American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, January 19, 1854, Image 4

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    Saxtoirlsfiadfl the Column.
/f'Ftf'Bß diys-and nights of unceasing toil and
X&ttolibld,! fiare subroeded in marking and or*
rahglhjf'my how stock of lIARDWARE, and al
though there has boon a tremendous rash of custo
word Who knoW where to deal on reasonable terms,
adn who appreciate my old habit of selling cheap
without making much fuss about the matter. lam
constantly making room for now customers to [drop
irt ffnd examine what is undoubtedly the largest and
bei[l assortment of goods ever offered west of Phila
delphia, and .embracing everything usually found in
n Hardware Store, from a needle Id an anchor. AM
oP’which are of Iho best qnolity and will be sold at
prltfea which cannot fall to give satisfaction.
T would say that my slock of Cross cut, bond,
panel* ripping and buck saws ; bright, black, and
blue angers, chisels, plum-s, locks, latches, hinges,
screws, straight necked and barrel bolts, broad, point
ing and chopping axes, hatchets, iron and sled
squares, rules, (ape measures, levels, dec., cannot
fail to please the most fastidious in quality and
Wo have a largo supply of Oopal, Japan,black,
and coach body Varnishes, Mahogany ond Wal
nut veneecs. Moulding, beading, rosettes ; glass,
mineral and mahogany knobs, Carriage mounting,
silver and japanned \ trimmings,'’ laces, canvass, oil
cloth, damhsk, patent leather, deer hair, malcuble
oustings, iron oxles,springs, hubs, felloes, spokes, dec.
Will find it to bo tboir interest to call and examine
my stock of 60. tons of hammered, bar and rolled
Iron, hammered horse shoe, scollop, brood and nar
row tiro. Plough irons of all sorts and sizes, crow
bars, siedgesand hammer moulds. Rolled and slit
horse shoo burs, tolled tiio, bands, round and square
irons. Cast, shear, spring,English and American
blister steel, anvils, vices, files, rasps, horse shoe
nails, English wagon boxes, carriage boxes, dtc.
Will find it to their advantage to call and examine
our stock of brass, silver and japan harness mount
ing, pottent leather, morrocco, French and common
cal/ skins, binding Sc lining skins, las , pegs, awls.
Cannot be mistaken in getting o superior article of
White lead, zinc white, together with every variety
of paints in use, turpentine, oil, glass, putty, *ar
nishca, See.
September 21, 1853
Dr. I. C. Loomis,
VI 7 ILL perform all operations upon llic Teeth
\ V that arc required for their preservation, such as
Cleaning, Filing, Plugging, Ate ,or will reslore the
loss of them, by inserting Artificial Teeth, from a
single Tooth to a full sett.
Office on Pill street, a few doors South of the
Railroad Hotel.
N. B. Dr. Loomis will bo absent from Carlisle the
last ten days in each month.
Carlisle, June 2. 1853.
ALL persons indebted to lire subscriber, arc here
by notified to nomo forward and settle o(T their ac
counts, os no longer indulgence will he given, and 1 1
not settled before the first day of October, 1853,
they will be placed in the bands of a Justice fur
Sept. I, 1853-7*.
Sail Road Curs for gale
THREE eight wheeled double Care and three
four wheeled single cars. The double cars were
built in York, last October, and have been but lit
tie used. The single ones would answer well for
market cars; they are all in excellent order and
will be sold at a bargain, either together or sepa
rale. For particulars apply to i
Newport, Perry co., Sept 22, ’s3—3m
11. J. WOLF,
Attorney at Law.
{Office, No. 2, Deetsm's Row.)
All professional business strictly attended to. The
German language spoken aa readily as (ho English.
September 22, 1853.
JOHN D GORGAS hereby informs his friends
anil cuatomers, that he hm removed his TIN j
WARE and .STORE ROOMS to the room lately 1
occupied by Mr. J. W. Eby as a Grocery store, on ,
Main street, where he will ns heretofore inanufac-,
lure and keep constantly in store, every description 1
made in the best style and at (he very lowest prices.
Good workmen and the very best material always,
employed, so as to insure entire satisfaction.
Spouting and Job Work done at the shortest no
ice, in a superior manner and at fair prices. Also
i n store at all seasons a large and attractive variety
Parlor aad Cooking Stoves,
compriaing every new and fancy style, of all prices
and sites, adapted to burning cither wood or coal.
Hia assortment of stoves he intends shall not be
surpassed by any other establishment; comprising u
score or more of different styles to suit all lasteu-. —
Thankful to hie friends for the patronage so long
bestowed upon him at his old btaml, he respectfully
invites a call at his new establishment, confident
that bis large assortment cannot fail to please. ,
Philadelphia Mourning
i Store.
NO. 52 South Second sired, have al all seasons
a full assortment of Black &l Mourning Goods,
wholeaalo and retail, 1
Black Tamist^borabazineß,cashmeres,bombazln
alpacas, mouasolino do laine, Do. double width
French meiinoea, parramailaa, Do. Bilk warp
glossy alpacas, lunls ololh, canton cloth, canto
crapes, ololh for cloaks, armuro silks, poult d
soio, gros de rhine, English crapes, crape collars,
plushed silk gloves; black crape soils, love or
[node veils, llilbel shawls, (Jongand square) blan
ket shawls, (long & square) gloves, hosiery, &c.
Second Mourning. —Plaidspnnsllks, plaid silks,
tnoussollno de laine. mousseline do bego, madonna
cloth, plain monssolinos, sack flannels, bay stale
shawls, (long and square) while crape collars,
English chintzes, ondorsleovos, &o.
Phila., Sept S 3, 1853—4 t
Spring and Summer Goods.
rJE subscriber in now opening a beautiful assort
meat of seasonable goods, comprising in the lo
new style Brocade Bareges in wood color, Figured
Bareges pf various styles, Crap© d’Bspogno, Crap©
d'Arltis,BraziUiannos, Crape do Paris, Grenadines,
French Organdy Lawns,. Barege do Laincs, Mous*
de Lames, Doited and‘plain Swiss Mulls, Jaconet
and Oaqabrio Muslins, Cambric Dimitys, Embroider
ios, English Crapes, Loco Veils, Hosiery and Gloves
of all kinds, with a variety of other Goods, all of
which will bo sold at very low prices.
M»y U r lB&3.
SEE HERE BAMBOI what do matter wid you
dll morula 7 you look like you had a “sick a
fitness” die mornln. O, gotly 1 Nod, die nlgga mono
dead wld do diroa! Yah,yah, yah, when will nig*
ga Urn don't y™ d© white gemmon
an ladiei C® 1° cheap “ihote
cary pop” »U bolllo of Beecher’* Moichte** Oor-
Mat 7 Care you fight off; 1 golly l
IF yoadosiro a complete assortment of Goods tot
solectfrom,calHn Bust Main street, where you
cun besuppllod with Haircloth of at' broodths.sofa
niJ ©hairsprings, M®fc®B on V Veneers from 3Jfi cts
a 42 toeisMt, Walnut and Maple Veneers.Mould
log, of«IlbroBa(h.,no«,l,, VmnUhoß.&c. Imvito
ihelrpßitlculaniUontlpa to ipy VprnUho.anclovory
»■ BAxTo *' •
SI tall Bmp)Hue*» and JTtallh, ifr Sttoinry add
Gitknw, *TUtiU
Reflections for the Thoughtful.
Strange that countless haman beings exist and
drag through lifo as do tho beasts of the field, or
the Insoots of tho earth, evincing no more thought
or reflection than though tho noble faculties of mind
wore not vouchsafed to them.
Many such arc husbands and fathers, upon whom
oro dependent tho health, the woll-boing, and ths
happiness of a confiding and affectionate wife, with
perhaps a family of children.
In that pitiabio condition as not ovon for ono day to
feel tho happy and oxhllcrating influence incident
to tho oqjoymont of health.
Sho may not ho an invalid confined to hor bod.
or ovon to her room; as hor prido, ambition and
energy induce and norro hor to toko personal
charge of her household, ovon when her health will
not admit of It ; bat she is nevertheless perceptibly
linking from day to day, and always ailing.
Thus, day after day. and month after month tran
spire- Hot health daily sinks, till finally even tho
hope of recovery no longer remains. Ana thus
the blooming bride,
But s few years ago in tho flush of health and
youth, and buoyancy of spirits, rapidly* and appa
rently Inexplicably, becomes a feeble* dokly, de
bilitated wife, with frame emaciated, serves nn
itrung, spirits depressed, countenance boaring the
unpress of suffering, and an utter physical and
mental prostration.
Sometimes this deplorable change may and does
arise from organic or constitutional causes. But
oflonor, by far oftoncr, to gross and Inexcusable
ignorance of tho simplest and plainest rules of
health os connected with tho marriage state, the
violation of whioh entails disease, Buffering and
misery, not only to tho wlfo, hut often
Hereditary Complaints apon the Children
KING'S EVIL, and other diseases,
as a
from the Parents.
And mast this continue 1 Shall wo bo wise in
all that concerns the cattle of our fields, oar bones,
our sheep, our cows, oar ozon, tho nature and
character of the soil wo possess, the texture and
quality of oar goods and merchandise; bat in all that
concerns ourselves as bomon beings, with human
functions and passions, subject to great derange
ment, involving oar future peace and happiness—
in all that concerns the health and welfare of the
wife of our affections, and tho mother of oar chil
dren ; la nil that concerns tho montal and physical
well being of those children, we should be Im
mersed in tbo darkest and most
How long shall this ignorance prevail so produc
tive of its bitter fruits I How long shall the wife
and mother bo ignorant of the nature, character and
causes of tbo various womb and sexual complaints,
embittering her days by suffering—suffering often
prolonged to years, eventuating in a complication of
diseases utterly and hopelessly incurable 1 Shall
we for over close our eyes to the results of physio
logical science by which wo may arrive ot an
understanding of ourselves as men and women,
subject to serious life-long enduring diseases, and
perpetuating thorn to our children.
No husband or wife neetl be ignorant of t chat
concerns them most to know to secure their health
and happiness, lliat knowledge is contained in <i
little work entitled
Out Hundredth Edition. 19mo , yip 1260. Price 60 Crnlt
Pint published in 1647 and it ii not
Considering that EVERY FEMALE,
whether MARRIED OR NOT, can here
ncqulre a fall knowledge of the na
ture, character and causes of her
complaints, with the various
symptoms, and that nearly
should have boon sold. It is impracticable to con
vey fully tho various subjects treated of, as they
are of n nature strictly intended for the married,
or those contemplating marriage.
Have been SENT DY MAIL within tho Last few
Buy no book unless Dr. A M. Mauriocau, I2U
Liberty Street, N. Y , is on the title page, nnd the
entry fn the Clerk’s ('(fire mi the back of tbe title
Sage ; and bay only of n-Hpoctnblo and honorable
oalors, or send by mail, u id address to Dr. A. M.
Mauricoau, os there are spurious aad surreptitious
infringements of copyright.
tfjf Upon receipt of One Dollar " THE MAR
PANION” U sent (nuiilrd ftte) to any part of the
United States, the Canadas ana British Provinces.
All Letters must be post-paid, and addressed to
Dr. A. M. MAURICE AD, Box IM4, New-Yorh
City. Publishing Office, No, 129 Liberty Streets
Kew-York. •
Forsalcby B lunch &. Crap ilanisbutg.J Swart
Uloomsburg, J K Worth Lebanon, C W Do Wit)
Milford, J W Ensmingor Danhcim, H W Smith
i Huntingdon,B Me nnaltl Uinoulown, J M Baum
Now Beilin, H A Lanlz Reading, E T Morse
1 Crancsville, N V; R I’Crockcf Brownsville, Wonts
Stark Carbondaltr, ElJred &- Wright Williams
port, S Turk W ilko^barre, (i W Earle Waynosboro;
R Crosky Mercer,S Loader Hanover, S W Taylor
Utica,R f‘ Curmpfingfi Somerset, T 13 Peterson,
1 Philadclph ia . ,
I Sopl. 1, 1 —Gin
j NOVV open and for sale at ‘‘Marion Kali,”
I Family Grocery Stoic, a largo nnd general assort
ment of articles, useful and fancy, embracing in
Maracaiba and Java Cofloes,
Greco Kio and Roasted Cullbe,
Jenkins’ best brand of 'Peas,
Brown and Clarified Sugars,
While nnd Preserving “
Pulverized and crushed “
Dromn, Cocoa and Chocolate,
Hire and Corn Starch*
Farina and Essence of Codec,
Lovcring’a finest Syrup, Orleans Banking Molas-1
sea, Spices, ground and unground; Mace, Citron, 1
Vanilla Bean, Cheese, Crackers, Candles, &c.
ISO Our <tucciiswai*c r
*HT embraces a largo and general varietyffJTjf
of the best while Granite, a Iron Stone ware, Lit*
orpool and Common ware, enabling the customer
to select in sells or pieces of any size necessary
and of the different styfes, together with a variety
of Fine White and (Juki Rand, English and French
China sells of Tea ware, and other varieties of
useful and fine fancy China ware, including trays,
plates, vases, fruit dishes, coffee cups, &o.
embracing bowls, dishes, molasses cans, sugar
bowls, a largo selection of fine fluted tumblers,
wlno and egg glasses, and other useful articles.
among which aro tabs, churns, water paloa, mea
sures, market baskets, travelling baskets, as well
as other covered and uncovered baskets. Also,
Table Oil of the finest brand, Sperm and other
Oils, Tobacco, Cigars, Soaps, &o. A small lot
of choice MACKARKL of No. 1 quality. Also,
a (rimmed Moss Mackarol—both in handsome as
sorted packages of halves, quarters and kits—with
all the other varieties of a Grocery and Queens
wore store.
Wo feel thankful for the patronage heretofore
bestowed on us, and invito a continuance of like
favors. J* W. EOV.
Carlisle, Juno 9, 1853.
Ulcrlnocs, Ciislinicrcs, See.
JUST i ccoivqd at (ho now & cheaputoro of Woiso
and Campbell, a largo of French Morinocs
Caalmoroß and Mou do Lainos, which will bo sold
very cheap
November 10,1860
A LARGE lot of Wlnto Shawlii just received,
and vsry cheap at tho new elare of Wild* &
November 10 1608
Willow and Cedar Wart,
VseiUlj and OdOd. M.ljl^^ff'-MECHASICS-
Tl THE undoraignctl would roapcclfullj inform Ilia
,A.l" 1 r,? p y 'VJ* F® H Ladies of Meclmnlcburg and U. vicinity,that ho
r ‘-“ "*‘"‘“ w
h“ ■ 1» HcoS d ouppTv Of ,h ° “ ho ’' o h 0 ’ Shoe Store,
rAnf<u'#:ihncn n : nc . :#c , designed expressly for Iholr accommodation, and
COnlcctiouancs, Fruits, froe %om the annoyances lo which iboy have here-
Nuts, I’astcs, and Fancy Articles of every descrip- toforo boon subjected.' This store will bo under the
lion. so lo charge ami supervision of his sister, and Ladies
Tho attention of Ladies is especially invited to 1 may rest aanured that every attention will bo paid
his extensive assortment of fancy articles. Ladie* 1 to their demands, A full and constant supply of
Toilet Fancy Soaps and Perfumeries of every varie* j ready made work, from the best of eastern manufao*
ly. Gentlemen are invited to examine bis fine as- • lories, in addition to his own, will bo found always
sarlmcnt of Fancy Articles. Segars, China and on band,consisting in part ol Ladies'Pino Kid
porcelean Pipes, Tobaccoos of every variety, Shav- ! Slippers, Fine Gaiters, ol all colors, cuahman tics,
rig and Toilet Soaps, which will bo found to be, toilet and onamo led shoes, Jenny Lind’s, French
very supnior, Canes, Riding and Carriage Whips. Buskin, Union tics and pumps of all descriptions,
and many other articles which more especially into- Misses’col'd Gaiters ol all kinds, children's iuncy
rest gentlemen. 1 Kossuth bools, Gaiters, Ties and French Morocco
A number of very superior Woolen Malls on band shoes, double bod single s.oled, &c M &.C
Tins Proprietor will bo very happy to bavo hU Ho would also Inform bis old friends and tho
friends generally call and examine his goods whetb- public generally, that ho still continues to keep on
p f they may wish to purchase or not. hand and manufoclure to order, at bis old stand, sll
B. J. KIEFFER. tSA kinds of
flu. such as Men’s Fine Coif skin Cools, from
00 to $5 00 ; French Morocco from 93
to $4 50; Coarse Boots, $2 50 to $3 00. All rips
will be repaired without extra charge.
Thankful for the patronage which has been exten
ded to him heretofore, ho hopes by strict attention
to business and a desire to please,to merit and re
ceive a continuance of tho same.
Mechanicsburg, April 14, *s3—-6m.
Carlisle, July 7. 1853
V LARGE Spring Arrival, which surpasses in
iX quantity, quality ami price, any that has over
been opened in Carlisle, consisting of all kinds of
Hardware, Shoo Findings, Coach Trimmings, Sad
dlery, Points, Oils, Varnishes, Glass Nails, Files,
Anvils, Vicos, Bellows, Springs, Axels, Bows, Fel
loes, Veneers, Cedatware, Farming Utensils, Bar &
R ilcd Lon, Stool, Ac., with a thousnnd other arti
I Having purchased very largely of heavy Goods
j previous to the advance in tho prices, I am enabled
: to sell at the old prices. Persons in want of Hard
i wire are invited to call and examine my stock and
I hoar tho prices, and they will bo convinced where
i the cheap Hardware is to bo had.
| My slock of Wall Papers is unsurpassed by any
, other in thohorough.
| Thankful for past favors, a continuance of the
’ same is solicited.
April 7, 1853.
1 !• L c A • TI« ' will recdmni. nd them to every person wanting Fur
ullgllSu & Aniei IC*UI UlirdAVfllGt nUuro. Ho has also made arrangements foimanu
rpHE subscriber having just returned from th= , facturing and keeping n constant supply of every
i Eastern cities with a full and handsome assort article in ins lino, both plain and ornamental, ele
ment of all kinds of Hardware of the very best malt- ganl and useful, at prices which cannot fail to sun
ors and wellselected, is now opening at the Cheap 'purchasers. lie would earnestly tnviie person,who
Hardwa.oSland,in North Honoverslrecl, nealdoor are abou to commence housekeeping to call and
to Scott’s hotel.whoro he invite. .1) that are in wan. examine b„ present elegant slock, ,o which he w,l
of good end cheap Hardware, to give him a call end constantly make additions of the newes, and mosl
see and satisfy themselves of the truth,.as wears do lo otJ „ tho .hurlcsl nolice,
terrmned to se I al a small advance, email piont i
, -.. i for town and country,
and quick sales Isthe order of the day . December S 3, 1852—1 y
To Builders , Carpenters and Others. jqTIJ.— Two good Journeymen Cabinet makers
Afu 11 stock of while, mineral and japaned knobs cn^*^n j constant employment a I the above oslub
locksand latches, hinges, screws, window sash and Jishmenl. Two Apprentices—boys l6 or 17
shultersprings, strait-necked and barrelled bolts, of y CnrP ofago—will also be taken, if application bo
every kind; mill, cross cut and circulai Saws; hand, made soon. J F
1 panel,ripping and back Saws; bright, black anil blue
aagurajchisels, broad, pointing, hand and chopping
j Axes,of different makers; hatchets, planes Sc plane
! bits,* tec land iron squares, files, rasps .brads,spikes
lall sizes
| To Saddlers and Coach Makers.
Ouralock consists of a com plot c assort men I of or I'"
| cles in your line of business,such os brass, silver &
japaned mounting,carriage trimmings, brood paster
ing and seaming laces,fringes, plain and figured can*
vass oil cloth, top lining cloth & scigelining, while,
rod, blue and black patent leather; Dashers,silver A
brass pinto. Deer hair, rosette, hubs, fellows, spokes
bows, eliptic springs, iron axtes, malleable castings
To Cabinet and Shoe makers. <
\ full stock of shoe kit and findings, boot morocco
French kid, straits, morocco «St lining and binding
skins; lasts,tacks, pegs, hammers, pinchers, French
morocco, superior copal varnish, japan and black
varnish, mahogany and msplo vaneers, moulding,
| beading, rose)s, glass, minora land mahogany knobs
: of every size and stylo.
To Blacksmiths , Farmers and Others.
| I 1 tons of assorted bariron, warranted of th bes
■ quality. A splendid assortment of bar and rolled
iron , hammered , horse-shoe, scollop, plough .broad
and narrow 1 ire, rolled , hoise-ehoc bar, bond , round
1 ind square iron; cast, shear, spring, English and
American blisterstocl, English wagon boxes car
riage boxes i n setts,anvils, vices, files , rasps .horse
shoe nails, Ac.
To Housekeepers.
A bcaulifu I assort moot of cheap Fancy goods, such
as waiters, tr ays, plain & fancy knives,fotka,bu(cb-i
er knives, steels, brittani a lamps, brass earn! It stick a,
liriltanra and silver table and tea spoons, plated but
ler knives, preserving koUlcs,sinoolhing irons,iron
and lined tea & oval boilers, iron frying and broad
puns .washboards, tubs, churns, buckets ,i ron pots
wash kettlos.and slew pnns.&c.
Carlisle, May 7 ,1 8h 1
The Elcpliaul Hun Arrived,
Rio ami Java Coffees, Now Orleans, Cuba oni) Rc
fineu Kugors, Covering's By rup .MolustctCul'D do.,
and Spices of all kinds.
1 The above articles, together with a largo vorlci
W HERE ho has just opened a Mammol h slock of ioo numerous to mention, have been selected w i
H A R U W A R E, which makes one of the largest, l great core from the New York and Philndelp'
most complete, and cheapest assoitmcnls ever oiler- markets .and cannot fnil to suit purchasers in 1
ivl to the public. I now invite all persons in want iiy and prices. Wo invito all to coll and xam
of good Hardware at reduced prices, to give me for themselves.
.-.all as I con accommodate all from a noodle to atr Carlisle, Kept 15,1f153.
And is now to be seen nl LYNE'S, in North Ilan
over Street ,
invil, nnd at prices to suit thq times. Recollect a| — ---
penny saved is two earned, and 1 consider a nimble “ WE STIiIVE TO PLEASE,"
u x ponce better than a alow shilling. I TH E subscriber would rospoclfulty announce to
To Housekeepers. — A groat a ssorlmcnl of house I |he citizens of this place and all persons visiting the
cooping articles, such us brass and enamel prescrv- j same during the Holy days, that lie baa now on bund
ng kettles, frying pans, bake pans, wafllo irons,| and will continue to be supplied with the latest nov
moolUing irons, saovela, tongs, waiters,trays,folks,j iltios up to the close of the season, comprising in
;nivos, cat vora^tcols,butchoi knives, spoons,plated | part
ea and table spoons, pocket and pen knives in great I Confectionaries
arioty, razora and razor straps, scissors, shears, iron ' o f(|, e choicest varieties, such as Fine Candy Toys,
nd brass, polished steel and common shovels and ' Jolly Cukes, Bon Dons, Gum,Cordial, Lemon, Choc.
Dngs, shovels, spades, fo/ks, rakes, hoes, tubs, water | o | a (e, and fruit drops, lose, vanilla and burnt almonds,
ana, painted buckets, wash boards,improved palom ; french and exploding Secrets, also, all (ho coition vn
islorn pumps and load pipe. j riclies.all of which wil bo aold wholesale or retail
Brushes.— A large assortment ofwbitowash .dust, allow rates at
weeping, horse and painters brushes. j ftring Klngle , s Old llall.
Iron. —A largo stock of hammered bariron,rolled j n North Hanover street, a few doors north of iho
ron of all kinds.hoopiron, ahootiron,round,equate B ank. where wo liavo jual received FRUITS and
»nd band iron, English wagon boxes, and steel of I NUTT9 of the iMcst importations, such as oranges,
ill kinds. • i . 1 lemons, raisins, 4 figs, pruene, citron, currants, soft
Pdints, oil, varnishes, turpentine, glue, oto. 1 p n p or shelled almonds, filberts, cocoa, cream do
O' lass of all sizes* ground nuts, oiso
To Shoemakers.—\ ful lassortmonl of Morocco,' rrsav«
Linings, Bindings, patent Goal Skins, Lasts,Shoo-! M.OyH ailtt 1 alley UOOiIH
thread Pegs, Knives, and Tools of all kinds. ,of every kind from all ports of Europe,manufactured
Blake's Fire Proof Paints of different colors. lof wood, gliss, china, poplcr-machlo, tin, india rub-
To Carpenters,— A-full assortment of planes,saws.! bor * zinc » & 0 - B,lch 6™ wax. kid 6l jointed dolls,
chisels traces, squares, braces, bills, bench screws, and curd and fancy boxes,
.ucurs and augur bills, hatchets, die. , A™?' T T!: I fn °i l ° Q * ? *' P orl
7V, Coachntakcrß and Saddlers. —A f.r.l rale a.-, l)illtl ° d ?° r ".' B r " c ° '-op., drums,
.or meulof Carriage (rimming., such a. l.ces, (..- 1 B un ‘- Uenrpel., dom.uoo., lollu end oilier games,
sorimcni oi vninmg b , .. . . . , dco., fancy soaps and hair oils of every variety. In
4 ni- frincrcs drab cloth and sattinott, head linings, 1 ’ 1
hois, iringcs, urou ci w . , ' , . connection with the above a Isrgo slock of
i mi tat ion cnamolod leather, patent leather cu r tin oil
cloth, plain and figured; Dasborlions,Lamps, Axles, FAMILY GROCERIES.
Springs, Malablo Costinga, Dent Felloes, Hubs, guch a „
hover ing’serushed, pulverized and brown
Dows, Philips' patent boxes for wood axles,fine, g U g arß| coffee, molasses, starch, indig, ealeralua,
brass, silver plated and Japan harness mountings, g feo n ond black teas, spices, butler, water and soda
Saddle trees. Whips, on«J over rtlclo used by Sad- orflC kors, matches,&c., andas wo “SlrivotoPlease
diets very cheap. ol are invited to examine our slock.
The subscriber rolui ns Mb lhanka to the public for
the patronage heretofore bestowed on him, and hopes
I by a desire to' please to merit a continuance of (ho
' same.
Carlisle, Match 24,1853
EMBROIDERIES. Just received n largr assoit-j
mont of cuffs, undorslccvos, spencers, col Inis &
ruffling. i
Shawls —A lot of hanilßomo spring shawls for
sale vary cheap.
Gaiters. Block onil fancy ooloied Gaiters Josl
receisoti ond for eolo by Woiao i. CDmpboll.
April 81, 1863. _
AFRESH supply of Paints, Gilo, V arnishes, Dy o
Stuffo, Glass, Putty, Sash Toole, &c.
Also, Baking Soda and Bryan’s Pulmonic Waf
ers, for the euro of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Con
sumption, and pi Other diseases of the■ Lungsi for
sale at " 1 KIEFI'ERS.
July 14, 1663
DB. €. S. BAKER,
KEBPECTFUU.Y offers bis professional servi
ces to the cltiiona of Carlisle and suiroundlng
country. Office and residence In South Hanoyor
street,directly opposite the “Volunteer" Office.
April 81, IB6o—tl
Extensive Furniture Rooms.
WOULD respectfully call the attention of house- j
keepers and the public, to the extensive stock [
JJJI I IJIi of splendid FURNITURE, includ
ing every variety of Cabinet-ware I
ScP * -1 a nd Chairs, which he has now on •
hand at his Rooms, corner of Hanoicr and Loulber J
Btroota, opposite John Burner’s store, Carlisle. !
Ho is confident that the superior finish of the
workmanship, and elegance of style, in which his
articles are got up, together with their cheapness,
Jimes H. Wkibk
5 W. Corner of N. Hanover and Louther Streets.
WE hove just icceivcd a very large and hand
soinjf MWmTrtmt of Fallond Winter Goods,
tho latest styles of DRESS Goods,
French plaids, plaid and printed Cashmcics, Mous
de I,nines, all wool; Mous de Bcgcs, Persian cloths,
plaid, brocade and block Silks,bambnzines.alpacas,
and a good assortment of Mourning Goods,
Bleached and unbleached Muslins, Checks, Ging
hams, Tickings, while A colored Canton Flannels,
red, yellow and white wool Flannels, Table Linen,
Damask Towels, Table Clothe, Nopkins, Ac.
. Cambt ic anti Swiss Ruffling, Edging and Inserting,
liislo, Mechlin, Florentine umJ Vuleucennes Laces,
Collars, Undorsleevos, Sjicnccrs and Cull's of the
1 latest stylos
Very fine assortment of spun Silk, Cashmere l and
Lambs wool Saxony, black Indiana IJoso, Merino
hn If hose, while and black silk Hose, hlnrk, while
and mixed Colton Hose, Ladies and Gents Kid
Silk, flccty lined Silk, Cashmere 6c Cotlon Gloves.
Cloths & Cassimeres.
A la rgc a ssortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Ratlin- 1
cits. Kentucky Joans, Merino, Satin und black silk
Ladies Kid Slippers, Morocco and Kid Buskins.
Morocco und Kid Boots, (Willis'.) Ladicr (Jailers,
Men's fine call Bools, Kipp Boots and Shoes for
men and boys, all k i nds of Childi cn’a shoes, and a
large lot of Gum shoes.
$15,000 Worth of Goods Still ou
Hand alOglll>y'« Store.
IN addition lo our slock, no have received and are
now receiving a targe lot of very desirable FALL
and WINTLR GOODS from two of oat branch
stores. As all of the slock was purchased before
tbo present great advanced priso in good, and will
bo sold at UOST, purchasers aan save from 25 to
5D per cent, by giving us an early call. Wo now
have black silks, lino linen, long shawls, lickings,
checks, blankets, casslnotts, doth, muslins, dto., ail
ofwblobwo were out of previous to yesterday's
arrival* , ■
Also, Carpats and a lot of Boots and Shoos, just
received. Call soon and secure the bargains before
[hoy arc all gone. CHAS. OgTiLBV,
Bargains still to be had at the Clothing Store near
Burkholder's Hotel.
Sept.2D, 1853-31
W,M. K . C A M I’ 0 K LL.
Al the A r ew and Cheap Store nf
Wclsc & Campbell
Lace s and Embroideries ,
Hosiery and Gloves.
Bouts and Shura.
(J merries.
Every Man His ftwn miner.
CLARK'S Patent Combined 'Grinding dn’d Bolt
ing Mill, is an invention which cannot fall com*
ing into general use, turning out us it doesfrolh (ho
wheat extra Hour, superfine, middles, ship stuff
and bran, at a single operation, and in the most
oomploto manner. This truly seiehufic mill fills a
space of but thfreb feet in diameter, and five , foot
high, is worked by a single shaft, capable of grind
ing and bolting from three to ton bushels of wheat
an hour, und can bo propelled by any power from
four horse to any which may bo desired. The en
tire cost of a mill calculated to make one barrel of
flour to tho hour, docs not exceed $4OO. Those de
siring to purchase a mill, or the patent for counties
or townships jn Pennsylvania, ore requested to ad
dress Win. Heilman,or call at Np.4l Brown street,
September 8,1853 —3 t
Attention Soldiers of the 22d Regt. U. S,
Infantry of the War of 1812.
TO tho commissioned and non-comraissionetf
officers, musicians and privates, or the legal heirs
of Captains M’Farland’s, Milliken’s, Penlland’s,
Barker's, and Foulk’a companies 22d Regt. U. S.
Infantry, in tho war of 1812, as also to those men
who were enlisted by Lieutenants Sprogel, Law,
Sturgis, Gray, Mytinger, Larkin, Johnson, Wise,
M'Ghee, Steward, M’Kinny, Morrow, Fetter,
Huston, and other Lieutenants of said Regiment,
Notice ia hereby given , that 1 have many papers,as
well as a personal knowledge, that enables mo to
give many of you the necessary information where
by you can obtain your land warrants, pensions,'
&c. All letters, postage paid, will bo promptly!
attended to. Terms moderate. i
Address, W. FOULIC,
I Sept. 22, 1853. Carlisle, Pa. 1
| N. I). Newspapers in Pillsburg, Greensburg,
| Bedford, Sunbury, Lewistown, Heading, Gettys
burg, Chambersburg, Shippensburg, Bloomfield,
I Carlisle, and elsewhere in Pennsylvania, where
1 j said Regt. was raised, will confer a favor on many
jold soldiers or their heirs, by giving this notice a
1 few Insertions. W. F.
Pictures of the Coved Sc Cone'/
Blest lie the art Hint ran immortalize.
Tliat Ail that linllles lime s tyrannic claim to rjueneb It.
How bwccl it is in aftor days, when memories on
memories arise, and dicatns of bygone times, and
long forgotten things come softly to the heart. How :
swett we say it is to gaze upon the likeness of some
dear friend, with whom we onec associated, whether
far away, sailing upon the broad ocean, strolling
over the prairies of the far west, wandering in strange
lands, across the blue waters, or sleeping beneath
the cold clods of earth, or the roaming wave. How
pleasant the thought, that the art divine can give us
the perfect resemblance ol the absent and (he loved,
till wo can almost imagine it is reality, that life and
animation alone are wanting, for often as wo gaze
upon a good picture, the eyes seem to spaikle with
brilliancy, and the lips appear as If about to speak.
A Daguerreotype is far more preferable to u paint
ing, simply because It is far more correct and more
convenient i the form stands out ns it were from the
■ plate, and gives every expression of the face as It
wos In the original. The Daguerreotype is without
doubt one of the greatest inventions of the nineteenth
: century,and its benefit to man incolculahlc. Though
I simple in its opera lion, y cl the human mind ca nnot
comprehend exactly its strange mysteries: its shn
] duvv is caught upon the plate as il by magic, and we
’ can only wonder that it Is so.
1 Those who have not yet procured these precious
1 mementoes, we would advise to call upon our friend
A. B. Tubus, at his CJ.illory in Wycih’s Hall, in;
Herrisburg, or at his new gallery,in Mario* Hall,
j Carlisle, and our word for it. you will bo obligingly
onteitnincd, and furnished with likenesses that will
1 please and delight even the most Instidious. Ho
has long occupied an cn viable post lion ns o Dagiier
retn A rtist, received a Diploma for his splendid Da
-1 gnerrcolypos at the late Mute Agricultural Fair, at ;
, Harrisburg, and by close application and long expo*
nence, lias nude many experiments in the art, and
is ready to compote with any establishment in th
I Much attention is given to copying doguer rooty pcs
1 and other pictures. Small pictures can beenlorged
jto any size. Children of any age taken,
i Daguerreotypes Inserted In Loekols, Breastpins,
j finger rings, pencil heads, &c.
Instructions given in the ait on the most reoson
. able terms.
Pictures taken in cloudy nswcll usin clftarwenlh
er. A collection of portraits can bo seen at the
Rooms, which arc fair at all limes.
SI o rrs’ Chemical Hair Invigorator
ARE YOU BALD! Is your hair falling off!
Or is your head covered with Dandruff or
Scruff! If so, then make a fair trial ol Stons
Chemieu I Hair Invigorator. Hundreds of persons
in all parts of the country whose heads wore entire
ly bald, have had tlieii hair fully restored to its orig
inal peifeclion by the use of this valuable article.—
Rend the testimony.
New York, Jan. 1.1851
Mr.Sronns. — Dear Sir: Mr.Smith,of
L. I..obtained a bottle of your excellent Hair Invig.
orator for his little girl, about four years old, her
head being entirely buld; no hair of any consequence
having grown on her head from birth, and surprising
as it may appear, after having used but one bottle,
a complete head of hair was produced nearly two
inches long of a line healthy growth.
A. Doolittle, M. O. No. 14 I, Or and St.
I’m laiim.mii a , May 10, 1860.
I Mr. R norms Kir : After being bald for a numbc r
| of years, and having used numerous preparations to !
no effect, your Chemical Hulr'lnvlgorutnr has pro*
1 dneed a fine head of now heir, and I hardly knbw |
how to express my gratitude fur the benefit 1 have
I received from your valuable ailicle.
J . VV a i*h w o trni, No. 10, Orrha rd si
The following testimony is from Mr. McMukin
editor of the “Saturday Courier:” I
“Storms' Haiu In vioouator. — It gives us much
pleasure, unsolicited, to record our testimony in fa- 1
vor of the groat pleasantness und entire efficacy ofl
Storrs’ Chemical Hair Invigoiaior. On recovering
from the recent severe attack of illness, we discover- j
cd that our usual healthy and abundant crop ofhair
was rapidly fulling oil', and chancing to have on
hand a sample of the above article furnished hy the
manufacturer many months previously, we used but.
a single bottle, us directed, and found it looporalej
like a charm, in entirely chocking the fall and creut I
ing a now and healthy action oftho scalp.”
Wo could give many other references to some of'
our most respectable citizens,but would ask all who j
arc troubled with Dandruff, are bald, or arc losing
their hair, to give Stons’ Chemical Hair Invigorator
n trial, and ono (rial will do more to convince you of
our claims for it than all ihcloslimony of others that
wo might produce.
Oadtiow. — Askfor "Storr’s Chemical Hair In
vigora(or,”and noverlol dealers persuade youto use
any othorarliolo as a sabslil ulo. Price 25 cents a
Proprietors and Manufacturers.—C. P. Ami' V
Co., No. 120, Arch street, Philadelphia.
For sale in Carlisle by S. W. Havorslick, >
Elliott,nod —Kelso,and by dealersgonoM
October 26,1 652—1 y
SOME prime Carpets sllllonhand. Intending
to relinquish that branch of my business, 1 will
soli off the stock on hand uncommonly low. Call
Docombor 15, 1853.
JUST received an assortment of elegant noodle
worked Collars, Chloiezotts, Undoraleevosand
Guffs. CJ. OGILBY.
December 15, 1853.
JUST received a full assortment of Men’s and
Boys' Winter Boole ami Shoes, bettor and
cheaper than can bo had In the county, nl the sory
cheap store of 0. OGILBY.
Docombor 15, 1853.
POLISH for Linens, &o. A superior article to
Starch Polish, for imparling n fine polish of
muslin, collars, cambrics, &o. For sulo at the
store of
Ooloboi 27, 1863
EY WANTED at this office in pay
mont of subscription, advertising and Job-work.
THE Allon and Basil Ponnsborough Mutual F
Insurance Company p£ Cumberland county,inco
porated by an act of Assemby, !b now fully organ
ized, and in operation under ho management o( ih
following Managers, Viz:
Daniel Daily, Wm. U. Gorges, Michael Cockiin
Molchoir Bronnemun, Christian Staynian, John C*
Dunlap,Jacob H. Coovcr,Lowis Hyer, Henry Locaa*, Musoor, Jacob Mumma, Jos’eph Wlckl
ershatn, Alexander Calhcart.
The roles of insurant# arc as lew and faVorabl
as any Company oftho kind In the Slate, Person,
wishing to become members are invited to make on
plication to the agents of the company who are wil
ting to wail upon them at any time.
BENJ. H. MOSSER, Preside**
Henry Looan, Vice Presides.
Lewis Hver, Secretary,
Micuael Cocrlin, Treasurer,
October 7,1852.
Cumberland County.—Rudolph Martin,N.Cum
borland ; C. B. Herman, Kingslown ; Henry Zear
ing; Shircmanslown ; Charles Bell, Carlisle; Dr. J.
Ahl, Churchlown; Samuel Graham, Woslpcnniboro’*
James M'Dowcli, Frankford; Mode Giiffilh, Sooth
Middleton; Samuel Woodburn, Dickinson, Samuel
Coover, Benjamin Haierslick, Mcchonicsborg, John
Sherrick, Lisburn, DaVicl Coover, Shopherdstown.
York Conn/y.—John Bowman, Dillsgurg; Peier
Wolford, Franklin; John Smith, Fsq., Washitigi on .
iW. S. Picking, Dover; J. W.Craft, Parodist. '
| Harrisburg.— Houser & Lochmon.
Members oftho company having polices about lo
exp re can have them renewed by making applies.
' lion I oany of the agents.
Female medical College of jpcnita,
TUG next Course of Lectures in this Institution
will commence on Saturday, October Ist, 1859
and continue five months (31 weeks) closing on tho
25th of February, 1854.
David J Johnston, M. D., Professor of Chemistry
♦ 'and Toxicology.
j EUwood Harvey, M. D., Professor of tho Princi.
and Practice of Medicine.
I llTfijcrn Darlington, M. D-, Professor of Surgery,
j Ann Preston, M. D . Professor of Physiology,
j Edwin Fussell, M. D., Professor of Anatomy.
Mark G. Kerr, M. D.. Professor of Materia Med
ica and general Therapeutics.
Martha 11. Mowry, M. D.. Professor of Obetelrics
and Diseases of Women and Children,
i Almira L. Fowler, M. D., Demonstrator of Anat
omy and Chemistry.
Persons wishing further information as to terms,
regulations, &.C., or desirous of receiving copies of
l lie Announcement, will please apply, personally or
by letter, to the Dean of iho Faculty.
229 A fell Street, Philadelphia.
3 miles ioesi of Harrisburg, Pa.
THE Sixth Session will commence on Monday
the 7lh of November next. Parents one! guai<V\*, lB
and others interested, arc requested to inquire into
the merits of this Institution. Tho situation ie re
tired, pleasant, healthful and convenient of access,
the course of instruction is extensive and thorough,
and the accommodations aic ample.
1). Denuxomi, Principal and Teacher of Lan
guages and Mathematics.
Dr. A. Dixsuonr., A. M., Teacher of Ancient
Languages and Natural Sciences.
E.Osnuux Dx nr., 'Poacher of Mathematics and
Nniura I Sciences.
Hmii Coh-k, Toarhjr of Music.
T.Kirk W mite, Teochor of Plain and Orna
mental Penmanship.
Boarding, Worthing, and Tuition in En
glish prr Session, (5 months)
Instruction in Ancient or Modern Lan
Instrumental Music,
For Circulars and other information, nddrep*
Harnsburg, Pa
Sejil 8, 1868,
fjMIE 15lli Session will commence Nov. 7tli. The
x biuldingß (one erected last Fall) are new and ex
tensive. The situation is all that can be desired for
houllhfulnrss or moral portly. Removed from the
excitement ofTown or City, the students may b>f*
prepare for college, mercantile pursuits, &c. All
flic brandies ate taught which go to form a liberal
education. A conscientious discharge of duly hi a
secured the present flourishing condition of (lie In
stitution. Its future success (under Providence)
shall bo maintained by the same means.
| Terms—Hoard and Tuition per session, 850
For ('dialogue wnii f u || information, address
K. K. BURNS, I'lincipal Proprietor,
Plainfield Pubt Office,
Coml». Co P«
Nov. 29, 1b53,
South Hanover Sired, near tho L'ourl Jioutt.
BJ. KIEKFER, Druggist, would reßptCtfufly
, inform the e-miens of Carlisle and vicinity,
that ho has opened a new
Mis Block is entirely new, ami has been selected
with great care. As many nf iho articles in daily
use by physicians and families deteriorate by age
and exposure, great rare w ill be taken not lo al
low such articles to accumulate in such quantities.
Attention i- especially invited to his slock ot
Medicines, Essential Oils. Tinctures, Wines, Ex
tracts, ('onleciions, (' hetuioals. &c., logelher wnh
a lull assortment ul Painis, Varnishes, Dye-stuffs,
Painl and Varnish Brushes, and
of every variety. Me has also on hand a splendid
assortmcni of Perfumes, soaps, fancy, hair,clothes
end flesh brushes, supporters, breast exhausters,
nipple shields, tuulh washes and pastes; also
Medicinal H'Vnes and Draudiet,
of ihe bcsl quality. Segars, from iho berl Havana
and Spanish houses, of every flavor, from one cent
In order lo ensure his customers against mis
takes during ajiy temporary absence of the proprie
tor, tho services of an experienced and competent
assistant have been seemed, which will be fell t°
I bo important, in view of the responsibilities which
1 are known lo devolve upon the druggist.
| Physicians’ prescriptions will be lailhfuily and
promptly attended to. Orders from , s’® ,rln . n , fl
I and Merchants in tho country will be fit c wii \
urfro, and at prices which must prove Mttslaotoiy
All officinal preparations jnfltfc in strict accord
ance with the directions of the D. S. I hatruac
pooia. . .
A liberal share of public patronage is re«p
fully solicited. Terms cash. 1/IPpr po
July 21, 1863. B. KlEl ! bit.
Cliccrlng Blows I
THE readers of the Volunteer aro informed a
11,0 important fact that tbo subaorlbors arc now
opening an o«lrn big lot ofeboap SPRING AINU
SOMMER GOODS, among whlob aro the lot
gentlemen’s wear
Summer Coalings,
Pant Stuffs,
High Luelro Bl’li. Silks.
Do. Fancy <Jp.
Toro Saline,
Barege de Laincs,
Mbus. de Lainoe,
Moua. do Bogo,
High Lustre Block Al*
Bonnet Ribbons,
Muslins, Calfooos, Hosiery,
Chocks, Tickings, Needle Worked Collars,
Flannels, Bagging, Ohiinosetlos,
Counlorpanes, Bdgingfrand losoriiog,
Carpet Chain, &a, &o. &o.
and a oomplolQ assortment of Goods, In our lies
w hioh we are selling at very low prices indeed.—>
Country produce taken in exohongo for Goods.
March 31, 1863.
J. W. KBY,
6 00
10 00
ladies’ wear