American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, October 13, 1853, Image 2

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John B, BnllMi E(lltor * nd
(ÜBUBhlli OCT. XX, X 853.
Courts at Carlisle, for 1&5I.
TvnMINEB. Tuesday, November I.
Monday* November 14. | Tuesday, December 37.
lloT. Mr. Wichs ia expected to preach in tho
Evangelical Lutheran Church, on next Sabbath
morning. . .
“We have met the'enemy and they are ours”
Tho Democracy of old Mother Cumberland have
achieved a glorious victory over tho combined forces
of Federalism and disorganizes, who made tho tom*
pemnee question their excuse for opposing tho Dom
„ i p 0; n «npd I ocralio ticket. Never has disorganization met with
The York Conn y B r . nino 8 more complete ami crushing discomfiture from the
CD the sth instant, the onolosare embracing nine 1 nf , hc domocrooy of lhe c „ unly . Tbo
acres. Thowhole of the enclosure was per ect y | of . .Moser ruinedand “a fow men have
filled with visiters, the attendance from all parts
killed Mntei by gening him to decline the temperance
Of the surrounding country being immense. The norn j oal , has not been re-echoed by tho yeoman,
cattle exhibited were very fine, the numerous stalls rj e f t y, c nDn ntry. Mr. Moser is elected by a tri
oreoted being all full, and a number staked out— on , phanl majority. Wo hope this result will con-
Tbo implements and other articles on exhibition Tince ouf tem p Cran ce friends that (heir attempt to
presented a good attraction, and a number of Bal- mlx icmp'erauce with politics is an error. They
llmoremns were contestants for the premiums. may establish their big tents, and pay $5OO to a
~ r stranger to abuse and villify our citizens, but the rso
Fi« in LaNDtsBORQ.—We learn by ,b ® P ip ® r8 ° pLK Bpea ii, and record their verdict ogainslsoch mis*
Perry county, that on tbe evening of the 3d mat the d B wo bavo no , l(T10 for comment
tarn, of Gen. Fetter, in L*nd,.W In our next no me, refer to this .object
together with tho content., by fire It l» aupposcdjlho I
fire originated from iqelobe. carried to tbe barn by
eome of tbo children of the family. Hia carriages,
rtChief Jo.lloo 81.0k.0f Ponn.jlvania, ha. re
celVad lha degree ofLL. D. from W.ahinglon (Pa.)
Coll.go. .
grain, a cow and a calf wore burnt. Ho has an in*
aaranco in tho Perry County Company of slooo.
Thia cannot possibly cover his loss. Gen, Fetter
and bii son were both absent from home.
to Serfft. Williamson*
We regret to learn that Sergl. Jambs Williamson.
who was one of the detachment of U. S. troops that
loft this place last week for Jefferson Barracks, mot
with a terrible accident at one of the planes on the
eaat aide of the monnlains, beyond Hollidoysburg.
Ills indeed a miracle he was not dashed to pieces,
considering the great distance he fell. Fourtunolcly.
however, ho was not seriously injured. The follow,
ing extract of a letter from Sergt. Spencer, dated on
board the steamer ••Vienna,” 7th Oct. gives the
particulars in regard to the accident:
“We (thedetachment) wore delayed at one of tho
planes about four hours, during which lime wc came
near loosing Sergl. Maj. Williamson. About 2
o'clock in the morning (very dark,) he got out of the
ear to smoke and walk about, but in gelling off the
car he stepped down a precipice abool 180 feet deep.
How he escaped with bis life is a wonder. He was
badly hart, but, strange to sny, no bones broken.—
His head and face were badly cut and disfigured.
Thank God it was no worse.”
Health or Philadelphia.—The number of deaths
in Philadelphia last week, was 196, including 7 from
yellow fever. This disease, introduced by the bark
Mandarin, still Ungers within the limits lo which it
has been confined, but with the approach of frost, 5i
will doubtlessdisappcar altogether.
Post Omct at Kersville. —The Post-Master
General baa re established tho-Post-offioe at
this county, which had been discontinued a few years
since, and appointed Conrad Renningcr P.M. Mr*
R. is a very excellent mm, and will make a faithful
and obliging officer.
The Discharge or Collier —Judge Jouctt, tho\
Ohio Slate Judge who issued the writ of habeas!
corpus, taking James Collier, late Collector of the
Port of Ban Francisco, out of the hinds of tho Unilsd
Stales officers, who were preparing lo carry him
back lo California lo bo tried under the indictment
for feloniously using public funds intrusted lo bis
keeping, hai actually discharged him.
Judge Dana, of one of the court* of Cincin
nati' ffti) a few day* since arrested at his residence
Diar the city, charged with being an accomplice of
Craig, Reed and other#, in extensive forgerie# of land
llllgg, wmm found concealed ander a bed, in hi#
night clothe#, after it had been denied that bo wat
■t home. He waa put in a police alalioo bouao for
Libexation Of Slaves— John Fithor, Esq., of
Westminister, Md., Uaahier of the Ban* of West
minister, last week sol at liberty (our of hie slaves,
and. as we learn from the Democrat, gave them in
addition an outfit which will in oil probability
amount to near one thouaand dollars. One of the
colored women, who had the principal charge of the
bonsebold affairs, bad about one thousand dollars in
money herself, which she had collected by selling
mßk, butler, egga, chickens, &.0., Mr Fisher alio#-
ing her the privilege of so doing, and in fact took
the money and pul it out on inlere*t for her, Mr
Fisher baa but (wo staves loft, and they have posit
ively refused to lake their free papers ond leave for
the free Slates, begging of their master to let them
stay with him. The liberated slaves hove gone to
reside near Hanover, Pa., where they have purchased
some land.
PaosfECrs of War with Mexico. —Tho Austin
American informs os that by Gen. Smith's order
about forty companies will be on tho Rio Grande,
within striking distance of that boundary. The
farthest will not perhaps bo more than two doye
from the scene of acton, if tho fight begins. All Iho
posts on oor frontier above as are to bo broken up,
except at Phantom Hill and Bclknay.lwo companies
will remain a I each one of these posts. Tho com
panies ordered to move are to rondezvoso ol San
Antonia, there to bo armed and equipped as infantry
furnished with sixty days provisions and proceed inv
mediately to the Rio Grande, and (here to bo ready,
*'at a moment's warning, for active service In the
field." As near as it can recoiled the American
quotes the very language of the order.
BcTTLfMCNT or Tin Kosita Apfaiu. — A letter from
Vienna lo b genlletnon in Now York, received by
the left steamer, says the Austrian Govornmcnl has
given its cooienl to liio liberation of Koaila, with
the understanding that lie should bo immediately
put on board an American vaeto) and go directly lo
the United Blatee. It was known that Mr. Mareh
had proposed an arrangement of that kind lo Baron
Druok,and the Austrian government is said lo have
given. He content, partly became it relieves the
French Consel General from the disagreeable en
gagement lo keep Koszla, which ho had undertaken
for the purpose of saving the city of Smyrna and (ho
•hipping in the harbor from immediate destruction.
Six prisoners escaped from the Norlhomplon
eonnly oa Thursday night, by cutting the iron
bars or* e( the windows, and making ladders of tiieii
bedding. They also cut the telegraph wires, to
fftevent the Intelligence of their escape from being
•ent ahead of them.
.iBDUMI Wm o. Tin Mn.oum.—Tl.e N.lional lu "ncounl for “ o,no cl,urcl ' luild * '< 11101 1,0 "merged
Intelligencer ioalna llm mud, 4,(r„.ulvy •„ lo bo , , fiirni priion lo fly lo Ibn cminify, dt o. In reply to
prehended In the effort lo carry out the nVI of llua, it ia aaid that Itio Archbiehop never exercised
JaalCongress, enjoining oa the Executive to open ftn y occlosiasiieal function ol Gibrallor, never was
negotiations with the Indiana weat of the Mleioun, * r ‘®d ot imptiaoned there, ond finally, never teas at
With 8 View to an organization of a United Btatea Olbroltor in Ms life.
Territory there. The protnaluro agitation of ibe O Tha Mi.aion u, China i. .till vecent. The
enbjeol by Ihe whilee on the frontier I. .aid to h... N.„ York n.,. Wi . fow j.,. rop „ rto[ l ,h,t
produced * eery unfavorable opinion in Ibe Indian Attorney Genaral Coabing bad been appointed, but
Blind, wblob mey have the tendency lo dolay mdofi- tbi. ... tun, contradicted a. aeon .. li appeared,
nitelr the de.irebla meteare of organization in No- Rumor now 1... b, ibar u w appointment will be ten
/ , dered lo lion. George M- Dallas,
Wo have but few returns that can be relied on.—
The majority for the Stale ticket in the county is
about 450 or 500. M’Kec’a mojorily about 600—
Moser’s majority about 500—Shearer's, about 400-
The rest of the ticket elected by nn average major
ity of 350 or 400. This is the greatest victory the
Democracy of our county have had for twenty years.
“The irrelevant isues of a Tariff, a Bunk of the
United Stales, and ouch other questions, have been
from lime to time handed over to the tender mercies
of political excitement, and in every instance the re
suit was. and ever will be, inevitable defeat. Such
measures should bo submitted to the intelligence of
the people's representatives, and if wise, will always
ultimately triumph.*’— Extract from the recent Ad
dress of the Democratic State Central Committee.
We are somewhat staggered at the assertion in
the above extract, that the questions of a tariff, a
Bank of the United States, the like, aro "irrele
rant issues.” As it has always appeared to us, they J
have been the landmarks which have divided llio ,
two great parties from the very commencement of
the government, and the advocacy and opposition to
such measures have always shown the principles and
motives which have been entertained by those par
lies,and that they have been commended orcondemn.
cd by the people accordingly. These issues are not
‘irrelevant,’ and, as we have been taught, never have
bem, but issues which involve the dearest rights and
interests of the people. If such issues arc irrelevant,
then wo will no longer have any other guide to control
our political action than trusting to‘the intelligence
of the people's representatives,' when it might turn
out to be 100 late for their own good. Wo would have
very little faith indeed in the ‘intelligence’ of a Con
gross, n majority of whose members were
as such measures nl their hands would bo sure to bo
! considered‘wise,’and would bo sure to ‘ultimately
.riumpb.’ The only safety for the people is to moke
sac)i questions issues, because by no oilier meant can
the people know whether their representative will
not betray their liberties.
We think the citrapl above gtven most have found
its way inudvcilontly’ihlo the Address oflho Demo
cratic Stslc Central Committee, as wo have 100 much
confidence it its able chairman to believe that he en
tertains the opinions the extrocl would seem to im
The New York Sub Treasury now contain# 810.
1 000.000 in gold, and a few hundred# in #ilver coin,
7'he »afo containing the com i# kept in the cualom
house, and 1# composed of double aliccla of iron
slreoglhcncd by cross bars or lattice work of oast
steel rod#, between which no instrument can col or
file. The safe is fifteen feet long, eight feel wido t
and about a# many feet high. It ia divided into two
spartmonis, in the inner one of which the money ia
deposited, and it bus three thick iron doors,each hav
ing two locks, the keys to which are distributed at
night among the different clerks —the Assistant
Treasurer keeping himself the register of the princi
pal key, that tho safe cannot be unlocked unless all arc
present. On the side of the safe are tiers of boxes,
capable of holding in all nine millions six hundred
thousand dollars. They are now filled with coin,
which ia pul up in bag# of five thouaand dollars each,
except a few containing small amounts for convo
nicnco in making payments. Tho weight of the ten
millionß of gold now in custody ia eighteen and
three-quarter tons.
Liability fob Accidental Killing.—A German
woman, in Chicago, woB recently killed by being
B l r ack on Iho hood by a largo ball, with which .omo
person, worn playing in a garden, by which Iho
woman woo passing. Her husband .nod tho owner
of Iho garden for *5,000 damogo. an.tamcd by 11.0
looa ofllii wire. The caao wa. carried up lo Iho
Supremo Court of Illinois, upon the question » hath,
or or not tho owner of the garden could bo liable
under a tick errcoroktancoo. -Tho opinion of Clio
Court waa in Ilia affirmative. The Judge (Galon)
said t
‘•lfa parly sets in motion inanimate mailer or
brute force in auoh a wo, that injury to another I.
tho result, no uno doubt. 1... liability for injuries
which ensue. And why should bo bo loss liable
when tho instrument, sro intelligent being. 7 An
infinite variety of oases might bo pul, end will reed,
it, occur, lo show that if the defendant act people to
ploying in hi. garden, without te.sonobly end prep,
orly securing it to protect those who were lawfully
passing the adjoining highway from danger likely
to result from the playing of the game, ho is liable
for injuries.
N. J- Died, tiiz BraAMiex.— "Dr. Wm. J. Ilunlor, ■
the marrying roan, wboeo r.eal name ia Nathaniel J-
Dird, and wlioao parcnla rcalde in Flarrliburg, woe
arraigned for trial before the Court at Camden, on
Wedncedey, and plead guilty to two bill. of indict,
menl, charging him with bigamy, in marrying Juno
Smith and Sarah Buck, being already married. lie
wu, lo base keen aentenced yeaterday. The law in
Now, in regard lo anch offcncoa, ia quite
■cere, impoaing a penalty of a fine of ®l,OOO, or im
prtsonmont for ten year., or both, according lo the
enormity of llm offence.
Liezt.SoiT.-Ardibi.liop Huglica.ofNow Yoili.lioh
brought euit for libel egoinel Ibe propiioiora of Ilio
Episcopal Hecordtr, in Pl.iladqpbia, for publi.liing a
communication which .lalcd lb. l Arnhbiahnp Mngliea
bad officiated aa Bl.liop .1 Gibraltar 1 that he bail
been incarcerated in the Monriab Caalla for refuaing
Aa.lho days Shorten, and.ha shadows of .be The answer, Mercy lo *'■" P ro ”“ f ~
y.»'lengthen, "theie is heard music very unlike the Charge d Affaire. in re ‘ al '°" '°
J . ~L • ~. l•,» „ . Wfl nre Ingraham difficulties at tho port of Smyrna, is puD
the of the Har.lo" mho lend We ere Tllo onl of M ' r . M arey i. elaborate,
now greeted w.lh the hammering of sheet .ron-a conc|uaivei u „ an , wcrn(jlo _ andi blll , hal it w oold
sonorous echo, which resounds far and wide, like Mcopy near j y |ho cnliro flpaco we can comroan d for
a “throat of brass and adamantine lungs.” Every road i nff roa ucr. wo would place it, ol length, before
house has a stove pulling op, and all engaged are rcadeM Tho d oimn d 0 f Baton ls in
more or less begrimtned wilb dust and sooti des- following concluding paragraph of bis ebrnmo
pile the best housewifes. Just at this time, we n i oa ii on:
would caution all people lo beep away from iho “Tho imperial government entertains too high an
houses of friends and neighbors, for the most wel- opinion of tho seneo of Jualico of intcgniyof
, . , . „ j ma « iho government oflho United Stoics to doubt tor a
edme face may be .unwelcome at limes, and may instanl jta anxiety lo disavow iho conduct of
hap begrimtned with soot. Parlors which were j tß agents, under tho circumstances above mentioned, ,
adornod with flswers, and with gossamer fixings nn d that it will hasten to call thorn to a severe sc
, coant. and lender to Austria a satisfaction proper
to keep out the summer heal, are now undergo** | |o lhe mpgniludo of lho outrage.”
preparations to keep out the cold of winter. ler-i Mr> jiarcy’a vigorous pen confronts and over
sons who but a few wceka:ago.wero wiping offtho | throWß UVOf y algQm o nl adduced by tho Austrian
perspiration standing in big globules on their Charge; and bo closes bis able paper with tho sub
brows, are now shivering with cold, and bringing j o | paragraphs, which are all we can find room
out their thick garments, all lho lime now . They conlajn, however, lho gist of the (
the opinion that the fall has approached unusually document:
early. It is certain that we have cold and chilly i “The conclusions at which the President has ar. (
, rived, after a full examination of the transactions ol
weather close upon us. Smyrna, ood a respectful consideration of the views
Now is the lime for our young friends lo prepare 0 f Austrian government thereon, os presented
forspending profitably the long evenings before jn Mfi Huleomann’s note, are, that Koszta, when
them. Let .hem form literary and aclen.ikc ..... £ d "'
cialions, or any associations which may lena to ,ho right if they choso to exercise ii, to extend their ■
I mutual improvement,inintellocland morals. Phis p ro toction to him; that from International law lho
is the lime lo make arragcmonls for those, and they only law which can be rißl.trun, -ppoolcd to lor ,
1 ... ... . .. A tMa harm rules of action in this case—Austria could derivei no
should be established in every village. No harm , b “ ] [ Uotily l 0 o b 9 irucl or Interfere with lire United
can result from them, if properly conducted, but g , uleß [ n exorcise of this right, in effecting tho
much good, and every Wise parent will extend on iteration of Koszta ; and that Captain Ingraham s
fa . J „ _w,ciinry intcroosilion for his release was, under the peculiar
oouragenient to them. There are means exts g Extraordinary circumatonccs of the case, right 1
in every community, however small, to establi-m nnd p ro per.
a libiarv. bv the exchange of books, and iruevery Those conclusion? indicate to Mr. Ilulscmann Ihe
.e ? .ion .here are acme ma.enals. for a,,,, .»•« .J .h^
society, a great meaaa of eliciting information, dcmand , proßC nlcd in Mr. Ilulsomnnn’s nolo,
and inducing persons to Study books and men. The President docs not see sufficient causa for
, disavowing the nets of the American agents which
A Remarkable Water Drlnkorl nrp complained of by Austria. Her claim for satis-
Tho Boston Medical Journal has an account of a f ilc ij on Q n that account hns been carolully consider
man who ia .opposed to bo lho greatest drinker rd. and Is respectfully declined. ,
• a • :r . <i« H«ia Being convinced that the seizure and imprison
among memo America, ifnol on the globe He mcnl Q f Koszla wcro illegal and unjustifiable, the
living in excellent health, at the ago of fifty eight p rC pj(j cn i a i B „ declines to give his consent to his I
years, and ia a slate of perpetual thirst. Th Q inc^l delivery lo the Consul General of Austria at Smyrna;
vidual alluded lo is Mr. James Webb, of Fairhavcn. but, after full examination of the case, as herein pro.
Mass Under cvcrv aspect in which the case may sented. he has Instructed tho undersigned to com
’ . , | inunicalc to Mr. HuUcmann his confident expectation
bo examined it is remarkable, and perhaps onpar-i l|)nt l))e Emperor of Austria will like the propi r
loled in the annuls ofphysology. In caily infancy mcnaurce l 0 cause Marlin I^oszla 1 to bo restored to
lho quantiiy of water he consumed was so large as ,| )C Bnmc condition ho was in before lie was seized
to astonish those who witnessed it. A development in the streets of Smyrna on the 2ls of Juno lost
jin size and weight of the body required a enrres
p mding increase of Iho quanlily of hie aqu iiic pr> “sadfuclion !"
talionn. Under ordinary circumslancea npoor Richard" Rcpndlolcd.
lons of water l> rather a abort dally allowance lor w[|lcr , n BUcll woo d'a Magolinc. cornea down
him. and it would bo impoaaible it accma, for him '» lho DVCr prud cnl men of the day in Iho follow
live through the night with less than a pmliul.— '
With this iramen.e amount of cold water dailr pmir „ n 0 |,citation in .eying Hint we ccn.idcr
od into lho stomach, Mr. Webb has been in good |l4o mttn w ho does nol expend more than half hie
health and spirits. 1 income us a caiiff and a loscl. How ho expends it
1 is altogether o different question ; hut except m the
1 way of gross immorality, wo are decidedly of opin
ion that a scale of expenditure is a public blessing.
We hove an intense antipathy to the means apothe
gms which w® occasionally see quoted, we presume,
from the margin of Miser’s Almanack, •Waste not,
want nol *A penny saved is a penny gol; 'I hero
arc forty six pencea in a pound, and a pound is the
seedling of a hundred.* No doubt there is a gem,
of truth in all these proposition*, for it J» “J* 1 9Urd
to be recklessly extravagant as .1 would bo to cat
Bank of England notes with your bread and butler ,
bulll.c icilcralicn of them I. offena.v. end they
aound litre lho maaim of a .conger. One coal in
I lho year may be ...ffieicnl le cover your nakoduea. ,
buJfyuo can effurd them, by all mean, gal Urea
or four. In lho Brel place, your appearance will bo
materially.improved, which, lei ua 101 l you. I. often
no moan consideration, in so far ns your own inter- i
cat is concerned. Many a fellow has been doomed,
through sheer sccdiness. to hard struggles and dis- I
appointment, and has most unjustly blamed his stars, |
whereas, in fact, the fault loy with his apparel. We
arc acquainted with a notorious Whig who has three
limes been cruelly used by his parly on account of
the inveterate gceasincss of hie garments. In the
next place you have the comfortable conviction that
you are conirlbuling your just share to the support
ofa score of excellent Individuals, including the far
mer, manufacturer and snip, the tailor, who looks to
you for his dally cabbage. And, luslly, you become
the possessor of a slock of old clothes, which. If you
have the feelings of a gentleman, you will bestow
upon some indigent Christian, instead of basely bar
tering them to a Levilo.
A WsralUß to Gills,
A man named James Manurd, recently slopped «l {
Si. Louis, having in company with him a young la- ’
dy whom he had married only seven days before, al l
Dccalyr, in Illinois. While in Decalur, ho profess. 1
cd lo be a minister of iho Gospel, preached sermons,
held prayer meetings, and olherwisd affected the
manners and callings of a clergyman. This lady,
to whom he was united, married him under the be
lief that lie wnaa preacher. After remaining al Bt.
1 Louis a few doys. ho fled', leaving lilt wife in a dcs- j
\ litulo condition, al iho hotel wboro they slopped 1
\ li Uat since been asooriatrod thal~ho bad Stolen the
l \ horse and carriage, and & large quantity of galuablo
' goods, at Alton. Tho young Udy thus deceived ond
1 deserted, returned to her mother in Decatur. She
I probably married the man, as 100 many young U
j dies do, after a few weeks acquaintance, knowing
nothing of his previous life. A little prudence on
the part of young ladies, and as much discrcl ion as
I hoy would exercise in buying a new would
save many of them the shamo and mortification of
such deception.
Hannfaeinre of Wrought Iron*
Tlio papers at Cleveland, Sandusky and Detroit j
are much occupied with a discussion of the results
arrived at by the introduction of Renton’s now pro
cess of making wrought iron direct from the ore by
the use of mineral coni instead of charcoal. It was
lately tried at Cincioriali, with a quantity of Loko
Superior iron oro, and during Iho first six hours 1,
249 pounds of blooms were made out of 2,426 lbs. of
ore. A portion of the iron was rolled into bars, and
was found, by severe lest, to bo an article remarka
ble lor toughness.* Similar results wore attained with
Otiio and Virginia limestone iron ores. According
UUho Cleveland Herald. Iho now process economises
fuel, as, by measurement, it only lakes one and o half
tons of mineral coal to make a ton of blooms. By
this method the Ohio ores will yield about forty per
cent, of iron, and Clio Lake Superior ore from fifty to
sixty per cent, and iho cost of making a 100 of iron
is considerably reduced.
The value of the invention may be seen from the
' fact, which is slated by the Herald, that the patent.
* right for Now Jersey has already been sold for 850,
f 000, for Ohio at 6100.000, for Wisconsin at 620,000,
and for Western Pennsylvania el 800,000. One cf
-3 feet of the introduction of this process will b* to in.
crease very largely the demand for miners’ egal.
Wonderpul C-srtorition !—The Mississippi [
Times, (Holly Springs,) of the Ist September, comes
lo us with the following announcement : I
Seven Children at one Birth !— Mietittippi a |
gainst lA« World '—The most astonishing purturi
lion recorded in the annuls of the human taco, wol
are informed, occurred last week in the vicinity of 1
Salem, Tippah county, in this State. Our informa- |
lion is from a gentleman of veracity, who slates that
a lady of that neighborhood bos just become the
mother of seven children at one birth I
Was there ever a woman in the world that boat
(his 7 Is (bore a woman living that can beat it 7
Is there a woman living that wants to boat it ?
The Ykllow Fever has alinosl disappeared al
New Orleans. On Wednesday, there wire only
11 deaths from Ihal disease. In Mobile, also, the
fe?cr is rapidly diminishing. But at Vicksburg,
Nalohez, Baton Rouge, and other places along
tho Mississippi, it still prevails with considerable
Tho potato rot is spreading with fearful rapidity
throughout all parts of tho country. Judging from
(ho accounts which roach us of its prevalence, It
will bo moro destructive this year than over before.
The Pennsylvania Stole debt, since 1851, bos been 1
reduced by tho Sinking Fund $918,810, and noty
amounts to 840.203,733/ -The six percent, debt
outstanding in 1851. bus been converted into a five
per cent slock, saving $20,000 a year in interest.
(j3> Yankee Sullivan und John Morrissey, two
noted pngili.l. of Now York, oro preparing fqr a
priio Mil- Tlio police, in order in prevent il, tnndo
on oUompt lo arrcol them. iml oner taking thorn
In cualody both worn forcibly,taken from tho officer..
g-y A laic writer «ay., that whenever you beer
a wife talking about tho high connoollona of her
family loot make up your mind Ural her in
epooncy. The remark i. Jo.l aud will ropey re
membering. .
Rather ominous—to bo importuned by your young
wife lo got your life insured.
To us this looks very much like a Yauktt sort
Washington Items. —The Hon. John W. Da
vis has excepted the Governorship of Oregon.
Hiram Powers, the sculptor, has been appoint
ed Commercial Agent of the United States al
Four companies of iho Bth Infantry have been
ordered lo establish military posts opposite El
Paso. This probably is done in view of the re
cent difficulties between the Mexican authorities
al El Paso and residents of New Mexico,in which
the American District Attorney was killed.
Mr. Mareey left for Albany on Tuesday, in
company with Mr. A. French, hia brother-in-law
and confidential clerk. Ho w ill be absent a week
or ton days.
Colonel Fromoni has returned from St. Louis,
having been compelled to abandon hla proposed
explorations in consequence of ill health.
How IT Feels to Have the Yellow Feveb,
A correspondent from New Orleans, who appears
to understand the nature of the terrible epidemic,
thus graphically pictures it forth ;
“The strong sinewed man sleeps al night, rev
cling in beautiful dreams, but as ho awakes in the
morn, all the fires ofa volcano seem concentrated
in his burning brain. His face grows haggard
with its intense suffering. His eyes revolve in
thoir orbits with glaring vivacity Yellow streaks
overspread his features in a moment, as if dashed
'thereby a coarse brush dipped in gall. Sharp
pangs tremble in his marrow. His blood throbs
ItlitUighimng, hot and quick in every bursting
vein, and then a whirlwind of the wildest delirium
wraps Iris soul in dreams of fire. Oh! this is the
Yellow Fever!
It is said ten l bousnnd negroes have died of Ike
present yellow fever in Cuba.
Il a maxim of (Jen Jackson’s : 'Take lime lo
deliberate, but wbon the lime for action arrives, slop
Tho Irish gill who discovered!* skeleton in tho
cellar of a house in Lcveroll street, Boston, three or
four weeks ago, has never recovered from the fright
received on that occasion, and is now In tho insane
asylum in consequence.
(ry By Ibo arrival of lira aloamor Croaoont Cily,
>1 Now York on Tuesday, we bavo Ibo California
mail, of Sept. 1. Ibo canto dale a, tiro nowa received
by lire Norlborn Light. Tho Crceconl Cily brlnga
obont ,1.000,000 in Gold on freight.
Fat .now Tuawllcub.—Will you help mo 00l of
tble mud boloJeaid a travelling draggiil who bad
juet boon compelled lo atop hie team m o mud hole,
beenuao tlioy couldn’t pull II out.’
No I can’t atop,’ card Ibo Yankee, who wee hoov.
ily loaded, and waa fearful that he would bo late for
the oars. . , ~
‘1 would take It os a groat favor, bostdes paying
you,’ said the former. *
* >What are you loaded with? said tho Yankee.
‘Drugs and medicines,’said ho.
‘Well. I gucis I’ll try lo got you out then, for I am
loaded with tombstones.’ §|
'l’bcy wore seen travelling together after that.
oj* The Empress of Franco smokos her cigarette
with all Ibo sang froid of a vulgar Yankee.
©550 nun ©libs.
Be not avaricious.
Soon ripe, soon rollon.
Appearances somolimca deceive.
Cool and bracing—the weather.
Vamshsng—mosquitoes and Alee.
Shallow artifice, begets suspicion.
A shocking affair—in electric machine.
The yellow fever bos abated in Now Orleans.
Don’t count yotir chickens till tbey'ro batched.
Teach not others until you hove learned yourself.
RouSomber—purchase from those who advertise.
It is (ho nature of oil greatness not to bo exact.
Time bounds the hope of the unbelieving man.
The present state Is the Infancy of eternity.
It is better to bo the credit of s mean post than
ic shame of a high one.
It Is belter to loso a good coat than i good con
is easy to despise, but to understand is fur bet’
costs more to revenge injuries, than to bear
Take care of the body, but not as if it were the
ini. 1
The noisiest lady In existence, it said to bo Polly
Speak will) calmness and deliberation on all oc
The lady who was lost In amazement, has been
High in the figures—every hind of marketing
just now.
The population of (119 Sandwich Islands is given
at 84.1G5.
Excellence is often attained la the absence of
One half of the world doos’nl know how the other
ialf lives.
Tho salary of the Governor of California is $lO,.
000 a year.
There are nearly 1000 practising dentists in New
York City.
A Gentleman—One who has nothing to do and
no time lo du it.
Epos Sargeant, of Boston, 1# engaged In writing
life of Franklin.
Snails led on strawberries, arc the last Invented
delicacy in Paris.
An immense hotel is to bo-crcclod on Broad Street,
The Full trade is now at Us height in Now York
id Philadelphia.
Queen Victoria has prohibited the polka being
danced in her presence.
Ua lot of shingles cost ten dollars how moch will
liouso and lot cost.
Agricultural Fairs are to be held in different parts
of the Stale this Full.
A bar of soap is rccommcndc a good medicine
,0 ensure health.
Juslico is ilsolf Iho great .landing policy of civil
The true cure for one half of tho human maladies,
is employment.
It is of no consequence of whnl parents a man is
born, so that lie be a man of merit.
Narrow circumstances uro the most powerful
stimulants to mental expansion,and the early frowns
of fortune the best security for her final smiles.
Never court the favors of tho rich by flattering
either their vanities or their vices.
The New York Crystal Palace is lo close in Da
icmber. So tho managers say.
Throe hundred years have elapsed since tho last
war between Russia and England.
Il has been estimated that $15,000,000 are spent
annually in this country for rnm.
Gold dust In largo quantities has been discovered
within tho cily liraiie of Sacramento.
True gieatncss it not greater for Iho pralacs of
men, it is what it ie, in spile of thorn.
A woman, stated to weigh 704 lb*, and btrt 37
years of age, is on exhibition in New York.
There ore twelve hundred volumes in the British
museum that cost half a million of dollars.
The nett proceeds of the great Dublin Exhibition
have thus,far readied the sum of $320,000.
Whcotand Flour have gone up with s rush. They
may come down, ditto. Holders bo careTul.
The Mormons of Utah have contributed a block
of stone lo the National Washington Monument.
Our merchants will present unusual attractions
in the way of cheap and handsome goods this season.
If yon wish for care, perplexity* and
selfish in all things. This is (he shortest road lo
The Chinese insurgents punish smokers of opium
by beheading, and those who use tobacco by the
A loan of $lOO,OOO is being agitated,for the crcc
m ol a Public School House and a City Hospital
San Francisco.
Henry Ward Beecher says, ‘there is a great deal
more gospel in a loaf of bread sometimes, than in
an old dry sermon.
A spring of water capable of furnishing fifty thou*
and gallons doily, has boon discovered in the tunnel,
on Mountain Like California.
Among the articles of consumption at the Mdri.
polmn Hotel, New York, for the your ending Sept.
1, 1853, is 418,000 lbs of beef.
Eighty years have elapsed since the publication
of the celebrated ‘Junis Letters' in England, and
their real author is still unknown.
A German writer says (hut the people of the U.
Slates can burst more steamboats ond chew mofc
tobacco than any five nations in the worW.
The Bible, in the following sentiment, has a pret
ty good idea of the pest of society—e tale bearer:
“Set a watch over thy mouth, ond keep the door of
thy Ups, for a tale bearer Is worse than o thief.”
The blind in Franco arc said to be about one to
every thousand individuals. The unfortunate amount
to 37.CG2 In the whole population of Franco.
Wo hoar of on editor who writes his- editorials
with stolen chalk*Wl tho solo of his boot, fie goes
boro fooled while tho boys sol up tho manuscript.
Tho Now Jersey Whigs are to moot in State Con
vention on the IQlli of October, for Ibo purpose of
nominating candidates for Governor and other Stulo
The story of‘Hot Corn’ has realized for the -Five
Point. mle.ion,’ Now York. ,1,100. Everybody
should road it«
Love can gel along with very 111110 language—
Two equoexoa end a hog will convey more mooning
t» an ardent temperament than the whulo llvo book,
of Moses.
A fallow named archer .1010 a pair of cbickone
(ell Ural bo had) from a weelcrn odilor, whereupon
he exclaims —
■•lnsatiate Archer, would not ono sufllce 1
A Dr Riffles, In England, has in his possession a
volume containing an original loiter from cool, of
it,. .Inner, of the Doc oration of Independence, end
oaob ona’onbe ouooe.alvo Prc.ldonl. of the United
States. %
A mathematician being asked by a slout follow.
“Iflwo pigs weigh twenty pounds, how muoh will
a largo hog weigh 7” ho/spiled, “Jump into tho
goalee, and! will tell you Immediately.”
The best curs for dyspepsia Is to collect bills for
a newspaper. If that don't give you an appetite,
you might os well sell your stomach for tripe, and
have done with U.
Grace Greenwood proposes toeslablish a juvenile
paper in Philadelphia. • Tho Boston Post says, (hot
is probably tho only juvenile thing she will over
From tho National Intelligencer.
The late Elkahah Watson, for many years d
resident of Albany, was present as a spectator id
the House of Lords when the independence of th o
American colonies was formally acknowledged by
George the Third. Tho following extract from
Mr.’ Watson's journal affords a vivid picture of
that interesting event:
London, Thursday t December 4, 1793
The great glorious day has arrived when our
unconditional independence will be solemnly re*
cognized by George 111., in the presence of God
and man. Such, at last, are the well earned fruits
of a sanguinary and eventful contest of eight long
long years, in which period one hundred thousand
brave Americans have ccraeritdd on the alter of
their country, with their precious blood, a pn M
which will bless unborn millions,and in its event*
ful effects produce a new era over the entire sur*
face of this benighted world.
At an eaTly hour, in conformity (0 previous ar
rangements, 1 had the honor to be conducted by
the Carl of Ferres, to the very entrance of the
House of Lords. At the small door he whispered
softly Into my ear: »*Gel as near the foot of the
throne as possible; maintain your position; fear
not.* 1 1 did so with all the assurance of a travel
ed Yankee, and found myself exactly in front of
the throne, elbow to elbow with the celebrated
Admiral Lord Howe, who had just returned from
a successful relief of Gibraltar.
The ladies of the nobility occupied the lord 1 *
scat on the woolsack, so called, as an emblem of
the power and wealth of old Ertgland, because it
has been mainly derived from wool: The lords
were standing here and there prortfscttatfsly as |
ll was a dark and f* ggy day—a proper ftngliefr
hanging day. To add to Ms gloomy effects, Hie
old Saxon windows stand high up, with leaden
bars .to conlain (he diamond cut panes of glass;
the walls also hung with dark tapestry, represent*
ing the defeat of the great Spanish Armada in
15b8. I had the pleasure of recognizing the cele
brated American painters, West and Cob[ey, and
some American ladies in the group; all rebels at
heart; intermixed with many American royalists,
some of whom were my near relatives, with Tong
dejected faces, and rage and dispair depicted in
every lineament of ihetr features. After standing
for two hours in painful suspense, the approach of
Ilhe king was announced by a tremendous roar of
cannon. He entered the small door on the left of
the throne, and immediately seated himself In the
chair of Stale, decorated in his royal robes, in a
graceful, formal and mfjesiic posture; with hit
I right fool resting on a stool. He was evidently
I agitated, and drew slowly from hlspockela scroll
,' containing the humiliating speech. 1 was exactly
j in bis front, six or eight feel distant, with my left
foot braced upon the last step of the throne to sus-
tain my position Iroin ihe prt ssure tn my rear, and
critically watched, v ith the eye of a LavafeY, In
every motion ol his agitat'd cooni«s
nance. Ho began: “My Lords and gentle-
men,” and in direct reference to our independence,
said :
“1 | no limo in giving il*e necessary orders
lo prohibit the further prosecution of offensive waf
upon the continent of North American,
“Adopting, as my inclination will always lead
me lo do, wifh decision and effect, whatever r col
led m bo the sense of my Parliament and my peo
ple, I have pointed all my views and measures in
Europe, as in North America, to an entire and
cordial reconciliation wilt ihe colonies. Finding
it indispensable to tbo attainment pf this object, I
did not hesitate lo go the full length of tho power
vested in me, and the efore In w declare thorn.—
[Here he paused and hesitated fora moment,and
wan in evident agitation. The pill he had lo
| swallow in the next breath was repugnant to his
' digestive organs. In 1775 he repelled onr frornWfl
petition with indignity, but in 1752h0 found him
self prostrate at our feet. Ho recovered himself
by a strong convulsive effort and proceeded than:]
I declare them free and independent Slates. In
Urns admitting their separation from the Cfotrnof
their kingdom, 1 have sacrificed efery Considera
tion of my own to the wishes and opinions of my
people. 1 make it my humble and ardent prayer
to Almighty God that Great Britafn may nof feel
tho evils which might result Horn so grtzff a dts
r membermeut of the empire, and that America may
r bo free from calamities which have formally prov.
ed in the mother Country how essentia! monarchy
' | 8 the enjoyment of constitutional liberty. Reli
gion, language, interests and affection roay,*amd I
( hope will, prota a bond pf permanent union be
tween the two countries.”
It is impossible to describe Ihe Sensations of roj
rebellious mind at the moment when the Ring
hesitated lo pronounce the words free and inde
pendent, and to notice whh what u bad grade ho
he had to swallow the dose; every artery fcas in
full play, and beat high In unison \Vlth my proud
American feelings.* it was impossible not lo re
vert my eyes across the Atlantic and review in ra.
pid succession the miseries nnd wretchedness i
had witnessed in the several stages of the war
prior to my leaving America; the wide spread des
olation resulting from the obstinacy of tins ver j
man turning a deaf ear to our humble appeals lo
his jiiblicc and mercy, as if a god, but now pros
trate in his turn. In his speech ho lolls oa (n ontf
I breath that ho has sacrificed every personal con*
| siduration; in other words, not yet satiated &itfr
innocent blood shed by hli Indian allies; and in
the next hypocritically invoking high Heaven 16'
guard us against calamities, &c.
'Plio great drama i:* now closed. The halt wa«
opened at Lexington, where the British red-coals
were taught lo dance down to Charlestown to the
tune of •• Yankee Doodle.” On this occasion it
fell also to my lot to march from Providence,
Rhode Island, with a company of twenty-five well
disciplined young men, all dressed in scarlet, oh
our way to Lexington, with packs on mr barks;
but they had fled before we could teach the scene
of action.
From the House of Lords I proceeded to Mr.
Copley’s dwelling in Leicester square lodine; and,
through my ardent solicitations, he mounted the
Americag stripes on a large painting In the gallery
the same day—-the first which ever waved in tri
umph In England.
f leaving the House of Lords I Jostled In, side
by side with Weal and Copley, enjoying the rich
political repast of tho day, and noticing with si
lent gratification the anguish and despair of the
.Tories. . ,
In the House of Commons tho ensuing day*
' there was not much bitter debate, but a good deaf
lof acrimony. Commodore Johnson attacked Lord
I Howe’s expedition lo Gibraltar, because hohaa
'not gained a decisive victory oyer the coroMotu
fled of forty five Bail of Hie lino with thuly-Bevwj
Bhipa. Iluriio llion roao, Indulging in nm■> “
satire nnd ridicule, » eerroro •■lack on the Kins '
anoeoli Iho day previous on tho aubjeol of Araerl
can independence, oaylng It was a (imago of noil'
aenao and hypootiay. Young Pill, Urn newly
created Chancellor of lira Kachequor, then rose
and handled Burke with dignified severity,
Ing him with buffoonery and levity.
Having received from Alderman Wood a card
| of admission to tho gallery of the House of Com
t mons, oa tho House was rising, tho Aldermair
(vtrho Is a member) came Into the gallery and in
vited mo to descend with him to iho floor of the
J House. I met Mr. Burke, with whom I hod break-'
fasted, who introduced me as amossongcrof peace
to Pill, Conway, Fox. Sheridan, and two or three
other members grouped upon the floor. 1 never
full more elevated in my life. In describing this
scene Id a friend in France, in a moment of exul
tation, 1 subjoined.
“Figure to yourself, ray door friend, n yoonjP
American traveller of twenty-four, in the full,
gaudy dross of a Parisian, hailed In
papers and’ standing on tho floor of the Brinw
House of Commons (whore the destiny °*
America in Its infancy has been so often agu*» fl //
as a messenger of peace, surrounded by o
the brightest constellation of political men t
over graced the annals of English history.
TI,o N. V. Journal of Commerce elyles
present faetilon for ladies’ dresses Iho nßVoomers.
on account of tlioir tendency to sweep the groona-
The name Is oeilalnly appropriate.