AItivAI^^StftAUCRStROPA. 7'D^^A^k ! MoMEUiROPE, ft Mriil- IMPOEtANT PKOBr FRANCE! 3WnS 'of'dovtYnmint hy Louis Napo: U9n~VwwmfifoJy' iht ufssbm&ty-tHParis in d tiaie of fyw i Tniniien/formkd~~Prodamation He*- itorin^l : Suffrage—lmmediate Election of a Prtiiaerl /oi' the Assem bly, yn, Priion~Burfipadea f Erected in Port* and Law Declared and DiifofC^^^yaHciHAßria'dHvfff.'' HaufAx, ~Pe.c^v > 'ffO'.—Tljo royal inn’ll ateombr Eu. CUj for New 1 York, with seven doys 'later iptelligcnco from Europe, put In hero iHia morning,; Bfiorl'of:po'nl* ,'Tlio Europa’soiled from Halifax fur New’Yrirk dl 12 o'clock thin morninff. Shft-brings mast Important news from France, ns well or.Eutopcr... , fr. ,-/■ Paris,|s of thoniosl important and arid. Is regarded as'tlio coni, menccpifnl, of ,a hew stale' of CiovcrnirtcnUl affairs for.^on^e.-},^ ,A,£y6p wns.Tnado .by/: president Napoleon on t|iQ r?d Ipst.', bold and important fclmr- 'thb rblns. of government and dis solved/(lib Asbeiiibly*, declaring Parlb in a' Stale of ecigo t oppoaling (o the peoplo to sustain him in hismovement loarrcslllib monarchal tendencies of’thoAssem'bly.’',. . ’ Thd President's arrsngemortta had been mbdc with consumulD skill and-.socrcoy ' during the night of-the-. Ist instant.' ' The whole' thing was done beforo r i.(bo,. public.,„had the least; intimation of Iho event* .V- . A hoWsmlnlelry was.formed, and a Proclamation isButiif» r'ekOrliHg/universarsuffragp and proposing a noW system-of government, with the instant election by the people and army of a President (o bald office for-ten years* supported-by a council of Slate and iwb.liquiQb ofj Legislature.. mornlpg the President's fpupdjposled throughput llip cily, in wlii.oliho ordered the immediate dispersion of the Assembly, wltUhigplan.fot a new form of govern picul, >,!l'lio fjection.for a President is to take place daring: tbo present month,and the President promisee to bow.ld.tlie. will of the people. • 1 Everything Was consummatedbefore the Assembly hod the least idea of the intention of Iho President, an bnliro new ministcry having been formed during, the night* - Pending.tlvo.election the President proposes that (ho executive power remain in (ns hands. Ho says (hut’ Jio had .been forced into his present position by the course of lt|s opponents in’ tho. Assembly, and it Ssecrlpin }I)uV Theirs, Changarhics, and others of his opponents hjjd decided, to demand his arrest and Impbafehmcnl qn-tho 2d instant, and were almost in (he aetjof-nioving,' in. the matter when they nnd (hoi.rprinctpal;friends.wcro > arrcslcd and convoyed lo V-inccnncs. -VV.honovcf-lho members of tho Assembly hove at. (cqipted-to meet officially, they have beqn ordered to dis|»srso,,sndiwcro , arrested, if, (hoy .refused. Two huadrod.mon}bcisprtha Assembly had been arrested, .released, but all (lie principal leaders fofvllittppppsllion were in prison. , . ( ,T.hroo, hundred of the members' of (ho Assembly, it was e«(lfulAtfalr ncnr 13 all I more-* Supposed '' ' ' : 'lDnrvpt her daughter worn found. From the pcpuliar circumstances of (ho affair, there U eVery reason (6 believe that they ware murdered in cold blood'by,these.two men, and the house niter* wards fipedf to conceal .their fiendish net. Whiit motive prompted litem to it, no uno cm divine.— Great ; ezci(einbnt prevails in (ho neighbortiuod. OnkTiew or San FhAitcieco;—Tlib following itextractJ'rpm a loiter written to the N. 0. Picayune by one who has been for the Inst two years in only visited San Francisco a inonlfi or two since 1 What can 1 say to you of this• city, the great wonderof'the world—a city that htu seven times been' burned to - n sires, and ovrn now hears the marks of reoent disastrous conflagration? •' It is difilcnllTnr a newly arfivod visitor to Ima gine -atfirsl in What pari of the globe he is. You ' rmtjr. tbnter ’brni saloon and believe yourself in Frcmcp| In dnbilier you nre in Germany; then in {/Hindi atid f feb oiV throughout the notion* of the globtfi With <‘bn‘ assortment of nlmdst every lan* gusge and flbsttnne, end>ecrtain)y a sprinkling of 'every bolo^.- - The ftnoleiy Is pfofiigatn in lha extreme* The el'tyMs tilled'Will) 'gambling saloons; and in thorn you canisee men of nil grades, ages and conditions —whitebaits mingled whir youthful curls; .respeo* 'tabijity. eide by side with fags—all staking (heir entire’earnings 1 on the, turn of n card held in a sbfcriie’rVtiluch M the throw of dice, rattled by n desps'rtdo’rf hand../Every means are made use of In these splendid and pumbo/less sinks of gilded Infamy to dazzle.the senses pr arouse tho passions. Young girls are hired to attract sensuality's gaze and patronage by an Immodest exposure of thdr porspns; >vhilsl the walls are, covered with paint* inga— the productions of.|ioenlious French taste, lhat falee .a’blush of shorn© and disgust to the phpeks oijanympn possessed of a prabtlce of mo* ! ,i ls preparing for her appearahee on tbejslage at Naw.'York.’Hcr maiden name was the Is the.daughter of a poor Shopkotporinonoof the British Islands;. She is now twenly.ioven year* and itilf retains her beauty, fchedonfcs many ofthoatorlca In which the baa fig- Utcdakihelibrolhe tnlhbpreßS.afld pronounce* (hem .calumnies and falsehood*# Her life haa been a very chequered one* fcnd curloafty alone to see one so much ’tilkdd'df will attract vast numbers Tbl* fact may ihoofc’ipniijbiUUlla irtfef-# pretty woman wllloarry tho day .agnlhit alJaorupU*. A Mew York correspondent of (ho Philadelphia 7nguir«r,ln speaking oftliia (remarkable woman,*aj«: Lola Montes Vlalted the green room of Iho Drotd. Wi* Tlioili'o, y.ealerday, and while there waa walled dhbVftVefrl of her fellow paeaengera, in the Hum* bildl. bolh ladle* and gentlemen. She I* now living •in'lier private residence up town. Yesterday, as aho was going into (he Theatre, aheiaw near the door, a poor man picking the grain* of good coal from aheap of ashes. ■ Lola at once approached him, and entered Ihlh ootiverjalion with him, and concluded the con. ’wedbe by giving the bid man a piece of money, at > limb instructing him to be at the aamo place ; ev«r/,fabrAfhg, whert' aho would always remember hirar. ltieema that benevolence leone of lhl**lr*nge .woman's peculiarities. - Murer, )i preaching In Newark, N. J, The Compromise Acts* 1 The following l .'ls; tho' resolution ! offered by.Gon. Foots, in the U« B.Senate,'on the 4lh inst.» which is now the subject of discussion In.(hat body: Be itltetolved, That-tho series of measures ,om. bracedih the sots entitled “ An act proposing to the Slate pf.Tepas tho establishment of her. northern and eastern boundaries, the relinquishment by the said Stale of all territory claimed bjr her exterior to said boundaries, and of oil her claims upon the United States, and to establish a Territorial Government for Nqw Mexico,*'.approved Sept. 9th, 1850; “ An,act for tho admission of the State of California into the- Uninn,” approved Sopicmbor 10th, 1850; “An act to establish Government for Utah,” op. proved September 9th, 1850; “Ah act td amend an act supplementary to tho act entitled anTsct respect, ing fugitives from justice and persons escaping from the service of their masters," approved February ISlh, 1793, and o pprovod September 18th, 1850 ; and “An act to suppress the slave trade Sn the District of Columbia,“ approved September 20lh, 1850, com. monly known ns tho “Compromise Acts,” afe, in (he judgment of this body, entitled to he recognised os a donnilive adjustment and settlement of the distracted questions growing out of tho system of domestic ata very, and; ns such, that such measures should bo sc* quiesced in and respected by. nil goad citizens. Sermon of Oow, Jr. Text— “lf ye are honest, honorable men. Go ye and pay the printer.” ' . , Mv DxauFiuenos s— I Tho debt that sits,heaviest on tho cotiscicnco of a mortal—provided he.has one —is tho debt duo to the printer. It presses harder on one's bosom than 'the .night marc, galls’ the soul, frets and chafes every enobling sentiment, squeezes all the jaico of fraternal sympathy' from tho heart; and leaves it dryer ’than the susfacoofa roasted potato. A man who wrongs tho printer out of a single red cent can never expect to enjoy: the com. forts dfthis world, and may well have doubts offind ing happiness in any other. Oh, you ungrateful sinner ! if you havovhenrts moistened with 1 the dew of mercy, instead of glz zdrds filled wllli-gravel, lake heed what I say. unto you. If one omnng you in this congroga (ion whoso account is not settled with the printer, r go and adjust it immediatoiy, and bo able to hold your head up in society Hko a Giraffe; bo respected by Ilia wise and good—free from the tortures of & guil ty conscience, the mortification, of repeated duns, and escape from falling into llio clutches of ( il, or the hands of lawyers, which Ss about one and the same thing. If you are honest and honorable men, you will go forthwith and pay the printer.— You will not wail for to.morrow—because (hero is to tomorrow; it Is but a visionary receptacle for unredeemed promises; an addled egg in tho great nest of future; the debtor's hope; (hocreditor's curse.' If you arc dishonest, low minded sons of Satin, I don't suppose you will pay tho printer, os you have no reputation to loose, no character to bus* morals to! cultivate. But, let me tell you, my friends, (hat if yqu don't do it, your path to tho tomb will be strewn with thorns, you will have to gather your daily food from brambles—your children will die of dysentery, and yourselves will never en joy the blessing of health. I once called upon a sick person whom (lie doctor had given up as a gone case. I asked him if ho had mads his pence with his maker?, (la said ho thought ho’had squar ed up. I enquired if lie had forgiven all his enemies, lie replied yes. I then asked him if ho had made liis peace with his printer ? He hesitated a moment, and then suid ho owed him . something Hko about two dollars and l .fifty cents, which ho desired (o have paid.before ho bid good bye to (ho world. Ills dc. sites were immediately gratified, and from, incht ho became convalescent, Uo is now living in ihu enjoyment’ of hoallti and prosperity, at peace with liis conscience, his God, and lho whole world. an example fur you my friends. Pa lionize tho printer, lake tho pay for them in advanpc; nnd your days wilt be long upon the earth and over (lowing with (ho honey of happiness. Statistics or HuNo&nv'.—Hungary has a ter ritory, of 126,000 square miles, and population of 14,000,000. It is divided as follows: 1. Hungary proper, including civil Selavonia, Croatia, and the Hyduko districts. 2. Transyl vania. .. 3. Tho Military Frontier. All these countries arc, legally, parts of the Kingdom, of Hungary, and are suhjecl to tho King of Hungary, who, merely, by chance happens to boEuiperor of Austria. . He is not necessarily no—.any more than a King of.EngUnd is necessarily King of Hnnover. The following is a moro accurate description of tho whole Kingdom of Hungary: Hungary proper comprehends 1. Eleven Comilats or Counties beyond or west of the Danube, containing 8,000.000 of people. 2. Thirteen counties on 'this side to cast of the Danube, with nearly 3,000,000 people. 3. Eleven counties on this side the river Tbeiss and Tibiscus, with 2,000,000. , . 4. Twelve counties beyond tbe Theies, includ* ing the Banal, with 2^600,000. 6. Sclnvonja, with three.counties, Syrmia, Vo* rooz, and Posego, and 600,000 people. 6. Croatia and separate districts. Thus mak* ing Hungary Proper to consist of 10,000,000 of people, nnd 87,000 square miles. 11. Transylvania, including the Magyar, the Deeliler, and (Saxon districts, 2,000.000 of people, and lwenty*five counties, on'May 30th, lb4B,.was incoporaled with Hungary. 111. The Military Frontier, intended to guard against the Turks, includes six generalatz—of Carletat, Dan, Varadln, Sblnvonia, Banal, and Transylvania, which ore divided into twenty regi* inents, and (he same number of communities; with 2,600,000 of people, and 15.000 miles. Thus the whole kingdom of Hungary, independent of Jitulria, comprehends 120,000 square miles, nml 14,000,* 000 of people. TiikJCiiri'tiana Rioters;— Caslnor Ilanwoy and Elijah Lewi., who wore taken to Lancaster last week, wore held to bail in 81000 to appear at the next court and aneWer any chargo which may bo preferred against them. awn ct; lasts. On the 18lh instant, by the Rev. Adam Height, Mr. Geoook Wolf, to Miss Aurora Krbidbr, ail of Monroe township. Bentp#. . In this borough, very suddenly, on Tuesday Usl, M rs. Catharine Gutsiiall, wife of Mr. John Gulshail, and youngest daughter, of the lata Simon Wunder* licb. Esq., aged about 27 year*. In this borough, on Tuesday morning last, after a lingering illness, Miss. Amelia Wolf, formerly of Hanover, Pa., aged about 22 years. Suddenly, on Salurdiiy'tho SOth Inst., near Bloody Run, Bedford couniy, Pa., Dr. Samuel W. Mason, in lha 31sl year of his age, formerly of Carlisle. In Hampden township, on tho 25th ult., Eliza* belli Mummo, nged 43 years. In Rnxbury, on the 29th ult., John Chronistcr, aged 43 yeurs. In Silver Spring township, on tho 14th Instant, Andrew Emminger, aged 60 years, • Elegant Gift Books. A LARGE and most beautiful assortment of the choicest ANNUALS and GIFT BOOKS, suit able for Holiday Presents, has just been opened by the subscriber, to which he invites particular atten tion. Also a most attractive display of French, English and American Fancy Stationery, Pspelrioi, Cabinet*, Papier Macho Inkstands, Perfume Boxes, dec., which the ladle* will And unsurpassed in quali ty. A large assortment of Jotxrilv books, oaWis, and other fancy articles for the holiday*, at the low est prices. Examine them a* they cannot fall to please, A.'-M. PIPER, Agt. . Carlisle, Deo. 25, 1851— 3tj ‘ NOTICE. ALL persona Indebted to George Sailor, of South Middleton towmhip, by note or book account, are hereby notified to call on Daniel Kaufman, and aelilo (ho aamo on or boford the lit day of February next, as after that lime’ they will be placed in the hands of ah officer for collection. • Alao, all person* Indebted to the Arm of Sailor ot Elberll, either by note or book account, who wlah to aavo ooata, will call on Mr. Kaufman, on or before lhP .b.,o.lm o .nd.cUl,o ( n iEi , awmaN( JOHN 8088. Dtc. SB, 1861-r3l A .sign.... Tomjieranco:ltla6»€<>nTontlon. AN. adjourned Veotlng of (Jtfmber land CountyTemperanco Convention;; tfrlll bo held in Carlisle, at the Second Presbyterian church', on New Year's Day, at 10 o'clock-A. M, Dislin*, gulshed speakers from abroad, are expected to ad* dress the convention. By. order of the December .18, 1851—2 t Estate Notice. LETTERS testamentary on the eslalepfCor neliue Vandejbelt, jiate of Newtontownship, Cum berland county, Pa f , have been issued by the Re gister of said county, ip the subscribers living In said .township. All persons indebted'tosoid es tate are requested to moke immediate payment, and those havlngclaims will present them proper* ly authenticated for settlement lo , CORNELIUS L. VANDBBBELT,, JOSHUA W. VANDERBELT,. ‘ December, 18; 1851— .61*, , Ex’rs. .... Another Arrival ' A T the Cheap store.- The- subscriber has just ro- Xjl'coived his fourth supply of-Wintef,Goode,fUch as Wool Shawls froth 62$ cts. $3; Long Wool do., from $2 to $9 QOjv Blankets, Merinoes, Flannels, Broad cloths, wool, at sl,37s,Cashmere,2s cts., Do Laines, Merinoo shirts, comforts, alpaebas, gloves, stockings, dec. Calicoes from 3to IS$ cts. A full assortment of Domestic Goods at reduced prices. Fresh Groceries end Spices. BOOTS AND SHOES. A tremendous stock of Bools, Boos, Brogans, Gai ters; Bushin Welts, Jenny,Lind & Cbildren’sShoes. This slock has been laid in at ihe'.piesont reduced city prices, and great bargains can nW lie had at the old stand. . •• Dec. 18, 1861. , CHAS. OGILBY. Furs! Furs! THE sobs&iber has'juat returned from . the cily with an assortment of Muffs,Boas.Wictonncs, Mufficcs, &c n which he will sell at city prices. • Also Mens* and Boys woolen and cotton with a general assortment of Buck; Beaver, wool and cotton gloves, satiable for both sexes of all sizes./ Christmas Goods, consisting of work boxes, a va riety of fancy boxes, crochet boxes, worked collars, cuffs, undcrsleeves, scarfs of different kinds and many other articles more easily exhibited on (he counter than described in an advertisement. .Wo therefore extend a cordial invitation to the whole community to give us a call and we wilt endeavor to make (heir visit pleasant to them and profitable to ourselves. Dec. 18,.1851. . - " . G. W. IHTNBR. Grain Wanted & Feed for Sale.' mHE highest cash price will be paid for Wheal \_ and Uyo delivered at the Farmer’s Mill, (for merly Good Hope.) Also a constant supply of Mill Feed for sale by the subscriber.] To Coopers. —Flour barrels wanted at the above Mill. MARSHALL.JAMES. WCstpennsbdro* tp., Dec.' 11, 1851—9 m Mill for Itcnl. rpHE Merchant Mill at Carlisle Iron Works, is X offered lor rent on favorable terms; PETER F* EGB. December 4, 1851—Qt SlicrifiPs Sales. BY virtue of sundry writs of Venditloni'Exponas issued out of the Court 1 of Common of Cumberland county, and to mo l directed, I will ex pose to public sale, et tho Court House, in (he bo rough of Carlisle, on Friday tho Otb day of January 1652, at 10 o’clock A. M., the following described Real Estate, viz: A lot of ground situate in the Bo rough of Carlisle, oontaimng-160 feet In breadth and 120 feet in depth, more or loss, bounded' by Liberty street on the south, an alloy' on (tie north, end slot of Mis. Morrison on the cost. - Seized & taken in execution as the property of William W. Lewis. DAVID SMITH, Sh’fL Sheriff’s Office, Carlisle, Dec. 11, 1651. . ShcHflPs Sales* BY virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Exponas issued out of the Court of Common Pleas and Orphans* Court of Cumberland county, and to modi reeled, r will expose to public sale, at the Court HoUso, in the Borough of Carlisle, on Friday tho Sd day, of {January, 1852, at 10 o’clock A. M-, iho fol lowing-described Real Estate,,viz; A tract of landsitiiate in North, Mid dleton township, containing 60 sores, more dr less,’ bounded by lands of ■ > '■ -- Neisley on the east, ■ - Ulerbrower on the souths Jaoob Hartman on ihe west, ami Ihe Conodoguinet creek on the north, having thereon erected a two story Log House and a Log Barn. Seized and taken in’oxe cution ns the property of Peter Low. Also, a tract of land situate in South Middleton township, containing 135 acres, more or less, bounded by lands of John Kaufman, Jaoob Sheafer, Jacob Goodyear, and the Yellow Breeches creek, having iheroon erected a two story Log House, Log Barn, and olhcrbut-buildings. Seiz ed, and taken in execution as tho property of lames M'llaffie and Thomas M’Haffie. And to bo sold by mo, DAVID SMITH, BhU Sheriff's Office, Carlldo, ? December 11, 185)1 j> For the Holidays! Splendid Fancy Goods, Elegant Gift' . , Books,' &0. , SW. HAVERSTICIC hasjust received from the i city and i« now opening,a splendid display of Fancy Goods, suitable for tho approaching Holiday Season, to which he desires to call thoaltenlion of hie friends and the public. His assortment in this lino cannot. be surpassed In novelty and elegance, and both in quality ond price'of the articles, cannot fail to ploaso purchasers. It would be impassible to enumerate bis Holiday Fancy Goods, which com* prise every variety of fancy article's of the most nov el styles, such as Ladies’ Fancy.Boskets, ' . Fancy Work Boxes, with sowing-instruments. Terracotta Work (a recent novel.) . Paper Macho Goods, ‘ ■ Elegant Alabaster end Porcelain Ink-stands and trays. Fancy Ivory, pearl & shell cord cases, Port Monnalcs of every variety; ■; Gold pens.and pencils. . . u Fancy paper weights, Popcterles, with a large variety of ladles /ahoy stationery, Motto seals and wafers, . Bilk and bead purses, Ladles’ riding whips elegantly finished, Lndics’fino cultlery, Perfume baskets and bags, Brushes of ovejy kind for tho toilet, *, Roussel's perfumes uf various kinds, Musical Instruments of all kinds and at all prices, with an Innumerable thricly of articles elegantly finished end suitable for holiday presents. Also, an extensive and elegant collection or Holiday Gift Books, ! comprising tho vorloua English and American Ax* wuiLs fori 861, richly embellished and illustrated Poetical Works, with Children's Pictorial Books, for children of all ages, than which nothing can be more appropriate or pleasing os holiday gifts. His as* sortment of School Books and School Stationery Is so complete, and comprises every thing used m Col leges and the Schools. Ho slso colls attention to his elegant display of Lamp?, Girandoles, &c., from .tho extensive establishments of Cornelius, Ar cher and others, of Phiiodolphio, comprising every style of Parlor, Chamber and Study Lamps, fbr burn ing either Uid, sperm or otherial oil, together with Flower Vsscs, Fancy Screens, dec. Hlo assortment In this line Is unequalled in the borough. Frails, , Fancy Confectionery, Nuts, Pr - served Fruits, dec., in every variety and at ail prices, ell of which are pure and fresh, such as can be con fidently recommended to his friend* and the little folks. Remember the old stand, opposite (he Bank. 8, W. lIAVERBTICK. December 16,1861. MUFFS I MUFFS ll lam now opening a fall supply.of elsgqnt and cheap Mulls. OHAS. OOILBV. Foivgaie .or Boat. AiiiL~ THE brick. Dweluog Roust owned and .KTO ijow occupied by Mrs. .Baird; We pro tWl Jt . *8 situated. |n Main street, near the Methodist church, and is In all respects a most de sirable residence. For particulars enquire of V _ . ' WM. M; PENROSE. December 11,1851—:3t COMMITTEE, Arrival oJ Confectionaries, Fruits and ' ■ • : Tpysl.! 0 t TH EBubscrlber Informs the citizens of Carlisle he hasjust received a Froshsup ply ot’-Conlectlonarles, Fruits ,,ihe,o[d stand Main street, opposite Mr. Rheem’s Warehoqse. • .Hls-stock consists of V; ‘ Oranges, iliemons, Figs,/ .Oates, Proens, Raisins, Currants, Citron, Filberts, Almonds, E. .Walnuts, Cream-nuts, Ground-nuts, Cocoa-nuts, &c, ..Mint, .Choco late, Brandy, Port Wino, ftnd biher.Drops, French Almonds, Vanilla Almondk 1 , Cordial Drops, Jelly Cakes, and. a.variety of fancy candies. v TOYS 0$ 4LI KIN&St such as Chinn Vases,: Mugs, Mantle Ornaments, Tea Sets Dogs, Bull Fights, Hose Carriages/two hhrse Sleighs, Carls,Troling Horses, Horses in Hoops, RailroadTrains/Guris, Drums, Kiddles, end a groat variety of ail kinds of, which he will sell 25 per cl. cheap :er than aVty other establishment in town. • \ S. W. HANNAN. December 11, 1851—4 t Kossuth’s Arrival in this Country, MAKES a great deal of talk in bur town 1 and all over Ihe Unioh; but; not less ato.tho ppople of Carlisle and vlciplly astonished tho .Cheap Clothing:, ; which iasold.-at-the corner of .Main street and Mar kot Square. Gentlemen arc Induced to buy. more Winter Clothing than they need, as my Garments arc made of tho best materials and fit well.; My .stock consists of (ho finest French cloth coats, Pilot coota from $4 to §lO, fine Vestings, heavy Pantaloons from §1,60 to §5. Gentlemen who are. not. yet supplied with clothing will find It to their advantage to give mo a call. . . Boyb’ clothing, tranks, and faftcy articles, always on ham}., . 8. BRELL. Corner of Market Square. December 11,16511 THE undersigned Auditor appointed by (be Court to marshal and distribute the assets in the hands. of D. Clino, Esq., Assignee of 11. J. Myers, among, tho .creditors, gives notice (hot ho will attend to that; duty at his office, in Carlisle, oh Wednesday thoSlsl December, 1661. Tho creditors are hereby notified to present their claims to mo on or before that day. ■* A. B, SHARP, Auditor. December 11,1851—3 t TQjtlm Honorable the Judges of ihe Court of GencraLwinrler Sessions of the Peace of Cumber* JahdVJtfunVy, at January Sessions, A. D, 1852. ' • Tho petition of DavidShofler, respectfully rep- I rescnta, that your petitioner is provided with the necessary requisites.for keeping a house ofPubllo Entertainment, in tho house now occupied,by him! in Upper Allen township. Your petitioner, there* fore, prays your Honors to grant him a License for the same, the ensuing year, commencing on tho first of January next, as To duty bound be will ever pray, &e. December 11,1801 —3t Wo thcjindersigncd citizens of the township of Upper Allen, In the county of Cumberland, do.cor lify that wo, nre, well acquainted with tho above named David, Sheffer, that hois of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house- room .and conveniences for ; the- acoommb dalion. of, strangers and travellers, and-that such Inn. or Tavern is necessary to accommodate the public and entertain strangers end travellers. Samuel Staller, David DeVinney, • John Bowman, J. D. Mohler, John Sadler,;• ,J . Allen Floyd, Jacob Landis,' •“ Jacob u'uhrich, Daniel R. Noell, Michael Cbeklin, Jacob Shelly, Henry Kline,,. M. A. Brown, Joseph Wltcomb, J. H, Goover, . James R, Drown, Frederick Garret, John.Monesmiih. NOTICE is hereby, given to all persons interested, that the following accounts have been filed in this office fur examination'by tho accountants there in named, and will bo presented to tho Orphan’s C?£url of Cumberland county, for confirmation and allowance on Tuesday the 30lh day of December, A.D. 1651,viz : l, .The account of Marshall James, adm’r of George. Priest, late of Weatpenußborough town ship, deo’d. 0. The account of John Heborllng, adm’r of Benjamin Hcberling lalo of Mifflin township, deceased; - 3j»TH(vaocounl of Wm. Kneltle, adm’r of Mar tin Durkharl late of Mifflin township, dec’d;' ; 4. The.account of John Harman, guardian of Joseph ,E. Leidlg, minor child of John Leidig. . 5. Tlio account of John,Wunderlich, odm'rwit|» (ho wfl! annexl of Elizabeth Baker late of the borough of Carlisle, deo’d. .6. The account of Henry . Horner, adm’r of Molohor Horner late of North Middleton (own ship* deo’d; ; , 7. The final account of. Wm. M. Henderson, adm’r of Elizabeth Moore, late of tho borough of Cmisle, deo’d. 8. Theaccounl of John Carey deo’d. executor of John Blymycr late of tho Borough of Ship penfiburg deo’d. as filed by D. Gobaugh and R, P, McClure, exr’s., of John Cary, deo’d. - 9. The account of John Carey, deo’d. exooulor of Elizabeth Kell, late-of tho'borough of.Ship ponahu'rg, deo’d. as filed by D. Gobaugh and R. P. McClure, executors of John Carey, deo’d. 10. The account of Henry ICnotlle, dro’d. guar dian of Henry R. Sußan A. and Hannah M. minor children of John Randolph, deo’d. as set tled by Wm. Kneltle executor of said guardian. 11. The account of Jacob Waggoner, surviving administrator of Peter Lehn, lute of North Middle ton township, deo'd. • ■ WM. GOULD, Register. Register Office, Carlisle,? November 29, 1851. 5 IN NORTH HANOVER STREET! A RNOLD dc LEVI respectfully asks thl niton? IX lloh of tho public to their large and beautiful assortment of Fait and Winter Dry Goods, now open ing ot thoir cheap wholesale and retail store, which they are determined to soli lower than have hereto* fore boon sold In Carlisle, among which will bo found a assortment of • Ladles Dress Goods,. Gross de Africa, Satin do Chino, Silks, Mouselin do Lslnea, Cashmeres, Silk Poplins, Bilk Bombasines, Alpscas, French Morlnoes, Psrrimala Cloths, Sack Cloth, Bonnet Satina and Velvets, Bonnet Ribbona in groat variety.' ’ SHAWLS! SHAWLS!! Bay ’Stale long and square Shawls in endless variety, very chdap; Thibet, Cashmere, Mouselin de Laine and Cloth Sbawli, from 76 cents to $O. ■ French black and English Cloths, block Doe Skin ind T*nc> Oasslbibres, Velvet Cords, Vestings in groat variety. •o', CarpeUl Carpeti. I .' parsons wishing to purchase Carpeting will do wel to call and. examine our mammoth stock before pur chasing.eUewhere, as we determined to sell carpets lower this f*|| than ever oftered in Carlisle*.. Another largo supply of Boots end Shoes for Men ■Boys,-Women and Children, at greatly reduced prices. . ; A Fresh supply of Groceries, such as Sugar, Cof fee, Tea, Molasses, Ao. Csrllile’, Deei 18,1861. Aiulllor’s Notice. Tavern License* DAVID SHEFFER. Register’s Notice. Client Excitement Clolht and Cailimerei! BOOTS and SHOES. , To All Wbom U may Concern. XfTPQN the poUtipn ofChief Burgess, Assist- J sinl Burgess,'and Tov/ri CoViricit bfthi Bofoti&h of Carlisle, to tho Court of QuarterSeisioni of Cum* borland county, setting, forth (hat by an act of As sembly passed tho 3d day of. April, 1861, it is provi uri) that certain powers and privileges shall be,vest ed in and conferred an tho constituted authorities of this Borough or any Borough heretofore incorpora ted,^provided: application is mode for (he.benefit of these provisions to the Court of Quarter Sessions* and praying (he Court that the Borough of Carlisle may hove conferred on it oil tho powers and privil eges contained in said act. - i. ", Now to wit: 10th November, 1861. It is here by ordered that this petition be filed; that notice of this application bp published in oil the papers of tho Borough.until the next January Sessions, and if no reason bo i hewn to the contrary, that tho Court may then make tho decree prayed for. BY ORDER OF THE COURT.’ December 4, 1851—6 t ’ ' Notice* ALL persons having transacted business in the Orphans* Court, dither in. the appblntrpont of Guar dians, Orders of’Sale, Administration Accounts, or otherwise, and have not satisfied the claims against thorn in said.Courti wlll ’save expense by calling on’s Office,.and paying off. ’.Also those who are in arrears for Recording, will please oalllest necessity should oause me to forpe collection. The gentleman, who during the Court, passed a counterfeit 85 note on.the York Bank on me; would do well lo come and exchange it immediately; and sate himself from a prosecu tion. JOHN HYRR. Carlisle, Deo 4, 1851. ' Auditor’s Notice. THE undersigned Auditor, appointed by tho Court of Common Picas of Cumberland county, to distribute tho balanqe in the hands of Samuel WoodbunvGsqV, Sequestrator of the Hanover and Carlisle Turnpikeßoail Company, to and.among the creditors, gives notice that he will, attend for that' purpose in the Arbitration Chamber of tho Cpurt House, in Carlisle, on Tuesday the 3pth day of December, 1851. WM. S. COBEAN, Auditor. December 4,1851.— 4 t Proclamation. WHEREAS tho HonorablcFniußnicic Watts President Judge of the several Courts of Com mbn Pleas'of the counties of Cumberland,Perry and Juniata, in Pennsylvania, and justice of the several Courtsof Oyer and Terminer and GoncraVJallDo-i livery in said counties, a!hd Hon. John'Stuart and John Glendcnin, Judges of the Court of Oyer and Tctmincrand Genera) Jail Delivery, for the triW of all capital and blhcrbflentesiin the said county of Cumberland—by their precepts to me directed, dated tho 10th ofNovembor,TB6l,have Ordcrcd tho Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery j to beholden atCarlislc,on thoSd Mondoy of January next, (boingthe 12th day) ntlOo’clock in the fore noon, to continuotwo week. NOTICE is therefor 6 hereby glvon,toth* Coro ner, Justices oftho Peace and Constables of thesaid county of Cumborland,tbat they are by tho said pre cept commanded to bcthon.and there in their proper persons,with their rolls, records, inquisitions, exami nations, and all other remembrances, to do those thlngswhichto their bfßccsappcrtaln toho done,and allihose that nreboundby recognizances, to prosecute againsltho prisoners that are or then shall be in tho jail of said county, are to be there to prosecute them asshallbojust. DAVID SMITH, Sheriff. . Siixrift’s Orrics, } - Carlisle,Nov. 37, 1861. > ' Notice. THE Directors of the Carlisle Bank, have this day declared, a dividend .of one dollar and seveotv five cents per share.of the capital stock.of said Dank,-which will be naid atihe office of the un dersigned, to the shareholders respectively entitled to receive the same, on and after Monday the Ist of December next, i * GEO. A. LYON, Prea’t. November 24,1851—41 .. Estate Notice. LETTERS of administration oh tho estate of Ella-, obetb Haint, with the‘will annexed, late of Silver Spring (owhahip, Cumberland co«, Pa., deceased, have bsori granted by the.Rcgister of said county,to tho subscriber living In Carlisle. All persons .in. oblod to said estate are requested to make immediate payment,and thoio having claims wlllprciont them properly authenticated for settlement to - „ , WM. W. DALE, Adm*r. . November 27,1651—Gt* Estate Notice. LETTERS of Administration bn the estate of Abignl Duke, Into of (ho borough of Ship|)cnsv burg, deceased, have been issued by the Register of Cumberland county, to the 'subscriber living in said borough. All persons indebted to said estate arc requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present (bom properly authentic cated for settlement to BENJAMIN DUKE, Adm’r. November 27, 1851—Ot WANTED. A YOUNG MAN, well-qualified, who has had Xa. several years experience In the Dry Goods bu siness, will bear of a good situation by applying to . : ARNOLD & LEVI. Carlisle, Nov. 27, 1851 Factory for Rout. j— ■ THE “GOOD HOPE” Woolen Foctory, !<■■•] 3 Tenant Houses, and a small lot of Ground, JullSL with a Stable thereon, situated on the Cono* doguinet creek, about 4 miles west of Carlisle and within 1 mile of. (ho Cumberland Valley Uailroad. For further particulars opply to.the subscriber resid ing on the promises. ' MARSHALL JAMES Wostpenniboro 1 tp., Dec.' 11,1051—81 Ho for the Holidays! A Merry Christmas and a Happy New. Yoarto,A"ll. Kmss KIN'GLE’S HEAD QUARTERS,is well Blocked with good things for (he coming fostivt* lies, to which tboattcnlionof citizens and atrahgers is invited*, consisting of Choice Confectionaries, such as fine candy toys, Don Cons, Jelly cakes, cordial, lemon, rointand Chocolate diops, motto candy, kiss* m, rose, burnt and'-figured almonds. Joaansas. Jus., medium candies of every variety, which will be sold wholesale or retail &t reasonable rites. A good as* sortment of i ‘ Fruits and Nuts, consisting In part of Oranges, Lomone, Grapes, Figs,' tyaisins. Prunes, In fancy boxes, Currants; Dates,Al monds, Filberts, Cream, Coco and Ground Nuts, Cit ron, Currents, Pea and English Walnuts, of the lat est importations. In connection with the above a largo stock of. Toys l& Fancy Goods, of English, Frcnch and American manufacture, have been received and will bo shown .to all free of charge, consisting in part of Ladles wprk boxes, fancy boxes of paper and glass, card, sowing and other baskets, port moqnoios, paper weights, music boxes, accord* eons, fire engines, cabs, horses, rallies, railway trains, Terracotta, .China & Leaden Tea Setts, motto cups, (lower vases, ink-stands, sand works, water works, doll heads of .all kinds, kid .and Jointed dolls of . all sites, masks, drums, guns, swords, 'cannons, dee. .Remember Krias Kingje's Kead Quarters,ln N. Hanover street,a few doors north of the Bank. . ■ The ■ubloriberlrelarpe his sincere thanks to a generous public for the patrbnage bestowed on him on forroor occasions, end hopes bya desire to please to merit a continuance of the seme. 1 December 16,1661. HAWIiS, Just received another large assortment of Long- Bay State Shawls, suitable for winter which will be eold very cheap. '■ tf. W. WOODS, Agl. December A, 1961. 1 BONNET RIBBONS. Just received a large and general acsortmont of Bonnet Ribbon® et very low prloee end will ke great bargains. Call soon ladies and make your.eelootlons, GEO. W, HITNBR, October 90. TT7ILL perform alloperations upon XJL*! 1 * 1 are required for their prwSfViitJo*/' auobae talingjFiling,Pluggingifa*o*mwA restore the loss of them, by inmtihfAitttolttt* Teeth.from a single Tooth to a folltetti ™ f . d'ooi'iS’otitfrb?, the Railroad Hotel. ; • / 5 # J . • Loomis will beabsent froffi’CiV l^ lislehe last ton days, In c'atfhmonth.- : . Carlisle. Poc.gß, 1B60. ; ‘ ‘ ‘ • f:i * lJ ,u *' DB. GEORCI£ Z.IIRE 1 WILL .perform all operations that may btf required for tbeirprntmliqn^.,. Artificial Tooth inserted, from a single tooth to ah' entire set, on the most scientific principles* - bitWN''. 1 of the mou th and irregularities trnflt(flK ,1 v y - v Office at the residence of his brother, on ROtthftll*’. street, Carlisle* Pa.- t , ... May 15.1'851. . dr; 8. B. RIEFFER, NORTH HmoVer street. Office Wolfe etore. Office hoare, more p«rUinl4riy r< from 7to 9 o’clock A. M.» end from K' to 7 f ’clb'fe' P.M... Carlisle, Jpne Ifl, 1851—tf Timber Land for Sale. THE undersigned, agent ibr the heirs of James Sharpe, deceased, offers .at prlra(esal6,7s"Acr«e ' of Timber Land, more or less, situated, in’PrsndfonT 1 township', Cumberland count/, botmded on the'east by-Mr. Sbugh, on the west b/Samuel BoWfeah’d’! heirs, on the north by tho North Mountain, ind 7 in 3 the south by Utley's heirs. c The whole,tract is drill * covered with Oak, Chesnot, amlothsr.y al- v uablc Umber., This property will be,dt*idj?d (l §ijd sold in three parts, or together, to suit For particulars, enquire of the subscriber Mifflin township. ■'* GEORGE BRATTON*, i December 11,1861—3t* . Fnbllc Sale of Real EitikAi •' : : ;T IN pursuance of an order of (be Orphans' Court Cumberland county, the subscriber.: will* ieß'il* public sale* on the premises, in the -borough of Cat**- lisle, on Saturday the ,37th day of DECEMBER’- next, the following described llesl Estate, vfc: • A Dot of Ground, situate in the borough of Otfw * lisle, on the south aide, of Fomfret street,.bounded by a lot of Joseph Sites on the east, and Mary Kant* man on the west, containing GO feet in front de BiQ~ feet in depth, haying thereon erected a two Plastered House and Back-building,-. A. - f«siS®_; two story Frame House', and a Fr^pe, Also, o tract of Land situate, Middleton township, bounded by ; lands of James R. Snowden, Win. Graham, the heir* * ofP. Phillips, and Robert Given, containing ' 1 v ,63 Acres and 14 PerchU, 1 a under good fence, and in a high state of cnltjyatiohri There is o good Orchard and a Weil of water on ' the premises. The above tract lies within 14 of Carlisle, and being nearly equally divided, by a public road, will bo sold separately * suit purchasers. . -7 •*>-jj Sale to commence at 3 o'clock P. M., when &• terms will be made known by •>«*■ . J. 0. HOPPER." « < Administrator of James Hofler. dee'd# November 27, 1861—6 t , .y/ <■ ' THE' CHEAP. STORE. A ’'][•* THE subscribers havonow received one of: thir largest supplies of Goods, ever brought to Car)tale. Among our goods can bo found . , Cloths,. Cassimeres, V, " Sallinelfs, Kentucky .Tea ns, Velvsl Cords, nanbahf,; Tickings, Ginghams, Merinoea, Alpaohas, Lnlnes, Cbburgs, Cashmeres, Poplins, Calieoek,oaoiL Flonncls, SHAWLS, Handkorohiofs, Gloves/8tb&» ings, Scarfs, Veils,. Irish Lirtens, Dress Trimmings, RIBBONS, Bonnots, Caps, Gam Shoes, Groceries do* Spices. All of which we are selling off cheaper Ihaß' they can bo had in'town' October Id, 1651 Raffs Wanted. . -•.■.a'' THE highest price will be paidinoash, forony quantity of Regs delivered et the Warehooteof e subscriber* ?, V Carlisle, October 0, 1861. Chfnd and Crockery AEARGIi and- splendidselection every variety has just been received, embracing ' FRENCH AND ENOLISH CHINA,' V as also the finest GRANITE Ornamental Ware, either inserts or by tho piece as may be ccssary, with every other variety, besides a selection of the, finest Fajict Cuista Waub, botbornamentii and usoful, suitable for the-season* Forsaleby Nov. 37, 1861. . . J. W.BBY. ui A NEW supply of good Currant*, Boodle** and IX.' Bunch Raisin*;Farina, as also a fine artide of Pulverized CORN STARCH, refined and prepared expressly for food, with direction* for CusUrdi; lee Cream, Pies, Cakes, Blanc Mango, Korsale at (bo store of .. Nov. 37, CRANBERRIES. A very superior lot Just oj>*V ed ami for sale at (he store of •" ' i;i v -■*' ' J. 'Wi'lBSYyWi November 27, 1851 SPICES. Fresh Citron,Mace, Gloves, CldnatnoKl Ginger, Nutmegs, Pepper, Silarelus, Soda, dtc.* r all pure and fresh, constantly la store end for .iUIa by. j. w> Bp.v.; ri November 27,1861. ITIOR MINCE aalaat Iheprocsry'dc ' Tee Store*of the subscriber, Raisins,' Currant#,‘ ciuon, &c. 1 : o. inhoff; | Nov 20, 1851 i HAMB, (sUgar*cured,} Dried Beef, SugiC'cnred Beef Tongue's, smoked Salmon, Ac., for siletl the Grocery store of Not 20, 1861 JUSTsrecelved another large'anortment of SattU nola *nd FJannela, vrh{eh will be •bl(lio Uiwi, T«« bom lb. «l«br«lej Tea Hou«.i)tJ»b kia« ik. "Co., which will bo ioli] che.p, ' N. W. WOODS, Affc.. i i.i.-m.i December 4,1861, /“I LOVES, Jtut received .a largo anort&enl pf iT Ladiei Kid andMlrfad Glovea* i u* I - ! N. W. WOODS; AfU'.t DecamW 4, 1661’ P. MONYER. HOSIERY. Another largo aeftorlraenk-of ami Children 1 ! LtmU wool and Alpac#k : ,Hoei, which will be told cheap. •;' -. • *#■■*: N.W. WOODS,, December*, lB6l, Ladies duess. goods. Mu.Un "W. WOODS, Aal? Docembor CLOTHS, A large uaortmenl of Dluk'&.'ltfVfß* and French Clolhi, which will be.told tAMf,* v-WfVrwmlStK D#c«*nbft 4, Iflfil, ;r , • :i '«.* ; f A. & W. BENTSt J.RHEEK.’ Corn Starch. J. W. EDTi - 0. INHOFF, Agli i c. iNiiorr/Ai