American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, February 23, 1854, Image 2

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    nnnaefior. they •h*!! *>« destroyed, Ip attesting the l*ol on Iho
™ n . f .I, A back of (ho order i Provided, That inch order, for
The report of Col. Snowden, Director of tne the destruction of each liquor, •hall in|no case be
Mini published in this day’s paper, will attract issued for Eve days after the entry of such judgment.
r r a, i d r ‘Tt 1 t r ' o r, y d
[as well as from the sound views of public policy nex j court of quarter sessions, but beforO|SUCh ajipf ol
—— ‘ the currency question which it recommends. |bo allowed, ho shall givo a bond in the name of the
Snow.—The heaviest enow we have had this co - maoe al the minl J n Philadelphia for Commonwealth, in a penalty of two hundredldolhffs,
f ,, Mnn j Ol , üßtu Bt i» commenced to ° .. r - with two or more good and sufficient sureties, 10
muter fell on Monday last. It comm 1853. has amounted to the astounding aum of proBCCUIo h!a nppe a| wilh effect, and it ia hereby
snow early in the morning, and continue b $60,111,249 72, in gold coins, gold bare, and • made the duly of the prosecuting attorney, to con«
the greater part ol the night, and on Tuesday . copper coins. i duot 0,1 cases so transferred by appeal lo said couil.
• ,Ko oarih «na covered to the depth of a . , , In bohalf of the Commonwealth, as other Common*
morninglheearlh was co V The deposits for ihe same period were •**;-] wea!lb Bll |i. ore conducted by him. and for which
foot. Our young folks are mailing 682,1)71 64. The total coinage of the mint to t,o shall receive the same compensation as in cases
and the me;ry jingle of sleigh bells can be hear p^j| a( j e | ph -, a< an( j X \ >Q Bevera | branches at New 1 oflndictmonl for mhujemeonor, andilf the final de-
In all-directions. The snow is fast melting away, v . M . p.-.i:-- nnd at oisltm bo against the appellant, the clerk shall forth
u ILT!nH In a few davs will have disappeared. Or,oan9 ’ Ql Char,oUc ’ North Carolina, andl al j wjl|| de|lf » a transcript of the record lo the mag s
however,and y Dahlonega, Georgia, for 1853, amounted to $6l, (ra , Q o f ure Iho complaint was originally
Arrested —On Thursday last, a young girl, 353,537 7-2, nearly al! of domestic production, 1 made, .who shall thereupon ouuse iho lif |oor to b»
named Je« Devne. who had been residing for j l 0 . boßl ... bond red and rwo ron. of,
some-time wilh a family in this boroogh in 1,10 , gold, nnd two hundred and forty nine tons 01 or forwarding merchant., as .ucti, from transporting
capacity of « Borsanl, was arrested here by Officer; .ji vef t j such liquors.
Franks,of the Philadelphia police, and conveyed ThfSC rem „u a ble fads are likely of themselves, |
back lo that oily. Jane formerly resided in Philo- wb en seen and examined by the public, lo bring
delphia, having lived in Carlisle but a abort lime, | about a happy solution of the vexed question of a
and il ls charged against her, lhal whilsl visiting ■ currency , an d rid us of the abominable, bloated
a domestic in the family of C. C. Jenkins, of mon ey system, with its expansions, con
94th ward ol that city, she appropriated several (rac iions. panics, consequent derangement of mo
anicleadf wearing apparel lo her own use, Whon , ne(ar y again, and bankruplcies.
arrested soma of the stolen properly waa found in i v\’e call the attention of not readers to the
her possession. She waa committed for trial. | suggestions of Col. Snowden on this subject, as
jr. nB r On Tuesday morning last, about 7! | being wise, sound, as well as democratic and
o’clock, the dwol ling house once pled by the Misses | strictly, in accordance with the conaltlulton.-
Prtn N. Hanover street, was discovered be They w. Ido goo a. a .true, when our ears are
To fir. The fire had been communicated to the constantly dinned the el.tnu.or or more
0D “ . 4 . p ~.n fini «i« ,hfl fim banka and an increase of bunking capital. On
ceiling by the sure p p . .:, OOIBre j an( t >he suhjeel of small notes it is conclusive, ahd
bed made hoi l.ule progress when dtscovered, and [!o recom .
was soon extinguished. mp „. mends the prohibition of all bank notes under the
In connection wit IS “ J - j denomination of twenty dollars, his position being
lion Ihpt .00, different Ftro Uon^nte “o such ns to enabio him to understand the subject
the condition leys on e o ’i„ all its bearings, and his reasons are lo our mind
and we think our citizens should lend them more * .
ano , , „ m, n fi..t.,rco mho cone umve. As those msniuttone, the bffuks,are
“aid and comfort.” The senes ofleclures lo be
... . tt • i?; u .iii af ihe creatures of iho Slates, he presents a remedy
delivered before the Union Fire Company will al ,
aeuveieu ~ | constitutionally possessed by the general govern
ford a very good opportunity to those who wish to j of o „ rorai compliance will, this sound
encourage,bat excellent Company m, , o „ |he •„ r s , aIPS , ori g„,ally sug
raise means for a more efficient organization. he d Albe[l GulUlilli „ ho in view of iho
proceeds of the lectures are to be appropriated to « .. Coßg[ell mayi if „
the porohase of new apparalos for the Company, ] lay a Btalnp du ,y on small notes'
t,„ Wo therefore bone lo see the lectures well 1 ' J ' . . ~
&c, we mereioit. « which will pul an end to their circulation.”
attended. j Many of the views contained in this report are
New Abbanobuent of Trains. —By reference j JO ] ( , an( j B i r iki n g | and highly creditable to their
to an advertisement in another column, it will be llul i, or . VVe say again, read this report.
seen that a change in ihe running of the passenger;
cars on the Cumberland Valley Rail Uo-d. will. TUC LEGISLATURE AND THE TEMPERANCE ,
take place on and after Friday next, the 24ih insi. ‘ QU ESI lON. !
The morning train from Harnshutg will Itav,. |mmodi , lcly , fter lbe October election wo pro
boreal fifty-five minutes past nine o’clock, and wh<j >tked lcgi ,|„ lon „„ n,i,
the afvsrnoon at forty-five minutes paslonoo’olock. qlic|lion wou]d ba , bo r,rst lo differ us to whol that
The morning Uain/or Harrisburg will leave Cor | Belilalion B | lou ld bo. Our prediction bus boon ver~
Hale al eighteen minutes past seven o’clock, and (l p C( j > g ver Bincu Uie oßsembling ol the Lcgislaluro |
ihe afternoon train al one micule past six o’clock. t ) t i 9 queotion has baen In agitation, and Iho friend* I
It will also be seen that hereafter no train will! j- M 4 j nc Law und thoso who. on (lie oilier 1
be ron upon the road on Sunday. h ind, defiro to submit iho question lo a vole of Ihe I
| people, have berated ouch oihor right soundly, ouch
Military Parade.—Ycaierday,the 22d instant,, jn lufn BCCUBio? tllo olllcr of duplicity and dishon
(Washington’s Birth Day,) the Carlisle Indcpen j CB( y Tiuia a very bitter fooling of animosity ha*
dent Infantry Company, Capl. Samuel Chop, had en g C ndofed.tho consequence of doubt,
a parade in honor of the day. I hey mustered > ilial nu action nn iho subject will bo had
about twenty-five muskets, and considering the ■ during the present winter. The Maine Liw mon
smallness of the turnout, made a very handsome j, 0 5 U been worsted in the Senate by 1 lie defeat of
and aoldier like appearance. The men marched , tlie g 9CCllo n of their bill. This section wus the
avrd beiiaved well,and the intricate evolutions they , bono Q r co ntenuun ;lo uso the hnguage of a Maine i
went through, showed the excellent stale of disci-• Law Senator, it was considered the “buck bone ofj
pline they are in, and reflected honor upon their jibe bill,” and by it evciy man’s house was liable toj
officers. This company ia increasing in numbers, j i,e scorcArd by any impudent constable or other
and will, ere long, present as strong and beautiful 'official. Tho section was descaled by yeas 16, nays
an appearance as it did in its roost palmy days. 'l3 -two San.tors absent. Tho Maine L,aw men, it
rr _ I appears, look the defeat of their favorite section in
Sale of Valuable Town Propebtv. —lt bad humor, and they launched out ogninst
be seen by an advertisement in another column. ,j Jo j r b r -jthor Senators in most bitter denunciation,
that the Hotel Property, on the north-west corner | q« he m <,joniy of the Senate, however, remained cool
of the Public Square, in this borough, is offered j u „d collected, and paid Intle or no attention to Ihe
lor sale. This is one of tho most valuable and de- ravings of the politics I adventurers who hud worked
sirable properties in Carlisle, and in the hands of themselves into a fit of nn^cr.
an enterprising, business man, could bo made In | Thus U ia with nearly every question of a moral
yield a handsome dividend on the sum invested, conics before the Legislature. Ills
Read the advertisement. j generally defeated altogether by the overbearing
and dictatorial course of ovor-xoalous advocates.
Pennsylvania Faum Journal.—The Vebruary 1 v(ID w|) j j ls i cn no comprunuan, and submit
number ot this capital and ever-welcome Agticul- l gKCB(ion ll|ol ia nol ma de by ihoinnelves. In
toral Magazine has been upon our table for some i com „. on w ,th the grout mass of tho people ol this
lime. The number now before us is one of the ( § lfl | C (embracing all parties ,wo had hoped that the
very best yet issued by the publisher, containing I present Legislature might pass a law submitting iho
a vasl amount of substantial reading matter, on I license question to tho people, for their rejection or
subjects interesting to fanners and others, together I approval. We have great faith in the soverign pco- j
wilh several en-ravlnge, &c. Tux Joumm. has pie, .nd fell prep.recl lo .hide tl.eir deeielen on Ihl.
grown to be one of Ihe largest agiieullnral msga-] euhjecl. .0 Ih.l it mighl be pnt le rest, Du,
Lee in the Union, end is conducted with marked lour ..tntc Lew ftiend. ...... ’no.-give u.
ability, the conductors sparing neither lime, labor the Man.. in« or tint ting no ere no w g
BUIIUJI, mo vu,. r . . .. , 1 Irual tho neon o with so delicate a subject. Well,
no, expenae .0 make what tt really ... a work ' |l , (<nd w 0 J ow fjlr D „ d
of the highest rank ofmertt. Fanners, gardeners, | of cuun[r( , W|M nppr „,c of the
and stook-raisets, will find 11 lo their advantage 10 , § enl jnli:nl )gia<! ula ml( of Ih, people on Ihe eobject.
lake and read the Journal. It is emphatically the ■ ’ ( |4j ,_ „ s n, we w,U
beet agricultural penodicnl in Pennsylvania, P er ' j sulmil uelhing else. VVe hovo no notion ol sub
haps the Union, and we commend 11 lo all our | nlJllirlg , D t| lo dictation of men who uro hold enough
farmers. J. M. MerkolTll & Co., Publisfiors, j d cc:lur o Iftut Ifroy have no confidence in tfio people
West Chester, Pa. Price, $1 00 per annum, in 1 (||( , y r ,. prr , cn i. They have .llern P lcd lo bully the
advance. 1 people long enough, and il is limo llicy wore given
lo understand that their impudence cannot nnd will
nol be tolerated. After the lesson llicy received last
fall, and particularly in ihis county, ono would sup
pose llicy had gained wisdom, and would permit the
Liquor Question lo be settled in the only legitimate
1 wo| il should bo settled, by a vole of tbo people
themselves. Below wo publish the infamout section
of Iho Liquor Law of which wo have been speaking,
and which wss defeated in the Sonalo. Wo aro'
e Ud to notice that Mr. Wherry, tho Senator from
this district, assitod by his voto lo givo tills right
of search section its :
Section 8 That if ony two qualified votors in any
city, ward, borough, or township, shall make com
plaint, under oath or affirmation, before ony mayor,
tildeim-in, or justice of the peace, within said city,
ward borough, or township, that they have reason
to behove, and do believe, thul intoxicating liquors
ore kept for sale by ony person or persons nol ou-
Ihorized to sell tho same under tho provisions of this
ad except in custom houses or bonded warehouses,
belonging lo the United Stoles, where the liquors re
main in iho original casks, barrels, nr packogoo, in
which llicy were imported, aoid mayor, alderman, or
i.iilico of the peace, ahull isauo warrant of search,
directed lo any constable in said county, who shall
proofed to search the promises described in said
warrant and if any intoxicating liquors, more Ihsn
’are necessary for sacramental, medicinal, meojuni
-1 cal or artislicsl purposes, shall bo found therein, ho
shall seize the ««mo. together with tho vessels con
taining them, and convoy them to some proper place
of iccurily, whore ho oholl keep them till final eolton
t. 1,.d thereon, hot no dwelling home in which, or in
part of which e irtfding ohop i. not kepi, eltall bo
searched, unless al lea.l one of complain.nte
shall testify lhal a s.le of inloxicaltng liquors lies
actually been m.da by lire or by his con
sent nr permission,in such dwelling house, or in
some other piece .applied from liquor, .luted In .ucl.
house, (or the purpose ofoffordtng ooelt .apply, will .
in at least ono month of nicking sold compliment,
and tho owner or possessor of said I‘quors, seized as
*rorsaid, If ho shall be known lo tho officer sotting
!tho same, shall be summoned forthwith before Iho .
magistrate upon wlwso warrant the liquors wore Hr „„ Roddery.—On Wrdneeday night lost,
seized, and if ho fall to appear, or unless ho onn | *•'. m r H u ii,oronpli Montgomery county,
•how by satisfactory proof that suld liquors wero in (i • wl»Hn aitendimr n *hog-kllllng,* of*
bis possession for purposes n»l inconsistent with Iho | was robbed while nUc " * . ? , n ooloa 0 f the
I provision, of this .cl. they shall be declared forfeited, pocket-book containing 81Q0 .no.tly In nolo.
and .hall bo deslroyod by authority of the written Doylestawn n.nk. >‘ P romi T| J p ol [, lo wn Ledger
order of.sld rn.yor, alderm.n, or justice of the, smomtl. and a lda , o , go j bachelor,
and in his presence or in Iho nre.onoe of some per Inform, n. Hist Mr. Iroddl 1. a “ moro Mgrßl
son appuinted by him to witness lb. destruction m good otreurosladcefc P money,
thereof, and trite .hall join wilh Ihe officer by whom ol hi. loss of lb. lo«o-le|lc. Ih.d IU«
jfoHA D, Bra font Editor and Proprietor.
f)MLIBLE, FEBRUARY 33, 1954.
Gonsv’e Lady’s Book. — Iho March number ol
this excellent and widely-circulating Magazine,
i« already on our table. We have not, as yot, hod
time to examine its contents carefully, hut it ap
pears to be well filled with choice reading matter, I
splendid Engravings, Music, Fasblfln Plates, &c.
4to. From Gonsv’s well known ahilitica, and
unconquerable ambition lobe ahead of all com
petitors, wo have no doubt the present number will
ably sustain the ancient and well-earned reputa
tion of the “ Boon.”
Abbsst or A Mubdebbb. —A man by llto name
of J.-E. Berthe, was arrested on the steamer Mary
Hunt, at Evansville, a day or two ago, charged
with the murder of a man in Mississippi. He be
longs to a wealthy and highly respectable family.
About two years ago, he had a difficulty with a
son of Gen. Bingham, of Mississippi, a celebrated
sportsman, and killed him. Ho fled to South
America,but ventured homo again before his iden
tity was forgotten. Ho confessed Himself the man
as soon as arrested, ond was taken back.jvhero a
reward of waa offered for him.
Extsbsite Robbibt.— We learn, by the Holli
daysburg IlcgUler, that a bold robbery was com
milled In that pldco on Frirfay morning week, by
which Mr. Stephen Dobyno lost Borne seventy or
eighty watches 4nd a quantity of valuable Jewelry,
amounting to some three or four thousand dollars.
The articles were kept in a large sate, which the
scoundrels took and ran it down the street a whole
square, round a corner, and then blow the door open
with powder, and made off with their booty.
Tllß Errtorß or Run — Monatroua.— On Sunday
arming, the fith inat., iiyi the Wilmington Chicken. (
a mm aimed Robert Milli, living in the neighbor,
bood of Front end Ormgo aireola, bcoimo intoxica
ted belt 111* wife’ abimafolly. end picked up lii>
Infant child acd tbroar it through the window. Ii
101 l an the oaramant, and though aevercly injured,
eaeaaad with ila Ufa. Conalablo Vandarer »aa rent
lor bat Milla made bia eaoapa, and wa lia*a nut
balrd tbal bo baa boco orraatad. He ahould be
apvoraljr puniabed for ottoh brutality-
Harrisburg, Fob. 24, 1&54.
For iho last week or two, iho inemebr# of both
Houses have been fory busy, and a glance at lliclr
proceedings will show that a vast amouul of business
has been transacted. U is, however, mostly of a
local and private nature, and a full report would
only encumber your columns, and prove uninter
esting to your numerous renders. Below, 1 furnish
you with some of the most interesting particulars:
In the Senate, on Monday, Fob. 13, the Speaker
presented the proceedings of s mooting of the citi
' Bens of Washington county, in favor of the c«lab~
! bailment of Normal schools; olso, a communication
! from Iho Auditor General, in reply to a resolution ,
I of calling upon him to inform the Senate I
| what compensaiiop Is ollowcd in his department to
I county treasurers, Iho rales of such compensation j
1 and undnr|whal act of Assembly it is ollow cd; w liich
was read and laid on the table.
Mr.HALDEMAN offered a resolution calling
upon the Canal Commissioners to Inform the Senate
what number of free tickets have been issued, or arc
about to bo issued, to railroad directors, from Janu*
ary Ist, 1854.
Which was read and adopted.
Mr. IIALDEMAN, two petitions from York and
Cumberland counties, lor a law to prohibit the float
ing of loose logs on the West Branch of the Susque
hanna,and its tributaries. e nr*»i/pD
On the same day, in the House, the SrLAhntt
presented a communication from a religious snciciy
of friends in Pennsylvania, Now Jersey and Dela
ware, rotnonslroling Bgoinstlhe extension of slavery ]
into the territory of Nebraska. i
Mr. BARTON, from two hundred and four bdics,
for the passage of a prohibitory liquor law ; also,
from one hundred and forty six citizens, for the |
same purpose.
Mr. MOSER, for the erection of a new county of ToU\ at all the mints, 8381.797 299
Madison. ' , _ , I annex to this report several tabular statements
Mr. HART, a memorial from tiro Emigrant .ocr I J. “""' I . foregoing r0.u11., somewhat m doloil,
cly, ami citizen, of Philadelphia, for Hie '.corpora I“ j p rc " 0 B n ii,i g ,omo oilier .lalialica rcepccling Hie
from lire Soon Legion. for | standard weight of lire hall
an appropriulion Tor lira erection of a inoniiiiien to f lower denominations of eilver coma au-
Iho memory of the dead, formerly pit. of the lira .dollar and « of Mjrch a , 185 3, 1... been al
and eecond Pennsylvania reglmenta in Ilia war rv.lli h««M' » ' Under ila operation. we
I Mexico . , i . , li.riTo suiiplv of silver bullion, and the
| Mr. WRIGHT, in favor of lire liberty of .peed,, bam hadl . I B. |j>lw hjs rcochc d iho .urn
and against the Maine Law. j Bl * .g, w hlch is a larger amount than was
Mr CARLISLE, nine for the passogc of a hen ° 88.654 16L I 8 preceding. Several
law lo protect the wages of mechanics and oilier struck B coirs i lu vo thus been added lo the
workmen in mills and factory; also, for the iccor- im.lltnns oi circulation of small notes could
poration of a savings bunk .n Germantown. S**Xd*sd so as to render the supply necessary, m
Mr. HEIGHT, from members of the bar in Ph»l. |be ex? odad coin wu „id bo in general use
ndclphia. against permanently locating the sessions | a short time counlry . The appreciation of
uf the Supremo Court at Harrisburg. j u ibis alteration necessary. The silver
Mr, ECKERT, two against the liquor. silver T «" d ® r ™^ er Blan dard wore issued at the rale
jaw j coins of iho lormor uncc Tlte overage price of
J Mr. SIDLE, one of a aitrtilar import, from Gum- ,of 116 411 a'"J* P" °“^ oll| , on und Paria f or several
bcrl.nd connly. *' lias been 121 cent, per imiico,
Mr. LOWERY, on lowa given, repelled from monlhs P««r. , , ( l|l(!rcfiiro , ,| lo l coin larued under
j lire Commilleo on lire Judiciary, with amundraoi.i., ll re very d b(j withdrawn from circu
n Buppiement lo lire ocl relative to Pcnnoylvanla Iho former nt , >0 had no eilver currency.
Lunatic Hospital, , u iation, and wo mud) won. Spanish fraction" ol a
On morion of Mr. STEWARD, the above named ozoepl | 1 ° . „ f which ia rlnnin..hed from 10 lo
bill we. taken op, and peed final reading. I, i, proper to remark Ih.l ram. mi-
Mr. M’KEB, a bill lo aolhotno the (.anal Com- 20 pot cent. -Jevr-Irlcd in regard lo Iho allera
mißßinnera lo rc-esamine Ihe claim of George and o,.ptohoowlon • |J|MI j, or , on-
Samuel Briilton, lor damages done by Ibo 1 orrosyl. loti jp IbO • ,|„.l Ihe finenee. of the
vania Canal - IcHlllr.c^d by many | bo |„w Ihe former .land
Mr. HILLS, a bill lo inore..o Ibo Jori.diellon of ailret i.«cd ,„e, huw.ver, i> in Ike weight,
ioß r. iVd„ll ./being now foorloen and a quarter
1 Mr. LOWERY, a hill to aolhortze .he pure!,.,a ll.e fa.lf doil-, >ljodiird wciglrl. and the
of Slate rtiepo for the common .ohod. ,n rl„. Cor;,. lpfno proportion,
monweahli. y 8 , p . n( i 9 'ncc 1816. a silver currency has been
Air. JOHNSTON offered Iho following B °^‘| mu \" t.y BimiUr n.cjna. There (ho doprecia
"°RwoW, Thai Iho fee bill', of .11, officer., I non of .il.or below °by law^m.'y'be
justices of (ho peace and coo.tablo. b. re erred Mo , when.lire Bland., J Qur J d epl cci .rion below tiro
Pr Tho resolution WO. read a .aoood and third lime. ‘Sm’(whicV, w” per cant,
“"on mdfon of Mr. BALL, lira S.n.ta bill .ripple If *" - ?"■>• » r
wealth, [deigned to correct . do,leal error Mr pro- an .id ■ a 3 J por QU „ ce . Th „ ,p.
viutis bill.) was lukon op, (Mr. CALVIN in tba '..ucd a.l 1 e „ vo ,„monl ia, therefore, 4 com.
chair,) and pn.aod .ooond and final raadmg. | parent profit I J h, dednclod ocilam
Mr. HORN moved the Hour, do now adjourn per ounce, but from lit.
which was agreed 10. ithe wastage of the la.lyear i. dolor
In lb. Sonata, on Tuo.a.y, Fobro.ry 141, Mr. A. „„ ,|,o .object will bo pre.cnlod lo
niii'if a I PW n memorial from the board of diroc- mined, a repo
lor. of Iho Ponn.ylvania io.lituiion. for tho deaf the' Tr '”“n o| D ,l^l,.lf of'one per con,, on the gold
and dumb, for an inoroa.ed approptlallon lo A cb " ,„d to bo made from and .fie, the
'"'Mr 11 CRISWELL two petition, from Cambria In. of April last. “
“ : r“ . now cotinty It. be called Comemrugli. lb. Mlp' and brace he , a. 81 „0.365 -11
n i.nn of Mr FURGt'SON. iho Judiciary Minrat PhtM'M"** i t 6B4 00
CommiUcc was from the further nonsid- Branch M.nt al * G.OIO 00
taken up and passed finally. f
The bill lo regulate the manufacture and snlo ol
intoxicating liquors, caino up m order of ■«con
reading, iho question pendtog being upon the eighth
section as amended. ,
After a lengthy discussion, and the hitching
the bill of a number of u w,.s post
poned for tho present, by n volei of “> »•
On rnollun ol Mr. BUCKALEW, U.e bill r.gul.-
ting tho ooinponwllon of county trua.uror. lor oor.
lam .orvloc. rendered In tho Commonwnallh, wa.
taken up on third reading.
Mr. EVANS opposed the hill at .omo lenglh, and
Mere. JAMISON and BUOIIALLW advon.led 11,
when ll pao.ed finally by a vote of 10 to 13,>««r
ihcmber (Mr. Wnaaavl voting in the affiima ivo.
On motion of Mr. ICONKEL. Iho joint resolution,
protesting against tho rapo.l ol Iho Maanun com
promi.., in The Nobr.aka bill, wore l.ken op in
committee of lli*-whulo.
Mr DARSIE offered an amendment, that our
Senators be instructed, and our representatives ...
Congro.. requested, lo carry 00l Iho forgoing o>
| prufinn of .onliraonl of thi. Cu.n.i.oowe.llh, which
I W Tim'resolution, then pawed comniilloc, and were
I Juid over under the rule. * Bi>PAtrf?n
I In the House, on the same day. the SI EaKER
pre.or.ted a commnnio.tion from U ’° ' o r° o 7.|" f
'Progrewivo Friend., praying for the repeal of the
law euthoriiing tiro iocareoration of person, claim
ed e. .lave., in tho State prison.,
Mr. STRONG, on leave given, reported from Iho
Commilleo on Canal, and Inland Navigation, a.
cnmmiltoad, a bill lo incorporate a Bnmp.n, lo pur
ohaea Ibo main lino oPlbo public work..
Tho hill, on Iho privolo o.lond.r were Chen con
.idored, and tho following road Iho fir.l lima and
ordered to bo Iranaoribcd for a third roadrng .
An act lo incorporalo 11.0 Lvanjchoal Lot ..ran
mlni.lorom of Paon.ylvanla and adjacent Stale., I
An not In authorize Ilia ocbool dirvelora of the
borough of Carlisle to borrow moony for corlarn
PU A |f .°rmplnmaol lo no aol .milled -An pel lo inoor
poralo Iho Pennsylvania muluol live stock insurance
C ° lo authorize tho Canal Commissioners lo
sell certain real cslolc in Bradford county.
A supplement lo an acl ontilk’d “An Aol to op*
point commissioners to run and mark the county
linos between York, Cumberland and Adams coun
' The United States Mint.
Annual Report of the Director*
• Mint o» tub United States. f
Philadelphia, January 37,1854. \
Sir—l hate the honor lo submit, tho following ro«
port,in Compliance with tho Act of Congress of the
18th January, 1837, .'*4%'
The coinage, including executed at the
Mint In Philadelphia, In 1853, has nmountedto 660,
111.349 73; of which 836,355,621 were in gold corns,
$15,895,997 94 were in refined gold bars, 87,852,-
57X were in silver coins, and •867.059 78 in c °PP?j’
coins. This coinage was comprised In 69.775,537
pieces, being more than twice the number of pieces
ever before struck in the mint In a single year. The
deposits received wore 853,315.632 64 in gold, and
188.367,339 in silver, including silver purchases made
pursuant lo the Act of March 3, 1853, making a
total 0f861.682.971 64. _
Tho coinages! the Branch Mint si New Orleans;
•amounted 10-83.445,000, of which 82.220.000 were
in gold coins, and 84.225.000 in silver* Tho number
of pieces struck was 6,532,000. ...The deposits were
82,152,254 16 in gold, and 81.536,131 06 in silver,
including silver purchases, tola 1,86 688,385 22,
• 7’ho coinage of tho Branch Mint, at CharloUc,
North Carolina, amounted to 8339.370 in gold. com.
1 prised, in-77,086 pieces. The deposits wore 8300,-
1157 06 in gold.
The coinage of the Branch Mint at Dtihloncga.
1 Georgia, amounted to $462,918 in gold, comprised in
99,439 pieces. Tho deposits were 8452.289 76 in
* -The tolal coinago oflho Mint and iisbrnncffea. 'or
the year 1853, was as follows .—Gold. 855,213.906*
94, Silver, 89.077,H1, Copper,- 867,059 78. Total,
864.358,537 72. . .... ,
It maybe Interesting to state, that one million oi
dollars .weighs, ia gold, 3.685 5.7 lbs. avoirdupois,
and in silver, 54,857 lbs. If 2000 lbs. bo taken as
the ton, U. will be scon that our coinage operations
during the last year roach about one hundred and
two tons of gold and two hundred and forty muo
Lons of silver. , .
Tho .mount of cold, of domcilic production, do
poshed at life Mini and ila brhitchca, doting the
lasi year, WHS 955,622,051, of which sum 955,1 Id,-
487 was from California, and liio balance from Ilia
AlUntlc'Blates, except a few deposita from Oregon
of Ibtrialno of *13,535. These wore the first
posils from that Territory, and are characterized by
basing an appreciable per carnage of platinum sand.
Tho silver parted from Hie gold from California
amounted to tho sum of 8407,133. In addition to
which there was roccisod iiiher stlscr of duntesllo
production lo the saluo of 810,140.
P At the principal Mint, several deposits of Aub
,rattan gold have been made during Iho last year,
“Th"e:fir"cl 9 a 5 ge 0 a 0 Ml 1 " .ever., Mint., iron, the
lime they 0 71793 0 r‘ " “*& BOS
Mint at Philadelphia, (1703) ® 50 407 665
Brand. Mint at New Orleans. (1838) 50,
Branch Mint at Charlotte, (16381 3 700 UJB
Branch Mint at Daltloncga, (1836) s,2bU.tjo
“ ■ ll „‘ir.".»r«r-d ,o Ihe T-clr, of
P»r-»n' ~:C,i“ n 0r " 1 '
■' b, U,o l«.
prugree. ere completed 1 ,l,i. cui„ w.U hive
WC,g ,rl ou’clo i 11... been doomed eapcdlrnl ,
lu the qunrlcr eg. different from any com
•» "-If "V for >b. Lr.
lierulnfnre le»ucd. 1 d '*' . t ,r l All ,ciico, endured
i."» The r«>eree will prceenll
within the ■>■»"""' 1 » 0 prominent production. 11.0 dcnominttlion end dele
• f &*.bM^
f ”-"-;r c ,:X U o tho .H l l
i , ,:d b ”Th:r.t,\::';:3ir:.; l 'c n on:rnc,cdi„
arrived Ihoro in good condition on Ihe,
'tL'izr~: Thotin. 8 :
brenclt of lb. Min. will be fJX ''Z?Z .
Son ihe reverse. Hi" P ,Q P cr .
coins of the other branches to ' 1
Now bj llto loltof O, Dabloncge, D.Cll.r
-10110, C,—the coin, of llto principal Mini oro not
merited by ony Idler.
The building, which le deigned for llto Amy
Office el New York, will bo creeled and °° l »P l ° , <’ d
in April near. The machinery, »PP" r "'“’ “" d b will bo ro.dy for ueo a. eoon a. llto build
fng": prepared lo receive them. Wo may Ihcroforo
oipool oporolion. lo commence on tho lael of April
or in ihe early pari of May noil. .
of.ho- of onn.ldor.hlc mcnlt ."he
Cided -nd '" 00 " ,0,U 1“S“ a ooXvlollon favorable
cb ‘ n * mg ,Mr
national or emhlern.lla 0h.r.0 er. f
.f,:;;\ u hor.. n ;;on. [ «*
International currencies, upon coinage; tnd upon
pecuniary contract*, is a very largo inquiry fro*
qaently under diacaailon in commoroial circle*, in
1 the public print*, and In the hull* of legislation. I
barely allude to the subject, without entering upon
it, further than to offer one or two practical sugges*
lions. According to well considered estimates,,tlio
I production of the gold and silver mince of the world,
at the commencement of tho present conlory--nol
taking into account those countries of Asia, which
were nearly shut out from the intercourse of nations
_-was in tho proportion of one ounce of gold la forty
eix ounces of silver. Immedlotoly before tho open,
ing of California, it had probably changed to one
ounce of gold ogoinst seventeen ounces of silver.
An overage of the productions of the yours 1852 and
1853, upon the same broad scale, appears to give a
result of one ounce of gold to less than four ounces
of silver. And yet from the first of these periods to
the lust, there has been no groat divergence in the
bullion market, from the relative proportion of one
ounce of gold to sixteen ounces of silver. Surely
I this striking fact ought to allay tho feelingsof alarm
j bo often experienced ns to the abundant production
| of one metal and the diminished supply of the other.
There is in fid a happy accommodation In the com.
mercial world to these varying relations. When
gold was scarce, silver was the great metallic basis,
and the former metal was rather used as on adju
vant, especially odnplcd to some of the wants of
tmdo. But since gold lias become plenty and silver
comparatively source, tho wealthier nations of the
world have token gold os their prevailing currency,
making silver only a subsidiary one, just us copper
is to silver. Now, os the purpose of‘making change
docs not require a very large stock of metfd, in com.
purison with the larger purposes of money, it follows
that silver is by no means as much needed as form,
erly ; und hero wo have the very remarkable, almost
enigmatical sequence, that silver is valued less be
cause it is less produced. Tho very general adop
tion of small gold coins, such os our dollar, and even
tho half Hint, if it were practicable, would still fur
(her throw silver out of use, and consequently keep
down its value. Largo quantities of it will always
bo needed for plote und for ornamental work;—*■
but even in this, the growing growing use, of
electroplated ware, in England and in our own
country, is aura to have a counteracting effect.—
And here it will bo interesting to •lute, that the
greatly diminished cost of mercury, which is on
indispensable agent in the production of silver, is |
ccitain to have a Urge effect in increasing that pro
iduction. The monopoly of mercury by which its
1 price was advanced ono bundled per cent., end con.
acquenlly the mining of ailvcr greatly impeded, has
been dispelled by the opening of the rich cmnabnr
mines of California, and the price has receded to
the old quotation. Silver mines that have been
abandoned can, from this cause, be rc-npcncd and a
greater activity may bo expected i« those which .
havo been kept constantly in operation. Out «In o CUMBERLAND FIRE COMPANY,
liio commercial or social accommodation, bo ore -
.poken of, .ml probable increase id tl.o production At . meeting of Ike Cumberland Fire Company,
of silver just noticed, may bo relied upon to prevent l)C | d ,|ic 21st of Janu iry, 1854. the following nannd
any shell violent irregularities, as would be denoted i p erßonB vvc rc elected Officers of the Company, for the
by balancing seventeen ounces of-tUei at one time, | (o|[ow|n ejr .
and at another lime only f«uf ounces, agmns one rf< i,/ e nl—Robert McCartney
ounce of gold, yet there ill cons. ...I Vbe a vary- /•"'£* pj.lHp QuiXy '
ing parentage of fluctuation :
li.ncs be so great os to compel a 1. gal m d Direetor- Potci Spalir.
ofatandurds and u consequent rccomage at the Mint, j Dj rec /or—AndrcwSwari*.
And although our own aUndurd of stiver has so, j R . James Posllelhwoile.Solo-
Uicly been changed to suit the market, there is. Com nt(£ oj nepai »
reason to fear tb.t the reduction o f ... not mm. Sm.HV. W J_ s ; he „ Keeper., Erq.,
.officicnt, .nd tb.t another re-eutn .1 no di, „„t ' Sj , n „ c| E ,q.
d.,, may become ne c e».orv- |J" 0 1 . ( todd.r CotnUtillee-Philip Al.paugh, Thom.. P.
part of the use for which a National Mini is ma n. R
Uined, and for which it thuuld alwaye bo in icadt- 1 Dwen, Juscpli Cue z.
ness. ~ , .
It ia now due to ua as the great gold producing
nation that our currency ahoold bo purged from nil
bank notes below the denomination ol the double ,
eagle. Such a remedy, by increasing the use of,
gold, would, doubtless, mitigate any in convenience j
arising from the large production of Hint metal, and
□id ua in arriving at the just conclusion Hint allj
fours of excessive return* Irom California and Ana ,
.ratio may bo put to ro.l. If the note, under went,
(tailors were withdrawn, Iheil piece, wnulil be sop
plied will, specie, end ll.n. the correucy "-''old
lurlher opproiimslo le Hie wliulerome slsr.dnrd
conlomplstoil by the n,r.ncrs of the (..oosmullon of
,|>e Hulled Slelee.snd else tend le rrlon.e ll.e trade
end commerce of ll.e country from the adverse in
duence of bonk, of issue. A. 11.c.0 Institutions ere
created by tile null.orily of ll.e Slides, perl.sps the
only remedy in tl.o power of Congress to apply, is
(list suggested by Mr. Gallatin, who. In view of ll.e,
rigl.l of taxation, says •■Ongrom tuny, if It i
deem, proper, ley a stomp duly on email notes,
which will pot sn end to their circulation.
It seems uppropriole to my official position lhal
I should toko this opportunity to join in the urgent
demand from various quarters for a simple Inlclh
giblo. and well founded system of weights and
measures. The Mint has dune as much as it con.
(and in this slop it been followed by the Dmk
und Mini of England ) in repudiating penny weights
and gra’imvln the mode of weighing und keeping
accounlfl, viMng only the iroy our cn und its decimal
The sanction of Ijw had previously been
obtained for doing away with caruls and caral
groint in the expression of fineness of gold and of
in equally cumbrous notation for the fineness of
silver, substi'uting the simple milheimal form in
traduced by French asauyers. and becoming gcncrul
in Europo. But wc are still annoyed with another
standard of weight—the avoirdupois pound, « ii|j
its tedious and arbitrary divisions. The establish [
menl ofa simple and uniform system. spplioablo to 1
ovary kind of weight and ineaauromen t. is greatly |
to bo desired, and is well worthy Iho attention of
1 hove the honor to br, with greet re.prol,
Your faithful servant.
To TUX I’aESiDKNT. Director.
Lale and Inl«re»lli»B from Mexico.
Nmv Ori-ham. Fob. U-Tl.« U'l'- P“l'l'- hc " "
Idler received by lire in.ruer Tux..., yeilerday. In
Col. Sloo, lire of lire Tolieuiilopoo Co , d.i
led 30.1. J i nii .l ry.
'Pile loller .Ivies 11.0 l 11.0 rood wo. formally cnn.;,
mcnced ol lliol ol noon, or. Urol
nrooenco of 11.0 prlnc.p . I not 1.0.1 l re. 11 ml mlrol'l ■
ir.1.0 11.... M-. s 'Vr & I L, '-T,l! r ; N ,
open,lion. .1, on 11.0 Mill 01. , ""d I. .
Jorli will bo curried on tepidly, ft..... .>HH In H'OII
men being expected lo be ongoged upon .1 next
'"Tdiior ood window mx liod been prooloimcd
1 throiiohoul Mexico. _ , ,
The correspondence of (ho C.iunt Roousol dc
Boulbon bud been irlciccptcd ard published, show -
un oiienslwo conspiracy fo( rovnluUun.i.n* rionora
and Lower California. Largo bodies of armed men
had been seen (parching Ibhhor from 8.11. Francisco.
A conductor had arrived ol Vera Lrua with (wo
millions of dollars in silver, the mosti of which was
taken by (ho English Bloomer. Ibo bark Lady
Suffolk bod sailed fur Yuoatan wuh several hundred
.] Unops for Iho Indian wur. ~, mn nnn • i
I The Blcnnicr Tex., bring. 9110000 in epeele,
■ end ntnong her p»..cugcis ere ex Pro.ldonl Coval-
I lo>, and Mr. SpolTotd, bearer of dc.palolrod lo Wnall
>. ingion.
Duller County.
The Democratic County Convention of Duller
county to aend delegatee to the 8111 of March Stele
Convention, wee held on the 9lh ult„ Janice Neal.
Provident, F. G. Ncgloy, Secretary. On motion of
Gen. John M. Porvianeo. Jemoa P. Polleraon woe
appointed repreaentetivo dologutoa. Tito aenalonal
dolegato wao ouncedod to Lawrence county. On
motion ofhJotneo Dredln, £»)„ the following roao.
lotions were passed:
Reiolved, That wo have unabated confidence in
Hie wiadom end palriotlam of Prc.idonl Plorco and
|,ia edminalrnllon, and renew to thorn tlto prorolao
" r nT,oS?Th.l the glorioua Democratic trlumpha
f locn n ,i ipr.'i ar n In o groat oioJiuffl owing to
of 1852 «nd 1803, •«j n * |n lho campaign of
1851°”herebyt° c Goll. h of W higgory wa. over
froni Lfidontlv for llto tlnio wlion lho National
ward confide y manner appreciate Ills
ISTJd confer" upon blm 1 lho rework a f.Uh
rUn.o.Ted, Thai in Oblef Jtulleo Dlaoh wo roeog
nito on upright end learned Judge, and ardently
dealring bl. renumlnetlon, wo Inetruel our delegate
in tree all honorable moane In Ilia aupport.
rrT Man* Jemoa A. fioree, (Whig,) haa boon re
dacted U B. Senator, by lho Maryland Leglalaluro,
fur ala yoata from the 4th of Match neat.
Senator*s bill for the organization of
the Nebraska Territory, says the JStutem Times,
is now attracting much attention. Opposition (9
the bill has manifested itself in some quarters, on
account of the nonintervention principle, as re*
garde slavery, recommended in the report of the
congressional committee to which the subject was
The Nebraska bill assumes that the Compromise
of 1850 settled the slavery question, and recog
nises the right of the Nebraska community to de
termine its own constitution, when it comes into
the Union, and to clothe it with the attribute of
self-government. . The people of an old State,
Kentucky for instance, can abplisb slavery or they
may retain slavery. In either case the general
government would have nothing to say to it—
Would anybody say that, by the constitution,
power is conferred on Congress to restrain the ac
tion of a State as to its local affairs 1' Would not
this infringe palpably on State rights 1 This is
precisely the position this report and bill propose
to regard Nebraska In from the start—on the fool
ing of equality with the States. They propose to
keep out the slavery ‘question from the action of
Congress—as in the compromise measures it la
kept out of the territorial governments of Utah and
New Mexico. Should this bill succeed, then Ne
braska, Utah, and New Mexico will stand on the
same footing ; and the policy will be so fixed that
ihe Beillerm'bt of ibis question will be a finality.
The question, then, whether Nebraska shall
tolerate or forbid slavery is left for the decision of
ilio people—just the source where, in a govern
ment of the people, the question ought to be left.
The compromise settled the question in this man
ner, and the people also settled it when they called
the present national administration, boldly avow
ing the doctrine at the outset, into power.
There ought, then, to be no serious opposition
lo ihe bill by democrats. The sentiments It con
tains are among the cardinal doctrines of the de
mocratic party, reaffirming the principles tinder
which tho democratic party rallied under the lea
dership of Gen. Pierce and gained a glorious
Melancholy Suicide,
Tim B illimore Sun, of llm Hill, iosl.nys that
llm auicido of Washington Hill, E.q . a member of
iho Baltimore bar, which look place on Thursday,
al Mclntosh's Howard House, on Howard sired,
noor Baltimore, has eicitcd considerable interest,
though not rory general surprise, for the deceased
hod previously mode several desperate attempts lo
terminate his existence. It appear* that on Wed
nesday evening the unfortunate man, in a fit of de»
pressing melancholy, repaired to Mr. Molnloth’s
house, and, staling his Intention of becoming a
boarder, entered his name on iho register as W.
[lit], of Baltimore county, and repaired lo «n ap
purtmcnl shown him by a servant. During Thors.
! day his conflucl was atlango* and induced severs!
I gentlemen lo behove that he was laboring'under Hie
(ffucts of poison. Upon inquiry it was soon aacerv
luined that he bad purchased and swallowed a heavy
dose oI morphine, whereupon skilful physicians wera
in prompt attendance, bt.l nil efforts to restore ani
mation proved unsuccessful, and about ten o clock
at night the vital spark had fled,. The deeo.sed
wsa much predisposed lo melancholy,,which, doubt
c. ~ was the solo cause o f hi. ra.l. action. He was
about forty yeata of ago, and leaves ao amiable aad
. devoted wife.
Exten.lon of a Bounty hand Act.
Tlio lime fur issuing ami locating certain boun'y
land warrants Cor military service in the war oflBl2,
under scvorol ocla of Congress, having expired on
llio 26ih of Juno lust, an act hoe been passed by bolh
(louses granting a further term of five years for
satisfying the some. This will relieve from suspen
sion many eases now ponding in the Pension office,
und-render available for sale or location many war
rants already issued. __
t* v I n fl
On llio ] Gill llio (!‘* J E ’'“'j/ihil
Tim me. to Mibb Maboaiiett* FalLoh. bolll ol
county- |||[|||^MnT _^__—
Ornml Vocal Collect/
THE Am.lcnr Cltonm Club of Carli.lo, will
| ..r Vornl M ««ic. for llio benrdt ol
fll’, Mr. W. SKU.EB.bI MAnion 11*1.1.,
„„ „C*C To .boat evening. (Fib. 28.) ~n wine | ™
~,,i,,n llicy will l-o iiß.ißliil by Mr, Geo. W llili.,
11,0 ro.oiilo BaIUiI Singer, in o number of l». pop
ul.r Bong.. Doom upon «1 CJ o'clock to r.mM
71 o'clock. Ticket. 95 0t... to be l.»d .1 lit.
Ilolola, Book uni! Drug Sloro ; alito ol tint door on
tin) evening n( thn. --
Feb. 23. 1853—1 w
ALL persons having old condemned Musketsso
a I tliu Brigade Tnepcolol’e ..lee, within the '«•' "' rc
year. Tint, in llio bounds of Cumberlandl« >
Lor county, wishing to dispose of • " " V
will do wolf by .ending Ibem to Gen Ar .™''„
,or., where the cell will bo paid occo ding »
,oluo of the mu.bote, or .1 loa.l what lbs
■old for at Ibo Brigade Inspector e soles.
Fob. 23,—lw*
THE Warehouse Properly. fo ; m "' L „h. or
by E. Biddle, jr., ae a ooal iB B | DDL E.
rent. For terms apply lo VV.i
February 23, 1864.
X Fino lotofSlinnijbni Jr.
A^C, y2 3.lBM.
Prug Stroe at Public Soto
THKeubedrlbor will offer f ffi ihe Sleek
SATURDAY, llte 4lb of March, 1861, ero f
and Fixtures of llio Drug Store °" .| on d Dc|*'i
Maine and Flu ate., opposite lb °J?“ ' [ “ r p,ilg»,
coneiallnß of a complete ®? 80 J;!“ " A „naratn",
Fancy Goode, Jare, Mineral . an Iron
complete, Counters, Window S 10 . “m go cold
Safe, and olbbre arllolee, all of which o ' o looU,
without reserve. Solo to co ™. ra ®°° by
F. M.. when terms will bo i““.enHOSE.
W - Aqont for the Owner.
Root. MnOAHTNEV. Auctioneer
February, 23
seizing o»r j A-i r^ast' 1 | l |h6
THE subooiibor Imvioß Vd>J
mercantile buslno.., will sell h » s>J°“ p eon ,
Good., Groceries. Li,ubTe.&o.,. sio“f‘ do well >»
wishing lo I>n,roh««6 oheop Goods win d^ iTZ
coll soon. ’.l un . „- , ■
ColUolo, Feb. 53, 1864.