I W?. i.*rw^\k ” pjfpiisH*» BV ?W.THWBDAY mobninq oy I tfentaj arfljm »JJm J!? ll 'w> rf tpi!t,>vm>jn.fl)o life Cmn.,K.*ot rjg; 4-teJfSW r yAWlM|'w v ,,Sß»ulJßi!r®| ifeWMn.Mli ifliivMßßVftgcs. am iiajd umoas uu iiio option ol thoSSditoft .J ( qjlsiij pquaro, .lyW.bo./liscrtqd M&SKwwflßP 1 |q?prtlqn»; . tyjoso of a groM ,moptsuyhsm*swri a m tt.:i -it .r,:\ ,u ,#* npnd^nis„P fl flyngi MWflf -shpr.tppt.|»ptjQpi -t«l ->■« omlrti *.! pX.I .li*lfJ'»« M J'l J/.lilJ, ) )> M ll'.'lni-lU V M i •• ; iint i , ‘ i ;- l a!Sit , ]ii : E'.ivo , rT0 Ijsi]xro 1 j5i]xro; 1 " I viy'iUur Tl* »(!•>'{:r •;■<■'-'..•■ v.r:. :■■/.>] .*,m ~.« :i„- j ’' • ■"■' i fall, ask mo not to alH£ to'thco- fomqbibprcd stralnrr I those blrfiUUutlng chords . To u .•> Too long thoy’vxj rostcil ’npatk tho.damp 'lbhi j . ••idii'lUvon'lcl hot'batl theftl baclc'hgftln * • " •*'• iisiplf’rbmiDtatlda palo,’icy,loldl{ v - r—■ . •-•Eor jouig'ago', whon.ull was bright* J ' ; £2ro.happiiiCB9 i gruw. ' | . Iti , 7/^jqn£MifrjcMdahlp , s silken band connects w./..j . . .il love thoo well, yet thero’q a lo t an{,, iUI ,. ," y \Vitbln my.lninqst spul n , .-.Thnt tidt'a living lihftd Vafi’toubn', 'QJo blddlS ftutersrolh'* i l * ' i.jM'iigftTP.-thflQ oil thouj asked for— . * .. i y -if.,* .A.boartifßom.oßttlds.love Jmo j-|:< 11, wc-notlto mako’.ngaiu • i .f,i!^ ;l t f ‘""i'do not weef)—my Wart’ palm, , ‘ dpwp'wijh care,..,,/, . -But still a blight hangsjjvyc pit . My young hopes oilce so lair j -AmUUoqyilong tfjast pOM-qr-to make ,My i dark.lifo brlghtingiitiii Mk fno hot to ding to theo'.’ ' r.i.i J T^ktHvbH;rqut io relate,' I received flroro ; n^o.m-Jndian ; 'piiot of the Allegheny. It uraa manyjjearSpgO.jyhcn tfiatjstem old chief fiylp«o,ncinnin.s now, repose in si lence and,lmicllness,on the banks of that.bcau rtious river hq.JoVed .so-, well,) was in his glory/ nitsjliibo rovucfd-oyer-the dense and, unbroken' tforests a|ppg*?ta, banks fearless, unmolested, Alld free. ~ i; ,;| I, His people,.were,Jiostilq 16 the whites* and never lostrany, opportunity.,!,©, He/ in ambuhh and seisjo r thq- lonely voyager as .he. descended the r|v;cr f nrjd coniine him to the stake and.Lhe thc-natchlnl shrewd rind ly CornplanteruiTd the. \WroTo7vtWnny raco” was Jlie' indpmitablc and fearless' Capt. Brady. This, vetcru pioneer and Indian hmit crMas.onctpf nqblo specimens Of tlie hdr •dy foresters, who plunged fearlesslyinto tbo in- Airmldnhlc.forpslnthat then overspread so large a portion of the.western Slates. 'n ~ ~i: Like Daniel(.Boon,' Lewis, UVeUclh Simon Kcnlortsml; others, 1 wlio made Indiadihunting A pastime, deadly/hate of. Die Indian, and, ids burning, passion for limiting them , down, amounted to,a, ( monoronnla. This hatred was in cons«jfp\gnco,o(tho wrongs they had ihWUotcd Jijmn his ,-fainjjy-f-his/ fatherJ Capt..'John Bra dy, and.hls.jbrPthpr : Jiiaving fallen victims to the and, scalping knife..!/, • -'-...1 .. i ,of„ the, present story .is at.a place Bend,’, and where now the noiso and-bustle of a new manufacturing Wwn'-called the “Great WcHcrn.V-resounds along-.iho’shorea - that then ccbtrtdouly to tlurwhoop Of/ tho-riavage oi*the panlhcr-a ■ i'- i .. i UiiS'*ft'.i)end' of riinc miles in IcngthV and is sometimes called the“Nino-m516 Ikml^'hnd 1 is Scarcely half a : fnild across the Ticcki'’ flcre’ln this bcud.'CbrnulnUtcP'rcturntd TiWfeoft'e u»Aif\d iindn' Md several' uy .tyihOncii) ™ treck,’while Mb,swarthy, aml.ujde- \v9ro .busy irijnjnUing r r^ r “\l°, ns [.%. l U^.faggot and,,the ; torture/,.; v ilio HUIK9I .was crpcjtctl and t thot fuggot6:pre* l\ ar Vs > v .dh au.tlic coolpcs andfefim'incnt of In dmn ooilmrjty. :It: wa* 1 a. beautiful- evening: tho sun was Just sinking behind tho lofty, hill 9 n t»»c opposite shore. . Calmness, badjtlirown d N .qily*tnifld tipfih ’ did 1 Allegheny V crystal tide. 1 rtnd‘(t"Bli'iU l .. I ‘ The Tull round mbpn, Juil *. M, though tld|distant blue, 1 cast Us rind} tyw bcahJs'upoii'thc slooiiiiigfiver, andduhe'ctl ( ifpojvhs'plkcid bosonj!’ V ' of the whipppr-wilt frOm tha'iiljoinlng,thicket.' fel|.,a^ ; c > ejly 'upon the ear. _ Tho t victims, jivero .unbound ahd led forth to the place of lortiiro. ,At tips moment n voioo high up among tho frowning rocks that loomcd*'^)hU’fi , om' that crowned tho hill' Opposite, bailed Corhplrtntcr in tho Indian tongue,‘informing him that ‘*he tfas ah Indiah warrior, J ust returned 1 from 1 the war hath 'witlibi goodly numbof of prisoner/h" JJo'dcsirctf that, theccrenjVihjcVlinlio lortlirq might’bb •suspended lintirjio could fori! i‘ the .cetylo-ptc tho occasion' with, unusual dqnionstmiiops. of w T»go/i%icmga.; .Toitlito Cprnplnntcr con- dmutvj l|itd hudhecn kindled.wore extinguished, and tho prisoners again bound to tho trees... f... •} j ... * luillio imcanlime,ißra»ly, for itwhb hc wllo had deceived thci neck of Cub .bend^and, moved noiselessly down upon tile Ravages. -'Solutions’was his .'npproachthdt : 10 | n cj:aipQ alarmcd^M . ylrAdy-H men hemmed ihom .in from bellind, Kiri' ■ t l n4, ir F6t‘c;iy fl rp > y«J.|n. Tlic llrst j to the savagcff pf his approach was I PPp)munlcaled by a deadly- discharge from his 5..?7r ® Jndmns fought with des peration, hut wem.ovcrpowcix’d:, nil were killed pr taken, prisoners save the'.chief Cornplantcr, >«uo, llnding: himself alone, plunged into! tl»o • an d swam Tor tho other shore;.:! : n [geod suTinmcp, ho rcmaincd'Hovcral Jul . run “ upl water, but as ho rose for breath, 1 no whs grk-ted with l n- Bhbwer'of bullets/ In B ‘, wti yl alternately ’swiinmltig ’ Under 1 water J|Q could’hold hiji hrealhi'aml'theri t , ~° surface; ‘hlj, escaped unhurt, and Br/n rJ .Mother Bhorb in 'safety, and MOcrcted - i-Ane prisoners wero.of coupse ,unbound, and j jolnwl m Urn-jolifloation and njoy.atdho tli 1 * 1 ! unlookcd; for release.. Tho rode “•atHjiioldcd Cornplnntcr from Bnidy’abullets aB 'I’ o i n fvd out' to.mo by tho bid Indian in tv iwr.K'P 'down this river; It' is known as »o 'UmpJantbr’a Rock," Tho old * Indian eonV> 11,0 ftto,, y witlr a sau and dhldctwl in broken English. : * mm an smuaiM . ;>,v J-..;,!,,, H'.lj ,„■) <$ .J))'),- 1 ;!! l^SlllliiiT v 1 ° ■&;' ![r '' ~ ''' 11./rh’P \'J fluV, [■YMi't llhor i:.li t f- ■‘■it yi»sO -m-j 'll .ui BY JOHN B. BRATTON'iJ Jad ! .'n!: ’’.'.r ‘ill »M /-if JI I-f.'IS lio •<; 1u m-ij> -i i.’, •> I W.i *> i c)spgj* * 7 H.tlicn ■! ,tii( Allcghtoyjnotict •Tnffr™f A W bchocU(OiQ l wld, 1 oilttof.thi dcftscytlarlc fprept/powj^ i y,f wmg.’i&.tfii mighty steamer... Wheyq twapy -.aayngq tilingdeclined upbi]frorijpja jIUfSuU of the deyr, ,11iq 'panther and tlicjbcarj o> Mated frohVllic : path,da now I ,tlib sccnd ;oflife‘lihd’actJviiy^. •" J ;; “ ;' V; :T n.nto°f-inHHwvtipn.'apd' given ’place to P n 4-‘ ;to\Yns f fp ‘"noTriilmn, too. has passedoWay; butVifdw; i . rhij khcgpfwliat .I,TO n ce,W£« aro'.no.vr occasionally iccri'dhd vtirpMd*r^ce I .ttmt once could oft** - thosd hill, htid gtovcS, and’mcris all thcii* of the Fhaidh revolution. l : *P'ur4hed by thciblood hounds iof tlie llbign of Terror, stlih. pcd oC ! : 1 .>■ .• ■’ ■::*!. < ; ‘Thcrcis a' gcntlcman 'up 'stairs,' either ' frdth America or Britinn, bill-whether all 'American -or Englishman,'rcnnfiofc'tell**: 1 : j • ■ lid pointed tho Way, and‘Talleyrand, who lus life waff-diishopj Prince and Prime Minister,' apeended. ’ A miserable suppliantlib atoiKl' bc-j fore tho stranger’s door, knocked hrtd^fcriteixdi In 'tho far comcr ol a dimly ijglitbd rOonfj'sat a niftn of some fifty ’years; his arms folded aifcj his head,bowed on hifi breast.* 1 From a window directly opposite; a flood of light poured* over his forOhcad. Ills - eyes < looked from 'bericalli his downcast'brows aiul‘gazed upon 1 Talley rand!s faco with a peculiar and scarchlng ex pression;’ His face whs striking in outline; 1 ijltf moutli and chin indicative ofnn iron will.i Ilfs, form; vigoroiis, cvcii with the snow of flay wlri-( tore, wAK.clad hi a dark but rich and distlo guiKhed; costume.* 1 .i /1 Talleyrand mltanecd—statcd that ho was a fugitive-fand under the'impression that : the • gcntleluan befoire him was an American, he so-' licitodhis kilid and kk-ling-offices: 11 , •'V*I am a wanderer—an forced to; •flv to •thoNcw r . World, without 1 ft friend or home.} i Vou.nro antAhurican I ‘ Oiy&'&id : then, i be-! «ccch’yoh, a Icltcriof.yohrSj'BO.thht ! I tnay'bQ ablo,to earn ’my bread;' Inm Hrilling td'toiHiv any manner-. Thu bbenesof''Paris’part-. filled me with such horror, that n life of labor would Ikj a pafndlsb to a career of ; hixiiry ; in Frahce.ij You will give mo:a*lctlei4o bncofyourfrlchdd.il . Ajgenllotnan diku 1 you haa-doublleas "manylL •I'Thc strange gcnUcbfln rose.'-With a look .that,Talleyrand never fOrgot, he retreated to wards (he door of the ‘next ’chamber,-h(s' eyes looking still from bentiith , his' , dtirkcttcd' brow. He spake ns lie retreated backward 1 ;' his I 'Voice iwas full rtf meaning? * •••!•■’< .o -u} '• • 4 l;am the bnlymoh’born in the New World) who can hand to (Jod nhd say—l'havbi hot a friend—not one In all AmcnciJ ' ’ 1 :jM/ i Talleyrand never forgot the overwhelming! ‘fetidness of- the look' which :, accbnipbhied these! wOrds. i- ■ 11 '•* i-;/ 11 •' ■ • • •': ■'■ ‘Who tire/you ?’ Jib ; dried," ns the strange! man retreaded'lotVards, 1 the ncxt' iwm l ; ' l ‘yolifi imnio?* " • ‘ ■ *•••- > •"•J •• ‘My name*—bat lie h'pllcd udtHVfemile'that had more mockery 1 thahjiSy 1 in its cdnvulsiyjj cxnressioll—‘niy lianttfls Ucliedicit / Arh6^d. , '* | "Mo was feone.Talleyrand£auk into ri,'chair gasping thrtwdrds—' I■,|""* 1 ■ ,| ""*'■ '•Arnold, 1 thii traitor!’ IrXll "“ ”• 1 lo "•' > * ,; ThfrsVon' see lie wamlcrtd ovcr lho earth; another (Jain: with A upon' bis brow; ' 1 hven ih that secluded room at tlint Inn in Havre, his crimes ( fgund him out, And, forced him ter toll Ilia tiamo- the t (yn- Otiymd of lufhthy. -’ 1 1 " l 1 '_ ; ~,r • years covered with a cloud froth but a' few Klaras ‘>r'n g ht l Uu.bedot f thd page 6jf ■Tito manner of his death ten'ot'oxritiUy* khowli! Hut we cannot friendly—lhAt'rcinorfio'’pursucd"bTm to* the grave, whispering Joint -Amlro! in his car, and the memory of his of glory gnawed like a canker at his heart, murmuring forever:— “True to your country,.what might you have be*.™, oyrobta.’ tliij''ijralldr'!’ , Hints for (lie Hoiwltccpcr, , • tf your flrtt-irops arQ .rough and smohyriay a little fine salt on a flat surface and yub them well; it will prevent them from sticking to anything starchiidl'aiul make Uicm'smooth. Uubymir griddle with flnoiftolt before you grease it and your cakes will not sliok. ,Whtri walnuts have been kept until the mcatlis too much dried to be good, let them stand irt milk and.water eight hours, and dry them, and they will be ns fresh ns when newJ i . .. , • , 1 -,IUs n good plan to keep youriliflercnt kinds of . pieces, tape, thread, &o. t in separate > pagS; and there is no time lost in looking for them. •' i , :Outs straw is best for tilling beds,'and if . Is ivclblo change it ns often ns ondo a year. i ' > 1 1, Cedar chests are best to i keep. llaimtla.Tm* cloth moths nro never found in them, ■ llcd cc* dnr chips are keyp out moths. When cloths'" have acquired tm unplpns&nt. odor'hy being’ from ; }ho ; air 'charcoal,-laid An thd folds;'will soon remove it. 1 < - r • ' : Xf blfiek,,dresses htivo'.'bCcri hftndfti! iii a qumbf \Hb-t andyo duco jp lu a'pint.,' A sjjbn£i dipped' hi thlsli qnor and rUbbt-d upon them, will entirely re move stain? (Vqm,ciapcp, .hotphazips; ifcc. r,ln laying up,Air? fprsumingr, lay, a,,tallow 6amJle,in or near thciu,and dauger‘from'w6r/hii U'iUbo obviated,, . , , , { llopo for -tlitfi Poor; 1 The accounts dully’received In;' reference 1 to lliu grain crops of tho'colmlry.mrd of Uio’mbat gratifying character;.and afford 1 the hbpu;tlmt ifoatew’ months; if .dpt. weeks; the’ prices of breadstuff* will bo reduced to what may hofes* lecniid ft’fiiif‘eating price. t Thy , news fr'pm abroad by each steamer is happily of tho same character, thoj advices per thp Oanada, which arrived at,lluhfax,on tho ISllunst., showing a decline of ftpiii one to two .shillings iii thojpiar ter In tho pi-icb of corn. Th?ro has long, been need for; this change, and it: will' bo hailed . by thopppr of tbo country, as the grateful shower ol iram to the thiraty:uull parched • traveler ift in llio desert. U Speculation liunbrcadstulls wto l! 0 ! 10 / 1 ! 13 day for a time, at least,'and 1 r'/i ll " that cro long, ft' ; bafrel of tloar-inay- bd obtained for something less than the three months earnings of many wid iows,'Who luiYif suite red most oxcruolatingly .from- tho high pneCs wliich'hWo so louir- ruled. ‘ ■ tnt/a.'Wtdi;' ;-(fXp 11;jil B&r felp . yr .u:.'ji ■ ,J] ill .»1 tfr'.u:, 11,1.111 .i in .i. t . ,„i —. - ■Vilj '" X 1 ■■'ll i, 1 /in ' '"I tviil-r-ojA .s'K .'A mil I i—. ■' -ii; j, , 7 .,. ... 'nuT'!'\ .:r'‘r rf “ Alf -- ir at 3 ; . BB .mam-.—uuT.* ron i *,„• i*,*,*, ■ ■■ -111 i.M-z/vi11,,, y.l) I-. t,- I -,K ; ,1 - - '■•l nf 1 'il Irr ■■, ;’!-r- i r. - - .■■-» ■■■ I '■ .-M ,%nnto*u . ~ml yii> Friendship'isitho'lbolsim; of ji wimfr -yf-r -.fumoiisnfoi the!iflbwcTsynndvfibgrtintc to the summer’3ibn!dlhj4-*hnt oxppcSsidn is to benii. ty)i»lid!joyitq hflectlonj, -IViciid i> It iS'AtSlv word—confidence, trust, coil solution, -nil i n*. pressed stfo'rdvi'iiVll noble allri bules( fhrf deepest,-andtcndcrl-st feelings, the holiest aspirations,- comhinh ir(' its formation i gentleness and forgivcncss'-dwell illtihnl its > net. “"'i' V' 11 ’ 1 J 5 bosom, unchanging light 1, iprpmp,tings,df its bounty.lnolcoriscWusi'Sme: *?spontaneously and -,-freely SKS’.'.S 0 phMflhlly, received ;, for ,there is- no fcehhg Of iidthiliatidn in acccnf in'g Fricniisiiin's its gratitude,,do bomng down.befoi-ea liarne, a itjf.M SbD.rfptes hoinagq .la tjjo. he W t„opa llP iiml ilofio, rcdcives iilectipn, proof of uncimnged eslcem;MThough‘distandy SepiiAtd?Sid ''false tongues malign -still turns aftiid the chhite'of tb's chedueraihfo.lo.dho ono;true heart, whoso undying .fcndprness jhrepeires ns its. tributary trutli and dudisguiscd feelings, p's, a polnco for -W.!""??. lias, met with,.and-.the wrought. d ? u ,SMy^9 l ;?,?“r«l l Uic.nzut:o!slcy mf.truo frlendamp—nh Stormy pan he traced to ils ,hal- to vex tho;boso„,, p ( which: t is the angel guetl. Repose, scrchc as, tho sur ,™°° ?f ,?, 0 “'. b ,Mbeautiful Jake; dwells tlicro— Hope a pillions arc for ever unfurled ’ ready to of blessed content, aiia.fnith ncVci' wavers, nor distrust alarms tho bfeast, frieridship rcigiis, soprano.i No •)fJ?W c TO no I l! , S9 r i n E I <)oub't that, timc..or absence, orpmr/dly.changappn .cause, (ho, ,orio true heart to yary., No apprehension of forget fulness— the,hitter sorrow.of. being!;forgotten, ■incared fdr,.uncalled upon, even 'while dwell ing on the earth—intrudes, upon tho. trusting of friendship, lore, tho beautificr, tho beauty calls qpon ; grace, andj loveli ness, .witching maimers,-and musical voice, to enchain the heart mid hind their spells, upon the incipory., JjVi,cndship-loqks.,upt,, for. those favored, yet-Outward, gifts i, deep ,within, tlm soul, it liyeif ilnding,pearls prjjenu.tytn,the liid den thoughts,,qnd;nngol eloquence in tile pat- 1 pourings oP tlie sincere, and,trutli devoted spir- A ?t«rtook% fauUsjOnd.fbllihga with itpuder W pitying,.iqddigen it dwells ,within,,n -!?r o f p»r immortal,.nglura,subtly, awaiting • the hfo beyond tfl, become , heautiflcd,,Wid uer fentciL-—fyu/n.iNnh/fyy ilhycnry,.:., ~j ~ , ; A Boctpr.'wilh; l iV4vi l liw^tfil l 'rnlltnlB,,v i ~;' Vc qopy-UiQ following from: the!New York W"' : 1 ’ . ■ . v,!. ,:I : I ,7'V.o.ncc.cptcd Rn iavitaUon from Dr. Cnmo ohnj, lo.eccompnny Aim lost evening on o visit Jo Ins twelvo .hundred 1 patient’s on illindnira island.; j And such a Keene wo bare never be rope witnessed.,.Sickness and-suffering; in oil degrees,pf; intensity, ond from every.variety .pause; and.palienta lof both scxt& nil ticca ' a nt o f «-d ft y tp-tho yct(^n:of .ihuir pnppo\y, beJs/.foot to. foot, only a single pns«ng9f\vay .between the *Jong! rows •of colß I cacjrocaupant looking Ins pale iron'd hi'the I face, and every face.indicating the: varionkein* 1 tions.of physical anguish and.’ mental l RotrW. Wlicnut is recollected; tbatno-inmate of this emigrant 8/hospital. ;cab have Wen over l five ycaps in.,this one can rcadily; intn'ginc .that tho iqcmdrics of these poof vic tims of ;pQTcrty ; nnd -rico arc busy ‘with the »ceocB,.pf their childhood’s. homo, while their hearts ore aching with loneliness in* .tho midst of tho multitude of their fellow 'sufferers. In one of Ujp a .poor aged woman is rsufTer-i ing from a cancer in th 6 bfchst, as large ns a full-blown peony, andliot nnHkeitmappear-' onco; draw* adds .hut’ pajig l tp,.thq agony of; her 'Cxistcnce.H -; In the same room, we a, nipe-jooking .girl, Rome fourteen ycbrs of dgo‘, whoso tongue hap been growing out of her mouth front' infancy ' and although it has been several times cut oil, stiU continued'; to grofr.J imtijt Dr. Cnrnochnh adopted thbvcryingemoliH plan bf : culfliig off the glands that suptfldf tho'.medns’bf. 'growth; The effect'is already verV, ; ntiirkcdi and* the poof child (hat her tongue had i btcoiric so muchj-pducol as (o' enable. Tier to shut her ihouth*. ■ ,'T ; , !. ‘I-And yef ’it these poor’creatures /lip,, at tho hospiUds;., pr.CftrH pochan informs us-tliatdiiring thcl past year, 6'pjt q( ( some,, twenty-nine thousand eases, the i prppbrtjqn-ofdenHis.wiis .only‘about stx pcf cent. > and in bis owd surgi cal—mit4ofrovLTVo publish-the following from the .Louis* villa Tjmps, hy which it will bd seen that ahe Councilmen of that city, were all commitlcdto prison:, M- -It. •Wo publishW'a'fcw days siheb thcTacls con*, ncctod with th ( r’-: . !u Plague trikdy9:rirbdfPossc^roii,’,'cxclaltti ea X;'Saddai!y:'stortiW ,J f»iri tny :kHcd,'dhoti l hn d ;fallch M irf‘tii6' iittitiitlejtliiii'm'iijtit; ’ MWftllpi’ FnixcP; '.‘‘yon makbmQ ashamed bfmy&lh” 11 • ■ ;.| i. iH-/* v.V’:;. ;v.-: ,! I j You like brevity, soetn’.’/. . ' ,n “xncn—wilJyou ; ■ n.n Yqs.*J 1( ( J.,;,; if ;im n\>Vill,yqa,giyc me o Kissr?* i i;> . You may. take it.!’,.. I/ i «i Itook tho proflertdkjsa.-' ; v‘? Now. r lhis is going 'to said Flora, *«whcn a thirijis' tb' be snidlrhy. may iVndt<*bc said'iri ;tWO BcComls,‘ Wslcatl or stuttering and fitammerirtg* ttfo hours about it? Ohy hotr cordially do I Rate all uafseric,” ex claimed the merry tfihidea; fclappiiig lift lii’nds energetically. \ \ day shall,\ve flxfor.our mafriage* 7 ’, ,Jv' f .!.i \ •, >' ..Taking Jlifl'/Ccnxnsii j Tbd.fulldivJng’coflcWjyy’ 'took /pljicb!'bctyn?cn •he Census Matehalhml ti'riaUvo’Of Germany ivAlbhiiy: • *.v ■ ; '*Y^y. i! -V!;. 1 ;-'/ I xbupmlnc,?^'j ; l l i l j , ‘Sharbjjny', on .; , \WbaC*your father**jpamclV.' • ‘Nix for stay.?,/, ;) , i/-, > • ■ ‘Whcri.did you arrive in-Albany 1’ , , MUnstemboatg. , .:[ >.r. i ,n*Got !* ! " *Yawi-£wo barrbTamit'krout'.JT: ’ 1 " i ‘How long have you resided-in ‘ this bouse?’ . ‘Two-rooms and def basemepts.’. • •'Whoowiiß ” T 'l : pAya ndt'ibgJ ‘ Hangc pays' the’same twice L WOntn'.’ •' ‘ " ; 1 ' * Wlidrcdid liVe ytar V ‘[' ■•■‘jAcrpsß UcVrcd atoro’Ks you cdme up mil dcr market^.iii your right 'hand, pcbind dcr pump .rtifa pelofigs lo dcr hlacksmid shops.* \ . ~ Marshal having,-entered nil ttbis, made up liis iu;nii.tl)al ; hc'[W’9uld.puah ahead and cx pinspQ.»Jftns lr !\vho livcs.up stairs* ‘mit dcr ban isters,’. • ; We shall note bur success at an early 1 dayv , ■ ■ v: •\ :-Tq. ; tET;-*;’-; v; : The. C/iicago Journal: .discourses Ulus elo quently upon these little but most significant words? . ;i ’ ...tiWfi/rcqucnlly-sco these little on the doors ol!« hovels at ; a► y’CAf, ycar./i mm • • iot. ,u i Thcrcl are riioro things, to Jet 'thou arc plnC&rdcd.j "UenrtH are to let jcvcrr dap: old' heart's!young hearts, stricken beam: nll'dmpty^Air f to •' ( ' V/ ’ .-.ji/.J ; ’.There arc ta aitythiiif? new,- to Ism'A an’d'blcgl'cri Arid jsto; | heads that hars not had a tenan t To ixlontli. . *, There hro hands to’ let.’ Hamis fair- and plump, hands lean and-brqwp;, these tolovc, those to Iqbor.';, these,.lor,: rage, these for npß-< {. i' v.i::...; , ' .. . 1 hero ire consciences to let] -elastic, accom modating-, caoutqhouc, atfivo ;ptr • cent, a niQnlh„Blxty percent, tnycar; i.To let on bond apd mortgage;:and .a poundof i flesh;’ •To -let for anything that will pay—rfor’ariything that will scll. ; / !■ > ■ . ■ j ; Arid bo it goes, from sods toeoulicvcry thing to letw-cVcrytliing in tho r i|iafkct but 1 grjefs; they'arc never quoted, never at'a' tirctniutripiev cr ;; 1 OLT^BACnnhoitfl.—Tk tlicrc citi individual be longing’ tb/Uiis Unctl up institution, that cap lay ijig ; 'tlm'cnd.fdt* which he w,as,go£up?; 1( Ia there one or^hgn|'that 'firipposcs created .for the of using up woollen manufactures, (tobacco, .cigrirp, tnijors, amJ-liYcrystablo keep ers? Tffie docs. hc is, soulless;, »nd nheri hfc dies wilt simply be aniliilatcd;-rot into dust, and turn in tiqm.aspart pf tho.terra Anna of a cabbage orcb&fd. ' 1 Mari’s ueatiny is to < govern rult^Mo,command—to'ndd to thonumcr icnlj-j strength of, his'.district; as .much, aaciri cumstanccs andgood health will allow hjmund itds an undisputed’ fact, tfmt.every great man hah inthb Iriidst of liis grcalribss,' a part bf hid time Ucvot6d to ' the 1 bulturo of a 1 to' (he Study.of, tocdicinc f as fan os., the diseases.of yqung ciiildminrb .qonpcrncd, ( So, ye lore—yo that have not,,withered into sapless, sinewless, hopeless selfishness—hnish'-lip the charms br-mind I and person that are wasting and fading, and make one . grand attempt for blissful, days, comfortable nights, posterity and ftlVhonest future!' , , notion's ago retpri^d,from a visit to -Europe, says tlmt hesdW jn of the French vineyards tlio pro cess of bmndy trlftkiilgl. A largo’number of casks : bf Ohio Whiskey; which had jdstrtrrirril;’ \yvrc emptied into o< Vat,.with a Small propor tion of brandy prpba&ty tq bo, coh oryJ, flay-oml rind scat to the Uniud States, aq “prilho cbgriijic,”'' ' ' ‘‘ ' i ’) " ' • Thb 'price of good’ brandy • fn‘‘Kmnco, is 1 94 per gallon by the bltrcWiaddcdio that a duty ai)d, flip necessary, profits ~of the iriprclmutyapy §l, and wd have me rictunl cpst of J rcAl brandy hr’this country.lflz: $57 pey ” Notwithstanding this plain cAso, how ever, there isplenty- of fcxccllentlold brandy, “warranted• puijc,”.’,to bo,bad m most of; the citjcs fop §3’CO and $4 per gnlloi. , t , •> ~| [ Deatu . Oaohed nr A'CCmm'.-'-In a; farm house upar ;Jiibv*Etyt, Lissouri, - ; tßenmistfeHS Of the house being ill ono morning.hn’img* accord? nig to UVUintoina’, received ah nttauk of cjiolc ra.' ; llcr husband hitd left tbc'Hti.Vat 'day break,, pud. hcronly; daughter tvllo f 1 was stlicti With, her,,sent for a,iiliy^iciau v [ After a fin? hours the latter arrived, and wii fnot at f tho door by sobbing girl with tilt'’cry ‘“She is dead I’ 1 HoWafi conducted to lie room where tho'corpße ! lriy;!cxuhnm.'d , itVahd ; dir£cled 'tho daughtceitvot.to' nljow.lhci inlcnlCJit ‘until iU hour, I }, had elapsed. ‘ lie had so, when tho* cornea iioclpd 'Thu dartghftr saw this motion,''find yris So fibmllcd thtvt sho J feH'dowh' dead on tho fpotJ 11 is 'rt well known fact that p'orsohs wlo dio'rofi tho cholera retain tho warmth ofthrblood for a loiigi t{me,rfrequently alarming bystanders by tho of,the muscles. n kSosKAU ok 1 an ArrouNnv, —'Jho late Rev. Sidnfcy,Smith; qbserfcxUlmfc/ a rahvay whistle a,11,19 bi>n tp bp screen tornoy would give when Uo devil first caught hold of him< ‘ ‘ "' *’ Wi u-'mmi si.iiiTi ant hel tricrafi; f, Di'kafiil h« hyafepH4l«4 3 i(hiS'Bp to the is Vorso to thc«lBi», Utnak/;n its -upiirosch;.roqto.Bmduifflvs.nlt! 72fr B if?P^Tf. arl ! i J? Inol totn|cijsQ’rehiljq.it| t ??§#«« gpinfftnad .feels 'umvell' ior/aj cased iHe is'very ill, but does'health W what! iOils bmi., lie ftejs dissatisfied »jth cveryUfing.l J??'Ai r, !!f?y^!i.!r?fiS 0 P'rJ'9?> Sf;aWy.,osaipst, | MgaimMSta# MboJ ii This ■maWcsiiiitt' seem strange to bhose oojustomcd'toliitnti iXhomnw- 1 , &W^^WAl!».terak^jtadib.,,« w t t iKcre', .'I ???]>.which,dec,ides,Ws'chbiMfiri; ldacM -The l ihnicta Ujibn Hm'-liil, - ■tenso agony. ■■'l'ho bbtfiobo hint tin injtmifttjhtl - of, torture, whieb jioi IhcKfororßUidita. lo.wold rttfiKffftte .ftfet Wfl,Ws«B iffili.jWerp a'; likely, tov bo holl6ed/ rfad^uto 1 Which* the ifght 1 is unable to enter. In solitude and darkness 1 hia r (Jay. ~If his-retreat,be discovered! and the nustcf’a voice bid Rim come lotih' the 1 afirehdnaW ittls - tail beats lho r groundp and' ho 'leaves Rift hid ing-place-anxious .tomboy Hmjovfld authority?;! .f?l u baa 591 m, telfthp jUstoncc ft, kind! of.scnsation comes Yycr burr which produces ant rtstantanious'ibangdinTiiyHvlfole’ attptarehcd.l Ho seems to • say/W him'Selfr* -caftnb't youletnjqalons,:;Cto, ; awayrr'dog() awbyl—|, *;Uicl’' JVnditßcrcuppn.be) suddenly..turns tpil and darts Rack into.ins' dark 'corncK ; Tf let alone, there be will'remain, • perhaps frothing ajllttle’ 'At tho -mouth; anil 1 dnnkjng a,great dopl/tf water,’but not issuing! from hisjityipp place to, • seek after food.. His' appetites‘,aro altered: hair,'stravy.dlvt,'RltU, ’ cscrcmcht,'’fftgsi'iin‘sbavihgft f stortca, tbchi'ost noisome and unnatural substances, are fhen the dclicacic3ifor.syhich;thc poor dog. chafigtd by 1 disease, longa and swallows, in hope to ease a burning stomach. lie is most anxious for •liquids; Ho fs oUbgclhOr chkngcdl 1 Siill ; he docs not desire to bite mankind; he rather! endeavors'to avoid 'society; he takes ibhgjour-i neysi' Hodocs’not walk, ' This would Iks too formal .and .measured a .pacefor fthwc,.whole, frame quivers with-. Iledocs not run. , That would be too great, an exertion for an animal'whoso body is the abode) of a deadly sickliest 1 ire'prbcbeds In a‘B!btlcli-‘ ing manner, in : a kind of Aioi’ctncni neither nm'nos walk—and his aspect is deject ed. ~His,eye? do-nqt glare and store; butllhcy arc dyll and refracted, ~ IXis appearance is very*, characteristic, hhd .if qjstina|tw «?H ; :)bo. quite .MS* I tea, with, lho prj\i!cgo ,of trusting you, he would Sd mean, as ' ’^char^o, (lira*, When calling- for a loiter at the Post Office, always itu£V Don’t cite' vour, name; tvml .ivhcaJnrgrracil. "So,"-don't believe It; but' pi\£ yourself iptp ah agony of i surprise and’ irondcr. Khd r dsW the Postmaster when ho “expects onc’’-vfori!you! 'Shonld ho ijsk ypu from whoip yon ,ftro looking, for a com munication, tell him,.,ff/rom the,.West.” .He will llien undcrsldnd. ‘ * . ■•■■■■■ • •'When you reddest letters directed “to the carp" of! some fnendwhom you'art}' about tb: visit, oskdiim to send, bid,boy to.tbo Pcflt Ofti (lee Feverat times a dayto )He r \yiU d«Jm it a privilege to wail lipoh you. —puichA num. '■r ; .■ ■ 1 1 ■ tp* ‘lVhpn ,1 loot' upon the tombs pf ilic, greiatl’CVery cmoiibh of envy dies ih tnb, whep fihjad'thc epitopes oftho bamtifnl, every tnof. jluyate dcsira -goesout; what I idcct with the grief, or narcntB;Upon a tombstone, my, hpart mcl^i?‘Wlth , compassion;, when I six the (oinbs of'lhb parents themselves,- 1 consider llic vaui* ty.Of grieving, for those-whom we must soon fullpwj wbcnjl,see kjpflg lying .besides tbofcfc \vlio deposed |thcm, when I consider rival pvils placed styi'Jjy side, or lliohply men that dav dwl the World with their contest hml disputes. lihdlcot with sorrow and astonishment on Ihfc a competitions,. factions -and debates on rind, \yiiep I tbo scyrral p( the tombs, of .some that died yesterday, apd some six'hundrcdycarvf Consider that great day* when Wo shall all 'of us bo contemporaries! aud niakconrappearance together.'V-/hidijou; 'Nkvr.n Jl.uiur roil A FonruSE —yfc over heard a poor unlorUmntcgetlKcfolloWingsock dqlngcr the other day from lijs better half; ‘You good*for*nolh»ng’fi. , no\y !’ said she ‘what woiild Jqu have bcenhnd X not married you 1 Whose wan the baking' kiver, whoso the-pig. trough, whoxe v frying pan, and |ron-hoopui bucket, but mine, when ypujnftrriytl me V lliULTn'oy ‘‘Gooni SociErrjt*—Jfcfllth is getting to bo i >'Mlffar, anV ■■l T.’ II..: On.!. Wo/iAfj!, Woman !— r MrB.. ;< paVf9 women 91101114 bo permitted (obeednio lauyerfl.dnd to prdetWo iii our courts! WoDniiriot think'■ that hny ihdivhlimlof ifio sterner sox would have any objection 1 to ladies going to court—were, thejp nqt one litUu obr Stacie in tho disnasiliou of Hh’o bulks Uipnir Reives. Tho lawVdelaV hn& already become a proverb—and with fenmiiho llOTn. it would, |»c como worsdj Bmeo ‘ in ciscs in wnlcli ladylaw ycrS.wcro pitted rigairtfet each other/'tho nrgu. fnepts would bo interminable, na,. both would last,word. ~, , \s~7* Tho more, you havo to dm In ft given Kpactyqf time, the.more, timoyou will bnvo left?, Time is" like mi India-rubber bag—the more I you crowd into it tho more it will-hold. ( -T-ell 1.. In I,;, ~'l ! , A'x- itn : ’(HF’ A‘'man mhst 'master his IbaMihj&inJ not bo mastered by it! Tho IcahimtfofTuUthS -like the wiHwring.qnd strangling ivy-; .tjjat of Southey is suslaincd.by him fts cra'ccfiiraSlho {ciulrillSoC a vinc,.nnu adonis him with fruit as with' blasters of grnpesi 1 r i.l .7 -n 1 «- 1 .:: [Ooelhe. * 1 you wish to know yourself, look; when V°u travbl, at tho tombs wlilbh border the mad. ; There rcstthe bones and light a ah% of Kings, tyrants and wisonicn—of ,fll. those” who wcvb'proud of their .birth'. their, wealth,] tlieir glory,.npd'lheir.beauty. Nonohf these , advantages'fcavirl (hem from death; oil fihjtra i tho gbinofatpulchiti.—jl/riiou^''*' ■ (D-irta ralnilWgitM l)C«ul/,(o liwiosif, andlhroivs sublimity ground tlio raounlaili, or tliocmhot. ■rt [ i3)niiuMlinUiivclopca tlio,, ,i\<'. tinrt o;it *;a^rn r f rrr;-J Inn ' fa ndllifhg ifco'alfizedUtc&y aim. It dignifies VOiir nature (“and insures your •fiuc&c63.' •' r *‘‘' ”1 '.'.'i,*.:.v;:.T r:Zi ' fs f a ’wiltl- firancea bifccasingly until if fids* thrown oft" Its rider. ;! :/. w!) -w-I t, fr: v/ rr , h i.~.-.i ■"’llt*hlTfetlicr ktit’ftYedgcta' hbflful (b'Tilm tvWhas not tUd scumbc of/btincsty afid i£obd nature*!-.;, . yn ,,\ .//; .jr <1 ,:huWo Lin ! thch’be'« want’bfictfnWrd -fcniott^ members ol the same family, othfer men trill Ukp advantage of it to injuro4ncm,— D77" Of all (ho delicate’ fectisatibria tfie is capable of, nortO' perhapsJi trlll'.hurpatoJfUatt , which a?tcfwls thc-rcjlicf.of • : -JD* Thc r singl4 efTort bywKich w&stbh’; abort fia.ilubdoynwardi perdition; -'t - *1": >-n i*l vTI .ne'yiij'ttj iflcopylcyus, cere, trjuly hohorabje, ccncrbua.and pahaid* is k ■lnie gfni tloix»a'ri,•-wlictuei^’iTcK/Itiirtibd, dr »tfc •borer»i" •>«*;» -lit t< f o' ■ i(j';U rr« ' Way bicli' 9oW, ’roust depepdeopon himself,’ and faci relaxes duff diligence. Every man comes into do something. l* ‘ 'IIL!7* Knowledge' is common 1 ’ Qfid'-tfTfappfQk LpHable propbrly oriimmkind-4& my of htavert jy. light w.hich’strpams Uirough the darkpess of ;,,, , t . ;: ,,„ jr ;, >Ycigh thyself, by th’mo ; ,e,wn. balanettC n °t wUdopmWn.; obWjc A ihyselfas thy greatest enemy—so’ 1 Boalt tt^u ■' : T fhcdm p ex plowed ori'th'6 mbt., ■ 'ridah Wntbn/ A tiuitiW brptlikfa I were killed. The chglncef, fh^rtihn#JUid r-d?» ,ductor wero/buudunder Jb6 fiilWdoid. L ,,^- "nttyriThd linbof ;6tearaefff, contemplated, b&- tpreen Boston eud Liverpool iff to. flret yokels—twp to hp ql| CT- T|jo, M papersV,givc.onWij'tfgfrlt w AcoU ored roati;-in Cincinnati, murdcrlh'gf ‘tT WmW, a paramour at that, .with a butcher, fc'hlfji. ih fit of passiori'prdyokcd by nor. ' 1 ' ‘ - r ICh A jiprao with three legs nrnvct/ill fnk lost week’in'the brig Isabella, frtih\ wiflo Rico^-two f and bud “art. l^ Barnutnism. /i ... , ~ ■ r .-:-C 7 nr i