American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, December 11, 1851, Image 1

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J\ in fri f a n VI Holuuttcr.
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FcUpio-Ciiixens of the tSehato and tious* of Reprt-
I congratulate yoa and oar common constituency
apon the favorable aaaplces under which you meet for
yobr first session. Our country Is at peace with all
the world* The agitation which, for a time, threat
enfld to dialurb (he fraternal relatione which make us
ongjpeople, |e fast subsiding; and a year of general
prosperity and health has crowned the nation with
unuadal blessings. None can look back to the dangers
which' are puled; or forward to tho bright prospect
before Us, without (holing a thrill of gratification, at
the. •apie i time-(hat ho must bo impressed with a
grateful tense of oar profound obligations to a bene*
ficent Providence, whose paternal care Is so manifest
in the'habpiness of this highly favored land.
• Since (he close qflail Congress, certain Cubans and
other-foreigners resident in-the United States, who
werp more of less concerned in the previous invasion
of Cobra,' instead of being diqeouragcd by its failure,,
have again abused life hospitality of this country, by
making it the scene of- tho equipment of another
military -.expedition against that possession of Her
Catholic Majesty, in which they were countenanced,
aided and joined by citizens of the United Stales.—
On receiving intelligence that such designs were
entertained; I lost no time in issuing such instruc
tions to the proper officers of the United States as
seemed to bo called for by the occasion. By the
proclamation, a copy of which is herewith transmit
ted, I also Warned those who might bo in danger of
being ipveigted into this scheme ofils unlawful char-
Idler, and of the penalties which they would incur.
For soine time there was reason to hope that these
measures.had sufficed to prevent any such attempt.
This, hope, however, proved to bo delusive. Very
early in the morning of I he 3d of August, a steamer
called the’Pampero departed from Now Orleans for
Cubs,'having- on board upwards of four hundred
armed inch,.with evident intentions to make wai
upon the authorities of the island. This expedition
was set on foot in -palpable violation of tho lawa of
(he United Stalls. Its loader was a Spaniard, and
several of lho;cliief officers, and some others engaged
in It, were foreigners. The persons composing it,
however, were mostly citizens of (ho United States.
Defdre (he expedition set out, and probably before
it was organized, a slight insurrectionary movement,
whiyh appears to have been soon suppressed, had
taken plied In tho eastern quarter of Cuba. Tho
importance of this movement was unfortunately so
much exaggerated in'the accounts of It published in
this .country, that tbeso adventurers seem to,- have
been led to believe tint tho Crcote population of tho
island not only desired to throw’off the authority of
(he mother country, but had resolved upon that step,
and had begiiri a welt concerted enterprise for effect
ing It. The persons engaged in the expedition wore
generally,young and ill-informed, .The stoimcr in
Which they embarked led Now Orleans stealthily
end, without a.clearance. After touching at Key
West, she'proceed to the coast of Cuba, and, on ,
the night between II ih and 12lh of August, landed
the persons bn board at Playtas, within about twenty
leagues of Havant.
. The,'iiuin body of, them proceeded to, and took
possession of, an inland village, six leagues distant,
leaving others to follow In charge of the baggsge, as
soon as (he moans of transportation could bo obtain*
cd, Tfm latter, having taken up their line of march
to conbeol themselves with’ (tie main body, and hav
ing proceeded about fotir leagues into the country,
Were,attacked, on (he morning of (he 13th, by a body
of Spanish,troops, and. a bloody conflict ensued; after
which they i® tho place of (iitomoarcaiiou,
whore about fifty ofthom obtained boats and*
barked therein. They were, however, intercepted
among .(ha keys, nedr the shore by a Spanish steamer
cruising, un the coast, captured and carried to Ha
vana, end, after being examined before, a military
court, werb sentenced to be publicly executed, and
the sentence was carried into effect on the icih of
August. , 1
On receiving information of what had occurred,
Commodore Foxhall A. Parker Was instructed In
proceed in Uia steam frigate Saranac to Havana, and
inquire into the chargee.against (he persons execut
ed, the circumstances.under which (hey were token,
and whatsoever referred to their trial and sentence.
Copies of (ho instructions from (he Department of
Slkte-lo him; and of his loiters to that Department,
are horowilh submitted.
According, to the record of the examination, the
frisoners all admitted (ho Offences charged against
hem,' of being hostile invaders of tho island. At the
time ofthoir trial and execution, tho main body of the
invaders were still in ths field, making war upon (he
Spanish authorities and Spanish subjects. After the
lapse of some days, being overcome by the Spanish
(roops 4 they dispersed un tho 24th of August; Lopez,
tholr.loader, Was captured some lime after, and oxo.
cutod bn tho Ist of September. Many of his remain*
ing followers were killed, or died of hunger and ft*
tigue, and the rest wore made prisoners. Of these,
none, appear to have been tried or executed. Several
? if them were pardoned upon application of their
rienda and others, and the rest* about one hundred
and silty In number, were acnl to Spain. Of the
final disposition made of those wo have no official
Information) ..
Such Is thp melancholy result of this Illegal and
111-fated expedition. ' Thus, thoughtless
have been Induced, by false and fraudulent represon*
I,lions, to violate tho law of (heir country, through
fash end Unrounded expectation of assisting to ac
complish political revolutions in other States, and
have lost their lives in tba undertaking. Too severe
a judgment can hardly bo pmed, by the indignant
sense of the communjly, upon those who, being bot*
tef Informed themselves, lisvo yet led away the ardor
nfyoath nnd'sn ill-directed love of political liberty.
The .correspondence between this Government and
tb^offipalnrelating to (hie transaction is herewith
communicated. - .
Although these offenders agajnst tho lawa have
forfeited the protection of their country, yet the gov*
•nvroenl may, so far as Is consistent with Us obllra.
lions to other countries, and its fixed purpose to main
tain end-enforce the laws, entertain: sympathy for
thstr unoffending fimilies end friends, as well as a
feeling of compassion for themselves. Accordingly,
no proper effort has been spired, and nono will bo 1
spared, to prociite tho release of such citizens of the 1
United BUtes, engaged In this unlawful enterprise, 1
as are now in confinement in Spain ; but It is to be 1
hoped that such interposition with the government of 1
that country may not be considered aa affording any
grpqnd of expectation that Ilia Government of tho
UfiUed Slates wit), hereafter, feel itself under any
obligation of duty to intercede for tho liberation or
pardon’ Of snob persons as aro flagrant offenders
•gainst the law of nations and the laws of the United
i These fowl must be executed. If we desire
to ipalntiin our respectability among the nations of
(he earth, H behoves us to enforce steadily and sternly
the’nbiitrality acts passed by Congress, and to follow,
as’ far as' may be, (he violation of (hose acts with
condign punishment. .
. •Bpt iphat gives a peculiar criminality to (his Inua*
gofCqba Is, that under the lead of SpanUli sub*
ana,with the aid of citizens of (he United Slates,
. .$»)• or)gln»,with many, in motives of cupidity.
Ajfehqy „vpay|. advanced by individuals, probably in
ppnilqeftbje-amount** to purchase Cuban bonds, as
they hpd been called, issued by Lopez, sold, doubtless,
ai >a. Tqiy large discount, and for tho payment of
which (be public properly ofCuba, of whatever kind,
and the fiscal resources of tho people and government
of (hat island, from whatever sourco derived, were
pledged* aa well as.(ho good faith of tho government
expected to be established. All these moans of pay.
uentf lt la evident, wore only to be obtained by a
process> of bloodshed, war, and revolution. None
•41)1 deny that those who sot on fool military oipedl.
lions sgilnal foreign States by means like these, are
for more culpable than tho ignorant and the neoea.
ailolU whom they induce to go 'forth as the ostensible
partlea iD|ths proceeding. These originators of (he
invasion of Cuba seem .to have determined, with
coolness and system, upon an undertaking which
should disgrace their country, violate its laws, and
put to hazard the lives of ilMnformed and deluded
men. You will consider whether further legislation
bo necessary to prevent the perpetration or such of*
fences In future.
No individuals have a right, to hazard (he peace of
the country or to violate its laws upon vogue notions
of altering or reforming governments in other Stales.
This principle is not only reasonable In itself, and in
accordance with public law, but Is engrafted into the
codes of other nations as well as our own. But while
such'are the Sentiments of this Government, it may
be added that every independent nation must bo pro*
sumed to be able to defend its possessions against
unauthorized individuals banded together to attack
them. The Government of the United Stales, at all
times since its establishment, has abstained and has
sought to restrain the citizens of the country, ifrdm
entering' into controversies between other powers,
and. to pbserve all the, duties of neutrality. At an
early period of the government, in the administration
of Washington, several laws were passed for line
purpose. The main provisions of these laws wore
reloaded bylhe Act of April, 1818, by which,
among other things, it was declared that if any per
son shall, within the territory or jurisdiction of the
United States, begin, or set on, fool, or provide, or
prepare (he meahs fur any military expedition or en.
torprise to be carried on from thence against the
territory or dominion of any foreign prince or State,
or of any colony, or district, or people with whom tho
United Stales are at peace, every person so offending
shall be deemed guilty of a high misdemeanor, and
shall be fined, not exceeding three thousand dollars,
and imprisoned not more than three years; and this
law has been executed tod enforced, to the full ex*
lent of the power of the government, from that day
to this. ' *
In proclaiming and adhering to the doctrine of
neutrality and nonintervention,, tho United States
have not followed the lead of other civilized nations;
they have taken the load .themselves, and have been
followed by others. • This was admitted by ono of the
rnpst eminent of modern British statesmen, who said
in Parliament, while a minister of the crown, "that
if ho wished for a guide in the system of neutrality,
he would take that laid,down by America In the
days of Washington and (hd secretaryship of Jeffer
son, 11 and wo see, in fact, that the act of Congress
pflBlB was followed; the succeeding year, by an act
of tho Parliament of England, substantially (he same
in its general provisions. Up to that lime there had
been no similar law in Englond,except certain highly
penal statutes passed in tho reign ofGeorgo 11., pro*
bibbing English subjects from enlisting In foreign
service, the avowed object of which statutes was, (hat
foreign armies, raised for the. purpose of restoring
tho house of Stuart to tho throne, should not be
strengthened by recruits from England herself.
All must see that difficulties may arise In carrying
tho laws referred to into execution in a country now
having three dr four thousand miles of sea coast, with
an infinite number of ports and harbors end small
inlets, from some of which unlawful expeditions may
suddenly set forth, without llio knowledge of govern
ment, against the possessions of foreign Slates.
Friendly relations with all, but entangling allian
ces with nano, has long boon a maxim with us. Our
(rue mission is not to propagate our opinions, or Im*
pose upon other countries our form of government,
by artifice dr fordo; but to (each by example, and
show by our success, moderation, and justice, the
blessings of self-government, and the advantages of
free institutions. Lot every people choose for itself,
and make of oiler its political Institutions to suit its
own condition and convenience. But, while wo avow
and maintain this neutral policy ourselves, wo are
anxious to see the same forbearance on (ho part of
other nations, whoso 1 minis or guvuimnuiu ate utr
feront from our own. TIA deep Interest which wo
feel in tho spread of liberal principles and the cslab.
list) moot of tree governments, and the sympathy with
which wo witness every struggle ogain*t oppression,
forbid, that we should bo indifferent to a case in which
the strong srm of a foreign power is invoked to stifle
public sentiment and repress the spirit of freedom in
any country.
Tho governments of Great BrltalrTund Franco
have issued orders to their naval commanders on the
West India station to prevent by force, if necessary,
the landing of adventurers from any nation on tho
Island of Cuba with hostile intent. Tho copy of a
memorandum of a conversation on this subject bo.
tween the Charge d 1 Affaires of her Britannic Ma
jesty, and the acting Secretary of Stole, and of s
subsequent note of the former to the Department of
Slate, ere. herewith submitted, together with a copy
of a nolo of the Acting Secretary of Stale, to (ho
Minister of the French Republic, and of the reply
of (he latter, onlhe same subject. These papers
will acquaint you with tho ground of this interposi
tion of the two leading corn morel at powers of Europe,
and with (he apprehensions, which this government
could not fail to entertain, (hat such interposition, ii
carried into effect, might lead to abuses in derogation
of (ho maraiime rights of the United Slates. - The
marnllmo rights ofthq United Slates ate foundnH on
a firm, secure,and wcll dcflncd basts; they stand
upon tho ground of National Independence and public
law, and will bo maintained in ell their full and jual
extent. .1
Tho principle which this government has hereto*
fore solemnly announced U still adhere# to, and will
maintain under all circumstances and at all hazards.
That principle Is, that in every regularly documented
merchant vessel, tho orow who navigate it, and (hose
on board of it, will find their protection in tho flag
which is oVdr (hem. No American ship can bo at
lowed lu bo visited or searched for tho purpose or
ascertaining tho character cl* individuals onboard,
nor can there be allowed any wotch by the vessel of
any foreign nation over American vessels on the;
coasts ofthe United Slates or the seas adjacent there*
to. It will ho seen by tho last communication from
the British Charge d’ Affaires to tho Department of
Slate, that he is authorized to assure the Secretary
of State that every care will bo taken that, in exe.
culihg tho preventive measures against the expe
dittoes, which the United Slates Government itself
has denounced as not being entitled to the protection
ofany government, no interference shall lake place
with the lawful commerce of any nation.
In addition to (ho correspondence on (his subject,
herewith submitted, official information has been re*
ceived at tbe Department of Stele, of assurances by
tho French Government that, in the orders given to
tho French naval forces, they ware expressly in*
strucled, in any operation they might engage in, to
I respect (he flag of the United Slates wherever it
might appear, and to commit no act of hostility upon
any vessel or armament under Us protection,
1 Ministers and consuls of foreign nations are the
means and agents of communication between us and
I those nations, and it is of the utmost importance that,
while residing in tlfe country, they should feel a
perfect security eo long 01 they faitlifUlly discharge
i their respective duties and ere guilty of no violation
of our laws. This is the admitted law of nations,
and no country has a deeper interest in maintaining
it than the United Slates. Our commerce spreads
over every sea and visits every clime, and our min.
ietera ana consuls are appointed to protect the inter*
cats of that commerce, as well as to guard the peace
ofthe country and maintain the honor of Us flsg.
But how can they discharge these duties unless (hey
be themselves protected ; and, if protected, it moil
be by tho laws of the ouuntry In which they reside.
And what is due to our own publio functionaries
residing in foreign nations, is exactly tbe measure of
what is dua to (he functionaries of other govern
ments residing here* As In war, tho bearers of flags
of truco are. sacred, or else wars would bo intermina
ble, eo in peace, embaesadors, publio ministers, and
consuls, charged with friendly national intercourse,
are objects of especial respect and protection, each
I according to tho rights belonging to his rank and
station* In view of these important principles, it in
with deep mortification and regret I onnounoe to
you that, during the excitement growing out of tho
executions at Havana, the office of her OalhcUo Ma*
joily’s Consul at New Orleans was assailed by a mob,
his property< destroyed, tho Spanish flag found in the
oS)oc carried off and lorn in pieces, end ho himself
induced lo floe for hie personal safely, which he sup*.
posed lo be in danger. |
On Ihe Intelligertce of these events, 1 forthwith -J
directed (he attorney of these United States residing
at New Orleans, to inquire into the facts and the ox*
tent of tho pecuniary loss isastained by the consul,
with the intention of laying them before you, that
you might make provision lor subh indemnity to him
as a just regard for (ho honor of the nation and tho
respect which is due to a friendly power might, in
yoarjadgment,Boem to require. The correspondence
upon thissubjecl between the Secretary of State and
her Catholic majesty’s minister plenipotentiary is
herewith transmitted; • ,
The.ocoarrofteo at Now Orleans has led me lo give
my attention l lo tho state of our laws in regard to
foreign embassadors, ministers, and consuls.' I think
tho legislation of the country is deficient in not pro*
viding sufficiently either- for the protection or (ho
punishment 61 consuls. I therefore recommend the
subject to Iho considetalion ofCongreas. .
Your attention is again invited to Ihe question of
reciprocal trade between the United States and Can*
ada and other British possessions near our frontier.
Overtures for a convention upon this subject have
boon received from Her Britannic Majesty’s Minister
Plenipotentiary, but it seems lo bo in many respects
preferable by reciprocal legislation.. Documents aro
■aid before you showing tho terms which (he British
government Is willing to offer, and the-measures
which it. may adopt, if some arrangement upon this
subject shill not bo made..
From tho accompanying Copy of a noto from (ho
British Legation at Washington, and tho reply of
tho Department of State thereto, it will appear that
her Britannic Majesty’s Government is desirous that
a part of the boundary lino between Oregon end tho
British possessions should bo authoritatively marked
out, and (hat an Intention was expressed to apply to
Congress Tor an appropriation to defray the expanse
thereof on the. part of the United States. . Your at*
lenlion to thissubjecl 5s accordingly invited, and a
proper appropriation recommended.
A convention for the adjustment of claims of citi
zens of (ho United Slates .against Portugal has been
concluded, and the ratifications have boon exchanged.
The first instalment of (he amount lo bo paid by
Portugal foil duo on tho 30(h of September last, and
has been paid.
The President of (ho French Republic, according
to tho provisions of tho convention, has boon selected
as arbiter in (ho case of the General Armstrong; and
has signified that he accepts (ha trust and (ho high
satisfaction he feels in acting as the common friend
of two nations, with which France is united by sen
timents of.sincoro and lasting amity.
The Turkish government has expressed its thanks
for tho kind reception given to tho Sultan’s agent,
Amin Doy, on (he occasion of his recent visit lo the
United Stales. On thie,2Bth of February last a des
patch was addressed by the Secretary ofStalq loMr.
Marsh, (he American Minister at Constantinople, In
structing him lo ask of tho’ Turkish Government
permission for the Hungarians, then imprisoned
within the dominions of tho Sublime Porte, to remove
to this country. On the 3d of March last, both
Houses of. Congress passed a resolution requesting
tho Prssidont to authorize tho employment of a pub
lic vessel to convey to this country Louis Kossuth
and his associates in captivity.
The instruction above referred to was complied
with, and tho Turkish government having released
Governor Kossuth and Ins companions from prison,
ontholOlh of September last, they embarked on
hoard of (he Untied Slotcs sloam*frigi(o Mississippi,
which was selected to carry into effect tho resolution
of Congress. Gov. Kossuth left (ho Mississippi •at
Gibraltar, for the puiposo of making a visit to Eng
land, mid mnp i>o «*po*‘«d in Now York.
By communication to the Uepartmcnl ol Btafo lie
has expressed his grateful acknowledgments for tho
interposition of this Government In behalf of himself
and his associates. This country has been justly
regarded as a safe asylum for those whom political
events have exiled from their own homos in Europe;
ond It is recommended lo Congress lo consider in
what manner Governor Kossuth and Ins companions,
brought hither by Its authority, shall bo received and
It is earnestly to be Hoped that differences
which have for some time post boon pending between
the government of the French republic and that of
(tie Sandwich Islands, may bo peaceably and dura
bly adjusted, so as to secure tho independence of
those islands. Lung before (ho events which have
oflste imparted so much importance to tho possess
ions of. the U. Slates on tho wo acknowl
edged tholndopondcnco of (he Hawaiian govern
menl. This Government was first In taking that
step, and several of thp leading powers of Europe
immediately followed. Wo were influenced in this
measure by tho existing and prospective importance
nf (ho islands so a place of refuge and refreshment
for our vessels engaged In the whale fishery, and by
tho consideration that they Ho in the course of the
groat trade which must, at no distant day, ho carried
on between thn western en»i( of North America and
Eastern Asia.
Wo woro also influenced by a desire that those
Islands should not pass under (he control of any oth
er groat maritime State, but ahould remain In un
Independent condition, and so be accessible and nso
ful to the commerce of all nations. * 1 need not say
that the importance of those considerations lias been
greatly enchancod by the sudden and vast dovelopo
monl Which the interests of the United States have
attained in California and Oregon ; and the '.policy
heretofore adopted in regard to those Islands wit) be
steadily pursued.
It is gratifying not only to those who consider the
commercial Interests nf nations, but also to alt who
favor the progress of knowledge and the diffusion
of religion f to see a community emerge from a sav
age state and attain such a degree of civilization in
those distant seas.
It is much to bo deplored that the internal (ran*
qulllty of the Mexican republic should again bo
seriously disturbed; for, since'(ho peace between
that republic and the L‘. Stales, It hod enjoyed such
comparative roposo that the most favorable antieipa.
tlons for the future might, with a degree of confi
donee, have been indulged. Those, however, have
been thwarted by the recent outbreak in the State
of Tamaulipas, on the right bank of (he Rio Oravo.
Having received information that persons from the
United Slates had taken part in the insurrection,
and apprehending that their example might ho fol
lowed by others, I caused orders to be issued for the
1 purpose of preventing any hostile expeditions against
I Mexico from being set on foot in violation of the
I laws of the United States. 1 likewise issued a proo
lamalion upon (ho subject, a copy o( which is here
| with laid before you. This appeared to be rendered
imperative by the obligations of treaties and the
general duties of good neighborhood.
In my lust annual message I informed Congress
that citizens of the United Slates had undertaken
the connexion of (he two oceans by moans of a rail
road across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, under a
grant of Ilia Mexican government to a citizen of that
republic; and that (his enterprise would probably bo
prosecuted with' energy whenever Mexico should
consent to such stipulations with the Government of
tho United Slates as should Imparl a feeling ofaocu.
rily to those who should invest, their property in thu
A convention between (ho (wo governments for
tho accomplishment of that end has been ratified
by this Government, and only awaits the decision
of (bo Congress and the Executive of that republia.
Some unexpected difficulties and delays have aris
en in the ratification of that convention by Mexico,
but U is to bo presumed that her decision will be
governed by just and enlightened views, os well of
the general importance of the object, as of her own
Interests and obligations.
In negotiating upon this Important subject, (his
Government Ims had in view one, and only one, oh-
Joel. That object has been, and Is, the construction
or attainment of a passage (Vom ocean to ocean, the
shortest nndthe beil for travellers and merchandise, 1
and equally open to all the world. It has sought to
obtain no territorial acquisition, nor any tdvanliges
peculiar to itself; and it would see, with tho great
est regret, that Mexico should appose any obstacle
to the accomplishment of an enterprise which prom*
isos so much convenience to the whole commercial
world, and such eminent advantages to Mexico her
self. Impressed with those sentiments and these
convictions, the Government will continue to exert
all proper efforts to bring about the necessary or.
rangemonts with, the republic of Mexico Tor the
speedy completion of tho work
For some months past the republic .of Nicaragua
has been the theatre of one of those civil convulsions,
from which the cause .-of freo Institutions, and the
general prosperity and social progress of the States
of Central America hayeso often and so severely
suffered. Until quiet ahull hove been -restored, and
a government apparently stable shall have been or
ganized, no advance ban prudently bo made in dis-’
posing of the questions pending between the two
I am happy to announce that an intor*oeeanie
communication from (ho mouth of tho St. John to
tho Pacifio has been so far accomplished as passen
gers have actually traversed It and.that merchandise
has been transported over it; and when the canal
shall.have been completed, according to tho original
plan, tho moans of communication will bo further
It is understood that a considerable parlbftho rail*
road across (ho Isthmus of Panama has been com.
ploled, and that tho mail and passengers fu
luro bo conveyed thereon.
Whichever of the severs! routes between tho two
oceans imsy ultimately prove most eligible for tray
oilers to and from the different Stales on the Atlantic
and Gulf of Mexico and our coast on (ho Pacific,
there Is Utllo'roason to doubt that all of them will
bo useful to the public, and'will liberally, reward
that individual enterprise, by which alone they have
been or.aro expected to be carried Into effect. •
Peace has been concluded between tho contending
parties in the islsnd ofSl. Domingo, and it is hoped
upon a durable basis. Such is tho extent of our com.
morcial relations with that island, that (he Unitod
Stales cannot fail to feel a strong interest in its
Tho otfico of Commissioner to China remains
unfilled; several persons havo been • appointed, and
the place has been offered to • others, all of whom
have declined its acceptance, on the ground of the
inadequacy of tho compensation. The onntial ah
towance by law is six thousand dollars, and there Is
no provision for any outfit, 1 earnestly recommend
(ho consideration of this subject to Congress. Our.
commerce with China is highly important- and is
becoming more and more so, in consequence of tho
Increasing intercourse between our ports 'on the Pa
cific coast and Eastern Asia. China is understood
to bo a country In which living is very expensive,
and 1 know of no reason why tho American Com.
missioners sent thither should not be placed, in ro*
gard to compensation, on on equal footing with
ministers who represent this country at tho coucla
of Europe.
By reference to the Report of tho Secretary of the
Treasury, it will bo aeon that tho aggregate receipts
for the last fiscal year amounted lb 952,319,979 87 ;
which with (ho balance'in the Treasury on tho Ist
of July, 1850, gave, as the ovailable means for (ho
year, tho sum of 958,917,594 36.
The total expenditures for'the .same period were
$48,005,878 68.
Tho total imports for (ho year ending llto 30th June,
1851, wore 9915,725,995
Of which there were in specie
The exports for the Same period
Of which they were of
domp« ,u products $178,546,555
luit-igO gOOtia’.i«.v«|ruiiuu - itra.wu
Specie 29,931,860
Since the Ist of December last the payments In
cash on account of the public debt, exclusive of in.
lores!,'havo amounted to $7,501,45d 56; whicU,
however, includes tho sum of $3,242,400 paid under
the 12lh article of tho treaty with Mexico, and the
further sum of $9,591,913.45,-bcmg the ambunt of
awards to American citizens under tho Into treaty
with Mexico, for which the issue of stock was au
thorized, but which was paid in cash from the Treas
The public debt on (ho 20lh ultimo, exclusive of
tho stock authorized to bo issued to Texas by tho
not of 9th September, 1650, was $69,560,395 26.
The receipts for (he next fiscal year are estimated
at $51,800,000, which, with the probable unappro
priated balance in (he Treasury, on. the 30lh Juno
next, will give, ns tho probable available moans for
that year the sum of $63,958,743 09. -
It has been deemed proper, In view of tho largo
expenditures consequent upon the acquisition after,
ritory from Mexico, that the estimates for the next
fiscal.year should bo Utd before Congress in such
manner as to distinguish the expenditures so required
frqm the other wUa ordinary demands upon the
The total expenditures for the next fiscal year are
estimated at $49,892,299 19, of which there Is re
quired for the ordinary purpose of (ho Government,
other limn those consequent upon the acquisition of
our now Territories, and deducting tho payments on
account of the public debt, tho sum of
06; and for tho purposes connected directly or Indi
rectly with (hose Territories, and in the fulfilment of
(he obligations of tho Government, contracted in
consequence of their acquisition, tho sum of $9,549,.
101 U.
If tho views of (ho Secretory of tho Treasury in
reference to tho expenditures required for these Ter
ritories shall bo met by corresponding aolldn.tho part
of Congress, and appropriations made in accordance
therewith, there will be on estimated unappropriated
bnlnnco In tho treasury on tho 30th Juno, 1853, of
$20,366,443 00, wherewith to meet that portion of
the public debt due on the Ist July following, amount.
Ing to $6,297,931 35, as well as any appropriations
which may be made beyond tho estimates.
In thus referring to the estimated expenditures on
account of our newly acquired Territories, 1 may
express the hope that Congress will concur with me
in tho desire that a liberal course of policy may be
puraued toward* them, and that every obligation,
express or Implied, entered into in consequence of
their acquisition,shall be fulfilled by tho most liberal
appropriations for that purpose, I
The values of our domestic exports for the last
fiscal year, at compared with those of the previous
year exhibit an increase of $43,646,392. At first
view this condition of our trade with foreign nations
would seem to present the most flattering hopes of
its future prosperity, An examination ortho details
of our exports, however, will show.that the increased
value ofour exports for ihe lost fiscal year Is to be
found in tho high price of cotton which prevailed
during the first half of that year, which price has
since declined about one half.
Tho valud of our exports of breadstuff's and pro
visions, which it was supposed tho incentive of a low
tariff and largo importations from abroad would
havo groally augmented,has fallen from $68,701,991,
In 1847, to $96,051,373 in 1850, and to $91,948,653
in 1851, with a strong probability, amounting al.
most to a certainly, af a still fur (her reduction In the
current year.
The aggregate value of rice exported during tho
lost fiscal year, as compared with the previous year,
also exhibit a doorcase amounting to $450,917,
which, with a decline in the values of the exports of
tobacco for the same period, make an aggregate
decrease in those two articles of $1,156,751.
The policy which dictated a low rate of duties on
foreign merchandise, U was thought by those who
promoted and established it, would tend to benefit
the farming population of this country, by increasing
the demand and raising the price of agricultural pro
duels In foreign markets.
Tlio foregoing facts, however, seem to show in*
contcillbly that no such result has followed thoadop*
lion of this policy. On the' contrary, nolwltlisland*
log the repeal ortho restrictive corn law's In Eng.
and, the - foreign demand for the products of the
American, farmer has steadily declined/since the]
short crops and consequent famine in a portion of
Europe have been happily replaced by full oropa and
oomparilivo abundance of food.
It will he seen by'recurring to tho commercial
statistics for the past year, that tho value of our
domestics exports has been increased in . (he' single
item of raw cotton by $40,000,000 over (he value of
that export for the year, proceeding.- This is not due
to any Increased general demand for-that arliol4,
but to the short crop of the preceding year, which
created an increased demand and an augmented
price for tho crop of last year. - Should (ho cotton
crop now going forward to market be only equal in
quantity to that of the year preceding, and be sold
at the present prices, tben there would bo a falling off
in the value ofour exports for (ho present fiscal yoor
of at least $40,000,000, compared with the amount
exportedfot 1 iho’yoar ending 30th June, 1851.'
The production of gold in California for (he past
year seems to promise a largo supply of that metal
from that quarter for some llmo to come. - This
large annual increase of the currency of the world
must be attended with Ile oanal results. Those
havo been already partially disclosed in tho enhance,
mont of prices ond a rising spirit of speculation and
adventure, (ending to over-trading, as well at home
as nbroad. ' Unless some salutary check shall be giv
en to theso tendencies, it Is to bo feared that impor
lotions of foreign goods beyond a healthy demand
in this country will lead to a sudden drain of tho
precious metals from us, bringing with it, as It ,has
done in former limes, (he moil disastrous conse*
qucnces to and capital of tho American
people. .
The exports of specie (o liquidate our foreign debt
during tho past,fiscs] year havo been $24,263,979
over tho amount of specie imported. Tho exorts of
specie during the first quarter of the present fiscal
year have been $14,651,827. Should specie eontined
to bo exported al this rate for the remaining three
quarters of this year, it will drain from our metallic
currency during the year ending 30lh June, 1852,
tho enormous amount-of $58,607,308.
In the present prosperous condition of the national
finances, it will become the duty of Congress to
consider.the best mode uf paying,off the public debt.
If (ho present and anticipated surplus in (he Tress,
nry should, not bo absorbed by appropriations of an
oxlroordinary character, this surplus should bo om*
ployed in such a way,and under such restrictions, os
Congress may onset, in extinguishing (ho out stand*
ing debt of tho nation.
By reference to tho act of Congress approved Dili
September, 1850, U will be seen that, In ,considera
tion of certain concessions by tho Stale of Texas,
it is provided that the * United Slates shall pay to’
the Stale of Texas the Rum'often millions of-dol.
lars, in stock bearing five per cent, interest, end re-'
doomableal the end -,of fourteen years, the Interest
payable halfydarly, at tho Treasury of tho United
States. 1 •
. In the.eamo section of the law it is further ptovi
ded “ that no more than five millions of said stock
shall be .issued until (ho creditors of the State hold*
Ing bonds-And other certificates of slock of Texas,
for which duties on imports were specially pledged,
■halt first file at (ho Treasury of the United Stales
reloasos of nil claims against tho, Unitod. States, for
or-on. account of.said bonds or certificates, in'such
form as shall be prcscriboikby the Secretary of the
Treasury, arid.approved by the President of (he
United States. 11
The form of release thus provided for has been
proscribed by tho Secretary of the Treasury, and
approved. It has been published In all (ho leading
newspapers In the commercial cities of the United
Slates, and all persons holding claims of the kind
eueclfiod in tho foregoing proviso wore required to
nfelhetr releases (mine form inns presururelij iu mo
Treasury of the United Stales, on or before (he Ist
day of October, 1851. Although this publication
has been continued from tho 25th day of March,
1851, yot, up to the Ist of October last, oomparitlvely
few releases had been filed by tho creditors ofTcxas.
Tho authorities.of (lie State of Texas, at tho re.
quest oftho Secretary of the .Treasury, havo furnish,
od a schedule oftho public debt of (hat State created
prior to her admission Into the Union, with a copy
of the taws under which eoch class was contracted.
I havo, from the documents furnished by (he State
of Texas,- determined the classes of claims which in
my judgment fall within the provisions of the act of
Congress of tho 9lh ofSept., 1850.
On being officially Informed of the acceptance by
Texas of the propositions contained in the act re
ferred to, I caused the slock to bo prepared, and the
five millions which are to be issued unconditionally,
bearing an Interest of five per cent, from the Ist day
of January, 1851, have been for aomo lime ready- to
be delivered to the Slate ofTcxas. Tho aulhotilios
of Texas, up to tho present lime, have not authorized
any ono to receive tills slock, and it remains in tho
Treasury Department, subject to the order ofTcxas.
The release, required by law to bo deposited In
the Treasury, not haying been filed there, the re*
malnlng five millions have not been Issued. This
lost amount oftho stock will be withhold from Texas
until the conditions upon which it is to be delivered
shall bo complied with by (lib creditors of (hat Slate,
unless Congress shall otherwise direct by a modifies*
tlon of the law. -
In my last annual message, to which I respectfully
refer, I slated briefly (ho ruasons which induced me
to recommend a modification of the present tariff,
by converting tho ad valorem Into a specific duly,
wherever tho article Imported was of such a charac.
ter as to permit it, and that such a discrimination
should bo made, in favor of tho industrial pursuits of
our own country, os to encourage home production
without excluding foreign competition.
Thu numerous frauds which continue to bo prac
tised upon tho revenue, by false invoices, and under
valuations, constitute an unanswerable reason for
adopting specific instead of ad valorem duties In all
oases whore tho nature of the commodity does nut
forbid It. A sulking illustration of these frauds
will bo exhibited in the Report of the Secretary of
the Treasury,-showing the custom houso valuation
of - articles imported under a former law •object to
spoolfio duties, whon (hot e was no Inducement to
undervaluation, and tho custom houso valuations of
the same article*, under tho preseiitsystom of ad
valorem duties, so greatly reduced as to leave no
doubt of tho existence of tho most flagrant abuses
under the existing laws. This practical evasion ,of
tho present law, combined with tho languishing
condition of. some oftho great interests oftho ooun*
try, caused by over importations and consequent
depressed prices, and with the failure in obtaining a
foreign market (or our increasing, surplus of broad*
stuffs and provisions, has induced me again to reo*
ommond a modification of the existing tariff.
The report of the Secretary oftho Interior, whioh
accompanies this communication, will present a
condensed statement of tho operations of (hat Im
portant department oftho Government.
It wilt bo scan that the oash sales of the public
lands exceed those of tho preceding year, and (hat
(hero is ro&son to anticipate a still further increase,
notwithstanding the largo donations whioh havo
boon mado to .many .of tho States, and the liberal
grants to individuals-as a reward for military ser
vices. This (act flirntshos very gratifying evidence
of Ihe growing wealth and prosperity ofour country.
Suitable measures have been adopted for com.
menolng the survey of the public lands in California
and Oregon. Surveying parties havo been organ
ized, and some progress has been made In establish,
ing the principal oaso and meridian linos..' But
further legislation and additional appropriations will
bo necessary before the proper subdivisions can be
made, and the general land system extended over
those remote parts of our territory.
On tho 3d uf March last an act was psased provt
ding (nr tho appointment of throe commissioners to
soldo private land claims In California. Tliroo per.
sons wore Immediately appointed, all of whom, how.
ever, duoiined accepting tho office, In oontequcncC of
tho Inadequacy of the compensation. Others were
promptly selected, who, for tho same reason, also
, declined { and it was not until late In the season that
i the services of suitable person* could bessoured.—
I. , » 'j.-. •»fU
NO. 27.
(A majority of (he commissioner* fn thitf '•
city, on jlbe lOlh of September last,'when dsUUdd
instructions' were'given to them in regard to IhdiV'*'
duties. Their, first meeting Tor. the traotaoUos
business, will be held in-San Francisco ott’the Bltfr.ti
day of the present month. - ,i
I have thought it proper to refer to;itase.faoter
hot only to explain the cause of the delay Id filUDgn,-
the commission, but to call your atteotloo to lb* ' i
propriety of.lnoreasing the compensation of,the conK ; .
misaionors. The office la one of great labor.qn4.>. >
responsibility# and the compensation should be eadt'-j,,
S* ,to command men of a high order of lalenUaoi&
the most unquestionable Integrity. V ' f
The proper disposal of the mineral lands of Cali-,
fornla is a subject surrounded by great difficulties* . !
In my last annual message I recommended the ear*
vdy and. sale of them In small parcels, under such 1
restrictions as would efieclually guard against mb*
nopoly and speculation. But upon further Informi- r .'
lion, and in deference to (ho opinions of ptnohiT,' j
familiar with (ho subject. I am inclined (o
that recommendation, and to adviso (hat tfiej;
permitted to remain, as etpreaent, a commoh fisHj l ' ll
open to the enterprise and Industry of all odr blti* , ' :
tens, until further experience shall hate '
the host policy to be ultimately adopted in regard to'';'
them. It ia. safer' to suffer the inconveniences that ••
now exist, for a.short period, than, by prematura
legislation, to fasten on the country a system.fbonfeiT
cd in error, whioli may place (he .whole'subject *
beyond Ibe future control of Congress. ' ’. j ..
Tho agricultural lands should, however, bo
veyed and brought into market with as little delay, ; i
as possible, (hat (he lilies may become settled, and; ,j.
the Inhabitants stimulated to make permanently*-,,!
f movements, and enter on. the ordinary paraQi(s,fii>|v;
ifo. To effect these objecla Uis desirable thi( ./
necessary provision be made by law
raent of land offices In California and Oregon, anfl*; v
for the efficient prosecution of the survey*‘at’yip- '
early day, - ‘ i ,
Some difficulties have ocorrred in '
Territorial governments of New Mexico arid Utah 1 ;-,
and, whan more accurate information abell.beobV,
tained of the causes, a further communication Will ~
ho made on (hat subject. .
Jn my flast annual communication to Congress'?
recommended (he establishment of an AigrleuKtttaf ;
Bureau, and 1 (she (his occasion again (0 Invoke
your ftvorablo eonsidcrotion oftho subject.-' ' . ! ' l, *
Agriculture may justly be regarded as (fie gtoif
Interest of our people. Four-fifths of -eor aeliV* •
population ore employed in (he oultlvalloA of The
soil, and (he rapid expansion of oor seltlemenU 6Ht-' .
new territories is dally adding to tho bombbrOf-..
those engaged In that vocation. Justice st)‘d sound- •
policy, there fore, alike require that the Government •-
should übo ail the means authorized by the Cbastl-'l
tution to promote the interests and welfare of tbil
important class of our roltow>oitisens. And yel ilia'
a singular fact that, whilst tho manufacturing tod :
commercial interests have engaged the attention of .
Congress , during a largo portion of every session# ,
and our statutes abound in provisions for (heir pro»:.
lection and encouragement, little has yet been done,.
directly for the advancement of agriculture.; Tile
time (hat this reproach lo our legislation should bo
removed; end 1 sincerely hope (hat. the preeenl ,■
Congress will not close their labors without adopting •;
efficient means (o supply the omissions of those vho, r
have preceded (hem. ,
An Agrioullursl Bureau, charged 'nUhitoe
of collecting and disseminating correct •
as to (ho best modes of cultivation, and of the
effectual means, of preserving and restoring tbe.fei
tlllty oftho soil; and of procuring and distributing-.,
seeds and plants and other vegetable productions,
with instructions in regard to the soil, climate, add
tivatiuvm UV.I t. n .«ntb,'«VUttl H*i,;
fail to bo, in the langnage of Washington,*
last annual message to Congress, a “very cheap.';
instrument of immense national beneßl." . i
iiiouuuiviib w i mmibiißV iiftiivuai vviium* i * ■
Regarding tho acl of Congress approved 28th"
September, 1850, granting bounty landa (o parson*,
who had been engaged in the military ferried of IK* ’
country, aa a great measure of national juallbe irrdt
munificence, an anxious desire baa been felt by lb» '
officers entrusted with It* immediate eXeon(loOi : lo’'
give prompt effect to ita provisions. All Ibe meane ’
within their control were; therefore, brought lot*
requisition to expedite tho adjudication of dairai, ■
and 1 am gratified to be able to elate that near odd ■
hundred thousand application! have boon considered, :
and about seventy thousand warrants issued wilbln
tho short apaco of nine roontiis. If adequate pro?}*- .
ion bo made by law to carry into effect the reoctn*
mendaliona of tho Department, it is confidently ex
poclod lhot, before the close of the next fiscal jqtr#.;
all who! are entitled to the benefits of the ao( Will-.,
have received their warrants. , . _ f .
. The Secretary of tho Interior has suggested In- ;
his report various amendments of the laws relating '
to pensions and bounty landa far the purpose bfmoro.'
effectually guarding against abuses, and frauds on .
the Govoinmoht, to all of which I invito your pittio*'
utar attention. . -V..,
The largo accessions to oar Indian popttlatlUT''
consequent upon (ho acquisition of New Mexico and"
California, and the extension of our settlements Into
Utah and Oregon, have given increased interest qfrd ‘
importance to our relations with the aboriginal race. *
No material ohango has taken place, withiri lh»>
last year, In tho condition and prospects of the IndUn
(iibea who reside In the Northwestern Territory
and west of the Mississippi river* We are at peace ■
with all of them; and U will be a source of pleasure
to you to learn that they are gradually advancing in
civillx atlon and tho pursuits of social life.
Along tho Mexican frontier, and In California,
and Oregon, thoro have been occasional manifests*,
itons of unfriendly feeling, and tome dppredatjope,
committed. 1 om satisfied, however,.(hat*,,
suited more from (he destitute and starving condllfprT
of the Indiana than from any settled hostility toward '
tho whiles. As the settlements of our citixena prog
ress towards them, the game upon Which they
mainly rely for subsistence I* driven off or destroyed,
and the-only alternative left to them la starvation
or.plunder. It. becomes us to consider, In view of
this condition of things, vrliothsr justice tod human
ity, as well aa an enlightened economy, do not »e«-
quire that, iristoad of seeking to punish Iherti (hr
offence which are. the result of our own policy to-,
wards thorn, we should not provide fortlielrimfnedi*.
alo wants and encourage them to engage In agrl*,
cullnrc, and to roly on their labor. Instead of the
chase, for the means ofsupport. (l .
Various Important treatiaa have been negotisleri ,
with different tribes during the year, by which thplr
title to largo and valuable tracts of country has been,
extinguished, all of which will, at the proper lime,'
be submitted to the Senate for ratification. " ‘,
Tho joint commission under tho treaty of,'tiu*44-,
lupo Hidalgo has been actively engaged in rdhnldg 1
and marking the boundary line between thd United
Slates and Mexico. It was stated, in (ha leal anhbal
report of the Secretary of the that -the
initial point on the Pacific and the point of junotidd
of (he Gila with the Colorado river had been deter*,
mined, and the intervening line, about one hundred
and fifty miles in length, run and marked, by tem
porary monuments. , Blnco that time's monument
of marble'has been erected at the initial point, and,
permanent landmarks of iron have been placed at
suitable distances along the lino.
Tho initial point on the Rio Grando’hiS also been
fixed by the commissioners at latitude 33® 23K, and
at the date of tho last communication (he sQrvei'df
the line had been made (hence westward about one
hundred and fifty miles to the neighborhood of (Nf
copper mines.
The commission on our part was at first orgauJ
hod on a scale which experience proved to bo an l
wieldly and attended with unnecessary exponse.-r-
Orders have, therefore, been Issued for the reduction
of. the number of persona employed within thp
smallest limits, consilient with the safely of thoap
• engaged In the service, and the prompt and efficient
execution ol their Important dullet, i ,
Returns have been received from all the officera
. engaged in taking the census In the States thd Ter*
[Coneludtd on 2d pagt.\
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