American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, July 13, 1854, Image 3

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CARLISLE, JULY 18, 1864.
Tim. .Weather.—From about tho 20th of
tfuho until within a day or two, the heat was
moat oppressive. F.Ven in tho shade, and in the
fcoolcst, places which could be found, tho ther
mometer ranged from 88 to 93. Almost every
body complained of the effects of the heat, and
it,is surprising to us how tho workmen in the
•.harvest-fields were ablo lb enduro it at all; but
as yet wo have heard of no cases of sunstroke
haying happened in this neighborhood. At the
present time, the weather is much more mode
rate, and we hope may continue so.
TIES.—The “ BeUes-Lettrea” and “Union Phi
losophical” Societies of Dickinson College, cel
ebrated their Anniversaries at tho Methodist
Episcopal Church, in this borough, the first on
Monday and the latter on Tuesday evening.
We attended on both evenings; took a few notes,
and in our next we alia!! “priht cm.
body, consisting often ministers of the Luther
an Synod of West Pennsylvania, assembled in
Rev. Mr. Par’s Church last evening, and is ex
pected to continue in session for several days.
Wo have not learned business
to be brought before it. service, how
fever, may be expected in the church, on this
and to-morrow evenings.
New German Lutheran Church.—Wc are
fclod to see tint our German Lutheran friends
have commenced the work of building a house
bf public worship, on the north-west corner of
Bedford and Porafrct streets, in this borough.
Already,ground has been broken for the foun
dation, and we have been assured that the work
will bo rapidly progressed with. The location
is a pleasant and central one. We ore not able
'to state what the exact dimensions of the new
edifice will be, but should judge that it will bo
about the medium size of the buildings of other
denominations in Carlisle. It is pleasant to
learn that liberal contributions have been made
by our citizens, in town and country, when
called on.
Arrival op Soldibus.—Ou Friday morning
last, a dctatchmcnt of about sixty soldiers, be
longing to the 2d Regiment of United States
Infantry, arrived at this place by the Eastern
train of cars, and immediately proceeded to their
quarters, at the Carlisle Barracks. They area
fine looking body of men and appear to bo well
drilled. The commanding officer at the post is
Brigadier General K. A. Hitchcock, an expe
rienced and competent officer.
Military Election. —Brigadier General Ed
ward Armor, of this borough, was, on Monday
the 3d instant, elected Major General of the 15th
Division of the Pennsylvania "Volunteers, com
posed of the Cumberland, Perry and Franklin
Brigades. Gen. Armor received all the votes
cast in Cumberland county (10.) Capt. E. M.
Biddle received all the voles in Franklin coun
ty (7.) In Perry no election was held. Gen.
Armor’s majority over Biddle, therefore, is 3
voles. The Major General elect is a veteran
officer, and richly deserved the honor that has
been conferred upon him.
(£7” The Sunday Law is becoming very pop
ular among all classes. All through the coun
try there seems to be a very general movement
_in favor of closing the, taverns and bcer-housca
T *on tho Sabbath. Many-houses are conforming
voluntarily to tho new order of things, and find
the loss but trilling, which is fully balanced by
the gain of being rid of a multitude of loungers
with whom they were previously bored. In
deed, wo hope soon to soothe Sabbath observed
in-a stricter manner than it has for some years
been. Not only tho tavern kccpcis. but every
man should abstain from following his worldly
business, and there should bon universal cessa
tion from all unnecessary labor on the first day
of the week.
Summer Complaints. —As this is Uw season
when so many people arc attacked with cholera
morbus, dtarrhuea, and a host of other diseases
incident to the season, every one should be care
ful to abstain, os much as possible, from indulg
ing in the eating of vegetables, unripe fruit, 4c.
Fruits, vegetables, mellons, and every descrip
tion of trash brought from a distance, and with
which our market is sometimes glutted, are al
most always decayed and unwholesome, and at
& lime like this arc the prolific source of all
manner of diseases. Avoid them as you would
the cholera and death.
Political Toleration. —Wo have read with
real pleasure, iud, xeb trust, much profit, the
able and eloquent sermon addressed to the con
gregation of St. Matthew’s Lutheran Chgrch.
Philadelphia, on the evening of June sth, by
their Pastor, Rev. E. W. llutter, upon the
subject of “ Political Tolevation." It is in
deed a masterly cflbrt, and stamps its author as
a man of enlarged, patriotic and liberal views.
At the present time, whfen intolerance is begin
ning to show Itself in our very midst, the ap
pearance of this sermon is most appropriate,
and should bo carefully read and pondered by
men of all parties.
Carlisle Light Infantry. —At the recent
celebration of the 4th of July at Harrisburg,
tho Carlisle Light Infantry, the oldest company
in tho State, was present, and participated in
tho festivities and fatigues of tho occasion. The
company was under tho command of its Cap
tain, Col. Samuel Crop, and mustered, as wo
learn, 34 men.' It is said tho old Infantry was
one of tho handsomest, best equipped, and best
drilled companies present on that occasion, ma
lting a very fine and soldler-liko appearance.—
Indeed, Col. Crop is ono of tho best drill officers
in tho State, and ho has exerted himself to tho
utmost to render hie company as near perfect
as possible in all that appertains to the duties
and deportment of a soldier.
Housekeepers and others will be rejoiced to
loam, that by the last odvjces from Europe, the
prices of bread-stuffs, of every description, had
declined considerably. In the cities, too, tho
price of beef has a downward tendency. What
with the late news from Europe, and the abun
dant supply of breadstuflh which wdl soon bo
brought into'morkcfc, tho price of flour must
ore long experience a considerable decline.
ID* Among the patents recently issued by the
office at Washington, wo see it announced that
Professor Herman M* Johnson, of Dickinson
College, Carlisle, has secured a patent for an
*' improved Rotary Cultivator.”
? r
.From /he TVasMag/otv l/tubn«
The appointment ofMr, Reeder to bo tho first
governor of Kansas ts received with general ap
aproval and gratification in Pennsylvania. Iho
Democratic papers speak of him in terms ol warm
attachment and admiration. Uis immediate
neighbors received tho intelllgeuc ot his appoint
mentwithpeculmrsatififactlon. On the evening
that'tho news reached Easton, the place ol iua
residence, bo was honored with a serenade, and
a visit of congratulation by a largo number ol
his neighbors. Tho Easton drgus gives a glow
ing description of tho spontaneous tho
merits ofMr. Recdor. Ho was addressed and
congratulated by George W. Tates, Esq., in a
speech of decided beauty and eloquence ; to
! which Governor Reeder responded with becom
ing modesty and propriety. Wo have room only
for his concluding remarks t
“Some idea may bo formed, too, of tho resist
less force of tho populous wave which has spread
like an inundation over this vast continent, from
tho interesting fact that In this very«TorrUory of-
Kansas, to which’my friend has alluded, we find,
Ukoau uprooted tree carried by the flood, tho
fragment ol tho tribe of the Delawares, on whoso
proper native soil we now stand, and whoso fath
ers waged deadly war upon ours hero in our val
leys, ahero the scream ot tho locomotive seems
to chase the very echoes of the Indian’s yell.
‘•But this is not tho theme to be discussed in
these desultory remarks. It is a subject for
thoughts to fill a world, to amaze future genera
tions, and to convert history h. o romance. Wo
cannot discuss it now, and 1 will close by thank
ing you once more for this congratulatory call,
ami tho earnest assurance, that whatever may
bo the result of senatorial action, or oi my own
action upon tho honor Which tho President has
conferred upon me, these expressions of confi
dence and approbation, which it has evoked from
my fellow-citizens and friends, will over be cher
ished in my memory as giving (o tho appointment
its greatest value—and whether now or hereafter
—in whatever circumstances I may bo placed—
present or absent—on tho banks of the Delaware
or at tho base of the Rocky luontuins, my heart
will always kindlu with affection and regard for
, the kind and faithful friends who have cheered
my path by their confidence and d jvoUou. -
“1 give you as a sentiment:
“Minnesota, Kansas and Nebrask : Destined
soon to add the 82d, and u-llh stars lo our
national ensign, and lo prove the pathway ol
empire to the I’acific.“
“G. IV. Stein, Esq., remarked that it would
be particularly appropriate, while rejoicing over
the elevation of our townsman, to remember the
' man to whom wo uro indebted for the favor.—
■ Ho therefore proposed j
“Tho health of the President of the United
States, Franklin Pierce.
“Six good cheers were given, when
“Ilunry Green, Esq., remarked that it had
been deemed npj ropriutc to testify, by a senti
ment, our regard /or President Pierce, and our
gratitude for the honor conferred upon our towns
man and our borough by this appointment; that
while our gratitude is duo to the President for
the honor ho has done us, there are others equal-
ly entitled to our regard lor their agency i» pro
curing the appointment. The President, having
the appointing power, nominates (ho (.nicer, but
It is mainly through the representations and in
fluence of others that he Is Induced to exercise
his power in f. ror of particular persons. As
one of the foremost and most active of those
who were engaged In procuring tins appointment,
ho proposed
“Tlio health of our excellent and estimable
representative in Congress, the lion. Asa Pack.
“Mr. Reeder being again called on for a son.
Limoni in the course of the evening, rif.-rred to
the remarks that had been made eulogistic of
the men who had labored for the result alluded
to, and said :
“There Is one man uhom, on (his occasion,
and In this connection, 1 am sure you do uo
wish to overlook, and whem I cannot allow t<
be forgotten where manliness and worth am
nobleness of soul are appreciated. I must ask.
therefore, to till for the health of a refined and
cxhaltcd intellect—of untiring mental force and ,
activity—of warm and generous Impulses—of
uuqnailing moral courage, and of soil-sacrificing
devotion to his friends. Faithful as fidelity it
self, generous as the showers ofheavcn,he would
make efforts and sacrifices for his friends which
ho would never make for himself, and confer his
benefits .without a moment’s consideration,
whether they left nncounted'hpard orab 1
exhausted store—the very soul oT "honor, and
fulili, and pure, unselfish generosity.--- And with
this merited and Introductory tribute, given In
the sincerity of my heart, I propose—
*«Tho health of Col. John W. Forney, clerk
of the National House of Representatives.
The following sentiments (among a large num
ber o/ others of which we look no note) wen
also offered, and most heartily received ;
“Hon. James Campbell. Postmaster General
An honor to the cabinet of President Picrcoum
to Pennsylvania.
“Hon.’Stephen A. Douglas : The statesman
ami orator—(he father of the Nebraska and
Kansas bill. Time will vindicate its wisdom.
Alter other toasts, the company retired, gen
erally delighted «ilh tho gratifying socialities
of (his important unliTiamraent.”
London Chystai. Palace. —The London Crys
tal Palac, which h.i« been re-constructed at
Sydenham, was to bo re-opened at the close ol
lust month. Tho “Loudon Times” says that
“several years must elapse before tho place cun
bo seen in Ua full glory i before the stately pnlm
trees have acquired their loftiest proportions i
before (ho vino branches climb upwards to the
vitioous roof; before tho illustrations of ancient
and modern art have been completed; before
tho whole hydraulic marvels in contemplation
nro finished ; the different families of ninn Illus
trated, and tho Flora and Fauna of tho world
finally and effectively arranged.”
blacksmith made out a bill againsl
ono of his customers, in which n charge was in
tended to bo made for “steeling two mattocks;”
but the sou of, Vulcan, who had been more
used to wielding a sledge hammer than study
ing Dr. Johnson, wrote the fallowing Item :
“To stealing two mad docks, two shillings.”
Philadelphia, Jiily 12.
Flour and Meal—There is very little expert
demand for Flour. Tho best offer Is about $8 lie
per bbb, for standard brands, and $8 a $0 for
extra. Wo quote llyo Flour at $6 87and
Ponnna. Corn Meal at $3 2fi per hbl.
Grain.—Wheat is scarce, and is nearly nomi
nal ai $2 for white ami $1 75 a $1 85 for red. —
Uyo Is scarce. Last sales of Pennsylvania at
100 u 1 10c. Corn is less active, sales at 75c,
afloat, for yellow. Oats arc scarce—Sales at
68 a 00 cents.
Whiskey.—Tho demand continues limited.—
Sales at 271 a2B cents, In both hlids. and bbls.
School-Tax, 1854.
ON SATURDAY, tho sth of August next, tho
School District Treasurer of Carlisle will
meet at tho County Commissioners’ Otllco to ro
coiv o School-Taxes—all paying on or before that
day will bo allowed Five per cent. Prompt pay
ment Is necessary, and will benefit both taxable
and district. J. W. EBY, Treasurer.
July 13, 1858—Iw.
Town Property For Salt*.
THE undersigned will offer at public sale at
public sale, at tho Court House, on SAT
URDAY, the 20th of August, at 2 o’clock, P. M.,
tho following property, situate In the borough
of Carlisle, via:—
0 n> .No. I—A1 —A double two story Stone
jtfESQk DWELLING HOUSE, situate on
• ■iil|ißeßo(lfor<l street, with back building,
house and cistern, adjoining
propertv of T. Boslor. TUo lot Is 122 fbot deep.
No. i— Is two story DWELLING HOUSE
woathorboarded, with a novcr-lWUng well of wa
ter near tho door. Tho two properties will bo
■jold separately or together as may suit pur
Terms will ho made known on said day by
July 18(s.j WM. M. PENROSE,
Old Mouoncaliela Rectified.
WHISKEY, constantly on hand, and for sale
at fho lowest market prices; particular at
toution will bo paid to orders from a distance.
Harrisburg Pa.
Jnneß—Bm #
, Jsj) 2lutl)oritn:
Amcndmenls to tlie Constitution
ot itao.Commonwealth.
Section 1. Resolved hj the Senate and House
of Jieprerentatxvcs of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, in General Jlsscmbly met , That tho fol
lowing amendments bo aad the same are hereby
proposed to the Constitution of, the Common
wealth, under and in accordance with the pro
visions of tho tenth article thereof, to wit:
Section 1. Tho aggregate amount of debts
hereafter contracted by tho Commonwealth shall
never exceed the sum of five hundred thousand
dollars, except in caso of war to repel invasion,
suppress insurrection, or to redeem tho public
debt of tho Commonwealth, and the money so
raised shall be applied to the purpose for which
the debt may bo contracted, or pay such debts,
and to no other purpose.
Sect. 2. To pay the public debt of the Com
monwealth, and debts which may hereafter be
contracted in case of war to repel invasion, sup
press Insurrection and to redeem the public debt,
tho Legislature shall at their next session after
tho adoption of this section into the Constitution,
provide by law for the creation ofa sinkingftmd,
which shall not be abolished till (lie said public
debt bo wholly paid, to consist ofall the net an
nual income from the public works and stocks
owned by tho Commonwiolth, or any other funds
nrlsingundoranyrevenuo law nowexistingorthat
may be hereafter enacted, so far as tho same may
bo required to pay the interest of slid debts
semi-nnnnally, and annually to reduce the prin
ciple thereof by a sum not less than five hundred
thousand dollars, Increased yearly by compound
ing at a rate of not less than five per centum per
annum ; the said sinking fund be invested in tbc
loans of the Commonwealth, which shall bo can
celled from time to time in a manner to ho pro
vided by law : no portion of tho sinking fund
shall ever bo applied to the payment of the debt
of five hundred thousand dollars mentioned in
the first section of this article, but tho said sink
ing fund shall ho applied only to tho purposes
herein specified.
Sfct. 8. Tho credit of the Commonwealth
shall not in any way bo given or loaned to or in
aid of any individa), company, corporation or
association,nor shall tho Commonwealth hercaf-
ter become a joint owner or stockholder In any
company.nssociation or corporation in this Com
monwealth or elsewhere formed foranypurposes.
Sect. 4. The Comim nwealth shall never as
sume the debts of any county, city, borough or
township, or of any corporation or association.
unless such debts shall hive been contracted to
repel invasion, suppress insurrection, or to de
fend (he State in war.
Prohibiting Municipal Subscriptions.
The Legislature ah ill never authorize any
county, city, borough or township, by vote of
its citizens or othcru iso, to become a stockhold
er In any joint stock company, association or
corporation, or to raise money for, or loan its
credit to, or in aid of : ny such company or as
sociation. E. B, CHASE,
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate.
In Senate, April 28,1864.
•Resolved, That (his resolution pass. Vcai
22, nays 6. Extract from (ho Journal.
T. A. MAGUIRE, Clerk.
[n the House ot Representatives, April 21,1851.
Resolved, That this resolution pass. Yeas
71, nava 20. Extract from the Journal.
IVM. JACK, Clerk.
SrcuETAny’s Office, 4
Filed April 2'J, 1854. f
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Sfcretaut’s Office, )
llarrishmg, July 1, 1854. 1
“ x Ido certify that the above and
SE.VI. ia a true and correct copy
. the original “Resolution relative
to an amendment ol the Constitution,” as the
same remains on file in this office.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my
hand and caused to ho affixed the seal of the
Secretary’s office the day and'year above writ
ten. C. A. BLACK,
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Journal of the Senate.
V “Resolution No, C 02,” entitled ‘Resolution
Reposing amendments to the Constitution of the
Commonwealth,* was read athirdtlmo. On the
question, will thb Scnatd dgrco'to the'first prop
osition} tho yens and nays were taken, agreeably
to tho Constitution, andwero os follows, viz >
Yeas—Messrs. Buckolew, Darlington, Darsio,
Furguson, Foulkrori, Frick, Fry, Goodwin, Ilal
deman, Ilann'lion, B. D. Hamlin,E. "SY. Hamlin,
Ileistcr,llogu, Jamison, McOl|ntock, McFarland,
I’latt, Qnigglc, Sager, Slifcr” and McOaslin,
Nays—Messis. Crahh, Crcsswell, Hendricks,
Kinlzer, Kunkle and Skinner—o.
So the question was dctermklcd In the affir
On the question, will (ho Senate agree to the
second proposition,the yeas and nays were Liken
agreeably to (he Constitution, and wore as fol
low a, via :
Vkas —Messrs. Bnckalew, Dnrsio, Furgnson,
Foiilkrnd, Fry, Goodwin. Haldeman, B. D. Ham
lin, E. W. Hamlin, Hendricks, Holster, Hogo,
.lamison, Kinzer. McClintock. -McFarland, Piatt,
Price, Qnlggle, Slifer, Wherry, McCasfin, Spea
Kays —Messrs. Cnhb, Creawell, Darlington,
Hamilton, K tinkle and Skinner—o.
So the question was determined in the affir
Joumil in the House of Representatives.
“Tlio question recurring upon the final pas
sage of tho Resolution*, tho first proposition was
agreed to as follows, viz s
Yeas —Messrs. Abraham, Adams, Atherton,
Ball, Barton, Boyer, Bingham, Boyd, Bush, By
orly, Caldwell, Calvin, Carlisle, Chamberlin,
Cooko, Crane, Cummins, Daugherty, Davis, Do-
France.Duimlng.Eckcrt, Edlnger, Eldrcd, Evans,
Foster, Fry, G«llenHno,Oihonoy,Gßmoro, Gray
Groom, Gwln, Hamilton, Hart, Herr, Holstond,
ITillier, Hippie, Horn, Hummel, Hunsuckor,
Hunter, Hurtt, Jackman, Kilgore, Knight, Lan
rr, (Lehigh.) Linn,Magee, Maguire,Manderflold,
M'Connoll, M’Kee,Miller, Monnghon, Montgom
ery, Moore, Moser, Muse, Palmer. Parke, Pnrm
l«o, Passmore, Patterson, Porter, Putney, Rowo,
Knwilns, Roberts, Ballade, Scott, Sidle, Simon
ton,Smith, (Rories,) Smith, (Crawford,) Stewart,
Stockdalo, Strong, Struthors, Wheeler, Wick
loin, Wnpht, Zolglcr, Chase, Speaker —B6.
Nats— None.
So the question was determined in tho affir
On tho question will the House agree to tho
second proposition, tho yeas and nays were ta-1
kon, agreeably to (ho provisions of tho 10th ar
ticle of the constitution, and are a 8 follon ft j
Yf.ab— Messrs. Abraham, Atherton, Ball, Bar
ton, Bock, Beyer, Blghnm,Boyd, Caldwell, Car
lisle, Chamberlain, Cook, Crane, Cummins, Da
vis. Daugherty, Deogan, DoFranco, Dunning,
Klinger, Eldrod, Evans, Fry, frallonllno, Glb
honoy, Gilmore, Gray, Groom, Gwln, Hamilton,
niostnnd, IHlllor. Hippie, Hunseckor, Hunter,
Hurtt, Jackman, Kilgore, Knight, Laury, (Le
high,) Lowry, (Tioga,) Linn, Mngoo, Maguire,
Manderfiold, M’Connell, M’Keo, Monaghan, Mo-,
sor, Montgomery* Moore, Muse, Palmer, Parke,
1 Parmloo, Passmore, Patterson, Porter,Rawlins,
Roberts, RoweTsHHado. Scott. Slmonton, Smith,
1 (Berks,) Smith, (Crawford,) Slockdalo, Wheel
er, Wlcklein, Wright, Chase, Speaker— 7l.
Nats—M6s«rs. Adams. Baldwin, Beans, Bush,
Bycrlw Eckert, Ellis, Hart, Herr. Horn, Hum
mel, M’Cotnbs, Miller. Poulson, Putney, Sidle,
Stewart, Strong, Stmthcis, Zolglcr—2o.
So tho question was determined in tho affirm
SecuktanY*fl Omen, I
ITarrishurg, July 1, 1864. f
j,*- • I do certify that tho above and
| jforogoing, is a trim and correct copy
V ./of tho “ttas” and “nAYa” taken on
the “Resolution relative to an amendment of the
Constitution of the Commonwealth” as the same
appears on tho Journalsof tho two Houses of
tho General Assembly, of tills Commonwealth
(or tho Session of 1864.
Witness mv hand and (ho Seal of said ofilce
I this first dav of July,ono thousand eight hun
-1 drod and fifty-four.
0. A. BLACK.
Secretary of tho Commonwealth
July IR. 18M—flmo. .
CARPETING.— Just received. ft fow plecei
from Auction & ■olllng very ! o^ .t
Jims 16,1861. OHAS. OGIIBr.
P.-T,. SSAB'frUai’S
THE largest Travelling Exhibition in the
World, Doing a combination of nil the most
popular and unexceptionable amusements of tbe
ago—enlarged and improved for the season of
A Team of Eight Elephants
will draw the great Car of Juggernaut. A Baht
Elephant, only one year old, and but 3J feet
high, will carry ujion Maback around the inte
rior of the immense tho Lilliputian
TOM THUMB. Tho Magnificent
Cortage comprises 140 Horses and 100 men.—
The Pftvilllon of Exhibition: has been enlarged
until itia capable of accommodating 15,000 spec
tators at onco. The Collection of living Wild
Animala includes tho most splendcd specimens
ever exhibited in America. Among many oth
ers will be found EIGHT BEAUTIFUL LIONS
fresh from tholr nativq -Forests. A monstrous
White or Polar Sear t of prodigious size and fe
rocity. A magnificent Royal Tigcj, the largest
one ever captured alive. A Pair of Young
Lions > only six montbi old. Brasilian Tigers,
Black* and Poonah Bears, Hyenas. «Jr,, <Jr.
tured in the Jungles- of Contra! Ceylon, by
Messrs. S.B.Junb & Geo* Ndtter, assisted by
2CO Natives, after fl pursuit of three months anil
four days in the jungltß. They m ore finally en
trapped and secured in an Indian Kraal nr Trap
ol enormous dimensions and pi odgious strength
whore they were subdued.
P. T. RARNUM* Proprietor of the Ameri
can Museum, Now York,’ has the honor to an
nounce, that encouraged by the brilliant success
which has attended all his various efforts for the
amusement of the public, he boa been led to form
die project of organizing a vast travelling
museum of Wonders I
Whichcomprisosagrcatervarlcly of attractions,
and more extraordinary novelties, than any (ra
velling exhibition in tho World. Every feature
of this Mommoth Estdblishmcntis of a peculiar
and interesting nature,and (ho whole is produced
upon a gigantiqscolc of magnitude. Tho [ra
velling paruphetTiftlia of tho American Museum,
as it enters oafth town, is preceded by the gor
geous CAR OF JUGGERNAUT, drawn
by EightElcphants, superbly caparisoned, being
an accurate model of that terrible engine of hlol
tres sacraflco, finished and dccocrated In all the
extravagance of tho llindoo style. Following
this monster vohlclOyisalongprocession of odst
ly cages and carriages* tho whole forming a spot
tacles of more than Orientinl splendor. The
Exhibition will "take place within a magnificent
variegated Pavlllion, composed of American
Flags, of water-proof fabric. The real, genuine,
General. Tom Thumb,
In attached to this exhibition, and will appear in
all hi# performances as given before tlio princi
pal crowned heads of Europe, including Songs,
Dances, Grecian Stiityfcs, and his admired per
sonations of Napoleon and Frederick the Great,
The Utile General is hi'en/y-hro years of age,
weighs only 15 pounds, anti is bul twenty-eight
inches high. Also engaged
Mr. Kellis,
the nmn without arms, who will execute his ex
traordinary feats of loading and firing a pistol
with ids toes ; cutting profile likenesses; shoot
ing at o mark with o bownnd arrow; playing up
on tho Accordeon and Violincollo, ect. Mr.
Nellis, in thoso performances, exhibits a won
derful example of what Indomitable energy and
industry can acomplish, even when laboring un
der disadvantages apparently ot tho most Insur
A oomplo Menagerie ot
is also included in tho American Museum, and
a] a convenient period during (ho Exhibition
will enter tho dbhs of tho Wild Beasts, and give
ids classical illustrations of Hercules struggling
with tho Niomonn Lloni Daniel In tho Lions’
Den t Sampson destroying tho Lion, &c.
Ono of tho most interesting portions ol tho
Exhibition Is formed by (ho display of a groat
collection of WAX STATtTAU Y, Including
figures of the sizo of life, of all tho Presidents of
tho United Stales, and olso of a great number of
noted characters, American and Foreign, all of
which nro accurate likenesses, and appropriately
costumed. In fact the whole establishment Is a
vast repository of
Wonderful Vbjectiof Nature and Jrll
tho full particulars ot jvhlch It would bo Impos
sible to glvo within the limits of a newspaper ad
vertisement, and which has boon brought togeth
er at an onormons expenditure of nleana v fornilng
tbo largest and most novo! travelling Exnlbltlon
In this or any other country.
A fine Military Band will perform tho most
popular airs ot the daj\ As tho procession enters
town, and also during pie hours of exhibition.
Tho American MutfUm and Menagerie will ■or
mbit at OALI.ISI.E, in MONDAI, Inly 241 b.
Price of Admission £6 eta. Children under 0
yoors of ago 15 eta.,—to tho whole of this im
mense Establishment; Including General Tom
Thumb, the entire' collection of Wild Animals,
Wax Statuary, Mr, LeagePa performance in tho
Dens, tho if aby Elephant. Mr. Neills’ perform
ances. &c.» no extra targes whatever, lot tho
reports be what ,they nay. . , . .
Doom open' from ti to 4, and (Von? 7 to 0
o'clock) P*,AC.
14 Teachers Wanted.
THE Board of School Directors of South Mid
dleton District will meet at tho public house
of Mr. Stough, In tho borough 'of Carlisle, on
Satubday, the 6th of August next, at D o’clock,
A. M., for the purpose of contracting with teach
ers to take charge of the schools of saidDistrlct.
All applicants for Schools are requested to moot
tho Board on said hay, tho County Suporinton
tendeat will also be present for tho purpose of
examining Teachers. By order of tho Board,
July 18, 1854—4 w.
One Cent Reward,
RAN AW AY from the subscriber, residing
In West Pcnnsborough township, one mile
east of Newville, on Sunday, tho oth of July
last, a small colored lad, named Geo. Fjsheh,
about 12 years old. Tho public are hereby cau
tioned against trusting him’ on my account, as I
intend paying no debts hereafter of his con
tracting. R.C. WOODS.
July 18, 1860—3 w.
ROAD COMPANY, York, Pa., Juno 27,
1864.—A general meeting of tbe stock-holders
of the York and Cumberland Railroad Company
will be held at Calvert Station, Baltimore, on-
Wednesday, tho 10th of July next, at 12 o’clock
AI., to take Into consideration the questions pre
sented by tbe recent acts of the Legislatures of
Pennsylvania and Maryland, and tho ordinance
of the city of Baltimore, for tho consolidation of
tho several companies owning the lino of rail
road from Baltimore to Sunbury. The transtor
books of the company will be closed five days
previous to said meeting.
Bv order of tho board.
JOHN HERR, President,
July 13. 1854—hv.
IVolico to Tax-Payers.
THE Commissioners of Cumberland county
have directed the several Collectors of
County and State Taxes for tho year 1854, to
make an abatement of Five per cenf. on such
taxes paid on or before tho 15th of July next,
alter which period no abatement wjll bo allow
ed, and a speedy settlement made of the unpaid
taxes, to relieve the pressing demands upon the
County Treasury. By order of tho Commis
sioners. Test—WM. RILEY, Clerk.
CoMHissjoxKn’s Office, (
C.u lisle, June, 20, '5l {
Stale and County Taxes for 1854.1
AN ABATEMENT ~f five per cent., will be 1
allowed on Statu and County Taxes, if paid !
to the undersigned on or before the 17th July, |
1851. After that time the whole amount will
be required, and all persons are hereby notified
to pay their taxes on or before the Gtb day of
September, 18)4, as the law requires the Col
lector to piy the full amount at bis Duplicate
within throe months from the date of the war
Carlide, June 22, 1854. Collector.
Teaclicr Wnntod
A FEMALE Teacher to take charge of the Fe
male High School in the Borough of New
villc- The Board of Directors will receive ap
plications until the Hi st of August. The session
will commence near the last of August, and be
continued nine months.
Newville, July G, 1854.
WHEREAS the Hon. Jaues 11. Graham,
President J udge of the several Courts of
Common Pleas in the counties of Cumberland.
Perry, and Juniata, and Justices of the several
Courts of Oyer and Terminer and Genera! Jail;
Delivery in said counties, and Samuel Wood hum I
and John Rupp, Judges of the Courts of Oyer 1
and Terminer and General Jail Delivery for the j
trial of all capital and other offenders, in the said i
county of Cumberland, by their precepts to me]
directed, dated k tho lUh of April, 1851, have
ordered tho Court of Oyer and Terminer and
General Jail "Delivery to be liolden at Carlisle, on
tlie fourth Monday of August, 1854, (being the
28th day,) at ten o’clock in the forenoon, to con
tinuo one week.
NOTICE is hereby gjvon to tho Coroner, Jus
tices of tfi© s Constables of the said
county of Cumberland, thatthljj' oro by the said
precept commanded to bo" then and there in thoir
proper persons, with thdlr rolls, records, and in
qulsitfons, examinations and all other remem
brances, to do those things which tojthjflitpfElces
appertain to' bo done, nml aft thoso that are
bound by recognizances, to prosecute" against
tho prisoners that are or then Shall bo In tho Jail
of said county, aro to bo there to prosecute them
ns shall bo just.
July G, 1854.
Sumac Wanted
THE highest price will he paid in cash for
Sumac in Urge or small quantities, il deliv
ered to (he subscriber in East street, Carlisle..
Jui*) 251. T.-l —3m.l JACOB SIIROM.
Hoy Wanted
A BOV is wanted to stand in aCrnocrv Store
in Carlisle. One of about V) or lb years
of age, who can come well recommended <>>r
honesty and business habits, will hear t>l n good
situation I)) - making curly application to the ed
itor oi the Vulnniecr.
June 'JO, IHM-IU
IS hereby giron, that application uill he made
to the next Legislature, agreeably to tho con
stitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, for an alteration in tho charter of the
Carlisle Doposito Bank- so ns to confer upon
said Bank the rights and privileges of a bank of
issue, to change tho name to that of ‘-The Car
lisle Bank/’ and to Increase (ho capital stock
one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, if prac
ticable. By order of the Bonn! of Directors.
IVM. M. BKETK.M, PoMier.
Carlisle, Juno 29, 185 J—Cm
IS hereby given, that an application will ho
made to tho next Legislature of Pennsylva
nia, for tho Incorporation of a Dank, with gener
al banking privileges •, or, If Impracticable, lor
a Deposit Bank, with a capital of one hundred
1 thousand dollars, with tho privilege of increas
ing it to two hundred thousand dollars, to bo
located In the Borough of Carlisle, Cumberland
county, Pa., under tho name and stylo of ‘‘The
Fanner’s Dank.”
Cailislo, June 29, 1851—6 m.
NOTICE is hereby given, that the Dickinson
Saving Fund Soclcty,located In Centerville,
Cumberland county, Fa., will make application
to (liu next Legislature of tho Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, for an act of Incorporation, with
a capital often thousand dollars, and privilege
to Increase to twenty-live thousand dollars, with
discounting privileges and power to rocolvo de
posits, and such other powers and privileges us
are usually granted to Saving Institutions. By
order of the Board. A. G. MILLER,
June 29, 185-I—Om Treaa’r.
Six rout* Iloworcl
£ RAN A WAY trom tho subscri
bor residing in Carlisle, on tho
20(1) of Juno, 1814, an Indentured
apprentice to (ho Cabinet-making
business, named Wu. B. Olaudy.
Said apprentice Is about 6J foot
high,and formerly resided In Now
villo.hfts black hair and may bo known by a scar
on tho lip from tho effects of a blto by a horso.
Had on when ho loft a blnok frook coat and
barred pants. I caution all persons against
harboring, trusting or employing him on ray ac
count, ns I am determined to put tho law In force
against all who do so. Tho above reward will
bo paid to any person who will deliver him to
tho subscriber fn Carlisle, Pa.
June 20 W-*Bt. JOHN LIS2MAN.
THE undersigned Auditor, appointed by tho
Court to marshal and distribute tho assets in
tho hands of John Wort, Adrolnlstrotorof Henry
Hartzoll, Into of South Middleton twp., Dumb,
county, doo’d., among tho creditors, gives no
tice that ho will attend to that duty at his office
In Carlisle, on Saturday, tho Jfith of Jnly, 1864.
Tho creditors are hereby notified to present their
claims to me on or before that day.
T. M. BIDDLE, Auditor.
Jana 22, 1894—8 w.
NOTICE Is hereby given, that an application
was made at the April term, of the Court
of Common Pleas of Cumberland county, A. D.
1854, for a Charter of Incorporation for the
Second Gorman Evangelical Lutheran Church
of the Borough of Carlisle, and the Court made
thereon (he following decree s
<*Now to .wit; April 19th, 1854, It Is ordered
that the within writing bo filed iu the office of
the Prothonatory, and that notice of the appli
cation therein contained bo published In one
newspaper In the borOugh of Carlisle, for throe
weeks prior to the next term.’*
Bv the Court.
If, by the next term of the Court, no sufficient
reason bo shown to the contrary, tho said Court
will bo asked to grant the said charter.
Juno 29, 1854—3 t
Dr. H. W. Caufman
WOULD rosppctfblly announce to tho citi
zens of Carlisle and vicinity that after an
experience of twelve years In the practice of
Medicine, ho has located himself in their midst
for the purpose of devoting his entire attention
to the practice of the profession, and would re
spectfully solicit a share of public patronage.
His office and residence is next door to C
Msglaughlin’s Hotel, North Hanover st.
Carlisle, Juno 22, 1854—3 m.
Harness & Saddlery.
A Few setts of new Double & Single Harness,
also, several new Saddles and Bridles—lor
sale cheap. Enquire at this Office.
June 29, 1854.
Clothing: at Co*t I
THE subscriber has now on hand an assort
ment of fashionable and well made Clothing
which will be sold off at Co si for Cash. The
stock consists of Cloth and Cashnmrctt Coats,
Tweed & Jean Coats, Linen & Gingham Coats,
.Marsailla, Silk and Satin Vesting; Casslmcre,
Joan & Cord Pantaloons, Linen and Cottonade
Pantaloons, See., with all kind of Clothing usu
ally kept in Clothing Stores.
Intending to relinquish this branch of my
business, great bargains can be had by calling
socm at the cheap store of
Juno 15, 1854. CIIAS. OGILBY.
Attention Dyspeptic*!
rpIIOSE of yon who have been afflicted tor
X yours, with this loathsome disease, and who
have been using almost every nostrum before
the public without relief. Wo say to you try
“Beecher’s Anti-dyspeptic,” and you will soon
ho convinced of its great superiority over every
other preparation. Wc could give you many
certificates corroborating our assertion, but u
single trial is worth more than all. This remedy
is prepared and sold at the Drug store of
| South Hanover street, a few doors south of
i the Court-house,
I Carlisle, June to. 1851.
Patent Galvenlzcd Iron Tubing,
THE Tubing, made of Galvonized Iron Im
potent machinery, possesses great strength,
combined with simplicity and neatness, and Is
warranted not to corrode, in now offered for sale
at the ware houa of the American Galctnixtd Iron
U’orfct, No. 14, North Tenth Street, Phlla. —
A full assortment of our American Galvanised
Sheet and Routing Iron always on hand.
All orders promptly attended to by
[June 15, 3ni] McCULLOUGH & Co.
Spring and Summer Clotlilngrl
Arnold & Livingston respectfully in
form their friends and the public, that they
have now on hand at their store in North Han
over street, opposite Maglaughlln’fl hotel, a very
handsome and complete assortment of Spring
and Summer
Ready-made Clothing,
I which they can sell at prices so low as To suit all
who may favor them with a visit. Their Cloth
-1 Ing is all of their own manufacture, and Consists
! in part of Dross and Frock COATS of the best
qualities of English and French Cloths, made
and trimmed iu tho very best style; Snrlng Sack
Coals of cloth, caasluierea and tweeds, various
colors and prices.
French Black Doeskin fend FAncy Oiisslmoro
PANTALOON’S, as well'as £aisoloona of every
description, ard very choaj)«> • ,w i
-VESTS of rich flmoyallk#a«df*afins|l>omba- j
Bines, valouoios, marselllcS, and ChMiiefl, at ail
prices. '1 : ' _
A full assortment of BOV’S CLOTHING-
Fancy dress articles, embracing all the netr
styles of Cravats;
White, black and colored silk, kid, lisle
cotton GLOVES of every description.
Trunks and Carp* sl Bags of superiortlnisha i
at low prices.
Suspenders of superior rnanuficturc. Under
shirts and Drawers of fine Merino, silk, net cot
ton, Jean and muslin, of every description and
Umbrellas of silk and cotton very cheap. All
of which will he Hold at the lowest prices whole*
sale or retail.
Rfiiu'mhor llic oKI hUifl, opposite Maglangh
lin's hotel
Carlisle. March 111),
New Goods Again I
TAM now opening my second supply of Sum- \
mer Goods, which have been bought far cash
at astonishingly low prices.
M«s do Maine at 12$ worth 18f.
Lawns (fast colors) 0$ worth 12$.
Lawns (fust colors) 12$ worth 20.
Barege do Lalncs 04 worth 12$.
Barege do Lalnes 12$ worth 25.
Musllna 04 worth 6.
Bareges lh{ worth 81. ,
Blade Silks 02$ worth 87.
Black Silks $1 worth $1,23.
Stockings 0$ worth 124.
Black Casslmores $1 Worth $1,60.
A full assortment of Needle Worked Uuder
aloevcs, Collars and Chlmctctta.
liadicD Bress Gooits,
In groat variety, such as Tissues, Summer Silks,
Lawns, Baragcs, &c.
SUMMER SHAWLS, very low.
Groat Bargains In Hosiery and Gloves.
A good supply and very cheap, ol Gentlemen’s
Summer Clothes,
Pant Stuff & Vesting.
bricks, Table Covers, Tickings, Checks, Linens,
Linen Handkerchief*, Diapers, &c., cheaper
than ever sold In Carlisle.
Bools and Shots,
A little lower than ever. Having now the larg
est and cheapest stock of Now Goods In the
county, 1 am determined to givo all who will
favor mo with a call, groat bargains.
Our old friends and customers are earnestly
invited to call at the old store. East Main st.
Qur motto Is “ short nrotlts and quick sales.’*
Carlisle, Juno 1, 1861.
Acknowledged by tho highest medical
authorities of Philadelphia, Incomparably
superior to any other In uao. Sufferers will bo
gratified to learn that tho occasion now offers to
procure not only tho lightest and most easy, but
ns durable a Truss os any other, lu lieu ol tho
cuinbroKJ ami uncon\fortable article usually Sold.
There is no difficulty attending tho fitting, and
when tho pad is located, It wilt retain its posi
tion without change.
Persons at a distance unable to call on the
Subscriber, can havo tho Truss sent to any ad
dress, by remitting Five JDoUorj for tho single
Trass, or Tan for tho double—with measure
round tho hips, and stating side affected. It
will bo exchanged to suit {f not fitting, by return
ing Upt oncoj-unsollod. Per sale only by tho
Importer. OAU2B H. NEEDLES.
Cor. of Twelfth fit Race Streets, Philo.
03?" Ladies, requiring the benefit of Mechan
ical Buvporia, owing to derangement of tho in
ternal Organs, Inducing Falling of tho Womb,
i Vocal, Pulmonary, Dyspeptic, Nervous an a
Spinal Weakness, aro Informed that acompeton*
: and axperionood Ladt will bo In attendance •*
tho rooms; (sot apart for tholr oxoJußlvo uso.)
No* lUt TWELFTH St., Ist door below Race.
Juno 29, 1854—1 y.
A Second largo lot of Now Goods haa Jnst
been received ot Philip Araold’a in Kotth
Hanover street, where may bo ftmnd the IMgMd,
best selected and cheapest of
in tho county. Among his stock will be fetma.
all kinds of • ! T ;
Dress Goods,
Such cs Lawns (rota 6J to Mi, figured Baraga
do Lahes Irotn Oi to 87 ct,s. garages from 181 to
70 eta. Do Cages ftotu 18| to 87$ cts.» CnWJlea
Silks, &c., at the same price. Also*
Another lot of those Cheap Strpw Bonnets for
which there has been auen a rush, also, Gitnp
Bonnets at all prices from 25 cents to (2 60.'.
A largo lot of PARASOLS, lined and plain,
which w)ll be sold very low.
BONNET RIBBONS of all kinds, among
which will bo found tv lot of nice white tones. .
Men's and Boy'h Wear of every kind & price,
among which will be found Linen Chocks, plain
Linnens, Cottonadcs, Drillings, &c- ’ .
The largest stock of Carpets, Oil o«>fhB «
Slottings ever brought to Carlisle. Carpetsfrbm
12| to $2 00 per yd., 4-4, 5-4, ond 6-4 Matting,
on Cloths of all widths, which will bb sbld at
very small profits.
A largo stock of Groceries, such aa coffee, su
gar, tea, molasses, spices; fco.iWbitoh will bo
sold as cheap ag they can be had In the town.
Boots and Shoes for Mon and Boys, ITtomon a
and Children's shoes of oil kinds, which wDI bo
sold low. ‘ ,
Xhankfhl for past favors, ho hopes for a con
tinuance of tho same, and will endeavor tto make
it the interest of all to call and she him, at tba
old stand near the Bank
Carlisle, Juno 8,1854.
eiicnp rnruiim’c Doom
JOHN LT3ZMAN Would respectfully inform
the public, and particularly housekeepers,
that ho has now on hand at his Furniture Room,
In South Hanover street, two doors south of tho
2d Presbyterian church, a splendid assortment
which ho will sell at prices that cannot
aeSte fall to please every one.
lie Is confident that the superior onlsh of tho
workmanship, and elegance of stylo in which hi*
articles are got up, together with their cheap,
ness, will recommend them to hvory person want
ing Furniture. Ho Is constantly manufacturing
work, both plain and ornamental, elegant ana
useful- He would-earnestly invite persona who
■ire about commencing housekeeping, to call and
examine his present stock.
A good Journeyman wanted.
Carlisle, April 0,1854—8 m
New Clothing Eetabliement.
THE undersigned respectfully announces to
his old friends and tho public generally .that
ho has ro-commcnccd the CLOTHING BUSI
NESS, in all its various branches, and has Just
opened, fresh from tho city, at “ Leonard ’a Cor
ner,” North Hanover street, a well selected as
sortment of READY HADE
embracing every style, variety and finish, and at
prices corresponding to the times and quality.
He has also on hand a superior stock of
Cloths, Cafeslmers & Testings,
of every stylo suitable for Spring 8t Summer
Wear, and which ho will make to order on terms
which cannot fall to please. His stock also em.
braces a lino lot of Men’s
Shirts, Collars,
Cravats, Gloves & Hosiery; In short, every ar
tide pertaining to gentlemen’s wear. Ho re
spectfully invites tho pnblic to call and examine
hla goods. N. - HANTCH.
April 2i>, 1854—tf. '
Spring & Summer Clothing
Henry S, Ritter,
South Hanover street , next door to the Post-cffict,
Carlisle, • , »
WOULD inform bis friends and the public
that ho has lately added largely to hla
| stock, and is fully prepared to supply all .Who
may favor him with a coll, with any article la his
lino. He has Just completed A mbst extensive
ossortinent of *
Spring & Snsntncr Cloibing , »
which he flatters himself ho dan sell as cheap, if
not cheaper, than any other establishment in
this county.
Ho has always on hand agrest variety Of ready
made clothing, suitable for oil seasons, manufac
tured under his own supervision, and guaranteed
to give satisfaction to purchasers.
Just received, a largo assortment of Cloths,
Cussimors, and Vestings, with a full supply of
Spring & Summer Goods, which will ba mado
up In a fashionable and durable manner, at short
notice and an reasonable terms:
He would call attention to bis stock of Shirts,
Collars, Cravats, Handkerchief*, Suspenders,
Hosiery, &c., which Is most complete.
For the liberal patronage heretofore extended
him, ho feels indebted to h!s numerous custo
mors, and assures them that no efforts will bo
spared in ftituro (o please them, in stylo, manu
facture, and price. Give us a call,
Carlisle, April 20, 1854—1 y.
CARPENTER S, cabinet makers, mlll-wrights
wagon-makers, shoe-makers, and mechanics
generally, who ore In want of TOOLS, to call at
Lyne’a, where yon can always bo supplied with
a full Kill of superior tools of tho best manu
facture, warranted, at prices lower that ovef was
heard of. JOHN P. LYNE,
H'cri ride of N, Honored if.
May U, 1854,
, Citizen* of Cumberland County*
WHO desire good goods at the lowest prices
and a very large and heavy slock to select
(Vom, are invited to call at the bid Cheaj> Stare,
Silks, Bareges, Bonhcfs & Ribbbns,
Tissues, Lawns, Parasols,
Barogo do Lalncs, Gloves, Hosiery,
Ginghams, Do Bcgos, Laces, Edgings. ■
Calicoes Alpaehas, French Worked Collars,
Muslins, Checks, Spring Shawls,
Tickings, Diapers, Dress Trimmings,
Cloths, Casslmores, Vestings, Summer Stuffs,
and a great variety of other gobdft, embracing,
wo believe, every article in our lino, to which
all wanting bargains, are requested to examine
as wo are cutting goods very closo this Spring,
and no mistake. BENT 2 & BROTHERS.
April 18, 1854.
Plainfield Classical Academy,
THE 10th Session will commence May Ist.
A retired fie healthful location with thorough
instruction In tho various departments of a clas
sical or mercantile education.
Terras—Board and Tuition per session, $6O
For Catalogue, with full information, address
B. K. BURNS, Principal and Proprietor.
Plainfield Post Office, Cumb’d. Co. Ps.
April 6,1654. .
I.OOU Out Ih Time !
CHOLERA-MORBUS, Dyseplcry, Dlarrhses,
&0.,ar0 maklnglbolt appearance; yonkoow
tho remedy. If* you have any regam forth*
welfare of yourself, your wife or your children,
supply yourselves instantly with "Beecher*#
Matchless Cordial,** otborwisoabfdo the conse
quences reuniting ftoqi a bigoted adherence to
old quackery. The Mfttch&ss remedy con be
had at tho Drug Storo of D. J. KIEFFEB,
South Hanover street , a few door* iouth of th*
Court House. [Carlisle, May 18, *64.1
Estate Notice.
LETTERS of admistrallon on the estate of
Mrs. Mary Hoover, deceased, latb of Hope
well township, Cumberland co.> Pa,, have been
issued by the Register of said county to the
subscriber, who resides in tho same township.
All persons indebted to sold estate will mtko im
mediate payment, and tbofco having dolma will
present them for settlement, to
DAVID HOOVER, Administrator.
June 22, 1851—8 t