American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, May 05, 1853, Image 4

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l •; • 87 THOMAS MOORS*
'To those wo love we pledged to-night;
/, Bat new attend and stare not,
While the ampler list recite
Of those for whom wo care not.
For royal men, howe'er they frown,
If on'their fronts they bear not,
The noblest gem lhat.deoks a crown,
The people's love—we oar© not.
For slavish men who bend beneath
A despot yoke, yet dare not
Pronounce the will, whose very breath
Woold rend its links—we care not.
For priestly men, flho covet sway
And wealth, though they declare not;
Who point, Hue finger-posts the way
They never go—wo care not.
For martial njen, who on their sword,
Howe'er it conquers, wear not
Tha lpledgeß of a soldier’s word,
Redeemed and pure—wo bare not.
For legal men who plead for wrong,
And though, to lies they swear not,
Are.hardly belter than the throng
Of those who do—we care not;
For oourlFy men, who feed upon
The land, like grubs, and spare not
The smallest leaf, where they can sun
Their crawling limbs—we care not.
For wealthy men, who keep their mines
In'darkoess bid, and share not
The paltry ore with him who pines
In hon&£t want—we care not.
For prudent men, who hold the power
Of love aloft, aod bare not
Their hearts in any guardless hour
To beauty’s shaft—we care not.
For all, in short, on land or sea,
In camp or ooart, who are not,
Who never wsnK, or n’or will be
Good men and true—we care not.
Stick to It.
The very doctrine of all others. "Stick to it."
Who ever knew a mortal to enrol himself under
this banner, and come o'ul the little end of the
horn? Nobody, we’ll be bound. Us principle,
acted up to with rectitude, purpose, heart and
soul, would keep any man above water and in
blue sky.
“Slide to it" It’s the very history of success
in epitome. All history, all experience ; the tri
umph of mind, art, literature, every great and no
ble work ie Us direct and appropriate illustration.
He who would be, do, gain, make, save, achieve
anything in whatever department of life, trade,
politics, religion, philanthropy, or love, must make
it his first and last object of solicitude—the Alpha
and Omega of his aspiration and action. i
■ Tell
us, young man, who ever did a tiling worth |
a note, that did not ‘‘slick to ill’ 1 Look around
you among jout and see who is.,
and who is not ‘'something." In linn who is tie-1
servedly famous and honored, you will find the
man who, years ago, in the strength, determine*,
lion, energy, and light of an all conquering reso- 1
1 ulion said, “77/ aiidi to it," and who did, and lias I
stuck to It ever since. I
What has made great lawyers, slalnsmen, (Ji-!
vines, artists'? What has made a Webster, a 1
Choate, a Brougham, a Kossuth 1 Simply, and 1
solely, and truly, by choosing something real and
vital, and sticking to it. And if you wish, or ex
pectfor mean to do or bo any thing, you have got
to do likewise. Then clmose, and “ stick to it."
Armed with its principle and inspiration, yuu may
rise to undreamed of heights—wanting it you may
sink to unlhoughl of depths.
UEAOTir[/u.v gorgeous wns the sunless sky;
the last the summer birds /.•(! upon the
ear as thoyretirod to thotr resting places in the
green forest, and everything whispered ol
1 stood with my beloved in a beautiful garden, re
galed by the odor of a thousand flowers, (Jetiily
I drew my arm around her delicate waist, and
was about to imprint a kiss upon her lips, when
she looked me saucily in the eyes, and wuh a
smile upon her countenance, she said “don’t," and
I don'led.
A Sandwich Islander being a witness in a court
in London, was interrogated as to bis knowledge
of the eacred character of an oath, and replied
“A man who tells a lie will have nothing but
pain hereafter (p'lininlg to tire fire.) The spun
of a good man will leave his body and yu to hea
ven. The truth is always told when iho heart is
warm directed.) Ood i« Jobovab in Hea
ven. The body dies— goo* to dust. The soul
lives after death. It necerdies. I'hooaib I take
is like a prayer, calling upon (Jod to look and see
that whsl 1 sav is true.”
A female teacher of a school, that stood on the
banks of a quiet English stream, once wihln-d io
communicate to her pupils an idea u t faith. U hi In
she was trying to explain the moaning of the word,
a small covered boat glided m mj»hi al mjr ihe
stream. Seizing upon ihe incident tor an illustra
lion, she exclaimed :
“If I were to tell you that them was a leg of
mutton in that boat ( you wmild me ; would
you not, even without seeing n yourselves 1”
“Yes ma’am,” replied iU»-rUil-ti.m,
"Well, that is faith."
t . Tl.o nexl d ay. in i > (/•*( i iirir reroMerdon
of Ihe lesson she inq-uied .
“What m falih ?"
“A- leg of miuiun in -i l> ai w.h ihe answer,
shouted from all pans of the -cb -d room.
’ Tis blessed to die early, when norny accom
panies us to Ibe iom b. \\ eea n n i'-i ri • gaze upon
the pale sweet fare of a cliild, b.ill buried in its
pillow of flowers, (,>r we led that the umooeni is
well. Bui our heart sudvens, <mr mind lutimik'n
unaollled, wlion wo know that ih.- lining lying in
her narrow house before us p.-fished m Mn
Young, fa ir, lovely, a flue I idna le, yet erring. The
fruit of pleasure perished m ashes lip,
and she is now—what 1
Sometime since, a company ol sailors, wind
bound on Sabbath, concluded to attend a religious
meeting in the neighborhood, hso happened ihe
one who was the rnosi ant and fearless ol ihe par
ly, took a seat immediately before ihe desk of ihe
preacher. Ilu had a goodly fleece of hair on bin
it one], and that on Ills forehead being combed up,
afforded a fine chance to lake possession |»y seiz
ure. In the midst of the do-course, ihe preacher
loaned oror the desk and grasped this person by
tho fore lop, saying—
“ Young man, do you know you are going to
“I did not,” ho instantly replied, “but I do bo-
Uevo it now, for 1 boo tho Devil’s gol mo by tho
A hutneroQS old man foil in with an ignorant
and rather Impertinent young mininler, who pro
ceeded lo inform the old gentleman, in very posi
tiTO tennfl, that ho could never roach heaven unleab
ho was born again, and added :
“1 have experienced that change and now feel
no anxiety.’*
“ And have vnu been born again 1“ said his com
panion, imisiifPy.
“Yes, I trust I have.”
.. ,* ® a,( * l *‘° gentleman, eyeing him
attentively, “I don’t think U would hurl you,
young man, lo ha horn onco more,*’
Absknok or Mino.— The foreman of a grand
jury In Missouri, after administering an oaih to n
beautiful woman, instead of handing the Dibit*
presented his face and said—" Now kies the book'
madam!” Ho didn’t discover bis mistake until
the whole jury burst into a roar of laughter.
In the *■'
In the eiroota of Loiooalor ono day, Doan Swifi
ll** " d'Mlcon weaver, who alaggor
lil« rovaroneo, said: hnvo boon
have n?,! 1 °“ 1- ” “ Yo 0 1" «»W Doa ". “I boo you
haro, and non you are reeling it homo." *
~ a:: n s*
THE subscriber has just returned' from the city
with a largo and splendid assortment of Hard*
wore, to which ho invites the attention of his custo
omrs ami the public generally. His stock comprises
every article usually found in Hardware stores.
Housekeepers, Builders, Carpenters, Saddlers,
Couch makers and others, would do well to gWo mo
a call before purchasing elsewhere, as I am deter
mined to sell at the very lower t prices. Call and
March 24, 1868.
English & American Hardware.
fpHE subscriber having just returned from th e
JL Eastern cities with a full and handsome assort
inent of all kinds of Hardware oftho very best mak'
era and well selected, is now opening atthoCheap
Hardware Stand, in North Hanover street, nexldoor
to Scott’s hotel,where ho invites all that are in want
of good and cheap Hardware, to give him a call and
see and satisfy themselves of the truth, as wo ore do
termined to sell at a small advance. Small profit
and quick sales lathe order of the day.
To Builders , Carpenters and Others.
A full stock of white, mineral and japaned knobs
locks and latches, hinges, screws, window sash and
shutter springs, strait-nocked and barrelled bolts, of
every kind; mill, cross cut and circular Saws; hand,
panel, ripping and back Saws; bright, black and blue
augurs; chisels, broad, pointing, hand and chopping
Axes, of different makers; hatchets, planes & plane
bits,stool and iron squares, files, rasps,brads,spikes
all sizes.
To Saddlers and Coach Makers.
Ourstock consists or a complete assortment of arti
cles in your lino of business, such as brass,silver &
japaned mounting, carriage trimmings, broad paster
ing ami seaming laces, fringes, plain and figured can
vass, oil doth, top lining cloth <St scigc lining, white,
rod, bine and black patent leather; Dashers, silver &
brass pinto. Deer hair, rosclts, hubs, follows, spokes
bows, clipile s|»rings, iron nxics, malleable castings
To Cabinet and Shoe makers.
A full stork of shoe kit and findings, boot morocco,
French kid, straits, morocco & lining and binding
skins;lasts, tacks, pegs, hammers, pinclfcrs, French
morocco, superior copal varnish, japan and black
varnish, mahogany and mnplc vancers, moulding
beading,rosels, glass, mincralaml mahogany knobs
of every size and style.
To lilark.smilhs , Farmers and Others.
11 tons of assorted har iron, warranted of Ih r bes
quality. A splendid assortment of bar and rolled
(iron, hammered , horse-shoe, scollop, plough .broad
and narrow I ire, rolled , hoihc-slioo lin r, bond , round
and square iron; east, shear, spring, English and
American blister steel, English wagon boxes, cor
rtiigc boxes i n sells,an viis, vucs, files , roups ,horse
shoe noils, Ac.
Tu ITou ieh copr Isi
A beautiful a ssort men t of cheap Fancy goods, such
us waiters, I u vs. plain & fancy knives, forks, hutch •
rr knives, steels, briltnnia lamps,brass candle slicks,
briUitmn and silver nble and tea spoons, plated but
ter knives, preserving kettles, smoottiing irons, iron
and lined tea A oval boileis, iron frying and bread
pans, washboards, tubs, churns, buckets, iron pots
wash kel t les, and stew pans , A c .
Carlisle, M-,y 7,1 Sfil
The Eleplianl lias A» »ivc<l,
And is now to he sicn at DWE'S, in North Han
our .Street,
WHEKE he has just opened a Mammoth stock of
fl A it I) W A ft E, which makes one ol the largest,
most complete, and cheapest assort incuts ever ofl'er
ed to the public. I now nmto all persons in want
of good Hardware at redmed prices, to give me 0
call us I can accommodate all from a needle to nn 1
anvil, and at prices to suit the times. RecoJJcct a
penny saved is two earned, and I consider o niinbie
sixpence belter than a slow shilling.
To Housekeepers. — A great a-—urlment of house
keeping articles, such ns br••• ,,, end enamel preserv
ing kettles, frying bake pans, wofllc Irons,
smoothing irons, shovels, longs, waiters,trays,forks,
knives, cai vers, steels, butr liei knives, spoons, plated
ton and table spoons, pocket and pen knives in great
variety, lazots ami razor straps, scissors,shears, iron
and brass, polished steel ami common shovels and
longs, shovels, spades, forks, rakes, lines, tubs, water
cans, painted buckets, wash boards.improvcd patent
cistern pumps and lead pipe.
It rushes. — A large assort men tof win low ash, dust,
sweeping, horse and painters brushes.
Iron. — A large slock of hammered bar iron,rolled
iron of alt kinds, hoop iron, sheet iron, round, square
uitd bandiion, English wugon boxes, and steel of
all kinds.
Vainta , oil, vnrniahcs, 1 urpentinc, gfuc, Ac
(Haas ol ail sizes.
To Sfionnnkrrs. — A full assortment of Morocco,
Innings, Bindings, patent Clout Skins, Lasts,Shoe
thread, Pegs, Knives, and Tools of ull kinds.
Itfnke'.i Firo Prool Paints of different colors.
To Cm penfera. — A full assortment of planes,saws,
chisels, gages, squares, braces, bills, bench screws,
augurs and augur bills, hatchets, &c.
To Conchnm/crra mui SmhUcra. —A first rate as
sortment of (Jarriauo (rimming*, mch »• \*r.c*, tas
sels, fringes, drab cloth and sallinett, head linings,
iiiiilulum • nunuded /earlier, patent leather curlin off
cloth, plain and figured; Dasher lions, Lamps, Axles,
Springs, M(liable (’listings, Bent Felloes, Hubs,
Bows, Philips' patent boxes for wood axles, fine
braqs, silver pl.i led and Japan harness mountings,
Saddle trees. Whips, and every article used by bad
dleis very cheap.
Carlisle, March 24, I 853.
Wall Papoi’N,
I HAVE just opened the largest ossoHment of
Wdll Papers over opened in Carlisle, consisting
of about 10,000 pieces of the latest French ond
Amoiican designs, ranging in price from 5 conlsto
75. Also Window Papers, Fire Screens, plain,
gteen and blue papers. Persons wishing to pur
chase any of the above, can save at least 26 per cl.
by calling at JOHN P.LYNE'S
Hardware Store, North Hanover Si.
M rch 24. ) 863.
Attention Shoemakers !
JUST receiving and opening a splendid assort
ment of Lasts by the sett or singly, Ladies French
and Ulack Kid. Also Madras, Capo snd Tampico
Morocco, American and French Calf Skins, Patent
Leather, Pink Lining, Binding Skins, Thicud, Pegs,
Awls, Bristles, and a full assortment of Tools gen
erally used by Shoemakers.
Humombcr the place—Hast Main street.
March 21. 1853
To Builders and Housekeepers,
THOSE w)io arc building or nboul commencing
housekeeping, will bo euro lo find al all limes an
assortment lo select from. Locks of all sorts and
sizes with brass, argillo, mineral and white knobs,
with Japaned or plated furniture, bull hinges cast
and wrought, wrought and strap Iron hinges,
screws, window glass from oxlo to 20x28, bolts,
&c. &o.
Ye who'bro about gelling married and going to
housekeeping—lots of pretty things lo please, such
a 8 f an cv wallers and trays; Ivory handle knives
and forks in soils and dozens, common knives and
forks, butler knives with plaited and Ivory ban
dies, frying and bread pans, smoothing irons,
tubs, churns, &o. ÜBNfiV SAXTON.
Carlisle, March 31, 1853.
To Saddlers, Coachmakcrs & Blacksmiths
A complete assortment of saddlery, japan, brass,
and silver mounting, all kinds of cnrrlogo trim*
mingn, such as damask, raillnel, loco, tassols, fringe,
drab and blue cloth, rod plash, plain, figured and
enamelled canvass, patent and imltotion leather,
plated dashes, lamps, real, castings, bent felloes,
hubbs, spokes, boughs, hammoredand rolled iron,
of all sizcsconstantly on hand.
March 3, 1863. H. SAXTON.
New Family Grocery Store.
High St., two doors East of Market House,
South iSide,
' TH E undersigned begs leave to inform the ciii*
sens of Carlisle and the public generally, that he
has opened a new FAMILY GROCERY STORK, ■
on East High Slrebt, and hopes by strict attention
to business, and a desire to accommodate and <
please all, to.merit a share of public patronage.— |
I keep constantly on hand an assortment of (ho
best family groceries, such as Coffees, Sugars, 1
Molasses, &c., &c., Lovering’s superior' white:
Crushed, Lump and Pulverised Sugars, at the
lowest prices. Also Rio and Java Coffees, of
heel quality. I
Qaconswaro, I
of every description, including French and Eng*
lisb Chinas in setts or Try thp piece} also Granite
and common ware of every description, also an
assortment of Glass ware, Willow and Cedar
ware of every description.
Black, Imperial and Young Hyson Teas of the
best quality, Sweet Spiced Zealand Chocolate,
prepared Cocoa.
Oswego prepared Corn,
manufactured and refined expressly for food, with
recipes for making boiled Custard, Ice Cream,
Pies, Cako, Blanc Mange, Minute,and Paddings,
also a lot of Heckor’s Farina.
Sugan Cured Hams,
of the very be«t quality, together with Dry Beef,
Tongue, Fish, Peaches, Smoked Herring,&o.
Spices of all kinds, Ground Alum, and fine ta
ble salt.
such as Oranges, Lemons,, Figs, Prunes, Rai
sins, &c., &c.
a full supply of Pine Oil and Fluid Lamps, at
lowest prices, constantly on hand. Rose's Kx
oelaior liiU.n superior article In small and large
bottles. Persons would do well by colling and
examining before purchasing elsewhere,asjve sell
cheap for cash. VV, A. C ARO I’H fiRS.
China and Crockery Ware
A LARGE andgoncralassortmcjil ofQuocnswarc
has just boon received by the subscriber, em
bracing a handsomeassorlmcnt of the best
White Granite Stone Ware,
such as dishes, plntos, teas, covered ond uncovered
dishosjbowls,toilet nnd chamber setts, pitchers,Ac.
together with a lot of
Ulue .Liverpool Ware,
all of the I a lest style and shapes; also all the various
orticlcsof the best common
I White and Edged Ware. !
The assortment includes a few plain while and gold
band tea act Ik, of the beat quality ond style, and also
all the necessary articles of the best Granite, Slone
and Ulue Liverpool Ware, suitable for any size of
Dinner or Tea Setts, as may be Wanted, together
[with a variety of Glues Ware, including a line os
jsortment of
[ Bar and Table Tumblers, j
dishes footed nnd other bowls, goblets, wineglasses*
lemonades, lamps, iVr. I
The prices for all are fired at the lowest cash
prices We invito our friends who are in want of
arliclctinourline,togiveusacall. I
.... - --- -—,l -JACOB FETTER,
Cheaper than the Cheapest, and in end- toui.d respectfully call the ntteMiun of hou.e
iess variety. Call and see them! j W keepers and the .puhlic.lo the extensive .lock
ft W.HAVEKSTIUK has just received from I | MMnEßjfe. of •plnrfM PURMTURB, inrlnd-
O* city and la now opening n splendid display 1 mg e.very vonely o a nnct-warc
Fancy Goods, suitable for tile approaching Scaso . nlu tairs, tv ne e tag now on
to which he desires to call the altentier, of h" hand at Itts Rooms, cornet of Hano,er and I.oulher
friend, and the public. ilr. n.sor,merit in th. street., opposite John Humet a store, Larh.lo
line cannot bo surpas.ed in novelty and elegance Ho Is conhden that the super,or finish of the
and both in quality an,l price of the article., cnnnl workmanship, and elegance of style, In which his
fail lo pience purchasers. it would be impossible I slides ore got up. together with their cheapness,
enumerate his Holiday Fancy Uocds, which com will recomin nd them lo every person wanting Fur
prise every variety of lancy articles of the most nov n ' lure - He has also made arrangements foi inanu
e styles, such as factoring and keeping a constant supply of every
Ladies’ Fancy askets 1 article in his line, both plain and 01 nnrnenU I, ele-
Fancy Wurk Uoxes, with sewing instruments. : B anl ;,nii UBpfll >. prices which cannot fail to suit
Terracotta Work (a recent novel.) pm chasers. He would earnestly invite persons who
Popcw Mnchc Goods, , orc al)0Ul to commence housekeeping, to call and
Elegant Alabaaterund I’orcolain Ink-stands on hU pr®o«r.» *lo 5 .„4 * l<vv b, in whloK h» will
, ru y fl constantly make additions of the newest and most
Fancy ivory, pearl <k shell card cases, , , n ' o ,‘|f, r !i , .
Port Monnaiesol every variety. !, LOl' 1‘ INS made to older at Ihe shortest not ice.
Gold pens and pencils. | for J own f nd ,
Fancy paper weights, i E ec * mb " * 3 ’
Papetcrics, w ilh a large variety of ladies fun N. U —lwo good Journeymen makers
stationery ‘‘" ,l * ,nd constant employment at ihe above ratal*-
Motto seals and wafers, ; lishmenl. Two A pprenliccH-boy s about 1(5 or 17
Silk and bead purses, of age— will also be taken, if application be
Ladies'riding whips elegantly finiahed, mj e 80on * J 1'
p o rri,,nol.a,ko..amll... 8 . Condi Trimming, loath Pointing,
Utushcß of evojy kind for llie toilet, Saddle and Uarneu Making.
Roussel 8 perfumes of various kinds,/' ! , 0
Musical I nslrutnonls of nil kinds nruT al all prices, r j'HE sutiscri tiers respect fully i n form the public,
with on innumerable variety of arables elegantly -L tbry have opened a new shop in North
finished and suitable for holiday presents, Hanover street, a few doors north of Glass' Htftcl,
Also, an extensive and elegant collection of I w^ero they are prepared to make every article In
«, a. -r, their linoof business ns cheap, t*l H\s \Vi -
G-ltt BOOKS, _ Mgj&ncnt and as substantial™ can
eomprising the various English and A mcrican An- fr hr hid iiii i uliiii. in Cumbui *TfcilliTlr
jii»*i.s for 19521, richly embellished and illustrated land county. They are now prepared to Trim
Poetical Works, with Children's Pictorial Books,for and Paint Conches at short notice, and on the most
children of all ages, than which nolhingcan heniore reasonable terms. They have also on hand, and
appropriate or pleasing as holiday gifts. Hisos- will manufacture to order. Single and Doublo llar
sortment of School Books and School Stationery is nesa. Saddles, Bridles, Collars, &c.
bo complete, oml comprises every thing used in 001-' Having had consideiahlo experience in the nbovc
IcgOsnnd the Schools. Ho also calls allcniionto business, (bn undersigned Holler themselves I hot they
his elegant display of con give satisfaction to all who mnyfavorthom with
Lamps, Girandoles, &c., their custom,
from the extensive establishments of Cornelius, A r- i '"‘’derate P'icns ntul a desire to please,they
chcr and others, of Philadelphia, compiling every ’ 8010,1 n B * in,c °f public
stylo of Parlor, Chamber and Study Lamps,fur burn-{ _ . M-COCKLIN
ing either Urd, sperm or clhorial oil, together ■'arhslo, Juno 2d, 1962—1y*
Flower Vases, Fancy Screens, &c. His assortment
in this line is unequalled in the borough.
Fruits, Fapey Confectionery, Nuts, Pre
rorvgd Fruits,&c.,in every variety and at all prices.
all of which are pure and fresh, such qh run he con*
fidenlly recommended to his friends and the little
folks. Remember the old stand, opposite the hank
December 10, 1852,
Til E subscriber would respectfully announce to
t ho citizens of this place end oil persons \isiling lho!
so mo during the Holy days, that ho has now on hand
and will continue to bo supplied with (be latest nov.j
illioaup to the close of the season, comprising in*
part i
of the choicest varieties, such as Fine Candy Toys,
Jelly Cukes, Bon Dons, Gum,Cordial, Lemon, Cliuc.
elate, and fruit drops, rose, vanilla and burnt almonds,
french and exploding Secrete, also, all the comou v,t.
rictics, all of wind) wll bo sold wholesale or retail
at low rates at
Kristi Uiiiglc’* Old Hall,
in Nortli Hanover street, a few doors north of thu
Bank, whore wo have just received FRUITS and
NUTTS oflho latest importations, such as oranges,
lemons, raisins,*figs, prucnc, citron, currants, soft
and paper shelled almonds, filberts, cocoa, cream &,
ground nuts, also
Toys and Fancy Goods
of every kind from alt parts of.Europe,manufactured
of wood, glass, china, paplor-maohifl, tin, India rub.
ber, zinc, See., such as fine wax, kid & jointed dolls,
sowing and card baskets, work and fancy boxes,
flower vases, motto caps, lea sods, music boxes, port
monies, battle doors, grace hoops, masks, drums,
guns, trumpets, dominoes, lotto, and other games,
&a., fancy snaps and hair oils of every variety. In
connection with the above n largo slock of
hucli qh LovoringVcrushed, pulverized ond-brown
Sugars, coffee, molasses, starch, indig, aalcratufl,
r con and block teas, spices, butter, water and aoda
rack ora, matches, «Stc., and as we “Strive to Please
nil arc invited to examine pur stock.
’ The subscriber rolui ns his (hanks to tbo publio for
(ho patronage heretofore bestowed on him, and hopes
by a desire to please to merit a conlinuanco of tba
Looklliig Glasses.
A Urge lot ofLpokidg Glasses Just rooeivnd and
for sale bheap by PHILIP ARNOLD.
union HOTEL,
A HOUSE of entertainment is now opened , for
the reception of city boarders by tho week or
otherwise, who may bo inclined to make the beau
tiful and bcalthfal town of Carlisle a summer re
treat ; and for the accommodation of travellers who
may. feel disposed to call. The undersigned shall
I spare no pains to supply bis table with the beat the
[seasons can afford. JOHN.MoCARTNEY.
I N. B. Several Houses nd Lots are offered for
sale on reasonable terms. J. McC.
: Apri 14, 1853—3 m.
TH E undersigned would respectfully inform tho
Ladles of Mcchunicsburg and its vicinity, (hat ho
has just, filled up, opposite his old stand in said
borough, a
Ladles’ Shoe Store,
designed expressly for their accommodation, and
free from tho annoyances to which they have here
tofore been subjected. 'This store will bo under the
solo charge and supervision of his sister, and Ladies
j may rest assured that every attention will bo paid
to their demands. A full and constant supply of
ready made work, from the best of eastern manufac
tories, in addition to his own, will bo found always
on band, consisting in part of Ladies’Fine Kid
Slippers, Fine Gaiters, o) all colors, cushman tics,
lotlol and ennmo led shoes, Jenny Lind's, French
Buskin, Union tics and pumps of nil descriptions,
Misses' col'd Gaiters of all kinds, children's fancy
, Kossuth boots, Gaiters, Ties and French Morocco
shoes, double and single soled, &c-, &c
lie would also] inform his old " friends and li e
public generally, that ho still continues to keep on
hand and manufacture to order, at his old stand, all
.a A Kinds of
HR. such as Men's Fine Call skin Bools, from
$3 00 tii $5 00 ; French Morocco from $3
to 84 50 ; Coarse Boots, $3 50 to $3 00. All rips
will be repaired without extra charge.
Thankful for the patronage which has been exten
ded (o him heretofore, ho hopes by strict attention
to business and a desire to please, to merit and re
ceive a continuance of the same
Mcchunicsburg, April 14, *53 —6m.
Spring Siylesl
WM. U. TROUT, line just received and opened
1 ho Spring Stylo of Mala for 1852, an elegant
article, to which ho invites the attention of the pub.
lie. Hie Hats arc of all prices, from the most do
. gnntly finished to tho cheap common article, and of
every variety of stylo now worn. Ue continues to
/*a63SSUa»ft)manuriicturo and keep always on hand
u assortment of 11 ATS ond CA PS 1
fur men and boys, and ho can sell n
cheaper and better article than any other establish
mcnl in town. Tlioß want of good, .veil made,
and elegantly finished finis, would do well to call
before purchasing elsewhere.
Tho attention of citizens and strangers is particu
larly invited, to the bcoiiliful Spring Stylo of Hals,
just received, a realty handsome article, and warran.
led to be just as good, as it ia neat and tasteful in
a ppeara nee.
Remember that the largest and best assortment in
town may always bo found at TROLT’B, Irvine's
How, rear of the Episcopal Church.
Carlisle, April 29. 1852.
Extensive Eui'uilurc Itoonts,
Opponte the Rail Road OJJicr, West High Street ,
ll* SKI EES desires to inform his old friends
J. • endtho public that he has opened a general
clothing establishment,and has now in store a ex
tensive slock of Iho best and cheapest goods ever
offered in Carlisle.
Men’s, Youlli’s, uml Boy’s Clothing:,
; fo: Spring,Summer and Winter wear, now on hand
iof every variety and famished at roduoud rates.—
I Ho has ulao u largo ond well selected nmurtmonl of
, Pioco Goods, of English, French and Gormon Fab
rics, of new and beautiful patterns, for coats, pants
and vests, winch will bo mado to urdur in tho most
approved ond fashionable manner and in a superior
stylo of workmanship, A full und elegant stock
jof Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goode, such ns gloves,
plain and fanny shirts, collars, handkerchiefs, ties]
&,o, constantly kept on hand. Also India Rubber
Overcoats and hoggins.
i Feeling confident from the reputation which it
Ims been his constant aim for a course of years to
secure for his establishment, of his ability to please
[ ho respectfully invites an examination of his slock
I which for quality, workmanship and low price
!cannot bo surpassed.
Carlisle, May 27, 1853—1 y.
The Dost and Cheapest Family Coal in
the Market.
onn ONS of Su P er 'or Coal, from Rausch
&\J\J Gap, Dauphin uoouly, ond Gold Mine
Gop, Schuylkill oounly, for aalohy E. Diddle,Jr.
ot tiro Ware-houso properly formerly owner) by S*
M. Hoover, M priooß from $3,25 to $3,50 nor lon’
March 17, 1853. 1
Limeburnor’s Coal.
1 mO PONS Llmehorner's Coal, of llio boat
1 \J\J\J quality, Just receiving and for sale by
b. UinDLK, jr. Only ®3,40 par lon.
Portnois living nlong llio llnoof iho Cttmborlond
Valloy Railroad, nan bavo tbo coal dollvorcd to
thorn at ony point of Iho rnolo. Ordoro by loiter
(pool paid,) promptly alloudod 10. ’
.. . K. DIDDLE, Jr.
March 17, 1863—1 f
Lama Cloths.
4Lqrgo assortment of fins Lama Cloth..for lady
drbß.oi, which will ho Bold very aheap, 3
i-0h.24,1858, N. W. WOODS, Aigm,
That we behold many females, scarce in the meridian of life
broken in health and spirit* with a complication of diseases
and ailments, depriving them of the power for the enjoyment
of life at an ngo yrheu physical health, buoyancy of spirits,
and happy lereuity of mfnd, arising from a condition of health,
should bo predominant. _ ~ . ~
Many ofthe cause* of her suffering* at first—perhaps yean
before, perhaps during girlhood, or the first year* of marriage—
were in their origin so light a* topasS,unnoticed, and of course
neglected. _ . „ . -, r .„. „ n
m When too late to be benefitted by our knowledge, we look
back and mourn, and regret the full consequences of our
ignorance. , . ' _
What would we not often give to poiiess, in early life, (he
knowledge we obtain in after yean ! And what days and
nights or anguish we might not have been spared, if the
knowledge was timely possessed. It Is
To behold the sickness and suffering endured by tunny a wife
for many yean, from causes simple and controllable, easil>
remedied—or better still,—not incurred, if every
Possessed the information contained in a little volume, (with
in the reach of all) which would spare to heraelf
And to her husband the constant toil and anxiety of mind,
necessarily devolving upon him Irom sickness ol the wife,
without giving him the opportunity of acquiring that com
petence which his exertion* are entitled, and the possession
oi which would secure the happiness of himself, wife, and
By becoming in lime possessed of (lie knowledge, the want
of which has caused the sickness and poverty ol lhausonds.
In view of such conieqnences, no wife or mother is excu
sable if the neglect to avail herself of that knowledge m
respect to herself, which would spare her much sulfering, be
the means of happiness end prosperity ro her husband, and
confer upon tier children that blessing above all price—healthy
bodies, with healthy minds. That knowledge is contained iu
a little work emitted
Private Medical Companion.
Owe Hundredth Edition. IPmo., pp. 250. Price, 130 eU
Fitif published hi 1847, and It ii not
ConaltlcTlnff that K V S3XIY PE 9I ALE,
acquire a full Icnowletlco of the nature,
character and causes of her complaints,
wltli tho -rnrtoa* symptoms, and that
should have sold.
It i« impracticable to convey fully the various subjects
treated of, as they art of • nature strictly intended Tor the
married, or tlioie contemplating marriages, but uo femala
desiroin of enjoying health, and that beauty, consequent upon
health, which ia *o conducive to her own happiness, and that
of her husband, bat either hu or will obtain it, aa hai or will
every husband who hoi the love and affection of his wife at
heart, or that ofhis own pecuniary improvement.
(fare been SENT BY MAIL within the last few months
pw uvy pw pw pv
fcjji {jjf y cjji £j cj tjf
and Shameful Fraud!!
Flagrant ami barefaced, ha* been surreptitiously litned, with
the tame form ami size, exactly the mtc Title Paoc, aud
exactly the same
llnt another name substituted for " Dr. A. M. .^lat^riceal^. ,,
■ml " Boston” for ** New Voik,” and the words.
Kri rtnrii according to Act of Congress, in the year 1847, by
Joseph TuotV,
In the Clerk's Oifice of the District Court of the Southern
District of New York,
The contents, the subject matter, nnd reading are
Fruited on poor, brownish, dirty paper, with a paper cover.
It ran be known dn, from the miserable and illegible wood.
ents trallrred throughout its pages. The Cojtj/Hjhl edition
II there are any in the trade so lost to shame and common
lioneal y as to be w tiling parlies
No less than thealegal owner of the property in copyright,
they will be prosecuted, aud step* will be taken to expose
llirrn (o lire public.
A cop) will be sent to each bookseller or firm, (with the
terms upon winch they will be furnished,) upon receipt of
his or their business card ofaddress.
liny no imnk nnleat Dr. A M. M.uilit.u m t.U.ciiy .1.,
N V . is on the title page, and ihe entry in C.Jerk's Office on
lire bark of the title page corresponds ss herein, and buy only
of respectable and honorable dealers, or send by mail, and Bo
dies.).. I) r A, M. Mannrean
hull title- page, with foment*. together willi a few pages
(resting of important subjects to every married female, will
be sent, free of charge, to any one enclosing a Idler stamp in
■ piepaid letter, addressed as lirrein.
P’On rrcrlpt of Klfty Cents, for One
Hollar for the flue Edition ertrn MinUnc.)
MICUICAL COMPANION ” Is sent {mail'd
fret) to any part of the Cnlted States. All
letters in net be po*(~j)nl(l. noil n<l<li-esse(l to
DR. A. M. MAUIUt KAli, Hoi rt'4l. !lr\v
Vork City. Publplilna OflU-r, No. I2U Liberty
Street, New York.
Forsoleby Blanch & Crop Harrisburg ,J Switft
Dloomshurg, J S Worth Lebanon, C W Do Wit
Milford, J W Ensmingcr Danheim, H W Smith
Huntingdon, S Me nnold Unionlown, .1 M Baum
New Berlin, H A Lnnlz Reading, E T Morse
Crancsvillo, N Y; R I* Crocker Brownsville, Wonts
& Stork Curbondalo, Eldred «V Wright Williams
port, 8 Tuck Wilkcsbarro.U W Larlc Waynesboro;
H Crosky Mercer, S Leader Hanover, S W Taylor
Utica, R P Cummings Somerset, T B Peterson,
July 2U, 1862—3m*
! II a 1 1* 1 n vigor a (or
ARM \ Ul) Ua'LDI Is your hair fulling oil”!
Or is your luflld covered with Dandruff or
Scruff! If so, then make n fair trial of Storrs’
Lhemica I Hair Invigorolor, Hundreds of persons
in nil parts of the country whose heads were entire
ly bald, have hud their hair fully restored to its orig
iuul pei fcclion by the use of this valuable article.—
Read the testimony.
New York, Jan. 1, 1851.
Mr. Sronns.—Dear Sir: Mr. Smith, of Newton,
L. L,obtained a bottle of your excellent Hair Invig,
orator for his little girl, about four years old,her
head bci ngentirely bald; no hair of any consequence
having grown on her head from birth, and surprising
as it may appear, after having used but one bollic,
a complete head of hair was produced njarly two
radios long of a fmo healthy growth. .
A. Doo little, M. O. No. Ml, Grand fit.
Philadelphia, May 10, 1850.
Mr. Sronns—Sir : After being hold for a number
of years, und having used numerous preparations to
no ctieri, your Chemical Hair luvigorator has pro
duced a fine bond of new hair, and I hardly know
how to express my gratitude for the benefit I have
received fiorn your valuable oiticlo.
J. W adhwoiitii , No. 10, Orchard at.
Tho following testimony is from Mr. MeMokin
editor of tho “Saturday Courier : M
“Storiib’ Hair Invigohatoti.— h gives ua much
pleasure, unsolicited, to record our testimony in fa
vor of the groat pleasantness and entire efficacy of
Storre’ Chemical Hair fnvigointor. On recovering
from the recent severe attack of illness, we discover,
od that our usual healthy and abundant crop of hair
was rapidly fulling oft, trad chancing to have on
hand a sample of tho above article furnished by tho
manufacturer many months previously, wo used but
a single bottle, us directed, and found U to operate
like u charm, in entirely chocking the fall and crool
log a now and hoolthy action of tho acnlp.”
Wo could give many other references to.eomo of
our most respectable citizens, but would ask all who
are troubled with Dandruff, arc bald, or ore losing
their hair, to give Slone’ Chemical flairlnvlgdralor
a trial, and one trial will do more to convince you of
our claim, for it Ilian all thclomiraony of olhora that
wo might produce.
Caution.— Ask for “Storr’s Chemical Hoir In
vigorator,”and novcrlot dealers persuade youto use
any otherartiolo us a substitute. Price 35 cents a
Proprietors and Manufaottrrora.—C, p. Amet &
Co., No. 120, Arch street, Philadelphia.
For ttolo In OurlUlo by S. W. llavoraliolt, Snn.l.
“■!i o “’, nn —: Ifctao, and by dealers gonorolly,
Oclohor 28,1862 ly
ITtI, , • * li " Ptofoßßlonalaorviccß totho people fo
r> C vl?“, 0n lown,ll 'P ,ni ) vioinlty. Hovidonoo—
»RIo ° W “ nul UDUo,n «»»•’.' mlloeaslof Ocntro-
Fobtuirya, 180?. ly'
Fire Insurance.
THE Allohand Eaalt,PennsborOugh Mutual Fire
Insurance Company of Cumberland county, Incor
porated by an act of Assembly, Is now folly organ
ized, and in operation under Hie management of the
following Managers, vis.:
Daniel Daily, Wm. R. Gorffau, Michael CocWin,
Mclchoir Bronncmun, Christian Slayman, John C.
Dunlap, Jacob H. Coovcr,LcwlB Hycr, Hcfbry Logan,
Benjamin H, Maflscr, Jacob Mummtt, Joseph W.ick.
creham, Alexander Cathcnrt. «
The rales of insurance aro as low and faTorablo
os any Company oftho kind ItTtbe State. Persons
wishing to become members are Invited (o make ap
plication to tho agents of the company who arc wil
ling to wait upon them at any time.
BENJ. H. MOSSER, President*
' Henry Logan, Vice President.
Lewis Uvea, Secretary,
Michael Cocklin, Treasurer,
Oolobor 7,1852.
Cumberland County.—Rudolph Martin, N. Cum
berland ;C. B. Herman, Kingstown; Henry Zear-
Ing; Shircmanstown; Charles Bell, Carlisle; Dr. J.
A 111, Churchtown; Samuel Graham, Weetpennsboro’;
James M'Dowcll, Frnnkford; Mode Griffith, South
Middleton; Samuel Woodburn, Dickinson, Samaol
Coorer, Benjamin Hoverslick, Mcchanicsborg, John
Sberrick, Lisburn, David Cjovor.Shepherdstown.J
York County.— John Bowman, Dillsgurg; Peter
Wolford, Franklin; John Smith, Feq., Washington y
W. S. Picking, Dover; J. W. Craft, Paradi/c.-
Harrisburg. —Houser & Lochman.
Members oftho company having polices about (tf
exp re con have them renewed by making apptiair.
lion loany of tho agents.
3 miles weeto/Harriahurg t Pa.
rpHE Fifth Session of ibis flourishing Institu-
X tion wil commence on Monday the*2d day of
May next. Parents and Guardians are respect*
fully solicited to inquire into the merits of this
Institution their 'sons or' wards
elsewhere. Tift) situation is retired, pleasant,health
ful, and convenient of access. The course of in
struction will cm tho different branches of a
(borough English education, together wth (he Lo- 1
tin, Greek, French, German, Spanish and Portu
guese languages, and Vocal & Instrumental Music.
'l*he Principal will ho arslated by four well qualified
teachers, viz: two in tho English bunches, one in
Penmanship, and Drawing, and one in Music and
Modern Languages.
Boauling,washing,luilion in tho English
branches,and Vocal music per ses
sion, (6 months,)
Ancient and Modern Languages, each,
JnslrumcnUl music,
l - ’o» circulars and other information,address
Whitt Hill, Cumb. l*a
Mirch 10,1853.
r |MIE Lilli Session will commence May 2d. The
buildings (one creeled Inal Fall) arc new apd ex
icusivo. The situation is all that can bo desired for
hculthTulnrss or moral puriiy. Removed from the
exciicmcnl ofTown or Oily, the students may hero
prepare for college, mercantile pursuits, 3tc. AM
the branches nto taught which go lo form a liberal
education. A conscientious discharge of duly has
secured (be present flourishing condition of tho In
stitution. Its future success (ifnder Providence)
shall bo maintained by the same means.
Terms—Board and Tuition per session, $5O.
For Catalogue with full information, address
R. K. BURNS, Principal Sf Proprietor.
Plainfield Post Office,
Cumb. Co Pa
March 30. 1853,
r PH E Subscriber is now prepared lo exhibit to
1 Merchants and Milliners his usual heavy stuck
of Ladies’ and Misses’
Palm.leaf, Panama ond Every Variety of
for Gentlemen, which for Extent, Variety and beau
ty of inannfuctnro, as well as uniformly close prices,
will bo found unrivalled.
No. 41 South Second Street,
Philadelphia ,
Feb. 10—3 m
Blinds and Shades.
BJ. WILLIAMS, No. 12 Norlh Sixth Street,
• a few doors above Market street, Philadel
phia, i 8 the most extensive and best manufacturer
ol W'ndow Blinds & Shades in the United States
and has taken the highest premiums at all the ex*
hibitions: he buys materials by wholesale
cheaper for cash than others pay for inferior arti
cles by retail; and can, therefore, sell superior Ve
nitian Blinds and Shades, as cheap as others ask
for inferior articles. Painted Window Shades in
great variety, of beautiful designs and superior
quality. BufT apd White Linen Blind
ami Shade Trimmings, Fixtures, &c., wholesale
and retail at the lowest cash prices. Store Shades
painted and lettered to order. Heed Blinds at
manufacturer's prices. Old Blinds painted to
look ns good as now. Purchasers by culling will
be convinced that he sells q superior article, and
gnnianti‘oB full sati'f.iction. A liberal discount
made to dealers. “Wo study tn ploa«“. T ’
No. 12 Norlh Cth St., Phila,
April?, 1 fis3—3 m
Stoves ! Stoves !
r |MIE subscriber has made arrangements with
JL the bast manufacturers of Stoves in Troy, Al
bany. New Yoik, Philadelphia, &c., by which bo
can offer inducements to persona wishing to pur
chase Stoves equal to the manufacturers. Among
his assortment of
will bo found the best and most approved patterns
adapted for burning either wood or coal, all of
which arc wananled. Ilia
Parlor Stoves,
embrace now and beautiful styles, and such as
cannot fail to plcaso all tastes. In addition to
those, ho nas on hand a largo assortment of NJAE
PLJ'JVC STOPJSS t which ho fools satisfied will
please purchasers.
Persons desirous of procuring e good stovo will
do wul) to examine my Block, as it will bo their
advantage to givo mo the preference.
Carlisle), Scpl IC, 1852.
Mineral Waters, Sarsaparilla, &c.
THE subscriber would respectfully announce
to the citizens of Carlisle, and the community at
largo, (bat ho bos commenced tbo manufacture of
Mineral Waters and Sarsaparilla, of tbo very
best flavor and quality, and tbo bottling of Porter,
Me, and Cider. Ho is fully and amply prepared
to furnish all orders promptly and with despatch,
and hopes by strict attention to rcceivo-lhat p*.
tronogoducio onlcrpiize, which ho respectfully
asks. <5130. W, BRANDT.
Carlisle, March 10, 1053—Cm
Xo Farmery.
ANOTHER lot Of tho celebrated York Ploughs,
just received o‘t manufacturers’ prices, tiom
$63 to JO- Also, on'hand Craighead & Plank's
Plough, at their prices.
Carlisle, March 31, 1853.
Dr. I. ۥ Loomis,
YV that are required for their preservation,
suoh na c aling , Filing t Pluggififi t or w jj]
restore the loss oft horn, by inserting Artificial
Tooth,fromo single Toothto a full sett.
ttT'Oihooon Pitts tree t.afow doors Sooth o
tbo Railroad Hotel.
N.B. Dr.Loomiswillbeabson tfrom Coi
lislfholaettondDysJneQch month.
Carlisle,Doc.36, 10J5O.
$6O 00
6 00
10 00