American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, December 30, 1852, Image 1

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Tavern License. ' ' rV~ L '" '
onora^^o the Judges of the court of Ge*' 11 poetical,
neral Quarter Sessions of tbo Pence of Cumberland c ==rr
county, at Jaauary Sessions, A. D. 1853. COSTKtvr aivd rich
ceaeaty icquiailcs fp, keeping a house of public on-' „ ,„ * ,MK, ‘ n * flu, ‘ Wllh eandicion in life,
tnrloinmont, in the house he now occupies us such i* l ° ° OW ‘ n C stanzas. 1 hey were written by a poet
•in (he West Ward, in tho Borough of Carlisle.— whose productions have entitled him lj the highest
JrrX P° t,,,o r n . or * therefore, prays your Honors to aspect of the literary circles of the day •
grant him a License for the same the ensui c year '
commencing on tho 2d Monday of January la'V*’ “ “
Aa in duly bound ho will ever pray, Sl C . ' CONTENT AND RICH.
. JOHN HANNAN. My conscience is my crown;
December 23, 1852—3 t Contented thoughts my rest j
__ My heart is happy in itself,
Wo tho undersigned citizens of the West'Ward, btloi ia in my broust.
;n (po Borough of Carlisle, in the county of.Cmn* Enough 1 reckon -wealth,
orland, do certify thul we nre well acquainted with 'Drat moan, the surest lot,
tho above named John Hannan, that ho ia of good That lies 100 high for bi»e contempt
repute for honesty and temperance, and is well pro- Too low for envy’s shot. ’
vided with house room and conveniences for the Mr wishes„™ h„i r«,
■ccommpJaUon of si,anger, and ira.nllcra. and AIT . v „ f u )n , ’
«ach Inn or i. n,,.,..,, .ccommndalo Im l ko L „ 'r
Char ,C n" d ■ n "' , T t “i n ‘.'i”," 8 " 8 Dnd Tho bold. unin wdl ’
Charles Bornttz, John Whistler, Robert Allison, , y
Vvm. Cart. Ijcwis Robinson, W. Foulk, George W. * ‘ cr,r hn caro l"° r R°ld,
Hilton, Win, i. Shearer. Adam Scnse.rnnn, Jamb I Well doing is my wealth;
Leihy, John Rhoads, R. A. Noble, A. Roberts, Geo Mv mind ,0 mc an e "’P ir « i».
W. Richards, C. J. Carmony. ’ While grace atfordctli health.
~ • 1 C I’P high climbing thoughts,
Tavern The wings o| swelling pride ;
TO the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Their fall t* worse ih.n from the height
General Quarter Sessions of the Peace of Cumber- Of greatest honor slide,
land county, at January Sessions, 1853. Since tails oflargcst size
I he petition o( John Ricker, respectfully repre- The Mm in doth soonest tear
eenls, that your petitioner is provided with the ne. * boir so low and tmnli u B .ul ’
ceasary requisites for keeping a house of public As frcclh mo from (ear.
entertainment, it, the house now occupied hy Israel I wrestle nm with nir«
Hull, in 6omli Middlninn iownabip.' V„nr pan- Wb,l. inrUnln,'7d burn-
Honor, therefore, prays your Honors to grant him It i« in vain to amp u, P j.i fC am
a License for th»* same the ensuing year, com mono- Until ih« nJ e doth tarn '
mg on the 2 1 Monday of January n.-xt. As in n , , „ „
dulj be will ever pny. An/ ” ""t .
n john nirKKR. i * b s :::: cnd ’
D«.9.W33-3.. _ Ini.'.l.tcM r °*
We the undersigned ctuz. ns of the township of No change of Fortunes nlm
South Middleton, in the county . f Cumberland. 1 Wl l " p’*' my down ;
do certify (hat we are « .■[( acquainted with ibe „ 1 0r,,, " c s ","' c *- 1 " fril,c to thmk.
above named John fitrker. tlJhela oVgorVr - How rpi.aiy aha will fru«n.
pule for hone-ty nnd lemperanrc, and is udl pro- An . (l wl "‘ n> ,n ,rowar d mood,
vided with house room and conveniences for the Sue pr>»\ml > n a ngi y toe,
accommodation of strangers and travellers and I amnfl g .in, I found, to lut her come—
that such Inn or Tavern is necessary In acconnno- 1 Lc “ a 1,,M 10 kt llcr
dale the public and entertain strangers and travel-;
’Tbl. O. Sterrelt, Jnbu Sam „ f . „ arlllor , I__ SW**™ l»lslMff.
"«"•-■■■ ‘ “ ~
Henry Webberf, George W. bbert, sr., Frederick | A ™IUIAI? dDVmi'RE
Asper, John Goodyeat, sr., John Hattzler, John
Baker, Jacob Myer,
Tavern Lir , im c
TO ihe Honorable Judges of the Court of
General Quarter Sessions ol the I’eacp n| dumber,
land county, at January Sessions, 1803.
The petition of George Folaml, respectfully re
pr«fl«nl*) ihai )irui (inmoiiri 19 A,- ... y.
necessary requisites for keeping a house <>f jmMir
entertainment,>in the house now occupied t*y Inin
self in the Borough of (Carlisle. Your peiili-'nrr.
therefore, prays your Honors to grant him h Li
cense for the same, the ensuing year, commencing
on the 2d Monday of January, 1903. As in duly
bound he will ever pray, &c.
Dec. 9. 1852—3i*
Wo the undersigned of the Past Ward,
of the Korotich ol ('.ulislc. in tho county of Cum
berland, do certify that we are well acquainted
with the above named George Poland, that be is
of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is
well provided with house room and convenience*
for the accommodation of strangers and travellers,
and that such Inu or Tavern ls necessary to ac.
commodate the public and entertain strangers and
John Homer, Stephen Keepers, Andrew («.
Lechler, Andrew Kerr, M. Holcomb, K. Mct’arl.
ney, Peter (Jutshall, Daniel Keitels. John Shade,
Win. Alexander, John I’nderwood, C. InhotT, Pe
ter Monycr.
Tavern 1-lconso
TO iho Honorable Ihc Judges of the Court of
Ocncral Quarter Sessions of the Peace of Cumber*
land county, nl January Sessions, 1853.
The petition of Mathew Moure, respectfully rep
resents that your petitioner is provided with ihe ne
cessary requisites tor keeping a house of public en-;
in the house he now oomph's in Houth
MhJdlclon township. Your petitioner, therefore. 1
jour Honors to grant him a license for the
same the ensuing year, commencing on the second
Monday of January, 1853. As in duly hound he
will ever pray, &.c
December 10, 181)2—3i r
We the undersigned citizens of tho towmdiip of
South Middleton, in the county of Ciimbri land. d>>
certify Ihnl wo ore well acquainted wrth the above
named Matlicw Moore, that he iv of good repute for
and temperance, mul in well provided with
house room and conveniences for the accommoda
tion of slromjrra and tiavellor#, und that fO h Inn
or Tsvcm is necessary lo accommodate the public
and entertain strangers and travellers.
Samuel Ulonk, Jacob Wolf. t«co. Wallet. Etnnn.
del Wise, Abm. Bonier, Wm. Moore, R. Kuhkell,
Jacob NolTainßor, Alfred Moore, Jesse Myers, Geo.
Harman. Benjamin Royer, John Boyer.
NOTICE Is hereby Riven that the partnership
horotoforo CJiiiting between Philip Arnold ond
Gerson I.ovl.and doing business under (bo firm of
Arnold Sc Lewi will bo dissolved on tho first day of
Janotry, 1053, and all persons indebted lo the said
firm wifi please call and tottla their accounts. After
l)io «bove mentioned date tho business will bo earned
on by Philip Arnold with whom tho book of tho old
firm will bo loft for settlement.
LETTERS testamentary on iho estate of Mrs.
Ann Murry, dec’ll., Into of Upper Allen township,
Cumberland county, have boon Issued to tho sub
scriber residing in tho some township, by the Re
gister of Bald county. All persons indebted to the
estate of Said dcoodcnt aro requested to make im
mediate payment! and those having claims will
present them for settlement tq
Decembers, 1053.—0 t
Estate Notice
LETTERS testamentary on tho estate of Eliza
beth Uyor, lute of Upper Alien township, Cumber
land county, deceased, have been issued by the Re
gister of said county, to the subscriber residing in
ldwnship. All persons Indebted to said
estate will make immediate payment, and those hav
ing claims will present thorn for settlement to
November 95, 1852—01
Boots & shoes. Wo would invite aii those
who wish to lay out their money to a good ml*
vantage, to call ami examino our etotU before pur*
phasing aUowhora, '
JJMjtt 23
ARNOLD dt LKtfl.
ll wns a few night* since —a dark night 100 (),»} ,
Iho incirivnl I um about to rcl.le 10-. k place. i had I
been taking n gonaly n v of cs- r,-,«e all I lie day I
jircviuua, ond fell f-iugm-d. The icrry boat ol 3
ilic second dim riot rang hrr bell at Um Algiers : Tho following description of U,O Ia*»l rh.inrn by
mg. «nflll hmioned mv steps to reach her ere she ,h< * Old French (.‘n,ird mi \V,iicrl-.n. \i d.-nv. d' •* ktn-l u ord in her Mr. „ ,
started for Iho oi'v Much mmyil im ppoinl merit . l ro,n a French Work, entitled “Humire Pomjknrc ni"cKin.r, ,t ym, (n> d it, , onpnmg «a. «hvn i.,-dr ,n the u,.,» r pan nt tin Ini.
however, j.mi I read. .1 . |, w w a,, v 1 ,•-* . .. , l - ; "‘icb dimjmsmne .is tu annul adc j r uimirhl jrio
WiJMI AWe h«t ,nio lb,- »1 rr.l in ■ the -Uy. the artillery ol Um Gourd. .in- n.r.. by the p<-nly ro-.U. In Um Mm,, wind..* .corcrlnUi, mm th« tulds -1 »Mch .. -t^nut,
and b,Milling and clinking and m.iUmr a prodigious 1 <ler Dniol. m-nnumed IU old renown; and Urn she sees men Iresh loaves of bread and t.Mn|.'lnu etuons nr g.e *sy n„u-u wiU. mmo. «s n
noi-o, moved towards 1 In- riiv. 'Gunrd ilnelf hn.l Irequemly been umdlo restore M'le rak.-s, Rosy Mile ehildren pae« her on Umir ( -eemtd. h..ri be-n iretu-d, ft., as rx ( ,n >IF r
Inwardly exclaiming at mv mod bid lurk, lUm Imlilr iti varjoiH ports ot the field, and al *.i ys way to s< luiol, woll-led, wcll-elad and j<»y- - n s j lu 'i v«* po»M 0, tip 1 xt« rn-i "ir. 1,0 ,n Wl J
walked if.sorely rnil.c 1.1.1 c w1.a.1 tH-r„ro mrntmnrd,I « llh success. The English aern lasi bremn m» , vv ,ll > a »“■"'< f’a piling kiss yul«anu on Uu-ir cmnj.l.-lely lul ; ( . mi from Ibe leo.iciity » (.« ern ■ i Wby ar« an hundred and .iity t«j««ro rod. like »
down on 1110 r..„,h.1..,d bon.h placed | exhaif-M, nnd .„«Id d„ul„ Voh Ii ii *or<witiiilM*w| , *ao*o«*l# *,/ « * Onn* »cd limlli I troc.nac her. Lo. fm,
IV.n. of <l.O -polos, for >wn..n.'l room— on. -lor | „ I „ Into a .Imnnl™- .elre.l, 1...1 lu. | 1 "> '»• l’l‘> 1 '" 8 r "™P 1 "if miclll „ u , j "‘ lr '
l„ho. -ml Iho olocr '(or (rniti lomon wliioh 1...0 t l, e .....oy amv.,l ol llluohor. lint lion ,1.,-y f" rid. I." 1n lo vor rmnos lo hr. Ilor Im Ip l.„. ■ ,1 , 1.0 corot 1011, w- , -0. l w 1..... .1
j.olod .hero -inco Iho n.omor, of woman „„ hl ,„ ;| U . 0(I0 |. r „- Maila ap|HO»rl„k.'l -n-l"y I lj ">' , lt V . c „,„. c , ,n,,„c.„.0. of 11,0 f0.,1,.r.. 1„
rttoooll, M.. 11.. 1.0 nonir.rv A cilrly lamp .1 onr r „,ve,l, wl.lln Napol.oo was filled «('« I"""’ "" sl ' [ 'l> W""."*— nlMch.l 1. ~1 1.000 un
coroer s-.c oi 1.. mi I,wnoic I, > y - i.u n w n , i| t innazoment. A hl'alon enoioy n-- nlioiil lo I l.efe ... 1. I •-c I y l.oty.nlio IoHJtiM |,.i--o, ill , r( unua H „1,.|, 111C « Al tonylli tlm oiinhi l,ro ,u..
? o' >a .i ** r 0^ I? , ° " a ii* * C , 00 ' an . form a juncliun uhh the allies while (Jrnuchey, l» l '.i\mg rakes and h,m h»ns l"f her Imil.- j ■ <te tt ua il Irom ilNcovirmg. 1 lio cun,,il> smn <ii
lon ot 1.0. a farlher off In a dull, n.l y e loo.n, A >hn jj Jd | )1-pn kd op ihom in cliooh, ■■■ no g'>l. » s H -I"' h'.'l "ie |Ujr»n ol C, ollinalin. lion ||,„ ,k MI w „, d.. t k .nd 0iwc.1... oil. 11..- lorelio.i.l
Undmo° TLvwrrVan'nira'n lyd”ermd irk b i-Alas! nil, .1 mn 0 nlfioonl plans nine 11 1.0 1 - lie ..ami,and havo on.myli had 1,... In.lo .ml 1„.. K ol ~ r.r .
; pr/vil; : f :j p r.r ■’« :::i* .,::,n 1 * o,r„i„uJ t . r i i- m,,.! s„„ ~,.,rd „0„„„ d ,...h-..„r.. n-„r..... *
ind.c.lM.a .1.0,? prrarm-r. I w.,a aua.rd l.vrlvc or -In 0 Napnloon s.w l.n could nol *l>® -r„, l. ~l, will. rursr ~, Iho morn,up. mi. 1.0 101 l oyr, ,n .1... h... uia.non, .xpu.urr ..
th.rlocn foci ml.. ...... ... b-lnw ... 1 -u-Uln 11.0 snack of so ...any Irral, lruu|,s, ll r—u .1. and i 1... Iran u;ll mine j 1. | "pm and lull, .l,uu,„ ,l v ,u„l„ d a 1......
upper Mirf ,re ; il,c rupr w .i« Infmc mul iho boa I'o ee .Ulou ed lo lorm a jimc'ion with Um allied ha |’tunes •> .uul ,i tmy In llio world nil none for ). on I»t pom n uon . •!> u*> r u in* lC " 1
1 . . . is I ... 1 I . ... ; ~0 \lm , • liornnl ol ihe men of kmc ( Imrlc*, w,«i pcr'iri.—
Imuir bulitml mr-»o that I wi« rompleiplv l,iddi n loreea, and he determined lo slake bin fato on one 1 . . , , ) , r ,,,„ .... ,i - „r di.-
from ihe view of 11.0 dwellers mUm roNidono-s foriy bold east, and eiulftavor lo |»lrrce Iho allied centre fast, little one. arm hearlfi . od . , ll( i me kflu. r in cons- nulro nf
or hny yard. roar ol.l,cu„d.„g uf lh i O.dUnnrd.nnd .hn. •"-•>1"-- vrlsr.. Tl.s. lady Ss«:« n
The solitude and the silence pleased me; and, o* ‘ throw hniisrll beU\ een Ihe I o arm mg. Fur 1 his caUJ»I\.l “lehl uf your lillle wo-hcgnnft lacn an< , l()C Ct _. ri . t -i ot i, t i o m,d , ntirc
Ind i. flcn dene before. Is U Umro motionless and mu- , purpose, Uic linpeiul (iiiard v'as called up and Milvniinc tinn. Oh! whal if U were /*cr child 1 \ {i was d i iVic nlt*> I Uus momc 11 1 I o wiUih.dJ n d<-
sing, listening In iheywifl ni«lnnc and ifiirglinc of divided into two col 'linns, which Were »mi, oheyinu a sweet maternal impulse, aim passes c | dU||ul| „ot w nU.umlmc iu dishgumnniu, U»,-
d»cp. turbid water. ~f tba .VJu.HMH.ppi, gming Jo t t jie centre of the Drumh k.rre. ( '“ l ' lo r * u,,,Re hu,e hemunhed ” n - t . olllllehanco Ul ,i bt-ar a ten rn' l-uc- to ih«-
now at the wide, gloomy expanse of iho heavens, Those under Hielle no Bo .uer entered the fire k"’ M hpf 'luinlily gloved hands, and leads ihe eom , t |llu bufll| , a()d P „,, rc ,.,||y t„ u, e yu ui-c- of Kmc
where twinkled a few stars, um! now nl the long, t l, an lt distinnonred ilko mini. The other wa f> ohl Id wunduung, bhy and bowildored, Into iho Ul- t'hi/lcß I, by VandvOk .by which M Ind been nuil>
bl 1 ck. fantastically out lined wall that rose from ihe | j UfU j,, r e - ».,| ie bravest of tlio brave,” and I>y land. ( familiar to lit. It !« irJo, tnni me imm* »•
waicr-aedgo on iho oppaehe side of Iho river, and | he oriJer „ iveil nd vanCG . Napoleon ocooropo- A doJightful and novel sensation of wnrmll. i , poc l-lorß of line inlc rcsimg sight were well pro
w hich on Us crescent shaped Sweep mi guarded by . . . , ~ V creeps over those frozen limbs—a f«inl color Hu- I pared lo receive this nnproHSiun ;andit w m n«u t>e
the ranks of strange berng.f.. I im.g.ned) of whom n,e,< llw ° 1 U,e pale cheeks, and .ho eyas g-ow liquid and denied, that the shape of the face, the forehead.
only, their bright, golden, glowing helmets were vis* *' ll|n " 11 n • '* drtssei i ■ "» • ' v and Mcm raises ihVtn thankfully to her eye, and the beard, nro the most important loaiarca
iblc. Umm that the bat.ln rested them, and that / Th<> Ull B , rl look J on by resemblance is determined
I know of now more picturesque image than tbi- fo ' |pd on their valor, Ukd in Bo many h-U . u „ )nnMn i , Dn ,j f ljr th„ fi si tune, how I W hen t lie head bad beeni entirely disengaged iron,
good y City of Now Orleans presents, ns seen from . i fl I'-mpcfftir. answered him with A Btiout ~,,-reitul ” ' Uie ulloclimvnl w Inch confined it. it wus loui.d to b<-
tho Algiers aide, of a d-irk night, with Iho rows of , that was heard above tlm thunder of the a-HIU-ry. ’ ' ». . ’ , „. |{ ) ( (1 \ }pavv basket louse, and without «ny ddliculty was lakoo up. »mi
brilliant gas lights emltosscd on the bl irk , contused l’h« whole continent a I struggle exhibited no sub* I lu . l • f j grow n ' houl lo view. It wss quue wot, «nd g ,»o a greenish
city front, of miles in extent, and winch so mmglos Inner spectaMe than Um last elforl ol Nap<dc<niln <t'*d a iglu ,ear • 1 " r * I*° r n '* r scarcely fvd imgo lo paper and to ken winch touched U
wnh Uic sky above und the river below, Unit it is nave his sinking Fmpiro. i'ho gruaicst ailhlary «'der, and tto p >ng tier - i,s r ‘ ,f ’ S U 'l'lic bach p«fl nf the scalp was cut iri ly per teci, aml
dihimi’iii-'liablo from them only by ns deeper, inure skill iho world possessed It ad been tasked to U* be Un- samo wor, . i ,lu s orm is « tee now j Nd a lemarkublu Iresh nppoaranco, Uio pure* «•
massive gloom. utmost during the day. Thrones wore mltming her step ItoitasncMi s s mu » in. m aun l)|U H^|tt bcni|{ umro distinct, us they udu-Ny me
1 wiib indoavonng In print upon my mind tins t | )e t ur bult*nl field, and t'.o shadows ol lugtiive , uf »‘ ui,,an lov '* ,lil9 brightened her pn uway . W | |C(l bod | 4ud , n muisiarc ; sod the tendons and iiga
magician’s picture, worthy of M trim's broad and ( |n , rH through iho smoke of battle. Buna- Al '* M° la « «Arlh la nol all darkness—-bright eyes j munU u , u, O nvc k were ul cuusiderablo suhstaue 1
sweeping pencil, and was leisurely on. lysing men. J)lirl ‘ B BUf | tc ,„.»| e d in tbo hlazmg yM walk the earth. Sweet-voiced IMy and,hea- j nlld firm.-esa. Tl.u liuirwa iluckd th« b,ck pul
tally the various impressions it uce«rioim-iI, or morn- on, in iis nnciunl -pleittlur, now a .id<l»nly p»l„m «n»-yfd Ch.rily .nmri.niM slnnp lo I, «. t.m », „| n,„ hn.O, -nd in .r-iicn n-.,1y bl-ck A
on— of old d»ya It oron fl. w!.„n w- tu.tlod b v bl , r , lr „ Al In.l 1.0 »u,k.U,U Um- °"'j marri.l, not lic.l.nyi-J. H- »Im portion of 11, winch b-.inco b.nnclc.,.,-, J.I.J.
a doen. long sigh breathed cioso by. I cast n gionco . . ... J , -i«. . , „ ~ i, I.cilh iho rsvona, bends to Ilston. I.nnk u/u«nr«, u u l a boauMul dark-biown color. In*, ol the
„„,„n, 11.0 wlml. bn, 1 could no.h.n,, 1 .nnlnr- "!™ W - T, ' V lml» Mni,. ! K*»»v | bo.rd wo. . rnddnr brown. In .bn 1,.0k ....r, ol lire
cd lo lonn anido und look .hn door “f lb. lit,l. wbloh h« wnlohod ,t,o n, *anoo ol .hn. cnlnrnn. nnl m „..d .. w.. n.oro no in «„d l.nd
room bol.ind mo. All ... norfcolly d irl, ll.oro- 11.0 llm lornlllo nruponoo which 11.-uff-ed whnn will DON.T YOU H A nil V t I probably boon cut -o -hoi. .01 11.0 cnjivi-nicico 0/ ill*
nlrrorn w.» impcnnlrablo. .rnnho nl Itillllb wr«|,|lncl I. from »UI.V, nnd Iho ill-j ~ c.nonuonor, or |.ur1..,.» by Iho |..e,y of Iho Inornl,
S 'So,„O .loonliiY dno ’ mullorod I, -or lilroly - lor despair of his B renl heart whun 11.0 ooiluln liliod ] nv AMsooiinu,im.k onn n»cim,oi. on firr . | tooll , IW Jtdo , lu , nl .i, „.o,nnri-1.0, lh.
doiinir drunkard,-ood I rol«rn.dlo...yorl ß ,on./..1f o»or his Insili.o nrn.Jl, and Ihn doßpalMhij or, l.lnfj ' 'ml,
chninp hair silting position out, “The Guard recoils I rnakea ua for a inomont On holding up the head, lo ojsmins the pheo o'
"•Av "oold • dm-p biirog lonpd vnioo, ogoin 010.0 forgnl nil 11.0 earnag.. in ay mpalhy will, hin dmlroos, rp .r-lrun frum 11.0 b„rl,. 11.0 mnooloo of iho ..orb
lomo '.y iboo opo-b all fonli. of wh-u1...y oonnol Tim Old Uuald foil 11.0 pioesuro of Ihe mimonon o»idomly rol.-ciod 1 1.0i.i.l 1-e- 001.H1I. ;
,00 or' D.rhno.. lo Iho hll- of Iho Ignorant rnsjioiisibllllj, and rnool-orl nol lo ptn.n un worthy .nrl Iho loutih cor no- 1 oor lobi. woo h.mnl 10 ho in, |
Galileo ulono saw that the earth revolved on Its alia of iho great trust c 111111111 led t" Us care. Nothing through !'■ »übel.iuco ir«n»vci>*cly. v«ving 110 * ur (
jho loirned, the wise looked nj yon I, inked, snd could ho more Imposing than its movement lo the lares ol the d.vuivd purtmus purioii y •1111,011 "'u-
Ui"V. too. saw notliing—tint tlm night —snd's dozing assiuili. ll had uevm recoiled before a human fuo, r ven —a 11 uppeurunco w hie 1 0.. u-i i«vo non F"-
drunkurd' —‘a fool'—exclaimed they filso.' ttnd the forces heheld w llh ii»'h Un firm Rod steady duccd uu'y by a luavy inw u> ,€lc< . *
There was a silence for a low ummc.nls. My po adv,men to the final charge. For a moment the slmipo *
*ltum wm in awkward uno. 1 hardly know what balleries slopncl playing, und the firing ceased ' |K AMoMMs'- xaiVuMU-u. «('’ tiiu head, which served
la say or dn lo my mysterious, s irc-a'ic. Interloei* J along iho British hneH «h, vuihoul iho healing ol every i.urposo in view uud wnh-ml iho
I inr. I could nol make a debut will, j A drum, or n bugle note, k. choor their Bleudy emir- i,„dy , p tl |uw ti.o „cck,'n **• immudi.lely r-simed m
the 'weallipr.' nod yet I wished tu hear muro of this a g P| thoy moved in dead silence over the field.— n#aitu«inm tl»« cotliii was eoldcrod up again, and
singular Individual's opinions. Ho did nol wail for |* he , r^a d was like the sound of muffled Blunder, 1 Uio v-ull Mused.
|my rosponno. . , whito tho dazzling ludmois of the cuiraesiera fiaali- : Ncuhur of iho othor cufflns hsd soy mscnpimp
•Its a sod, a solemn meld - 1 ,)0 great city Mum- j o|icr B , n , Qm9 0 , u „\ n i, o |Uiid tho dark nod lorri- ’ upon 11, The larger one, supposed, on good grounds,
bers on it. Wide couch like auger I bio mass lhai swept 111 one strong wave along— I to ooiUs.o 11.0 r0...-i... u. Km« Hu...y V|li . mua
run* owlfily .long in It. I,on. 1•P- I m hcn.on low- , p , 8 , her „ „ m „| B „n«, and on 1 n,n. ... fool lon ...oho. ... longlll, -ml h-b "con on
over ll; Iho w.ofi. moon . Iho | Tilloo .1.0 ,' ro.nia.lnn .a ' 010.0. l in on 01... non of Iwn ...non. ... X.10hn... 1 b,„
olgl.odbon.lly. DlflSololog fiqiladrons and whole ballallnn. dlb* i boro w— nothing lo Iho por.nn.go
'J3ot, sir.’ ot length ventured I ta ramsik, timidly, appearing one after anolherm iho dtißirucUve hro, contained to It.
in an undertone, snd in ss unobtrustvo • manner a* nfluolod not their Steady courage. Tho uuks I °The scnallor *c« fl*in, understood lo bo iliol of Queen
possible,‘bul, sir, why look only at Iho gloomy, closed up as before, ttnd oinh’lrmuling over hie f»l* J«no Seymour, was not touohod ; more ounosiiy not
desolating side of Iho pioluroT Remember iho an- |on comrade, passed unflinchingly on. Tho horse being comlderod by Uio prtnco-rrgoni as a sulUcisni
ofent but bosulifol German proverb, ‘To ovary black which Noy rode fell under him, and ecaronly ' molivo for disturbing U«so rsniains.
cloud Ihoro i> • .iloor lining.’ Follmv Aomodono'. hn(l mounted nocllior, 111! five in I Q n nu.ninlog Iho voull will, -omo all.nlion, ll | -.oilindi-t rhuroh Soil, which ha. h..n .rw
o.amplo, inoli iplolho hou«o.,not ininll.o olrcolo and , j iad bot , n .hoi nndor him ; llion, with his drawn wo. found Ibn. 11.0 wall «l liio wo-l and hud -I lon.o j . . . n m o w York Circull Court. lin
grooeyard*. I-.cluro to yonroolf Iho hundreds of Bntiroi ho marohed atrirnly nl Ihe head of hiacolumn. riorlud or olhor boon |.arliolly pulled down .nd ro g ll ® - 1 s UD ioioo Conti of Iho Muffed 81.10.,,..
happy r.milio. .round ,ho dmnoolio has,lira— In vain did the nrliUoiy men l.orl its alarm, of f.n' poirnd og-ln, nol by rognlnr ino-m.ty, bnl by fr-g- " E ( and 8.11. ore dividtd in oplhlon.—
-Plclura rno no h.pp ....!- ,„y my. 1 nnd |iMiJ ma „. p, <0 0 ,„ v ,„, of .loco, and brink on, end h.. II- ,7. In ..I.roan, to . di.i.Von.orilio prop.
non. lnl.rlnoa.or. In .harp, quick mnoa. ' I '* ■''* mu „l«. ,l, fy , | „e„ t d, and driying «,o Wlillerj ,0g.,1..r wi.honl . Finn,, . I w« '"l«- 1 1 Cnncorn of lh.l off,. ' A (Ihaldi
droanr —a folio .llion I I ioroo 11.0 too* "loud, and ftom l | , lpc „ B p Ußhr( l on throogh llip Hhß' »>nl Ihn roromnuy of inlorn.oill wa. a vory h i.ty y bu < , olc , od lhß caaß unllUho dlrthllmf'
l.onao miaoya p P ' liol. lini'a. ll.u J.. 81 a. Iho viclory aooinrd won, a ouo—a oucumalinco Clxrlcs wal brouglil 1 of Iho Bopinroo Conti upon llu. ppli)l«.oo,ll|lild lo 1*
•Bnl. my don, air. you u.|g.f. o-yob go ipto „ r Bo|d|crßi which hod loin Oat on the ground t l.o troohln.mno t.n.oa in wl. cl, Cha «•" .on, bock lo 11,0 pi,dq|». CgmU ,
oxlromoo. Do von dl.pulo Ihoo.i.looco olxltUbCf, b<j|| jn C | a rlrlno, of enrlh, eudrlenly aro.o and l» iko aa.fc Id. ll may b" "dde,,.«>■' .held they olbol In opp-l
□al nlosauiCß, of Uio cpjoy monl of Uio lioarl i sccouiii ol iho above discovery aou ciraunißi uc, s ijyi .pn (lie mailt- rittAk 1 '
Mo. conscious ll.ollho d,.vknoo. in ,ho room », *oHry tnlo lliolr very face.. .Handing il, wo. by iho oionnliirc of Mmvoo ol Novombor, 18 1, «e B
asaum.d . .hop. nnd oppronnhod mo. Il .lopped b, | ‘"Ollm folio,ved.llll onobrohd abcM ofllomo oIM lh , p[ j„ o V t ogenl, and dopnoffed In Iho Bfllt.l. Mu-jlmn on'ho^nf, ,„l„,d|.. • , ~
my side. I looked up.. The bablornys oftbo-Jamp
lonihcirboaumsgondla sudh a fipfco ami uoqx- “ ’ UUb» DoaUtctse in ih» V wSW-'-i’
fefi on » fall, gaunt figure, most of wlu>«9 foatcire* J pooled blow that ihoj back boforo U.—
bis r nOCalod by “ r °“ el ' f “ r c " p ll,al C “ m ° 1 0 " | Ucforo the Guard hart lime 10 rally again and ad- containing as many blanks and fcw~prixcc~ira „„ v I"" ' ' ~1"'olTT"1
‘lntellectual pleasures,’ bo exclaimed in still rao J FT’’ ° y - T co '“ m " " rinfnl " r J °" I" left lollery. W„ know „nun of L married I *»*** 531X08.
sarcastic tones, 'enjoyment of ibo bo.n? 1)1 Ton dn ‘ " deadly vollny., causing It, un- friends w„l, wbonn wo would exchange ailualiona > ' ■
100 trust to bucli (niiiMf,.? . . „. 7 i sen led state, lo swerve to the right. At that in- io be sure, ws wend our Innnlv um»« r« n.., i p d w
strtaggfed for yea r 8 n ffo in,l «. b„, o r w"L I whol ° bri S ad = uf ll > a ">lored on U,n lor’a den front ,he cheerfnl parlor of onn of nan cm,. „„d Na»
fnT".'/'; J ° U , ? hl " hay ° ' lni ‘ hed b <’ f “'° “■« lr.o.- I 18 '" ' la " k ’ l | pe , n °* [alo . d * ,or °.° a ' a ' ry h “ d J" 8 ' bl ’ ne "'‘ ,n 0 willl .bo ram, pralllc of York. h.v. been proclaimed ,1. ». b, 1 h.MIUttW
."groa/n.enoll.ioj when every cherished bom „f S'""> beloro. I intrepid C.uard could have borne hie children, and .he aweel voice of bis wifenon- C»«r. «l 11. vanna, and are ii.wdh.ihVl 1
on 'e°a°. rp0 "° r ° l w °“ llh in your menory “P »S"i“« lll ° unexpected fire of sold.era they .no .n our ears, and fall into a doze a. nor fireside, lu «tn*r«l nemo.,non to len.c llroir l.uabaiidv aid coma
O.y on some mocking plranlon, and you wittier i ; lld n<n se0 ’ ancl would alno have rccnlled back .he lo dream one of our old sweethearts is smino 1“ Huvcnna and sulfcr the oarrole.
vonS,.hTh„ 'h P °-; ,de ' pl ' c<l ’ 1,,e0 1'';' ,anlr J lha ‘ h ? d boldly charged its left flank i bu. by ua, while a lillln rony cherub n.lempla in climb , M . .. ,
f h - i 1 hurnd word of the intellect and hca-t, tl,e cavalry finished the disorder inlo which they upon our knee, lisping (or the nmo “naua-” wb«n Mors Aid to Mr. Lsuuoi.—A citizen of Lo«l*i
man7PCn Ur ° S “? d Cn j°J r nenla! Do you sco me, I l,ad momentarily been thrown, and broke (he aha- wo awake wo cannol help wishing for » mommii #n# °«° ,od Jun-iluo Lemmon, who lost hi*
•houldor fid»rknow mo?’ His hand grasped my k «?n ranks before they had limn lo reform, and the lhal it wore something more than a dream Aa ' n iVuW . Vorfc - a P orma t ne nl in T«m
cand<ivern„* COly ’ 119 Cap waß raised * 1 •»» a ibin, ofllio hilliono invincible Guard wore pushed i>ur eye glances around nor cnov IlnJe sindm 'how far t° ° *" np ! 0 ' ol ,nnd ofi require
r n „n" . C f "r Ce ’f backward down-ho alope. U was .hen that .he «er/li„*a w„h well filled^book the culture
fairly cl i lie rod aa t (mu i° P i large, wild eyes, that. army, soiled unh despair,'shrieked ou., “The reals noon n case full of choice reoahaa wo* oo.n 1
■lam lm u, 1, V y ,o, '. Uod l mo «nino. Guard tocoilsVMm Guard recoils I” and turned and plucenlly light one, .brow ourselves rontenledVv r JJ j,'" 1 " u '» »«*'->*nuoa, wutsra
1 lie who irnvft ° j CoVcrcd this y nsl eon.inonl! lam , fled in wild dismay. To aee the Guard in con- back in our comfortable chair, and let our uancimi a . rr,t ; ,d vv, '° hnd proceeded .hem, own* ( Dt .he frail
: world, Ocali and Eur T !hw . migll,y ,uBion a sight they had never before beheld, matrimonial aspirations vanish in smoke. Barhe- I?, 0 * ,Mindßomo f ‘ rm - o * r ° w
:«< us Maker Jam " and it froz, heaM wuh terror. Still those lors paslthirly jhould look well before .hey leap into \l7n7arJllT^^
ibo pngos of fli.iory—lyuif will lbwj mb ° U P °"m «l«ran> nJbscd lo fly. Kallying flora their die- Ihe gulfof matrimony. Their fixed l.abi.s . life Shi, ‘° bc « m i «'
zoned there m lotiora of irold. n u i i|,T^ > order » ll,c J rurmeif in two immense squares of so nearly a second nature, Dial UlO necessary | »
I‘lato warned mo! Alexander iho ('rnni i’ r « 1, r eight batu li jn*, and turned fiercely on the enemy, change of comforts altendant upon their change of ( k-T ] ' ,o lo,t ' n t' l,o eliol man, In a free country,
fered mo Ills Phalanx; J dvnied iham • I and nohly si rove lo stem the reversed tide ol but- Slate, may bo for (ho worse. If they .ire unhappy : eoB,, * 1 10 n,an ~a* lho “hillly, a* w«J] «■
much in the carbonic gas; f-'uhon robbed mo nf l * 6, >or 1 l nn ? l ’ ,no l^p y B, o° d » and ‘i* B can * they may lie more happy dnuhle; but if 1 ,0 cour,l ff 0 ’ 10 'peak whit ho think* when occasion
greatness. Sco what they have dona to my bcauli-. non balls P l ' ),, 2h through their ranks, disdaining they are oontcnicd their best course is to let well rcqu,ro ,l * “ ,ul 10 ll,lnk correctly,
u earth, Ii is mined deep in blood and’dronchod in 10 lurn hacks on the foe. Michel,at thu head ill >ne.— Wall St. Journal.
hr- T *T have driven mo mad M./d!—do you °f those huvo battalions fought like alien. 'Fo
7/ ,Jl my hour is come. I have suffered years ®very command of the enemy lo surrender, ho re- OPENING op tiik OOP PIN OF Oil A m.ES I.
.ro’fn,7c enemy' V™“. "' 0 , d 'T; S|,> "' ! Y °“ P lied < ; uur<l ,1 ics, i l noycr surrender.,” and I. i, ,u, o d by CUrcnd.m, i„ .1,. W.lmy nf H.t
Urn Ciuomcr 7,, b "° r “ r eenlunc. in with bis 1,... I.r. inli thu glonous IMrlh„„, or lho ( rcil civil war in,ml, .1,.,.
■nd frc.rinc m, b b„^H * ' "“"J t“” upun me. radio lo ll.u old (iuard, he foil n wllncss lo in. ibo bud yof Cb.rlc. 1, I hough known in huvo been
hu ! 1 have you at I f'' 1 r y ° Ur awrul 9llcncc ‘ ,Itt ! lraversod those eight haltaltona with interred in Si George's Ciup.l at Windsor, could
inly :* } J 9 ■ t o:r, ° Wl, h mo to clot- such rapi.l sindcs that they Soon dwindled away t“'l ho found when searched fi.r there some yo.»r«
And lho fran|j c creatu I 10 tW0 ' " ,nr h turned wuh hopeless daring on the atlorwurds. Clmrlcs I. was beheaded in tho v«’»r
hi. ion,., b..„y y,?' nuinbois that pressed their retiring IG-ltt-fl; und fro n that period (ill .1 recent lnn<>. tin;
edge ol Ibo rb.rflioXdMlm I '?,, m °'r ,,,dall '; fdulcl. p. ~( „| |, l„„ a nmole ballclion, Ihe of eepuhurc of l„, bod, rum „„cd a nij.l.ry,
•Juggled and fought m v.i,, Thn '“t debris ul the -‘o J uni nnf gr.imlu” at M was “'‘hough r.injcrturo r. ml inunf u> point m some spot 1 Inti line Napoleon flung himself. Cam- ZZ, I’"! ?' ‘ '"T ’' ,rl A "'
‘)ly bond whirled, my eyes wore buraimir lire wih in l,rnnn e. br.ivo rotn nandcr, bow wllb lerrur. lho , j if" *1 ‘ ISI 1 'I' 1- i ,,Mnl ,n bi.lory wlnob |
my niuulli ond pnrclicd iny lung e .fi KmporoMn „B fn„l He , kci '"' "’’V')''
(•up lied ihr 1„ f ,,),i„ 7 '*' • ~a ’ I ,1, r . ' i l ■ Of rn ■ K trig so run rcp.i ir annd ii Itr ■.l (inn« .it 1 tie'
drlieln I. I, | >8"". domnm.r Sl">U for viclury, bn was Intent only un allow ng „ r ,„ y „| . o| .„|, llrc w„„l»„r in lh'l.l n„„ noon.
'"'inlying J, deZ ? arm', lengll, above |lu, bow lllin (iuard could din. Approaching llic i..n- .ary loru, . p„..a 2 c „ 1,.1 ca11.,1 ll,c <
i f, lurbid current., he cried, ■ Uonro! Du )ou n.,1 sen Ural l„,u»e I rum under llio climr uf ibo ib-pel. In eon
“furcwi-n misery ! . draih ha>> no mrd nf yui!” and clnsing mourn- strucung ihi* ptissugo. an ipcriurcwnH iu-c-*
Old world udicufu'lv.y.’t sternly anund their expiring eagles, d.-nt .My in one ..f the w,,IU nfihe v.iul*. ni llonrv!
A h*nd, booming nojso, like thu clangor of a ihuus lt ’ bMV ® hi-aris hade Napoleon cm run I ndu-u, VIII. ih rough ivluHi lho workmen wen* rnol.h d m ;
and hr axon instruments, fill.-d my c.i r«. I >*nd li nylng Ihe nisei vos on I lie enemy, w ern soon “cc. nut only Iwo ct|Vm» w Inch wire snpposod u. mn j
‘ 1 tic bell hue rung fur t|,o last time, sir 7 Aro you i w iili th« dead at their feel. Many of the n(- lain the I*o Imdim 01 llmry mul Qinm J mi' S.s-'
Sflinj nvcrl' I looked up, ge trciely ronsc.ioua ~| , r >we fe Roe nto destroy themsel ve« rat he r than niour. hut u tlurd also, covered wnli a Idark v. JvH :
* hal I heard ot si w. 'Thu u lho last (rip o f the ' lll vll o the defeat. Thus greater in lH own defeat P ’ l| . wlncti w■■ prysu mud to hold tlic roin.t.ns ol 1
1 B ' r" ' UU ** l,aV ° l ° 10 4 I,lirr y- 0 r you'll he 'ban any other corps of men in gaining a victory. (| . tries 1 j
I C !p. the DM Guard passed from tho sianc, and the eur- On roprtsemiog lho circuinsla nco In lho prmcc-'
I ll.crowsathcrcrry bosl, puffing and blmving as 1 him dr-nurd upon Us slramni career. ll had '« , g‘ , in. (,« percuted at unr.- ih.i ‘
V“ ° d no ff focol,oc « or . wh° never wi J die. 1 kui>l.l us last bailie. " , historv might be cleared up by 0p.i.0.g this lmg-1
* oro me. 1 {concealed vault; grid, accordingly, an exammntinn |
Whv t j l) ,, r , t i' V o been aslecpl' 1,1011 r AND SHADOW , wn* ordered. Thu w*s duno on the Ist l
I.Wicrt’ M, Bir. When I ennia to was ,f| e day after lho Uinoral of ibo DuehesH
mng your b(.s. l° choke yourself.’ Hi unsn iob. in ll»o presence of lit* roy«( Ijiglmest;
A A 4 ,>n< * drpnm ' J° bn ‘ 1 lornsoir, and other distinguished personages. I
And, Mr. Render, so ends my thrilling adventure. I 'Fire vault being opened. 1110 fir»i thing done was I
kahv iMinsi.KVKw. Ihe re in ii vu I of UlO jrall, w here 0p m llic'O .tut di»-|
.closed n jila I n lea den rolfln, nnh no a ppesraneia of.
ever hiving liecn cnchmed u. « ood, and ho .nog t lie |
1 notcrpiion •* King (h.irhs. IfllH," m |.,,g 0 |, Ln i,| 0 ‘
ECEMBER 30, 1852
Ii is only a Imfo pauper. Never mind her.—
\ on are, she know* her place, anil keepa cl> ae l<»
ihe wall, as if she expected an nath or blow. The
1 eoM wind s are mah i ng merry with l hose thin races. 1
\ mi nee nothing of rlilldhnod'a rounded synrine-,
Ir y m those sunken hmhs ami pmciied features.—
her one side, uw/ In il , she won't
c.i.npl.iin ; she Piiiu remeinher she ever heard
lif'd ihmk you «iTf
“ Because we dofi’J, 1 ' is the only answer that j
wo can make upon iho spur nl tbu moment.
givo us man am) wo will smirch lur a more sails- j )v
liir.tufy rcaum lur nur protracted harhulorhood. — t
Kinv yours of our lift- h«m* passed over our head,
vvlirn our heart was n>i fluttering wiili real nr
fancied lovo fur so < o real or lancied angnf.
byhood, of course, was (r«e from * ’up id’s attacks ;
but no Boonor but) babyhood budded inio boyhood,
iban we were tracing in the sn"W and on lb.* trees j
the name nl onr beloved. Wo worshipped our
goddess in silence, although as many volumes as
our young »•)•*« rmiM reasonably bo supposed to
possess, were d uhllcss sp.-ken by them then and
there. Kver since that happy period, we, save 1
at slight intervals, have had some bright parttcu-1
, lar star among ibo galaxy ol female beauties snr- 1
rounding us. to winch wo wor« devoted; but we i
j had In early youth a copy sot us by a writing mas* I
ler, running ihus—"Familuiity breedsconiempt.” (
Wo were iben so much impressed with ibis sonli
moni, ib.ii in alter years our hfo haa thus fur ro
celvo'd a colon g Irom H. VVe uevor dared to be
come l.nniliar with onr divinities, for fear of dis
pelling (bn halo Mint surrounded them. Now, that
Iho grey baits begin silently to appear tifca Che
stray snow-flakes of approaching winter, and the
crow's foot marks deepen around the corners of our i
nytis, wo prepare to bid farewell to the dreams and |
faniacios uf youth, ami look fotwtud to a calm old
age, free from passion, but full of kindly feelings
lor Roving and old. The fairy forms of those
1 whom wn onco worshipped, have disappeared J
J Hio staid, sober, somewlmt embonpoint matron,!
1 novv personating ihe delicate sylph-like belle of
iilioon yearn ago; hut by her side stands her dangh* •
I u«r, attended by her young lover, to ITU the places I
ihai onco wo filled, now vacated by us forever.—
, VVe Indulge til no vain regret that wo rkust tread
i die path of Ufa solitary and 01000, unloving end
I unloved. The proportion of happiness allotted to
I mankind is far more sqnnl than wo arooplto tma
. iglno. Marriage is well known to bo a lottery
it (ms m mm
I A man down south advertises a few choice tittle*
sni lies for Bile, and appends ■ bint to such as do not
Wi«h to purchase that 1 1 1 cjr must not handle the
poods. ,
Lord rtvnoN’a An*.—-Thu London papers aonoupCQ
that on Saturday, No*. 37, the Udy Ad* Augusts,
•»nlu daughter ot Ms ton's huuso nnd', heart,' expired,
after a lingering illncia oi moro than one year's da.
CEj' Col. Israel Pmnicr, of Wcslmorolsnd. Isle a
member u 1 ihc Hoard o< C'anul Loin.njssiooert, bsj
been elected f’ro-uioiil of tl.c Ilcrnpficld Railroad.
| l\T Rov, 11. W. Recoil oi ’a lady It a a press tiled hint*
wiih_/icr lit Ilr rcspunsibiiitn* in * linlo better ihatj
„nc jcir two Hunn alter the arrival of Kossuth, and
(hi tr "iho oilier day
d? The Emporium, published st Middletown.
I) Miphin rwim v.h IH bre,till’d Its list. It died of
Hie prevailing rnilidy t bat c*rrius of? «o many eoun*
try nuvv»pipers— non P'lying tuhtenbera.
T Ins stars do not more surely keep their court#
11 "’«» on ill rrgnliled manhood will follow A tniadi*
rented youth, and misfortune follow both.
11.7* Tlio «mount onnmhutod by (ho voters of Cali*
'■irnii to the iV ishingtiin .Munnmsnt, el (ho lato
fliclntn. will, it is slulod, reach $7,000.
Oj* Tim Milwaukee Nut) t says that Justice Wat*
'vorilt, of that ciiy.hna brought six hundred and flf*
'v seven suits agaiual persons who have violated (ho
. T I" generally considered (hat a men has a
r'gbi m steal a hits or an umbrella, whenever be has
•i cb i nee.
iLT Support your o«o mechanics and they will
««ip|Miri }on. Support your own merchants and (bay
you. Support tho homo press and il
ill ■ tif>port you
Hk Paid ir.— A young nunul D-wr, N. H., ft day
or tun iK-ec, paid * young lady SjOO to ''Jet b»<o °r
j There mo a greni number of bad bilfe In ofr
cii I .lion j it* t now. Look ahurp.
; )' The Chvalnnl SneM Thoilre was told, on
We inotity l-tsl, lor 983 000 cash.
tl (.'.ihiorn ia has 40 UUO osres mineral, and 50,-
UUU acres fur nting lands.
; y The poultry in llio foiled Stales is Tftluod at
j y in order lo deserve a food (Vised wo must be
come one ■
1 )• \ ctlizcn of Senore, California, is wrorlh 0-5,.
q y pleasure n precarious, but vutua i* imoioUl,
j Kverv inidmou Vc'tevce all oilier nan faa4<
Thoro ia ono objrcum In 1■ 1, and llisl is, ll kill*
sympathy I,cl a man who mr-Miree fiy inehes
• 1 -.mi. 1 the \>i»i. I-.U m love mil lake lo ataeii'ic. and
cipil nhiracliT In a runic »ong
~.ior lamern ywed d.-vil, U« would have boun Ul*
ivt-v|iiig willow o( duaen tJegrtf*-
A ineod of mire ia suoh a believer In young tlx
• c-n, dial bo double whelhct a single murder Was
t-M f niniMill 1. d in llm pu-sonre of e tea pol. Thft
i,i-rl. of herb* may nnke prople loquacious —add U 3
iho scandal jimduning power of old oiuida— bul lhal
il i-vi-r (i«ve 1 i»u I a mi-glr inhuman thought. lie if
much double ->■ lhal rnghl in«rca wi 1 have colli.
Tbo Emperor of Uuaeu ie reporiod lo have senl
-m I-Spedilion In Japan, ihc ostensible object of which
1. lor hc 11*011 fie purposes The re-»i objecl I* said t»
In- linwvrrr, to w sleh ihc npedilion eont from lb(«
country, of’ which iho Russians arq [sported lo bs
ezuemely jealnus.
The proconoce youlli who was hart bj Ihe/sll of
Ihe year wae in lown yeeterday.
The man who allcmpted lo make a fence onl ft
bee I tlakft. hat just obtained e palenl for taking lbs
kinks oul of pigs l«Hs-
Judge Edwards, of ilia Tour I of Oyer and Terrnl
nur. New York City. p«e»ed sentence of daelh on
f.,.ir u ni’K mrn list HriunlsT* for murdering a me*
on h0.r.l tfci ship. Thn-n.e WaUon. l« Angovl (asl.
Tbo oldeal of U»o crmiiinU is abuul 23 und lilt
y-miigi-1 (ml Id J <-i(i 0/ age
Tbr Sorolifio American givee a new euro for
hico-mgh. R -mo one hind nr holh hands high abn»o
»-iur head, ll is end 10 bo a coitain remedy. Try
Th.-ro arc 1100 banka In llio United Slalo*.
A Hard oav on (3.»nut.Kßi. Clirielmoe.
A PtcTons or Pr.irAin—A pig reaching through
„ 11 r> 10 m 1 fence lo gel a cabbage lying only a few
■lichee from hie roach.
The Cam I i» still and in good navigable of.
dar nod from present appoefftnes* will OOHlinuO SO *
luilo w Into longer.
A Sad Event.— Oo Friday Isst, a promising lUthr
rhild. Ugod lour yeare.sonof Mr- Joseph While. of
Mol oyh Diettiol. Montgumary couniy. Md., sp( mil
1 m«ny will* l«° colored children of abpdl tips.
B ,mo o a*. loyisitanosroeJghborVhouirs.butm/ssr^
! itn ir way, became bowjlderod, end finally lopl In Iha
I da rime** of nJgbl. TJid little eulTerara Ward not dis-i
oorared ontlTSunday morning, they having Waoderod
nenr five miloa from home. When found ibey wart,
lying within . fov. f.ol of n.oll ollur, tnii lifo >ll
cslinot. \ r
no. ao.