American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, February 02, 1854, Image 4

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    &e Oofumh.
A FEEkdjyaflnd:nigViaor!unqo»»ing toil and
Oajfo,- succeeded jn marking and at*
raiiging'myinow! stock of ll ARDWAUE, and al
though tnorVliaa booh a tremendous tush of custo
mers ’toHo'khdw whcfo’to deal on roaßondble terms,
adn who appreciate my old habit of selling cheap
wilhoufmakingmuch fuss about the matter. lam
constantly 'rhakirtg room-for new customers to .drop
i n and oyomino what U undoubtedly the l ar & < £|l ? t nd
best alOTthhTtlC of goOda ever offered west of rnila-
everything usually found in
u from a needle to on anchor. All
of which ofo of the best quality and will be aoltl at
prices which cpnnot fail to give satisfaction.
I would,say that my stock of Cross col, hand,
panel, nppihg and back saws ; bright, black, and
blue angers, chisels, planes, lochs, latches, binges,
screws, straight necked and barrel bolts, broad,point
ing and chopping axes, hatchets, iron and steel
squares, ruTes, tape measures, levels, dec., cannot
fail to please the most fastidious In quality and
Wd havo a largo supply of Copal, Japan,Hack,
and coach body Varnishes, Mahogany and Wal
nut Moulding, beading, rosette* ; glass,
rtnnotoT ar»(J ntahogttny knobs, Carriage moooiing,
silver 'and japanned ; trimmings, laces, canvass, oil
cloth , damask, patent .feather, deer hair, msleablo
oastingSifrblffailcs,-springs, hubs, felloes, spokes,dee.
■Will find it to be, their Interest to call and examine
my stock of 60 tons of hammered, bar and rolled
iron, hammered horse shoe, scollop, broad and nar
row tiro. Plough irons of ail sorts and sizes, crow
bars, sledges and hammer moulds. Rolled and slit
horse shoe bars, rolled tiro, bands, round and square
irons. Cast, shear, spring,English and American
blister steel, anvils, vices, files, rasps, horse shoe
nails, English wagon boxes, carriage boxes, dee.
Will find it to their advantage to call and examine
our stock’ of brass, silver and japan horness mount
ing, patient leather, morrocco, French and common
calf skins, binding & lining skins, las , pegs, awls.
Cannot be tbislokcn in getting n superior article of
white lead,'*inc while, together with every variety
of painls in use, turpentine, oil, glass, putty, var
nishes, dec.
September 21, 1853
Dr. I. C. Loomis,
WILL perform all operations npon the Teeth
that ore required for their preservation, such as
Cleaning, Filing, Plugging. &,c., or will restore the
loss of them, by inserting Artificial Teeth, from a
single Tooth to a full sell.
Office on Pill street, a few doors South of the
Railroad Hotel.
N. B. Dr. Loomis will bo absent from Carlisle the
last ten days in onch month.
Carlisle, June 2,1853.
ALL persons indebted to the subscriber, arc hero
by notified to come forward and settle off their ac
counts, as no longer indulgence will bo given, and if
not settled before the first day of October, 1853,
they will be placed ia the hands of o Justice for
Sept. I, 1853—7 w.
Rail B6ad Cars for Sale
TH REE eight wheeled double Cars and three
four wheeled single cars. The double cars were
built in York, lasl October, and have been but lit
tle used. The single ones would answer well for
marketeers; they are all in excellent order and
will be sold ai a bargain, either together or sepa
rale. For particulars apply to
Newport, Perry co., Sept 23, ’s3—3m
11. J. WOLF,
Attorney at Law.
{Office, No. 2, Detttm’i Row.)
All professional bUsincso strictly attended to. The
German language spoken as readily as (ho English.
September 82, 1653.
JOHN D GORGAS hereby informs bis friends
and customers, that he baa removed bis TIN
WARE and STORE ROOMS to Iho room lately
occupied by Mr. J. W. Eby as a Grocery store, on
Mam street, where ho will as heretofore manufac
ture and keep constantly instore, every description
mads in the best stylo and at the vcrylowesl prices.
Good workmen and the very best material always
employed, so as ft insure entire satisfaction.
Spouting and Job Work done at the shortest no
ice,in a superior manner and at fair prices. Also
i n store at all seasons a largo and attractive variety
Parlor and Cooking Stoves,
comprising every now and fancy style, of all prices
and sizes, adapted to burning cither wood or coal.
His assortaiepHlf stoves he intends shall not be
surpasMihtfyany other establishment; comprising a
ofdiflbrent styles to sort alf tastee* —
Thankful to his friends for tbo patronage so long
bestowed'upon, him* at his old stomlfborospectAi/ly
invites a call at his new establishment, confident
t hat his largo assortment cannot fail to please.
Philadelphia Mourning
■\TO- 5k South Second street, hove al all soaaona
J\ a fulLaasoilmcnt ot Slack fit Mourning Goods,
wholesale and retail,
Slack Ttuniso,bombazines, cashmeres,bombaain
alpacas, mousselins do laine, Do. double width
French tnerinoos, narramauas, Do. silk warp
glossy alpacas, lunls ololh, canton cloth, canto
crapes, ololh for cloaks, nrmitto silts, poult d
solo, gros do rhino, English crapes, crape collars,
plushed silk glovosj black orapo veils, lovo ot
mode veils, (litbot shawls, (long and square) blan
ket shawls, (long & equoro) gloves, hosiery, &o.
Second Mourning. —Plaid spunsilks, plaid stlks,
mmussslino do laine, moueeelino do bogo, madonna
ololh, plain mooseelines, saojt flannels, bay atate
shawls, (long and square) while crape collars,
English ohlnUcs. undorsleoves, &c.
Phils., Sept 28, 1853—41
Spring and Slimmer Goods.
THE subscriber in now opening a beautiful assort
ment of seasonable goods, comprising in the io
new style Brocade Bareges in wood color, Figured
Bareges of various stylos, Crape d’Cspogno, Orapo
d 1 Artvis, Brazilliannos, Crape do’ Paris, Grenadines,
French Organdy Lawns, Barege de Laincs, Mous
da Lalnes, Dotted and ’plain Swiss Mulls, Jaconet
and Caipbrio Muslins, Cambric Dimitys, Lmbroidcr
ioe, English Crapes,Lace Veils, Hosiery and Olavcs
of all kinds, with a variety of other Goods, all of
vthUh will be sold at very low prices. a
May V 6 ,1863.
SUB HERE BAMDOI what do mattoi wid you
dU mornln 1 you took UUo you had a ••oiok a
fitnoo” dla hiornln. O, Colly l Nod, dla nigga mote
dotd frid do dlroa! Yah.yah. yah. When will nig
«■ Urn MO>o 1 don't you too all do while gemmon
an lidieA go to M««** KEIFFER’S cheap “ahole-
D a D " an gU a bolllo of Bctcfter'o MaCcA.en Cor
jial 1 oVnjou rigUt off; 1 golly I
IPvoudeiire a complete oosortmont of Goodi to
.olootfcora,collin Pool Main .Iroot, where you |
n hoouppliod with Haircloth of oil htooiHho.»ofii
nd VltdirVcingOtMohogany Vencoriifrom Bl'i ct«
gi&Uatielt. MnpJc Veneers. Monla*
( n,rV<fflS
thing oloohoodln tholiline.
Mote a is«a
thaJl AattA, w tOfeiry sai
* r Stelm*ut stlflMl ti f
Reflections for the ThoaghUW.
Strange that countless htzuan beings exist taj
drag through life as do tha beasts of Iho field, o*
thomsectsof tha earth, evincing no more thought
or reflection than though the noble hwlfla Of mart
were not vouchsafed to them.
Many such are husbands and
are dependent the health, tha well-being, and tha
happiness of a confiding and affectionate wife, with
perhaps a fomilj of children.
sow orrctiTHarms marths
"Wife usesßs roam tear to teas
In that pliable condition as not even for am dar to
feel tha happy wNilmtieg toftngne* tadaent
to the enjoyment of health.
She may not ha an invalid confined toher bed.
or even to her room; as her {aide, ambition and
energy induce nerve her to take pasoril
charge of her household, even wjxen her health win
oot admit of It; bat she is nevertheless perceptibly
linking from day to day, and always ailing.
Thus, day after day, and month after month tno-
health daily sinks, tin finally even tha
6ope of recovery no longer remains. And thus
flat a few years ago in the flush of health and
youth, and buoyancy of spirits, rapidly, and appa
rently-inexplicably, becomes a feeble, sickly, de
bilitated wife, with flame emaciated, serves na
itnmg, spirits depressed, countenance bearing tha
impress of suffering, and an utter physical and
mental prostration. .
Sometimes this deplorable change may and docs
arise from organic or constitutional causes. But
ollener, by for oftencr, to gross and inexcusable
ignorance of the simplest and plainest rules of
health as connected with the marriage state, the
violation of WMeb entails disease, suffering and
misery, not only to tho wife,- but often
Hereditary Camplainls upon the Children
“uirto tub third jctd fourth oenkratioh,**
Transmitting SthQyiJLA,
KING'S EVIL, and other
as a
Cram t2ie Parents.
And mast this continue 1 Shall wo bo wise In
tU that concerns the cattle of oar fields, oar horses,
oar sheep, oar cows, oar ozon, tho nature ana
character of the soil we possess, tho texture and
quality of our goods and merchandise; bat In all that
concerns ours elves as human beings, with human
functions end passions, subject to great derange
ment, Involving our future peace and happiness—
In all that concerns tho health and welfare of th«
wife of our affections, and the mother of our chil
dren ; in all that concerns the mental and physical
well being of those children, wo should bo Im
mersed in tbo darkest and most
How long shall this ignorance prevail so produc
tive of its bitter fruits T How long shall the wife
and mother bo ignorant of tho nature, character and
causes of tho various womb and sexual complaints,
embittering her days by suffering—suffering often
prolonged to yean, eventuating in a complication of
diseases utterly and hopelessly incurable 1 Shall
wo for ever close our eyes to the results of physio
logical science by which wo may arrive at an
understanding of ourselves os men and women,
subject to serious life-long enduring diseases, and
perpetuating them to our children.
No husband or wife need be ignorant of tchal
concerns them most to know to secure their health
and happiness. That knowledge is contained in a
little work entitled
On. Hundredth Edition. 18mo , pp. 200. Price 60 Cenh
First published In 1847 ; and it is not
Considering; that EVERY FKUALE.
whetherMARRIED OR NOT, can here
acquire a fall knowledge of the na
ture, character and causes of hot
complaints, with the various
symptoms, and that nearly
should hare been sold. It is impracticable to con
vey folly the various subjects treated of, as they
are of a nature strictly intended for tho married,
or those contemplating marriage.
Haro been SENT DY MAIL within tbo laat few
Bay oo book unless Dr. A. M. Mauriccaa, 120
Liberty Street, N. Y-, is on tbo title page, and the J
entry in tbo Clerk’s Office on tbo back of the title
page ; and bay only of respectable and honorable 1
dealers, or send by mail, ana address to Dr. A. M. i
Maariceau, os there are spurious and surreptitious |
1 infringements of copyright.
srr- Upon receipt of One Dollar 11 THE MAR
PANION M la sent (mailed frtt) to any port of the
United States, the Canadas and British Provinces.
All Letters mast be post-paid, and addressed to
Dr. A. M, MAUBIOEAU, Box 1234, New-Tork
City. Publishing Office, No. 129 Liberty Street*
New-Tork. •
For sale by Blanch & Orap Harrisburg,! Swart
Bloomaburg, J 8 Worth Lebanon, C W Do Wit
Milford,! W Ensmingcr Danheim, H W Smith
Huntingdon,B Me onald CJniontown, J M Baum
New Beilin, U A Lantz Reading, E T Morse
Cranesvillo, N Yj R P Crocker Brownsville, Wonts
iSs Stark CarbonJalo, Eldrcd dt Wright Williams
port,B Tuck WiikoabarrOyG W Earlo Waynesboro;
R Crosky Mercer,B Leader Hanover, S W Taylor
Utica,R P Cummingi) Somerset, T B Potorson,
Sbpt. I, 1863 —Oai
I rrarw gkoubries.
NOW opon and for sale at “Marion Hali."
Family Grocery Stoic, a large and general assort* 1
men! of articles, useful and fancy, embracing in *
par!— '
Maracaiba and Java Coffees,
Green Rio and Roasted Coffee , 4
Jenkins' best brand ofTeas, 1
Drown and Clarified Sugars,
While and Preserving “
Pulverized and crushed “
Oroma, Cocoa and Chocolate,
Uh'o and Corn Starch,
Farina and Essence of Coffee,
Loverlng’a finest Syrup, Orleans Banking Molaa*
bcs, Spices, ground and unground; Mace, Citron,
Vanilla Bean, Cheese, Crackers, Candles, &o.
J3O Our ifcuecuswarc, BBS
TaT embraces a largo and general
of tbo best while Granite, a Iron Stone ware, Liv*
erpool and Common ware, enabling the customer
to soled In setts or pieces of any size necessary
and of tho different styles, together with a variety
of Fine White and Gold Hand, English and French
China sells of Tea ware, and other varieties of
useful and fine fancy China ware, including Irays,
plates, vases, fruit dishes, coffee cups, &c.
embracing bowls, dishes, molasses cons, sugar
bowls, a large selection of fine fluted tumblers,
wine and egg glasses, and other useful articles.
| Willow and Cedar Ware ,
among which are tubs, churns, water pales, mea
sures, market baskets, travelling baskets, as well
as other covered and uncovered baskets. Also,
Table Oil of the finest brand. Sperm and other
Olls,Tobacco, Cigars, Soaps, &o. A small lot
ofchoice MACKARBL of No. I quality. Also,
a trimmed Mesa Mackerel—both in handsome as
sorted packages of halves.qonrtersandkits—with
1 all the othqs varieties of a Grocery and Quoens-
Iwaro store. - ~ e
We feel thankful for the patronage heretofore
bestowed on us, and invito o continuance of like
avers. J. W» EBV.
Carlisle, Juno 0,1853.
• Kerittoos, Canluncvi!^
JUBT recanted at the now & chcnpftldyo of Welfto
and Campbell, a largo »f Vrendh Merlnocs
Caalniores and Mou do Lainos, which will bd Sold
very cheap
November 10,1863
ALAtIOtS lot of 'Winte BhawU jmt received,
and very cheap at the new aiora of W«iae&
NoramberlO 1968
0. *AXTdW
Useful, Fragrant*
ipttu>«iitt «a<rfVßßSß
w hfch* ia vfchi Iris former
Y|f stock, will omA* hU ©©rah&AaKUt in
t£ this department, la to tk# abw© ho
his also j,a*c ope-aedla fteshi sujftd* of ,
€onfectiQu»rks% Fntils,
Nits* r»ite«, and Fitter Artkt«rit of tttty descrip
The- attention of Ladies i# especially invited to
Ms eiUQMto a»ort9Mat of fancy ailicifS. Ladies
Toilet Fioc; &Mp and l\rfnoa«ic»of every varie-,
Vj. Gentlemen ate invited to examine his fin© as
sortment of Fancy Article©- Segats, Chinn and
porcelean Pipes,Tobaccoea of every variety, Shav- j
, ng ami Toilet Soaps, which will b© found to be
very superior. Canes, Riding and Carriage Whips,
and many other articles which mot© especially Inte
rest gentlemen.
A number of very superior Woolen Matts on hand
Th© Proprietor will b« very happy to bate hia
1 friends generally call and examine his goods wheth
er they may wish to purchase or not.
Carlisle, July 7. 1853
\ LARGE Spring Arrival, which surpasses in
/x. quantity, quality and price, any that has ever j
been opened in Carlisle, consisting of all kinds of j
Hardware, Shoo Findings, Coach Trimmings, Sad
dlery, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass Noils, Files,
Anvils, Vices, Bellows, Springs. Axels. Bows, Fel
loes, Veneers, Ccdarware, Farming Utensils, Bor &
R iled lion, Steel, &c., with a thousnnd other arti
Having purchased very largely of heavy Goods
previous to the advance id the prices, I am enabled
to sell at the old prices. Persons In want of Hard
wire are invited to call and examine my stock and
heat iho prices, and they will be convinced where
the cheap Hardware is to be had.
My stock of Wall Papers is unsurpassed by any
other in the borough.
Thankful for past favors, a continuance of the
same is solicited.
WOULD.rospcclfuljy call the attention of housc
keeperb and the public, to the extensive stock
of splendid FURNITURE, includ-
Ing every variety of Cabinet-ware
an j chairs, which ho has now on
hand at his Rooms, corner of Hanover and Leather
streets, opposite John Huraer f s store, Carlisle.
Ho is confident that the superior finish of the
workmanship, and elegance of •stylo, in which his
articles arc got up, together with their cheapness,
, ti l I will rccomimnd them to every person wonting Fur-
UMllSh & American Hardware. ! n ituro. Ho has also made arrangements for menu-
Txir. , ~ . , • . , n „i f rnm .ho facturing and keeping a constant supply of every
HE subscriber having just returned from lh ar u c l o in his line,both plain and ornamental,ole-
Eastern cities with a full and handsome asson and ugef . ftl priccB w hj c h cannot fail to suit
mentof all kinds of Hordwnre of the very bostmak * c h agors> Ho-would earnestly invito persons who
ers and wellselected, is now opening ai the Cheap abo|Jt |o corfkmenco housekeeping, to call and
Hardware Stand, in North Hanover at root, neildoor exa|ninc his present elegant stock, to which ho will
to Scott’s hotel,^where he invites ill that ore in want conßtanl j y mtt^e additions of the newest and most
ofgood and cheap Hardware, to give him a call and mo{ 2 crn st yj ca .
see and satisfy themselves oft het ruth,aswearc do qqFFINS made to order shortest notice,
torminedto sell at a small advance. Small profit f or j own an J country,
andquick sales isthe order of the day. | t) o cembcr SB, 18B2—ly
To Builders, Carpenters and Others. \ N. B.—Two good Journeymen Cabinet makers
A fullstock of white, mineral and jopanctf knobs cnn constant employment at the above cslab
locksandlalcbos, hinges, screws, window sash and lishment. Two Apprentices—boys about 10 or 17
shuttersprings, strait-necked and barrelled bolls, of years of age—will also bo taken, if application bo
every kind; mill, cross cut and circular Saws; hand, made soon. J *
panel,ripping and back Saws; bright, black and blue,
' augurs;chisols,'broad, pointing, hand and chopping Jambs H. Weisr
Axes,of different makers; hatchets, planes &. plane FIRST ARRIVAL OF FALL GOODS
bits,stoc land iron squares, files, rasps, brads spikes
all sizes
April 7. 1953.
To Saddlers and Coach Makers. 1
O or stock consists o f a complete assort men l of art*'
eJes in your lino of business, such as brass, silver &
jopened mounting, carriage trimmings, broad pastor j
ing and seaming laces, fringes, plain and figured can- 1
vass oil cloth, lop lining cloth & serge lining, white, j
rod, blue and black patent leather; Dashers,silver
brass pinto. Door hair, rosolts, hubs, follows, spokes
bows,elipticsprings,iron oxics, malleable costings
To Cabinet and Shoe makers. »i
A full stock of shoo kit and findings, boot moi >cco I
French kid, straits, morocco & lining and binding
skins; I acts, tacks, pegs, hammers, pinchers, F rench ;
morocco, soperiot copal varnish, japan and black
varnish, mahogany and maple vaneers, moulding,
beading,resets, glass, mineraland mahogany knobs
of every size and style.
To Blacksmiths , Farmers and Others,
• I t tons of assorted bar iron, warranted of th
quality. A splendid assortment of bar and rolled
iron, hammered , boree-shoo, scollop, plough,broad
and narrow tiro,rolled, horse-shoe Bar,
and square iron; cast, shear, spring, English andj
American blisterstcol, English wagon boxes, cor-^
iuge boxosin sotls.nnvils,vice*, files, raspSjhorse
boo nails, &c
To Housekeepers.
A boaullfulussortmcntof cheap Fancy goods, such
as waiters,trays, plain & fancy ttnWcs.foiks,butch
er knives, steels, brittania lamps ,arass candlesticks,
brutania and silver table and teaspoons, plated but
ter knives, preserving kettles,smoothing irons,iron
and lined lea & oval boilers, iron frying and broad
pans,washboards, tubs, churns, buckets ,iron pots
wash kellies,and stow pans ,&c.
Carlisle, May 7,1861
The Elephant Ha* Arrived,
And ia now to be seen at LYNE'S, in North Jlan
over Street ,
WH ERE bo has just opened a Mammoth stock of
HARDWARE, which makes one of the largest,
most complete, and cheapest assortments over offer*
od to the public. I now invito all persons in want
>f good Hardware at reduced prices, to give mo a
ia 11 as I can accommodate all from a noodle to an
mvil, and at prices to suit the times. Recollect a
,cnny saved istwo earned, and 1 consider a nimble
<i xpence bettor than a slow shilling.
To Housekeeper A greatassorlmenl of house
cooping articles, such as brass and enamel proscrv
mg kettles, fry mg parrs, bake pans, waiilo irons,
smoothing irons, bjovcls, longs, waiters,trays,forks,
cnivoß, carvers,cleola.butchoi knives,spoons,plated
tea and (able spoons, pocket and pen knifes ingroat
variety, razors and razor straps, scissors,shears, iron
md brass, polished stool and common shovels and
longs, shovels, spades, forks, rakes, hoes, tubs, water
•ana, painted buckets, wash boards,!mprovod patent
dstorn pumps and load pipe.
Brushes. —A lorgoassortmont of whitewash, dust, and painters brushes.
Iron. Margo slock ofhammeredbarlron,rolled
iron of all kinds, hoop iron, sbeetiron, round, square
and bandiioh, English wagon boxes, and stool of
all kinds. ,
Painta, oil, varnishes, turpentine,glue,occ.
Glass of all sizes.
To Shoemakers.— A ful lassorlmont of Morocco,
Linings, Bindings, patent Goat Skins , Losts,Bhoo-
I broad, Pegs, Knives, and Tools of all kinds.
Blake's Fire Proof Paints of different colors.
To Carpenters. —Afull assortment ofplanoB,Baws,
chisels, gages, squares, braces, bills, bench screws,
lugurs and augur biUs,hatchcts, &c.
To Coaehmakers and Saddlers.—A first rate os
mrtmont of Carriage trimmings, such us locos, ta«-
♦olo, fringes, drab cloth and sattinett, head linings,
imitation enameled leather, patent leather curtla oil
cloth, plain and ngurod;Daßbcrlions.Lamps,Axles,
Springs, Molable Castings, Bent Felloes, Hubs,
Rows, Philips* patent boxes for wood axles, fine
brass, silver plated ond Japan harness mountings,
Saddle trees. Whips, ond over rttclo used by Sad-
Jlors very cheap. J.P.LYNE.
Carlisle,March 24,1853.
Embroideries. Just received n largo as.ait
menl of ouffe, undoreleoVei.epcncoti.collet e i
,U Bn"wes—A lot of handsome epring shawls for
9Q o’i°TKes—uiock end fancy colored Gillen, jnsl
received and for sale by Worse Ac Campbell.
April 21, 1663. _
AFUEBH supply of Paints, OUs, Varnishes, Dyo
Bluffs, Glfss, Putty, Sash Tools, &c.
Al.o.Daking Soda and Dryan’s Pulmorrle Waf
ers, for tiro cure of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Con
sumption, and al other disease.^oMho^.^E^for
solo at
July I4| 1863 . .
TIESPEOTFULLY oflfers hl« profosslonulbervi-
K cc. to the cltiion. of Carlisle and surroondiag
eoontry. Offiea and residence In Boulh Hanover
street,dlreetly opposite the “Volunteer Offices
--■,Tri BURO. '
wtrald'reipDClfally inform the
Ladlcsof Mcobanicaburp and ila vicinity, that be
has jual filled up, opposite bis old stand in said
borough, a , ; i
I tables’ Shoe Store, ,
I designed expressly for their accommodation, and
| Tree from iho annoyances to which they have horc-
I loforo been subjected. This sloto will ho under Iho
1 sole charge and supervision of hlsfllslor, and Ladles
I may rest assured that every attention will bq paid
|to tholr demands, A fall and constant supply of
ready made work, from Iho best of eastern manafac*,
' lories, in addition to his own, will bo (band always
lon hand, consisting lit part of Ladies* Fine. Kid
I Slippers, Fine Gaiters, of ail colors, Cushman lies,
[toilet and onomo led shoos, Jenny Lind's, French
Buskin, Union ties arid pumps of all descriptions,
Mieses* col*d Gaiters o( all kinds,children’s fancy
Kossuth bools, Gaiters, Ties and French Morocco
shoos, double end single soled, &o<, &o 1
He would also inform his old friends and tho
1 public gcnetally,'that ho still continues to keep on
i band and manufacture to order, at bis old stand, all
ndTi kinds of
■K. * such as Men’s Fine Calf skin Boots, from
OO to 95 00 ; French Morocco from 93
to $4 50? Coarse Boots, 92 50 (o $3 00. All rips
will bo repaired without extra charge.
Thankful for the patronage which has been exton*
dod to him heretofore, Ho hopes by strict attention
to business and a dcelro to please, to merit and re*
cclvo acoolinuanco of tho same.
_ edwarg lamont.
Mechamcsbnrg, April Id/’SS—Cm.
Extensive Furniture Rooms.
S. W. Corner of N. Hanover and Loulher Streets.
WE have just icceivod a very large ond hand
aome assortment of Fall ond Winter Goods,
I consisting of the latest styles of DBESS Goods,
French plaids, plaid.and printed Coshmaes.Mous
do Loincs, all wool; Mous de Bcges.Persiancloths,
1 plaid, brocade and block Silks,bombazines, alpacas,
( and o good assortment of Mourning Goods.
Bleached and unbleached Muslins, Checks, Ging
hams, Tickings, white & colored Canton Flannels,
rfed,yellow ond while wool Flannels,Table Linen,
Damask Towels, Table Cloths, Napkins, Sec.
'Cambric and Swiss Udflling,Edging and Inserting,
Lisle,Mechlin. Florentine and ValouconnesLaces,
Collars, Underslcovcs, Spencers and Cuffs of the
1 latest stylos.
. Very fine assortment of span Silk, Cashmere and
[Lambs wool &oxo6y, black Indiana Hose, Merino
half hose, white and black silk Hose, black, white
ond mixed Cotton Hose, Ladies and Gents Kid
Silk, fleecy lined Silk, Cashmere & Colton Gloves.
Cloths & Cassimeres.
A largo assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Batlln
elfs, Kentucky Jeans, Merino, Satin a ml black silk
Ladies Kid Slippers, Morocco and Kid Buskins.
Morocco and Kid Boots, (Willis’,) Ladle* Gaiters,
Men's fine calf Boots, Kipp Boots and Shoos for
.men and boys, all kinds of CUildtcn’s shoes, and a
large lot of Gum shoes.
Rio and Java Coffees, Now Orleans, Cuba and Re
fined Sugars,Lovcring’s Syrup MolossceCubodo.,
and Spices of alt kinds.
Tho above articles, together with a largo vsriel
lop numerous to mention, havo been selected w i
grcgl care from the New York and Philodolp’
markets ,and cannot fail to suit purchasers in'
Uy and prices. Wo invito al Ito call and larn'j
Carlisle, Sept 16,1863.
THE subscriber Would respectfully announce to
(ho citizens of this place and all persons visiting the
same during the Ilolydoys, that ho has now on band
and Will continoo to bo supplied with the latest noV.
illlosop to the close of the season, comprising in
Confeotionarle s
of the choicest varieties, aoch as Fine Candy Toys,
Jolly Cakes, Bon Rons, Gam,Cordial, Lemon, Choc,
date, ond fruit drops, rose, vanilla and burnt almonds,
french and exploding Secrets, also, all the comon va.
riolica,all of which wll bo sold wholesale or retail
al low rates at
firles Itlnglo’s Old Hall,
in North Hanover strep!, e few doors north of the
Dank, where wo have just received FRUITS and
NUTTS of the latest importations, saoh as oranges,
lemons, raisins,*figs, preens, citron, currants, soft
apd paper, shelled almonds, filberts, cocoa, cream &>
groundnuts, also
of every kind from all parts of Corope,manufactured
of wood, glass, china, popicr-machio, tin, India rub.
bar, zinc, &c., such as fine wax, kid & jointed dolls,
sowing and card baskets, work ond fancy boxes,
flower vases, motto cope, tea setts, music boxes, port
monies, battle doors, grace hoops, masks, drums,
guns, trumpets, dominoes, lotto, and other games,
0c.0., fancy snaps and hair oils of every variety. In
connection with the above a Urge slock of
such as Lovortng'rcrushed, pulverized and brown
Sugars, coffee, molasses, starch, indig, saloratus,
green and black teas, spices, butler, water ond soda
crackers, matches, Ac., and as wo “Strive to Please
o| aro invited to examine our stock.
Tho subscriber rolui ns bis thanks to tbo public Tor
(ho patronage heretofore bestowed on him,and hopes
byadoslroto ploasolo merit a continuance of tho
$15,000 Worth of Ctooilfl Mill on
Hand at Ogllby’n Stove.
IN addition to oar stock, wo have received and are
now receiving a largo lot of very desirable FALL
and WINTER GOODS from two of out branch
stores*. :As all of the aleck was purchased before
the prcienl groat advanced prise In /good, and will
ba sold al COST* purchasers can savo from 25 to
50 per cent.'by giving us an early oill. Wo now
have black' silks, fino linen, long shawls, tickings,
chocks, blankets, cassinolts, ojoth, muslins, dto., all
of which wo were out *of protioty to yqslorday'a
Also, Carpets and a lot of Roots and Shoes, just
received. Call aoon and aooure tho bargains before
(hey are aJlgone, CHAS/OOILBY.' '
Bargains l stilHo bo had'tt tMClhthlng'Slore near
Sept. 93,1853-8.1
Wm. K. CiMPnatt.
At the Netv and Cheap Store of
Wcisc & Campbell.
Laces and Embroideries,
Hosiery and Gloves.
Bools and Shoes.
Toys and Fancy Cioods
Every OjvnßJtlller.
CLARK’S Patent* Cqmb|qid ;pHnjllpff and) Bolt
ing Mill, is an inventions whlqh’cpnpotfjty pqnj*
lag into general use', turning ; oul QB h doosfrom tho
wheat ex(f& flour, superfine, middlings, ship stuff
and bran, at\a single operation, and in the taoht
complete manner.. This truly scientific jnill fills a
space of-hut \n' and) five;-feet
high, is workedlby* a single Shaft, capable of. grinds
ing and boiling from three to wheal
on hour, and can bo propelled by any power from
four horse to any'which may bodosired*’, ThP.®ni
UroposfofamiU calculated make .oho barrel; of
, flour to the hour, doca not. exceed $4OOl, ’ Those doV
siring to purchase a mill, or tho patent* fdredunlies
or townships in Pennsylvania, aid requested' to ad»'
dress’Wm. Heilman,or call at No. 41 Brown street,
i September 8,1863 —3 t
Attention Soldiers of the 22d Regt. U. S.
Infantry of the War 6f. 1812. < ■
TO tho commissioned and non-commissloncd
officers, musicians and privates, or tho legal heirs
of Captains M’Farland’s, Milliken’s, Pontland’e,
Barker's, and Foulk’s companies22d Regt. U. S.
Infantry, in the war of 1812, as also lolhoeo men
who were enlisted by Lieutenants Sprogel, Law,
Sturgis, Gray, Mylinger, Larkin, Johnson, Wise,
M'Ghce, Steward, M’Kinny, Morrow, Fetter,
Huston, and other Lieutenants of said Regiment,
Notice is hereby given, that 1 have many papers, as
well as a personal knowledge, that enables me to
give many oi you ibenecesßaryjnformalion where*
by you Can obtain your land warrants, pensions,
&o. All letters, postage paid, will, bo promptly’
attended to. Terms moderate.
Address, W, FOOLK*
Sepli 33, 1853. Carlisle, Pa.
N. B. Newspapers in Pittsburg; Greensburg,
Bedford, Sunbury, Lowlsiown, Reading, Gettys
burg, Chambersborg, Shippensburg, Bloomfield,
Carlisle, and elsewhere in Pennsylvania, where
said Regt. was raised, will confer a favor on many
old soldiers or their heirs, by giving this notice a
few Insertions. W. F.
Plclnrcs of th'e'liovcd & ©one.
Blest bo the art that can Immortalize.
That Art that battles lime's lyrannlcclalmto quench It.
Hoyr sweet it is in after days, when memories on
memories arise, and dieams of bygone times, and
long forgotten things come softly to the heart. How
sweet we say it is to gaze upon the likeness of some
dear friend, with whom wo once associated, whether
far away, sailing upon the broad ocean, strolling
over the primes of the far west, wandering in strange
i lands, across the blue waters, or sleeping beneath
the cold clods of earth, or the roaming wave. How |
1 pleasant the thought, that the art divine can give Uff
the perfect resemblance the absent and the loved,
till we can almost imagine it is reality, that life and
1 animation alone are wanting, for often as we gaze I
’ upon a good picture, the eyes seem to sparkle with i
brilliancy, and the lips if about to speak. 1
A Daguerreotype is far more preferable to a paint*
ing, simply because it is far more correct and more
convenient: the form stands out as it were from the
plate, and gives every expression of the face as it
was in the original. The Daguerreotype is without
doubt one of the greatest inventions of the nineteenth
century,and its benefit to man incalculable. Though
simple in its operation, yet the human mind cannot
comprehend exactly its strange mysteries: its sha
dow is caught upon the plate os if by magic, and we
can only wonder that it is so.
' Those who hove not yet procured these procicus
I mementoes, we would advise to call upon our friend
A. B. Tunas, at his Gallery In Wyeth's Hall, jn i
’ Herrisburg, or at bis new Halt.,]
’ Carlisle, ond our word for It. you will be obligingly
entoiloined, ond furnished with likenesses that willi
please ond delight even the most lostidious. 110 |
• has long occupied an enviable position as a Dagurr
• I rcon Artist, received a Diploma for his splendid Da- ]
J ouerreotypes at the late State Agricultural Foir, at
Harrisburg, ami by close spplication ond long expe
rience, has made many experiments in the art, and
is ready to compete with ony establishment in th
’ country.
, Much attention is given to copying deguerronty pro .
and other pictures. Small pictures con bo enlarged 1
to any size. Children of any ago taken.
Daguerreotypes inserted in Lockets, Breastpins,
I Anger tings, pencil heads, *scc. 1
1 Instructions given in the art on the most roason
-1 able terms.
Pictures taken in cloudy os well asin clearwenlh
cr. • A collection of portraits can bo seen at the
Rooms, which arc fair at oil limes.
Slorrs’Clicmleal Hair Invlgoralor
A RE YOU BALD 1 Is yoor hair falling offl
J\_ Or is your hood covered with Dandruff or
Scruffl If so, then make a fair trial of Blorrs
Chemical Hair Invigorntor. Hundreds of persons
in all paits of the country whose heads were entire
ly bald, have hod ihoii hair fully restored to its orig*
iftal perfection by the use of this voluable article.-
Rood the testimony.
Now York, Jan. 1, 1861.
Mr.Sronns. —DcorSir: Mr.Smith,of Newton,
L. I.,obtained n bottle of your cxcellcntUair luvjg.
orator for his little girl, about four years old, hef
head being entirely Uuld;no hair of any consequence
having grown on hci head from birth, and surprising
as it may appear,mftcr having used but one bottle,
n donJ'plolo hoaif of hair was produced nJnrly two
inches long of a fine healthy growth.
A. Doolittle, M.O. No. 14!,GrnndSt,
Pin LADEinu a , May 10, 1850.
Mr. £>TortnS —Sir j After being bald for a number
of years, and having used numerous preparations to
no effect, your Chemical Hair Invfgorotof has pro
ducod a fine head of flow hair, ond I hardly know
hoW to express my gratitude for tho benefit f have
received from your variable article.
J. Wadsworth, No. 10, Orchard st
Tho following testimony Is from Mr. McMokin
editor of the "Saturday Couriers"
‘‘STonns’ llAtn Invioohatoh. —lt gives us much
pleasure, unsolicited, to record oor testimony in fa*
vor of the groat pleasantness and entire efficacy of
Storrs’Chemical Hair Invigotatnr. On recovering
from the recent severe attack of illness, we discover*
c d (hat our usual healthy and abundant crop of hair
was rapidly fulling off, ond chancing lb hove on
hand a sample of tho above article furnished by the
manufacturer many months previously, wo used but
a single bottle, as directed, and found it to operate
like a charm, in entirely chocking tho fall and croat
ing a now and healthy action of the sculp."
Wo could give many other references to some of
our most respectable citizens,but would ask all who
are troubled with Dandruff,aro bald, or arc losing
their hair, to give Slone’ Chemical Hairlnvigorator
a trial, and one trial wit! do more to convince you of
our claims for it than all thetostimony of others that
wo might produce.
Caution. —Askfor "Storr’s Chemical HnirTn
vigorotor,"and noycrlot dealers persuade youto use
any olherarticlo as a substitute. Price 25 cents a
Proprietors and Manufacturers.—C. P, AMI V.
C0.,N0 .130, Arch street, Philadelphia.
For sale in Curlisio by S. W. ITavorstick, *
Elliott,and • Kolso,and by dcoloregonord.
October 3 6,1852—1 y
SOME prime Carpets still on hand. Intending
to relinquish that branch of my business, I will
sell off the stock on hand uncommonly low. Call
soon. 0. OGILDY.
December 15, 1053.
JUST received an assortment of elegant noodle
worked Collars, OhimezoUs,Undors)ocTesand
December 15, 1853.
JUST received a full assortment of Mori’s and
Boys* Winter Boots and Shoos, bolter and
cheaper than can bo had in tho county, nlthovbry
ohoap etoro of C. OCULDY.
December 15, 1853.
POLISH for Linens, &o, A superior article to
Starch Polish, for imparling n fine polls)* of
muslin, collars, cambrics, &o. Forealo at ihb
store of J. W. EDY.
October 27, 1803.
WANTED aUhisonioeiopay
moot of subscription, advertising and job-work.
~.T J F|re Insurance.
T.HEI A Itqnj ant}}Easlti Pi n h ug h Mutual F
Insurance of county, Inco
pordled by oirafAorAsaimbyJ is 'now fully organ
food, and In operation under ho management of tb
following Managers,viz:
Daniel Bally, Wm. R. Gorgas, Michael Cockiln.
Meloboir Bronncmu'n,, Christian Sfoyman, Jpljp c,
Dunlop, Jacob Hi CoovervEawisHyir, Henry Bogan.
Benjamin. ILjMpßser, Jacob Mumma, Joseph Wick
orehatn, AlexanderCathcnrt^,.
, Tho rcUca of insurance arc ns lowond favorabl
e's any Company of tbo kind in Iho State. Person,
wishingio boooihomdrobors ore Invited.'id make ap
pUcatuirt to ihe'agdptsipr the company, vyhp are ;Wil
ling to wall upon them at any limb.
BENJ. H. MOSSER, President.
■ Henry Logan, Vite Pretidtrtt.
Lewis Hvbr, Secretary.
MicjuelCockun, JVeaaurer,
Ooiobor. 7| 1.853
Cumberland County.—Rudolph Martin, N. Cum.
bprUnd j C. D. Herman, Kingstown ; Henry spar
ing; Shircmonßlown; Chdrlca 8011, Carlisle; Dr. J/
Ahl, Churchtown; Samuel Graham, Westponnsboro’;
James M’Dowoll, Frankfort!; Mode Griffith, South
Middleton; Samuel Woddburn, Dickinson, Sotneol
Coover, Benjamin Haverstick, Mcchanicsburg, John
Shcrrick, .Lisburn, David Coover, Sbophcrdstown.
York Connty.—John Bowman, Diilsgurg; Peter
Wolford, Franklin; John Smith, Feq., Washington ;
W. S. Picking, Dover;. J. W.Craft,Paradise/
Harriehurg.—-. Houser &. Lochman.
Members of the company haying police* about Iff
exp ro can have them renewed by making appliaa*
lion loany of the agents.
Female Medical College of
THE. next Course of Lectures in this Institution
will commence on Saturday, October Ist, J 853,
and continue five months (21 weeks) closing co llie
251 h of February, 1854.
David J. Johnston, M. D.,'Professor of Chemistry
and Toxicology.
Eliwood tlarvcy, M. D., Professor of the Princi
ples and Practice of Mcdtcine>
llilborn Darlington, M. D , Professor of Surgery.
Ann Preston, M. D-. Professor of Physiology.
Edwin Fusscll, M. D., Professor of Analpnly.
Murk G. Kerr, M. D., Professor of Materia Med
ico and general Therapeutics.
Mnrtha 11. Mowry, M. D,, Professor of Obstetrics
and Diseases of Women and Children. •
Almira L. Fowler, M. D., Demonstrator of Anal*
omy and Chemistry.
Persons wishing further information os (o terms,
regulations, &c., or desirous of receiving copies of
■ the Announcement, will please apply, personally or
bv letter, to the Doan of the Faculty,
, 229 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
3 miles toeal of Harrisburg t Pa.
THE Sixth Session will commcnco-on Mondoj
the 7th of November next. Parents and gtardians
and others interested, are requested to innuiielnto
the merits of this Institution. The situation ts re
tired, ploasunt. healthful nnd convenient of access,
the course of instruction is extensive and thorough,
and the accommodolions are ample.
I instructors.
D. Dbnltpo mi , Principal and Teacher of Lan
guages orfß Muibemntiee.
I Dr. A. Dissmook, A. M., Teacher of Ancient
I Languages and Natural Sciences,.
I E. OsnonN Daub, Tcacbci of Mathematics and
Nniura I Sciences.
noon Cores, Tcnchor of Music.
T. Kins Whjtk, Teacher of Plain and Orna
mental Penmanship.
Boarding. Washing, and Tuition in En
glish per Session, (5 months)
Instruction in Ancient or Modern Lan
guage, each h 00
Instrumental Music, 10 00
For Circulars nml other information, address
Harrisburg, Pa.
Sept 8,1853,
imnfield classical aca
rPHE Ifilh Session will commence Nov. Ith. The
buildings {one creeled lopi Full) ore new ond ex
tensive. The situation is all that cun be desired h>r
hoalllifulncss or moral purity. Removed Iron* l bo
excitement ofTown or City, the students msy I
prepare for college, mercantile pursuits.&c. All
the brunches are taught which go to form a liberal
education* A conscientious discharge of doty hfc®
secured the present flourishing condition of the In
fllilulion. lis future success (under Providence)
|shall bo maintained by (ho game means.
Terms—Board ond Tuition per session, $6O
For Catalogue with full information, address
R. K. BURNS, Principal Proprietor.
Pluioficld Post Office,
Cumh. Co Pa
Nov. 29, 1853.
Suulh Hanover Sired , near the Court House .
T") J. KIEKKER, Druggist, would respectfully
j), inform tho citizens of Carlisle and vicinity,
that ho has opened a new
Ills slock is entirely new, and has been selected
! with great care. As many of the articles in daily
I use by physicians and families deteriorate by ago
and exposure, great care will he taken not to al
low such articles to accumulate in such quantitier
Attention i especially invited to his stork ol
Medicines, Essential Oils, Tinctures, Wines, Ex
tracts, Confections, Chemicals, &o M together friih
a full assortment of faints, Varnishes, Dye-fitoff#,
Paint and Varnish Brushes, and .
of every variety. lie has also on hand a splendid
assortment of Perfumes, soaps,fancy,hair,cloihes
and flbsh brushes, snpportere, breast exhausters,
nipple shields, tooth washes and pastes; also
Medicinal IVines and Brandies,
of the bast quality, Segnrs, from the beet Havant
artd Spanish houses, of every flavor, from one cent
In order to ensure his customers against mi*-
'takes during any temporary absence ol tlie proprie
tor, tho services of an experienced and compefer
assistant have been secured, which will bn fe •
be important, in view of the responsibilities H ,lc 1
are known to devolve upon the druggist.
Physicians* prescriptions will be "
promptly attended to. Orders from ’J . .
and Merchants in tho country will be 1 .
care, and at prices which must prove salt <
All officinal preparations mode inr r i c . aeo .
anco with tho directions'cT tho U. S* P
A liberal shore of pnbllc patronage rcP P cc
fully solicited. Terms cosh. ..n woo PR
July 31, 1653. \B.
Cheering Sews \ •
THE readers of the Volunteer ore inform
iho Important foot that the siibeoribcrs
opening an extra big lot of cheap SI R»* , .
SUMMEU GOODS, among which are me
Cloths. • High Lusiro 81% a***
Caseimores, Do*’ Fancy do.
Vestings, Toro Satins,
Summer Coatings, ' 'Barogo de Lolnfl »
Pant Stuffs, Lawns,
Hats, Mous, do Lalncs,
Suspenders, Moue. dp Bcgo, ...
Cravats, , „ High Lustre Black M
Handkerchiefs, pachas,
Stockings, Glngliome,
Gloves, Bonnot Ribbons,
Muslins, Calicoes, Hosiery,' n . r(l
ChoOks,Tickings, 'Niedlo Worked Collor
Flannels, Bagging, Chimosotles,
Counterpanes, 1 Edgings ami loser y
Carpet Chain, &o. ... . i|„o
and a oomploie assortment of Goods, in our
which \vo aro soiling at very low prices e f ‘
o.uMr y produoo ro^G^g
Inarch 31} 1063.