give ;Jthn •Bacall before purchasing elsewhere. For. tho dfboral palronago.Jiorolo fpro extended hlin,,ho f foels Indebted to his mi. morons customers, amF assures them (hat no efforts will he spared Jit Ihturo to please’ them in stylo, manufacture and price. Give us a call. Rau)oiulH>r the place, nearly opposite the Dank. DAVID SIFK. April IU, im. GKEA r fESd' I l'NVJ2Nl*iO^‘'Oi i ?(ASfiß f ■r. > to '.'o.frjfq OiH -joUhnls:;' • ml to J : ::i t patent . Gold iJL«ar4 -fXiamp •-ukjVoj; Sin 2 ißiiWcriborihaving ‘ pHrcfiMcdllthLpafcnt Sjnlth’a JJold :d•Lamp fyh to supplyf his cd dressed' to liiii),\vil| bo.prpmplly ut^cnil,cdift» .. I Carlisle, April fi, IBsp-yrCm \ ‘ } ; 1/ i K. B.^T|m' y cjojtwl p|U[hisj stock o I n/irdjvurc, apd, Lamp inumiractiping fmibhtqcl.to 6r .foofy>cwijiif> tol bctllb IhckiftpcQunla wjdlmut delay, as'nd further SOTwMpWf* lo German 1 rpHR sukbcrlWrpspe^iif&Yy(cnfti JL \iuUlu} i liblmdu gqiwal, Uw t; 1m still Ctu> •ics.oft too' dAwMg? Mja#g ms&tbss t . at hla qld.slahd-ln thb Posl 'Ojficeajid Second tV/ where.ho ’and Keep constantly oii liana, an decant psßOjlmou^joi’ .Cajbiiict-warc,,, Sncli as \V6ik%mds,Dip. ‘/* J ' X,W - H 7 ing and Breakfast TablCs,' ’ IMor & Ooh •Tpry WTabiofri TVuiVcWTfeia."in»il did Lqw Post Bedsteads^&c.; every bthci'r •he Will s6lf r Vbry i btieaj)‘fbrVashj'di'lh'bxblifi'ngo for ConnttylVo.dpcc at hiarkotprices, -Re Will kcop clmstanlly on hqnd' .' ' '•} Chairs, Settees, .Rocking .Chairs,:-t and every other' arlltflo inanuructufcd In.ihdt bhmcli of business;.' 1,1 ' i AC.?. Thankful for past favors; Irb rcspcctfhlly, soli, cits a share of jmblic patronage; confident'tliat ho can render general satisfaction.f ■ ’ JOHN LISZMAN, Carlisle, March 15,-1855 —fit,.; , - ;, ri LOOKINa Gl-ASSES.,i C. X. Robinson & Sou. No. 218 Chcsnul St. y above SI. PIULADELniIA. OFFERS for sale mi oxtchslvo assortment o( FRENCH MlUltOilS, framed In tho plain est ami most elegant ornamental styles, suitable for Mantels ftud Flora.' .Richly .Carved Oval Girandoles, Ornamental Gilt Tables. . : OIL POINTINGS AND ENGRAVINGS, of recent Importations, by tho most celebrated living Artists at tho lowest cash priced. February 15,1855—1 y J WHITE HALL ACADEMY-^ S miles T fast of llarrhburg, Pa. ~, Tllh Ninth session of this popular and flour ishing Institution, will commence on Mon day the 7th of May next. Tho attention of Purentsand Guardians Is’earncstly invited to tho advantages which-it atfords. Being situated iu a pleasant, retired, apd healthful part of tho country, and the facilities for study and instruc tion being extensive, it is believed it cannot fail to give satisfaction to those who may ufly pa tronize it. . TERMS« •jjoarding, hashing and Tuition in tlio branches, ami Vocal music per session of 5 months. Instruction in Instrumental Music, Instruction in Ancient or Modern Lau*- - gu.igoH, ouch 6 00 For Circulars unci oilier information address _ I). DENLLNGKU, Principal, , March Id, lydd. Harrisburg, Pa, FRENCH TRUSSES. HKNIU or RUPTURE successfully treated, and comfort insured, by use of tho elegant French Trusses, imported by tho subscriber, and made to order expressly for bis sales. lenm tfmt tho occasion now otters tb”procurp a Truss combining extreme lightness, with case, durability and correct construction, In lieu of (lie cumbrous and uncomfortable article usually sold. An extensive nssortqicutalwnysonliaml, adapted to ot'cry Variety of Rupture in adults ami children, and for sale at u range of price to Hint all. Cost of Single Trusses, $2, 58, s4aud $6; Double, S I, $5, SO, §8 ami $lO. / Persons at a distance can have a Truss Bent to any address by remitting tlio amount, send ing measure around the hips, and stating side uflented. For Bale Wholesale and Retail by Hie Impor-, CALEB IT. needles, S. \Y. cnr. of Twelfth Race,Sts., Pbiln. Depot for Dr. Hanning’s Improved Patent ody Bnico; Chest Expanders and Erector Bra 's; Patent Shoulder Braces; Suspensory Ban igosj .Spinal Props and > LaUlci > oonis, with competent lady rtltondaniih * April 6, 1860—41 m ' 1 OR. C. E. BLUnCKTIIAL, HOM&PJTHIC PliYfiltlJlN, '! OFFICE ami residence oij Leather street, one Coffee— rousled and green ~ul 12!, and 11 els. per lb., Orleans, Ohjriflml, (. rushed and Pulverized Sugars, of duo q null - li's, ( bund.ifes, Spices, Dairy Sail, nnd a varie ty Fancy articles, all of which ufo offered ntthe lowest cash prices. We are thankful for the lurnnr support given us, and invito n further call trom our friends and customers. w J. W. EBT, Marion Hall, Carlisle, Aug. n, 1864. l<««U Out in Time! A - MORBUS, Dysentery,Diarrhaoa, , making their appearnneej youknow the remedy. ]f you have any regard for the «' li,ur of yourself, your wife or your children, yourselves inslniilly with “JCeiUur’a Matchless Cordial,” otherwisu tibido thu conso* 'pienccs resulting from n bigoted ndhcrcnco to, old i|uackery. Tho Matchless remedy can had at the Drug Store of B. J. KIEFFEtt, South Unnovcr alrcrt, a few doort south of Court Home, (Carlisle, May 18, *660 TUST received n very largo lot of Scythes of Y superior i] rands, to which I invito the atton> tiou of Cradle makers, «ml all othors in want of thla article, tho attention of Fanners la also in-: vlted to tlm groat variety of Fanning utensil., of the very host makers. Ploughs of all kinds limitnliud at a small advance on City prices.— Homo inaki'H'ut tho maimfaolurofs prices, also a supi-iior articlo of Churns, whloh wo warrant to make more butler out of tho same quantity of Cream than any other Churn In nso, try It. JOHN V. LYNE, H'r,/ title North Hanover Street. ( arbslo, May 11 REMOVAL. r ]H!h undumgnod Una removed to *"“ Vu, "" w °' 0‘»«. wiii-'ro ho ol new u,n K a lttrgo and general assortumnt Bprctlllllr n.vilu.l ™u',. ' urC 'T r “ “ ro ro sc-lv.lB. for tliom- C.irllslo, April 12. lnr,r,. UWK. l’Ai'Kit. i Jmvp Jiihl roooivoil three thousand-Jive hundred pieces new pntttrn Wall Pinter nnd Hordern, umbrao-ln# nlmnni every variety of (juulily, stylo uml price, am] which will bo 6olcl vor/cheap. April 12, m UOli'JP. moic. ! /STaKJGS-J:S,Ti>.y.EBfnfi®OVlEBlN ! v e tmt hif'fids: hpif'di/ tflutff kt'lrfk fcktobllslmioHt •AttMdrin BLytioxtdooi'to'M'ftWdh Ra!l,'alkfges tma , most'tfbnliiltsfd J iifiJoi'ihWnt'‘ J 6f 'dOOK.'OP- bb;fonn'4 this coirntyi which ,hb’«old"bii thalb’ivc&i pft. ces cQsu’i His stock 1 consists of a largo assorthieVit df i >no , {v f hndlilgh. i^?^F^9a i1 [ *AT'ENT,:pp,O^IN.a-:STpVES ! flAiai&il w tub -rfiost*_ bai ciliated for eithe?-d-'dbd‘ > 3r f '(sml, or both. Al! Ihd’bldtslftndahlpntternbhvhic'h .tost ;ofio.\pej l }onc < Oj'hihy•• bc.tbnnd’rit' Illsfestnb .Hshnieht'/t Als6,’J(iJ great: vkrlilty'df- tho f, mo9l -apptovQd mnd'i boantlful- PAIUVOU“ OPFICE i& f mVßS';islicluding J a!tn'dml)Ctl'Jof h'fcwaetfloi, sn’pofidi' ndvadtagebibVcr •those horclofuro in usiVoFamllicd 'mid hdUßOkcbpci’s arelrespbctlXillyiiiivilod'tdglfff-hlhia ortllbcfoVe purchWldgdlkbfvhcri. ./Stoves delivered to any partofilhe'cijnntr^-.und'pMt'ap'ilit tho shortest notice. ITo conthmeVto dd-'altfclnds of' TIN ANDSIIEET IKON WARE,and Copper Work, tftfdHlABHl6lwTani! : i lb Ar dor every ar(tlfl6 ; 'lc'dtrtrcd b'y-honaokeepers or lOillorSfinifliisdmcU !Dis Wockfofi.Tih iD'd'Coh. pop jWnf &: ontbrAcea.-cycry i Irind /oo> hduschJld midikitchqu-iitet)sii;Aynrrasitcd l efj\ml t 6 th’o host maimfacturtd.! •■Pcrfeona -.in;wantlof;attlclofi)lh his.linc ofiboiilgfictortimo-i dated,(o tliciysittisfactioilliby.givingiiinj n calU ii..NOV.' -uff I*l II UinOvj) rpilE Subscriber Would rcßpcctfjilly announce Am- to the anlfWcTti ! bf all persons wfi[t(itgdhb:Bnmpi t)of]niH! now‘bn haml-.imd wincdlifimid to bd supplied With tbo latest hov-' ducebSaivo sctosoiV.’HiimHsliig; hi! liafyhrxM t-> dhm» <■)!..•! , .• '• .tV;D cOtoFßOyiomnitiS'V V. ; sVtilc fe^P^.4','^?idlcs,! Rii'clilW J'ipo'\dandy l Bon'llona',' G\uih Qprdiiil,XiC hVon; ’Chbchlaty 'Vu^U|i : ttnd'hunit Atinbjiils;, .Wench aiuj .exploding Sec rets,*flUo nil flfq bimimpfi yarlcUcfCull of* which will ho sola 'wholesale or rctqil, fit THE OLD STAND, N.ITANOVER ST., - a few do of s' ? df'th'e feanfc, WTi'eH lie Ims just rCCeiVcd-PAills and Nlits of lh6 T-.it c«f> import hr 1 tionsj sucll fts (Oranges, iLomonsj »liaising 'Ffga,' Pruons, jQitronsiCCl-m'nfsi soft and paper shelled! Almonds,:iPnberll/, Ooboti, Orcarii and GrduHdi Nuta. ;;Also, l i ■ im *»■ ■ . ..-.-t ■ ; Tork ano fancy-6aox>S;'f ' of every kind and IVom nil parts’ bLWlVop.c, man ufactured of wood, glass,' china', pajUor-nuiCllio, tin, India rubber,!bluc, &0., such ns Unowax,‘kid and jointed dolls, sowing and cardibaskcts/work and .fancy djoices, flowon vases;'ihoUo capa,.tea setts, music boxes, .port monies;* batUo-dppfß, gmeo hoops, masks, drums; gunk,- thimpcts] rn inoso; lotto and iothfcr games, &Ci j 1 fdney Wups aiid lniix; plfa of every •,variety; In connection w>Ui thc.aboS'o, Wlargc.stflcX of.. (l ,;i : v / FA?Vriily- GROCERIES,,, . snth ds LoVormg’serushed, piilvcrixcdmul brown SugatSjjCoflbo, JHolusses,' Starch,/Indigo, Sale rafud,'Green and Black‘Teas,‘Spaces, Putter, Water and Soda Crackers, Matches, &c., tuVd’ns we “ Strive to pjoase,’’p,lj are invited to call and examine our Afdfik.‘‘ Tho subscriber*'returns his thanks tho public fur the patronage heretofore bestowed on him, and hopes M* it desire to' please to merit a'cbu tinuance of the same, • I*. MONGER. ! Carlisle, March 23,1854. 11 Usenn, Fragrant, und Good! BJ. KIEFFRR hasjust'retrimcd from Pldl • ftdclphia, with an additional silpply of Fresh DRUGS, which, in connection with his former stock, will‘make' his fcstablishmcnt complete In this department. Iti additlbri'fo,the above, 'liq has also just'opcilcd-a fresh mipply’of ; ~ C oufee tlona tile 8, tyulto, jtfuiil, : ■. $OO Of) w oo asfes, and Fancy Articles of every descriptions Tho nltontlon of.ludios is especially invited to his extensive assortment of fancy articles. La dies’ Toilet Fancy Soaps and Perfumes of every variety. Gentlemen are invited to.examine hlq fine mmovtmont .of Fancy Articles. .- Segara, Chi-! ua and Porcelcap Pipes,.Tobaccocs-of .every -Trip ricty, Shaving and; Toilet Soaps; which wilb.be found to be. ypry,superior j Cam's,.Riding and ■C!Aj,iaai>\Vl.U. ‘*-1 1. * ..1. moreespecially .V, ~ A-number ofj very.-superior Woolen-Matts on, hand. ; ; r Tho Proprietor, wIU be very happy.to have lus friends generally call and examine Ji|fl goods, whetlier they may wish to purchase or not. . i li;J. KIEFFEB. Carlisle, Mprch 28,185-1,,.,, ; . , ; REEVE L* KNIGHT, (Successor to Hartley ry*.G»(>d<* busl-. uess, inform tkqinf riomle that thvydvill cmitlnuu' Hie business ns horctofo.ro at tljo-old stand, un der Hip najno pf .Bcntz & Brother. They have! just received 11 laigp.supply of*: >i«.p Now.and Desirable .Goods,. - such as’Onllcobfl, Qlnghaht,'Mimliiin, ChubkJ, Flannels,, Satineßs, wirkoil” Collars, Slocvfca, Hpunpcrs, 1 tkc. ' Alito^'!•'ciiso of line Irish Linens,^‘Jjjtocp?of fcheir^tvnimporiatbbi.’ 12J per yard Ihjlow thii usual prjcb.' Thby rc Bpecifnliy-Bo|lcU a call from nil Ihliio wishing tb' imrcfiobu Goods in lhy|r (my, as they are deter mined to sell Goods ris low ns anjr firihinPonii. Balvanif>. - 1 >. ABN-KUn BENTZ, < , .JAUESBENItf. . -f February 15,-1865. 1 HATS! HATS It THE subscriber respectfully Informs his Mends ami the public generally, that he bus removed his Hut and Cap Store to his new build lag In Main street, where He wllf’lie glad l„ «*•<• Ids old customers and friends., He has now on Shawl a splendid assortment of Buis 01 nil descriptions, from (h' variety In general use, embracing In.ii & Brans Cistern, ami Cistern Sido'PumpfiT Alho out door Pumps, bo regulated ns not to bo subject to freezing in winter. These pumps uro got up In thy very test stylo In .point,of (imiltty ami worltmanshlp, (ho manufacturers having,hail Premiums awarded (or the it* pumps.at several Stato fairs,.where they have been on exhibition; Ajso eoiistanlly on hand, a lull,supply of Iron Well Curbs ami Obaln Pumps; ! For sale Jaw hy ILKNUy, SAXTOtf,' Carlisle, Nov> IHW. , .imy. , ; ». CUANUIiUUIKB. —A lot of fresh Cranber ries, just received, as also an nssortipont of now Pickles, Peaches am! Tom’ntoosi in Jars h Cans, fresh Sardines, fihu Olivo ,& Table Oil, French Mnstanl, &o. For sale at “Marlon Hall” Grocery. , /j J, W. Jill*. October S>(l, 1854., . - . , , EllßK} APIUMR lot of SavcryiK* Co’s, celebrated Kaglo Plow", which hnyo talcon premiums at nil the different fairs at which thoy'.lmvo hodn exhibited. Also, a largo assortment of the fain l r. UH ..’S 1 Plows—together With 'other Plows | amiVor oul t mRUU f a<3lurcr « lulnfl I mu.,\Li «, $30.00: ItcwaiulMdrcht ißiiccj fplXligrcfttJruco;bDtwocn /tljo GlbtbitigiiSl&refj til;[or:GavUalO)iC3uU6d inihc coihplotb triumph Ot’tho/hc\V;et6ro,of. AUNOJLD SONV'ln flip ]Btor,ft room t Jatolyi occupied. by: ;Wißo‘ Cattop4 bcH,.qoHut}i\Qfi North HtmovormucUliouthdivßthi •It f Jpi jnb.w .conceded; by: till amKcvory onodlmt ftoy. eland «re-eWiuontanlongthocloihittgdoM4 era! inCqrlialo; havangatfocpcdcdJrtconvibclhg tbattltoy-cari soil CloHilng-mndd and got latest idylesi'fi'om' nhy other house; is possibly table: to ,furnish them, They • Kayo nowoirhaml a largo and eplcndld assorbncnt^f =' l Cfisbimerqa find : Vitst.; iVfflr* • Caj)s> flind every tiling, in McnVAnd-^oys;,, Thqlr materials wilh-tho grentbpt pMP,.im*chAsod cnali-jnicps* Jib,uses s qn !n„anytj)ipffi I may. thyrpfqf# rpgt assured: .That .mtlvlei purchased of tlupn >vM| and ;.Tmist| ( tUp,ehort-. lhd.pidst, faalhonab/c, ?lylpi haying Tor Mil purpose sccprcfl-tlio pjf.dx., splefluid.-aSsprl ■.for-bebiiTyand du’rajnlUy'cannot be. pprpapspd. .To. fil'd* citizens of thp surrounding 'fulrlp/ilfjiit' wuSvillupt fad tp.qoh rytiicpj vdii llmt ohi / Giflthhjg..ut of cut with more 1 .tdgtO, dnUJail ,though' not; least,^choapcr,than ybti elsewhere..’ ;Alsp, a largo m ofTi'n^s; 'Carpet [ V| ..^ ■VA,ll,halfcfcatlpli fanmd'hear/,,,;, , ‘ I Of A'rmbL'n’s Store you shn]| licijr!,.,,ii i Lotpcidlng dnuus . ’ 'l'VodhdlW/tho jlqiys frpm.sliorb ,to : Bhorp,; ; ■, ' - ' , Gfeft't,baVgajn& sure, nreoa-tjui tying, ‘‘.liftfd Ji',adders then',we? now.plll . r , , t ,, ; ‘’j.'Atjfrrst'vyo’irspcnk pf CobriuNff , .5 ’’‘Such trophies, ihifd will make you fijarc, • ■ tTfbroid hbd nnVr.ow cloth ( sp oJioapjf j, (t > WlMako A'niohicnt’s limb to speak. huttbp'j*r{ ( r i".- and thcirqualiiyf 1 “ K 1 1 Dress and Sack Coats—n\o, Vestings too, WlmtibaVgaliWiiibW. fbr jili’ot*you r • •’ ll The Gents will rccetyp, Aml’cjnll they mtist tko wonders to believe. . wodiavdnll kinds.of styles, - 1 ■" f ,‘Qho niul upwards, piles on piles. l ; • In Summer Goods—for sunn/twill come—- you'bargains nil for 1nn.,.. mm . Frpcksjapd .Overcoats ro vciy (lnfa>u - ~Gvogt »;ondors youshall see in cvorydmo,:- 1 hosiery, (or all, i, All kinds of Gloves to please oil who calll JJuti'yOiCnjmot atop (o enumerate,' . Wq have bargains botli good and' groat. Ourstqck too in the Furnishing lino ■ Xa plentiful, cheap and dm*. „ ASKOLD # SON’S Clo/hing ITaIU AprlU2„ffi6s. • Cmaiectionnrics; See. TillJ. undersigned has just, i-cturncd-fr.oihl*lili adeliiiiia' Villi a freak-supply of OItJJGS, COKrtfCTIOtfAKIEs, &c. These,,-with bis stock’ on hand, will make bis-—JS of Drugs, Rcdfcincs ; 4S’CUdmlcals complete. His,assortment £3* of Confectionaries is also unusuallytluo, con. aistingpf pure pugar white and transparent can*, dy Toys, common, assorted, and (Inc candies of every,variety; alaq, fruits, nuts, and every thing belonging to that department- of trade., , lie would, call special attention to Ids supply of 'ARTICLES, for the Holidays, and for gencral.nsc. ,All are Invited to call, whether they wish, loipurcbuso or not. . . . •’ •’ b, j. kiEffei?;- . • .Carlisle) Dec.2l, 1801. , ~ t Know Tljjsclf,” An Invaluable Hook for 25 cents,— 11 Every fa~ /'k/'trt )iu3 * n loss than a yuan A ncw/cdiliuii, re vised luul unproved, just issued. ‘.,' , , ~ t r'plt. Medical Manuel anddland. Poole Jyr'tho A^Ucted—containing an outline of the origin, progress, treatment luul.ciirb ofeyq ,r.v Torm-ftf, jlLutiimq. gniili— iai\ l.u’.-.u> nm in n| | 0l aexuul intcrcolirsu, by solf-abnae or .by, sexual, , cxoeifSj.wUU udvlco for ton -fapdUar style/.‘Avoiding all iucdlcal tcchnicalUjc?, and everything that would offend the Wof dcconqyr . with an outlino'.of coin*- pjalhfs.incident'to./Females, from'the. result of some (wohty.' yoari’ successful pracUco, o.xchi siVely^duvojca’tdtho of diseases of adoli mv.i;in, ,11. JJ. ' 11 • This is, wlthynt exception,’tho most com pnduiihUc mid iptelllgiMu work bn Ihe pliiss of . diseases on which it treats.' Avoiding all loch' 1 niciil terms, it itself to Mio reason o( i its lenders. I! U free from all o)tK’(|r.imlda matter, and no parent, however firstiditouLcaiV object to placing It in the hands of hissbrnd— '! The author has (hivoted fnnAy years to the treat mem <>| the vnribns complaints (rented of. ntid . with too mile brs‘(Uh to pulf/and 100 sumption to ho fiasbllefed to tlio world/ ; at the merely jjoinlun) price of 2Vr.ihdrt,'(bo/ tndl o| some twenty' Years* most •tflicccrisfiel praelico.”— Hrrttld. ;t 1 *•» ''' '' '■ »'■ 'i “No lyncher or,parent should'bo Wllioill Uio knowledge Imparted ’ Jp lh!>r viihVablo t work. M , 1 1 wo, dd aavo )a > ar»i-trf'pMn»’nnirlHlcatl(m afid pOr raw to tlio youlhbbdorTlielV clmrgd. >x ~J ) fo»/c , ,j JliU'oculeJ *' -■• i- 1 ’•'’ • 1 ■‘ !i ; ' A PrcKbytorim clergyman In Chip,' writing of Uujlur'H t»uys:—rVTlmusimda upon' thousands ipiT oiir youth, by,evil ’example apd Influence ol iho passions, have helm led in fo tho habU of kolf-iio|hUhmj, without ytydtoipg tll6 sip niid jlcajOd ctpilpMlucuees upon-.thejn ,BelycH llitdrppslcf,lly.\, The constitutions of thousands wlio irp raising families bavp boon eptbcbled, Knot broken do ( wn. and .they, do iipl know the .cplisy ol tho euro, ‘ 'AnyMiiifg thatcan b'o 1 dmio fla to onbkbtou and Ijilluomfo tho pub-. It'd Vnubl as to chuekj»and ultimately lo remove lllila wldy-Bpread source of;hunmjj)vretchedueHp, aVmpd confer tlia .greatest] blowing .next to dho religion pf, .Teaufl, Christ, o» the, present, find ccimlng ccjierafii'p. crtr flip mho though it lyiffilalu tbou pfipds npo» lljoiifiiipdtn is, pot a, grimier l acodrgo (6 the human race. Accept my thanks on be half of thp aUllried. and,’ hbllijvo mb,‘your c'o worlior hi the good work yoiiuro soueliyely eiu gftgod In.” ' , v •• 1 Oho copy (’Hocwroly‘enveloped) will be l(>r- free of postage, to any part of tho Uni ted States for tie cents, or six copies fursl. fpont paid) COSDKN & CO., Ihibllsh uy«, or Uojc Urn, Philadelphia. , 1 . K 7“ IJooksbllors, Canvassers ami llook Agents pupplled on tho most liberal terms, ‘ September 7,185-A —ly. fl'.M. 11. TIIOUT, ' ' ''' A. N, Gl'fton, ■■ j A AT lOT, ims. soltlort In JIo- : jrli clmnlcklmrg,for tho practice bfliis profes sion. All kinds of Legal Writing, ColloUlohd, C.onrt. hUßlriQßd, &c.,,promptly attended to.-r -■pflico opposite J)r.Thong's roflidmco.i . Ho will tdao attend,to,Smvpying, in: town or r [October 20,‘1001.] - 1 'mily should have a copyi" i.yJ’juMhHcM n;irtSßU!»i,i*s(iiaouiiy ) i! 18tli.session will commence May Tfii.' l i;lll Parents .yvill And this tv doBirabld : ’pTa£6 J foi P'dilcating their sons InlvßpWT US And moral purity*' fctrwell w-Uts tional advantage^;. ;o . The buildings have poop % improved, and the iflontiitorJds rfrfiitjiiab*(Jd. on Tfcir pnmber ‘qrStu tVema ia limited tfhti every attention *jHVcn to! their comfort and frnproVomciiK 5 * • { Jd Terms (per sesafoti of live flibhlhs) 900,00. ti'' l?6r Ciitnlilrs con'tulnin'g rifdrohcca rfilfl fur ther Information, nddroSrf * "I ‘in •nl' lo )<>! J« •.»!» ! .-il. i:vi;B.r.K;iiBUUNB, iiM I .0,1 I PlaiuJicldyGitiHb, Coi} liP«. njMurch 2Q)*JBGS. v.-tlit-.u■’£ .nb '' i r l' ; x cities, at (no Old Stand, in North Ifappvor| i s(rcct tl ou&of r t]i9 ( mqst elegant nssortmcnts'of ‘ ; ‘StRING AitD over offered to (lie people of Cumberland coun ■ ty. oi/rfjlatljlf® nJdbialbdiisc lmvo| bqqn rqdnqed to fv-very, 1 q prd I thpt wt» wear good, doJpeq io-sqcuro.jpcnv) Tbpirisjpclc ,ilio\b'est pnd‘.,piost "desSn\bJoiDrosp hn t 4 Jftpek t £ 1 oil( Vlo. (J I yon mero JMflTS.fL i}d X r appy,poV;.*silkjAnd,SaUn '.)?I2SI?S, p;ul, ft'ypry,puo.,vafictydf...V'alqneiji,ar)d •ptficr .vqfltsj with agreaf,variety, QWK mg, conalstlng 0.1 Pcjlcft.-JAfikpls, Monkey" Jackets, .yeats nmdq Dulling, iClptln Alpn.ca, -AlflP, .SJiirtei Mocks, ilnndkcrcmcfs,&c.,,al| pt.jyjiicb qraQfr ft?, c d.ttt i M}o Jo ! \vpB|.pos)*«blp i .C|i^i,pi;lco r jpnjins .cMp np ( aii niiy piper Cloibnig.fttqrpijn tbc.Unjon; x AiaOj p,splendid npsorjlucut'pL.Gpodaiin, the jlill auf\,oi|33lmqrcjs,pf, py&ry.pno amlslmdo,* .Satin, Sjlk,ftild,yp|piicld &p.j.ttU of \yhiqa.will. bo pW'Ktqi ordgr.at the. shortest notice and ia the neatest and .beat manners . All garments qrp warranted tpr.flt. The public arc respectfuny.lrivikHjito.cnlliand, examine Iho’lu. pcrioraesorlmonl of Clothing at this establish, meat. |> ;• AKNOhtt H Xt'YINGSTON. Carlisle, March 25), 1855. , , . ... lTl . r -. First-rate liimcstomrKa lid fdV -I -i •::» -hr'lnr..- ■ SlliCj '"ill.- i-.i li I OFFKR forMlo'ti tr.tCtbfTjhtid lying Id'Jlef ferBoii,-Cftlinly',,; Yri.j .cbtitainlng 25li‘ 150 cibared And uUVldf • gbArfcn'dng, l 'npd'.tba ln ! Tlriiber.- < 'Tills land 'ls as p}bi as tUo botmly of JelTershn, '-fOa'nd M\l watered. ‘lf Is wiMilntwb’binb't of the Shenandoah rivdfr; ntid tlib'Al'LVll'lffill road will'mu Within ft. 1 pbrticuhir description |»*tli/enWd' persons wishing tb pufbliisc will VldWtho bfqmj isos • Tlitf tanilxyHl btiMioWn and terms nimto kilo uni by t'J A. Udwl.V, .living near Kablulown, In Jelferson co., or ojt'uppli catfbn, poBtAgb ]mid,'to tbo' lnidb'rslgricd'at Mo. bllb, Alabumn.' If the nbbVo : property is. jitif sold privately’ before the loth dr- ’JllTy,’lBssl U will (lien‘bo dfll'red 1 ut ; pd\Wc sale bn th'nl dhy bclore tho Court lltdiso 1 , In ' * * AUTneH f. noFKiNS.'' Fobnmry IS, 1t!55. ' 1 , ' , 7TIIiOSE Of'ybirwho bhyo .been nfiUqtcd joif A yeahr, With this have beoti.using, afmost5. ~ , , ; i Wall Ifajpei*. JUST received a splendid ptock of Paper; Window UlindH,, aiul line ipctilts,' embracing all tho newest and most (approved l styles. The designs are neat ami chu«tl),.dtid tjm pricey flncli twfoammt.fail to give Bltislac ijn« M J\ r o iMv.i.to.pfir. frieuds dod the inibllcfga*. nendly, to call and oxnmjnu vur uiwqrtmcnt bo*i (uro Vurchaslng-olijpivliorv. ■*, ...i ;• « „ . ' ! SAXTONiM! Carlisle, March-22pli\r)fl.,. I[A ■jGKO. , - .-ij »* XKculiat.'i j.i »;i aKSI’KOTFULUY tomlors his professional sorvdoes'tfT thq-'fmfdlc. ,l 'Artlllchil l Toeth frpm> rl/flingl6 ioollvto 7 afl entire set?oil' ■— "k the latest andmoat-Kjiprrtviid'prlii: l I A« Single: Illodc-'a'nd .ef.tllo inotith anil m'dghlarlties carotnliy (Widid'’ Ollico at the rusldunco ol Ids brother, on Nortlr riu strcot.i-tl .H T' I ’'i !■'!r .i f jir. : • 'Carlisle, Jtmdhry- It; 1 111 .* •. KUK&U supply of Taints; Oils, Varnishes. 4jL Dyq SlnUbfCJlftsMesilbittyj Sash Tools,' &oV , Also, Halting SodaMmd .pryun’BiPulmonlb ,Wafers, for.thoxilnuK Coughs, OolibgA'Klhnm Consumption, amla!!,Other diabases ofHioTninks! forKalu.at mi..- -• f-Bh JuKIKFi'UK'S? 11 Carllslo, March 2.*!, 1 1854ti'.1. •‘l - "! rt Si ... i CIioCJCKUY. —A general assortment ’of QuooriswnHj dp all: kinds how on bain! J In cluding Gn\nitcWaro,'Bloiluwnro, Cllftfd ■' Glfas'./ \varo»-Tmnblorail Jnr»;tDUhoi; BoUls' Plated 1 Candlesticks, &c., nl«o,u variety of flJio OJwfoi'J K Boltloflj nß'Wull as Pilchard, Celtory & Spoon Glasses, sale at tho store of •' 1 . . - i Ang. 8, leati'.,), ’ jmp. kdy; •• "• • TiTT--^:; 1 i;v , —-: r GLASS- WAKE.--Jjjßt -receiving, o mm* In vniQO of 'Yum.embrftcinga variety of bowls' .fluU,' preserved,’ pibkluk, shears. joUlcßi &c., an -also Collar* Stand*, Jars,' Ddcunl tors, Halls, Poppers,l OaniUcidlcka, Lamps, ’Oovered Uowla,,n, . largo ittnaortnlonf. Of lumblers, Goblets, and’Otlior:useful articled •—- For dalQl/y.,l*! ~(• .< v Wo Elly* /’ irvbniuvy,22, ; lBM;,,i : . , , . TT'l* . . 'lilmcbui-norn’ C'ptll, 2ftftft' Tt,}fa Vnltoy JSTni'doiil, 4*WvV o .tuiiotior Ortlcle, .receiving, and lor aiiiu by^ Family Coiu. Ljken a Valley Coat, broken screened, prepared oxprossly- for family use, receiving nud for’salo by •!?,.-1 - _ v ' r > : • WM. ]J. MUIIUAY, I Carlisle, Jnno IJ> 1H55~0m •- ft ]» WE call tho attention oi tllojmbllo ,tt>.tilts/ Ipprtablo'Garden or Fire eugluo for wa u>ruiß gardonaor extinguishing lent article, übftt cheap oouvvnlont.i' Kt* SalQat . j.tj m i'mki/; • , ’ November t, 18W.! - . is coi,aiivcA;nWi(ilc]>cN, '-’•SILVER WARE- >&>'U EWE Lit Y. QliOap Watches that, arp ‘lean he 'obfrUned at this fhc'm direct from tho FttctoVfqfl'of Liverpool, lloAdon and ena bled to sell a much anp’orfdfvirfficlq fdr a .less fit i£o thanjdtiy'.ithcr Wtfilbßt6^o'fn!tltlQ r iHy > ‘ )0 Xforsons wishing to ptirchoso at ftholtoald or* trctflil aro io.Vitcti)W/daHjnndiigOt;o«sijHoi'Hi of ;tbejr money. can he at tho following prices* viz : h r :/;ir •* -Gold Lovers W9H 00 rtjoIGI ,H4l Lupine \WjcWs, ‘ ItN (Silver Lover “ MP,wWm-. lli i pW BO Soil Iluntinc^nap,' 1 ,a Ift 00 ttofi "‘‘'“if' fi 00 : cheap *Atao, Silycr’Waro, and Silver plated iWdro o all bur. i; julo frnrifjii’-. l ’/. f'o batches repaired and warrftjtfoii’iVtf inta 00 1 LEWIS K. IHMHIMMiIi'S -00 ii{'Ocd)SY«\nd>) 110, N. Second, 2d dootfbolowiHucO'S [Pliiln. Mnrch —ly.f. UuA\ ssßjnvAß Tf'VlIE tti&t} itiUlrafcfl 'foAftl' l/io < JL&nstcrn cltiCtyiWliJlrodfbyoiicd rit his stand 1 in' North IfftnavunhthJct A : noonB,iilat ' i fliln.vrfmUjhts, turpbntlno, gluo,j&c. ~)G\asB .<-!» ~,{T9 fnlj, ju?SDrtmcnt,.nfcn.ini^t*?f : erciirtain oil cloth, plain and figured t-DAShcr Ironb, IsaibpsJ A'xlos’, Spriqga; MalaWii-Oastlng'd, Bout Felloes, Hubs, BowH,iPhil!|hi’.pate'tit:)Joxes for Wood axles, flno brass,!silv6j* plated* onfl Jhl pnn l\'/nps,aud every’nyticle used liy Saddlers very cheap.' • 1 Carlisle;'Maf-Oh '22, 1854V r ' ri 7. P. X-YNk. '’"jsisnes iU’Cliiitock, M. Late Professor of Anatomy and SilVgory'iil tlio Philadelphia C(dlugo of Medicine,and Acting Professor of Midwifery; oile.o£thO Consult- Ing Physicians of the Philadelphia Hospital, Blockley; late mcnibyßiOp ||ie National Mod. icul Association; membetj.oj the Philadelphia ,m/>jnW/of,, Cldnirgfcnl College of P|nladiJphjaj formerly President and Prole&Wf of 4/mtomy.f anrl Surgery in Caalleton Medical,.Coiler’e.'/Vor. mont; and also, Mo'.PfbrbisuV o'fAmrfhjjiy ■ and Pbysiplogy s ilV BtftksbiroMedical institu tion; T?ltfc«cM3fii&V£e;V*UihB*iulter eating, arising Irom indigestion. Price lyiVegctiiblo Uemedy for Internal nsg.Trlt^; . ..w f : <■'{ -j } j. j ( ._ - . ' X>r. McClinfoclc'a "khcumnlir 'friiiimctiir-rFot filieuinadsm, 'Jhf . McClin(ocli\» Tbolhadlitf, Ilcuauctid/Nfehralglit; &<*." Price .W-cents. I-. " Dr. flreCiiittorfs r t fortr aiirf jJ^ne' Ascertain cure lor all Inlermlltontfi.' I’rlcd 1 ’ Dr. McClinlock’giJJiurt-had > Cordial arid Choll era Preventive —A Sufu Remedy. >, A pr pi|| nia.do. . box* j I . » f *. , l‘’or Halo by Dr- 1 nt' till Mo. ’ilU-nl Dopnf ,'to< W. Ctiinvt NINTH niirt Tlt.i IiUUT Strcula, IMiilqaidiililn';‘foil 'lUl'Dpigjtliilii. UrJiKKists nml ln Mcdtclii’i's \Vliowinh ul Ito; Agenta, will ploflsm 'itUdrilM Dr. McCijtxTOCK, irtivnishlng refonhlw/nn'rtiO'brPost OllicU, conn tynncl Slalul'r.'J •- •* .* '■ tC7” For salo byW-’A Klilsb, Samuel'Elliott. Cdi'lislov KiinlillU got & Oo.,.UiKiuillnmn, Meclmiilcsbnrgj Joseph LlurroyjjNiAvvilloi' .J 9)’ £llnmcmnuii; Andorroili jlnirg; ITaineHfcFerlig,Millerstowni ACJKIink, |Mo.w liloonillubl; Harriet’M Singer/N.vWport 5 HP Gardner, York Springs; J !S ‘Nixon, |U, Mentor, AVaypea ihofo. | GeoVgo'Dergner ami D 11 Jouos,^,Co., Hurrlnbnrg. , ,1 ’ '' McCUNTOCK can bo fconwrttcii; wlUji ittuJ charge, dully, from ip Ip.U! o/clock, A. M., {(tills Depot,. ,r / . * y.‘ 1 •{*••* “ 1 „« jTVFQW 9IW 1 yM.ai-jnn Ifall ,-1-1 Family Grocery Store, a largo aml.gcnom' f'HU'yj dmlmi • ■ ■ • ••}. ..•- -• , I 1 1 r -„.,l 1 J<« ri \ w 'M^ w /Ai ,, T«P}*Vwl ‘ r , . ! , host brand ofT'pas ' ‘ ,' j llroWa'nd Cliirlfliil' feugava, ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ l , i White and I’roHorvlng “ ‘ ' j «i FjuUxrlr.cjl{andcrni»hcd’«*o Drama, Cocoa and, {^mcpjglo, ) Dice, and Coni Starch,' - Farhia'mul 'TvHscndd lifCofTooj Covering’s finest Syriip, Qrlcatw JWlDngTtfohm acs, Sidcos, ground tmd mignnmds Mutm, Citron, yunilti'Biiiii,iChccy, Crathonv Candles, &dr *f JfjSfr’ **M»’ itnccnsivni’c, jKjfjJ }T t,m,,rwc <‘« n I«rgo ami general vdriolyKW bf tliCj’Ucstwiutu Granite,li'Zrtm.Stonuware; Llr hrpool and common wore, enabling thu ciuttomor [° select in pieced;of|iny mlzo uctwasarv, |»ml of Dig (Jiirorcnt)Btylcs, together-wfjli u,vari lity of I ino 11 hlto and Gold Band, Kncllali and f rcnch ChiaiLBc|t«-ofjTea wary, and other vurlo- ttud |lno |f«ncv pijimi w , tnc|ud- Ing 1 r.iya,y|i^tca r .Fruit Dtahea, Collug. fcupa, “ " ' . * . I ’ r 'GbAssirAtiti, 1 “ fcmbracjng. h(|\y]n, iIUUor, jnolftflHo^’ciinfl,'fcggAr liowlh, iv 1 largo nelAcllbif'oMlilo Uulcc|' 'l{nul»lui*A. Ivino and egg glasses,,and..other 1 tnicAil htilclos. wauv, imong which nro tubh, 1 (jhurnn, water pales, mo’iu inrcfl, mnrkct baskets, triivyllijig baskets, nswull is other covered and HdcoVcred hasklds. Also Lkiblo Oil brand/,Sp'erni : nml other Tobacco, Cigars, Sonps/Ac. Admail hit .f choice MAOKAKJSI, n uhmy! ' X! 1 trl '" , V e ‘ l f r ° M Mnckurd—-bath In< handsome iHsorlcd qhartiii'H.uiicl kits— vlth nil tho othor varieties ofm /GllOOEliriuwi JUEKNB WAIIK-HUOWK.. •. , Wo fool thnjikml for tlui pntronngo hcrOtoforo c^o wed on u 0( and invite a vonMhuaTjcin.f lll^ _Onri»lo, Jnmirtryiß;iass. - w IPrSeusSSkS Mmnißm Carpcntera amtjlttthlm- nra invllcfl i„ „ Ino tliu i«"t,,,'? am - CiilpsjfSofetvat.ft; I!r lln i‘i ) rV , l ,K< -’ s > South jLi,^ *M Wii-fi'rfs A.ur aurt psnosmci groat cm wlfi'fTo fukbif 'l/iMp 'I jltemHr.’Wfanli&ah}- wltbnM'OßHtHhluirt'ofl'Uni! , aa .«* rit totrtptiqrtotoArilEkl'tmi al J of 111 b best mmlity. .Scgaryfrom Iho.U.jlia ,TO»-B^-a“SP l if* piio*)oi;£ j||, ; , ‘ , , v,, " y,n ■ v >Hms toswjp.lo fakes Anriiig any tinmorary «),«. pfctUnt lmVcf Wen Mui-nroil "ii Irin(ila n 'w.-liich l 'arc 'RliiATh' i/t.lfiT'ir.lv drnpglHt. ~• .T'i-n>4 vfTiV.V* proznfvtly MtJniUf'Vib'j" mkVaiVrobnnts ih'tho' comilry vttHfe at priccswldohjmml phmrsatUfAclok A liberal slmru of public patronage ia rcnyfkt! foilji {solicited*>\iTefnifjiCo-ib. --r-hX ■ ,|( ™ ** •'!!. <•) l-.!;i':f- N.-.I •■ll; :'.!■■ Hi J. KIEFFEH.t f ■■. yflrqU;£g > ? M .f> ~1r I.;; WITJi pgrfo\*nr till bpdmf ibns’ti jloit Iho Tetlh that are reipii!V*d t fur ! thcir' , prfBcrVatiAff such os-Clean r iirgp Piling, l Plngglng;‘tto;,Hir will restore the loss of them, hy insertltiß-ATtlflclai ifaethj-fndfc a .shiple'toelliftdi'a fnll .'*l .j-C3^’f)yiufr(hbl , jlt street, oi few doors SonthiW ! t,,. ; lb , i„ f . N. B. ( pn [Bounds, wilMuj uhsent from Carlisle [ho laat ton djtys.in enclplnonth,| ; n Carlisle,Muych.^yl^-i, y_' s ■ HriTPR Alton 1 and foists l* And Ift tytftnfioh tfhdcrilib management of. tlimfolloWlng Sluhnger«, ,, +la , »‘ : d Dnidel Bally, M'm.- li. Gorgus, Sfichael Cock lin, MelehoLPlßiWhdftinh'lOllHhliAn Staymnn, John C. IJunlap, JacobJUCoover, LoB-ia ilyor, Henyy. Bogan, Benjamin JL Musset, Jacob Mum jna/Joseph BhVkerkjmm/Alcxiitide^CAtudartL'* ’ Yhe nitcs of jriHuruuctftircpa low ftndTatorabU hs’nny Corifi»n»v of tlin Itliid l In the Stale. ' (PeV bobs-wlshiug hv'heconic members aro irtrltM'lo ntaWo application the'Agents'bf‘Alio C(fni|Miiy whd.are willing {«» w'ait-njMjn them nf flnv’ffm«i <■ t V ; BKNaL.IIiiaiOSSEU;-Proihrent.U '»'• i I/rajtT Louan, Vico Prvßidcut.'i i'JiltwiallTKu, SoerotarJ'«-i'i: .'..1. ,- 'j ■•j-r j t ,!( i Ch Marlin,-New Cutnbcrlandj,fl,;B. Henmm, Ivingstown; Jlvury fenrlug, Sliirenmnstown; Charles Bell, (.Vullshf; llr.'J. Alii, CUurchtown; Saiiiticldr.ibaini AVcit Pvunslmro; James McDowell, PraukCofd; M'do Gpflilh, Soutli Middleton; SiiioueJ ll'omlliurW, Dickinson ; Samuel Cbbver,/Benjamin TlgToi stick, Mecliauicsburgi John Shcrriek, L{phuru‘» Uivvld n *' ’ l °Y‘pnK CouNTy I .—J«t;, •-from the oily, and js how opening n'sptcm dul display of uu'biifij'sutlaVlo fyr ibo /•Assent season, to wldclr'fib desires to'can'flib attention of bisirienda'aml the public, llisatu awlnuutt in tills line bp .eurpasscdjjq.nof VCl*y ami elegance, and both il),qpalilyinml prlqo «*(, tuo tpddoueojtufchnser^ }lr\vuuld bo Imposslblq'lo' enumerate Ijls t ( j*y» r Fanoyi Goods,!./- n > j-ir i whldh comprise every variety of fnnoV nrliCks Ut' the mosfcaqulslteoduqKj,- sudkas- >■' '• r «*l .TPaiper Maebu Goods, >. >.f d • 1: Efcgnnt nlftbostor mul porcelain Jbkslgndiraitd < ra )' e - •'*' Jr-,1 I uncy Ivory, pearl mid fjbell card coycs. ' Kndies’ Fumy ba'skcla. 1 I J’aTicy■ wi>fit'f))(iifVjp boll* Opy prpsui»ts„ipAvbi I • ' '* i-i i la,u P»» | } :! froln the extensive of Archer and others, ofPJdiatluljdiia, every style, of Parlor, Olminbor ik .Stiidy'Lbntpg* tbc btn-nhife bftlim’ lavd,'sperm or‘ethdrlal : ofl, toi gqtlmrwlth ilo\vov. vasort, Pancy Screens, &c.— I, J! iiVflitydlno Js uncrp’udled, ij\ : t'jj* xr I.! y. Fiiiitof'FaneyConfeetitinty,' l ' n ' r ! ",1 Nma,Preserved FniUtf, &bi,'lif tivery variety’flh'j at hit prices, all of wltlcji'nrb ptiro uml fresty hh®’; iw fenh be conlldonly recommomiAd l*> )»l» lvldnibldlMamJi oppdtilto the Bunk. j.„.id . ' •> I S. W. HAVEUSTIOK.' Docohibor 21,1851. ; ' 'i n^A l oC 'UOII, ns also Pickles, Tomnlto Kotbnitp] Rum. French Mustards, &c. Fof sslo bp f ' 4, 'AUO. 0,. 1801, t-Alm'j mini “