: DOIIBMJEG 114 L. 1.. , StleetvClassical Boarding School. Whito Sulphur Spring* Doubting, Gap, Cufnb. co. Pa, .Officers: 1 JAMES HUSTON, A. M.; Principal. • JNO. ALLEN BUOWN, A. 8., Assis’t. Prof. JAMBS S. ECKELS, Tutor. HAVING for some time been desirous of estab lishing a Select BUUrding School} arid having at length obtained suitable buildings for that -purpose, the subscriber takes pleasure in announcing to his patrons and friends, that hd will open the above named Institution on tho Ist of October. . Tho. location is in o small mid fouiaiUic Vale for m kji.by an 8 shaped bond of tho North Mountain, apt ly termed “ Doubting Gap,” and is not surpassed in healthfulness of situation'and beauty of scenery by any' place in (ho country. The ' Main Building is large alid commodious, (100 feot iu length by 44 in breadth, and 3 sturies high,) and is well furnished With everything necessary to convenience and com fort; .The other buildings compose Bath Houses, &c., to the free use U( which the pUpila Will have access At proper Hoiirti Tho well kndwn White Sulphur springs rise within a few rods of thu main building. The Object of the Institution is to lit young men for business, or .for any of tho higher classes of Col logo. The course Of insttuction will be thorough And complete, more attention being £lvon to thu qual ity than to the quantity in the performance of the student. All the branches (aught in the best-acade mics will be .taught in this, and. proper apparatus will be usej for illustration of the subjects, that re tyuire it-. Classes, in Civil Engineering will unjoy the advantage of operations in the field with Transit, Odmpass, Chain, &c. TER SIS i Board, tuition, washing, fuel and lights, .per session, ' $5O 00 Latin and Greek} ‘ 5 00 French or Hebrew} : . 5 00 divil Engineering with use of Instruments, 10 0U Drawing and Fainting, . 5 00 Vocal and Instrumental Music, 5 00 The pupils will board in (tip Institution under the immediate.and.ddnstantsuporfidichi of the Principal, Wild Witt Uodldvv cdrnfdl dttedtion upon their conve nienco and comfort. ■ Each student wilt furnish his own towels; and bivelhom and his clothes distinctly marked* Tlio acadomic year.will bo divided into sessions ol twenty viceka each, conliitcriclng On the first of Sop* (ember. Tho regular' vacation'will occuf in July 4ril. August. Owing id delay ,tn completing the ar rangements, tho first seaman Of tlfo pres ni year will commence on Tuesday the first day. of October, as slated above. • An easy access is afforded to students by means oflho.Cuirihorland Valley Railroad to NcwvUle,-anil thence by coaches to thd Academy. Tho Gettysburg and Lewistown State Road ifttssos through the grounds. * For circulars containing full particulars and refer ence, address the Principal through the NewvilU* P.O, JAMES HUSTON. Newville, Sbpt. 12, 1850—3 in Proclamation* XTTHBREAS tho Honorable FiiunKnicK Watt*- ff President Judge of the several (’curls of (’em men Pleas of the counties of Cumberland. Perry and Juniata, in Pennsylvania, and justice of the several Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail De livery in said counties, and (lon. John Stuart and idha Clendeniir, Judges of the Court of Oyer nnd Terminer and General Jail Delivery, for the trial' ol all capital and* other offences, in the said county ol Cumberland—by their precepts to mo directed. dated (fre'26lh of August, 1650,. have ordered the Court of Oyer and Terminer end General Jail Delivery, to be holden at Carlisle, on the 2d Monday of Novo nber next, (being the 11th day) at 10 o’clock, in the fore noon, to continue two week. NOTICE is therefore hereby given, to the Coro* wsr, Justices of the Peace and Constables of thesaiu tfdffrity of Cumberland,-hat they arc by the said pre* eept commanded to bullion and there in their proper persons.-with their rolls, records,inquisitions, oxami* itttfona, and all other .remembrances, to do thi>sa fhtfngswhichto their olficesappertain to bo done,and ’ all those thit are bound by rocogiiizinecs.to prosecute against tho prisoners that are or then shall be in the jail of said coujity, are to bo there to prosecute thorn tfsahall be just. DAVID S.UI I’ll, Sheriff. Siißßirr’t OrncK, } Aug. 26, 1850. y NOTICE. Robert Montgomery and U-icheH ' Action of Par- Maria his wife, I tition in the t»i. fCourt of Com- James Kennedy and Maria' hi a | mon Picas ol wife, and Alexander Uarr, J 1 Cumtailand ca. In pursuMOo of a Writ 'tie Partition? Fucionda is sued out of the Court of Common Plmia of Cumber land county, ou.l to mq dlioctcd, the above named parties are hereby notified that ( will hold an Inqui sition for the |iu pose of making partition arid valu ation of a curtain house and lot of ground situate and being in the Dorough of NewviJlo, county ot Cumberland', bounded* by lots'of John'Morrow on th* ek*t,and Ur. James Irvine.on ilia wont, mu! by th* Main street on the south, on the promises, on Thurs day the 7lh day of November,* 1850, nl 10 o'clock ii. the forenoon; of said l dby,«whHti' unit whore you mu attend if you proper* Sheriff's Office, ? BepU.36r 1850—6 t J tfDTiCE. Tf&IZ'ADGT(I WOOUIHJR.Vm. Samuel Denlli Pi. and Lucinda hia wife, William Woodburn, Jui Woodburn, Mary Woodburn;, Margaret johnstoi .frtdber, 000, JohbWon his’wlftvChas. Mel- , ich iSc Susan hia wife, Moaei lleinphiU'atid Murgcn I; hta wife, Wm.Clark,Charles Clark, Robt.C. M’Uul- ! lough, James 11. M'Cullough, Th »*. 8. M’Oulluigi- Roht Mickey dc Elizabeth ids-wife. Win. R. M'Uul lough; Ohaa P.'NVOullouglij Qo>i. G*. IWCullough. r . mlnor , undcr'*l4yofirs{ of \Vhoni John M’Uulloughi . . father sad next friend; Hobart 0. Uoaliic, Jus. Heat tie,Wm. Beattie; John-B.,Beattie,-Tlii)*. 0 Biuittiv . Henry C. Beattie, (the four hat named being min ora',) for who n : I) ivid Shields I* Guardian; Join MLVosh James NVNcal, Hubert" A, M'Ncal, Win . • Asper and Lydia i me his wife, Lydia Jane Ilonry Agnfts* M. Henry, Hamuli Henry, Rtchucl M’Noal Miry M'Nsal, Elizabeth M’Ncul, Win*. 8. M’Noal. (the «ix l.iil named being minora,) for whom Conic liua L. Vanderbelt is Guinliun. Atetlon'of PVtition'in the Court of Common Pleat of Cumberland county.. .'iti.punumco of n Writ dtrPariUiono Fociondu. {•sued out of the Court of Common Pious of Cum berland county, and to me directed, the a jovonnmou parties are hereby notified that I will hold an Imjui •Uion for the purpose of making partition and valu ation of. n certain plantation and tract of land, situ ttfe In NocrlonHotrushlp,Cumberland county,bound od by Unils of Rev, Alexander Sharp, John Ooatlio. James Beattie. Samuel Wherry, Bag, Patrick Hay* •ml others, containing about 185 Acres, which said tract of land the above named parties, as tenants in ' together and undivided do hold. Said In auisition will*be held on the promises aforesaid, on Friday the Bth day of November, 1850,nl lOo’clock In the forenoon-of said day, when and whore you may attend if you think proper. DAVID SMITH, Sh’fl*. Sheriff’s Office, Carlisle) Sept 88, 1850. fl| EHtttc Notice. “VTOTIOE 1« hereby given that Letters Testiimen* .Aviary on the lest will end testament of Elisabeth Luti, Ule of Prenkford township, Cumhorlsnd mm tjr, deeessed. have hern Issued by the Itegislor In end for ssld counly to the subscribers, one of whom Samuel Margaarl, resides In Newton lownshin end th. Other Ooorg. Drewb.ugh.ln Prenhfurd to Jnrtin, In ae 11 county. Alt persons havlhg claims or do' mends ageinet the estate of said decedent, ere to- Sueeted to make known the same without delay and ion Indebted to rnako payment to J ' SAMUEL MARQUART, 1 „ , OEO. URAWUAUGH, g*P* aB > >BBo—i »t* notice:. ■\Tf)TIOB Is hereby giron that an application will bp nude to the Legislature of IhlsOoinmonwealih •I Its rtoyt eenipn. for a charier for i bank with go neral, banking.privileges, 16 ho located in Carlisle Oainb Y., had not been aide to walk a step for near four years, and was to help tots that ha had to ho fed. The most celebrated physicians (*ve him ur>. to five days after lie commenced westing the 1 1si.vs nic Belt, Nrcm.Aca, sisu Dascr.t.avs, he walked •cross the room, end In three weeks he hod perfectly recovered '.ill health. Captain Totftci U seventy y'dara of age. FITS . AND CONVULSIONS. These alarming sad terrible complaints are'always esussd by a itrnrniestrM e/ rte Kin". The Dr.r.T, Dj.c i.STi.bu Ku'io wllf cure nearly every esse, no mailer how young ol old the patient, or how confirmed the complaint Numerous i,ind astonishing proofs arc In possession of the proprietor. nr?- Many hundred Certificates from all parts fifths country. <»f the most eatrtordlnary cheraoter can be given, If ruqntrea fin- Ne trouble or Inconvenience attends the use of DR CHRISTIE'S QMWNW JiHTICI.F.9, end they may be worn by the most feeble and delicate with perfect ease and iiafety. In many ease* the sensation attending theh use is 1“® plVi.er.l end H ru*hU. They can be sent to any pari of (he country. Prices: _ .. The Galvanic Belt, The Qalranlo Ntroklaoa, Two Th* Oalvnnlo Br*o*l*U, On* Dollar Tb* M«jn*Uo Fluid, • On* Doll**. firs- The article* ars accompanied by ftrH and plain dlreo- Unni. Psmphlels with toll particular# may be had of the authorised Agent. CERTIFICATES AND TESTIMONIALS Of the most Undoubted Character, ' 11 Truth Is stranger than Fiction." CURB OF. Palsy and Paralysis* DR. CHRISTIE’S GALVANIC BRACELETS Vr. fuuml of ,ul isrvko In cunjtl Contnl.lon, or Vlu. liia.modin Complain!., mil gnntral N.tvoiu Almliani ol IM Head anfiipar extremities Alio In Palsy and Paralysis, and ill diseases caused by a deficiency of power or Nervous Knergy in the limba or other organa of tha body. Tlo Doloreux and' Neuralgia. These dreadful snd egonlalng complaints .re fwwedfalely rilitved by the applieatlon of the OM.vsmc But. N»'«ai.*ca and Fluid. The Belt dlflbsea the Mretrlelty, thniiiK « th* gyitcm i the Necklace has a local cft'cct, amt the Fluid acts •nreetly upon the affected nerve*, lu these distressing HffliclJonstlio application NEVER FAILS. PARTICULAR 1 CAUTION. (tj* Bonn of Caunttrfiili and IKtrlUdl imitathnii O. O. MORSHBAD, M. Dn GENERAL AGENT FOR TitF. UNITED RTATEH, 1W Dresdvrsy, New Yolk. For *ale in Carlisle, I*a.,*by tho a eole authorized Agent, BAWL. ELLIOTT, November 18, Hdft—lycow - fIARPKT BAGS «nd Travelling TrnnU'a, A'targo \J assortment, and of a superior quality, just teem ed and for salochoap by CAAS.OUILBV, I* October 17, iB6O - . ExtrAttVdluary tbe price of I HAVE just received the largest and cheapest stock of HARDWARE, Glass* Paints, Oils, Varnishes,. Saddlery., Carpenter’s and Cabinet Maker’s Tools, Mabogohy Vaneers, and of Building Material ever brought to.-.Carlisle', consisting of Locka\ Hinges,.Screwy Nails and Spikes. Personsaboutto build will lino it greUu ly to th'elr Advantage to look at my stock before purchasing elseWheVe. Come arid see and hear the price and you will be convinced thiU this is really the Cheap . Also, instore, anvfl3, Vices,nlb& arid jraVp’s, and a corn* plete assortment of Wail’s fleet Bar Irpn, also Polled and Hoop Iron of all sizes. I also the Thrnnomeier Churn, Made by Mr. Get* Span gler, the best article nottr in llobV .. , r; . SCYTHES.—I have just received my Spring stock of Grain and Grass-Scythes, manufactured expressly for my own sales, and.warranted to be' a superior article. Cradle makers and'- others will find these Scythes to be the best article in the market, and di the ioWsst'price, whblesale and retail, at the old stand in Norihi*;Hanover street. JOHN P. LYNE. May 30, 1860. - liardWarc* JUST opened at the new and cheap Hardware store of JACOBSEN GR,ane>V assortment of foreign and Domestic Hardware, consisting of a full assoHidanl of locks dtid latches of every style and kinti; Hinges, screed, Holts, anger bills, chisels, broad and hand axes,, hatchets, drawing knives, planes and. plane bills; hand, pannel,and'rippingadws| nijUand crosscut saws of Roland’s make, warfAtea aoodj a gttod assort-, rtienl ofciicdtdf daws, warranted; trdfce and Halter chains ofa stlperiorqualily that has never been in this rriarkel before, hoes, shovels, spades, forks and rakes: kniffes and forks; • r^*Jvjia n?, n,an j*i}r? SB candlesticks; an asdo'rlnienl of BrUflnfa and Gldsd Elherial Lamps, spoons, shovels, tongs, water dnd Iron lea kettles, kettles,.Ce darware, anvils, Vices, files and rasps, of every kind and price. Witts’ bar irrfrij Hoop[and baijd I fop, cast; Shear, Spring and blistered steel, warranted good. ifiO Boxes window glass, lower than ever. 200 kegs WeiHWni’s pilre tfhllb lead. 4 barrels Flaxseed oil, 100 galls. Turpentine. Please call at the well , known store of Jacob Sener, North Hanover difeet, nfedt doof to Glass’ hotel, Carlisle. . May 24,1810 CW nmt ciicap Unrdtiai'c. Store Bait High Sired, oppmnite Ogilby'i Dry Good « Slort, THE subscriber has Jtfst O’pfenfed ft* forge stock of goods in his line, which he bus just purchased at the lowest rates and will be sold at prices to suit the times. His stock comprises a full assortment of Building articles, such as Lucks and Latches of ev ery desption, Hinges and Screws, Wfrfdcwf Springs and Bolls, also, Mill, Cfods Cut and Circular Saws, Hand, Panel, Ripping and Back Saws, Broad . Hand and Choplng Axes, Hatchets,. Chisels. Augers, Planes and Plano Bills, Braces arid Bills, Steel and Iron Squares, Plumbs, and Levels, Wallers and Trays, Trfble rfrfd Pocket Cutlery, Table awd Tsa' Spoons, Brass, Bell Metal and enameled Preserving Kettles, Hullloware, &0., &c., also a full assortment of Sadlery and Carriage Trimmings.Patenl Leather, Monocco and Binding Skins, Cedar Ware, Shovels and Spndef, Ifrfy and Momtf6 Fo.ksf Gar den and Corn Hoes, Window Glass of every site. Paints and Dye Stuffs,. Oil, Varnish, Mahogany 'Veneers and Mouldings, Curled Hair, Moss, Deer’s Hair, Sofa Springs, dec., &c. Also Bat,- Iftfmt arrd Hoop. Iron, Cast Sheer, Spling, and Blister Sfeef, Kails, SplkAtf and Brads, Grain and Grass Scythes, Scythe Bnathrf, Scythe Stones, < - 6 Barrels, Fire and Water proof Paint, assorted colors. ‘ ‘ ■ Carlisle, May 16, 1840. At P. Monyer»s CARLISLE, PA., 18 the place where country merchants and (he pub lic in general, will find the largest and best at’ sortlnenlof Confectionaries, ever offered in this county, manufactured of the best material eapressly for the Holidays, and will be sold wholesale or retail at the Old Stand of the subscriber North Hanover street, a lewdoorsnotlh of the Uank, where all are invited to call and examine for them selves, as it would be impossible to mention all the varieties. He would also call attention to a large assortment of Fruits and Nuts of tbe latest importa tions, consisting of • • ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS, Figs, Prucns, Grapes, Citron, Dates, Atmdhds. Eng lish Walnuts, Cream Nuts, Filberts, Pea puts, Co coa N uli>, &c. ( In connection with the above he has Just received a la rag'd’ ftoftmont of English, French, and American Toys & Fancy Goods, consisting in part of fine French Card and drwing baskets of entiicly new patterns, Fancy boxes of ( wood, paper and gUofc, Wox> am)* ut?¥ef DulMteade, Kid and Jointed.Dole*; Huekel, Hell Hone,and other Rattles, Games and Eunice of the latest style; Fur* oilure, tea sells, and nine ill bdke*, fiddles,'guitare, pianos, accordcons, harmeonlcamydrurriF, gUns, and other articles of flfor, Ofass and'China toys, mantle otnariidrit's, in boxes, woolly dbg*, wagonsond wheelbarrows, tubs,’cradles, tfonh's Arks, masks, marbles of all ktittls, fancy soaps, colougno, ox mar* row, shoving cream, BhiV and clothes brushes, Ac. He hos also on hand a prime lot of FREBIi GRO CERIES, constating of Uolfros, 'Pa is. Sugars, Mo* htlrtes, Crackers, Onecsf, Spitedcf oil kinds, ofl(T in fact all articles in the Grocery tin-*, which will be disposed of at the lowest rates* Orders from a distance thank'uUv received and promptly attended to, \ P. MONYER. Carlisle, Dec. fVMHth LUMBER! LUMBER!! 11 ri'ii A Co. TTAVKonhnnd nl the old Slrnd, west end of fl the old Havrtebnrs btWglf, down at’tfldrlv.r. 7,000,000 feet'of tho cheapest h’ul best lurriber on the bank, consisting of Panel, Ist Common; 2nd Common and refuse Hoards, end Plank of 1, Is, Is, and 2 inch thickness. Also, Poplar Plank, Scantling, and half Inch Hoards, a large quantity of long Shingles, Fence Rails, Juice, Scantling, &o. They have also a steam Shtf Mil! in operation and ean furnish building limber nt the shortest no lice, fence hoards, shingling and plastering laths, and are prepared to furnish any article in the lum ber'llnrv CCj" Dry Hoards on hand at 1 per M. Also good 2nd Common Boards, 16 feot I Cliff, at 11 per M. The subscribers hops by strict attention to bo siness, and a determination of selling lower than any oilier yard at thn river,, that (he public gen erally will, call and see theirstock before purchas ing elsewbert*; May 30.1650. doctors could not cure. Mf* COhKELliis 11, Kill Til. mrcienl, Cellini Clnln, ISHI Co!. W P, J.ou.r, 16. 18411, ..1.1,1 Pour Ba.hT’a I»w*> Pol. 1 MolflKT B»LHM. and ElT«.or,.mnC«rlT PIANO FORTES. I Si soldi *nd I 4btillmmodlnfcly mother aupuly t fot ttitf itlt THE LARGEST,CHEAPEST, BEST and moat I ELEGANT oaaortmonl of PIANO’ FORTES l.drbaro from a bad of danaerou. «nd aorora akkneaa. which iiTlhe United SlatPß, con alway. bo found .t tho ”9“™;; wdrebouaoof thoaulißcribor|l7l Choanutatrrat,above bad pronounced iho caaoAon.i.i.,aho commenced iablna.*aa. a Fiflb, at Iho old aland Occupied more than ■ third of Behnm —and now aha la well I century if SW George Williß, mua |o pubilah'or: Tor aalo In Carlial* Vf Sf. J: W- Win. and S 1 HARPS W.lhwllek, by W/d. B; libya and J. C& G, "oROANW- ' if, Altick in Slilpponahurg;by Win. Loyd In Liaburn. ° tmSnimito byJ. F.Spabr in Moohanlcaburgi by J.II. Horronj SERAPHINEB, Nowvtlloi by J. M. Lull In Ilurri.burg) end . , . AOLIANB, L ,-enta in aft paiu pf Iho Slalo. All lollota and freak from Ibo moat celebrated Manufoclurara in New mll ,i bo nddroitcd lo Wallace Jo-Co. 100 Yorkfßoaton. Baltimore, Philadelphia, and elaewhere, n ro ,g w ,y, Now York. Sold, wholesale and retail, at the makers tosh fltircli 38.1850—eowly OSCAR O. I). CARTER, 1 m ’ * • , 171 Cheinut at, Phlla. | February 31,1850—1 y joiin UH.WOISOT, A TTOIINEV AT I,AW—Odlcn in the lioiibo £\. of Miu MnGinnis, nfnr the «lor«of A. &W'. Uenlz, South Hnnnm nlreM. CniUsle, Ap?lf 4j ISSO'-lj; PIRFFY! PIRIFT! For tlie and Heallli are in the Blood. There 1* not brio oi* nil tho various remedies purporting to.be Purißors of tiro blood, that begins to vastest «| muc* Purifying id Htnling Virtue at ■ , BRANT’S INDIAN PIRIFVIXII EXTRAIT. This Pubifieu la tpkol/y prepared from,, Yegstahles, and cures the moft obstinate, and long-standing diseases of the ,brot)q, without' puking, sickening, or debilitating, It cleanses, strengthens, invigorates, makes now, healthy . blood, and gives acts vigor and new life to tho whole system. H U N DS. . „ Have been ellrdd the past and present years, of diseases of die blood, by lAts Purifier— and such cures were made too, by the use of ' Pour Times Less Quantity, and at • tfour Tlih.bp,Leas Coat, . than such diseases can be e urtd by Sarsaparilla, or aHybther rem edy that has been as yet offered to the public. . Wo wUu It wefe possible to publish to the world, at one view . MANY THOUSANDS that are now mviko and enjoying good uXaLth, whoacknowl Rtigo themselves indebted, to the purifying and healing efficacy of Brunt's Mian Purifier. . This PuatPtßn cure* . * fHE WOR6T SCROFULAS, nnd mil impure diseases .of the blood! via'*: Staid-Head, Safh Rheum, Rheumatisms, Eruptions, Pimples an the Fart. Pitts, Riles, Ulcers, Veiliv'eneti, Mercurial Diseases,ftivfK .Complaint, Paint in the Hack, Side, and Limbs, Ruth of Rlood to the Head, etc* etc. IMPORTANT TO THE AFFLICTED. It is a question of no small importance for tho afflicted to do* ld«, which, of all tho sarsaparilla* nnd other remedies, is the CHEAPBST AND MOST CURATIVE. Wo say, llront’t Indian Purifier is cheaper and more curative— because, on.e bottle df It, tVlilcH baft bb bought Ibr One Dollar, con tains FoUit Times &s much medical efficacy ns one bottle of Sar • taparilla, which also costs one dollar, if wo hereafter prove that sarsaparilla 1s as dear at one dollar a bottle, as Brant's Purifier would boat four dollars a bottle, bccmiso the Purifier contains oastTßß MSPICAt. rppicacv than sarsaparilla, then sarsapa rilla should be sold at twenty fine cents a bottle, to be as cheap as the Purifier at one doJIaK But as.odr assertion does not prove did grcMtir poWor and medical virtues of this Purifier, when compared with tho best Sarsaparilla*, we shall therefore show how much disease has boon cured ■ BY ONE DOLLAR’S WORTH. The tint cam na «(nlo. is thjli cure which Was effected in Mr J. B. JtatkiH, of IlombJ OnelUH.Pj)., H. Y.j slid wo riak nht Any of- our veracity, when wo say that this Is the p%ott un]ocktd-/or «nd A'tyufw fiuh of of to'.. Most Horrid Scrofulas etef Has been fy|Y(t.Aloc«jhp World was crested | am! this vm cured by Ten Times Less of Brnht's Purifier, and at Last Cost, than ever, a case half as revolting and hopeless .was cured by Taw .Times as much Sarsaparilla. For full partlcu* IlmKlH states•ifrfit.fiß.ttad bcetiicWflhcd tn hla bed Out Year, and was not expected to live tuentyfour keen logger, when he commenced using the Purifier: his neck was eaten nearly off from ear to enr-r* hole was eaten through the Windpipe — his ear nearly eaten out—the use of oat arm destroyed— an Ulcer, as large as a man's hand, had nearly eaten through bis side— and there were on him In all. ... Ttfcdiy Liirge; Deep, Dinchnrging Vlccrx, —that the firet bottle he used, enabled hint to gel off of Me bed where he had been confined twelve months—the second bottle enabled him to ret oufofjhe hpufe r tha third bottle enabled fftra to tedlh tish mite, and .that too Uf* of Y . t ONLY TWELVE BOTTLES, cured all the Ulcere, and restored him to health and strength so that t]* was aUr 16 woii sad attend to business again, as hs ff< Tb£ cure*!* to Wit messes' Vis. : by /led. Thos. Williams, fe&ings. HBHSua||i] Youth & manhood. Bmiillllß X vrooirous MFE,. A PREMATURE Death. Self Pre'fftffVattbn. 051 T 25 CBHTS. This Book, just published, ia filled with useful in-, the V}fr;ipjliro am} tf the Ge nerative System. It addresses itself alike tj>Youth, Manhood and Old Age. and should bo read by all Tbo valuable advice and iniprcoaivo warning II givea, will prevent years of misery and .aOeting and aarq o'mrtrattt, thousands of lived. Paubwts by roatlim it, will learn how to prevent the dcatruction of their children. 1 A remittance of SB cenla, encloaed in o letter, ad ,,reseed to Dr. Kinkelin, Philadelphia, tflll enanre a book, under envelope, per,return of mail. r Dr. K. fifteen jreara rcaidont phyaician, N. W. .corner of Third and Union .tract,between Spruce and Pine, Philadelphia;,may be consulted confidentially,] Ho who places himself under tne cafe of Dr. K.v may reiigioualy confide in hia honor.na a gentleman, end confidently rely upon hia akill ae a phyaician. Peraona at a diatanco may address Dr. K. by letter, (peat paid,) and be cured at home. Fickage.of Medicines, Direction., Ac., fofwardod by .ending a remitfirWce, trtltf put up eecute from da mage or cariosity. ; • Booksellers, News Agents, Pedla'i, Canvaaaera, and all others supplied with the above work at very low rates. Fobruar-' 7, 1800—1; NEW WHOLESALE AND RETAIL . Confectionary Store. \Vtst Main St., nearly oppoiile Rhttm't Warehoutt. MMIE undersigned haring commenced Ihe manufac i ruling of ALL KINDS OF CANDY, i »|iened o Confectionary and Fiuit atore, would call tho alien lion of Town and Countiy Merchants to their ndrer tiwment* . They wilt manufacture and have constantly on hand. ALL KINDS OP CANDY, which they will wholesale and retail at the lowest prices. Alan ail kinds of Fruit, such a. Oranges. Lemons, Figs. Hsisins. Dales, Prunes, &c. Nuts of overy kind, viz: Almond«,CrtCi»a»nuiH| Filbert*,But* ler-nuls, English Walnuts, Ground-nuts, Ac. Fancy Articles and Toys of overy description. Tobacco and SaoAaa, Hoc*- HRis'a Miiraituri Watrh, and a variety of other art*, clea too numerou* to mention.’ • , They would rcapeclfully aollcll a nhare of public pattonaßo. A. April U, 1850 B. W,IIAI>WAN. ' \VHUc-Wn«tHM{| out iromi. W*S'Would mile-uicufi a Room wht It the yean buy fajpir at 9 eenlo « pi«e« ? BAVIN G made arrangement with the mane ufaoiuteis at the East for a constant supply nl >Vnll Paper, Bordets, Prints for Fire Beards, and Window Blinds, I can sell them ns low as they •an bo bought in Phialdlulphia. Persons wonting Paper are requested to dill and examine my slock, where they can be suited with any pattern of Boom or Hall Paper and Borders In the greatest variety at least 311 per cent, less than any other dace in town Carlisle, Dr. I. C. Eotiml*, - WILL perform all operation! uponlhe Teeth that are required for their preservation, auoh ae Sealing, filing, Pluggingt&e,, or will restorelhe loan of (Ireth, by mrtrflUl(r Artificial Tqolh.from a ainple Tooth to a frill a'e'u. I7*Offioeon Pitlßlroot.afowdooraS'out of the Railroad Hotel. ' . N. B. Dr.LoomlswillbeabaantftomOatlielo thelaetten days,ln each month. December 14. 184tf, ' ' DR. J. K. SMITH, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, respectfully tenders his professional services to the cjtiuns or Carlisle and'vl&lhflyi 'Odlco In Snodgrass now,, next door to Justice Holcomb's, where he can at all limes be found, whofl not professional! engaged: Carlisle,June' 7; 1840 tf ■ * BNOLD A LEVI have Just received another large nssarlment of Carpets, which woar.e deter mined to sell IQ per cent cheaper than the same quality. can be purchased elsewhere.' . ; April 95,1850 ■ ■ y- P. F. EOE, WOOD WANTED AT THIS OFFICE. WOOD!SiHOTBI,, Cofcftkii oir Hran aho at THrlUiuom Depot, Carlhlb, «y joim s.wood. Tttts hotel i» being completely chanced and m. vated, and will hereafter'offer inbicased s'ccoq modations (n the travelling public,Tor wfilch its con! vcnienlToeation la admirably calfculaled. To those persona who Wish to pass the warmiei. son in the country, few places’will be found whick poascas superior attractions' to Carlisle, being t Qr< rounded by a beautiful ■country, and having the best Solphur Springs In the State in its immediate ticiq, Ity. • Juno 13,1B S O. GEORGE HENDBL. JOHN P. CVNE, 30, i's'so. farmers and Drovccs'liin, West High Strut, one equate TVesf of the Rail Road Depot, Carlisle. THE subscriber begs leave to inform hl» Triend, and the travelling community that he has UiitA the above well known stand, recently kept by Jacob Slauinbaugh, deed., and ia now fully prepared to accommodate all those who may be pleated to mik) his house their stopping place. THE HOUSE has been recently famished. Tti Stabi.ipq attached is large and convenient, and e*. pabjp,of accommodating fifty head of horses. His Tab£k,w|Jl stall times be supplied with the bealthi markets can affoiß, and his Bar with the choietil liquors. Thankful Tor the patronage thus far to slowed, he respectfully solicits a continuance of th« same. C.’G, STOUGII, Carlisle, May 93,1650—tf ißtrfcfct nnuosi I HAVE just received a fresh stock of Mcdlclnel, Paints, Glass, Oil, dec., which having been pui chased with great coie at \he best city houses, I cm recommend ip Families, Phjsiciani, Country Mdfctiahta and Dealers, is being ftesh soj pure. . DRUGS. Patent Medteih'eli. . ’ ,( : F|ne Ctfemlbals, ■ I Spice*, ground or Instrument*. I Es-encc*. Pure Essential Oil** | Peifumeij, dec. Cod Liver Oil — Warrdnlrd Genuine.' DYESTUFFS. liOg and Cam Woods) Oil YHriol, Copperas, tjhStS*. . .. Wcthorill Sc Brothel’s Pure Lead, Chrome, Green and Yellow, Paint' and Tarnish Brashes, Jerwj Window Glass, Linseed Oil* Turpentine, Copal and pnd.l(let| Lead* All of which will ho sola at the yey forest market price, at the rhei; Drug and Book More or „ . . .. . \ . .^w:havbrstick: Cerate, March 28, iB6O Indigoe*, Madders, wip&i Alum,' Fire Insurance. THE Allen and Eastpennsbqrough Mutualfiu Insurance Company ol •OA&bfeflaml counlj/incci pora.tbd 6y an act of Assembly; is now fully or ganised, and in operation upd?; the manageueii' of the following commissioners, viz: Jacob Shelly, Win. R. Gorgas. Michad Coc£* lin, Melchoir Brenneman, t hrrsiian Staymii, Simon Oyster, Hi* Lewjs. \\jtf Henry Logan, Benjamin H. Muaser, Jocob K\i\, Samuel Prowell, Joseph Wickersbam: . i The rales of Insurance are as low and favoiaH* any Company of the kind in the Slate.. Pr/. .soi)r wishing to become members are invited it inane to the. agent*, of the qojnjqoj who are willing to wait upon them at any time. JACOB SH ELLY, Prnidtnl. ' 'u,,.iu , Hknov LooaN, Vice PraideMi htmHvttVMii'lar//: ,. t Michakl Cockun, TVcaiurcC* 1 -... ! bumnerland county—Rudolph Martin, N, Cum berland; C. B. Kingstown; Henry ing, Shiremanatown; Robert Moo[f* phailt-i Ucll, Kthdey, t!i 1.1, Ahl, Chnrchtown. ■ York Sherrick, Lisburn; John Bowman, Diilsbnrg; Peter Wolford, Franklin) John Smith*. Esq,, P/fcfitnj, Dorer; f, Ciifi,- 1 Harrisfiurg—Houser oTLochman,' Members of the company having Pollciesabnm to expire can have them renewed by making ip* plication to any of tfte agents. . —, ■■■ pms . ;; r Mutual Life Insurance Company; Office, No. 91, .Walnut Si., Pliila. I 1 THlS'Cumpan; is now reatty tfvnukff liißUrim I on Live*, on the mutual systcm, without liabilt j6* yond the amount of thri premium* | Alt the profits of the company divided mooilfy among the insured* . s4<# ~o The prelniftn'ins/ he paiiT monthly t qQ*^' l W» semi-annually* or annually, or one*ba!f of the ■mium may he paid in a note at IS months. Individuals insured in this cogipany become mro* bors of the corporation and vote fur Trustees. . For the greater secutiiy of parlies Jnefle held andi»r4 ( by theT/dsTcVs, until a capital exceeding that atnoußt has been realised from the receipts of premiums. DANIEL 1./MJkKtftf, flrtff. WM. W; OIAUK, Vice PrssV Jonir W. Hoiirkr, Secretary. The undersigned has been appointed Agent for Carlisle. Blank applications for insurant*,'flit* full particulars, can he had at the new store, corner of Hanover and Loulher streets. N. W. WOODS. Dr. J. Bsughrftan, Examining Physician. May 16; 1860—6 m ■ , ».N. IsAWnftNCt!, Agent for the tale of Southioorth Mauafatlum; Co 1 * Writing Papers, Wahshovsr No. 3 Minor street, Philo. OAA CM|,#of (he .above ■uperior Paper* now in r . Blare, and for sale to the trade at the lowt< maike. price*, confining In part of >" Fine thick Flat Caps, 12, 14, 16 and 10 lb*.,bis j and white. Superfine Medium and D&mt Willing*, blue n Wk white, ■ * • ' nsj Extra super ahd ailpeffina Folio Po*f*, blur*** k£|3 white, plain and ruled. , I Supeifine Commercial Pd*lb,’MUe arid ||| | and ruled, . ( E|| Extra super Linen Note Paper*, plain and gift K| Pu|K*)£ne and fine Bill-Papers, long ano d- Superfine and fine Counting-House Csp* » n * P? Posts, blue and white, ■ p V Extra super Congress. Caps and Letters, plain* 0 * [■> rhled, blue and white, . Extra super Congress ; Caps and Le Superfine Sfrpiun Caps and Posts. \ Superfine bluc linen thin LciUftr., . i Extrh fftJpcr Hath Posts, blue and,while, plain»» \ ruled, < >• t! Eftihroidertid Iftfle Papers and Envelopes, r£S “Lawyer's” Brief Paper*. bl Supeifine and fine Caps and Posts, ruled. ** jk} plain, MlT6‘ niffi white, various qualities snd pucr*> Also. 1000 reams white and assorted Shoo jp; Bonnet Boards, white and assorted,Ti«M e '. ||j| Wrapping, Envelope, assorted ami blu* 6!cdiu»V Cap Wrappers. Hardware Pspersi dec, J uly 26, 'j Q6o—-6m 1 __ _J [.u stat£ii STEAM SASH, DOOR, AND BLIND " FACTORY ;• £UAKLER WILkINS A,CO.bef.limla lnfo®| the citizens of Cufliile nnd the public gen*f*T. itlioy nre VIII engigtcf ir»‘ itfaifuftcluf|nj ' Doors, «lid ‘ Blinds, in, the best tnennvf «nd •• j* shortest notice, by •team, «l prices fm hnlnw If ■ ; manufnclored by hind, end with modi frfdjj *' j llurity. All oroere wl'l bi thankfully recelrdd, } punctually attended to. Samples ol work ® ,n t •een at No. 91 Minot Street, Philadelphia* ’ t 10,000 lights of assorted anah for sale at Ihe c eat oaah prices. ~ ,~ n I , CHARGES WILKINS & CO. ; jy Of 83, Rac* strut, JPhilodelfh^ Ittty 23. tSfIP,