•s. SM’-V I** ' tFmt J!inoQ 179 D, n|iase'ot , f»K#wqn|.- dewlap nknU would secm to.renaerproper hhddcsira- : bl£ vfiNKp of tjie principle Ihcp ps ; | WB*” 1 (9 fW Hinitaiion of the. pow «*ofi(?apgrds3» fsn|OTtsn nodouhf?, butihits abpiicaflpnips-’not enough that pjf; lands In may’bb bnbanccd; ; ; that* fe.iaot,jft ldrger.’aTOount of,piohcy:,'nmy,-; pipbnbly ho received, in Jo! given ‘time;, ior-aUcr- : iia,tc’sec^on3 v tban 'could have been rcalizcdfor ajl thq satiohs,..without tho impulse and influx ®ncfrof,thoproposd these considerations; whprefa Iho accurate.knowledge, the nompre hensfvo Intelligence, which; shall discriminate between, tho rcJativo'claims of ihcso' twcnty-i eight proposed roads in' eleven 'States and one Territory ? ‘Where will you begin, and where end? If to enable .these companies to execute theirproppsedwtorjes, it is necessary that, the aid'of the general g6Vcrnmcnt be primarily giv en,-thlpplicy will present a problem so com prehensive in its .bearings, and so important tp oar political and social well-being, as to claim, in'anticinationj the severest analysis. Enter-, tabling tnesp views, I recur withsatisfaction to thomqjerjcncc and action of the last session ' of Congress,-ns furnishing assurance that the sub ject will not fail to elicit a careful rc-csapuna tiop and rigid scrutiny. ' ' . It was my intention to prcscnt, on this occa sion, Soma suggestions regarding* internal im provements by Iho general govermcnt, s which Want of time at the close of the ; last session ,pre vented my submitting on the return to the House of Representatives, with objections, of the bill Entitled. ' ’ Our of tho thirteen United Colo nies, in. acquiring their independence, and in founding this Republic of tho United States of America,‘have devolved.upon us, their dcscend ■ .ants, the'greatest and the most noble trust ever committed to the hands of man, imposing, upon . all f and. especially,such as the public will may ..have invested, fpr tho time,lacing; with political functions, thi most uaCred obligations. W? have to maintain Inviolate the great doc trine of tho inherent right of popular* sclf-gov ' orament; to rccbncilo the largest liberty of the ’ individual cUizen, with complete security bf tho . public order to render,with cheerful obedience to . tho law# of the land, to unite in enforcing their ’ .jttccutlon, and to frown Indignantly on all com-1 . Tarnations to ttsiat them; to harmonize a sin-l cqro ami anient devotion .to tlio 'institutions of 1 'religious’ faith ■ with; tlio most' ; umvorHall toleration; tp preserve .tho ,rights, of all by I ’ musirig each tp respect thoso of ,tho other; to i ‘ carry forward every stfpial improvement to the \ ■ utlerrpost limit of human porfcctahility.-by the free notion of mind upon raind;not by the ob ■ triisiye intervention of misapplied force; to up bold the integrity jmd guard tho limitations of .burorganic law; to preserve sacred from nil / touch of usurpation, ns tlio very palladium of ' 'bar political ' salpation, tho reserved, powers of ‘-{boßoveral.Slatcsand of, the people; to qhqr>: ish, with loyal fealty mid devote^nifbctiqp, this lUnibn, os tlio.only sure foundation on which /tho hopegof civil .liberty; rest;, Coadminister , government,with vigilant integrity, and rigid ‘’•donOmyV to cultivate peace and friendship with foreign nations, and to dotnand and exact • ‘ jtoiinV jusUcb from all, but to do wjropg to riono; ' io bHch«\V intermeddling with ihb national poll* : •’ by and tho domes iicrcpoßcof other governments, lV '; ; S;*V and 0 repel ft from bur,dr|n jtq I from war when tho rightsand the-holibp pf the country,callous t*:arms» ‘^ut;pqltiyato.'ip preference tfiq of the rights of nchtralityi andelpvata and hV ’era)izo the intercoursebf nationSv'npftby edch lldst and y ;stch ; only, whilst exalting the btiriditioh the Republic* .to pssurijto'lt too jbehign authority oF. a «xatopW amongst all the powers of Christendom. . ' v " ■.,- Undep’the solemnity of thcse'convicliona, the 1 blessings bf'Almighty God Is earnestly invoked to attend upon ypnr deliberations, and upon all I tho counsels ttfid actfc of the government, to the :end that, yrith ccrturoon ..zeal common efforts, vro may, in humble -tp’ the Divine .wtil;.co,-operate for th& promotion of tho supremo these United States. , i . ' . FRAtf MIN PIERCE. ' 'WABtnNQTOjr.-pec. 4,1864. AMERICAN YOIMTEEB, JOHN B. BRATTON, Editor; ftifropijetof. OARLTSLE, PA., DEO. 14, 1854.- r;. An Apprcnilcc •’ '/jp’O learo Nonprinting buslneasi will be : this office, if appHcatioh soon. Nonobuf asmart; active, ihlelligont,- good boy, : and possessing a good'education, need apply:— -To a boyposseasing th’o above qualities; and/of ; lG yoftts;of ttgo, 'agodd opportunity to learn the; printing is offered.: • ’ ‘ v• ~T" ’ ' r “ J 1 " k ■ ■ 1 "'•'r .. .Ttcsidcnt’s Heswst. To the exclusion of oqr. usual variety,. we. publish inour paper to-day Ihcsident Putboe’s second Annual: Message., t lt is a State : paper that will bo perused with more than ordindTjr, by.every,,man Who feels ari'honest pride incur free and; expanding country; It is written in a plain, unambiguous;'hut forcible and expressive style, arid must prove ’accepta ble to unprejudiced reader,. Elevated in tone, patriotic in Sentiment, and purely Amer ican in 1 language,it- certainly will command ;tho respect and hearty cndorsment of the Amer ican people. ; ,< ’■ , The recommendations of the President inre gard to.onr foreign and domestic policy, - are so wise, patriotic arid reasonable, that Congress will, we doubt not, readily Ucccedo to,bis aug-. -gestions;All in atl,.tbo Message is a moat, able and document, 1 creditable' alike to the head' and heart of its distinguished au thor. ‘We.bcspcok fojr, it a careful perusal! ‘ 0- : A, union meeting of tho’sevcral, religions congregations in Carlisle, will bo held next Sab bath at half past six o’clock in; the evening;in tho First Presbyterian Church; whena sermon will be preached by II ev. J, Far. of -thS* Evan gelical Lutheran Church* in: behalf of the,poor of thlstown.. . <* " • ' :■ * •- * Addsiitted to PkACTiCE.—'Weomittcd staling at the time, that CunisriAN P. HuMßiupn, Esq., was on motion of A’. B. Sharpe)Esq., admitted,' at our last regular Court of Common Pleas,- to practice law in the several courts,: of this couh .ty. Mr. H; is a young man of ability; arid we predict for him a successful career in the prac tice of his profession. ; Tub Tcto.b and Pom.—Tho above is'the ti tle of a very handsome and interesting periodi cal, « devoted to tho Interest of education, mor ality,general intelligence,lt is published monthly, at Cbombcrsburg, PaV, arid is furnish-' ed at tho low price of 50 cents per year,. Jt is devoted mainly to the Interests,of teachers and pupils, and .from tho ability displayed Intho. number before ns, Vo deem it worthy of public pbtroriago. ‘ If should bo io (ho bands of every teacher in.the Stato, and every flripiid of bur common school system should, subscribe for at least ono copy. . It Is published by Messrs, Kkt.l & Ejxeabd. ,v; . •' > i ’ - > . K7“Tke Farm Journal for Poccmbor cloaca tho-volume, and as the January number com mences a now one, a favorable opportunity is, 'afforded those rvho’wlsh to subscribe'. > ThiB,iro believe, is the only agricultural joijrnal publish ed in Pennsylvania. It has a largo number of the beat farmers in the State amonglls contri butors, and-in their experience and opinions, constantly spread in its pages, il can scarcely happen that some fact of value may not bo glean ed byevery one engaged In agricultural pursuits. Published by J. Bc Cp.,‘W'estChca tor, at $1 a year. . ■ ImpoutAnt news, for-the Sqabeholdeb 5 IN; PjsnnAM’a Turn© QiFT.ENTEnpnisi:—lt will be seen by reference to adrertischlcnt in our paper of to-day, that the Committee appointed by the Shareholders at their last meeting, have Issued a call for a final meeting df.all interested; to get their instructions in reference to the dis tribution of the Gift property, ,'We.arc pleased to find the matter bo near a consummation, and hope that Mr.Ucrhatn will rccieTO thopatron agoho so well deserve# for the liberality and energy displayed in getting up and prosecuting this stupendous enterprise,,, Orders Cor tick ets should bo sent in -immediately. There are fortuneflm reserve for somebody.' • OyTho Philadelphia Xtdger/ono of Ihoabtbnt and most influential papers In the “Union, soys: * buViregard tho poor man. as ( a freeman, his'.nervous system; ye opibo„VToald'j3pt. haW, suffered,; such ashock when ho readnur suggestions in ' regard to the best manner of voting.' Like rridstof the men of his party, .the editor poosiejers the -poor man & mere tool, toho swayed by tho rich, with im punity. We hold, as we have said',' a ’different 0] •pinion in'regard ■ta.tha poorman—tto' regard him as (rco and independent in .the, exercise of thc'clectire franchise, as any other citizen. The opposite opinion of. this by., thoeditor ,of .the Herald,- is not Jvt all surprising—it is the old leaven of putridTederalisra’ fermenting in the carcass of Krio.w-Noljiipgism- 1 ‘ : '“'i vv .V*ttT.GoOT>.—A,judge Ja.Now Tork charged tlio jury mtisi be left unen cumbered by goods or articles’©! Or, traffic. , persons hayb o .rightj’ fo hjlco their goods into thcir ; balldingfl across ,tho side-walk; but they must take ouch phbkago as: soon a* landed ft-ora tW cars{’jilacldg'Bdvbral.lbsdi».on tJjQ sidewalk at tho same time wasVvlolatlda of tholawyaatho aldovf'alk and street belong to the pnbllo.' This ia very good -laVr ’and, ioundepm mba sense. '-Tlio samhprinciple wlfy applyay well to Cprlislo, a? to New York, yot ttb !?qc per sons occupying with their .-huainos’s nearly two. thirds of tho sidewalk, ntidno attempt on the part of police officers to instruct them dl/Tbrout \T* : ' ’ •» ■>. - ■ I " Tint. Navt D epahtmen?. -—Tho Report’ of tho Secretary of the Navy is a document, every way worthy of the intelligent ’head of tho Navy Department/ - The ■JPeuhsytvariian. shyS/.“Fof years, this branch of bur, Jiad bcch in a state of decay }. but the ylgorops mind of the UoDv John 0. Donniif .has imparted- to it a life that it never before possessed* Evbrysub ject calculated to improve the condition of the Navy, Is presentedin, tho. clearest, and most forcible language, and the practical suggestions,; with which the report abounds,'gives ■ promise', : if adopted, to render our naval arm equal tptbb most efficient.;, Our, want of space to-day pre cludes a more lengthened notice at present, but wo shall refer to ; the subject again, and express bur views more fully. In tho' meantime,'we invito an dttcntivc pcruaal of the /synopsla yrc pulfflshtbia mbrnlng/V (i , , ,-j. , VCT-A. Slat® Oonventlon, of Teaches .and friends of the cause of Education Is to .be hold 1 In! Lowistown onlho 2QtU Inst., continuing throe day®. The cause of education Is so, Interwoven; with all pur interests, tivat all should! fool on in-, tcrcit.ln IpmardlngiU progress. The old Key-', stone is awakening to, a just Appreciation of the. Tfiat importance of the education of her youth, and a'brighter day |i indeed dawning; Notthnt wo have been heretofore unmindful or regardless of this ' object, but there has not becn /ao widely diOhsod and general an interest manifpa tod os is now-apparent. Groat and good roinlU jnayb'oantlcfpatod ftom thls interchange of fcen tlmeiit and'opinions, andcoraparieoti of* biiteH onco a’hd practlce lh teaching, between teachers and, others employed andengaged in Ihrthcring this,groat cause;. ; V;r ■■ ■ f.-- • 1 1-<- ,TanAsohr EarniA™.— The estimates of op* proprlntldnS proposed to bo imulo for thoflscal year ending the 80th Juno; 1868, hare boon laid boforo the Homo of BoprcsoDtitlTco by orotary of thp Treasury.', 'To pqmplywith there estimates will require’now appropriations to tie cunov.nt of nearly forty-two millions of dollars In addition to' appropriations of a' definite add permanent Oharaclor; ammiilllngto Upwnfdo of ninota’on mlllleditbf doilnis, .wblblfare already applicable to.thO, sorvico.ol tlialyoor." irtplon. tiro estimate of oxppo.ditutpa.for, tbp year is therefore bnUltilo short of alaty-pne millions of [dollars., ’ 11 ■■■; ,'V ■'; "• ■ ' 1 ' ; Votortmß.of tho pjtfjof 181& afo 41- i ready beginning to gqt ready lip poet at the peat' lof b\ir federal government ontho:Bth;pl , Janu ary* As tho nonvoiiUOn Will doubtlciabonam ordnily atarodedi .It'VlU be'netcpsary for tho railroad fompaWca .tptnaho tbotmial arrange-, merits as at tho .Inanguralibn’ of .’tho Pxo«V(e))U of ,tbo United Blatca, apd tickqls forth* dolagatoß from all parts ortho, country. i-»*- f .s'-,'t'’tgiW- -»'X.'w*-ul *J’ ■ >;>■ 1 U^S.'^^L i|£ r k .'7019 s'®: -shrill &'•*s 1 : ter is h^p’^^y'-^?? w '■ 7 jiona *■ > t o^ ; *i fic^^bldWon^e^l^.tb;lc|blj^^nß^^»r^^^ all :*‘thkt,■ hand, and in. the other*' -lAf? ;1 Xookiiig loiigi i^felir' in' J;h o ■ *mti- f dows of .toy flhopSrWhile. tbeir littW hcarte'; B\Vdl with 'the anticipate, i ?’.u ; '. -; !^,v talk about the l beauty aliiybriiigj^hp^d^s; ,illifilr| ^ r comforts of Ijonieand the cbecffulness 'oEaa 'Roaring -firO.t : but he ’nQttj&g.bftt, wHo;beaVs Ihe'^ind;.wMattlnfe through the crevices.qf his rude shapiyy. And, | petlsfall with' a dull aDd;beavyjCcbb» pn an pfflictoii, The, poor; jnaii hastening hpmo /from .Ids' hard day’s work, glahccs.hurriedly; at the.'windows' ojj of it Would givq h&Utlle W tq'iaye a pjayttihg. Blit there areonlya few coins in EiS “pocket;, hbd havb bread.’ /We feat this winter will p.riyh-: tions, ihore real “misery among the-' honest ‘ftfld descrying fdibn ;fqW akny| I years. Lct>U cbaiity ‘'is Mce blcsscd~it blkaeth himvlit gives and him thht,takes.” / ", 1 >. ,• l /!‘ l;‘.': '' ri K ['Afop LW.—Tiithe town of lately; a Col. ,Iknjamiu W. Walkcrwaa sent’to' jail ftrt-refusing td obey on order Of'tho: Court dieting,him tdpay.oyer' Vrbipb h& held as trustee of,art estate.;, At, the next ires; aion bf jthe same',Court; some-of his • friends broke operi.th'djail/ took him out; Brid .cnrritd him into Court,; Whore,he demanded, ing.'Tho Chancellor refused it, and-after sev .cral’ fights Addidleeh plaice lo'Cdbrt, Walker wept back tp jail.’ A, few daya aftejHyard, Col.-Rey fields, coratnaudor of a regiment. 'inus-- fiis add marched to the jail, accom panied-by. acannon, and carrying banners,-in-, scribed, 'and' “Alabama will pro lect her citizais,". broke, open fhejail, took .Walker but, and Wft him otf, in triumph on aplalf^rm.hfterJhohadmade a'spdfech- do claridg his'determination to confdrm to the,Will of: his friends., .A; clergyman..-,alsp-.made, a speech encouraging the riot. ‘ WalkerVoa then' bprne to where' a hundred meti rerpainad .on- gpard with him.; The Sheriff, with , his posse, followed thither, but at : thp ialest'acobnntshad done nothings / ,?HOP,bsF/D Relief i'On CoMMonohz Rank. i-ThoNevr Yorjp ’Chamber ofsCommcrcpnn Thursday, evening adopted a resolution request* ing tho president of tho Board '".to, prepare,a memorial to Congress-requesting an app«x>pria tipn of a sum to officer, man,' supply, equip, and lo purchase' if ncccssaty, h ‘•stciim propeller and a stbreship,. with supplies, to sail under the orders and cfireclion of the Secretary 1 of thoKnvy to such places in> the Polar,Son ns may be thought proper for, the purpose of * af fording relief to Kane, liia .officers and crcvr, who lefe this port,'[ftoV‘York] .in ' yiew to tho discorery of Sir John’ PV ' ‘ ‘ ! ’ ‘ , the ves sels 1 wh jland, )md Were Ihci Ihfe hrhblc pxpcdltioi ; v ;ns.—Tl>e pifti\fro;a£aK ..»c/Independence, 'Mo,,on the sth,and reports that’.oatho ■ 18th of Noverfaber/thc- m'Ml under tlie chargo of j’obn jnmison. was. al tacked, as is! supposed, by a party! of Sioux Indians, near Dipp’a trad* tug post, six miles this side -of Port ' LaraiWe* and dll the ,men m charge qf the mail killed, Hz i Mr;- Jamison,! Japiea Whccler and -.Thomas Hackett;A passeriged from Salt Lakc) hamcd Charles and also pierced, with‘several arrows,and.left foi*. dead. The mail bags were-robbed, and all their contents lorn open, /.llr* Kincaid \yas. also- robbed. of $10,500 in gold„and itbo mules of the train driven ofit ; The maiVpArtyi outvyard bound"; passed.by bn tho\lfth,. and found tbjit 4be' Soldiers hjid taken emp of the bodies of thekill-1 cd. ‘No escort cbuld.()e'i grauted at the fort* and 'thoVmaiisfor' Nbycihbcr, therefore, go no farther than Fort Laramie, while that of the Jst December 'life-'returned to fhdepen denoo. . -»■ ■., /'■ ' ■ A singular rioti has occurrviii A ‘ Dem(s^t!§ r ' * i ,; Vi* perfect ;;ifcbad previously, 1 incayly of.'ita Jri andyet/ When’ ’ thirty Of Afae j)lecidon:,catno, lt wM almost swept' out of existence/.' Funeral byWchrafenad tllay’ l ftln3, l Its days Were numbered, in tbo apdibpitrer ,mpipbeft ; hqtWanUrignpW,3OTdc;^ Snsti|atcd ■ ‘byroVengp/.andjcalpusyyjwW^^ (Wcr-thrpwbf tb'cl? former party,iUif anah'geJof! gWtrt that #fly .flmtyfcg .iki fait] thatJthere ,were . many''ptirigs tipoii whicft-the itiMH'iic&rtUjj united* Ifthey, ii 4 thsr prihciplcg In in’the country, Would lead to thbinaugu ration / or rather to the 'rratoratibn^Tft.sOTi&o^ w^Fwaa Jthp result produced ip ft few short,months.? j A', 'series', of catastrophes 1 to tbedomlnant’jmrty to' wlwb political abnals up lb r period : had - WijthVbat Va'gernestf thpse who had previously gloried-over the pros-; trillion of. the--democratic ■’ patty'- welcomed it. hick,'to jppwcr;[ f ’ The hold jffhd' fitartlihg ioca/ pJf.Way,]l^gihmg : ;\rith ! ,Uio > law w)th the- high tariff, cqpld. pnly ibo mastered 1844, jameS WaS ciectdd'to; the preri* Of, 1 that -result 'derived its chief significance from, the faet that tit, was achieved by a comparatively ti new snafi* y pverlhe accqmplisKe3[and! jDclovpdleadcr Whig party.’To go ;back,howevcr,tp thc*ca*- lamlties bf 1$40: cdnStraSting- them',with the recent defoats of tb(| democratic party, We/dyc impressed,by the.fact'that we -fell in. the,bne: . case,ln a presidential election/nndihlhe other/ .’in ftcohflicfc two "years belorp a'; presidential election; r So,' then,; if ! .tho whig party, victoria pus in’l&4P/Wsj ji disbanded and’, demoralized organization in nolwitlWtahd-, ihg it was led by-the intellectual .giants, who; then .flourished/ and In ‘the»faco'‘ of n\poljcy TfhichJ.if not be/ofo’, tho ( elcction, ; was c^tm^y, adhered,to',after it,, how lqng Will the present combination-^ by ‘ Clay,' not cheered by Webstcr/and fydund by no chpfci. of cotmpon sympathy/ ihit fused hy a. ; harmony of hatreds a/07ie-*-can rniinlaln its' position as' a natlpnaliparty ? , ;lVc- are content ,to Allow, the. events of.tta future to answer, this question. ;• '• ' Dreadful Mubdkr in Na thamcVDurnclt,a rcsldcntofnanoter County, Va; f was .murdered on Wednesday .night, . 29th ult tl> iieara locality- in Hcnrico coun'ty, known ’as Havr Swanipy.about four ’miles from, Itich mond. ■; The ilu/iefm says: He wag proceeding hbmewardain his cart, and; it.is supposed; had fallen asleep; from the’ .effects of . intoxicating liquor, in,which ho had freely, indulged;.before leaving,tho cityVand* while in this condition wai brutally alssallcdand beaten. , Thcwpimds indrctcd wilh i a hatchet ' imd o jlharjx, pointed ihstrurnfent bf some kind.* A'rriah uauied Johnson* had,', beep, arrested -bring-the. murderer. ’’An im proper Irtttmtfcyi it is; alleged,"had- .existed be; tween 1 blip apdytho. trife ! bfrtho v jTor some length-of, tirDe^: and.. th 6 presumption is that he tha foul,’deed for tho pur* poise bfrlddirig himself and bis pararnqiur of tho qnly obstacle to .their 'Cohabitation;. 'lie ■ pro tests, his.iilnocehce, but, tbo- cridcnco, agninpk hlfn’/thbugh cWivo. .On ■ searching, bis house, -a ‘hatchet, wlthblood upon it; found concealed in his bed j'ahd ft long maty difli, With'.blobd upon it, found on a press in ,the same room. , Tho pris oner has been remanded to prison toyawait an exainlfiatiohi'*;•" . , ’ ■r-ji (O* Governor Koeder, Hag decided not to or der an clcction’ih Kansas for a Territorial leg* ialaturqthis season. ■ >His' reasons arc—“that no cenkas hftS yet been tatym tpaervoaaahasis ofrtprcscnt/ition j and’ that, thoro js no'nt place for holding a Lcgialalive'scsslon.’’ Thisdotcr* minatldh, it appears, forborne reason, h'asnpt pleased thcdcpaagogueWCMissouri, and in con- Sequence they are violently assailing ;the Gbv* ferndri . They evidently dondt iho tocttlo of the man., \ , Kansas Election,— I'hogt,.Louis Republi can hassomofurthcrreturns-froinlfansas.' A dispatch from ; Weston Bays:— .White* field, pro-alavery, is at least.TOO, ahead, north of Kansas river, and is certainly Elected by a ilargs piiJoH ty.. EreoSolt voU, outol Lawrence, nothing,'*At*lJo3ton l saQ of thp.pcw, town’s | of the territory, a distUrbancooccnrrcd between 'two persons, in, which & man n&mcd Davis was shot, apd ,diod rWitbia au hour* .Both were citizens oC the territory, and 1 formerly of Mis souri, *■ •; 1 ;■' ; . . ■ TjeXIS.— Ijio* county,;Texas,, ho.ro tailed on account, of the *tto boys, and a iott,'thcit ownep.. JjVroan implicated by thoi con*, icd Morgan,.‘was 'seized’ ms* who hung him, iy;«od then-threw ft in-, (as found. Nine rcspecta *cd nUh this latter out mlionwcro discharged.-** ] i(ed that |hs, confession With Axopcarqypd his '’ells and hltosclf wore in . ’ The, Wclls i(nst, hia, inurdcx£rfl, and ■d, will ensue. •, •* : Colt's' paper? state that thb siumbct of‘the repeating pistols or revolvers manufactured by Mr, Colt during tbopapt two yqars, amounts to two .hundred thousand... Theprofit oncach pietqli? .bo Str,' bo that on 200,000 hia profits I'c&ch the indmdnad sum pf.bnd pnilioh of dollars; • ■ IGT may,baits' object, 1 . lolnlolerant of adverse opinions; Itpmctidallj, ctafms infallibility; and.henceth earlier ages!, rdigiefiS fanaticism , pipvidcd ■ the aUk,e , and political fanaticism tb# block or expatriation. CTrOy/tbe,vitriol man; whoJiiß foi 1 seypral years superintended. VSunday bandied for his opposition to . theatres, and perhaps his acidifywas fntended tbbreak tKcraup.l- * , survey of Kansas TerrifriryJs to, ,be coromcnccdimracdiately by the United States Surveyor Cjbncral ( of that Territory, with a view to ths enabling of tfiojcttlers already there to determine accurately the position of their lines! Tna FnESiDKNOV.'—Tho Sandusky (Ohio) Mirror takes groUndip ftvor of Geh. Houston, as tbo'democratic candidate for the Presidency, provided lio'is not a knOw-Uothing. Thsßur .lingtqn 'fclcgroph gocfl'for Cob Benton first, and Gen. Houston next,'a? the onti-No braaka candidate; 'while the Cincinnati Gazette Bets forth' the claims of Lewia P. Campbell, Esq,, ft 1 Ohio. Storm. to\h pfttlii’ :^: |^H6^liilaa f 4?i was two-an&imif feet of snbwon (hqEaatenj their trifis.'; Themdroin#«•■ ■press ,p3w^go,at.6:P*3|»i. 'jm 2dondJyi 'm*,-} -i ,v; • anven.ashore. 1 ';^' L , • .'*,, i violence, ,The > Conn.; ia toni lhe-pol&forVditf/ ' tanccof overton '.l3ostdii 1 ’.Tcaseip f /; brig.Ti from for Bos.-;. tohi laden\withcbal/yAt HhC''snovK ■' 'driJli^.t^hTt^and^ tlidV’ [ 'ffußcred ;Aifc, Bangor several vessels; ' j (t Tho 'and JtVeat f, «rh tbqrning- twjnSjv betwecn Rochester 'hbd‘ ’ Bufihloi’/cathVih'polljsiqn[in cpnsequpnco of,the ', hepyy snow'jfall|ng.' vycreihrc-e , tiVcaati&ehod Wcslero to. tho : EaBtcrm v '-Thh ;chfS;-Werc' ', andlwoof thdtbcbmoiivcs*tbfdtvn qff the trick. | " Both-trainq yrcro putpftlme.;,;.. -j , • .v.\ jy , ; fashion fias Jntroiiuced, among $6, viz—-the wearing of ‘handsome'high- •’boots.- Tb'ifi is I dccidcc^y'BtnB^^J^6- , on the paVt.bf the fairse^ t ; ,as Iho’j." wearing .of; fcoqU. will ;, not. only be condiiqivo to health,but aW.be- more 'appropriate for/cold. weather.; We-iwerer©-’ ' entirely, innocent of ’the bh'arge for - which; he tfoa bop*, dieted andseptenced,, .. j ;, V-V Co&Viwnosi~Thclla n Oohvohtloh 'held in 'Olevbiahd ,-lnst tfocicj -was 'byVai* the niost'lmpbrtant assemblage, of ,t)jb kipd yoi'held..' Delegates. from .fhiriy-flyo, -different roddflj.frdTn/MnMachuaettsibthe 3Ua sisalppl itbro present.; Ifiich'discussion took plafce fcndrtho proceedings aro td-'he-publiahctf : »n hiimphlctfonhl ’ A’corahiittye was appointed lb prepaid a ’statement' of faefs settjngforUi the position, of' fho,general railroad, interest, in. tho United States, and statingWasoha why: higher rates shook! bo»dbtaJtiud for the -transportation of passengers, malls and freight.’ ;' • .. PACpEn9 Back td Kdropq l 50-paupers fromtliodlfikteht Institution^,ofj]lo Air but 28 rptiirti' df thcir own frcowlfl, thd balance, lipro tonccd to. bo -retnrnedv Omj pf -those who.'go back js nnold mim who his bticn in thiacduhtty for ■yeara > ntld ; w)io i has raised a finally and.bufioitheta alHa X^wripa.^ Q 7" Ahcx66llont TndTC'mpnt.'hiia tecnhnpdo on thb Eric raitr^adtfl .jiVovcntiho Said of to employee? on fusing tb allow-tiro .stoppage of. train?. at.depots In tho neighborhood^of which bar* arc kopt.—i Tho : fttjqu'cnit’acclde'oti.pTt that rbhd pro ftthrlßuj m maiti^lo'tho \ BHWnT~-PBEBU)KKT 0* SEITATSi^ Tho election ot llt. ProHlrt'entqf tluJ Senate wni'bo'rpgaMWd by. the dcifiocracy pf the wjiolo conniry riclily.carnodby his long opd faithful publlo’ service. • His large fcxperluncorin the. basincsi of legislation, togc. ; tbdr with Ills promptness ot decision and his uniform urbanity of ipahnetV, renders his solcc tlori peculiarly proper, lid nVill tho deliberations of the Sona(o with marked dlgnily.and ability, nhd will add largely to his present high reputation as a statesman.—TPasil. 'Union.'/ ■ 'United’States, SEMAToa.—Jlip' Alillonian', wblph is supposed by many, to botho honijo or? gan of Gov. Pollock, announces Ihty Col.'Cur- tin'isno longer a candidate for'the U. S’, Sen ate, and that ho has expressed apreferepbo for Vfjri, F. Johnston'. This look's'jm If,Mr. J. to bo pushed as tho odministnitipn .candidate.— How will the irlcpds of Oobpor,'Xarclmor,' St o'- vena, Srayser, Conrad) Kunkel,Evans,'ahd other eminent Vrtdgs, whoso Ham'cs-'h'tyo boon men tioned, in conncptlort with the like anioypmcnt of this Idpd.7 ,\ _ , ■ • P^ehtt.—Spurious bnoapdllvo dollar* gold pieces, together with a'gbdd sprinkling ofono nhd two dollar relief bills'on the Mlddiblown Banks. 'The former Anally tected, but tlib : latter with' their tom—groasy And, abominable appearance, look bo « very'like the-genuine, M that it Is extrotnely hard to toll the good from tljo bad.i •Tho-hesi'pldnto g’e’t rid of the nuisance, lifor ovdiV fuse to to'nc}», handle)Or tako tne-dirty things. . • The PAtkst' of Patents recommotjcla an 4 of tlio Too*chargbahlo on, tlio iwyc,of ft;Patent/with a view to meet tho'expenses of tho office, which, havejboon gfeally ltjcreaacdrslnqQ :tho rato of, ■(bis war fixed; iy.ralslnfe'thO pttyof cloriieahd laborers, and In’ varlopfi■ dthot ways, JUI ■ tbeS , | now greatly oxcoed lts rcToripea'. .‘‘£cga,l provt-, «id,n la.oUp asked ,CpninijMi9ntsr to .oompolwUneMOß to attend tod teatUV In tho’ oxamloitlon of tho Patent - v ' HplrjTiwfc xS T wal-T-Xbtf JVaterford SMintl makes tHo following bapltalhlti ««If you want to feofeit fro tx fo*h thriving; 'tatn'a-cold •houldor frbung miiohftnlo or' hcgjnmir Ip baßlnoas/snd look iipon cvory ndw-cqmor Wllh ft jealous scowl.. Discourage all you can j If that won’t do, decry his work, and rather go abroad forewarns than give him' yonf: money I hut, though not-least, reftiso to patronlio-tlie village paper, ‘ , Sahsapajulla Monument.— Tho New York Journal of Commerce gives a csCriptjotf of tho notv pqlacjd residence ofDr.S.P. Townsend, ibo ‘orlgipaip pipn, jcomcr of Fifth avenue anil 24th street.. ( It had a chop-; cl, 1 gymtiasiutn, csc. The' dhrj tlro cost qf ti»p budding tod cd at 6200,000 V tho 'coulrnct fqr t atopo' .w about $80,0f)0 5 fn»oo*painiihg,so,pOO)l pin*' tcring from $B,OOO, to’Blo,ooo, arid tors* contrast ia ohout 830,000* It is such, cx^ »nk«a ■-, • ■'«. tv. ;l v. ■ \ ••' jpays'Utb Ihw ■ : ■jWthiuinosl iijw.M'ifldualitjf ivjt- V.^hatf’jrioit:^ l ’ ■ 'iiHjg jpjfertuhity tbtoiidbim' I: - . ■wHt H ;; .no^wlly’• the pubTio/ QDd a sdfirco pf revenue to'iht.g6tr '■ ' ifc.Jjlw y ' ( PPfSSpMKe:'.. V of the qouutry,;ahaShpwa 1 apartment \ T^uirc^flach : labor'nnd\coiiatiLflt ' mergers, Kaye,.?U • W<;- bo‘ ;. trapspofUvop.of; thehmllb kinds'pfscsvjce : isa sub!opt, ■ ' , ttnce atjd/rcgvdatiop, ; v Tho of ttijij' ; matter ,\a aqothqr ‘BQurw'pf’YQwfjjn’ 1 ,flaftm?ht,’ and,-, p£.censurb : t ptiblic.. v-ThcseV hare >t^ - ; -' Avjttya'; pr,bpCT,*^u|i^png' v^y^ey^.tpi^^w Genpipl,, w>that\ harm^njoupljr'-yjth’fth'e ycarfripg and. ihe distribatiohs nibVnapc rath t . iind ■ ,t^«g^tho-pSlw^Mtni.y# ;u(miTceht s mmp. y ! a ' greater- , and ■' er sources' tholosa'Qf . constant .yigilqncq/.pcr^^ |and sir|ct bf-’tlie PqßtmM^rC^o^^'' itri>All -t\jo] ■ hrpugUi.the niail ryic d, in 16;cxcvp)Ientplrkltjg ;■ j , opcrationiaqd.thburfartds’o^^dollars Sftv,ed^hc'.goHrnthchl ; and, people, jp q^»eV r , quchcow' ijvith'thia admiril^rai\onj : • erpo ' ' • ( familiaribdtb-thc.ppstal 1 j coun try believe to. be irudeqiyolq. | ■■ , 2 ' ' ( 1 ,. . 1 ), ,l '~ ’• - 1 .--- .V - \t ., C,.. iVii-ginia ■ ? Thompson,' recently '.tried 'ln Jthe‘ -.Alhfgliinyv (VaJ Circuit’ Court : thari^’i., Hfi a. esc {ip ft dgWo yhi ijjftrprtplt*'' , disposition .toy ■ although it has always heca-rcgard»ws*tarpjv*.i gcr* iW din£t ; o^lcjycqm.slances 1 point s . ’surprised:^‘.the. readings with which, ihejuty/ broil glit'fin ‘a; tc rsbo rg~lo to !{ig e 11 c ,r r <£ ’J) ' .'fit lebhoosq ? '• convicted )>y evidepfoaa,strong,f». milW,.b«, • / by tho.C'orompnwctdlK.wWtlfWW'. « tion ofnhc kind; of s double .mincer,. ur!W:, . cirooinstanccs of, the most, jggravotcd'. cbajac .icr.i. A‘, young, rcspefllable, mole was first blssfcd.in Iter, bnuladpt, Ifr fta dUhpnorablo*dvnnt»ga .winch lie; took pf bf.r, aPcotiona.„ l and,,iiftcrwara!!; fvlwn .lhe-.aoitiiaj', as to, .render his evpo.suro alinbßt .ccrfain, wyt soorctly token /’ofl 4 „by,i poison,, ;n, the way lie titought: best-adapbed to ayettaui bicipn. aml scciiro .a.falii. re-ijuU: ; AYe Kava np time to j.'o r inro,a opnpideratioh,'or tUeyariqua dcvelobcnicnts'made" by 'tbe witnesses, pa fo this tragicapdmeluncholyatiair. ; : ,Itiscnengh for e» .ta eay that they ivefe so bbdtiiusite.pf thb.guilt of.’.Thbjnpapn ibatibb! 'obghVto.naya been cbnsigoedtojt'ic gallows. wbich hay. by blaai v ,Gopp Ttstfi. —Thp ; .tbo.. writesas follows? under date of: tlie:lst«* f v’ ■,. V, • > r. /effertan College, 1- Mu. BitATioif : ■’■ ■■' ,\i Dear Sir—The following ia • copj of mgß' lions adopted by the PhilmJ, Society of WTer- Roh College, on the death of Mr. jAUBS ptoa ■row, formerly* retiaent of Cumbtiltndoooo ty, Pa., in wliiclLCoPnlrh)" pamilaaull.lWlo«; Ydu would oblige thO; Woods rf , the, oet^twa and,al«t thfeOommltledbygWngtheia’a'BlAM ■j,... • , i/ffltfWtiM, It hath pleased Alna/ghty.<3od,iJ • Ida Mr/JAkKaJlusxoM, formerly, a . loved member of ‘‘ff ,Keiolved f UJKat^WIo» ono .whoso mtoly virtu 1 who knew him, wo still that *;AU » AH thoofmrehon ‘jfijp watched faithfully. ai4 EW4 *» tt ffiP,. pals of put Society... Vh-hivitideeWllh : ’ .; Resolved., That wo.emccrcly SFWSW.JSff have bconfaUetlufpn s^asfejeafcw* •jsawttfsffiaa boßcat to tho poi'cnta of thp , •.... •".; rAl.lir Sn«pi»»», )v;,-.V !l:,ii* - ‘i- &«.*»> 'l-T _'l/‘