American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, April 14, 1853, Image 2

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end Proprietor.
OAEUbISZid. AlHlltt Itj'HM*
■"7 1 r rbi kbuiTOft GENERAL.
-or MIPFLXN OOONT*. sobvbvor oemeoal,
‘ -CoHitsat Carlisle, for 1853.
Sebs?6k» akdOveb and T Orphan's.
L ■ Tuesday, March 23.
..tforitft April 11. :. Tuesday, August 30.
Monday* Tuesday, November 1.
Monday,.November U. Tuesday, Decembers?
(Ej*Coott commenced in this place on Monday
lost. In our next wo shall give a report of the
criminal ouesdisposed.of.
communication signed “ A Pupil,* is re
jected. , First, because the writer forgot to givo his
name; second, because it is written in bad taste.—
»» A Pupil” had bolter apply himself to his books*
Bcasotmblx Adyiob.— Don’t pul on thin clothes
nor ditto boots too soon. Tbo weather is as docoir
ip£, ap a'iyo.ang Miss “just coming out.” NKffnz.LK.~We regret to learn that Gon-
John M. Woodburn’s stable at Nowvillo, was on*
tirely destroy id by fire on Thursday night of last
week. Four work horses, the property of Mr. W.,
perished la the flames. A quantity of hay, oats,
■nd slraw, and. some half dozen setts of harness wore
also consumed, making the* loss very considerable.
It is hollered the firo was (ho work of a scoundrel
fryybti Supreme Court of tho Slato is now in
session'in Philadelphia. The annual term for the
Middle District will commence in Harrisburg on
the second Mquday (9th) of May, and continue eight
weeks. The return day for Cumberland, Porry and
Juniata, is the 30lh May,
Second Conviction op SraiNa.—Tho Court of Oy
u Tormioot *i Plill*Ja|phi», jmntflil Arlhnr
Spring a new trial on account of McQuillan serving
on the jury instead of Corr. Tbo trial was com
menced on Monday, and ended on Thursday, with
aoolbqf,verdict of Guilty ol Murder iu the Grsl de
gree, The evidence was pretty much tbo same as
that given Upon the Gist trial;
Mklskcholt Accident. —Mr. Robert Elder, of
Lowerflvralara lownpblp, Dauphin county, was kill,
ed on Tuesday afternoon of last week, while on his
way from his homo to Harrisburg on business. In
coming down a hill a short distance oast of the bor
. ough, his horse look fright, and, as is supposed, on
jumping from tho carriage, Mr. Elder was instantly
killed. Ho was a man widely known and univers
ally respected.
(Cj-ThoFaim Journal for April has boon receiv
ed, and la filled with its usual variety of matter id
reference to the inlerotts of agriculture. Every
ftnpof should have a copy. Persons wishing to
subscribe can sco a number by calling at tbia office.
bald 1 on tjalord/**’ .1 Wolbr
jihf on Bslurday, at jort's auction room, Phila
delphia* The highest price paid for pure Shanghaias
was 116 pet pair. The* 1 Hon FeverI’appears 1 ’appears lo
prevail to aIF parts of the country. The epidemic—
or whatever it may bo called—has shown itself in
oar vicinity within a short lime, and is characterized
by all the peculiarities which havo marked Its rava
ges elsewhere. Some of our most valuable citizens
are now suffering from Us attacks, and there is no
little anxiety foil for their recovery. The morning
•lumbers of oar neighbors aro interrupted by the
■onoroas and docp lonod notes of our Bhanghae
Chanticleer, aod-'varioas have boon (ho inquiries as
(o bow be look 41 cold,” sod what wo gave him for
it M Chittagong*" and.' 11 Cochin Chinas” are now
as learnedly discussed as “ Fancy Stocks” on
change. '
Ono of our Fanciers ootnplaius ibai ho is obliged
to mo sgg for coffee worth per dozen. Twenty
dollars a pato it now no uncommon pcloo for full
Mooli chickens, and plenty of buyers at that.
. CoU>R'Urur>«, jAnnKSTEO.— JoflOSton
MoKc#, alias Black Hawk, alleged to bo ono of the
nJosI prominoDl ofa gang of countorfoitors in West*
oin Pennsylvania, was arrested at Hollldayshurg, on
Tuesday night, by Capt. Dennol and officer Seed.
McKee was taken (o Bloomfield, (ho county ' scat of
Perry county, and arraigned before the Court then
hi session. In dofall of $4OOO bail Iho Judge orders
•d him to bo Imprisoned in the county jail, until (bo
authorities are prepared In give him hb trial.—
Among the spurious notes circulated by this gang
were As’s oa (be Girard Bank.
Lancaster Gab Works. —Tho alterations in the
Lancaster Oas works have boon completed, and (lie
Qlty Is now furnished with coal instead of rosin gas.
Tbelr ospacily, which was insufficient to supply (bo
demand, has been increased so that no fears ore now
entertained for the wont of light; and (ho quality is
equal to any manufactured olsowboro. The price
of gas has boon reduced 33J per cent, on (ho former
Wholesale Destruction or Letters. —On Wed*
nesdsy last, seven hundred bushels, or eboat one
million, of deed loiters wore destroyed at Washing*
■ ton, Id accordance with the usage of the Post Office
1 Department. They were carted to Monument
Square, and spread over a line of two or three lion
dred foot, when (ho was applied. The en
tire mass of combustible malarial was soon in a
blaze, and several hours elapsed before the confla
gration was completed; (ho official attendants mean
while raking tho buring fragments to fatilinto oper*
ationa. The atmoaphero for thousands of feel around
was filled with charred fragments. A largo number
of persons Witnessed tbo proceedings with much
. Interest. .
OO’.Tho Johnilown Cambrian,of the Ist Inst;
t ssys that (he laborers «t (ho Cambria Iron Worka
all struck last Monday, for ton hours or something
else. There wore.lso of (horn, who “laid down the
shovel and the pick. 0 Tho most of (hom wont to
wotli again, bat whether they got tbo “(on hours or
something else** ibo papers don't say.
Tin* Invitation Accepted,
The Invitation' tendered by tho Pennsylvania
Legislature to tho Governor, Hoads of Department,
Legislature of Maryland and the Mayor and author
ofDaUlmore, has been accepted, and
(bs dty fixed for the ocoasUm 4s Saturday next, (he
Ifitb lost. ,
Both branches of the Legislatura ;ha'vo pessod a
resolution to adjonrn sins die on IbO 19lb instant—
next This, Will be’regarded bylhopooplo
tho moat raoriloridoß resolution of tho Legislature,
for it cannot ho denied, the present session has boon
a very unprofitable one (ortho people of the Slate.—
Tho whole session has been occupied in .-passing
private bills, tho moat’of ihora eo contemptible In
character as to bo unworthy a place on the statue
Tho question of all others that the people foil an
interest in—the cancellation of the Relief notes—
has not boon touched. At the commencement of
the session, we, in common with tho entire press of
(tie State, urged tho Legislature to make speedy
provision for tho destruction or cancellation of tboso
filthy tags; Gov. Biglor, in his annual message, and
also in his recent Special message, used every ar<
guiqonl that could be urged to Induce the Legisla
ture to act promptly in this matter; but yet nothing
has boon done—literally nothing—the wishes of the
people have .been disregarded and neglected and tho
Legislature la about to adjourn. Joy go with them.
The Gardiner Cabe.— Tho, trial of; Dr. Gardiner
ia fliill pending in the Criminal Court of Ibo Die*
tricl of Columbia. It.will bo recolloclcd Ibal ho was
awarded Iho sum of §428,000, by tho board appointed
to adjudicate claims growing out of Iho war with
Mexico. His claim was baaed upon bia affidavit,
and other papers, that Iho working -of a mine be
owned in Mexico, and yielding him $20,000 a month,
was broken up by tho war. Ho is indicted for par.
jory, and evidence has been adduced to show that
ho never had a mino in Mexico—that ho was simply
1 a traveling dentist in that country, and that the
claim, are forgeries. The present aspect of the
case is against Gardiner.
The evidence, so far as published, goes to show a
most impudent and unblushing, almost avowod
scheme to plunder the people. Sonor Atoohr told
Gardiner "it teas a robbery," to which tho latter re
plied, in substance, " it don't make a bit of difference,
I have got the money and nothing can lako it
away from mo again." This is Iho kernel of the
question —others have made groat hauls out of this
shameful swindle betides Gardiner. Shall they be
forced to disgorge the plunder? Corwin, Mr. Fill
more's Secretary of tho Treasury, is at Ibo triah
anxiously revolving this subject no doubt.
The Japan Expedition. —Wo loam from Iho Wash
ington Union, (bo official organ, that Iho Japan ex
pcdilion'is not (o bo abandoned. Tho following
force is about to rondezvoos at Macao, under Com
modore Perry, as Commander In Chief of tho East
India squadron, viz : three steam frigates—(ho Mis
sissippi, (flag ship,) (ho Susquehanna, and Powhat-
an • and three slnnp® u/or—.lho Sarntnffn. the
Plymouth, and the Vandalis, with the store ships
Supply and Southampton. It was intended that (ho
Vermont, ship of the lino, (bo Macedonian, sloop of
war, and the Allegheny, steamer, should have form*
cd a part of this squadron ; but tho insufficiency of
4ho appropriations, and of tho navel force authorized
by Congress, compels Ihotr withdrawal.
Cuda. —A writer in Harper’s Magazine, in the
course of a series ofSketchcs of Cuba, says that for
more than a hundred and fifty years, that most odi
ous of all despotisms, military rule has prevailed in
Cubs. The Captain General exercises vice-regal
powers, and bolds in his hand the* dispensation of
happiness or misery to the people of Cuba. For
more than a century lax upon lax has been laid up*
on the industry of the island, for the ostensible pur
pose of revenue for the royal treasury, but realty
to fill tho coffees of greedy resident officials.—
The Creoles groan under tho burden, and sigh for
deliverance. Commerce has made them acquainted
with oar ha; lublic; despotism has compelled
ippy rcpt
si reel) forth tbeir hands imploringly to us, beseech
ing os to bo bountiful almonors of that freedom
which jvo so largely possess. The genuine syropa.
thy which flows out towards (ho oppressed every
where makes us start in response to tho Call, but
the hand ofnalional faith,pointing to graver treaties,
scaled by plighted honor, beckons us back to tho
seat of inaction.
CO* Quito an excitement baa been caused in our
borough, says the Eaaton Argus , during the past
week in consequence of an occurrence that took
place between (lie Methodist minister residing hero
and one of our youngjaltorncys. It scorns that the
minister some three or four weeks ago united in
matrimony the sister of the lawyer, a lady of fine
personal appearance though rather too young to as*
sumo tho cares of wedded life, contrary to tho wish
es of her parents, to a Now York’nows boy who has
boon delivering papers hero since tho opening of tho
Railroad. The parents of the lady did not boliovo
for some lime Hint (hey wore married, but finally
avnt Cut (fie minister to enquire. Tho marriage ccr
llficnto having been shown (• him ho acknowledged
it (u bo his and admitted having performed the cor.
emony. On Saturday evening her brother called on
tho minister, and invited him in a courteous manner
to take a walk with him, saying that ho wished to
have some private conversation with him. The
minister consented, and aflcr they had walked three
or four squares, report says, (ho attorney pulled a
cow hide from under his coal and began applying
it to tho back, of his clerical friend, who ran and
retreated into a store. There tho mailer ended. It
is to bo regretted that such things should occur in
an Intelligent community. An attempt to raw hide
a man is contrary to law and therefore It
cannot be justified. But it is also a matter of re
gret that some ministers do not exorcise more judge
ment and discretion in performing the marriage cere
mony. In this instance both parties wore under
eighteen years uf ago, and (ha minister to whom
they applied should not only hays declined (heir re
quest but ho Ntinuhl at nnnn li«v» mml< it kn*«n i v
tho girl's parents. As the matter may not end
boro, wo decline saying more about it at this time
Important from Mexico. —By an arrival at Now
Orleans on Wednesday wo bavo advices from Vera
Cruz to tho 23d ult. A telegraphic despatch, re
ceived un that day from the city of Mexico, slates
that Santa Anna had been officially announced as
President of (he Republic of Mexico.
On the Slst, Judge Conkling, tho American Min.
istor, end Sbnors Torn'cl, Castillo and Lauras, hijd
sighed a treaty between Mexico and United Stales,
guaranteeing neutrality and protection to Col. Sloo.
for transit over tbo Tohuanlopoo route, and giving
entire security for tho capital invested in tho under
taking. Tho treaty was ratified on tho same day
by tbo Supremo Executive of Mexico.
Snow a Hundred Feet Deep'-THo Bt. Louis
Inlolligcncor publishes a loiter from an overland
emigrant to California, who gives a fearful account
of a tremendous snow storm in tho mountains near
Carson valley. On what is called the Second Sum
mit, tho writer says, ho caught hold of (ho tops of
pino (roes, and was confident they wore 100 fool in
height. This is an item tiiat should have a bearing
upon tho question of ajraDroad to the Pacific through
the South Pass. Rail buried in snow a hundred
foot deep, would stand jilllo chance of removal by
any scraper yet invented. • ‘ I
Mrs. Webster, widow of the Itto Daniel Wobslsr
is still sojourning In New York.
Tho resolution naming the I9lh ldel.,aa' ; lhe
day for Itio final adjournment of the Legislature,
has paeßhdhoth Houses.
In the Senate,'6n the 6th,' the resolutions to
submit the question of a prohibitory liquor law to
n vole of the people, having been re-cdnsidotod,
again come up on final reading, ond passed by the
following vole: i
Yba's.— Messrs. Corothers, Uaraio, Evens,
Forsyth, Frick, Hamilton, Byron D. Hamlin,
Ephraim W. Hamlin, Hendricks, Hugo, Kunkol,
M’Fatland, M’Murltie, Qulggle, .Robertson, San*,
derson, Skinner, Slifer.—lB.
Nats.— Messrs. Daily, Buokalpw, Darlington,
Fry* Goodwin; Haldaman/ Hiester, Kinzcr*. My
ers* M’Caelin, O’Neill, Sager, Carson, Speaker.
—l3.' ' \
In tho House, on the 6th, Mr. Henderson presented
fivb petitions, numerously signed by voters of Cum
borloud county,relative to the prohibitory liquor law;
also, ono from, ladies of West Ponnsboro township,
and onu of ladies of Nowville, praying for a prohibi
tory liquor law; also, petition of citizens of Silver
Spring township, relative to Trindlo Spring, in said
lownshtpi also, ono from, citizens ol Cumberland
county, for a railroad from Dillsburg to Bridgeport,
Cumberland county i also, a petition for.and romon.
stranco any change in the place of holding
elections in Lower. Allen township, Cumberland
The Appropriation bill has passed the House. Tho
whole amount appropriated by tho bill is over 85,
000,000 !! This is outrageous. Should the bill pass
wo see the Governor exercise tho “ one man
power,” and veto it.
A bill regulating the salaries of Associate Judges
nfthl. Cnm- („.« r t in tho city and
county of Philadelphia) has passed the House of
Representatives. Its provisions arc as fellows: For
those whoso attendance does not oxccrtl four weeks
in cadi and every year, the salary shall bo ono hun-
drcd and twenty dollars; for those whoso attendance
exceeds four weeks end does not etiounl (o eight
weeks, ono hundred and forty dollars;Tor those
whoso attendance exceeds eight and dbes not amount
to twelve weeks, ono hundred and sixty dollars; for
those whoso attendance exceeds twelve weeks, two
hundred dollars. Ills also made tho duly of the
President Judge of each District at tho close of tho
year, to certify to tho Auditor General under hand
and seal the number of weeks each Associate has
been necessarily engaged in holding court during
that year.
Tho Senate’s postage bill for the month of March
amounted to tho enormous sum of $1,570 61 !
Tho House has appropriated $30,000 towards tho
establishment of a Slate School for idiotic children.
Tho bill has also passed the Senate. \
Tho Senate have repealed tho Registration Law
of tbolasl session, bv a vole of 19 to 7. Its repeal
was advocated on the ground that tho Uw was uso.
loss and expensive, and could not bo enforced.
Tho Governor has signed tho bill chartering tho
Erio Bank.
Tho bill to extend tho jurisdiction of Aldermen
and Justices of tho Peace in criminal eases, with
tho aid of a jury of six persons, was taken up on
second reading, and after debate, postponed for ono
week. Tho bill creating a now Judicial District
out of the counties ol Centro and Clearfield, which
passed tho Senate last week, passed finally.
Brilliant Triumph in Connecticut*
The Democracy of Connecticut have achieved &
jyjloDdid victory over the Willg parly of that Stale.
Seymour Is not only reflected Governor, but goes
In with a greatly increased majority—besides having
secured a full Democratic delegation la the next
Congress. Tho Pennsylvanian,says:
‘'Connecticut now occupies a proud and enviable
I position In the ranks of tho roliablo Democratic
I Stales, and to do nno is she more indebted for it than
i tights and dignity oV tier labor is returned again,
■ coming bach to the scat ho adorned with new lion
{ ora, and endorsed by additional numbers of his parly.
Hon. O. S. Soymour, an able and efticiont member of
’ the lost Congress, thoroughly versod id parllamcnta.
’ ry tactics and tho philosophy of legislation and a
l devoted aupportcrmf tho Democracy, is also re-elect
cd. Hon. Jas. T. Pratt and Hon. Nalhan Belcher, tho
’ other two gonllpraon, aro nowmembers, but not an.
' known to fame in tho Democratic party. Wo have
hoard both eulogised in (ho highest terms by their
neighbors, and every letter received by us during
’ the recent canvass, was eloquent in the praise of
I both. Tho triumph achieved by the Connecticut
. Democracy challenges tho admiration of Ponnsyh
3 vania, and is worthy of all praise. ,r
minister to England*
Tho President has tendered Hon. Jaues Buchan
an tbo appointment of Envoy Extraordinary and
Minister Plenipotentiary to the court of St. James.
Mr. B. is now at Washington pity, on invitation
of tho President, but we have not learned whether
ho will accept of tho cilice. From lhq flattering
manner in which tho mission was tendered,lts groat
importance to tho .country at this particular juncture,
and the earnestness of tho request on she part of
the President, wo think it poaiibJ# ibacjis may fore
go liia determination to remain in retirement, And
consent to servo bis country in (hat exalted capacity.
If ho accepts, one thing Is cortain that ho will not
play tho sycophant and toady (o tho nobility and
aristocracy of England as two of his immediate
predecessors, Messrs. Lawroneo and Ingoreoll, have
done. Tho United Stales will have a representative
abroad whoso actions will bo in strict accordance
with the republican simplicity of our institutions
at homo, and who will novor,in word or in.deed,
bring disgrace or reproach upon hia country
caster Intelligencer.
Woni.o's Fair at New York.—Tho following
interesting announcement is made in an English
His Royal Highness Prince Albert is among tho
contributors of works of art to tho industrial ox
bibilion about to bo opened at Now York on tho
2d of May next. The portraits of her Majesty,
himsolf, Prince Arthur, and of the late Duko of
Wellington forming tho pictures painted by Win*
(orballor, is his contribution. Tho Baron Maro.
cholti ha* completed a colossal equestrian statue of
General Washington, which is about to bo embarked
fur the exhibition. Mr. f!nr«w lias o*cuutoJ * colossal
statue of Daniel Webster, for the simo place. It
roprcsobls tho American Statesman in tho act of
addressing the Senate. Tho State of Missouri has
appropriated 84,000 for its proper representation at
(ho opening of the exhibition, and Congress, on the
2Gth of Fouruary last voted 820,000, to defray the
expenses of the Turkish steam frigate during her
visit to (ho Now York World's Fair.
A lellor from Havana describes a religious pro
cession in that city;
“ First,” says the writer, *icamo four negroes,
playing the violin, bass, viol, flute ond flageolet,
rolling (here eyes ond grinning, os if it wore a
supreme joke. Then boys and men, carrying
oandles, and shoving everybody aside.'
Then a bang-dog looking friar in white, with
cowl thrown back, carelessly swinging tv huge
censor, and glanoing upwards, from side to side,
at tho balconies lull of fair Habandras, as ho
lounged along. Then four men, carrying a gilded
canopy, in front of which paraded a boy in white,
and a priest in white and gold, bearing tho shin
ing Host, and followed by another priest resplend
ent in o goldiaood, yellow robe. Then 4 the army
incog,” black, white ond yellow’. An omnibus
got in their way. Livid with rsgo, the censer
man, more incensed than over 1 saw monk boforo,
rushed up, sworo at the driver, slopped tho horses,
and turned out tho passengers. The driver, ’a
good looking Spaniard, shraggod his shoulders,
and winked at the spectators. Tho passengers
’ humbly gave op, except a gray-headed American,
I is spectacles, who fought the priest through the
window, and was only, .dislodged by tbs joint,
and furious swearing of (he holy man and five ‘or
| six soldiers who came to bis aia.” .
. Correspondence of tho Volunteer.
" , - Washington, April 11, 1853.^
Mr. Eorrotf s—The post of Solicitor to tho Treas
ury Department has boon filled by -the appointment
of Judge Le Grand*, ofM.aryland. -Nodoubl it is a
good selection, yet I om of Ibb opinion Ahot Mr. [
MoLaHaiun, of your dislriot, would have, boon a
eduction that would have given more general satis-j
faction to the Domocratio party.. However, the |
President ha# decided tho Bubjoofdjfforont,and from
his decision in auoh coses there is “no appeal. —-
Wo rest satisfied, therefore, with the selection made
for that important position in tho Treasury Depart
ment* 1
Dr.. Sturgeon, an old favorite of tho democracy of
your State, goes to Philadelphia, to lake care of the
Public-Moneys there collected. Dr. 8. will bo faith. 1
ful there, os ho ever has been elsewhere, m the
i many imp orlanl stations ho has filled under tho
i Government, - Hon. Jambs Buchanan was in Hub
city on Saturday , and mat bo herb to day, but I.havo
not scon him. Hie visit is to docido upon tho offer
of tho mission to London; nl least, such is tho con*
lecture of our friends. It is a fair inference to pro.
sumo that ho will accept the mission. 'Certainly rto,
bettor man can bo selected foHhat important posit,
ion in Europe, in those ominous limes of tho mur
muring of tho distant thunder of oppression, in
chains more falling than ever, to tho down trodden
and the distressed sons and daughter*! of that mis-1
governed land. it as our that
James Buchanan wilt, if ho represents his country
abroad, ireprcsonl-us* as in tho days'of tho patriot
Cass, when and whore no combination European
potentates will bo suffered to interfere with Ameri
can interests either bn this continent or on tho “tom.-,
pest teas'd seas’* of the world.
You will seo from tho papers,ilhat JudgoJ.C. I
Bronson, ofN. Y. has bebfc•’appointed' Collector of
New York city, vice *D. S. Dickinson, declined.—
Some folks believe some difficulty will take place In
tho Democratic party from this circumstance. No
fear of that, in my opinion, Mr. Editor. All things
will work well, even ifiNow York is oat of joint for
a season. Tho world was not mado in a day; neither 1
can President Fierce do all things that will bo pleas-1
mg to “all men. 1 * But -ho can, and has done his
duly so far, and so Jong as tho democratic party is
satisfied with tho action of tho President, croakers
may save . themselves trouble in spculallng on the
resignation of this or that man.
Tho Senate had determined on adjournment this
day ol I P. M., but I understand that tho members
bavo boon summoned by the proper authority to
continue in session. Something in reference to tho
I Now York appointments are conjectured to bo the
cause of this second, call on tho Senate. Bo that as
l it may, tho re-assembling of the Senate betokens
something important, and, whatever it turns up to
bo, you shall oo duly informed.
I may as well inform you, before 1 close my loiter,
that lodge Bronson has followed the example of
Mr. Dickinson, and declines tho office of Collector of
Now York city. This may bo one cause why the
Senate has boon re-assembled by the President. I
P. S,—t reopen my letter to say that the Sonolo
this evening, confirmed, as Minister to England, tho
Hon. James Buchanan, by a unanimous vole. T.
Appointments by the President.
By and with the advice and Consent of tho Senate,
PoSTUAaiKits —Twymon UhnrlnM«»;Jl®,
Va.; William McNulty, Georgetown, S. C.; C. H.
Rundlctt, Portsmouth, N. H., P. Alien, Jr., Pittsfield,
Mass., D. A. Danforlh, Burlington, Vt, T. Brodhead,
Detroit, Ma., Joseph A. Noonan, MHwaukic, Wn.,
John J. Hcielor, Easton, Pa., H. M. Reigart, Lan
caster, Pa. fc
Samuel Casey, treasurer of tho United States, l>.
C. Prcssly, assistant treasurer, Charleston, S. C.,
Findly Bigger, register of tho treasury, D. Sturgeon,
treasurer of the mint, Philadelphia, Mordccai P.
Fcadyand Cyrus Olncy, associate justices, Oregon,
J. T. Rosser, secretary of Minnesota, R. Griffith,
marshal southern district of Mississippi, James J.
Campoau, register, ond Elisha Taylor, receiver,
Detroit, Michigan.
Hon. Piero Soulo, MlnislorTo Spain.
Goo. W. Kendall Esq., of tho Picayune, Post
master at Now Orleans.
Tho appointments of Registers and Receivers in
Arkansas, previously announced, have boeft con
William F. Phillips, of Fauquier county, Va., has
been confirmed as Sixth Auditor.
New Postmasters.— Tho following appointment
' *
flenry 6. Hart, at Norristown.
George Shinklo, at Germantown.
John Deal, at Frankford.
Wm, MeGHnehey, at Mnnayanh.
Edward Colohan, at Port Carbon.
Capl. Peter Aurand, at Tamaqua.
Dsploradle Ignorance of an Apotiibcarv.—A
poor woroiin in Now York was killed a few days
ago, by tailing an over dose of tho oil of tansy.—
Among other witnesses examined was (bo person
who sold the fatal drag. His testimony, from which
(ho subjoined is an extract, betrays tho grossest ig
norance :
lam a clerk in —— drug store, and 19 years of
ago; 1 have boon in the drug business between four
and five years, and have tho entire charge of com
pounding medicines in my employer's store; my
employer is not a physician; tho deceased came to
our store on Monday evening last, about 8 o'clock,
and asked for a sixpence yvorlb of tansy; I gave
it to her, and am positive 1 only gavo her a drachm
of this oil; 1 do pot know what tho properties of the
oil of tansy are; I have not studied chemistry, nor
have 1 lakcp any instruction in matori mcdica; ]
studied a Latin grammar when (wclvu years old,
about six months, and’novur went further in classic
al studies than the grammar; my employer never
gave mo any instructions as to the manner in which
I was to sell the oil of tansy ; I do not know tho
Latin term for tansy ; 1 think half an ounco of oil
of tansy would kill a man in good health, but I can
not say whether two dramchs would do it or not;
I can't say that 1 over wrote the word poison on the
labels attached to vials containing oil of tansy ; I
sometimes advise persona who are sick what medi
cines they should lake; my employer Is dally in the
habit of giving advice to patients wbo come into tho
store. I cannot 101 l whether essential oils acquire
strength or not by. ago. Ido not know whether the
oil aold to the,deceased was now o> old ; I did not
not notice whether it was thick or whether it ran
out of (ho bolllo easily, %
Is this Ignoramus an exception, or la ho one of
a class of apothecaries' employes, equally
and incompetent 7
Ziadles Through the lee*
Tho Cqradca (Ohio) Standard tells a story of mis.
placed boqovolqnco good tb copy :
A Tow ovonimrs slnnn llirnn Indies Urntro (hrnitgh
tbo 100 at Fairmounl whilo witnessing the exciting
sport of skating. Tbo. numerous gallants present
"rushed to tbo rescue,' 1 but conspicuous among them
was one noble follow, who plunged in ond boro up
one of the ladies till sbo was soiled by othoW'and
landed eafoly. Tbo attention of the bystanders was
now turned to the rescuer, who was with difficulty
extricated from hia perilous position—greatly ex
hausted, and appearing to bo speechless, lie was
convoyed to McCormick's Hotel, and'received tbo
generous care of that gentleman,, of
tho Skater’s Club was in a(tchdanco*and saw him
6arofo!ly pul to bod, blakoled, &o. ■ All attempts to
restore his speech, however, wero fruitless. They
rubbed and chafed him till the patient was in dan.
gor of losing hia skin. V
The poor follow made most awful wry Tacos, and
fairly, squirmed under the torture. 'He's going into
spasms,* exclaimed one, ‘rub harder,' roared another.
And not until the, crowd wero exhausted did they
give him up to die. 'Gentlemen,* remarked Mac,
'this is one of the most stubborn oases 1 have - over
mol with.' A well kno'wh amateur of the 'Hooker
dump* science suggested internal injury. .Finally
they concluded to examine his clothing, with tho
view ofhaving him decently interred wlthhls friends;
On opening a piece of paper tho whole mystery was
solved—As teas deaf and dumb J
Mao dodged and (bo committee vamosed. Tbo
oauso of all. their anxiety quickly dressed himsolf,
and left muoh Improved by hls.firsl lesson in hy
dropathic treatment.
Santa Anna.-— lt is boflovod Ural fjfohta Anna, on
his return to Mexico, intends to reduce tho republic
to it dependency of the Spanish Crown. The future
mbvoraorilVof 'that Wily'pblltlqian will bp walcM
with maoli interest hero, as well as in Mexico. " 1
', __ Hicrnincr the null Gen. Cubuikq as a Linguist.— A Washington cor*
Mo ** a t* c *t»o Wrlo cf»y BajaK".. | respondent of the N,lT,Htrald, says that General
To the Senate and Houte of Repfesentativea of the Cushing la tbo onlyman-in •the Cabinet who can
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania! laifcanythingbeeldsaEogUsh; shd relates.the foj.
Gknti^euen:—After haucb anxious reflection, "and. jp^j D g in. proof of'Aii proficiency la that respect!
a yorjrjall okumlnalionjif ‘4. > : AI ito diploinitlq dioner given by M.d’aßodUeo
the subject, I have Concjhdcd to approve pill *.. OJ j Wednesday, the Attorney General charmed and
on Iho filca of UlO .arpiwa Iho df.lingdl.hed pirty by M. a.ptiv.liug
“An. Act toeslabhsh the ErieCJty Bank, w g an J; VoMal ij o accomplishments.* Like a veritable
llilo.liowcvir. I dobra it duo to jou. lho pooplo.and llolhocon v et , cd in Frbncb.wilh M.loComplo
niyiolf, .honld rajko- known 11.0 bonoldota, kKrtlg~.Uißfr.nW. COldoion d.h
lions wbioh hovo brought mo to till, conclaolon. • Dorcai nnd in Do(oh „ iUI Bar 6„ Xeolo, .poke Gar.
I have ropoalcdly, e.noo my j"'° .°“, C I P> man with Baton Von Govoll, Pottugoo.o with Do
as well as when,before the people os c » * Finganlcro,ond the most unexceptionable,, Tuscan
dared sentiments adverse o the Incroaeo £ (ho representativco* iUblwhSicilloJiU
capital, or rather to Iho oxlonßlon of paper currency, * . „ - - ■
and I ora not willing to have my, consent to thoefo- - :
alien of the Erie City Dank, regarded os evidence of
a change in my views on this subject.
Nothing that has occurred in this or other coun
tries, connected with monetary affairs, since I with
held my,assent from the creation of. now.banks, du»
ring the last session of. the has been
calculated lo produce such change) but,on;ihe,con*.
trary, much that'has taken place, in aurroupfliog
Stales, may bo regarded as strengthening my cbnfi
donee and yours, In that polity which looks lo a
reduction ralHer than an extension of,tho paper me
dium'. The enormous influx of goldfrom California
and 'other sources, not only continued; bat sootas
greatly on the Increase over former yoare.ond many
millions hovo thus been added to the motaiic curren
cy of the country. A commercial revulsion,’ however
slight or temporary, cannot pass over wilhoul'dc
monstrating that Pennsylvania is gfoatiy Iho gainer,
by confining the amount of hercirculallng medium
lo the positive demands of a wholesale business.—
Thcrc|is safely in ibis policy, for the merchant. So ac
tual gain to'iho former, Iho mechanic and. laborer.
The.wages oflahor seldom, if ever, advance, on
equal ratio with the enhancement of Iho nominal
value of property, resulting from a superabundance
of money. The condition of the laboring classes in
many sections of the'country, at this lime, affords
a sufficient evidence of the soundness of Ibis position.
So firmly am I convinced of the wisdom.of this, pel*,
Icy, that had Iho measure under consideration in
volved a practical departure, to any considerable
extent, from the ground heretofore occupied on this
subject,' I' should havb returned the .bill wUhqnl-my
sanction, notwithstanding the peculiar, local consid
erations In its favor. But it can'scarcely be regard
ed as a violation of tlio restrictive policy 1 have 1
indicated. • ,
’ ’The institution thus created is represented as a 1
substitution for the old Erie bank. The people, of
the city of Erie scorn to prefer the creation ol a now
bank, rather than the re charter'of iho old one. The
old bank is not asking a revival or extension of its
franchise, but has very properly commenced wind
ing up its affairs. And thus the. city of Erie, pow
more flourishing and extended in' its business opera
tions than at any former period, would bo destitute
of a banking institution of any character. Remote
from monied institutions, at least from those of.our
own Stale, her business men would bo forced to re
sort lo the banks of other Slates for- the transaction
of their business, so for as banking facilities may bo
necessary, and lima throw into circulation a curren
cy less safe and far more objectionable .. than our
own. 1 cah sec no other locality in the Slate pos
sessing business enough to‘require and sustain a
bank similarly circumstanced. what I desire
lo Impress upon you moat distinctly is f that my as
sent Id the charter of the Erie City-Bank shall.not
bo laKon os evidence mat I woultf sanction the cre
ation of now banks hi other localities, and presenting
no such inducement's! and It Is but candid and right
that I shotild''apLy to you, that of all the proposed
banks from which I withhold my assent last winter,
this is the only one which could receive my sanction
arthis time, nnd besides this, the propositions are j
dissimilar, for the capital stock being but HlUe over j
one half the amount asked for at (ho last session.
It may not bo Improper in tins connection to call i
your attention once more to tbs subject of Iho can -,
collation of the rollcMssuos. I regard the withdrawal |
oflhls currency from circulation as the first indis
pensable slop in the rofoimalinn of our paper cur
rency. Pennsylvania, should bo ambitious to lead
her sister Stales iu Iho grqal reform of substituting
a metalie for a paper medium ; but slid cannot li'ojio
to influence this action so long as she sustains In hpr
sovereign capacity the most objectionable species of
paper money.
This salutary reform accomplished, the difficulties
in tbo way of tho substitution of A motaiic for a
paper system, at least as to noles of the smaller do
nominations, would not bo insurmountable. ■ By a
progressive action oh the subject, beginning with
pin firm „and .-UioamC
fow years might bring round a thorough reformation
of our mixed system. I believe (his to bo the true
policy of the country—one which would etrongthon
and protect our agricultural, manufacturing and
commercial interests in their rivalry with those of
other countries. 1 believe it will bo wise for Penn
sylvania lo odopt this policy, even though her sister
Slates refußO to join in this work—for it will ulti
mately make her rich at (heir expense. |
Id conclusion, gentlemen, allow mo to express the
hope that before tho final adjournment of the Gen 1
cral Assembly, efficient measures may bo adopted to
cancel tho relief notes now in circulation.
Executive Chamber t Harrisburg, April 5, 1853.
From tho Washington Union,
As wo noticed on Thursday, this distracted coun.
try has made, it would seem, a last desperate effort
towards the maintenance of her government by in*
viting Santa Anna to assume the reigns of power.—
Tho latest accounts state that ho has accepted tbo
Invitation, and is already .on his way to • Mexico to
undertake bis task. Santa Anna is doubtless a man
of ability—among Mexicans, of pre-eminent ability
—both In military and civil life. Bui his past his
tory clearly demonstrates that ho knows .no other
way of govcrlng Mexico except by despotic authority.
That ho is a man to Cave tbo present cobfodoruto
system of (hot country from tho utter ruin which
monanccs it, may doubted.
Bo this ak it may, one fact eooms to bo clear;
Judged by hia reported conversations with Escobar,
who was sent to request his rctilrn to Mexico, Santa
Anna carries back to that country an undiminishod
if not aggravated hostility against the, U. Stales.—
•’The northern Vandols" is’ the favorite 'term by
which ho characterizes our citizens, and ho indicates
"resistance to aggression from tho north* 7 os a load
ing principle of his future policy. All (his, if per
aisled in, is as unpromising for tho future stability
oflho Mexican government os it is inauspicious to
(ho continuance of ftiondiy relations bolwocn two
governments, whoso commercial and territorial In*
(orests are so interlaced as'thoso of Mexico and' (ho
United Slates. This will appear the more deafly to
those who bear in mind tho tendency of Santa Anna's
atowod hostility to (his country la subject hlmand
hia government to all (ho disastrous Influences of
European intrigue and aggfeosion. It la tho trans
fer to Mexico oftlial jealousy of,American influence
which has made the coterminous republics of South
ern and Central America the enemies of each other,
and has thus exposed them to all tho perils of trans
atlantic interference. . ,
M Is not denied (hattho experience of Max
loo and of moat of tbo Ilispano American republics
on this continent has hitherto , suggested more of
apprehension than of hope to the friends of free in>
dilutions. ..They have been but 100 frequently bar
rassod by revolutions ond border hostilities succeed
ing oaol) other in rapid succession, and with them
tho groat problem of self government has received
but an imperfect and inoffooluarsoJullon. This fact
has been too often oiled in derogation of tho political
capacity oflho Spanish raco. ft should bo remem
bered that, of all tbo European colonies upon this
tho United States and Brazil alone cstab.
lishod their independence by q revolution which wad
political only, and not social. In tho caso of tho
other governments on ' this continent, independence
was attended or followed by tho.anfranohisDmo'ni of
tho subject race. This was specially. the caso in
Mexico and in Central America; and in ithoso re
gions (ho spirit of anarchy has most prevailed. In
Brazil tho same disturbing oauso; has not existed,
ond.tholr.govornnioqthaß peon comparatively, order
ly and stable. Tho seif styled philanthropy of (hq
day may find In those facts Iho subject qf profitable
reflection. ' • ‘ *
Monfcov tub Cuban Invaders Released.— Tho
Washington, Intelligencer announces that It has
soon a private , EuropoQn Jotlor. atatiDg that the
American Minister at Madrid, has procured Ifip
pardon from Spain of the Hungarian'prisoners,
wbp wore engaged with Gen. Lopes in the Invasion
of the lalandofCalra. " ’ ■' • I '-.j
On.lho Tth lnst., al Iho rcsidenco.of bis father, In
Dickinson township, Francis Fulton Huston, in the
25th year.of bis ago,'aftQr'Ja lingering disease of
the lungs. ' The deceased was a young man ofmaoh
promise and is bereaved,by ajl.who wpro acqualntsd
with hie worth. I Ho died In a full i assurance ufbope
in a blessed immortality.' / ’ ' ' ;
A HOUSE of entertainment is .now opened for
the reception of city boarders by or
otherwise, who inay bo inclined to make ,lho beau*
tiful and healthful town of Carlisle a summer re*
treat; and for the accommodation of travellers who
may feel disposed to-call. The undersigned shall
spare no pains to eupp'y bistable with the best the
seasons can afford;- ■ • JOHN.M^OABTNEY.
N. B. Several Hobsos and Lots are offered for
sale on reasoriablo terms. JjMcC.
April 14, 1883—3 m. '/
Estate notice;
LETTERS of administration on tbo estoto of R.
M. Dlossing, lato of Silver Spring township, Cumber
land county, deceased, have been issued by the Re
gister of said county, to the subscriber residing in
the same township. AM persons indebted- to said
estate wilt make immediate payment, and those hav
ing claims will present them for settlement to
April 14. 1863—6 t
THE subscriber, Assignee of John Flank, will
offer at public sale, on Monday the ISih day of April
1853, at (ho Court House.ln Carlisle, the following
property, viz: .that, valuable-TRACT OF LAND,
situate in South Middleton lwj>, adjoining, lands of
Mary Grcason an others, cohlaining.s9 acres of first
rale limestone land, all clcmrocl and in a good state
of cultivation, having thereon a Dwelling. House,
Well of water, &c. ’Possession given Immediately
it desired by the purchaser, and a considerable per*
tioo of (ho purchase money will- not bo required for
sometime. Sale lo commence at Xo'ctocb, P. M.
when terms will bo mode known by .
0 p 14 JACOB ABRIMS, Assignee.
BtBO. ;
THE undersigned would. rcßDfccUolbr' inform «k*
Ladies of Mcchnnicsburg and its vicinity, that ho
has just fitted up, opposite bwoMatond in said
borough, a . ' . ,
Ladies’, Shoe; Stor.e, f ’; _
designed expressly for tholr accommodation, and
free from the annoyances,to which' they ..nave here
| toforo bccn'oubjcclcd. This sloro will bo qodcf the
Isoie chargs and supervision of his sister, and Ladies
may rest assured that every attention will be paid
to their demands. A full and constant supply df
ready made Work, from tbebest of eastern manufac
tories, in addition to his own £ found always
on hand, consisting .in part ofLadlea’.FineHld
Slippers, Fine Gaiters, of all colors, cashmsa ties,
toilet and onamo led shoes, Jenny-’Lind’s, French
Buskin, Union lies and pumps of nil descriptions,
Misses’ pol’d Gaiters of all kindf, children’s fancy
Kossuth boots, Gaiters, Ties and French-Morocco
shoes, double.and single soled, &C-, dee.
Ho would ajaoj inform, his old friends and . the
public generally, that he still continues to keep on
band and manufacture to order, al his old stand, all
’ kinds of
I ■B. ' such as Men’s Find Calfskin Hoots, frpm
i- BBa *inn..#E n/i, t?—from
to $4 50; Coarse Boots, 82 1 50 to $3 0(1 All rip*
will bo repaired without extra charge:' •'
Thankful for the patronage which has hodnoxteo.
ded to him heretofore, ho hopes by strictattention
to business and a doslro to please, to merit and re
ceive ncontinuaneo 6f the same.
„ Edward lamont.
Meohanicaburg, April 14, ’53—,6m.
Advertised in the ••Volunteoi” by Authority.
LIST OF LETTERS remaining m (be Post Office
at Carlisle, P« M April 1,1853 J ' Persons en.
quiring for letters on this list, will please key (bay
arc advertised.
Armstrong Joseph
Addatns William
Agndw Andrew ■
Arbegaa'l George
Alraony James **
Barrett Mrs Amer A
Btown Jesse
Bell Henry
Butler Miss Hanolt
Baker John
Barnetts Sousart
Blosier David
Brown Jacob
i Bare Henry
! Boil Anna B . .
Butler Wra B
Bailey Mary Ann
Bear Martha
Becker Mary Rebecca
Blylcr Christiana
Barr David Esq
Duzard John
Brown Mary* A
Boofro Wm R
Bochtol 'Mrs Mary
Oo.wick John
Cunningham John
Crockett James K .
Cornman Henry
Celley Chrislifor
Croon William
Culp Patrick
Cornman Alexander 9
Oalllods George
Cults Thomas W
Jones John El
Jones John
Johns Gatharino
Jones Mahala col r rf
Kelly James \V -’<•
Kissinger Georgo '
Lewis Mrs Juliana
Long Abrahamr
Lackey Mrs Mary
M'Glaoghlin •"
Meyers Peter farmer
M’Clintk Martha Jane
Miloo Jacob
Morrell MroAdaline R
Moreland John R
M'Gpogh James
Mowery Martin
Moroson Frederick
Mccann Francis
Newcomer Geo Esq
Naumann William i
Person laaae
Koos Martin'
Riobwine Jacob sr
Roof Gatharino
Ramp Catharine ~
Rholller Mrs ElizStrowo
Samuel Tobias
Shelly Ephraim.V
Stansberry Ellen Mrs
Simons Frederick or hejra
Daily Aon Scott Abtahamor.hoirs
Day Goorgo Stowarl Obarlos A Esq
Dyarman Dr James P Shambaraor Oliver 0
Fcnical John . : SrailoyMr ". ,i j
Finnoy George , Smlllfo William.
Forreo George Sherman Hepry
Fought Margaret . Stauffer William r,
Finkcnbindcr John SkinerMfß.oMr, pedlar
GUI Thomas 9. . .iShugordrWllllaro
Grior Samuel 0 ‘ Spots Abraham < (1
Greon Joseph Smith,Daniel B ,f.
Green J T Shairor^nliralm.
GarvcriGoorgo Tough iWiqbael- ; r
Haley John . . . Thomas MraMary
Hookor Jeremiah .; ; TfpstloPoler , .
Hartzlor Samuel 'lH).to TilMha 3 j '
Hudson James : • fWaUgoif, Jaooba&Co
Ilcisoy J . , . ,Woolulo .Christian
Harsh Goorgo R, Wise Frpdoflolc,
Haasy Emit , Weaver Anny,, . ,
IlarlingorLizabolh Wynkobp David
Hutton James (or hoirß) ; >VptBbßUgli IVJrs Martha
Hall Catlmrino <, . Wliprlop pharlos Jr JjJsq
Harlzoll ,William , Waibockqt Fro(lo?fck.
Hall Jacob, Wise Miss Mary Jimo
Holohon Cbajcn \Vms,G t
Allon Jacobs S. : . N. HAKTCD, P,‘ Iff,
Estate Notice.
XTOTIOE is hereby given that* loiters teslarttbn>
IN tary on tho calato of Ocorgo Lighthcr, |ato of
the borbugh of NoWyllle, Ciimborlond county, do*
ceased, have boon' Issued by -the Register to tbo
subscriber, whp resides in said borough t • All por
eono having claims against said -estate will present
them for settlement, oud those indebted'will make,
payment without delay. . ‘ " • • •
' 1 - • •>.; JOHN WAGtjIONER/Exocutori
1 MtreUBl,lBfta.—6w*..,"V { ’ 1 '’i l ’ '