American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, January 16, 1851, Image 3

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rals ’if. lhia oouniy mol In Cpimty
Monday iof.lasi week, to appoint
te Slate Conventions. The follow
rolutlons and appointments: u "
lal the' delegates ’to be .chosert by
i to represent York county at JRead
jieS to use all honorable'means to
irhination JoT WilliaM; Ciqleb, of
.he Democratic qandidale for Cover*
hat tho Democracy of this', county
lintain their and their
political attachment, io Jambs 13u
»rn the first act to tjio last of hie pub
n, find nothing to,abate,our respect
m—nothing to furnish a pretext for
ills of which ho is tho constant ob
rsl to last—in sunshine and in 8(orm«
jy of York are proud to have boon
:e foremost to do honor to his tran
ability as a statesman and his constancy
as'apemoepu • -. ,
’ 'wo do not regard* tho next Stale
convention as the proper place to introduce the
•question-ontbq, next Presidency ; but’in case of
’ euQh Jntryuotioh, wo rely upon tho , delegates
fromiibls'oQuHty to pursue a ’'course that will
“WattU'lhe sflli'll of the foregoing resolution mani-
sentiment of,the Democracy of
; . • ■:
- jltioftU, That■this convention approve of the
■ Democratic State Central Com.-
'MwtwtSs* seperatc Siale convention for the,
L 1 Judges of tho Supreme Court to
Sltyisbtirg, on the. 1 Lth Juno next.
V That this convention has full confi
iq statesmanship and. unswerving De
f Gen. Ijf.wis Cass, and if nominated
latency we will give him our cordial
nVsiltion then proceeded to the appoint
• to the Slate Convention, with
1 . be;follqwio& result;
Convention, to nominate cahdi-
. Gbvdrnor and Canal Commissioner:
‘v J.Glossnrenncr.
■ Jacob; S. Stable, Edie
[vj i Col. Samuel N. Bailey. . ,
1*- , Convention :
■t' t rt H. Donnell, Esq. *
$ •• J^preaerilatiye—Thomas. P. Potter, George
Ebaugh, ,Eaq.
■ ]l ’ Matthews.—A splendid d’m
j? g|yep to Copt. Matthews of tho Ship
Citylof. G lasgnw ’ by the citizens of Philadel-1
, phi^On--Saturday last, in commemoration of the 1
) , il ( 1lHo of Steamships between Liver
pp( Philadelphia, The Dinner took place
‘ ’ln the Museum, and is said to have been
elegant ever got up in Philadel
phjawn Gilpin presided, assisted by a largo
I *Wifab£r'flf?teentlemen. Before the company sal
• ■ a Divine blessing was invoked by
r <y‘ Among the guests were Gov.
nllie Canal Commissioners and ’ Ibr
our Stale Legislature, ITon. Jhs. Bu-
Vother distinguished individuals. -The
J\ papers contain (ho moot glowing ac
|. in reply to toasts, eloquent
■ made by Gov. Johnston, Hon. Jas.
: ,Uon. John Cessna,, lion. Wtn. M,
°f l * lC Legislature received the
? from tho citizens of the city. By
, the City Councils, they were ten
! ... hospitalities of the city, and, haying ar-
wailed upon by Messrs. Yarrow,
i\>;. and Perkins, who at 12 o’clock
accompanied thorn to tho Hall of In
‘ : dejyo^feilti*,'whore they were received in form by
j 3" IhV Staywi Recorder and city authorities. They
visited, tho City of Glasgow. Tho
■ was cordial*
—The Flag of the, Union, published at
advocotca (ho formation of a new
' Texas, to bo composed of (ho*i|(mtcd between the Sabino and Tllnity
on the northwest by a lino running
' <ro‘mlWT?rl&ity river to tho point where the 93 deg.
north intersects 103 deg. meridian west lon
gitui(J-7»a.oafncr of the boundary of tho Toznn ccs.
sion.UrUio Oiiitcd States; then pursuing Raid men-
3O min. north latitude, said parallel
OflatUl|dj&(lm Red river, &.c., to the Sabine.
in the United States.— Tho total num
of railroad in operation in tho United
flniilrwtho beginning of (ho present year, was
’ coal to build them, ©280,455,078. In
:• . tho number,of miles of railroad,in ope«
• ■ 7 nt a cost of §55,202,000. T’cnnsylvo
' ' olf, «t a cost of $35,401,033. New Jer
sey 859-inUe*, costing $8,225,000- In oil tho New
ErigltH&States there were 2041 miles, coating ©96,•
vfTTThViUnfycmiiy of Heidelberg has conferred
IhdidefcriM* ofl D. D. on John William Pennington,of
Now n Roman Catholic Piles!, and
author, ofiimdry works on theological subjects. Mr
FcnAibgtdSTl/Uio firet man of who has received
•cbh?*lS*honpr; At the last dates ho was in London,
for Heidelberg to receive his diploma.
1851.—'There will bo four eclipses
of (he sun and two of the moon. A
pf the moon, on (ho I7tli of January,
sflll boib>lflliJoon (his continent; An annual eclipse
qfibd durt’ett .(ho Ist of February, invisible in Nojlh
America,' bu('central and vertical in the’lndian Oh
editing lslo of Java. A partial eclipse of the
of July, visible throughout the U.
dfjUo*||firsb<CQnl-ict with shadow, 1 o’clock, 6 min.;
■ .jWlWifl 2 o’clock, 35 min.;’last contact
;, J‘ iWlwillmdow, 4 o’clock, 8 min.; mean time, morn;
\f: of eclipse, 8 2.5 digits on moon’s southern
eclipse of the sun, on tho 28th July,
This ccllpso will bo total at Baffin’s
.* n part of Greenland, and in tho AU
cast of Newfoundland.
Voek.— Tho Marsha! ofNorllictn
‘ bliahcs tho census returns of 23 court,
n Now York, which shows on oggro>
»n of 1,028,023, In JB4O tho same
85,460; tho Increase is therefore 143,-
countics there are 83,151 farms, and
ui ___• :
’s Fair,—' The frigate St; Lqwroncd,
fitted out at the Brooklyn navy yard
contributions from tho United States
Fair at London, Is expected, to bo
r e t dy‘|rt |tl*ml tliirly days. When tho United Slates
lea Southampton, on her
was understood (hero that (ho big
was to be despatched by tho Gay.
purpose; and to induce the selection
nw her port of destination, tho Dock
Ooiti|w|yslwMotormincd to suspend all charges on!
tli<r^iih|^.^^^^S 0 * nn( i< whh like liberality, (ho
London Hallway Company offered
to typiVT &V articles to London free of expense. 4
Tue Dedt otr Virginia.— Tho lust Richmond Ex
amin<r contain* a statement of tlio debt of Virginia,
and'the yarioua works of Internal Improvement in
wltlclV tho SUto hoe Invested money. According to
lhV*Ulcmcnt,ll»o total debt, liabilities and guoron.
to $18,109,951. The total of resources
inscription is $13.112.633 01. Tho porlldn
resources w,l ‘ ch ctmHlllu,Ci a Tulr oflVct
I" $7,013,773 48, leaving tho nett debt.
fit 1.017.078 HO, or, cxcluslvo of lior lla
. s 7 L3'J 3 ll B ,i 31.
.Af A-meetingof the Board*of ManagPraof (he
Cumberland'County Blblo .SooieCy; (Ills 13th day of
January. 1851, the following proceedings .word had :
. 'Whereas a faceting of (ho Cumberland County
Bible Society, and the friends of Uib,-Bible cause,
have recommended on exploration for tho
cmmly~of Cumberland,therefore,
• Risolved,: That.tho board of managers are toady
And willing to Undertake the work, provided the com
munity wjll furnish the funds, necessary to' its'ac
complishment.' ■ - ■’ l
. J?«cdefd,.Tlml tho expense of supplying tho biblo
gratuitously and tho (>ay of the agent, is estimated
(o ampunt to about two hundred and fifty dollars, but
if one hundred dollars is subscribed in Carlisle, the
board'wlircommcnco the exploration depending on
such,other contributions as may bo given in tho
county, while the work-progresses. • -
Resolved, That an appeal bo now made to the citi
zens of Carlisle to contribute this sum, hnd that Mr.
Brady be appointed to solicit subscriptions. ••
IhM, Tlmt a;mooting of Iho Co,nbcr ~nd
County Bible , Society and Iho friends of the. Bible
cause, be hold in Education' .Hall, on next Monday
evening, at Imlf-paSl. six o’clock, when Mr. Bradyjs
requested to report what amount has been ruisifd by
■subscription. - . • i,.,
Rejoiced, That these resolutions, with Iho names
of l|ib’prcspnl managers, bo published in the several
papers of this borough for one week. . •
Managers.— James Hamilton, President; Rev,.
Mr.TCrcmcr, Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Brown, Mr. Wing,
.anil Mr, Johnston. Vice Presidents; S. Elliott. Sec’y;
Guo. Keller, Trea,; Messrs. Criswell, Crooks, Sudlcr,
v M’Culloch.T. fc Thompson, Ogilby,Coyle,.Angney,
' flucked, Sener,, J. Bcolom, Feller, Outfield, of Car
lisle, F, Eckels,’Cost,* A. Cathcarl, 1. Day, Iluvcr
elick. J. Young, Swighiscr, Rev. M’Clenn, A, Miller,
J. Moans, L. U. Williamses. Irwin, A. Richards, J.
Irvine, and Rev. Foulke, of this cqpnty. ‘:
' By order of the* Board.
' Census op 'Virginia.— I Tho, Virginia papers stale,
that llio white population of Eastern VirginiV will
amount to'3oo 000 and of Western Virginia 495,000.
Tho'entirb population of (lie Slate will, it is said, bo
, 1,400^000;. Virginia will tooso three members of
Congress by tho new apportionment.
Copper Mines.— Tho .amount of cbppor, in the
rough, which was sent down Lake Superior* in the
year 1850, is estimated at 2,080,000 tons... About
Iobo operatives will bo employed the present winter.
Duelukq'in Maryland!— Wo see by tho proceed,
ings of Wednesday, that the. Reform Convention
have Instructed a committee to inquire into tho ex
pedienby'of making n person* killing anolhcr‘in a
duel, guilty of murder, and to have bis properly con
fiscated to the support of the victim’s family, Wo
hope (be convention may adopt some such clause.
*On the 31st ult M by the Rev. John N. Huffman, Mr.
Jacob Spangler, to Miss Rebecca Wou.ktt.
On the 2d' instant, by the Eomc, Mr. GnonnE C,
/Vrjn\s,to Miss Rebecca Siia.miucii, of this county.
/\w Mcobnnicsburg, on tho 19th nil.,by (ho Rev.
John G. Frilohoy, Mr.. John Devinnky, of Montoc
township, to Miss Barbara Ann Christ, of Roxbury.
. On Thursday the 2d Inst, near Oyster’s Point \ by
(Imsame. Mr. John Dsiilkman, to Miss Susan Wolf,
built nf East.Pennsborough township. .
On Sunday evening tho'Sih inst., by the Barrie, Mr.
Jacob. Ramo, of Harrisburg, to Miss Mary A.Zear.
i no, of Moelunlcsburg* . ‘. ■*
iSOn the 3lst alt., by E. 11.-Tltnmns, V. D. N., Mr.
John S. F’EARTENBAi'cir. ofSoulh Middleton township,
to Miss OAtjierine Elizabeth Cradb, of Monroe
township, Cumberland county.* ~
On the 12th instant, by tho same, Mr. James Mo.
Mullen; la Miss ANn.B. Welsh, all of Monroe !p.
S ' ■ : DIED.
In Mcchanicsbufg. on Saturday last, Mr. Adas!
Rkiolb, aged about 58 years. . .
✓"On the. iOlh’ instant, in West Ponnsburough town.
ship, near Nowvlllo, Mrs. ——7-DAvmiuN, in the
DUt year of her ago. - , .
yOn tho Slhinsl., nßcr.a severe illness, Mr. Daniel
Ksnoweb, a respectable citizen ufShipponsburg town
ship,Cumberland county,aged 45years and Smooths.
*!On (ho Qlh instant, In Moehnnicßbojg, Miss' Ann
Catharine, daughter of Rev. John G. Fiilchey, iu tho
18llj year of her ago. '. *_
✓fn Now (on township, bn the 31st Inst.; of scar
let frvrr, Miss Anna Catharine dftughternf John
and Nancy Hoover, aged 14 years, one month and
20 days.
The deceased was-in the prime of life, and in
a few days she was numbered with the dead. She
possessed all those qualities which so highly
adorn the youthful breast, but she was like the
dew drop, kissed off by the sun’s morning beam.
To the parents this is a severe dispensation rf
Providence. BuUrl tbo wisdom of God bd duly
appreciated— plveih and the Lord tsketh
away, blessed be the name of thp Lord.
V’Ucr mill to iu ILinvcn—her suiTorlngi are o'er—
Bln! is where sickness ami so florin# onn rem-h her no more!
Though hnnl hero to jtnrl with tier, it Jr well,
1-N«rNfio is >joiiu la tier Heavenly Kuilicr to dwell, ;
Where, wo hope to moot with heron that Heavenly shore.
. Where alt slcknosi niiil sorrow ami parting ara o'er.
C. V. K.
Mn Newton township, on tho Uth insl., of scar
let fever, William Cass, son of Joshun W. and
Catharine Vanderbilt, ngud 3 yours, 3 months and
2 days.
ITAppy iiiftint; early lilmt;
Ho*l in puacupil alliml«vr rest, .
Unrly rcwitutl from I tin enres
U’bicli lucronsa wiitijrruwlng years.
FOi Rent.
fpHE new (wo story Brick (louse, occupied by (he
X. subscriber, in High street, Is offered for rent from
the Ist of April next. Thu house is well finished,
with Dining room, Kitchen, Oven, Cistern, Smoko
House, &o. attached, Also a good garden and fruit
trcosi Fur terms enquire of
January 10,1851—31
LooK out fur Bargains.
THIS is to inform my friends and tho
l >u bbc that 1 am now selling all my on*
lire stock of Dry Goods at.cost. I have
laigo stock of soasonablo goods and
will lost mention a few of tho leading oiticlc's,—
Muslins; Calicoes, Ginghams, Mousolln do Lalncs,
Cashmeres, Alpacas, White Flannels, Irish Linens,
die. Also Men and Boys’ (lals'and Gaps, a largo
lot. One. Iron Safe, price 820, Also, a jut of 11 •
bolted Tea and Spioo Canisters, a sett of Store Cur
tains, and other store fixtures. Together with CoQco
and. Sugar. Alt of which muflt bo sold regardless of
cost before tho Ist of April.
Tho subscriber respectfully asks all to cull at his
old stond tho (Dxft Hite) . in North Hanover street,
where all attention will bo given to please.
, . 8. A. COYLE.
:N« D.< All riorsons knowing themaclvcs indobtcd
to tho subscriber will do a groat kindness by coiling
find settling their account* before tho First of March.
1851. ' S. A. C,
January IC, 1851—Sm ;
rnilE subscriber Im. Jml received (Vom Itio clly
X onolbcr addition lo 111, Stock of Good, .umbrae,
lug » largo ond yailod a.iorlmonl. In which will bo
found Clollia.Oaislmoro.Saulnoli.olmpgoaliloSllli,
Turn Salln,, Mona, do Lulnc. ll Cuidimoroa, Shawls,’
Glove, Cunton and Woolen Flannoli, .Mualin.. 'A
largo stock of MUFFS, just received which will bo
Bold vary low. '
Vary doeirahlo stylos have jnsl .boon opened by the
snbsorlbur, lu which the attention ofthij ladles It in*
vllcd. •,
Silks & Satins.
Ju*l received a handsome assortment of bl.icTc and
changoublo Silks and Tore Satins, for ladies ‘drosses
■which will bo sold cheap.
Doors &. Siiokb, in grout variety, stylo and size.
GROCERIES oPall kinds, such us good Coffee, nt
12J, Sugar, Molasses, Spiocs. AUo Jmikin’s &'Cq's
Celebrated Gilkrn and Jli.auk Tk,\s.
Thoqltontion nfjlio public is respectfully solicited,
inasmuch »s,ho.feels confident of his ability (o give
sutlsHiotion to all who ’may favor him with lliolr p&*
(ronngoi _ __ fl. W, WOODS, AgU. ;
Jiimury Is, jejj,
•Election Proclamation.
WHEREAS, by diet 19ih section of ilfeMtli ar
ticle of .tho Constitution of.tfiia-,Commonwealth,
and by the Actofthe General Assembly of. the 2d
of July, 1839, it is provided Hint when vacancies
happen to cither Houbo.oT the Legislature of this
Commonwealth, the Speaker of such House shall
issue a writ directed to the Sheriff of the proper
county, and shall particularly express the day on
which the election shall be hold to supply such
vacancy. '‘ . • ' •
And whereas, John Cessna, Enquire, Speaker
pf the House of, Representatives of tho Common
wealth of Pennsylvania, hath issued his writ to'
tho Sheriff of the County of Cumberland, reciting,
that ‘‘a Vacancy hath happened in the House of
Representatives of said Commonwealth, by the
death of Henry Church, Esq., member elect.from
the county of Cumberland, 11 in which said writ the
said Sheriff “is enjoined and required to issue his
proclamation throughout his bailiwick for holding
an election on Friday] the 24 th day 'of January*
1851, for one Member ip represent (ho said county
In the House of Representatives Of this Common
wealth, In the room and stead of tho said Henry
Church.** ; ’
Now, I, DAVID SMITH; High Sheriff of the |
county of Cumberland, do hereby, make Inown
and givo this public notice to.tho. electoraof the
county of Cumberland, that'on Friday me 2 Uh
of January , instant* a
heid,at the several election districts cslabQairKd*6y
law in sail! county, at which tidfd itiejHfvill vein
by ballot for, vH/vf
to represent the county of Cumberland* in the
House of Representatives of Pennsylvania.
The said election will I .bo held throughout tho
county, aa follows:"V
' The election in the election district composed
of tho. borough of .Carlisle, and. the'townships of
North Middlelo'n, South Middleton, Lower Dick
inson, Lower Frankford and Lower West Penns
borough, will bo held at (ho Court House, in the
borough of Carlisle.
.Tho election in tho election district composed
of Silver Spring township, will bo held at the
public house of George Dueyj In Hogestown, .in
said township. :
The election in the election district composed
of Hampden township, will be held at 1 the house
formerly occupied by H, Dressier; in’ said town-
Tho election; In tho election district composed
of tho township of Upper ADon, will bo held at
tho public house of David SlteafTcr in Shcphords-
The election in the election district composed'
of the township of Lower Alleni will beheld at'
the wagon-maker shpp of Jonas Hunchbarger, on
Slaty HUK ‘ ,
The' election la the election district composed
of Last Pennsborough township, will bo held'at
iho house now occupied by S. Rehninger, at the
west end of iho Harrisburg bridge.
The election In tlio district composed of New
Cumberland, will bo held at the public house of
VV* H. Dohl, in the borough of N. Cumberland.
The election in tlio. di.strict composed of the bo*
rough of Mecharilcshurg, will be held at the pub
lic house of John Hoover, in said borough.
The election in the districlppmposod of Monroe
township, will lie lield-nl the public house of Geo.
Goodyear, in Churchlown, in said township..
The election in lho district composed of Upper
Dickinson township, will bo held at the bouse
formerly occupied by Philip Weaver, in said town
ship. ‘ ,
Tno election in composed of iho bo
rough of Ncwville, and townships of Mifllin, Up*
per Fronkiurd, Upper Woslpennshorough.and that
parlof NuWlon township,notincludcd intho Lees
burg election district hereinafter mentioned, will
bo held at iho Urick School House, in titc borough
The election In tho district composed of Hope
well township,-will bo holdcat thu School House,
in.Newbofgyin*«tiid lowpftlrtpr
'The election In the district composed of the bo
rouglv.of Shlppensburg, ShippcnSburg township,
and (hut put of Southampton township, not in
eluded in Aho Leesburg election .district, will bo
beldal the Council Mouse, in the borough of Ship
pensbhrg. ' \ ‘
And In and by ad act of the-General Assembly
of this Commonwealth, passed (ho 2d July, 1830,
it is thus provided: “That the qualified electors
of parts of Ncfvton and Southampton townships,
In the county of Cumberland j hounded by the fol
lowing lines and distances, vlzt llegiiihingat thu
Adams county line, thence along the lino dividing
the townships of Dickinson and Newton to the
turnpike road, theneo along said turnpike to Cen
tro School House, on said turnpike, in Soulhnmp
■ ionjtownship, thence to a point on the,Walnut
ijoltom road al Reybuck’s, including Roybuck’s
Farm, thence a straight direction to the Saw-Mill
belonging to tho heirs of Georgo Clover, theneo
along Krysher’s run to the Adams county line,
; ibencc,along the line of Adams county fp the place
of beginning, be and tho same Is hereby declared
| a new and separate election district, the election
to bo hold at the public house of Win, Maxwell,
in Leesburg, Southampton township.” .
Agreeable to* the provisions of tho sixty-first
section of said net, every General and Special
Flection shall ho opened between (lib hour? of 8
and 10 in the furrnoon,ami shall continue Without
interruption or adjournment until 7 o'clock .in the
evening, when the polls shall bo closed. t a
And (ho Judges of the respective districts afbro
said, ore by the said act required to meet nl (ho
Court House,, in the borough of Carlisle, oh the
third day after tho said day of election,: being
Monday the 27th day of January, then and there
to perform the things,renuired of them by law.
Given under my hand at Carlisle, (his Sth.dny
of January, A. D. 1851.’
Sheriff's Office, Carlisle,7 .
January 9, ISfil, 3
Confectionary, Fruits, anil Toys !
rpilE undersigned havo and keen constantly on
i hand, a largo assortment of CONFECTIOffA.
HIKS, equal to any in Hie county, manufactured of
the best material, oxnrcßsly Tor the approaching soa*
son. which will bo sold low at ilia
nearly opposite Mr. Jacob Rheom's Warehouse, West
High street, where ull uro invited to call and exam,
ino for themselves.
Their slock consists in part of—
Orange s, Lemons,FFi t, Grnprt, E. Walnuts,
Currants , Almonds, Crfam-Nult, Raisins,
Prune s, Dates, Filberts, OtOund-NiUt,
and Cocoa Nytt.
Thoy (inVo also a good assortment df!t£hgllsh,
French and American TOYS and FANCY - ; GOODS;
consisting hi part of Baskets, Fancy Duxes, wood,
paper and glass; Linen, India Rubber and other Doll
Hoads; Kid and Painted DoIF; Baskets; Dull Dune
and Tin Rallies; Games and Puzzles; Furniture;
Tea setts and nine pins in boxes; Masks; Fiddles ;
Ilarmonlcons; Accordcons; Drums; Guns; Pistols;
Non IPs Arks; Tools In Boxes; Woolly-dogs', Wagons
and Wheelbarrows; Whips, Whistles oniTAfnrblo „ 0
all kinds; Ox Marrow, Boars’ Oil, Jenny Lind and
oilier Cologne, and a variety of Fancy Goods and
Toys. Also, White and Brown Sugars, Matches
Blacking, Fancy and other Soaps..
Thankful fur Iho liberal patronage of the public,
they ask n poqlinuanco of the snitto from (ho or.b
voi-ks and mttlb ones, being confident (hut they will
bo ablo to please all In price and quality.
Carlisle, Docombcr 19, 1850.
Plaster: Planter!
look to your interest*! and purchaio
Jj your PhASTER at (ills season pflho year, when
you can got it fur 95*50 nor (on,at (ho Warehouse of
Due. 10,1850. , W. 11. MURRAY, AgT.
MUFFS! MUFFBIJ , Just opened lined Muffs at
various prices, and a lot of common Muffs for
sale low.
December 5,1850
SACK Junt rcc* IvoJ iiu niMilionul
Hiipplv of Htit-k I'lmim’U. tlurli urcy, light grey,
dink nml litiio, pink, yri't-n, a variflly.of!
Irimiuinf,^-milalilii I'm a;u'li),
Ku.v .7,
In - the Court of -Common'Fleas of Cutn
/ berlarid County/. f . •»,
Washington Graham, ) FI. Fa. No! 2,4,’tf6v. term,
... .! ... VIS 49. - - v'-J/
• y Rl. Dt. . ~ $290 71
i7lh Dcc-1850, on-motion of Messrs." Miller and
Hepburn. Rule upon,tho plaintiff .to appear by tbo
first day df tho next argument court and declare or
.non; pros: Notice *of this rule *to bo given to tho
pliiiniiff by publication in one newspaper in Carlisle
for three weeks before said (imo. • • ■ .
Cumberland Cuuntv, ss. v
C J I, James F. Lambcrton,' Prolhonolary of
J.Scal, > the Court of Common Pleas, of said county,
f certify that tho above is a.copy of a rule tins Witness my hand and tho peal
of snid Court at Carlisle, (his 4th day of January A.
January 9,1851—3t v Prolh’y., .
T ETTERS of administration on tho estate of Ab-
Jj nham’ Miller, deceased, lato of Allen town
ship,. Cumberland county, have been ‘ granted to
the subscriber ' living in tho same township, in said
county, by the Register of tho county aforesaid.. All
persons indcbtcdlo said csta(o > aro requested to make
jmmcdbtc payment; and those having claims will
present them properly authenticated for settlement,
. January 9,1551I—Cl*
K B&RGEnhd commodious house, eligibly stlua
jOl ted on Main street, the rent of which could bo
paid in boarding, to advertiser and his family, asmall
one. Apply, at this office.
Carlisle, Jmi. 9, 1851—Ini ••
For Rent.
rpHE two story stone plastered House in High st.,
X at present occupied by Mr. 0. Ogilhy, is offered
for rent from Ist Anrihnoxt." Apply, to , .
Jan. 0, 1861 • - JNO. ; D. PARKER.
LIST OF LETTERS remaining in tho'Poal office
ot Carlisle, Pa., Jan. Ul,lBol. Persons in*
quirinjj for loiters on this list, will please say they
ate advertised*
Allen.Jbslah Hoover Daniel .
Arnold Mrs Margaret' How Abram
Duller Vinton (I Ileshley Timothy
Bedorman Mrs Calh.. Jenkins John
| BaitoyvMnry A . • KunkloSaihl- -
I Bedh'rjolm K , Kenyon Sami M
I Urolz Joseph-. KrllnrsSaml
Blyler Mrs Christiana Lindsay James
Boyles Miss July- Longnccker Benj
Burris Jesse U LafovefJohn .
Borden 1 Miss Mary JancLahmah Miss Mary
Bclslline John Martin J
Bales Abigail Miss Moore Dr MG • !
Barnlieisnl Miss Mary J Mndigan Denis .
Cdfigriff Patrick • M’Ginhls- Jno 9
Crockett James Malone Mary Ann
Chandler Hannibal Mace Frank- ; , .
OolcmauJohn Mounar Frederick
Cameron Miss Lidia MynrsJrvo ‘ ‘ ;
_Cavana«gh Miss Maigl.McDqtigall Charles
Olino Rebecca - Peterson Win
"Connelly John Patterson Thomas M .
Chandler (»eorgo Patnay Peter
Davidson Idea. JW - Parsons Jerome B
Davidson IL-hcrt Reed John :
Donaldson Jennet -Robeson Henry
Davidson Joseph Ralhgucb Gcorgo
Endy Henry Shelton Miss Jano
lEdderSaml Smith G VV . -
■ Evens Sami Sliriver Snml
Folks David Stratton David
Fernbattgh Isanh Shughard Junlco
Goodwin Win T. . BhromoLio.
Green Mrs Pmilia . Slono Win S -
Guvslngcr Sami Sbearpr.Goo ; .
Glim EdmMiti : Sloko Miss Nancy 3
Grocn MUs Sbplmne - Vincent Miss -Rebecca
Griffith Mosb • .-, Mr Williams (miller)
(Jnllshall Hezckiah Woods David ' ‘
(Jfissirger Sami . . Waltz Ann .
Gibb Sami 1 Wlso Micbaol ■
Hunter Mrs Soean 3 ■ Wolf Ell •
Harding Henry J 3 Wright Miss Sarch
Henderson Miss Sarah Wise Jacob
Herman Daniel White James
AN aged lady of our acquaintance, and a very
prominent member of iho Tabernacle, had been
sorely ofilictcd with Rheumatism for nearly 3 years,
ut the time vvo ore speaking of. she cou.d not raise
hcieclf olf her chair. One of her ; friends hsd expe
rienced great relief from RadwnyV Ready Relief In
Neuralgia, and recommended ■ tho old lady to try Iti
for her Rheumatism.' She used it necording to di
rections, she wus bathed with (ho Relief for. fifteen
minutes, during that lime two bottles wero used, and
in two hours after she could walk alone! this was
on Thursday and tho fo.lowing Sunday she walked
to church. '' ' * ; '"
Render, think. . There is not another such a won*
dorful euro on record. Over five hundred members
of the Tabernacle and friends of tho lady ore living
witnesses of (ho remarkable effects of Rndwoy’sßen*
dy Relief. In the euro of this cruel affliction in this
lady iii two hours, where ton wo find another such
euro performed by Bnyotberarticle of the kind I
Tor speed and efficacy it: is superior to every other
remedy in use, the .very is applied, it be*
gins to case Ibe pain- and euro tho disease. It is a
Ready Relief for pain, and a true blessing to tho bed
ridden and ofilicted, It strengthens the woukhnd
nervous, relieves the ‘afiliclod and suffered.of pain,
and cures Ilk' magic, aoro lhroot, influenza, cramps,
spasms, flatulence, sprains, strains, sores, eruptions,
burns, scalds, lumbago, infiammni.ions, swellings,
pamlysit, tic dolcreux, neuralgia, tooth ache, hemi*
cranio, nervous head ache, eruptions of tho skin, cu*
lancous diseases, &o. Taken internally it will-hi*
slnntly allay tho most violent.spasms, stop diarrhea,
cure cramps and cholera morbus, sour stomach, dys
pepsia, dee. Every , family should keep a bottle of
thuvaluoh'o remedy hnholr. houses, us it will re
lievo all pains as soon as it is applied.
Bee that tho fac simile of Uudwny & Co is upon
cacjr bottle. Price 25 els. .
llaJ way's Chinese Mudicaled Soap . .
Patronized by thousands of Individuals throughout
the Stales and Canadas, giving tho most flattering
satisfaction to all who have used It. Chemists havo
wondered al its mysterious effects, and many of them
havo endeavored to discover tho secrets of its won
derful conhlnation of ollicacious balms and extracts,
which render it so speedy nnd'oilicncious In tho re
moval of pimples, blotches,pustules, totter, transform*
ing as if by magic, dark, sallow, yellow and unheal
thy complexions.--. For tho euro of chapped flesh/-
rough, crocked dnd discolored skin, salt rheum, ring
worm, erysipelas, scurvy and aura head, Rodwsv'aj
Chinese. Medicated Soap may Iruly bo callcd an in*
estimable treasure. Excrossonccs of (ha cuticle.are
speedily removed and curod-*tho cuticular vessels
arc Instantly cleansed of nil impurities—the hands,
nock and fsco present a beautiful clean, sweet and
healthy appearance*
Leak for the Steel Engraving,
Hallway’s Soap to tio genuine must ho enclosed in
a label of beautiful Steel Engraving, ami tho signn-
Uiroof R. O. Railway upon each coho. Price 36
cents. largo cukes. • , '* * .
JkaUliful Circassian Balm
Is (ho most delicious Hair Tonio in use. It is
bettor than Macassar Oil fur dressing tho huh, and
Imparting |o (ho witching burls (hot bonutiftl gloss
which all admire. To tho hnld it is indeed a trea
sure, for it wilUnnko hair grow In bald spots that
hove been bald for yeufS,
, Life ‘in tht ' Hair .
Etch hair in (ho bead possesses a germ'of life, on
which depends tho growth and beauty of tho hair, as
tho health of tho body depends upon (ho free circu
lation of tho blood. -To invigorate the hnir, to give
u life-principle to this germ, use Uio Circassian Ualm
prepared by iladway & 00., Chemists of New York*
It js put up in largo bottles for 1 36 cents, and makes
tho hnir. lino, smooth,-soft and glossy. Principal
Office 103 Pulton .street, N. V.
. Ifor sale in Carlisle by J. W. Rawlins, and Sami.
Elliutl.-ln’ttliipponftburg by Ur. Hays.
JJccciuhvr 18, IB6o* 8m
o vv uitnbu.
Estate Notice.
For Rent.
SUo. Could IVot Walk.
For Kent.
. THE two story plastered-house, situate In East
High‘street; Carlisle, known aa lho properly of
George Saridcrsohi is'offured Tor rent. I here, la
every convenience attached .to this honso to make
it a desirable residence; having, a good garden,
fruit-trees, stable, &C. Possession giVon bn the
Ist of April. *^ or lcrmB j^|^fj l go(jDYEAß.
January 2,1851—3 t
' n q THAT desirable Frame House on South
‘ Hanover street, ncor. to Moudy’s hotel,
r*S"iSlH nown 08 tho property of tho lute John
is offered for rent from the Ist of
A-pril next. Tho properly is in gopd condition.—
There is a good Stable and other convenient out
buildings on the lot, and a groat numbeyof choice
fruit trees. For terms, &c., call on the editor of tho
Dec. 2G, 1860. ' •
THE subscriber intending to leave Carlisle about
tho 20lh instant, requests hi) persons indebted to
call and settle,- ns'my accounts will then be placed In
; the hands of a Justice for collection. '
s ’ H. WRIGHT.
I Carlisle, January 9,1851 —2 t,
Rotate Notice.
LETTERS of* administration on tbo esloto of
Conrad Oabn, dcc’d, late of .the borough of Carlisle,
Cumberland county, Pa., have been issued ‘by the
Register of the county,to tho.subscriber residing in
the same borough, county aforesaid. ’ Ail persons
indebted to said estate will make immediate payment,
and those having claims will present them properly
authenticated for settlement to
December 20, 1850—Ct. • ”
■ TUB Commissioners of ,Cumberland county bare
fixed tho following elates to bold llio Appeals of tho
rcspeclivo Boroughs and Townships, at the Comnns*
in Carlisle, whore those, persons feel.
]ng themselves aggrieved by de valuation of proper*
ty for the year 1851, may attend if they think proper,
vixs -
Ea'slpennsbnrough and New Cumberland on. Mon*
day tho S7th January, 1851. ,
Lower Allen and Hampden on Tuesdiy tho'Sdlh
January, 18ul.
Upper Alien and Mechamcsburg on Wednesday
the S9lh January, 1851.
Silver Spring on Thursday the t2oth Jnhury, 1851.
Monroo on Friday the 31al January, 1851.
Westpennsboro' on Saturday Ist February, 1851.
FranUford and Ncwvillo on Monday tho 3d Feb.
ruory, 1651.
Mifflin and Hopewell on Tuesday tho dlh Febru
ary, 1851. - . v ■ ■ ■
Shippensburg Borough and Shippensburg Town*
ship on Wednesday the Sih February, 1851.
.Southampton and Newton on Thursday tho Gib
February, 1851.
Dickinson on Friday tho 7lh February, 1851.
North Middleton on Saturday tho Bth Feb’y. 1851
South Middleton on.Monday,tho 10th Fob’y 1851
Carlisle on Tuesday the lllli February, 1851,
By order otlho Commissioners,
„ . Attest—WM. RILEY, Cl’k.
Commissioner’s Office, i
Carlisle, December 2G, 1850 y
Dr. I. C. liOomi.,
WILL perform allonornlions upon tho Teeth
that are required for their preservation,
such ns Sealing , Filing,Plugging, se. or will
restore tho locs of them, by Insetting Artificial
Teeth.from a single Tooth to a fullscjt.
£7“Offlccon Pitt street,a few doors South o
the Railroad Hotel..
N. IK Dr. Loomis will boabsent from Car
llslehe last ten days, In each month.'
Carlisle, Dee. 20, 1800;
Orcat Attractions
At. Kriss Kindles’ Head Quaktehs.
WHERE tho citizens of this place and alUhoso
who may visit tho samo during tho Holidays,
will find tho largest assortment of
(ofovery variety) over offered, manufactured of-tho
best materials, expressly for (hu approaching festi
vities, which will bo sold wholcsulo or retail, nt rea
sonable rates, at tho Old Stand of the subscriber In
North Hanover street, a few doors Nortli of tho Dank,
tvhciemoy also bo found a complete assortment of
Fruits anti IVufs,
consisting in part of Oranges, Lemons, Grapes, Figs,
Raisins, Prunes, in fancy boxes, Currants; Dates, Al
monds, Filberts, Cream, Coco and Ground Nuts. Ho
would also call attention to tho largest slock of
Toys & Fancy Goods,
over offered in Carlisle, consisting ofCHINA AND
GLASS TOYS, CardfTrnys, Vases, Mugs, Tea-sets,
Doll Heads, Motto Cups, Cologne Dottles, Tumblers,
assorted Figures, &o.
Fine Tin Toys,
such as Carriages, Carts, Cradles, Tables, Chairs,
Animals,.Duckets, Cups, Rattle*, Washstahds, Can.
die Slicks, Bc o. Also, CUM TOYS, pure Indlon
Rubber and Eisstib Doll Dogsj teeth,
ing rings, Caricature faces* &e. • .
Wooden Toys,
cups and saucers j nine pins, towns, soldiers, furnl.
turo, tools in boxes, games and puix'os, drums, guns,
trumpets, wagons, wheelbarrows, tubs, Noah's Arks,
horsemen, magnetic fish, swans, boats, fiddles, gul*
tars, hannonlcons, fee.
Fancy Goods, '
Finc iowing, card and knitting baskets, fancy boxes
of wood, paper and gloss? linlrolls, soaps, Colognes,!
hair brushes, and hundreds of other articles not .cnu* 1
meroted above, which all arc invited to call and ox.
amino. . • .• I
Tho subscriber returns bis sincere thanks to a
I generous public for iho patronage bestowed on him.
lon former occasion*, and hopes by a desire to please
40 merit a continuance oftbo same,
. Carlisle, bcccmbor 10,1600,
Another Arrival!
fTMlE,subscriber is now receiving from tho Now
j_ York ami Philadelphia markets, a largo ami
splendid nesottment of
Winter &oods,
to which tho attention of (ho public Is respectfully
invited. Among the lot will bo found Ladies Dress
Goods, to wit: Elegant Silks, Tiiro Satins, Cha
meleon Lustres, French Morinocs, Cashmeresi Alpa*
ebss, Mous Do Lnincs, &c. .
A now supply of superior Long and Square Day
Sluto Shawls. Also, UrochOfTliiliCt, Csshroero and
Plain Ulack Shawls,
Cornc/in^.— Another lot of handsome Carpcl(ng<
gome now and handsome Cloths and Ootslmcrcs/
which will ho sold very low to compote with tho
mado*un trash from tho chics, . . '
. Muslins, Linens, Ticking, Ginghams, Checks;
Diapers. Calicoes, Lindsays, Gloves, Hosiery, Arc.
MUFFS.—-A largo assortment of largo and small
Another lot of prime Water Proof Roots, and a big
assortment of all kinds of Roots and Shoes, Letter &
cheaper than can ho had In Carlisle.
Groceries and Spices. A full and ffosh assortment
on hand, and will ho sold low at tho old and well es
tablished stand, East Main street,'a few doors below
(ho Market House, whoro you oan find a stock of
Goods so large, so well selected ahd at prices so low,
(bat they cannot fail to please,
.. UIIAS. OGltiBY,
■ November 28j 1860
I have a slock of Roady-mndo fashionable Clothing,
made up in Carlisle, whicUlwlil runoff at loss than
first coot. Cnl\ and see them before purchasing else
where, ns I ain determined to olaso this stock even at
aiactifcft . .
Facsli Groceries) &ci -
A FULL aseorlmontfoir hew Qoficcs, Brotfn, Shd
AVhito crushed Sugars, of oil qualities and at
reduced prices, have just been received at the store'
of the, subscriber.' Also a let of ;•'
Fresh Spicos & teaty
indbding Frcfli Citron, Cinnamon, Alsollai
sins, homonsj Oranges and other articles suitable for
iho season, together with MoJasics, Syrnp,Pine Ap
ple anil Dairy Chccso, Tabic Oil and all. tho;othcr
various articles necessary forfaniilyputpose*.. Also;
a lot of Fancy China Ware, and olhcruscful articles,
together with an assortment of - •
Fine Tin Toys*
of various descriptions, among which tho old as,well'
as the ydong can bo suited* . Call al'lho-Tea
eery store of- ,-.<i
Carlisle* Doc 19,1850.
Row Full Goods.
. THE subscriber has just returned from: the cllj*
and is now opening a general assortment of "
Fancy & Staple Dry Goods; y ‘
consisting of Bombazines, Alpacas,- Merinoes;
MouslindcLaines, Cashmeres,Paramatta Cloths,i
Chintzes* Calicoes, Long Shawls, Square do.# t
French Collars, Cambric Edgings and IntCrUngs, :
Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, bonnet and neck-
Ribbons. Velvet Ribbons, Jenny Lind Gimps for.
dress trimmings, English and French crapes,silk
and cotton Illusions of all colors; Cloths, Oass.i-/
meres and Saltineils, with a general assortment,
of Fancy Goods suited to the season, all ofwmc&i
will bo sold on .
Carlisle, Ocl. 31,1850 - .
Clirlatmaa Ac New Year Prcituit .
■9 THE’- subscriber begs loavb to Inform, hi*'
/S*\ friends and the public, that he has just tecefc-
S»vcd a large and beautiful assortment of rich j
and raro
Fancy Goods,
consisting Jn part of Gold and Sllvcr.\yptchp*,,Oold .
Chains, 00/d Pens and Pencils, Eur and Fingei / ,
Rings, Breast Pins, Medalliori Lockets, Silver Spoons,;
Butter Knives, Forks, beautiful Card Ciiscs, Ae Jev*'.
dry of almost every description. , I xvooldparticular*
ly invito.tho attention' of purchasers to thy
mbnt/and my ,lo\y prices, at thb old stand,
lich street, a few doors west of Burkholder’s hbtelt'
Carlisle, Bee ID, 1850.
FOR RENT, several Two Story
BRICK HOUSES, on tho north-east
corner.of tho Politic Square, in the row
known as “ Hprpcr’s Row.” For terms,
&c., inquire of the subscriber. ' , • -
Carlisle, Nov« 14, 1850.—0 ms. ‘ .
Tho subscriber offers at private sale, Q valuably lot
of ground in this Borough, on Pomfrot street, and
adjoining a lot of Joseph Sites on the east, and Mary
CauTmta on tho west, containing CD feet front, and
240 feet deep, hnvihg thereon erected n two story
plastered House And Kitchen, a two story
jdKwSlk • Frame House, Fromo Barn, Stable, anil'
ISSfi9P , ’t hcr Out-buildings. There is An obun-
of fruit trees on the premises. Th« ;
property will bo sold low, and divided into half lota'
if neccssarv, to suit purchasers. For terms.dee;, ap*'
ply to " PHILIP RHOADS; '
Agent for the Ownef. '
August 1, 1850 •
Teat, - ,
JUSI received, a lot ofJonUins & Co’s, celebrated
Grech and Black'TEAS, put up in motaliio packs*
Worronted good. *N. W. WOODS, Ag’l.' ‘
December IS, 1850, . ' \
Potomac Bia?glri£*
A BALE ofNo. I Potomac Bagging, suitable Tor
Bags Toi* Farmers, Just received, which I 'will
•ollolionp. N. W. WOODS, AfV.;
■ Boots ami Sliocs. ' - ' ; .
JUST received, alorgonssorlmenrorMcnVWdiriifcj
and Children's Bools and Shoe*, WiliisVDodbte'
Soled Buskins and Jenny Lind Shoes, which 1 can
sell very cheap., . N. W. WOODS,
Sognrs and Tobacco.
A' PRIME article, for sale at tho Confcctiona/jV
Fruit and Toy Store of
Penny Toys*
A N assortmeut of all patterns of wood, lead, and
A pewter, for aalo by lhc dozen to retailers.
Raspberry Syrup*
A SUPERIOR article, for sale at the store of
CarlUlo, Dee. 12, iB6O.
sain Suit!,
IOK SACKS G, A. SALT, receiving apdTofsaU
1 /CO choop, by - W. B. MURRAX, ArU.
Carlisle,'Doe. Id, iB/>0«
THRESH FARMA, Just received. Also a fdt of
JJ new Hominy arid Cranberries, at the Tca atdro
of j.w.eßy.
Doc2o, IB6o*
rpO MILLINERS. Just received another lot of.
_L Bonnet Froincs ofllia lotcst style. ; Also, Bopne(.
Tabs and Silk Linings of various colors; ‘Also, an
other supply of 1 age size loud colored Bannoir. , , ~
December 5, 1860. .
B'ANCYOOODSdt TOYS, such as China and
Glass Toy*, Card Trays,Vases,Mags,TcaSo(sj
Roll Hoads, Motto Cups, Cologne Bottles,Tumblers,
Ac.i for. sale at the Provision, Grocery and Tea
store of 0, INHOFP, Agt/‘
Dee 10, iB6O • •
SPICKS,' such os Popper, Allnplco, Citroh, CloVcs,
Cinnamon, Licorice, Ac., all ficsh and good,arid
for stile nl tho Grocery, Provision nnd Tea Store of
Doc II). C. INiroFFt Agt. -
Y'IAMPHINE & FLUID, of tho ''cry best quality
\J constantly on hand uf the Grocery, Provision &
Tea store of ~ C: INIIOFF ? Agt.
December Id.
EXTRA Sugar Cured Just iveehtal and’
for sale ql the Grocery, Provision mid Tea sforo
of . . . C. iNiIOFF, Agt.-i
December 10,
krisw lIAISINS <k OUKHANTS, Jual iccchtj
nm! Air Billo at (lie Grocery of
Dee. ID. C.INHOFF, Agt. 1
/*IK,AN D EKKII3S of tbo beat quality, for onto cbcdp, l
\J n( (bo Grocery store of • 1
Dec. 11).
TOYS, such as Carriages, Carla, Cradled, *’•
) Tables, Chairs. Animals, Buckets, Cups, Radios/ *
Wash-stands, Candle sticks, &c., Tor solo cheap at
the sloro of B.W. HAVER l,f
Pee. 10*1830
. , i ,
SIMCB. A splendid assortment ofLadtai.Drcsr r
Silks, of various kinds, black and < charigealdo.
Turc Batina, sucli as.cherry & block, gtcon Ac blocks
Msjarino blue, Ate., just received by T' ■>,, ■''>
Nov 7* . . , q. W, HpT^ETt*•
I HAD COI.ORIIU BONNETS; ■ Tito suhtcrlher
Jj has Just opened another'coso of them desirable
Bonnets', which will bo nold'at reduced prices. > Alio
•Iscnoral nssoitmeht of Bonnet Ribbons very feheoh.
Not 7.. , . , 0 W HITNER.,
P'ATBNT BT Alt Oil FOEISII, for diving a bean-,
I tiful slow to linens,'muslins* cambrics; collaret
second prevents dust from .clicking to linens., It
contains nothing injurious. Justjreccived hr '
Den ial G W HITNER, <
A Prosit Barrel of Puro Cider Vinegar of (lie
beet finality, Just received from the country and
free from ndullorotion. • ; - r
rONO, SHAWLS*. A grenl .urfjly; of.Xanfl
J iShawlri from ttio cclchrotfJ Hay ffilli.,—*
Aluo, Sfiuttrtf Shawf* of vaiiou* WmU junt rrcttved*.’*
Nov ?, O. W.IiITWBHi '
J. W. EDY.
Private Sale.
C.INnOFF, Agt.