ic late Enropcnn News, Tl By the arrival at Now York on Saturday last of tho-stcamahips Hermann and America, wo. have dates from Liverpool to the Ist inst.. The news is important and exciting. Breadstuff's have advanced and cotton dcdlined. It is stated that the Russian fifrcca under Qortschahofl*, in httempting to cross the bridge from the island opposite Turtukai, were attacked by the Turks, the bridge destroyed, and two thousand Rus sians drowned. Fifty-three thousand Russians {ll*o said to have crossed the Danube at different points. The event of the announcement of which lias been looked for at every recent arrival, is how announced. The English papers contain the official announcement of the declaration of war against Russia. As an improvement in the mode of naval warfare, it Is announced that the Queen has also issued a declaration that she will not grant letters of marque for commissioning privateering vessels. STILL LATER.—By the arrival of the Ar tie at New York, wo have five days later news from Europe. The intelligence from the Danube is unfavor able for the Turks. The Russians captured the fortress of Hirshova on the 28th, and had also taken the strong position of Rabadogh, thus ob taining the command of the Upper Colmdshans the country lying near the mouth of the Danube Is called. It is also reported that the Russians had captured Isaklchi, another fortress before Hirshova, on the 27th. The Turks wore throw ing reinforcements into the town of Varna, a strongly fortilied post on the western coast of the Black sea. The British licet was cruising oil’ Varna. The latest accounts states that 4000 Russians from Seho-stapool had landed and seized the largeisland of Dtunarez Mow Tulbscha. It was also said that the Russian Heel threatened an 'Attack upon Varna. . Admiral Sir Charles Napier is anchor* d vv ilh C 2 ships off the Island of Mum: in the Halite. A portion of the Russian Meet is frozen in Re\el. The shipments of troops from Fiance and England are going on rapidly. France has al ready sent 20,000 and England 10,000 men, The Russians fearing that U.vsel Inland will he the first point of attack hy Napier, haw placod thcre a garrison of So,oon men. 'Flic troops now leaving England will go direct to Constantinople without stopping at Malta. Russian subjects have been ordered to Iran Constantinople in twenty days. It is stated that Ihrshnva .stood the nssaulG of the Russians for three days before it camlii lated. F.AUTTTQirAKK-, inUkohc.ia.— Millrdgevilleand Macon wore visited with slight shock.-, of an 1 earthquake on the 20 mst. Iniegardto the. one in Macon, the Cihzm of the 21 si shv- ■ There Seems to he some doubt whether the 1 phenomena which occurred hereyesterilav morn ing was an earthquake or the effect of some 1 meteoric explosion oveiln.id. At Guidon, Md- 1 ledgevillc and Forsyth, the same .shaking of houses, and rumbling noise, like heavy di-lanl thunder, took place, ami a correspondent j from Forsyth says that some of the villager-,! there distinctly heard the noise ov* r their head-.’ | The first shock took place here about linlf-past six A. M., and a second slight one about half | an hour afterwards. Thchousewe live in trem bled and rocked like a strong man in convul sions, leading to the supposition that it was an earthquake and nothing else. The direction of the vibration was from soiithwist io north west.” Of the one in Milledgeville, the Recor der of the 21st says : “ The first, of which was alarmingly perceptible, occured about twenty minutes past six o’clock, the last shock wliicb waa very slight, was fclt„tvboutv4ialf .an,JaQur later. An old, (ho would be offended were we to say “the oldest,”) inhabitant says a severer shock has not been experienced at tins place since 1810. It was very fitly describe*! by « little child, who observed, •■Papa, the house is riding off.” iSoUTUKKK ( ONVK.VTIO.V.—'I’IIC Southern < Vnnintrcial Convention, met at (’lmrl»'ston, on Monday week, and organized by the electron of the lion. Win. C. Dawson President. A com mittee of three from each State were appointed to prepare business. There was fifteen delegates From Maryland, one hundred and tlnrty from Virginia, three hundred from Tennessee, forty from Georgia, five from lamisimm, twenty-two from North Carolina, South Carolina was large ly represented, seven fioin Mississippi, Leslie Coombs from Kentucky, and seventeen from Alabama. The Convention, on Tuesday, was oeeupied with resolutions as to the Pncilie Railroad and direct trade with Kurope. Messrs. Jones, of 'J’cnucssec, and Albert Pike, of Arkansas, spoke The latter denounced reliance on (ongnss for building the Pacific Railroad. ’Hie resolution was referred to the General Committee, whieli made report on Wednesday. The report re commends the Pacific Railroad by a .Southern route, encourages Southern mining and manu facturers, and the establishment of Amazonian Sale of the Main Line. —The bill prowl ing for the sale of the main line of our Slate im provements has passed both Houses of the State Legislature. The House hill, however, fixes the minimum price at eleven millions, and the Sen ate bill fixes it at ten millions. We suppose Clic bill will now go to a e.mnniltee of eonfir enco. The following was the vole in the Senate (on Friday last,) on agreeing to the bill ; Yeas —Messrs. Dames, Buekalew, Darling ton, Darsic, Evans, Ferguson, Foulkrod. Fn> k. Fry, Goodwin, Huldemun. Hamilton, Ilyron D Hamlin, Ephriam W, Hamlin, Hendricks, 1 Hes ter, Hoge, Jamison, Kinzer, KunUel, M’Far land, Price, Hager, Skinner, and Slifer—2s. Nayh—Messrs. Grubb. Cre.sswell, MVliuloek I'iatt, Quiggle, ami M’Gaslin, Speaker —ls. ftinrrirb. On the 6th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Levi, Mr. Bissinoru, o( MiaHissippi > to Miss Mi bum Arnold, of litis borough. On tho 21st ult., by Elder A. Swartz, Mr. ('. O. STorzan, to Miss Many Gaui'DELl, both <>l Newburg, Cumberland county. AtOarlislo Springs, on tho 18th inat., by the Rev. J. Fry, Mr. Henuy Enhminoeh, of Perry County, to Miss Susanna Jacobs, of the former place. litb In Ncwvillo, on the 15th lust., at tho residence rJ on ‘ Woodburn, Majioahkt IS., wife of George W. Woodburn, in tho 17tli year of her ago. In this borottgh, on Thursday morning last, Mrs. Sabina Zeioleu, relict of the late Mr. Mark Zolglor, in tho 82d year of her ago. On tho 6th Instant, at his residence, in Silver Spring township, Mr. John Dubuu, aged 07 yours, 2 months, and *27 days. On tho 80th ultimo, Mr. James Diveny, of Cumberland county, agod 27 years. On tho 2d Inst., Mrs. Elizabeth Suenk, of Dickinson townaldp, aged 80 years. ■' At Ids residence, In West Punnsboro* town ship, on tho ?Btb of March, Mr. John Paul, sr., In the 60th year of his age. Mark tfij, Philadelphia, Aprll’lB. Flour and Meal. —Flour has advanced from 60c to SI per bbl., on the closing sales of last week—transactions in all roach some Ba9ooo bbls. taken by speculators and shlppcrsat $7G2£ a 7 76 for standard and good straight brands, sBaB 25 for common and fancy extra. The sales for homo use have also been to a fair extent at the advance, prices mostly ranging from $7 76a 826 per bbl. according to brand. Rye Flour and Corn Meal within a day or two have been more active. Some 4a500 bbls. of the former sold at $4 87 and about 2000 bids, of the latter, Pennsylvania .Meal, at $3 25 per bbl. closing scarce at those rates. Grain. —The market lor wheat has been steadily on the advance, and prices have improved fully 10c per bushel; the receipts, some 2r>a30,000 bushels, have all been taken within the range of 170al80 for Pennsyl vania red, and 180al88c for while, of prime qual ity ; at the close there was none to be had at our highest figures. Rye la in steady request at U2a 03c. Corn. —About 40,000 bus. mostly South ern yellow, sold at 74a78c, white at 72a74c; the latter rates are generally refused. Oats are in demand at an advance, and 12a15,000 bushels changed hands at47a4Bc for Southern, and 62a 68c for Pennsylvania; closing scarce at our high est quotations. Tanner Wanted. A [JOURNEYMAN Tanner and Currier wan ted by the undersigned, residing in West pennsborough township, two miles oast of New. ville, on the Gunodoguinot creek. SAMUEL GRAHAM. April 20, 1854—1 f Estate Aotlce, IETTEHS testamentary on the estate of Mrs. _i Sabina .Zolgler, deceased, laic of the Ho. rough of Carlisle, Cumberland county, Pa., have been issued by the Register of said county to the subscriber, who resides m North Middleton tp. All person* indebted to said estate will make im mediate payment, and those having claims will piesonl them for sett lenient, to I.KVI ZEIGFER, Executor. Apiil 20, U> ,i - nt Tlic Ccichiitlnl E>ray lloisc, tf.’OBJBBAIW, <#\ From the Imported Horse of England, this noble hoi-.'' is of the best breed of C. L/A the jitjnerf.il English Dray Morse. He is descended in the third from the noted horse Dr.ivman, .nimilled by the heat nidges to have been (Ik; tinest horse ol lliat spe cies in tli ■ Unit b Kingdom. ; C mn vvt is rising lour years old . in height stands 17 bands; bis i'o|oj is j.-( Llaili, and weigh l.Mll) j.oiiii'fs. He possess! s amazing museular pou. i. a i <*mai ha ble good tempei and Ins pioved to b • very ib a lie and submissive. — Tins splendid Inov is owned by an association o| persons who bought ban for slumi from the owner v\l l o raised Im.i ,n Franklin County. Pa., and IS stabled f.u the .e.i-mal Joseph St outlet's, in Franklin township, 'i .uk * Hie Ural week in April, and the -muni in Petersburg, York Springs, Adams comiy. so alternately changing week aboii i du) 111 ’ lli ' s.-ason. 11 who are curious to examine ilf noblest specimen of the heavy dl.lllglil Im.lm- evel e\blblled in AllH'l'llM, of his age. me m\ ited to call. For tnrlber par ticnlai s as to pedigr -e nee hand bills. 'I Hi: PHOPHIKfuHS mil 20. IS.‘,| I iiihisl rI a 1 ('a i f pill- " Hig Spring I.itemrj Institute,*’ wdi X bold mi I iel iisti i,| l-’.ui in New v Mle. 1.,,,p, n outlie se.o.nil 'l’u-'-d iy ol June m,M, and eon. tiniie two weeks. It is intended patlienl it 1 y for the encourage, meiit ol the inechamc.il arts, hut contributions ii. c. aitiele.sfm i;xlnbilioij,) are solicited liom all classes ol persons interested in the pi ogress ol tin* aits and sciences. A prominent place will be given to plain and fancy needle w ork. ailllieial Mowers, drawing, ike., and the ladies aie eonhall} invited to become contribute) s to (Ills depai tmeiil. No eh.n ge w ill be made for articles for exhi bition, and in addition t.. Hus Die exhibitor is furnished with a ticket winch will admit him or her to the Fair at any time during its eoulinu pneoj’provided in all cases that the exhibitor is tluS tnanufa’cturoiv Persons desiring ttrcxhiblt any nrtiele or articles must make application to (be Secretary or President ot the Hoard of Man agers on or before Ibe Mist of .) line. The rooms will be open on Monday, .linn* At It, (or the re ception of goods, and every article intended lor exhibition must be receive*! on or before the lo) low ing Friday. The Judges wlio .ire to decide on tin* rcHpec. live menu ul artules mi exhibition will be ap pointed In llw Hu,ud "t .Managers. Tlic eneumstam es of die In.sirhile will nut permit i lie a w a i ding <>i premium*. I mi eeri ill cates ul excellence v\ Mb (lie seal ol tile Sueielvwtll be given tu tlie . \liil Urns uf .such articles an Hie .1 ndge.s mnv divide npmi. Eide>pi ising me. li.iriii s, business men. and others, 1 1 urn neighboring Imi iis mid enmities, are m\ lied tu send on iheir eonh ilniimns. JOSEPH H. HERRON, Ptrt'l. Ht-vity S Emm, .sVr/’t/. liomil .>/ Miiniiuri i.—John Waggoner, (le<>. lilanlun v, fvw is 11, Williams, .laeuh Zigler, George Hneker, .lames S. M* Elvvmne. Thomson C. Cailisle, William H Zinn, Job 1), Randolph. Newville. Apnl 2U. IH.'d—H ii a xicirs New Clothing Establisment. r |lll II undersigned respeetfnlly aruiunnees tu I liis
> his slock, and is fully prepared to supply nil wlb> tuny fnvor him with a cull, with any ai liele in his lino. Ho has Just completed a must exleii.sne assortment of Spring A, §ni)iiiior Clothing, which ho flatters himself lie ran .sell as . heap, i( not cheaper, llun any olliei establishment in tins county. He has always on hand agtval variety of ready made clothing. suiluble for all seasons, mamifue ( ned under Ins own supervision, and guaranteed to give satisfaction to purchasers. Just received, a targe assortment of Cloths, Cassimers, and Vestings, w ilh a lull supply of Spring & Summer Goods, which will be made up in a fashionable and dmahle manner, at shot I notice and on reasonable terms. He would call attention to his stock of Shirts, Collars, Cravats, Ilandkcrehietk, Suspenders, Hosiery, &c., which in most complete. For the liberal patronage heietolore extended him, ho feels indebted to his numerous euslo. mors, and assures thorn that no ellortswlll ho spared in future to pleaso (hem, in style, manu facture, and price. Give us a call. Carlisle, April 20, 1861—ly. Estate Notice, LETTERS of Administration on the estate of Juqob Shoafor, Jeoeased, late of tho bo rough of Carlisle, Cumberland county, Pa., have boon Issued by thumogister of said county, to tho subscriber, who resides In Carlisle «• All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement,!to GEO. W. SHE3LFER, Executor. April 18, 1854—0 t. GREAT ARRIVAL OF SPRING & SUMMER Al the Slore of the subscriber, the Great Mart for Dry-Goois, Groceries, Boots ij- Shoes. THE subscriber respectfully informs bis friends and numerous customers that ho has returned from Philadelphia, with a largo and va ried assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, consisting in part of Ladies * Dress Goods, Such ns black and fancy Silks, black find change able Alpacas, Bareges, Barege do Liiines, Mous. do Bege, Bombazines, plain, figured and change able Poplins, Lawns,(Jalicoes,Ginghams, (Jloves, Hosiery, &c., &c. Gentlemen's Dress Goods, such as fine black and brown French Cloths, black Doeskin and fancy Cassimers, satin and fancy Vestings, black & Italian fancy Cravats, Suspenders, Gloves, &c. HATS ASD CAPS. A large assortment of Mens’ k Bui's’ Huts and Caps, embracing every stylo and quality. Also, a large and varied assortment of Parasols, Bon nets and Ribbons. DOMESTIC'S. —Bleached k unbleached Mus lin, Checks, Tickings, Jeans, Drills, Table-dia per, Bagging, Osnaburgs, Toweling, Table-lin ens, &c. BOOTS !f SHOES. —A large assortment of Men’s, Women’s k Children’s Boots k Slices, Jenny Lind & buskin Shoes at very low prices. Colonel mill while Carpet Cham, GROCERIES ■ —A laige a&snrsmeut of Gro ceries, such ns Sugar, Codec, Molasses, Rice, Teas, &c., See. All who visit our establishment are free to ac knowledge that we are selling Foreign and Do mestic Dry-Goods, Boots, Shoes, &c.,at aston isliingly low prices. Our low-prices have already attracted a large number of people. The atten tion of all who wish good bargains is solicited, us great inducement scan be offered to purchasers. Don’t forget the old stand, Ilumench’s corner, North Hanover street. Huttcr, Eggs, Rags and Soap taken at market prices. N. W. WOODS, JguU. Carlisle. April HI. 18. j 1 o"d Si/ Ciflzons ol Cuiiiberlaud County, WHO desire good goods at Die lowest prices and a very large and heavy slock to select from, me invited to call at the old Cheap Stole, for Bonnets & Ribbons, Parasols, Silks, Harcgct, Tissues, Dawns, o‘.ll, olm trail to hi paid in adv anee. am! Ihe leimundei ul tlie eios of the session. Tor lurlUei pin I .eulai s, applies I ion cun he inaile to I lie Mills, nher at New \ ill. Fa. HoHT. M> CACiIRAN, i'nnnput A pul U— If I’lalulleld C lassical Academy, :\r.AH ('AH Ll'iLK, PA. rpIlE Kith Session will ennmieuee M.ij Ist I A retired & healthful location w itti thorougl instruetimi in the \anuiis departments »f a elas slenl or mereantile .•.lucnlioii, Ternis—lb>.iril ami Tuition per session, For (’alalogue, with full inforiimtion, address It. K . HUH NS, Principal and Proprietor. Plainfield Post Otlice, Cumh'd. Co. Pa April (1, IH6-I. Appeals for 1854, The Commissioners of (hmiherlund County will hold the Appeals for the respective Boroughs and Townships at the Commissioners otlice in Carlisle, as follows : Lower Allen, Eastpennshorough, Hampden and New Cumberland, on Friday, April 28, Upper Allen, Monroe, Moelmnicsburg, on Sat urday, April 2t>. FranKford, Milllln nnd Silver Spring, on Mon day, May 1. ilopewell, Newvillo, Shipponburg township & borough, op Tuesday, May 2. Newton, Southampton and Westponnaborough on Wednesday, May 8. Dickinson and South Middleton, on Tuesday, May 1. Carlisle and North Middleton, on Friday M ly 6. JOS. G. CRESSLER, i JOHN BOBU, > Com'rs. JAMES ARMSTRONG, \ Test—WM. RILEY, Clerk. April 15, 1864. WhII l*a|ior, Wall Paper. ANOTHER arrival of Wall Paper Just re ceived, cheaper Hum ever. Also, Window. Shades by the cafgo, cheap, cheaper, cheapest: for sale by HENRY SAXTON. April 18, 1861. LIST OF DEiLEBS OF Goods, "Wares & Merchandize. Also, Millers, Distillers, Lumbermen, &c., within the County of Gurttborland, returned and classi fied in accordance with the several acts of As sembly, as follows, viz s Carlisle* Class. 18 510 00 12 12 60 J W Eby John G Williams Samuel Elliott, Liquors, 14 20 50 11 15 00 12 12 60 10 20 00 Charles Ogllby George W Hitncr Bcntz &c Brothers Daniel Eckels, Liquors, 14 10 60 J ohn Pallor, Liquors, . 14 10 60 J Sc D Rhoads 14 7 00 W B Murray, Agt. 14 7 00 S W Ilaverstick, Liquors, 13 15 00 Thomas Conlyn 12 12 50 Henry Saxton W M Henderson & Son 13 10 00 John Humor, Liquors, 12 . 18 75 Peter Monyer - 14 7 00 Jacob Wolf, Liquors, 14 J A Lehn 14 13 10 00 Jacob Sencr C InhofT, Agt. Liquors, 11 22 50 J M Hoover 13 10 00 14 7 00 Wise & Campbell T II Skiles II M Rawlins Wood St Conner 11 15 00 P Arnold John N Armstrong 14 7 00 W L Haller 14 7 00 14 7 00 H M Johnston Henry Peters Woodward & Schmidt 13 10 00 12 12 50 John P Lyno John Keeney N W Woods, Agt. 13 10 00 Steiner & Brothers • 14 10 00 J Kelso • 13 700 14 7 00 P Mcssersmith William Sheldon * 14 700 Andrew Livingston 14 17 00 B J Klcffer 14 7 00 Henry Uarknesa 14 7 00 John Conely James M Granohan 14 A M Piper, Agt. 14 7 00 George Cramer 14 7 00 George Loiby 14 7 00 Joseph D Halbert 14 7 00 Jonathan Cornman 14 7 00 Henry Cauirmuu 14 7 00 14 7 00 Jacob Hoover 14 7 00 Jacob Rheum 14 7 00 David Marlin Henry Glass John Fredericks James Calio Charles Barnetz, Liquors, 14 ]o 00 David Cornmnn Laucheimer &: Brothers 11 7 00 Lustpcnnsborough. Jacob Renlnger, Liquors, II 10 00 Andrew Malinger 11 15 00 Kerr & Hummel George W Kessler, Liquors, 14 10 50 ifepclier & Son 14 7 00 ITSt J Rynard 14 7 00 Joseph Banks, Liquors, 14 10 50 M Albright, Liquors, 14 10 50 John Rives, Liquors, 14 10 50 Jacob Longenecker 14 7 00 14 7 00 Michael Freeze New Cumberland. John G Miller, Liquors, 14 10 50 John Macklan, Liquoia, 14 10 50 11 15 00 B II Mosscr & Go 13 10 00 Charles Oyster Valentine Feemau 14 John Horn 12 12 50 Lee & H ingland Lower Allen. Isaac Barton, Liquors, 14 10 50 Freest &. llalus 14 7 00 Brower & Morlhland 14 7 00 Henry Knidlcb, Liquors, 14 in 60 W Loyd 14 7 00 Upper Allen. J GuMvillur & Co. 13 moo Smart & I.igul Hamden. G k W 11 Ecklcs Henry Rupp 14 7 00 14 7 00 lohn Knl?,, Liquor*, 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 Iheafur & Brothers DTlogera Rud,olph White Silver Spring. John Coylo 18 10 00 14 10 60 18 10 00 14 7 00 11 7 00 18 10 00 Jacob Simmons, Liquors, J U Leidich A Zorgur or G Singizur Sw del Slrolun Haversiick Ainu roe. Singizer & Sanderson 18 10 00 (Jeurge («easemenn 18 10 00 Michael Kwael 14 7 00 Samuel Leidich 14 T 00 Mcrlmnicsburf'. Simon Arnold, Lnpiois, 12 1H 76 hihraim Zuz 18 10 00 Uigle 14 7 00 in Day 11 7 00 V Sphar 1 4 7 00 1 1 11 isoti At Zaee-ariuh 14 700 II Ac A Singizer 11 * 700 acoh DnpdirinuT 14 7 00 iem-ge Smgi/er Blizzard John Swisher leorge Webberl .«i i Snell leorge Alliek 14 7 00 olm ilusli, Liquuis, 14 10 60 A Mateer & Co. 14 7 00 John T Ayers 11 *OO Kminger, Riglc & Co. 11 7 00 Oswald & Kuullman 14 7 00 ■vi Kaud'iimn U 7 00 H 7 00 Henry Lease John Ilurlcn Navi'illc. II Herron & .1 McCandliah 18 1«00 Jaroh Swoyer 11 7 00 Hoar A Cobougb 1 1 7 00 S \V Sharp 11 7 00 Thomas Slough 12 12 60 Joseph l.augbbn 14 7 00 .lohiiM DaNidson 18 10 00 \V M M arlen 11 7 00 II Herron 14 7 00 i’ Bullion, Liquor, 11 10 60 Hopewell. Snidei it Delhi Wheiry & Eahonbom 18 10 00 Jacob Au, Liquors, 14 10 60 John Purgusou 11 7 00 Nrwlon. 11 Wiely H "00 [ylr »Sc l4 7 00 lillorit McCuy 14 7 00 I’ooils Gracey 14 7 00 [cCuy & Co. 14 7 00 fr<.’.sfjj(7»mjhoroug/». dim Hood Thomas Granon Woodward it Schmidt 14 7 00 .1 W D Gllellon, Liquors, 111 16 00 Joseph Smith 14 7 00 Frunkford, W it J Green, Liquors, 111' 15 00 South Middleton. A W Lldioh 13 10 00 SN Devin 11 7 00 Mullon it Alexander 14 7 00 Robert Giflln it Co. M 7 00 Samuel Wolf M 7 00 North Middleton. Ellas Light, Liquors, 14 10 60 MiJJlin. 14 7 00 [enry Snyder Shipponsburg. Samuel Swanzoy 12 12 50 John Gish 14 7 00 C F Kunklo 14 7 00 Kunklo & Stovlclc 18 10 00 John Sturobaugh 14 7 00 Peter S Artz, Agt. 14 7 00 J C Altlok II 7 00 Jacob Puguo, Liquors 14 10 60 Arnold it Son 12 12 60 Joseph Williams H 7 00 J D Duncan, Agt. 14 7 00 Noven & Rldengs 11 16 00 Shippensburg, Class. John Wondcrllcb 14 7 00 Mary Miller 14 7 00 N A Cornelius 14 7 0 John Budges 14 7 00 Mcdingcr & Brothers 14 7 00 J H Crcswell 14 7 00 W D A Noglo * 14 7 00 Heck, Hubley, & Co. 18 10 00 Philip Doitrick, Liquors, 14 10 50 Samuel Sugars 14 7 00 Southampton. Conron Fausnaught 14 7 00 J F Baughman 14 7 00 C Shade 14 7 00 John W Clover, Liquors, 14 10 60 William Hauck 14 7 00 Dickinson. David Myers, Liquors, 14 to 50 David Myers, Liquors, 14 7 00 William Hutcheson 14 7 00 Russell & Dice 14 7 00 D L Bcolman IS 10 00 F Williamson 14 7 00 Weakly & Shrivcr 18 10 00 William Watts 14 7 00 Benjamin Plank 14 7 00 Joseph L Steiner 14 7 00 Joseph Hovis, Liquors, 14 10 50 Mrs Hays & Palm 14 7 00 Barnhart Gorden, Liquors, 14 10 50 1(J 50 7 00 Silver Spring. Thomas B Bryson II 16 00 JohnShaQnor 14 7 00 George H Bucher 13 10 00 John Hallacher 14 7 00 David Hoover 14 7 00 Lower Allen. C Eborly 11 15 00 Samuel Bitner 18 10 00 John H Kauffman 14 7 00 C Rupp 14 7 00 Aaron McClure 13 10 00 Jacob M Ilaldcmau 11 16 00 Upper Allen. Jacob Coovef, jr. 14 7 00 George Fishell 14 7 00 John Bouman 14 7 00 South Middleton. John D Sheafer 14 7 00 Bossier A Son 14 7 00 W L A T U Craighead 14 7 00 I MijJhn. j David Slerrett 14 7 00 1 Monroe. ["David Voglesong 13 10 00 jjAACWAhI 13 10 00 ; Benjamin Gible 13 10 00 J \\ y Lidich 14 7 00 I North Middleton. W M Henderson A Son 12 12 50 Gabriel Natcher 13 10 00 John Hays 14 7 00 Dtc/anson. John Moore 14 7 00 IJ E Barnitz 14 700 1 IVesfpCCnsborOltgh. , Marshall James 13 10 00 ; John Lnughhn 14 7 00 Jacob Shellebergtr 14 7 00 Diller A Creider 13 10 00 Samuel Hiper 14 7 00 John Diller 13 lU 00 Hampden. Henry Rupp 14 / 700 Newton. I Isaac Markward 14 V 700 Christian Au 14 \ 7 00 John Eckerd 14 ' 7 00 Southampton. George Clever 14 7 00 Enstpennsborou^h. J S Haldcman 14 7 00 John Heck 14 7 00 Sluppensimrg Tp. T B Bhur 14 TOO DISTILLERS A BREWERS. Carlisle. EdwaA Showers 8 12 50 C Inhoff, Agt. 9 8 00 William Alexander 10 5 00 William Barnitz 9 8 00 Jolm Hofl'man 10 5 00 JW Brant 10 5 00 Upper Allen. John Brant 9 8 00 14 10 50 North Middleton. W Henderson A. Son 7 20 00 John Hays 0 8 00 South Middleton. Robert (liven it Co. 7 20 00 Dossier it Son 9 8 00 Henry (Hass -» 10 600 Monroe. M (1 Bellzhoo\ 00 Samuel speese 7 10 00 Ne wvtlle. i;l 10 00 Gcorgo Murphoy 8 5 00 Jano Kershaw 8 5 00 IVestpennsborough. William Winhollz 8 6 00 Harriet Watson Jacob Brixlcr Jacob Golden Soulhampden. Jacob Ilofflnlingcr 8 5 00 John Minich 8 5 00 Newton. George Miller 8 6 00 Mechamcsburg. Potor Baker 8 5 00 David Long, B 5 00 BILLIARD room, Carlisle. James Dixon 30 00 BOWLING SALOONS or TEN.PIN ALLEYS. Carlisle. Jacob Low, [2 alleys] Jacob DifTendaffcr Jtfechanicsburg. David Long North Middleton. Jacob Hencmau 30 00 Norton & Owen 30 00 MiJJUn. Scott Coyle 30 00 South Middleton . Mathew Moore 30 00 PATENT MEDICINES. Jacob Stig&hnan 4 6 00 Merchants and oil others concerned in tho above classification, arc hereby notified that they can have on opportunity of making an appeal by calling on mo at Carlisle on the 27th and 28tb of April, provided they consider themselves ag grieved by the above classification. william McPherson, Mercantile Appraiser. Carlisle, April G, 1864—4 t. THE subscriber, at tho ardent solicitation of many of tho patrons of bis former school, will open a private school, on Monday the 10th of April, at his residence, corner of Hanover and North Streets, embracing tho various grades of the common schools. The situation of tho premises Js retired, the room largo and health ful, and the adjoining grounds afford a delightful place for recreation and amusement. The ut most regard will be had to the morals of all pu pils entrusted to his care, and every exertion made to render tho school pleasant and profita ble. For Anther information as to terms, icc., MILLS. apply to W. MILES. Carlisle, April 6,1864—3 t P. S.—A few scholars from the country will bo token; and, if required, boarding will bo fur nished at moderate rates. Young men, who intend to devote themselves to teaching, will also be received as pupils, to whom Lectures will bo given, on the Theory and Practice of Teaching. Valuable Potatoes for Sale. THE subscriber offers the following valuable varieties of potatoes for sale. The X. Y. Statu Agricultural Society have generously en couraged their importation and culture. Ist. The Hough Purple Chili. This was im ported at a great expense from South America, in 1851, and was the only sort out of eight a.hip ted to our climate. Fur hardaness, yield, and quality for the table, it has no equal. Seveulv ttve small parcels of it were wideiv spread in 1868, over twelve northern States. From more than one-third of them, embracing nine States, reports have been received. These reports, not. withstanding the unlavorablcncss of the season, usually show a yield varying from twenty to sixty pounds, from one pd. planted. But hr.o cases Jf disease have been repotted, one from Mass., and one from N. V., both in circumstances of very unfavorable culture. The adaptation of thisv.u riety to the varj ing soil and climate of our coun try is such as to render it superior to any now cultivated. Trice $8 per bushel. 2d. Seedling! oj the Rough Purple Chili. — These wore derived from the seed-ball of the preceding, in 1852. They present a considera ble number of varieties. They have been chosen by three successive selections, from nearly eight hundred varieties, so us to sect.re hard mess, tin best yield and fine flesh. In season of maturity many of them, and in color and shape the most of thorn, exceed the parent. They are now of. fered to the public, alter a most laborious Hint costly cultivation, in the fullest ronlidenee that they will make an addition of valuable sorts to those now in use, such us hiivenev.-i belore been made. Connected with them are some othu sorts of the same age, and equally valuable, and similarly selected fiom three other families.— Many of these seedlings were widely tested the last year, in connection with the Rough Purple Chilis. Those varieties of these seedlings which uro too lute for the northern Slates. hate been expressly selected for the South. Trice $8 per bushel. Each parcel ordered w ill he safely par ked and directed to tlio purchaser hy Railroad, or Ex press, as directed, and at the expense and risk of the purchaser. Xo package tailed last year to reach Us destination. Dealers will bo allowed a discount of lwent\ five per cent. Purchasers who take parcels from my Imnm and pack for themselves, will oho he allowc twonty-per cent, discount. Utica, N. Y., April t>. 1854—dt Refebences.—Thu following persons arc ur qualntcd with these potatoes, having ull oultiva led them the last year: D A Bulklcy, Williainstown, Muss., A S Milch oil, Farmington, Conn., A Bradley, Whifcsfmvii; H H Eatman, Marshall; Dr II P iluya, Wyoming; J W Briggs, West Mnredon; M I 1 Covert, Sche nectady; Samuel Buckingham, Poughkeepsie. N. Y., R L Colt, Patterson, N J.. H (• Walker. Elizabeth; J S Ncgley and John Fleming. Pitts burg, Pa., J C Holmes, Detroit. Mich., B Mur ray and II I, Brush, Ottawa; Bov (J W Gale. Galeshnrgh, 111., I> |) G.ithcart, Bristol, lud., A C Ishani, Madison, Wis. Bai'ffuiiis at U cln please the pnbhe The slock consists of Dress ods, Black and fancy dress silks, Foulard', i )rg uni ie« brilliants, lawns, jaconets, ban gr s. \c, A handsome lot ol Spencers, Und -jslceies.e •! Jars, minings, edgings, nisei lings, mo in run.' c 1 lurs, embroidered limn cam hi k lundlo ,chic TCRANTS. Ginghams, Checks, Tickings. Muslins, Jeans, Drills, Bagging, Hod and while Flannels, Ac. 7 10 00 A handsome assmtment of Cloths, Casvmcres and Vestings, wry cheap. 8 5 00 B.miu/s ' A largo assorlmeiil of I .allies and M isses French Lace, Gossamere, Belgrade, Tnpoh, Braid und Straw Bonnets, Misses 1 hits al \etj 1 >w ptues Hlo urnl J.i\ n ('olli**', Roasted Coflee, Urn" n an. I white SuguiM. Lwvurmg’s Syrup .Molubscs, Tcim ami Spices. Our stock for variety ami cheapness is i-miuin ly not surpassed by any in the county. Tli"*o who wish to purchase ui Helen ol superior ipi.ility ut reasonable prices, should nut fail to give us a call. WE IBE i* CAMPBELL. Carlisle. April (), 1 864. 8 6 00 JOHN LISZMAN would respectfully inform the public, and particularly housekeepers, that ho has now on hand ut his Furniture Room, In South Hanover street, two doors south of the 2d Presbyterian thnrch, a splendid assortment CADINKT-WARE and CHAIRS, “Jj** which he will sell at prices that cannot ' rgUßftafall to every one. lie is confident That the superior finish of the workmanship, and elegance of style in which his articles are got up, together with their cheap ness, will recommend them to every person want- Ing Furniture. Ho Is constantly manufacturing work, both plnln and ornamental, elegant and useful. Ho would earnestly Invito persons who are about commencing housekeeping, to call and examine his present stock. Carlisle, April 0,1851—8 m H 6 00 -< 8 5 00 8 6 00 tWM. R. PRINCE & Co., Flush. *Su log, N. Y., will soud their new Ulogucs with reduced prices, oom- fL!" j their extra largo sized Trees, will bo soot to postpaid applicants who enclose stamps. March 80,1854 —It* 40 00 30 00 -%) 00 Select SebooL All orders answered lor cash oulv. CIIAUNCEY K. (iOuDRKI! gogE* OoS Rmlnnnlttn*, hr. Domex I ii.s ! Clot! i' ' Huh ' Mon and Hoys’ C.inlon, Leghorn. ( Inna Pearl Senate and Palm I.eal Hats Parasols, Umbrellas and Looking (. lasses. v er> cheap. Bool' > null Shof* ' Wo arc selling a large lot of Ladies Shoes and Gaiters ut greatly reduced prices, a* we inund discontinuing this branch of our business. (riocenes ! iffs* -a wy Clicu|» I'll rn Hu re Itoom Superior Fruit & Oipinnieniul Tree*. Yeuug Ladles Select ScUool* . CARLISLE*. PA. • rpHE summer term of this school ijvill Chiu-. 1 mouco on Monday, May Ist. The patrqnogtj of the citizens is ogain respectfully soli Cited, and parents in tho vicinity who' contemplate sending their daughters away for education, aro invited to nujco inquiries concerning tho Jnorita of this school. Tho tuition ranges from ss,w tsB,oo per quarter not including Drawing,. Painting and Fancy Needlework, which aro charged, each, $2,00 extra.- . , . A few scholars can bo accommodated with board in tho family of tho Principal. ■ References in Carlisle. —Judge Watts, Judge Hepburn, E. M. Biddle, Esq., Geo. W. Hitncr, Dr. T. C. Stevenson. 1 . A. UkUIUIIiJVIIt Mrs. J. F. DOWNING, Principal. March 80, 1854—4 t Cumberland Valley Inalltnlc. MALE AND FEMALE. ,v‘ ■ AT MBCRANICSDURO t :Pjd^ Rev. JOS. S. LOOSE, A. M.,' / p riac ibaiß. Rev. W. H. SUPER, .A. M., f Principal. (Assisted dy Expedience© Teacups;) fpHIS Institution opens'fts summer session on i the first of May/ Tho buildings aro new and commodious, the rooms large and well ventilated. Parents and Guardians are invited to visit this Institution and Inquire Into merits (as rare ad vantages are afforded) before sending their sons and daughters oLowhero. Besides the regulst literary classical course of tho Institution, in structlon is given on the various mnslcsf instru meats, such &s Piano, Melodeon, &C.,as welUt on brass, string and wind instruments. TERMS Board, room and tuition in English and Vocal music, . $66 Latin, Greek, French and German, each 6 Music, Piano-and Melodcon, March 12, 1864—2m* Sliippeiibbiirtf Institute. SniPPENSBURG PA. Rev. r. u. wells, a. m., of BeivMcw Institute, N. J., Prof, of Languages, Nft turn! Sciences, &c. P. S. PILKCE, A. M., Emeritus, Prof, of Languages. , D. A. L. LA VERT 7, Instructor In English and Mathematics. Prof. G. W. REYNOLDS, Instructor In Eng lish and .Mush'. Mrs. ELLIES. Principal Instructress in tho Female Department. ELLIES, Assistant. The S.x'h S.*ssn,n »( this Institution will com mune uu .1 ci-l.u the 17tli of April next, 'I i kms rcti Session. Otth>*jn iphy, Reading and Writing, Arithmetic. Grammer, Geography, His* mry and Philosophy, 8,60 Geology. Botany, Rhetoric, Physiology, 10,60 Mathematic', Greek U Latin Languages, 12,60 French anil German, each 0,00 Munir, 10,00 Drawlrnr. 15,00 Tin: wli-de expenses fora session of five cal endar in-mill!!, inclusive of tuition, boarding, washing, f.y,.. do not uxcccd $55,00. A cata logue containing particulars can bo obtained by addre-isinc the Proprietors. D. A. L. LAVERTY, G. U. UARN & CO. 1 March fp), —lt Spring- and Summer Clothing I CALL AND SEE ! \ UNOLI) A LIVINGSTON’ respectfully in j.'\ lonu theii mends and the public, that they have now on liaiul ut their store in North Han. over street, opposite Maglaughlin’s hotel, a very handsome and complete assortment of Spring and Summer Ready-mado Clothing, which they can yell at prices so low as to suitall who liuij l.»\ or them with a visit. Their Cloth ing ib all <■ I ilu-ir own manufacture, and consists in pan oi Difsa and I'melt COATS of tho best <|i>.duieb ot English and French Cloths, inodo and tninnied in llie very bust style; Spring Sack i'.kiHol cloth, cu'.aiiiierea and tweeds, variou«‘ eoh.M and puces. i Frnuli llhuk Doeakin ami Fancy Cauimpro , 1’ AN T A LOONS, a* m II as PanUiloona of every ; di-ai i Iplion, and Ml v die lip. • j VKS I’S oi rich laney adks and satins, bomba . zincs, Valencias, marseillca, and chailleSj.At all I prices. I A full assortment of BOi'S CLOTHING. I Fancy dress articles, embracing all the new I styles o/' Cravats. White, black and colored silk, kid, lislo and cotton GI.OVLS ot every description. Trunks and Carpel Bags of superiortluiah and at low pneea. Suspenders of snpei mr manufacluro. Under shuts and Drawers ~| (me Merino, silk, net cot ion, lean ami muslin, ol' ewry description and quality. Umbrellas of silk ami cotton very cheap. All ol which will be sold al the lowest prices whole sale or retail. Keim-mber the old stand, opposite Maglaugh lin's hotel. AKNOI.n & LIVINGSTON t'aihsle March IB), IKoJ. DR V I.rcnt Bxcltcmcut. VT il e store of Philip Arnold, In North Ilan ■ •\«i slieet, where he has just received from f rn cities, n very largo assortment of ■spiuig and .sniumet Goods, which will bo sold ..i \u) Modi pn-rit' Purchasers will find it to t !i. n ad\ .n.t tg< i.. v s .miine Ins stock before pur ihamg < New here, as his motto Is quick sales and small pi' lit-, ' and his assortment is not to he Miip.iss..] b\ ,m,\ in the county for beauty and • 1. gam e i ichi ,u mg all the different kinds of Goods suitable h i the season, among which will lie found e\.n vanity of Ladies Dress Goods, such as Mack and fancy silks. India and Foulard silks, i hallo s. Kirage ill' I.dues, minia de huge, tissues, bar.ig* s, hi .mis, bombazines, alpacas, Ac. .Ilni'i »»..«/ ll >j'i ll’ntr id all kinds, such ns • h.ths, I.ho k a.el f.mey <-ish!iii''ies, cultuiiades, jeans. hr • : •>. vestings, Ac. . ii ; hit',-,., in i \ rev and at 11111 11 • \ w ,11 a>r..i)i»h I In* h- iii -J , i , i.u in $»S.(lO. 1i..„ 1*11“' Tlf' r.nii'f iii i'i 1'], 111.-; 1 n.-tAti-t, ..1 fill kinds from llio .-‘.it.-tt t< tin- i'!i< ■ t >iM;. Cm»-h i<| nil kind-.. -•( pru-os ranging 11 mil r_i < l*. to : I J" r ; .ml -i .lC.' ( V''.j <>l nil uidtl.a and at Kiniiioflnt .11 >.l and J.«« "m i IMging and insert* mg, «••>!! Tg, cl. in.- bieiVcdj huudker. .. 11 11 lo , • ]i-t, i - i , >f i’i i.ii)i|< such as bleached and iiubb i. I.< ■! us, clu'J.s, lickings, baggings, Omi'i bei s, i.' Ih.ii,-iii urnl (lh< ll \ , ‘•iu hus Men’s cotton hoso, W.iiu. ii\ oni. ii li.im', riiiMiuii’a cotton hose, U umrii » uku i .uni units, Children’s gloNes, .Men’s gliAi-a. /Aw/i iim/ .vli