American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, January 11, 1855, Image 3

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    II I - _ , '
cr.Midittid'doiisltncUbiiif fttumplko'n)o4
ttiktlw Buhloot qf. executive cxullolipn,.,
end’ll matter ot congratulation .among tbs
. people, NoWhor.whqlo eurfeco ia ehecfc- .
entd oYcr tho railroada, nnhalß and, oflier',
lilghwayß. Then tho whole revenues oftho
BfeWsliflr Her'dbritAg© ,of;
tolhlwty'.sJncfrlWO, is’tub r* a^a ri
ebp tha.besf of her siS
tors ih'tlio production of,wjioftt, -irqn'aud'
population numbers'pot less.
Ihaar iWo and n hairmillions; nedrly as largo.-
os'all ftitf SttitcS : at' tho timo.of tho.Roro- ''
Wlob.!. Tho present ; vtlluo’ aiid :
personal Estates'exceeds $850,000,000:* Her
coaljsriwflrth instho ■
marmot ,pyer, twenty-.- millions.,, Hej.great ,
laterbstfl Of ■ agricuUurc, and*
commerce aro rapidly oxtoilding;. ;* .•
tßhb addition, a ldstoiy; of- which
wpmdy'riollho proud. /Within; her, limits ;
ls;itepo(l;tliq hftth-pltfcb of, Independence-^''
thatsaefed spot- where, was first declared ,
those groat truths sVhicli lie at thet foundtri'
tloirdf American nationality. Inthpmaln'thdso • truths, 'dhe bbro a' glorl- •
ous parii s ; Hcr iiion ttf.tho'
field,.fthdimonoy to’thoitcotiamy—;Of.talent
and wisdom to tho Congress of tho Colo
nies,, WWP.% tli'o'so- of'any '
other. State.! .’.lt was her sons who crossed .
tho-Delawaro in. tho dead of .winter, undflr
the''load of Washington,-, and for a time.:;
turned lho tido of wart -Again, In thostrng- ■
glc 0f,1812, for .tho tights of American -cit-.
Izousmp,' aVd jn .thiit Qf fur'American
honor andiprbgrbss, she contributodwith a.,,
profuse generosity:- The contest amongst .
not as to' who should have the >
rlglil to;Stay nthomcj, but 1 who should hard ;
tho privilege ‘of into the field,’ ;Bcar*' 1
lag this hbn'orahlo part Irt" matters! or foe*
has had a no less enviable
participation lu-allaying domestic -
Whenever the exigency seemed to - require
it, she has'fltbud firmly by Iho Oonstitutlon
and tho Union, and over contended for tho
all; sections’ of the country,' and;
all classes and denominations of the peo
ple. • Such Is our State,To, live aud dlq
, 'within her Uhiits,-an(l to.hivvo borne, oven a
i vcry.hhiublu.part’ In hot civil service.and In -■
I her (history/, lib alt over esteem ds'aprbud ’
that) 'as it dhuVs nearer to
h its closoj swells my heart’ with gratitude to',
fc her people; at tho-recollection of tho nu-..
& merousproofß of confidence I have oxporl
|| onhod'at their, hands. •
m * ( Thp /fullness of;'ray exultation in the- •
Kg character and happy condition of pur ho- ‘
g| loved. Commonwealth, and, of the. gratitude
'■js J havo'expreasod IqAyc6 rio rodui In'toy bo--
■K «om for evonh lingering regrotht-a ducis
, •* ion ofmy fellow citizens, which Is soonto
relieve mp of tho cures and labors of a pub
lic life. ; Its transient excitements have al
ready been forgotten, and its alienations, if
any,' X shall resume my place in
tho ranksof tho-poople,-with-a calm oon
acloqsric’sS of having always sought to ad
vance tholr bcSt Interests to the extent of
my ability} and of never having Yielded
«ny convictions of right, either lu aahservl
cnoe to r any Selfish purpose, or any narrow
and'unworthy prejudice.
' Ildvldg adverted to various subjects of
\ congratulation, in regard to the ’ public af-
M fairs of my own State, I may' bo indulged
In ft brief reference, also, to the happy aa
*&poct of our common country, and the clo-
lt-has reached among the nations of
earth, in thedight of liberty, and thro*
■' the wordings of 'its benign institutions.-
' ! . Who amongst us, and throughout this broad
(and, dooamo.t experience at this moment,
and at every moment, in Ida own condition,
and tho. condition of those .who aurrpnpd
- him, fho’influence and benefit Of our happy
; • ’ Uhloti. and. the well considered compact by
’’which it Is sustained. A of palcul^-'
> lion, cxnlbltcdby post experience, will give
country a population ci* thirty millions
less Utah ten years from the present time
[ ‘, i~.oC eightymillions in thirty years tocohio
■../r-add of onc.hundred millions at the close
v ‘ ;,,of the present coiitury! But mure numbers
: -<s'»ro ofno moment, compared with mural el-
iatynatlon’s greatness. Tho vital
utronjth arid stability of the United States
aa.apQQpUi consists in the substantial inter
‘■M cat which each Individual bos in tbcpunndt
iV' noncy of those glorious institutions, which
worO.baptlzed in the blood of*, our revolu-.
tionary struggle, and" handed down as the
•- sacred legacy of our fathers,. Peril, or do
-1 stroy these, ,andr peril or destroy tlio
share Of sovereignty and equality which
- u tfyjy'wero designed to Secure, alike to the
richest and poorest; the highest and Imm
. blest In the land/' The experiOilcd of more
than throo-fourtha of a century proves. I
mn persuaded, that the
in tliQ.maln, truly appreciate the benellcent
structure and beautiful operation ul our re
publican system. We .have been assailed
by an Insidious and open, hostility from a
broad, and have, nt times before the pres
ent, been encountered by both the conceal,
e ed and palpable spirit of faction at home;
- yet.the Constitution still stands as widely
V, and Ormly tivcted in the allbctions of the
.. honest masses of American freemen, as at
dnyforiner period of our history'.
Thp more fruitful sources of our natlon
al prosperity, undoubtedly consist iu tho
•\i freedom,-industry aod intelligence of oiif
; “ people} and in tho rich national resources
of our'country, united to an advantageous
commercial intercourse with a warring
world. But there is one clement which wo
should cherish as more potent than nil
those: It Is the protection nntl encourngo-
onbrded, by tho union of the States,
.'•' 'Yonder an adequate and stable government,
this, and the virtue of our citizens, un
of Heaven, wo arc more in
"jjgytdd as n people, than to any tfthef cir
jflffgstaneo or relation. Ho ouo who has
fOWlpd our history, and marked tho spirit
ifriHilcb pur Union was formed, can' avoid
4 thV£Odvictlon that our government, ho far
M concerns the stability of tliis cmifcdora
'Ay 1 , nutst bo ouo of opinion rather than
.fopco. Born In compromise ami couciifa
’ tlbn,-'lt must bo churishcd In the same spir
!tj Utnufcf present itself to every member
"of tblfl republic In (ho welcome guise of
; friendship'nhd protection*—not in overbear
ing pride', or as wielding tho strong arm of
• power.
‘ ' VTo havo before ns tlio plain, written
compact of our fathers, to which they ro
floctlngly consented and subscribed, and so
,• bound us’who have succeeded them. Its
blessings and Us bcueflts havo been felt
throughout long years of unexampled pros
perity. If we would change any of Its pro
i visions, lot ns, with at least common hones
ty and manliness,.pursue the mode of 0-
~ which is pointed out with adml-'
= T ’rsb|d pjecisaion, in the nobio instrument
‘ , '»n^ B ®lf* ’ But until this Is done, those among
who, from whatever motive, or under
P ro^x t, either openly repudiate
J 5!? .*?■ ** s . plain provisions, or, covertly, re
!®i: ng un ,^ cr the cloak of a secret orgftnl
‘^t|T|o^»' to violate Us spirit, or avoid
, Its c,ear behests, dishonor
SSfSfirvfvtf holr falhc ra, and deny tholr
'■SSCISrJ! ■“4 «o>uni« obligations 13n-
T. i9 ” s '. t,O ' v Cl ' n »ny Amerl
-11,1 11,0 low* tlegrue of
°°<'»nnod and emblllor.
naSslSKih 1 f 0 * CQ, * ot > of tbo ooun-.
«‘tho Institutions of 00.
or 8“"l*«Hon of
■JJffiS. K tllr ‘»ißbout tbo .Union, b.s
- 6SBS??? th „ io ,s tr ‘ ~OB of biobulon and
pMflmptlon, utterly at war with ourNatlon-
Oonstitutlons, and-obnoxtonai
b6r^ 8 l ,lrl i A«erlfla?«'gSS!
» tho v °noratcd
country, but must now fool
,(Wta*e|»UtloBB force,.his solemn warnings'
societies for political ends.
pUAfttyDg a powerful engine in tho hands
• cf/tho.Winah and designing,, and. enabling
(..•thedV-hOt only to acquire power uuworthl
~'ly, but also to sap and destroy tho moat sa
...tred, principles of our govornmout 7
- Hln.thOßO reflections upon certain political
it I rightly comprehend my
' -'vfflkftnMvos, 1 am actuated by no pioro
t|«^i}son, s hoflUlity or rosuntinout. Were 1
;wMjr loss at tliu present moment, I should
.batlflb my clearest convictions of right, and
i' fillrijiU fVom a duty I owe to tho people of.
who havo so generously bus-
me in various public relations in tho
Lfeast. Nay, more j I should, by silonco in
ibis rogtml, JUll properly to reflet that con-
' ’stAncVarid faith’wbibhour'ili-- 1
fal© I CoiainohwehUh ? Ims t
■KfaMs'thb of' ourmatlon’aV* coitfi •>
Ip’AdC In -t'eferonde to’ tfio’ fteedoto 1 of bofl-Ml 1
sdi{jnc'e>anilUniversal religions' toloVatlohj l
Jaha also-'td thp "d
-’and ; Sta‘^e'^sovereignty; aid^ho : -fnheiUht
• 1 y
» Wibf period wldoh -romrilfttf of'
any' bffininlten«,.l i .Bhbll-roadliyi ; An^‘>ohoet‘--’ J --
JUlly co-operate with the General
‘hiy ih nil : proj)6v ! itieaanrqB tb : - ddvaneb the-'. 1
public weali'and’l-cairnoßtly : invqho ;upoti: '
purlabort, ftnd.thb'lah'ota of who mtt «h
jfolloW us-ftioiir publlcvocatlonfthe-kindly.’/-
jcarc and keeping of that Great and:-Bjpnefl-'■ !
‘cont'Seing who holds tho dcsUnics' of na
tions as well as of 'ifs
in tho liollbw. of .his'ljq^d*!- without “
’whose Co'sWjied 'sra.ila'thcfe canmoither ho
national or indjbiduui prosperity...
' wm^bigueb.
■ExEmjrivß Gn'Altntin,'. ■* ' ■
Harrisburg, • January 8 y 1865 i- (: ' 1 r *-:
JOHN B. BUATTOX, ; Proprietor
i'-V'.dIBLISLi/IPA.-",' JAN. U,;J?#'C,.V
Ait Appi cmJco y
rO learn the ' businoss, will be taken'
at tins office, if bo .made soph.
If one but a smart; active; boy,
nhd poss'osßing ft.gpoieducatioh, need apply .77--
T 6 a boy! possessing tbp above'qualities, add of:
16 yeArft of ej6, a good 6pp';iettriitbo
printing Upilered. .. : r .
; tCT" Several.articles and communications arc
crowded out of our, paper this week. , - -.
Cdanr, bn Monday last, on, motibh
of Judge C. Riieem, Esq., was ad*
milled to ! pra ;tico in tho several courts of ’this
county.!’ Previous to his admittance, as we
learn, Mr..R.; passed a very creditable exami
nation.- He hiifl bpenod'nn office in' Beetem’s
Row, andyre wish him God speed.
LvAcficftixtbif.— Hon. Ja.ves Pollock trill
be inaugurated into the. Gubernatorial chair,
on Tuesday, tho 16lh of January, not the 9th
proximo, as stated by several of the papers.
Governor's Message.
Wc publish to-day Qov. Biolbu’s last annu
al Message to the Legislature, to which wc in
vite the attention of our readers. It is certain
ly one of the ablest State papers wc hava ever
read, and is creditable to the bend and heart, of
its author, ft is clear and perspicuous in its
details cud suggestions, patriotic In sentiment,
and Pennsylvanian m tone. Gov.-Bigler lias,
been a prudent, vigilant and faithful Execu
tive, and in his retirement he will receive from
men of all parties the plaudit, "well dtaqm, good
and faithful servant.” It must bo gratifying to
Gov. Bioleu, now that he is about to retire to
private Ufo, to see his native Stale in so flour
ishing n condition, with a foil treasury, and
her people happy and prosperous. Wo may
speak more at length of the Mcsscgc hereafter.
In the mean time wo hope nil our readers will
give this able document a careful perusal.
The Stntq Legislature is at length organized.
After 27 ballots for Speaker,-the Senate was
Organized on Friday-last, by the election of Mr.
llkistbii (Democrat) of Berks county, Speaker.
This result was brought about by tho voto’ of
Mr. Darsio, and by Mr. Price .withholding his
vote, and is considered a very decided, victory
over the order of Know-Nothings. Mr. Ilcistcr
is <u honest, independent, and. courteous gen
tleman, and ap old line Democrat.. :Thc Sen
ate mhybo regarded os opposed to the new or
der, and will present a conservetivefronl against
tho measures passed under popular excitement
by the House of Representatives.
The Senate then resolved, by a party vole—
yeas IG, nays 15—to proceed to the election of
all tho other officers, when George W. Hiub
mersly. (Whig,) of Lancaster county, was elect
ed Chief Clerk, over Mr. Maguire, (Pern.:)
, Henry.'Pcttibonc, (Don.,) was re-elected Assis
tant Clerk, over John K.-Ziriin—Mr. Darsie
voting for Mr. Poltibono, Mr. Zielin being be
ing a Know-Kolhing.
The Transcribing Clerks elected ara Nelson
Weisor, (Uom..) and John 11. Fuller, John
Ewing and John'W. Kerr, (Whigs.-) The or
, ganization having been completed by the elec
tion of the subordinate ofllcors, the Senate ad
journed until Tuesday afternoon, at 3 o’clock.
House. —No business of any importance has
been transacted in this branch of the Legisla
tuic. ’lt is.cmphalicolly another “rump House
of Representative,” and tho weakest that has
ever assembled at our State Capitol. The per
manent officers' arc—
Speaker —Henry K. Strong, Philadelphia.
Clerk —A. W. Benedict, Huntingdon.
Dt> —A. L. IlcnoorholU, Berks.
Transcribing Ditto. —E. Cowan, Warren ;.J.
L. Rightrayer,'Berks ; E. Smith, Wyoming;
S. C. Sloymukcr, Lancaster ; Wm, W. Taylor,'
Scraeunt-at-arms —S. Bentley, Washington.
Assistant Do. —O. W. Frick, Westmore
Doorkeeper —John J. Horn, Northampton.
The above are all Whig Know-Nothings, and
tho balance of the officers arc of the same stripe
—and all elected by a vote of 09 to 23, There
arc 20 Democrats and 3 Whigs in tho House
who maintain their integrity and refuse to “bow
the knee to the image of Baal”—the rest arc
out and out Know-Nothings, from whom, of
course, nothing but proscription and intoler
ance may be expected.
Tim Goy- OP Nsw Yons.—Mayron H-
Clark, who wag recently elected, >in his message
to tho Legislature, presents his views id favor
Of a prohibitory law. being enacted for that,
State by tho Legislature. .They are rather
mildly put forth,i.rcforringto.tho NqnrEngland
States for evidences of its utility ond practica-;
bility, but he admits that the subject is hedg
ed about with difficulties, and hopes that tho
Legislature will bo able so to perfect tho details
of a prohibitory bill, as on the one hand to se
cure the supression of demoralising and
on tho other protect personal, rights and giro
ho just cause, of ; complaint to those whoso in
terests may bo affected by this prohibitory
legislation, which tho publio good demands. ..
■ One Wav or Phovino Ills Case.— ln the
County Court sitting nt New Haven, Conn.,
■JoasoAy.ltoao, buiugon trial for assault with
intent to murder, was defended ion tho ground
of insanity; and while judgo Blackman, tho
counsel for tho prisoner, was examining » wit
ness to prove tho defence, Boso suddenly raised
his arm, aud, with a book-handed blow, knock
ed his own lawyer over. Such a, practical do
monslrnlion of mental imbecility was 'conclu
sive upon tho Court and the- Bute's attorney,
who Immediately withdrew, tluHcaso, and Koso
was remandodtO jail to bo taken eats'of ns an
insamo person.
. The Qr tjiia Democratic’, agency for.
the safekeeping of tfaepublio monies is bcgin l '
iqo?t Tbje
of rcsillW oT <if- ir ollec^'
iiig'and' .the'- goyeimpnt Viinds'/dnd
this system there would* bo
atgchcriil failiirb of the
An immense quantity of produce has * been! re-!
ceivcd thcnrthiq:scason;and the; general' pres
sure bn the mono£ market .Ijos. compelled the
roTusp-tc.advance 'Op -.drafts, tlioiigh
perfectly good; on New
adViincds,.ii is' impossible ior/tte trade of
fhe drafts ,of :; tUpse/who ibip, to
them from the interior. - -The government, forth
-lbfs;\has for. months been
d considerable' quantity
of specie there, independent of \ybat it keeps in
the mint for of that distabUshmcnt.
'aVthW'timeJt has full/sl,2Qd,oQo'in
Orleans' To relieve tiioi.pressu're, the
Secretary of the Treasury l has' already set apart
half A million, of dollars of this hioncv, to bo
pdid .op. .Troaapry.drafts fiwnNcw York, which
abe obtainable in the laftercity-.on paying the
specie for them into the Sub-treasury at that
point . .All cpmmoycial men .will readily sqq
that rwlpiAsuch transfers relieve' tho .plethora of.
.thotreasury in New Orleans without' costing
the Goverhpierit'ft ibllar,.tliey also relieve, the.
stringency of thomoncy.morket-thorc.without
thccost of ft dollar to the,
•'yhp, by. Did. by, save all brokerage .by the
operation. It will also b© perceived that not n
penny can helpst by this arrangement, ns, be
fore a draft is given the drawer must present
the aub-treasurer’e receipt for his deposit of an
cqUal amount in th 6 Government Vaults.
In Ihis -Borongli on Friday night Inst, of Con
authptiqn. Georgs A. Lro.v, Esq.: at an ad
vanced age. •
ALL persons Indebted to the subscriber, aro
hereby-notiflud fo call at the store and pay
up, as I desire to r clpse my books with ns Jfitlo
delay as possible. ■ CHAS. OGILDt. ■
January 11,-1855. •'
N. B. A large assortment of new, cheap, and
.desirable goods, still on band selling at coat for
cash.' i ■ f}. o.
Store Room for Rent.
THE Store-room on tho north-cast, corner of
Hanover,and Louthcr streets, Is offered for
font. - Possession, given .oh the Ist of April.—
Enquire of TO. LEONARD,
Carlisle, January 11, 1855—0 f
geo. z. unmz, ». o. s.
■pESPECTFTJLLY tenders bis professional
, • services to the public. Artificial Teeth
inserted, from a single tooth to an entire set, on
latest and most approved prin
{^Ma-^&ciplcs—such as Single, Block and
Con InnonsG„ m Teeth. Dlsonses
oftho mputh and Irregularities caroiully treated.
Omco at the residence at bis brother, oo -North
rite street.
■'Carlisle, January 11,1855.
Gurlis)e A
Turnpike Rout! Company.
EXHIBIT of tolls received, repairs and ex
penses, on tho Harrisburg,, Carlisle and
Chambersburg, Turnpike Road Company, from
Ist January to 81st December, 1864, Inclusive,
as follows/- - . ’ ■ -T
To amount of tolls received at gates, $8,247 51
To balance at settlement for 1868,
. paid into Court ut January 1854, hloB4li
: $4,806 02J
JJy balance of 1858 paid to creditors
’ P ur a ct of Assembly ’2B, 28 & 80, $l,lOB 41$
Paid fur repairs on roadrlor 1854,. - 072 83|
Paid Gate-keeper’s salaries,. 020 04
Manager’s pay, 208 50
Secretary’s salary, 25 00
Treasurer’s salary, 75 00
Incidental expenses, 57 50
Postage, taxes and stationary, 10 00
Uncmreut money received in tolls, 16 00
„ . $8,452 31
Italanco paid into court to ho applied
under tho act of Assembly ui'oro
■a*d. 908 OU
Certified on.oath to tho Judges of the Court
Uf Common Pious of Cumberland county, tho
Bth day of January, 1855.
SAMUEL W. KEVIN, Treasurer.
Thnt tho Court of Common-Picas of Cumber
land oounty f havo'nppol>ited Tuesday tho 27th
day ot March .nc,tt, at the Court House, In the
Boroiighof Carlisle, jit 10 o’clock, A. M», for
1 hearing ami determining tho obfmrof the rp*.
poctlve creditor* against the company, agreeably
to (lie acta of Assembly made for the relief of
said creditors on the Ist day of April 1820, and
the supplements thereto, at tho aforesaid time
and place, tho preferred- (if hny) and all other
Cfodltors, arc requested to hive their respective
claims duly authenticated and presented, and
also to furnish evidence at the same time, who
(her any claims have been assigned, or arc still
hold by the original owners 5 and also proof to
establish the consideration of their claims, who
thor.for work, materials, &o
January 1855—
Two Splendid Farms For Sal©.
THE subscriber 1 will sell at Private Sale the
two following dlscrlbed farms, to wit:
No. I. is situated on the north west of Car
lisle adjolnlhgtholnlmbUodpart of said borough,
Containing 1-10 acres Of flrstratb Krao sloiio
land, having thoroon oroctod a now largo bank
barn, a largo hoy'lionse, a largo Oatlfo stable,
also ft cotafo'rwblo dwelling house & other out
buildings. The' idgh state ofcultl
vatlon, and oil under good post,& mil fcnco.—
It Is bounded on the North by tho heirs' of
Snin’l. Alexander doo’d-, on tlio East by John
Noble,. Wm, D. iSbymour &'’others/oh tho
West by John Moore, Dayld Grier, Lfcc./and on
the South by tho Public road lending from Car
lisle to .Waggonorshrldgo.
No. 2. fs situated. In North Middleton Tp.,
miles from Carlisle on the- ITaniibiirg &
Carlisle Tnmniko road about 11 miles'from
Middlesex mills, bounded as follows,’ on tho
North by tho Conodognlnlt Greek, on the West
by Jrr|n’« heirs, on tho East by John Noble &
Josso Sigler, and on tho South by Abr. Hot
rick and tho Harrisburg Turnpike road. Con-
acres, about 10(T acres of limestone
and the residue fa black slate, about 100 acres
of tho tract cleared, under good fence "and in a
good etato of cultivation,' the balance is very
heavily timbered [ a large portion of the farm
Is medow land. • The Improvements are a large
Stone Dwelling house, ft largo log & frame bam,
a stone SprlngrbmiSß/and other out buildings,
an Upplo orchard and a largo quantity of other
fruit trees. -
No, 8. Is ft small tract of land about a J mile
west of No. 1., on tho Bakor road loading (bom
Oorllilo .to, Waggoner’s bridge, contnlning;2fl
acres of first rato limestone land, bounded by
said road on.thoi north, by John Noble on tho
pouth, Brown's heirs on (ho oast, and by Baker
on tho wont. ; '
Tho subscriber will also sell a number of out*
lots to suit purchasers. Tho above property
.will ho sold on reasonable farms.
; Carlisle, Jan. 11, 1866—if
. 1 >*;■’'-HouSes'To^;faeiit..» v,;;‘
jtinE aubaMibcrofrerßfoj.lrontthQStorc.Topra
\JL‘ l hoV ! ocpapijod f>y SamueiElUott, as d Drug
Store, ana'tbo .Diymllngatfeched, sUuatedtm
Jfaln stbo^fyparßsUi,, Ffl.* .-One .dooc.from tho
public Square; imd hoffadOrto tha fitoro of G.;
-vtfJ.' . -\-:ivj;
0 ,Alad,*fh6DtF©Uing.;ilouij3t.jin tho RoW-cpm-
Smdnljp knpwa as. MHmy er’s Row';# now occupied,
41 Alsupthd!Dwelltng;Httua6: in tboußo\Y nfore-
Bflid>!nQw ;, podup.Jetl;.bj:W'..37. Beecher. Po*a
session of eacU ffirdn on tUo lst ot April next.
' V*nn>;^IU)BI..UWINE;-.,.
JonuaryU, 1855—rtf - , , . .... >
Imporbnt Notice.
rpHE subs cnbors‘’fn tending to dissolve '.part
. j_‘ hVrshjp’on thdfiiat day ; of February next.-
.those'indebted to (bom to
jcdlrond'piy: dp,and Ihosohaving claims against
utj arerequc&tedto' present thorn immediately;
(‘oraettiomont.r,;!.'. .i:;> , ■. ,
~ |Wo haV«n»till.dn;hond'fl.'vdry large and splcn.
did rtock.of Gbods’,. whlCfcwe will dispose of at
prices«* cheaper than the cheapest.”
■ o- ;.:,;bentz:& brothers.
Carllklfcr, January 4y-1855. •?: i< ■.■
Blockemllb Shop loir itcrii,
TUB Blacksmith Shop at present occupied by
Aj.:HV Boyle,' on thn eornor of Pitt street
and Dickinson alloy, and convenient to Parsons’
hotel, will bo for rent’from tho IstofApril next.
Emiulttfof’- '•/, i .V •' ».■ -
January 4,1855—8 t ; ’ : y •
Rooms for Rem,
THE: 1 Rooms at preaont ih the occupancy of
T7m.-Gould,’A«, an auction store, /rontiqg'
the m'ark&t hoiiso, will bo for rout from tho let
of ApW next. • Enquire ol }
■ : 1 -0. ISHOFF.
January 4,‘150-IWR ' v '
. ; ~—— ■
Store Room for Rent* '
A~ CONVIStfIENT Store Room, and no bot
il' ter situation' iif tho town for business, Is
oftl'todtorVent. 1 '£ntiu|te aSthls office.
Carlisle, Jan; 4,186 s. I ''
Fayetteville Fcmale Sctnlnary.
rf HIS -Institution wIU opeh on the first M6ti*
( day of Sfarch, in a ncty, and commodioiis
building ejected for that'purpose, under the
direction and'BuporJnteddchce qf Kev. J. Ken
nedy and Sami. Thoitisbn. ‘ The location of tho
' Seminary is healthy anil retired. It is tho de
sign of the Princlpaltbat the course of ihstruc.
tion be thorough,'ahd thd expenses moderate.
■* lontnlo teachers will be employed.
Pupils wilt bo arranged In classes according to
the direction of tho Principal. There will be
throe classc»-*Prltnary, Junior and Senior.
For board, washing; fbol Sc light, per scs-
sion of 4 months,
Tuition In Scnlor class per bsssiod,
Junior <<
Primary “
Greek, Latin or French,' ■’!- G 00
Music on Piano and uso of Instrument, lo 00
Oil painting and * fi.OU
For further Information address
J. KENNEDY, Principal,
Fayettnlle, Franklin Co:; Pd.
January 4, 1855—2ni» .;
■\XTGEREAS ilio Hon! Janies 11. Graham,
yy President Judge of the several Courts of
Oopimon Pleas in the counties of Perry, Cum
berland and Juniata, and Sami. VToodburh and
John.Rupp, Associate Judges of the said Court,
In the said County pf Cumberland, by their pre
cepts to mo directed, d'att?d the 12th of Recam.
her, 1864, have ordered an .adjourned Court of
Oo'mmon Picas to bo holdoft at Carlisle, on the
l l Jlb of February, ,1855,. ot 10 o’clock In tho
lorenoou, to continue onp Woek;
Notice Is, therefore’, hereby given to all per.
sons interested to bo then and there In attend
anco. JOS. MeDAUMOND, ShlT.
January 4, 1855.
SW. JIAVEUSTiqfrKaa iust received
• from (ho city,- find Jttwfi* 'opening a a]>]on
■did display of Fancy Gi»otfs,-«Df(«blofor iho
present season, to yrhiclr Iti* desires to call (he
attention of his friends and (ho public. His as.
eortraont in this line cannot he surpassed in no.
Welty and elegance, and both in quality and price
of ( the'articles, cannot fail to please purchasers.
It would bo impossible to enumerate bis
Fancy Goods,
which conipriso every variety, of fancy articles
of the most exquisite ahapo, such as
Pulper Macho Goods,
Elegant alabaster and porcelain Inkstands and
Fancy ivory, pearl and aboil card cases.
■ Kadles'Fancy baskets.
Fancy work boxes, with sowing instruments.
. Port Monnalos, of every variety.
Gold pens and pencils, fancy paper weights.
. Papoterlos, ami a largo variety of ladies* fancy
Motto seals and wafers, silk and bead purses.
Ladies' riding whips, elegantly finished, La.
dies’ fine cultlery.
Porfuroo baskets and fangs.
Brushes ot every kind fur tho toilet.
Roussel's Pertumeß of the various kinds.
Musical Instruments, of all kinds and at all
prices, together with an innumerable variety of
articles elegantly finished and suitable fur huli.
day presents, to which ho invites special atten
tion. Also, an extensive collection of HOLI
comprising tho various English anti American
Annuals fur 1855, richly embellished and Illus
trate! Poetical Works, wjlh.Children's Plct6rinl
•BookSf for children of all Ages. His assortment
of School flocks and School Stationary is also
complete, and comprises everything used in Col
leges and the schools. lie also calls attention to
to his elegant dislay of
Lamps, QriaiKlolcfl,
from tho extensive establishments of Cornelius,
Archer and others, of Philadelphia, comprising
every stylo of Parlor, Chamber h Study Lamps,
for burning either lard, aperth orothcrlal oil, to.
gather with flower vnsos, Fancy Screens, &c.—
Ills assortment in this lino Is uricquallod in tho
borough. V
Fruit.«, Fnncy Con/cctioney,
Nuts, Preserved Fruits, &c., lb every variety and
at ail prices, Ml of which arc pure and fresh, such
us cun be confldenly recommended to his friends
and (ho Uttlo folks. RomcUibcr tho old stand,
opposite the Bank.
Carlisle, December .21,18W.’
Selling off at Cost!
THE subscriber Intending to change his busi
ness, has commenced soiling oil’ his largo
ami splendid stock of
Most of this stock has been purchased this fnl
In Now York ami Philadelphia, ot the lowcs
cash prices. Purchasers can therefore save
money by calling soon, and at the same time
have tho largest and host stock of goods to se
lect from, In the town or county. In this slock
will bo fonnd some fresh
Cloths,. Cassinicrc*,
Oaaslnots, Vestings, superior white, rod and
yellow'FJannols; red, green, blue,' drab and
grey Sack Flannels j Ribbons, Flowers, elegant
now stylos barred, striped and plain Silks ( ele
gant barred Onahmoro, DoLalnosand Doßogos,
French Merinos, Paramcttas and Alpachas, ele
gant Brochn and Blanket
Ladles* Cloths and Silk Velvets for Mantles,
Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslins, ho. Also, a largo
and now stock of BOOTS & SHOES, a lot of
now and well made CLOTHING-
Now 1 la the time to got goods cheap. All oro
Invited to call and examine for themselves,
Carlisle, Doe. 21,1854.
MACOAUONI.— A now lot of Farlno, Corn*
Slaroli, Tapioco, Sago, Pearl, Barley Bak
ing Powdor, Extract of (toffee, Rico Flchr, Ao.
For salo by
Angust 0, 1854.
M. v ‘, WoclftUMlOlii' ;> f
'ibb Horn 1 . JiJiEd H,,
; »» President Judge ofitho BOvcralCourtA’ot
.Corfunon Plcas in' tho counties of Cumberland,
Pbrry, and Juniata, and Justices of the several
Courts of Oyor and .'Terminer and General Jolt
Delivery in said'Counties; qndiSamnel’.Wqodbnnt
'and John Rupp;-Judges ofjtho; Courta oJ Oyeu
and Terminer and Qcricral'Jail Delivery for the
trial of all capital jond'other offenders, 1 in the said'
county oCOumberland, by thciriprccepts to zntf
directed, dated tbo 18th of Novenjb’rl&W, have'
ordered tho Court of Oyer and Terminer : and
General Jail Delivery to bo hbldcn at Carlisle,oli
.the-2d Monday of January, 1655,, (being the
Bth day,) at ton o’clock in the forenoon; to con-,
(2n«o two! nock. - . • . .r. : ;;/.
[NOTICE Is hereby given to tbo Coroner, Jus
tices of tho Peace,,and Constables. ,of* tho ■ said
county of Cu'mUcrland,'that they aro by thcsald
precept commanded to bo then and thero ih ihehf
proper persons, with their roIW; records, and hu
?uis!tions, ciramidations ah'd'. ell' other rerabm*
fances,to do those things winch to thelr-officcs’
appertain to bo' done; and • all tbOaOtliat are
bound by recognizances, to prosecute h gainst
the prisoners.tliui Jail
of said County,' are to bo there to prosecute thc'iff
os shall be Just. • -
JOSEPH McDARMOND, 1 Sheriff.; <
November 80, 1854. .■ , 3i, : .. ' i
bargains: bargains i
■'. • ■ . Selling; off at Cbst !’ ' !i
npni! subsciibera,lntending to reavot'lusplacc,
X offer their entire stock of DRY GOODS
AND GROCERIES at first cost, consisting of *
. - ladles 7 Dress Goods,.
Fine- all wb'ol Do Lalnca and Cashmeres, Do
hazes, French Merinoes; Black and Fancy Dress
.Silks; handsome Jlous do lpm B,to 20
cents per yard.; ’
■ EMBi?OIpiSRTES.- T ‘A • large assortment ’of
SWisd arid Jaccnet Spencer Undiirslcev'ea; Cbl- :
larsj RufDings, Edgings, Insfcrtingsi'&c.' Mourn
ing Spencerq and ; Collursj Embroidered Linbri
Handkerchiefs. ■ • >
. SHAWLS.—llnfadsome long and square, blki
figured and Th'ibei'Shawls/ • ' ’ '
DOMESTICS—CIoths, Cnsstmercs, Satinotts,
Kentucky Jeans, Llnsoys, Muslins, Chocks,Tick
ings', Calicoes, Flannels, &c. Pec.
assortment of Gloves, Cotton,[Cashmere*.and
Woolen Hose* Cloth Caps, Blankets, &c.
. 1 Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Spices.
invito ono ,and all,to come ; nnd examine;
our stock, as now is the time to purchase cheap
goods., . WEISE & CAMPBELL..
Carlisle, N0v.,23, 1854.
OFFICE of Intormatlonj Correspondence,
Special and General Agency and Collec.
tion. Confidential negotiations and trusts exc.
cutcd in thocity of Philadelphia, State bt Penn
sylvania, and neighboring .Cities and states. j
The Moss. Wood.will devote themselves to
the collection of money upon claims aud obli.
gallons ot overy‘klnd,to the execution of pri
vate trusts, goneralahd special agencies, settling
estates of decedents,'&o., and to any delicate
and confidential negotiations, inquiries & inves
tigations of mproper and legitimate character,
and alf other professional business requiring spe.
cialAttpmicsv .
They will afford to Merchants,. Professional,
mop,‘Farmers, Mechanics,Laborers, Companies
and Incfividnals in the'United States, informa
tion In relation to Mercantile, Commqrqia), Fi
nancial, Mechanical, Agricultural, and .profes
sional business, and also upon matters connect,
od with. Political, Scientific, Literary, Religions
and benevolent Societies and Institutions.
$4O 00
0 00
4 00
The charges or fees will be proportionate to
the importance of the business, to the amount
of timo And labor employed, and expense at
tending the service.
Fees and commissions in all casts io be prompt
ly pav'd.
All others must bo accompanied -with, a fee,
which if not BuHiclcnf. answocLwiU’bpiDetnrficd.
for the purpoßeqfoaOcciiqgaacralictory arranges
ments. -Address '»*te(m.Wo«\l4t bon, Agents,
No. 7QI Soutlt 4th St., west side above Walnut
St.. Philadelphia.
November 10,1851—3 m
James !!. 11.,
Ln(o Professor of Anatomy arid Surgery fn tho
Pfiftodofph/a College of Medicine,aud Acting
Profossorof Midwifery* ona of (ho Consult
ing Physfbiafca of- tho PMlndefpMa Hospital,
Blockley; late member of 4 tho-Nfttlopal Med.
leal Association ; friemher of iho Philadelphia
Medical Society; biember of the
ChlrurglcalCollege of Philadelphia* formerly
President and Professor of Anatomy and
Surgery In Oastlctoq Medical College, Ver
mont; and also, late Professor of Anatomy
and Physiology in'Befkshlfo Medical lustltn.
tion, Pittsfield, Maas,, &c., tkc.
HAS lately Introduced in a popular form,
several of his favorite prescriptions forthc
principal diseases of this climate. The name of
each article will imply the disease for, which it
is intended to bo nsed.
Dr- McClintock's Peclotal Syrup, $l.
Dr- McClinfoek’t' Cold and CongA Mixture —
For Colds, Coughs, &c., Price 25 cents.
Dr- McClinlock’i Jtaihma and Hooping CougA
Remedy. Price 60 cents.
Dr-jUcCliniock , t Tonic jiUerativo Syrup —For
Purifying tho Blood. Price $l.
Dr- il/cC/ijitocfc'j Dyspeptic JClixir— For giv
ing tone to tho stomach, relieving pains.alter
eating, heartburn, andall disagreeable symptoms
arising from indigestion, - price $l.
Dr .AlcClintock’i Rheumatic Mixture— A Pure
ly Vegetable Remedy for internal Use. Price
GO cents.
Dr. McClinfock’s Rheumatic Liniment—For
Rheumatism, Sjmtinfc, Swellings, &o.' Price CO
Dr. McClinfock'sAnodyneMlrture—ForPataaf
Toothache, Headache, Neuralgia, itc. Price
60 cents. , , -
Dr.,McC!inJork't Fever'and ~2gue Specific —
A certain euro for all Intcrmlttents. Price $l.
Dr. MeCHnlock** Diarrheen Cordial and Chol
era Preventive —A Safe Remedy.
Dr. fllcClintock'e Vegetable Purgaflre Pills —
For CostlvencM, Headache, ftc. Price 26 els.
Dr- McClintock's -Antibilious Pills —For Irre
gularity In tho ; Functions of (lie Llvqrand Bow
els—the best Liver Pill made. l Price 26 cents
a box.
For salo by Dr. 3 McOLINTOCK, at his Mo
dlcai Depot, N. W. Corner NINTH and FIL
BERT Streets. Philadelphia; nnd all Druggists.
Druggists and Dealers in Medicines who wish to
bo Agents, will plcnso address Dr. McCuntock,
furiiishlng reference, name of Post O/lice, coun
ty and Stale. ' 1
DT7“ For flulo by W A Kelso, Samuel Elliott,
Carlisle; J II Criswell, Shippousburg; Emmln
ger & Co., L Knuffrnan,Mochanlc3!mrg; Joseph
Herron, Newville; J B Zimmerman, Anderson
burgi Ilalncs AFurfig, Millorafown; ACKlInk,
Now Bloomfield ; Harriet M Singer, Newport;
B F Gardner, York Springs; A J MMlar and J
S Nixon, Ohamhoreburg; B Menlsur, Waynes
boro. i George Borgnor odd D R Jones & Co.,
DR. McOLINTOCK can bo consulted, with
out charge, dally, from 10 to 12 o'clock, A. M.,
at his Depot.
November 80, 1861.-r-l y.
A FIRST rate carriage, nearly now, of mod
ern stylo, suitable for one or two horses,
will bo sold very cheap & a reasonable credit
given.—Enquire ot Volunteer office.
October 10,1864—0 t.
New Store-New dooda.
THE undersigned U noiv opening In the store
ropm of Mr. lYqi. Leonard, on the corner of
Hanovor and Louthor streets, In Carlisle, a largo
and general assortment of
Staple & Fancy Dry-Goods,
embracing almost every kind and quality of
goods adapted Jo this market, together wilh an
assortment of GROCERIES. His stock haying
boon nearly all purchased, within tho Inst'two
weeks,, buyers will have tho advantage.of selec
ting from a, fresh stock, us well as of tho late
decUuo In tho prices of many articles. Ho Will
bo lmnny to exhibit his Goods toall.whotnuy
fUvor him with a call, aud. pledges lilmsulf to
sell every article aa low or lower than they can
ho purchased elsewhere, ‘
November 10, 1854.
* y..To t&e
WE aro,selling atgrcftt bargains* Torylargo
a«T bapasomb'itflck of worked Spebcprs,
.Obllab/.'SleQves, 1 Jaconet and Swiss. Edgings
and lljfcitto£k’ “ Cflll'sdbriajWo are determine
eiftoßelHhomchbap.-V 1 '
\\r'\ ; * '."WEISES CAHPBEtIj.'
Carlisle,Jon,nary 4, lBsS; !
i y TteUcto. '■ l y
Tf ETTiJRS 6'f admlnijlratiott‘p’u’tpH'oatatb^of.
JLA J6lm itHtZy lato : 6f'Silvdr
diokl., hay© been granted by tnb i Kegiitor , *of
Cumberland county, to tfto iuhscriber residing
in the borough of Sliippensburg.v Alb persons
indebted to . paid estate arerequeated toraako
payment,'and tboio haying claims, topreient
thorn properly authenticated forsottletnenti;..
.Accounts may bo handed to John Clondenln,
Esq., at Hogcstown, for the subscriber.! • -•
' t' • d- : HAJUUS, A4m*. /
;DoCi&B> JSSi'T'Ot i]
„• 1 A*-IV*. Green*
- A TTpiI^NE.Y: AT LAW, has settled InMo
sion; -A!J kinds.of Legal;Writing, Qolloctfons,
Court business; &c.,* ptomptty attotided to;—
Offlcfropposite Dr. Long’s’rcgldrfaccJ ~ i'
: Ho wjl) also attend to Suh’oring, m town or
country. • .. ' : . (October 20,1654.]
Black. «uid Colored ,
lASI now opening a largo lino of Pinch. Silks.
Also, now. stylo, clogunt and fashionable bar
red, plain and figured SILKS, very cheap. ■
. ■: : ' CHAS. OGILDY.,
: 'October la, 1854,
TUB largest ami -cheapest assortmentof Nee*
die Work, Collars, Hondkerchioft, Shimit
zettesi Undoralooves, Edgingsand inserting In
the borough, at the cheap stored ~ ')
■ Ootober 12,1854.
Bools and Shoes
JUST-rccolved, a largo assortment of BOOTS
AND SHOES; Proof and.ftno Calf
Boots, Brogans, Boys’, and .Childrens* Shoes,-
Laaies' Morocco Boots, Jenny Linds and Bus
kins. Also,- Shoes in groat vnrlotv.
TT7EJSE A CAMPBELL aro now opening a
VV largo lot of Fall Goods, very handsome
and cheap.
Carlisle, £ept. 14, 1858. . . .
THE largest stock of GOODS oV«r brought to
Carlisle,.is now to be soon at i*. Ausor-n's
; Store, where, thankful for past favors, hopes for
a a continuance of the same. His Stock having
been purchased to great advantage he is prepar
ed to sell goods cheaper than over. His stock
Consists in port of the different kinds of goods
suited to tho-soasori', among which may be found
Dress Goods, >
In every variety, such as One Finds, M. do Laino,
Cashmeres, Merinoes, Paramattas, Aipaccas,
Clack and Fancy Silks, among, which piuy bo.
•found the cheapest ever brought to Carlisle.
such-as Cloth»f (black and fancy colors,) Casi
morcs, Vestings, Sotinetls, Jeans and Plaids for
Boys' wear. Also,
of all kinds, such as" bleached and unbleached
MUslins, Checks, Tickings,Calicoes, Ginghams’,
Bagging, Ac. 'Also, Flannels of all kinds and
Ciolors, which will bo sold very low.
BLANKEST of all kihds and at all prices,
from $lH\O t 0,98-00 per pair. Also,
*fl‘ good selection of Bonnet Ribbons, Trim:
things, ‘Jaconet and Swiss Edging and Inserting,
Thread Laces and Edgings, Collars, Sleeves, Ac.
Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s KT3, Lisllo Thread,
Silk, Beaver, Berlin, (lined & unlined,) Cash
: mere, and Colton Gloves. Mens’, Womens’ A
Children’s Hosiery of oil Wndd.
CarpJS, Druggets, Oii Cloths, fyc.
A roly largo lot of Carpets-of all kinds, which
will 'bo sold very low. Also, Druggets from 1$
(6 8 yds. wide, Oil Cloths of all kinds & widths.
, Booh.and Shot* lor Moq and Boys* U'omoo a
and Children's shoos, Gum shoos ol all kinds,
wliich will bo sold low.
A largo slock of Groceries, such os coffee, eUr
gar, tea, molasses, spices, See.', which will bo
sold as cheap ns they can bo had in the town, at
tho old established stand In North HanoTcr
street, whore all aro Invited to attend as
Choice New Goods they then will find,
To please the most fastidious mind,
Uenco “everybody go” and buy—great and
Ajid tind kind attention shown to all.
Spt. 2Hth 1854.
OFFICE and residence on Leather street, one
door east of the German Reformed Church.
Ur. Blumcnthal respectfully offers his professhm
al sendees to tho citizens of Carlisle and vlclnl
ly. Persons from a distance laboring tinder
chronic diseases may consult by letter. Oftieo
hours from 7 to 0 A- M. and 2 to 4 P. M.
Carllslo Aug. 24, 1854—tf
j\ lit ice
IS hereby given, fhut an application will bo
tn.adtf to tba nest Legislature ot Pennsylva-
nia, far the incorporUtionof a Dank,with gener
al banking privileges; or, if Impracticable, for
n Deposit Bank, with n capital ot Otto hundred
thousand dollars, with the privilege of increas
ing it to two hundred thousand dollars, to be
located la the Borough of Carlisle, Cumberland
county, Pa., under the name and stylo of"Tlio
Caillalo, Jwho 29,1854 —Cm.
rialnl'«ld ClnHHtCal Academy,
THE 17th session will commence Nor. 6,1851.
Number of students limited, tuid Constant
efforts used for their moral and intellectual im
provement. Terms $O5 per session.
Circulars with references, and full'informa
tion furnished, by
H. IC-. BURNS, Principal and Proprietor.
Plainfield Post Ofllco, Oumb’d. Co. Ptt.
Sept. 28, 1804.
JUST received a largo assortment of Pumps
of every variety In general uso, embracing
Iron & Brass Cistern, ami Glatam Side Pumps,
Also out door Pumps, so regulated as not to bo
subject to freezing in water. These pumps are
got up in the vary best stylo in point of quality
and workmanship, tlio manafricturors having bad
premiums awarded for their pumps at several
State fairs, whore they have been on exhibition.
Also constantly on hand, a lull, supply of Iron
Well Curbs and Chain Pumps- For sale low by
Carlisle, Nov. 2, 18,12.
CIIOCKKUV.—A general assortment of
Quoensware of oil kinds now on hand, In
cluding Or'anltowaro, Stoneware, Ohard Glass
ware, Tumblers, Jam, Dishes, Bowlfl, Plato*,
Candlcisllcks, &c., also,a variety of flilo Castors
t* Dottles, as well hs Pitchers, Oellcry & Spoon
Glasses, &ci For aalo at tho store of
Aug. 0,1854. J. 17. film ‘
JUST rdodvod, n fresh shppTyof.ldilsflfldtoll.:
Turpentine, Points, VnfnVuhen fco.Alao, tih
excellent'arllcltf of .cheap oil for Firo ProoF
Paints, &0., at tho old standfast Main Street,
Carlisle, Pa, ■
Sept. U, ISOli
GLASS \VAUI3.— Just mowing a now in
voice of AVaro, embracing a variety of bowls
BwUablo fot fruit, preserves, pickles, sugars,
Jollies, &o;, as also Oollery Stands, Jars, Decan
ters, PltclioTH, Salts, Popiicrs, Candlesticks,
Lamps, covered Bowls, a largo assortment of
Tumblers, Goblets, and other usofril articles,
Por palq by ... J. W* BDY,
October!*!, 1801,
I Fabric Salc of ’ ,
bo sold' at public
Wlids, 4n Wednesday
fyry, 1865 j at 12 o’clock coon, of f to :
the Executor, the following iwpplccefl fVjWjj..'
used a‘S»hdyarm/lato;theprbpfirty : of-WIIIUra
Kntz,deccased,;«Uuato in South
about 2 miles
adjoins lohddof-Robert I rri n ey—Bang taRKb
Acres and 88. Per Ches, vXllei'ft3
Other- piece, dear;
laird* 6i the said Geo; -Wiceiland* formerly3qf-dl
Jacob'Lehmun; Craighead’s
q jtilA. '-ah'd contalnfngab,out l 8 a<Scs'&
' porches.!? Tbd improved ents.'^flhkitDl,
|{«f all on fhd largirtplc'ca.of iJandi hrJ5
two noryDOUSE, BAKE ©AB tyjfzi
a| go oil -Orchard', : on qxceljortl Spring of
and Spring House. Both pieces or d
lljdostoubland; Ip gQQd ; cnlfitMlbn, ‘ .
foncod.. On thoaniallerfractthof b ; >3’V'
acres of briber land;’,, V';- 1 V
’Terms raade k'notvn on the day ofsatb by~ I;-/
V ■■ ; J d?ATO KUTZ^Ex^.-p-^
{free. 28,-]BS3—la 4 -" rr '-- ! - l«£
Idoli lldrcfli uri
rpltE subscriber,' in consequence 6^il£.,
i. offers Ins entire stock of Hardware w aOfrf.
person or persona wishing .to ejiter,-ItHA lbq’ (v :
Hardware. HavlngdctcVimncd to qm^bpSlMjl* o 5
he will give' a bargain,.besides bis Ihfluehcq and
custom. -Any one desirous of going into the ,
Hardware business will do well to call Vopnwi. : lf.d
not.dlspoaed, of bythd first of Getober neat,h»' , .‘-
wllltheri commence selling olFat cost at the: 6Uli-' >'■
stand. next door toMaglaughlin’s hotel.- /- >
.1 : .JACOB SENEBsVv.- V
:! ,Carlisle,'AugustlOylB64. • -.Mud f
• - Teas, Coflfee,
r TMiC subscriber lies jest iubicci tubi.Comi.-/;
I stock, a general
CEUIES, as welfas all thQ;other variety
£??ipa Holes umiallykcpt fno* Grocery. Stora^.j
f—at 12$ and 14 cts. per lb.', Orleans Clorifiidj;H
Crushed nnd Pulverized Sugars, .Df firiO- : qnaUr'j
lies; Chocolates, Spices, Dairy Salt, and avail kvA
ty Fancy articles, all of which nro oncrtdfttthdV
towest cash prices. Wo arc, '
former’support given nd, and jnvilb;*<farth«r.»,
call from our friends arid custotoortJ-> .j'r.rlv; IH-#
‘ • I i:-
Marion Hall, Carlisle, -^un
fiicscm e.s;, -.';’--’
WFJahUfO LE$3 TflAH.flfc OUItCTB.V' iO ,
tube,. -
Acknowledged by thobißhcit medical
authorities of
superior to,any other in use, SuffbTqri Wll\ bo r
gratified tp,learrfthat,the ’ocso,Mon c t(oVv-.o^feratd
procure not only the lightest nnd mofi casyJbu*
as durable a Trhss as any ..'other, In, 1 .licp pl.’th*.
crtmiirou* and uncoin/orirsble article usuallyibld/*
There is no difficulty attending ‘ Hie fitting, and
when, the pad.ia located, It,will 'retain. lts poll-.'. ’
lion without change, ; .
Persons at n distance unable' to call’on'lhb-*-
eubsoribor, cfln have-the Truss aCht ttfUfijOid
dress, by remlttiDE.Fire Dollars for tho[
Truss, or Tsn forMhe, double—with meatur« ‘
round the hips,.and. stating side, affected*. It
will bo exchanged to suit If nbtfltllnijjby'riHfirn
lug it at onco, unSoilcd. For sale ‘only by the
Cor. of Twelfth & Saco Streets, Phlia. a
K 7“ Ladies, requiring the, benefltof • AS<ehafc u
ten/ owing to , derangement of the
tcmal Organs, inducing Falling ,of. tho Wojat),
Vocal, Pulmonary, Dyspeptic,, NprvoqS'
Spinal WcaUness.oro informed that a competent- 1.
and experienced Lady will bo in attendance at >
tho rooms, (set apart. for their exclusive ns*«) .
No. 114, TWELFTH St,, Ist doorbolow Ba?«. ,
Juno 29, 1864—1 y. . , | ~ , y, •' 4l
DR. C. 8. BARER,
T> ESPECTFULLV otfers hjs professional wi*-',:
IIX- vices to the citizens of Carlisle and.sunpun- , t
ding country. Office nnd residence in South
Hanover street, directly opposite thb Volunteer
office. , . • - .
Match 28, 1864,-*tf. ~ ■ -
new groceries;
f TVTOW oped and for sale at the “J'larfonlTall*'
, IJ. 1 Family grocery Store, a- Urge .and:general
assortment of articles, .useflil and limey, etnbra
log, in piirt—
Maracaiba and Jaflh Coffees,
Green Rio and Roasted Coffee,
• Jenkins’ best brand of Tees,
Brown, and Clarified Sugars,.
White and Preserving fi
Pulverized and crushed “
Broum, Cocoa and Chocolate,
Rico and Com Starch, ■* ,
Farina and Essence of Cotfpb, i < '
Lovoring’s Quest Symp, Orleans Baklng-Xtpiw).,
ses,.Spices, ground and ungroumt; Mace, Oifrba^,
Vanilla Bean, Cheese, Crockers, Candles, Ice*
: SSr- Oiii* <tuccns\vnro, |fi&’i
xl* embrnceara Jargo and general varietyr)^? l
of tl»e best white Qrahitd, a Iron StonuTPare?
erpool and common ware, enabling the customer
to noted In setts or pieces of any si»c necessary, •'
and of the different styles, together with a vari-.f
ety of Fine White and Gold Band, English’ and *
French China setts of Tea ware, snd othcr
ties of useftil and fine fhney China wore, Inclntf- '-'
Ing Trays, Plates, Vases, Fruit Dishes, Coff*4- :
enpS, &c. Ac. - , v *; ii
embracing bowls, dishes, molasses.dans,tng’u-:
bowls, a forgo selection of fine fluted tumblefs,
wine and egg glasses, ahd other useful articles;. v -
among which are tubs,'chums, Nvatcr pales, ros*.'
surca, market baskets, travelling basket*, as wsll
as other covered;and'uncovered baskets. Also,
Table Oil of the finest brand, Sperm and other
Oils; Tobacco, Cigars, Soaps, Ac. A small lot
of choice MACKAREL of No; 1 quality. Also,
I a trimmed Moss Muckafcl*—both in bftixlsbma,
assorted packages of halves, quarters and kltS-T
with all tho other varieties of a GROCERVabd
Wo feel thankful for tho patronage heretofore '
bestowed on us, and Jqvito a'cootlnmmeo'fcr-llka 1
tom*:*': . jUf .r 'lim-StHTitf',.
' '% ■ “msi
4 Look out "V}*
CHOLEHA-MOIIBUfI, Dyson tcry,DiarVbasft,
&c.,aro mattingtheir appearance? *youkril>ir i
tho remedy. If you havo any regant for the;
welfare of yourself, your wife or your
supply yourselves instantly with "iicechar'i;
Matchless Cordial, ’* otherwise abide tho cohfta-t
quencos resulting from a bigoted, adborohe®; tm !
old quackery. Tho Matchless remedy oauU’
had at tho Drug Store of D. J. KIiJPJPBR # ;iv
South Hanover ttreeS, a fete doort touth af.'- >, t
Court Ihuit. fOarlibio, May 18, ;
JUST received a very largo lot of ScytW ofl
superior Brands, to,which J invito theoUei*!
lion of Cradle makers, and all others in wont oC
this article, the attention tjf Parmera Is lß l*o In-,
Vitod to the great variety of Farming utensils D fi
the very best makers. Ploughs or all .-kind*
Airninhod »t,n sirvoll advance.Un Olty; prices*.-^
Homo makes Tat, tho manufacturers prices, also a'
juporlpr artlolo^fChams. 'which wo waiUbfck*
Mako more butter out of tho same Quantity of?
Cream than any other Churn in IU ‘.
; n v' ll rc *K $ ! dt North -Uawtter Strut*' •i “
\ Csrllalo, May 11 _, ,
° f «■« «i<*r.».a
• P a ; onl IVhtcl Qreate for carriages, city, w«*
gons. tko. - This article fully maintains they*,
putatlon of being the best artlolo for the purpose
over offered. Foraaloat -- mV..,
: Aug..Rt, 1651. ; P
M f of ftosij ora«W
b^ r pi 3, Ji 0Ql * 0(J » a « al >o an assortment of
&0 -
■ October 20,1854/ - J ' Wt EBy> , •
T Wll a i l .l - ttc , ntlon P«WIc to lb«
i “ T portable Garden or Flro cngltii,' for U—
°r oxtlngnUblog flr£-.nfeXfc
Sale nf 1 ' ,Wat cm P **' OOQV.nlent. F(j)r
NotrombotS, 1881. :
-1 \<\