American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, July 19, 1855, Image 1

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EvfeltT- TUUnsDAT UOBMUId St ‘ : '■
► 1-1 MM-/. • i
' .(v>it«TEUlttt'S.'i r/'-'u.r.-l
BbtistirtirtipN.'^6 no Dollar
Mv'AS<i6?‘JrWo‘ , DollAM'ifpaid ;, ivltliin thO :
ptautf snd'-f vPO : Donblrs aSidiFifty Cc7its, ; if not l
twld within tho’ycEr.'; -Thebe l terms’.■wlll’btfrlg
fdly >adUofO(l;to every lilstancci'No subscript
Uqd dlsoontinuodfuhLU -all aOrrcaragca .aro paid
option otllm ; BdUPr.;>
, tliQ cash,
and.npt cAcopding one insert-cd
fdcbacli additional Insorilon, ! Those bl'a groat;
' ns.
tills I ,'Paihfjhlotß,'fifanUsiXialioTs; &c.', &c.,bxe
» , cutca with accufeffi' brid ’{lt tho : no(lcbi
, ihc ‘Sunday DUpalch\
,iV-V ’i: j -
■BUv : yi.d -n >y DT ,
BP / i: | ' Mrciiduifthaill.was court! ng- ■ ( ‘.
r ii nimy ilrenm'J./ V . ,V :
.■ **>•• I ! iolalioVth«'t. s l,lovc.d'Hcr;' •.,/ ;
i -iwu, AKd feliO corifVssodthb sapier 11
I »! j ■ Milrfrui'wAS w6Urtd tlroiind her| : ‘ •
i»\ns . profeSedj ] , ‘ ;‘ M 1
Bn.?» And notes* of brightest tissue 1 ' ::i * '• : '; M 1
gB. ;-. TV’cro swelling !ri my breast;*-. m
W- I mnrrieit 4 —;,.
| ~,OlMY]‘^i®'jl t\ i> p yu4r c” ?P*<;m 1 ■■' \>
ti\\r tyuhlbyoly t
!' jnjnliglfo brightest .beam}
•. _ ,f, lier.Ups.\rcf6're(l ns cheniosj. 1 | V '
v- 1,1 * 'Hcr-bosom white ns shfjw j ’ ,
' And n's iho’spoho her rajithro ‘' l '■
volcd wus soft.nhp lu\Vi •, ,
. '•‘fl-drcampt Iwns a.father—mi,
.K jKOhi'vhntajliinny drc»m I.!i il. .' i >
, w :; .i|yfchlltlr«p roupcl mo gather,
<• im Tl»oir ; oyo3;wltli;pluuBuro glpapi j
ila ,'fjicdr.njprry glceqopjo prattle, , , ,
1.,.,,! tyn^swcetlyiUpnn,mycar j ~! u * ,
~ 1 lovd to. pralchthclr gambols, t ‘ '*
m '''j ’ lhoj: are'\|ery debt. ~ • ~ ,
.tr'Tls past—any vision'd ended— ' ■
'Twasjtiotbing but a.drcamj
|M . These slutubcripg niidpiglit Jnnclos,, ,>. <
i J, t llo\]r. jifo-ililco do,they eceuil ■ , , ,
atin prising,,•«. t,, .
.. vnnlsK ipuo liy'ipup,'; (
,‘Aha I axvakp'dislicnrtened 1 ", .
'[ Td dM’wysbl/'ulbhe.'” ' “ ; “
■ {n-it ii 'l-'> I*7 r • r*; - i-i '* il M ■■ •
■' AoNWEIi WOOiNO. .
Tt tras on the rotum-of Air. 1 Fl‘, a lecturer on
I*hrcnolo&y ; ,to the city of 15., thafoiic morning l ,
Harry Qy entered hid study, and after'somc dcs
ultory corfftrsation, commenced looking over
some phrenological charts, -that were arranged
before him; i Whllcihus-engaged,ho noticed
one of tne head of Miss Kmily 15., of 0., copious.
1y marked,-- Heexaminedit and became much
interested,*as it desctiUd h person dt anorigi-
I«1 mimk snd superior,character. As ho laid
It asldey-Mr. F. said: > n. ! ->.,s.' ‘
.“Theperson there described Timet-during
my absence, and sho'possessed,a tnind h 6 ; wqll
btklanccd. thnt I. lodk a .chart of her head. I cou
sidcr her quite a Inodd of female worth. She
possesses all the qualities fur a good wifciand
mother. V-, iv* *
-NowiHarry was ayoung man of fine intellec
tual powers,-whioh had been improved by ' cul-. :
tare, yas-dbcidcdly odd , iHc baa bad a
ftpicefof roitoaftcd in his disposition audios a
Imn believer hi Phrenology. I Hoi depended on
that science mainly to give him bn: insight into
tba charodtci! of her'whom Iheshould cfiooscas
• partner,for life. - < ~i.u , .
i i3!hd lady .iri.question seemed-to possess all
lboBo.q«ahftcauons >vhir?h hohad been so long
uockipgfoh; and a mostnbveydca entered: his
mind*. Ho determined to wyite tohoi 1 , and state!
his ideas on thodubjqctof matrimony: acquaint
facriwith tlic circumstances of' 'seeing the chart
of her head, ahd request a correspondence'With
tho tlenr, tliatiif it resulted an the mutual satss J
faction of both parties, they should incctand
if they could love, should marry. He acted nc*
esaAingly. rtridlWqdOHted dfMr.-JfJ h’hbtc to the
Ta3y ,«tating the sincerity of ,1»\S ( jmpt\vca, and I
-liis characte^; which 'he
; enclosed itrßis, letter, ftnVl'/onvardcd., Tic Wait
-1 ,in V stale anxiety;
butpt, lcnglh )( 'an’, answer. came,’aiidThe lady
| jp-^tedTus,miucat!'The Idler breathed, the
k spirit of ipo'dcsiy.nnd good sense. ! The lady
f. stipulated for six months after.
K which they were to Ihcct. . , , ‘ *'. ‘
|| 1 From’ihis lime they wrolq regularly, upon
g vanpus topies j-but Uiu/pcrsonaVjappcnrah'co Of,
5 each ncverpiice the subject of allpaiori,—
6 Harry's,high opinion of, his fair correspondent
If lipophilic rcceplion of every let* |
& ter, untij lie bccdiiio thoroughly hi, love with' 1
|? hU incbguitia ; apd Jio : ' iqq'st, earnestly
lb iqng fyr ihc^ expiration of Ins probation', It
' a beating heart lhat’hc look lps , scat
'; Its one of the cars of the railroad ' which was to
I* convey him to tjie cily'of C., \yhcro bis fairin
amntnprnta resided. .
/Now the question was to bo sojvcd., could
elic jpvc liiin ? He was not’ handsome,. in the
cqminph acccpjatjqn of t,lic word, yet lie Jiad jui
Intelligent countenance, a dark expressive' eye;
good! flg(t rc ,» .hut he, forgot all his ndvau :
tigcs pf.‘, tjlaijou, hi his anxiety to
creatii goM Impression/ He peycr once asked
If sho'\yefc ; for hq fcll if she were not
positively ugly, he cmild love. Afidnlighling
ftt a station, and a yidk of ,a,(ew minutes, he
found himsclf before a but beautiful cot-
wjiich .borq marks of taste and refinement
,Hq knuokqdi and it seemed
yji? hljn ili'aVhls heart knocked full as loudly*
/Jagaiußt! nis.dress, as. bis knuckles knocked
Against Hie door. ‘When the door was opened,
mir lover hero was greeted with an unexpected
Sight of d diminutive crooked form, a pair of
‘aclea and red hair, which were the princl-'
•<rc.s in tout cnsontblc of his fair ncciver.’
' airxvasllnri-y’s dversion. Tholndy„
'vjdcutly appeared, conducted him
dor, where music,,ami .books
i of the fair owner. After ft
farry turned to the odd little
amt requested to see Miss 15.
,’ou,!* said his companion,
rstrpek, and stood gating at
jii, but; at length collected Ida
id tried tp,commence ,ft. cou*
difficulties,V. ~110 introduced
inbwn correspondent, dmlox
iad come to! n)fjkq t ft pcrsbiml,
’lie answered him with piodcs
3, Idling hiin tbat thcirihtcr
m the terms of’ friendship, Un
fftorc intimately known to each
nverstd long and pleasantly,
in himself admiring her voice',
nd sweet; and before ho left,
)”5. r J" a 8 9 charmed liim,' that
.ollcn lici- fed i m j r npcita*
■sl.d replied,, but
> farovwcbnyyWavwst,; &
’M forni.-nl to wish to
Vt lie loved her; end ','ctircd not
lororhwlmlp.jso long-ns sli o
• oonls. An answcf'wns prom-
Jii the following morning.*-
iroprlcty,would admit, on,the
„ XT . Wend Hairy again sought
wna gi-cntiy Surprlscdto'bcro
. Hkc, nnd yet so unlike her to
• JjaSfr. * r jrr .7 on Paying £ourt.. There she,
!»wcct mnilpon her ,Ims, and n
her eyes, without those dis.,
?, of P craort whlch s hftd' first fit 1 -'
-/ .: : ;SHHIS ;• Ho dlmtet - doubted his
: B in her, clear sweet tones*.
-X, ,J- ; i
'lin’d ;■! b
•Vi wIJ /if t-jw; ; ■; *l<nt -*>n 'i'- i r;j:i| .
v.i B.Y JOHN 3J. (i ■' :
,m . VOL 42.
whcnheep'rang forward, J h'rid f sdizing hcrtand, 1
begged her to explain tho mystery. : ;
Shcsmilcd- aq she said:. ’‘-‘you ■ must forgive
my ruse, Harry; you pa\d .personal .beauty Mdl
no. weight, withypu, andl,,wished to.proveypuv
Ydu.scc utp my.propqr andeper-.;
eon-.. pap you love mo as, yell oswvhcn It wore
spdcqanda.redyig?!! ; ■ ill l. f--,
~He could answer ofilyi py.gazing admiringly
upon her graceful. .Uttfytigqro-ao/.delicate, yet,
spirited,’ and thoso.;soft f brown curls ■.shading
her face, eloquent with sweetness. ; t .. -
Harry was pf dounjc.cnchanted.The sequel,
may be, guessed.; Harry-5s q firm,believer in
Phreiiolpgy...... V.', ■ M i,-..
; Scarcliing for Wives.',
■ ,do men usually. discover tho ■ women
who afterwords, become theirwives, is.a ques-,
tiori we have occasionally beard discussed, and
the custom . hasiihvariabiy. become of. iValuc'lto
young lady readers.. Cbancq.has much.todq
ip the a flair; but then therp, arc important gov
erning circumstrfli'ccs.' l It 'is certain that lew
men make selectldh fidm the ball-rooms or'any
other place of public gayety; arid Pearly os-few
arc influenced by what may be calledi Showing
oif! in' or dny: allurements ohdreSS.
Our conviction is,' that ninety,minc hundredths
of all the fincry.with whlch.womin decorate or
load their ,persons,, go for, nothing<lds> far as
husband-catching Is .concerned.-, • WheTo, and
how; then, do men find-.their wives? . ! In tho
quigt ,hpn)es, of their.parents and guardians—at
thejireside,.wncre the domestic graces and feel
ings pro, alone demonstrated. i.T.hcsp.nretho
charms, which most surcly'attract.thc high; as
well os tiic.humblo. .. lAgnipsl tlicsc, plltho ilnr,
cry and airs in the .world sink , into insignifi
cance. -\Vc shall illustrate this by an once
dptb.-whlch, though notnew,, will;not ho,the
tyorsc for being again told
‘ln tho year 177?, Peter ,Burrel, Esq., of
inKentj wKosohealth was rapidly,,
declining,,was,advised by his physicians to,gp
to : Spa fpr,the recovery of, his. health.,l-llis .
daughters feared that, lapse who had;.only mo
tives entirely mercenary would not pay him,
that attention which he might cxpcct from ,those
wh'Q,.froip duty and affection. united,',,would
feel the greatest pleasure, iniininislcring to, Ins'
and; comfort;, they,, therefore,,resolved to
accompany him, They, proved that it wasnot
a spirit of dissipation.pnd gayety,that Jedithcpi
to Spa, for they; wore not seen in any ..of;
the fashionable c*rcJea—‘theyj werenevpp
their father’s company, ana never stirredfrom
home, except tp attend him either, tq take the
air dr drink the,waters—in'a.word, they'lived
a inpst recluse life in the midst of a tdwii then
the resort of the illustrious and fashiona
ble personages of Europe. This exemplary pU
terifidn to their,father procured these three am
iable sisters the ’admiration of all at Spa, and
was the caiisc df tlieir olevhtiun to that rank in’
life to which their merits gave them so juSt a
title.. They were, nil. married to
one to tho Earl of Beverley—another to" the
piikc of Hamilton.' and nftenvards to Hid Mar-’
quis of ExcleKr-nnd n third to'ihe' Diiku ! bf
Northumberland; apd it*is justice .to them to
say that. they reflected .honor on [, their rank,
rather than derived any Ironift.* 1 ’
i ■ ■ » ;..| . .'ii»t.'i
; • >” : Sable.Jiloqucnco.;;* m;.l .f
; '-The follp\rlrig'’6pC2imc’rf of' sAblO clbbucndc
puf|iortb ! tb •haye'l>ccn , delivered in a Colored’
nlteling situated'somewhtrb in
kq«irls”-Of tins C)tyJ : "Mehfirs’.' , Ohftpiilj
tr. Cuyltr/atld Others of 1 tlitit ‘doss' UiUst Ibbk*
to Ihelr laurels; -‘Thc-topio Would seem 1 W bb‘
fhb depravity of and oifo'of
the stropg “plhts” of thcaVgumbfit
lufilratei!:' “Hredren/wben I‘ was in Virgih-'
Jn; : pnodnYdo table 1 gpt
broke','and I wos'sent into do /roods to cul'a
tree to make a new leaf for it. Sol took derike
bn dc shoulder.' and ihto' tbo deaths'
of do forest.... All nature was, beautiful os & ; ia*
dy, de wedding.; l)c f: lcavcs gljs,lq«cd>
bn the maple tree like new- quarters tit de mis*
feionnry box’, de sun’shone a3| brillirtnt and'n‘tt*
turc ; lookcd ; ns gnynk a'back’ rabbit in it pars** 1
|cy garden, and de little bell round do ole
ijhcbp’s ri6ck tinkled softly and musically in do
distaneb.-T spied a tree suitable'Tor de* pur
rose, and J. raised dense ;to, put. .into 4c. trunk,
t was a beautiful ti;ccl reach to
dc four corners of, do‘earth,‘and'raise up high
to dc air above! and the squirTs hop about oh
do limbs Hke littlo angels Hopping deir livings'
inlde kiugdom-ob; : )ieavcn. , Oat tree was full
, ofpromisc, my friends, jest like a great,many,
pb yop. peh.r cut into 4c trunk, and moke
(lo dhips’fiy like dc mighty scales dropping'
from Foul’s eyes. 1 ; T\v ; o, three cut J gave dat
tree. and;alas! it was,bntt! Dat
tree ,yas ,nmch /ike ypu. my, friends, full of,
promise piilsidc, holler tq (te liitty* t Tbd
gitirtiis from tlib Aiiicn corner of th 6 roohi* werb
truly contrite and ntlcolirig.-onil wo will) ven*:
lure n Bumil wager that was the most practi
cal sermon prenthod In the city,'on thal’day'ot
least. — N. Y. Sunday Dispatch. t \• , , i; , ; ,<
' - 11 1 ''"A Wife 1 lot) Bliiny,' 1 ■;
; Francis Riley,- a' dqoardbiillt man I \lilhA
rmly, smiling countenance, whs charged'will!
the offence of having, two, wives, both- pf
alive ami kicking at, both ficcmwl .>n3f T
iou.3 to have’an oppbrtuhliy'fdr kicking’ iho*
naUghty deceiver who iiad bbtraycd them. i"’
•These Hvd consorts of Mr- Frank Riley sceim
cd to have been sec|ccjcd by him with a strict,
purpose of variegating the flowery paths of
Irimony, as there was as much' diversity'be
tween them as between a tall, fulL-bMwn poppy
and a lovely,* delicate inostf rose; Mrs. Riley
No. 1 being nearly six feet high, with, an.ex
tremely deep sufTnsion of crimson oh every part
oF her face, the uoso not oxceplcd, while Mrs.
Riley No. 2 was .ft spare, diminutive lady, in
sir.q unlike ChyUic’s Migpon or Scott's Fenelia,
bub Uiuch older than they hrb ropftsclitcd 'by
the novelists; and decidedly less beautiful, Rotlii
ladies.were old enough to knp\,v,better ;tl\an: to,
marry a gay, dashing, fellow, wlUi. a roving
pyo, and a smile for every fciimlc he’glhiicfcd at.
; • “Whftt Imvuyon to say fo** yourself, IlihJy? f > ;
wpS his honor's question. • • , > . .-••utm’ .
“I’m not after saying,nmqU for myself/?, re
plied the bigamist. .“I can’t sec that l*vc done
much harm to anybody. r ’ 1 [*ih wllling' td dd'all
Hint can be expected, for 1 I’ll support both 1 of
the females, and, live with them week and week
'about, if your worship pleases;’*' 1 * :
, * k My. worship docs not.pledso'f such a> thing
cannot be,allowed/} said his,honor, jdeqSsivcly.
“)Vcl|, what c(in,l tip then ?” asked -Riley,
piteously. “I'ciitiVcut inyselfin' two ‘ pieced
and'given half to'eiichof thCm/l
[ f*No; but ybuconld hnvebben satisfletVwilh
one wjfu, Ai)d not married, another ouc,”.Sftid.
the Mayor. , , ,
! ■*'SnrO X 'tdolc blty oh tills old wOihan',”-
, pointing to Mrs. Riley No. 2.) “Shohhd nO
to tnko caro of her, aud I thought, may
bo fahe’d Uctlbr go iri pai-ltiership for a husband,
havhnono at all,RutT dbii’t wimt her,-
youn worship; rip Bcll 8 cll luic, or.give hen away, j
°fiY o i?hyßui|g^yith,her,that your, worship .wj
icominonds. > '-rli veiy willingly pbrHvsth ; boiti
|Ot them, if it will bo any uccoiuodiUidn, I'ni
Isurq.” r , tf n :
!Mr. tliloy.
pdidih£ , oV<‘ova'mV hwihaV cHfmcd tb’flrtd
Iho affair moreserlousllian-hb sdctiis to expects
\ [Vlula,. A/crtury. .v
. H'/h oh Bio H '.I-
i-.W .-iin »Vf.\l -f' -K •
, ij.i, .• i-j(f, ;ml 111 V--- • >•- »" v 1" j ;••••• *- " 1 '
.v.,;. r .r»fn* fH l-i' catmia^MiV juanr 'ck'jnam; ora oodniiit?” •> .mi I'n' Ii /■ >
?” ; V r, v’’T : : CARLISLE, Mo l9, ms: ' . . :
i i ". ::r
> A very handsome‘ybuth;Wilh tnbre charms 1
in his appearance ’than: money da; lils pocket,
became .most, desperately,, in love. f >vjth ; the
daughter of ’a’'ripU 'ricighbor. ( ,T,hq falhcr
■Antonio Was ‘ dcad, J and {h f e J young man htuf
speedily dissipated the little fortune tbatthen
became-his only • portion.. However, 1 his worst
enemies never ypgo4 against Antonio,, except ;q,
few cxtravngahqqqyiid fpUies, which, perhaps,
were , ipcro. failings, to. ah otherwise, amiable
character..', 'jFjnptta,;thc objectof hia affection,
wqs the only daughter, of a neo-noble, who,per-:,
celving in Antonio 1 poverty; alone,, forbade, his
daughter!'*uhdcf sever,o,penalties, to think .of,
Ahtqhio,whcn,m‘ fact,.abb could .think.,of.
nothing else. ,rLove ,is the, parent of more in
vention than, . 'Antonio' put on the,
humble attire of.ihogaidncr, and so got em
ployed jlnj the pjeastirp grounds of the rich fath
er! .Never Were .the hotyers kno.wp to’, flourish
sb luxuricritly, for. wpre they ,hot]to form bo*
qUettes for never,Been with
out q fresh pric in:,her'(bosom?..'She., look les
soba,’ besides.' of',the. gardncr,.in ; bis .gentle
craft: now ?uch cpiplqy*,
hjent!.. The roqtuerjOfFinettft complained; that
tlio embroidery frn nic .had ihccn deserted M
*\yhcnjVexcidimcd, her daughter*/.could ;I hope
to oqiial ,bf nature’s Jovcly; lints?—*
EmbroidtW ia’ f qn, unhealthy. employment!—p
Whereas, this lialmy'air, with the odfcr : ,pf .the
flowers and §hrubs tl .inspirit, my, very heart!*
The.mothcr looked,at her daughters blooming
face, and was satisfied; ,bpt the father, was npt,
so’easily duped, for it bapened that while there
Was q nosegay/n cvcfy, room',/here Waslseldorri
a saiadTor thc'fabla , .’The master
nbglcct, Antonio,'rcplicel by pointing tonneau;!
tifbl hovycri which neyvas thtp<»nstruclingj—
Hewas abruptly dlsmisseil on the spot’, find/
driven put' like Addin,’ from,. Ins paradise, of,
fiowers. 1 ! v jW'tmth/ soul' iho mother,‘when
my daughter thinks proper rings to i a
•gardhcr,'it is.Urho' hc should go somcwhcrc,
else and Wear them;* ' '■ _. '■ ,
Flhbttq took to the ernhybidpry very’diligent-,
]y, and became da hdte as the lily’-'abc worked.
The father < iitpppscd ( 'fQlcbn'ryi IJovo trahq
fdnns Antonio into.the master,falcopcr; borides
side; wliat arc : thc cliarnis of'floricql
turo! to, that of,galloping in 1 the,breezy air.?—,
Tbc'rbsctf,bloomed Svilh fresh vigor, and the,
chase falconcr>'in gazing pn them,-forgot,,to
recall his bifdsfrom their flight The falcon
Was fykcii’fropi' bis finger,'on which Fihbtta
eph trivod tp place another jewel a« n con§ola
tion 1 being;
nO g'atdncr nor fowling to, her, tbo.lan-'
guiu gill fell into'a'slatp of |me|nncholy,',that
.quite dlsfcbnderltd hey parents.' ' They for.
a pliysicmti; in’ spite of. the fair'one’s opposi
tion, who knew'her own kilm'entwcU cnoimh
, to knb'w lliat he 1 coiiUl offer qo rcnukly. * Ilia
visits raised the Anxiety b/the
nib',.who, waylay . the physician,
. and learned that ho could do nothing for her,'
t '. ‘Bb of replied 1 .‘I know
• Wcirhjlr if you will let me harq
thß opportunity, ‘she shall sopn eat, driuk and
and bp merry and glad, iqatcad bf.lbo'
i pbbr; Uio'ping,pmhigpalicntyp«.prcecnbb'for,,
mvain.’ '' Y
■ j llctncH. 7 confidctitty
, andflib^/iyKtbiAnbeing’a
, yd to hsb iils .interest Jb ( ' Ix'hn.lf, of llw dnyioiis
loVrt‘.' 1 : 'Bcbol(I Aiitonib’/ns the (VUcipTarit of the)
physician, w'dlting on the' invalid with ;| ba.s|<ct
in llapd. 1 Thehfcjv mcdicinps had a wonderful
effect; ilib , 'pliysicinn i ‘, q ‘ present
fronf tlip father;, and m .taking leave bl tbc qt*
tchdant, ; the fair Fitictia slippid a third, ring bn
his Hand. 1 Sp'tcildprly grateful was licratlcnp:
arit l|mt he did hot perceive the cntrance.oCbcr,
1 father. Antonio was thrdst opt of the room
father quicker than he cxpcctctl, am| the fair.
Fihbtta cbmtnartdcd with a, stem rebuke to
: her cliambcr. The old lady, thereupon: asking
. her husband the cause of this sudden change in
aflalrs, he replied— , , , ,
1 - '‘Wife, I' fear that we shall liaVo much' trbil-'
bio with our only child;- if tvo do not marry her
forthwith- - Here, I futm’di’bmian on ;
his f.’eljng her pulse*;< J, .prcsmqohc may,
steal away licr hand.’
•Husband/ replied the lady, Tbantc Ilbavcri'
ho w«s tip |owpr in pnk r : I heard that she bo
j slowcd'a ring upp'n thatghnlncr who was.fond
cr 'of 1 libwcrs than Vegetable^;’rthd it is ni'ucb
pnindcr-to me >if she has'.not bestowed some
; sweet looks, at Icast. uponpurlast,falconer; he
would never have , dared.j otherwißO,; to
first, aaT saw lun'i look at her one'morning;—
‘All!!, quoth sbqin grief, /would; yro, had Iqtihcr
, have Antonio; my, hpart. mjsgivcsmc tiiyt we
' shall come to disgracb oil hei* accdunt: tf h<s
t is pboV. he is nobly born: nhd brivc we not nibh l,
by enough for .both??-. Her huabqrid wisely ab
; gre^ these sentimenta; but would, Antonio
be recalled? The old lady promised to under,*
toko this, and after a proper lecture‘ lb' her'
daughter on her jndiacressions, shcMixprcsscd
her sorrow, »t.d dutifully wrote a letter to hbr
; loveri wlib catilb joyfully irl his own ‘cliknictcr
ah a gcntlbinarii-and ; was Inosb’ graciously
ceiyed... AVlicn the wedding day arrived, and
the company the inollibr,
, ccivcd, Willi 's(ir|irlse, tlircc very bandsomo
rings, belonging to her daughter I ,'on the haiul
of the intended bridegroom; before she could
ask any questions, Antonio took Fhictta by tlic
. hand— .
•I, think, Madam, 1 said ho to tho lynx-eyed
mother, ‘that F can guess what is passing in
your mind. The three rings which have caught
your eye, were, really bestowed by your daugh
ter on a gardnfcr, h falconer, apd Hid attendant
of- a physician; ibut lejvjft :: nhy one should itn
{tcach/hc hhnoii ahd.’ConHtancyiof’ the donor,’,
mow -that ready tp maintain it, in token
of which I'have put on several Jewels.’.
/The hearts'of tile’parents' were so greatly
lightened by-this cbnrcsslon’. that 1 the inamngd
Was made doubly a time of rejoicing, and thd
fair Finctlft bad never cause to-regret the trip
plu .wooing of the Radnor, thoflilepner, nml lho
physician’s attenefint. |( , . i
' I’KipKOTi.r Satihv^vd.—couple woro going
to’ bu ’ni/ifricd; ami liiid proOdodod its fur ns tlio
church door/whoirlhb''£OiuloiMu l, flloppcd Ids
Intended, bddojflmi tjius unexpectedly uddniss
ed her t’ , , . * .
, “My dear Klltsn, during our courtnhlp I have
not.told'yo'U dm whole; ■' When ire are liatrlcd-
I shall insist upon d:rgp,thingV* ; , ~;*j
i' *» What nro they V* askbd tho lady. . J , ’
‘“ In (ho'flrst pla6(/, ;> said (ho brldofftbOpi, <‘X
ahnll Bleep; alouo/o(it<hlonoVonU find liiult'whon
there is no occasion. i£un you ftubmit (o these
, <‘oh, yes,, Blr, very easily,** was (ho reply:
*• for if you cot alone, I shall oat V and
your flildliig faillt without oceafilon, that I
may ho prevented, fdr X u-11l toko care.that'you
pj/all,never waiit oqcasipn.” ,r: , , i
' The conditions being thus adjusted, they ptp
oocdod to the altar, and the cerembily Vvas per*
Ibrmod.i 11' .. ;i k”-! • , 'n ' < ■■ • :
"j.l‘>Huio»Auii* WouuNWro bu n woman of
fwWon Is onij orthuflqslcijt things in tho >vorl(|,
A liUo wrlluv diftcriboij U—l»ny you
Ueh4’wailt,-an(l'pa;y'foi < ‘nofbln'# > J ou »lo< umllo
! o;i o\l lmihkind; bnbyoiJrillmBbanJrbQ;bap))y
.ovppywliptu lmpi9j lii\t9itbyjCou«lry,mi4,
njloro thd c’Uy j roan, liovota ; n6glock,yojir cbll
drenvnbruo lap Jogs', ftrid'go to cborcli every 1
Jlimo you got.ft no>y.Bhaki.--..;...'.i. j :
ji linjupitnlfty. u
; “And this pjQrtalishall put on immortality/.’.
How this glorious thought.bouys trie .up, ns I
tread tho' “robghpathk of my wayfkring.” The
unshod-tear -hi'd ) gonc' : bhck to its fount, ns I
have ©period tlfo Holy Book ond .pu't
*op the wqrd immortality. It is written pa; tho
delectable hills that rise beyond thp haze, that,
clouds material vision J yet f there'arc times
when the itpirit and rises,
on strong wings-Upward till it catcmslts affec
tion on, the .burnisbtd sky. The, Jong grass
takesno root in its soil,' arid’the mould of time
never creeps With itssliin'y'fect over the beau
tiful structure.. .<Thfero j is. neither,’Kllcncd 1 nor
darkness-,around .it’,hud; tho- shadow of tho
grave passes before the sunlight' of its'glory'. . l ■
1 ‘ Have you nothcrird its'soundibmthjng like
annndcr (one through tholong’ phbscs- of. the
tolling bell i mourners whispbr it other
;bctw.ccu thcir'toar3,;and in,/heir bos
oms as an,amulet,■ when 1 they; lay}ono iwhbsc
foot faltcrcd' rest, just outside
the crowded thoroughfare of life. - .' *
i Immortality! "It has rung in n$ cars, till
even; thewind grow inharmonious, arid Ihotnid
jnght thunder grclr. discordant with the nlclo*
dy t)iat,plled ,my, soul. » It. has eliono, before
my eyes tijl went tp sleep .Jlijhis gold
and the sentinel, stars
came WallSj. pf One by
bhe’tbo/yalclwfs ceased,iandiStropgpa a giant,
the sun rpsc, up agniiiatflip Jijddiu&of a. day.
Yet the brightness of tins wprld.pidcd not. It
waxed brighterliil;my,cyca,grow.fliib with its
uhaiippqrtnblc splendor.,, ~, ph>,: ,
' ' Henceforth, thowayB ( pf hfc/ooj/a ,'sunhicr
course, qhd tho flowers grew thickprand aweetj
ef’a lphg'thclr 1 borders, tfoflcanicd lo hrpnthp
it often Ad myself as'l lip dbwh
t*This;iriortal shall put‘dn'Ath;mdrtaiity.” :
’■ ' 1 11 ’ • Z' 1, t /’SAmI?MA^.
' J l / 1 ? n '* ‘
It is thought, and justly too, thnjt .tho, pres:
cnee of is a great,restraint op tho stonier
sex.,, ,'A man inuat, he,fiery- coarse ip. his man
nerp, pr, very forgetful of the rules tif propriety,
who will uso tho same freedom in,'Conversation
in the presence of JadieS, ihatho.w<|uld if none
but,.men, were! with, Jlnm., .Sweanng, for, in
stance, is,a,;degrading and a foolistypra<jticc„m
any case/arid in any cqn?pany,however low it
may be.., But-iftindulgcd:ip before,ladies,
1 udenesS in, Ahc.c’xtrcnip. -And.whoever allows,
himself to do it./hrowpoft; tho .fkutlcmanht
once., And no lady wil},allow hermf to rejnain,
where It,is practiced. ’ /Tp. protect the ladies in
tins respect, it swaps.that Jin; sorM,places,, the
layy is called in. fn the town of Liberty.'Tejdis,
the law on .thia suAijcct.fJcrycs two purposes ; it
noVpiily. shows respect fop the Indies, but also
; helps to iriercoso thq.Tcvpnuc., A/fineof §25
isimppscd.'on pyqrymap who utters an oath, in
the presence of a, ayproan/Zlt- stated,
h(ftycvcr/whether,ll/iq riilc/applies to raatri*
mohiftl discusaiqns dr npt/ t |., 4
.If \vc could havespfho,means profiled m this
section of ‘the country, by. which Swearing in
thb prcscncp qf man ot/wpnian podld be prt>
vented., we think 'the .conversation qf, piany,
wquld be pinch more. ngrccaljfO'. and fhc stale,
of greatly‘.improved.’ 'For lonian -who
has yeapcct cnought for Ids, JilakHT An .refrain
Respect the female .principles
winch should goyern a.mprnf cotrimpinty,, iVd*.
fa’qo’ /polish, psclcsp, degrading, pnd
dfistrilctjvc J of »nucl| f lljat.i(i g00d.,, Norman’s
con vcrsaliotijrendered |norcjagrdablc or./ef
fective by the use of an oath. A gcntluiian’s
wqrdip good |t v . «./ ,;/
''i l ;„'. :V,, ,V( ; ,a:,Gbbd,st9 ryV;.'. 1 ,■'
A certain friend ©fours, whoso urbanry and
good fcllow-'ship. have won hlpi; a host ofi ndr
mirers, amused a company, a few eveningssinco
with tho following annccdoto, which is lo good
to be lost:,, ■• ; r 1! i, - 1 .i'-. 1 •, .
S., ft;Caplnit\ of a new and elegant packet on
the/Ctiamplain .Canal,, was; spending a . few,
days, one. winter, at -Montroftl, and to /kill
time” wcht'inlo the theatreono .evening., '• Du
ring the performance t]ic drclicstra.began play
ing “God savo Uie Queen.” An important,
cqnscqpentiaMookiug personage bustled around
tlic theatre, touching: pnq.,with lib) cane aiyl
motioning to another, all the time saying “hats
off. gentlemen, hate pffr-our.pntional air.”’
Presently he approached Oajitain S.> who is
a dimiririlivc specimen of the homo, arid
called out to him, “hat‘ofl» l ßlr : —ftu’r. national
air!”, The Lilliputian Captain refused* When.-
the? very copscqucntipl busy body, with a
sweyp of his cane, knocked tho Cnptajn’s Tifit
upon the floor. Thcro/v& a-granu 'rusii.'thb
flashing of 0 bright bladoViind crk'S.'or-a' l, flght;
ftiflghl jV.hut itbo bystanders,intcHuredk arid,
tlic nartics stood* glaring at } each .other,, like
wlli{ beasts! Cnpt. S. remarked “I si,mil know,
you 1 next tlino wc nitet,” and \yas luirricd oil
topriron..’' t.-.i !■
In the Sprifig following, Capt. S. was pacing
thy deck of liis bcautiful packet as she .lay at
the wharf, at While-hall. Tho “‘U’nUcd.Slatcs’*
had just nrrivc<rfrom House’s Point, with pai
sdngcri’bound for Saratoga) Now iYork,-Ac.—
Ttioi Captain ,eyed-tho party - sharply, and
aniqng ( tiieu> ix'cognizt;d his;MonliW ncqunint
nubb. He proceeded at the leiyler of
the batitlV anil ordbrcil hiln, hs soo'n as the boat
WAS in motion, to strike up “Hail ! Cohtnll]iQ,”
and after that “.Yankee Doodle:” - j. -
Tim.order wap,obeyed, and Iho . Captain ap
peared on deck swinging a huge bludgeon.' As
soqnns lhc : first note of Yankee Doodle bad
been hoilmled, ho called'obt; “hats oil/ gentle
men, hats off—obr national air!’’ : ’ ' ’
rijj.ftlpntroal friend did,not heed h|m, when
round cauyj the bludgam ami away went the
Montreal gchtlehmti r S hat Into the canal. I’h'o
gentleman wrtk liidikilillit—got mall-—blustered
u>vfu)ly-rbut;Oftf)lft!n!.S. was C(fb|. •'•*! . r.: . •
.‘•l’crhaps you don’t knpw. mo? * I am r the
man whose Imt you hqocked ojf,’ last winter, in
Montreal. - ’Glad to fite you. -1 * 1 ’’
.“Qbilo ! rightj G’op'tftln.Vvcry right! I have
ft' botllo;of, tho genuine, below; coma down and
WC'Will jjdia receipts,**] ; j ,!,. .1
■ Oimtous ' I'vi'bnAitiMiiOAf. Kimom—Prof.
French in hialhteat well: bn tho English lan*.
guago noipts ogt a.ogrious/typographical .error
in tho £oth vcrsooflhc Ulhlcliapierof Matthew.
Tho strain nf a gnat' and swnl*'
lo\V ft Ofth^cl, , . , thh 'prdfcssiir 'thinks 1 contain.a
misprint,’ which having bden passed over in tho
edition of ICXljihpa held Its ground ever since.
[l’ho translators intended (0 say “which strain
put n gnat nnd Hwallowa', camel," that being
Jhc.corrcct rendering' thc'original, as appears
in Tyn&lulc’a 'and Crammer’s translations, both
'of which have “strainedV/id.r It was.tho ous*
Join of the stricter jews to /strain' them Vvift’o,
yinogar, and other porlablci,'through' lilityl or:
lqst, mmvyarcs they ujiould drink sonic
htllo 'uq'clcai) insect’fts.a guaV and thus trans?
greW tho boviticKllrtw. 1 "It \vW 16 this custom
tho Saviour alluded, intending to day that'-lho
Scribes fttwl’l > jmrißce.‘i, while they strain out! a
gnat froiu r thcir jt driuk| wpuhl yej swallow IV
cpmcl at a gulp. 1 , t ’* , • •
j [£7* Tho girl whp ia.ikstincd to ,bqlhy,wife,
although now unkiiQwn|to thco, is siiro ta ho
living.somewhere 'orTfrlior.* ’liopo, therefore,
that gh&is.qqltc wclVtUid otherwise think.' jpo
ilitcly about her: , • i j£ :.i.
lH ! 1S l-’’ l B B
<■ B'j B It: Hi V'li B] i
i' B lr 'Jra- :,i;i: ft' ’-!) Si ||f '•■
l&jjp, ,|SJR,ii'
.111 : aT'.U i i i.n’i
•yno Jr. a/;'
■y/r .(i
- ' ’ * If |nt^' 7
1 The happiest hoars of oiir lives, perhaps, arc'
spent at table.' ’’ The humblest farc, : 'wllH f the
society of n few* friends',whom Wo i esteem; or
.whom we have not met for yews, becomes 'the
nucleus of a world of (mjoymcqt—pvcn-lhc ycry,
ibadncss.of .iKefoqd is sometimes, on'such f an
;ocrasion, the’ source of contented mirth ;and
.drollery' but bad mariners' can-ncycf
,Theheart dislikes; themmore;than ; thq .palate. l
dislikes sour brcad.or .weak ale.. Good .man
ners will strengthen .tlionlo‘ar\(t sweeten the.
hredd. Moreover;’good mariners are Of far more'
importance At home’than'they arc abroad. ' 1 It'
is usual for people to.puton their best manners
to strangers. , -Tbis is wrong. . Our beat .man
ners shpuld bo worn every day at bur own fire
sides. ' Let strangers be contented with some
thirig lcs!s refined. 'What is it that ’aheriates
wifqfro.m husband, husband from wife, parent
from, child,, child from , parent# and . makes
brothers rnuT sisters .quarrel, an,d ultimately
fiislikebne'nribtliAr?' If you trace these evils
to,the real source, you will probably .find it
Eoraqapparent trifio, which is,first disapprov'd
jof, tiicn disliked, then hated,. ftnd.
more,' because, in'attempting to correct jt, i r t \s
themoro^persisttd,'iri.' Wherever ilibre is if
want of will*to- please, an indiflcrcnccUo the
feelings'of; pur, cognates, and at satisfaction 1 .in
doing that which,we hayo found, to annoy thcip*,
thero is thfc bogi’rinjhg br ] th6 f domestic fitnfo'; ( '
Jbrbllicr parts with brother, and finds ’another
compAnion-f-sisCer. bebomes. alien: from sistcr-r
-wifc,sets up an.interest of Jipr,own(,and plots,
against her hrisb{|nd—pnd. rc-unipn becomes
impossible by the train of oflcncca'tvhiih-fbllow
hv ■ succession; ■’ Wo'do not affirm that feuch
evils are to bo prevented, iperdy , ,by : -correction,
of the bad habits to v>*hich we have alluded, for
theVare merely apcculldr class of had
find form only th ol! wholtf-syelfco 1 ! 'of
padcncs3; ; wlrioll.,i3 Itoo prevalent• airinong Oil
classes. . IJutthcy arphyjfqrtoo, impprtauttp,
be overlopkcd in‘the .question of good
bud even ‘of good morals, ‘which’Arc holhirig
more Or Icssthdn which'Wo cn J
joy. .Lovo and friendship caivoftly last .while
good-manners; last,, .The, Ipvcr,,and .mistress
show Uipir best to one {mother. They do npt
nut ori theircomriibn'attire when they' iricot;
but array thcmselvcsin all 1 their charms ; 'and
what charms arc mono beautiful (or more ly*-
witcjring. tl)an ( tlrose of good behaviour ?.. When,
the}';, bpgin ,16. cool, they begin to neglect ‘the
rules pf Ptiquettcl 1 The loverdivests lunisfclf of
his chivalry* and, therefore of his dignity'arid
beauty—tho spell is broken. The mistress finds
it gives way, and. frets and.loses her regard for
hitiri , Sho now cares not vyhat he thinks of her.
She‘will beautify herself before himu Sho docs
so. !llc makes another discovery—*bo secs a
deformity ; another breakage lakes. place,; tho
Allusion vanishes, and the two parties, onpc so
devoted, so,polite,.aro now rhdei .Vulgar, and
pvcu coated too crich other.— N. : Y: Leuderi
! ... Ailvics. to jVonng.Jlcn.i
! ; There are thousands of men who : .possess
wealth which has been obtained at the, neglect/
of intellectual cultivation. ] Those would give
half th4r fortunes if they could bo set back and’
nave the leisure for mental tiuluifc which young
men arc throwing away. ~jLct this I^C ( pq long
er; r > mp-nTtvi-^w.‘ r 't , vV? rA *vj a ** .hnnr nr two
priob evening to 6tudyV' ‘lVmdy bo,'cllfncult'at
first,.but it-will blaster As you" proceedi amT
at length itwill-. becorab the tnost delightful-of
ill.ypur, cnjoymcnts r . Th° wind, makes .the,
man. Do not suftiT yourself to. I>C ( dwarfed ‘by
too much injoyhieht fcilher In business of plea-'
sure. -WTintbrer you du fbW the • cultivation of
your intellect will be permanent* ;Every hour,
expended in this manner vyill < rcturp; yon five,
hours of the mwt derated 'pnjoyipent in after
i Nbr is'this all. As you bciomo'Mhlolligentv
yodr opportunities for usefulness will- increase
and you can be the benefnetpy of, your racc-rr—
With an increase of usefulness cornea an in
crease of cmOlumfciU. The'belter able yoU arc'
to help others, the better quallllcd will yod be
to help yourselves. • Do not then trille away the
test years of your existence in low and frivil
pus pleasures 1 , which will’only -.degrade l you,
and impair both'your usefulness andsuoccss in
After life. , , i ,
ALenrncd Judge.
I The law is sbmktimcs strangely ridminlhtcr
cd, owing perhaps to a strange freak of coni
biimitics in the bostowal of SuflrogeSk.
in:point occurred a. short timo sinco,.jn ap ad
loing county, which; may be , cited ns
ration. A, Judge h|ceting a justice! of tbcpopcc,
)c*forc 1 \vbOrh 1 ti crise'h'nd jnst J l)dcti' trica;‘rd-'
hmrkW: ;ll “fequiii‘i’ boo 1 bow you
could possibly luwo ‘given;!judgement against
the plaintili'in so plain a cnsyJVi
'.“Judge, 1 * returned, the “I’ll tell you.
how it was:,On,lnst election day". I treated that
fellow more than UveiitV times—boiigbfhim a
shirt to nihke him look' decent, and 'let him
have money to electioneer oh; nnd what do yon
think—the infernal', rascal went, ogin me all.
day. And now yon pco this is the, |}rst.htych
I've had at him since, and X. was bound tq pqt
him through to the end of tho string , . , ‘ '
“Ilut, i'Vqnlro, you should • consider that
there are higher’tribunals than 1 a jiistico’scourt
npd your decision will most certainly be re
verged, and,remember,.also, public opinion.*
“As to yqur higher.iipbunals," said Iho Es
quire, if they don’t like'my decision, why they
they can just feign; hitu ha Air pnbUc'opm
ion, I won’t give a llnkerV cu'ss for it, for i
expect that, too, will go agin meriext election.
Tho ofiicc is mine now, nnd .before they gqtino
opt ofit, I'll give some of tlipm-fellows,regular
filsii|,,thq l nmyofhiw. M ' ,
i • u " h ■ : ‘
A Worcester (M'ass.)'impcr/taVs otic of their
ingonloufil mechanics has Invented thbnrt often*
dering steam wliialloa musical—thus making
those nuisances quite as ornamental as. useful.
What an improvement that will ,bc, w)\cn .it,
comes intO’general use! ? Eor^nstahee,, sup
pose we’nrd a yonng married'nlait, fit requires
some imagination wo admit) add have to leave
the endearments of homefor business elsewhere.
We get into the cars feeling drdadtolly. if not
-worse—thd ; hcir rings'the'parting tinkle,’the
wheels rumble slowly out of . thd depot, andi at
thatjnomrnt .the whistle strips, YP. ‘‘Ph( Sui
sapnah } don’t, yon pry for mo * mionld nt wq
bo touched, and yet consoled! Thc'niTurlhcr
alohg'.ntv'ignoVamua;. as-ignoramuses will, is
sccu_walking'on .the trftok, and immediately,
!“Qit-out of the way, ()lo Dan fTpeker !” «tar T
ties side ns promptly ns ,the hiss of a
rattle l3halvo;'but still wltlVan agreeable cxliil*
|erollonJ 'But is just to bb run over—the
thinglis inevitable—but there is .'some cqpsola*
tloiy iil ‘‘Old Dog 'j.'rnn,-" ployed as ;a comp)!*
iiiicutary retpiicm. When not otherwise em
ployed, didactic 'strains'might ho givetv, as
“Wake up, Jake! the lire wants pokingor
jtho - night train might solllbquizc, “Wb; won’t
Igd homo till uibrhiiig.*’' ’ Add - end inSlahtio 1
'more—thosyoung man, floingcmousjy supposed
above, diaving got through his : Inmuicss, is ,ro?i
'turuiug-pna tho cars ,beglp to slacUvu •’their
■pace, whdtw'oiild 1 be; mprp touchingly aphi^o- 1
prftieThah ‘‘ltdmb again,'hoirife b£am,” 'play-'
cd with a forty iiorso powor>patho3'l AVTo have 1
said enough—hurry up JUomu^cal,pugincs ; l #; ,;,
. ■ .(A.i
I I I ms- :m/: 1 ; . ,
nil ■’•■•■ 1“ ''■’ W ’••■•' I** - ft 1 •"•'■' ■'
i ii. h .*ii r j *•’
...*AT 82,6o.PER*ANKUM.’-. .!
jj-i ;
iTho'Sulplmric In Iceland. ■ ‘'
1 ,6oipesharp plirabing-up, the mountain, near
ly a thousand feet', brought iho to (bo sulphpr
mines—a Scene I 1 shall ‘ ntrer' fdrgct-MV literal
pool of- fire’ and brimstone. '■ Had Milton* Over
visited the sulphcr .TnountaimS of Iceland; I
could have forgiven h"un his description of the
infernal regions. Hero, was, a little ,hollow,
scobpcd out .of .lho side of, thc/raqurifain;
and all- over' and : through’ it’ yellow' sulphcr,
burnirtg ; hillocks of-strinc and clay, andbtifliiig i
sulphurous smoke; Tbd surface.)too, was semi-
Iftjuid-Hn fact, 1 as near a literal lake of fi re and
■brjmslonc as . ,thifl world probably shows.—,
Thb earth itself here was principally a line pintc
or flcshcolorcd clay: and all over this I could
see holes communicating with the mighty lab
rotary of nature below; and ns the steam and
smoke,came out of these hqles, the; fine parti
cles of sulphcr fccuicd to bq brought up tp the
surface. The* clayey ground'where tlicsul-
Chcr lay 1 was in most places Soft’, and could hot.
o'walked over without tbb' greatest danger of
Sinking down through it, perhaps into the fiery
dcpllis in the* bowels of the mountain. Indeed,
it possesses a kind of horrible and fascinating
interest. Around the edges and in certain pla
ces the soil is hard, and some stones, are seen
where one can goin safety. By having a couple
bP boardsi a man might walk rill over thc grmmd..
In some places, the sulphcr was n foot thick,
and nS it gathered it seemed to’tonsolidatc, arid
!! found 1 could break up largo pieces beautiful
y crystaliml. -This-.Milphcr; appeared about
ius,pufc as, the sulphur the shops, but dense. It had not ha)f that strong bclqr
that suljdier arid brimstone have in a brenafed
slate.i These mines’ showed .signs that * thdy
had-been worked, as some bits of boards and
plants Iay ;| nl)opt, apd there were paths tp,bo
sebn. . The sulphcr is taken off the surface, and
then theground is left for two' ori three years
for it'to collcct again. Sulphcris'sochcap.and
these mines arc.fco far from a kcapotl, (Ilavne
fiord*; some.,twenty miles north, being the
pearest.) and roads and means of transport-arc
po 1 scanty, .that gathering it is not very profit
able nor-carried oh to a great extent. There
kro other sulphcr mines in the north; some
productive ones near Ktavid mountain, on the
shores of Mount Lake Myvatn. —Rambles in
Jc eland, ,
Domcslte Bccipcw.
, Apple StfdAn.—Express the juice end 1 odd .
common chalk until the whole'of the acid is J
Completely saturated ;• then ppiiroiT the dear ;
liquor, and clarify by boiling in a clean pan. j
with some.wliitcof egg; remove dhc dirt, end 1
finish by evaporating over a gentle heat'to the i
! consistence desired. Oii.o hundred' pounds of, I
gootlapplet will produce about eight-six pounds '
of juice, imd twclvo ; pounda of Crude sugar. ■ *
' ; Td Macb'Qiuodt.e Garbs'’.“these cakes are '
best made with milk altogether instead ofnmi-' ,
tcr.;TtwocgpB„yellowand.whUo».toa,,pmt of
Corn meal, the milk to be warmed, and .the.
whole to be well beaten up with a spoon or la
dle.-.. Tho .quantity of, milk- used must .be
ihqmasa 60. liquid that it
can be pbiirpd wltli facility from the pan upon.
1 the'griddlc—one spoonful of lard or good but
ler; ahd-oncof Mineflour. : Ther griddle shcbhi
hot bo made very hot, and be thoroughlyxleans
c<l npd prpqscil; wh'|° warm, to ..thq
tUrnmgof tiip
urown,” witTioUt on bdlji sides.' ‘The
batter br dbugh-fchouldbc prepared Mnunediato
ly.before,cooking;-:,- ■ ■ u.■»!’■•• > f
j Eqapp^B.—Take,three:fresh .cggfl .to one
quart of rocal, and mix, witlf ,milk and add one
tablcspoo;ifpl of buttermix'nll well together,
and lhakC'np of a’ constetWdi somewhat thicker
than the chftcs. or so'thlck’thdt itiwill-notpdur'
out; bake in ajin .pair set jn r a Dulqhovcn, not.
too bpt at first, .but by,
tion of the heat 'till'dope'. 1 The* object of this
is to'iccurc Uni baking oflhfc bottom lirid,which
will secure the rising of cmifeei it . to
become beautifully brown , qn- top..and, .wbep
piAcedon tliQ.tablcand cut, to,resemble “pound
cake."' ','’ *' f '" ’’ ' /'/ .
To Pubservb .Quikcßs.^—Select Hie fnhys(
and largest quinces; (Hie poorer ones will’ nil- '
sW6r lor-jelly;) remove the cores, and pdre
them* Boil them over n niodcrato fire till quite- j
tender, and take them out,separately.on a plain
ter. To each pound of Quince alTbp’one pound
'ofsugaH ’Make the syrup, and boil the quin-'
cca in it till’tjuitc clear. •' • j
.Cold CnfU.M.—-This article was . invented
nearly, two tfioußrii)f} years ago. by Galen, one,
of' the inbst cclcbrfxtcu physicians, of ancjqnt
times. It has been ih universal use since his
ddyv ns a coSmclio fbr the skin! in'ordcr to cbn- ;
tar smoothness and hcolmny Utile abi'aiMiou or
chapping resulting,frotp cast winds, Ac.- ,^*o
- Take half an ounce of white, wax,,
alf an ounce of spermaceti, and three oil nets
of almond'oil; put the whole into n basin, and
place it in hot water tilt fused; then, gradu*
ally add three ounces of rose watoivejder, water
or orange flower iyalcr, stirring all'the while
with a fork'or small Whisk. Any perfume may
be added : but medicinally, it Is belter without.
When coldi itis fit for use. j
, [G'cnmuifotrn Telegraph*
The Wliito Blackberry.
Tho White Blackhbrfy is a- mast vigorous
grower, oflvu.attaining a height of ten feet; It
is a much more prolific hearer; tUau,,tlip,cnni
coi» variety, or field blackberry! the buds being
set on tho stock in tho immediate vicinity of
each oilier—there beliig generally not inore
than the distance of two Ipclies between them,
and each having two spurs in«lm| ofone, as in
the ease wltli the hitter. The I ‘berries-are of
largo Hlix*. amber colored.; anil possessing a lift;'
vor remarkably rich amt sweet; • There, is no
difficulty whatever attending itaeulliyMion;:oU
that,lit essentially mpiisity being a
ail’d piodcjr/ifply Warm soil,,‘ami a .cbpiouji upd’
sustained supply df fomdlwivesnncr scrapillgs.
A compost formed pf thcbtyAvlth asmulbquajt
tlty of gypsum, and frequent liocmgs to ligh
ten - the'soil-and prevent the radiation and
growth of weeds, will almost invariably secure
success ip the cultivation of this valuable fruit,
Tho,original cultivator of,’this fruitfii this,
cbhhlry, Is’ - MW J. S.'- Needham, -of Han feta i
Mass.; audj I 'Need hath‘sWlii to Blackberry,” of
Which 9 very gOod engraving .Wnk.pvlbliahul
BOtnc tipio siiioe ip tho New England Farmer,
improbably‘the most prolific and valuable va
riety of 'the fruit ‘to be 1 found. t The' White
Blackberry'and Black llAspberry'arobotll val
uable fruits, and should have a place in every
fnp.t and kitchen garden in ~t)iq liuid.-r-N., J 2,
|/'hrm'cr.‘, ‘ .... ~t < ,|
! Washing Silvku Wauu, —A .correspondent’
of tho Germantown 2V/cgrmj/i says; • .
) Sotuo thirty years Since T was Wormed, by a
proprietor bfoneoMhe largest and oldest silver
establishments in the city:of Philadelphia, tliat
ruined, their silver by washing It
in sqnp ,f?uds;, it.njhUc? it tyolc like pewter;
nevbr put a particle of soap ahoyt yoursjlvcr.
Illicit U -will tetamdltf'origWlMuslrd; when it
wants polishing lako',ivpiccc of Soil IciUhcr and
IwhiUpg;, am).mb it hard/ I hjvd fornirlysevn,
•silver washed in wat,e(- )vith flio addition of a
illtlli so'ai) And rinsed in, 1 elt'liV Water. . .
1 -I adhoml Stribllj' ‘td hid advice/and found I
1 ‘nfcrcat dilkmicoiu thoappearouce of.Uiosu*|
I Tic Outrage on, Oov. Bcete oi Jton!fl«!=
. •KAssAa.Ciir/Mp^^ratr^Sjflte^Sf.
Tbo'counlry is again thrown, into. tarn-pf
intense excitement,rby tboiattoipptcdjterpotra
tlon of’’an outrage upon “ d£ ,Got>..
Uccdcr, at his quarters, at,
’about nine 1 niilb’S irom’ this*plabblA 'fbo'taets,rui
'I am able to give tberrr.ram t ,roila| •
!blo., It appears that .the Governor.gas flitUpg.
'alone in Ills office, his Secretary,- KrV^*® w SWf 1
lbcibg f rflclfan(l ceYi{in6(H67i!s ro6ii r arl6'yiHmo f •
iwben tbo well-known 6on. Strlngfcllbw entered, -
'Ho. was courteously received,'abd atlor.ft frone*.
|ral preliminary coavofsaUbhiiin which nodlhu
jtcd l: uppn..tbp indnoncp.aacbccntroKbpnypttid
bay,o oyer 11x6 present LoglsLotvirp, pnd.thb.gipptf
[excitement .existing
Jliocder, bo mndp Iwo.pronosftions .tb.ihe (Joy;
Crnor—onobclng tbdftbo Governor should sanc
tion 1 nny'bill that fehoold bo'passcd-topubioil
tampering with' i fllavcd I lfi the’ Of tKaj
uttering of'abolition 'bentimettta^otod-thO 5 Other l
tbAt ho recommend in? hik message tliat tholretfl
gialalurb adjourn to SbatmCb
border ofMissouri. ..
n iiiif
, r:», ? I
I'U .V '.M.d'.il) ,i li
no; 0.
| The QoVOrhbr replied that, 1 although In faroi*
1 of a free State, bo was willing add (bought r it
j ijuito proper tliat tcmporatyprofcptioniboglteii
| to slave property. Ini tlio Territory, ■.nnUi tfafti
question bo properly decided; bat that Jiooopldi
not promise, to sanction
and mucb.lcss coaid lioingrod Ito a pjlt makings
tlio ponalty toj* iinlnCr.ofieDCca death,/as hd itod> •
heard proposed,.andlthat howouhrnofofflclqUyi
recommend thoLogislatnreito xlfljoUrn 10 ShaWrl
nco,Mission, AttbistboGenetalbGcamo'ipaclil
excited, ondfonrtedvored to get; up
bn tho iwortla border reporfed:td>
have been used'by, Gov, K. : , JIo was
tbo' uoo.-of such language hodibocn.diBavftwpd*t
and as possible;) ;Ho then desired)
to know, if Governor K.- bad represented,
as being conquered and subjugated ,by tho fllllfi’
tens oCMlsspurlptowbicbtbg GovernorrcpluHi')*
that ho had/ Striiiglohow then inquired Alrthorja
if tho Governor had intended to charge bim wltbi.
any unlawful or disbonorahlc-ncWto uhich ; tho
Governor replied, that bo belfovcd "and bad said,. 4
that GdhV S. Was ihaihly instrumental' IricrcKt- J
ing'the excitement !h Missouri whicliihad dntfch
duced tho present state of filings,;‘ar)4
swor to another, question by SlripglcJlow. saftt,
that bo considered'svlch a coursQ.ol ‘hbhdufct-isfc
unlawful arid dishonorable’.; u > Ju-y.wi
; By tills tlpjq, tbo excitement of Strlngfpllow,f
became very great, niiicli so as to atimctsov
oml persons’standing In front of Hie door}-and' 7
bo on (ho spot gave the. Governor a.viWbnlchdl-.j
|eng9,,whiqh was immediately declined,.l^oGp* c
vornor sayhlg that ho was no subscribor'tb tiia
duelling code. At this timo tbo Govcrddl l jv3|'' >
Carelessly sitting with his chair- balanced .hfibn
tho'two hind'legtf.'> StHngfollowiftdvaij.cqd’r'dn'd •
I by putting.liis - band upon bis< shoulder*puphodT
mm.ovor,.nt,thq same timq. fulling upon .him, f
, arid h’crAtching liim deeply in tho' chcckwith hla r
ndllsi The. Governor kicked hinyolT, and) fostf t
to bis feet, bqth.gontlenpn drawing ’Uu?fn< pis. ,1
’ (ols, when Strincfellow was seized by Attorney j
j General Is'a’acka and' Mr., Ilaldcrhmn/and tfao a
'Governor dropped l Iho mtizSleiof[his 'Weapon*'?
1 saying. scorned, to attacks inonjwbp.waT/
prevented from defending'ldursolf. By ihd.ip
-1 tcrlcrcnco of tho two'gentlemen," tbo inaftcrHiui 3
Calmed down, and Sfringfcllow loft.- : i 1 .: 1 ‘ >
1 ,To youraqlvcs and your readers, ~1 leave all,
comment on tbi? most unparalleled ‘ optrngo’i
merely stating further, tuat'StringfelloWi who’ 1
(bus begins by
vernor of Kansas Territory, and tailing in that;
personally assaultsbitu,,iaaresident of
ffo., and mhkes ho pretence of living in ilxb
fitory.' It is"generally bclibYcd that.tlie Mis-*
iourianslbavo discovered that they will bo’umu'.
ole to manage twodbirds of fire Lcgißlalnro/jipd]
thus avoid'tno vetoand, therefore,,
tho conduct of their acknowledged loAdoH 'lyn- *
ring tho Into affair tlio. Governor bad twi’eb gqod.'
opportunity toslioQtStrlnglcUow‘,andtbo friends [
of order, and hla" friends, are very thankful.'(hat
ho* fefrnincd;' foV‘ : had' 'driy : injury > 1 4vch i 'tlKi I
ilightest/’ddcurred to StringfoTlow,- in two*hoUrt >
A crowd would havo been raised on- tho u.brdqrf
igoiqst wpiclb resistance wqnld have .been mse; •
ass, and no one, can Imagine what would.havo..
>ei,n’tbo ultimate cohscqucncb. [
\ it llospbctfully, yours/ ■■■%'' TiiyfclxrßldT
: • - m ,-ri rr-r~- .t? i. n“U m.ji
. \ , Buies for Raising, Vonllrycu &• .
j*.Wo find .the following in the { papers syitnb&t f
. Credit, and do notknovy f *.i
j J.'j-ATI young cliickchSf
Should borkep't under cover of tho weather
riHg the talny scasbiK ■" ,lr ‘ '’ : t f ■•‘I 1
12. Twice’or three limes a wcck, peppcri gtifu
fie, &c., should bo mixed up .with their foodie:!
! 3.. A small lump of nssnfeolida ..sho'lud rfw
placed in the pan'in which their’ water, is given
them (o'drink. " • , ■’
j -4; Whenever they marrift&t dlscasej-by-the J
drooping of .their wings, on,any outward aignsj
bf .ill hyalth. a little, rts^nfoptida. broken
liimpp, should be mixed with thpir foods. ‘ T’
j ’fi.Chickchs which arokeptfrom’ tho'-doWpi' 1
kill seldom have-the gdpes; therefore it ehduld/
|>e the object of those who have charge, of them
$o to 'Ooulinc the bens as to preclude their youdg
fromi tho range of barn and atablq.yar^s..,, , ,
I ,o.,Should any chickens have the gaped inli.
up small portions of dssafoctida, rhubarb and 1
Kcr into' fresh butler, -And give cdcli tliickch 7
uch bf.tbcknnttiirooS will lie on half - the I
bowl ufa.tfeaspoon, , p
! 7. Fur, the pip the'folf6>vrhg'treatment jd ju
dicious:‘Takeoil tile ifadiirtitcdCoveringornho J
point of Inc tongui; arid.givo'twico b 1 *
pvo or three days, a piece of garlio tlta6iSb,of<a '
pea, if gaiiip cannot he obtained,onion, shallop
or shives will answer ; jmd’.if neither of these
be convenient, two'grains of black
m fresh butter will l answer.' • - ‘ '- / ih.')
1 DC7" A married lady, who" Waif very M £?,*
her husband, noliyilhslandlnghia cxifcmti ug- ‘
fincss ofperson, once said 'to a witty acquaint *
tanco c
' ‘What,fioyou tljiqkl.jny husband|ho^,topp !T
and laid t put.fifty dollars for a large nionkqr
on purpOik) to'plenßc me!’ ’
•Thederib'little man,* Crltd the'6lUtr/ J Wdl W-*
is just'like him I* ' uq .b-;; r<r.‘u
CCT" A lellow pt a race,course was slogger
ing about'lhc lrack. with* hiore li bl
could carry;; ‘Hello! what’s the matter iwwlM
said thcjcJjnp whom tho Inebriated ,indiv«dp4ji
had just*mn against. ‘Why—hic-rwhy,’ said,
tlictefiow. aO drunk ho was hardly able to, ar- f
tlculalo/ ‘ll»6 fact Is. a lot of my friends have*
been betting liquor on tile, race, to.ddy, rincTr
they’ve got me to hold tho stakes!' .v-i . v/j
IHT* A White Swallow has been iiollccd'flf 3
Nevv Nareb.Conn., among*& flobfc of swalloWp i
of the; usual color. In every olljer respect
K’sembleil his companions, haying thcvsir.p.foj7rt,
ftiul peculiar twitttf; but the fadt pf htW
Avithbut a male, rathto* slibWcd* that' he was*
considerubnn.alien among th 6 fnUemity,i!j i.s,J
iftoyor Wood of N. Ibis spid 16 ho a ci
gar maker by trade, next became u slimtdiahU
djer, nu'l then entered the, slipping busmesa,nt
which lie aihoKiicd'a handsome fortunb. M 'Tl6 W
a nativeOf' Philadclplnrti'and'twclvC ycafd'agiW-'
was a nunubiT of,Congress. 'ir vh -1 „d) je>
! dt/** A Indy’ahd'gclUkm'ah dkpiit'fij^ l
upon asubjecti Ulolidy tctftllymnaidccd—b'- 1 *
• isSir, wo can ncVcragree in anything/,' - .• j •*,])
I ~‘You j>ro wrong; piadam, {lf,,vou*j
should go into n room in Nyluch' thcro.wcitj nut.
two’ beds, k" Wonmi\ in' 6hb Ahtl ’• d inan' 1 in tlio*
other, wilh'whom would youblcopt* 1 ' ' ;< -i J - a
’ ‘With tho lady of course/replied Bhp/c j«i o)
I ‘So trotdd i/ tho gentleman replied.
' Bium% nur ip' Tiin‘ Point.—THo‘ Albany"
RnlckcrWokcr has the following ; “td tho- : As-’
HCinbly, on Monday, Mr. o‘Kcefo brought irt./sl
a bill for, the suppression of intemperance. a up,,
fallowing is ft;copy of.the bill
peroheo is hereby abolished. fcw) v— JSjL
shall 1 lukb dl’ett iinnicdialeiy. ' llio bill Avotfr
referred to a fielool cbmimltw.
I ' Vt- A‘ traveller In England, observing n
nut at ■nbrlc'; and seeing Hint lie Wiis Inking U
Vciharlnibly oU*y, rild to Idinls ■ ,hj •, ]\
i uMy friend. you don’t appear to mvoat miyl’t
j <« Wby,*m», master/* replied shillings
a ivoek ain’t xougcs /”
Wtfld friWils old trees— they otmf -
: aotbo m-iked'.