Idtr lorli Aclvor'lisfcmciil. Qen’l.. Advertising J/ouse, Appleton’s Building 340 .j'34H Jlrod'y. fully dmioUtiCo to tho citizoua br thb United Stales and tho Canadas, that lor tho purpose of cultivating a tasto for the , fine arts throughout tho country,'and with the view of enabling every ibmily to ticcomo,"possessed of a gallery of En gravings, by the of the Jl%e* They have determined, in order to create an ox ionsivc; sale for their Engravings, and thus not only give ‘employment to a largo number of art ists and others, hut • inspire among our country men a taste for works of art, to present to.the purchasers bf.tholr engravings, whcn ; 2so,ooo of thcra.aro sold, . ’ - 250,000 Gtfte, of the actual cost of 3150,000 Each" purchaser of a Ono Dollar Engraving, thcrcforo/rocclres not only an Engraving richly worth tho'money, hut also a ticket which enti tles him to ono of tho Gifts when they arc dis tributed. - k . ~ - . For Fivb Dollars, a highly firfishcdEugraving, beautifully painted in oil, and flvo gift tickets, will boscntihor fife deHarts worth of splendid Engravings can ho selected from the catalogue. A copy of thocatalogue, together with a spe cimen of one of tho Engravings* can, bo seen at tho office of this paper.* . ' ■ For each dollar sent, an Engraving actually 'worth that sum, nnd a Gift Ticket, will bo im mediately forwarded. AGENTS The Committee believing that the success- of, this Groat .National Undertaking will be mate rlliliy promoted by tho energy nud enterprise, of intelligent and persevering Agents, have resol ved to treat with such on tho most liberal terms. Any person wishing to become an Agent, by sending (post paid,) $l, will receive by return of moil, a ono dollar engraving, a gift ticket, a prospectus, a catalogue.and all other necessary information. 6'ntho final completion of the sale, (ho Gifts will bo placed in the hands of a Committee of the purchasers to ho distributed, duo notice of wbioh will ho given throughout the United States and the Canada?,. LIST OP GIFTS: 100 marble busts of Washlngt’natsloo $lO,OOO 100 . «, “ Clay 100 10,000 100 « “ Webster 100 10,000 100 “ « Calhoun 100 10,000 60 elegant; oil paintings, in splendid .gilt frames, size Bx 4 ft. each. 100 6,000 100 clcgantoilpa!ntlngs2xBftcach, 60 6,000 600 steel plate engravings, brilliant * ly col’d in oil, rich gilt frames 24x80 in. each, 10 6,000 10.000 ologantsteol photoengravings coVd-ln oil, of the Washington Monument, 20x20 in. each, 237.000 steel plate engravings, from 100 different plates, now In pos session of, & owned by the Art ists’ Union, of the market value of, from 50 cts to $1 00 each. 1 first-class Dwelling, in 81st st. if. T. City, 22 bnilding lots in 100 and 101 ats. If. Y. city, each 25x100 - ft. deep, at 1000 22,000 100 Villa Sites, confafnlngcach 10,- 000 aq, ft. In the suburbs if, ' T. city, and commanding a magnificent view of the Hud son-River and Long Island Sounder 600 60,000 2D perpetual loans of cash, without interest, or sccurityof s2soca. 5,000 M' « ■ “ « 11)0 “ 5,000 100 “ *• *< 50 “ 6,000 250 ti u « 20 « 5,000 2000 « n 6 tt 10,000 Reference in regard to the Real Estate, P. J, Flsachor & Co., Beal Estate Brokers, N. Y.- Orders, (post paid,) with money enclosed, to bo addressed, J. Y. HOLBRQOKE, Scc’ry, 605 Broadway, N. Y. Engravings in tbo catalogue are now ready for delivery. Aug 10. 1854—Cm “Ittan, Know Tliysclf,” An Invaluable Book for 25 cents.-—“Eteri//a tnily should have a copy” ■J f\f\ fVr|f\ Copies sold in less than a AvVjvUU year. A now edition, re vised and improved, just issued, DR. HJ7NrEB J S Medical Afanuol and Hand Book for the Afflicted—-containingan outline of the origin, progress, treatment and euro of eve ry form of disease contracted by promiscuous sexual intercourse, by self-abuse or by sexual excess, with advice for thoirproventlon. Writ, ten in a familiar style, avoiding all medical technicalities, and everything that would offend the car of decency; with an outline of com plaints incident to Females, from the result of some twenty years’ successful practice, exclu sively devoted to tbo euro of diseases of a deli cate or private nature. To which is added receipts for the care of the 1 above diseases, and a treatise on the causes, symptoms and care of the Fever and Ague. 1 ■-Testimony of „The Professor of Obstetrics in i Penn. College , Philadelphia— “Dll. HUN- 1 THU’S MEDICAL MANUEL.”—The author of this work, unlike the majority of those who J advertise to cure the diseases of which it treats * Is a graduate of one of the best Collegesln the ; United States. It affords mo pleasure to rcc- , ommond him to the udforfunale, or to tljo vie tint of malpractice, as a successful and expe rienced practitioner, in whoso honor and integ- 1 rity they may placo the greatest confidence. Jos. S. LoxasnoaE, M. D. ' Promts. Woodward, M. J)., Penn. Unicer lily, Philadelphia.— It gives mo pleasure to add my testimony to the professional ability of the E Author of tho “Medical Manual!”— Numer- r ous cases of disease of'tho Genital Organs, . some ol them ol long standing, hare come on dor my notice, in which his skill has been nmni- J fust in restoring to perfect health, in somocascs ! where tho patient lias been considered beyond medical old. In tho treatment of Seminal weakness, or disarrangement of tho function* I produced by self-abuse or Excess of vcncry, 1 do not know his superior in tho profession.— I have been acquainted with tho Author some thirty years, and deem it no more than, justice to him as well as kindness to the unfortunate victim of early indiscretion, to recommend him as ono In whoso professional skill and integrity they may safely confide themselves.— Alfued WOODWARD, M. D. “This is, without exception, tho most com prehensive and intelligible work on the class of diseases on which it treats.. Avoiding all*tech nical terms, it addresses itself to tho reason ol its readers. It is froo from all objectionable matter, and no parent, however fustiduous, can object to placing it in tho hands of his sons.— The author bus devoted many years to tho treat ment of tho various complaints treated of, and, with too little breath to puff, and too lltllo pre sumption to impose, ho has offered to tho world, at tho merely nominal price of 25 cents, tho fruit of soino twenty years’ most successful practice.”— Herald. “No teacher or parent should bo without tho knowledgejinparted in this valuable work. It would save years of pain, mortification and sor raw youth under their charge.”— People*s A Presbyterian clergyman in Ohio, writing of “Hunter 8 Medical Manuel” says:— “Thousands upon tuouaands of our youth, by evil example and ionuonco of tho passions, liavo been led In to the habit of self-pollution, without realizing tho Bin and loarful consequences upon them selves and their posterity, Tho constitutions of thousands who are raising families have been enfeebled, if not broken down, and they do not know .tho cause or tho euro. Anything that can bo done,so to enlighten and Influence tho pub. lie mind ns to check, and ultimately to remove this wlclo-sproad source of human wretchedness, would confer tho greatest Mossing next to the religion of Jesus Christ, on tho present and coming generation. Intemperance (or the use ofjutoxicating drinks) though it has slain thou sands upon thousands, Is not a greater scourgo to tho human race. Accent my thanks on be half of tho afflicted, and, believe mo, your co-, worker in tho good work younro bo actively en gaged in,” One copy (securely enveloped) will bo for warded, ftoopf postage, to any part of tho Uni ted States for 25 cents, or six copies forsl. Address (post paid) (30SDEN & CO., Publish ers, or Box 100, Philadelphia. R7T Booksellers, Canvassers ami Book Agents supplied on tho most liberal terms, September 7,1861—1 y. ’^nlljortW. RESOLUTION PROPOSING* Amendments to the Constitution * f the Commonwealth.: - Sucrion 1. Resolved by the Senate and House 0/ Repnrcniaiivcs cf the Commonwealth qf Penn sylvania, in General Assembly met , That tho fol lowing amendments bo and tho sama are hereby proposed to tho Constitution of tho Common? wealth, under and in accordance with the pro visions of tho tenth article thereof, to wit s . rnoposiTios 1, to db Article xi* ’ Section 1. Tho aggregate amount of debts hcreaftcrcontractcd by tho Commonwealth shall never exceed tho sum of five dollars, except in case of war to repel invasion, suppress insurrection, or to redeem the public dobtof tho Commonwealth, and the money so raised shall bo, applied to the purpose for which the debt may bo contracted, or pay such dobts, and to no other purpose. Sect. 2. To pay tho public debt of the Com monwealth, and debts which may hereafter ho contracted in case ofwar to repel invasion, sup press insurrection and to redeem thopubliedebt, the Legislature shall at their next session after tho adoption of this section Into the Constitution, provide by lawfortbo creation of a sinkingfund, which shall not bo abolished till the said public debt ho wholly paid, to consist of all the not an nual Income from tho pubiio works and stocks owned by tho Commonwealth, or any otherfunds arislnguhdcranyrcvcnuelawnowcxlstingorthat may be hereafter enacted, so,far ns tho same may bo required to pay the interest of said debts semi-annually, and annually to reduce tho prin ciple thereof by a sum not less than five hundred thousand dollars, 1 ncrcascd yearly by compound ing at a rate of not less than flvo per centum per annum; tho said sinking fund be invested in the loans of the Commonwealth, which shall bo can celled from time to time in a'manner to he pro vided by law s no portion of tho sinking fund shall over bo applied to tho payment of the debt of flvo hundred thousand dollars mentioned in the first section of this article, but tho said sink ing fund shall be applied only to tho purposes heroin specified. Sect. 8. Tho credit of the Commonwealth shall not in any way he given or loaned to or in aid of any indlvldal, company, corporation or association, nor shall the Commonwealth hereaf ter become a joint owner, or stockholder in any company, association or corporation in this Com monwealth orclsowherc/ormedfornnypurposes. Sect; 4. Tho Commonwealth shall never as sume tho debts of any county, city, borough or township, or of any corporation or association, unless such dobts shall have been contracted to repel invasion, suppress insurrection, or to de fend the State In war. rnoposmoN 2, to de article xi. Prohibiting Municipal Subscriptions. 4 40,000 Tho Legislature shall never authorize any county, city, borough or township, by vote of its citizens or otherwise, to become a stockhold er in any joint stock company, association or corporation, or to raise money for, or loan Us credit to, or in aid of cny such company or as sociation. . E-B. CHASE, Speaker of the House of Representatives. M. M’CASLIN, v _ Speaker of the Senate. In Senate, Apri128,1854. Resolved, That this resolution pass. Yeas 22, nays 0/ Extract from tho Journal. 41,000 12,000 T. A. MAGUIRE, Clerk. In the House of Representatives, April 21,1854. Resolved, That this resolution pass. Yeas 71, nays 20. Extract from tho Journal. „ vm. JACK, Clerk. Secretart’s Office, I Filed April 20,1864/f' e C. A. BLACK, Secretary of the Commonwealth. PENNSYLVANIA, SS. Secretary’* Office, I Harrjsbuvg, July 1, 1854. V / I do certify that the above and I SEAJL Voregoing is a true and correct copy of tho original “Resolution relative to an amendment of tho Constitution,” as the same remains on file In this office. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed tho seal of tho Secretary’s office tho day and year above writ ton - O. A. BLACK, Secretary of the Commonwealtli. „ , , Journal of tho Senate. “Resolution No. 602,” entitled .Resolution proposingaraondmentafo thoConstllnlion of tho Commonwealth,* was read a third time. On the question, will tho Senate agree to tho first prop- I osition, tho yeas and nays were taken, agreeably) to the Constitution, and were as follows, viz : Yeas Messrs. Buckalow, Darlington, Darslc, Furguson, Foulkro* Frick, Fry, Goodwin, Hal’, deman, Hamilion, 1L D. Hamlin, E. IV. Hamlin, Hoistor, Hoge, J’amison, McClintock, McFarland, Plait, Quigglc, Sager, Sllfor, and McCaslin, Speaker—-23. ’ N«s—Messrs. Crabb, Crcssitcll, Hendricks, Klntecr, Krniklo and Skinner—o. So tho question was dotonnided In tbo nfflr motive. On the question, will tho Scnato agree to tho second proposition,tho yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the Constitution, and wero as fol lows, viz : Yeas —Messrs. Buckalow, Darsio, Furguson, Foulkrod, Fry, Goodwin, Hnldeman, B. D. Ham lin, E. W. Hamlin, Hendricks, Heistcr, Hoge, Jamison, Kinzor, McClinlock, McFarland, Piatt, Price, Quigglo, Slifcr, Wherry, McCoslin, Spea ker—22. * Nats— Messrs. Crabb, Crcswoll, Darlington, Hamilton, Kunkloand Skinner—G. So tho question was determined In tlio affir mative. Journal In tho House of Representatives. “Tho question recurring upon (ho final pas sage of tlio Resolutions, tho first proposition was agreed to as follows, via i , Yeas— Messrs. Abraham, Adams, Atherton, Ball, Barton, Boyer, Bingham, Boyd, Bush, By crly, Caldwell, Calvin, Carlisle, Chamberlin, Cooke, Crane, Cummins, Daugherty, Davis, De- Franco,Dunning,Eckert, Edlngcr,Eldrcd,Evans, b ostcr, Fry, Gallentino, Gibonoy, Gilmore, Gray Gm? m ’ ?" ln , Hamilton, Hart, Herr, Hoistand, iiuuer, Hippie, Horn, Hummel, Hunsuckcr, Hunter, Hunt, Jackman, Kilgore, Knight, Lan -5^ I^W ?) , *)ii? n,M “ ,seo * Ma ßnlr o »MttnderfloW l M Connell, M’Keo,Miller, Monaghan, Montgom ery, Moore, Moser, Muse, Palmer,Parke, Paim leo, Pnumoro, X’atlcrson, Porter, Putney, Uowo, Rawlins, Roberta, Sallado, Scott, Sidle, Slmon , ton,Smith, (Berks,) Smith, (Crawford,) Stowart, Stockdalo, Strong, Struthers, Wheeler, Wick , lelu, Wright, Zoiglor, Chose, Speofc«r*-«5. [> Nays— None. So tho question was determined In tho afilr i malivo. On tho question will tho House agree to tho second proposition, tho yens and nays were ta ken, agreeably to tlio provisions of tho 10th ar ticle of the constitution, and are as follows: Y EAB— Messrs. Abraham, Atherton, Ball, Bar ton, Bcclc, Boyer, Blgham,Boyd, Caldwell, Car lisle, Chamberlain, Cook, Crane, Cummins, Da vis, Daugherty, Doegan, DcFranco, Dunning, Edlngor, Eldrod, Evans, Fry, Gnllenfino, Gib bonoy, Gilmore, Gray, Groom, Gwin, Hamilton, Hleslund, IHlller, Hippie, Hunsfickor, Hunter, Hurlt, Jackman, Kilgore, Knight, Lnury, (Le high,) Lowry, (Tioga,) Linn, Mngoo, Maguire, Mandcr/lold, M’Connell,M’Keo, Monaghan, Mo sor, Montgomery, Mooro, Muse, Palmer, Pnrko, Parmloo, Passmore, Patterson, Porter,Rawlins, Roberts, Rowe, Sallado, Scott, Simonfon, Smith, (Berks,) Smith, (Crawford,) Stockdalo, Wheel er, Wlckloln, Wright, Chase, Speaker —7l. Nays— Messrs. Adams,Baldwin,Beans,Bush, Byorly, Eckert, Ellis, Hart, Herr, Horn, Hum mel, M’Combs, Miller, Pontoon, Putney, Sidle, Stewart, Strong, Struthers, Zolglcr—2o, So tho question was determined in thoafilrm atWo. • SEcnETAuv’s Opfiok, I IWi - ' * J'Nfv, 1 (lo , ccr V J y the above and I SluAI, I*7' ‘going,ls n truo and correct copy ZK for tho Session of 1854. ««vouwoaiin IVitnoss my hand and tho Seal of « ft ld nrtw this tirst day of July, one thousand eight im„ dred and fifty-four, 8 un * ‘O. A. BLACK, Secretary of the Commonwealth. July 18, 1854—0m0. Just' received, a few pieces WiVom Auction & soiling very low at JuneTC, 1864. - CHAS. OGILBT* \ A ;■ Aitentib^ 1 lbysp^]p(ic«r ; Who have bberT afflicted for loathsomcdiscase,aDdwho havb becQ-.U3liig\aliDost every, nostrum before the public without relief. . Wc say to. yon try "Bcechorts Anti-dyspeptic,” and you will soon bo. convinced of its great superiority over every other preparation. Wo could - give, you ttnany, certificates corroborating our assertion, -hut a single trial is worth more than oil. This remedy Is prepared and sold at thO'DrUg .store bf : B. J.KEIFFEB, ~ -South Hanover street, a few doors south of, ntinuoua Gums ;** and will construct Artificial Palates, Obhurations, Regulating Pieces, and every ap pliance used ih the dental ait. Operating room ut tho residence - df Dr. Samuel Elliott, East High street, Carlisle. ■ > March 9, 1854.—tf. Fire Insurance. THE Alien pnd East Pennaborough Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Cumberland county, Incorporated by an act of Assembly, is now fully organized, and in operation under the management of tho following Managers, viz s Daniel Bally, Wm. R. Gorgas, Michael Cock- Un, Mclcboir Brenneman, Christian Stayman, John C. Dunlap, Jacob H. Coover, Lewis Uyer, Henry Logan, Bepjamln H. Musscr, Jacob Mum. ma, Joseph Wickersbam, Alexander Cathcart. Tho rates of insurance arc as low and favorable as any Company of tho kind in tho State. Per sons wishing to become members are invited to make application to tbo Agents of the Company who aro willing to wait upon them nt any time. BENJ. H. MOSSEU, President. Henry Looan, Vico President. Lewis Hyer, Secretary. Miciiael Cockldi, Treasurer. March 23, 1854. AGENTS. Cpmderland County.—Rudolph Martin, New Cumberland j 0. B. Herman, Kingstown? Homy Zparlng, Shlrcmanstown; Charles 8011, Carlisle; Dr. J. Aid, Churchtown; Samuel Graham, West Ponnsboro; James McDowell, Frankford; Mode Grlfllth, South Middleton ; Samuel Woodbuln, Dickinson; Samuel Coover; Benjamin Haver stick, Mechanicsburg; John Sherrick, Lisburn; David Coover, Shcphei'd’stown. York County. —John Bowvnah, Blllaburg; P. Wolford, Franklin i John Smith, Esq., Wash 'lngton; W. S. Picking, Dover; J.W. Craft,-Par adise. nAßßisnona.—Houser & Lochraan. Members of tho Company having policies about to expire, can have them renewed by making ap plication to any of tbo Agents. WAU PAPER FOR THE RIIKXXOK. I HAVE just received my Spring Slock of Pa per Hangings, which surpass in style, quality and price any that has over been exhibited In Carlisle, I respectfully solicit n call from tho per. sons in want of Paper Hangings of any descrip tion, as I am confident my assortment far sur passes any in tho Borough, and In style and price has but few rivals in tho city. I only ask of tho public to call In and examine my assortment be fore making their purchases, as I am confident my chased designs cannot full to please the most fastidious. JOHN P. LYNE West tide of North Hanover tt. Carlisle, March 20, 1854. FIRST ARRIVAL OB' HARD- WAUJE t THE subscriber having returned from the city, lias Just opened for the Spring trado a largo nml well selected stock of Foreign and Domestic Hardware, embracing everything usually found lin that lino of business. The attention of friends and the public generally is respectfully directed to the assortment on band, assuring them that goods of all kinds will bo sold for cash at a very amah advance on manufacturers prices. Carpenten and Builders— are invited to exam ine the assortment of Locks, Latches, Hinges Bolts, Screws, Ginas, Putty, Oil, Paints, kcJ.\ llcmomhor the. old stand, in East High street whore they arc for sale cheap, * HENRY SAXTON. March 28,1850. TaUc Notice, THAT all peraons about commencing house* keeping, and nil in want of them can get supplied with knives & forks, spoons, ladles, coffee-mills, pans, kettles, band-irons, &c., at a very low rate, \t no w* ' n. SAXTON. March 28,1868, PLOUGHS— Durkoo’s colbrnted Tork Plows constantly on hand—also, Craighead’s and Plank’s make—all for sale at March 28,1868. SAXTON’S. TABLE OJIj.—A now lot of superior TnhTo Oil, as also Pickles, Tomatlo Ketchup, Bay Euro, French Mustards, &o. For sale by f Aug. 8, 1864. • J, W. BBT. SECOND ARRIVAL. A'i Second largo lot bf New Goods has Just xl-boen received at Phllfp Arnold’s in North Hanovorstrbet, whore taoy be fbuhdthe largest, best selected and cheapest stock ofDry-Gobds in tho coiinty. (' Among bis stock wall bo found all kinds of ■■, ’ Press Goods. J . ; i : jqjy*. Sucb as Lawns from 6s,to 18J, figured .Bsroge' do Lanes from CJ to 87,cts. Bamgcsfroiti 18J to 75 eta. Do Bagos’ftqia 18{ to 87$ cts., Chaliies at the sainib pricoi AW ’ " • B Q N'tfE TB , Another lot of those . Cheap Straw Bonnets for which there has been such a rush, also. Gimp Bonncfeat all prices from 26 cents to, s2 60. A large lot of PARASOLS, lined and plain, which will ho sold very low. • BONNET RIBBONS of nil kinds, among, which win bo found a lot of nice white ones.' „ ■Men's and Boy’S Wear of every kind & price, among which will bo found Linen CHocks, plain Linnona, Cottonadcs, Drillings, &c. ' The largest stock of Carpets, Oil Cloths.& Mattings ever brought to Carlisle. Carpets from 12J to $2 00 per yd., 4-4,6-4, and 6-4 Matting, Oil Cloths of nil widths, which will bo sold at very small profits. - . , GROCERIES, A largo stock of Groceries, such as coffee, su gar, tea, molluscs, spices, &c., which will bo sold as cheap as they can bo hod In the town. ■ Boots and Shoes for-Mon and Boys, Women s and Children’s shoes of oil kinds, which will bo sold low. . _ - ■ • v v Thankful for past favors, hb hopes for a con tinuance of -the same, and will endeavor to make it the interest of all to call and see.him, at the old stand near the Bank. PHILIP ARNOLD. Carlisle, Juno 8,1854. . ; HANTGKI’S New Clothing EstabliEirent. THE undersigned respectfully announces to his old friends and the public generally, that, ho has ro-commcnced tho CLOTHING BUSI NESS, in all its various branches, and has Just opened, fresh from tho city, at “ Leonard’i Cor ner,** North Hanover street, a well selected as sortment of READY MADE CXiOTDIHG, embracing every stylo, variety and finish, and at prices corresponding to tho times ond quality. Ho has also'.on hand a superior stock of • Cloths, Casslmers & Testings, of every stylo suitable for. Spring & Summer Wear, and which ho will make to order on terms which cannot fail to please. His stock also cm. braces a fine lot of Men’s Shirts, Collars, Cravats, Gloves & Hosiery; In short, every ar ticle pertaining. to gentlemen’s wear. ‘ Ho re spectfully invites the public to call and examine his goods. N. HANTCH. April 20,1854—tf. THE subscriber has just returned from the Eastern cities; and has opened at his stand in North Hanover street a new and full assort ment of HARDWARE, and now invites all per sons id want of good Hardware at reduced price to givo him a call as he can' accommodate. all from a needle to an anvil, one at ,prices to suit tho times. To Housekeepers.— A groat assortment of housekeeping articles, such as brass and enamel preserving kettles, frying pans,-bako pans, waf fle irons, smoothing irons, shovels, tongs, wait ers, trays, forks, knives, carvers, steels, butcher knives, rpoons, plated tea & table spoons, pocket and pen knives In great -variety, razor ond razor strops, scissors, shears, spades forks rakes, hoes, tubs, water cons, painted buckets, wash hoards, improved patent cistern pumps and lead pipe. Brushes.—A largo ossorlment of whitewash, dust; sweeping, horto& painter’s brushes. Iron. — A largo stock of hammered bar iroiy rolled iron of oil kinds, hoop iron, sheet irofi, round, square and band iron, English wagon boxes, ond steel of all kinds. v*. Paints, oil, varnishes, tuipontiuo, glue, &c. Gloss of nil sizes. 1 To Shoeuakers.-t-A full assortment of Mo rocco, Linings, Bindings, patent Goat Skins, Lasts, Shoo-threac. Pegs. Knives, and Tools of ail kinds. Bioko’s Flro Proof Paints of different colors. To Carpenters.—A ftill assortment of planes, saws, chisels, gages, squares, braces, bitts, bench screws, augurs and augur bltta, hatchets, To CoAonMAKBns h Saddlers.—A first rale assortment of carriage trimmings, such os laces, tassels, fringes, drab cloth and eattinott, head linings, imitation enameled leather, patent leath er curtain oil cloth, plain and figured? Dasher •Irons, Lamps, Axles, Springs, Malablo Castings, Bent Felloes, Hubs, Bows, Philips* patent boxes for wood axles, fine brass, silver plated and Ja pan harness mountings, Saddle trees, Whips, and every article used by Saddlers very cheap, Carlisle, March 22, 1854. Cheap Books & Fancy Articles. SW. HATESTICK has Just received and is * now opening a splendid display of Fancy Goods, to which no desires to call the attention of his friends and the public.’ ITIs assortment cannot be surpassed in itovcly and elegance, and both in quality and price of tho articles, cannot fail to please purchasers. His stock comprises every variety of fancy articles, such as baskets, FaneyWork Boxes, with staving instruments. Paper Macho Goods, Elegant Alabaster and Porcelain Ink-stands and Trays, Fancy ivory, pearl & shell card cases, Port Monaies of every variety. Gold Fens and Pencils, Fancy paper weights, Pnpertles, with a largo variety of ladies’ fancy stationary, Motto seals and wafers, Silk and bead purses, Ladles’ riding whips elegantly finished, PerAuUo baskets and bags, Brushes of every kind for tho toilott, Roussel’s perfumes ol various hinds, Musical Instruments of all kinks and at all prices, with an innumerable variety of articles elegantly finished. Also, an extensive and elegant collection of BOOKS, comprising tho various English and American Annuals for 1854, richly embellished and illus trate 1 Poetical Works, with Children’s Pictorial Books, for children of all ages. Ills assortment of School Books and School Stationary la also complete, and comprises everything used In Col leges and tho schools. lie olso calls attention to to Jiis elegant dislay of Lamps, Qriaiulolct, from the extensive establishments of Cornelius, Archer and others, of Philadelphia, comprising every stylo of Parlor, Chamber & Study Lamps, for burning either lard, sperm or othcrlal oil, to gether with flower vases, Fancy Screens, Ac, ills assortment in this lino is unequalled In tho borough. Fruits, Fancy Confectioney, Nuts, Preserved Fruits, &c,, In every variety and at all prices, all of which are pure and IVosh, such os can bo confldonly recommended to his friends and tho Utile folks. Remember tho old stand, opposite the Bank. „ „ , „ S. TV. lIAVEKSTICK. Carlisle, March 28, 1854. Ml. C. S. BAKER, " RESPECTFULLY offers his professional ser vices to tho citizens of Carlisle and surroim-' ding country. Ofilco and residence In South Hanover street, directly opposite tho Volunteer’ office. March 28, 1654.—tf. EMBROIDERIES. Just received a largo as sortment of cuilh, undorsloovos, spencers, collars and ruffling. Shawls. —A lot of handsome Spring Shawls, for sale very cheap. Gaitsrb.—Black and fhney colored Gaiters, jast received and for salo by TVolse & Campbell. March 20,1654. - AFRESH supply of Paints, Oils, Varnfahes, Dye Stuffs, Glasses, Putty, Sash Tools, ■&0? Also; Baking Soda and Bryan’s Pulmonjq TVafors, for tho euro of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Consumption, and all other diseases of tlioLungs, for solo at B. J. KIEFFER’S. ‘, Carlisle, March 23,1854. THE MARRIAGE STATE; Shalt Bapptnna and' Health, or MUiru mA . Sict,yttt»t alte»d tH‘ i MOST STARTLING CONSIDERATIONS I • Killqctlons for the TBtmghtful. , Strange that counties* human" beings exist and drag through life m do tbo beasts of the deld-or th'olasoots of tbo earth, ovinolcgno more thought or roflcctibb than though the noble faculties of *n|nd : rroro not vouchsafed to thorn.. . . Many each are husbands and.fathers, upon wbom> aro dopondottfc .the health,' the woll-bolng, and tbo happiness of a'oooSding and affectionate wife, with poruapsafamUy.ofohuuron. >, •; . ' , lIOW OPTSN IT lIAW’EXS THAT tlfK ‘ >! WIFE ; imOBJIB FROM VJBAE TO tEAB ; fn that pitiable obhdUlon,as not oven far onoday to feel the happy and cxhilorutlng Influence Incident tp the enjoyment of'health. ' r.- > ' She may- not bo an invalid confined to her bod, or oven, to her room 5 as her pride, ambition ond energy- Induce- and nerve her to take personal charge of hot household, overt When-her heollh will not admit of it; but shtf Is nevertheless perceptibly Sinking from day to day, and always ailing.:, • Thus, day after day, and month after month Iran* spire. - Her health daily sinks, till finally oven the lope of recovery no longer remains. And thus ' ■ ■ ‘ TH E BLOOMIN<3 BRIDE, * -But a fuw years ago In the flush of health ond youth, and buoyancy of spirits, rapidly, and appa rently ' inexplicably, becomes 'a feeble, sickly, de bilitated wife, with frame emaciated, norVos on strung,. spirits depressed, countenance bearing the impress of suffering, and .an utter physical and menial prostration. Sometimes this.deplorable change may and docs -arise from, organic or constitutional causes.- .But oftenor, by far oftonor, to gross and inexcusable ignorance of tbo simplest and plainest rules of health os connected with the.marriage state, the violation of-which entails disease, suffering and misery, not only to the wife, but often Hereditary Complaints upon the Children “UNTO TH?"-THIRD AND FOUttTU GENERATION, 1 * rmhamlttloff CONSUMPTION, fiOROFUZaA, 1 HYPOCHONDRIA, INSANITY, GOUT, ICING'S XSVI&, and other dlxenxex, ‘ ' as n * /. DREADFUL INHERITANCE And .must Ihla oonlinuo 1 ■ Shall wo bo wl«a In all that concerns the cattle of our Holds, oar horses, our sheep, our cows, oar oxon, tbo nature and character of the soil ire possess, the texture and quality of our goods and mcrchantliso ; but In all that concerns ourselves os human beings, with human functions and passions, subject to. groat derange* moot, involving our future pcaco and happiness— In all that concerns the health end welfare of the wife of our affections, and the mother of oar* chil dren; in all that coocerns the mental and physical well being of those children, ,wo should be. Uo* merged in the darkest and moat BENIGHTED IGNORANCE, AS CULPABLE AS INEXCUSABLE ! How long shall this ignorance prevail se produc tive of Us bitter fruits 1 How lung shall tne wife and mother bo ignorant of the nature, character and causes of tbo various womb and sexual complaints; embittering her days by suffering—suffering often prolonged to years, eventuating in a complication of diseases utterly and hopelessly incurable % Shall wo forever close our eyes to tbo results of physio logical. science by which we may arrive at an ondorslanding of ourselves ns men and. women, subject’ to serious lifu-long enduring diseases, and perpetuating them to our children. LET EVERY WIFE AND HUSBAKD FONDER .No Au-iiond or-wife it ecd be ignorant of.vhui contents them most to know In secure their health nntf happiness. ' lliat'htowledge is contained in a Unit work entitled TUB MARRIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION, BY DR. A- 1 M. MAUUICiiAU, VROPESSOR OP DIBEASRR OP WOMEN, One Hundredth £f (ho title n); nod buv only of rdspcctublo nml lionornMt era, or semi by mull, and mUlrcsK to Dr. A. M Mnurice&u, os there sro spurious and surreptitious Infringements of copyright. •*-. MC9“ Upon receipt of One Hollar " TUB MAR* BIRD/WOMAN’3 PRIVATE MEDICAL COM PANION" is sent (mitUe.l />tA to any . part of the United Elates, the Canadas and Biiiish Provinces All Letters most be post-paid, and addressed to Dr. A. M. MAURIOBAD, Box 1224, N-w.Yor> Oily. Publishing Office. No, 129 Libei ly SlrcuL Nsw-Yorh. • J. P. LYNE, For sale by Blanch and Crap, Harrisburg} J. Swartz, Bloomaburg; J. S- 'Worth,Lebanon } C. W. Do Witt, Milford} J. W. Ensmlngcr, Dan. holm j n. W* Smith, Huntingdon; S. McDonald, Unlontown; J. M. Baum, New Berlin} If. A. Lantz, Reading} E. T. Morso, Cranesvillo, N. Y. R. P. Crocker, Brownsville ; Wentz & Stork, Carbondnlej Eldrcd & Wright, Williamsport; S. Tuck, Wilkcsbarro; G. W. Enrlo, Waynesboro'; R. Crosky, Mercer; S. Leader, Hanover; S. W, Taylor, l/tica; K. P. Cummings, Somerset} T. B. Peterson, Philadelphia. March 28, 1854. IlßjyCsbyD sit J. 11. WEI9R. W. K. OAUI’DELt. Bargains at Weisc & Campbell’s NEW and cheap store, sonth'-wost comer of Hanover and Louthoratreets. Wo now fool a pleasure In announcing that wo have just re ceived splendid and choice assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, which wo will odor at such prices us cannot toil to please the public. The stock consists of Dress Doods, Black and fancy dress silks, Foulards, Organdies, brilliants, lawns. Jaconets, bareges, &c. Embroideries, fyc. A handsome lot of Spencers, Undcrsloovcs, col lars, rutlllngs, edgings, Inscrtlngs, mourning col. lars, embroidered linen cambric handkerchiefs. Ginghams, Checks, Tickings, Muslins, Jeans, Drills, Bagging, Red and white Flannels, &c. Cloths I A handsome assortment of Cloths, Cosslmcros jmd Vestings, very cheap. Rorinets! A largo assortment of Ladles and Mtssos French Loco, flossamero, Belgrade, .Tripoli,' Braid' and Straw Bonnots; Misses Fists at very low prices. Hats! Mon and Boys* -Canton, Leghorn, China Pearl, Senate and Palm Loaf Hals. Parasols, Umbrellas and Looking Glasses, cheap, Jioot* and Shoes! Wo arc soiling a largo lok of Ladies Shoes and Goiters nt greatly reduced prices, as wo Intend discontinuing this branch of our business. Oroccries I Rio ond Java Coffee, Roasted Coffee, Brown and wldto Sugars, Lovorlng’s Syrup Molasses, Teas and Spices. , , . . , Our stock for variety ami cheapness is certain ly not surpassed by any In the county. Those who wish to purchase articles of superior quality at reasonable prices, should not fall to give us a call. < WEIBE & CAMPBELL. Carlisle, April C, 1864. Wall paper, Wall Paper. ANOTHER arrival of Wall Paper just re ceived, cheaper than over. Also, Window- Shades by tbo cargo, cheap, cheaper, cheapest! for sale by HENRY" SAXTON. > April 18,1664. c\JiT ALL PAPER.—a very largo lot of Wal " IT Paper of every shade and ranging from 0$ eta, and upwards. Tho stock consists of a frill assortment of common, satin, silvered and gUt papers, all of which will ho sold low at SAXTON’S from the Parents, Domestics! Ifcw Goods Agalui PHICES y REDXrOEn! I'' I AM now oponlng iny second stfppiy 6f Sum, mer.Goodn, whlchhave been bought IbnuSl at astonishlnglylow ttflcosi’;' ■ 2 Has dbßaizo'Qtl24worth 18J. , Xawna(frs( colors) 0| worth 12j* Lawns (fast 1 colors) 32$ worth 20* Barone do XatnCs 6| worth 12|< do Lainoa 12J worth 2ut - •MuSlinifl* worth 8v ‘ ; ’ - < Bareges 18J worth 81,' ' : v* • V Black Silks 82J worth 8?r - : - • f. , Black Silks $1 worth sl,2#; * . .Stockings 6} worth 32J. Black'Casßfmerbssl.wortlisi > fid ; 1 . A full assortment of Needle forked EWcfc sleoves, Collars and Ohlraezotts, ■ - ff v Ladies Dress Goods, n great yariety, trachas Tissues, Summer Silks. Lawnfl, Baragek, &c. k-, . • . , 0,,K5 f SUMMER SHAWLS, veiylow. Great Bargains In Hosiery drijl Gloves. oSea^v '^° ry C^a^’ ; _ Pant Stuff & Vesting ' PARASOLS, RIBBONS, Cani bricka, Table Covers, Tickings, Checks, Linens.' Llncp Handkerchiefs, cheapo{p 0 { than over sold In Carlisle. p •800/* and Shoes, A Uttlo lower than ever. - Having now tho lore est and cheapest stock of .Hew Goods in tha county, lain determined to give all who will favor mo with a call, great bargains. ‘ • • Our old friends and customers aro earnestly Invited to call at the'ol&store, East Main st^ Our motto Is *• short profits and qufcfc 1 silos." ■ * * V’OHAS. OGILBY. Oarlialo, June 1, 1854.-‘- • ■ , “We iilrjve lo Please.” THE Subscriber would respectfully announed to. the, citizens of'Carlisle, and all persons visiting the same, that Jip.hos now on hand tnd will continue to bp supplied,with tho latest nov elties of each successive season, comprising, Itf port, • CONFECTIONARIES of the choicest varieties,' such as Fine Candy Toys, Jelly Oakes, Bon Sons, Gum, Cordial, Le mon, Chocolote, and Fruit Drops, Bose, Vanilla and burnt Almonds; French and exploding Sec rets, also all the common varieties, all of which will bo sold wholesale or retail, at low rates, at THE OLD STAND, N. HANOVER ST,, a few doors North of tho Dank, where ho has Just received Fruits and Nuts of tbo latest Importa tions, such ns Oranges, Lemons, Balslns, Figs, Prnons, Citrons, Currants, soft and paper shelled Almonds, Filberts, Cocoa, Cream and iG round • Nuts. A 150,.. ‘ TOTS AND FANCY GOODS , , of every kind and from oil parts of Europe, man ufactured of wood, glass,, china, papior-machia, tin, India rubber, zinc, &c., such as flnerwax, kid and Jointed dolls, sewing and card boskets, work and fancy boxes, flower vases, motto caps, tea setts, music boxes, port monies, bnctlo-doors, grace hoops, masks, drums, guns, trumpets, do minoso, lotto other games, &c., fancy soaps and hair oils of every variety. In connection with tho above, a largo stock of * m FAMILY GROCERIES, such oaLoverlng's crushed, pulverized and brown Sugars, Coffee, Molasses,- Starch, Indigo, Sule ratus, Green and Black Teas, Spices, Butter, Water and Soda .Crackers, Matches, &c., and as wo “ Strive to Please,” all are invited to call ond examine our stock. Tho subscriber returns liis thanks to tho public for tho patronage heretofore bestowed on him, and hopes by a desire to please to merit a con tinuance of tho same. ‘ P. MONTER, Carlisle, March 28,18 M; Uscftil, Fragrant, uud Good! BJ, KJEFFER has just returned from Phll • adclphia, with an additional supply of Fresh DRUGS, which, in connection with his former stock,*wi!l make Ida establishment complete in this department. In addition to the above, ho lias alsp just opened a fresh supply of Confectionaries, Fruits, Nuts, Pastes, and Fancy Articles of every’ description. .- Tho attention of ladles is especially Invited to his,extensive oasortment of f.mcy articles. La dles* Toilet Fancy Soaps and Perfumes of every variety. 1 Gentlemen are Invited to examine 'lris fitio assortment of Fancy Articles. Scgars, Ghi pa.and Porcclcan Pipes, Tolmccocs of every va ,rigty,-Shaving and Toilet Soaps, which will bo •found to bo very superior \ Canes, Riding and Carriage Whips, and many other articles which more especially interest gentlemen. A number of very superior Woolen MatU on hand. - The Proprietor will be very happy to have his friends generally call and examine his goods, whether they may wish to purolmse'or not/ B. J. KIEFFEI! Carlisle, March 23,1851. REMOVAL. JOHN D. GORGAS hereby informs his friends and customers, that ho has removed his TIN* WARE and STORE ROOMS to the room lately occupicd by Mr. J. W. Eby as a Grocery Store, on West High street, where he will as heretofore manufacture and keep constantly In store, every description of TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, mndo to the best stylo, and at tho very lowest prices. Good workmen and tho very best ma terial always employed, so as to Insure entire satisfaction. . Spooling and Job Work done at the shortest notice, in a superior manner and at fair prices. Also, in storo at all seasons, a largo and attrac tive variety of Parlor and Cooking Stoves, comprising every new and toncy stylo, of all prices and sizes, adopted to burning either wood or coal. His assortment of Stoves ho intends shall not be surpassed by any otlidr establishment} compris ing a score or inoro of different stylos to suit all tastes. Tlmnkfhl to his friends for tho patronago so long bestowed upon him at his old stand, ho respectfully invites a call at his now-establish ment, confident that his largo assortment cannot toil to please. JOHN D. GORGAS, Carlisle, March 20, 1854. SPESKMII, JEWELRY I THOMAS CONLYN, West High St., a few doors west of Burkholder’s Hotel, has Just received tho largest assortment of' Superior Jewelry ever offered l« Carlisle, consisting In part of Gold jffi and Silver Watches of evory variety, and {&Z\ at all prices, eight day Clocks, Silver (a and tea spoons, sliver table forks And butter knives, gold and silver spectacles, ladies’, ami gentlemen's gold pons and 1)000113, gold pens with silver holder, gold chains, of every descrip tion, car and finger rings, at oil prices, breast pins, &c. Also, Accordeons and Musical Boxes, together with a great variety of toncy articles.— persona desiring to purchase, arc invited to call and examine tho assortment. Wo arc prepared to soil at very reasonable prices. Quality of all all goods warranted to bo as fine ns sold for; THOMAS CONLYN.- ; Carlisle, March, 28, 1858. HATS I HATS 11 THE subscriber respcctfrilly Informs hi* friends and tho public generally, that ho has* removed Ida Hat ami Cap Store to his new build ing In Main street, whore ho will bo glad t 0 boo* his old customers and friends. Ho has now oiv fijga hand o splendid assortment of Hats' of jSt-M descriptions, from tho common "Woof tho finest Pur and SUk Hats, and at prices that must suit every ono who has an oyw to getting tho worth of his money. ’ His Silk, Moleskin and Reaver Hats, aro unsurpassed for lightness, durability and finish, by those of any other establishment in tho county. Boys’dlats of every description constantly on hand. Call and examine. n , „ WM. H. TROUT. Carlisle, March 28, 1853. Patent Calvenlzed Iron Tubing) L __ FOR CHAIN PUMPS. "I'UIE Tubing, mado of Galvanized Iron by X patent machinery, possossoa groat strength, combined with simplicity and neatness, ana is warranted not to corrode, is now offered for sal* nttho warohous oftiio American Qahenized Iron Works, No. 14, North Tenth Street, Plilla.- A full assortment of our American Galvanized Shoot and Roofing Iron always on hand. . All orders promptly attended to by • [Juno 10, Bm] McCULLOUGH & 00.