American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, February 23, 1854, Image 4

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    Saxton-Effads lbe ! Colton n,
£ ahd rights 6£UUceaflli\g toil. ahd
XX^roum^,:!/hive succeeded in 'itf&'ki'ng and ar-
j rny)nbvv stock of* TI ATIDWATIEVund al
though’ there liu's bpon a tremendous rush of custo
mersiA»hb k,now deal on reasonable terms,
adnWho'apptoointe ttly bid habit of selling cheo|-
wiitxdui making much fuss about the matter. I am
constantly making'rpom for now customers to 'drop
in knd examine whrtt isuridoabtfeVlly the largest am'
bestasvprtm'ent of goods ever .offered vrcsiof Phila
dolpWa> ariil ; ombraQi|ife everytUing Usually found In
t Hanlwhto Stbrp.TTom a,needle to an anchor. AM
of Which are of tho best quality and will be sold at
prftiiWhicb cannot fail to give saViefnCtion.
Would say (hat my stock of Cross cut,hand
papef/rippiog and back tfawa; bright, black, am
Wqn Rogers, chisels,planes, looks, latches, bingos
screws, straight necked and barrel bolls,broad,point
ing.and chopping axes, hatchets, iron and sice
rules, tape measures, levels, &c., oanno
fail to please (be most ftstidioua in quality an
We have a large supply of Copal, Japan,Hock
and coach body Varnishes, Mahogany and Wal
nut veneers. Moulding, beading, rosettes ; glass
mineral and mahogany knobs, Carriage mounting
silver and japanned; trimmings, laces, canvass, oi
cloth,damask, patent leather, deer hair, mnlcubb
castinga,,iroQ axles,springs, hubs, felloes, spokes, 6tc
Will find it to be their interest to call and examin*
my stock of 50 tons of hammered, liar and rollei
iron, hammered horse shoo, scollop, broad and nai
row tiro, Piough irons of all sorts and sizes, crow
bars, sledgesand hammer moulds. Rolled end sir
horse shoe bars, rolled tire, bauds, round and squar<
irons. Cast, shear, spring. English and America)
blister steel, anvils, vices, files, rasps, horse sho<
nails, English wagon boxes, carriage boxes, &c.
Will find it to their advantage to call and examim
oar stock of brass, silver and japan harness mount
ing, patient leather, morrocco, French and commoi.
calf skint, binding & lining shins, las, pegs, awls.
Cannot be mistaken in getting a superior article ol
white lead, zinc white, together with ever; variety
of paints in use, turpentine, oil, glass, putty, vat
Dishes, &e.
September 21, 1853
JDr. I. C. Loomis,
VTTILL perform all operations upon the Tectli
VV that are required for their preservation, such ai
Cleaning, Filing, Plugging. &c., or wilt restore tin
loss of them, by inserting Artificial Teeth, from i
single Tooth to a full sett.
(Xj* Office on Pitt street, a few doors South of thi
Railroad Hole!.
N. B. Dr. Loomis will bo absent from Carlisle ih<
last ten days in each month.
Carlisle, June 2, 1853,
Rail Road Caj's for Sale.
J-W-fcr I'* 1 '*
THREE eight wheeled double Cars and threr
four wheeled single cars. The double cars wer*
built in York, last October, and have been but lit
tie used. The single ones would answer well f. r
market cars; they are,all in excellent order and
will be sold at a bargain, either (ogethe r or sepa
rate. For particulars apply to
Newport, Perry co., Sept 23, ’s3—3m
H j W#l F
Attorney at Law.
(Office, No. 2, Beetem's Roto.)
All profess'lornil business slnclly attended to. The
German language spoken as readily as the English.
September 22, 1653. *
JOHN D-GORGAS hereby inform* bis friend*
and customers, that he ha* removed his TIN
WARB and STOKE ROOMS to the room lately
occupied by Mr.J. W. Eby as a Grocery store, on
Main sired, where ho will as heretofore manufac
t ire and keep constantly in store, every description
made in the best style and at the very lowest prices.
Good workmen and the very best material always
employed, so us In insure enure sjlisfnction.
dpoutmg md Job Work done nt the shortest nn
ice, in .< superior m innci and at fair prices. Also
i n store at all seasons a large and attractive variety
Parlor and Cooking Stoves,
c ompnsing every new and fancy sly li, of all prices
and sizes, adapted to burning cither wood or coal.
His assortment of stoves he intends shall not be
surpassed by any oilier establishment; comprising a
score or more of different styles to suit all tastes. —
Thankful to his friends for the patronage so long
bestowed upon him at bis old stand, ho respectfully
invites a call at his new establishment, confident
hat his large assortment cannot fail to please.
The English nook Store?
rpHE subscribers having now completed then or-
X rangeraents for the importation of English books,
invite* the attention of libraries, Hook buyer*, and
the public generally, to their slock which will bo
found unusually choice and well selected, end at the
most reasonable prices. Importing direct fiom the
.English publishers, and buying for cash, they are
enabled to sell, in many instances, fine English
editions at the same prices as are paid for inferior
American ones; nnddovoling their attention entirely
to Foreign Book*, purchasers may depend upon
finding thr best assortment at their establishment.
New publications received by every steamer. Books
imported to order weekly from England .Franco and
Germany, in much less than the ordinary lime ro
quired. Monthly catalogues of new and old French
and English Books furnished gratis on application,
or sent by mall to any part of the country. Any
information in regard to prices. See , of Foreign
Books furnished on application, by mail or other
Subscriptions received to all Foreign Newspapers
and Periodicals
No 7 Hart’s Duildinga. (second story) Sixth St
above Chestnut, Philadelphia.
November 10, 1863—-3 m
FrencU Work.
WB have just received from Now York e very
Isrge assortment of Worked Ruffling, Jaconet
and Swiss Edging and Inserting, Undersleeves and
Spencers, Embroidered Handkerchiefs, &c, which
will be sold at very low prices, by Wsise 6t Camp
November 10,*1850 .
MRB. H. A.’REYNOLDS. Dogueircan Arlist.
South East corner of Hanover and Loulher
Streets. Rooms, those formerly occupied by Mr W
Fridley. Shi cordially her friends and the
f übllc generally to give her a call, confident of bo
ng able tp repder entire satisfaction; for if sbo may
not claim superiority for her picture's, she may at
least claim equally with any taken in thii place.
Carlisle, Nov ID, 1863—3 m
Spring anil Snmincr OoodN.
THE anbaetVbor m now opening a beautiful assort
men! of ’ataioriabls good*, comprising in the lo
new «ly!o brocade Barege* In wood color, Figured
DsMgM of vanop. .IjlaJ, Crane 4'Bflpagiip Crape
d’Ait*W,Dt»llli«nnoa,Onpoifo Parla, Cronedlnea ,
French Lawna. Usicr. Jo Lainca, Mona
da Lalnei.UJM end .plain Svrtu Hull., J,
and Cambria Mualine, Cambric Dlmlija, l.mWiJer
lea, EngUah Crapea, Lace Vella, Ilnalery ami G10t.,1
of all kind*. p*Uh A °f other Gooda, all of
Which wlllb. ..r, >- O P;‘-- n[TNER
Mae la. XBB9.
’* LPACCAS—Juat lotofTaft Colored,
Shall Bapplntn and Hiatt A, or JOiMTM and
SicUtHMM t attend II f
Reflections for the -Thoughtful.
Strange that countless human beings exist 'and
drag through life os do tho boosts of tho field, ox
the insects of the earth, evincing no more thought
or reflection than though tho noble faculties of mind
were nbt vouchsafed to them.
Many such are husbands and fathers, upon whom
are dependent the health, the well-being, and the
happiness of a confiding and affectionate wife, with
perhaps a family of children.
now often rr happens that the
[□.that pitiable eonditlon as not oven for ono day to
feel tho nappy and exbiloratlog influence' Incident
to the enjoyment of health.
She may not be on invalid confined to her bed.
or even to her room j os hor pride, ambition a&d
energy induce and nerve her to take personal
charge of hor household, oven when hor health wul
not admit of it; but sho is nevertheless perceptibly
linking from day to day, and always ailing.'
Thus, day after day. and month after month tran
spire. Her health doily sinks, till finally even the
kope of recovery no longer remains. And that
But a few years ago in the flush of health and
youth, and buoyancy of spirits, rapidly, and appa
rently inexplicably, becomes a feeble, sickly, de
bilitated who, with frame emaciated, nerves an
lining, spirits depressed, countenahoe bearing the
impress of suffering, and an utter physical and
mental prostration.
Sometimes this deplorable change may and does
arise from organic or constitutional • causes. But
oftonor, by far oftoncr, to gross and inexcusable
ignorance of tho simplest and plainest rales of
boalth as oonnootod with tho marriage state, the
violation of which entails disease, suffering and
misery, not only to. tho wife, but often
Hereditary Complaints upon the JCMldren
*' UNTO THE Till an AND fourth GENERATION,*'
KING'S EVIL, and other diseases,
as a
from tlie Parents.
And must this continue 1 Shall we be wiio In
all that concerns tho cattle of our fields, our bones,
our sheep, our cows, our ozon, the nature 'ana
character of the soil we possess, the texture and
quality of our goods and merchandise; but la all that
concerns ourselves as human beings,' with human
functions and passions, subject to great derange*
meat, involving our future peace ana happiness**
In all that concerns the health and welfare of tbs
wife of our affections, and the mother of our call*
dren; in nil that concerns the mental and physical
well being of those children, we should be Im
mersed in the darkest and most
How long shall this Ignorance prevail so produc
tive of its bitter fruits 1 How long shall the wife
and mother bo ignorant of the nature, character and
causes of tho various womb and sexual complaints,
embittering her days by suffering—suffering often
prolonged to years, eventuating in a complication of
diseases utterly and hopelessly incurable 1 Shall
we for ever close our eyes to the results of physio
logical science by which we may arrive at an
understanding of ourselves as men and women,
subject to serious life-long enduring diseases, ana
perpetuating them to our children.
No husband or wife need be ignorant of whal
concerns them most to know to secure their health
and happiness. That knowledge is contained tn a
Utile work entitled
Om Hundredth Edition. 18jro., pp. 260. Prtce 60 C*nti
[on fine paper, extra binding, f 1 00.]
Firs! published in 1847 ; and It is not
Considering tlint EVERT EE MALE,
whether aIARRIED OR NOT, can here
acquire a full knowledge of the na
ture, character and causes of her
complaints, with the various
symptoms, and that nearly
should have been sold. It is impracticable to con
vey fully the various subjects treated of, os they
are of a nature strictly intended for the married,
or those contemplating marriage.
Have been BENT BY MAIL within the last few
Buy no book unless Dr A. M. Monrlceau, 121)
Liberty Street, N. V . is on the title page, and the
entry in the Clerk’s Office on the back of the title
page ; and buy only of respectable and honorable
dealers, or send by mail, and address to Dr. A. M.
Mnuriceau, os there are spurious and surreptitious
Infringements of copyright.
Upon receipt of One Dollar “ THE MAE
PANION” Is sent (mailed fne} to any part of the
United States, the Panadas and British Provinces.
All Letters most be post-paid, and addressed to
Dr. A. M. MADBIOEAU, Box 1224. New-Tork
Olty. Publishing Office, No. 129 Liberty Street*
Forsaloby Blanch dtCrap H irrisburg ,J Swar
Bloomehu rgf J S Worth Lebanon, C W Do Wit
Milford, J W Ensmingcr Danhcim, H W Smith
Huntingdon. S Me onald Unlonlown, J M Baum
New Berlin, H A I.nntz Reading, E T Morse
Cranesvjllp. N Y; R I* C rocker Brownsville. Wests
Jc Stark Carbondalo, Eldrcd 6l Wright Williams
1 port, S Turk W jlkosbn rre, (? W Earle Waynesboro;
, » Cropky Mercer, S Lender Hanover. S W Toylor
JUlico.RP Cummings Somerset, T D Peterson,
Sept. 1, 1853 —6m
NOW open and for sale at “Marion Mali.’
Family Grocery Stoic, a large and general assort
meni of articles, useful and fancy, embracing in
Mararaiba and Java Coffees,
Green Rio and Honsied Coffee,
Jenkins’ best brand of Teas,
Brown and Clarified Sugars,
While and Preserving “
Pulverized and crushed “
Broma, Cocoa and Chocolate,
Ui<-e and l.’orn Siarch,
Farina and Essence of Coffee,
Covering’s lineal Syrup, Orleans Banking Molas
ses, Spices* ground and uoground; Mace, Citron.
Vanilla Bean, Cheese, Crackers, Candles, itc.
18SQ Our (tneenswarc, B
EBt embraces a largo and general
of iho best while Granllo, a Iron Slone ware, Liv
erpool and Common ware, enabling the customer
to soled in setts or pieces of any size necessary
and of ihe different styles, together with a variety
of Fine Whitt and Gold Band , English and French
China sells of Tea ware, and oilier varieties of
useful and fine fancy China wore, including troys,
plates, vases, fruit dishes, coffee cups, &c.
embracing bowls, dishes, molasses cans, sugar
howlb, a largo selection of fine fiutnd tumblers,
wino and ogg glasses, and other useful articles.
Willow and Cedar Ware ,
among which are tubs, churns, water pales, mea
sures, market baskets, travelling baskets, as well
as other covered and uncovered baskets. Also,
Table Oil of the finest brand, Sperm and other
Oils, Tobacco, Clgnrs, Soaps, &o. A small lot
ofoholce MACKARKL of No. 1 quality. Also,
a trimmed Mess Mackarpl—both In handsome as
sorted packages of halves,quartersandkils-rwtlh
all the other varieties of a Grocery and Queens
ware store. , . ,
We fool thankful for the patronage heretofore
bestowed on us, and invito a continuance of like
favors. W. EBY.
Carlisle, Juno 9,1895. *
iTici-liiocs, Caßhiucrc*, Ac.
J'UST f ccelvedat thjTnow Sc cheap store qf Welse
and Campbell, fl lafge af Vrenbh'Mirlriocs
Ca«lmerea«nd Mou do LainCs, which will bo ibld
very cheap •
November 10,1863
AX.ATIGJE lot pf Wlnte Shawls just , received,
ood verjeheap ai'theoaw alQia of Waiaa*
NovambetlO 1863
■ : Vsoflii, fragrant, and Good*
B. J. jKIEFpER bos last rctarncdfrom Phlladel*
'bdjMly ht P : P P 8 H
iri'con'ncciidn wlthhls former
YMf stocky will make his establishment complete in
ihts dopUrtmeW. In addition to the above he
has also just opened a fresh-supply of
Confectionaries, Fruits,
Nou, Pastes, and Fancy Articles of every dcscrip
The attention bf tiudles'fs‘especially invited to
his oiteffsWe fcssOrtmbnt of fanfcy oVlicles. Ladles,
Toilet Fancy'Sodas'and Ferfubleries of every varie
ty. Gentlemen are invited to examine Ins fine 1 as*
•ortrtiehi bf 'FdhCy Articles. Segura, China and
JPorcCMtfn Pipes', TdbaCcbcs of c’vcYy variety, ShaV
;fa gahdToilet bodps, which will bo found to be
vcryJßUpeiidr, Gann*, ‘Riding ahd Carriage Whips,
and; many other artlclds Which rnoro especially into
rest gentlemen. -
A number of vgry superior Woolen Matts on band
The Proprietor wilPße very happy to have his
friends generally ball and examine his goods wheth
er they may wish to purchase or not.
Carlisle, July 7, 1853
A LARGE Spring Arrival, which surpasses in
t\. quantity, quality and price, any that has ever
been opened in Carlisle, consisting of ell kinds of
Hardware, Shoe Findings, Coach Trimmings, Sad
dlcfy. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass Nails, Files,
Ahvils, Vicos, Bellows,Springs, Axo’.s. Dows,Fel
loes, Veaeerp,.Oqda(waro, Farming Utensils Bardc
Roled lion, Steel, &c., with a tbousnnd otaer arti
Having purchased very largely of heavy Goods
provioXisto the advance in the pribes, I am,enabled'
to soil at the old prices. Persons in want of Hard
ware oro invited to coll and examine my stock and
hoar the prices, and they will be convinced where
the cheap Hardware is to be bad.
My stock of Wall Papers is unsutpasßed by any
other tn the borough.
Thankful for past favors, a continuance of the
same is solicited.
April 7, 18-53,
English & American Hardware.
TtiE subscriber having j ust returned from lh e
Eastern cities with a full and handsome assort
ment of allkinds of Hardware of the very best mak
ers and wellselected, is now opening at the Cheap
Hardware Stand,in North Hanoverstreet.nextdoor
to Scott's hotel,where be invites all that are in want j
of good and cheap hardware, to give him a call and j
see and satisfy themselves ofthe troth, as woare de
termtned to sell at a small advance. Small profit
and quick sales is the order of the day.
To Carpenters and Others. ,
Afullstockof white, mineral and japaned knobs
locksand latches, hinges, screws, window sash fend"
shuttorsprings, strait-necked and barrelled bolts, of
every kind; mill, cross cut and circulai Saws; hand,
panel,ripping and back Saws; bright,black and blue
augurs;cbisels,broad, pointing, band and chopping
Axes,ordi(Terenl makers; hatchets, planes Sc plane
bits.steeland iron squares, files, reaps,bruds,spikes
all sizes.
To Saddlers and CoacA Makers. j
Our stock consists of a complete assort me n I of aril* i
cles in your line of business,such os brass,silver &
japaned mounting, carriage trimmings, broad paster
ing and seaming laces, fringes, plain and figured can*
vaas oil cloth, top lining cloth Sc scigo lining, white,
red, blue and black patdtit leather; Dasbcrs.silVer &
brass plate, Doer hair, roiolts, hubs, fellows, spokes
bowv.elipticsprings,iron axies, malleable castings
To Cabinet and Shoe-makers. ,
A fullstock of shoekitand findings, boot moi >cco
French kid, straits, morocco Sc lining and binding
ski ns; lasts, tacks, pegs, hammers, pine herb. F ronch
morocco, superior copal varnish, japan and black
varnish, mahogany and maple vaneera, moulding,
beading,rosots, glass, roinoraland mahogany knobs
>f every size and stylo.
To Blacksmiths , Farmers and Others.
I I tons of assorted baiircm, warranted ofih be*
lunlity. A Splendid assortment of bar and rolled
iron, hammered , horse-ehoo, scollop, plough .broad
md narrow tiro, rolled, borse-ahoe bar, band , round
md square iron; cast, shear, spring, English and
\ morican blister steel, English tvagon boxes'ear'
rjage boxes in seUß.anvl Is, vices, dies, rasps,horse*
< h ckj noils, <st c.
To Housekeeper*,
A beau t ifu 1 assortment of cheap Fancy goods , such
as waiters,nays, plain Jk fancy knlvbs,forks, butch
er knives, sleds, brittania lamps, of A'se cand ten ticks,
brittania and silver table odd tea spoons, plated but
ter knives, preserving kettles,smoothing irons,iron
and lined tea & oval boilers* iron trying and bread
pans,wasnboards, tubs,churns, pots
wash kettles,and stew pane,&c
[ Carlisle, May 7,1 S&l
The Elephant Has Arrived,
And ia now to be seen at EYNE'S, in North Han
over Street ,
WHERE ho has just opened a Mammoth stock of
HARDWARE, which makes one of the largest,
most complete, and cheapest assortments overoffer*
jJ to the public. I now invito alt persons in waht
• f good Hardware at reduced prices, to give the a
all as 1 can accommodate all from a needle to An
in vil, and at prices to suit (ho timet. Recollect a
lenny saved is(wo earned, and I consider a nimble
• i eponco bettor than a blow shilling.
To Housekeepers.—-A. great i esorlmont of house
keeping articles, such as brass and enamel preserv-'
mg kettles, frying pans, hake pons, waffle irons,
imouthing irons, s.tovols, longs, waiters,trays,forks,|
tnives, carvers,stools,butchoi knives, spoonB,plaled
tea and table spoons, pocket and pen knives in great |
variety, razors and razor streps, scissors,shears,iron ,
ind brass, polished steel and common shovels and
tongs,shovels, spades,forks, rakes,hoes, tubs, water '
■ans, painted buckets, wash boards,improved patent
■istern'pomps and load pipe. ■
Brushes. —A largo assortment ofwhitowosh ,dust, '
• and painters brushes. {
Iron. —A large slock of hammered bar iron,rolled 1
iron of all kinds,hoopiron, sboeliron,round, square
•nd handlion, English wagon 1 boles, and steel of>
ill kinds . , , . ,
Faints, oil t varnishes ,ttirptntii)e,'glue ;&o.
G/qss of all sizes*
To Shoemakers*— A ful lassortmenl of Morocco;
Linings, Bindings, patent Goat Bklns, Lasts,Qhoo
ihroad. Pegs, Knives, and Toola of all kinds.
Blake's Fire Proof Paints of different colors.
To Carpenicrt, —Afull assortment of pintles ,«jiwb,
ohlsols, gages, squares, braces, hilts, bench screws,
tugurs and augur hilts,hatchets, dtc.
To Coachmaker s and SaddUh.—A first rate as
sortment of Oarrisge trimmings, such us laces, tas
sels, fringes, drab cloth and ssttinolt, hand linings,
imitation enameled leather, patent leathercurtin oil
cloth, plain and figured; Danhorlipns.Lamps, Axles,
Springs. Maloble Coalings, Bent. Felloes, Hubs,
Oows, Philips' patent hoies for wood axles,fine
brass,silver plated and Japan harness mountings,
Saddle trees. Whips, ahd over rlielo used by Sad
diets very chosp.
Carlisle.March ad.tefiS.
Embroideries. jo*hoc«i«j a largo o««oit
Siiawn—A lot of ban (homo apnng ahawla for
sal every cheap. , ,_ ,
a*iTina.—Black and fancy colored Callers,jnal
resolved and for aalo by Weise A Campbell.
April 81, 1863.
AFrtESft supply of Paints, Oils, Vornishes.Djo
Stuffs, Glass, Piltly, Sash’ Tools, &e.
Also, Baking Soda anti Bryan’" Pulmonic Waf
ers, for the core of Cougha,.,Colde, Aslhroa, Obn
eumotlon.ana »l othetdiioasos,of the Bunge for,
sale at , B J KIEFFEII’S
July H, 1863
■ Mr
T)i3BPEOTFOt*ty oflorn Ms|profo»«lonal »«r»l-
JY coa to Ihecltirrrojrof lO.otUnh «nd »uirounding
country. Office nnil;ni»W«lWo South Hnnorer
.lnot,dircclli®»pr<MfMHl*"fTno»HH«cr” Offico.
April SI, ISM—If - I l '
THE inform ihb
Ladies of MechanickbtiTp and itaMeinlty,that'-ho
has just fitted up, opposite bis old stand in said
borough, a
Ladies’ Shoe Store, (
deMglrtcd' bxprcskly! foV theiriaccohimoßrfliohiahd
free from the annoyances lo’wliich they 'have‘here
tofore been subjected. This store' wtll ; bb Wdcr’lhc
solo charge and supervision of his sister, and Ladies
may, frost abaurcd.lhot every‘attention rwlll Bo,paid
to their demands. A full ond constant supply of
ready Wotk,rrW/lhe best of eastern manofuo-’
toridVi In addition lo hib own, will bo fordid olwbyS
onharid.ctfnsletbig in part of'Ladies'Fine itid
Slippers, Find Gaiters, q| ojh-colors, cushrnpn tics,
toilet and ename led, ehoqs.icnny Lind's, French
Biiskiti, Union lies and ptimpa of all descriptions,
Misses'col'd Goiters of oil kinds, children’s fancy
Kbssnlb bAp.tvyQaiters, Ties ond French Morocco
shoes, double andjSingle soled, &c., &c,
He would alsojinform his old frlondb and the
, public generally, that ho 1 still continues to keep on
hand and manufacture (o order, at his old stand, all
gaA Kinds of
such as Mcnls Flrie Calf skin Boots, from
00 to $5 00 ; French Morocco from 83
to $4 50 j Coarse Bools, $2 50 to 83 00. All rips
will bo repaired without extra charge.
- Thankful for the patronage which has been oxten
' ded to him heretofore, ho hopes by strict attention
(abnsntcra and a desire to .please,to merit and rc
* Aelto’O continuance of the same.
Mechaptcsburg, April 14. *s3—Cm.
Erosive Furniture Rooms.
WOULD respectfully call the attention of house
keepers and the public, to the Extensive slock
of splendid FURNITURE, inclnd
'ing every variety of Cabinet-ware
and Chairs, which be has now on
hand at his Rooms, corner of Hanotor and Louthcr
directs, opposite John Humor's store, Carlisle.
He is Confidthl that the superior finish of the
Workmanship, and elegance of style, in which his
articles ore got up, together with their cheapness,
Will recommend them to every person wanting Fur
niture. He hhs also made arrangements for manu
facturing arid keeping a constant supply of every
article!*) hie'linc, both plain and ornamental,ele
gant ahfl d&ful, at prices which cannot fail to suit
purchasers. Ho would earnestly invite p'orsonswho
tkre about to commence housekeeping, to call and
examine his present elegant slock, to which he will
! constantly make additions of the newest bnd most
j modern styles.
COFFINS made to order at the shortest notice,
for town end countiy.
December S 3, 1852—1 y
N. B.*—Two good Journeymen Cabinet makers
can find constant employment at lhe above estab
lishment. Two Apprentices—hoys about 16 or 17
,years of ago—will also bo taken, if application be
made soon. J F
James H. Wxibe
At the New and Cheap Store of
Welse & €nmpV>cll.
S. W. boihir of N. Hanover and Loutker Streets.
WE ■have, juel icccivoj a very large and hand
some assortment of Fall and Winter Goods,
consisting of the latest styles of DRESS Goode,
French plaids, plaid and printed Cashmeres, Moos
de Laincs, all wool; Mous de Bcges, Persianclothe,
plaid, brocade and black Silks,bßtnbazines.alpacas,'
and a good assortment ot Mourning Goods.
Bleached and unbleached Muslins, Checks, Ging*
hams,Tickings, white & colored Canton Flannels,
red, yellow and white wool Flannels, Table Linen,
Damask Towels, Table Cloths, Napkins, dec.
Laces and Embroideries^
Cambilc and Swiss Ruffling, Edgingand Inserting,
'Lisle, Mechlin, Florentine und Valcuccnnes Lacrs,
Collars, TJndcrsleoves, Spencers and Gulfs of the
latest stylos.
Very fine assortment of spun Silk, Cashmere and
{jambs wool Saxony, black Indiana Hose, Merino
half hose, white and black silk Hose, Mark, white
and mixed Cotton ttoac, Ladies and Gents Kid
Silk, fleecy lined Silk, Cashmere 6c Cotton Gloves.
Cloths & Cassimeres.
A largo assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Baltin
ells. Kentucky Jeans, Moiino, Solin and black silk
Ladies Kid Slippers, Morocco and Kid Baskins*
Morocco and Kid Boots, (Willis’,) Ludior Qiiiors,
' Men’s fine calf Bools, Kipp Bools and Shoes for
men and boys, all kinds of Children’a shoes, and a
large lot of Gum shoes.
Rio and Java Coffers, Now Orleans, Cuba and Ro
finoo Sugars, Covering's Syrup MolassesC übado.,
and Spiers of ail kinds.
The above articles, together with o largo vn ric I
100 numerous to mention, have been selected w i
great care fronp the New York and Philadolp'
markets ,and cannot f-iil to suit purchasers in •
Uy and prices. We Invito allto call and xam-,
for themselves.
Carlisle, Sept 16, 1863.
THE subscriber would respectfully announce to
the citizens of this place snd sit persona vffiidng the
aspic during the llolyduys, that ho has now on hand
end will continue to be supplied with the latest nov.
titles op to the close of the season, comprising in
of the choicest varieties, such as Fine Candy Toys,
Jelly Cakes, Don Dona, Gum,Cordial, Lemon, Choc
olate, and fruit drops, rose, vanilla and burnt almonds,
french and exploding Secrets, a Iso, all the com on va.
rioties.oll of which wil bo sold wholesale or retail
at low rates at
Krtss Klnglc’B Old Hall,
in North Hanover street, a few doors north of the
Dank, whore wo have just received FRUITS and
NUTTS of the latest importation*, such pa orangoa,
lemons, raisins,‘.figs, proens, citron, currants, soft
and paper'shelled almonds, filberts, cocoa, cream &
ground nult, stao
Toys and Fancy Goods
of every kind from all parts ofEurdpe,manufactured
of wood,-glass, china, pspler-tnachie, tin, India rub.
as fine wax,kid & jointed dolts,
sewing fend card baskets, work and fancy boxes,
flower vases, motto oops, tea sells, muslo boxes, port
montav, (battle doors, grace hoops, masks, drums,
guns,'trbtnpets, dominoes, lotto, and olhor games,
.dto.,ifdnaysnapsand hair oila of every variety. In
connection with the above a largo slock of
such as Lovering'icrushct], pulverized and brown
feugars, coffee, molasses, starch, indig, Baloralm,
green and black teas, spices, butter, water and soda
crackers, matches, (to.* and as wo “Strivoto Please
bl are Invited to examine our stock.
The subscriber retains his thanks to the public for
the patronage heretofore bestowed on him, and hopes
by a desire to please to merit a continuance of Iho
sls,oo<> Worth ofOoodt Stilton
lYaud at Ogllby’a Store.
IN addition to our stock, wo have received and are
now receiving a large lot of very desirable FALL
'ant) WINTER GOODS from two of qur branch
Jis nll of-the stock Wat purchased jioforo
IhC prdsoht groat advanced prise in good, and will
be sold at COST. , purchaiera can save from 25 to
60 per cent, by giving us an early call. W.emow
have b]aok silks, fine linen, long shawls, tickings,
checks, blanket*, cassinoUs, dldlh, mtiSllrts.'&b., all
of which Wo wore out of previous to yesterday's
Also, Carpels and a lot of Bools and Shoes, just
received. Call soon and secure the bargains before
they are all gone. CIIA6. ObILBY.
Bargains atlll to be had at the Clothing Store near
Burkholder's Hotel.
• 84>irao;t8fi8~-*i
Wm. K. Campbell.
Hosiery and Gloves.
Hoots and Shoes,
Tresli r Arrival. 1
rpHEßubscnim|r from Phlladel- :
JL anwii n and elegant J
assortment of ~ P
Winter doods,
consisting in putt of. Cloths, possipoeres, Vestings
Flonfcole, BlanUetß,dqoHsi!Ac. ; :’lK>Ladb2afjqofla;a
beautiful assortment of De Laines, French Morlnosj
PatrirAetttfs, Silks, stylo of bared Cashmeres,
Ribbons, Shawls, French Worked Collars, Chimi*
2fcttS,&C. -*?•« 1
Bleached and urtbloacftpd Mjrtlijn?,, Checks* Tick
ings, Canton Flannels Table Diapers, Ac. , ,
. , Biots ;andshoes.
A largo assortment of Mon's andDoys'W Inter Bools.
Also hn entire hdiv''slock 6 f L rfd |e a GaU b i 1 sJM 6t6 cc o
Beefs, : Ddfkirisdrid dltypbift.' l 'CfindVenV Sh'dferf in
great variety. Gum Shcica of all/descriplions.
A fresh lot of Sugors, Coffees, Teas/Moltrtsos, Spi>
ccs, Starch, Ac.
Ab my winter stock is entirely new and laid in on
the most favorable terms, we cordially invite all our
old'fridhils arid bWoiheVsj iad the public in general,
to call and examine the slock before purchasing,as
we take pleasure in showing' out Goode, and will
sell them as cheap if not cheaper than any other
store iu (ho county. - Recollect the old stand Bast
Main street, Car lisle:
November 23,1853
Every Ulan Ills 6wri Sinter. 1
CLARK’S Patent Combined Grinding and Bolt*
ing Mill, is an invention which cannot fall com
ing into general use, turning out as it doesfrom the
wheat cilia flour, superfine, middlings, ship stuff
and bran, at a single operation, and' in the most
complete manner. Tins truly scientific mill fills a
space of but throe feet in diameter,.and five feet
: high, is worked by a single shaft, capable of grind
[ing and bolting from three to ton bushels of wheat
lon hour,-and can be propelled by any power fiom
four horse to any which may ho desired. The en
tire cost of a mil! calctila’ted'to make one barrel of
flour to the hour, does not exceed $400.’ Those de
siring to purchase a mill, or the patent for counties
or townships in Pennsylvania, are requested to ad
dress \V m. Hell man, or call at No. 41 Brown street,
September 8, ISB3—3t ■
Pictures of the Loved & tl«nc
Blest bo the art that can immortalize.
That Art that halites time's tyrannic claim to quench it.
How sWcet it is in aflar days, when memories on
memories arise, and dioams of bygone limes, and
long forgdtlen things come softly to the heart. How
sweet we sayll is to gaze upon the likeness of some
dear friend, with whom we once associated, whether
far away, sailing upon the broad ocean, strolling
over the prairies of the far west, wandering in strange
lands, across (ho blue waters, or sleeping beneath
the cold olods of earth, or the roaming wave. How
pleasant the thought, that the arLdivino can give ub
the perfect resemblance of the absent and the loved,
till we can almost imagine it is reality, that life and
animation alone are wanting, for often as wo gaze
upon a good picture, the eyes seem to sparkle with
brilliancy, and the lips appear aa if about to speak.
A Daguerreotype is far more preferable to a paint
ings simply becouac it is for more correct and more
convenient: the form stands out as it were from the
plate, and gives every expression of the face us it
1 was in the original. The Daguerreotype is without
1 doubt one of the greatest inventions of the nineteenth
I cfentury.and its benefit toman incalculable. Though
simple in its operation, yet the human mind cannot
comprehend exactly its strange mysteries: its sha
dow is caught upon the plate as if by magic, and we
can only wonder that it is so.
Those who have not yet procured these prericus
mementoes, we would advise to coll upon our friend
A. D. Todds, at his Gallery in Wyeth’s Hull, in
Herrisburg, or at his new gallery,in Minton Hall.;
Carlisle, and our word for it, you will be obligingly
entertained. and furnished with likenesses that Will
I please and delight even the most fastidious. IJe
I has long occupiodan enviable position as a Daguer-
I rC (.n Artist, received a Diploma for his splendid Da-
I guerreotypos at the late Stale Agricultural Fair, at
Harrisburg, and by close application and long expo*
' rioncc, has made many experiments in the art, and
is ready to compete with any establishment in ih
conntry. I
Much attention isgjvcntqcopyingdoguerreotypcs [
and other pictures. Small pictures cun becnlargcd
to any ei* e - Children of any ago token.
Daguerreotypes inserted in Lockets, Breastpins,,
finger rings, pencil heads, <tc.
Instructions given in the art on the most reason
able terms.
Pictures taken In cloudy ns well osin clear weath
er. A collection of portraits con be seen at the
Rooms, which ore fair nt all limes.
Slorvs’Clicinlcal Hair Invigoralor
A RE YOU BALD! fa your hair falling off!
Or is your hood covered with Dandruff or
Scruff! If so, then moke a fair trial ol Storm'
Chcralca 1 Hair Invigoralor. Hundreds of persons
in all parls’of the country whoso bonds were entire
ly bald, have hud their hair fully restored to its orig.
inul perfection by the use of this valuable article.—
Read the testimony.
Now York,-Jan. 1,1651.
Mr.Sronns. —DenrSir: Mr.Smith,of Newton,
L. 1., obtained n bottle of your excolUnt Hair Invig.
orator for his little girl,about four years old, her
head being entirely bald; no hair of any consequence
hnvinggrown on her hcadfrom birth, and surprising
as it may appear, after having Used but one bottle, 1
a complete head of hair was produced nearly two
inches long of a lino healthy growth.
A. Doo little, M. O. No. 141, Grand fit.
Pnit.ADßi.pniA , May 10, 1850.
Mr. Sronns—Sir: A flor being bald for a numbe r
of years, and having used numerous preparations to
no effect, your Chemical Hair Invigoralor has pro
duced a fine head of now hair, and I hardly know
how to' express my gratitude for the benefit I hove
received from your valuable article.
J. Wadsworth, No. 10, Orchard si
The following testimony ia from Mi. McMakin
editor of the '‘Saturday Couriers”
“Stords' Ham InvioonAron.—lt gives us much
plooiuro, unsolicited, to record our testimony in fa
vor of the groat pleasantness and entire efficacy of
Starrs’ Chemical Hair Invigoialor. On recovering
from tho recant severe attack of illness, we discover,
od that our usual healthy and abundant crop of hair
was rapidly fulling o if, and chancing to havo on
hand a sample of tho above article furnished by tho
manufacturer many months previously, wo used bat
a single bottle, as directed, and found It to operate
Uko a charm, in ontircly'chockingtho fall and Croat
ing a new and healthy action oftho scalp."
Wo could give many other references to some of
oar most respectable citizens,but would ask all who
are troubled with Dandruff,are bald, or are losing
their hair,to give Stone’ ChomicalHairlnvigorator
a trial, and one (rial will do more to convince you of
our claims for it than all thetostimony of others that
wo might produce.
Caution.— Askfor “Storr’e Chemical Hair In*
vigorotor,”anJ noverlot dealers persuade youto uao
any olhorartlclo as a substitute. Price 25 ccpts a
bottle. ’ ’
Propriotorsand Manufacturers. —C. P, Ami' t
C0.,N0. 120, Arch street, Philadelphia.
For sale in Carlisle by S. W. Hayoretick, < '
Elliott,and -■■— ■* Kolso,and Vy doalorsgonorA
October 88.1862—1. y
SOME prime Carpels still on hand. Intending
to relinquish that branch df’roy business,il nviß
noil off thoistook on hond unoomroonly low* Call
soon., i ■ C. OGILBY,
Docombor 16,1063.
JUST received an assortment of elegant noodle
worked Collars, CblcneaflUs. Undotaleevfßaod
December 16, 1853.
IrUSTrooeivod a full Deportment of Men’p and
‘J Udys* Winter’Bools‘and Shoes, 'bolter and
cheapo,r than can bo had In the county, nlthevory
bhdapatoro of C. OGILDY.
Decemberls, 185 5°
jpiite ta»Rrance,
, iTHE Alleh «od Eastl JfopnjbojouglnMoUai ?
iDßuranc* .Company of
forated by.ah apt of Aaapmjiy* io t pow tdlly,tel
tood.ahd in operation under hbma'nVgomem'oi St
following; l ti. d, ,
iKpapgef feaily', B. PoMtp'Mtiltki tbet'lfd
hiolchoir tfrennetaun, Christian felkvWan, Jofib' C *
H/ddbVdi / iLb ,^li'fly4VfH)?AW
Benjdmlh 11. WudStif: JirfAV'Mii&mdVJbw/h Wtit*
b rail am,'AH ci'a bdefcl lb fcaf 1. "
Tlitf rtitldjb pnAs'hrtth'oe'dVeUVlbw ''a'h’tjl fkVonki/
OB a’riy'CtfmpQny of tile kind i’n ! lfro r BiW<o.
bßcqrno mertlb'eriiin*U6d\ooMk« «6
plicottontb the agchVs of |‘hV fcompany who are wll
ling to wait upon them ol tinv.lnrid. : 1
BENJ. H. MO6SER, Prttident
HENRtLotfAN, VicePr<fiderii *
Lewis Htan. • i.-j (
Michael CocKLiH.yVijst/M^.
October-7,’1853. " ( rvVi’-)V .
. ... AGE’nI’S. , , ,
<7um6erja?^,Coun/y.^h'udo)p^. j M«riin l^,C0 i n .
berland; C. B. Herman, Kingstown: tfehrv fc; r ‘
log; ■ Shiromanatbwri; 6haMesßeht6tfß|ilef ! £j /
Ah), Churclilown; SamupJ G rah a m , VVeßlpcnriBbo'ra''<
I James M’Dowcll, l^rojhkTord; JftbiJk 'GimbVfeoafti
Mlddlolph; Sadioel VVoaibbrnV Dibklrlrtto, 'BkbiDei
Cpovbr.'Bcnjdmin Havoratrok, MjkehabicfcWrg,
Bhcrrlbk, Lieborn, DavidCooror.Shepnildalokn.
York' COftWy.—-John BoWlan, tijtlsiuter'ftiUf
\Volford,Prinkllnj John Smith, F*q., ! Wakhlhjrtoh i
W. S. Picking, Dover; J. W f Craft r Pai‘adlie.
Ilouecr & Lbfch’nWhi
Mdmbcrk'bfthe haVtbg pollcos'ib'bb't to
exp rd c'ah haVo : lhe‘ih Vftritiwed by to'akuSfc 'applh&v
tlon toany’of lhe agents.
rcmiilcHlcdlcalCollcgcof Pcnun,
IfourTh annual session.
THE next Course of Lectures In t)i|s Iniihotiod
will continence on Saturday, October Ist, Us'a,
and continue five' months (21 on the
251 b of February,lss4. , ,
David J. JpbnMoh, M. 0., Professor of
and Tbkicblhgy.
Ellwood Harvey, M. D., Professor bf tlie Prhici.
plos and Practice of Medicine.
Hllborh Darlington, M. D., Professor ’of Suvjfs'rj.
AnnPrcslbn, M. D.. Professor of Physiology,
Edwin Fbssell. M. D., Professor Of Anatomy.
Mark G. Kerr, M. D;, Professor of MatCrik Med
ico end general Therapeutics.,
Murlhit H. Mowry, M. D., Professor of Obstelrits
und Diseases of Women and Children.
Almiro L. Fowler, M. D., Demonstrator of Anat
omy and Chemistry.
Persons wishing further information ns to terms,
regulations, &c., or desirous of receiving copies of
Ihe Announcement, will please apply, pi fobnally or
by Icllcr, to (ho Donn of the Faculty.
| 229 Arcli Street. Phttddrlphib.
3 inilet tosst of Harriiburg, Pa.
THE Sixth Session will commence on Monday
the 7lh of November next. Parents an«| guardians
and others intcrosted, qre requested to inqulie Ituo
the merits of this Institution. The situation is rp.
tired, pleasant, healthful and convenient ol seem,
the course of instruction is extensive and thorough,
and the accommodations ore ample,
D. DsjtLiinjßn, Principal and Teacher of Lan
guages and Mathematics.
1 Dr. A, Ditthnorb, A. M., Teacher of Ancient
Languages and Natural ticlcncea.
| E. Canon* Dine, Teacher of Mathematics sml
I Nalura I Sciences.
Iloon Cores, Teschar of Music.
T. Kit»k White, Teacher of Plain and Orna
mental Penmanship.
Boarding, Washing, and Tuition in En
glish prr Session, (5 months)
Instruction in Ancient or Modern Lan
guage, each
Instrumental Music,
For Circulars and other information, address
Harrisburg, P«
Sept 8,1863,
rjMIE 15th Scaalon will commence Nov.Tth. Th«
J[ buildings (one erected Inal Fall) are new and «»•
tensive. The situation is all that can be desired for
boalilifulncsa or moral purity. Removed from the
excitement of'F'Swn or City, tho students frty h'fi
prepare for college, mdrcuniile pursuits, &c. All
the branches are Uught which go lb form « liberal
bducnlion. A conscicntioua ditohsrgeof duly baa
secured the present nourishing condition of the In
stitution. Its future success (under Providence]
shall bo maintained by (he same means.
Terms—Donrd and Tuition per session,- *650
For Cataloged with full information, addreas
R. K. BURNS, Principal Sf Proprietor.
Piuinfioid Post Ofljce,
Cumb. Co Pa
Nov. 39. 1853,
ivcnr DRUG STORE 1
South Hanover Street, near the Court I/oute.
BJ, KIGKFEU, Druggist, would respectfully
i inform (he citizens of Carlisle and vicinity,
that tie has opened a new
His slock Is entirely new, and has been aelecud
with greet care. As many of the articles in dally
use by physicians and families deteriorate by age
and exposure, great care will be taken not to al
low such articles to accumulate in such quantities.
Attention i- especially invited to his etock of
Medicines, Essential Oils, Tinctures, Wines, Ex
tracts, Confections, Chemicals,&c., togetherwiih
a full assortment of Faints, Varnishes, Dye. Bluffs,
Paint and Varnish Brushes, and
of every variety. He has also on hand a splendid
assortment of Perfumes, soaps, fancy, hair,cloilu s
and flesh brushes, supporters, breast exhausters,
nipple shields, tooth washes and pastes; also
Medicinal IVines and Srandiet,
of the best quality, Segare, from the beet Havana
and Spanish houses, of every flavor, from one erni
In order to ensure his customers against mis
takes during any temporary absence ol the proprie
tor, the services of an experienced and competed
assistant have been secured, which will be full to
be important, in viewof the responsibilities which
are known to devolve opon the druggist.
Physicians* prescriptions will be faithfully sod
promptly attended to. Orders from '.J 1 /* 10 .•**
and Merchants In the country will be filled
care, and at prices which must prove musts® ory-
All officinal preparations made in strict abcot
once with the directions of the U.. S. Pksiroae -
poola. ,
A liberal share of public patronage Is respt
fully solicited. Terms casb. ' ml _ rf , PIJ
July 21, 1863. p. J. KIEFFJX^
Cboorlng Wows!
TH E roadora of the Volunteer arc infoTraico
Iho Importantifaol that tho ®^ eor^ ll , l J,J rl .Mi)
opening anejtim big lot of cheap SPRING A
SUMMER GOODS,orapng which arc ihe io»
Vedllnga,’ Tore Saline*
SumtporCoatlnge, ‘Barege deLalnoflr
Pani Siuffc, Lawns,.
Hals; i . ;Mous« do Lsines*
Suspenders# Mous. do'Dego*
Cravats, HighLastro Dloc« Ai*
Handkerchiefs, pachot,
Stockings, Ginghams* -
Gloves. . .. . Donnot Ribbons,
Maslins, Calloopp,. . -Hosiery. „ „
Chocks.,Tickings,' ' TVocd|p Workcd.CqlUO.
Pluhnelq, Bagging',. CJiimOaettqs,
Counterpanes,, / 1 ‘Gdgiqifspnd Inasrimfr
Corpol Chain.&o,, ‘ Ui &o. &o, ~
om|‘ t a coioploiepßßorlmenl of Pj f V 5
which >vfl jiWselling at,vary JowiiPrtcfiP j
Opppiry, prod ace, taken J n 1 wtchenge
Muroh,3.l, 1863. .
6 00
10 00
xadikb’ w«m.
High Lupti? Dl’b. SHl*'
Uo. Fancy do.