American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, October 09, 1851, Image 3

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    Dickinson Township.
ttllot to tho Editor, doted : ' ■ -, ' ‘
Dickinson Township, I
October 6,1851. {
Mr. Station i
P*ar all tho reports yoh
. ve beard la regard to our 1 township, let mo assure
«ou Old Dickinson will bo " right aide op with core,*’
no Tussdty. Mr. Woodburn, volunteer candidate
for Asi<xrf ate Judge, will run welt in this township.
I aoi friendly to bis election myself, and have been
through a good portion of the township, and my
opinion is that ho will receive a very largo majority
of tho Pemooratio votes. Bat, in regard to tho rest
oftlie ticket, Dickinson will do her whole duly. Mr.
Woodburn's friends will give Mr. Graham their uni*
led vote. Indeed,' tho wholo ticket,.with the excep
lion of Mr. Kin, will receive tho full Democratic
vote of our township. Let who will say to the con.
trary, sot what 1 toll you down for a certainly.
Yours Respectfully. ;
Federal Depravity \
SnippENßDEito, October 7,1851.
Frickd Bratton—l ask a short space in your pa
per to inform tho people of a disgraceful act perpre
trated by the Federalists of this place last Sabbath
evening. - Mr. Samuel Novin’e barn was fired by an
incendiary, about G o’clock in tho evening. During
iho lime the people were at the fire, some degraded
Federalist placed (he Deify American paper at the
doors of many .of our Democratic houses in tho west
end of town. Tho papers wore gathered up early
on Monday morning. This indicates that the Fed
eralists are pretty well panic stricken, when they
resort to electioneering on tho holy Sabbath. If a
Christian community countenances such conduct on
the Sabbath doy, who knows what our country will
come to T There was a largo package of those pa
pers sent to this place for the purpose of distributing
them when the people were at churcb, but the fire
afforded llicm a better opportunity. The Federalists
are resorting to every thing that is mean to gain the
day; .but I sincerely hope the people will denounce
electioneering on the Sobbslli, and also the recklosss
nesfl of the Federal candidate for Governor,and vole
for honest Dill Bigler* who is a close observer of the
Sabbath* and it man not given to dissipation.
Silver Spring.
Eilcsct of a letter to the editor, dated
Hogestowk, Oct. 7, 1851,
Dealt Sir—Oat parly was rover belter organ
ited in this township than at present. We will
give a majority of at least 'VIVO HUNDRED for
the whole Democratic ticket. Mark that down.
Year friend.
J. D. Bratton, Esq.
Nkwville, Oct. 4, 1851.
Dear Brattor— The Nowville District will do
wonders this year. Oni friends are quite active
lately, and feel confident of gaining a big victory
on Tuesday week. The Whigs are divided on
the subject of Associate Judges. Kennedy, how
ever, bus a large majority in his favor.
Silver Spring Again Speaking !
Ala meeting of the.Bigler,Club of Silter Spring
lownihip, UcM at tho public house of John Loy, in
Kingstown, on Thursday evening last, the following
resolutions were offered,,and unanimously adopted.:
Whereas, The Democracy of Stiver Spring, now
as heretofore, cheerfully cooperate with their fellow-
Democrats of Ibis Commonwealth, in their efforts to
secure tho election of men, who strictly adheio to
Democratic measures, for the mutual benefit of our
Republican government. Therefore
Retolted , That we hove unlimited confidence in
the ability, integrity, and patriotism of our candi
dates, Bioler and Clover, and will use our best ef
forts to ■couro for them, and for tho Democracy of
the old Keystone, tho honor “not only of a decisive,
but of n glorious victory.” * ‘
Haolved, That In our judicial ticket, we recognise
men of mighty intellect .true dignity,and unsurpassed
in legal attainments—men who will do honor to our
Judiciary, by wisely «nd prudently dlschargirg the
obligations and responsibilities that will devolve upon
* *i?efoZeecf, That wo will cordially ooppoH, and on
every honorable effort to secure the election of the
whole Democratic ticket, knowing it to be composed
ofraeo eminently qualified, and richly deserving ol
tho support of every Democrat.
WcstpennsTibrongh Boused Up !
000 of Iho largest Democratic meetings cvei
held in Weslpennsborough township, assembled
at the public house of Mr. I’nTtn Fouctir, in
Plainfield, on Monday evening last, the Oth lost.
'The meeting was organized by.calling Prof,
It K. BORNS, President of tho Plainfield Acs
demy, to the Chair, and appointing Philip Zisu-
Ltn, Wm. Kosier, J. H. Davidjon.Geo. Emeriok,
and Wsi. Carothebs, Vice Presidents; and Goo.
Graham, and R. C. Woods, Secretaries.: Ibat
veteran of Democracy, James, Mq.„-or
Sonthamplon township, was, on motion, added to
thd list of Vice Presidents.
On motion, the following named gentlemen were
committee to draft resolutions ejtpres*
si»e ol the sense of tho meeting—John.Cntdiheis.
Sliilce M’Keehan, John Klliotl, Irvine M’Manus,
Wm. Drawbaogh.
• J. BokhaM, Esq., was then introduced to
the meeting, and delivered a very eloquent and
able address. During his remarks he was fre
quently applauded. ...
The committee oh resolutions, through their
chairman, then repotted the following resolutions,
which wore unanimously adopted:
Retained, That this meeting cordially (endorse
the nominations made by tho Democratic parly tor
(he offices of Governor, Canal Commissioner, and
Judges of the Supremo Court, as eminently worthy
of the suffrages of the voters of Pennsylvania, nnd
shall receive from us an earnest nnd energetic sup-
Po, Retiilred, That Iho selection of James 11. Gnt
ham. Esq.,- for President Judge of this Judicial
District, meets with a hearty response from every
iron Democrat. A sound and experienced lawyer,
a true Democrat, nnd an honest man, ho shall re
ceive ouroordlal support. ...
Retained, That in regular nominations wo find
the only sure guarantee of success in furthering
our principles; and we therefore recommend our
fellow Democrats to adhere to tho full County
lichot. . , I
Retained, That wo will, in common with our de
raooratic brethren of Iho county, support the whole
Democratic County ticket. Neter before had the
Democracy of Cumberland county a belter ticket,
in every respect, placed before them. We predict
iu election, from top to bottom, notwithstanding
the efforts of a mercenary and bribed press, and a
ft w rotten traitors. ..,11
Rwlvtd, That these proceedings be signed by
the officers of this meeting, and published in Iho
Amtritan Volunteer. .
f Signed by ihc Officers. J /
Address of the Democratic State
Central Committee,
Information has reached us gpnn polls' TICK
ltd In the r ' , Pj , ° ,i, ” u “°"" l m " ° f f JAMES CAMP-
S&onT of Vur for Supremo
, m r.’ rvpT AFJ'.tnd thai of lUUilAttv
COULTER, one of tho Whig nominees, for tho same
position, substituted in hie ■load, .
P Democrats! examine ivilOLE\
a united aupportoflho 41 TICKET, minvp'V 1
yon will rohuiio the men who attempt to DEFI
the People of their dearest ' *«V“ VI O MOIB
mooteoyof the State In achieving aGLORWUa
TRIUMPH on DOCK. C^irmon.
F. K. Don, Stcnlaty.
Hartleburg, October 6,T851.
That there are 44 common men” »no“ S h ln P«nn
eylvanla to elect Gen. Clover,over such . Aero of the
Mexican war ae John Sllohtn,
All Hail, California.
Coli Bigler Eluded Governor!
The steamer Prometheus from San Juan, arrived
at New York on the 4tb instant, by which we have’
the glorious nows that CoI JOIIN BIGLER is
elected Governor of California, by a decided major
ity I The Demodrats have also elected ‘tho whole
State and Congressional Ticket, and a majority of
the. Legislature! Glorious nows, this! '.Now,De
mocralfl, turn.out in your strength, bo TUESDAY
NEXT, and Colonel WILLIAM BIGLER .wilt be'
elected Governor of Pennsylvania by a much larger
majority (hah his brother John received in Confer*
nla! We musthavb that flag !
Associate Judgeship.
Wo have been requested by James Kennedy, Esq.,
to give (he following card an insertion in our edito.
rial columns:
To the Voters of Cumberland County:
I have board that a report. is in circulation that I
had declined being a candidate'for Associate Judge.
This is to inform my-numerous friends that I Ifavo
not declined nor will I decline tinder any circum*
stance..' Till. 1."7
Mifflin Township, )
Oct. 7,1851. f
Democrat*, Remember Bltchl’e’i Saying'!.
Put coals of red hot fire.upon the back.of every
Democratic terrapin! Bring every Democrat in
your neighborhood along with you to the Polls.—
Urge updo them the great importance ol this election!
and remember that a “Tull vole” Is always a glorious
Democcalie victory ! Therefore, let no Democrat,
who has the good of his country and the perpetuity
of our free institutions at hear!, (and whal Dcmocral
has not?) absent himself from the Polls on Tuesday
next. Let us give to our candidates such a majority
as shill utterly prostrate Federal Whiggory in " Old
Mother Cumberland.”
Things, to lie Remembered!
That the MURDER recently committed by the
enemies of Law and Order, in Lancaster 'county, is
one Of (ho fruits of Gov. Johnston’s resistance to tho
law passed by onr Legislature.
That Gov. Johnston nays* he has got this law in
his pocket, and will keep it there! and. that his ex
ample of treating laws as if they had not been pissed,
makes the abolitionists and disunlonUls bold and in
soicnt, and encourages them to riot, bloodshed and
; let the people remember,
Tbit tho Stats debt was actually reduced more
under Shank's administration than it ling been under
Johnston’s, nutwilhaUnding tho Sinking Fund, and
s loan ofWOO.OOO. And that tho claim sot up by
Go*. Johnston nnd his organ, that he has paid any
portion of the Stale debt, ie downright fraud and
That William F. Johnston now holds Kis office by
tho illegal and fraudulent votes which were polled
In Schuylkill county in IS4B.
That the puMio Treasury at tho City of Washington,
has boon robbed within the last two years of more
money, by Whig Galphinisros, than would, pay a
liberal compensation to one thousand laboring men
for Mob years’ services; and remember that what has
been done at Washington maybe done at Horns*
burg, unless you vote for honest and faithful Demo
crats, who sympathize with tho mass of the People.
That William F. Johnston was nlwoys lho odvocste
of email bills in the Legislature; that he flooded tho
Stalo.wiih three millions of them in 1841; that when
they wore pretty well reduced, ho wanted to issue
another million; nnd that the Democrats of the Le.
gislalure slopped this Whig game ! And alsoi that
Ilia laxei have been increased from in
1845 to 81,545.950 In 1850;— making a difforcnco
of Ttco Hundred and Forty Thouwnd Thre* Hun
» dred and Sixty-thren DUlaro between 4 Democratic
1 nnd Whlgadminlalration.
1 That William-’ F. Johnston voted ogainst the law
aboliahing imprisonment for debt, and against tho
law limiting tho labor of children in factories to
TEN HOURS a day; and that hia frienda have not
uttered a word by way of denial or palliations They
r know that they can neither deny nor, palliate this
I ad.
Tint William F, Johnston voted for a hill nppropti.
aline more than Thrco Millions of Dollars to private
corporations, company and Stale work*, and Inal
Go». Rilncr, In his message, said that such economy
<as Johnston displayed) would Increase* the Slalo
debt Infour years to over $40,000,000; And that he
(Johnston) also made slienuoui efforts last winter to
add another million to the Stale .debt by the Issue of
rclicrholes. That the expenses of the Executive and
State Departments of Pennsylvania, have increased,
In two years, under Johnston's admlnistfalion, Two
Thousand One Hundred and Eighty.five Dollars and
Sixly thrco Cents.
That William F, Johnston sympathises with and
sustains John Btrohm, who voted to STARVE our
troops In Mexico: And that Wm. F. Johnston is a
AVtios American! that he has lent bis official lnflu*
onco to sustain the whole phalanx of Native Amori*
can Custom House officers, while, at the same time,
ho Is cheating the by protending to be
friendly to some of their societies*
That William F. Johnalon was in the Legislature in
1841, and voted for a law allowing BANKS to sus
pend payment on their own notes, arid at the «aroe
time to sue <Ae people and collect debts from them on
execution, .
That Willi irn F. Jolmnlon defends the extravagance
ofßUncr’s administration, and declares that tho Slate
debt was not Increased under It a single dollar, while
the official records prove that the debts oonlrnclod
during that administration, reach nearly TEN
That William F. Johnston Is a wealthy nabob, living
In splendor and magnificence, and has no feeling In
common or sympathy for the laboring man ond, me
That William Bigler was a poor orphan boy, com
polled to labor for Ilia own livelihood, and to sustain!
a widowed mother. Ho cornea from tho “common 44
people, la oflho people, and knows and eppieclatoo
their wante, and will devote hie lalente and energies
to the gicateat good of the grcatcat number,
That Col. Bigler woe in tho Senate in 1843, and voted
for the law ‘compelling BANKS to pay their debts, ae
well ae Individuals, or forfeit their charters.
That Col. William Bigler is a ttlf.madt man— that
he haa risen by hie own indualry and Integrity of
character to stations of honor and pubiio trust; and
that ho now ooouplea a high position aa a statesman,
patriot and philanthropist, ■ ■
Tho State Agricultural Fair,
Wo trust our brethren of tho press will direct at.
tontion to the great Slate Fair that is to commence
at Harrisburg, on the 291 h October. New York has
lust had 100,000 visiters at her fair at Rooheslor.—
The young Stele ofOhlo has just had 50,000 viaitite
at her fair leal week at Columbus, and why canno
rim old Keystone have ae great a congregation at
Harrisburg 1 Wo invite alt our farmers to come,
?ut above* all wo Invite those having good horses,
•.I ttn<yn Bl.oon, poultry. BgrlouUuraUaiplemenle,
&c 10 bring °hsm F along so*as to make lb. exhlb..
, ' 1 „it motive as possible. Every Invoolor of
‘ °VuUorl Implement, should have epeeimen. here
?V,,h bi«on and e.le; and laet but not least, let the
jot oxhibillo |nol hora of Pennsylvania send In
fair l 0 f whatever nature or hind It may
their handy work ol wnate o i,„ of house.
lasSfeSßsr— fc
OUmbdxldnd County.
Tho following excellent arilclo from the Valley
Spirit, in relation to oar ticket is to tho point: .
Our advices:.from .old mother Cumborland'aro (a
(he effect that the Democratic. Ticket, from tho fifot
mpnto; the; lost, will be trlupiphanlly.elected, not
withstanding the strong; game the Federalists are
playing lo dlvide the honors of the election. This
intelligence, which would hayb boon gratifying tr> us
under any .circumstances, is made' doubly gratifying
by the fact that there arc several gentlemen on the j
Democratic .Ticket lor .whoso success wo feel a far
more Ihan'ofdinaVy Interest. ’ ’ - i
JAMES H. GRAHAM, Esq., the candidateiforj
President Judge, Is a man whom any party might
be proud to rank among' its members. lie has won
for . himself a highly honorable position at.the Bar,
and tho most reckless of hla opponents do not dare
to say that ho dpcs not-possess every needful qualifi.
oation to adorn the Bench. His nomination was
made unanimously by tho Democracy of the three
counties composing tho District-—a high and a richly
deserved compliment. His opponent, lion. Fred’k
Walts, has “ stooped to conquer," but we are griev.
oaely mistaken if ho docs not find in doe time that
|he has stooped to pick up a defeat. He has como
down from tho proud eminence of. a candid man,
to flounder in the bog of political trickery. Know-
I ing that the whig party was powerless to elect him,
I ho resorted to a coonish lrlck to catch Democratic
votes. Ho proclaimed It tjirongh the public prints
that hts nice some of propriety'would not permit
i him to. accept, what five, oilier folly as good men os
himself of each parly had accepted, a partisan nom
ination for a judicial station. -Are tho Democracy
ofjhat District to be caught with such chaff as this?
IT this legal Mastodon and,modern Elijah’ls really
too puro to take a partisan nomination, it Is high
lima lie were taken off the bench and translated to
heaven., This sinful' vfbrld is no fit abiding placo
for such a man. Dot docs any one believe that Mr. ]
Watts would- not have taken a nomination if the
District had been Whig t We pity the gumphead
who is silly enough to believe any such "gammon."
Mr. Walts, then, having thrown aside the garments
of a candid man and pht on llio habiliments of a
political trickster, ought to be more strongly opposed
by the entire Democracy than if ho had not assumed
bis present disingoncous attitude.
J. ELLIS BONHAM. Esq., heads the ticket for
Assembly. Ho served in the last Legislature, and
In our opinion was the ablest member of tho branch
to which be belonged. No man of his years in the
Slate Is bolter read in the political history of the
country, and no man has a more correct understand
ing of our public affairs. , His views end feelings,
are .all thoroughly Democratic, and lie may be safely
trusted to legislate jTor thepeople. .Our friends In
Cumberland county owe it not only to themselves,
but to the Democracy of,the whole Slate, to rc-clccl
Mr. Bonham. .
SAMUEL MARTIN, the nominee for Clerk of
liie Courts, is another man for whom tho Democratic
parly ought 16 give Ha strongest pull.' He is a ® a P*
ital penman and will make a most efficient officer.
He. clerked for a time under Capt. Goodyoar»,wncn
that gentleman held the post of Recorder and Clerk,
and was a favorite of all who had business with tbo
office. ...
HENRY S. RITTER, is just the man to give
satisfaction in tho Register's office. To esteem him,
you need but to know him. He Is one of the most
worthy mechanics of Carlisle, whcre*ho has worked
oul r for. Himself a reputation that any man might bo ,
proud to wear. - ■ • I
Democrats ofCumberland county I Of such men
as these is your ticket composed. If wo wefce now,
os once, a resident of old mother Cumberland, wo
would ihako any reasonable personal sacrifice to
promote their election. We would travel twenty
miles* in any kind of weather, and by any mode of
conveyance, to cast a vole for (hem. You have the
power to elect your whole ticket, and we hope to bo
able to announce, at the proper time, that you hate
elected it'. .
Look at This!
mechanics, laborers, poor men and
TENANTS, if any lytant of no employer, landlord
or iron master, should attempt lo . influence, improp
erly! any person in Ills employ lo voto against hl«
wish, wc refer jou lo the election laws; which makes
such interference a CRIMINAL OFFENCE. Such
offences have been eontmiKni, and sneh TYRANNY
has boon - exercised by overbearing, purse proud
Federalists, and unless.effectual measures are taken
lherWiMiltfnHMl will 4m* alUespUA
on Tuesday noxt. A Lot every voter be on his gdsrd
and stand upon his rights guaranteed by the Consli.
lulion end the Laws. If any person undertakes, by
improper influence, lo control your vole. Id him bo
publicly marked at once, and prosecuted to the cl
ient of the law.
1 (loroia lliclaw,read It: (Acta of Asicmbly, 1539,
pagofidfi:) ,
Section 123. If any potion ehall give or bellow
any oucli gift or reward, In order lo procure any
poraon to bo olccled, or ahall promiao. or ullnmpl,
either directly or indirectly, to confer any auoh gill
or reward for auch Jmrpoao, or allall attempt or en
deavor lb Influence any vbtoi by any offer or promiao
of any appointment, employment or pecuniary bone,
fit, ho almll.on conviction, be fined in a eum not
Icaa Ilian one hundred doliare, nor exceeding one
■houaanil doilara, and .eufior impriaonment not Icaa
than one, nor more than twelve monlha.
Our attention ha# been called lo.a speech of unu
sual merit, made before a Democratic meeting at
Wilkesbarro, on the 29lit uf August, by young Dr.
G. D. Mima, and regret exceedingly that the pree.
eing demand# upon our column# at thi# time, forbid
it# publication entire. We cannot refrain, hbwotor,
from making tbo following extract a# a specimen of
it# eloquence and power:
Colonel Bigler Is the candidate selected unani
mously from a party whose veto count# neatly two
hundred thousands, He is by birth, by education,
in heart and sool'in thi# great contest before ui, the
advocate ofpepulor right a. Popular rights, follow
citizen#, ate the'natural prey oflha aristocracy.—
They have over walked their way in danger, and
owe their sound existence and rapid growth to the
aleady and well directed effort# of the Democratic
raoy err— men will err—men doerr. ■ Prill,
ciplcs ora sternal. Popular right#, if they .Hill flour.
i#h, must forever be indebted to the vigilance, union
and spirit of Democracy. Lot me then adjure yop,
by your luvo of liberty and your country, never to
be woary in well doing. Lot no Jealousies distract,
Ist no sinister influences divide you—hot bo true to
yourself, your cause', and your country. I wish I
could make my voice hoard through every valley, to
every mountain-lop in Pennsylvania,. 1 would say,
awake I arise! the Philistines, Sampson, are upon
youl Gird on your armor to go forth to this now
contest. Our motto from Lako Erie to the Dels,
ware, streaming forth like a meteor on the troubled
1 Winds, rouse# to action—lot it bo union and harmony!
in lire Democratic parly, tho strenuous defence of
Col. Bigler, and the result will bo certain victory.
"XtaowNKD.—W« regrotto learn flora tlioElDoredo
•jVi'io#, published at Colbrao, (California*) tlml Mr,
MtCiiAßiTßcMPxa, who UfX C'orliijo -aboul elgbtoen
month* ago, woe drowned In tlio Middle Fork of
the American River, el Rqoky Chuck, Californio, ob
Saturday, Augu.l Dll.. Mr. Bender wee a worthy
man and good olliiao. Foaco to lii» aahea!
n^Sunday n. 1n g. Ih o 81 hu 1 1 ■. 1 n P 1 '
Eliza Kaormtr, daughter of A- * " ’
pflhl. boroagh, in. the 35U. T" ° f ß V'T v ‘37l).
In Soulb Middleton lownahip.on Saturday tn. J (in
ult., after a abort illness, Mr. Jons Killy, (Miller,)
aged about 50 year*. 1 ’
To the Free and Independent Voters |/
Cumberland county • >
GENTLEMEN— I offer myaolf to your opnaidot
atlon ao a Fnaa' and lanarenuzaT candidate
for tho olDio of Aeepeiate Judge, at the onaulng aleo
lion. Aaauring you, if elooled, I wi ". n0 j. b ’ K c ®"'
trolled by any on nun or individuals in the dlicnargo
of my duly, and will be thankful to all who may fa
vot mo with .holt lupport. KEr?NEDY ,
i Cumberland Valley Hotel,
jV. E. Garner of East High and Bedford Streets,
Carlisle-* JPai • ]
THE oubeciibor, thonkful for iho favor heretofore ;
bellowed upon him by a genprous, public, would
respectfully inform his old friends and the travelling
community generally, that he. has again got. under
Weigh, and is now prepared to accommodate all who
may favor him with a call, In a*superior hianner and
on'the* most reasonable terms. > . i
His House, which is entirely now, is spacious,
comfortable, and convenient; Iho rooms -being airy,
well ventilated, and well fitted up with good hods,
&c. The house is situated in a pleasant and heal
thy neighborhood, and in a business part of the-Bo
rough* ,
His Table will always bo supplied with the best
tho market can afford, and nothing will bo left un
done In this department of his establishment to make
it acceptable to epicures. ’
His Bab will always contain am abundance of the
best and choicest Liquors; and . ■ i ,
. Hi« Stable, which is now, commodious, and ex
tensive, and capable of accommodating 40 head, of
horses, will always bo attended by a careful apd at
tentive Ostler, thus rendering his house a .deainible
stopping place.for drovers and travellers. •
Nothing shall bo omitted on his port to make his
housd.e cheerful and pleasant temporary home to
such as may favor him with thoireußldm. Call and
judge.for yourselves.
UoAßDsas taken by the week* month, or year.
Carlisle, Oc(. 9, 1851— 3m , .*
T 18TOF LETTERSfomainlngln'tho Postoflico
at Cdrllalo, Pa., October 1, 1851. Persons In*
qulring . for letter■ on this Hat, will plcaac say they
are advertised;
AriPstfth? Catherine Kelly Mrs Isabel
Armeflf Thbmpsort Krand Elizabeth
Albright Jocob . Krysher Susan
Auer Carl Lnckard Hannah/
Bcisllino Samuel Lay Jono .
Barr Samuel 3 Jjuglitmor Rev Dr A 2
Bice Geo. Lewis Mrs.WilHam W
Baker Mary Lesley Dr Jno T
Blakomnn C W Lino Geo ,
Beecher Peter Long Henry
Brough John Lyder Solomon
Drownovjlle Elizabeth Lime Lev! 3
Baxtresser John Long Jesse
Braudl David' Layden Patrick
Barrows J S LauckWm -
Broadfops Cornelius Lauck Peler^
Burkholder Jacob'' Lenharl-Daniel
Berr Jacob Marlin Brady
Bronisor Wm . Myers Rebecca
Brie'rly.Thos M . . ' May Jams .
Couglan J 1 Maddeson Ann
Cortnan Henry Malean Peter
CoanJohn MilleJnseph
Caillods James Miller .Daniel
Coffey W A M’Glough James
Conrad Philips .. Nickoy Elizabeth
Cuimfroft Mr Nichols J S
Devino John Nalchor William
Davis'James Newman Jno
Driscoll Cornelius Newman Wm
Dinworlha P J * OwesteTß.
•Dorspy Mrs H Paterson Charles
Daraq John ' Patterson Jane
. Diflendal Abraham Rellberg Ernest
Egger John Robison Hunter
| Farrell John Royer Catharine
. Flsdier Jacob . . . Stehman Jno
Fircosarah A Stahl Jacob
Ginger John Sell Susan
Gordon Dimmick Shambaugh Philip
Gossler Catherine Sheaffer Geo
Humphries James Smith Jno
Huk.Alexander Shughert Jonas
Heinly Charles Stayman Abraham
Heckbdorn Leonard Smith Cyrus
lloorrfan Samuel Shoully Mary
Hufftaan Samuel Sweeny Bernard
Harman A J Sooders John
Harris Mary A Shalley Valentine
Harimtftn MUb C S Torbfel Kate
Hickey Patrick • Todd Joseph
J. - ?Toii*e-B»ra«fd T
HhgheT Silas' Wise Mary A'
HallftaoD Watts Daniel
KlUagore Jesse Wert W A
Klein Catherine Weary Jno
Klinelioe Ann M Wolf Amanda
Kniloy Darld Williams E W
Krcider Elizabeth Williams Lieut R
Kramer Johri Wise Capl M
I Kirk Washington Wolford Peter
| Klino Mrs J N .* __ 1
Relating to the Market , Parsed Ocio•
her 2, 1851.
BKH enacted by the Town Council of the Do.
rough' of Carliftlo, and it is hereby enacted and
ordained by tho authority of the same, That the
hours for opening the market in the morning, shall
hereafter be as follows :
From the let of September to the let of Decem
ber, 4 Deblock.
From the let of Decomber to the.let of April, 5
From the Ist of April to the Ist of
o'clock. :
All ordinances passed by Council that may con
flict with the above regulations, be and the same
are hereby repealed. >
, President of Council,
Aite^i—F. Holcomd, Clk. 3t
Dissolution or Partnership.
THE partnership heretofore existing between the
undersigned, stone cutters, trading under the
firm of Owen and Richards, has been dissolved by
mutual consent. All persons indebted will coine
forward immediately bnd make payment to Richard
Owen, who is authorized to settle tho same, and
those to whom tho firm is indebted will also present
their accounts to him for payment.
Carlisle, Oct. 9,1851—3 t
TO the Heirs & Legal Representatives of Marlin
Hoover, laio of Hopewell township, Cumber
land county, deceased. • _
Take notice that by order of the Orphans’ Court
of Cumberland county, I will hold an Inquest to
divide, part or value the Real Estate of said de
oaaebd, on Tuoodny tho 08th of October, 1651, ot
10 o’olbok In tho.foronotm, on the promisee, when
1 end where you moy attend If you think proper.
Sheriff’s Office, 2
- g.rli.lo, 001. 0. IJM— 3I 5
IN order to prevent the destruction of bird*, (bo
undersigned do positively prohibit all shooting or
hunting on tbclr land#.
David Miller, jr. . David MiHor, sr.
Samuel Willioms, , John Miller,
Jhos. U. Chambers, William Culbertson,
Jacob Hoerner, H. B. Bpuman,
Joseph Culver, Eredk. Williams,
Joseph Witmer, Henry Smith.
October o,loBl—Bt
' Pamphlet law«.
THE Pairiphlet I.nwi pn««eJ atlllt e««ion nl 1851,
have been received at thie oflico, ami are: ready
to be delivered to thoee entitled to receive them.
„ , JAS. F. LAMBEHTON, Proth’y
Prolhoeolary’e Oflico, \
Id. 0, 1861— 8t 5
Oormnn & English Jourttnls.
THOSE peraona entitled to receive Iho Journal*
of the Senate and Houee of Reproientallvea, are
hereby notified that they have boon received at Ibis
office, and are ready for distribution.
By order of the Oommlaalonera.
Attest— WM. BlbEYt O! k.
Commlwlonor’i Office,?
Ceillele, Oct. 0,1801. 5
Register’s Notice.
NOTICE !s hereby given to all persons interested, (
that tho following accounts have been filed In
this office for examination by tho accountants there- ,
in named,’and'will bo presented to tho Orphans*
Court bf Cumberland county* for confirmation and
allowance on Tujsduy tho 4lh day of,November, A.
I). 1851, viz: .
1. The account of John Orris, administrator of
Joseph HcfHcflngct, la'to of Frtl'nlifoi'd township, do*
ceased. ,
2, Tho account of John Lcfover,.administrator of
Wm. L; Spangler, late of Dickinson township, de
ceased. . ; , j
8,. The pccount of George Kissinger, jr. adrardo
bonis non. with tho will annexed of George Kissin
ger, late of'Dickinsoh'townehip, dcc’d.
4, The account of George Bailor, administrator of
Mathias Sailor, lute of South Middleton township,
-5, The,account of Georgo Sailor, administrator
With tho will annexed of John Klincline, late of 8.
Middleton township, deceased.
: 0. Tho account of Jacob Dorsheimer, administra
tor of Elizabeth Dorsheimer, late of the Borough of
Mechonicsburg, dec’d. * • \
7, Tho account of Daniel Whistler, administrator 1
with the will annexed of Jacob North, late of Miff
lin township, deoM. ■]_ .
8. The account of Wm. Crawfofd, Esq., aaralnis
trator with the will, annexed of John M*Forlane, late
of Mifflin township, doc'd. • •
9. Tho .account of Adam Shulenbcrgor, Executor
of Benjamin Shulcnbergcr, lato of Hopewell town
ship, dec’d. ' ,
10. The final occount of Jacob Dorsheimer, Ex r.
of Andrew Dorsheimer, late of the borough of Me
ohamcsbdrg; dec’d
Register Office, Carlisle,?
lB5l, 5
■\VM. GOULD, Register.
Sheriff’s Sales.
BY virtue of sundry wits of Venditioni Exponas 1
issued out of the Court of Common Fleas of I
Cumberland county, and to me directed, I will ex-1
poso to public sale, at the Court House, in the 80.
rough of Carlisle, on Friday the Slstday of October
186!, at 10 o’clock A. M., tbo following described
Real Estate, viz:
A lot of ground situate in Monroe (oWn
sliipVcbntainship two acres, more or less, bounded
by the York road on the north, lands of Daniel Mor*
ret on tbo cost, Curey W. Ahl on the southland
Christian Brandt on tbo west, having thereon erect
ed:a two story Log-House, wcatherboardcd,a Frame ,
Stable, and a Wogbnraakcr’s shop., Seized and ta
ken in execution as the property of Jacob Westfall.
. Also, a lot of ground situate in the Bo
rough of Carlisle, bounded on tho north by tho Har
risburg, Carlisle and’Chambersburg turnpike, on the
cast'by Kerr's lane,"on. the south by an alley, and on
the west by Samuel Swegcr, containing 72 feet in
front and'l4o feet In depth, havlhg thereon erected
a two story Brick House, a Stable, &c.^
Also, a lot of ground situate in the Bo
rough of Carlisle, bounded on tho.north by, tho Har
risburg, Carlisle and Chambcrsburg Turnpike, on
the.cast by Jacob Abrahams, on the south by an al
ley, and on the west by Margaret Irvine, containing
78 feel in breadth and 170 feet in depth, more or
less, having thereon erected a two tilery Stone
House, dec. • ■
Also, a lot of. ground situate in the Bo
rough of Carlisle, containing 137 feet in front along
Kerr’s Lane,.265 feel in depth along Liberty alley,
and 128 feet In depth along other properly of Win.
W. Lewis, .more or less, hounded by Keifs Lane on
tho east, Liberty alley on, the north,’and other pro
perty of Lewis oh tho west, haying thereon erected
two. Lime Kilns.
Also, a lot of ground situate in the Bo
rough of Carlisle, containing 160 feet in breadth and 1
120 feet in depth, more be less, bounded by Liberty
street bn the south,'Liberty alley on the north, .and <
a lot of Win. Blean oh tho cast. Seized and taken <
in execution os the properly nf William W. Lewis.
Also, a lot of ground situate in the Bo- 1
rough of Carlisle, containing 60 feel In front and 1
160 fret in depth, more or less, bounded by Loulhfr
street on.the north, Bedford street on tho west, a lot
of-Oatharine Morrison on,tho south, and - - on
the oast, having thereon erected a two story Stone
House, 3 one story Stone Houses, and a one story
Frame Hoose/ apd a Stable,. Seized-end
execution as the property of AridrflW'Kerr, doeM.’’ *
* Also, a lot of ground situate in the Bo
rough of Carlisle, containing 64 feet in breadth and
119 feet in depth, more or less, bounded by North
street on tho north, a lot of John Jefferson on the
west, on alley on the south, and an alloy.on tho oast,
having thereon erected a ono and a half story plas
tered Frame House. Seized and taken in execution
as tho property of William Richoson.
And to bo sold by mo,
Sheriff’s Office, Onrli.le,
October 0,1861. >
Orpiinus’ Convt Sale.
IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans* Court of
Cumberland county, will be sold at publio sale,
on tho promises, on Saturday tho 2filh day of. OC
TOBER, 186 t; at 12 o’clock noon, the following
property late (ho estate of John Nogle, of South
Middleton township, deceased, viz:
The Seven- undivided eleventh parts of. a tract of
Land, situate in said township, adjoining lands of
Nancy Green, Jacob Goodyear, Wm, Craighesd’s
heirs and others, containing
119 Acres,
more or leas. Tho improvements are a two story
r, .1 LOO HOUSE, LOG BARN. Wagon
jMBHk Shed, arid other Out-buildings, There is
iiiilmV ll never failing Welt of water near tho
jyjjJfaflL'houßO. Also a young and thriving Orch
ard of choice fruit.
Attendance will bo given and terms made known
on tho day of sale by tho undersigned, Guardian of
the minor children of said decedent.
October 2, 1861—41 .
A Rare Chauee for Capitalists!
Public Sale of Valuable Town Properly. |
THE .übecrihor, ngent for Ihe owner., will offer nt 1 1
publio sale, et the Court House, in Iho Borough
of Carlisle, on Saturday Iho ISlh doy of October,
1881, at two o'clock P. M., that. Urge ami valuable
1 nnd Lot of Ground, containing 32 fort in
lj.*Pl,rront and 240 foot In depth,.imam on tho
jyygggwcst side of North Hanover street, near
the Publio Square, at present in tho occupancy of
Mr. S. W. Havcrellck,Druggist. Tho house le very
1 commodloue and its arrangement, convenient. Tho
• Bock-building i« two atoric. high, having a largo
I dining room and kitchen. There le al.o a Cistern
1 in the yard. Tho property le a Unit rale bu.incs.
stand and has boon occupied ae each for many yoaro
Term, mode known on Iho day of eslo.
LEM’L. TODD, Agent.
Cariielf, Sept 25, 1851.-41
Executor’s Sale.
THE subscriber, Executor of the late Dan). Hond*
show, will aell on Friday .the 10th of October,
next, el I o’clock P, M., on the premia*#, the fol.
lowing described SLATE LAND FARM, situate
in Silver Spring lowneblp,Cumberland conn (y, con.
160 Aores,
neat measure, having thereon erected & two atory
LOG wealharboarded dwelling HOUSE,
BANK BARN, Corn Crib, Wagon Shed,
liliMHUsmoke Houee, Waeh Haute, Cider Prete,
elegant Young Oiohard, and a Well
with pump In It dote to the door of the houie.
The farm it well improved and in a goad etate of
cultivation, about 100 acres are cleared, 19 acres be
ing meadow, and the balance well oovored with tlm.
farm bounds on the Conodogulnel creek, and
a public road runt through it; it ia situated about 3
milot from Ilogestown end 9 from Carlisle and Har.
risburg, -
The terms ofsalo made known on the dnynf sale
Executor of Daniel Hand»hetD,dec'd.
. Sept. 18,1851.-dt
HAMS. Evans & Swift's celebrated Sager euro
Hems, just received end for. sals at ihSifihocety
•tors of . 0. INHOFF, Aft.
Taluable Real Eatdte at Public
, Sale. .
THE undersigned, of Gen. T. C. Miller,'
. will sell ot .public eolr. on the promises, on SA
TURDAY the IBlh of October, 1881; the
Cumberland Furnace Estate, ,
Oho title to which is now settled,) consisting of the
Cumberland Furnace with oroMUOOacrcßOfMovTni
lain Land, Will, Saw Mill* Blacksmith shop,anum
• her of Tenant Houses, the FurnaceFaim
acres, Peach Orchard Farm,thieo
tracts of Farm Land, and Big Mea- *
of 22 acres.'
Tho above named properties will bo.sold separata,
or altogether to suit purchasers, and tho Mountain.
Land will bo sold in lots if not sold with the Far*
The above properties is situated in Dickinson
Cumberland county, the Yellow Breeches creek twi
ning through part of it, and is well calculated, for
manufacturing purposes. The creek never tails .or
frecaca, being spring water.
For particulars enquire of the undersigned, or yvj
H., Miller, Esq. Carlisle,
i Sale to commence at 1,0 o’clock A. M. on'sftlodayj
k and the terms made known by
Oct. 2, IBM—3t
Real Citato for. Sale.
' BY virtue of an order of sale from the Orphans"
Court of Curaborland county, will be sold at pub*
Ho sale, on Saturday, the 18ihof October, 18$K
at 13 O'clock, noon, on /the premises, the foljqwlnff
valuable lots of ground, the borough of
Meohanirsburg, being a portion of. the estate of; .
David Worst, deceased, viz:
Lot No. 1. Bounded by Main street, by proper- ;
1j it ty of Joh n Relgle, and by properly of
Samuel Worstj having Ihorobn ereci-
TOti|l|gEed a two story Frame HOUSE With
jg|£g£gSihe appurtenances. •
Lot No. 3. Bounded by Market Square, by proi ....
pony of John Keigle, and-by Market streets havr,.
ing theroon erected a Frame HOUSE With theap
purlf nances. .
Lot No. 3. -Bounded by lands of David Shrom,
Adorn Houck and by the Hoeestown fo*d, having
(thereon erected a one story Log HOUSE and *
Frame STABLE. ‘ • ,-.v, ..j
The terms of sale .will bo: Teh por cent* p£tho
purchase money to be paid when the sale'is con- r -
farmed by the Court, half of the balance of the pur
chase money to bo paid ori the Ist.of April,-1863r given. The residue of .
tho purchase money to be paid on the Ist of April
1853, with interest from Ist April 1853. The pur
chase money to be secured by judgmenibonds and.
mortgage. The taxes of 1852 to be paid by the
i purchaser or purchasers. ‘ ■
AdnCr. of David Wor»t % dec'd/
lumber 29, 18G1-J*7t ‘V
Valuable Town Property for Sale. 1
ON Thursday the 9ih day of October, 1861,wi11, ,
be sold at public sale, at the late residence of Johft ;
Kober, Sr., deceased, in Mechanlcaburg, Comber
land county; the following described Real Estate,,
to wiu: . « • • .* ■
No. 1. A lot of ground, with a Frame House «
Stable thereon erected, and well calculated for a
private residence. • f ; ’
No< 9. A Double Frame House and Kitchen# a.
f |Tl n Well of good water, Wash-house,- k>
Frame Stable, Corn-crib, and '•
BralljKoiher outbuildings. Also, a variety;*
fruit trees on this lot, and every l
thing nvgOou order, ’
N0..3. ’A’lot of ground, having a Slaughter/,
: house thereon'erected on the rear of aaid lot./. '
No. 4. A lot of ground, hkvlng a Shed tnereOn.
erected on the rear of said lot', that can easily .Be
converted into a Stable, • • ■• , .
Said property is situated at the West enwofaaia
town, on Iho south.aide of Malnatreet. Thera r*
an alley in the rear of all the lots. The Hoassd
are partly new, and lota No. 3 and 4 are desirable*
lots for building on. The property,wlU beaold'
separate dr altogether to suit purchasers.
Also, 9 shares of Harrisburg Bridge Stock, Will
be sold.
. For nariiculars enquire of tbs.subscriber, reside
Tng Jn upper Alfißn iownihfp,'on the fifafrsmos*
town road, 1 mile east of Mechanlosburg.' ,t“, ;
Sale to commence at 10 o'clockonsaiddsyiind
he terms made known by
Executor oj John JZbter, Sr. t dic'd.
Assignee’s Sale.
IN pursuance of a deed of assignment executed by
John Soils, of Monroe township, Cumberland
county, will bo sold at public sale, on the premia**,
on Saturday the 11th day of October next,- at one
o’clock P. M., the following described Beal Estate,
vix i
A tract of Land situate in Monroe township afore*
said, bounded by lands of Poier DUlsr, John Sollen
bargor, David Krysher, the heirs of Maft|n DiUeiv
deceased, and John Brlndlo, containing about
having thereon erected a two story LOG HOUSE,
I , e nd LOG BA BN, a Well of water and an
Apple Orchard. The land is Limestone
• stiHLof a good quaUly.
I££llB9 The terras of sale will be: • Ten per cent
of tho purchase money to be the purchaser
on the day of sale, one-half the balance on the Ist of
April next, when possession will be given end s rfaed
made to tho purchaser, and the residue on.the-latpf
April 1353, with interest from Ist April 1858, lobe
secured by judgment bond. The purchaser to have
tho landlords share of the grain in the ground, and
tho taxes lor the year 1863 to be paid by the pur
Assignee of John Sells.
August 14, 1861—Ot • • * ' - -
Valuable Property at Private Sake*
rpHE undersigned, Attorney In fact for the; heirs,
offers at private sale, tho Real Estate of -Cohtad
Emminger, late of Silver Spring township, deceased,
situate on the public road leading from liogoestbWn
to Mechanicsburg, ond about midway between tho
two boroughs, consisting of ’ ’ r
90 Acres,
more or less of excellent Limestone Land, about 70
acres of which arb cleared, in a high slate of cultiva
tion and well enclosed with good and substantial
fences—tho residue Is of the first quality of Timber
Land. A fine stream of never failing water (the
Trjndlo Spring) passes through tho property; The
M lmprovements consist of a two story L Qg
HOUSE and Kitchen, (weathsrboarded)
LOG BARN, with Wagon Shed ifc Cora
Cribs attached, and other necessary im
provements. An Orchard of choice fruit trees Is al
so on the premises, and a well of good water with a
pump, is convenient to tho door. This property is
ndvuntagoously located and amongst tho-most desir
able In tho county. - ; . ‘ <v
Persons wishing to view it can do so by calling
on the undersigned, or on Mr. Henry Emminger re
siding on tb* premises. ; . ~ ■
Terms and particulars,can be ascertained by adp
dressing the subscriber st Mcchsnioaburg* Pa- :
Att'y in fact for heirs of C. Emminger, dee'd 1 -.
Sept. 36. 1861—61
Valuable Farm ftor Sale.
THE subscriber offer* at. private sale, that
bio form, situated in Dickinson toWnthip,Ouiil
berUnd county, between the Walnut Boltorp und
Forge roads, and convenient to Moore** <£n*
106 ACRES.
of excellent Limestone Land* ISO acres of
aro cleared, and in a high state of cultivation, the
remainder is well covered with good timber. Th 4
o__a improvements ore n Log dwelling-HotfM»
a MEW BANK BARN,and other ObV>
Jll>W|hulldingB. Two Wells of never failing
jßßßg£j£walor arc convenient to tho house and l
bain, und a largo Apple Orchard of grafted trees le
on tho promises.
Any person wishing to vlow tho sbbve - properly
will please call pn the undersigned,
Bnrnhnrt, ro.lding on w 0() j, # .. .
Auguit 21, 1861—8m'